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 Steven Pinker shoots from the hip, asking – and answering – the
 tough questions behind the nature vs. nurture debate
 Reviewed by Nancy Jeannette Friedlander
 September 29, 2002
 This book may infuriate you. Or
 it may make you shout, "Thank
 heavens – at last!" In this
 provocative work about human
 nature, Steven Pinker launches
 himself headfirst into one of the
 most controversial, taboo-ridden debates of our time – and takes
 the less popular side.
 The issue ultimately comes down to nature vs. nurture in humans:
 whether our minds are "blank slates" to be written on solely by
 culture and upbringing, or whether biology also plays an important
 role in what it means to be human.
 Pinker, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
 who has written extensively on language and cognition, was a
 Pulitzer Prize finalist in 1998 for his book "How the Mind Works."
 In this new book, while managing also to be colorful, lively and
 entertaining, he constructs a tightly reasoned and thoroughly
 documented
 argument that we are not blank slates at birth, that both biology
 and culture play important roles in who we are and how we
 behave, and that there is indeed such a thing as innate human
 nature. He does not hesitate to dive into even more turbulent
 waters, discussing controversies about whether innate
 characteristics may underlie certain differences between groups.
 (He is meticulous about discussing individual variation, statistical
 probability and exceptional circumstances.)
 Whether or not one ends up agreeing with Pinker, "The Blank
 Slate" deserves to be read carefully and with an open mind,
 especially by those who would forbid certain kinds of research, or
 believe that it is immoral (or sexist or fascist or racist or just plain
 evil) even to ask certain kinds of quest ions.
 In discussing the two extreme positions – that culture is everything,
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 or that biology is everything – Pinker's expressed goal "is not to
 argue that genes are everything and culture is nothing – no one
 believes that – but to explore why the extreme position (that
 culture is everything) is so often seen as moderate, and the
 moderate position [involving both biology and culture] is seen as
 extreme."
 The Blank Slate doctrine that culture is everything is not only
 politically correct, but also appeals to popular ideals and beliefs: If
 humans are blank slates at birth, then we can be whatever we
 want to be; all it takes is hard work and belief in oneself. We find
 ourselves inspired by people who overcome severe odds and
 discouragement to achieve treasured goals, and we use such
 stories to motivate our children. Similarly, if someone turns out
 badly, it is generally believed to result from factors such as poverty
 or mistreatment during childhood. Such arguments frequently
 underlie courtroom defense tactics.
 What has happened to bring this about? Why does a biological
 understanding of human nature seem so threatening, so
 dangerous? If it is really dangerous, how can we defuse that
 danger? And if it is not dangerous, how can we change people's
 perspectives? What is the latest research relevant to the question
 of nature vs. nurture? And how can this be applied to some of the
 "hot buttons" of our time?
 Pinker deals with all this and much more. He follows a logical
 progression, laying groundwork and building on what has come
 before. The titles of the major sections are informative, and reveal
 both the color and humor that accompany the details and logical
 reasoning.
 In Part I, "The Blank Slate, the Noble Savage, and the Ghost in
 the Machine," Pinker provides extensive background from a wide
 variety of perspectives, including philosophy (the metaphor of a
 "blank slate" is commonly attributed to John Locke),
 anthropology, linguistics, cognitive science (including a description
 of the influence of the Department of Cognitive Science at
 UCSD), neuroscience, behavioral genetics and evolutionary
 psychology, to name only a few.
 Part II, "Fear and Loathing," describes some of the horror stories
 that have befallen researchers espousing views on the wrong side
 of the politically correct research fence. Pinker presents detailed
 analyses of two of the worst: 1) The denunciations and protests
 that followed E.O. Wilson's publication of "Sociobiology" in 1975;
 criticism covered a wide range, but Wilson's main heresy was the
 concept that biologically evolved needs and drives could play an
 important role in human social behavior. And 2), the recent
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 vilification of research conducted by anthropologist Napoleon
 Chagnon and geneticist James Neel among the Yanomamo – in
 this case, the accusations involved such alleged behaviors as
 fabricating data, causing violence among the Yanomamo and
 deliberately infecting the Yanomamo with potentially fatal disease
 and withholding medical treatment in order to test genetic theories.
 In both cases, accusations ranged far afield, even involving attacks
 on the researchers' alleged personal and political motivations. For
 both of these controversies, Pinker expresses strong and clear
 support for the researchers, and denounces the extreme claims
 and tactics that were used against them.
 In Part III, "Human Nature With a Human Face," Pinker explores
 why so many people find a biological component of human nature
 to be a dangerous idea. What are we afraid of? The four chapters
 in this section explore four fears: the fear of inequality, of
 imperfectibility, of determinism and of nihilism. For example, the
 author notes that "fear of the terrible consequences that might arise
 from a discovery of innate differences has ... led many intellectuals
 to insist that such differences do not exist ..." but he says other
 approaches are possible: "The problem is with the line of
 reasoning that says that if people do turn out to be different, then
 discrimination, oppression, or genocide would be OK after all."
 He then demonstrates why he believes that reasoning is flawed.
 Part IV, "Know Thyself," investigates human nature still more
 deeply: what it seems to be, and how and why it may have
 developed that way. Pinker's evolution-based discussions explore
 intriguing topics such as kinship, sexuality and love, morality,
 conflict and gamesmanship.
 He engages the reader in dialogues that heighten interest while
 emphasizing the point at hand. For example, consider this stunning
 question regarding parenthood, from a chapter entitled "The Many
 Roots of Our Suffering:" "Moral philosophers play with a
 hypothetical dilemma in which people can run through the left door
 of a burning building to save some number of children or through
 the right door to save their own child. If you are a parent, ponder
 this question: Is there any number of children that would lead you
 to pick the left door?"
 Part V, "Hot Buttons," examines five controversial topics in light of
 what has been previously discussed: politics, violence, gender,
 children and the arts. Each is explored in depth in its own chapter,
 and Pinker presents detailed and fascinating analyses of these
 thorny issues.
 In the concluding section, Part VI, "The Voice of the Species,"
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 Pinker uses five works of literature to reprise five main themes of
 the book. This chapter includes often lengthy excerpts from Emily
 Dickinson, Kurt Vonnegut, George Orwell, Mark Twain and
 Isaac Bashevis Singer. All are enlightening and thought-provoking.
 I was struck most strongly by the excerpt from George Orwell's
 "1984," which Pinker uses to illustrate a theme that he has
 frequently discussed: that the true danger is not if there is an innate
 (i.e., biological) human nature, but if there is not one. At the end of
 the excerpt, the agent of the omnipresent totalitarian government
 says to the hero, "We control life ... at all its levels. You are
 imagining that there is something called human nature which will be
 outraged by what we do and will turn against us. But we create
 human nature. Men are infinitely malleable."
 How about that for reversing the reasoning underlying the political
 correctness of the Blank Slate doctrine? The mind is forced to
 contemplate a 180-degree turn, to consider the possibility that
 while there may be dangers inherent in the existence of innate
 biological differences among humans, there may be far more
 dangers if there is no innate human nature, which would mean that
 humans can be trained from birth to accept fully whatever beliefs
 and behaviors a controlling social force may wish upon them.
 This landmark book makes an important contribution to the
 argument about nature vs. nurture in humans. Whether or not most
 readers end up on Pinker's side of the fence, one can hope that his
 thoroughness and reasoning will shed light into the darker corners
 where research has been suppressed by taboos, and where
 freedom of thought and speech have been inhibited by fear of
 consequences for asking forbidden questions.
 Nancy Jeannette Friedlander is a biological anthropologist at
 UCSD.
 Excerpts from The Blank Slate
 Behavioral science is not for sissies. Researchers may wake up to
 discover that they are despised public figures because of some
 area they have chosen to explore or some datum they have
 stumbled upon. Findings on certain topics – daycare, sexual
 behavior, childhood memories, the treatment of substance abuse –
 may bring on vilification, harassment, intervention by politicians,
 and physical assault. Even a topic as innocuous as left-handedness
 turns out to be booby-trapped. In 1991 the psychologists Stanley
 Coren and Diane Halpern published statistics in a medical journal
 showing that lefties on average had more prenatal and perinatal
 complications, are victims of more accidents, and die younger than
 righties. They were soon showered with abuse – including the
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 threat of a lawsuit, numerous death threats, and a ban on the topic
 in a scholarly journal – from enraged left-handers and their
 advocates.
 Copyright 2002 Union-Tribune Publishing Co.