The first step in the tournament process for District Directors is the Credentials Meeting
at which time all tournament affidavits and credentials will be inspected and approved. This
is a most important meeting and if not carried out correctly, many problems may result
and teams or players may even be disqualified.
The following guidelines are listed to assist in your preparation for this meeting:
1. Select a date, time and
location that is most convenient for your leagues and notify them in
writing at least seven (7) days in advance of the Tournament Credentials Meeting. Be certain
that all teams within the district know the time, date and location of the Credentials Meeting.
Please call each league president, if necessary, to make sure all leagues are aware that they
must ATTEND this meeting to enter tournament play. If they fail to have their tournament
affidavit, insurance and birth certificates inspected by the credentials committee, they
cannot play. It may even be advisable to have a conference call prior to the meeting to go
over the Tournament Affidavit requirements and meeting time and place. You may need to
also send a mail notice of this meeting to all leagues. A combined or separate credentials
meeting may be held for the Majors, “O”Zone, AAA, AA, and A age divisions. Division II teams
must meet the same requirements as Division I teams.
2. You will need the following for this meeting:
A. Tournament brackets for all area, sub-district, district and state tournaments. Approved
brackets are available from the Commissioner's Office or may be downloaded from the DYB
website at www.dybusa.org Please note that four and five team round robins are approved for
use in place of the four and five team tournament brackets.
B. DYB Rule Books to assure that all tournament teams have a copy before entering
tournament play. Additional copies are available from the Commissioner's Office.
C. TWO copies of the Tournament Team Affidavit completed online from rostered players
on the league’s regular season teams printed and delivered by each league for each team. The
District Director will retain ONE copy.
D. TWO copies of the completed DYB Coaches Background Check Certification Form delivered
by each league for each team. The District Director will retain ONE copy.
3. Review tournament rules to be sure every team is aware of any differences as compared to
regular season rules.
4. Go through the protest procedure for tournament play. Make sure that all teams know the
correct protest procedure. Any protest not properly presented will be rejected.
5. Appoint a Credentials Committee and explain their responsibilities. This committee will be
composed of three persons who will inspect and approve all tournament affidavits for each age
division. The same three names must appear on three originals all affidavits for each
tournament. This Committee may need to reconvene to approve revised Tournament
Affidavits, if necessary.
6. Have all members of the Credentials Committee read Exhibit A “Tournament Credential
Committee Guidelines” before any tournament affidavits are inspected. If they have any
questions, be sure these are cleared up before the inspection process gets underway.
8. Players FIRST AND LAST name as it appears on the official proof of birth (John Jones, Jr.,
not Johnny Jones).
A. Complete physical address (NO P.O. BOX! Rt.1, Box 316, Georgetown, SC 35603, not just
Georgetown, South Carolina.)
B. Date of Birth
C. Check to see that all players listed live within the geographical boundaries of the league
or that an Official DYB release has been legally granted.
A pre-tourn
ament credentials meeting should be held prior to each tournament at which the
following matters should be thoroughly discussed:
1) Inform coaches that each player and coach should wear an official emblem of DYB on the
left shoulder of their tournament uniform shirts. Either the Dixie Youth Baseball
emblem or the DYB emblem may be worn on tournament uniform shirts. Each team
shall be given an official tournament bracket with the scheduled game times and fields for
each tournament game.
2) Obtain a list of home, cell and work telephone numbers for all team managers.
3) Explain the responsibilities and authority of the tournament chairman and the tournament
director. Give the team managers phone numbers for each of these individuals.
4) Explain who determines if a game can be played in the event of bad weather and makes
decisions about the re-scheduling of postponed or called games. No team will be required
to play under unsafe conditions.
5) Explain the procedure for making up games in the event it becomes necessary to reschedule
tournament games. All games should be played in the order shown on the official
Game time should only be changed in case of delays due to weather or facilities problems.
6) Explain the policy on admission to games. The tournament director should explain who will
be entitled to passes and who will issue them. DYB officials and their families shall be
admitted to all tournament games at no charge. The host tournament chairman shall
issue any authorized local game passes. The tournament director should issue out-of-town
7) Determine the home and visiting teams for each tournament game at the credentials
meeting. The following is the suggested procedure for designating the home and visiting
a) Select a manager of each game in the first round of games to call the toss of a coin.
The winner of the coin toss will select his or her choice of home or visiting team.
b) After t
he first round of play designations have been determined, flip a coin for each
remaining game in the tournament. If the coin lands on heads, the top of the bracket will be
the home team. If the coin lands on tails, the bottom of the bracket will be the home team.
Use of this procedure makes everyone (fans, coaches and officials) aware of the home team
for all scheduled tournament games.
c) Designat
e which dugouts will be used by the home and visiting teams.
8) Review infield times and player introduction procedures. These are listed in another
section of this booklet.
9) Pre-Game Conference - Hold pre-game conferences the first day of the tournament to
thoroughly review the ground rules to be used at the playing fields used in the tournament.
After the first day, pregame conferences shall not be held unless special circumstances arise
that would need to be discussed with the coaches.
10) Explain the procedure for assigning umpires. Advise the association or group of umpires to
be used for tournament games. It is recommended that the chief umpire in charge of
scheduling make this presentation if possible.
11) Pitch Cou
nts - Please review tournament pitch count rule in Exhibit B with coaches and
press box personnel.
12) The correct procedure for filing a protest or appealing a protest is outlined in Exhibit C
“Protest and Appeal Procedures”. You may want to copy Exhibit C to hand out to each
13) Coaches Conduct: State in a firm but friendly manner what is expected from coaches.
Explain what conduct is unacceptable and the consequences of not complying with these
a) NO SMOKING, TOBACCO IN ANY FORM OR VAPING shall be allowed on the field
or in the dugouts at any time during a game. Managers and coaches shall not be
allowed to leave the field during the game to vape or use tobacco.
b) No personal cell phones or other personal electronic communication equipment,
excluding those carried by on-duty medical or security personnel or required to be “on call”
by their profession, are allowed on the playing field or in the dugouts during all local league
and tournament games. EXCEPTION: Electronic devices may be used to keep pitch counts
and line-ups if they are not used to communicate outside the dugout via text, email or
voice. Penalty: Removal of the device from the dugout.
c) A manager or coach is not to leave the dugout unless he has requested and been
granted a time out to confer with a player or umpire on the field. Coaches may leave the
dugout to serve as a base coach while his or her team is on offense provided at least one
coach remains in the dugout with the players.
d) Anything that can be done by a player is to be done by a player, such as warming up
pitchers or other players. No adult, at any time, on or off the field, shall warm up a pitcher.
A coach or manager will be allowed to observe as a pitcher is warming up before the game
and, if he obtains permission from the umpire-in-chief, between innings during the game.
play to ensure uniformity and consistency at all tournaments. Uniform enforcement of
these guidelines will help avoid problems as teams advance to the next level of play.
15) At the completion of each tournament, be sure to notify the host chairman at the next level
of tournament play of the identity of the winning team. Provide the necessary information
to the winning team about the date, time and place of the next tournament.
WEAR A CATCHER'S HELMET AND MASK. Coaches WILL NOT be allowed to warm up pitchers.
These rules are a part of tournament play. Please enforce these procedures at all levels of
Before any team is allowed to enter any tournament play, be sure the following equipment is
1) Official 2 1/4 2 5/8” Bats - The official identification markings must be
readable and identifiable. Any alteration of the markings or any mark placed on the bats
by anyone other than the manufacturer, including a sporting goods store, is not to be
considered legal and the bat is to be removed from the tournament.
All 2 5/8” bats and 2 1/4” bats must meet new performance standards established by
USA Baseball, the national governing body of amateur baseball in the United States. All
legal bats, except one piece wood bats, must be stamped as follows:
BBCOR Bats: 2 5/8" BBCOR (-3) certified bats (which do not bear the USA Baseball mark) may
be used in tournament play.
2) An ILLEGAL BAT is a bat that has been altered or a bat that is not approved for play
because it does not meet specifications with regard to length, weight, barrel diameter,
labeling or performance for the division in which it is used.
As a result, a bat that is cracked or damaged because of normal use, shall not be considered
“illegal” and will not result in the batter being called out for using it, but the bat still must be
removed from play because it could present an unsafe condition. This is why it is prudent that
umpires check the gear before a game and have any bats that do not meet specifications, in
anyway, removed from the dugout. When an illegal bat is discovered at any time, it MUST be
removed from the game/dugout immediately. As long as the bat is not damaged to the
extent where a barrel ring can no longer fit around the barrel, the bat will still be considered
3) Bats should not be altered in any manner for use in any game. Alterations includes, but is not
limited to: bat doctoring, rolling in a vice, hitting foreign objects other than approved balls,
inner wall shaving, end-loading and any other action that is designed to change the character
or performance attributes of the bat in any manner.
4) At least six (6) batting helmets.
5) At least two (2) catcher's helmets with masks and throat protectors. One will be needed for the
catcher in the game and the other to warm up pitchers on the sidelines.
6) All male catchers must wear athletic supporters with protective cups. Instruct umpires to
NEVER allow a catcher to play without the protective cup.
7) The umpires shall inspect all equipment in each dugout immediately prior to each game in order
to prevent any potential problems with respect to the use of illegal equipment. Any illegal
equipment found in the dugouts at any time before or during a game should be removed by the
1) Official DYB Category 1 Baseballs with the Commissioner's signature. (Wilson
2) Flags for base umpires except in “O”Zone play.
3) Equipment to maintenance fields between games.
4) Rosin bags for pitchers.
5) Properly working scoreboards, PA systems and lighting systems.
1) Complete uniform. All are to be dressed the same.
2) Ball/Strike indicators.
3) Plate umpires protective equipment.
Every DYB tournament should be conducted in a responsible and creditable manner. All
participants deserve uniform enforcement of the rules and fair and equitable
treatment by all DYB officials and umpire crews. All rules as outlined in the current DYB Rule
Book shall be enforced without exception.
In addition, certain levels of conduct and sportsmanship are expected by all participants
in tournament play. DYB desires to maintain a proper example of appropriate behavior
among teams competing for a tournament championship. Conduct which is not
conducive to fair play and sportsmanship shall not be tolerated. Appearance and dress of
all participants will be just as important as conduct. All players shall be required to be
fully uniformed and all uniforms shall be worn properly (including the cap bill worn forward
and all jerseys tucked in to the uniform pants). Managers and coaches are to either be
uniformed as the players or at a minimum wear identical shirts and shorts/
pants. During tournament play, coaches should not be allowed to wear
sweatpants, wind-pants, cutoffs or jeans. No visors for player or coaches.
To this point in this booklet, we have placed the emphasis on Pre-Tournament plans. There
are at other items that are most important as well. These are the Official Scorekeeper, the
Pitch Counter and the Public Address Announcer.
1. Be in the Press B
ox at least thirty (30) minutes prior to each game time.
2. Maintain and have available for inspection all Tournament Affidavit forms at all times.
3. Total concentration is required on each play with final authority for hit/error. If scorekeeper
maintains pitch count, prepare log for each pitcher or appoint a pitch count statistician to
maintain pitch count records.
4. When
the official scorekeeper has knowledge of a potential illegal substitution of a player or use
of an illegal pitcher, it should be reported to the manager of the violating team. However, after
a violation occurs, no one should call attention to the violation except the opposing manager.
5. Assist the PA announcer in making prompt announcements of all line-up c
6. Make
certain both managers come to the Press Box following the game to sign pitching records.
The scorekeeper should record this information carefully and maintain complete and accurate
7. Return affidavits to each manager when his team has been eliminated.
1. Be in Pr
ess Box thirty (30) minutes prior to each game time.
2. Prior to eac
h game, obtain full roster of each team including managers and coaches.
Announce names normally used by players, not names from the Affidavits. Clarify correct
pronunciation of difficult names.
3. Announc
e only pertinent information, usually the first three batters in each half inning, the
batter as he comes to the plate and runs, hits, errors at end of each half inning. NO PLAY BY
PLAY announcement or activity that may distract from actual play of the game.
4. Announce the pitch count for each pitcher at the end of each half inning and when the pitcher
leaves the mound for the remainder of the game.
6. Make p
rompt announcement of all line-up changes.
BER, you are only there to provide pertinent information. You are not the focal point
of the game. The players should always be the center of attention.
The scorekeeper, pitch counter and the public address announcer are most important to the
success of any tournament. Careful consideration should be given to the selection of the
persons to work in each of these important positions. They can contribute greatly to a
successful tournament.
1) No practice of any kind by any team, including the host, shall be allowed on the tournament
playing field(s) on game days. Other nearby fields should be utilized for practice fields during
tournament play. The Tournament Director is responsible for arranging practice fields to be
made available to tournament teams who require overnight stays at tournament sites.
2) Each team may have up to five minutes of infield prior to each game. You may want to
increase this to seven-ten minutes for the first day only.
The tournament should be colorful and exciting for the players. This may be a once in a lifetime
experience for many of these players and DYB wants it to be a fond memory for all participants.
A proper team introduction program can add color to tournament games. It is recommended
that the following procedures be used before every game in the tournament:
1) Always ask managers to list the player’s names that they prefer to use on the official line-up
(i.e. Jimmy, instead of James). This is not always the name shown on the Tournament Team
2) Introduce all members of the team following this procedure:
a) Introduce the visiting team, starting players, batting order and defensive position. As the
starting players are announced they should run to their defensive position on the field.
Outfielders should only go to the edge of the outfield grass in front of their normal position.
b) After introducing the starting defensive players, introduce the remaining players on the
roster. As their name is called they should take a position on the foul line between first or
third base facing their dugout and the stands. The manager and two coaches are then
introduced and should take their position facing the dugout and stands alongside the
remaining roster players.
c) Introduce the home team, all players, the team manager and coaches in the same manner as
above. As the home team players take their defensive positions, they should acknowledge
their counterpart on the visiting team in some manner (i.e. handshake, pat on back, etc.).
d) When introductions have been completed, both teams shall remain in position for
introduction of the umpires and the invocation and the national anthem.
e) Introduce the plate umpire as the umpire-in-chief first. The base umpires should run to their
position as they are introduced.
f) Invocation/National Anthem - The invocation and national anthem are to be used for the first
game of each tournament session only.
g) After National Anthem advise the visiting team to return to their dugout at which time the
umpire-in-chief will begin the game.
(Assuming a Game Time of 6:00 PM):
5:30 PM - Both teams starting lineups and tournament affidavits shall be turned in to the
5:45 PM - PA announcer tells visiting team to take infield. (Visiting Team is not to enter field
until advised by the PA announcer.)
5:50 PM
- PA announcer calls visiting team from the field if not finished and tells home team to
take infield. (Home team is not to enter field until advised by the PA announcer even if the
visiting team finishes early.)
5:55 PM - PA announcer calls home team from field if not finished. PA announcer introduces
the visiting team. (See introduction procedure in previous section).
PA announcer introduces the home team.
PA annou
ncer introduces the umpires.
5:58 PM
- Invocation/National Anthem (With Players remaining on the field)
6:00 PM
Umpire-In-Chief begins game.
A key priority of the tournament is to keep the games on schedule. In the event of rain, it may
become necessary to cancel infield practice. If you do not allow infield for the first game of the
day, it is recommended that no infield be allowed for the remainder of the day's games.
For the convenience of out-of-town fans and radio broadcasts, no game should start earlier than
its regularly scheduled starting time even if any earlier game is completed early.
Before the first game in the tournament, all the teams are winners. After the second day some
teams will be eliminated but they should still be considered winners. DO NOT LET A TEAM
BEING MADE OVER THE PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEM. The following is a suggested statement:
"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. (name of team) _____
_____________________ HAS BEEN
(name of team) _______________________ IN THIS TOURNAMENT. LET'S ALL
THE CHAMPION IS ______________________________________________________
You h
ave reached the point in your tournament where there is a winner. Have as much
information as possible for the winner and announce this information over the public address
system. A suggested format is as follows:
atulations to (Name of winning team), CHAMPIONS for (Name of tournament) for ______.
- (Name of champions) will play in the (Name of next tournament) at
- (Site of next tournament) on (Date and time of tournament).
- If known, give league name of team they will play.
- We wish this fine group of youngsters the best of luck and the greatest of success as they
advance in DYB Tournament play.
At the c
onclusion of your tournament take a break. You deserve it! But before you collapse, be
sure you contact the Tournament Host at the next level of play and any other appropriate officials
to let them know your tournament winner, giving them the name and phone number of the
winning team manager. Also, if at all possible, District Directors should arrange to accompany the
team to the next level of tournament play. In most cases, this league may not have ever advanced
this far before. Your support and encouragement would be invaluable to them because you are
probably more aware of what will be happening at the next level of play. At this point, you should
become their biggest fan and be available for any help they may need to make things easier for
Exhibit A
Tournament Credentials Committee Guidelines
(1)— Each league shall be entitled to enter either its local league champion or a team chosen
from the entire league as its tournament team in each age division. Some states authorize two
teams from each league to enter tournament play.
(2)Division I & II Tournament Team Affidavits must consist of a minimum of eleven (11)
players or a maximum of twelve (12) players, a team manager and two coaches (AA & A - three
coaches) and each tournament team must begin each level of tournament play with a full
roster of players and coaches.
(3) Alternates are not recognized as part of a tournament team and their participation in any
tournament team activity is not authorized by DYB, Inc.
(4)Only players who have played in a minimum of eleven (11) of their local league games shall
be eligible for tournament competition, with the exception that the state director shall be
empowered to rule a player eligible, for good reason, even though the player has not played in
the eleven (11) games.
(5)All players on a Majors orO”Zone tournament team may be 12 years of age, if desired. The
maximum age for players on minor league tournament teams shall be league age ten (10) for
AAA division, eight (8) for AA division and six (6) for A division. Any player of league age ten (10)
and under who was registered on a major league team during the regular season shall be eligible
to participate on the AAA (9-10) tournament team.
(6)Any player chosen for a major tournament team may only participate on that team and will
not be eligible for participation on any other sanctioned tournament team. Under no
circumstances can a player be listed on more than one Dixie Youth sanctioned tournament team
during the same year.
(7)Only managers, assistant managers or coaches during the regular league season shall be
eligible to manage or coach a tournament team, and they shall be registered on their regular
season team player rosters as filed with the district and state directors. The state director shall
be empowered to grant exceptions to this rule.
(8)Sub-district, district and state directors and members of the National Board of Directors
shall not be eligible to manage or coach a tournament team.
(9) Each league shall certify that all of its managers and coaches have had background checks.
Tournament Player Affidavit
(1)—DYB Tournament Affidavit forms must be completed on-line by each
league. Each DYB Tournament Affidavit must have the correct birth record name (FIRST & LAST
NAME ONLY) and the birthdate of each player. An incomplete affidavit may cause a
team to be disqualified from tournament play. These affidavit forms shall be completed for
each tournament team and TWO copies shall be delivered to the District Director at the
District Credentials Meeting prior to the first tournament game. Each tournament team
manager shall have one original of this tournament affidavit, properly completed, at all
tournament games. The District Director will retain ONE copy of this form.
(2)—Prior to the District Credentials Meeting, the league president of each league shall
check all birth records of players whose names appear on the tournament affidavit.
(3)—Credentials CommitteeIn addition to the tournament affidavit each
team manager shall have birth certificates for all players on the roster, a Waiver of Liability/
Medical Release form signed by the parent/guardian of each player whose name appears on the
affidavit and an acceptable digital photograph of the team in uniform ( including the team
manager and only the required number of coaches). Included in each tournament team's
credentials will be TWO copies of the completed DYB Background Check Certification/Waiver of
Liability form signed by the league official and all coaches on the team. The District Director will
retain ONE copy of this form. The affidavit, background certification, medical release form and
the birth records shall be publicly inspected and approved by a credentials committee
composed of three members, one of whom may be the tournament director, and this public
inspection shall be at least one week (seven days) prior to the first sub district or district
game. All teams shall be notified of the credentials meeting by the district director or the
tournament director at least one week prior to the inspection. This requirement shall be for sub-
district and district play only.
(4)—Teams failing to be present at the district credentials meeting with the player
affidavit, birth records and medical release form shall forfeit their right to compete in tournament
play. Teams shall have a birth record and medical release form at this meeting for each
player listed on the player affidavit. In the event a team does not have a birth record for a player
at this meeting, the player for whom there is no birth record shall be ineligible to play in the sub-
district or district tournament.
(5)—The state or district director shall be empowered, however, to make exceptions to
the seven-day inspection rule for hardship cases. A player whose birth record is not accepted by
the credentials committee at the inspection meeting shall have the opportunity of
submitting another birth record to the committee on the evening prior to the first
tournament game at a time and place set by the tournament director. Player affidavits may
be corrected for spelling, typographical errors, nicknames, etc. at either of the two meetings of
the credentials committee. Players whose birth records are not accepted by the credentials
committee at either of the two meetings shall be ineligible for all games in the sub-district and
district tournaments. There shall be no appeal. A team using a player not approved by the
credentials committee shall be disqualified from the tournament play.
(6)—Where separate district credentials meetings are held for each division’s sub-
district tournament, the credentials committee shall inspect the player affidavits and birth
records of all the tournament teams in the respective division at the same time. There shall be a
credentials meeting for each division in the district. All credentials meetings within a district
may be held at the same time.
(7)—The state director or tournament director shall set the date and time for the
inspection of the tournament team affidavits and birth records for teams competing in state
tournaments, and this time shall be at least three hours prior to the first game of the
tournament. Teams not complying with this rule shall be subject to disqualification from
tournament play.
(8)—With the exception of the host team, the actual birth certificates may not be
inspected at the DYB World Series. Instead, each state director may sign the player affidavit
of his state’s representative team in the DYB World Series signifying that he or his
representative has personally inspected the birth records of the players and found them to be
in order. The player affidavit and birth records of the host team shall be inspected by the
National Board of Directors. No protest shall be allowed at the DYB World Series on the basis of
eligibility because of age unless the protest is substantiated by actual evidence accepted by the
Board of Directors as proof of an age violation.
(9)—DYB directs all tournament directors and credentials committee members to
accept one of the following as proof of age:
(a) Birth certificate issued by a government agency which has a raised or
affixed seal and is accepted as legal proof of age.
(b) Hospital certificate issued at birth.
(c) Baptismal certificate issued within six years after birth which shows actual
date of birth. NOTE: A photo static copy of one of the above certificates,
which has a statement on the document stating that it is an exact and true
copy of the original, signed by the parent or legal guardian may be
(d) DYB, Inc., Certification of Birth Record properly completed, inspected,
signed and stamped by a DYB district, state or national director or the
(10) Adopted children going by a name other than that which appears on the birth
record shall furnish an affidavit of the adoption or name change and a copy of the affidavit shall
be attached to the birth record. Players not legally adopted but using a name other than that
which appears on the birth record shall be eligible provided a notarized statement of this fact is
made before a probate judge or clerk of court or their equivalent and the statement is attached
to the birth record with the signature and seal of the probate or clerk of court.
(12) All protests based on the ineligibility of a player, other than age, shall be filed
with the appropriate DYB official prior to the conclusion of the first tournament game played
by that player. Penalty: Immediate removal of the player. No protest of an age violation shall
be allowed after the inspection by the credentials committee without absolute proof of fraud.
The burden of proof shall be upon the protesting party. In the event proof of fraud is found and
accepted by the credentials committee or on a protest, Rule XI, Section (H)(3), will apply.
(13) Players who are unable to furnish an approved birth record shall be entitled
to mail other documents of proof of age to the Commissioner, who shall be empowered to
issue a certificate in lieu of an actual birth record.
(14) Players, managers and coaches listed on a tournament team affidavit SHALL
NOT participate on any other baseball teams nor participate as a team in any non-DYB
tournament during the time their team is participating in a DYB sanctioned
tournament. Dual participation is not allowed during this period and all players, managers and
coaches listed on a tournament team affidavit must cease participation on any other teams at
the same time they are participating in a DYB tournament.
EXCEPTION: Any player who is eligible to be a named a replacement player on a tournament
team roster shall not be subject to this rule until he is approved as a replacement player on a
tournament team roster. PENALTY: Any player, manager or coach who violates the above rule
shall be removed from their DYB tournament team roster immediately.
Exhibit C
XI. Protest
s & Protest Appeals
Only the team manager or the acting team manager shall be entitled to file a protest relating to
any rule or regulation which applies to the 7-8, 9-10 and 11-12 age divisions during any
tournament game or between games if permitted by rule.
(A) Protests shall be made only on a misinterpretation of a rule published in the current edition of
the “Official Rules & Regulations of DYB® Inc.”, including but not limited to, provisions for
the ineligibility of a player or players, an illegal substitution, an illegal pitcher or failure to
comply with the participation requirement. ―A protest which clearly requires an umpire’s
judgment shall not be accepted by the tournament director.
(B) All protests of rule violations, except protests of an ineligible player, an illegal pitcher or failure
to comply with the participation requirement, must be made to the umpire-in-chief
immediately after the occurrence of the violation and before another pitched ball is thrown to
a batter. The umpire-in-chief shall discuss any disputed ruling with any umpire involved in the
play and/ or may consult with umpires not involved in the play to determine if the ruling, in
their opinion, was in accordance with DYB® Inc. Rules and Regulations.
(C) The umpire-in-chief shall explain the disputed rule to each team manager and specify whether
the ruling decision will stand or be reversed. If either team manager does not agree with the
umpire’s explanation of the ruling, the umpire-in-chief shall refer the protest to the
tournament director. NOTE: Either manager has the right to put his team in the dugout and
refuse to continue play if the umpire-in-chief does not refer any protest to the tournament
considered as complete until opposing managers have an opportunity to make a protest on a
game ending play or failure to comply with the participation requirement. Fifteen minutes
shall be considered sufficient time for the fulfillment of this rule.
(E) When the official scorer or other officials have knowledge of a potential illegal substitution of a
player or use of an illegal pitcher, they should advise the manager of the violating team.
However, after the violation occurs, no one shall call attention to the violation except the
opposing manager.
(F) ILLEGAL PITCHER―If an illegal pitcher enters the game, or becomes illegal after entering the
game, this is a continuing violation and may be protested at any time during its continuation
prior to the completion of the game. PENALTY: If protested during the game, the illegal
pitcher shall be removed from the mound and the offended team shall have the choice of
replaying the game from the point where the illegal pitcher entered the game to pitch or
became illegal after entering the game or continue from the point where the illegal pitcher is
removed from the game. If, in the opinion of the tournament director, the violation was
intentional, the tournament team manager shall be disqualified from further tournament play.
If either of the team managers does not agree with the Tournament Director’s decision, an appeal
may be made to the State Director before the next pitch is thrown to a batter.
(1) Appeals of protest decisions in AA, AAA, Majors or O”Zone tournament games may be
carried to the Tournament Director, the State Director and up to the Commissioner if so
desired but play may not resume until a decision is accepted by both managers or the appeal
process is exhausted. Failure to get a final decision through proper appeals before the next
pitch is thrown to a batter or before a play is made on a runner will forfeit the right for any
further appeal by either team manager.
(2) As provided in Tournament Rule XI(D) above, the Umpire-In Chief shall refer any protest to
the Tournament Director who may interview the umpires or the team managers before making a
decision. After the Tournament Director renders a decision, either manager can request an appeal
to the State Director.
(3) The Tournament Director ONLY shall be permitted to call the State Director. The State
Director may interview the Tournament Director, the umpires or the team managers before making
a decision. After the State Director renders his decision, either manager can request the State
Director to appeal to the Commissioner.
(4) The Commissioner of DYB® shall be called ONLY by the State Director for a FINAL DECISION
on any appeal of a State Director’s decision. The Commissioner may reserve the right to speak
with the Tournament Director, any umpire in the game or any team manager before making his
decision. The Commissioner’s decision will be communicated only to the State Director who will
inform the Tournament Director.
(5) After a ruling by the Commissioner of DYB®, no further appeals can be made and play must
continue immediately.
(6) No appeal shall be accepted by any Tournament Director or State Director or by the
Commissioner in tournament competition on the grounds of a violation of local league rules during
regular season play.
(7) There shall be no appeal of any protest occurring during an A (T-Ball) Division tournament
beyond the District Director unless otherwise provided in an individual state’s constitution and
(8) Appeals will be allowed only if presented exactly according to the above procedures. Team
managers may only request an appeal. Managers cannot present appeals directly to these officials.
All officials will be available to receive protest appeals during the tournament season.
Credentials Check List for Local Leagues and Coaches
The local league president should provide a copy of this check list to each tournament team coach
along with the parental waiver/medical release form, the Coach Background Certification, proof of
insurance, and birth certificates to bring to the District Credentials Meeting.
League and Team Responsibilities
All tournament teams must attend the District Credentials meeting at a time/place set by the District Director.
The TOURNAMENT TEAM ELIGIBILITY AFFIDAVIT shall be completed online through the league’s
Manage Teams page. Leagues can access their Manage Teams Page by going to the ONLINE ROSTERS tab
on the DYB website and clicking on the Roster Login Screen link.
All information on the Tournament Affidavit/Roster must be provided from the information submitted on the
regular season rosters in the online DYB Roster database host by SportsSignUp (formerly SI Play).
Players must be selected from the players listed on the League Rosters submitted online which are due May 1.
Player’s first and last names must be listed exactly like it is on the legal birth document. First and Last
names only, middle names are not required, no initials, no nick names, and no adopted names unless there is
documentation of a legal name change
The President of each league or League Official must check all birth records of players, print three copies of the
Tournament Affidavit/Roster for each team from the online database and sign each copy of the Affidavit
certifying that all information on the Tournament Affidavit is correct. (Coach-Original, Copies League and DD).
Must have 3 coaches (no more) listed on the AAA, Majors and “O”ZONE tournament team affidavits.
Must have 4 coaches (no more) listed on the T-Ball and 6U & 8U AA Coach Pitch tournament team affidavits.
Copies of birth certificates must have a statement printed on the copy that states “this is an exact and true copy
of the original certificate”. The statement must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. This statement
cannot be on a separate page that is stapled to the birth certificate. Note: The statement signed by the
parent on the birth certificate does not have to be notarized.
A parental waiver/medical release form for each team with the parent or legal guardian’s signature next to the
player’s name. The parental waiver/medical release form can be downloaded from the DYB website at
www.dybusa.org. The parental waiver/medical release form is titled ASSUMPTION OF RISK / WAIVER OF
There must be proof of Accident and Liability Insurance. The policy coverage must be:
o Excess Accident-team must be covered with Excess Accident policy with a Medical Limit of at least $50,000.
o General Liability-team must be covered by a General Liability Policy with aneach occurrence “limit of at
least 1,000,000 combined single limits for “bodily injury” and “property damage”. If the team does not
purchase its General Liability Insurance from Sadler, it is required that its insurance certificate name DYB,
Inc. as an “additional insured”, and have the tournament insurance check list completed and signed by their
insurance agent.
Each team must have a Background Check Certification/Waiver of Liability and Indemnification form signed
by all the team coaches and a copy to be retained by the league.
The tournament affidavit/roster, parental waiver/medical release form, coaches background check certification
form, insurance and the birth records will be publicly inspected and approved by a credentials committee
composed of three members.
These documents should be put into a three-ring binder with the birth certificates inserted in order of the names
listed on the Tournament Team Affidavit to be presented to the Credentials Committee.
The league should maintain a copy of the following documents in the league records for 7 years (17 years if
a serious injury occurs during the season)
(1) Tournament Affidavit;
(3) Coaches Background Check Certification; and
(4) Proof of Insurance for the current season.
(Not For Use With Endorsed DYB / Sadler Insurance Plan)
Requirements Checklist
Verification of Minimum Insurance Standards For
When Either Accident or General Liability Insurance Are Not
Purchased Through the DYB Endorsed Insurance Plan
All teams participating in officially sanctioned and other approved DYB tournament play must provide
evidence of Accident and General Liability insurance that meets certain minimum standards as outlined
in current edition of the Official Rules and Regulations of DYB.
As a pre-condition of participation in DYB sanctioned tournament play, the Tournament Teams listed
below is requesting analysis of the Accident and General Liability policies that are provided through your
insurance agency to verify compliance with minimum insurance standards per DYB Rules & Regulations.
Name of Tournament Team:
League To Which Tournament Team Belongs:
Name of Insurance Agency:
Name of Insurance Agent Completing This Form:
Phone Number of Insurance Agent: ( )
Date This Form Completed:
Signature of Insurance Agent Verifying Coverage:
Minimum Standards Please Check Appropriate Box
Accident Insurance
Does Not
* Named Insured The Insured organization is listed under the name of the individual
Tournament Team or the name of the League to represented by the team.
£ £
* Effective And Expiration Dates must encompass the length of the entire tournament.
£ £
* Medical Limit Must be at least $50,000
£ £
General Liability
Does Not
* Named Insured The Insured organization is listed under the name of the individual
Tournament Team or the name of the League represented by the Tournament team.
£ £
* Effective And Expiration Dates must encompass the length of the entire tournament.
£ £
* Each Occurrence Limit The Each Occurrence Limit must be at least $1,000,000.
£ £
* Athletic Participants Exclusion The policy does not have an Athletic Participants
(or similar) exclusion.
£ £
* Claims Made Coverage The policy does not provide claims made coverage.
£ £
* Additional Insured - DYB, Inc. is listed as an “Additional Insured.”
£ £
Tournament Rules, II Financial Responsibility - Page 76-77, (D) Tournament Host And Team
Insurance For Sanctioned Tournaments requires that all teams participating in sanctioned and other
approved DYB tournament play must provide evidence of Accident and General Liability insurance that meets
certain minimum standards as follows:
(1) Excess Accident The Tournament Host and each tournament team must be covered by an Excess
Accident policy under their respective organizations’ name with a medical limit of at least $50,000.
For teams, it is not a cceptable for each parent to provide individual evidence of health insurance for
his or her child. For the tournament host, coverage must be provided for all umpires, scorekeepers,
employees and volunteers; and
(2) General Liability The Tournament Host and each tournament team must be covered by a General
Liability policy under their respective organizations’ names with an “each occurrence” limit of at least
$1,000,000 combined single limits for “bodily injury” and “property damage”. Such policy may not
provide “claims made” coverage and may not have exclusion for lawsuits arising out of injuries to
athletic participants. If the tournament host or team does not purchase its General Liability insurance
through the approved DYB, Inc. insurance program (see rule book advertisement), it is required that
the General Liability policy name DYB, Inc. as and “additional insured”.
DYB recommends that leagues purchase their Accident and General Liability insurance from the endorsed DYB
program through Sadler Sports Insurance. The endorsed DYB program automatically meets all minimum
insurance requirements and as a result does not need to be closely scrutinized by the tournament credentials
However, if both Accident and General Liability are not purchased through the endorsed DYB program:
) The league should request that their insurance agent complete the checklist on the reverse side of this page
to verify compliance with the minimum standards. If 100% of st andards are not met, the tournament
credentials committee will not accept the insurance for entry into the DYB sanctioned or approved
2) This completed and signed checklist should be presented to the tournament credentials committee with
evidence of Accident and General Liability insurance to expedite their review.
William Wade, Commissioner
©2023 Sadler & Company, Inc. All Rights Reserved
DYB, Inc.
Sub District, District, Area, Regional, State, and World Series Tournaments Minor Waiver/Release
IN CONSIDERATION OF my child/ward, being allowed to participate in any way in the DYB, Inc. Sub District, District, Area, Regional, State, or World
Series Tournaments, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:
1. The risk of injury to my child/ward from the activities involved in these programs is significant, including the potential for permanent disability and
death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does exist; and,
2. The risk of possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and COVID-19. While particular
rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist; and,
3. For myself, spouse, and child/ward, I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE
NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my child/ward’s participation; and,
4. I willingly agree to comply with the program’s stated and customary terms and conditions for participation including risk of injury and protection
against infectious diseases. If I observe any unusual significant hazard or concern in my child/ward’s readiness for participation and/or in the program
itself, I will remove my child/ward from the participation and bring such attention of the nearest official immediately; and,
5. Medical Release - I grant permission to managing and/or coaching personnel or other league representatives or tournament officials to authorize and
obtain medical care and treatment from any licensed physician, hospital or medical clinic, including major surgery, deemed necessary by a duly
licensed physician should my child become ill or injured while participating in tournament activities away from home, or at other times when neither
parent/guardian is available to grant authorization for emergency treatment. This authorization includes the administration of first aid and
transportation to and from a medical treatment facility. In addition, I will list any allergies or illnesses for which my child is being treated by medical
doctor in the space provided next to my signature.
6. I, for myself, my spouse, my child/ward, and on behalf of my/our heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND
HOLD HARMLESS DYB, Inc.; DYB State and District Affiliates; my local team and league; tournament host; their respective directors, officers,
officials, agents, employees, volunteers, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises
used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL ILLNESS, INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to
person or property incident to my child/ward’s involvement or participation in these programs, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF
THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
7. I, for myself, my spouse, my child/ward, and on behalf of my/our heirs, assigns, personal representatives and next of kin, HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND
HOLD HARMLESS all the above Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my child’s/ward involvement or participation in these programs,
EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
8. I, the parent/guardian, assert that I have explained to my child/ward: the risks of the activity, his/her responsibilities for adhering to the rules and
regulations, and that my child/ward understands this agreement.
Page 1 of 2
This is to certify that I, as parent/guardian, with legal responsibility for this participant, have read and explained the provisions in this waiver of
liability, assumption of risk and indemnification agreement and medical release to my child/ward including the risks of injury and/or possible
exposure to and illness from infectious disease through his presence and participation and including his/her personal responsibilities for adhering
to the rules and regulations for protection against communicable diseases. Furthermore, my child/ward understands and accepts these risks and
responsibilities. Further, I fully understand its terms, understand that I have given up substantial rights by signing it, and sign it freely and
voluntarily without any inducement.
Player’s Name Parent’s Signature
Note: You may provide the following information on a separate sheet of paper if you
have any privacy concerns.
Allergies (Drugs or other) | Illnesses Under MD Care
Only Use Section Below for Replacement Players
(If Any)
Note: The league shall maintain this signed release for a period 7 years, and in the event that a player has been involved in a serious injury, 17 years.
ge 2 of 2
Date: ______________________ League Name: ________________________________________________________ Franchise# ___________
DYB, Inc.
Background Check Certification
Infectious Disease/Injury-Waiver of Liability/Indemnification
Two signed copies of this completed form MUST be submitted at the District Credentials
meeting along with two copies of the Tournament Team Eligibility Affidavit for each of the
league’s tournament teams. The second copy of these forms will be retained by the
District Director.
Date _______________________
LEAGUE NAME: ________________________________________ FRANCHISE # Y-_________
Background Checks:
Pursuant to Federal Public Law 115-126 Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport
Authorization Act of 2017 (“Safe Sport Act”) our league has formally adopted and implemented the DYB Child
Protection Plan or a similar comprehensive program.
Our league has conducted third-party criminal background checks which, at a minimum, search the National
Criminal Database and the National Sex Offender Registry in all 50 states on all managers and coaches of our
all-star teams which participate in DYB tournament play (including sub-district, district and state
tournaments and the DYB World Series). We have disqualified any manager or coach whose background
check revealed a conviction for, guilty plea, no contest plea, or admission to any crime involving a minor.
Furthermore, we have disqualified any other manager or coach for other offenses which fall under our
disqualification criteria and for which an exception was not granted through our formal appeals process.
Documentation of the successful passing of criminal background checks as described above for all managers
and coaches is immediately available upon request.
League Official Official’s Name (Printed) Position
IN CONSIDERATION OF my participation as a manager or coach of a team in the DYB, Inc. Sub District, District, Area,
Regional, State, or World Series Tournaments, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges,
and agrees that:
1. The risk of injury to me from the activities involved in these programs is significant, including the potential for permanent
disability and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of
serious injury does exist; and,
2. The risk of possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and
COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does
exist; and,
3. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE
OF THE RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,
4. I willingly agree to comply with the program’s stated and customary terms and conditions for participation including risk
of injury and protection against infectious diseases; and,
5. I HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS DYB, Inc.; DYB State and District Affiliates; my local team and league;
tournament host; their respective directors, officers, officials, agents, employees, volunteers, other participants,
sponsoring agencies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event
person or property incident to my participation in these programs, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF
THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
6. I HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS all the above Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my
participation in these programs, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
______________________________ _____________________________ ______________________________
Manager Coach Coach
Coach* *(For T-Ball and Coach Pitch 4
Coach Only) Revised 05/2023
This is to certify that_____________________________________________________________
Full Name of Player
a member of the _________________________League, #Y _______ City___________ State____
Tournament team will be unable to participate in the 2023 DYB tournament program because:
Signature of Parent or Guardian……….
Address __________________________________.
Telephone _________________________________
Following an investigation of the above, I hereby approve the replacement of ____________________________
Name of Player Being Replaced
By _______________________________ Mailing Address __________________________________
Full Name of New Player
Date of birth _________________ League _______________________________ Season Team ___________
I hereby certify that the date of birth of ______________________________is correct and has been substantiated by birth
New Player
certificate, Hospital Record or National Headquarters Statement in lieu thereof. I further certify that the player listed above
resides within the League’s boundaries as set forth in the 2023 Dixie Youth Baseball Rules for local leagues, and has played
in at least 9 scheduled games in his league in accordance with the 2023 TOURNAMENT REGULATIONS.
Signature _________________________________________________________________________________
League President or Representative as registered with Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc. for Current Season
Address _______________________________________________ City __________________ State _______
Name of League_____________________________________ Telephone _____________________________
I have inspected the birth certificate of _______________________________ and it is in my opinion acceptable
according to the rules of DYB Inc. Replacement as requested above is hereby approved.
Signature ___________________________________________ District ______________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
The original replacement form must be attached to the white copy of the 2023 Tournament Affidavit.
THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT ________________________________________________________________, a
coach in the ____________________________________________League, # Y-________ of a [ ]6U [ ]8U [ ]10U [ ]12U
tournament team will be unable to continue participation in the 20_____ DYB tournament season for the following
I hereby approve the replacement of_______________________________________________ by a new coach,
(Name of coach being replaced)
Name ___________________________________________________
Address _______________________________________, City __________________ State ________ Zip Code_________
I hereby certify that the new coach is an adult representing our DYB franchised league.
Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________
(League President or League Representative as registered with Dixie Youth Baseball, Inc)
In consideration of my participation as a manager or coach of a team in the DYB Sub District, District, Area, Regional, State, or
World Series Tournaments, related events and activities, the undersigned acknowledges, appreciates, and agrees that:
1. The risk of injury
to me from the activities involved in these programs is significant, including the potential for permanent disability
and death, and while particular rules, equipment, and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious injury does
exist; and,
2. The risk of possible exposure to and illness from infectious diseases including but not limited to MRSA, influenza, and
COVID-19. While particular rules and personal discipline may reduce this risk, the risk of serious illness and death does exist; and,
3. I knowingly and freely assume all such risks, both known and unknown, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE
RELEASEES or others, and assume full responsibility for my participation; and,
4. I willingly agree to comply with the program’s stated and customary terms and conditions for participation including risk of injury
and protection against infectious diseases; and,
5. I HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS DYB Inc.; DYB State and District Affiliates; my local team and league; tournament
host; their respective directors, officers, officials, agents, employees, volunteers, other participants, sponsoring agencies, sponsors,
advertisers, and if applicable, owners and lessors of premises used to conduct the event (“Releasees”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND
ALL ILLNESS, INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, or loss or damage to person or property incident to my participation in these
programs, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASEES OR OTHERWISE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
6. I HEREBY INDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS all the above Releasees from any and all liabilities incident to my participation in these
programs, EVEN IF ARISING FROM THEIR NEGLIGENCE, to the fullest extent permitted by law.
Signature of new coach: ____________________________________________________Date: ________________________________
_____________________________________ is in my opinion an acceptable coach according to the DYB Rules and
Regulations. Replacement as requested above is hereby approved: Signature __________________________________
Date: _______________________ Title ______________________________________
The original replacement form will be retained by the District Director. A copy of this form must be attached to the original Tournament Team Affidavit.
League __________________________________________________________Franchise # Y-______________
Following invesgaon I, ____________________________________________________________________,
(League President – Please print)
hereby approve the removal of _______________________________________________________________
(Players Name – Please print)
due to ___________________________________________________________________________________
(Reason – Please print)
from our 2023 _________________________________________ Tournament Team Roster.
(AAA, Majors or “O”Zone – Please print)
Having no other players available in our league to replace this player we have no other choice but to drop
the 12
player from our tournament team roster. We understand that we must connue in DYB tournament
play with 11 players.
Signature of League President or Representave as registered with DYB, Inc. for the current season.
I have reviewed this situaon and it is in my opinion acceptable according to the rules of DYB, Inc.
Removal of the 12
player as requested above is hereby approved.
Signature ___________________________________________ Title _________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________________________________
The original of this form must be aached to the 2023 DYB Tournament Adavit.
Credentials Check List for DYB Officials
Each participating DYB Tournament Team will bring the following documents to the District
Credentials Meeting - completed Parental Waiver/Medical Release Form, copies of Birth Certificates,
Proof of Excess Accident & Liability Insurance, co
mpleted Tournament Team Affidavit (2 copies)
completed Tournament Coaches Certification Form (2 copies).
League Responsibilities
All tournament teams must attend the District Credentials meeting at a time/place set by the District Director.
The TOURNAMENT TEAM ELIGIBILITY AFFIDAVIT shall be completed online through the league’s
Manage Teams page. Leagues can access their Manage Teams Page by going to the ONLINE ROSTERS tab
on the DYB website.
All information on the Tournament Affidavit/Roster must be provided from the information submitted on the
regular season rosters in the on-line DYB Rostering System.
Players must be selected from the players listed on the League Rosters submitted on-line which are due May 1.
Player’s first and last names must be listed exactly like it is on the legal birth document. First and Last
names only, middle names are not required, no initials, no nick names, and no adopted names unless there is
documentation of a legal name change
The President of each league or League Official must check all birth records of players, print TWO copies of
the Tournament Affidavit/Roster for each team from the on-line database and sign each copy of the Affidavit
certifying that all information on the Tournament Affidavit is correct. (Coach-Original, Copy-District Director).
Must have 3 coaches (no more) listed on the AAA, Majors and “O”ZONE tournament team affidavits.
Must have 4 coaches (no more) listed on the T-Ball and 6U & 8U AA Coach Pitch tournament team affidavits.
Copies of birth certificates must have a statement printed on the copy that states “this is an exact and true copy
of the original certificate”. The statement must be signed by the parent or legal guardian. This statement
cannot be on a separate page that is stapled to the birth certificate. Note: The statement signed by the
parent on the birth certificate does not have to be notarized.
A parental waiver/medical release form for each team with the parent or legal guardian’s signature next to the
player’s name. The parental waiver/medical release form can be downloaded from the DYB website at
www.dybusa.org. The parental waiver/medical release form is titled ASSUMPTION OF RISK / WAIVER OF
ch team MUS
T provide proof of insurance as follows -
o Excess Accident-team must be covered with an Excess Accident policy with medical limit of at least $50,000.
o General Liability-team must be covered by a General Liability Policy with an each occurrence “limit of at
least 1,000,000
combined single limits for “bodily injury” and “property damage”. If the team does not
purchase its General Liability Insurance from Sadler, it is required that its insurance certificate name DYB,
Inc. as an “additional insured”, and have the tournament insurance check list completed and signed by their
insurance agent.
Each team must provide TWO copies of the completed DYB Background Check Certification/Waiver of
Liability and Indemnification form signed by all the team coaches. ONE copy is to be retained by the league
and ONE copy to be retained by the District Director.
The tournament affidavit/roster, parental waiver/medical release form, coaches background check certification
form, insurance and the birth records will be publicly inspected and approved by a credentials committee
composed of three members.
These documents should be put into a three-ring binder with the birth certificates inserted in order of the names
listed on the Tournament Team Affidavit to be presented to the Credentials Committee.
The District Director should maintain a copy of the following documents in the district records for at least
7 years (or longer if a serious injury occurs during post-season play)
(1) Tournament Affidavit.
(2) Completed Coaches Background Check Certification.
April 28, 2023
State Directors,
Please note DYB Tournament Rule III. Team Eligibility Requirements (B) & (D) -
(B) All DYB tournament team affidavits must consist of a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 12
players, and manager and the required number of coaches. All players listed on the team’s tournament
team roster must fulfill all offensive and defensive participation requirements. A dropped player affidavit
must be presented if a team drops from 12 to 11 players. Alternates are not recognized as part of a
tournament team. NOTE: Non-sanctioned tournaments not supervised by DYB District, State or National
officials cannot use the DYB Tournament Team Eligibility Affidavit to qualify teams.
(D) Each tournament team is required to have a minimum of 11 players and a maximum of 12 players,
and manager and the required number of coaches present at each tournament game except that any
unfilled player vacancy or a player’s absence may be approved by the tournament director for justifiable
reasons except for participation in other tournaments or family vacations which are covered under
Tournament Rule IV(C). The tournament director may suspend a team manager from participating in any
game where a player vacancy or absence cannot be justified. The tournament director may require a team
to replace a player whose continued participation on the team is in doubt.
The rule governing the number of players on a tournament team roster does not give a team the option
to show up to any tournament game with either 11 or 12 players. The choice to place 11 or 12 players on
a tournament team roster is a league decision and the team is required to have their full tournament
team roster of players at each game. Example: a league opts to place 11 players on their tournament team
roster and that team has player(s) absent for a game, the manager may be suspended for that game if the
tournament director does not feel that the absence is justified. Likewise, if a league opts to place 12
players on their tournament team roster, and that team has player(s) absent for a game, the manager
may be suspended for that game if the tournament director does not feel that the absence is justified.
Please reference DYB Tournament Rule IV. Player/Coach Eligibility Requirements (C) for absences
related to participation in other tournaments or family vacations.
William Wade, Commissioner
DYB, Inc. 3454 Wetumpka Hwy. Montgomery, Alabama 36110
Office of the Commissioner