When you purchase or apply for a season ticket, you: (a) certify that you have read, understood and accepted; (b)
agree to be bound by and to comply with; and (c) agree to bring to the attention of others, as required below, the
Season Ticket Terms & Conditions and Ground Regulations so please take a moment to read them thoroughly.
In these Terms and Conditions:-
Rangers FC
The person named on the Season Ticket and entitled to exercise use of the Season Ticket and Smartcard issued to that individual.
Season Ticket:
A ticket to watch matches at the Stadium or otherwise in one of the categories detailed at Section 1 below that is subject
to these Terms and Conditions.
Ibrox or Stadium:
Ibrox Stadium, 150 Edmiston Drive, Glasgow, G51 2XD or any other location where the Club plays a home fixture
The 2021/2022 football season.
An electronic card issued by the Club to the holder to be used for gaining entry to the Stadium.
MYGERS: Rangers Football Club membership scheme.
RSC: Rangers Supporters Clubs.
Broomloan Rear
Family Stand
(without Celtic)
Broomloan Rear
Family Stand
(with Celtic)
(accompanied by a junior)
(accompanied by a junior)
(1-3 per adult)
(1-3 per adult)
(Over 65,16-17yrs
(Over 65,16-17yrs
League Cup
Scottish Cup
First Team
Issue of the Season Ticket
The issue of a season ticket and subsequent access to the Stadium is subject to the Ground Regulations
which can be found at the end of this document or accessed via the Club’s website at
www.rangers.co.uk or can be provided upon written request to the Club.
Season Tickets are for the use of supporters of the Club only. By applying for a Season Ticket and /or using the same
you hereby warrant and represent that you are a supporter of the Club.
Admission to the Ground
By purchasing and /or accepting and /or holding a Season Ticket and /or using a Season Ticket to gain access to the
stadium, you; (a) certify that you have read, understood and accepted; (b) agree to be bound by and to comply with; and
(c) agree to bring to the attention of others, as required below, the Ground Regulations.
Subject to the Ground Regulations, a Season Ticket permits you to occupy your allocated seat or any such other
alternative seat as the Club may allocate to you in its reasonable discretion.
Save as set out in clause 2.5 below, you shall not bring into (or use within) the Stadium any equipment that is capable
of recording or transmitting (by digital or other means) any audio, visual of audio-visual material or any information or
data in relation to the match or any aspect of it.
Mobile telephones are permitted within the stadium, provided that they are used for personal and private use only.
Save for official Club merchandise and / or other football related clothing worn in good faith, you shall not bring into,
use or display within the Stadium any sponsorship, promotional or marketing materials.
You shall not offer or distribute (either free or for sale by any person) within the Stadium any consumer article or
commercial product of any nature. For the avoidance of doubt this clause shall not prevent the lawful distribution of text
publications in any format which do not infringe clause 2.6 where both the content and the publication are lawful in all
respects and do not in the Club’s reasonable opinion constitute a threat to public order.
The Club reserves the right to refuse admission to, or eject from, the Stadium any person who fails to comply with the
Ground Regulations and includes misuse of Smartcards.
Use of the Season Ticket
Subject to clause 3.2 below, Season Tickets are issued for your sole use and you shall not sell, assign, transfer or lend
the Season Ticket or the benefit of it to any other person without the prior written consent of the Club. The reference to
selling the Season Ticket includes offering to sell a Season Ticket (including, without limitation, via an online auction
website), exposing a Season Ticket for sale, making a Season Ticket available for sale by another and advertising that
a Season Ticket is available for purchase. For the avoidance of doubt (and by way of example only) this Season Ticket
may not be offered as a prize in any promotion or competition; transferred, lent or sold to any third party as part of a
hospitality or travel package; given to a third party who agrees to buy some other goods or services or used for any other
commercial purpose, (all save as expressly authorised by the Club).
You may only sell or transfer the Season Ticket with the express written consent of the Club given at the Club’s absolute
The Season Ticket will remain the property of the Club at all times and must be produced together with evidence of your
identity if required to do so by any official, steward or employee of the Club or any police officer. The Club reserves the
right to require the immediate return of the Season Ticket at any time.
Any Season Ticket obtained or used in breach of the Ground Regulations shall be automatically void and all rights
conferred or evidenced by such Season Ticket shall be nullified. Any person seeking to use a Season Ticket in breach
of the Ground Regulations may be refused entry to, or ejected from, the Stadium in respect of a particular match and /or
may have his/her Season Ticket cancelled or withdrawn. In the event of any cancellation and withdrawal in accordance
with this clause 3.4, no refund shall be payable to the holder in respect of any unexpired portion of the Season Ticket.
The Club further reserves its right to take any legal or disciplinary action against any person(s) as it sees fit in connection
with such matters, including a claim, for an account of any profits made from an unauthorised use of the Season Ticket.
Junior and Concessionary priced Season Tickets may only be used by persons that qualify for such Season Tickets.
Any person entering, seeking to enter or having entered the Stadium with a junior/concession priced Season Ticket in
circumstances where such person is not entitled to, will be refused entry to, or ejected from, the Stadium and will have
the Season Ticket withdrawn. In such case, no refund will be given to you in respect of any games remaining in the
Season. The Club reserves the right to carry out frequent spot checks to enforce this rule.
Changes to Dates, Seats & Exchanges
No guarantees can be given by the Club that a match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. The Club
reserves the right to reschedule or cancel any match without notice and without any liability whatsoever. Subject to the
Ground Regulations, your Season Ticket will enable you to attend any re-arranged match.
The Club will have no further liability whatsoever, including (but not limited to) any indirect or consequential loss or
damage, loss of enjoyment or travel costs.
The Club may in its reasonable discretion, relocate the holder to an alternative seat/space or part of the Stadium for any
match played at the Stadium. Exercise of this right includes but is not limited to, the following situations; (a) if the Club
is required under the rules of a competition to provide seating for the use of the competition organiser; (b) if a visiting
club insists upon its maximum allocation under the applicable league or competition rules; (c) if the section of the Stadium
in which the Holder’s seat is located has been closed; and (d) for safety, security or other operational reasons.
Season Tickets will be issued in the form of a Smartcard.
The Smartcard is and remains the property of the Club and must be produced on demand by the Holder to an official of
the Club in stewarding or associated duties at the Stadium.
The Holder shall be responsible for compliance and observance by the Holder with these Terms and Conditions and any
Ground Regulations governing persons entering, present at or leaving the Stadium as may be specified by the Club from
time to time. Misconduct by the Holder and /or failure to adhere to these Terms and Conditions or the Ground Regulations
or the Holder acting in a manner which the Club considers is detrimental to it interests or it likely in the reasonable option
of the Club, to bring football or the Club into disrepute shall permit the Club to confiscate or forfeit (in each case without
compensation) the Smartcard and /or ban the Holder from attending future matches or other events at the Stadium for
such period of time as the Club deems appropriate.
The sale of the Smartcard is strictly prohibited.
The Holder must occupy the seat/space allocated to him/her by the Club. However, the Club reserves the right to relocate
the Holder to any other seat in the Stadium at any time.
The Smartcard admits the Holder to such area within the Stadium and at such times as the Club may from time to time
determine but subject to these conditions and the Ground Regulations.
The Smartcard does not automatically grant the Holder priority in respect of tickets for matches or any other events at
the Stadium or any other Stadium not covered by these Terms and Conditions.
The Smartcard does not confer on the Holder title to the seat/space specified herein or any other seat /space in the
Stadium and, unless agreed in writing by the Club, the Holder is not granted an automatic right to reserve any such
seat/space for any subsequent season.
The Smartcard grants the Holder admission to all matches as noted in Section 1 above, relevant to the type of Season
Ticket for the Season, subject to these Terms and Conditions and the Ground Regulations.
In the event of the Smartcard being lost or misplaced, the Club shall be under no obligation to provide a duplicate ticket.
If however a duplicate ticket is issued, a fee of £5 will be payable by the Holder on the day of the match only.
The Club, in conjunction with the relevant football authorities, reserves the right to alter the published date and/or kick-
off time of any fixture at any time. The Club cannot accept any liability for any expense incurred even in the event that
the match is cancelled.
Under no circumstances, will any Holder be granted admission to the Stadium without presentation of the Smartcard.
Smoking is not permitted in any part of the Stadium. E-cigarettes are to be used in designated areas out with the seating
decks. Those who do not comply with the smoking policy will be subject to the Club’s normal disciplinary procedures
and also place themselves liable to a fixed penalty and /or criminal prosecution.
If these Terms and Conditions are not accepted, the Smartcard should be returned to the Club immediately. The use of
the Smartcard will be deemed to constitute acceptance by the Holder and any nominee of these Terms and Conditions
in full.
The Smartcard is issued subject to the Ground Regulations and such additional rules, regulations and conditions as the
Club may from time to time specify.
Any requirement by the Club to re-print a paper ticket as a result of the Season Ticket Holder failing to bring his /her
Smartcard to the Stadium to gain entry on a matchday will incur a £5 fee per ticket. The Club is under no obligation to
provide a substitute paper ticket in the event a Holder fails to bring his /her Smartcard to the Stadium on the day of a
match but will endeavour to do so where possible.
Change of Address
If you change your address during the Season, you must notify the Club as soon as reasonably practicable. Please
confirm in writing or amend your address online at www.rangers.co.uk and select online sales, my account and update
my details.
Cancellation & Withdrawal of Season Ticket
Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, the Club shall have the right in the case of breach of the Ground
Regulations to cancel and withdraw your Season Ticket. In the event of such cancellation no refund will be paid in respect
of any unexpired portion of the Season Ticket.
A Season Ticket is valid for the Season as scheduled or amended from time to time. Therefore, cancellation of a Season
Ticket by you is not permitted except in the most extenuating of circumstances as determined by the Club. Please note
that cancellation of a Season Ticket does not automatically attract a refund.
Season Ticket cancellation requests must be submitted in writing.
8 Equality and Anti-Discrimination
The Club is committed to equality and diversity and it is important that all of our fans share the Club’s principles of
inclusion. We aim to ensure that the Club and Ibrox provide a welcoming and safe environment for all of our supporters
regardless of race, religion, gender, age, disability or sexual orientation. Therefore, for Season Ticket holders that are
found to engage in abusive, racist, homophobic and /or discriminatory behaviours, the Club will take all and any
appropriate and necessary action, which may include eviction from the Stadium, suspension and / or withdrawal of an
individual’s Season Ticket and a Club lifetime ban. These individuals also risk prosecution.
Filming, photography and taping
All Season Ticket Holders who enter the Stadium acknowledge that photographic images and /or video recordings
(and/or stills taken from video recordings) may be taken of them and may also be used in televised coverage of the
match and / or for promotional or marketing purposes by the Club, and use of a Season Ticket to enter the Stadium
constitutes consent to such use.
The Club reserves the right to cancel a Season Ticket or refuse entry to the Stadium to any Holder of a Season Ticket
where said Holder as an individual, Director of a Limited Company, Partner in a Partnership (or member of a Limited
Liability Partnership) or a controlling shareholder in any entity, and the individual or connected entity has any outstanding
debt to the Club.
These Terms and Conditions and the Ground Regulations shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the
laws of Scotland. The parties hereby submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of Scotland (including in relation
to any non-contractual disputes or claims).
On matchdays, Holders are requested to be within the Stadium no later than 30 minutes prior to the advertised match
kick off time. Admission cannot be guaranteed if the Holder arrives at the Stadium less than 30 minutes before the
advertised match kick-off time. The right to admission is subject to the Ground Regulations.
1. Adult or Adult Concession Season Tickets in the Family Section are only available when accompanied by a Junior or
Junior Concession Season Ticket Holder(aged 16 & 17). A maximum of 3 Junior Season Tickets per 1 Adult or Adult
Concession Season Ticket and a maximum of 2 Adult or Adult Concession Season Tickets per 1 Junior Season Ticket.
2. Junior & Junior Concession (aged 16 & 17) Season Tickets in the Family Section are only available when accompanied
by an Adult or Adult Concession Season Ticket Holder.
3. Concession prices are available to adults aged 65 years or over in the Family Section.
4. Dependent upon opposition in cup competitions, Season Ticket seats in the Family section could be unavailable.
Alternative seats will be offered for sale to Season Ticket Holders subject to availability. The Season Ticket is priced
5. For non-Season Ticket home matches the Club cannot guarantee that a designated Family Section will be in operation.
6. Season Ticket Holders who have purchased a family Season Ticket that now includes Premiership league matches versus
Celtic at Ibrox will have their Smartcards activated.
7. Subject to availability, Season Ticket Holders in the Family Section who do not have a Season Ticket that includes
Premiership league Celtic home matches may have the option to apply for Premiership league matches versus Celtic at
Ibrox at the adult price only. Season Ticket Holders will be notified by the Club via email only. Please ensure that any
changes to contact details are notified to the Club as soon as they are known to ensure you receive the Celtic ticket offer.
8. Dependent upon opposition in cup competitions, Season Ticket seats in Broomloan Front could be unavailable. Alternative
seats will be offered for sale to Season Ticket Holders subject to availability.
9. All Season Tickets in the Broomloan Front include Premiership league matches versus Celtic at Ibrox, Smartcards will
automatically be activated for these fixtures.
1. Supporters using or wishing to apply for a wheelchair Season Ticket must supply the following documentation along with
their Season Ticket application/renewal form.
Confirmation of the Higher rate of Disability Living Allowance.
Confirmation of the enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payments mobility component.
War Pensioners Mobility Allowance or War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability.
Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
Armed Forces Independence Payments (AFIP)
We also accept The Access Card without the need for any further information / evidence. For further info contact
www.accesscard.org.uk, cards@accesscard.org.uk or telephone 01332 404023.
2. Wheelchair Access Season Ticket Holders who require an Essential Companion Season Ticket for the first time should
complete a registration form and submit appropriate supporting information. Below is a list of documents we will take into
account when considering your application.
Receipt of the Disability Living Allowance(DLA) Middle or Higher Level care components and higher mobility
War Pensioners Mobility Supplement or government standard equivalent.
Receipt of Personal Independence Payments (PIP) at the enhanced level components.
Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
War Pensioners Mobility Allowance or War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability.
Armed Forces Independence Payments (AFIP)
Proof of date of birth
We also accept The Access Card as evidence, and all supporters requesting a PA/Essential Companion Season
Ticket with the +1 symbol on their card will receive one, subject to seat or space availability, without the need for
any further information / evidence.
3. We do not issue Essential Companion Season Tickets to support Season Ticket Holders under 12 years of age. Under
12’s are not permitted into the Stadium without a supervising adult that is a person over the age of 18.
4. Supporters wishing to apply for an ambulant Season Ticket must supply the following documentation along with their
Season Ticket application / renewal form. Please note ambulant seats are subject to availability.
Confirmation of the Higher rate of Disability Living Allowance.
Confirmation of the enhanced rate of Personal Independence Payments mobility component.
War Pensioners Mobility Allowance or War or Service Disablement Pension for 80% or more disability.
Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance.
Armed Forces Independence Payments (AFIP)
We also accept The Access Card without the need for any further information/evidence.
5. Ambulant Season Ticket Holders who require an Essential Companion Season Ticket for the first time should complete
a registration form and submit appropriate supporting information. Below is a list of documents we will take into account
when considering your application.
Receipt of the Disability Living Allowance (DLA) |Middle or Higher Level care components and higher mobility
War Pensioners Mobility Supplement or government standard equivalent
Receipt of Personal Independence Payments (PIP) at the enhanced level components.
Receipt of either the Severe Disablement Allowance or Attendance Allowance.
War Pensioners Mobility Allowance or War or Service Disablement Pension for 80 or more disability.
Armed Forces Independence Payments (AFIP)
Proof of date of birth
We also accept The Access Card as evidence, and all supporters requesting a PA/Essential Companion Season
Ticket with the +1 symbol on their card will receive one, subject to seat or space availability, without the need for
any further information/ evidence.
6. We do not issue Essential Companion Season Tickets to support Season Ticket Holders under 12 years of age. Under 12’s
are not permitted into the Stadium without a supervising adult that is a person over the age of 18.
The Role of an Essential Companion for both Wheelchair Disabled & Ambulant Disabled supporters.
By accepting the free Companion Season Ticket your Companion accepts responsibility for providing you with
the support you need to attend the match.
This includes being able to provide you with additional assistance during the course of an emergency
Companions must not enter matches on their own or with any non- disabled person.
Junior and Concession applications must be accompanied by a photocopy of the applicant’s passport or birth certificate. Where
a Season Ticket has been sold at the incorrect price and results in misuse of the Smartcard and a balance being due to the
Club, the Club reserves the right to refuse admission until the debt has been settled.
Price Band
General Criteria (specific exceptions apply)
Under 16 years of age on 1 July 2021
Junior in Govan Rear
Under 18 years of age on 1 July 2021
Aged 16 or 17 on 1 July 2021
65 years or over on 1 July 2021
You are not permitted to cancel single home matches. It is possible to withdraw your participation in a scheme option,
however you will not be able to join that scheme again until the following Season.
You may only cancel participation in a scheme option with effect from the next game for which payment has not
yet been taken.
Cancellation requests must be submitted in writing to the Club.
Where a match under any scheme is postponed then rescheduled and payment has already been taken, no
refunds will be given. The right to access the match will, if permitted, automatically transfer to the rescheduled
In order to comply with competition regulations or for operational reasons, some Season Ticket Holders may be
unavoidably relocated on occasion. In this event, the Club will endeavour to offer the nearest available seat and
issue a match ticket.
Please keep your payment information up to date. All changes, including new expiry dates, must be communicated to
us in writing in full or online via MY ACCOUNT as soon as received from your bank or card issuer. Any resultant failed
payments will incur a £10 charge and non-admission to match(es). The Club reserves the right to cancel participation
the scheme options at any time.
For all scheme options, failure to rectify a failed payment before the given deadline or match date for matches at
Ibrox will result in removal for the remainder of the Season.
Notice of payment failure will be communicated by email only. The Club will not accept any responsibility if this email
is not read, opened or is sent to an email address that is out of date or is filtered out through a spam guard.
Tickets/seats allocated under any of the scheme options are issued on the express condition that they are utilised by
the Season Ticket Holder and cannot be transferred or sold to a third party save as expressly authorised by the Club.
Where the Club believes this condition has been breached it reserves the right to cancel such tickets without refund
and may also take other action, as deemed appropriate, against the Season Ticket Holder.
Home Matches
All Non-Season Ticket home matches
(and Semi-Finals & Finals)
Who can apply?
Season Ticket Holders
Season Ticket Holders
When to apply
Which seat
will you get?
We will endeavour to offer the Season Ticket
seat, however, in order to comply with
competition regulations or for operational
reasons you may be unavoidably relocated.
In these instances you will subject to the
Ground Regulations be allocated the closest
available seat.
We will endeavour to offer the Season Ticket
seat, however for operational reasons you may
be unavoidably relocated.
In these instances you will subject to the Ground
Regulations be allocated the closest available
Will your friendship
group apply?
Season Ticket
Home Match
Bank Transfer
Payment in full
Premium Credit
4 or 10 instalments
Rangers Direct Debit
4 Monthly
Credit Card
Visa Debit Card
YES via email payment link supplied
Bank Transfer
In full
Payment to be made on or
before Monday 17 May 2021.
Premium Credit
Each failed payment charge incurred
will be payable directly to Premium
Failure to resolve outstanding
payments which subsequently results
in cancellation of a loan agreement will
result in cancellation of the Season
Credit Card
Visa Debit Card
Each failed/missed payment incurs a £10 charge.
The supporter remains liable for the outstanding
monies even if the failed/missed payment results in
the supporter missing the match.
Failure to resolve the outstanding monies will result
in exclusion from that scheme option and any
dependent option
Direct Debit
You can cancel a Direct Debit at any
time, by writing to your Bank or
Building Society. Please also send a
copy of your letter to us. Defaulted
Payments will incur a fee of £20 and
may result in the cancellation of the
Direct Debit Scheme, at which point
the outstanding balance of season
ticket will become payable in FULL
within 7 days together with a £20
Cancellation fee. Failure to pay will
result in cancellation of your season
Subject to the Ground Regulations, a
Season Ticket is valid for the season
as the same is scheduled and may be
amended from time to time.
Cancellation of a Season Ticket is
therefore not permitted except in the
most extenuating of circumstances as
determined by the Club.
Requests for Season Ticket
cancellations must be submitted in
writing. A £20 fee will be applied.
You are not permitted to cancel single matches.
It is possible to withdraw your participation in a
scheme option for the rest of the season.
Any dependent options will also be withdrawn.
1. This Guarantee is offered by all Banks and Building Societies that take part in the Direct Debit Scheme.
The efficiency and security of the Scheme is monitored and protected by your own Bank or Building Society.
2. If the amounts to be paid or the payment dates change Rangers Football Club will notify you within 3
working days in advance of your account being debited or otherwise agreed.
3. If an error is made by us or your Bank/Building Society, you are guaranteed a full and immediate
refund from your branch of the amount paid.
4. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time, by writing to your Bank or Building Society. Please
also send a copy of your letter to us. Defaulted Payments will incur a fee of £20 and may result in the
cancellation of the Direct Debit Scheme, at which point the outstanding balance of your season ticket will
become payable in FULL within 7 days together with a £20 Cancellation fee. Failure to pay will result in
cancellation of your season ticket.
5. If you chose to pay your 21/22 season ticket by Direct Debit, we will automatically renew your
22/23 season ticket and your season ticket for subsequent seasons, using the account details you have
6. Any changes in these payment details must be communicated in writing as soon as they become
7. You will receive email confirmation of your payment dates and amounts at least 5 days prior to
payment being debited from your account.
8. If you no longer wish to renew your season ticket by Direct Debit, you must notify Rangers
Football Club in writing, prior to the first instalment date and supply an alternative method of
9. Please note that a £10 fee will be applied for this method of payment and payment will be taken
by 4 equal monthly instalments.
10. The Club reserves the right to refuse entry to the stadium where the season
ticket holder has an outstanding debt to the Club. Supporters are only entitled to attend games that are
paid for in advance.
11. Please do not cancel your Direct Debit instruction once the last payment for a season has been
taken. This will allow you to automatically renew your season ticket for future seasons.
Seat Sub is available on all seats for all games included in your Season Ticket (where decided by the Club) only. If
you are unable to attend a match and would like to make your seat available for sale, visit
Once you have submitted your seat for sale for a specific match, your smartcard will be deactivated for that game
only. If you later change your mind and wish to attend the fixture for which you have given up your seat, you may
reclaim the seat at www.rangers.co.uk/myaccount Seat reclaims are subject to time constraints and will only be
possible if the seat has not been sold; there is no charge involved in reclaiming your seat.
If you decide to attend the specified match after your Season Ticket seat has been sold, you will be required to
purchase a match ticket (subject to availability) at the full price.
If you decide to purchase a one-off match ticket in order to attend the game, you may be required to collect a ticket
for the alternative seat.
Your seat will only be put up for public sale once all non-Season Ticket seats have been sold.
You will receive varying credits towards your Season Ticket for 2022/23 depending on the level of ticket purchased on
your seat. These values will be confirmed at a later date.
You cannot specify the sales level at which your seat will be sold it will be sold via the normal ticket sales channels
at the sales level requested.
If you purchase your Season Ticket for 2021/22.
You will accumulate credit for each secondary ticket sold and you will get the amount discounted from your
2022/23 Season Ticket renewal price.
Credits for Season Ticket renewals for season 2022/23 will be accumulated to the home fixture nearest to 28 February
2022. All credits accumulated after the 28 February 2022 and including Season 2022/23 will be credited against
Season Ticket renewals for 2023/24.
Credits raised against your Season Ticket seat can only be used against your Season Ticket renewal price for
the following Season (or Season specified), provided your Season Ticket is renewed within the specified
deadline. Credits are non-transferable and cannot be assigned to any new owner of your seat or exchanged for
cash or used towards any other match tickets or Club products.
You cannot release your seat for resale for any non-Season Ticket matches purchased, e.g. Cup games or
The Club, in conjunction with the relevant football authority, reserves the right to alter the published date and /or
kick-off time of any fixture at any time. The Club cannot accept liability for any expenses incurred even in the
event that the match is cancelled.
Season Ticket
Non Season Ticket
Global Members
Who can apply?
Season Ticket Holders
are permitted to
purchase one
membership per
Season Ticket.
Non Season Ticket
Holders are permitted to
purchase one
membership per Rangers
Season and Non Season Ticket holders are
permitted to purchase one membership per
Rangers number.
£40 (Adult) £20 (Junior -
Under 16 on the 1st July
£50 (Adult) £25 (Junior
Under 16 on the 1st July
£50 (Adult Non Season Ticket Holder) £40
(Adult Season Ticket Holder) £25 (Junior
Non Season Ticket Holder Under 16 on the
1st July 2021) £20 (Junior Season Ticket
Holder Under 16 on the 1st July 2021)
Loyalty Points
(MyGers Points)
An initial Loyalty points balance based on historical
ticket purchases starting Season 2015/16 will be
applied on Season one.
A welcome gift delivered to your chosen address.
Priority ticket access.
Access to MyGers members only experiences and competitions. Purchase of a Membership does
not guarantee selection for competitions, prizes and experiences and not being selected does not
constitute grounds for a refund. Certain competitions and experiences may have further restrictions,
i.e. age restrictions.
Benefits with Rangers’ official club partners.
10% Discount on Rangers Soccer School Term Time Course full term bookings made online.
10% off food and drink when dining in the Ibrox Stadium Restaurant on non-matchdays. Members
should bring their Membership Card (or Membership confirmation email if they have not received this
yet) plus a form a photographic ID in order to be eligible for the discount.
20% off the MyGers Members Only Ibrox Stadium Tours when purchased online. Members should
bring their Membership Card (or Membership email if they have not received this yet) plus a form of
photographic ID when attending the tour. MyGers Members can book a maximum of four places per
Members only tour.
10% off tickets purchased online for Rangers Women FC home league matches and friendlies.
A Birthday Card delivered to your chosen address (UK MyGers Members only, Global Members will
receive a digital greeting).
The MyGers Membership is non-transferable and, subject to the cancellation rights in Part 2
(General Terms and Conditions), the Membership Fee is non-refundable.
MyGers Membership will be cancelled in any or all of the following instances:
Supplying false or inaccurate information to Rangers Football Club
Acquiring tickets from a third party
Supplying tickets to a third party
A ban imposed by the Club
Rangers Football Club reserve the right to cancel MyGers Membership and this will not be subject to
an appeal process of any kind.
1. These Terms and Conditions are published and maintained on The Rangers Football Club Limited (
) website at
www.rangers.co.uk. For the avoidance of doubt, in the case of discrepancy between terms and conditions published
on RFC’s website from time to time and any issued hard copy of these Terms and Conditions, the terms and
conditions published on RFC’s website shall prevail.
2. By entering into the Membership Agreement (as defined below) you agree to be bound by these Terms and
Conditions. Members match tickets are for the use of supporters of RFC only in accordance with the Home Match
ticket Terms and Conditions and the Away Match ticket Terms and Conditions.
3. Rangers Football Club reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions. Any amendments will be communicated
on www.rangers.co.uk.
4. The Membership is a seasonal membership scheme from 1st June 2021 until 31st May 2022 and constitutes a binding
contract between you and RFC (the "
Membership Agreement
5. You will have 14 days from the start of your Membership Agreement to cancel the Membership Agreement. In the
event that you do cancel within 14 days, you will receive a refund of the MyGers Membership Fee paid. RFC will be
entitled to a refund or return of any use by you of the Membership Benefits, including any match tickets you have
purchased during that time through your Membership privileges.
6. If you choose to cancel after 14 days, you will not be entitled to a refund of the cost of your Membership, including in
respect of any unexpired portion of the Membership. For the avoidance of doubt, there is no guarantee that you will be
able to purchase tickets in the Members’ sale therefore, failure to purchase match tickets, will not entitle you to claim a
7. If you have signed up to 'Auto Renewal' when entering into the Membership Agreement, then you will have 14 days
from the date of Auto Renewal confirmation to cancel your Membership Agreement. In the event that you do cancel
within 14 days, you will receive a refund of the MyGers Membership Fee paid. RFC will be entitled to a refund or return
of any use by you of the Membership Benefits, including any match tickets you have purchased during that time. In the
event that you have signed up to ‘Auto Renewal’, the Terms and Conditions that will apply to such ‘Auto Renewal’ will
be the Terms and Conditions prevailing at the time that your membership is renewed.
To cancel your Membership please contact the Membership Team department at
. We kindly
request that you complete a Membership Cancellation form as part of this process, a copy of which is available from
rangers.co.uk or directly from the Membership Department.
9. A Member shall be entitled to benefits upon presentation of the Member’s Card or Membership Confirmation email. All
benefits are specified in full on rangers.co.uk/mygers. Please note Benefits may be modified or removed at the sole
discretion of RFC, from time to time.
10. Upon joining or renewing MyGers Membership, Members will receive an email notification along with a welcome pack.
Please note that Membership Packs are due to be dispatched from 5 July 2021. This date may change due to
disruptions in the supply chain beyond RFC’s control and RFC cannot accept responsibility for this. Contents in the
welcome pack may change from time to time based on stock availability.
1. Supporters who wish to purchase a MyGers Membership for the first time should do so online at
2. MyGers Membership will automatically be renewed for Season 22/23 and future seasons. Should you wish to
cancel the Auto Renewal of this membership please email mygers@rangers.co.uk.
3. MyGers Members who are also Season Ticket Holders only are eligible to apply for Domestic and European away
4. MyGers Members MUST provide a valid email address, as all communications and application processes for ticket
purchases will be via email.
5. It is the Member’s responsibility to inform RFC of any change of name or contact details. To inform RFC of any
change of name means that the Member has changed their name and does not mean that the Membership can be
transferred to somebody else.
6. For the avoidance of doubt (and by way of example only) the Member’s Card issued to you may not be offered as a
prize in any promotion or competition nor transferred, lent or sold to any third party as part of a hospitality or travel
package, save as expressly authorised by RFC.
7. RFC cannot accept responsibility for non-receipt of Membership Packs or mailings.
8. The cost of a single Membership is available online at www.rangers.co.uk/mygers (the "
Membership Fee
9. Membership must be paid for in GBP. Rangers are not liable for any foreign transaction fees you may incur as part
of the payment process.
10. You must pay the Membership Fee applicable to the Membership you have subscribed for, in accordance with the fee
plan notified to you at the time of registration.
11. Unless otherwise stated, charges are inclusive of VAT and any other taxes applicable from time to time.
12. Import duties and local taxes are not included in the quoted price of goods being delivered to outside the UK. In this
case you will be responsible for the payment of any and all import duties and local taxes including any administration
charges upon receipt.
13. RFC will notify you by email that it has processed your payment of the Membership Fee and inform you that you are a
Member. The email message will constitute RFC’s acceptance of your Membership application. RFC’s acceptance of
your order will be deemed complete and received by you at the time and date that RFC sends the email. RFC accepts
no responsibility for you not actually receiving the email, for reasons out with RFC’s control.
14. If you have signed up to 'Auto Renewal' when entering into the Membership Agreement then, unless you have
cancelled in the meantime, RFC will send you an e-mail before the end of the then current term of your Membership
offering you the opportunity to cancel, supply alternative payment details or simply do nothing to continue your
Membership. If you choose not to cancel or respond to the Auto Renewal e-mail then your annual subscription will be
automatically renewed using existing payment details.
15. If your payment details have expired, RFC will notify you by email and request revised payment instructions. Your
failure to reply will lead to your subscription expiring and your Membership being terminated.
16. Rangers Football Club may reject Membership applications from anyone convicted in the UK or elsewhere for:
a. any football related offence
b. any other offence involving conduct which, in the opinion of the Club, is not conducive to the promotion of football
and has the potential to bring the game or Rangers Football Club into disrepute.
17. Without prejudice to any other remedies it may have, RFC shall have the right, in the case of any serious or persistent
breach of these Terms and Conditions, to cancel and withdraw your Membership. In the event of such cancellation, no
refund will be paid in respect of any unexpired portion of the Membership. Without prejudice to the general nature of
the above, the following actions shall constitute serious breach of the Terms and Conditions:
a. smoking within any part of the Stadium;
b. persistent standing in seated areas whist a match is in progress;
c. sale or transfer (unless authorised) of this Membership to any person;
d. deliberate misuse of the Membership (e.g. purchasing tickets for matches that the Member does not intend to attend, just
to qualify for higher category matches);
e. the supply of any misleading or incorrect information in any application, including date of birth;
f. persistent swearing during a match;
g. the throwing of any object within the stadium without lawful authority or excuse;
h. the chanting of anything of an indecent, racist and/or discriminatory nature;
i. being or appearing to be drunk or intoxicated within the Stadium;
j. any failure to pay or default of payment in respect of any sums owing to RFC in respect of your Membership;
k. without prejudice to any of the foregoing, any other breach of the Ground Regulations, the Terms & Conditions of Entry or
the Supporter Charter, all of which may be found on the Club website.
18. RFC is committed to preventing discrimination in all its fields of operation within the Stadium, providing an environment
free from racial or homophobic abuse, harassment, bullying and victimisation. Any Member engaging in such abuse or
harassment will have their Member’s Card confiscated, Membership withdrawn or cancelled and be banned from
attending future games involving RFC. No refunds will be issued.
19. RFC reserves the right to suspend the use of the Membership and all associated benefits for a period of time or
withdraw its use in the event of misuse or if abused in any way or in the event of a breach of any of the Terms &
Conditions of Entry; or in the event of any abusive, dangerous or other unacceptable behaviour by the Member, or if
the Member is prohibited by law from attending any football ground.
20. Membership is for your sole use. You shall not re-sell, assign, transfer or lend the Membership Card or benefits of it to
any other person without the prior consent of RFC.
21. Replacement of a lost Membership card will incur a £5 fee.
a. The issue of home match tickets by RFC is governed by the Home Match ticket terms and conditions which are available
on www.rangers.co.uk.
b. Members will be given the opportunity to apply for home match tickets before tickets go on general sale to the public.
c. Tickets can be purchased online or via the Ticket Hotline. Nothing in these terms and conditions constitutes or implies
any guarantee or entitlement to a ticket, seat or access to any area of the Stadium. Rangers will stipulate how many
tickets may be purchased per qualifying Member in advance of the sale starting. The quantity available to buy per
qualifying Member will vary from match to match and will always be at the Club’s discretion.
d. Eligibility for tickets may require pre-requisite attendance of previous matches (and, for the avoidance of doubt,
purchases of tickets for matches that the Member does not attend will not qualify for these purposes, unless RFC
reasonably considers otherwise).
e. No guarantees can be given by RFC that a match will take place at a particular time or on a particular date. RFC
reserves the right to reschedule any match without notice and without any liability whatsoever. RFC will have no further
liability whatsoever relating to any alteration of the time or date of any match (including but not limited to any
postponement or abandonment), including (but not limited to) any direct or consequential loss or damage, loss of
enjoyment or travel/accommodation cost. RFC recommends you visit RFC website on a regular basis in order to check
the latest dates and times of matches.
f. RFC reserves the right to vary the manner or system in which match tickets are to be sold, upon reasonable notice being
Ticket Purchase
Domestic Away
Travel Package
European Independent Match
Who can purchase?
MyGers Season Ticket Holders only
How do I apply?
Individuals must register for a ticket online within the match registration window.
When can I purchase
a ticket?
On sale dates, eligibility and deadlines will be communicated via email and will be
posted online at www.rangers.co.uk
How do I purchase a
Online once game is
on sale to your tier
Contact the Club’s
travel partner
Online once game is on sale to
your tier level.
What if demand
exceeds supply?
Priority online sales
windows on a first-
come, first serve
basis will be available
for each loyalty tier
with gold receiving
first access, silver
second and bronze
third. Each tier will
have a separate
sales window and the
A priority sales
window will be given
to MyGers members
based on points
history. Thereafter
priority will be given
in order of date
booking is received.
Where the Club is
involved in a Group
stage the points
Priority online sales windows on a
first-come, first serve basis will be
available for each loyalty tier with
gold receiving first access, silver
second, bronze third and blue
fourth. Each tier will have a
separate sales window and the
schedule will be published in
Where the club is involved in a
Group stage the points history may
be taken at the start of the group
schedule will be
published in
With the exception of
games at Celtic Park
where all tickets will
be allocated to gold
tier Members only.
history may be taken
at the start of the
Group stage and not
necessarily after
each match in the
stage and not necessarily after
each match in the Group.
How will I know if I
have successfully
purchase a ticket?
A confirmation email
will be sent
automatically once
you complete your
ticket purchase.
The Club’s travel
partner will make
contact to confirm
prices and payment.
A confirmation email will be sent
automatically once you complete
your ticket purchase.
How to get your
By default, away
tickets will be posted
by 2
or 1
post depending on
However, the Club
will NOT be
responsible for
tickets lost or
misplaced in the
post. Supporters are
encouraged to have
tickets distributed by
Special Delivery™ for
an additional charge
of £7.
Tickets will be
distributed during
flights by Rangers
Rangers will distribute match
tickets at the venue/city or a point
during travel. Rangers reserve the
right to post tickets by Special
Delivery™ at an additional charge
of £7 per ticket or hold for
collection at Rangers Ticket Centre
if necessary. Tickets for collection
will only be issued on production of
photographic ID in all instances.
MyGers Members who fail to
collect tickets from the collection
point as designated by Rangers
will not be allocated points due,
without exception.
Cancellations &
Ticket cancellation
requests must be
submitted via email
ers.co.uk Please note
that a refund will only
be issued if
timescales permit
resale of the ticket.
Members wishing to
cancel a travel
package must do so
in writing to the
Club’s travel partner.
Ticket cancellation requests must
be submitted via email to
se note that a refund will only be
issued if timescales permit resale
of the ticket.
1. The number of tickets allocated to each tier (Gold, Silver & Bronze) will be decided by the Club and will be based on a
number of factors including:
a) Total ticket allocation
b) Location of match
c) Safety and security aspect
2. There are two European Travel options available to Members:
1. Rangers Official European away travel packages
2. Independent match tickets
3. Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult at all times during away matches.
4. Members who have registered their interest via the online process may purchase one match ticket or package for any
away match in which the Club’s mens first team is participating (subject to availability).
5. Independent European match travellers may be required to submit a full travel itinerary which must contain the
Member’s name and date of travel.
6. Independent European match travellers will be notified by email of ticket distribution details as soon as known.
7. Members who are concerned about mobility and / or accessibility, or who have medical conditions which may affect
their trip, should advise the Club’s travel partner and /or Rangers Ticket Centre at the time of application.
8. Any match ticket issued by Rangers Football Club to a MyGers Member is done so on condition that it is for the
Member’s use only. The sale or offer for sale, or passing of these tickets, to a third party by any means whatsoever
(including advertising by any form of social media of other internet or web based system) is strictly forbidden. Any
tickets found to be sold, offered for sale or passed on, will be cancelled and the associated MyGers Membership
suspended, leading to cancellation.
9 Travel package refund requests are subject to the terms and conditions of purchase of the Club’s travel partner.
1. MyGers Members can enrol themselves onto the Season Ticket Waiting list by selecting the link here.
2. The Season Ticket Waiting list will be contacted after Season Ticket renewal is complete, around mid-June
1. From Season 2021/2022, MyGers Members can earn MyGers Loyalty points on a range of activities that benefit
the Club.
These include (but are not limited) to:
a. General Admission Match Ticket Purchases
b. General Admission Season Ticket Purchases
c. Home SPFL League Match Attendance (general admission match ticket purchases only)
d. Use of the Club’s Secondary Ticketing Platform (“SeatSub”) within a defined period of time before a match.
The deadline for using SeatSub to earn a MyGers Loyalty Point will be communicated online. Receiving the
point will not be conditional on the ticket being re-sold. SeatSub is only available for SPFL League Matches.
e. Purchase of domestic and European away games for general access areas when purchased through the
Rangers Ticket Centre (not through the Club’s Hospitality Team).
f. Purchase of tickets to selected Club events that are organised by the Club’s Events Department.
g. Purchase of a new RangersTV Annual Subscription.
h. Purchase of a Rangers Stadium Tour (only one Stadium Tour purchase per season will be eligible to earn a
MyGers Loyalty value).
2. Unless specified otherwise, MyGers Loyalty Points for match purchases will only be earned on first team mens
3. Match purchase and attendance points will only be earned on tickets that a supporter has purchased directly
from the Club’s Ticket Centre. For the avoidance of doubt, this means that a home ticket purchased through a
Rangers Supporters Club allocation will not be eligible for a purchase or attendance points value on an individual
MyGers account.
4. MyGers points will be used to band MyGers Members into gold, silver and bronze tiers. More information on the
Club’s loyalty scheme can be found in the MyGers FAQ document available on rangers.co.uk/mygers.
5. MyGers Loyalty Point totals will be updated approximately every twelve weeks.
6. MyGers points are non-transferable between Members, including Members who are connected through a
Friends and Family group on their ticketing account.
7. You cannot claim points on behalf of someone else, even if you are paying for their qualifying purchase.
8. Complimentary tickets will not earn a purchase or attendance point.
9. Loyalty point values (and the activities that earn them) are at the sole discretion of the Club and may change or
be removed throughout the season.
a. Rangers Supporters
Clubs wishing to obtain access to home and away domestic fixtures will require to purchase a
Supporters Club Membership.
The Rangers Supporters Club will provide RFC with contact details of a nominated representative of their RSC.
On application, the nominated representative will provide the Rangers Numbers and names of all prospective Members.
d. Rangers Supporters Club Memberships are priced at £10 per adult Member, £5 per junior Member and £5 per
concession Member per season (junior is under 16 years on 1 July 2021 and concession is under 18 years on 1 July
2021 or over 65 years on 1 July 2021). Payment for RSC Memberships will be taken from the registered payment details
of the RSC from the date advised on the registration form. Junior or Concession members who have purchased a
MyGers Membership (available from rangers.co.uk/mygers) at the time of RSC registration can be registered as part of
the RSC for free.
For Rangers Supporters Club Memberships, each RSC will receive the following points per member:
1 point for everyone registered who is a MyGers Member
5 points per individual Season Ticket purchased by their members for Season 2021/22
For the avoidance of doubt, a person registered as part of a Rangers Supporters Club who is a Season Ticket Holder
and a MyGers Member will receive 6 points.
f. The point values are at the sole discretion of Rangers Football Club and may change.
g. For domestic games, the Club will create an allocation of tickets for RSCs. The number of tickets each RSC will receive
from this allocation will be based on the RSC’s categorisation and the number of tickets will vary on a match by match
basis as it is subject to the number of tickets the Club receives from the opposition club.
All RSCs must register for the Membership scheme no later than Friday 26 June 2021 and provide requested
Member details to receive accurate Membership ranking.
i. Each RSC can have their details added to the website. Please provide information including location and contact details
to supportersclubstc@rangers.co.uk.
j. Once a Member has been submitted and defined as an Adult, Junior or Concession, no change requests will be
k. Any match tickets allocated to an RSC should be for the sole use of Members registered to the RSC as held by the Club.
l. The nominated representative of the RSC will be held responsible for the conduct of those using any match ticket
allocated to the RSC by the Club.
m. All ticket orders should be placed, where possible, no later than 3 weeks prior to the date of the fixture they wish to apply
for. Any orders after this time may be refused.
n. Any cancellation of match tickets where payment has already been taken will be subject to a £2 per ticket cancelation
o. Any RSC who continually fails payment for ticket orders may be subject to suspension at the discretion of the Club.
p. All RSC match ticket orders will by default be posted. Nominated representatives should supply the Club with postage
paid, self-addressed envelopes. In instances whereby it is not possible for ticket orders to be posted, the Club will
communicate by email.
q. All match ticket orders will only be accepted by the registered email of the nominated representative to
r. All match ticket orders will be subject to a £2 per transaction administration fee.
s. Where possible RSCs should register a Credit / Debit payment card with the Club. Cheques will only be accepted from
RSCs who paid by this method in Season 2019/20.
t. RSC members who have had their details submitted by a nominated representative, may be contacted by the Club to
confirm their membership to an RSC.
Members must behave in a respectable manner at all times when travelling and representing Rangers Football Club.
Members must comply with all laws of the UK and of any country visited during a European trip.
Members must comply with instruction directed by:
1. Rangers Football Club staff
2. Travel partner staff
3. Police
4. Border, customs and or immigration staff
5. Security staff
6. Match stewards
7. Transportation staff
8. Accommodation staff
Members must not consume alcohol to the extent of intoxication at any time during a European trip including:
a. Traveling on public or private transport
b. In public
c. In attendance at matches
d. Residing at overnight accommodation
Members behaving in an unacceptable manner will:
1. Have their MyGers Membership revoked
2. Receive limited, indefinite or lifetime exclusion from all activities of the Club.
All matches are played in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Scottish Football Association, The
Scottish Professional Football League and, where applicable, the Regulations of FIFA/UEFA Competitions.
a. Play cannot be guaranteed to take place on any particular day or at any particular time and the Club reserves the
right to change or cancel its advertised fixture without prior notice and without liability.
b. Tickets allotted by the Club are issued on the express conditions that no holder thereof shall sell or transfer
same. In the event of any breach of this condition, the Club reserves the right to cancel the ticket and to retain
the money paid.
c. In the event of the match being abandoned after having kicked-off, you may be entitled to a refund of the cash
admission charge paid at the turnstile in the determination of the Club acting reasonably. Where a match is
commenced but abandoned before the expiry of the first-half admission arrangements for the rearranged fixture will be
issued to those who attend the abandoned match. These arrangements in cases where the match is abandoned after
the expiry of the first half shall be a matter for the reasonable discretion of the Club.
d. In the event that admission of spectators to matches is curtailed or prevented by any Governmental or regulatory
restriction introduced in connection with the Covid 19 pandemic or any other pandemic, possession of a Season Ticket
may not entitle the holder of a Season Ticket to entry to matches. In this event, the Club shall endeavour to provide
access to live television broadcasts of such matches to the holders of Season Tickets. The terms and conditions of
such access will be separately notified at the time the access arrangements are advised. Season Ticket holders shall
not be entitled to a refund in the event that they are unable to attend matches at the Stadium due to Governmental or
regulatory restrictions.
e. In the event of an all ticket match being postponed for any reason subject to the provisions of the Ground Regulations
the ticket will be valid on any postponed date.
f. All children entering the Stadium must pay for admission and hold a valid ticket; under 12s must be accompanied by an
g. Unauthorised persons are not permitted to enter upon the trackside, field of play or any other place specified by the
Club or Police.
h. With the exception of authorised Media representative holding accreditation issued by the Club, the taking of
photographs or filming by any means inside the Stadium is prohibited. In addition, no transmission or reproduction, in
whole or in part, in any form, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording or otherwise is permitted save with a
special authorisation on writing by the Club and where appropriate, the prior consent of The Scottish Football
Association, the Scottish Professional Football League or appropriate body.
i. Only persons specifically authorised in writing by the Club are permitted to offer Newspapers, Periodicals or any other
Articles for sale in the Stadium and any charitable collection will only be permitted within the Stadium with prior written
consent of the Club.
j. Unnecessary noise such as from the use of radio sets and behaviour likely to cause confusion, annoyance or nuisance
of any kind, is not permitted in any part of the Stadium.
k. The use of threatening behaviour, foul or abusive language is strictly FORBIDDEN. Racial, sectarian,
homophobic or discriminatory abuse or chanting is also forbidden and is considered unacceptable conduct and
may result in arrest and a lifetime ban from regulated football matches.
l. Please note that it is an offence punishable by law for any person to enter or attempt to enter the Stadium:
Whilst in possession of a prohibited container which is or was capable of holding liquid and which if thrown
be capable of causing injury to another person.
b. Whilst in possession of alcohol.
c. Whilst drunk.
d. Whilst in possession of any article or substance whose main purpose is the emission of a flare for purposes of
illuminating or signalling or the emission of smoke or a visible gas.
e. Any article which is a firework.
f. All persons entering the ground may be searched by the police or stewards.
m. Standing is FORBIDDEN in seated viewing areas.
n. Banners, or other articles which could or may be used as a weapon, to cause annoyance, unnecessary obstruction or
offence, are not permitted within the Stadium.
o. All persons entering the Stadium are admitted subject to the condition that they may be required to submit to search to
prevent prohibited articles being brought into the Stadium which might be used to cause injury or damage to other
persons or property.
p. Under no circumstances is it permitted to throw any objects which may cause injury or offence whether on to the pitch
or track or otherwise.
q. At times, the right of admission is reserved by the Club and in general no transfers within the Stadium are allowed.
Spectators found in the wrong area amid opposing fans may be ejected.
r. All persons entering the Stadium are admitted only subject to the Ground Regulations and to the Rules and
Regulations of The Scottish Football Association and The Scottish Professional Football League. ENTRY TO THE
s. The Club reserves the right for its servants and agents and for members of police forces to remove from the Stadium
REGULATIONS of the FIFA/UEFA competitions or whose presence in the Stadium is or could reasonably be
construed as constituting a source of danger, nuisance or annoyance to other spectators.
t. Smoking is not permitted in any part of the Stadium. Those who do not comply with the smoking policy will be subject
to the Club’s normal disciplinary procedures, and also place themselves liable to a fixed penalty fine and/or criminal
prosecution. The use of electronic cigarettes is only permitted in the internal corporate areas and internal
concourses. The use of electronic cigarettes is strictly forbidden on the seating decks.
u. On no account will admission be granted to a person who is subject of a current Football Banning Order.
v. CCTV cameras may be in use and recordings could be used in any proceedings.
You should be aware that in terms of a protocol with Police Scotland the details of any arrest or detention occurring in
connection with a football match may be shared with the Club. Football Banning Orders may be imposed on individuals who
infringe these rules.
Please contact Rangers Ticket Centre by email ticketcentre@rangers.co.uk if you would like this
document in larger print.