Mar Ecol Prog Ser
Vol. 570: 8799, 2017
Published April 27
One key determinant of coral resilience is the abil-
ity to heal from wounds. In nature, corals sustain
lesions regularly, and from multiple causes, includ-
ing corallivory (Kaufman 1981, Jompa & McCook
2003, Jayewardene & Birkeland 2006, Rotjan and
Lewis 2008, Cole et al. 2008), algal abrasion (Coyer
et al. 1993, Grace 2004), sedimentation (Nugues &
Roberts 2003a,b), and hurricane activity (Bythell et
al. 1993a). Tissue regeneration (by which tissue has
re-grown and/ or polyp body plan is reimposed) and
full wound recovery (by which colony integrity is
restored, including calcification) are energetically
demanding (Oren et al. 2001, Henry & Hart 2005,
Jayewardene et al. 2009, Lenihan & Edmunds 2010).
As a result, wounding can lead to reductions in
colony fecundity (Oren et al. 2001, Rotjan & Dimond
2010) and growth (Meesters et al. 1994, Jayewardene
2010, Lenihan & Edmunds 2010). Furthermore, until
epithelial integrity is reestablished, wounded colo -
nies are left with patches of bare calcium carbonate
that are susceptible to overgrowth by benthic com-
petitors such as algae and sponges (Meesters et al.
1996, 1997, Diaz-Pulido & McCook 2002, Jompa &
McCook 2003, Rotjan & Lewis 2005). Such over-
growth may inhibit the recovery of coral tissue and
overall colony growth (River & Edmunds 2001).
© Inter-Research 2017 ·*Corresponding authors: [email protected], r[email protected]
Temperature and symbiosis affect lesion recovery
in experimentally wounded, facultatively symbiotic
temperate corals
E. M. Burmester
, J. R. Finnerty
, L. Kaufman
, R. D. Rotjan
Boston University Department of Biology, 5 Cummington Mall, Boston, MA 02215, USA
John H Prescott Marine Laboratory, Anderson-Cabot Center for Ocean Life, New England Aquarium, 1 Central Wharf,
Boston, MA 02110, USA
ABSTRACT: The health of most reef-building corals depends upon an intracellular symbiosis with
photosynthetic dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium that is acutely sensitive to increasing
ocean temperatures. However, distinguishing the individual effects of both temperature and symbi-
otic state on coral health is difficult to investigate experimentally in most tropical corals because the
symbiosis is obligate. Here, we varied temperature (9, 18, 24°C) and symbiotic state (symbiotic,
aposymbiotic) in the facultatively symbiotic, temperate scleractinian coral Astrangia poculata to ex-
plore the individual impact of temperature and symbiosis on wound healing, an important compo-
nent of coral resilience, by determining wound size using calibrated photographs and
characterizing developmental stage through the healing process over time. Symbiotic corals
demonstrated a significant healing advantage over corals with lower densities of S. psygmophilum
(aposymbiotic state), regardless of temperature. In addition, overall recovery success of both symbi-
otic states increased with temperature. These data suggest that a functional symbiotic relationship
with S. psygmophilum promotes lesion recovery despite heterotrophic energy sources. Reductions
in healing rate and tissue cover near the wound site under cold temperatures suggest that wound
healing is compromised during the winter in these temperate corals. This study demonstrates that
supplemental energy sources from symbiosis, coupled with optimal growth conditions, promote
wound healing and may offer insight into factors enhancing wound recovery in tropical corals.
KEY WORDS: Coral · Recovery · Symbiosis · Temperature · Lesions
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Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 8799, 2017
Therefore, the pace of healing and regeneration is
critical to coral survival.
Healing rate can be influenced by a number of fac-
tors, including coral species (Bak & Steward-Van Es
1980), the size of the lesion (Meesters et al. 1996), and
the ratio of wound perimeter to surface area (Meesters
et al. 1997). Infrequent high-energy traumas tend to
cause larger injuries, whereas due to their greater fre-
quency, the fine-scale wounds that result from smaller
disturbances (such as fish bites) can account for a
greater loss of live tissue than large-scale wounds
(Hughes & Jackson 1985, Bythell et al. 1993b, Rotjan
& Lewis 2006). Therefore, it is particularly important
to understand the factors that impact how rapidly
corals heal from these small lesions.
Environmental stress also influences the rate of
healing and regeneration (Fisher et al. 2007). For
example, temperature-induced bleaching (Meesters
& Bak 1993, Rotjan et al. 2006) and high sedimenta-
tion (Meesters et al. 1994, Cróquer et al. 2002) impair
healing capability in corals. Because of their impor-
tance to coral resilience and sensitivity to environ-
mental conditions, wound recovery and regeneration
have been used as metrics to assess colony health in
the field (Meesters et al. 1994) and in the laboratory
(Work & Aeby 2010), and to forecast the ability of a
coral to survive prevailing environmental conditions
(Downs et al. 2005).
While lesion healing has been studied extensively in
the field in a variety of species (reviewed by Henry &
Hart 2005, and for example: Nagelkerken & Bak 1998,
Denis et al. 2011, Cameron & Edmunds 2014) as well
as across a range of intrinsic and extrinsic factors (e.g.
Van Veghel & Bak 1994, Nagelkerken et al. 1999,
Kramarsky-Winter & Loya 2000, Edmunds 2009), few
studies have directly studied the impact of symbiosis
on the healing process. In tropical corals, photosyn-
thetic endosymbiotic alga of the genus Symbiodinium
can provide up to 95% of the coral host’s energy (Mus-
catine 1990); however, environmental stress (such as
rising temperatures or changes in salinity) can decou-
ple this obligate symbiosis, resulting in ‘bleaching’
(Hoegh-Guldberg 1999, Rowan 2004). This bleached
state is not stable because of the resulting nutritional
deficiency, and those colonies that are unable to shift
or regain symbiotic partners will die (Grottoli et al.
2006, Baker et al. 2008). Because it is difficult to main-
tain tropical corals in a bleached state, and because
high temperatures result in bleaching, it is difficult to
experimentally distinguish the impacts of bleaching
and temperature on wound healing (Henry & Hart
2005), although this is of particular interest to coral
conservation (Edmunds & Lenihan 2010).
The northern star coral Astrangia poculata (= A.
danae; Peters et al. 1988) is an ideal organism to decou-
ple the effects of temperature and symbiosis be cause
its distribution spans a wide range of temperatures and
it exhibits a facultative symbiosis with Sym bio dinium.
A. poculata is a temperate species whose native range
extends along the US east coast, from Florida and the
Gulf of Mexico to Rhode Island (RI) (Dimond & Car-
rington 2007, Thornhill et al. 2008). In nature, A. pocu-
lata may be found in sym bio sis with S. psygmophilum
(Lajeunesse et al. 2012), but coloniesmayalsobe found
in an aposymbiotic (relatively low density of S. psyg-
mophilum) state in the same habitat with symbiotic
colonies (Dimond et al. 2013). Even within a colony,
symbiont densities can vary markedly among polyps,
resulting in mixed or mottled phenotypes (Fig. 1). Re-
gardless of symbiont state, all colonies of A. poculata
rely heavily on heterotrophy as a source of energy
(Szmant-Froelich & Pilson 1980). The symbiotic state of
the colony is a function of zooxanthellae expulsion
rates, i.e. apo symbiotic colonies actively maintain a
very low density of S. psygmophilum through high ex-
pulsion rates (Dimond & Carrington 2007). Polyps of A.
poculata remain functionally aposymbiotic until S.
psygmo philum density reaches or exceeds 10
, after which polyps appear consistently brown
through out the body column (Dimond & Carrington
2007). As a result, these functionally aposymbiotic
colo nies differ significantly from bleached corals, as
the low density of Symbiodinium sp. within host cells is
(1) not indicative of stress and (2) not the result of a
breakdown in symbiotic pathways between alga and
host. Thus, unlike corals in obligate symbioses, quali-
tative differences in symbiont density exist as stable
states in nature. Additionally, the sympatric overlap of
different symbiont states provides a natural experiment
for exploring the relative roles of symbiont and host on
different biological functions. Previous studies have
exploited the facultative symbiosis of A. pocu lata to
investigate the effects of the coral−algal symbiosis on
coral health, including the effect of symbiont density
on coral nutrition (Szmant-Froelich & Pilson 1980,
1984), resistance to ocean acidification (Holcomb et
al. 2010, 2012), post-sedimentation re covery (Cohen et
al. 2002), calcification and meta bolism (Jacques &
Pilson 1980, Cummings 1983, Jacques et al. 1983), and
physical parameters of wound recovery (DeFilippo
et al. 2016).
The objective of this study was to determine the
effects of temperature and symbiont state on wound
recovery in coral colonies. We conducted controlled
laboratory experiments to investigate tissue recovery
in naturally occurring symbiotic (high density of S.
Burmester et al.: Temperature, symbiosis, and coral recovery
psygmo philum) and aposymbiotic (low density or
absence of S. psygmophilum) colonies of A. poculata
at 3 environmentally relevant temperatures charac-
teristic of winter (9°C), summer (18°C), and a temper-
ature above this coral’s natural range (24°C). Several
healing metrics indicate that symbiotic corals exhibit
significantly greater healing ability at 18 and 24°C.
Collection and husbandry
Colonies exhibiting a range of symbiont densities
were collected from depths of 6 to 10 m at Fort
Wether ill State Park in Jamestown, RI (41° 28’ 40” N,
71° 21’ 34” W) from late spring through early fall
2014. As de scribed by DeFilippo et al.
(2016), speci mens were housed in a
flow-through aquarium system at the
New England Aquarium. Seawater
was filtered using a protein skimmer
and UV treatment, and water quality
was measured weekly. Tanks were
illuminated for 10 h d
using T5 HO
fluorescent lighting fixtures (Hamilton
Techno logy, Aruba Sun T5-V Series).
Photosynthetically active radiation
(PAR) was kept constant at an average
of 37.5 ± 10.1 µmol m
. Corals
were fed daily with frozen copepods
(JEHM) directed to all polyps within
each colony using a turkey baster. All
colonies were acclimated to 18°C for
at least 2 wk prior to commencing
healing trials. Throughout the dura-
tion of the initial acclimation and the
experimental trials, all colonies were
cleaned weekly using a soft nylon
brush to remove algae and forceps to
remove epibionts (e.g. polychaetes).
Only bare skeletal regions (i.e. no live
tissue) were brushed in this manner to
avoid inflicting additional wounds or
tissue damage. Colonies were as -
signed symbiont state as described by
Dimond & Carrington (2007) and de -
monstrated by Dimond et al. (2013)
and DeFilippo et al. (2016), where
symbiont state was determined visu-
ally using color as a proxy for chloro-
phyll density. Additionally, to ensure
this method accurately represented
our system, a random subset of photos of 20 symbiotic
and 20 aposymbiotic colonies were analyzed for
approximated chlorophyll density using the protocol
of Dimond & Carrington (2007). On average, the ap -
proximated chlorophyll densities for symbiotic colo -
nies (0.45 ± 0.04 µg cm
, mean ± SE) were signifi-
cantly higher than those of aposymbiotic colonies (0.13
± 0.02 µg cm
= 53.4058, p < 0.0001).
Experimental setup and temperature manipulation
Symbiotic and aposymbiotic colonies were sorted
into pairs for treatment. Colony pairs were randomly
placed into treatment groups, controlling for size
between treatments. Sizing was based on colony
mass, a measurement of whole colony mass after
Fig. 1. (A) Stages of wound healing as demonstrated in Astrangia poculata. a:
Experimentally-induced bare skeleton wound (w) from initial polyps (ip); b: no
demonstration of recovery with wound site covered in algae (a); c: formation of
undifferentiated tissue (ut) from wound edges (as shown) or from within cal-
ice; d: formation of tentacle nubs (tn); e: re-establishment of full polyp (fp) with
fully functional tentacles. (B) Symbiont states in A. poculata. f: Aposymbiotic
colonies appear white; g: mixed symbiont colonies have a range of symbiotic
(s) and aposymbiotic (ap) polyps; h: fully symbiotic colonies appear brown
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 8799, 2017
the removal of excess water from bare skeletal
regions. This measurement exhibited a high degree
of precision; 5 separate mass measurements were
performed on each of 37 colonies, and the mean
variation in measurements performed on the same
individual was 0.69%. Overall, average colony mass
was 6.32 ± 0.27 g (SE). Paired colonies were placed
adjacent to one another on a submerged platform in
a randomized fashion in order to control for tank
microclimate (lighting, flow, etc.). However, each
pair of colonies was kept at a distance of 6−10 cm to
avoid direct inter action. Three temperature treat-
ments were tested: 9°C (within the natural range for
winter), 18°C (within the natural range for summer),
and 24°C (outside the typical temperature range for
this site). Experimental temperatures were chosen
based on environmental data for the area (NOAA
Tides & Currents, Newport, RI: site 8452660), where
sea surface temperatures ranged from 0.5 to 23°C
during the 2014 calendar year. To account for sea-
sonality and to accommodate the limitations of our
system (i.e. tank space, ability to manipulate multi-
ple temperatures simultaneously), 9°C treatments
were performed in the winter months and 24°C
treatments were performed in the summer and early
fall. For continuity between seasonal experiments
and to control for captivity duration, 2 trials of the
18°C group were carried out: 1 in winter and 1 in
summer. Winter and summer 18°C trials were then
compared to determine any potential changes due
to season, captivity duration, or husbandry (there
were none). Therefore, at 18°C, 40 colonies of each
symbiont state were sampled; meanwhile, 20
colonies of each symbiont type were sampled at 9
and 24°C. At 18°C, 1 wounded aposymbiotic colony
was lost during routine tank cleaning (non-mortal-
ity), reducing the sample size of that group to 39
colonies (and a total of 159 colonies overall). Corals
in the 9 and 24°C tanks were subjected to a temper-
ature increase or decrease from 18°C at a rate of
1°C every 12 h. Colonies in these tanks were accli-
mated at their final experimental temperatures for
1 wk prior to wounding.
All experimental corals were wounded in a consis-
tent fashion: a single polyp, centrally located in the
colony, was removed using a scalpel, and the calyx
was cleared of tissue using a Waterpik (Fig. 1) before
the immediate surrounding skeleton was filed to a
uniform basal skeletal height using a diamond-
coated file, followed by a final cleaning with a Water-
pik. These lesions were designed to mimic destruc-
tive forces that remove both tissue and skeleton (i.e.
predation, mechanical injury, storm damage, etc.),
but were inflicted in such a way to create as uniform a
wound as possible between replicates. Colony mass
for each colony was measured before and after
wounding to determine wound size (via change in
Lesion recovery
Lesions were photographed using a Leica
M165FC stereomicroscope immediately after
wounding (Day 0) and at 10 time points post-
wounding (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, and 75 d).
Photographs from Day 0 were used to calibrate
post-wound photos to ensure consistent magnifica-
tion as well as colony angle and position. Photo-
graphs were scored for whether or not colonies
exhibited signs of healing (i.e. new tissue within the
wound site) as well as the developmental state of
new tissue (undifferentiated tissue, tentacle nubs, or
full polyp; Fig. 1A [panels c−e, respectively]). These
3 stages were chosen because they can be identified
unambiguously, and they represent important
developmental landmarks on the way towards full
healing, which begins with the formation of undif-
ferentiated tissue, followed by initiation of tentacle
formation, and concludes with the formation of a
full polyp that has the ability to feed (as evidenced
by tentacular contraction; Fig. 1A). Achievement of
this final developmental landmark was recognized
as the indicator of healing success. Wound surface
area was determined for Days 0 and 75 using hand-
drawn area tools that are part of the Leica M165FC
software. Three measurements were taken for each
photo, and the wound surface area was estimated as
their average. The percent change in wound surface
area was calculated as final wound area minus the
initial wound area divided by the initial wound
Colony mass
Bare skeletal regions of each colony were tho -
rough ly cleaned, avoiding live tissue, with a soft
nylon brush and forceps prior to each measurement
of mass to prevent confounding colony growth with
algal growth. The difference between the initial post-
wound mass (Day 0) and final mass (Day 75) was
Burmester et al.: Temperature, symbiosis, and coral recovery
used to calculate a healing mass differential, i.e. the
gain or loss of mass over the healing process. We also
determined the mass of the wound itself by subtract-
ing the colony’s post-wound mass from its pre-wound
mass. Two specimens were removed from the analy-
sis (1 each from the 9°C symbiotic and aposymbiotic
groups) because their colony mass at the time of
wounding had not been accurately recorded.
Photosynthetic efficiency
In order to test for symbiont performance, photo-
synthetic efficiency (maximum quantum yield: F
was measured for each colony at 3 time points over
the course of the experiment (0, 30, and 60 d) using a
Walz JUNIOR-PAM pulse-amplitude modulated flu-
orescence meter. All readings were taken between
11:00 and 13:00 h on each day to reduce diel fluctua-
tions between readings across time points. As
described by DeFilippo et al. (2016), colonies were
acclimated to darkness for 30 min in a closed dark
container and then transferred individually to a glass
beaker with 5−7 cm of seawater stored within a dark
box to reduce light exposure during measurement.
For each measurement, polyps were first exposed to
6 s of far-red illumination to determine minimal fluo-
rescence while dark-adapted (F
). They were then
ex posed to 0.6 s of a saturating pulse (10 000 µmol
) to determine maximal fluorescence (F
). The
change in fluorescence between F
and F
(ΔF) was
divided by maximal fluorescence (F
) to calculate
maximum quantum yield (F
; Suggett et al. 2010).
Readings were taken with a light fiber held approxi-
mately 1 mm from the oral groove of 3 haphazardly
selected polyps per colony, and the resulting average
maximum quantum was used to represent the colony.
Documentation of altered symbiotic state
We visually inspected microscope photos from
Day 75 to qualitatively assess whether any of the
polyps within a 2-polyp radius of the wound had
undergone a change in symbiont density as evi-
denced by a shift in color. Shifts in symbiont density
were quantified as the percentage of polyps chang-
ing symbiont state between Day 0 and Day 75; only
polyp-level shifts from aposymbiotic to symbiotic
were observed. Such shifts became apparent when
individual polyps in a colony would develop clusters
of brown spots (i.e. symbiosomes) detectable under
the microscope.
Healing initiation (proportion of colonies having
developed any of the 3 landmark stages of healing)
and healing success (proportion of colonies having
regenerated new full polyps) were analyzed using
generalized logistic mixed models (GLMMs) in the
lme4 package in R. Logistic models were compared
using Akaike’s information criterion (AIC) scores,
and a reduction in AIC of at least 2 was required to
accept a given model over another or to validate the
inclusion of a new variable in the model (Burnham &
Anderson 2002). In the case of 2 models whose AIC
scores differed by less than 2, the simpler model was
chosen (Burnham & Anderson 2002). Odds ratios
were generated using exponentiated estimates. The
effects of symbiont state and temperature on colony
mass and surface area were compared using Laplace-
approximated generalized linear mixed models on
the nlme package in R (R Core Team 2013, Pinheiro
et al. 2017). In order to test for the potential effect of
colony size and wound size on recovery and colony
mass, we included wound mass, initial mass, and
initial wound surface area as fixed effects in addition
to symbiont state and temperature in the analyses of
healing initiation, healing success, wound closure,
and colony mass. The impacts of added fixed, inter -
action, and random effects were determined using a
forward and reverse stepwise approach (using AIC
for logistic models and likelihood ratio tests for linear
models). Additionally, tank assignment was desig-
nated as a random effect in all generalized logistic
and linear models to control for potential conse-
quences of multiple colony pairs in the same tank.
In order to test for changes in photosynthetic effi-
ciency over time, maximum quantum yield was ana-
lyzed between symbiont states and temperatures
over time using a restricted maximum liklihood
(REML)-fitted GLMM in the lme4 package in R (R
Core Team 2013, Bates et al. 2015). Individual coral
identity was nested within tank in order to control for
changes in an individual across time points and to
account for potential confounds of tank housing.
Model selection criteria were based on reductions in
AIC in the same manner as logistic model selections.
Fisher’s exact tests and ANOVAs were used to
determine the effect of shifts in symbiont density on
the relative ratios of healing ability and stage, and
relative means of colony mass and surface area
recovery, respectively, for aposymbiotic corals at 18
and 24°C. No colonies at 9°C showed signs of shifts in
symbiont density, and this group was therefore ex -
cluded from this analysis.
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 8799, 2017
Healing initiation and success
Overall, there was a significant impact of symbiosis
on the healing process (Fig. 2). Adjusted for tank
grouping, symbiotic corals (40 out of 80 colonies)
were 2.4 times as likely as aposymbiotic (25/79)
corals to have initiated healing (developed new tis-
sue of any kind) at the wound site (Table 1), and 5.8
times as likely to have successfully completed heal-
ing (reached the full polyp stage) by the end of the
trial (15/80 symbiotic; 3/79 aposymbiotic; Table 2).
Healing initiation also increased with temperature
(Fig. 2): with random effects, the odds ratio of
exhibiting any healing at 24°C (23/40) was 4.7 times
greater than at 9°C (9/40) and 1.6 times greater than
at 18°C (33/79), while the odds ratio for corals at 18°C
was 2.9 times that of corals kept at 9°C. None of the
9°C colonies developed full polyps by the end of the
trial; however, among those colonies that did suc-
cessfully complete the healing process, the odds ratio
of complete healing at 24°C (10/40) was 3.2 times
greater than at 18°C (8/79). Consistent with these
observations, both symbiont state and temperature
were found to be significant predictors of healing ini-
tiation in a GLMM analysis (Table 3). However, nei-
ther the interaction between these 2 variables nor the
added fixed effects of mass, wound mass, and wound
surface area significantly improved the model (AIC
208.6, Table 3). Likewise, only symbiont state and
temperature were found to be significant predictors
of full polyp formation (i.e. healing success) in corals
at 18 and 24°C (AIC 68.64, Table 4).
Effect Odds ratio (95% CI)
Symbiont state 2.370 (1.205, 4.663)
9°C: 18°C 2.856 (1.033, 7.898)
9°C: 24°C 4.664 (1.459, 14.910)
18°C: 24°C 1.633 (0.6325, 4.215)
Table 1. Odds ratios (with 95% CI) for fixed effect comparisons
of healing ability of Astrangia poculata
Effect Odds ratio (95% CI)
Symbiont state 5.769 (1.346, 24.732)
Temperature 3.253 (0.927, 11.418)
Table 2. Odds ratios (with 95% confidence interval, fixed
effect comparisons of healing success (polyp formation) of
Astrangia poculata
Fig. 2. Proportion in each healing stage of symbiotic and
aposymbiotic colonies of Astrangia poculata maintained at 3
temperatures (9, 18, 24°C) 75 d post-wounding. Numbers in
each column represent total number of colonies at that heal-
ing stage. Cumulative areas in blue delineate colonies that
have demonstrated signs of healing, while bars in dark blue
indicate only those colonies that have achieved successful
healing through the formation of a complete polyp
Effect Estimate SE Z p
Rooted under aposymbiotic and 9°C conditions
Intercept −1.7812 0.4876 −3.653 0.0003**
Symbiont state (S) 0.8627 0.3452 2.499 0.0124*
18°C 1.0496 0.5189 2.023 0.0431*
24°C 1.5399 0.5929 2.597 0.0094*
Rooted under symbiotic and 18°C conditions
Intercept 0.1311 0.3193 0.411 0.6813
Symbiont state (A) −0.8627 0.3452 −2.499 0.0124*
9°C −1.0496 0.5189 −2.023 0.0431*
24°C 0.4903 0.4839 1.013 0.3109
Table 3. Laplace-approximated generalized mixed logistic
regression for healing ability of Astrangia poculata (AIC =
208.6). S: symbiotic; A: aposymbiotic. For fixed effects, sym-
bols indicate significance considered at **p < 0.001, *p < 0.05
Effect Estimate SE Z p
Intercept −2.4522 0.7477 −3.280 0.0010**
Symbiont state (S) 1.7525 0.7427 2.360 0.0183*
Temperature (24°C) 1.1796 0.6406 1.842 0.0655
Table 4. Laplace-approximated generalized mixed logistic
regression for healing success (rooted under aposymbiotic
and 18°C conditions) (AIC = 68.64). S: symbiotic. For fixed
effects, symbols indicate significance considered at **p <
0.001, *p < 0.05,
p < 0.01
Burmester et al.: Temperature, symbiosis, and coral recovery
Wound closure
On average, the inflicted wounds were (mean ± SE)
38.4 ± 1.2 mm
in area and ac counted for a loss in
mass of 0.14 ± 0.01 g. With the exception of symbiotic
corals housed at 24°C, colonies, on average, experi-
enced an in crease in wound surface area, represent-
ing an ex pansion of the wound site (Fig. 3). All (100%)
symbiotic colonies experienced a decrease in wound
size at 24°C, while none (0%) of the colonies (regard-
less of symbiont density) experienced such a decline
at 9°C. More symbiotic colonies (32.5%) saw reduc-
tions in wound size at 18°C than did aposymbiotic
colonies (18%). A similar proportion of aposymbiotic
colo nies were able to restore any lost surface area at
18°C (18%) and 24°C (15%). The proportion of tissue
loss was lower in symbiotic corals (group mean, M =
0.098) than apo symbiotic corals (M = 0.195). Tempera-
ture also had a significant effect on wound surface
area (Table 5), as corals in warmer water recovered a
higher proportion of tissue than those in cooler water
= −0.349, M
= −0.137, M
= 0.046). Again, sym-
biont state and temperature were significant contrib-
utors to the best mixed model (Table 5), although the
effect of temperature was reduced (p = 0.0918).
Colony mass
Except for the 24°C symbiotic group, colonies lost
mass (g) over time (Fig. 4). Symbiotic colonies (M =
−0.004 g) lost less mass than did aposymbiotic colo -
nies (M = −0.409 g). Similarly, corals kept at higher
temperatures experienced less tissue loss than
colonies at lower temperatures, with the colonies at
24°C experiencing a slight gain in mass on average
= −0.345 g, M
= −0.242 g, M
= 0.021 g; Fig. 4).
Both symbitont state and temperature had a signifi-
cant impact on colony mass, but there was no signifi-
cant interaction between these 2 variables (Table 6).
Colony mass, wound mass, and initial wound surface
area had no significant effects.
Photosynthetic efficiency
Regardless of symbiont state, measurable levels of
photosynthesis were observed in all treatment
groups (Fig. 5). Symbiotic colonies had higher values
for maximum quantum yield (F
), with the excep-
tion of symbiotic colo nies kept at 9°C (which demon-
strated photosynthetic efficiency levels similar to
those of aposymbiotic corals). Aposymbiotic colonies,
on the other hand, demonstrated consistently similar
values regardless of temperature. The data
show a slight significant decline in photochemical
efficiency for symbiotic corals over time, but a slight
significant increase for aposymbiotic corals. The pre-
ferred model included only symbiont state and the
interactions between symbiont state and tempera-
ture as well as symbiont state and time (Table 7).
Based on our model selection criteria (requiring a
reduction in AIC of at least 2 to permit the inclusion
of new fixed effects), there was little support for the
inclusion of other fixed effects (temperature and
time) or interactions of fixed effects (temperature/
Fig. 3. Proportional change in wound surface area on As-
trangia poculata after 75 d normalized over the initial wound
surface area. Values were measured from aligned photo-
graphs by dividing the final wound surface area on Day 75
by the initial wound surface area on Day 0. Negative values
indicate an increase in wound size, while positive values
indicate a decline in wound size. Error bars are SE
Effect Estimate SE df t p
Rooted under aposymbiotic and 9°C conditions
Intercept −0.5382 0.1138 136 −4.7289 <0.0001**
Symbiont state (S) 0.3977 0.0670 136 5.9463 <0.0001**
18°C 0.0908 0.1347 19 0.6737 0.5086
24°C 0.2822 0.1588 18 1.7761 0.0918
Rooted under symbiotic and 18°C conditions
Intercept −0.0497 0.0860 136 −0.5774 0.5646
Symbiont state (A) −0.3977 0.0670 136 −5.9463 <0.0001**
9°C −0.0908 0.1347 19 −0.6737 0.5086
24°C 0.1914 0.1404 19 1.3631 0.1888
Table 5. Laplace-approximated generalized linear mixed model
for wound surface area (AIC = 218.8). S: symbiotic; A: aposymbi-
otic. For fixed effects, symbols indicate significance considered at
**p < 0.001, *p < 0.05,
p < 0.01
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 8799, 2017
Symbiont state switching
At 18 and 24°C, some polyps of aposymbiotic corals
were found to switch symbiont states, as indicated by
pockets of high Symbiodinium psygmophilum den-
sity along the body column or oral groove. This phe-
nomenon was significantly more likely in colonies at
24°C (15/20; 75%) than in colonies kept at 18°C
(18/39; 46.15%; 1-tailed Fisher’s exact test; n = 59,
p = 0.0319). However, among these corals, there was
no significant effect of symbiont switching on healing
initiation (2-tailed Fisher’s exact test; n = 59, p =
0.4232), colony mass (x
= −0.1244 g; x
−0.1313 g; n = 59, F
= 0.0075, p = 0.9310), or
wound closure (x
= −0.441; x
= −0.303; n =
59, F
= 1.1012, p = 0.2984). It should be noted that
no aposymbiotic colonies ever completely switched
states where every polyp in the colony transitioned
from white to brown.
Overall, our data suggest that symbiotic colonies
exhibit a clear advantage over aposymbiotic colonies
with respect to single-polyp wound healing. At all
temperatures, a greater proportion of symbiotic co -
rals developed new tissue at the wound site and went
on to develop full polyps. Likewise, regardless of
temperature, symbiotic corals lost less mass and less
tissue area at the lesion site after wounding (to the
point of partially to fully closing lesions at 24°C).
Therefore, symbiotic corals proved more successful
at resisting wound expansion and achieving wound
closure for single polyp lesions. These results are
consistent with previous studies, which suggested that
symbiotic colo nies of Astrangia poculata may be able
to recover a higher proportion of multipolyp wounds
from small pockets of residual tissue (DeFilippo et
al. 2016). Additionally, wounding experiments on
another temperate and facultatively sym bio tic coral,
Oculina patagonica (Fine et al. 2001), demonstrated
a similar advantage to symbiosis, where by the per-
centage recovery of lesions was greater in un -
bleached colonies than partially bleached or fully
bleached (which did not recover at all) colonies (Fine
et al. 2002).
Effect Estimate SE df t p
Rooted under aposymbiotic and 9°C conditions
Intercept −0.2686 0.0569 133 −4.7214 <0.0001**
Symbiont state (S) 0.1073 0.0322 133 3.3317 0.0011*
18°C 0.1700 0.0673 19 2.5258 0.0206*
24°C 0.2364 0.0794 19 2.9784 0.0077*
Rooted under symbiotic and 18°C conditions
Intercept 0.0087 0.0426 133 0.2040 0.8387
Symbiont state (A) −0.1073 0.0322 133 3.3317 0.0011*
9°C −0.1700 0.0673 19 −2.5258 0.0206*
24°C 0.0664 0.0698 19 0.9516 0.3533
Table 6. Laplace approximated generalized linear mixed model for
growth (AIC = −8.535). S: symbiotic; A: aposymbiotic. Symbols
indicate significance considered at **p < 0.001, *p < 0.05
Fig. 4. Mean change in Astrangia poculata colony mass 75 d
after wounding. Values were calculated by subtracting the
final mass of each colony from its post-wound mass. Error
bars are SE
Fig. 5. Mean photosynthetic efficiency (F
) as measured
via pulse-amplitude modulated fluorescence (Walz JUNIOR-
PAM). Error bars are SE. For all 9°C and 24°C groups, N = 20;
for 18°C symbiotic corals, N = 40; and for 18°C aposymbiotic
corals, N = 39
Burmester et al.: Temperature, symbiosis, and coral recovery
The positive effect of symbiosis on healing ob -
served here could be attributed to a number of bene-
fits conferred to the corals by their symbiotic part-
ners, including (1) higher energy reserves and tissue
content at the time of wounding, (2) added energy
availability during healing due to active photosyn-
thesis, or (3) potential direct symbiont contribution to
the healing pathway (Fine et al. 2002). Be cause we
also found that aposymbiotic polyps can switch par-
tially or fully to a symbiotic state and that these
switches did not significantly impact the colony’s
ability to heal or grow it is possible that symbiotic
advantage accrues from a long-term association.
Alternatively, a related study on the facultatively
symbiotic O. patagonica (Fine et al. 2002) deter-
mined that carbon can be preferentially translocated
to recovering tissue from a distance of 4−5 cm away;
however, translocation only occurs in fully un -
bleached (and not partially bleached, 30−80%) colo -
nies. This suggests a bleaching threshold (or a mini-
mum density of Symbiodinium spp.) below which
colonial integration and resource translocation is dis-
rupted. There could also be an energetic cost to sym-
biont acquisition that overcomes the potential imme-
diate energy gain from photosynthesis (Hill & Hill
2012). In tropical corals, which rely more heavily on
photosynthesis to supply their nutritional needs, this
disparity in healing ability between the symbiotic
and aposymbiotic states could have significant im -
pacts on coral health, particularly after bleaching.
Even after returning to a full symbiont
load, the diminishment of energetic re -
serves that results from a prolonged period
of bleaching could undermine wound re -
covery for an extended period of time
(Meesters & Bak 1993). This could com-
pound the impact of bleaching and elevate
post-bleaching mortality rates.
While our study does not directly ad dress
the possible advantages of a facul tatively
symbiotic life history, it does raise some im-
portant questions about the costs, benefits,
and dynamics of the coral− algal symbiosis.
While symbiosis clearly en hanced healing
initiation, wound closure, and the develop-
ment of full polyps in the current study,
naturally occurring, apo symbiotic colonies
of A. poculata are abundant in the field
(Dimond et al. 2013). Furthermore, while
symbiont state can be manipulated, switch-
ing be tween symbiont states does not
appear to be common in nature (Dimond &
Carrington 2008). The prevalence of apo -
symbiotic colonies in nature therefore suggests a cost
to maintaining a high density of Symbiodinium that
outweighs the observed advantages of the symbiotic
state on colony health and recovery. Dimond et al.
(2013) suggested that this cost may be most pro-
nounced at cold, winter temperatures when colonies
are dormant. In winter, all colonies experience a net
loss of tissue, but aposymbiotic colonies lose less
tissue than symbiotic colonies (Dimond et al. 2013).
Thus, while symbiotic colonies have enhanced heal-
ing potential in summer, they may also need to com-
pensate for greater tissue loss during the winter.
Environmental temperature had a direct effect on
tissue loss and replacement in this experiment, re -
gardless of symbiotic state. At 9°C, a natural winter
temperature, both aposymbiotic and symbiotic colo -
nies experienced greater tissue loss at the wound site
and lost more total mass over time than at 18°C (a
temperature more typical of summer) or 24°C (a tem-
perature not typically encountered by A. poculata in
Rhode Island). Similarly, the smallest statistical dif-
ference between symbiotic and aposymbiotic colo -
nies occurred at 9°C, as colonies of both symbiont
states had low rates of wound recovery; these cold-
exposed colonies were less likely to develop new tis-
sue at the wound site, and no colonies were able to
successfully complete the regeneration process.
These results are consistent with previous studies
that found temperature to be a major driver of calcifi-
cation and growth in both obligate and facultative
Effect Estimate SE t
Rooted under aposymbiotic and 18°C conditions
Intercept 0.3292 0.0220 14.950*
Symbiont state (S) 0.1569 0.0228 6.877*
Symbiont state (A): Temperature (9°C) 0.0342 0.0370 0.925
Symbiont state (S): Temperature (9°C) −0.0926 0.0254 −3.652*
Symbiont state (A): Temperature (24°C) −0.0048 0.0328 −0.145
Symbiont state (S): Temperature (24°C) −0.0044 0.0260 −0.171
Symbiont state (A): Time 0.0012 0.0003 4.239*
Symbiont state (S): Time −0.0005 0.0003 −1.940*
Rooted under aposymbiotic and 9°C conditions
Intercept 0.3634 0.0318 11.414*
Symbiont state (S) 0.1569 0.0228 6.877*
Symbiont state (A): Temperature (18°C) −0.0342 0.0370 −0.925
Symbiont state (S): Temperature (18°C) 0.0926 0.0254 3.652*
Symbiont state (A): Temperature (24°C) −0.0390 0.0413 −0.942
Symbiont state (S): Temperature (24°C) −0.0881 0.0298 2.958*
Symbiont state (A): Time 0.0012 0.0003 4.239*
Symbiont state (S): Time −0.0005 0.0003 −1.940*
Table 7. REML-fitted generalized linear mixed model for photo -
synthetic efficiency (AIC = −678.4). S: symbiotic; A: aposymbiotic.
Significance (*) assumed from t-values (df = 452) at p < 0.05
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 570: 8799, 2017
zooxanthellate and azooxanthellate corals (Jacques
et al. 1983, Miller 1995, Marshall & Clode 2004, Ed -
munds 2005, Dimond et al. 2013). However, it should
be noted that growth and regeneration may be unre-
lated or even competing life traits, particularly in
times of stress (Denis et al. 2013). The drop in healing
initiation, healing completion, and colony mass likely
derives from a significant decline in photosynthetic
efficiency with de creasing temperature as well as
a potential de crease in oxidative respiration below
11.5°C (Jacques et al. 1983). Previous studies (Jac -
ques et al. 1983, Dimond et al. 2013) have noted a
state of metabolic dormancy in A. poculata below
10°C, characterized by the retraction of polyps into
their calices and the inability to feed. Interestingly, in
our study, all colonies at 9°C were actively feeding
over the course of the experiment, potentially ex -
plaining the ability of some colonies to exhibit some
healing despite their potentially reduced metabolism
and lack of energetic input from photosynthesis.
Additionally, while 9°C represents a typical winter
temperature for this habitat, it is far from the lowest
temperature encountered by wild colonies of A. poc-
ulata (0.3°C, NOAA Tides & Currents, Newport, RI:
site 8452660). Therefore, as documented by Dimond
et al. (2013), it is possible that quiescence could have
a significant and inverse impact on healing with
regards to symbiont state than observed in this study.
In contrast to 9°C, colonies at 24°C demonstrated
the greatest wound recovery, despite experiencing a
temperature outside the typical range of their natural
habitat (which ranged from 0.3 to 23°C in 2014 [the
year of this study]). Therefore, for this coral, these
data support that survivability and, therefore, habitat
range are more likely being limited by exposure to
cold, winter temperatures than prolonged exposure
to very warm summer temperatures (Dimond et al.
One hypothesis for the observed increase in heal-
ing and survivability by symbiotic corals is increased
photosynthetic efficiency. Over time, there was an
increase in photosynthetic efficiency in aposymbiotic
colonies. Surprisingly, there was an inverse relation-
ship with temperature (i.e. corals at 9°C experienced
the greatest rise in photosynthetic efficiency). How-
ever, this is very likely due to the fact that, in colder
temperatures, colonies tended to lose more live tissue
and, subsequently, bare skeletal scars were covered
in adventitious algae. Additionally, the limited Gain
settings on the JUNIOR-PAM may obscure fluores-
cence values when chlorophyll densities are low.
Cold-treated symbiotic corals exhibited photosyn-
thetic efficiency levels similar to aposymbiotic corals,
but again, it is difficult to determine how much of this
photochemical activity was generated by S. psygmo -
philum versus other potentially non-symbiotic photo-
synthetic organisms. S. psygmophilum is a cold-toler-
ant species whose photosynthetic efficiency peaks
between 18 and 25°C and reaches a minimum (but
does not cease altogether) at 10°C (Thornhill et al.
2008). Following this pattern, symbiotic corals at 18
and 24°C demonstrated higher levels of photosyn-
thetic activity, although warm-treated corals (24°C)
seemed to experience a reduction in photosynthetic
efficiency over time.
A. poculata is a gonochoristic coral (Peters et al.
1988), and production of gametes occurs at warmer
temperatures. Given the cost of producing gametes,
and the generally greater cost of producing eggs rel-
ative to sperm (Holcomb et al. 2012), it is possible
that corals at warmer temperatures might experience
a trade-off between gamete production and healing,
and this trade-off might differ between males and
females. However, because gametes can only be
identified and quantified using destructive methods,
we were unable to investigate the potential impact of
gamete production on recovery without producing
additional wounds, which would have confounded
our experiments. We hypothesize that (1) wounds
may confer a loss in fecundity, (2) gamete production
may incur a cost to lesion recovery, or (3) reproduc-
tive dynamics promote a synergistic loss for both tis-
sue recovery and fecundity (Rinkevich 1996).
Wound healing is a dynamic process impacted by a
number of different environmental and biological
factors. In addition to symbiotic state and tempera-
ture, lesion healing is affected by the perimeter to
surface area ratio of the wound (Van Woesik 1998) as
well as by the size of the lesion (Rotjan & Lewis 2008)
and the size of the colony (Meesters et al. 1996).
However, the influences of these physical parameters
may vary by species and developmental timing (Bak
1983, Meesters et al. 1992, 1997, Oren et al. 1997,
Van Woesik 1998). One previous study found that
‘Phoenix Effect’ recovery, whereby tissue is regener-
ated from within the calice rather than across wound
edges, is the primary mode of recovery in A. poculata
(DeFilippo et al. 2016). A similar pattern of recovery
was observed in the experimentally wounded colo -
nies in our trials. The wounds inflicted in this experi-
ment most closely resembled those created through
colony breakage or corallivory, where regions of both
skeleton and tissue are removed. In the field, colo -
nies of A. poculata are most often abraded by foliose
algae. Colony morphology is significantly impacted
(flattened) by repeat interactions in regions with high
Burmester et al.: Temperature, symbiosis, and coral recovery
macroalgal density (Grace 2004). While no predators
have yet been characterized in the field for this coral,
its ability to recover from such extremes (deep and
well cleared of residual tissue) demonstrates its util-
ity as a laboratory model for these studies.
Here, we have demonstrated that wound recovery
is affected by symbiont state and temperature in a
facultatively symbiotic coral. Comparable experi-
ments cannot be conducted in tropical corals because
elevated temperatures induce bleaching, and tropi-
cal corals cannot exist in a stable aposymbiotic state.
By allowing us to decouple 2 key parameters that are
conflated in tropical corals, A. poculata can provide
unique insight into how particular biological and
environmental states or stressors may impact coral
health. While the study of temperate corals offers
limited direct comparisons to tropical corals in their
metabolism and physiology, it is likely that core
mechanisms of the molecular stress response
machinery are deeply conserved. Additionally, we
can exploit the wide environmental tolerances of this
temperate coral to investigate how a range of stres-
sors and their intensities can affect coral health under
non-lethal conditions. Indeed, determining the thres -
h old for lethal stress is a critical area of study; using
temperate corals in controlled laboratory studies may
yield valuable insights into the effects of synergistic
stressors, and the relative role of symbiosis.
Acknowledgements. This work was funded by the PADI
foundation, the Boston University Marine Program, and the
New England Aquarium. We thank Kiki Ballotti, Georgie
Burruss, Nicholas Lawrence, Samantha Pelletier, Aaron Pil-
nick, and Ryan Schosberg for assistance with photography
and data collection. We are also grateful to Tasia Blough,
Julio Camperio-Ciani, Gregory Coote, Lukas DeFilippo,
Corbin Kuntz, Georgia Luddecke, Katrina Malakhoff, Jessie
Matthews, and Matthew Tohl for their roles in the hus-
bandry and maintenance of coral specimens. We appreciate
the input of the anonymous reviewers that contributed to the
improvement of this manuscript.
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Editorial responsibility: Peter Edmunds,
Northridge, California, USA
Submitted: September 28, 2016; Accepted: March 9, 2017
Proofs received from author(s): April 8, 2017