ListenBrainz Documentation
Release 0.1.0
MetaBrainz Foundation
Jun 20, 2024
1 Contents 3
1.1 ListenBrainz API . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Usage Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
1.3 JSON Documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.4 Client Libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88
1.5 Last.FM Compatible API for ListenBrainz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89
1.6 Data Dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90
1.7 ListenBrainz Data Update Intervals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
1.8 Server development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
1.9 Spark development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
1.10 Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
1.11 Spark Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
1.12 MBID Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
1.13 Scripts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
1.14 Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
1.15 Production Deployment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
1.16 Building Docker Images . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
1.17 Data Dumps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
1.18 MBID Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
1.19 Debugging Spotify Reader . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
1.20 RabbitMQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
1.21 Updating Production Database Schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
1.22 Pull Requests Policy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
2 Indices and tables 131
HTTP Routing Table 133
Index 135
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
ListenBrainz is a project by the MetaBrainz foundation which allows you to publicly store a record of all of the songs
that you listen to. Using this data, we provide statistics, recommendations, and a platform for you and other developers
to explore this data.
If you want to use the ListenBrainz API to read or submit data, see the API documentation. You also may want to
review the JSON documentation.
If you are interested in contributing to ListenBrainz as a developer, see the Developer documentation.
We also publish some maintainer documentation, which is used by the MetaBrainz team to run the ListenBrainz site.
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.1 ListenBrainz API
All endpoints have this root URL for our current production site.
Note: All ListenBrainz services are only available on HTTPS!
1.1.1 Authentication
ListenBrainz makes use of private API keys called user tokens to authenticate requests and ensure the proper access
controls on user data. A user token is a unique alphanumeric string linked to a user account. To retrieve your user
token, follow this guide.
Get the User token
Every account has a User token associated with it, to get the token:
1. Sign up or Log in your an account using this link.
2. Navigate to settings page to find your user Token (See image below for reference).
3. Copy the User Token to your clipboard.
Note: You may also reset your user token by clicking the Reset token button on the settings page.
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Add the User token to your requests
The user token must be included in the request header for its usage. To format the header correctly, you can use the
following piece of code:
# The following token must be valid, but it doesn't have to be the token of the
˓user you're
# trying to get the listen history of.
"Authorization": "Token {0}".format(TOKEN)
Then include the formatted header in the request to use it.
response = requests.get(
# Your request url and params go here.
Note: A complete usage example for a request employing Authorization headers to make authenticated requests to
ListenBrainz can be found on the API Usage page.
1.1.2 Reference
The ListenBrainz server supports the following end-points for submitting and fetching listens.
GET /1/search/users/
Search a ListenBrainz-registered user.
search_term Input on which search operation is to be performed.
POST /1/submit-listens
Submit listens to the server. A user token (found on ) must be provided in the
Authorization header! Each request should also contain at least one listen in the payload.
Listens should be submitted for tracks when the user has listened to half the track or 4 minutes of the track,
whichever is lower. If the user hasnt listened to 4 minutes or half the track, it doesn’t fully count as a listen and
should not be submitted.
For complete details on the format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint, see JSON Documentation.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
4 Chapter 1. Contents
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200 OK listen(s) accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/listens
Get listens for user user_name. The format for the JSON returned is defined in our JSON Documentation.
If none of the optional arguments are given, this endpoint will return the DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET most re-
cent listens. The optional max_ts and min_ts UNIX epoch timestamps control at which point in time to start
returning listens. You may specify max_ts or min_ts, but not both in one call. Listens are always returned in
descending timestamp order.
max_ts If you specify a max_ts timestamp, listens with listened_at less than (but not
including) this value will be returned.
min_ts If you specify a min_ts timestamp, listens with listened_at greater than (but not
including) this value will be returned.
count Optional, number of listens to return. Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET . Max:
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/listen-count
Get the number of listens for a user user_name.
The returned listen count has an element ‘payload’ with only key: ‘count’ which unsurprisingly con-
tains the listen count for the user.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have listen counts!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/playing-now
Get the listen being played right now for user user_name.
This endpoint returns a JSON document with a single listen in the same format as the /user/<user_name>/
listens endpoint, with one key difference, there will only be one listen returned at maximum and the listen will
not contain a listened_at element.
The format for the JSON returned is defined in our JSON Documentation.
Status Codes
1.1. ListenBrainz API 5
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200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/similar-users
Get list of users who have similar music tastes (based on their listen history) for a given user. Returns an array
of dicts like these:
"user_name": "hwnrwx",
"similarity": 0.1938480256
user_name the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose similar users are being requested.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/similar-to/
Get the similarity of the user and the other user, based on their listening history. Returns a single dict:
"user_name": "other_user",
"similarity": 0.1938480256
user_name the MusicBrainz ID of the the one user
other_user_name the MusicBrainz ID of the other user whose similar users are
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/validate-token
Check whether a User Token is a valid entry in the database.
In order to query this endpoint, send a GET request with the Authorization header set to the value Token [the
token value].
6 Chapter 1. Contents
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Note: This endpoint also checks for token argument in query params (example: /validate-token?token=token-
to-check) if the Authorization header is missing for backward compatibility.
A JSON response, with the following format, will be returned.
If the given token is valid:
"code": 200,
"message": "Token valid.",
"valid": true,
"user_name": "MusicBrainz ID of the user with the passed token"
If the given token is invalid:
"code": 200,
"message": "Token invalid.",
"valid": false,
Status Codes
200 OK The user token is valid/invalid.
400 Bad Request No token was sent to the endpoint.
POST /1/delete-listen
Delete a particular listen from a user’s listen history. This checks for the correct authorization token and deletes
the listen.
Note: The listen is not deleted immediately, but is scheduled for deletion, which usually happens shortly after
the hour.
The format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint is:
"listened_at": 1,
"recording_msid": "d23f4719-9212-49f0-ad08-ddbfbfc50d6f"
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK listen deleted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 7
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401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings for the given user. If a user token is provided in the
Authorization header, return private playlists as well as public playlists for that user.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/createdfor
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings that have been created for the user. Createdfor playlists
are all public, so no Authorization is needed for this call.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/collaborator
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings for which a user is a collaborator. If a playlist is
private, it will only be returned if the caller is authorized to edit that playlist.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
8 Chapter 1. Contents
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Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/recommendations
Fetch recommendation playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings for playlist_user_name. This end-
point only lists playlists that are to be shown on the recommendations pages.
Status Codes
200 OK success
404 Not Found user not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/search
Search for a playlist by name for a user.
playlist_user_name the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose playlists are being searched.
Query Parameters
name the name of the playlist to search for.
count the number of playlists to return. Default: 25.
offset the offset of the playlists to return. Default: 0.
Status Codes
200 OK success
404 Not Found user not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/services
Get list of services which are connected to a given user’s account.
"user_name": "hwnrwx",
"services": ["spotify"]
user_name the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose similar users are being requested.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you do not have permissions to view this user’s information.
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 9
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/lb-radio/tags
Get recordings for use in LB radio with the specified tags that match the requested criteria.
tag the MusicBrainz tag to fetch recordings for, this parameter can be specified multiple
times. if more than one tag is specified, the operator param should also be specified.
operator specify AND to retrieve recordings that have all the tags, otherwise specify OR
to retrieve recordings that have any one of the tags.
pop_begin percent is a measure of the recording’s popularity, pop_begin denotes a pre-
ferred lower bound on the popularity of recordings to be returned.
pop_end percent is a measure of the recording’s popularity, pop_end denotes a preferred
upper bound on the popularity of recordings to be returned.
count number of recordings to return for the
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request Invalid or missing param in request, see error message for details.
GET /1/lb-radio/artist/(seed_artist_mbid)
Get recordings for use in LB radio with the given seed artist. The endpoint returns a dict of all the similar
artists, including the seed artist. For each artists, there will be a list of dicts that contain recording_mbid, simi-
lar_artist_mbid and total_listen_count:
"recording_mbid": "401c1a5d-56e7-434d-b07e-a14d4e7eb83c",
"similar_artist_mbid": "cb67438a-7f50-4f2b-a6f1-2bb2729fd538",
"similar_artist_name": "Boo Hoo Boys",
"total_listen_count": 232361
mode mode is the LB radio mode to be used for this query. Must be one of “easy”,
“medium”, “hard”.
max_similar_artists The maximum number of similar artists to return recordings for.
max_recordings_per_artist The maximum number of recordings to return for each
artist. If there are aren’t enough recordings, all available recordings will be returned.
pop_begin Popularity range percentage lower bound. A popularity range is given to nar-
row down the recordings into a smaller target group. The most popular recording(s) on LB
have a pop percent of 100. The least popular recordings have a score of 0. This range is not
coupled to the specified mode, but the mode would often determine the popularity range, so
that less popular recordings can be returned on the medium and harder modes.
pop_end Popularity range percentage upper bound. See above.
10 Chapter 1. Contents
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Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request Invalid or missing param in request, see error message for details.
GET /1/latest-import
Get the timestamp of the newest listen submitted by a user in previous imports to ListenBrainz.
In order to get the timestamp for a user, make a GET request to this endpoint. The data returned will be JSON
of the following format:
"musicbrainz_id": "the MusicBrainz ID of the user",
"latest_import": "the timestamp of the newest listen submitted in previous
˓imports. Defaults to 0"
Query Parameters
user_name (str) the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose data is needed
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/latest-import
Update the timestamp of the newest listen submitted by a user in an import to ListenBrainz.
In order to update the timestamp of a user, you’ll have to provide a user token in the Authorization Header. User
tokens can be found on
The JSON that needs to be posted must contain a field named ts in the root with a valid unix timestamp. Example:
"ts": 0
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK latest import timestamp updated
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 11
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
All timestamps used in ListenBrainz are UNIX epoch timestamps in UTC. When submitting timestamps to us, please
ensure that you have no timezone adjustments on your timestamps.
Constants that are relevant to using the API:
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_LISTEN_PAYLOAD_SIZE = 10240000
The maximum size of a payload in bytes. The same as MAX_LISTEN_SIZE *
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_LISTEN_SIZE = 10240
Maximum overall listen size in bytes, to prevent egregious spamming.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_DURATION_LIMIT = 2073600
The max permitted value of duration field - 24 days
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_DURATION_MS_LIMIT = 2073600000
The max permitted value of duration_ms field - 24 days
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_LISTENS_PER_REQUEST = 1000
The maximum number of listens in a request.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET = 1000
The maximum number of listens returned in a single GET request.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET = 25
The default number of listens returned in a single GET request.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN = 50
The maximum number of tags per listen.
listenbrainz.webserver.views.api_tools.MAX_TAG_SIZE = 64
The maximum length of a tag
listenbrainz.listenstore.LISTEN_MINIMUM_TS = 1033430400
The minimum acceptable value for listened_at field
The playlists API allows for the creation and editing of lists of recordings
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings for the given user. If a user token is provided in the
Authorization header, return private playlists as well as public playlists for that user.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
12 Chapter 1. Contents
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200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/createdfor
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings that have been created for the user. Createdfor playlists
are all public, so no Authorization is needed for this call.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/collaborator
Fetch playlist metadata in JSPF format without recordings for which a user is a collaborator. If a playlist is
private, it will only be returned if the caller is authorized to edit that playlist.
count (int) The number of playlists to return (for pagination). Default
offset (int) The offset of into the list of playlists to return (for pagination)
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/create
Create a playlist. The playlist must be in JSPF format with MusicBrainz extensions, which is defined here: . To create an empty playlist, you can send an empty playlist with only the
title field filled out. If you would like to create a playlist populated with recordings, each of the track items in
the playlist must have an identifier element that contains the MusicBrainz recording that includes the recording
When creating a playlist, only the playlist title and the track identifier elements will be used all other elements
in the posted JSPF wil be ignored.
If a created_for field is found and the user is not an approved playlist bot, then a 403 forbidden will be raised.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
1.1. ListenBrainz API 13
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200 OK playlist accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden forbidden. The submitting user is not allowed to create playlists for other
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/playlist/search
Search for playlists by name or description. The search query must be at least 3 characters long.
q (str) The search query string.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid query string, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/edit/(playlist_mbid)
Edit the private/public status, name, description or list of collaborators for an exising playlist. The Authorization
header must be set and correspond to the owner of the playlist otherwise a 403 error will be returned. All fields
will be overwritten with new values.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlist accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden forbidden. The subitting user is not allowed to edit playlists for other users.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)
Fetch the given playlist.
playlist_mbid (str) The playlist mbid to fetch.
fetch_metadata (bool) Optional, pass value ‘false to skip lookup up recording metadata
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found Playlist not found
14 Chapter 1. Contents
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401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/xspf
Fetch the given playlist as XSPF.
playlist_mbid (str) The playlist mbid to fetch.
fetch_metadata (bool) Optional, pass value ‘false to skip lookup up recording metadata
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found Playlist not found
401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/xspf+xml
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/add
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/add/
int: offset
Append recordings to an existing playlist by posting a playlist with one of more recordings in it. The playlist
must be in JSPF format with MusicBrainz extensions, which is defined here: .
If the offset is provided in the URL, then the recordings will be added at that offset, otherwise they will be added
at the end of the playlist.
You may only add MAX_RECORDINGS_PER_ADD recordings in one call to this endpoint.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlist accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden forbidden. the requesting user was not allowed to carry out this operation.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/move
To move an item in a playlist, the POST data needs to specify the recording MBID and current index of the track
to move (from), where to move it to (to) and how many tracks from that position should be moved (count). The
format of the post data should look as follows:
"mbid": "<mbid>",
"from": 3,
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 15
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"to": 4,
"count": 2
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK move operation succeeded
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden forbidden. the requesting user was not allowed to carry out this operation.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/delete
To delete an item in a playlist, the POST data needs to specify the recording MBID and current index of the track
to delete, and how many tracks from that position should be moved deleted. The format of the post data should
look as follows:
"index": 3,
"count": 2
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlist accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden forbidden. the requesting user was not allowed to carry out this operation.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/delete
Delete a playlist. POST body data does not need to contain anything.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlist deleted.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
16 Chapter 1. Contents
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403 Forbidden forbidden. the requesting user was not allowed to carry out this operation.
404 Not Found Playlist not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/copy
Copy a playlist the new playlist will be given the name “Copy of <playlist_name>”. POST body data does not
need to contain anything.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlist copied.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found Playlist not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/export/
Export a playlist to an external service, given a playlist MBID.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
playlist_mbid The playlist mbid to export.
is_public Should the exported playlist be public or not?
Status Codes
200 OK playlist copied.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found Playlist not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/playlist/import/(service)
Get playlists from Spotify.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK playlists are fetched.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found Playlists not found
1.1. ListenBrainz API 17
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Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/playlist/(service)/
Import a playlist tracks from a Spotify and convert them to JSPF.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
playlist_id The Spotify playlist id to get the tracks from
Status Codes
200 OK tracks are fetched and converted.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found Playlist not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/playlist/export-jspf/(service)
Export a playlist to an external service from JSPF POSTed to this endpoint.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
is_public Should the exported playlist be public or not?
Status Codes
200 OK playlist copied.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
Feedback API
These API endpoints allow to submit and retrieve feedback for a user’s recordings
POST /1/feedback/recording-feedback
Submit recording feedback (love/hate) to the server. A user token (found on )
must be provided in the Authorization header! Each request should contain only one feedback in the payload.
For complete details on the format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint, see feedback-json-doc.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
18 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
200 OK feedback accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback
Get feedback given by user user_name. The format for the JSON returned is defined in our feedback-json-doc.
If the optional argument score is not given, this endpoint will return all the feedback submitted by the user.
Otherwise filters the feedback to be returned by score.
score (int) Optional, If 1 then returns the loved recordings, if -1 returns hated recordings.
count (int) Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagina-
tion. Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
metadata (str) Optional, ‘true or ‘false if this call should return the metadata for the
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/feedback/recording/(recording_mbid)/get-feedback-mbid
Get feedback for recording with given recording_mbid. The format for the JSON returned is defined in our
score (int) Optional, If 1 then returns the loved recordings, if -1 returns hated recordings.
count (int) Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagina-
tion. Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/feedback/recording/(recording_msid)/get-feedback
Get feedback for recording with given recording_msid. The format for the JSON returned is defined in our
score (int) Optional, If 1 then returns the loved recordings, if -1 returns hated recordings.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 19
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
count (int) Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagina-
tion. Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback-for-recordings
Get feedback given by user user_name for the list of recordings supplied. The format for the JSON returned is
defined in our feedback-json-doc.
If the feedback for given recording MSID doesn’t exist then a score 0 is returned for that recording.
Note: If you get a 502 error while querying this endpoint using a GET request, consider reducing the number
of total recordings you are querying in 1 request. As a rule of thumb, requesting maximum ~75 recordings in 1
request will avert the error.
The reason this error occurs is because the recording uuids are query params which are part of the request url.
The length of the url is subject to a general limit imposed at the middleware level so requests with long urls never
reach the ListenBrainz backend. Due to the same reason, the backend cannot provide a meaningful error.
@GET request :param recordings: comma separated list of recording_msids for which feedback records are to
be fetched.
this param is deprecated and will be removed in the future. use recording_msids instead.
recording_msids (str) comma separated list of recording_msids for which feedback
records are to be fetched.
recording_mbids (str) comma separated list of recording_mbids for which feedback
records are to be fetched.
@POST request The format of the post data should look as follows: .. code-block:: json
“recording_msids”: “<msid1>,<msid2>,<msid3>”, “recording_mbids”:
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
20 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
POST /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback-for-recordings
Get feedback given by user user_name for the list of recordings supplied. The format for the JSON returned is
defined in our feedback-json-doc.
If the feedback for given recording MSID doesn’t exist then a score 0 is returned for that recording.
Note: If you get a 502 error while querying this endpoint using a GET request, consider reducing the number
of total recordings you are querying in 1 request. As a rule of thumb, requesting maximum ~75 recordings in 1
request will avert the error.
The reason this error occurs is because the recording uuids are query params which are part of the request url.
The length of the url is subject to a general limit imposed at the middleware level so requests with long urls never
reach the ListenBrainz backend. Due to the same reason, the backend cannot provide a meaningful error.
@GET request :param recordings: comma separated list of recording_msids for which feedback records are to
be fetched.
this param is deprecated and will be removed in the future. use recording_msids instead.
recording_msids (str) comma separated list of recording_msids for which feedback
records are to be fetched.
recording_mbids (str) comma separated list of recording_mbids for which feedback
records are to be fetched.
@POST request The format of the post data should look as follows: .. code-block:: json
“recording_msids”: “<msid1>,<msid2>,<msid3>”, “recording_mbids”:
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/feedback/import
Import feedback from external service.
Pinned Recording API
These API endpoints allow submitting, deleting, and retrieving ListenBrainz pinned recordings for users.
POST /1/pin
Pin a recording for user. A user token (found on must be provided in the Au-
thorization header! Each request should contain only one pinned recording item in the payload.
The format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint should look like the following:
1.1. ListenBrainz API 21
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
"recording_msid": "40ef0ae1-5626-43eb-838f-1b34187519bf",
"recording_mbid": "<this field is optional>",
"blurb_content": "Wow..",
"pinned_until": 1824001816
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK feedback accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/pin/unpin
Unpins the currently active pinned recording for the user. A user token (found on
settings/) must be provided in the Authorization header!
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK recording unpinned.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found could not find the active recording to unpin for the user. See error message
for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/pin/delete/(row_id)
Deletes the pinned recording with given row_id from the server. A user token (found on https://listenbrainz.
org/settings/) must be provided in the Authorization header!
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
row_id (int) the row_id of the pinned recording that should be deleted.
Status Codes
200 OK recording unpinned.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
404 Not Found the requested row_id for the user was not found.
Response Headers
22 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/(user_name)/pins
Get a list of all recordings ever pinned by a user with given user_name in descending order of the time they
were originally pinned. The JSON returned by the API will look like the following:
"count": 10,
"offset": 0,
"pinned_recordings": [
"blurb_content": "Awesome recording!",
"created": 1623997168,
"row_id": 10,
"pinned_until": 1623997485,
"recording_mbid": null,
"recording_msid": "fd7d9162-a284-4a10-906c-faae4f1e166b"
"track_metadata": {
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up"
"-- more pinned recording items here ---"
"total_count": 10,
"user_name": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the user --"
user_name (str) the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose pin track history requested.
count (int) Optional, number of pinned recording items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of pinned recording items to skip from the beginning, for
pagination. Ex. An offset of 5 means the most recent 5 pinned recordings from the user will
be skipped, defaults to 0
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request Invalid query parameters. See error message for details.
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/(user_name)/pins/following
Get a list containing the active pinned recordings for all users in a user’s user_name following list. The returned
pinned recordings are sorted in descending order of the time they were pinned. The JSON returned by the API
will look like the following:
1.1. ListenBrainz API 23
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
"count": 1,
"offset": 0,
"pinned_recordings": [
"blurb_content": "Spectacular recording!",
"created": 1624000841,
"row_id": 1,
"pinned_until": 1624605641,
"recording_mbid": null,
"recording_msid": "40ef0ae1-5626-43eb-838f-1b34187519bf",
"track_metadata": {
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up"
"user_name": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the user who pinned this recording --
"-- more pinned recordings from different users here ---"
"user_name": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the original user --"
user_name (str) the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose followed user’s pinned recordings
are being requested.
count (int) Optional, number of pinned recording items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of pinned recording items to skip from the beginning, for
pagination. Ex. An offset of 5 means the most recent pinned recordings from the first 5 users
will be skipped, defaults to 0
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request Invalid query parameters. See error message for details.
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/(user_name)/pins/current
Get the currently pinned recording by a user with given user_name. The JSON returned by the API will look
like the following:
"pinned_recording": {
"blurb_content": "Awesome recording!",
"created": 1623997168,
"row_id": 10,
"pinned_until": 1623997485,
(continues on next page)
24 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"recording_mbid": null,
"recording_msid": "fd7d9162-a284-4a10-906c-faae4f1e166b"
"track_metadata": {
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up"
"user_name": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the user --"
If there is no current pin for the user, “pinned_recording” field will be null.
user_name (str) the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose pin track history requested.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found The requested user was not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/pin/update/(row_id)
Updates the blurb content of a pinned recording for the user. A user token (found on
settings/) must be provided in the Authorization header! Each request should contain only one pinned recording
item in the payload.
The format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint should look like the following:
"blurb_content": "Wow..",
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK feedback accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
1.1. ListenBrainz API 25
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
ListenBrainz has a statistics infrastructure that collects and computes statistics from the listen data that has been stored
in the database. The endpoints in this section offer a way to get this data programmatically.
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/artists
Get top artists for user user_name.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"artists": [
"artist_mbids": ["93e6118e-7fa8-49f6-9e02-699a1ebce105"],
"artist_name": "The Local train",
"listen_count": 385
"artist_mbids": ["ae9ed5e2-4caf-4b3d-9cb3-2ad626b91714"],
"artist_name": "Lenka",
"listen_count": 333
"artist_mbids": ["cc197bad-dc9c-440d-a5b5-d52ba2e14234"],
"artist_name": "Coldplay",
"listen_count": 321
"count": 3,
"total_artist_count": 175,
"range": "all_time",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"user_id": "John Doe",
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids is an optional field and may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of artists to return, Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET
offset (int) Optional, number of artists to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 artists will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
26 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/releases
Get top releases for user user_name.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"releases": [
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Coldplay",
"listen_count": 26,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Live in Buenos Aires"
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Ellie Goulding",
"listen_count": 25,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Delirium (Deluxe)"
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "The Fray",
"listen_count": 25,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "How to Save a Life"
"count": 3,
"total_release_count": 175,
"range": "all_time",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"user_id": "John Doe",
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
1.1. ListenBrainz API 27
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids and release_mbid are optional fields and may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of releases to return, Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET
offset (int) Optional, number of releases to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 releases will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/release-groups
Get top release groups for user user_name.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"release_groups": [
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "All Time Low ft. Demi Lovato & blackbear",
"caa_id": 29179588350,
"caa_release_mbid": "ee65192d-31f3-437a-b170-9158d2172dbc",
"listen_count": 456,
"release_group_mbid": "326b4a29-dff5-4fab-87dc-efc1494001c6",
"release_group_name": "Monsters"
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "The Weeknd",
"caa_id": 25720993837,
"caa_release_mbid": "19e4f6cc-ca0c-4897-8dfc-a36914b7f998",
(continues on next page)
28 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"listen_count": 381,
"release_group_mbid": "78570bea-2a26-467c-a3db-c52723ceb394",
"release_group_name": "After Hours"
"count": 2,
"total_release_group_count": 175,
"range": "all_time",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"user_id": "John Doe",
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids and release_group_mbid are optional fields and may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of releases to return, Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET
offset (int) Optional, number of releases to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 releases will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/recordings
Get top recordings for user user_name.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"recordings": [
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 29
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Ellie Goulding",
"listen_count": 25,
"recording_mbid": "0fe11cd3-0be4-467b-84fa-0bd524d45d74",
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Delirium (Deluxe)",
"track_name": "Love Me Like You Do - From \"Fifty Shades of Grey\""
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "The Fray",
"listen_count": 23,
"recording_mbid": "0008ab49-a6ad-40b5-aa90-9d2779265c22",
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "How to Save a Life",
"track_name": "How to Save a Life"
"count": 2,
"total_recording_count": 175,
"range": "all_time",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"user_id": "John Doe",
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
We only calculate the top 1000 all_time recordings
artist_mbids, release_name, release_mbid and recording_mbid are optional fields
and may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of recordings to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of recordings to skip from the beginning, for pagination.
Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 recordings will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
30 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/listening-activity
Get the listening activity for user user_name. The listening activity shows the number of listens the user has
submitted over a period of time.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"last_updated": 1592807084,
"listening_activity": [
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"listen_count": 26,
"time_range": "Monday 27 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588031999
"from_ts": 1588032000,
"listen_count": 57,
"time_range": "Tuesday 28 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588118399
"from_ts": 1588118400,
"listen_count": 33,
"time_range": "Wednesday 29 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588204799
"to_ts": 1589155200,
"user_id": "ishaanshah"
This endpoint is currently in beta
The example above shows the data for three days only, however we calculate the statistics for the current
time range and the previous time range. For example for weekly statistics the data is calculated for the
current as well as the past week.
For all_time listening activity statistics we only return the years which have more than zero listens.
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
1.1. ListenBrainz API 31
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/daily-activity
Get the daily activity for user user_name. The daily activity shows the number of listens submitted by the user
for each hour of the day over a period of time. We assume that all listens are in UTC.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"last_updated": 1592807084,
"daily_activity": {
"Monday": [
"hour": 0
"listen_count": 26,
"hour": 1
"listen_count": 30,
"hour": 2
"listen_count": 4,
"Tuesday": ["..."],
"stats_range": "all_time",
"to_ts": 1589155200,
"user_id": "ishaanshah"
This endpoint is currently in beta
32 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/artist-map
Get the artist map for user user_name. The artist map shows the number of artists the user has listened to from
different countries of the world.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"last_updated": 1592807084,
"artist_map": [
"country": "USA",
"artist_count": 34
"country": "GBR",
"artist_count": 69
"country": "IND",
"artist_count": 32
"stats_range": "all_time"
"to_ts": 1589155200,
"user_id": "ishaanshah"
This endpoint is currently in beta
We cache the results for this query for a week to improve page load times, if you want to request fresh data
you can use the force_recalculate flag.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 33
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
force_recalculate (bool) Optional, recalculate the data instead of returning the cached
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/artist/(artist_mbid)/listeners
Get top listeners for artist artist_mbid. This includes the total listen count for the entity and top N listeners
with their individual listen count for that artist in a given time range. A sample response from the endpoint may
look like:
"payload": {
"artist_mbid": "00034ede-a1f1-4219-be39-02f36853373e",
"artist_name": "O Rappa",
"from_ts": 1009843200,
"last_updated": 1681839677,
"listeners": [
"listen_count": 2469,
"user_name": "RosyPsanda"
"listen_count": 1858,
"user_name": "alexyagui"
"listen_count": 578,
"user_name": "rafael_gn"
"listen_count": 8,
"user_name": "italooliveira"
"listen_count": 7,
"user_name": "paulodesouza"
"listen_count": 1,
"user_name": "oldpunisher"
(continues on next page)
34 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"stats_range": "all_time",
"to_ts": 1681777035,
"total_listen_count": 16393
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated or the entity does not exist,
empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found Entity not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/release-group/(release_group_mbid)/listeners
Get top listeners for release group release_group_mbid. This includes the total listen count for the entity and
top N listeners with their individual listen count for that release group in a given time range. A sample response
from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "Chris Brown",
"caa_id": 23564822587,
"caa_release_mbid": "25f18616-5a9c-470e-964d-4eb8a511435b",
"from_ts": 1009843200,
"last_updated": 1681843150,
"listeners": [
"listen_count": 2365,
"user_name": "purpleyor"
"listen_count": 570,
"user_name": "dndty"
"listen_count": 216,
"user_name": "iammsyre"
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 35
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"listen_count": 141,
"user_name": "dpmittal"
"listen_count": 33,
"user_name": "tazlad"
"listen_count": 30,
"user_name": "ratkutti"
"listen_count": 22,
"user_name": "Raymorjamiek"
"listen_count": 21,
"user_name": "MJJMC"
"listen_count": 12,
"user_name": "fookever"
"listen_count": 8,
"user_name": "Jamjamk12071983"
"listen_count": 1,
"user_name": "hassanymoses"
"listen_count": 1,
"user_name": "iJays"
"release_group_mbid": "087b3a7d-d532-44d9-b37a-84427677ddcd",
"release_group_name": "Indigo",
"stats_range": "all_time",
"to_ts": 1681777035,
"total_listen_count": 10291
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
36 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated or the entity does not exist,
empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found Entity not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/sitewide/artists
Get sitewide top artists.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"artists": [
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Kanye West",
"listen_count": 1305
"artist_mbids": ["0b30341b-b59d-4979-8130-b66c0e475321"],
"artist_name": "Lil Nas X",
"listen_count": 1267
"offset": 0,
"count": 2,
"range": "year",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids is optional field and may not be present in all the entries
We only calculate the top 1000 artists for each time period.
count (int) Optional, number of artists to return for each time range, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of artists to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 artists will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
1.1. ListenBrainz API 37
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics haven’t been calculated, empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/sitewide/releases
Get sitewide top releases.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"releases": [
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Coldplay",
"listen_count": 26,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Live in Buenos Aires"
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Ellie Goulding",
"listen_count": 25,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Delirium (Deluxe)"
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "The Fray",
"listen_count": 25,
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "How to Save a Life"
"offset": 0,
"count": 2,
"range": "year",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids and release_mbid are optional fields and may not be present in all the responses
38 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
count (int) Optional, number of artists to return for each time range, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of artists to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 artists will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics haven’t been calculated, empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/sitewide/release-groups
Get sitewide top release groups.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"release_groups": [
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "All Time Low ft. Demi Lovato & blackbear",
"caa_id": 29179588350,
"caa_release_mbid": "ee65192d-31f3-437a-b170-9158d2172dbc",
"listen_count": 456,
"release_group_mbid": "326b4a29-dff5-4fab-87dc-efc1494001c6",
"release_group_name": "Monsters"
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "The Weeknd",
"caa_id": 25720993837,
"caa_release_mbid": "19e4f6cc-ca0c-4897-8dfc-a36914b7f998",
"listen_count": 381,
"release_group_mbid": "78570bea-2a26-467c-a3db-c52723ceb394",
"release_group_name": "After Hours"
"offset": 0,
"count": 2,
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 39
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"range": "year",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
artist_mbids and release_mbid are optional fields and may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of artists to return for each time range, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of artists to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 artists will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics haven’t been calculated, empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/sitewide/recordings
Get sitewide top recordings.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"recordings": [
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "Ellie Goulding",
"listen_count": 25,
"recording_mbid": "0fe11cd3-0be4-467b-84fa-0bd524d45d74",
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "Delirium (Deluxe)",
"track_name": "Love Me Like You Do - From \"Fifty Shades of Grey\""
"artist_mbids": [],
"artist_name": "The Fray",
(continues on next page)
40 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"listen_count": 23,
"recording_mbid": "0008ab49-a6ad-40b5-aa90-9d2779265c22",
"release_mbid": "",
"release_name": "How to Save a Life",
"track_name": "How to Save a Life"
"offset": 0,
"count": 2,
"range": "year",
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"from_ts": 1009823400,
"to_ts": 1590029157
This endpoint is currently in beta
We only calculate the top 1000 all_time recordings
artist_mbids, release_name, release_mbid and recording_mbid are optional fields and
may not be present in all the responses
count (int) Optional, number of artists to return for each time range, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of artists to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the top 5 artists will be skipped, defaults to 0
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics haven’t been calculated, empty response will be returned
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/stats/sitewide/listening-activity
Get the listening activity for entire site. The listening activity shows the number of listens the user has submitted
over a period of time.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
1.1. ListenBrainz API 41
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
"payload": {
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"last_updated": 1592807084,
"listening_activity": [
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"listen_count": 26,
"time_range": "Monday 27 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588031999
"from_ts": 1588032000,
"listen_count": 57,
"time_range": "Tuesday 28 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588118399
"from_ts": 1588118400,
"listen_count": 33,
"time_range": "Wednesday 29 April 2020",
"to_ts": 1588204799
"to_ts": 1589155200,
"range": "week"
This endpoint is currently in beta
The example above shows the data for three days only, however we calculate the statistics for the current
time range and the previous time range. For example for weekly statistics the data is calculated for the
current as well as the past week.
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
42 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/stats/sitewide/artist-map
Get the sitewide artist map. The artist map shows the number of artists listened to by users from different countries
of the world.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"from_ts": 1587945600,
"last_updated": 1592807084,
"artist_map": [
"country": "USA",
"artist_count": 34
"country": "GBR",
"artist_count": 69
"country": "IND",
"artist_count": 32
"stats_range": "all_time"
"to_ts": 1589155200,
This endpoint is currently in beta
We cache the results for this query for a week to improve page load times, if you want to request fresh data
you can use the force_recalculate flag.
range (str) Optional, time interval for which statistics should be returned, possible values
are ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE, defaults to all_time
force_recalculate (bool) Optional, recalculate the data instead of returning the cached
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
204 No Content Statistics for the user havent been calculated, empty response will be
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
1.1. ListenBrainz API 43
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/year-in-music/
int: year
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/year-in-music
Get data for year in music stuff
Constants that are relevant to using the API:
data.model.common_stat.ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE = ['this_week', 'this_month',
'this_year', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year', 'half_yearly', 'all_time']
list of allowed value for range param accepted by various statistics endpoints
The popularity APIs return the total listen and listeners count for various entities and also a way to query top entities
for a given artist.
GET /1/popularity/top-recordings-for-artist/(artist_mbid)
Get the top recordings by listen count for a given artist. The response is of the following format:
"artist_mbids": [
"artist_name": "Nine Inch Nails",
"caa_id": 2546761764,
"caa_release_mbid": "2d410836-5add-3661-b0b0-168ba1696611",
"length": 373133,
"recording_mbid": "13dd61c7-ce73-4e97-9f0c-9f0e53144411",
"recording_name": "Closer",
"release_color": {
"blue": 104,
"green": 104,
"red": 84
"release_mbid": "ba8701ba-dc7c-4bca-9c83-846ee8c3d576",
"release_name": "The Downward Spiral",
"total_listen_count": 1380798,
"total_user_count": 129454
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid artist_mbid
44 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/popularity/top-release-groups-for-artist/(artist_mbid)
Get the top release groups by listen count for a given artist. The response is of the following format:
"artist": {
"artist_credit_id": 368737,
"artists": [],
"name": "Pritam"
"release": {
"caa_id": 14996821464,
"caa_release_mbid": "488ef20e-7a2b-4daf-8bee-4f54fe26c7ab",
"date": "2016-10-26",
"name": "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil",
"rels": [],
"type": "Album"
"release_color": {
"blue": 64,
"green": 69,
"red": 113
"release_group": {
"caa_id": 14996821464,
"caa_release_mbid": "488ef20e-7a2b-4daf-8bee-4f54fe26c7ab",
"date": "2016-10-26",
"name": "Ae Dil Hai Mushkil",
"rels": [],
"type": "Album"
"release_group_mbid": "d0991cc9-2277-4f5e-bd4d-2fa44507f623",
"tag": {},
"total_listen_count": 1432,
"total_user_count": 82
artist_mbid (str) the mbid of the artist to get top release groups for
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid artist_mbid
POST /1/popularity/recording
Get the total listen count and total unique listeners count for a given recording.
A JSON document with a list of recording_mbids and inc string must be POSTed. Up to MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET
items can be requested at once. Example:
1.1. ListenBrainz API 45
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
"recording_mbids": [
The response maintains the order of the recording mbids supplied and also includes any recordings for which the
data was not found with counts set to null. Example:
"recording_mbid": "13dd61c7-ce73-4e97-9f0c-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": 1000,
"total_user_count": 10
"recording_mbid": "22ad712e-ce73-9f0c-4e97-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": null,
"total_user_count": null
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid recording_mbid(s)
POST /1/popularity/artist
Get the total listen count and total unique listeners count for a given artist.
A JSON document with a list of artists and inc string must be POSTed. Up to MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET items can
be requested at once. Example:
"artist_mbids": [
The response maintains the order of the artist mbids supplied and also includes any artists for which the data was
not found with counts set to null. Example:
"artist_mbid": "13dd61c7-ce73-4e97-9f0c-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": 1000,
"total_user_count": 10
"artist_mbid": "22ad712e-ce73-9f0c-4e97-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": null,
(continues on next page)
46 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"total_user_count": null
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid artist_mbid(s)
POST /1/popularity/release
Get the total listen count and total unique listeners count for a given release.
A JSON document with a list of releases and inc string must be POSTed. Up to MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET items can
be requested at once. Example:
"release_mbids": [
The response maintains the order of the release mbids supplied and also includes any releases for which the data
was not found with counts set to null. Example:
"release_mbid": "13dd61c7-ce73-4e97-9f0c-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": 1000,
"total_user_count": 10
"release_mbid": "22ad712e-ce73-9f0c-4e97-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": null,
"total_user_count": null
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid release_mbid(s)
POST /1/popularity/release-group
Get the total listen count and total unique listeners count for a given release group.
A JSON document with a list of release groups and inc string must be POSTed. Up to MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET
items can be requested at once. Example:
"release_group_mbids": [
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 47
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
The response maintains the order of the release group mbids supplied and also includes any release groups for
which the data was not found with counts set to null. Example:
"release_group_mbid": "13dd61c7-ce73-4e97-9f0c-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": 1000,
"total_user_count": 10
"release_group_mbid": "22ad712e-ce73-9f0c-4e97-9f0e53144411",
"total_listen_count": null,
"total_user_count": null
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid release_group_mbid(s)
The metadata API looks up MusicBrainz metadata for recordings
GET /1/metadata/recording/
This endpoint takes in a list of recording_mbids and returns an array of dicts that contain recording metadata
suitable for showing in a context that requires as much detail about a recording and the artist. Using the inc
parameter, you can control which portions of metadata to fetch.
The data returned by this endpoint can be seen here:
"e97f805a-ab48-4c52-855e-07049142113d" : {
"tag" : {
"recording" : [
"genre_mbid" : "45eb1d9c-588c-4dc8-9394-a14b7c8f02bc",
"tag" : "trip hop",
"count" : 6
"count" : 1,
"tag" : "pop",
"genre_mbid" : "911c7bbb-172d-4df8-9478-dbff4296e791"
"count" : 1,
(continues on next page)
48 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"genre_mbid" : "608b0471-7531-4854-a348-e698c69cb699",
"tag" : "ambient"
"count" : 3,
"tag" : "trip-hop"
"count" : 1,
"genre_mbid" : "cc38aba3-48ed-439a-83b9-f81a34a66598",
"tag" : "downtempo"
"count" : 3,
"genre_mbid" : "89255676-1f14-4dd8-bbad-fca839d6aff4",
"tag" : "electronic"
"genre_mbid" : "b7864789-29e6-4965-84e4-463baaa869df",
"tag" : "chanson franaise",
"count" : 1
"genre_mbid" : "7dc2b20f-3953-4874-b9bf-41b8ba06d20c",
"tag" : "acid jazz",
"count" : 1
"artist" : [
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "uk",
"count" : 1
"genre_mbid" : "ba318056-9ddf-46cd-8b95-61fc993b962d",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "krautrock",
"count" : 2
"count" : 4,
"tag" : "electronic",
"genre_mbid" : "89255676-1f14-4dd8-bbad-fca839d6aff4",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11"
"count" : 2,
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "65c97e89-b42b-45c2-a70e-0eca1b8f0ff7",
"tag" : "experimental rock"
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 49
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"genre_mbid" : "ec5a14c7-7793-46dc-b858-470183eb63f7",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "folktronica",
"count" : 1
"count" : 8,
"tag" : "trip hop",
"genre_mbid" : "45eb1d9c-588c-4dc8-9394-a14b7c8f02bc",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11"
"count" : 3,
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "british"
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "cc38aba3-48ed-439a-83b9-f81a34a66598",
"tag" : "downtempo",
"count" : 5
"tag" : "trip-hop",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"count" : 8
"count" : 1,
"tag" : "electro-industrial",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "6e2e809f-8c54-4e0f-aca0-0642771ab3cf"
"recording" : {
"rels" : [
"artist_name" : "Beth Gibbons",
"instrument" : null,
"artist_mbid" : "5adcb9d9-5ea2-428d-af46-ef626966e106",
"type" : "vocal"
"artist_mbid" : "5082a11f-7203-4ff3-ae04-2a0150d3bbb6",
"type" : "instrument",
"instrument" : "Rhodes piano",
"artist_name" : "Geoff Barrow"
"type" : "instrument",
(continues on next page)
50 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"artist_mbid" : "619b1116-740e-42e0-bdfe-96af274f79f7",
"instrument" : "guitar",
"artist_name" : "Adrian Utley"
"artist_name" : "Clive Deamer",
"instrument" : "drums (drum set)",
"type" : "instrument",
"artist_mbid" : "d576e6be-03d1-489c-8c3e-692c6fbfb7ca"
"release" : {
"caa_id" : 829521842,
"mbid" : "76df3287-6cda-33eb-8e9a-044b5e15ffdd"
"artist" : [
"rels" : {
"official homepage" : "",
"youtube" : "
"purchase for download" : "
"wikidata" : "",
"free streaming" : "
"social network" : "",
"lyrics" : ""
"begin_year" : 1991,
"area" : "United Kingdom",
"type" : "Group"
recording_mbids (str) A comma separated list of recording_mbids
inc (str) A space separated list of “artist”, “tag” and/or “release” to indicate which por-
tions of metadata you’re interested in fetching. We encourage users to only fetch the data
they plan to consume.
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid recording_mbid arguments
POST /1/metadata/recording/
This endpoint is the POST verson for fetching recording metadata, since it allows up to the max number of items
1.1. ListenBrainz API 51
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
allowed. (MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET items)
A JSON document with a list of recording_mbids and inc string must be POSTed to this endpoint to returns an
array of dicts that contain recording metadata suitable for showing in a context that requires as much detail about
a recording and the artist. Using the inc parameter, you can control which portions of metadata to fetch.
{ “recording_mbids”: [ “25d47b0c-5177-49db-b740-c166e4acebd1”, . . . ], inc=”artist tag” }
To see what data this endpoint returns, please look at the data above for the GET version.
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid recording_mbid arguments
GET /1/metadata/release_group/
This endpoint takes in a list of release_group_mbids and returns an array of dicts that contain release_group
metadata suitable for showing in a context that requires as much detail about a release_group and the artist.
Using the inc parameter, you can control which portions of metadata to fetch.
The data returned by this endpoint can be seen here:
release_group_mbids (str) A comma separated list of release_group_mbids
inc (str) A space separated list of “artist”, “tag” and/or “release” to indicate which por-
tions of metadata you’re interested in fetching. We encourage users to only fetch the data
they plan to consume.
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid release_group_mbid arguments
GET /1/metadata/lookup/
This endpoint looks up mbid metadata for the given artist, recording and optionally a release name. The total
number of characters in the artist name, recording name and release name query arguments should be less than
artist_name (str) artist name of the listen
recording_name track name of the listen
recording_name release name of the listen
metadata (bool) should extra metadata be also returned if a match is found, see /meta-
data/recording for details.
inc (str) same as /metadata/recording endpoint
Status Codes
200 OK lookup succeeded, does not indicate whether a match was found or not
400 Bad Request invalid arguments
POST /1/metadata/lookup/
This endpoint is the POST version for looking up recording mbids and associated MusicBrainz data. It allows
up to max number of items allowed. (MAX_LOOKUPS_PER_POST items)
52 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
A JSON document with a list of dicts each of which contain metadata (artist_name, recording_name and option-
ally a release name) for the recording to be looked up. The total number of characters in the artist name, recording
name and release name for each recording should be less than or equal to MAX_MAPPING_QUERY_LENGTH.
"recordings": [
"recording_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"release_name": "Red Hot"
"recording_name": "Blinding Lights",
"artist_name": "The Weeknd"
To see what data this endpoint returns, please look at the data above for the GET version. Note that this endpoint
does not support metadata and incs parameters.
Status Codes
200 OK lookup succeeded, does not indicate whether a match was found or not
400 Bad Request invalid arguments
POST /1/metadata/submit_manual_mapping/
Submit a manual mapping of a recording messybrainz ID to a musicbrainz recording id.
The format of the JSON to be POSTed to this endpoint is:
"recording_msid": "d23f4719-9212-49f0-ad08-ddbfbfc50d6f",
"recording_mbid": "8f3471b5-7e6a-48da-86a9-c1c07a0f47ae"
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Mapping added, or already exists.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/metadata/get_manual_mapping/
Get the manual mapping of a recording messybrainz ID that a user added.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
1.1. ListenBrainz API 53
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK The response of the mapping.
404 Not Found No such mapping for this user/recording msid
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/metadata/artist/
This endpoint takes in a list of artist_mbids and returns an array of dicts that contain recording metadata suitable
for showing in a context that requires as much detail about a recording and the artist. Using the inc parameter,
you can control which portions of metadata to fetch.
The data returned by this endpoint can be seen here:
"e97f805a-ab48-4c52-855e-07049142113d" : {
"tag" : {
"recording" : [
"genre_mbid" : "45eb1d9c-588c-4dc8-9394-a14b7c8f02bc",
"tag" : "trip hop",
"count" : 6
"count" : 1,
"tag" : "pop",
"genre_mbid" : "911c7bbb-172d-4df8-9478-dbff4296e791"
"count" : 1,
"genre_mbid" : "608b0471-7531-4854-a348-e698c69cb699",
"tag" : "ambient"
"count" : 3,
"tag" : "trip-hop"
"count" : 1,
"genre_mbid" : "cc38aba3-48ed-439a-83b9-f81a34a66598",
"tag" : "downtempo"
"count" : 3,
"genre_mbid" : "89255676-1f14-4dd8-bbad-fca839d6aff4",
"tag" : "electronic"
"genre_mbid" : "b7864789-29e6-4965-84e4-463baaa869df",
"tag" : "chanson franaise",
"count" : 1
(continues on next page)
54 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"genre_mbid" : "7dc2b20f-3953-4874-b9bf-41b8ba06d20c",
"tag" : "acid jazz",
"count" : 1
"artist" : [
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "uk",
"count" : 1
"genre_mbid" : "ba318056-9ddf-46cd-8b95-61fc993b962d",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "krautrock",
"count" : 2
"count" : 4,
"tag" : "electronic",
"genre_mbid" : "89255676-1f14-4dd8-bbad-fca839d6aff4",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11"
"count" : 2,
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "65c97e89-b42b-45c2-a70e-0eca1b8f0ff7",
"tag" : "experimental rock"
"genre_mbid" : "ec5a14c7-7793-46dc-b858-470183eb63f7",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "folktronica",
"count" : 1
"count" : 8,
"tag" : "trip hop",
"genre_mbid" : "45eb1d9c-588c-4dc8-9394-a14b7c8f02bc",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11"
"count" : 3,
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"tag" : "british"
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "cc38aba3-48ed-439a-83b9-f81a34a66598",
"tag" : "downtempo",
"count" : 5
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 55
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"tag" : "trip-hop",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"count" : 8
"count" : 1,
"tag" : "electro-industrial",
"artist_mbid" : "8f6bd1e4-fbe1-4f50-aa9b-94c450ec0f11",
"genre_mbid" : "6e2e809f-8c54-4e0f-aca0-0642771ab3cf"
"recording" : {
"rels" : [
"artist_name" : "Beth Gibbons",
"instrument" : null,
"artist_mbid" : "5adcb9d9-5ea2-428d-af46-ef626966e106",
"type" : "vocal"
"artist_mbid" : "5082a11f-7203-4ff3-ae04-2a0150d3bbb6",
"type" : "instrument",
"instrument" : "Rhodes piano",
"artist_name" : "Geoff Barrow"
"type" : "instrument",
"artist_mbid" : "619b1116-740e-42e0-bdfe-96af274f79f7",
"instrument" : "guitar",
"artist_name" : "Adrian Utley"
"artist_name" : "Clive Deamer",
"instrument" : "drums (drum set)",
"type" : "instrument",
"artist_mbid" : "d576e6be-03d1-489c-8c3e-692c6fbfb7ca"
"release" : {
"caa_id" : 829521842,
"mbid" : "76df3287-6cda-33eb-8e9a-044b5e15ffdd"
"artist" : [
"rels" : {
"official homepage" : "",
"youtube" : "
(continues on next page)
56 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"purchase for download" : "
"wikidata" : "",
"free streaming" : "
"social network" : "",
"lyrics" : ""
"begin_year" : 1991,
"area" : "United Kingdom",
"type" : "Group"
artist_mbids (str) A comma separated list of recording_mbids
inc (str) A space separated list of “artist”, “tag” and/or “release” to indicate which por-
tions of metadata you’re interested in fetching. We encourage users to only fetch the data
they plan to consume.
Status Codes
200 OK you have data!
400 Bad Request invalid recording_mbid arguments
User Timeline API
These api endpoints allow to create and fetch timeline events for a user.
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/recording
Make the user recommend a recording to their followers.
The request should post the following data about the recording being recommended (either one of recording_msid
or recording_mbid is sufficient):
"metadata": {
"recording_msid": "<The MessyBrainz ID of the recording, optional>",
"recording_mbid": "<The MusicBrainz ID of the recording>"
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user who is recommending the recording.
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
1.1. ListenBrainz API 57
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, recording has been recommended!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized, you do not have permissions to recommend recordings
on the behalf of this user
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you are not an approved user.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/notification
Post a message with a link on a user’s timeline. Only approved users are allowed to perform this action.
The request should contain the following data:
"metadata": {
"message": "<the message to post, required>",
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user on whose timeline the message is to be
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, message has been posted!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you are not an approved user.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/review
Creates a CritiqueBrainz review event for the user. This also creates a corresponding review in CritiqueBrainz.
Users need to have linked their ListenBrainz account with CritiqueBrainz first to use this endpoint successfully.
The request should contain the following data:
"metadata": {
"entity_name": "<entity name, required>",
"entity_id": "<entity id, required>",
"entity_type": "<entity type, required>",
"text": "<the message to post, required>",
"language": "<language code, required>",
(continues on next page)
58 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"rating": <rating, int>,
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user who is creating the review.
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, message has been posted!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you have not linked with a CritiqueBrainz account.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events
Get feed events for a user’s timeline.
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user whose timeline is being requested.
max_ts (int) If you specify a max_ts timestamp, events with timestamps less than the
value will be returned.
min_ts (int) If you specify a min_ts timestamp, events with timestamps greater than the
value will be returned.
count (int) Optional, number of events to return. Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET .
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have feed events!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized, you do not have permission to view this user’s feed.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you do not have permission to view this user’s feed.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/listens/following
Get feed’s listen events for followed users.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 59
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user whose timeline is being requested.
max_ts (int) If you specify a max_ts timestamp, events with timestamps less than the
value will be returned.
min_ts (int) If you specify a min_ts timestamp, events with timestamps greater than the
value will be returned.
count (int) Optional, number of events to return. Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET .
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have feed listen-events!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you do not have permission to view this user’s feed.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/listens/similar
Get feed’s listen events for similar users.
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user whose timeline is being requested.
max_ts (int) If you specify a max_ts timestamp, events with timestamps less than the
value will be returned.
min_ts (int) If you specify a min_ts timestamp, events with timestamps greater than the
value will be returned.
count (int) Optional, number of events to return. Default: DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET .
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have feed listen-events!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Invalid authorization. See error message for details.
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you do not have permission to view this user’s feed.
404 Not Found User not found
Response Headers
60 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/delete
Delete those events from user’s feed that belong to them. Supports deletion of recommendation and notification.
Along with the authorization token, post the event type and event id. For example:
"event_type": "recording_recommendation",
"id": "<integer id of the event>"
"event_type": "notification",
"id": "<integer id of the event>"
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user from whose timeline events are being
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful deletion
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you do not have permission to delete from this user’s feed.
404 Not Found User not found
500 Internal Server Error API Internal Server Error
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/hide
Hide events from the user feed, only recording_recommendation and recording_pin events that have been gener-
ated by the people one is following can be deleted via this endpoint. For example:
"event_type": "recording_recommendation",
"event_id": "<integer id of the event>"
"event_type": "recording_pin",
"event_id": "<integer id of the event>"
1.1. ListenBrainz API 61
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
user_name (str) The MusicBrainz ID of the user from whose timeline events are being
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Event hidden successfully
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
403 Forbidden Forbidden, you dont have permissions to hide events from this user’s time-
404 Not Found User not found
500 Internal Server Error API Internal Server Error
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/unhide
Delete hidden events from the user feed, aka unhide events. For example:
"event_type": "recording_pin",
"event_id": "<integer id of the event>"
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Event unhidden successfully
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized
403 Forbidden Forbidden
404 Not Found User not found
500 Internal Server Error API Internal Server Error
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
62 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/recommend-personal
Make the user recommend a recording to their followers. The request should post the following data about the
recording being recommended (either one of recording_msid or recording_mbid is sufficient), and also the list
of followers getting recommended:
"metadata": {
"recording_msid": "<The MessyBrainz ID of the recording, optional>",
"recording_mbid": "<The MusicBrainz ID of the recording>",
"users": [<usernames of the persons you want to recommend to, required>]
"blurb_content": "<String containing personalized recommendation>"
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, recording has been recommended!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
401 Unauthorized Unauthorized, you do not have permissions to recommend
personal recordings on the behalf of this user :statuscode 403: Forbidden, you do not have permissions to rec-
ommend :statuscode 404: User not found :resheader Content-Type: application/json
Follow API
These apis allow to interact with follow user feature of ListenBrainz.
GET /1/user/(user_name)/followers
Fetch the list of followers of the user user_name. Returns a JSON with an array of user names like these:
"followers": ["rob", "mr_monkey", "..."],
"user": "shivam-kapila"
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
GET /1/user/(user_name)/following
Fetch the list of users followed by the user user_name. Returns a JSON with an array of user names like these:
"following": ["rob", "mr_monkey", "..."],
"user": "shivam-kapila"
1.1. ListenBrainz API 63
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found
POST /1/user/(user_name)/follow
Follow the user user_name. A user token (found on ) must be provided in the
Authorization header!
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successfully followed the user user_name.
400 Bad Request
Already following the user user_name.
Trying to follow yourself.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/user/(user_name)/unfollow
Unfollow the user user_name. A user token (found on ) must be provided in
the Authorization header!
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Content-Type application/json
Status Codes
200 OK Successfully unfollowed the user user_name.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
ListenBrainz uses collaborative filtering to generate recording recommendations, which may be further processed to
generate playlists for users.
64 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Recording Recommendation API
These api endpoints allow to fetch the raw collaborative filtered recording IDs.
GET /1/cf/recommendation/user/(user_name)/recording
Get recommendations sorted on rating and ratings for user user_name.
A sample response from the endpoint may look like:
"payload": {
"last_updated": 1588494361,
"type": "<artist_type>",
"entity": "recording",
"mbids": [
"recording_mbid": "526bd613-fddd-4bd6-9137-ab709ac74cab",
"score": 9.345
"recording_mbid": "a6081bc1-2a76-4984-b21f-38bc3dcca3a5",
"score": 6.998
"user_name": "unclejohn69",
"count": 10,
"total_mbid_count": 30,
"offset": 10
This endpoint is experimental and probably will change in the future.
count (int) Optional, number of recording mbids to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of mbids to skip from the beginning, for pagination. Ex.
An offset of 5 means the 5 mbids will be skipped, defaults to 0
Status Codes
200 OK Successful query, you have data!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
404 Not Found User not found.
204 No Content Recommendations for the user haven’t been generated, empty response
will be returned
1.1. ListenBrainz API 65
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Recording Recommendation Feedback API
These api endpoints allow to submit and retrieve feedback for raw collaborative filtered recordings.
POST /1/recommendation/feedback/submit
Submit recommendation feedback. A user token (found on ) must be provided
in the Authorization header! Each request should contain only one feedback in the payload.
A sample feedback may look like:
"recording_mbid": "d23f4719-9212-49f0-ad08-ddbfbfc50d6f",
"rating": "love"
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK feedback accepted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
POST /1/recommendation/feedback/delete
Delete feedback for a user. A user token (found on ) must be provided in the
Authorization header! Each request should contain only one recording mbid in the payload. A sample feedback
may look like:
"recording_mbid": "d23f4719-9212-49f0-ad08-ddbfbfc50d6f",
Request Headers
Authorization Token <user token>
Status Codes
200 OK feedback deleted.
400 Bad Request invalid JSON sent, see error message for details.
401 Unauthorized invalid authorization. See error message for details.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/recommendation/feedback/user/(user_name)
Get feedback given by user user_name.
A sample response may look like:
66 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
"count": 1,
"feedback": [
"created": "1345679998",
"recording_mbid": "d23f4719-9212-49f0-ad08-ddbfbfc50d6f",
"rating": "love"
"-- more feedback data here ---"
"offset": 0,
"total_count": 1,
"user_name": "Vansika"
If the optional argument rating is not given, this endpoint will return all the feedback submitted by the user.
Otherwise filters the feedback to be returned by rating.
rating (str) Optional, refer to db/model/ for allowed rating
count (int) Optional, number of feedback items to return, Default:
offset (int) Optional, number of feedback items to skip from the beginning, for pagina-
tion. Ex. An offset of 5 means the top 5 feedback will be skipped, defaults to 0.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
404 Not Found User not found.
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/recommendation/feedback/user/(user_name)/recordings
Get feedback given by user user_name for the list of recordings supplied.
A sample response may look like:
"feedback": [
"created": 1604033691,
"rating": "bad_recommendation",
"recording_mbid": "9ffabbe4-e078-4906-80a7-3a02b537e251"
"created": 1604032934,
"rating": "hate",
"recording_mbid": "28111d2c-a80d-418f-8b77-6aba58abe3e7"
(continues on next page)
1.1. ListenBrainz API 67
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"user_name": "Vansika Pareek"
An empty response will be returned if the feedback for given recording MBID doesnt exist.
mbids (str) comma separated list of recording_mbids for which feedback records are to
be fetched.
Status Codes
200 OK Yay, you have data!
400 Bad Request Bad request, check response['error'] for more details.
404 Not Found User not found.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
ListenBrainz has a (cover) art infrastructure that creates new cover art from a user’s statistics or a user’s instructions
on how to composite a cover art grid.
As these endpoints return SVGs rather than images, you must embed them in an html <object
data="covert_art_url" type="image/svg+xml"> element rather than an <img src="covert_art_url">
element. Otherwise external resources such as cover art images and fonts will not be loaded and the result will be
See for reference.
POST /1/art/grid/
Create a cover art grid SVG file from the POSTed JSON data to this endpoint. The JSON data should look like
the following:
"background": "transparent",
"image_size": 750,
"dimension": 4,
"skip-missing": false,
"show-caa": false,
"tiles": [
"release_mbids": [
(continues on next page)
68 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
background (str) The background for the cover art: Must be “transparent”, “white” or
image_size (int) The size of the cover art image. See constants at the bottom of this
dimension (int) The dimension to use for this grid. A grid of dimension 3 has 3 images
across and 3 images down, for a total of 9 images.
skip-missing (bool) If cover art is missing for a given release_mbid, skip it and move
on to the next one, if true is passed. If false, the show-caa option will decide what happens.
show-caa (bool) If cover art is missing and skip-missing is false, then show-caa will
determine if a blank square is shown or if the Cover Art Archive missing image is show.
one, if true is passed. If false, the show-caa option will decide what happens.
tiles (list) The tiles paramater is a list of strings that determines the location where
cover art images should be placed. Each string is a comma separated list of image cells. A
grid of dimension 3 has 9 cells, from 0 in the upper left hand corner, 2 in the upper right
hand corner, 6 in the lower left corner and 8 in the lower right corner. Specifying only a
single cell will have the image cover that cell exactly. If more than one cell is specified, the
image will cover the area defined by the bounding box of all the given cells. These tiles only
define bounding box areas no clipping of images that may fall outside of these tiles will be
release_mbids (list) An ordered list of release_mbids. The images will be loaded and
processed in the order that this list is in. The cover art for the release_mbids will be placed
on the tiles defined by the tiles parameter.
cover_art_size (int) Size in pixels of each cover art in the composited image. Can be
either 250 or 500
Status Codes
200 OK cover art created successfully.
400 Bad Request Invalid JSON or invalid options in JSON passed. See error message for
Response Headers
Content-Type image/svg+xml
See the bottom of this document for constants relating to this method.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 69
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/art/grid-stats/(user_name)/
time_range/int: dimension/int: layout/int: image_size
Create a cover art grid SVG file from the stats of a given user.
user_name (str) The name of the user for whom to create the cover art.
time_range (str) Must be a statistics time range see below.
dimension (int) The dimension to use for this grid. A grid of dimension 3 has 3 images
across and 3 images down, for a total of 9 images.
layout (int) The layout to be used for this grid. Layout 0 is always a simple grid, but
other layouts may have image images be of different sizes. See for
examples of the available layouts.
image_size (int) The size of the cover art image. See constants at the bottom of this
Status Codes
200 OK cover art created successfully.
400 Bad Request Invalid JSON or invalid options in JSON passed. See error message for
Response Headers
Content-Type image/svg+xml
See the bottom of this document for constants relating to this method.
GET /1/art/(custom_name)/
user_name/time_range/int: image_size
Create a custom cover art SVG file from the stats of a given user.
cover_name (str) The name of cover art to be generated. See
for the different types that are available.
user_name (str) The name of the user for whom to create the cover art.
time_range (str) Must be a statistics time range see below.
image_size (int) The size of the cover art image. See constants at the bottom of this
Status Codes
200 OK cover art created successfully.
400 Bad Request Invalid JSON or invalid options in JSON passed. See error message for
Response Headers
Content-Type image/svg+xml
See the bottom of this document for constants relating to this method.
GET /1/art/year-in-music/(int: year)/
Create the shareable svg image using YIM stats
70 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Constants that are relevant to using the API: = 128
Minimum image size = 1024
Maximum image size = 2
Minimum dimension = 5
Maximum dimension
data.model.common_stat.ALLOWED_STATISTICS_RANGE = ['this_week', 'this_month',
'this_year', 'week', 'month', 'quarter', 'year', 'half_yearly', 'all_time']
list of allowed value for range param accepted by various statistics endpoints
Various ListenBrainz API endpoints that are not documented elsewhere.
Explore API
These API endpoints allow fetching fresh releases and cover art details for a given color.
GET /1/explore/fresh-releases/
This endpoint fetches upcoming and recently released (fresh) releases and returns a list of:
"artist_credit_name": "Röyksopp",
"artist_mbids": [
"release_date": "2022-04-29",
"release_group_mbid": "4f1c579a-8a9c-4f96-92ae-befcdf3e0d32",
"release_group_primary_type": "Album",
"release_mbid": "1f1db316-8361-4a40-9633-550b259642f5",
"release_name": "Profound Mysteries"
release_date Fresh releases will be shown around this pivot date. Must be in YYYY-
MM-DD format
days The number of days of fresh releases to show. Max 90 days.
sort The sort order of the results. Must be one of “release_date”, “artist_credit_name” or
“release_name”. Default “release_date”.
past Whether to show releases in the past. Default True.
future Whether to show releases in the future. Default True.
1.1. ListenBrainz API 71
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Status Codes
200 OK fetch succeeded
400 Bad Request invalid date or number of days passed.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/explore/color/(color)
Fetch a list of releases that have cover art that has a predominant color that is close to the given color.
"payload": {
"releases" : [
"artist_name": "Letherette",
"color": [ 250, 90, 192 ],
"dist": 109.973,
"release_mbid": "00a109da-400c-4350-9751-6e6f25e89073",
"caa_id": 34897349734,
"release_name": "EP5",
"recordings": "< array of listen formatted metadata >",
". . ."
Status Codes
200 OK success
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
GET /1/explore/lb-radio
Generate a playlist with LB Radio.
prompt The LB Radio prompt from which to generate playlists.
mode The mode that LB radio should use. Must be easy, medium or hard.
"payload": {
"jspf" : <JSPF playlist here>,
"feedback": [ <user feedback items> ]
Status Codes
200 OK success
400 Bad Request bad request: some parameters are missing or invalid
72 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
500 Internal Server Error Troi encountered an error
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
Status API
GET /1/status/get-dump-info
Get information about ListenBrainz data dumps. You need to pass the id parameter in a GET request to get data
about that particular dump.
Example response:
"id": 1,
"timestamp": "20190625-165900"
Query Parameters
id Integer specifying the ID of the dump, if not provided, the endpoint returns information
about the latest data dump.
Status Codes
200 OK You have data.
400 Bad Request You did not provide a valid dump ID. See error message for details.
404 Not Found Dump with given ID does not exist.
Response Headers
Content-Type application/json
1.1.3 Rate limiting
The ListenBrainz API is rate limited via the use of rate limiting headers that are sent as part of the HTTP response
headers. Each call will include the following headers:
X-RateLimit-Limit: Number of requests allowed in given time window
X-RateLimit-Remaining: Number of requests remaining in current time window
X-RateLimit-Reset-In: Number of seconds when current time window expires (recommended: this header is
resilient against clients with incorrect clocks)
X-RateLimit-Reset: UNIX epoch number of seconds (without timezone) when current time window expires
Rate limiting is automatic and the client must use these headers to determine the rate to make API calls. If the client
exceeds the number of requests allowed, the server will respond with error code 429: Too Many Requests. Re-
quests that provide the Authorization header with a valid user token may receive higher rate limits than those without
valid user tokens.
Provided for compatibility with other APIs, but we still recommend using X-RateLimit-Reset-In wherever possible
1.1. ListenBrainz API 73
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.2 Usage Examples
Note: These examples are written in Python version 3.6.3 and use requests version 2.18.4.
1.2.1 Prerequisites
All the examples assume you have a development version of the ListenBrainz server set up on localhost. Remember
to set DEBUG to True in the config. When in production, you can replace localhost with
to use the real API. In order to use either one, you’ll need a token. You can find it under ROOT/settings/ when signed
in, with ROOT being either localhost for the dev version or for the real API.
Caution: You should use the token from the API youre using. In production, change the token to one from
1.2.2 Examples
Submitting Listens
See JSON Documentation for details on the format of the Track dictionaries.
If everything goes well, the json response should be {"status": "ok"}, and you should see a recent listen of “Never
Gonna Give You Up” when you visit ROOT/user/{your-user-name}.
from time import time
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
# API keys for local dev server and the real server are different.
DEBUG = True
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
def submit_listen(listen_type, payload, token):
"""Submits listens for the track(s) in payload.
listen_type (str): either of 'single', 'import' or 'playing_now'
payload: A list of Track dictionaries.
token: the auth token of the user you're submitting listens for
The json response if there's an OK status.
An HTTPError if there's a failure.
A ValueError is the JSON in the response is invalid.
response =
(continues on next page)
74 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"listen_type": listen_type,
"payload": payload,
"Authorization": "Token {0}".format(token)
return response.json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
# An example track.
"listened_at": int(time()),
"track_metadata": {
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"release_name": "Whenever you need somebody"
# Input token from the user and call submit listen
token = input('Please enter your auth token: ')
json_response = submit_listen(listen_type='single', payload=EXAMPLE_PAYLOAD,
print("Response was: {0}".format(json_response))
print("Check your listens - there should be a Never Gonna Give You Up track, played
Getting Listen History
See JSON Documentation for details on the format of the Track dictionaries.
If there’s nothing in the listen history of your user, you can run submit_listens before this.
If there is some listen history, you should see a list of tracks like this:
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
# API keys for local dev server and the real server are different.
DEBUG = True
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
(continues on next page)
1.2. Usage Examples 75
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
# The following token must be valid, but it doesn't have to be the token of the user you
# trying to get the listen history of.
"Authorization": "Token {0}".format(TOKEN)
def get_listens(username, min_ts=None, max_ts=None, count=None):
"""Gets the listen history of a given user.
username: User to get listen history of.
min_ts: History before this timestamp will not be returned.
max_ts: History after this timestamp will not be returned.
count: How many listens to return. If not specified,
uses a default from the server.
A list of listen info dictionaries if there's an OK status.
An HTTPError if there's a failure.
A ValueError if the JSON in the response is invalid.
An IndexError if the JSON is not structured as expected.
response = requests.get(
url="{0}/1/user/{1}/listens".format(ROOT, username),
"min_ts": min_ts,
"max_ts": max_ts,
"count": count,
# Note that an authorization header isn't compulsary for requests to get listens
# BUT requests with authorization headers are given relaxed rate limits by
return response.json()['payload']['listens']
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = input('Please input the MusicBrainz ID of the user: ')
listens = get_listens(username)
for track in listens:
print("Track: {0}, listened at {1}".format(track["track_metadata"]["track_name"],
(continues on next page)
76 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up, listened at 1512040365
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up, listened at 1511977429
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up, listened at 1511968583
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up, listened at 1443521965
Track: Never Gonna Give You Up, listened at 42042042
Lookup MBIDs
To interact with various ListenBrainz features, you will often need a MBID of the recording of a listen. You can use
the Metadata endpoints to lookup MBID and additional metadata for the listen using its track name and artist name.
For instance,
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import json
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
DEBUG = False
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
def lookup_metadata(track_name: str, artist_name: str, incs: str) -> dict:
"""Looks up the metadata for a listen using track name and artist name."""
params = {
"recording_name": track_name,
"artist_name": artist_name
if incs:
params["metadata"] = True
params["incs"] = incs
response = requests.get(
return response.json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
track_name = input('Please input the track name of the listen: ').strip()
artist_name = input('Please input the artist name of the listen: ').strip()
incs = input('Please input extra metadata to include (leave empty if not desired):
metadata = lookup_metadata(track_name, artist_name, incs)
if metadata:
print("Metadata found.")
(continues on next page)
1.2. Usage Examples 77
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
print(json.dumps(metadata, indent=4))
print("No metadata found.")
Please provide the prompted data to the script to lookup the given track. Currently the release argument for a listen is
not used, but we plan to support in the near future, so we encourage you to start sending release information if you have
"artist_credit_name": "Ariana Grande",
"artist_mbids": [
"metadata": {
"recording": {
"rels": [
"artist_mbid": "eb811bf7-4c99-4781-84c0-10ba6b8e33b3",
"artist_name": "Carl Falk",
"instrument": "guitar",
"type": "instrument"
"artist_mbid": "c8af4490-e48a-4f91-aef9-2b1e39369576",
"artist_name": "Savan Kotecha",
"instrument": "background vocals",
"type": "vocal"
"artist_mbid": "0d33cc88-28ae-44d5-be7e-7a653e518720",
"artist_name": "Jeanette Olsson",
"instrument": "background vocals",
"type": "vocal"
"recording_mbid": "9f24c0f7-a644-4074-8fbd-a1dba03de129",
"recording_name": "One Last Time",
"release_mbid": "be5d97b1-408a-4e95-b924-0a61955048de",
"release_name": "My Everything"
78 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Love/hate feedback
To provide love/hate feedback on listens, you need a recording mbid. If you do not have a recording mbid, you can
look it up using the metadata endpoints. See Lookup MBIDs for an example of the same. Here is an example of how
to submit love/hate feedback using the ListenBrainz API. Refer to Feedback API for more details.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
# API keys for local dev server and the real server are different.
DEBUG = True
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
def submit_feedback(token: str, recording_mbid: str, score: int):
""" Submit feedback for recording. """
response =
json={"recording_mbid": recording_mbid, "score": score},
headers={"Authorization": f"Token {token}"}
print("Feedback submitted.")
if __name__ == "__main__":
recording_mbid = input('Please input the recording mbid of the listen: ').strip()
score = int(input('Please input the feedback score (1, 0 or -1): ').strip())
token = input('Please enter your auth token: ').strip()
submit_feedback(token, recording_mbid, score)
Please provide the prompted data to the script to submit feedback.
Latest Import
Set and get the timestamp of the latest import into ListenBrainz.
from time import time
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
# API keys for local dev server and the real server are different.
DEBUG = True
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
def set_latest_import(timestamp, token, service="lastfm"):
"""Sets the time of the latest import.
(continues on next page)
1.2. Usage Examples 79
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
timestamp: Unix epoch to set latest import to.
token: the auth token of the user you're setting latest_import of
service: service to set latest import time of.
The JSON response if there's an OK status.
An HTTPError if there's a failure.
A ValueError if the JSON response is invalid.
response =
"ts": timestamp,
"service": service
"Authorization": "Token {0}".format(token),
return response.json()
if __name__ == "__main__":
ts = int(time())
token = input('Please enter your auth token: ')
json_response = set_latest_import(ts, token)
print("Response was: {0}".format(json_response))
print("Set latest import time to {0}.".format(ts))
If your user has never imported before and the latest import has never been set by a script, then the server will return 0
by default. Run set_latest_import before this if you dont want to actually import any data.
import requests
# Set DEBUG to True to test local dev server.
# API keys for local dev server and the real server are different.
DEBUG = True
ROOT = 'http://localhost:8100' if DEBUG else ''
# The token can be any valid token.
(continues on next page)
80 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"Authorization": "Token {0}".format(TOKEN)
def get_latest_import(username, service="lastfm"):
"""Gets the latest import timestamp of a given user.
username: User to get latest import time of.
service: service to get latest import time of.
A Unix timestamp if there's an OK status.
An HTTPError if there's a failure.
A ValueError if the JSON in the response is invalid.
An IndexError if the JSON is not structured as expected.
response = requests.get(
"user_name": username,
"service": service
return response.json()["latest_import"]
if __name__ == "__main__":
username = input('Please input the MusicBrainz ID of the user: ')
timestamp = get_latest_import(username)
print("User {0} last imported on {1}".format(username, timestamp))
You should see output like this:
User naiveaiguy last imported on 30 11 2017 at 12:23
1.2. Usage Examples 81
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.3 JSON Documentation
Note: Do not submit copyrighted information in these fields!
1.3.1 Submission JSON
To submit a listen via our API (see: Core), POST a JSON document to the submit-listens endpoint. Submit one of
three types of JSON documents:
single: Submit single listen
Indicates user just finished listening to track
payload should contain information about exactly one track
playing_now: Submit playing_now notification
Indicates that user just began listening to track
payload should contain information about exactly one track
Submitting playing_now documents is optional
Timestamp must be omitted from a playing_now submission
Note: Playing Now listens are only stored temporarily. A playing now listen must be submitted again as a single or
import for permanent storage.
import: Submit previously saved listens
payload should contain information about at least one track
Submitting multiple listens in one request is permitted. There are some limitations on the size of a sub-
mission. A request must be less than MAX_LISTEN_PAYLOAD_SIZE bytes, and you can only submit up to
MAX_LISTENS_PER_REQUEST listens per request. Each listen may not exceed MAX_LISTEN_SIZE bytes in
The listen_type element defines different types of submissions. The element is placed at the top-most level of the
JSON document. The only other required element is the payload element. This provides an array of listens the
payload may be one or more listens (as designated by listen_type):
"listen_type": "single",
"payload": [
"--- listen data here ---"
A sample listen payload may look like:
"listened_at": 1443521965,
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"release_mbid": "bf9e91ea-8029-4a04-a26a-224e00a83266",
(continues on next page)
82 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
"artist_mbids": [
"recording_mbid": "98255a8c-017a-4bc7-8dd6-1fa36124572b",
"tags": [ "you", "just", "got", "rick rolled!"]
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"release_name": "Whenever you need somebody"
A complete submit listen JSON document may look like:
"listen_type": "single",
"payload": [
"listened_at": 1443521965,
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"media_player": "Rhythmbox",
"submission_client": "Rhythmbox ListenBrainz Plugin",
"submission_client_version": "1.0",
"release_mbid": "bf9e91ea-8029-4a04-a26a-224e00a83266",
"artist_mbids": [
"recording_mbid": "98255a8c-017a-4bc7-8dd6-1fa36124572b",
"tags": [ "you", "just", "got", "rick rolled!"],
"duration_ms": 222000
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"release_name": "Whenever you need somebody"
1.3.2 Fetching listen JSON
The JSON documents returned from our API look like the following:
"payload": {
"count": 25,
"user_id": "-- the MusicBrainz ID of the user --",
"listens": [
"-- listen data here ---"
(continues on next page)
1.3. JSON Documentation 83
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
The number of listens in the document are returned by the top-level count element. The user_id element contains
the MusicBrainz ID of the user whose listens are being returned. The other element is the listens element. This is a
list which contains the listen JSON elements (described above).
The JSON document returned by the API endpoint for getting tracks being played right now is the same as above, except
that it also contains the payload/playing_now element as a boolean set to True.
1.3.3 Payload JSON details
A minimal payload must include track_metadata/artist_name and track_metadata/track_name elements:
"track_metadata": {
"artist_name": "Rick Astley",
"track_name": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
artist_name and track_name elements must be simple strings.
The payload should also include the listened_at element, which must be an integer representing the Unix time when
the track was listened to. This should be set to playback start time of the submitted track. The minimum accepted value
for this field is LISTEN_MINIMUM_TS. playing_now requests should not have a listened_at field.
Add additional metadata you may have for a track to the additional_info element. Any additional information allows
us to better correlate your listen data to existing MusicBrainz-based data. If you have MusicBrainz IDs available, submit
The following optional elements may also be included in the track_metadata element:
element data type description
release_name string The name of the release this recording was played from.
The following optional elements may also be included in the additional_info element.
Note: If you do not have the data for any of the following fields, omit the key entirely:
84 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Table 1: Additional Info Fields
element data type description
artist_mbids array of
A list of MusicBrainz Artist IDs, one or more Artist IDs may
be included here. If you have a complete MusicBrainz artist
credit that contains multiple Artist IDs, include them all in
this list.
release_group_mbid string A MusicBrainz Release Group ID of the release group this
recording was played from.
release_mbid string A MusicBrainz Release ID of the release this recording was
played from.
recording_mbid string A MusicBrainz Recording ID of the recording that was
track_mbid string A MusicBrainz Track ID associated with the recording that
was played.
work_mbids array of
A list of MusicBrainz Work IDs that may be associated with
this recording.
tracknumber integer The tracknumber of the recording. This first recording on a
release is tracknumber 1.
isrc string The ISRC code associated with the recording.
spotify_id string The Spotify track URL associated with this
recording. e.g.:
tags array of
A list of user-defined folksonomy tags to be associated
with this recording. For example, you can apply tags
such as punk, see-live, smelly. You may submit up to
MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN tags and each tag may be up to
MAX_TAG_SIZE characters large.
media_player string The name of the program being used to listen to music. Dont
include a version number here.
media_player_version string The version of the program being used to listen to music.
submission_client string The name of the client that is being used to submit lis-
tens to ListenBrainz. If the media player has the ability to
submit listens built-in then this value may be the same as
media_player. Dont include a version number here.
submission_client_version string The version of the submission client.
music_service string If the song being listened to comes from an online service,
the canonical domain of this service (see below for more de-
music_service_name string If the song being listened to comes from an online service
and you dont know the canonical domain, a name that rep-
resents the service.
origin_url string If the song of this listen comes from an online source, the
URL to the place where it is available. This could be a
spotify URL (see spotify_id), a YouTube video URL, a
Soundcloud recording page URL, or the full URL to a pub-
lic MP3 file. If there is a webpage for this song (e.g. Youtube
page, Soundcloud page) do not try and resolve the URL to
an actual audio resource.
duration_ms and duration integer The duration of the track in milliseconds and seconds re-
spectively. You should only include one of duration_ms
or duration.
1.3. JSON Documentation 85
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
Note: Music service names
The music_service field should be a domain name rather than a textual description or URL. This allows us to refer
unambiguously to a service without worrying about capitalization or full/short names (such as the difference between
“Internet Archive”, The Internet Archive” or Archive”). If we use this data on ListenBrainz, we will perform a map-
ping from the domain name to a canonical name. Below is an example of mappings that we currently support. If you are
submitting from a service which doesn’t appear in this list, you should determine a canonical domain from the domain of
the service. Only if you cannot determine a domain for the service should you use the text-only music_service_name
Table 2: Music services domain/name mapping
domain name Spotify Bandcamp YouTube YouTube Music Deezer TIDAL Apple Music Internet Archive Soudcloud Jamendo Music Google Play Music
1.3.4 Client Metadata examples
Here are a few examples of how to fill in the media_player, submission_client and music_service fields based
on our current recommendations.
BrainzPlayer on the ListenBrainz website playing a video from YouTube
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"media_player": "BrainzPlayer",
"music_service": "",
"origin_url": "",
"submission_client": "BrainzPlayer"
"artist_name": "Mdou Moctar",
"release_name": "Ilana (The Creator)",
"track_name": "Inizgam"
86 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
BrainzPlayer on the ListenBrainz website playing a video from Spotify
Note that even though the origin_url is, we set music_service to (see
above note).
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"media_player": "BrainzPlayer",
"music_service": "",
"origin_url": "",
"submission_client": "BrainzPlayer"
"artist_name": "Les Filles de Illighadad",
"release_name": "Eghass Malan",
"track_name": "Inssegh Inssegh"
Using Otter for Funkwhale on Android, and submitting with Simple Scrobbler
In this case, the media player and submission client are completely separate programs. Because music is being played
from a user’s private collection and not a streaming service, don’t include music_service or origin_url.
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"media_player": "Otter",
"media_player_version": "1.0.21",
"submission_client": "Simple Scrobbler"
"submission_client_version": "1.7.0"
"artist_name": "Les Filles de Illighadad",
"release_name": "Eghass Malan",
"track_name": "Inssegh Inssegh"
Rhythmbox player listening to Jamendo
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"media_player": "Rhythmbox",
"music_service": "",
"music_service_name": "Jamendo Music"
"origin_url": "",
"submission_client": "Rhythmbox ListenBrainz Plugin"
"artist_name": "Duo Teslar",
"track_name": "Universal Funk"
(continues on next page)
1.3. JSON Documentation 87
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
(continued from previous page)
Listening to a recording from Bandcamp and submitting with the browser extension WebScrobbler
Because playback happens in the browser, there is no specific media_player.
"track_metadata": {
"additional_info": {
"music_service": "",
"music_service_name": "Bandcamp",
"submission_client": "WebScrobbler",
"submission_client_version": "v2.48.0"
"origin_url": "
"artist_name": "I Mitomani Beat",
"release_name": "Fuori Dal Tempo",
"track_name": "Shake",
At this point, we are not removing any other elements that may be submitted via the additional_info element. We’re
open to see how people will make use of these unspecified fields and may decide to formally specify or scrub elements
in the future.
1.4 Client Libraries
Client Libraries have already been written by the community for some languages.
1.4.1 Haskell
1.4.2 Go
88 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.4.3 Rust
1.4.4 .NET
1.4.5 Python
1.4.6 Java
1.5 Last.FM Compatible API for ListenBrainz
There are two versions of the Last.FM API used by clients to submit data to Last.FM.
1. The latest Last.FM API
2. The AudioScrobbler API v1.2
ListenBrainz can understand requests sent to both these APIs and use their data to import listens submitted by clients
like VLC and Spotify. Existing Last.FM clients can be pointed to the ListenBrainz proxy URL and they should submit
listens to ListenBrainz instead of Last.FM.
Note: This information is also present on the ListenBrainz website.
1.5.1 AudioScrobbler API v1.2
Clients supporting the old version of the AudioScrobbler API (such as VLC and Spotify) can be configured to work
with ListenBrainz by making the client point to and using your MusicBrainz ID
as username and the LB Authorization Token as password.
If the software you are using doesnt support changing where the client submits info (like Spotify), you can edit your
/etc/hosts file as follows:
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1.5.2 Last.FM API
These instructions are for setting up usage of the Last.FM API for Audacious client on Ubuntu. These steps can be
modified for other clients as well.
For development
1. Install dependencies from here, then clone the repo and install audacious.
2. Before installing audacious-plugins, edit the file audacious-plugins/src/scrobbler2/scrobbler.h to update the fol-
lowing setting on line L28. This is required only because the local server does not have https support.:
3. Compile and install the plugins from the instructions given here.
4. Edit the /etc/hosts file and add the following entry:
5. Flush dns and restart network manager using:
$ sudo /etc/init.d/dns-clean start
$ sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart
6. Register an application on MusicBrainz with the following Callback URL http://<HOSTURL>/login/
musicbrainz/post and update the received MusicBrainz Client ID and Client Secret in of Listen-
Brainz. HOSTURL should be as per the settings of the server. Example: localhost
7. In Audacious, go to File > Settings > Plugins > Scrobbler2.0 and enable it. Now open its settings and then
8. When you get a URL from your application which look like this, replace it with
If you are running a local server, then HOSTURL should be similar to “localhost:7080”.
If you are not running the server, then HOSTURL should be “”.
For users
1. Repeat all the above steps, except for steps 2 and 6.
2. For Step 8, choose the 2nd option for HOSTURL.
1.6 Data Dumps
ListenBrainz provides data dumps that you can import into your own server or use for other purposes. The full data
dumps are created twice a month and the incremental data dumps twice a week. Each dump contains a number of
different files. Depending on your use cases, you may or may not require all of them.
We have a bunch of commands which may be useful in interacting with dumps during local development as well.
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1.6.1 Dump mirrors
See the ListenBrainz data page for information about where to download the data dumps from.
1.6.2 File Descriptions
A ListenBrainz data dump consists of three archives:
1. listenbrainz-public-dump.tar.xz
2. listenbrainz-listens-dump.tar.xz
3. listenbrainz-listens-dump-spark.tar.xz
This file contains information about ListenBrainz users and statistics derived from listens submitted to ListenBrainz
calculated from users, artists, recordings etc.
This is the core ListenBrainz data dump. This file contains all the listens submitted to ListenBrainz by its users.
This is also a dump of the core ListenBrainz listen data. These dumps are made for consumption by the ListenBrainz
Apache Spark cluster, formatting all listens into monthly JSON files that can easily be loaded into dataframes.
1.6.3 Structure of the listens dump
The ListenBrainz listen dump consists of listens broken down by year and month. At the top level there are directories
for each of the year for which we have data. Inside each year there are listens files with month number as its name:
1. listenbrainz-listens-dump-183-20200727-001004-full/listens/2005/1.listens
2. listenbrainz-listens-dump-183-20200727-001004-full/listens/2005/2.listens
3. listenbrainz-listens-dump-183-20200727-001004-full/listens/2005/3.listens
4. listenbrainz-listens-dump-183-20200727-001004-full/listens/2005/4.listens
5. listenbrainz-listens-dump-183-20200727-001004-full/listens/2005/5.listens
Each of the .listens files contains one JSON document per line each of the JSON documents is one listen, formatted
in the standard listens format.
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1.6.4 Incremental dumps
ListenBrainz provides incremental data dumps that you can use to keep up to date with the ListenBrainz dataset without
needing to download the full dumps everytime. These dumps have the same structure as the corresponding full dumps,
but only contain data that has been submitted since the creation of the previous dump. We create incremental data
dumps daily.
The basic idea here is that dumps create a linear timeline of the dataset based on the time of submission of data. In
order to use the incremental dumps, you must start with the latest full dump and then, applying all incremental dumps
since will give you the latest data. The series is consistent, if you take a full dump and apply all incremental dumps
since that full dump until the next full dump, you will have all data as the next full dump.
Deleted listens present a tricky problem in this setup, since they are not included in the incremental dumps. To get a
fully accurate list of listens, with deleted listens removed, you’ll need to re-import a full dump.
1.7 ListenBrainz Data Update Intervals
Expected schedule:
System Update schedule
Receiving listens, updating listen counts Immediate*
Deleting listens Removed at the top of the next hour (UTC)
Updating statistics for new listens Daily
Removing deleted listens from stats On the 2nd and 16th of each month
Full dumps 1st and 15th of each month
Incremental dumps Daily
Situations will occasionally arise where these take longer. If you have been a very patient user, and something still
hasnt updated, check our forum for news or discussion. If you suspect something has gone very wrong you can also
search for tickets, and lodge new tickets, in our ticket tracker.
*Listens via a connected Spotify account may not be submitted immediately, causing a short delay
This complicated schedule is caused by ListenBrainz having a lot of interconnected parts that work at different scales.
For more details, read on!
1.7.1 Listens and Listen Counts
Listen submitted via the ListenBrainz API should appear in your Dashboard immediately. The Spotify API does not
immediately report completed listens; it may take several minutes for these to be reported to ListenBrainz.
Listen Count should always be up to date for listens that we have received. The only time we deviate from this is when
listens are to be deleted. Deleting a listen is (surprisingly) a fairly expensive operation and we have the resources for
keeping listen counts updated, but not to keep listen counts fully up to date when listens are being deleted. Any listens
marked for deletion will be deleted at the top of the next hour. Once this happens, your listen counts will be consistent
Weve spent months working on making this system work well and be scalable. This system is surprisingly complex
and it took us several approaches to get to where we are now. It isnt ideal but, given our limited resources, we opted for
what we call an “eventually consistent” system that focuses on being consistent (accurate) for most of our users most
of the time.
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1.7.2 User Statistics
Calculating user statistics is an entirely different and challenging task! For this we utilize the Spark database system
(more on this below), which requires us to dump, copy and import many gigabytes of data from our Postgres database
into Spark.
Currently, we use our data dumps for this purpose we dump the full data twice a month on the 1st and 15th of the
month and dump incremental dumps on a daily basis. The daily dumps update the listen data in our Spark system with
new listens, but they do not remove any listens from Spark that may have been deleted from the main database since
the last incremental dump. Deleted listens are removed from Spark only when we import a new full data dump on the
2nd and 16th day of the month.
For example: If you delete a listen on the 5th day of the month, you can expect that the statistics generated on the 17th
will reflect the current stats of your listens as of the end of the 14th day of the month.
We recognize that this is less than ideal were considering how to improve this and to make the ingestion of listens
and the deletion of listens both happen in real time.
1.7.3 MBID Mapper & MusicBrainz Metadata Cache
The MBID mapper is reponsible for taking an incoming listen and using nothing but artist name and recording name
and finding the best match in MusicBrainz. This process normally works quite well, except for when music youd like
to listen to doesnt yet exist in MusicBrainz.
The mapper attempts to map a recording when:
1. A new listen comes in (we’ve never seen this listen before). If a listen is not matched, we set a timer for when to
try to match the listen again. We start the timer at 1day, but for each time we fail to match it we will double the
delay before try it again, up to a max of 30 days.
2. When a previously unmatched listen comes in again, we’ll attempt a remapping.
3. Our periodic mapping process will go over all unmapped listens and attempt to map them. This process can take
quite some time to complete (weeks at times!) and once complete it will start over again the next day.
If a listen cannot be mapped, the user can optionally tell us how to map the listen with the “Link with MusicBrainz”
feature from the listen card. A few notes about this:
1. If you have an unmatched listen in your stats and then you manually link the listen, the stats will not update until
the next time listens are loaded again (2nd and 16th of the month, see above)
2. If you would like to manually map a listen, but the recording does not exist in MusicBrainz, you’ll need to add it
there (or wait for someone else to add it). Once it has been added to MusicBrainz, it will be available for manual
mappping in about 4 hours.
1.7.4 ListenBrainz data infrastructure
The ListenBrainz project makes use of three major types of databases: Postgres/Timescale, Spark and CouchDB.
Postgres is our primary workhorse that serves user data (accounts, followers, likes/hates, etc). Timescale (an extended
version of Postgres) is used to store Listens and Playlists. Postgres and Timescale are fantastic tools for providing a
specific piece of information quickly (e.g which users does this a user follow). However Postgres/Timescale are not
great for inserting large amounts of data into the database each day it slows everything down for everyone. So we store
the computed user listening statistics in CouchDB, which is suitable for ingesting large volumes of data and serving it
for a day, before it is replaced with the next iteration of the data.
Finally, we have Spark, which is a batch processing system. Spark is designed to work with large datasets in a batch
fashion, where the data for all users might be processed in one batch task. Spark works with huge amounts of data in
one go, which is very distinct from our use of Postgres/Timescale and CouchDB.
1.7. ListenBrainz Data Update Intervals 93
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All of the tools we use are excellent open source tools. Each does a fantastic job, at the tasks they were designed for.
There is no one open source solution for all of our needs, so we shuffle data from one system to another as we need it.
This, however, brings latency and delays in keeping all of our data up to date.
Take a look at the general overview of how data flows between each of these systems:
In the future we hope to serve content (stats) directly from our Spark installation (with the help of existing tools) as
indicated by the dotted arrow between Spark and the API/web pages box. This will further reduce the latency of some
of our services.
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1.8 Server development
1.8.1 Set up ListenBrainz Server development environment
To contribute to the ListenBrainz project, you need a development environment. With your development environ-
ment, you can test your changes before submitting a patch to the project. This guide helps you set up a development
environment and run ListenBrainz locally on your workstation. By the end of this guide, you will have. . .
Installed system dependencies
Registered a MusicBrainz application
Initialized development databases
Running ListenBrainz Server
1.8.2 Clone listenbrainz-server
ListenBrainz is hosted on GitHub at You can use git to clone it
(or your own fork) to your computer.
Note: Windows users are advised to clone the repository in their WSL2 file system to avoid code watcher issues.
Please refer to run docker inside WSL for more information.
git clone
1.8.3 Install docker
ListenBrainz uses Docker for development. This helps you to easily create your development environment. Therefore,
to work on the project, you first need to install Docker. If you havent already, follow the docker installation instructions
for your platform.
1.8.4 Register a MusicBrainz application
Next, you need to register your application and get an OAuth token from MusicBrainz. This allows you to sign into
your development environment with your MusicBrainz account.
To register, visit the MusicBrainz applications page. There, look for the option to register your application. Fill out the
form with the following data:
Name: (any name that you want and will recognize, e.g. listenbrainz-server-devel)
Type: Web Application
Callback URL: http://localhost:8100/login/musicbrainz/post/
After entering this information, you’ll have an OAuth client ID and OAuth client secret. You’ll use these for configuring
1.8. Server development 95
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With your new client ID and secret, update the ListenBrainz configuration file. If this is your first time configuring
ListenBrainz, copy the sample to a live configuration.
cp listenbrainz/ listenbrainz/
Now, open the new file (dont change with your favorite text editor and look for this section.
# MusicBrainz OAuth
Update the strings with your client ID and secret. After doing this, your ListenBrainz development environment is able
to authenticate and log in from your MusicBrainz login.
Note: Make sure the MUSICBRAINZ_CLIENT_ID and MUSICBRAINZ_CLIENT_SECRET parameters are set properly,
failing to do so will result in a basic browser auth popup like the one below:
To use the importer you need an API account at You can register for one at the API page.
Look for the following section in
# Lastfm API
Update the LASTFM_API_KEY field with your API key.
You also need to update the API_URL field value to http://localhost:8100.
To use the Spotify importer you need to register an application on the Spotify Developer Dashboard. Use http://
localhost:8100/settings/music-services/spotify/callback/ as the callback URL.
After that, fill out the Spotify client ID and client secret in the following section of the file.
Note: The hostname on the callback URL must be the same as the host you use to access your development server. If
you use something other than localhost, you should update the SPOTIFY_CALLBACK_URL field accordingly.
To use the CritiqueBrainz reviewer, you’ll need to visit the CritiqueBrainz applications page and create/register an
application. Use http://localhost:8100/ as the homepage URL and http://localhost:8100/settings/
music-services/critiquebrainz/callback/ as the callback URL.
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After registering, update the CritiqueBrainz section of the file with the client ID and client secret you obtained.
CRITIQUEBRAINZ_REDIRECT_URI = 'http://localhost:8100/settings/music-services/
Note: Again, if you use something other than localhost as the host you use to access your development server, you
should update the homepage and Authorization callback URL fields accordingly when registering on Critique-
1.8.5 Initialize ListenBrainz containers
Next, run
./ build
in the root of the repository. Using docker-compose, this will build multiple Docker images for the different services
that make up the ListenBrainz server.
The first time you run this script it might take some time while it downloads all of the required dependencies and builds
the services.
1.8.6 Initialize ListenBrainz databases
Your development environment needs some specific databases to work. Before proceeding, run these commands to
initialize the databases.
./ manage init_db --create-db
./ manage init_ts_db --create-db
Your development environment is now ready. Now, let’s actually see ListenBrainz load locally!
1.8.7 Run the magic script
Now that the databases are initialized, you can start your development environment by running up.
./ up
Note: By default, the web service listens on port 8100. If you already have a service listening on this port, then you
can change it by updating the ports section of docker/docker-compose.yml.
- "8100:80"
To change the listening port, change only the value before the “:” to the port of your choice and point your browser to
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You will see the output of docker-compose. You can shut down listenbrainz by pressing CTRL^C. Once everything
is running, visit your new site in a browser!
Now, you are all set to begin making changes and seeing them in real-time inside of your development environment. If
you make changes to python code, the server will be automatically restarted. If you make changes to javascript code it
will be automatically compiled.
Look at the documentation for more details.
1.8.8 Listenbrainz containers
A listenbrainz development environment contains a number of different containers running different services. We
provide a small description of each container here:
db: A PostgreSQL server that contains data about users
redis: A redis server to store temporary server data
timescale: A PostgreSQL server with the TimescaleDB extension that stores users listens
rabbitmq: Used for passing listens between different services
web: This is the main ListenBrainz server
api_compat: A API server
websockets: A websocket server used for the user-following and playlist updates on the front-end
static_builder: A helper service to build Javascript/Typescript and CSS assets if they are changed
Note: If you add new python dependencies to ListenBrainz by adding them to requirements.txt you will have
rebuild the web server. Use
./ build web
to do this.
If you add new Javascript dependencies you will have to rebuild the static_builder:
./ build static_builder
1.8.9 Test your changes with unit tests
Unit tests are an important part of ListenBrainz. It helps make it easier for developers to test changes and help prevent
easily avoidable mistakes later on. Before committing new code or making a pull request, run the unit tests on your
This builds and runs the containers needed for the tests. This script configures test-specific data volumes so that test
data is isolated from your development data. Note that all tests are run: Unit tests and integration tests.
To run tests faster, you can use some options to start up the test infrastructure once so that subsequent running of the
tests is faster:
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./ -u # build unit test containers, start up and
˓initialise the database
./ [path-to-tests-file-or-directory] # run specific tests, do this as often as
˓you need to
./ -s # stop test containers, but don't remove
./ -d # stop and remove all test containers
If you made any changes to the frontend, you can run the tests for frontend using
./ fe
You can also make use of the following frontend testing options for efficient testing.
./ fe run frontend tests
./ fe -u run frontend tests, update snapshots
./ fe -b build frontend test containers
./ fe -t run type-checker
When the tests complete, you will see if your changes are valid or not. These tests are a helpful way to validate new
changes without a lot of work.
1.8.10 Lint your code
ListenBrainz uses ESLint to lint the frontend codebase as part of the development process, in Webpack.
ESLint will automatically fix trivial issues and list all other issues in your terminal. Make sure to fix any error with the
code youve modified.
There can be quite a lot of logs in the terminal, so if you want to look only at front-end build output, you can use this
command to inspect only the static_builder logs:
./ logs -f static_builder
1.8.11 Using
We provide a utility to wrap docker-compose and some common development processes.
To open a psql session to the listenbrainz database, run:
./ psql
To open a psql session to the timescale database containing user listens, run:
./ timescale
To open a bash shell in the webserver container, run:
./ bash
To open flask shell in the webserver container using ipython with the listenbrainz app loaded, run:
./ shell
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To open a redis shell:
./ redis provides a direct interface to invoke inside a docker container. is a click script
containing a number of listenbrainz management commands. To invoke, run:
./ manage <command>
To get a list of commands, run:
./ manage --help
To pass any other command to docker-compose, run:
./ <command>
To get a list of valid docker-compose commands, see the output of docker-compose help:
./ help
1.9 Spark development
The ListenBrainz Spark environment is used for computing statistics and computing recommendations. If youre just
working on adding a feature to the ListenBrainz webserver, you do not need to set up the Spark development environ-
ment. However, if youre looking to add a new stat or improve our fledgling recommender system, you’ll need both the
webserver and the spark development environment.
This guide should explain how to develop and test new features for ListenBrainz that use Spark.
1.9.1 Set up the webserver
The spark environment is dependent on the webserver. Follow the steps in the guide to set up the webserver environment.
Create listenbrainz_spark/
The spark environment needs a in the listenbrainz_spark/ dir. Create it by copying from the sample config
cp listenbrainz_spark/ listenbrainz_spark/
1.9.2 Initialize ListenBrainz Spark containers
Run the following command to build the spark containers.
./ spark build
The first time you build the containers, you also need to format the namenode container.
./ spark format
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Note: You can run ./ spark format any time that you want to delete all of the data that is loaded in
spark. This will shut down the spark docker cluster, remove the docker volumes used to store the data, and recreate the
HDFS filesystem.
Your development environment is now ready. Now, let’s actually see ListenBrainz Spark in action!
1.9.3 Bring containers up
First, ensure that you are running the main ListenBrainz development environment:
./ up
Start the ListenBrainz Spark environment:
./ spark up
This will also bring up the spark reader container which is described in detail here.
1.9.4 Import data into the spark environment
We provide small data dumps that are helpful for working with real ListenBrainz data. Download and import a data
dump into your spark environment using the following commands in a separate terminal.
./ spark run spark_reader python spark request_import_incremental
Now, you are all set to begin making changes and seeing them in real-time inside of your development environment!
Once you are done with your work, shut down the containers using the following command.
./ spark down
Note: You’ll need to run ./ spark down every time you restart your environment, otherwise hadoop
errors out.
1.9.5 Working with request_consumer
The ListenBrainz webserver and spark cluster interact with each other via the request consumer. For a more detailed
guide on working with the request consumer, read this document.
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1.9.6 Test your changes with unit tests
Unit tests are an important part of ListenBrainz Spark. It helps make it easier for developers to test changes and help
prevent easily avoidable mistakes later on. Before committing new code or making a pull request, run the unit tests on
your code.
./ spark
This builds and runs the containers needed for the tests. This script configures test-specific data volumes so that test
data is isolated from your development data.
When the tests complete, you will see if your changes are valid or not. These tests are a helpful way to validate new
changes without a lot of work.
1.10 Architecture
1.10.1 Services
This is a list of the docker containers for ListenBrainz services used in local development and running in the MetaBrainz
server infrastructure.
In production, webservers run uwsgi server to serve the flask application. In development, the flask development server
is used.
Table 3: Webservers
Production Description
web listenbrainz-web-
serves the ListenBrainz flask app for the website and APIs (except compat
api_compat listenbrainz-api-
serves a flask app for only compatible APIs.
websockets listenbrainz-
runs websockets server to handle realtime listen and playlist updates.
Table 4: Databases and Cache
Production Description
redis listenbrainz-redis redis instance used for caching all stuff ListenBrainz.
lb_db listenbrainz-
timescale instance for ListenBrainz to store listens and playlists. in devel-
opment environment, the all databases are part of lb_db container.
lb_db postgres-floyd primary database instance shared by multiple MetaBrainz projects. The
main ListenBrainz DB resides here as well as the MessyBrainz DB.
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Table 5: Misc Services
Production Description
timescale_writer listenbrainz-
runs timescale writer which consumes listens from incoming rabbitmq
queue, performs a messybrainz lookup and inserts listens in the database.
spotify_reader listenbrainz-spotify-
runs a service for importing listens from spotify API and submitting to
spark_reader listenbrainz-spark-
processes incoming results from spark cluster like inserting statistics in
database etc.
rabbitmq rabbitmq-clash rabbitmq instance shared by MetaBrainz services. listenbrainz queues are
under /listenbrainz vhost.
Table 6: Only Production Services
Production Description
listenbrainz-labs-api-prod serves a flask app for experimental ListenBrainz APIs
runs a nginx container for the compat API that exposes this service on a local IP,
not through gateways.
listenbrainz-cron-prod runs cron jobs used to execute periodic tasks like creating dumps, invoking spark
jobs to import dump, requesting statistics and so on. smtp relay used by LB to send emails.
listenbrainz-typesense typesense (typo robust search) used by the mbid-mapping.
listenbrainz-mbid-mapping A cron container that fires off periodic MBID data processing tasks.
Maps incoming listens to the MBID mapping as well as updating the mapping.
listenbrainz spark cluster spark cluster to generate statistics and recommendations for LB.
1.10.2 Listen Flow
Listens can be submitted to ListenBrainz using native ListenBrainz API, compatible API (API compat) and Au-
dioScrobbler 1.2 compatible API (API compat deprecated). Each api endpoint validates the listens submitted through
it and sends the listens to a RabbitMQ queue based on listen type. Playing Now listens are sent to the Playing Now
queue, and permanent listens are sent to the Incoming queue.
Playing now listens are ephemeral are only stored in Redis, with an expiry time of the duration of the track (if duration
is unavailable then a configurable fallback time is used). The Playing now queue is consumed by Websockets service.
The frontend connects with the Websockets service to display listens on the website without manually reloading the
On the other hand, “Permanent” Listens need to be persisted in the database. Timescale Writer service consumes from
the Incoming queue. It begins with querying the MessyBrainz database for MessyBrainz IDs. MessyBrainz tries to
find an existing match for the hash of the listen in the database. If one exists, it is returned otherwise it inserts the hash
and data into the database and returns a new MessyBrainz ID.
Once the writer receives MSIDs from MessyBrainz, the MSID is added to the track metadata and the listen is inserted
in the listen table. The insert deduplicates listens based on a (user, timestamp, track_name) triplet i.e. at a given
timestamp, a user can have a track entry only once. As you can see, listens of different tracks at the same timestamp
are allowed for a user. The database returns the “unique” listens to the writer which publishes those to Unique queue.
1.10. Architecture 103
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The Websockets server consumes from the unique queue and sends a list of tracks to connected clients (like the now
playing queue). The MBID mapper also consumes from the unique queue and builds a MSID->MBID mapping using
these listens.
1.10.3 Frontend Rendering
ListenBrainz frontend pages are a blend of Jinja2 templates (Python) and React components (Javascript). The Jinja2
templates used are bare bones , they include a placeholder div called react-container into which the react components
are rendered. To render the components, some data like current user info, api url etc are needed. These are injected
as json into two script tags in the HTML page, to be consumed by the React application: page-react-props and global-
Most ListenBrainz pages will have a Jinja2 template and at least 1 React component file. The components are written
in Typescript, and we use Webpack to transpile them to javascript, to compile CSS from LESS and to minify and
bundle everything. In local development, this is all done in a separate Docker container static_builder which watches
for changes in front-end files and recompiles automatically. In production, the compilation happens only once and at
time of building the docker image.
Using script tags, we manually specify the appropriate compiled javascript file to include on a given page in its Jinja2
1.11 Spark Architecture
In order to actually build features that use Spark, it is important to understand how the ListenBrainz webserver and the
Spark environment interact.
The ListenBrainz webserver and Spark cluster are completely seperate entities, only connected by RabbitMQ. This
document explains how they interact with each other, taking the example of a stat.
The ListenBrainz environment sends a request to the request_consumer script via RabbitMQ. The request consumer,
which is connected to Spark, takes the request and uses Spark to compute an appropriate response (or many responses).
The request consumer then sends these responses via RabbitMQ to the spark_reader script, which runs alongside
the webserver. The spark reader then takes the responses, and in the case of a stat, writes them to the ListenBrainz
PostgreSQL database. Now that the stat has been updated in the database, users can view them on or
via the API.
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1.11.1 Developing request_consumer
Start the webserver
./ up
Start the spark containers
Follow the instructions to set up a Spark environment and import a small incremental dump so that you have some data.
Start the spark reader
The spark reader is brought up when you run ./ spark up . Now, you have everything needed to work
with Spark. You can trigger a request like this
./ manage spark request_user_stats --type=entity --range=week --entity=artists
1.12 MBID Mapping
The MBID mapping scripts allow us to take metadata from the messybrainz database and look up recording MBIDs
from the MusicBrainz database.
Note: The MBID Mapping source code lives in listenbrainz/mbid_mapping but is run independently from
the main listenbrainz web docker image. You can use your own virtual environment or use listenbrainz/
mbid_mapping/ to build a standalone docker image.
1.12.1 Database tables
The MBID Mapping supplemental tables hold preprocessed data from the MusicBrainz database.
mapping.canonical_musicbrainz_data: The MBID and Name of Recordings, Artists (and credits), and
Releases for all recordings in MusicBrainz
mapping.canonical_recording_redirect: A mapping to find the “canonical” recording given an artist
credit + recording name
mapping.canonical_release_redirect: A mapping to find the “canonical” release given an artist credit +
release name
These tables can be populated by running
python mapper/ canonical-data
The update process build the new data in a temporary table and then replaces them in a single transaction. This means
that lookups can continue to run on the existing tables while the new ones are being built.
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1.12.2 Fuzzy lookups
We use typesense as a way of performing quick, fuzzy lookups based on artist name and recording name
Build the typesese index with
python mapper/ build-index
As with the data tables, a new typesense collection is created and then swapped into place in a single operation.
Build the mapping tables and then the typesense index directly afterwards with
python mapper/ create-all
1.12.3 MBID Mapper
The mapper looks for new MSIDs submitted to messybrainz and finds a matching MBID in MusicBrainz
python3 -u -m listenbrainz.mbid_mapping_writer.mbid_mapping_writer
A background thread pushes items to be processed onto a queue - recent submissions first, and then if nothing is
to be done, old items. The processing thread pops items off the queue and then looks them up, adding them to the
mbid_mapping table.
There is also a background thread that fires off daily, which looks for listens that have been written to the listens table,
but for some reason do not have a matching mapping entry. (This could happen due to restarts or problems with the
mapper itself). These are called legacy listens.
The background thread will walk the entire listens table once a day to find these legacy listens and attempt to map
them. In the same thread we also look for mapping items with timestamp of the unix epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00),
which indicates that they ought to be re-checked. Currently we have no automated mechanism in place for setting any
mapping entries to the epoch.
TODO: Detuning algorithm TODO: match quality types
1.13 Scripts
We have a bunch of python scripts to execute common tasks.
Note: During development, you can use ./ manage ... to execute the commands. In production, the
command should be run inside the appropriate container using python ....
1.13.1 ListenBrainz
These commands are helpful in running a ListenBrainz development instance and some other miscellaneous tasks.
106 Chapter 1. Contents
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./ manage
./ manage [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
./ manage add_missing_to_listen_users_metadata [OPTIONS]
Delete expired do not recommend entries from database
./ manage clear-expired-do-not-recommends [OPTIONS]
Complete all pending listen deletes and also run update script for updating listen metadata since last cron run
./ manage delete_listens [OPTIONS]
Complete all pending listen deletes since last cron run
./ manage delete_pending_listens [OPTIONS]
Initializes database.
This process involves several steps:
1. Table structure is created.
2. Primary keys and foreign keys are created.
3. Indexes are created.
./ manage init_db [OPTIONS]
1.13. Scripts 107
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-f, --force
Drop existing database and user.
Create the database and user.
Initializes database.
This process involves several steps:
1. Table structure is created.
2. Indexes are created.
3. Views are created
./ manage init_ts_db [OPTIONS]
-f, --force
Drop existing database and user.
Create the database and user.
./ manage notify_yim_users [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to send the emails
Recalculate all user timestamps and listen counts.
./ manage recalculate_all_user_data [OPTIONS]
108 Chapter 1. Contents
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Refresh top manual msid-mbid mappings view
./ manage refresh-top-manual-mappings [OPTIONS]
Generate daily playlists for users soon after the new day begins in their timezone. This is an internal LB method and
not a core function of troi.
./ manage run-daily-jams [OPTIONS]
Create the daily jams for all users. if false (default), only for users according to timezone.
Query external services new releases api for new releases and submit those to our cache as seeds
./ manage run-metadata-cache-seeder [OPTIONS]
./ manage run_websockets [OPTIONS]
-h, --host <host>
-p, --port <port>
-d, --debug
Turns debugging mode on or off. If specified, overrides ‘DEBUG’ value in the config file.
1.13. Scripts 109
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./ manage set_rate_limits [OPTIONS] PER_TOKEN_LIMIT PER_IP_LIMIT
Required argument
Required argument
Required argument
Submit a release from MusicBrainz to the local ListenBrainz instance
Specify -u to use the token of this user when submitting, or -t to specify a specific token.
./ manage submit-release [OPTIONS] RELEASEMBID
-u, --user <user>
-t, --token <token>
Required argument
Scan tables using msids to find matching mbids from mapping tables and update them.
./ manage update-msid-tables [OPTIONS]
110 Chapter 1. Contents
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./ manage update_user_emails [OPTIONS]
Scans listen table and update listen metadata for all users
./ manage update_user_listen_data [OPTIONS]
1.13.2 Dump Manager
These commands are used to export and import dumps.
1.13.3 ListenBrainz Spark
These commands are used to interact with the Spark Cluster.
Invoke script responsible for the request consumer
python request_consumer [OPTIONS]
./ manage spark
./ manage spark [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
./ manage spark cron_request_all_stats [OPTIONS]
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./ manage spark cron_request_recommendations [OPTIONS]
./ manage spark cron_request_similar_users [OPTIONS]
./ manage spark cron_request_similarity_datasets
Send the cluster a request to create dataframes.
./ manage spark request_dataframes [OPTIONS]
--days <days>
Request model to be trained on data of given number of days
--job-type <job_type>
The type of dataframes to request. ‘recommendation_recording’ or ‘similar_users’ are allowed.
--listens-threshold <listens_threshold>
The minimum number of listens a user should have to be included in the dataframes.
Send an entity stats request to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_entity_stats [OPTIONS]
--type <type_>
Required Type of statistics to calculate
112 Chapter 1. Contents
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--range <range_>
Required Time range of statistics to calculate
this_week | this_month | this_year | week | month | quarter | year | half_yearly | all_time
--entity <entity>
Entity for which statistics should be calculated
artists | release_groups
--database <database>
Name of the couchdb database to store data in
Send the cluster a request to generate release radar data.
./ manage spark request_fresh_releases [OPTIONS]
--days <days>
Number of days of listens to consider for artist listening data
--database <database>
Name of the couchdb database to store data in
--threshold <threshold>
Number of days of listens to consider for artist listening data
Send the spark cluster a request to import artist relation.
./ manage spark request_import_artist_relation [OPTIONS]
Send the cluster a request to import a new full data dump
./ manage spark request_import_full [OPTIONS]
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--id <id_>
Optional. ID of the full dump to import, defaults to latest dump available on FTP server
Use local dump instead of FTP
Send the cluster a request to import a new incremental data dump
./ manage spark request_import_incremental [OPTIONS]
--id <id_>
Optional. ID of the incremental dump to import, defaults to latest dump available on FTP server
Use local dump instead of FTP
Send the spark cluster a request to import musicbrainz release dump.
./ manage spark request_import_mlhd_dump [OPTIONS]
Send the spark cluster a request to import musicbrainz release dump.
./ manage spark request_import_musicbrainz_release_dump
Send the cluster a request to import metadata table from MB db postgres
./ manage spark request_import_pg_tables [OPTIONS]
114 Chapter 1. Contents
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Send the cluster a request to generate missing MB data.
./ manage spark request_missing_mb_data [OPTIONS]
--days <days>
Request missing musicbrainz data based on listen data of given number of days
Send the cluster a request to train the model.
For more details refer to
./ manage spark request_model [OPTIONS]
--rank <rank>
Number of hidden features
--itr <itr>
Number of iterations to run.
--lmbda <lmbda>
Controls over fitting.
--alpha <alpha>
Baseline level of confidence weighting applied.
Whether to apply a transformation function on the listencounts or use original listen playcounts
Request mlhd popularity data using the specified dataset.
./ manage spark request_popularity [OPTIONS]
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Use MLHD+ data or ListenBrainz listens data
Send the cluster a request to generate recommendations.
./ manage spark request_recommendations [OPTIONS]
--raw <raw>
Generate given number of raw recommendations
--user-name <users>
Generate recommendations for given users. Generate recommendations for all users by default.
Send the cluster a request to generate recording discovery data.
./ manage spark request_recording_discovery [OPTIONS]
Send the cluster a request to generate similar artists index.
./ manage spark request_similar_artists [OPTIONS]
--days <days>
Required The number of days of listens to use.
--session <session>
Required The maximum duration in seconds between two listens in a listening session.
--contribution <contribution>
Required The maximum contribution a user’s listens can make to the similarity score of a artist pair.
--threshold <threshold>
Required The minimum similarity score to include a recording pair in the simlarity index.
--limit <limit>
Required The maximum number of similar artists to generate per artist (the limit is instructive. upto 2x artists
may be returned than the limit).
116 Chapter 1. Contents
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--skip <skip>
Required the minimum difference threshold to mark track as skipped
Required whether the dataset is being created as a production dataset. affects how the resulting dataset is stored
in LB.
Send the cluster a request to generate similar recordings index.
./ manage spark request_similar_recordings [OPTIONS]
--days <days>
Required The number of days of listens to use.
--session <session>
Required The maximum duration in seconds between two listens in a listening session.
--contribution <contribution>
Required The maximum contribution a user’s listens can make to the similarity score of a recording pair.
--threshold <threshold>
Required The minimum similarity score to include a recording pair in the simlarity index.
--limit <limit>
Required The maximum number of similar recordings to generate per recording (the limit is instructive. upto
2x recordings may be returned than the limit).
--skip <skip>
Required the minimum difference threshold to mark track as skipped
Required whether the dataset is being created as a production dataset. affects how the resulting dataset is stored
in LB.
Send the cluster a request to generate similar recordings index.
./ manage spark request_similar_recordings_mlhd [OPTIONS]
1.13. Scripts 117
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--session <session>
Required The maximum duration in seconds between two listens in a listening session.
--contribution <contribution>
Required The maximum contribution a user’s listens can make to the similarity score of a recording pair.
--threshold <threshold>
Required The minimum similarity score to include a recording pair in the simlarity index.
--limit <limit>
Required The maximum number of similar recordings to generate per recording (the limit is instructive. upto
2x recordings may be returned than the limit).
--skip <skip>
Required the minimum difference threshold to mark track as skipped
Send the cluster a request to generate similar users.
./ manage spark request_similar_users [OPTIONS]
--max-num-users <max_num_users>
The maxiumum number of similar users to return for any given user.
Send request to calculate sitewide stats to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_sitewide_stats [OPTIONS]
--type <type_>
Required Type of statistics to calculate
entity | listening_activity
--range <range_>
Required Time range of statistics to calculate
this_week | this_month | this_year | week | month | quarter | year | half_yearly | all_time
118 Chapter 1. Contents
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--entity <entity>
Entity for which statistics should be calculated
artists | releases | recordings | release_groups
Generate the tags dataset with percent rank
./ manage spark request_tags [OPTIONS]
Bulk generate troi playlists for all users
./ manage spark request_troi_playlists [OPTIONS]
--slug <slug>
weekly-jams | weekly-exploration
whether to create the periodic playlists for all users or only for users according to timezone.
Send a user stats request to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_user_stats [OPTIONS]
--type <type_>
Required Type of statistics to calculate
entity | listening_activity | daily_activity | listeners
--range <range_>
Required Time range of statistics to calculate
this_week | this_month | this_year | week | month | quarter | year | half_yearly | all_time
1.13. Scripts 119
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--entity <entity>
Entity for which statistics should be calculated
artists | releases | recordings | release_groups
--database <database>
Name of the couchdb database to store data in
Send the cluster a request to generate all year in music statistics.
./ manage spark request_year_in_music [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send the cluster a request to generate artist map data and then once the data has been imported generate YIM artist
./ manage spark request_yim_artist_map [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to generate the playlists
Send request to calculate most listened day of week to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_day_of_week [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
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Send request to calculate yearly listen count stat to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_listen_count [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send request to calculate yearly total listening time stat for each user to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_listening_time [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send request to calculate listens per day stat to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_listens_per_day [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send request to calculate most listened year stat to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_most_listened_year [OPTIONS]
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--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send request to calculate count of new artists user listened to this year.
./ manage spark request_yim_new_artists_discovered
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send request to calculate new release stats to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_new_release_stats [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send the cluster a request to generate similar users for Year in Music.
./ manage spark request_yim_similar_users [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
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Send the cluster a request to generate tracks of the year data and then once the data has been imported generate YIM
./ manage spark request_yim_top_discoveries [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to generate the playlists
Send request to calculate top genres each user listened to this year.
./ manage spark request_yim_top_genres [OPTIONS]
--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
Send the cluster a request to generate tracks of the year data and then once the data has been imported generate YIM
./ manage spark request_yim_top_missed_recordings
--year <year>
Year for which to generate the playlists
Send request to calculate top stats to the spark cluster
./ manage spark request_yim_top_stats [OPTIONS]
1.13. Scripts 123
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--year <year>
Year for which to calculate the stat
1.14 Troubleshooting
1.14.1 Docker Installations
If changes to JS files are not being watched or hot reloaded by the host file system, follow these steps:
1. Clone or move the project into your WSL2 file system.
2. Create a .wslconfig file under C:/Users/<user-name>/ with the following content:
3. To apply the changes, you may need to shut down the WSL 2 VM by running wsl --shutdown in the command
prompt. Then, restart your WSL instance.
For more detailed information, refer to the wsl settings page.
1.15 Production Deployment
Note: This documentation is for ListenBrainz maintainers for when they deploy the website
1.15.1 Cron
You can cleanly shut down cron from docker-server-configs by running
If no cron jobs are running, this will stop and delete the cron container. If a job is running it will notify you and not
stop the container.
1.16 Building Docker Images
Note: This documentation is for ListenBrainz maintainers for when they deploy the website
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1.16.1 Production Images
When a Github release is made, production images are automatically built and pushed by the Publish image action.
The git tag associated with the Github release is used as docker image tag.
1.16.2 Test Images
From time to time we want to build images to test PRs on or To build images
for this purpose you can either use the docker/ script or Github Actions.
Note: Usually, the tags for these images is test or beta. However, you can use any arbitrary image tag. This is useful if
you want to test multiple PRs simultaneously or avoid conflicting with another developer’s images. These image tags
appear on Dockerhub forever unless removed manually. To my knowledge it is not an issue. Regardless its not a bad
idea to login to Dockerhub once in a while and clean up such unused test tags.
1.16.3 Using Github Actions
1. Go to Actions -> Push deployment image.
2. Select the branch and enter the docker image tag (version).
1. Click on Run Workflow.
2. The image will be built and pushed to Docker Hub with the desired tag.
3. To monitor the status of the build, wait for the workflow run to appear. You may need to wait for a few seconds
and reload the page.
1.16. Building Docker Images 125
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.16.4 Using docker/ script
If Github Actions is unavailable or you want to take advantage of local docker build cache, you can use the
docker/ script. You will need to be correctly authenticated to docker hub to push this image. From the repository
root, invoke the script with desired docker image tag. For example:
./docker/ beta
1.17 Data Dumps
1.17.1 Check FTP Dumps age script
Dumps may fail in production due to many reasons. We have a script to check the latest dump available on the FTP is
younger than a specified timeframe. If the latest dump is older, an email is sent to the maintainers. This email is usually
responsible for bringing dump failures to the notice of maintainers. This script is part of the ListenBrainz cron jobs
and is scheduled to run a few hours after the regular dump times. If dumps are not working but no email was received
by the maintainers, it is possible that the cron jobs are not setup properly.
1.17.2 Logs
Looking at the logs is a good starting point to debug dump failures, the log file is located at /logs/dumps.log inside
the listenbrainz-cron-prod container. The output of dump-related jobs is redirected in the crontab . Open a bash shell
in the cron container by running docker exec -it listenbrainz-cron-prod bash.
This file is large, so use tail instead of cat to view the logs. For example: tail -n 500 /logs/dumps.log will
list the last 500 lines of the log file.
From the log file, you should probably be able to see whether the error occurred in python part of the code or bash
script. If you see a python stack trace, it is likely that sentry recorded the error too. The sentry view sometimes offers
more details so searching sentry for this error can be helpful.
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1.17.3 Manually triggering dumps
If you want to re-run a dump after it fails, or manually trigger a dump then you can run the dump script manually. A few
things need to be kept in mind while doing this, the developers/commands:create_full invoked to do the dump accepts
a --dump-id parameter to number the dump. If no id specified, the script will look in the database for the last id, add
1 to it and use it for the dump.
select * from data_dump order by created desc;
If a dump failed too early in the script, it wont have an id in the database. Otherwise, it will have created one before
failing. To be sure, check the data_dump table in the database. If the id exists and the dump had failed , it makes sense
to reuse that dump id when generating the dump again manually.
Also the bash script to create dumps performs setup, cleanup and syncing to FTP tasks so do not invoke the python
command directly. The bash script forwards arguments to the python command so you can pass any arguments that the
python command accepts to it as well. See the current version of the script in the repository for more details. Here is
an example of how you can manually specify the id of the dump (copied the cronjob command at the time of writing
and added the argument before redirecting):
flock -x -n /var/lock/lb-dumps.lock /code/listenbrainz/admin/ incremental
˓--dump-id 700 >> /logs/dumps.log 2>&1
Note: Full dumps take over 12 hours to complete. If you run the command directly and close the terminal before full
dumps completion, the dumps will get interrupted and fail. So either run the command inside a tmux session or use a
combination of nohup and & with the dump command.
1.18 MBID Mapping
For a background on how the mapping works, see MBID Mapping
1.18.1 Containers
The mapping tools run in two containers:
mbid-mapping-writer-prod: Populates the mbid_mapping table for new listens. Built from the
main ListenBrainz dockerfile.
mbid-mapping: Periodically generates the MBID Mapping supplemental tables, typesense index,
and huesound index. Built from listenbrainz/mbid_mapping/Dockerfile
1.18.2 Data sources
In the production environment, the mbid-mapping container reads from the MB replica on aretha.
1.18. MBID Mapping 127
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1.18.3 Debugging lookups
If a listen isnt showing up as mapped on ListenBrainz, one of the following might be true:
The item wasn’t in musicbrainz at the time that the lookup was made
There is a bug in the mapping algorithm
If the recording doesnt exist in MusicBrainz during mapping, a row will be added to the mbid_mapping table with
the MSID and a match_type of no_match. Currently no_match values arent looked up again automatically.
You can test the results of a lookup by using
<> This uses the same lookup process that the mapper
uses. If this returns a result, but there is no mapping present it could be due to data being recently added to
MusicBrainz or improvements to the mapping algorithm.
If no data is returned or an incorrect match is being returned, this should be reported to us, by adding a comment to
LB-1036 <>.
In this case you can retrigger a lookup by seting the mbid_mapping.last_updated field to ‘1970-01-01 00:00:00’
(the unix epoch). The mapper will pick up these items and put them on the queue again.
UPDATE mbid_mapping SET last_updated = 'epoch' WHERE recording_msid = '00000737-3a59-
UPDATE mbid_mapping SET last_updated = 'epoch' WHERE match_type = 'no_match' AND last_
˓updated = now() - interval '1 day';
In the LB production environment these items will be picked up and re-processed once a day.
1.19 Debugging Spotify Reader
To debug spotify reader issues, begin with checking logs of the container. The ListenBrainz admin panel has exter-
nal_service_ouath and listens_importer table which show the user’s token, importer error if any, last import time and
latest listen imported for that user.
Sometimes spotify’s recent listens API does not show updated listens for hours while the currently playing endpoint
does. So the user may see currently playing listens arrive but the “permanent” listens missing. To confirm this is the
case, you can use the spotify api console and directly query the api to see what listens spotify is currently returning.
You can get the user’s spotify access token for this endpoint from admin panel. If the api does not have listens, it makes
sense those to not be present in ListenBrainz yet. However if the api returns the listens but those are not in ListenBrainz,
there is likely an issue with Spotify Reader. Consider adding more logging to the container to debug issues.
1.20 RabbitMQ
1.20.1 Maintenance
Tolerance to connectivity issues
RabbitMQ is a mandatory service required by consul-template config used in common by almost all ListenBrainz
containers. Therefore, ListenBrainz will refuse to come up if no RabbitMQ instance is running. If an instance is
available but there are connectivity issues, various ListenBrainz services will remain up but throw errors while trying
to perform some functions.
128 Chapter 1. Contents
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The most important part that relies on RabbitMQ is the listens submission API. If RabbitMQ is unreachable, users will
be unable to submit listens to ListenBrainz.
Maintenance mode
It doesn’t exist. To perform maintenance operations, ListenBrainz requires switching to another instance of RabbitMQ
to prevent any data loss, even for a short period of time.
Data importance
ListenBrainz uses RabbitMQ in various places, for a brief overview see listen flow. The most important is listens
submission. Listens are published to the incoming exchange and expected to be persisted durably until the timescale
writer has acknowledged writing those to the database. This data is of utmost importance.
Other uses of RabbitMQ in ListenBrainz include delivering now playing listens to websockets, unique listens to the
mbid mapping writer, results from spark cluster to the database etc. In these cases, the data can be regenerated. Data
loss in these cases is tolerable as long as it is known that some messages were lost.
Data persistence
Messages are expected to be processed within seconds (or minutes during activity peaks), but because of the importance
of the listen data a persistent volume is needed. Listen data messages are critical and should be backed up, other
messages can be regenerated and can be ignored in case of a disaster.
Start service: LB containers automatically connect to RabbitMQ on startup.
Reload service configuration: Update the RabbitMQ service details in consul configuration for LB and deploy a
new image.
Restart service: Restart LB docker containers and each container will disconnect and reconnect to RabbitMQ.
Move service:
Create vhost, user, permissions, queues in the new instance
Stop LB producers (except the web and api containers)
Use shovels to transfer existing messages from old RabbitMQ instance to new one
Build an image using the a new consul config pointing to new RabbitMQ instance
Deploy all consumers using the new image
Deploy all producers using the new image
Stop shovels
There will be no data loss but a short downtime while the containers restart.
Remove service: LB cannot function without RabbitMQ. So the only way is to stop LB containers, and LB will
become unavailable.
1.20. RabbitMQ 129
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
1.20.2 Implementation details
Connectivity issues are reported through both Docker logs and Sentry.
ListenBrainz has multiple producers and consumers.
message protocol version: AMQP 0.9.1.
heartbeat timeout: client sets to 0, rabbitmq will use the server specified value.
ack mode:
producers do not use any ack mode.
auto ack: spark-request-consumer-michael
manual ack: all other consumers
Each connection identifies itself with RabbitMQ server by using the name of the docker container in which the
service is running.
1.21 Updating Production Database Schema
Warning: The production database cluster is serious business . Think twice whenever interacting with it and
check with others in face of the slightest doubt.
The listenbrainz image on which most of ListenBrainz containers run has the psql command installed. You can exec
into a container and use the psql to connect to the relevant database and execute scripts. The connection parameters
to connect to the databases are in /code/listenbrainz/listenbrainz/
Whenever modifying the database, run the sql commands inside a transaction if possible. Once you have started the
transaction, execute the commands you want to. Do not commit the transaction yet. Double check the state of the
database to ensure the changes are in line with what you expect. If so commit the transaction otherwise rollback and
contact other maintainers.
1.22 Pull Requests Policy
It is recommended that maintainers (unless the change is urgently needed) do not push directly or merge pull requests
without review . By default, one approving review is sufficient to merge a pull request. The pull request author or the
reviewer can request more reviews or review from a specific person as they deem necessary.
130 Chapter 1. Contents
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
132 Chapter 2. Indices and tables
GET /1/(user_name)/pins, 23
GET /1/(user_name)/pins/current, 24
GET /1/(user_name)/pins/following, 23
GET /1/art/(custom_name)/(user_name)/(time_range)/(int:image_size),
GET /1/art/grid-stats/(user_name)/(time_range)/(int:dimension)/(int:layout)/(int:image_size),
GET /1/art/year-in-music/(int:year)/(user_name),
GET /1/cf/recommendation/user/(user_name)/recording,
GET /1/explore/color/(color), 72
GET /1/explore/fresh-releases/, 71
GET /1/explore/lb-radio, 72
GET /1/feedback/recording/(recording_mbid)/get-feedback-mbid,
GET /1/feedback/recording/(recording_msid)/get-feedback,
GET /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback,
GET /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback-for-recordings,
GET /1/latest-import, 11
GET /1/lb-radio/artist/(seed_artist_mbid), 10
GET /1/lb-radio/tags, 9
GET /1/metadata/artist/, 54
GET /1/metadata/get_manual_mapping/, 53
GET /1/metadata/lookup/, 52
GET /1/metadata/recording/, 48
GET /1/metadata/release_group/, 52
GET /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid), 14
GET /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/xspf, 15
GET /1/playlist/(service)/(playlist_id)/tracks,
GET /1/playlist/import/(service), 17
GET /1/playlist/search, 14
GET /1/popularity/top-recordings-for-artist/(artist_mbid),
GET /1/popularity/top-release-groups-for-artist/(artist_mbid),
GET /1/recommendation/feedback/user/(user_name),
GET /1/recommendation/feedback/user/(user_name)/recordings,
GET /1/search/users/, 4
GET /1/stats/artist/(artist_mbid)/listeners,
GET /1/stats/release-group/(release_group_mbid)/listeners,
GET /1/stats/sitewide/artist-map, 42
GET /1/stats/sitewide/artists, 37
GET /1/stats/sitewide/listening-activity, 41
GET /1/stats/sitewide/recordings, 40
GET /1/stats/sitewide/release-groups, 39
GET /1/stats/sitewide/releases, 38
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/artist-map, 33
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/artists, 26
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/daily-activity,
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/listening-activity,
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/recordings, 29
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/release-groups,
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/releases, 27
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/year-in-music,
GET /1/stats/user/(user_name)/year-in-music/(int:year),
GET /1/status/get-dump-info, 73
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists,
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/collaborator,
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/createdfor,
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/recommendations,
GET /1/user/(playlist_user_name)/playlists/search,
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events, 59
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/listens/following,
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
GET /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/listens/similar,
GET /1/user/(user_name)/followers, 63
GET /1/user/(user_name)/following, 63
GET /1/user/(user_name)/listen-count, 5
GET /1/user/(user_name)/listens, 5
GET /1/user/(user_name)/playing-now, 5
GET /1/user/(user_name)/services, 9
GET /1/user/(user_name)/similar-to/(other_user_name),
GET /1/user/(user_name)/similar-users, 6
GET /1/validate-token, 6
POST /1/art/grid/, 68
POST /1/delete-listen, 7
POST /1/feedback/import, 21
POST /1/feedback/recording-feedback, 18
POST /1/feedback/user/(user_name)/get-feedback-for-recordings,
POST /1/latest-import, 11
POST /1/metadata/lookup/, 52
POST /1/metadata/recording/, 51
POST /1/metadata/submit_manual_mapping/, 53
POST /1/pin, 21
POST /1/pin/delete/(row_id), 22
POST /1/pin/unpin, 22
POST /1/pin/update/(row_id), 25
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/copy, 17
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/delete, 16
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/export/(service),
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/add, 15
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/add/(int:offset),
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/delete,
POST /1/playlist/(playlist_mbid)/item/move,
POST /1/playlist/create, 13
POST /1/playlist/edit/(playlist_mbid), 14
POST /1/playlist/export-jspf/(service), 18
POST /1/popularity/artist, 46
POST /1/popularity/recording, 45
POST /1/popularity/release, 47
POST /1/popularity/release-group, 47
POST /1/recommendation/feedback/delete, 66
POST /1/recommendation/feedback/submit, 66
POST /1/submit-listens, 4
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/delete,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/hide, 61
POST /1/user/(user_name)/feed/events/unhide,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/follow, 64
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/notification,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/recommend-personal,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/recording,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/timeline-event/create/review,
POST /1/user/(user_name)/unfollow, 64
134 HTTP Routing Table
./ command line
--create-db, 108
--force, 108
-f, 108
./ command line
--create-db, 108
--force, 108
-f, 108
command line option
--year, 108
./ command
line option
--debug, 109
--host, 109
--port, 109
-d, 109
-h, 109
-p, 109
./ command
line option
--create-all, 109
./ command
line option
command line option
--days, 112
--job-type, 112
--listens-threshold, 112
command line option
--database, 113
--entity, 113
--range, 112
--type, 112
command line option
--database, 113
--days, 113
--threshold, 113
command line option
--id, 114
--use-local, 114
command line option
--id, 114
--use-local, 114
command line option
--days, 115
command line option
--alpha, 115
--itr, 115
--lmbda, 115
--rank, 115
--use-transformed-listencounts, 115
command line option
--use-mlhd, 116
command line option
--raw, 116
--user-name, 116
command line option
--contribution, 116
--days, 116
--limit, 116
--production, 117
--session, 116
--skip, 116
--threshold, 116
command line option
--contribution, 117
--days, 117
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
--limit, 117
--production, 117
--session, 117
--skip, 117
--threshold, 117
command line option
--contribution, 118
--limit, 118
--session, 118
--skip, 118
--threshold, 118
command line option
--max-num-users, 118
command line option
--entity, 118
--range, 118
--type, 118
command line option
--create-all, 119
--slug, 119
command line option
--database, 120
--entity, 119
--range, 119
--type, 119
command line option
--year, 120
command line option
--year, 120
command line option
--year, 120
command line option
--year, 121
command line option
--year, 121
command line option
--year, 121
command line option
--year, 122
command line option
--year, 122
command line option
--year, 122
command line option
--year, 122
command line option
--year, 123
command line option
--year, 123
command line option
--year, 123
command line option
--year, 124
./ command
line option
--token, 110
--user, 110
-t, 110
-u, 110
command line option, 115
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 118
command line option, 109
command line option, 119
./ command
line option, 108
./ command
line option, 108
command line option, 113
command line option, 113
command line option, 120
136 Index
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
command line option, 112
command line option, 113
command line option, 115
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 109
command line option, 113
command line option, 118
command line option, 119
./ command
line option, 108
./ command
line option, 108
command line option, 109
command line option, 114
command line option, 114
command line option, 115
command line option, 112
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 118
command line option, 112
command line option, 115
command line option, 118
command line option, 109
command line option, 117
command line option, 117
command line option, 112
command line option, 118
command line option, 119
command line option, 115
command line option, 116
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 118
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 118
command line option, 119
command line option, 113
command line option, 116
command line option, 117
command line option, 118
command line option, 110
command line option, 112
Index 137
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
command line option, 118
command line option, 119
command line option, 114
command line option, 114
command line option, 116
command line option, 115
command line option, 110
command line option, 116
command line option, 108
command line option, 120
command line option, 120
command line option, 120
command line option, 121
command line option, 121
command line option, 121
command line option, 122
command line option, 122
command line option, 122
command line option, 122
command line option, 123
command line option, 123
command line option, 123
command line option, 124
command line option, 109
./ command
line option, 108
./ command
line option, 108
command line option, 109
command line option, 109
command line option, 110
command line option, 110
data.model.common_stat), 44, 71
DEFAULT_ITEMS_PER_GET (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
LISTEN_MINIMUM_TS (in module listen-
brainz.listenstore), 12
MAX_DIMENSION (in module listen-, 71
MAX_DURATION_LIMIT (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_DURATION_MS_LIMIT (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_IMAGE_SIZE (in module listen-, 71
MAX_ITEMS_PER_GET (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_LISTEN_PAYLOAD_SIZE (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_LISTEN_SIZE (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_LISTENS_PER_REQUEST (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_TAG_SIZE (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MAX_TAGS_PER_LISTEN (in module listen-
brainz.webserver.views.api_tools), 12
MIN_DIMENSION (in module listen-, 71
138 Index
ListenBrainz Documentation, Release 0.1.0
MIN_IMAGE_SIZE (in module listen-, 71
command line option, 110
command line option, 110
command line option, 110
command line option, 110
Index 139