Business Responsibility Report for FY -
The Company is amongst the globally leading manufacturers in the
automobile segment and continues to be India’s largest automobile
Company with a consolidated revenue of `264,041.12 crores in
FY 2019-20. Being the first Indian Company from the engineering sector
to be listed on the New York Stock Exchange, the Company believes in
the core philosophy of ‘Good Corporate Citizenship’, staying committed
to sustainability and the spirit of ‘giving back to society’. The Company is
present across all segments of the commercial and passenger vehicles,
with a widespread of over 8,400 dealerships offering sales and services
and has well established spare parts network touch points.
The Business Responsibility Report (BRR) highlights the approach of
the Company towards creating long-term value for all its stakeholders.
The Report is aligned with National Voluntary Guidelines on Social,
Environmental and Economic Responsibilities of Business (NVG-SEE)
released by Ministry of Corporate Affairs and is in accordance with
Regulation 34(2)(f) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India
(Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations 2015
(SEBI Listing Regulations). This Report provides an overview of the
activities carried out by the Company under each of the nine principles
outlined in NVG.
Section A: General Information about the Company
. Corporate Identity Number (CIN) of the Company:
. Name of the Company: Tata Motors Limited
. Registered address: Bombay House, 24, Homi Mody Street,
Mumbai - 400001
. Website:
. E-mail id:
. Financial Year reported: 2019-20
. Sector(s) that the Company is engaged in (industrial
activity code-wise)
NIC Code Description
2910 Manufacture of motor vehicles
2920 Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles
2930 Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles
4510 Sale of motor vehicle
4520 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles
4530 Sale of motor vehicle parts and accessories
. List three key products/services that the Company
manufactures/provides (as in balance sheet)
1. Passenger Cars
2. Commercial Vehicles
3. Vehicles sales and service
Please navigate to our website for
complete list of our products.
. Total number of locations where business activity is
undertaken by the Company
i. Number of International Locations (Provide details of
major ): Through subsidiaries, joint ventures and associate
companies, the Company operates in over 125 countries and
has over 8,400 customer touch points. The Company has
manufacturing facilities in the UK, South Korea, South Africa,
Indonesia, China, Brazil, Austria and Slovakia.
ii. Number of National Locations: The Company’s manufacturing
locations in India are situated at Jamshedpur (Jharkhand),
Pune (Maharashtra), Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), Pantnagar
(Uttarakhand), Sanand (Gujarat) and Dharwad (Karnataka).
Please refer ‘Extending mobility services across the World
section of the Integrated Annual Report FY 2019-20 for
graphics representation on global operations.
. Markets served by the Company - Local/State/National/
The Company’s automobiles and services predominates the Indian
market as well as enjoys global presence across markets of North
America, UK, Europe, Africa, China and Asia.
Please refer ‘Extending mobility services across the World
section of the Integrated Annual Report FY 2019-20 for graphics
representation on global operations.
Section B: Financial Details of the Company
. Paid up Capital (INR): `7,19.54 crores
. Total Turnover (INR): `42,963.03 crores (This is standalone figure)
. Total profit after taxes (INR): Loss of `7,453.98 crores (This is
standalone figure)
. Total Spending on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as
percentage of profit after tax (%): Total expenditure reported
is `22.91 crores.
. List of activities in which expenditure in  above has been incurred: -
The Company has been regularly conducting a community
engagement strategy which revolves around four focus themes:
. Arogya (Health): The focus is to work on addressing child
malnutrition and health awareness for females. This initiative
provides preventive and curative health services to the
community. In FY2019-20, 400,000 members benefited from
our health initiatives.
. Vidyadhanam (Education): This initiative aims to improve the
quality of education in schools by offering scholarship to
meritorious and needy secondary school students, organizing
special coaching classes to improve academic performance
in Class X Board exam, supporting school infrastructure
and organizing co-curricular activities for well-rounded
personality development. In FY2019-20, 152,600 students
benefited from our education program.
(Pursuant to Regulation ()(f) of SEBI Listing Regulations)
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements
. Kaushalya (Employability): This program has been designed
to enhance skill development amongst youth. It includes
inculcating marketable skills in school dropout youth in auto
sector, non-auto trades, agriculture and allied activities. It
also strengthens the Industrial Training Institutes by offering
domain expertise of automotive skills through knowledge
partnership. In FY2019-20 the Company has trained 117,500
youth and farmers.
. Vasundhara (Environment): The initiatives to improve the
environment included promotion of renewable energy,
creation of carbon sinks through large scale sapling plantation,
construction of water conservation structures and building
awareness among the community members. 117,464 saplings
have been planted in our various prog under these initiatives.
Sensitizing the younger generations of our society towards
conservation of our environment was the aim of various
environmental awareness programmes launched and around
91,000 people actively participated in these programmes.
. Rural Development Programmes: These programmes
endeavored for integrated village development, with the
key element to leverage resources through convergence of
government schemes. The Company has collaborated with
Sahabhag - the CSR Cell of Government of Maharashtra to
improve the quality of life of the 3000 tribal communities at
Pathardi Gram Panchayat in Jawhar block of Palghar district,
where 70% of the resources for village development arrive
from the Government supplies.
Please refer "Annexure-: Annual Report on CSR Activities"
section of the Integrated Annual Report FY 2019-20 and
the Company’s Annual CSR Report 2019-20 for detailed
community engagement strategy and key initiatives. The
reports are available on our website
Section C: Other Details
. Does the Company have any Subsidiary Company/ Companies?
The Company has 103 direct and indirect subsidiaries in India and
abroad as on year ended March 31, 2020.
. Do the Subsidiary Company/Companies participate in the BR
Initiatives of the parent Company? If yes, then indicate the number
of such subsidiary Company(s)
The Company positively influences and encourages its subsidiaries
to adopt Business Responsibility (BR) initiatives. All the Company’s
subsidiaries are guided by Tata Code of Conduct (TCoC) to conduct
their business in an ethical, transparent and accountable manner.
It covers suppliers, customers and other stakeholders. It also
addresses key BR issues like Quality and Customer value, Corruption
and Bribery, Health and Safety, Environment, Human Rights and
Employee well-being.
. Do any other entity/entities (e.g. suppliers, distributors etc.) that
the Company does business with participate in the BR initiatives of
the Company? If yes, then indicate the percentage of such entity/
entities? [Less than %, -%, More than %]
The Company’s suppliers and distributors are critical participants
in supply chain operations and any sustainability issues can have
glaring impact on overall operations. The Company engages
with its suppliers and channel partners on BR initiatives through
Sustainable Value Chain Program. The suppliers and dealers
initiatives serve as a platform to raise awareness on sustainability
topics such as health, safety, environment and community at large.
The vendors and dealers situated across all locations participate in
these sustainability initiatives. Nearly 100% of our critical suppliers
have been covered under the sustainable supply chain initiative.
Section D: BR Information
. Details of Director/Directors responsible for BR
a) Details of the Director/Directors responsible for
implementation of the BR policy/policies.
S. No. Particulars Details
DIN Number
(if applicable)
2. Name Mr. Guenter Butschek
3. Designation CEO and Managing Director
4 Telephone 022 6665 8282
5. E-mail id
b) Details of the BR head
S. No. Particulars Details
1. DIN Number
(if applicable)
2. Name Mr. Ravindra Kumar Godabanal
3. Designation CHRO
4 Telephone 022 62407101
5. E-mail id
Ravindrakumar[email protected]
. Principle-wise (as per NVGs) BR Policy/policies (Reply in Y/N)
The NVG on social, environmental and economic responsibilities of business released by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has adopted nine
areas of business responsibility. These are as follows:
P – Businesses should conduct and govern themselves with Ethics, Transparency and Accountability.
P – Businesses should provide goods and services that are safe and contribute to sustainability throughout their life cycle.
P – Businesses should promote the well-being of all employees.
P - Businesses should respect the interests of, and be responsive towards all stakeholders, especially those who are disadvantaged,
vulnerable and marginalized.
P – Businesses should respect and promote human rights.
P – Businesses should respect, protect, and make efforts to restore the environment.
P – Businesses when engaged in influencing public and regulatory policy, should do so in a responsible manner.
P – Businesses should support inclusive growth and equitable development.
P – Businesses should engage with and provide value to their customers and consumers in a responsible manner.
Integrated Annual Report 2019-20
S. No. Questions P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P  P 
1. Do you have policy/policies for? Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
2. Has the policy being formulated in consultation with the
relevant stakeholders?
3. Does the policy conform to any national / international
standards? If yes, specify?
(The policies conformance to the spirit of international
standards like ISO 9000, ISO 14000, OHSAS 18000,
SA 8000, UNGC guidelines and ILO principles and
meet the regulatory requirements such as SEBI Listing
Regulations, Sarbanes Oxley Act etc. The policies
reflects Tata Group’s commitment to improve the quality
of life of the communities it serves and practice of
returning to society what it earns)
4. Has the policy being approved by the Board? If yes, has
it been signed by MD/ owner/ CEO/ appropriate Board
5. Does the Company have a specified committee of the
Board/ Director/ Official to oversee the implementation
of the policy?
6. Has the policy been formally communicated to all
relevant internal and external stakeholders?
The policies have been communicated to all internal stakeholders. TCoC and other
policies are communicated to suppliers, vendors, dealers and channel partners
based on their relevance.
7. Does the Company have in-house structure to implement
the policy/policies
The Company has established in-house structures to implement these policies.
8. Does the Company have a grievance redressal
mechanism related to the policy/ policies to address
stakeholders' grievances related to the policy/ policies?
The whistle blower mechanism provides employees to report any concerns or
grievances pertaining to any potential or actual violation of TCoC, which covers
all aspects of BRR. An Investor grievance mechanism is in place to respond to
investor grievances. The Customer Complaints mechanism records the grievances of
customers on product and service quality and other issues of interest to them. The
supplier, vendor, dealer and channel partner forums and ongoing communication
captures their concerns and grievances. The continual community engagement,
needs assessments, impact assessments serve as means for communities to
represent their concerns and grievances.
Has the Company carried out independent audit/
evaluation of the working of this policy by an internal or
external agency?
The implementation of TCoC and other policies are reviewed through internal audit
function/Ethics Counsellor. External assessment of Tata Business Excellence Model
(TBEM) covers the review of implementation of all the Company policies. The Quality,
Safety & Health and Environmental policies are subject to internal and external
audits as part of certification process.
* All the policies are signed by the Managing Director or an Executive Director. All the policies are carved from its guiding principles and core
values. These policies are mapped to each principle hereunder:
Principle Applicable Policies Link for policies
Principle 1: Businesses should
conduct and govern themselves
with Ethics, Transparency and
Whistle Blower Policy
Tata Code of Conduct
Principle 2: Businesses should
provide goods and services
that are safe and contribute to
sustainability throughout their
life cycle.
Sustainability Policy
Environment Policy,
Quality Policy
Supplier Code of Conduct,
Dealer Code of Conduct
Principle 3: Businesses should
promote the well-being of all
Sustainability Policy
Safety Policy
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements
Principle Applicable Policies Link for policies
Principle 4: Businesses
should respect the interests
of, and be responsive towards
all stakeholders, especially
those who are disadvantaged,
vulnerable and marginalized.
CSR Policy
Tata Affirmative Action Policy
Sustainability Policy
Principle 5: Businesses should
respect and promote human
Tata Code of Conduct
Sustainability Policy
Whistle Blower Policy
Principle 6: Businesses should
respect, protect, and make efforts
to restore the environment.
Environment Policy
Sustainability Policy
Climate Change Policy
Principle 7: Businesses, when
engaged in influencing public
and regulatory policy, should do
so in a responsible manner.
Tata Code of Conduct
Principle 8: Businesses should
support inclusive growth and
equitable development.
Sustainability Policy
CSR Policy
Principle 9: Businesses should
engage with and provide value to
their customers and consumers
in a responsible manner.
Tata Code of Conduct
Quality Policy
. Governance related to BR
a) Indicate the frequency with which the Board of Directors,
Committee of the Board or CEO assess the BR performance
of the Company. Within  months, - months, annually,
more than  year
A dedicated Safety, Health & Sustainability (SH&S)
Committee oversees the overall implementation of the
BR practices and its performance on a quarterly basis.
The Company follow a systematic, multi-tiered approach
to review SH&S performance - first review by the Factory
Implementation Committee followed by Plant level Apex
Committee/Sub-committee and then by SH&S Council and
finally by SH&S Committee.
Please refer 'Corporate Governance' section of the
Integrated Annual Report FY 2019-20 for various Board
Committees and their roles and responsibilities.
b) Does the Company publish a BR or a Sustainability
Report? What is the hyperlink for viewing this report? How
frequently it is published?
The Company publishes an Annual Integrated Report
and non-financial disclosures in this Report, which are
in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI)
standards and a mapping is provided with principles of
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs). The Company’s CSR Report
can be viewed at
Section E: Principle-wise performance
Principle : Ethics, Transparency and Accountability
. Does the policy relating to ethics, bribery and corruption cover
only the Company? Yes/ No. Does it extend to the Group/Joint
Ventures/ Suppliers/Contractors/ NGOs/Others?
The Company has adopted the TCoC to remain consistently
vigilant and ensure ethical conduct of its operations. All internal
and external stakeholders of the Tata Group are expected to
work within boundaries of the TCoC. The Company ensures
compliance of ethical standards by its vendors and contractors
through appropriate clauses in its work contracts to which
they are obligated. Generally, the contract includes clauses in
relation to Human Rights Protection, Corruption practices and
other topics related to ethics. Training and awareness on TCoC
is provided to all employees and relevant stakeholders are also
made aware of the same from time to time.
The Company has a ‘Supplier Code of Conduct’ and ‘Dealer Code
of Conduct’ that guides our suppliers and dealers to topics such
as regulatory compliances, prevention of bribery and corruption,
protection of human rights, health and safety, environment,
conflict of interest, reporting violations etc.
The Company also has a whistle blower mechanism, which is
being governed by the Whistle Blower Policy. Through this it has
placed mechanisms for ensuring confidentiality and protecting
the whistle blower from any harassment/ victimization. The
Policy covers instances pertaining to any unfair practice like
retaliation, threat or intimidation of termination/suspension
Integrated Annual Report 2019-20
of service, disciplinary action, transfer, demotion, refusal of
promotion, or the like including any direct or indirect use of
authority to obstruct the Whistle Blower’s right to continue to
perform his duties/functions including making further Protected
Disclosure. The Policy is directly monitored by the Chairman of
the Audit Committee and the Chief Ethics Counselor.
Ethics Helpline:
The Company has an ethics helpline where employees can
place anonymous complaints against ethics violations as per the
Policy of the Company. The ethics helpline can be reached in the
following ways:
A Whistleblower can report his / her ethical concerns by using
the “Speak Up” service by either calling on 1800 103 2931
or log on to the website and
send the concerns.
Oral reports are normally documented by the Chief Ethics
Counselor / Chairman of the Audit Committee accessing the voice
mail by a written transcription of the oral report.
Written application:
All concerns can be reported to Chief Ethics Counselor / Chairman
of the Audit Committee in Hindi, English or any regional language.
. How many stakeholder complaints have been received in the
past financial year and what percentage was satisfactorily
resolved by the management? If so, provide details thereof, in
about  words or so.
Stakeholders Complaint Received 160
Stakeholders Complaint Resolved 103
Percentage of Stakeholders Complaint Resolved 64.38
The above stakeholder complaints are related to TCoC concerns,
investor complaints and POSH complaints. TCoC concerns
include complaints related to employee relations, financial
impropriety, legal compliance and unfair business practices.
The Company has setup an Investor Grievance Mechanism
to respond to investor grievances in a timely and appropriate
manner. The investor grievances are also reviewed at the Board
level by an Investors’ Grievance Committee and immediate action
is taken to resolve the same. The TCoC concerns are resolved
through internal review mechanism by Ethics Counselor and
Senior Management.
Principle : Product Life Cycle Sustainability
. List up to  of your products or services whose design has
incorporated social or environmental concerns, risks and/
or opportunities.
The Company is a leading automobile manufacturer of India and
has played a significant role over the years in contributing to
economic growth through its commercial and passenger vehicles
which transport people and goods. The Company realizes its
responsibility as a growth enabler and endeavors to create
vehicles which will promote entrepreneurship. The Company
completed delivered four Starbus LNG units to LNG Petronet
Limited, two buses delivered in Dahej, Gujarat and two buses in
Kochi, Kerala. LNG bus reduces greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
by 30% in comparison with conventional fuels.
The Company has also signed an MoU with Prakriti E-Mobility
Private Limited to deploy Tigor Electric Vehicles (EVs) in New
Delhi. Tata Steel Limited has partnered with the Company to
introduce Tigor EVs for employee transportation in Jamshedpur.
Tigor EV are fully electrical, zero emission vehicles. They are
equipped with a single speed, automatic transmission and the
electric drive systems allows maximum efficiency and seamless
The Company has also bagged the biggest electric bus contract in
India, by Ahmedabad Janmarg Ltd. Tata Ultra Urban 9/9 Electric
AC Bus will run in the Ahmedabad’s BRTS [Bus Rapid Transit
System] corridor.
The Company also launched Nexon EV, an electric SUV which is
powered by the cutting-edge Ziptron technology. The Company
has partnered with Uttar Gujarat Vij Company Ltd. (UGVCL) to
deploy Tigor EVs in Gandhinagar and Ahmedabad, as a part of
its tender with Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL). It has
an efficient high voltage system, fast charging capability and
extended battery life. The Nexon EV retains all its learnings from
the Nexon Global NCAP rating and comes with class leading
safety features.
. For each such product, provide the following details in respect
of resource use (energy, water, raw material etc.) per unit of
product (optional):
(a) Reduction during sourcing/ production/ distribution
achieved since the previous year throughout
the value chain?
The Company focuses on new and improved technologies
and has systems in place to ensure sustainable sourcing.
In order to reduce the fuel consumption, the Company
focuses on researching, developing and producing new
technologies, such as hybrid engines, electric cars, fuel-
cell vehicles. Various development programme to reduce
the consumption of fuel, like the use of lightweight
materials, reducing parasitic losses through the driveline
and improvements in aerodynamics are also studied and
implemented by the Company. The Company is extensively
working on green and light weighing technologies in
products by going beyond the basic environmental
regulatory compliance. The Company continuously strives
to improve the sustainability performance of its product on
life cycle basis. At the sourcing stage, the Company works
with its suppliers to reduce the environmental impacts
by using returnable and recyclable packing solutions
for majority of the components thereby managing the
cost and quality, minimizing material utilization and
waste generation. Through the Sustainable Supply Chain
Initiative, the Company also encourages its suppliers to
implement rain-water harvesting and install renewable
energy at their facilities.
(b) Reduction during usage by consumers (energy, water) has
been achieved since the previous year?
The class leading fuel efficiencies of the Company’s
vehicles enable the customers achieve reduction in fuel
consumption which translates into cost savings. The
REVOTRON engine epitomizes the Fuel-Next philosophy of
the Company. It is developed using a range of eco-friendly
and future oriented technologies. It also incorporates
latest know-how like multi drive modes, allowing the
best of economy and driving pleasure. The Company’s
value proposition in the commercial vehicles is aimed to
create vehicles with lowest overall cost of ownership.
LNG bus reduces GHG emissions by 30% in comparison
with conventional fuels. Tigor EV and Nexon EV are fully
electrical and generate zero on road emission.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements
. Does the Company have procedures in place for sustainable
sourcing (including transportation)? If yes, what percentage of
your inputs was sourced sustainably?
The Company has an Environmental Procurement Policy and
Sustainability Policy to engage with its value chain partners
on sustainability. The Supplier Code of Conduct provides the
foundation for inculcating sustainable business practices for
suppliers and addresses topics such as regulatory compliance,
prevention of bribery and corruption, protection of human rights,
health and safety, environment etc. The Company continually
works with its vendors and suppliers to ensure sustainable
sourcing and has launched a sustainable supply chain initiative
in FY2017. Through this initiative the Company aims to firstly
create awareness on the subject, call for suppliers’ sustainability
data and subsequently conduct a site assessment for data
verification. The Company has ‘Sustainability Guidelines for
Suppliers’ covering key topics like governance, legal compliance,
TCoC, management system certification, transparency &
reporting, Occupational Health and Safety, labour and human
rights. As on 31st March 2020, 358 suppliers have been covered
under this initiative.
The Company has also extended this initiative to its downstream
and have initiated the Dealers Sustainability Initiative in FY2019.
A total of 237 dealers have been covered in the workshop. As
on March 31st 2020, 67 dealerships have been assessed under
this initiative. The Company noted that significant initiatives
have been taken to reduce the packaging impacts in the supply
chain by using recycled/ returnable packaging solutions for
various components.
. Has the Company taken any steps to procure goods and
services from local & small producers, including communities
surrounding their place of work? If yes, what steps have
been taken to improve their capacity and capability of local
and small vendors?
During the year, the Company procured 53.06% of the materials
(by value) from local sources, where local is defined as the State
in which the manufacturing plant is established.
The Company takes significant initiatives in enhancing the
capabilities of local and small vendors.
As outlined in the Sustainable Supply Chain Guidelines, the
Company expects all its suppliers and dealers to adopt the
IATF Quality Management System, Environment Management
Systems and Occupational Health & Safety Management
Systems. As a part of the Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative,
the suppliers are invited to capacity building workshops on
sustainability that provide training on different topics such as
governance, legal compliance, TCoC, management system
certification, transparency & reporting, Occupational Health and
Safety, labour and human rights. The Company also encourages
its suppliers to implement rain-water harvesting and install
renewable energy at their facilities.
. Does the Company have a mechanism to recycle products and
waste? If yes what is the percentage of recycling of products and
waste (separately as <%, -%, >%). Also, provide details
thereof, in about  words or so.
The Company adopted the principles of Reduce-Reuse-Recover
to manufacture products with materials, of which 85% can be
recycled thus minimizing the pressure on natural resources.
The recyclability quotient of our products is continuously
monitored by our Research and Development team and verified
by European VDA agency. The Engineering & Research team
overlook the supply chain and purchase work in tandem to
identify and source materials that are more sustainable from
total life cycle perspective, i.e. recyclable and renewable. The
waste generated during manufacturing is managed as per
regulatory requirements.
The Company embedded the principles of Circular Economy in
our operations through Reduce-Reuse-Recover initiatives. Tata
Prolife Business Division remanufactures auto components
which have reached the end of their useful life. Aimed at
commercial vehicle (CV) owners, Tata Prolife extends the life of
engine long blocks through systematic overhaul that leads to
optimum performance while also adding to the life of the products.
In FY2019-20 a total of 33,615 engines were reconditioned.
Remanufacturing not only leads to material savings but it also
reduces associated energy and water consumption as well as the
emissions generated from procurement of raw material required
for new engine.
Principle : Employee Wellbeing
. Please indicate the Total number of employees.
42,597 as on 31st March, 2020 (includes permanent, temporary,
trainee and contractual employees)
. Please indicate the Total number of employees hired
on temporary/ contractual/ casual basis.
65,521 as on 31st March, 2020
. Please indicate the Number of permanent women employees.
1,116 as on 31st March, 2020
. Please indicate the Number of permanent employees
with disabilities
16 as on 31st March, 2020. These employees represent self
severe disability
. Do you have an employee association that is recognized
by management?
The manufacturing plants at Jamshedpur, Pune, Lucknow,
Pantnagar and Sanand have employee unions recognized by
the Management. The Company enters into long term wage
settlements with these recognized unions. The Company has
employee associations in all locations except at the Dharwad
Plant for our permanent workmen.
. What percentage of your permanent employees is members of
this recognized employee association?
Around 99.5% of permanent workmen are part of associations
recognized by Management. The Company does not have an
employees union at the Dharwad Plant.
. Please indicate the Number of complaints relating to child
labour, forced labour, involuntary labour, sexual harassment
in the last financial year and pending, as on the end of the
financial year .
Sl. No. Category
No of complaints
filed during the
financial year
No of complaints
pending as on end
of the financial
1. Child labour/forced
Nil Nil
2. Sexual harassment 12 1
3. Discriminatory
Nil Nil
Integrated Annual Report 2019-20
. What percentage of your under mentioned employees were
given safety & skill up-gradation training in the last year
• Permanent Employees
• Permanent Women Employees
• Casual/Temporary/Contractual Employees
• Employees with Disabilities
Safety is of paramount importance to the Company. All employees
in the Company are provided with safety training as part of their
induction programme. The safety induction programme is also
a compulsory requirement for contract workforce before they
are inducted into the system. Training and Capability Building
across organisation continued to be considered as a key element
of Safety Processes. Aspects such as Safety Management
Fundamentals, Incident Investigations, Contractor and Vendor
Safety Management, Actions Employees Can Take (‘AECT),
Safety Standards etc. are considered in training programme for
all Employees, Contractors and Vendors. The Company achieved
6.3 training man-hours per employee and 8.1 training man-hours
per contractor in FY 2019-20 for 7 manufacturing plants.
The Company believes in continual learning of its employees
and has institutionalized a continual learning model for skill
upgradation, especially at the shop-floor level. The learning and
development needs of management cadre employees are met
through the Company’s L&D structure which includes various
training delivery mechanisms.
Principle : Stakeholder Engagement
. Has the Company mapped its internal and external stakeholders?
Yes, the Company has identified its internal and
external stakeholders. Stakeholders’ views and suggestions
are incorporated into business strategies. A formal stakeholder
engagement process involves direct and detailed consultation
with different stakeholder Groups, helping in identifying the
critical issues that needs our immediate attention. In FY2018, a
detailed stakeholder engagement was conducted to understand
key material topics.
. Out of the above, has the Company identified the disadvantaged,
vulnerable & marginalized stakeholders?
Yes. The Company’s Affirmative Action (AA) Policy is specially
designed to address the socially disadvantaged sections of
the society i.e. scheduled castes and tribes. Within the broader
stakeholder Group of communities, the Company works towards
women empowerment and education of children. Every year, the
Company participate in TAAP (Tata Affirmative Action Program)
Assessment, developed on the lines of TBEM.
. Are there any special initiatives taken by the Company to
engage with the disadvantaged, vulnerable and marginalized
stakeholders. If so, provide details thereof, in about
 words or so.
The Company’s CSR programmes and projects are aimed at
serving the needy, deserving, socio-economically backward
and disadvantaged communities, to improve the quality of their
lives. Under TAAP, the Company continues to serve the SC
and ST communities in inter alia Education, Employability and
In FY 2019-20 the Company engaged with 7,63,600 people of
which 40% belong to the SC and ST communities. The health
initiatives rendered to 4,00,000 people, education to 1,52,600
children, youth and farmers employability to 1,17,500 lives;
environment awareness touched 91,000 lives and rural
development to 3,000 people.
The Integrated Village Development Programme of the Company
aims at holistic development of Pathardi Gram Panchayat in
Jawhar block of Palghar, an aspirational district with 100% Tribal
population. The integrated approach has been adopted, focusing
on leveraging the resources arrived from the Government
supplies through convergence of Government schemes. The
Company has collaborated the with the CSR Cell of Government
of Maharashtra to improve the quality of life of the 3,000 tribal
communities at Pathardi, where 70% of the resources for village
development arrive from by the government supplies
Principle : Human Rights
. Does the policy of the Company on human rights cover only the
Company or extend to the Group/Joint Ventures/Suppliers/
The Company respects human rights, which is an integral part
of TCoC. The Company also has a Policy on Human Rights. The
Company encourages and sets expectation for its suppliers,
vendors, contractors and other business partners associated
to adhere to principles of human rights laid out in TCoC,
Supplier Code of Conduct, and Sustainability Guidelines for
Suppliers and Dealers.
. How many stakeholder complaints have been received in the
past financial year and what percent was satisfactorily resolved
by the management?
In FY 2019-20, 160 concerns have been received towards actual
or potential violation of TCoC, of which 103 of the complaints
were satisfactorily resolved as at 31.03.2020.
Principle : Environmental
. Does the policy related to Principle  cover only the
Company or extends to the Group/Joint Ventures/Suppliers/
The Company has an Environmental Policy which is available
on our website for all stakeholders. The Company also has
Environmental Procurement Policy which is applicable to all its
vendors, contractors and service providers.
Sustainability is built into the Company’s business processes
through the well-defined Sustainability Policy. This policy
reaffirms value system committed to integrate environmental,
social and ethical principles into the Company’s business and
innovate sustainable mobility solutions with passion to enhance
quality of life of communities.
. Does the Company have strategies/initiatives to address global
environmental issues such as climate change, global warming,
etc.? Y/N. If yes, please give hyperlink for webpage etc.
Yes, the Company has established a Climate Change policy
which guides the organisational efforts towards mitigating and
adapting to climate change. The Company approach towards
climate change mitigation and pursuing low carbon growth is
three - fold - develop cleaner and more fuel efficient vehicles,
reduce environmental impacts of manufacturing operations and
build awareness among stakeholders.
The Company continuously works on alternate fuel technologies
like electric vehicles, hybrid vehicles and fuel cell technologies.
The Company is working on mitigation of transition risk with
climate scenario below 2 degree centigrade and plans to
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements
establish Science Based Targets. The climate change strategies,
objectives and targets are methodically aligned to minimise
carbon emissions from our products, operations and value chain.
i. Product development: Minimizing carbon emissions
from products by developing clean products running
on alternative energy sources as more than 70% of the
carbon emissions are typically accounted during the use-
phase of the automobile product. The Corporate Average
Fuel Efficiency Regulation (CAFE) Regulations were
implemented in all our vehicles, while being abreast with
the latest technologies to meet the future regulatory
changes. The Company has accelerated working on
advance technology which would help reduce the carbon
emissions to a great extent. Introduction of hybrid buses,
electric cars and other alternate fuel technologies are
coherent with our ambitious plans to design and deliver
smart and sustainable mobility solutions for the future.
iii. Manufacturing Operations: The focus is on improving
energy efficiency and maximizing use of renewable energy
sources, thereby minimizing carbon emissions of our
manufacturing plants
iii. Value Chain: Through our Sustainable Supply Chain
Initiative and Dealers Sustainability Initiative, suppliers
and dealers are encouraged to improve energy efficiency,
reduce carbon emissions, promoting renewable energy at
varied levels of the supply chain, by with working with our
suppliers on capacity building, sensitizing and reducing
carbon emissions.
. Does the Company identify and assess potential
environmental risks? Y/N
Yes, the Sustainability Policy and Environmental Policy guides
the efforts in minimizing environmental impacts and continually
improve its environmental performance throughout the life
cycle of the product. Environment and climate related risks and
impacts are key priorities to the business and the Company has
comprehensive strategies in place.
The Company has adopted holistic Life Cycle Assessment
approach to identify and minimize potential environmental risks
and impacts across its lifecycle from sourcing to end of life.
All Indian manufacturing plants are certified to Environmental
Management Systems as per ISO 14001.
. Does the Company have any project related to Clean
Development Mechanism? If so, provide details thereof, in
about  words or so. Also, if yes, whether any environmental
compliance report is filed?
None of our Plants have undertaken Clean Development
Mechanism projects during FY 2019-20.
. Has the Company undertaken any other initiatives on - clean
technology, energy efficiency, renewable energy, etc.? Y/N. If
yes, please give hyperlink for web page etc.
The Company continued to work on improving energy efficiency,
clean technology and increased consumption of renewable
energy in line with its aspiration to RE100 - which is the global
corporate renewable energy initiative bringing together
hundreds of large and ambitious businesses committed to 100%
renewable electricity.
The Company has been working on advanced vehicles such
as LNG buses, electric vehicles, fuel cell buses, hydrogen cell
buses, etc. Apart from this, the Company is sourcing renewable
energy from on-site and off-site wind and solar installations at
various plant locations.
Please refer to 'Annexure - ': Particulars of Conservation
of energy, Technology absorption and Foreign Exchange
Earnings and Outgo" section of the Integrated Annual Report
FY 2019-20 for details on the energy efficiency and cleaner
production initiatives.
. Are the Emissions/Waste generated by the Company within the
permissible limits given by CPCB/SPCB for the financial year
being reported?
- The Company’s manufacturing plants in India possess current
and valid ‘Consents to Operate’ and ‘Hazardous Waste
Authorizations’. Out of 9 plants, 3 plants are in the process of
renewing these operating permits from the respective Pollution
Control Boards of the States where they operate.
- State Pollution Control Board (SPCBs) have visited our plants
during the fiscal and collected environmental samples (treated
effluent, stack emissions and ambient air). The Company has
received the Analytical Results of 2 plants which show that the
samples conform to the consented norms, while we have not
received feedback at remaining plants as on date.
- The Company has robust systems for operation, maintenance
of pollution control facilities and monitor compliance with
permissible norms through in-house laboratories and also
through Government Recognized and National Accreditation
Board for Testing & Calibration Laboratories (NABL) approved
Laboratories. The plants are in compliance within the
permissible limits prescribed by Central Pollution Control
Board (CPCB) and SPCBs for air emissions, effluent quality and
discharge, and hazardous waste disposal.
. Number of show cause/ legal notices received from CPCB/
SPCB which are pending (i.e. not resolved to satisfaction) as on
end of Financial Year.
There are no Show Cause Notices / legal notices from CPCB/
SPCB pending resolution by the Company at end of FY2019-20.
Principle  Policy Advocacy
. Is your Company a member of any trade and chamber or
association? If Yes, Name only those major ones that your
business deals with:
The Company is a member of various trade and chamber
or associations. It actively participated in all WP29 UNECE
Group activities.
I. The Company participated in the following National
Committees which are working on formulating policies
and regulations for improvement of environment including
GHGs reduction throughout the country:
i. Standing Committee on Emissions (SCOE)
ii. Sub-committee on Idle (CO & HC) emission norms
of Union Ministry of Shipping, Road Transport and
Highways of India along with Automotive Research
Association of India (ARAI).
Integrated Annual Report 2019-20
iii. Expert Committee to define “Heavy Duty Vehicle
Fuel Economy Norms for India” under Government
of India (GoI) initiatives by Ministry of Shipping, Road
Transport and Highways (MoSRTH) and Petroleum
Conservation Research Association (PCRA).
iv. Expert Committee to define “Light & Medium Duty
Vehicle Fuel Economy Norms for India” under GoI
initiative by MoSRTH, Ministry of Petroleum & Natural
Gas (MoPNG) and PCRA.
v. Expert Committee on “Fuel Economy and Labeling
of Passenger Cars” under GoI initiative by Bureau of
Energy Efficiency, Ministry of Power and MoSRTH.
vi. Inter-ministerial Committee for upcoming emission
norms (BS-VI) including Real World Driving Emissions
(RDE) and Portable Emission Measurement System
(PEMS) for Motor Vehicles under GoI initiative by
MoSRTH, Ministry of Heavy Industries and MoPNG.
vii. Quadricycle Emissions Norms formulated and notified.
viii. Ministry of New & Renewable Energy, GoI, has been
promoting and assisting technology development
for GHGs reduction by way of increased usage of
Biodiesel. In support to this initiative, the Company
has been currently running number of “Engine and
Vehicle prog to commercialize usage of Biodiesel”,
which is made available to the general public by oil
marketing companies.
ix. Working Group on Energy for Sub-Group on DST’s
plan on Technology Development Program.
x. National Electric Mobility Mission Plan – The
Company actively participated in forming hybrid
performance criteria along with SIAM-FTG Group
and helped the Government to launch FAME scheme.
Presently, the Company is engaged in building two
types of hybrid and electric vehicles under Technical
Advisor Group under R&D scheme.
II. The Company also participated in following National
committees/ Regulatory forums for improving the road
safety perspectives including safety of driver, passengers
and pedestrians
i. Meetings with Hon Minister, Ministries & Joint
Secretary for finalizing/discussing the safety aspects
of various vehicle categories like Buses, Trucks
and Passenger Cars
ii. Central Motor Vehicle Rules- Technical Standing
Committee (CMVR TSC)
iii. Automotive Industry Standards Committee (AISC)
iv. BIS TEDC /TED Committee Meetings
v. Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers (SIAM)
Council & various SIAM Group Meetings (CSR, EnC etc.)
vi. AISC/TED Panel Meetings on Individual Subjects
The Company participated in all the panel meetings pertaining to
emissions, fuel economy, conventional & non-conventional fuels
for rules and standards formulation.
. Have you advocated/lobbied through above associations
for the advancement or improvement of public good? Yes/
No; if yes specify the broad areas (drop box: Governance and
Administration, Economic Reforms, Inclusive Development
Policies, Energy security, Water, Food Security, Sustainable
Business Principles, Others)
The Company through various industry associations participated
in advocating matters relating to advancement of the industry and
public good. The Company supported various initiatives of SIAM,
to name a few included aspects of product safety, alternate fuel
vehicles, environment, fuel policies, customer information and
education. The Company’s Sustainability policy and AA Policy is
a progressive step towards inclusive development.
Principle : Inclusive Growth
. Does the Company have specified programmes/initiatives/
projects in pursuit of the policy related to Principle ? If yes
details thereof.
Inclusive growth is at the core of the Company’s community
development strategy. Ankur, the Company’s community
engagement strategy, is percolated to each manufacturing plant
through a detailed community development plan. The plant
specific plan, addresses the local needs while the corporate
cell addresses few company-wide strategic community
development initiatives like driver training, etc. The initiatives
primarily focus on Arogya (Health), Vidyadhanam (Education),
Kaushalya (Employability),Vasundhara (Environment) and Rural
Development Plan. Seva, the employee volunteering initiative
provides our employees with a platform to be a part of our
community initiatives. The Company along with its employees
also supports Sumant Moolgaonkar Development Foundation
(SMDF) towards implementing Amrutdhara, a National Drinking
Water Project to provide safe drinking water to communities.
Through adoption of AA Policy, the Company works toward
inclusion of socially disadvantaged and marginalized sections of
society (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes), through focus
on Education, Health, Employability and Entrepreneurship.
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2019-20’ for
detailed community engagement strategy and key initiatives.
. Are the programmes/projects undertaken through in-house
team/own foundation/external NGO/government structures/
any other organisation?
The CSR Programmes and Projects are deployed by the
Company directly; through Company-promoted societies/NGOS;
partnering with the Government and collaborating with reputed,
external non-profit organisations under different models.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements
Area Partners Involved
Education Action Aid, Agastya International Foundation, Avanti Fellows, Block Resource Centre Education Dept.(SSA), Cathedral Church
Sanand, Center for Youth Development & Activities, Children's Movement for Civic Awareness, College of Engineering Pune,
Ganatar, Global Education Trust, Gram Vikas Kendra, IIT Bombay Alumni Association, Manav Seva Education Trust, Moinee
Foundation, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Rotary Club of Nigdi, Samaj Vikas Kendra,
Samata Shikshan Sanstha, Sanand Lions Foundation Trust, Seva Sahyog Foundation, Shanti Seva Nidhi Trust, Shiksha Prasar
Kendra, Shri Shakti Kelavni Uttejak Trust, Society For Human Environmental Development, Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Swami
Vivekananda Youth Movement, Swaroopwardhinee, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Tata Motors Gruhini Social Welfare
Society, The Jai Narayan Charitable Trust, Urmee Charitable Trust, Vidya Poshak, Vikas Samities
Employability Ahmedabad Dist. Cooperative Milk Producers Union Ltd., Ambika Motor Driving School, Centre For Civil Society, CII, Gram
Vikas Kendra, Laurus Edutech Life Skills Pvt Ltd, Manikbag Automobile Pvt. Ltd., Mitcon Foundation, Paryawaran Evam Jan
Kalyan Samiti, Prasad Chikitsa, Pratham Education Foundation, Ramkrishna Mission Sakwar, Samaj Vikas Kendra, Sambhav
Foundation, Sanand Education Trust, Shashwat, Skill For Progress, Suvidha, Vedanta Foundation, Vikas Samities, Avashya
Foundation, Vruksha, Yashaswi Academy For Skills, Shashwat Trust Junne, Shashwat- Manchar, Ayush Motors Driving School,
Maharashtra State Board Of Technical Education (Msbte)
Health Action Aid, Chetna, Family Planning Association Of India, Gram Vikas Kendra, Jan Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Manav Seva
Education Trust, Namaste Life, Nav Jagrat Manav Samaj, Parivar Kalyan Sansthan, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti,
Prasad Chikitsa, Seth G S Medical College And Kem Hospital, Sneh Foundation, Snehdeep Jankalyan Foundation, Sumant
Moolgaonkar Development Foundation, Sterling Hospital, Swadhar, Vikas Samities, Vidya Poshak
Environment Bansilal Ramntath Agarwal Charitable Trust, Bombay Natural History Society, College of Social Work (Nirmala Niketan
Institute), Ganatar, Gram Vikas Kendra, Green Thumb, Manav Seva Education Trust, Paryawaran Evam Jan Kalyan Samiti, Samaj
Vikas Kendra, Sarvodhaya Maha Sangh, Terre Policy Center, Tree Public Foundation, Vikas Samities, Wildlife Research and
Conservation Society, Suvidha
Rural Development
BSILD (Erstwhile BAIF) Suprabhat Mahila Mandal, Aroehan, Government of Maharashtra
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2019-20’ for details on various community development programme partnerships.
. Have you done any impact assessment of your initiative?
Yes. The Company engages in periodic impact assessments that
are conducted either by its NGO partners or third party such
as BSILD (erstwhile BAIF) , TISS and KPMG. Frameworks like
Social Impact Assessment, Social Return on Investment (SROI)
are conducted and the outcome forms a critical input to the
community development plan preparation and implementation.
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2019-20’ for
details on community impacts created and assessed.
. What is your Company’s direct contribution to community
development projects- Amount in INR and the details of the
projects undertaken?
Total expenditure reported is `22.91 crores
The details of projects:
. Arogya (Health) build awareness on malnourishment
and other health problems in the community, provides
ferry mobile medical van to look into curative and
preventive health care.
2. Vidyadhanam (Education) supporting for infrastructure,
skills development, training and Institutionalized need
based scholarships.
3. Kaushalya (Employability) Industrial Training to school
dropout youth in auto sector, non-auto trades, agriculture
and allied activities.
4. Vasundhara (Environment) large scale sapling plantation,
construction of water conservation structures and
building awareness about environment and renewable
energy sources.
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2019-20’ and
‘Community Development’ section of Tata Motors Sustainability
Report 2019-20 for details on various community development
programme undertaken.
. Have you taken steps to ensure that this community development
initiative is successfully adopted by the community? Please
explain in  words, or so.
Yes. The Company adopted a collaborative and participatory
approach with communities/beneficiaries in conceiving and
deploying CSR projects. Partial beneficiary contribution is
sought, wherever feasible, for project deployment / asset
creation, maintenance for them to have greater ownership of
the projects - which we believe is crucial for sustainability of
our initiatives. Training and capacity building of communities and
relevant stakeholders to successfully adopt and carry forward
these initiatives is done from time to time.
Please refer the Company’s ‘Annual CSR Report 2019-20’ and
‘Community Development’ section of Tata Motors Sustainability
Report 2019-20 for details on various community development
programme undertaken.
Principle : Customer Value
. What percentage of customer complaints/consumer cases are
pending as on the end of financial year.
The Company has provided customers with the best in class after
sales service. The Company hears its customers through various
mode such as 24X7 Call center toll free no, website, social media,
Tata Motors Service Connect App.
Integrated Annual Report 2019-20
The Company’s services are founded on three core ‘Service
Promises’ – ‘Responsive’, ‘Reliable’ and ‘Best value’. A host of
distinctive facilities and services are being offered to deliver
each of these promises to its customers across the worldwide
service network.
Business Unit
Business Unit
Percentage of
Consumer Cases
Pending as on
31st March 2020
1.59 0.11 0.132
. Does the Company display product information on the product
label, over and above what is mandated as per local laws? Yes/
No/N.A./ Remarks (additional information)
The Company displays all the requisite product information and
safety guidance on the product label as required by the local laws.
Over and above the mandatory requirements, the Company also
subscribes to guidance by SIAM on various customer information
requirements such as the Fuel Economy Customer Information.
The vehicle manual is an important source of information for
customers which contains product information, safety guidance,
customer support details and tips on efficient use of the vehicle.
. Is there any case filed by any stakeholder against the Company
regarding unfair trade practices, irresponsible advertising and/
or anti-competitive behaviour during the last five years and
pending as on end of financial year. If so, provide details thereof,
in about  words or so
The National Fair Trade Regulator - the Competition Commission
of India (‘CCI) had initiated legal actions for alleged anti –
competition behaviour against 17 manufactures including the
Company. The Company with other Auto Manufacturers have
filed Special Leave Petitions (SLPs) in the Supreme Court against
the order of the Delhi High Court. The SLPs have been admitted
by the SC and there is an interim stay operating in the matter. The
matters are now pending before the SC for further hearing.
A dealer of commercial vehicles from Varanasi viz. Varanasi
Auto, whose dealership was terminated by the Company on the
ground of non-performance has filed a petition before the CCI.
The CCI has been making preliminary enquiries in the matter
before deciding if it is worth going for further formal enquiry. The
Company and the dealer have made their respective submissions
before the CCI and it is awaiting decision in the matter.
. Did your Company carry out any consumer survey/ consumer
satisfaction trends?
Regular customer satisfaction surveys are conducted to assess
customer satisfaction levels and benchmark the Company’s
performance with industry peers. The customer centricity has
been intrinsic to our culture – develop, deliver, delight. The
Company continuously strive to provide best services to enhance
our customer engagement. Customer service quality is met
through integration of our Customer Relationship Management
and Dealer Management System (CRM – DMS).
The Passenger Vehicle business uses globally renowned
J.D.Power survey scores to assess overall customer satisfaction
and benchmark with industry peers. The Commercial Vehicle
business conduct customer satisfaction survey (eQ scores)
through External Agency AC Nielsen every year. The eQ i.e. CEI
scores conducted by AC Nielsen are in line with our internal
satisfaction scores. The commitment to offer its customers a
seamless after-sales experience, the Company one again was
ranked the 2
highest with a score of 870 (above industry average
of 826) in the prestigious J.D. Power India Customer Service
Index (Mass Market) Study SM for the FY 2019-20. This is the
third consecutive year that the Company has secured this rank.
Integrated Report Statutory Reports > Business Responsibility Report Financial Statements