Folsom Lake College Portland State University
Updated 10/19/2012
Transfer Worksheet
If you are taking classes that are part of the Intersegmental General Education Transfer Curriculum (IGETC)
at Folsom Lake College (FLC), you can rest assured that those credits will also transfer to Portland State
University (PSU)! Your credits will transfer to meet lower division general education requirements and may
meet other requirements as well. This transfer guide is designed to inform you of the basic requirements for
graduating from PSU and to help in planning your transfer.
PSU is on a quarter system. Since FLC is on a semester system, your FLC credits will be multiplied by 1.5 in
order to equate to the quarter system. For example, if you earn 60 transferrable semester credits from FLC,
they will equate to 90 quarter credits at PSU.
The minimum number of quarter credits needed to graduate from PSU is 180. Of those 180 credits, a
minimum of 72 must be at the upper division (junior and senior) level. Note that FLC does not offer upper
division coursework. Unless you are transferring upper division coursework from another 4-year college or
university, you will need to complete at least 72 credits at PSU.
To obtain a Bachelor’s degree from PSU, there are three sets of requirements you need to complete:
The combination of credits from these three areas may not equal 180 credits or the 72 upper division credits, so you may
have elective credits to take as well. While it is not a requirement to earn a minor, some students choose to use their
elective credits toward a minor or even a second major. Talk with an academic adviser to determine your options.
PSU offers over 120 undergraduate majors, minors, and certificates. You can choose a major that is very
specific or very broad, depending on your interests and career goals. For more information about majors at
PSU, there are several web pages that may be useful for you:
180 credits
With 72
1. Academic Major Requirements
2. Degree Requirements (BA, BS)
3. General Education Requirements
Folsom Lake College Portland State University
Updated 10/19/2012
The majority of majors at PSU allow you to choose either a Bachelor of Arts (BA) or a Bachelor of Science
(BS). Below are the requirements for both the BA and the BS:
Bachelor of Arts
Completed in IGETC*
Completed at PSU
Left to Complete:
8 credits: Arts and
8 credits:_________
4 credits: Fine &
4 credits:_________
4 credits: Science or
4 credits:_________
8 credits: Science,
8 credits:_________
203 or higher** (or show
competency at that level)
4 24 credits:
_________ **
- OR -
Bachelor of Science
Completed in IGETC*
Completed at PSU
Left to Complete:
8 credits: Lab Science
8 credits:_________
4 credits: Lab or Non-
Lab Science
4 credits:_________
12 credits: Arts/Letters
and/or Social Science
8 credits:_________
4 credits: Math or
4 credits:_________
Arts & Letters
American Sign Language, Applied Linguistics,
Architecture*, Art*, Arts & Letters, Black
Studies (221, 351, 352, 353, 421, 424-427
only), Communication Studies, Conflict
Resolution, Dance, English/Writing, ,
Humanities, Music*, Philosophy, Speech &
Hearing Sciences, Theater Arts*, World
Languages & Literatures
* Denotes Fine & Performing Arts
Studies, Geology,
Physics, Science
Education (SCI)
Social Sciences
Criminology & Criminal Justice (220 & 330
only), Anthropology, Black Studies (except
221, 351, 352, 353, 421, 424-427),
Chicano/Latino Studies, Child/Family
Studies, Economics, Geography, History,
Int’l Studies, Native American Studies,
Political Science, Psychology, Social
Science, Sociology, Urban Studies &
Planning, Women’s Studies
*The IGETC courses that you transfer will likely meet many of these requirements. If not, the
requirements of the BA or BS may be completed as part of your general education requirements or
PSU major. Speak with an adviser to determine which classes to take to meet requirements.
**Foreign Language Requirement for Bachelor of Arts: Students with no previous knowledge of a foreign
language will need to complete two full years of a language at the college level for a Bachelor of Arts (BA). Students
who already possess sufficient competence in a foreign language may meet the BA language requirement by
completing any foreign language course numbered 203 or for which 203 is a prerequisite, or otherwise demonstrate
proficiency with the World Languages and Literatures department at PSU.
Folsom Lake College Portland State University
Updated 10/19/2012
All colleges and universities have general education requirements designed to provide the breadth of
knowledge and skills expected from college graduates. At Portland State University, you will be required to
follow the University Studies program for general education. This program emphasizes an understanding
of communication, critical thinking, social and ethical responsibility, and the diversity of human
The University Studies program consists of four components: Freshman Inquiry, Sophomore Inquiry, Upper
Division Cluster, and Senior Capstone. The number of credits you transfer in from FLC will determine how
much of PSU’s general education you will need to complete. If you transfer over 90 quarter credits (60
semester credits) you will begin with the Upper Division Cluster. If you transfer 30-59 quarter credits, you’ll
do 3 individual Sophomore Inquiries; 60-74 quarter credits= 2 Sophomore Inquiries; 75-89 quarter credits =
1 Sophomore inquiry.
Descriptions of the Freshman Inquiry, Sophomore Inquiry, Cluster topics and Capstone courses are available
online at
Cluster Topic: ______________
Choose 3 classes from one cluster list
UNST 421 (title) ________________________
Cluster Course
Cluster Course
Cluster Course
Sophomore Inquiry
4 credits
Sophomore Inquiry
4 credits
Sophomore Inquiry
4 credits
Complete only if
transferring fewer
than 30 credits
Complete 1, 2, or 3
Sophomore Inquiry
classes depending on
the number of credits
you transfer:
30-59 = 3 classes
60-74 = 2 classes
75-89 = 1 class
If you are
transferring 90 or
more quarter credits,
you only need to
complete the Upper
Division cluster
requirement and the
Senior Capstone.
Every student
completes the
Upper Division
Cluster and Senior
Capstone, no matter
how many credits are
Folsom Lake College Portland State University
Updated 10/19/2012
Why Transfer to Portland State University?
PSU is located in downtown Portland, Oregon. In addition to serving students from all 50 states, PSU
welcomes students from over 100 countries.
PSU is nationally and internationally recognized in a variety of areas.
2011: Named by The Princeton Review as one of the best institutions in the country for undergraduate
2010: For the eighth consecutive year, PSU ranked among the nation’s best colleges in five categories
that lead to student suFLCess by U.S. News & World Report in its “America’s Best Colleges”
2009-2010: PSU’s MBA program is ranked #1 in the Northwest and 25
in the world in Beyond Grey
2009: PSU received the prestigious Senator Paul Simon Award for Campus Internationalization.
To learn more about our “references” go to:
If you haven’t visited campus yet, plan to attend one of our many visit opportunities:
. If you want a quick preview before making the trek to Portland, you can
view videos about PSU and Portland at:
Obviously, there’s more to PSU than can be included in this Transfer Worksheet. So, browse our website or
contact us at numbers listed below.
Admission Requirements and Application Instructions
Students must apply for admission and allow time for processing prior to enrolling in classes at PSU. For
best selection of orientation dates and classes, see our website for priority filing dates. For more
information, go to International students can find
admission information at
To begin, submit an application for undergraduate admission with the non-refundable application fee,
along with official transcripts from all colleges or universities you have attended, including FLC. You
must meet PSU’s transfer admission requirements at the time of admission. Currently, requirements
a minimum 2.25 transfer GPA
completion of WR 121 with a C- or better (ENGWR 300 at FLC).
30 or more quarter (20 semester) transferrable college credits
International students must also meet English language proficiency requirements
Paying for College
College is an important investment in your future. If you need assistance paying for college, there are
many options available. There are a variety of scholarships as well as Federal Financial Aid for eligible
students. For more information, go to:
On that website you will find helpful
information about paying for college. Click on “Types of Aid” for scholarship information.
Housing at PSU
A wide variety of housing options are available at PSU, from traditional college dormitories to private
apartments. The Global Village program is oriented around providing students a more culturally
enriched and internationally engaging living experience. Housing options are also available off-campus.
For more information, go to:
Contact us:
Domestic Admissions: 503-725-3511 1-800-547-8887, ext 3511
International Admissions: 503-725-5535 1-800-547-8887, ext 5535