Informed Consent
Informed consent is a valuable component of , ensuring
To protect the public interest, the North Carolina Board of Physical
Therapy Examiners, at its adopted this guidance for licensees about
The COVID-19 global pandemic brought the topic of informed consent to the forefront, 
In its 2020 Summary: Telehealth in
Physical Therapy,  states:
-to-face encounters is also
expected for telehealth encounte
outlined  and Board rules
physical therapist assistants and physical therapists includes
 [§90- 
The Board r
AND physical therapist assistant 
the delivery of health care services, and 
physical therapy services as documented in current literature, including the Guide to Physical
Therapist Pracce, the Standards of Pracce, and the Code of Ethics
Standards of Pracce for
Physical Therapy, the Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist, and the Standards of Ethical
Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant The Standards of Pracce document references
both the Code of Ethics and the Standards of Ethical Conduct documentsPrinciple 2C of the
Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist state
Similarly, the Standards of Ethical Conduct for
the Physical Therapist Assistant Standard 2C includes
 that pertain to the issue of
informed consent: § 90-270.103. Grounds for disciplinary ac�onGrounds for disciplinary acon
shall include but not be limited to the following:
(7) The commission of an act or acts of malpracce, gross negligence or incompetence in
the pracce of physical therapy;
(9) Engaging in conduct that could result in harm or injury to the public.
[§ 90-is a
§ 90-21.13. Informed consent to health care treatment or procedure.
(a) No recovery shall be allowed against any health care provider upon the
grounds that the health care treatment was rendered without the informed
consent of the paent or other person authorized to give consent for the paent
(1) The acon of the health care provider in obtaining the consent of the
paent or other person authorized to give consent for the paent was in
accordance with the standards of pracce among members of the same
health care profession with similar training and experience situated in
the same or similar communies; and
(2) A reasonable person, from the informaon provided by the health
care provider under the circumstances, would have a general
understanding of the procedures or treatments and of the usual and
most frequent risks and hazards inherent in the proposed procedures or
treatments which are recognized and followed by other health care
providers engaged in the same field of pracce in the same or similar
communies; or
(3) A reasonable person, under all the surrounding circumstances, would
have undergone such treatment or procedure had he been advised by
the health care provider in accordance with the provisions of
subdivisions (1) and (2) of this subsecon.
(b) A consent which is evidenced in wring and which meets the foregoing standards, and which
is signed by the paent or other authorized person, shall be presumed to be a valid consent. This
presumpon, however, may be subject to rebual only upon proof that such consent was
obtained by fraud, decepon or misrepresentaon of a material fact. A consent that meets the
foregoing standards, that is given by a paent, or other authorized person, who under all the
surrounding circumstances has capacity to make and communicate health care decisions, is a
valid consent.
(c) The following persons, in the order indicated, are authorized to consent to medical treatment
on behalf of a paent who is comatose or otherwise lacks capacity to make or communicate
health care decisions:
(1) A guardian of the paent's person, or a general guardian with powers over the
paent's person, appointed by a court of competent jurisdicon pursuant to Arcle 5 of
Chapter 35A of the General Statutes; provided that, if the paent has a health care agent
appointed pursuant to a valid health care power of aorney, the health care agent shall
have the right to exercise the authority to the extent granted in the health care power of
aorney and to the extent provided in G.S. 32A-19(a) unless the Clerk has suspended the
authority of that health care agent in accordance with G.S. 35A-1208(a).
(2) A health care agent appointed pursuant to a valid health care power of aorney, to
the extent of the authority granted.
(3) An agent, with powers to make health care decisions for the paent, appointed by the
paent, to the extent of the authority granted.
(4) The paent's spouse.
(5) A majority of the paent's reasonably available parents and children who are at least
18 years of age.
(6) A majority of the paent's reasonably available siblings who are at least 18 years of
(7) An individual who has an established relaonship with the paent, who is acng in
good faith on behalf of the paent, and who can reliably convey the paent's wishes.
G.S. 90-21.13 Page 2
(c1) If none of the persons listed under subsecon (c) of this secon is reasonably available, then
the paent's aending physician, in the aending physician's discreon, may provide health care
treatment without the consent of the paent or other person authorized to consent for the
paent if there is confirmaon by a physician other than the paent's aending physician of the
paent's condion and the necessity for treatment; provided, however, that confirmaon of the
paent's condion and the necessity for treatment are not required if the delay in obtaining the
confirmaon would endanger the life or seriously worsen the condion of the paent.
(d) No acon may be maintained against any health care provider upon any guarantee, warranty
or assurance as to the result of any medical, surgical or diagnosc procedure or treatment unless
the guarantee, warranty or assurance, or some note or memorandum thereof, shall be in wring
and signed by the provider or by some other person authorized to act for or on behalf of such
(e) In the event of any conflict between the provisions of this secon and those of G.S. 35A-1245,
90-21.17, and 90-322, Arcles 1A and 19 of Chapter 90, and Arcle 3 of Chapter 122C of the
General Statutes, the provisions of those secons and Arcles shall control and connue in full
force and effect. (1975, 2nd Sess., c. 977, s. 4; 2003-13, s. 5; 2007-502, s. 13; 2008-187, s. 37(b);
2017-153, s. 2.5; 2018-142, s. 35(a).)
Informed consent of NC PT and PTA licensees 
 Both the process surrounding  informed consent
may vary depending recommended physical
 
 -
FSBPT 2020 Telehealth Policy Resource
 
 
NC PT Board Rules
 -and-program-
 -and-program-
 -and--and--of--
 -and--and--of-ethics-for-the-
Code of Ethics for the Physical Therapist
 -and--and--of-ethical-
Standards of Ethical Conduct for the Physical Therapist Assistant
 