Updated 11/27/2018 npg
Adult & Career Education (ACED), Valdosta State University
ACED 3400 Applied Computer TechnologyExemption Exam Information
An ACED Exemption Exam is offered for current VSU students who have experiential learning or previous
coursework equivalent to the content taught in VSU’s course, ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology.
Course Description
Prerequisite: ACED 2400 or CS 1000 or consent of instructor. Development of intermediate and advanced
skills in the use of word processing, spreadsheet, and database software. Emphasis placed on creation of
computer projects appropriate to the student’s major.
Course Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a mastery of basic system commands and concepts used in the Windows environment.
2. Use a word processing package to create newsletters, brochures, programs, tables, and other textual
documents that incorporate text and graphics.
3. Use both word processing and database software packages to prepare and print mailing labels and
form letters to be used for mass mailings.
4. Use the advanced functions of an electronic spreadsheet package to construct sophisticated
worksheets for budgeting and grading projections as well as graphs and charts for educational
presentation material.
5. Use a database management software package to set up class projects where students create,
manipulate, print, and maintain data files, for illustrative groups of students.
Content of Exam
The ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology Exam consists of two parts, both timed (approximately three
hours) and taken at a computer in the presence of a proctor: (1) an objective test, and (2) hands-on software
application assignments. Total time allotted = 180 minutes.
1. OBJECTIVE TEST (70% TO PASS). Fifty questions covering content from the course objectives. The
minimum score for passing is 35 correct answers. Only one attempt is allowed. The student must pass
the objective test to proceed to the software application section of the exam.
2. SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS (70% SPEED & ACCURACY TO PASS). A timed production test over
intermediate and advanced features of current software applications such as Microsoft Windows and
Microsoft Office.
Study Guide
Although it is assumed that a student requesting this exemption exam has experiential learning or previous
coursework equivalent to the content taught in VSUs course, it is recommended that the student review a
current intermediate or advanced computer applications textbook, looking specifically at those sections related
to the course objectives listed above. A study guide for this exemption exam is available upon payment of the
exam fee.
ACED 3400 Exemption Exam Overview
Valdosta State University
Adult & Career Education Department
ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology
Exemption Exam Overview
This Overview is provided only to those students who have registered and paid for the ACED
3400 Exemption Exam. It is considered academically dishonest to share any part of this
Overview with anyone else. Please destroy the Overview after you have taken the exam, or
return it to the ACED Department.
This ACED 3400 Test Overview is designed to give students a general outline of what they can
expect on the day of their exam. It is NOT a comprehensive study guide and should not be used
as a tool to fully prepare for the exam.
The exemption exam for ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology can be administered during
Fall semester from September through November and Spring semester from February through
April. The date of the exam is coordinated with the test administrator and the testing center
through the ACED and Testing Center’s website. The test is designed for students who have
taken previous computer courses or who have taken a "similar" computer course at a two-year
community college.
There is a $50.00 non-refundable fee which can be paid online via the ACED
website. Other fees may be assessed by the testing site the student chooses to
Students are required to present their current VSU photo ID at the testing site on the day of the
test. Students without a current VSU photo ID will not be allowed to take the exam.
Within 14 business days from the date of the examination, results of the test will be sent to the
student and the advisor by email. Registrar's Office will also be notified of those students who
pass the exemption. Please do not call the office for results. If you registered for an ACED 2400
course and pass this exam, please remember to go onto Banner and drop your course.
The ACED 3400 Overview provides an outline of topics taught in the ACED 3400 course
at Valdosta State University.
ACED 3400 Exemption Exam Overview
The Overview is not designed to prepare you for the examit is merely a guide to give
you an idea about what to review.
It is assumed that if you are confident enough about your knowledge of the course
content to request an exemption, then you have previously learned that content by
working in the business or office technology field, or by taking classes.
When you attempt this exam, you are expected to demonstrate your knowledge at 70%
proficiency over content equitable to what students who take this 3-credit hour course learn
during a semester. It is recommended that you study advanced computer technology
textbooks, such as
Illustrated Course Guide: MicrosofExcel® 2013 Advanced, 1
Edition by Wermers
Illustrated Course Guide: MicrosofWord 2013 Advanced, 1
Edition by Cram
Illustrated Course Guide: MicrosofAccess 2013 Advanced, 1
Edition by
The ACED 3400 Applied Computer Technology Exemption Exam consists of two parts, all timed
and taken at a computer in the presence of a proctor:
OBJECTIVE TEST (70% TO PASS). Timed objective test with fifty questions covering concepts
from the course objectives. The minimum score for passing is 35 out of 50 correct answers.
Only one attempt is allowed.
Questions will be true/false or multiple-choice and focus on:
Font Effects
Page Setup
Header & Footer
Data Source
Paragraph Settings
Excel Tables
Lookup functions
Conditional formatting
Cell Protection
Read-Only files
Database Report Views
Form Sections
Data Types
Field Names
Controls and Unbound Controls
List Box and Drop Down Box
2. PROJECT BASED TEST (70% TO PASS). Consists of Excel, Access, and Word project based test
If you have any other questions about the exam, Dr. Nicole Gunn can be
reached at
229-333-5454 or by email at [email protected]