Report Portal User Guide
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The report portal includes a variety of commonly used standard reports that are developed and managed by
the OFM enterprise reporting team.
Overview ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
Log On / Log Off / Change Password ................................................................................................................ 2
Basic Navigation ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Folders - My Favorites ................................................................................................................................... 3
Folders - Public .............................................................................................................................................. 3
Display Report Details .................................................................................................................................... 4
Search Folders ............................................................................................................................................... 4
Schedule Report (Run Report Instance) ............................................................................................................ 5
Parameters .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Free-Form .................................................................................................................................................. 6
Selection List (Dropdown List/Pick List) ...................................................................................................... 7
Format ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Destinations ................................................................................................................................................... 8
Email .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
Recurrence .................................................................................................................................................. 10
History Page .................................................................................................................................................... 11
Report Instances .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Auto Refresh ................................................................................................................................................ 12
Delete .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Pause/Resume ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Reschedule .................................................................................................................................................. 13
Search Report Instances .............................................................................................................................. 14
View/Print/Export Report Results ..................................................................................................................... 15
Report Viewer .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Print Report .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Export Report ............................................................................................................................................... 17
The report portal provides a common place to access and distribute standard reports to support financial
analysis. For example, the portal includes various reports with financial and budget data from business areas
such as AFRS (Agency Financial Reporting System), TALS (The Allotment System), BDS (Budget
Development System), CBS (Capital Budget System), OMWBE (Office of Minority and Women’s Business
Enterprises), TEMS (Travel and Employees Management System), etc.
Access to standard reports and data will be based on your user role/permissions.
Standard reports are developed by the enterprise reporting team to meet current and emerging business
needs. The reports include several options so that you can narrow/expand the focus of the data. You can
also print and export report results.
For additional information, reference the enterprise reporting page on the OFM IT systems website or
contact the OFM Help Desk. 360.407.9100
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Log On / Log Off / Change Password
Authorized users can log on with their enterprise reporting (ER) user ID/password from inside the state
government network (SGN) or via Secure Access Washington (SAW).
To request an enterprise reporting user ID/account so that you can log on to the report portal, use the
access request form on the OFM website.
1. Open: Browser.
2. Input: ER URL/address
Use Secure Access Washington (SAW) if you need to log on to the
report portal outside of the state government network (SGN).
3. Input: User name.
4. Input: Password.
5. Select: Ok.
After you log on, the report
portal will display your home
page with a list of folders based
on your user role/permissions.
To log off, close your browser
In this example, the report portal home page is displayed.
Use the profile menu to change your password.
Your password needs to include at least 8 characters with at least two of the following characters:
upper case letter, lower case letter, number, special character (!@#$%^&*).
Your password cannot include your log on ID.
Your password will need to be changed every 120 days.
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Basic Navigation
The report portal home page includes a list of folders with available reports based on your user
Folders - My Favorites
Items in your favorites folder are created using Web Intelligence (WebI) tools outside of the report portal. The
report portal does not currently have an option to create shortcuts for your favorites folder.
Folders - Public
Use the public folders to access commonly used standard reports.
Folders and available reports will be based on your user role/permissions. In this example, we select the
daily reports folder to display available reports in the folder.
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Display Report Details
Use the report details to display the report description and parameters.
In this example, we select the details option and the vendor remittance advice to display the report
description and parameters. The details option is a toggle so you can select it again to close the details
panel if you do not want to display the report details.
Search Folders
Use the search option to find standard reports based on report name and report description.
1. Select: Search.
Report portal will display
search fields so that you can
input search criteria.
2. Input: Search criteria.
3. Select: Ok.
You can use full or partial
values for the report name or
report description. Do not
include wild cards (* or %) with
partial values.
In this example, the search results are displayed.
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Schedule Report (Run Report Instance)
Use the report schedule options to run a report.
You can schedule a report from the my favorites folder or public folders. If you used the search option to
find a report, you can also schedule the report from the list of reports in your search results.
1. Right-click: Report.
2. Select: Schedule.
Report parameters will be
You can also double-click the
report to display the parameters
to schedule the report.
3. Select: Parameters.
4. Input: Report parameter
Some reports have more
parameters than others and you
will scroll through the list of
parameters to provide
5. Select: Destinations.
6. Input: Report destination
You might be prompted for
additional information based on
the destination selected.
7. Select: Recurrence.
8. Input: Report recurrence
You might be prompted for
additional information based on
the recurrence selected.
9. Select: Schedule.
When you schedule a report, the schedule page will close and the history page will be displayed. In
this example, the report is scheduled and running.
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Use the parameters to provide information for scheduling a report.
Parameters provide additional information about how the data will be filtered for the report. Some reports
have more parameters than others and you will scroll through the list of parameters to provide information.
If you need to schedule a report for a different agency or biennium, change the values for those parameters
first and the values in other related lists will be based on that agency or biennium.
In this example, the vendor remittance advice parameters include a prompt to load a list of agencies
so that you can make your selection. You can also use the shift-key or ctrl-key (control key) to select
multiple values when the selection list is displayed.
Some reports include a free-form option so that you can input values instead of selecting them from a list. This
option can be helpful if you know the specific codes that you want to use.
In this example, we can load a list of accounts to select and we can use the free-form option to input
account values.
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Selection List (Dropdown List/Pick List)
Some reports include selection lists so that you can select single or multiple values.
Some selection lists provide the option to select more than one value. To select more than one value, use
the shift-key or ctrl-key (control key).
If you need to schedule a report for a different agency or biennium, change the values for those parameters
first and the values in other related lists will be based on that agency or biennium.
In this example, you can select a single value from the list.
In this example, you can select multiple values from the list.
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Most of the reports will use Crystal Reports as the default format to optimize the report output (display,
appearance, additional options, etc.). If you select a different format, the report output will be based on that
different format (original format is not preserved because it was intended to be displayed in Crystal Reports).
In this example, you can select a different format for the report.
Microsoft excel workbook data-only format is helpful if you need to manipulate the report data after
you export it. For example, excel will export the report body (including group headers, detail lines, group
footers) and will attempt to preserve the look and feel of the original report but some data fields may span
two or more columns.
Report Category
Additional Information
Allotment Expenditure
When you export reports in the allotment expenditure categories, use
the regular excel format (not data-only) to retain good format integrity.
Use excel workbook data-only format if you need to manipulate the
exported data.
Expenditure Activity
When you export reports in the expenditure activity categories, use the
regular excel format (not data-only) to retain the original report format
with page headers and footers intact.
Use excel workbook data-only format if you need to manipulate the
exported data.
Use the destination to provide information for where the report output will be sent.
Default Enterprise Location
FTP Server
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It is recommended that you use Adobe Acrobat or excel format when you want to email a report. If you want to
email a report with a default format of Crystal Report (.rpt), the email recipient will need the Crystal Offline
Viewer installed to display the report.
Additional Information
Automatically populated with your email address.
Input one or more email addresses.
For multiple addresses, separate with a semicolon (;).
Use valid email address ([email protected]). For example, full SMTP (simple
mail transfer protocol) email address. If needed, use your agency Outlook Global
Address List to lookup the email address.
Input a brief description (this is optional but can be helpful for the report recipients).
Input a brief message (this is optional but can be helpful for the report recipients).
Add Attachment
Ensure the checkbox is checked.
The report will not be included in the email if the checkbox is not checked .
File Name
You can use the automatically generated name (system will provide name) or you can
provide a specific name.
Include the file extension if you use a specific file name (sample.xls).
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Use the recurrence to provide information for scheduling a report.
Nth Day of Month
1st Monday of Month
Last Day of Month
X Day of Nth Week of Month
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History Page
When you schedule a report, the schedule page will close and the history page will be displayed.
You can also display the history page from a report in one of the report folders.
1. Select: Folder.
2. Right-click: Report.
3. Select: History.
The history page will be
displayed for the report.
In this example, we right-click the report and select history.
In this example, the history page is displayed. You can use the column headings on the history page
to change the sort order for the list of items on the page. For example, you can sort the list by instance
time, instance title, status, created by, format, or parameters.
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Report Instances
A report instance is a report that has been scheduled. For example, you might have 10 report instances for one
report if you scheduled the report to run 10 times. You can use the history page to view a list of your report
Most agencies are setup to retain report instances 40 days from the current date (report instances older
than 40 days will be automatically deleted). A few agencies have different retention rules.
Auto Refresh
When you schedule a report, the history page will automatically refresh the list of report instances until you
select a report. You can restart the automatic refresh by selecting the checkbox next to auto refresh located in
the bottom right corner of the history page.
To delete an instance, select the report instance and select delete.
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Use the pause option to stop a recurring report instance.
The resume option will be available if the report instance has been paused.
In this example, we select a recurring report and the pause option is available on the toolbar.
In this example, we select a paused report and the resume option is available on the toolbar.
Use the reschedule option to schedule a report using an existing instance.
When you select the reschedule option, the report portal will display additional options so that you can
update the parameters, destination, and recurrence information.
1. Right-click: Report
2. Select: Reschedule.
The parameters, destination,
and recurrence information will
be displayed so that you can
make changes and schedule the
report instance.
In this example, we right-click the report instance and select reschedule.
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Search Report Instances
Use the search option on the history page to find a report instance.
Search options will default to your user ID (created by) and today’s date (start/end date).
Search results will be returned faster if you input exact value for user ID and include start/end dates.
Format for start/end date is MM/DD/YYYY (partial values are not valid).
To search for report instances
Additional Information
Created by another user
Input user ID as an exact value or partial value.
Use exact value for the user ID for faster search results.
Created by users in an agency
Input agency code. For example, use 179 if you want to search for
report instances created by DES or use your agency code if you want
to search for report instances created by other users in your agency.
Include start/end dates for faster search results.
Created by any user
Remove user ID value (created by field will be blank/empty).
Include start/end dates for faster search results.
Through today’s date
Remove start date value (field will be blank/empty) and leave the end
date defaulted to today’s date.
Include user ID for faster search results.
Between start/end date
Input start date and/or end date with MM/DD/YYYY format.
Include user ID for faster search results.
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View/Print/Export Report Results
Use the history page to view/print/export your report results.
1. Right-click: Report
2. Select: View.
Report results will be
displayed in the report viewer.
You can also double-click the
instance to view the report.
In this example, we right-click the report instance and select view.
Report Viewer
The report portal will display your report results in the report viewer.
You can use the hierarchy levels in the group tree to focus on specific areas in the report. For example, the
report will be displayed with the group tree expanded by default. You can select a value in the group tree to
jump directly to that location in the report.
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Print Report
The report viewer uses standard options to print a report. This will be very similar to how you print documents
from other modern business software tools.
The report viewer used by the report portal requires an ActiveX printing control. If you receive an error and
cannot print your report, the ActiveX printing control might need to be downloaded to your workstation. If
you do not have the ActiveX printing control or you do not have the administrative rights to complete the
download, contact your agency help desk/information technology (IT) support staff.
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Export Report
The report portal uses standard options to export a report. This will be very similar to how you export files from
other modern business software tools.
If your report is longer than 50 pages, we recommend exporting to an Adobe Acrobat PDF file and printing
it from Adobe Reader for better performance.
If you export a report to a file format other than the default format for the report, you may lose some or all of
the formatting that appears in the original report. For example, most reports use Crystal Reports as the
default format to optimize the report output (display, appearance, additional options, etc.). If you select a
different format, the report output will be based on that different format (original format is not preserved
because it was intended to be displayed in Crystal Reports).
1. Select: Export.
Report viewer will display
standard options to export the
2. Select: File format.
3. Select: Page range.
Most of the file formats will
include an option to export a
range of pages (crystal reports
and excel data-only formats do
not include page range option).
4. Select: Export.
In this example, you can select open or save for the exported file.
Depending on your browser settings, you might need to retrieve the file from your downloads folder.