International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
Use of Embedded Systems on Software Simulation Environments Applied to
Virtual Education
Fernando Martínez Santa
, Fredy H. Martínez S.
and Edwar Jacinto Gómez
Facultad Tecnológica, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Bogotá D.C, Colombia.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2895-3084
ORCID: 0000-0002-7258-3909
ORCID: 0000-0003-4038-8137
This paper describes the implementation of a simulation
platform for embedded systems running a Python language
interpreter. This platform uses Proteus-ISIS® electronics
simulator, a reduced and efficient implementation of Python
language for microcontrollers named MicroPython, and an
implementation of an embedded systems development board
based on an ARM architecture microcontroller. This
simulation platform is proposed in order to be implemented
instead of real laboratories for Electrical Technology and
Engineering students in the Microcontrollers Architecture
subject at Universidad Distrital in Bogotá Colombia. The
process to join these software tools and components as a
complete simulation platform is described in this paper step
by step. At the end some proposed simulation laboratories are
described and the results of implementing this approach
instead of the regular one are shown and analyzed.
Keywords: Simulation Environment, Virtual Education,
Embedded Systems, Python, MicroPython, Microcontroller.
Software simulation environments have been priceless support
tools for education and training in engineering and other
multiple areas, allowing the students to do practices without
the necessity of having real tools and instruments. These
simulation software have been used in areas such as physics
[1], [2], building and engineering design [3], [4],
automotive [5], [6], energy efficiency [7], [8], software
engineering and gamification [9][12], among others, and
always they have demonstrated their applicability and
efficiency as support tools in education and research. In 2020
due to the world health emergency produced by the COVID-
19 virus most of countries decided to restrict the free
movement of people in the cities and the agglomerations,
which affected the normal way of teaching in schools and
universities, obligating to adopt a new approach of on-line or
virtual education in most of the education institutions. In some
of the undergraduate programs such as engineering most of
the subjects require to do laboratory practices, that is why the
software simulation environments turned from support tools to
a real necessity for completing the students learning
nowadays. In electric and electronic engineering, there are
several simulation software which works really well for
electric analog circuits and basic digital circuits but simulating
complex digital devices such as microcontrollers or FPGAs
requires specialized software [13][15] even more if it is
wanted to simulate complex embedded systems or
development boards [16][18]. In the embedded systems
area, several researches about simulation implementations
have been done about topics such as networking [19],
system-level modeling [20], co-simulation [21] and
learning [22], [23]. Nowadays, the embedded systems are
used for many different applications, mainly in IoT (Internet
of Things) implementations, which require increasingly more
memory and speed features, due to that the embedded systems
have been highly improved. Those improvements allow using
on them operative systems such as Android or Linux and/or
interpreted languages or virtual machines, doing more
difficult their software simulation. One of the most popular
language used in data science is Python due to it has
advantages in the development time and abstraction than
compiled ones as C/C++, but at the same time it requires a lot
of memory and a working high speed because it has to be
interpreted. Some Python implementations on embedded
systems has been done such as Zerynth® and MicroPython
[24] this last one is an open source implementation, that was
the reason why it was selected for the work shown in this
paper. On the other hand, one of the most used simulation
software for microcontrollers is Proteus ISIS® [25], which
allows simulating complex embedded systems such as
Raspberry Pi® among others. The main objective of the work
reported in this paper is to implement a simulation
environment based on Proteus ISIS® software, which is able
to simulate embedded systems running MicroPython
interpreter, focused on the teaching of electric and electronic
engineering specially on the subjects of microcontrollers and
advanced embedded systems.
The order of this work is presented as follows. First, a brief
description of the MicroPython project is presented as an
introduction to the firmware to be simulated, including how to
compile it and download it to a microcontroller. The next
section shows the description and features of the
microcontroller-based development board to be used as
embedded system for the simulation. After that, the step-by-
step process to make the process work, including the source
code download, the setup and compiling process, the firmware
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
download and the simulation itself, all of this focused on
Windows® operative system. Finally, the simulation samples
obtained are shown as result of the implemented simulation
architecture and its reliability of being used as educational
supporting tool.
MicroPython is an open-source project that pretends to make
it possible to run Python scripts on microcontrollers restricted
in memory size, this implements a subset of Python 3
language including some of its standard libraries [26]. This
efficient implementation is focused on microcontrollers and/or
constrained environments, but including advance features
such as: REPL (Read Evaluate Print Loop) prompt, list
comprehension, exception handling, adaptable precision
integers, garbage collection, among others. Table 1 shows
some of the microcontrollers supported for MicroPython,
indicating the processor features including the FPU (Float
Point Unit).
Table 1. Summary list of the microcontrollers supported by
CPU speed
32 -
512 -
80 - 160
448 -
160 - 240
Addition ally, MicroPython can run on JavaScript and Unix
platforms, which makes it possible to run it on online
emulators such as Unicorn (
and other Linux-based embedded systems like Raspberry Pi®
respectively. On the other hand, the source code of
MicroPython firmware (interpreter and REPL) is implemented
entirely in C language, and it is designed to be compiled
basically by GNU GCC compiler (in some cases it works
along with another specific compiler), that is why the
preferred operative system to do this cross-compilation
process is Linux or another Unix-based one. However, it is
possible to compile MicroPython on a Windows® platform
using some different tools or emulators such as: MinGW,
Cygwin and (WSL) Windows Subsystem for Linux (only for
Windows® 10) among others.
Figure 1. Layer diagram of a typical MicroPython working.
3.1 MicroPython Interpreter
As well as Python, MicroPython needs to be executed by an
interpreter which reads the source code file line by line and
executes the correspondent commands. This interpreter is
written in C language and is compiled for a specific
microcontroller. Once loaded, the interpreter is able to run
Python commands one by one through the REPL (Read
Evaluate Print Loop) which uses a default serial port to
communicate with the user. Likewise, the interpreter is able to
execute a complete Python source code file, in this case it is
necessary to create a file named in the MicroPython
file system, once restarted the microcontroller this file will be
executed. Along with the MicroPython interpreted, the
firmware includes the precompiled hardware API for having
access to the microcontroller peripherals and some
precompiled common-use libraries, those ones are compiled
into MicroPython Bytecode files .mpy which can be executed
also by the interpreted but run faster than .py files. All of the
firmware scheme of MicroPython interpreter is summarized in
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
the figure 1 as a layer diagram where the user only can access
to the top layer, either the REPL or the MicroPython
3.2 MicroPython Compiling
When MicroPython is wanted to be used on a real
microcontroller or embedded system, only it is necessary to
download the correspondent precompiled firmware from the
official web page and load it in the microcontroller program
memory. On the other hand, when MicroPython is wanted to
be simulated, generally it is necessary to download and
compile its source code, in order to adapt it to the available
hardware in the simulation software. As previously said,
MicroPython compiling needs a Unix-based platform to be
executed, due to it uses programs such as make and gcc.
Likewise, the installing of the specific toolchain for the
microcontroller to be used is necessary. For Windows® 10
users the use of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) is
highly recommended because it simulates a complete Linux
Kernel. Other alternative are Cygwin and MinGW, which
need to install make and gcc on them for working with
After installing the Linux or Unix emulator and the
microcontroller toolchain, it is necessary to download the
source code, for this is highly recommended to clone the code
repository via git. Then just get into the specific port directory
(MicroPython version for a specific microcontroller) and run
the command make. After than a .hex or .bin file is generated
ready for being load to the microcontroller program memory.
For the proposed simulation platform Proteus-ISIS® was
selected as electronics simulation software, due to its large
amount of processors, devices and peripherals that can be
simulated on it, including some complete embedded systems
such as Arduino® and Raspberry Pi®. On the other hand, a
microcontroller of the brand ST® was selected, specifically
the STM32F401RE with 512kB of ROM, 96kB of RAM and
84MHz of processor frequency. The main purpose is
simulating an embedded system similar to the NUCLEO-
F401RE development board. Figure 2 shows the diagram of
the board implementation on the simulation software,
including the serial interface (Virtual Terminal) for the REPL.
Likewise, the algorithm 1 show the steps to compile
Micropython for this board.
Algorithm 1. MicroPython compiling for the NUCLEO-
F401RE board.
After compiled, a new directory is created in the
current one, it is named build-<board_name>, inside
it the compiled file firmware.hex is created. Then
only it is necessary to load the .hex file as Program
File in Proteus-ISIS® software and start the
simulation. Figure 3 shows the result of loading only
the basic firmware to the simulation, in this case as
there is no file the interpreter proceeds to
run the REPL. In the example, the user manually
defines two variables and operates them.
Figure 2. Implementation of the NUCLEO-F401RE board on
Figure 3. Execution of the MicroPython REPL on the
Proteus-ISIS® Virtual Terminal.
Once MicroPython is working on the simulation,
next step is load a complete Python script and run it.
For this process there are two different ways, the first
one is loading the source code file in the
MicroPython file system via serial port (in Proteus-
ISIS® using the COMPIM component and one
additional virtual serial port software), and the
second one is including it directly in the compiled
firmware. For this case, the second way was selected
in order to avoid using additional software. Including
the source code inside the firmware requires to
“freeze” it, then it is necessary to modify in the
firmware source code the file which is
located in <MicroPython_dir>\ports\stm32\boards
and include the directory as shown in the
algorithm 2. If any other source code file or module
is wanted to be included to the project, the same
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
procedure has to be followed for each. After that, the
firmware has to be compiled again following the
commands shown in the algorithm 1.
Algorithm 2. Freezing modules or source code by modifying
the file.
Six different sample laboratories are developed in
order to be performed on the proposed simulation
MicroPython platform, which are listed as follows:
Printing messages on the Virtual Terminal.
4-LED sequence commanded by a switch.
Printing of the converted value by the ADC.
LEDs Indication of the state of an analog input.
Integer counter with four 7-segment displays using a
TM1637 driver.
Printing messages on a 16x2 LCD using a
PCF8574A driver.
Figure 4. Sample laboratory 2, 4-LED sequence commanded
by a switch.
Algorithm 3. MicroPython source code for the
sample laboratory 2.
The figures 4, 5 and 6 show the correspondent implementation
diagrams for the laboratories 2,4 and 5 respectively. Likewise
the algorithms 3, 4 and 5 shows the source code proposed for
each of the same laboratories.
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
Figure 5. Sample laboratory 4, LEDs Indication of the state of
an analog input.
Algorithm 4. MicroPython source code for the
sample laboratory 4.
Figure 6. Sample laboratory 5, Integer counter with four 7-
segment displays using a TM1637 driver.
Algorithm 5. MicroPython source code for the
sample laboratory 5
The proposed MicroPython simulation platform and the
designed laboratories were implemented during the first term
of 2020 in the subject of Microcontrollers Architecture at
Technology Faculty of Universidad Distrital Francisco José de
Caldas in Bogotá, Colombia, specifically on the Electrical
Technology and Engineering undergraduate programs. This
proposal was done in order to give this subject totally
virtually, without the necessity of using real laboratories, all
of this due to the current world health emergency produced by
the COVID-19 virus.
In general, the implementation of the simulations was
successful but some of them run not in real-time, producing
delays in the simulation and in some cases bugs. Almost half
of the students of the Microcontrollers Architecture subject
could run the simulations and obtain successful results, but the
rest realized in at least one of the proposed laboratories that
issues and bugs were presented and in some cases the
simulator locked. The cause of this problem is that each
student worked on its own personal computer, having too
different features among them. Being the Universidad
Distrital a public university most of the students presents a
difficult social and economical situation which makes it hard
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology. ISSN 0974-3154, Volume 14, Number 3 (2021), pp. 271-277
© International Research Publication House.
that they can acquire the adequate computer equipment
required to carry out software simulations and computing in
This work was supported by the Universidad Distrital
Francisco José de Caldas, specifically by the Technology
Faculty. The authors thank all of the students involved in the
test and evaluation of the simulation platform, and the people
of the research group ARMOS for their support in the
development of this work.
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