6544118 October 23, 2017
BYLAW NO. 7932
This is a consolidation of the bylaws below. The amendment bylaws have been combined with the
original bylaw for convenience only. This consolidation is not a legal document. Certified copies of the
original bylaws should be consulted for all interpretations and applications of the bylaws on this subject.
(If different from Date of Adoption)
Bylaw 8357 May 12, 2008
Bylaw 8598 September 13, 2010
Bylaw 8637 January 10, 2011 February 9, 2011
Bylaw 8961 April 8, 2013
Bylaw 9718 October 23, 2017
Bylaw 10157 July 27, 2020
Bylaw No. 7932
BYLAW NO. 7932
Page 1 of 2
1.1 General Prohibition - All Animals and Birds .............................................. 1
1.2 Basic Animal and Bird Care Requirements ................................................ 1
1.3 Keeping of Outdoor Animals and Birds ...................................................... 2
1.4 Authority to Enter Onto Property ................................................................ 2
1.5 Animals or Birds in Custody ......................................................................... 2
2.1 Maximum Number of Household Pets ......................................................... 2
2.2 Cats .................................................................................................................. 2
2.3 Dogs ................................................................................................................. 3
2.4 Rabbits ............................................................................................................ 5
2.5 Birds ................................................................................................................ 5
3.1 General Prohibition ....................................................................................... 6
4.1 General Prohibition ....................................................................................... 7
5.1 General Requirements ................................................................................... 7
5.2 General Prohibition ....................................................................................... 7
6.1 General Requirements ................................................................................... 8
6.2 General Prohibitions ...................................................................................... 8
7.1 General Prohibition ....................................................................................... 9
8.1 Establishment of Animal Shelter .................................................................. 9
8.2 Duties and Obligations of the Contractor .................................................... 9
8.3 Authority of Animal Control Officer - Dogs ............................................. 10
8.4 Reclaiming an Impounded Dog .................................................................. 11
8.5 Authority of Animal Control Officer - Other Animals ............................ 12
8.6 Reclaiming of Other Animals ..................................................................... 12
PART NINE - INTERPRETATION ................................................................................... 12
PART TEN - OFFENCES AND PENALTIES ................................................................. 17
BYLAW NO. 7932
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PART ELEVEN - PREVIOUS BYLAW REPEAL ................................................................. 18
PART TWELVE - SEVERABILITY & CITATION ................................................................ 18
PART THIRTEEN – FEES BYLAW ......................................................................................... 18
City of Richmond
Bylaw 7932
BYLAW NO. 7932
The Council of the City of Richmond enacts as follows:
1.1 General Prohibition – All Animals and Birds
1.1.1 A person must not cause any animal or bird:
(a) to be hitched, tied or fastened to a fixed object:
(i) where a choke collar forms part of the securing apparatus;
(ii) where the securing apparatus is less than 3 metres in length; or
(iii) for a period longer than 1 hour in any 6 hour period;
(b) to be confined in an enclosed space, including a vehicle, without
adequate ventilation.
(c) to be transported in the uncovered, exterior part of any vehicle except
when confined to a fully-enclosed cage designed for travel and where the
cage is securely fastened to the vehicle.
1.1.2 Every owner of an animal, must ensure that the animal does not:
(a) kill or injure a person or animal; or
(b) aggressively pursue or harass a person or animal without provocation.
1.2 Basic Animal and Bird Care Requirements
1.2.1 In addition to the requirements of section 1.1, a person must not keep an animal
or bird unless such animal or bird is provided with:
(a) clean potable drinking water at all times and suitable food of sufficient
quantity and quality to allow for normal growth and the maintenance
of normal body weight;
(b) food and water receptacles which are kept clean and disinfected, and
located so as to avoid contamination by excreta;
Bylaw No. 7932 2
(c) the opportunity for periodic exercise sufficient to maintain good health,
including the opportunity to be unfettered from a fixed area and
exercised regularly under appropriate control; and
(d) necessary veterinary medical care when such animal or bird exhibits
signs of pain or suffering.
1.3 Keeping of Outdoor Animals and Birds
1.3.1 A person must not keep an animal or bird which normally resides outdoors, or
which is kept outdoors for extended periods of time, unless such animal or bird
is provided with an outdoor shelter:
(a) which ensures protection from heat, cold and dampness that is
appropriate to the weight and type of protective outer coat of such
(b) which provides sufficient shade to protect the animal from the direct
rays of the sun at all times; and
(c) which is cleaned and sanitized not less than daily, of all excrement.
1.4 Authority to Enter Onto Property
1.4.1 An Animal Control Officer or a Police Officer is authorized to enter, at all
reasonable times, onto any property within the City to determine whether the
provisions of this bylaw are being complied with.
1.5 Animals or Birds in Custody
1.5.1 A person must not rescue, or attempt to rescue any animal or bird lawfully in the
custody of an Animal Control Officer or any Police Officer.
2.1 Maximum Number of Household Pets
2.1.1 Subject to the maximums per species in this Part and to any strata bylaw passed
pursuant to the Strata Property Act respecting the number of household pets
permitted in a strata unit, a person may keep:
(a) a maximum of five (5) household pets in a one-family dwelling or two-
family dwelling; or
(b) a maximum of three (3) household pets in a multiple-family dwelling;
2.1.2 The limits prescribed in subsection 2.1.1 do not include any litter of puppies or
2.2 Cats
2.2.1 Owner Obligations
Bylaw No. 7932 3
6544118 Every owner of a cat must:
(a) ensure that such cat bears sufficient identification to enable any
person finding the cat to contact the owner;
(b) where such cat is actually or apparently over six months of age,
ensure that such cat has been spayed or neutered, as applicable,
by a veterinarian, unless the owner holds a valid cat breeding
permit for the cat; and
(c) ensure that where such cat is not spayed or neutered, such cat is
not permitted to be running at large. The identification required under clause (a) of subsection may
take the form of, but is not limited to, a collar and tag, tattoo, or
microchip implant.
2.2.2 Cat Breeding Permits Every owner of an un-spayed cat who offers to sell, give away, or
otherwise transfer ownership or dispose of the offspring of such cat
(a) obtain a cat breeding permit in accordance with the provisions of
subsection; and
(b) include the number of such cat breeding permit in any
advertisement regarding the offspring. The Contractor may:
(a) prescribe the form of application required by any person who
wishes to obtain a cat breeding permit; and
(b) upon receiving an appropriate application form and the fees for a
cat breeding permit in the amount set from time to time in the
Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636, issue a cat breeding permit,
valid for a period of three years from the date of issuance. The penalty for violating clause (c) of subsection may be
waived by the Contractor, upon having been provided proof, within
30 days after the date the citation was issued, that the cat has been
spayed or neutered.
2.3 Dogs
2.3.1 General Prohibition A person in a one-family dwelling or a two-family dwelling must not
permit more than three dogs to be kept in such dwelling at any time. A person in a unit of a multiple-family dwelling must not permit more
than two dogs to be kept in such unit at any time.
Bylaw No. 7932 4
6544118 The provisions of subsections and, do not apply to the
housing and training of assistance dogs.
2.3.2 Owner Obligations - Leashing Except as provided for in section 2.3.5 and in section 2.3.6, every owner
of a dog:
(a) must keep such dog on a leash at all times while on any street or in
any public place; and
(b) may not permit their dog to run at large.
2.3.3 Owner Obligations – Cleaning Up Every owner of a dog must ensure that any excrement deposited on
any parcel, other than the parcel of the owner, is cleaned up
immediately. The provisions of subsection apply to an owner regardless of
whether or not the dog is under such owner’s care and control at the
time of a breach of the provisions of that subsection. The provisions of subsections and do not apply to the
owner of an assistance dog.
2.3.4 Owner Obligations – Confinement Subject to the limitations of section 1.1.1, every owner of a dog must
ensure that such dog, while on the premises owned or controlled by the
owner, is securely confined to the premises. Every owner of a dangerous dog must:
(a) ensure that such dangerous dog is not allowed on any street or in
any public place, or any other place that is not owned or controlled
by that person, unless such dangerous dog is:
(i) on a leash not longer than 1.2 metres; and
(ii) muzzled; and
(iii) under the care and control of an owner who is 19 years of
age or older; and
(b) subject to the limitations of section 1.1.1, keep such dangerous
dog securely confined at all times, either indoors or in an
enclosure, while the dangerous dog is on the premises owned or
controlled by such person.
2.3.5 Designated Dog Off-Leash Areas An owner may allow their dog to be off-leash in a designated dog off-
leash area providing the owner:
Bylaw No. 7932 5
(a) carries a leash;
(b) keeps the dog in view at all times; and
(c) maintains effective control of the dog so that the dog immediately
returns when signalled. As exceptions to subsection
(a) No owner may have more than three (3) dogs off-leash at any
one time, except an owner who is a professional dog walker with
a valid off-leash permit may have up to six (6) dogs off-leash in
the designated dog off-leash areas within McDonald Park and
Woodwards Slough Park.
(b) No owner may permit a dangerous dog to be off-leash in a
designated dog off-leash area. Every owner of a dog must immediately leash a dog when the dog
exhibits aggressive behaviour.
2.3.6 Exemption The provisions under section and subsection do not apply
to an owner of a dog that is conducting wildlife control duties in
accordance with a valid contract with the City or a dog being utilized by
law enforcement officers for duties or training related to law
2.4 Rabbits
2.4.1 General Requirements Every person keeping rabbits in a one-family dwelling, a two-family
dwelling or a multiple-family dwelling must ensure that:
(a) such rabbits do not create a nuisance; and
(b) all lands and premises where such rabbits are kept, are
maintained in a sanitary condition at all times, and that
excrement is not permitted to accumulate and cause, in the
opinion of the Medical Health Officer, an objectionable odour
or nuisance. A person may keep a maximum of two (2) rabbits in a one-family
, two-family dwelling, or a multiple-family dwelling.
2.5 Birds
2.5.1 General Provisions – All Birds
Bylaw No. 7932 6
6544118 A person must not build, construct, reconstruct or maintain an aviary
until the design and location of such aviary has been approved by the
City with respect to building permit requirements. A person must not feed pigeons or other birds in such a manner as to
constitute a nuisance or disturb or interfere with the quiet, peace, or
enjoyment of another person’s property.
2.5.2 Pigeons An owner of racing or homing pigeons, fancy pigeons, or a person on
whose property such birds are kept, must not allow such pigeons to
perch, roost, or nest on the land or buildings of any person in the City,
or to stray, feed, or roost on any highway or public place, except:
(a) on the property of which the holder is the owner or lessee;
(b) for the purpose of exercising or racing, and only when such
pigeons are under the control of the owner. Every person keeping racing, homing, or fancy pigeons, must maintain
the land and premises where such pigeons are kept in a sanitary
condition at all times, and pigeon droppings must be disposed of in a
manner that will not create a nuisance or health hazard. A person may keep a maximum of five (5) pigeons in a one-family
dwelling or two-family dwelling. A person must not keep pigeons in a multiple-family dwelling. An aviary must be located at least two (2) metres from any property line.
2.5.3 Exotic Birds The provisions of subsection 2.5.2 with regard to pigeons, apply also to
exotic birds.
3.1 General Prohibition
3.1.1 Except as otherwise permitted by the Farm Practices Protection (Right to Farm)
Act, the Agricultural Land Commission Act or regulations made thereunder, a
person must not keep poultry:
(a) on a parcel with an area of less than 2,000 square metres (21,529 square
feet); or
(b) in, upon, or under any structure used for human habitation.
3.1.2 Every person keeping poultry must ensure that:
(a) such poultry does not create a nuisance; and
Bylaw No. 7932 7
(b) all lands and premises where such poultry is kept, are maintained in a
sanitary condition at all times, and that excrement is not permitted to
accumulate and cause, in the opinion of the Medical Health Officer, an
objectionable odour or nuisance.
4.1 General Prohibition
4.1.1 A person must not keep any wild animal in captivity on a parcel unless, in the
opinion of the Animal Control Officer, adequate provision is made to ensure that
such wild animal is securely contained on such parcel and poses no risk to public
5.1 General Requirements
5.1.1 Every person keeping a domestic farm animal must ensure that:
(a) flies and other insects are kept under control by good manure
management and by the use of approved insecticides approved by the
Pesticide Branch of the Ministry of Environment Province of British
(b) both the inside and outside of any building, pen, stable, shed or
structure housing a domestic farm animal is kept clean;
(c) manure does not accumulate on any parcel except in a properly
contained manner so that that runoff to public watercourses or onto
adjacent properties does not occur;
(d) any manure resulting from the keeping of domestic farm animals, that
has not been suitably treated by dehydration or composting to stabilize
the organic matter, must be incorporated into the soil within eight (8)
hours; and
(e) any person allowing a domestic farm animal access to an outdoor
area must ensure that dust caused by such domestic farm animal is
5.2 General Prohibition
5.2.1 A person must not keep a domestic farm animal in a one-family dwelling, two-
family dwelling, or a multiple-family dwelling.
5.2.2 A person must not keep a domestic farm animal:
(a) on a parcel with an area of less than 2,000 square metres (21,529 square
feet); or
Bylaw No. 7932 8
(b) on a parcel where the ratio of domestic farm animals to parcel area
exceeds one (1) domestic farm animal for each 2,000 square metres
(21,529 square feet).
6.1 General Requirements
6.1.1 Every person keeping bees, and the owner of a parcel on which bees are kept, must
ensure that the bees are:
(a) maintained in a condition so as to reasonably prevent undue swarming or
aggressive behaviour;
(b) requeened as soon as possible if such bees are subject to undue swarming
or show signs of aggressive behaviour; and
(c) provided with adequate water to prevent the bees from seeking water from
neighbourhood swimming pools, birdbaths, ponds or other community
bodies of water;
6.1.2 Every person keeping bees, and the owner of a parcel on which bees are kept, must
ensure that:
(d) each beehive is located in a rear yard away from the main street;
(e) each beehive is positioned so that the entrance to the beehive faces away
from the closest neighbouring property; and
(f) where a beehive is located within 8 metres of the property line of an
adjacent parcel containing a one-family dwelling, two-family dwelling or
multiple-family dwelling, the beehive is located either:
i. a minimum of 2.5 metres above the ground; or
ii. behind a solid fence or hedge a minimum of 2.0 metres in height
running parallel to any parcel line and extending a minimum of
6.0 metres horizontally beyond the beehives in both directions.
6.2 Prohibitions
6.2.1 A person must not:
(a) locate a beehive on any parcel containing a multiple family dwelling;
(b) keep more than two (2) beehives on a parcel of less than 1,000 square
metres in area;
(c) keep more than four (4) beehives on a parcel that is between 1,000 and
2,000 square metres in area; or
Bylaw No. 7932 9
(d) keep more than six (6) beehives on a parcel that is between 2,000 and
4,000 square metres in area.
7.1 General Prohibition
7.1.1 A person must not keep a furbearing animal in a one-family dwelling, two-family
dwelling, or a multiple-family dwelling.
8.1 Establishment of Animal Shelter
8.1.1 An animal shelter is hereby established, and Council may enter into an
agreement with a Contractor to operate such animal shelter.
8.2 Duties and Obligations of the Contractor
8.2.1 The agreement specified in subsection 8.1.1 may establish the duties of the
Contractor with regard to:
(a) the operation of an animal shelter, including but not limited to,
(i) hours of operation,
(ii) building maintenance and operating costs;
(iii) payment of utilities, including electricity, natural gas and
telephone services;
(iv) an automated telephone answering system for emergency
(v) cleanliness and sanitation; and
(vi) the care and feeding of, and the provision of veterinary care,
where necessary, for all impounded animals and birds;
(b) the provision of animal control services, including but not limited to,
(i) the provision of equipment, including vehicles and
communication systems;
(ii) the impoundment of animals and birds;
(iii) the undertaking of patrols;
(iv) the keeping of records of impoundment, finances and animal
(v) the disposal by sale, or by humane destruction, of impounded
animals and birds;
(vi) the removal and disposal of dead animals;
(vii) dealing with public complaints about animals; and
(viii) attending to, and transporting, animals running at large;
Bylaw No. 7932 10
(c) the provision and supplying of an adequate number of trained Animal
Control Officers;
(d) the licencing of dogs; and
(e) the issuing of tickets under the provisions of the Municipal Ticket
Information Authorization Bylaw, including court attendance as and
when necessary.
8.3 Authority of Animal Control Officer – Dogs
8.3.1 An Animal Control Officer or any Police Officer, may seize and impound any
dog found running at large, for up to 96 hours, unless such dog is reclaimed
within that time.
8.3.2 If an impounded dog is not reclaimed within 7 days of impoundment, such dog
may be disposed of by an Animal Control Officer, by destruction, private sale
or gift, or sale by auction.
8.3.3 An Animal Control Officer, upon apprehending any female dog in season found
running at large in contravention of this bylaw, must impound such dog for a
period of not less than 10 days, and the owner of such dog must pay the cost of
boarding such dog during its impoundment.
8.3.4 Any dangerous dog running at large:
(a) may be impounded by an Animal Control Officer;
(b) must, upon request, be immediately delivered to the animal shelter or to an
Animal Control Officer, by the owner; and
(c) must be kept quarantined at the animal shelter for a period of 14 days at
the owner’s expense, including the maintenance fees in the amount set
from time to time in the Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636.
8.3.5 Before exercising the power under subsection 8.3.4, in the case of a dog that has
acted as described in clause (a)(i) or (a)(ii) of the definition of dangerous dog, the
Animal Control Officer must consider whether the dog was acting while in the
course of
(a) attempting to prevent a person from committing an unlawful act, or
(b) performing law enforcement work.
8.3.6 Subject to the provisions of this Part, an Animal Control Officer
may seize a dog
if the officer believes on reasonable grounds that the dog is a dangerous dog.
8.3.7 Subject to subsection 8.3.10, an Animal Control Officer may enter a place to
impound a dangerous dog
(a) with the consent of the owner, or
(b) in accordance with a warrant issued under subsection 8.3.8 or 8.3.9, or
Bylaw No. 7932 11
(c) in accordance with subsection 8.3.10.
8.3.8 A justice who is satisfied by evidence given under oath or affirmation that there are
reasonable grounds to believe that there is in a place a dog that
(a) has killed or seriously injured a person,
(b) is likely to kill or seriously injure a person, or
(c) has killed or seriously injured a companion animal or domestic animal,
may issue a warrant authorizing an Animal Control Officer to enter and search the
place and to seize the dog.
8.3.9 If it is impracticable for an Animal Control Officer to appear personally before a
justice to apply for a warrant in accordance with subsection 8.3.8, the Animal
Control Officer may apply for a warrant in accordance with section 22 of the
Offence Act.
8.3.10 Subject to subsection 8.3.11, an Animal Control Officer may, without a warrant,
enter and search any place except a dwelling house and seize a dog if the Animal
Control Officer believes on reasonable grounds that:
(a) the dog is a dangerous dog,
(b) the dog presents an imminent danger to the public, and
(c) the purpose of seizing the dog cannot reasonably be accomplished if the
Animal Control Officer is required to obtain a warrant.
8.3.11 For the purposes of subsection 8.3.10, an Animal Control Officer who is not a
police officer or special provincial constable appointed under the Police Act must
be accompanied by a police officer.
8.3.12 In addition to the authority under the Community Charter or section 8 of the
Livestock Protection Act, an animal control officer may apply to the Provincial
Court for an order that a dog that the officer has reasonable ground to believe is a
dangerous dog be destroyed in the manner specified in the order.
8.3.13 A dangerous dog seized pursuant to this bylaw may not be impounded for more
than 21 days unless proceedings under subsection 8.3.12 of this bylaw or under the
authority of the Community Charter or section 8 of the Livestock Protection Act are
commenced within that time.
8.3.14 Upon request by an Animal Control Officer, the owner of a dog or dangerous
dog which is in contravention of any provision of this bylaw must
stop and provide
to the Animal Control Officer photo identification showing his or her full name
and current address.
8.4 Reclaiming an Impounded Dog
8.4.1 The owner of any dog impounded under this Part, may reclaim such dog on
application to an Animal Control Officer, by:
Bylaw No. 7932 12
(a) providing proof of ownership; and
(b) paying the applicable impoundment fees and maintenance fees in the
amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636.
8.4.2 Where the owner of an impounded dog is known, such owner must pay the
maintenance fees in the amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees
Bylaw No. 8636, even if the owner fails or neglects to reclaim the impounded
8.4.3 The charging of impoundment fees under clause (b) of subsection 8.4.1 in no way
affects, derogates from or takes away from the ability to exercise the authority
provided in subsection 8.3.12 to apply for an order that a dog be destroyed.
8.5 Authority of Animal Control Officer – Other Animals
8.5.1 An Animal Control Officer or any Police Officer may seize and impound any
domestic farm animal or poultry found running at large.
8.5.2 An Animal Control Officer may sell any animal impounded under this Part,
which have not been reclaimed, and after deducting the impounding fees and
maintenance fees accruing in respect of such animal, and if applicable, the cost
of advertising the sale, must pay any surplus within 30 days, to the General
Manager, Finance & Corporate Services.
8.5.3 Where the owner of any impounded animal is known, the General Manager,
Finance & Corporate Services must pay any surplus funds of sale, to such
8.5.4 Where, after 3 months from the date of the sale, such owner is unknown, any
surplus funds of sale not claimed during that time are forfeited to the City.
8.6 Reclaiming of Other Animals
8.6.1 Any impounded animal other than a dog, a cat or poultry, may be reclaimed by
the owner prior to the date of the advertised sale, upon proof of ownership, and
payment to an Animal Control Officer, of the applicable impoundment fees and
fees in the amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees
Bylaw No. 8636.
8.6.2 Any impounded poultry may be reclaimed by the owner prior to the date of
disposal of such poultry, upon proof of ownership, and payment to an Animal
Control Officer, of the applicable impoundment fees and maintenance fees in
the amount set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636.
9.1 In this bylaw, unless the context otherwise requires:
AGGRESSIVE means snarling, growling or pursuing another animal or
BEHAVIOUR a person.
ANIMAL means:
Bylaw No. 7932 13
(a) furbearing animal;
(b) household pet;
(c) poultry; and
(d) wild animal,
and includes companion animal and domestic animal.
OFFICER (a) a person employed by the City as a Bylaw Enforcement
Office; or
(b) a person employed by the Contractor to undertake animal
control services; or
(c) a police officer.
ANIMAL SHELTER means any facility designated by Council as an Animal Pound,
as provided for in the Local Government Act.
ASSISTANCE DOG means a dog specifically trained to assist a person with
disabilities in the performance of daily activities.
AVIARY means a building, cage or structure for the breeding or keeping
of birds, other than poultry.
BEE means the insect Apis mellifera.
BEEHIVE means an enclosed, man-made structure in which bees live and
raise their young.
BUILDING means a structure having a roof supported by columns or walls
used for the shelter or accommodation of persons, animals or
BUILDING INSPECTOR means the Manager, Building Approvals Department or those
positions or persons designated by Council to act under this
Bylaw in the place of the Manager.
CAT means a household pet of the feline species and includes a kitten.
CHOKE COLLAR means a slip collar or chain that may constrict around the neck of
an animal as a result of pulling on one end of the collar or chain.
CITY means the City of Richmond.
COMPANION ANIMAL means an animal kept as a pet or as a guide animal.
CONTRACTOR means the person, firm or society with whom the City has entered
into an agreement for:
the management and operation of an animal shelter;
(b) the provision of animal control services;
(c) the employment and provision of Animal Control Officers;
(d) the licensing of dogs and dangerous dogs; and
Bylaw No. 7932 14
(e) the issuing of tickets, violations and fines under the provisions
of the City’s:
(i) Municipal Ticket Information Authorization Bylaw No.
7321; and
(ii) Notice of Bylaw Violation Dispute Adjudication Bylaw
No. 8122.
COUNCIL means the current Council of the City.
(a) any dog that has killed or injured:
(i) a person, or
(ii) a companion animal or domestic animal while running
at large; or
(b) any dog that an Animal Control Officer has reasonable
grounds to believe is likely to kill or seriously injure a person;
(c) any dog that aggressively harasses or pursues a person or
companion animal or domestic farm animal while running
at large; or
(d) any dog owned, primarily or in part, for the purpose of dog
fighting or that is trained for dog fighting;
(e) a Pit Bull Terrier, American Pit Bull Terrier, Pit Bull,
Staffordshire Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, or
any dog of mixed breeding which includes any of these breeds;
or any dog which has the appearance and physical
characteristics predominantly conforming to the standards for
any of the above breeds; or
(f) any dog that, according to the records of the SPCA, RCMP or
other municipality, or to the knowledge of the owner, has
killed, injured, or aggressively harassed or pursued a person or
DESIGNATED DOG means an area posted by sign, which defines the
OFF-LEASH AREA geographic area and/or time period that dogs can be off-leash.
DOG means any member of the canine species which is six (6) or more
months of age.
DOMESTIC ANIMAL means an animal that is:
(a) tame or kept, or that has been or is being sufficiently tamed
or kept, to serve some purpose for the use of people, and
(b) designated by order of the Lieutenant Governor in Council to
be a domestic animal,
(as defined in the Livestock Protection Act)
means a horse, mule, donkey, emu, hinny, llama, ostrich, pot
FARM ANIMAL belly pig, swine, sheep, goat or cow, or other animal of the bovine
species, but excludes a household pet.
Bylaw No. 7932 15
DWELLING UNIT means a suite of one or more rooms designed for or occupies by
one family only as a single housekeeping unit providing cooking,
sanitary and sleeping facilities.
ENCLOSURE means a securely enclosed and locked structure having a
concrete, asphalt or wooden floor and a wire or steel mesh sides
and roof, which is sufficient to prevent the entry of unauthorized
persons or the escape of the dog.
EXOTIC BIRD means those avian species which are not normally native to the
Province of British Columbia.
FURBEARING ANIMAL means any fox, beaver, marten, mink, muskrat, otter, racoon,
skunk, chinchilla, fisher, or other like animal, other than a
household pet.
GENERAL MANAGER, means the person appointed by Council to the position of
FINANCE & CORPORATE General Manager, Finance & Corporate Services, or an
SERVICES alternate.
HOUSEHOLD PET means a domesticated animal or bird normally kept:
(a) in a one-family dwelling, a two-family dwelling or a
multiple-family dwelling; and
(b) for pleasure rather than utility.
IMPOUNDED means seized, delivered, received or taken into the animal
shelter, or into the custody of the Animal Control Officer.
KITTEN means a member of the feline species which is less than six (6)
months of age.
LEASH or LEASHED means a device, or use of a device, of leather, metal, nylon or
other similar strong material no more than three (3) meters in
length and of sufficient strength and design to restrain the size
and strength of animal for which it will be (or is being) used.
One end must remain securely affixed to a collar or harness
securely attached to the animal with the other end held by a
person capable of controlling the animal at all times.
LICENCE INSPECTOR means an employee of the City, appointed to the job position or
title of inspector or officer, and includes Bylaw Enforcement
Officers, Licence Inspectors and the Chief Licence Inspector.
MAINTENANCE FEES means the fees as set from time to time in the Consolidated Fees
Bylaw No. 8636, which are charged for each day that an animal or
bird is impounded, commencing the day after impoundment.
MEDICAL HEALTH means the Medical Health Officer appointed under the
OFFICER Health Act, to act within the limits of the jurisdiction of any local
board, or within any health district.
Bylaw No. 7932 16
MULTIPLE-FAMILY means a building containing two or more dwelling units.
MUZZLED means a humane fastening or covering device of adequate
strength placed over the mouth of a dog designed to prevent the
dog from biting or injuring any person or another animal.
OFF-LEASH PERMIT means a permit issued to a professional dog walker pursuant to
subsection 2.3.2 of the Business Licence Bylaw No. 7360, as
amended or replaced from time to time.
ONE-FAMILY DWELLING means a detached building used exclusively for residential
purposes, containing one dwelling unit only.
OWN/OWNER/OWNED includes possessor, harbourer, or keeper and "owned" includes
possessed, harboured, or kept.
PARCEL means a lot, block, or other area in which land is held or into
which land is legally subdivided.
PIGEON means a bird of the family columbidae.
POLICE OFFICER means a member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
POULTRY means a chicken, rooster, turkey, goose, duck, fowl, or other bird
normally kept for human consumption, excluding exotic birds and
registered homing pigeons used for hobby or show purposes or
PUPPY means a member of the canine species which is less than six (6)
months of age.
RABBIT means any of various burrowing gregarious plant-eating mammals
of the hare family.
REAR YARD means the portion of a parcel located behind the main dwelling
unit on the parcel.
RESIDENTIAL means a use which pertains clearly to the accommodation and
home life of a family, and includes a group home with a
maximum of 10 residents, but specifically excludes any facility
operated under the jurisdiction of the Correction Act.
RUNNING AT LARGE means any one of the following:
(a) for a cat or dog, being elsewhere than confined on the
premises of the owner, while not on a leash and not in
the immediate and effective control of an owner;
(b) for a cat or dog, being on any property without the
consent of the owner or occupier of that property;
Bylaw No. 7932 17
(c) for a dog, being in a designated dog off-leash area,
where permitted, but not under the immediate and
effective control of an owner; or
(d) for a dangerous dog, means any dangerous dog
which is not confined or controlled in compliance with
the requirements of subsection
STOREY means a space situated between the top of any floor and the top
of the floor next above it, that space between the top of such
floor and the ceiling above it.
STRUCTURE means a construction of any kind whether fixed to, supported by,
or sunk into land or water.
TWO-FAMILY DWELLING means a detached building used exclusively for residential
purposes containing two dwelling units only, which building is
not readily convertible into additional dwelling units and the
plans for which have been filed with the Building inspector
showing all areas of the building finished, the design of the
building conforming to one of the following classifications:
(a) Each dwelling unit consisting of one storey only, not set
upon another storey or upon a basement; or
(b) Each dwelling unit consisting of two storeys only, the upper
storey not containing a kitchen; not set upon another storey
or upon a basement; or
(c) Each dwelling unit consisting of a split level arrangement of
two storeys only, the upper storey not containing a kitchen;
not set upon another storey or upon a basement.
For the purposes of this definition, "basement" means a storey
located beneath the first full storey of the building, such first
full storey having a floor level of not more than 2 m (6.562 ft.)
above grade.
UNLICENCED DOG means any dog for which the licence for the current year as
required in the current Dog Licencing Bylaw of the City has not
been obtained.
USED means used or arranged, designed or intended to be used.
WILD ANIMAL means an animal not ordinarily tame or domesticated, and
includes an exotic animal.
10.1 A violation of any of the provisions identified in this Bylaw shall result in liability for
penalties and late payment amounts established in Schedule A of the Notice of Bylaw
Violation Dispute Adjudication Bylaw No. 8122; and
10.2 A violation of any of the provisions identified in this Bylaw shall be subject to the
procedures, restrictions, limits, obligations and rights established in the Notice of Bylaw
Bylaw No. 7932 18
Violation Dispute Adjudication Bylaw No. 8122 in accordance with the Local
Government Bylaw Notice Enforcement Act, SBC 2003, c.60.
10.3 Every person who contravenes any provision of this Bylaw is considered to have committed
an offence against this bylaw and is liable on summary conviction pursuant to Offence Act,
RSBC 1996, c.338 to a maximum fine of up to $10,000 and each day that such violation is
caused, or allowed to continue, constitutes a separate offence.
11.1 Animal, Bird & Beekeeping Regulation Bylaw No. 7137 (adopted July 24, 2000) and the
following Amendment Bylaws are hereby repealed:
No. 7164 October 23, 2000
No. 7211 April 23, 2001
No. 7424 October 15, 2002
No. 7692 May 25, 2004
12.1 If any part, section, sub-section, clause, or sub-clause of this bylaw is, for any reason,
held to be invalid by the decision of a Court of competent jurisdiction, such decision does
not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this bylaw.
12.2 This bylaw is cited as “Animal Control Regulation Bylaw No. 7932”.
13.1 The Fees Consolidated Fees Bylaw No. 8636, as may be amended from time to time,
applies to this bylaw.