Temporary Flight Restriction (TFR) Language
This NOTAM replaces FDC NOTAM 4/3621 to reect A Transportation Security
Administration (TSA) website update and additional information concerning airspace
waivers. Flight restrictions in this NOTAM comply with statutory mandates detailed
in section 352 of public law 108-7 as amended by section 521 of public law 108-199.
Pursuant to 49 USC 40103(b), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) classies
the airspace dened in this NOTAM as ‘National Defense Airspace’. Any person who
knowingly or willfully violates the rules pertaining to operations in this airspace may be
subject to certain criminal penalties under 49 USC 46307. Pilots who do not adhere to the
following procedures may be intercepted, detained and interviewed by law enforcement/
security personnel.
Pursuant to 14 CFR section 99.7, special security instructions, commencing one hour
before the scheduled time of the event until one hour after the end of the event. All aircraft
operations; including parachute jumping, unmanned aircraft and remote controlled aircraft,
are prohibited within a 3NMR up to and including 3000ft AGL of any stadium having a
seating capacity of 30,000 or more people where either a regular or post season Major
League Baseball, National Football League, or NCAA division one football game is
occurring. This NOTAM also applies to Nascar Sprint Cup, Indy Car, and Champ Series
races excluding qualifying and pre-race events.
Flights conducted for operational purposes of any event, stadium or venue and broadcast
coverage for the broadcast rights holder are authorized with an approved airspace
waiver. An FAA airspace waiver does not relieve operators from obtaining all other
necessary authorizations and complying with all applicable Federal Aviation Regulations.
The restrictions described above do not apply to those aircraft authorized by and in
contact with ATC for operational or safety of ight purposes, department of defense, law
enforcement, and air ambulance ight operations.
All previously issued waivers to FDC NOTAM 4/3621 remain valid until the specied end
date but not to exceed 90 days following the effective date of this NOTAM. Information
about airspace waiver applications and TSA security authorizations can be found at
AT 571-227-2071. Submit requests for FAA airspace waivers at HTTPS://WAIVERS.FAA.
FAA PILOTWEB site for Notice to Airman (NOTAM):
FAA UAS Website: www.faa.gov/UAS
Sporting Event
Temporary Flight Restriction
FDC NOTAM 4/3621
Sporting Event
Temporary Flight Restriction
FDC NOTAM 4/3621
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) and NOTAM 4/3621
UAS are “aircraft” that are subject to NOTAM 4/3621 and applicable FAA safety
LEOs should attempt to nd the operator of the UAS, provide them
with the language of the NOTAM, and advise them that they are subject to the
NOTAM and FAA safety regulations.
Collect the following information:
Name, Address, Phone number of the operator.
Date, Location, Event, Altitude and type or model of the UAS.
Witness statements and photos if possible.
Was there any endangerment to persons or property on the ground?
Was there any interference with aircraft in ight?
Does the operator hold an FAA pilot certicate?
Is this a commercial operation?
Criminal Charges that may possibly be applied include: reckless
endangerment, operation of a motor vehicle while under the inuence, trespass
and assault. Consult Local, State & County Codes.
Report the above information to the appropriate FAA Regional Operations Center
-Alaskan Region (AK) 907-271-5936
-Central Region (IA, KS, MO, NE) 816-329-3000
-Eastern Region (DC, DE, MD, NJ, NY, PA, VA, WV) 718-553-3100
-Great Lakes Region (IL, IN, MI, MN, ND, OH, SD, WI) 847-294-8400
-New England Region (CT, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT) 404-305-5166
-Northwest Mountain Region (CO, ID, MT, OR, UT, WA, WY) 425-227-1389
-Southern Region (AL, FL, GA, KY, MS, NC, PR, SC, TN, VI) 404-305-5180
-Southwest Region (AR, LA, NM, OK, TX) 817-222-5006
-Western-Pacic Region (AZ, CA, HI, NV) 310-725-3300
They will most likely not be able to respond immediately but will collect
information from the LEO to pursue possible legal enforcement action.
If you have any questions please email us at
AJR2 SOS 150105-V6.0