Student Template:
Request for a Scholarship Recommendation Letter
Subject: Request for Scholarship Recommendation for (your name)
Dear Instructor __________________________________,
I will be applying for several scholarships this year including a PCC Foundation
Scholarship, which requires two letters recommendation. I am writing in advance
to ask if you would be willing to write me a letter of recommendation. I have taken
your ___________________class in the __________________term of 20_____. I am a current
student at PCC and am majoring in ________________________.
If you agree, the PCC Foundation will be sending you a recommendation form at a
later date, to complete through your email. The application deadline is March 1 and
your recommendation must be submitted by this date.
If you are willing to write me a recommendation, I could meet with you in person
with any pertinent information you would like from me. I can also provide you with
the following documents to assist you.
1. Scholarship Essays (including one on my career goals)
2. Brief summary of my activities (volunteer, service or campus activities)
3. Unofficial Transcripts
Thank you in advance for your time and assistance. I enjoyed your classes, and it
helped me immensely with learning the basics of ____________________________, and you
helped me find out what I am capable of. I will always be grateful for that.
Your Name