ertification and License Renewal
Fee Reimbursement Pilot Program
for PEF-Represented Employees
Program Guidelines
for April 1, 2023 through
December 31, 2023
Certification and License Renewal Fee Reimbursement
Pilot Program
A. Program Description .............................................................................................. 1
B. Funding and Oversight ........................................................................................... 1
C. Program Highlights ................................................................................................ 1
D. Employee Eligibility ................................................................................................ 2
E. Renewal Reimbursement Eligibility ........................................................................ 2
F. Application Time Period and Deadline ................................................................... 2
G. Release Time ......................................................................................................... 3
H. Expenses Covered ................................................................................................. 3
I. Expenses Not Covered .......................................................................................... 3
J. Maximum Reimbursement ..................................................................................... 3
K. Alternative Sources of Financial Assistance .......................................................... 3
L. Taxation of Certification and License Renewal Fee Reimbursements ................... 3
M. Application and Reimbursement Process .............................................................. 4
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A. Program Description
The Certification and License Renewal Fee Reimbursement (CLRFR) Pilot Program
reimburses the fees for certification and license renewals that are required for the PEF-
represented employee’s position. This will be based on the classification standard maintained
by the Department of Civil Service for the applicant’s current title or in other job descriptions or
job announcements in the absence of an applicable Civil Service classification standard.
B. Funding and Oversight
Funding for the CLRFR Pilot Program is provided through Article 15 of the 2019-2023
Agreement between the State of New York and PEF. Article 15 also establishes the
Professional Development Committee (PDC) that consists of two designees from the Office of
Employee Relations (OER) and two from PEF. The PDC has adopted these program
guidelines and monitors the administration of this program.
C. Program Highlights
Provides one reimbursement per program year for certification and license
renewals that are required for the PEF-represented employee’s position.
Maximum reimbursement is $200 per program year (April 1 December 31).
The date of renewal payment determines program year eligibility.
All CLRFR applications and supporting documentation must be submitted within 90
days after the date of payment. Applications for renewals that were paid for on or
after April 1, 2023, through May 12, 2023, must be submitted by August 10, 2023.
The postmark or email date will be used to determine the timeliness of the
Reimbursements under the CLRFR Program are considered excludable income
and are not subject to tax.
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D. Employee Eligibility
Applicants are eligible to participate in the CLRFR Program under the following conditions:
1. Current PEF-Represented Employees
At the time of payment for the certificate or license renewal, the applicant must be:
Actively employed in a PEF-represented position
A New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute employee with attendance rules
coverage who is either full- or part-time (working 50 percent or more)
2. Laid Off Employees
A New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute employee is eligible for reimbursement
if the applicant:
Has been laid off
Has not been rehired by New York State or Roswell Park in a PEF-represented
Is on the appropriate Civil Service or Roswell Park Preferred List
To be eligible for reimbursement, the renewal payment must be within 12 months of the
layoff date. The applicant must provide documentation showing the layoff date and
preferred list standing. The documentation must be signed by a personnel officer and sent
as an attachment with other supporting documentation.
3. Less than Half-Time Employees
A New York State or Roswell Park Cancer Institute employee, represented by PEF, who
works less than 50 percent, shall receive 50 percent of the benefit with proper
documentation. Eligibility will be based on work status at the time of renewal payment.
E. Renewal Reimbursement Eligibility
Certificate and License Renewal Fee Reimbursement (CLRFR) Pilot Program is available for
certification and license renewals that are required for the PEF-represented employee’s
position. This will be based on the classification standard maintained by the Department of
Civil Service for the applicant’s current title or in other job descriptions or job announcements
in the absence of an applicable Civil Service classification standard.
The PDC maintains sole discretion for making the final determination on whether a renewal
fee is eligible for reimbursement. Documentation may be requested from the applicant’s
supervisor to assist in determining eligibility.
F. Application Time Period and Deadline
The CLRFR Program covers eligible expenses incurred for certificate or license renewals,
based on the date of renewal payment, during the program year from April 1, 2023, through
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December 31, 2023. All CLRFR applications and supporting documentation must be
submitted within 90 days after the date of payment. The postmark or email date will be used to
determine the timeliness of the application. Applications for renewals that were paid for on or
after April 1, 2023, through May 12, 2023, must be submitted by August 10, 2023.
G. Release Time
The CLRFR Program does not entitle an employee to receive release time.
H. Expenses Covered
Eligible employees will be reimbursed for the cost of one certification or license renewal that is
required for the PEF-represented employee’s position, up to a maximum of $200 per program
I. Expenses Not Covered
Costs and fees not reimbursed by this program include, but are not limited to:
Fees for initial certifications, licenses, and designations whether by application or
Any fees that are not part of the renewal fee
Study material (books, CDs, DVDs) and supplies
Renewal fees for a certification or license that is not required for the employees
New York State position
Real estate licenses and certifications that are not required for the employee’s
J. Maximum Reimbursement
An applicant can receive one reimbursement per program year, up to a maximum of $200.
The date of renewal payment determines program year eligibility.
K. Alternative Sources of Financial Assistance
The CLRFR Program reimbursement will be secondary to any other financial assistance
received. If the applicant receives assistance from any source, such as the agency, or a
professional organization, the source and amount must be reported on the CLRFR application
and on the paid invoice. This amount must be subtracted from the total reimbursement
amount requested. An employee who fails to report the amount of assistance must repay the
overpayment. These participants may be excluded from participating in future programs.
L. Taxation of Certification and License Renewal Fee Reimbursements
Reimbursements under the CLRFR Program are considered excludable income and are not
subject to tax.
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M. Application and Reimbursement Process
For complete guidelines and printable application forms, go to
https://oer.ny.gov/public-employees-federation-afl-cio-pef or contact OER at (518)
Step 1: Complete the Application Form
Applications can only be submitted after certification or license renewal payment is
made. Applications submitted prior to renewal payment will not be accepted.
Read the application and guidelines carefully and provide all the information
All applications must be submitted within 90 days after the renewal payment is
made. Failure to submit your application within the 90-day period may result in a
denial. Applications for renewals that were paid for on or after April 1, 2023, through
May 12, 2023, must be submitted by August 10, 2023. The postmark or email date
will be used to determine the timeliness of the application.
The date of renewal payment determines program year eligibility.
Complete a separate CLRFR application for each certification or license renewal.
Step 2: Attach the Required Documentation
All supporting documentation must have the applicant’s name printed on it by the issuing
entity. Documentation must be in PDF format. All other formats (JPGs or other photo
formats, Word Documents, links to documentation or websites, etc.) will not be accepted.
Applicants should retain a copy of all documentation for their records.
Each of the following documents is required. They must be converted to PDF format and
attached to the completed, signed, and dated reimbursement application:
An unaltered invoice, receipt, or itemized account summary from the provider showing
the certification or license renewal cost
Proof of payment such as a bank statement, credit card statement, cancelled check,
or receipt from the issuing New York State agency indicating the source of payment.
Documentation showing the date of the renewal payment (month, day, and year)
Proof of renewal, such as a copy of a license or certificate or receipt from the issuing
New York State agency that includes the applicant’s name
Documentation showing any financial assistance that has been received or will be
received toward the cost of the renewal, if applicable
Applicants should retain a copy of all documentation for their records. If all required
documentation is not received within 90 days after the date of the renewal payment, your
reimbursement request will be denied.
Please note: If you are unable to obtain the required documentation within the 90-day period,
you must submit your application form and contact the PSTP Reimbursement Unit prior to
the deadline.
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Step 3: Submit the Application
Submit signed, dated application, and PDF version of supporting documentation in one of
the following ways:
Email: Email the application and supporting documentation by the application
deadline to psttraining@oer.ny.gov. All documentation must be in PDF format. All
other formats (JPGs or other photo formats, Word documents, links to
documentation or websites, etc.) will not be accepted.
U.S. Mail: Mail the application and supporting documentation, postmarked by the
application deadline, to:
NYS Office of Employee Relations
PSTP Reimbursement Unit, 7
2 Empire State Plaza
Albany, NY 12223-1250
Step 4: Application Status
The following notifications will be sent via email. Accordingly, please be sure all
applications include a valid email address.
Notification of Receipt: Notification will be sent that the application has been
received and is being reviewed.
Notification of Hold: Applicants will be notified when additional information is needed
or supporting documentation has not been received. Failure to provide the required
documentation may result in denial of your reimbursement request.
Notification of Denial: Applicants will be notified when their application has been
denied and why. If the request is denied for reasons such as ineligible or incomplete
application, the applicant may resubmit the claim for reimbursement with additional
documentation, as long as the applicant is still within 90 days after the date of
renewal payment. Applicants will have 30 days from the date of the denial to appeal
the decision for any other reason(s). The denial appeal may contain additional
supporting documentation and a letter from the supervisor.
Notification of Approval: Applicants will be notified that their application is being
processed for payment.
Step 5: Receive Reimbursement
Once an application has been approved, reimbursement checks will be mailed from the
Office of the State Comptroller to the employee’s home address. This check will
resemble a paycheck or travel expense check, where you tear away three sides in
order to open the check. This is a live check and is not automatically deposited. Please
allow up to four weeks for check processing and delivery.
Please make sure the address on the application is current.
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It is the policy of the State of New York to provide for and promote equal opportunity in employment and equal access
to all programs and services without discrimination on the basis of age, race, color, creed, national origin, military status,
sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability (including pregnancy-related disability or condition),
predisposing genetic characteristics, marital/familial status, status as a victim of domestic violence, or prior
arrest/criminal conviction record.