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Software version: Asanti 4.0
Document version: November 8, 2019
This tutorial explains how to create and apply Sheet Layout Templates.
Sample Files: Download the Asanti Sample Files via the Asanti Client (Help > Asanti Online > Download Sample Files).
1. Creating a Sheet Layout Template
Create a new Layout job with media size 670x500 - Finishing
margins set to "iCut Corner Marks, between 10".
Drag the CHIMAY.jpg file from the SampleFiles on your Sheet.
Context-click the image on your Sheet and select “Step And
Repeat…”. Keep the default options (which fill the entire sheet).
Your Sheet should now have 15 images.
Select Sheet > Save Sheet Layout Template...
You can always save a specific sheet layout as a Sheet Layout
Template (even on jobs that are already printed).
Give the Sheet layout template a good name for instance "Beer
stickers". Make sure to also select "Assign Content ID to non-
empty, unnamed frames and click Save.
The Sheet Layout Templates are a resource of the Impose Task
Processor: System Overview > Impose > Sheet Layout
You can submit the job which was used to create the Sheet
Layout Template (or you can select to Delete" Job).
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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2. Applying a Sheet Layout Template
Create a new Layout job with media size 1000x700 - Finishing
margins set to "iCut Corner Marks, between 10".
Select Sheet > Apply Sheet Layout Template.
Select the Sheet Layout Template you have just created.
The Media size for which this Template was created is indicated.
The amount of image frames and frame sizes.
Click Apply to use the Sheet Layout Template.
Notice that the job’s media size is reset to 670x500.
Import the CHIMAY BLEU.jpg file from the SampleFiles and drag
the image on one of the frames.
All frames will be colored grey to indicate that the image will be
placed in all frames (because they all have the same Content ID,
in our example [A]).
Make any additional changes if required and submit the job.
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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3. Making a Sheet Layout template by creating empty frames
Create a new Layout job with media size 650x500 and finishing
margins “iCut Corner Marks, between 10”.
Select the "Create Empty Frame" tool and draw a frame on your
Select the selection tool to place it in the lay corner (align it at
the finishing margins (red dashed line) or use x-y coordinates (15
mm(x) and 15 mm(y)).
Frame dimensions should be 115x133 (break chain icon).
Context-click the frame and duplicate it 3 times.
Select Sheet > Save Sheet Layout Template. Notice that you
cannot assign Content ID. Name the template “Manual frames
no ID”.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
Create a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet Layout
Template. Select the “Manual frames no ID” template we just
Import the CHIMAY.jpg and CHIMAY BLEU.jpg files.
Select one of the images and drag it on one of the empty
frames. You can drop it when the frame colors grey.
Select the other image and drag and drop this in another empty
Frames with no Content ID are treated independently and you
can drop any image in them.
You can also fill all empty frames with the same image by
dragging the image to the Sheet over a specific frame and press
the “F” key.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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4. Sheet layout lock/unlock
Create again a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet
Layout Template. Select the “Manual frames no ID” template.
Select one of the empty frames and try to delete, resize or move
This is not possible because the Sheet layout is by default
locked for editing: notice the lock icon next to the Sheet 1
The media size can be changed (was not possible in Asanti 2.0)
even though the media size is defined by the sheet layout
Unlock the sheet layout by context-click on the lock icon next
to the “Sheet 1” label (you can also unlock the layout by
clicking the lock icon in the Sheet Inspector).
The lock icon next to the Sheet 1 label disappears.
You can now make changes to the frames. When you are
finished you can lock the sheet layout again if wanted by doing
the same operation as for unlocking.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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5. Assign Content IDs
Create again a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet
Layout Template and select “Manual frames no ID”.
Select the first two frames and select the Image inspector.
Type 1” as Content ID field to manually assign an ID to the two
Notice that you do not need to unlock a sheet layout to change
Content IDs.
Select the 2 other “unnamed” frames and label them ID 2.
Select Sheet > Save Sheet Layout Template and give the
template the name “Manual frames with ID”.
The option to “assign content ID’s” is greyed out because we
already assigned the ID’s. ID’s can only be assigned
automatically when images have been placed.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
6. Using multiple Content IDs
Create again a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet
Layout Template and select “Manual frames with ID”.
Import the files CHIMAY and CHIMAY BLEU.
Select both images in the image pane and drag them on one of
the frames with ID [1].
Both images will now be placed on the different frames of the
same sheet.
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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Type “CTRL+Z” to undo the placement.
Context-click the Sheet number and select “Unlock Sheet” to
add some frames.
Select the 4 frames with ID’s [1] and [2] and group them (CTRL
Context-click the group and select “Duplicate Frames on Sheet”.
Specify 1 copy and click OK.
Reposition the new group to align them with the original
Context-click the new group and select “Ungroup”(CTRL U).
Change the frame ID’s to [3] and [4] as indicated in the
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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Select both images and drag them on one of the frames with ID
As you can see the images are placed in the frames with
sequential numbers.
Type “CTRL+Z” to undo the placement.
Select both images and drag them on one of the frames with ID
The images will be placed on a different sheet when there is no
frame with a sequential content ID on the same Sheet.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
Sheet 1
Sheet 2
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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7. Assign Marks and Mark Sets to Sheet Layout templates
Create again a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet
Layout Template and select “Manual frames with ID”.
Select the Mark Sets inspector and select the “Agfa Logo”
Image Mark Set (this will be applied on all frames when no
frames are selected).
Select also the “Print Info” Sheet mark Set.
You can also place marks interactively.
Notice that you do not need to unlock the Sheet layout to add
Select Sheet > Save Sheet Layout Template. Give the template
the name “Manual frames with ID and marks.
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
8. Frame properties and Fitting options
Create a new Layout job with media size 1200x800- Finishing
margins set to "iCut Corner Marks, between 10".
Select the "Create Empty Frame" tool and draw a frame on your
Select the Selection tool and place it in the corner (aligned at
finishing margins) and enter exact dimensions 830x720 (break
the chain icon).
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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Create another frame next to it with dimensions 300x350.
Duplicate this last frame (CTRL+D) and position it above the
previous frame.
Select all frames (CTRL+A) and set the frames Content ID to 1 in
the Image inspector.
Select the lower small frame, context-click and select Fitting >
Fitting Options.
Select Auto-fit Image to Frame, Scale Fit Image to Frame,
Maintain proportions, Rotate for better fit and select the center
Align option.
Select the upper small frame, context-click and select Fitting >
Fitting Options.
Select same settings as lower image but do not select Rotate for
better fit.
In the Positioning bar select to rotate the frame 180 degrees
and mirror it horizontally.
Notice that the Content ID [1] is upside down but not mirrored.
Working with Sheet Layout Templates
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Select Sheet > Save Sheet Layout template. Give the template
the name "1 Poster - 2 scaled copies".
Close the Layout Editor and select “Delete Job”.
Create a new Layout job and select Sheet > Apply Sheet Layout
Template and select “1 Poster - 2 scaled copies”.
Import the Miller Lite Logo.jpg file and drag it on one of the
frames of the Sheet Layout.
Image/Frame Fitting Options are included in Sheet Layout
Image/Frame properties (mirror and rotate) are also included in
Sheet Layout Templates.
Submit the job and select “Make and Hold”.