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© European Medicines Agency, 2018. Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.
31 October 2018
EMA/164014/2018 Rev.2.0.1 accompanying GVP Module V Rev.2
Human Medicines Evaluation
Guidance on the format of the risk management plan
(RMP) in the EU in integrated format
General consideration and guidance
This guidance should be read in conjunction with GVP module V.
According to GVP module V, the aim of a risk management plan (RMP) is to document the risk
management system considered necessary to identify, characterise and minimise the important risks of
a medicinal product. To this end, the RMP contains:
the identification or characterisation of the safety profile of the medicinal product, with
emphasis on important identified and important potential risks and missing information, and
also on which safety concerns need to be managed proactively or further studied (the ‘safety
the planning of pharmacovigilance activities to characterise and quantify clinically relevant
risks and to identify new adverse reactions (the ‘pharmacovigilance plan’);
the planning and implementation of risk minimisation measures, including the evaluation of the
effectiveness of these activities (the ‘risk minimisation plan’).
Throughout this document, please be as concise as possible and ensure the content is scientifically
based and that it does not include any element of a promotional nature. Consider which information
will add value to the readersunderstanding of the safety profile of the medicinal product and how best
to interpret and manage the important identified and potential risks as well as the uncertainties
surrounding the information available. Please focus the document accordingly. Tabulation of any data
is encouraged if it aids the presentation.
The applicant/marketing authorisation holder should include links or references to the relevant part of
the eCTD dossier of the supporting documents or PSURs, when applicable. Throughout the RMP
template, eCTD data/submissions should be read as eCTD or CTD data/submission, corresponding to
the type of submission to the competent authority. Specific requirements for different types of initial
marketing authorisation applications are described within each section of the template.
The examples provided in each Module/Section represent only guidance for writing the RMP and should
not be regarded as directions in a defined scenario. Each RMP should be based on the safety data of
the medicinal product.
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Checklist for writing or assessing an RMP
The following general points need to be considered when writing or reviewing an RMP for a medicinal
product. The checklist is meant to provide further guidance and is not part of the RMP; therefore, it
should not be included in the documents submitted for assessment:
Part II: Safety specification
Have all appropriate parts of the safety specification been included?
Have all appropriate data been reviewed when compiling the safety specification, e.g. are there
important (outstanding) issues which have not been discussed in the safety specification?
If parts of the target population have not been studied, have appropriate safety concerns in
relation to potential risks and missing information been included?
Have limitations in the safety database (e.g. related to the size of the study population, study
inclusion and exclusion criteria) been considered and what are the implications of such limitations
on the safety profile of the medicinal product? Has reference been made to populations likely to be
exposed during the intended or expected use of the medicinal product in the medical practice?
Does the safety specification provide a true reflection of the safety concerns (e.g. important
identified risks, important potential risks and/or missing information) with the medicinal product?
For generic or hybrid applications, have all safety concerns from the latest version of the RMP for
the reference medicinal product or from a list of safety concerns published on the CMDh website
been included in the safety specification? If not, has appropriate justification been provided and
has the applicant proposed a list of safety concerns? If no information on the safety profile of the
reference medicinal product is available (no RMP or no CMDh list for the substance), has the
safety profile been drafted considering all available relevant information (e.g. public assessment
documents for the reference medicinal product, literature, applicant’s own trial data)?
Part III: Pharmacovigilance plan
Are all safety concerns from the safety specification covered in the pharmacovigilance plan?
Are routine pharmacovigilance activities adequate or are additional pharmacovigilance activities
Are the activities in the pharmacovigilance plan clearly defined, described and suitable for
identifying or characterising risks or providing missing information?
Are the safety studies that have been imposed by a competent authority as conditions clearly
If there are safety concerns derived from medication errors, does the RMP include appropriate
proposals to monitor the correct use of the product?
Are the proposed additional studies necessary, feasible, non-promotional and able to provide the
required further characterisation of the risk(s) and address the scientific questions?
Are timelines and milestones appropriate and feasible for the proposed actions, including those for
the submission of results?
Part IV: Plans for post-authorisation efficacy studies
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Have all post-authorisation safety studies (PAES), either as conditions of the marketing
authorisation or as specific obligations, been included?
Part V: Risk minimisation measures
Are routine risk minimisation measures sufficient or is there a need identified for additional risk
minimisation activities?
Have additional risk minimisation activities been suggested and, if so, are these sufficiently
justified and risk-proportionate? Is implementation feasible in all Member States?
Have criteria for effectiveness of additional risk minimisation activities been defined a priori?
Are the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of risk minimisation activities well described and
Part VI: Summary of the risk management plan
Is it a true representation of the RMP?
Have the facts been presented appropriately without any elements of promotional nature?
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EU Risk Management Plan for <Invented name> (INN or common name)
RMP version to be assessed as part of this application:
RMP Version number: <Insert number>
An RMP should be assigned a new RMP version number and a date each time the RMP is updated and
submitted for assessment (e.g. versions 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 etc. for an initial submission of an RMP; versions
1.1, 1.2, etc. and 2.1, 2.2 etc. for RMP updates post-authorisation).
The version number of the RMP version agreed at the time of the competent authority opinion should
be the same as the one provided with the last eCTD submission in the procedure (most often with the
closing sequence). It is advisable to use major version numbers for final approved RMP versions (e.g.
version 1.0 at the end of the initial marketing authorisation application; 2.0, 3.0, etc. for post-
authorisation updates).
Data lock point for this RMP: <Enter a date>
It is recommended that the Data Lock Point (DLP) should not be more than 6 months before the RMP
sign-off date.
For initial marketing authorisation applications it usually reflects the DLP of the Clinical Safety
Date of final sign-off: <Enter a date>
The date of sign-off is the date when the draft RMP was considered finalised and ready for submission
to the regulatory agency.
Rationale for submitting an updated RMP: <Not applicable for initial marketing authorisation
application submission>
Summary of significant changes in this RMP: <Add high level description of major changes to each
<Other RMP versions under evaluation:>
This section is applicable for post-authorisation RMP updates when a different RMP version is still under
assessment with another procedure.
If two or more parallel procedures contain RMP submissions, to facilitate assessment, it is usually
advised to submit a common consolidated version of the RMP; the supporting Word version of the RMP
included with the submission should include track changes (colour coded for each procedure), so that
changes related to each procedure can be easily identified. This will also facilitate the finalisation of the
RMP for each procedure.
Where the submission of a common, consolidated RMP version is not practical, distinct RMP documents
may be submitted with each procedure (Word versions should also include tracked changes, per
procedure). For further guidance please refer to European Medicines Agency post-authorisation
procedural advice for users of the centralised procedure
. The best regulatory path for the RMP update
available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
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in case of multiple procedures potentially impacting on the RMP content should be discussed with the
competent authority before submissions.
RMP Version number: <Insert number>
Submitted on: <Enter a date>
Procedure number: <indicate procedure number>,
<Details of the currently approved RMP:> This section is not required for initial marketing
authorisation applications.
There can only be ONE currently approved RMP for a product(s).
If several updates to the RMP are submitted during the course of a procedure, the version considered
as the “current” approved RMP for future updates and track-changes purposes shall be the one
mentioned in the Opinion documents (most often same version is submitted with the closing sequence
of the procedure).
Version number: <enter a version number>
Approved with procedure: <enter a procedure number>
Date of approval (opinion date): <dd/mm/yyyy>
QPPV name
The QPPV´s actual signature or the evidence that the RMP was reviewed and approved by the QPPV
should be included in the finalised approved version of RMP.
In the case the option of oversight declaration has been selected and no signature has been submitted,
the MAH should have the actual signature in their system, either in pen on paper, digital signature
attached to the RMP document or any other electronic system of document management. For eCTD
submission, this would be the RMP with the last eCTD sequence of the procedure (usually the closing
Select one of the options:
QPPV signature:
QPPV oversight declaration: <The content of this RMP has been reviewed and approved by the
marketing authorisation <holder´s> <applicant´s> QPPV. The electronic signature is available on
QPPV name will not be redacted in case of an access to documents request; see HMA/EMA Guidance document on the
identification of commercially confidential information and personal data within the structure of the marketing-authorisation
application; available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
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Table of content
Table of content .......................................................................................... 6
Part I: Product(s) Overview ........................................................................ 8
Part II: Module SI - Epidemiology of the indication(s) and target
population(s) ............................................................................................ 10
Part II: Module SII - Non-clinical part of the safety specification .............. 12
Part II: Module SIII - Clinical trial exposure ............................................. 13
Part II: Module SIV - Populations not studied in clinical trials .................. 15
SIV.1 Exclusion criteria in pivotal clinical studies within the development programme ..... 16
SIV.2 Limitations to detect adverse reactions in clinical trial development programmes ... 16
SIV.3 Limitations in respect to populations typically under-represented in clinical trial
development programmes ......................................................................................... 16
Part II: Module SV - Post-authorisation experience .................................. 17
SV.1 Post-authorisation exposure ............................................................................... 18
Part II: Module SVI - Additional EU requirements for the safety
specification .............................................................................................. 19
Part II: Module SVII - Identified and potential risks ................................. 19
SVII.1 Identification of safety concerns in the initial RMP submission ............................ 21
SVII.2 New safety concerns and reclassification with a submission of an updated RMP .... 26
SVII.3 Details of important identified risks, important potential risks, and missing
information .............................................................................................................. 27
Part II: Module SVIII - Summary of the safety concerns ........................... 28
Part III: Pharmacovigilance Plan (including post-authorisation safety
studies) ..................................................................................................... 29
III.1 Routine pharmacovigilance activities .................................................................. 29
III.2 Additional pharmacovigilance activities ............................................................... 30
III.3 Summary Table of additional Pharmacovigilance activities .................................... 31
Part IV: Plans for post-authorisation efficacy studies ............................... 33
Part V: Risk minimisation measures (including evaluation of the
effectiveness of risk minimisation activities)
............................................ 34
V.1. Routine Risk Minimisation Measures...................................................................... 35
V.2. Additional Risk Minimisation Measures .................................................................. 36
V.3 Summary of risk minimisation measures .............................................................. 38
Part VI: Summary of the risk management plan ........................................ 40
II.A List of important risks and missing information ....................................................... 42
II.B Summary of important risks ................................................................................. 43
II.C Post-authorisation development plan .................................................................... 44
II.C.1 Studies which are conditions of the marketing authorisation .................................. 44
II.C.2 Other studies in post-authorisation development plan .......................................... 44
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Part VII: Annexes ...................................................................................... 45
Annex 1 EudraVigilance Interface ............................................................................. 45
Annex 2 Tabulated summary of planned, ongoing, and completed pharmacovigilance study
programme .............................................................................................................. 45
Annex 3 - Protocols for proposed, on-going and completed studies in the pharmacovigilance
plan ........................................................................................................................ 46
Annex 4 - Specific adverse drug reaction follow-up forms .............................................. 47
Annex 5 - Protocols for proposed and on-going studies in RMP part IV ............................. 47
Annex 6 - Details of proposed additional risk minimisation activities (if applicable) ............ 47
Annex 7 - Other supporting data (including referenced material) .................................... 51
Annex 8 Summary of changes to the risk management plan over time ......................... 51
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Part I: Product(s) Overview
Table Part I.1 Product(s) Overview
Unless significantly different for each product, the following table is expected to be completed only
once for each substance.
Active substance(s)
(INN or common name)
group(s) (ATC Code)
Marketing Authorisation
<Holder> <Applicant>
Name of the marketing authorisation applicant for initial marketing
authorisation applications.
For mutual recognition/ decentralised procedures applications
include also information on expected future marketing authorisation
holders in the reference member state, if this information is known
at the time of the application.
Medicinal products to which
this RMP refers
Indicate total number of products to which the RMP refers
Invented name(s) in the
European Economic Area
For decentralised/mutual recognition products include only the
invented name(s) in the reference member state.
Marketing authorisation
<centralised> <mutual recognition> <decentralised> <national>
Brief description of the
Chemical class
Summary of mode of action
Important information about its composition (e.g. origin of active
substance for biologicals, relevant adjuvants or residues for
Hyperlink to the Product
Include a link or reference to the proposed PI in the eCTD sequence.
If no updated PI is submitted with the procedure, the link should
direct to the latest approved PI.
Indication(s) in the EEA
For initial marketing authorisation applications, this section refers to
the indication proposed by the applicant. For post-authorisation
procedures, it refers to the indication that is currently approved.
Proposed (if applicable):
For post-authorisation procedures, e.g. if the RMP is submitted with
an extension/restriction of indication
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Dosage in the EEA
For initial marketing authorisation applications, this section refers to
the posology proposed by the applicant. For post-authorisation
procedures, it refers to the posology currently approved.
Summarise information only related to the main population; not a
duplication of all dosages/dosage adjustments for the sub-
populations listed in SmPC section 4.2.
Proposed (if applicable):
Summarise information only related to the main population; not a
duplication of all dosages/dosage adjustments for the sub-
populations listed in SmPC section 4.2.
Pharmaceutical form(s) and
Current (if applicable):
Proposed (if applicable):
Is/will the product be
subject to additional
monitoring in the EU?
At initial marketing authorisation application conclusion or with RMP
Part II: Safety specification
For full initial marketing authorisation applications, all modules in Part II should be submitted. The
requirements for other types of initial marketing authorisation applications are provided in section
V.C.1.1 of the GVP Module V.
If a reference medicinal product is authorised, please check if it has an RMP/summary for the RMP
published on the EMA
and/or national competent authorities’ website or whether the safety concerns
for a substance/reference product are published on the CMDh
website. If the Applicant considers that
the available evidence justifies the reclassification or removal of a safety concern, this should be
discussed. Similarly, if the Applicant has identified a new safety concern specific to the product (e.g.
risks associated with a new formulation, route of administration or new excipient; or a new safety
concern raised from any clinical data generated), this should be also discussed and the new safety
concern detailed in Module SVII.
Article 14(2) of Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 provides for a specific framework for RMP for advanced
therapy medicinal products (ATMP). The marketing authorisation applicants/holders should adapt the
risk management plans of ATMP, considering and discussing the anticipated post-authorisation follow-
up needs, focusing on particularities of these medicinal products. The specific RMP content
requirements for ATMP should be discussed with the competent authority before the submission.
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Part II: Module SI - Epidemiology of the indication(s) and
target population(s)
This section should only contain data relevant for the identification of the safety concerns (see module
Information on inter-regional (e.g. EU, US, Asia, Africa etc.) variations may be provided when relevant,
but the focus should be on the European population. A brief summary of epidemiology is expected to
be provided. This summary should provide an interpretive, high level overview of the information
avoiding detailed discussion on specific epidemiology studies or published articles.
When the medicinal product has/is expected to have several authorised indications, the data for the
different indications should be integrated where this is sensible from a clinical perspective. When there
are clinically relevant differences in user characteristics between the authorised indications, separate
sections are, however, expected for each authorised indication (e.g. Crohn’s disease and rheumatoid
arthritis; multiple sclerosis and hairy cell leukaemia).
This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content for RMPs submitted with initial marketing
authorisation applications involving:
o Generic medicinal products;
o Fixed combination medicinal products which do not contain a new active substance;
o “Well established medicinal use” medicinal products;
o Biosimilar medicinal products.
For hybrid medicinal products, the requirements are based on risk proportionality principle, addressing
the differences with the “originator” product.
Demographics of the population in the <authorised> <proposed> indication – <age, gender, racial
and/or ethnic origin> (when relevant for assessment of safety and risk management) and risk factors
for the disease:
The main existing treatment options: summarise the standard of care, with the view of the expected
safety profile and outcome in the absence of treatment with the medicinal product
Natural history of the indicated condition in the <untreated> population, including mortality and
Discuss the possible stages of disease progression to be treated and applied to the natural history of
the indication in the (untreated) population. This section should also describe concisely the relevant
adverse events to be anticipated in the (untreated) targeted population in EU, their frequency and their
Important co-morbidities:
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The risks of the medicinal product are evaluated based on the characteristics of the medicinal product
(e.g. documented in clinical trials) and the context of use: expected co-morbidities and co-medications
in the target population.
This section should include, where clinically relevant, diseases distinct from the indication that occur
frequently in patients with the indicated condition (e.g. hypertension is a co-morbidity for
hyperlipidaemia); a simple list is sufficient.
For guidance on when information should be provided on co-morbidities in the target population,
please consider the following examples:
If the target population for a medicinal product is men with prostate cancer, the target
population is likely to be men over the age of 50 years, and they have an increased risk for
myocardial infarction.
Patients with psoriasis are at an increased risk of depression and suicidal ideation and
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Part II: Module SII - Non-clinical part of the safety
This module should present a high-level summary of the significant non-clinical safety findings. The
topics should normally include, but do not need to be limited to:
Key safety findings from non-clinical studies and relevance to human usage: (for each safety finding)
key issues identified from acute or repeat-dose toxicity studies
reproductive/developmental toxicity
Safety pharmacology as applicable
cardiovascular system, including potential effect on the QT interval
nervous system
Other toxicity-related information or data as applicable
What constitutes an important non-clinical safety finding will depend upon the medicinal product, the
target population and experience with other similar compounds or therapies in the same class.
Normally, significant areas of toxicity (by target organ system) and the relevance of the findings to the
use in humans should be discussed. Also, quality aspects, if relevant to safety (e.g. genotoxic
impurities), should be discussed. If a medicinal product is intended for use in women of childbearing
age, data on the reproductive/developmental toxicity should be explicitly mentioned and the
implications for use in this population should be discussed. Based on these discussions, the applicant
should comment if there are any findings in the non-clinical testing warrant inclusion among the
summary of safety concerns; i.e. being an important identified risk, important potential risk, or if a
non-clinical study is missing information.
Where studies do not raise concerns in relation to human safety, these should be mentioned, if
relevant, to the target population (e.g. no signs of reproductive or developmental toxicity if the
medicinal product is intended for use in women of childbearing age).
For full initial marketing authorisation applications where the Applicant generated no non-clinical data,
relevant data available from bibliographical sources should be presented.
Where the non-clinical safety finding is not considered relevant for human beings, the provision of a
brief explanation is required, and the safety finding is not expected to be carried forward to SVII and
SVIII as a risk.
If, based on the assessment of the non-clinical or clinical data, additional non-clinical studies are
considered warranted, this should be briefly discussed here.
In the Post-authorisation phase, this section would only be expected to be updated when new non-
clinical data impact the list of safety concerns. Safety concerns identified on the basis of non-clinical
data which are no longer relevant and/or have not been confirmed when sufficient relevant post-
marketing experience and evidence are gathered can be removed from the list of safety concerns.
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This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content for RMPs submitted with initial marketing
authorisation applications involving:
o Generic medicinal products;
o Hybrid medicinal products;
o “Well established medicinal use” medicinal products.
For fixed combination medicinal products with a new active substance, the focus of this module should
be on the data generated for the new active substance. For fixed combination medicinal products with
no new active substance, the module should contain information on the new non-clinical data
generated, if any.
Part II: Module SIII - Clinical trial exposure
In this module, in order to assess the limitations of the human safety database, summary information
on the clinical trial exposure should be provided in an appropriate format (e.g. tables/graphs) at time
of submission of the initial RMP or when there is a major update due to new exposure data from clinical
studies (e.g. in a new indication). The content of this section should be assessed for relevance over
time and, in the absence of new significant clinical trial exposure data, this section does not need to be
Data should be pooled and not shown per individual trial unless there are clearly relevant and duly
justified reasons why some data cannot be pooled or combined.
If the RMP includes more than one medicinal product, the total population table should be provided for
each medicinal product as well as a table that combines the information on total patients exposed for
all medicinal products, as appropriate.
The cumulative exposure data in this module (including cumulative data per indication, treatment
duration, patient population, formulation), when presented in an aggregated form, would not be
deemed to be commercially confidential and thus would not be redacted in case of an access to
document request (unless a detailed justification is provided which demonstrate how the release of the
data would undermine the commercial interests or competitive position of the company)
The categories below are suggestions; tables/graphs should be tailored to the product according to the
availability of data:
Table SIII.1: Duration of exposure
Cumulative for all indications (person time)
Duration of exposure
Person time
e.g. <1 m
1 to <3 m
3 to <6 m
6 m etc.
Total person time
Same principle applied as in EMEA/743133/2009: HMA/EMA Recommendations on the handling of requests for access to
Periodic Safety Update Reports (PSURs); available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
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Duration of exposure
Person time
e.g. <1 m
1 to <3 m
3 to <6 m
≥6 m etc.
Total person time for indication
Table SIII.2: Age group and gender
When providing data by age group, the age group should be relevant to the target population; this
should be reflected in the choice of age categories for this table. Paediatric data should be divided by
age categories (e.g. ICH-E11
); similarly, the data on older people should be stratified into age
categories reflecting the target population (e.g. 65-74, 75-84 and 85 years and above).
Age group Patients Person time
e.g. Preterm newborn infants
Term newborn infants (0 to 27 days)
Infants and toddlers (28 days to 23 months)
Children (2 to e.g. 11 years)
Adolescents (e.g. 12 to 17 years)
Adults (e.g. 18 to 64 years)
Elderly people
65-74 years
75-84 years
85 + years
<Indication 1>
Age group
Person time
Age group 1
Age group 2 etc.
Table SIII.3: Dose
Dose of exposure
Person time
Dose level 1
Dose level 2 etc.
<Indication 1>
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Dose of exposure
Dose level 1
Dose level 2 etc.
Other stratifications should be provided where this adds meaningful information for risk management
planning purposes (e.g. ethnic origin).
Table SIII.4: Ethnic origin
Ethnic origin
Person time
<Indication 1>
Ethnic origin 1
Ethnic origin 2 etc.
This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content for RMPs submitted with initial marketing
authorisation applications involving:
o Generic medicinal products;
o “Well established medicinal use” medicinal products.
For fixed combination medicinal products with a new active substance, the focus of this module should
be on the data generated for the new active substance. For fixed combination medicinal products with
no new active substance, the module should contain information on the new non-clinical data
generated, if any.
For hybrid medicinal products, the requirements are based on risk proportionality principle, addressing
new data generated and the differences with the “originator” product.
Part II: Module SIV - Populations not studied in clinical trials
This module should discuss the populations which have not been studied or have only been studied to
a limited degree in the pre-approval phase. The implications of this with respect to predicting the
safety of the medicinal product in the marketplace should be explicitly discussed.
Exclusion criteria from the clinical trial development programme should be included as missing
information only when they are relevant for the approved and proposed indication (e.g. “on-label”).
When such populations are proposed as missing information, RMP module SIV should then also include
a discussion on the relevant subpopulations, including whether or not any use in populations excluded
from the clinical trials (e.g. women of childbearing potential, older people) might be associated with
additional risks of clinical significance in case the product is used in these populations.
This module should discuss the limitations of the clinical trial population in relation to predicting the
safety of the medicinal product(s) in real life use. If difficult to populate for e.g. for bibliographic
applications or where the applicant does not have access to original trial data, the Applicant is
encouraged to include any relevant data that the Applicant has access to, even if these are limited to
the inclusion/exclusion criteria listed in published studies which are publicly available.
This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content for RMPs submitted with initial marketing
authorisation applications involving:
o Generic medicinal products;
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o Hybrid medicinal products;
o Fixed combination medicinal products with no new active substance;
o “Well established medicinal use” medicinal products.
For fixed combination medicinal products with a new active substance, the focus of this module should
be on the data generated for the new active substance.
SIV.1 Exclusion criteria in pivotal clinical studies within the
development programme
Discuss the important exclusion criteria in the pivotal clinical studies across the development
Reason for exclusion:
Is it considered to be included as missing information?: <Yes>/<No>
Rationale: (if not included as missing information)
SIV.2 Limitations to detect adverse reactions in clinical trial
development programmes
It is assumed that the clinical trial development programme is unable to detect certain kinds of
adverse reactions. In these circumstances, please add a simple statement indicating the particular
limitations of the programme (choose options that apply):
<The clinical development programme is unlikely to detect certain types of adverse reactions such as
<rare adverse reactions>, < adverse reactions with a long latency>, or those caused by <prolonged>
or <cumulative exposure>.
Or, if this assumption is not correct, briefly discuss the level of detection for the clinical trial
programme conducted.
SIV.3 Limitations in respect to populations typically under-represented
in clinical trial development programmes
This section aims to present the size of the safety database in each of the populations that are under-
Some populations are often excluded or under-represented in clinical trials. For each of the line in the
table below, indicate the information on the low exposure of or the lack thereof (e.g. the number of
subjects included and total person years of follow-up in the clinical development programme) for the
medicinal product(s) covered in this RMP, if available and as appropriate.
Table SIV.2: Exposure of special populations included or not in clinical trial development programmes
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Type of special population
Please indicate if included in pre-authorisation
clinical development program:
Total number of subjects and person time.
Do not include clinical trials inclusion/exclusion
Pregnant women <not included in the clinical development program>
In most cases, person time exposure data can be
omitted for this population
Breastfeeding women
Patients with relevant comorbidities:
Patients with hepatic impairment
Patients with renal impairment
Patients with cardiovascular impairment
Immunocompromised patients
Patients with a disease severity different from
inclusion criteria in clinical trials
<not included in the clinical development program>
The degree of impairment should be specified, if
Population with relevant different ethnic origin <not included in the clinical development program>
Subpopulations carrying relevant genetic
<not included in the clinical development program>
Type of genetic polymorphism should be specified,
if available
If applicable, other special population under-
represented in clinical trials which are relevant for
the targeted indication if the safety profile is
expected to be different to the general population.
<not included in the clinical development program>
Part II: Module SV - Post-authorisation experience
This module is normally empty before the granting of the Marketing Authorisation unless post-
marketing data are available from post-authorisation experience in other regions outside EU where the
product is already authorised or from other authorised medicinal products containing the same active
substance from the same marketing authorisation holder.
This section should only provide an overview of exposure in the post-authorisation phase for risk
management planning purposes. It is not the intention to duplicate post authorisation experience
information from PSURs but to provide high-level information on the number of patients exposed post
A discussion on how the medicinal product is being used in practice and on-label and off-label use,
including use in the special populations mentioned in RMP module SIV, can also be included when
relevant for the risk identification discussion in module SVII.
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Where appropriate and relevant for the discussion in SVII, data on use in markets outside the EU from
indications not authorised in EU should also be summarised, and the implications for the authorisation
in the EU should be discussed.
This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content in the same situations as Module SIV,
described above.
SV.1 Post-authorisation exposure
When available, worldwide data on patients exposed post marketing should be provided. For post-
marketing RMP updates, this section should be updated only when the cumulative post-marketing
exposure changes to a degree where the considerations on the risk evaluation need also to be updated
(e.g. population exposed in a new indication). Details and methods used to calculate person- and
person-time exposure should be briefly presented; however, this section is not intended to duplicate
the information already available in the PSUR and should only be presented as an overview.
The standard method to calculate exposure based on the posology of the product and/or treatment
cycles and sales and global exposure data presented in an aggregated form would not be deemed to be
commercially confidential and thus would not be redacted in case of a access to document request
(unless a detailed justification is provided which demonstrate how the release of the data would
undermine the commercial interests or competitive position of the company)
. The redaction would be
accepted for data pertaining to national exposure data, if proposed.
SV.1.1 Method used to calculate exposure
If different methods have been used to calculate exposure for some tables, this section should be
repeated before each of the relevant table(s).
SV.1.2 Exposure
It is acknowledged that post-marketing data will most likely not be available by age group or by
gender but, when available, this should be provided. Total exposure and exposure by indication should
always be presented.
Table SV.1: Exposure table by indication, <gender>, <age group>, <region>
The categories provided may follow template from GVP Module VII Periodic safety update report
and the PSUR table(s) can be reused in this RMP module. Other relevant variables should be used if
relevant for the risk identification discussion, e.g. duration of treatment.
If possible, use in the EU should be broken down by country or sales area. Exposure from areas
outside of the EU for indications different than those approved or proposed in the EU should be
presented as a separate section in the table, if exposure in such patients is relevant for the safety
discussion for the EU indication.
Indication Sex Age (years) Dose Formulation Region
EMEA/743133/2009: HMA/EMA Recommendations on the handling of requests for access to Periodic Safety Update
Reports (PSURs); available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
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e.g. 2 to ≤16
e.g. >16 to 65
e.g. >65
e.g. unknown
e.g. <40
e.g. Unknown
e.g. Intravenous
e.g. Oral
e.g. EU country
e.g. Non EU country
e.g. Other
Part II: Module SVI - Additional EU requirements for the
safety specification
Potential for misuse for illegal purposes
Discuss the potential for misuse for illegal purposes, e.g. as a recreational drug or to facilitate assault.
Discuss the means of limiting this in the risk minimisation plan where appropriate, e.g. limited pack
size, controlled access programme, special medical prescription etc.
This module may not be applicable or have a reduced content in the same situations as Modules SIV-
SV, described above.
Part II: Module SVII - Identified and potential risks
The safety profile of the product should be concisely presented, as it is known at the time of the RMP
data lock point. Relevant information for the identification of important identified and important
potential risks and any relevant updates on missing information should be discussed (see GVP Module
V section V.A.1). If they have not already been provided in the previous sections, provide appropriate
eCTD links or references to the primary data informing the discussion here.
The identification of the important identified and important potential risks in this section to be
addressed in the RMP should not be a copy paste of tables or lists of adverse reactions from clinical
trials or of sections 4.4 and 4.8 of the SmPC, as the safety concerns to be included in this section of
the RMP should be considered important (see GVP Module V section V.A.1).
For RMPs including multiple substances and/or medicinal products
and where there may be significant
differences in the important identified and important potential risks or missing information for different
substances/ medicinal products, it is appropriate to make it clear which safety concerns relate to which
substance/ medicinal product. Categories to be considered include safety concerns relating to the
active substance, safety concerns related to a specific formulation or route of administration and safety
concerns associated with a switch to non-prescription status.
Exceptionally, if agreed with the competent authority and where needed for risk management planning
purposes, the safety specification may include additional elements if they are resulting in important
identified risk, important potential risk or missing information such as:
The disposal of the product where it might pose a particular risk because of remaining active
substance (e.g. patches);
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Innovative pharmaceutical forms (e.g. to contain a higher percentage of active substance
which reduces the dose burden for patient and related side effects; long-term delivery gastric-
resident dosage forms for ultra-long-acting drug delivery may improve patients adherence to
treatment and to reduce the gastro-intestinal side effect);
Use with a medical device and risks associated with the medical device;
Quality aspects relevant in relation to the safety of the product and not adequately addressed
at time of marketing authorisation (e.g. investigation of other methods to improve the
quality/composition of the product to address adverse events related to it).
See GVP Module V section V.B.5.8. for the safety topics derived from specific situations/data sources
which are thought to be of particular interest to be discussed in module SVII when they lead to risks of
the medicinal product, as appropriate.
Advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP): Article 14(2)
of Regulation (EC) No 1394/2007 provides
for a specific framework for RMP for advanced therapy medicinal products (ATMP). The marketing
authorisation applicants/holders should adapt the risk management plans of ATMP, considering and
discussing the anticipated post-authorisation follow-up needs, focusing on particularities of these
medicinal products. The specific RMP content requirements for ATMP should be discussed with the
competent authority before the submission. Further guidance on the safety and efficacy follow-up and
risk management requirements for ATMP is provided on the Agency website
. See the Guideline on
Safety and Efficacy Follow-up Risk Management of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products
for risks
to be considered in drafting the safety specification.
For hybrid medicinal products
, the requirements are based on risk proportionality principle, addressing
the differences with the “originator” product.
Generic medicinal products and fixed combination medicinal products with no new active substance
This module is applicable for all initial marketing authorisation applications except for applications for
generic medicinal products and fixed combination medicinal products with no new active substance, if
there is a RMP available for the reference medicinal product or when the reference medicinal product
does not have an RMP but the safety concerns of the substance are published on the CMDh website
In case a reference medicinal product has published RMP/summary of the RMP on the EMA
national competent authorities’ website or the safety concerns for a substance/reference product are
published on the CMDh
website, than the safety concerns should be based on it. If discrepancies
exist between approved RMPs and/or lists of safety concerns for the same active substance, then the
applicant is expected to propose and justify the most appropriate safety specification for their
medicinal product. Exceptionally, the applicant for a new generic medicinal product may add, reclassify
or remove safety concerns compared with the safety profile of the reference product if this is
appropriately justified.
See www.ema.europa.eu; further ATMP-specific guidance is being developed
EMEA/149995/2008; available on EMA website http://www.ema.europa.eu
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In case of any changes to the already included information in the published CMDh list, the marketing
authorisation holder should provide the information to CMDh using the instructions on their website
once the RMP is approved.
In very exceptional circumstances, if Module SVII is not applicable and a change in the safety
specification is proposed, include the following:
<Justification of <new safety concerns> <and/or reclassification> with a submission of this RMP in
comparison with the reference medicinal product published on <EMA/national competent
authority/CMDh> website>:
Please consider that the text in this section will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
<<Risk 1> is a new <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing information>>
<<Risk 2> previously classified as <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing
information> is to be reclassified as <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing
information> or <is removed from the list of safety concerns>>
<Changes in the level of scientific evidence for the causal association or risk-benefit impact including
risk factors and risk groups use text from SmPC and discuss briefly>
SVII.1 Identification of safety concerns in the initial RMP submission
This section is expected to be submitted only for initial marketing authorisation applications, “locked”
and not change after the approval of the initial RMP.
Whether a risk is considered identified risk or potential risk would depend on the strength of evidence
supporting the causal association with the medicinal product.
From the identified risks
of the medicinal product, the RMP should address only the risks that are an
undesirable clinical outcome and for which there is sufficient scientific evidence that they are caused by
the medicinal product.
Risks for adverse reactions may be identified from multiple sources such as non-clinical findings
confirmed by clinical data; clinical trials, epidemiological studies, spontaneously reported data and
published literature, for example:
An adverse reaction recorded in a well-designed randomised clinical trial in excess of the
placebo comparator would generally be considered as an identified risk if the criterion on
clinical outcome is also fulfilled;
For some adverse reactions (e.g. laboratory abnormalities), the identified risk may be the
clinical outcome of the adverse reaction, if these have been observed (e.g. associated with
such laboratory abnormality). For example: the identified risk of bleeding due to abnormal INR
range/thrombocytopenia, the identified risk of infection due to neutropenia, the identified risk
of hypotension/ lipothymia/ renal failure due to adverse reactions such as dehydration as a
consequence of vomiting and/or diarrhoea, the identified risk of cardiac arrhythmia due to
coronary vasospasm or Torsade de Pointes due to QTc prolongation.
From the potential risks of the medicinal product, the RMP should address only the risks with
undesirable clinical outcomes and for which there is scientific evidence to suspect the possibility of a
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causal relationship with the medicinal product, but where there is currently insufficient evidence to
conclude that this association is causal. For example:
Where the supposition is based on more than theoretical considerations, may include signals
that have been evaluated with an indeterminate outcome (i.e. which can be neither refuted nor
confirmed), a class effect plausible also for a new medicinal product, findings from non-clinical
studies which have not been observed in clinical studies, or undesirable clinical outcomes
observed in clinical trials or epidemiological studies for which there is not yet enough evidence
to support a causal relation (e.g. due to low number of events or unexpected incidence rates in
comparator groups).
SVII.1.1. Risks not considered important for inclusion in the list of safety concerns in the
Not all adverse reactions are necessarily considered a risk for the medicinal product in a given
therapeutic context and not all risks qualify as important to be included in the list of safety concerns
for the purpose of risk management planning (see GVP Module V section V.A.1). For example:
“Transient low-grade headache” is an adverse reaction listed in section 4.8 of the SmPC, but it
is not associated to a relevant risk.
Reversible alopecia”, “itchy rash” or “transient reduced fertility” of a medicinal product
indicated for the treatment of life-threating oncologic diseases are risks that could have an
impact on the quality of life. However, the clinical impact of these risks on patients is
considered minimal in relation to the severity of the indication treated and these risks should
therefore not be classified as important.
The risk of irreversible reduction of fertilityis not considered important for a medicinal
product almost exclusively used in a patient population aged > 60 years given the therapeutic
Some risks are already well-known to health professionals and do not require additional
pharmacovigilance activities or additional risk minimisation measures. For example, in cases
where health professionals are already aware of the risk of anaphylactic reactions and have the
appropriate measures in place as part of clinical practice, anaphylactic reactions may not need
to be included as an important risk.
Reason for not including an identified or potential risk in the list of safety concerns in the
The justification for non-inclusion should be provided. The reasons can be grouped as described in
examples below. Information on seriousness, frequency, or adherence to standard clinical practice (in
each EU Member state where the product is already authorised) should be provided to support the
proposed classification, as appropriate:
<Risks with minimal clinical impact on patients (in relation to the severity of the indication treated):>
<List of risks>
<Adverse reactions with clinical consequences, even serious, but occurring with a low frequency and
considered to be acceptable in relation to the severity of the indication treated:>
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<List of risks>
<Known risks that require no further characterisation and are followed up via routine
pharmacovigilance namely through signal detection and adverse reaction reporting, and for which the
risk minimisation messages in the product information are adhered by prescribers (e.g. actions being
part of standard clinical practice in each EU Member state where the product is authorised):>
<List of risks>
<Known risks that do not impact the risk-benefit profile>
<List of risks>
<Other reasons for considering the risks not important:>
<List of risks>
SVII.1.2. Risks considered important for inclusion in the list of safety concerns in the RMP
For risks included in the list of safety concerns of the medicinal product(s) for the purpose of risk
management planning, the scientific evidence that has led to the inclusion should be briefly discussed.
Further details on the safety concerns should be provided in section SVII.3.
Important risks to be included in the RMP are those risks which are already characterised and
confirmed to have an impact on the risk-benefit balance of the medicinal product or those that, when
further characterised and if confirmed to be associated with the medicinal product, would have an
impact on the risk-benefit balance. These risks would usually warrant further evaluation as part of the
pharmacovigilance plan or risk minimisation activities, either routine or additional.
<Important Identified Risk 1>:
Examples of important identified risks are:
If an adverse reaction which is an important identified risk for an active comparator occurs at a
similar or higher frequency with the new medicinal product in a clinical trial, this suggests that
the adverse reaction may also be an important identified risk for the new medicinal product.
For a medicinal product on the market for years, drug-induced liver injury was identified as a
new adverse reaction after a referral procedure and considered to have a major impact on the
benefit risk. Warnings in section 4.4. of the SmPC have been implemented and the
recommendation to perform regular liver function tests have been added to the SmPC as a
precautionary measure in the post-marketing period. “Hepatotoxicity” or a similar term should
be classified as an important identified risk.
Neutropenia of
grade 3 and serious infections with fatal outcome were observed in clinical
trials prior marketing authorisation of an oral “first-in-classmedication. Regular blood counts
are recommended, according to the SmPC, to minimise the risk of serious infections. As oral
medications are very likely to be used in an out-of-hospital setting and it is unclear whether
this risk minimisation will be effective, “serious infections” should be included as an important
identified risk.
Cardiac disorders with life-threating outcome were identified as being causally related to a
medicinal product in clinical trials prior marketing authorisation. However, an accurate
estimation of frequency was not possible from clinical trial data as the clinical trial population
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was too small and, therefore, a PASS investigating frequency of the risk was imposed. Cardiac
disorders should be classified as an important identified risk.
If a serious adverse reaction was identified in clinical trials (e.g. Stevens Johnson Syndrome)
and, at the time of the initial marketing authorisation application, the incidence is considered
acceptable for a positive risk-benefit balance, routine pharmacovigilance activities could be
considered sufficient to monitor this risk assuming that the event is appropriately managed by
health professionals in clinical practice. The periodic risk-benefit evaluation (e.g. PSUR) will
therefore discuss the findings from spontaneous reporting and provide an evaluation on
whether the frequency of the event is higher than expected. However, if a signal is raised
following the use in clinical practice, the identified risk would be considered as an important
identified risk and additional pharmacovigilance activities should be considered to provide an
accurate estimate of the frequency and inform the risk-benefit evaluation.
Risk-benefit impact:
present the reasons for this classification, consider seriousness, frequency and
severity as determinants, e.g.:
Serious adverse reactions (as described in GVP Annex I Definitions) that result in death, are
life-threatening, result in persistent or significant disability or incapacity, or are a congenital
anomaly/birth defect, if not prevented or managed appropriately;
Common adverse reactions that are so severe (Grade 3-4) that it may lead to a serious
outcome, discontinuing the treatment and/or reducing the efficacy of the medicinal product, if
not managed appropriately, even if the adverse reaction is not serious;
Severe adverse reactions occurring with high frequency in the targeted population that could
have a severe impact on the patient (e.g. depression could significantly impact the quality of
life and it could also lead to the potential risk of suicide, therefore, it could be classified as in
important identified risk).
<Important Potential Risk 1>:
Examples of important potential risks are:
QTc prolongation is a known adverse reaction of another medicinal product of the same class,
observed in clinical trials and included in section 4.8 of the SmPC; however, no events of
Torsade de Pointes have been observed in the clinical development programme or the
magnitude of QTc prolongation is lower than normally associated with Torsade de pointes.
Consequently, “Torsade de pointes” would be an important potential risk;
When neutropenia is a listed adverse reaction, “serious infections” can still be classified as an
important potential risk even if there is not yet enough clinical evidence of serious infections
associated with neutropenia.
When there is a high likelihood of off-label use and a safety issue has been identified as
derived from such use, if this risk is not already an important identified or potential risk for the
target population (GVP Module V Section V.B.5.8.), the specific risk should be included as an
important potential risk. Whenever possible, its name should be specific.
For example,severe bleeding [in off-label paediatric use]” should be used rather than
the unspecific term “off-label use in childrenif bleeding is not already included as an
important identified or potential risk.
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Other unspecific terms for which reference should be made to the particular risk, when
possible, arelong-term useor “medication error”.
A treatment has been proven effective only in adults (e.g. because the disease is very rare in
children and, therefore, data in children could not be gathered and the medicinal product is
likely to be ineffective or unsafe in this population). However, a high risk of off-label use in
children related to the absence of effective and safe treatments in this patient population has
been identified post-marketing. The potential safety harm to children resulted from the likely
off-label use should be discussed in the RMP, a safety concern in the form of an important
potential risk related to the specific safety concern should be considered, and paediatric post-
marketing safety studies may therefore be a suitable pharmacovigilance activity, despite the
restricted indication in adults.
In animal studies, carcinogenicity was observed at clinically relevant exposures of a new
medicinal product or the occurrence of secondary malignancy in humans after exposure is
plausible based on the mechanistic properties of the medicinal product. However, the study
observation period was too short or the study population was too small to establish a causal
relation. “Secondary malignancies” should be considered to be added as an important potential
Based on the characteristics and the mechanistic properties of a medicinal product, abuse of a
medicinal product is possible and would lead to significant consequences such as addiction and
death from overdosing. Nevertheless, abuse has not yet been observed. Risk from
abuse/misuse should be listed as an important potential risk.
Risk-benefit impact:
present the reasons for this classification, consider seriousness, frequency and
severity as determinants; consider potential risks when, if confirmed in well-designed post-marketing
studies, they would be classified as important identified risk due to the risk-benefit impact.
<Missing information 1>:
Missing information
for the purpose of the risk management planning refers to gaps in knowledge
about the safety of a medicinal product for certain anticipated utilisation or for use in particular patient
populations within the approved indication, for which there is insufficient medicinal product exposure to
determine whether the safety profile differs from that characterised so far (see GVP Module V section
V.A.1). For example:
Use in subpopulations not studied (e.g. exclusion of a subpopulation from clinical studies) but within
the approved indication: the absence of data itself does not automatically constitute a safety concern;
instead, a scientific rationale for anticipating a different safety profile in the particular subpopulation
/use is needed for the inclusion of that subpopulation as missing information, or that further data
collection is warranted of another reason e.g.:
Patients with severe renal impairment were excluded from clinical trials, and the medicinal
product is not contraindicated in this population; if the pharmacokinetic profile may be
different in the excluded population (based on knowledge of the pharmacokinetic profile or the
known mechanism of action) further data collection/ studies in such population are considered
warranted. The safety concern should be classified as missing information “use in patients with
renal impairment”;
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A medicinal product is initially approved for treatment of adults and, subsequently, it is
approved for treatment of the same disease in children based on a small clinical study in
(e.g. deferred paediatric development for selected age groups/indications). The
approval is justified based on an extrapolation to the adult experience, both in terms of efficacy
and safety. There are no specific safety concerns in children, as compared to the adult
population. However, long-term safety data have not been studied at all in this population. In
such case, ‘long term safety in children’ may be included as missing information. As limited
data have been available at the time of marketing authorisation, a paediatric PASS should be
considered as a suitable method of collecting post-approval safety data in children.
In principle, the safety concern derived from the specific situations/data sources described in GVP
Module V Section V.B.5.8. should be specified rather than using the unspecific term (“off-label use”;
“medication error”) if possible. For instance:
When a certain population has explicitly been excluded from the approved indication, but off-
label use in this population is anticipated and a specific safety concern is associated with off-
label use, then this specific safety issue should also be discussed in the RMP and considered to
be added as a safety concern. e.g. cardiac safety in patients with prior significant cardiac
When there are potential risks related to cumulative or long-term exposure, e.g.: for a
medicinal product, ototoxicity after long term use is a concern based on theoretical
considerations, non-clinical data, and/or class effects, but long-term data is missing. There has
been little or no long-term use of the medicine in clinical development. The particular concern
of ototoxicity should be included in the RMP as a potential risk and long-term use should be
added as missing information.
Risk-benefit impact:
what are the reasons for this classification; what is the data that is still required to
be gathered post-authorisation.
SVII.2 New safety concerns and reclassification with a submission of an
updated RMP
This section applies to RMP updates after the granting of the marketing authorisation. When an
important identified or potential risk or missing information is re-classified or removed, a justification
should be provided in this RMP section, with appropriate reference to the safety data. The information
included in this section may take the form of a statement describing a previous regulatory request,
with a reference to the procedure where such request was formulated.
<<Risk 1> is a new <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing information>>
<<Risk 2> previously classified as <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing
information> is to be reclassified as <important identified risk> <important potential risk> <missing
information> or <is removed from the list of safety concerns>>
Reasons for the reclassification/removal/addition to the list of safety concerns:
<Changes in the level of scientific evidence for the causal association or risk-benefit impact >
For new proposals from the marketing authorisation holder: Discuss briefly the level of scientific
evidence that has led to this re-classification/removal, e.g. consider also seriousness and frequency as
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determinants (see examples in SVII.1). Further details on the safety concerns should be provided in
section SVII.3, if applicable.
or <Previous regulatory request>
Include procedure number and link/reference to the procedure submission where such request was
Further details on the safety concerns should be provided in section SVII.3, if applicable.
SVII.3 Details of important identified risks, important potential risks, and
missing information
This section applies to all stages of the product life cycle. Data should be provided considering all
possible sources, e.g. clinical trials from the current application (or from the originator, in case of
hybrids or generics); literature, post-marketing data, etc. Do not cross reference other applications.
SVII.3.1. Presentation of important identified risks and important potential risks
<Important Identified/Potential Risk>: (using MedDRA terms when appropriate. Generally, only
one MedDRA PT or SMQ is expected. Use verbatim if no MedDRA term adequately captures the given
term. This list should not include the extensive list of PTs/LLTs used for MAH signal detection)
Potential mechanisms:
Provide plausible biological mechanisms on how the administration of the medicinal product could lead
to the event.
Evidence source(s) and strength of evidence:
Provide a brief summary of the main reasons for considering the risk as an important identified or
important potential risk. Please consider that this text will be included verbatim in the RMP public
Characterisation of the risk:
Describe the frequency, absolute risk, relative risk, severity, reversibility, long-term outcomes, and
impact on quality of life, as applicable.
For frequency, state clearly:
Frequency parameter used e.g. incidence or reporting rates;
Confidence intervals;
Data source e.g. randomised clinical trial population, epidemiological study, post-marketing
reporting data.
For important identified risks incidence should be presented for the whole population and relevant
subpopulation with differences discussed, if appropriate.
Risk factors and risk groups:
Describe patient factors, dose-related, at risk period, additive or synergistic factors. Please consider
that this text will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
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Provide data on predictability of a risk, factors that could increase the risk of an adverse reaction and
how to minimise these, possibility of detection at an early stage which could mitigate seriousness.
When additional risk minimisation measures are proposed or are in place, make reference to the
specific section in Part V where the measures are being described.
Impact on the risk-benefit balance of the product:
Describe the actual impact and the expected impact on the risk-benefit balance if the risk is further
characterised (e.g. via pharmacovigilance plan and/or risk minimisation measures in place). It is
expected that these new data confirms the presumed concerns (i.e. risk is minimised)?
Public health impact:
The purpose is to estimate how many events of a specific AE (safety concern) are to be expected in
post-marketing. Where available, describe the absolute risk (incidence rate) in relation to the size of
the target population and consequently actual number of individuals affected or describe the overall
outcome expected on the population level.
SVII.3.2. Presentation of the missing information
Include only the missing information which has been selected to be part of the list of safety concerns.
<Missing information>: (using MedDRA terms when appropriate or population name. Generally, only
one MedDRA PT or SMQ is expected. Use verbatim if no MedDRA term adequately captures the given
term. This list is not meant to refer to the list of terms to be used when querying the MAH database)
Evidence source:
Describe any evidence that the safety profile is expected to be different from that in the general target
Select from following options:
Population in need of further characterisation:
If risks cannot be defined based on available evidence
Anticipated risk/consequence of the missing information:
Describe the risk anticipated in the population not studied.
Describe the population followed up for further characterisation.
Part II: Module SVIII - Summary of the safety concerns
A summary of the safety concerns identified in previous Module SVII of Part II should be provided.
The summary should be provided for each medicinal product included in the RMP, if the list of safety
concerns is different for different medicinal products.
This module is applicable for all initial marketing authorisation applications.
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Table SVIII.1: Summary of safety concerns
Summary of safety concerns
Important identified risks
Important potential risks
Missing information
Part III: Pharmacovigilance Plan (including post-
authorisation safety studies)
The Pharmacovigilance plan should provide details of pharmacovigilance activities/studies intended to
identify and/or further characterise safety concerns and studies measuring the effectiveness of risk
minimisation measures where such studies are required.
This part is applicable for all initial marketing authorisation applications.
III.1 Routine pharmacovigilance activities
Routine pharmacovigilance is the primary/minimum set of activities required to fulfil the legal
requirements for pharmacovigilance contained in Directive 2001/83/EC and Regulation (EC) No
726/2004. The Pharmacovigilance System Master File describing these activities is not required to be
repeated in the RMP. Signal detection, which is part of routine pharmacovigilance, will be an important
element in identifying new risks for all medicinal products but should not be discussed here.
For well characterised safety concerns, routine pharmacovigilance may be sufficient.
Part III.1 should only include a brief description of the routine pharmacovigilance activities beyond
adverse reaction reporting and signal detection (see examples in the GVP Module V, section V.B.6.1.).
In general terms, activities which are mandatory for all products and included in the pharmacovigilance
system master file do not need to be included here.
Routine pharmacovigilance activities beyond adverse reactions reporting and signal detection:
Specific adverse reaction follow-up questionnaires for <safety concerns>:
Provide the purpose and a description of the materials used when specific questionnaires to obtain
structured information on reported suspected adverse reactions of special interest are required.
Describe by type of activity and not by safety concern.
The forms should be provided in Annex 4 of the RMP.
Other forms of routine pharmacovigilance activities for <safety concerns>:
This includes the description of following activities including objectives and milestones, e.g. enhanced
passive surveillance high level description, observed versus expected analyses, cumulative reviews of
adverse events of interest. Describe by type of activity and not by safety concern.
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III.2 Additional pharmacovigilance activities
The Applicant/Marketing authorisation holder should describe additional pharmacovigilance activities
such as non-clinical, clinical or epidemiological (non-interventional or interventional) studies, and
explain why they are needed. e.g.:
Long-term follow-up extensions of ongoing clinical trial(s);
Cohort studies to provide additional characterisation of the long term safety of the medicinal
Further effort to evaluate the missing data.
For generic medicinal products, the pharmacovigilance plan will reflect their outstanding needs for
pharmacovigilance investigations at the time of their approval.
Studies in the pharmacovigilance plan should relate to the safety concerns identified in the safety
specification irrespective of whether the studies are to identify and characterise important
risks/missing information, or to assess the effectiveness of additional risk minimisation activities using
behavioural or safety outcome indicators.
Tabulated summary of on-going and completed pharmacovigilance study programme should be
provided in Annex 2.
Protocols for studies in the pharmacovigilance plan should be provided in Annex 3 of the RMP until
completion of the study and submission to the competent authorities of the final study report.
When any doubt exists about the need for additional pharmacovigilance activities, consultation with a
competent authority should be considered. Further guidance on the conduct of post-authorisation
safety studies (PASS) is provided in the GVP Module VIII.
For all safety studies imposed as condition of the marketing authorisation (category 1), as specific
obligations in the context of a marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances or conditional
marketing authorisation (category 2), or required by the competent authority (category 3) complete
the following summary. This should not be a duplication of the protocol synopsis, but it should be
detailed enough to be able to inform what the study will add to further characterise the safety profile of
the product. It should be also consistent with the study description provided in table III.3 and should
<PASS short name> summary
Study short name and title:
e.g. EPI-PM-006 - Medicinal Product observational cohort safety study in immunocompromised patients
Please consider that the text of the study title will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
Rationale and study objectives:
Indicate the rationale for conducting the study (include also all the safety concerns addressed).
Present briefly the study objectives.
Please consider that the text in this section will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
Study design:
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State the study design. e.g. randomised clinical trial extension, observational chart-review, cohort
study, self-controlled case series
Study population:
Present briefly the population included in the study, in line with the inclusion and exclusion criteria.
Include all requested milestones for reporting to the regulatory authorities (e.g. protocol submission,
interim reports, and final report submission) as well as major milestones from study protocol (e.g.
registration in the EU PAS register, start/end of data collection, interim progress reports, final study
report completion, date of publication).
III.3 Summary Table of additional Pharmacovigilance activities
This section should be a complete overview of all on-going and planned categories 1-3 safety studies
included in the Pharmacovigilance Plan, regardless of whether they were designed to assess the safety
of the medicinal product, or the effectiveness of the risk minimisation measures.
Information on the study population should be part of the information provided in the study objectives
as indicated in the example tabulation e.g. to evaluate the long term safety of adult/ paediatric/
adolescent/ elderly/ very elderly patients with Type 1 diabetes.
Clear milestones and due dates should be provided (e.g. submission of final study report by
31/01/2018). Submission of interim results or other intermediate milestones (e.g. submission of a
draft protocol) is not expected unless explicitly requested by the competent authority; such request
would need to be documented in the RMP and the relevant intermediate milestones/due dates added.
Final report due dates should be provided for all studies included in the table below. This date should
be in accordance with Annex IID/IIE conditions for studies category 1 and 2, respectively.
If a study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of risk minimisation measures, this needs to be made
explicit in the study summary of objectives.
Table Part III.1: On-going and planned additional pharmacovigilance activities
Examples of activities are provided in green in the table, to guide on the level of the detail expected.
Not all milestones are applicable for all studies, and not all products will have studies from all
categories. Do not include empty rows if no study is planned for a Category.
Study (study
short name, and
Summary of objectives
Safety concerns
(required by
Due dates
Category 1 - Imposed mandatory additional pharmacovigilance activities which are conditions of the
marketing authorisation (key to benefit risk)
LE observational
cohort safety study
(study LE123)
To evaluate over a minimum of 1
year the incidence of all-cause
mortality and adverse events of
special interest in patients with
lupus erythematosus.
- serious infections
(including non-serious
and serious
infections and PML)
- malignancies
(including non-
melanoma skin cancer)
- serious infusion
Final report
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Study (study
short name, and
Summary of objectives
Safety concerns
(required by
Due dates
- hypersensitivity
- serious psychiatric
events (mood
disorders, anxiety and
Long-term safety
registry (Study
To evaluate the incidence of all-
cause mortality and adverse
events of special interest in
patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus, using data from a
long-term safety registry where all
patients are followed for a
minimum of 5 years,
- serious infections
(including opportunistic
infections and PML)
- selected serious
psychiatric events
- malignancies
non-melanoma skin
Final report
Category 2Imposed mandatory additional pharmacovigilance activities which are Specific Obligations
in the context of a conditional marketing authorisation or a marketing authorisation under exceptional
circumstances (key to benefit risk)
Long term safety
• To further evaluate the long-
term safety profile of <product> in
the treatment of patients with
<…> when used under conditions
of routine clinical care
• To further evaluate the long-
term effectiveness of <…> in the
treatment of patients with <…>
when used under conditions of
routine clinical care
• To quantify discontinuation of
treatment due to adverse events
or due to lack of or loss of
therapeutic response.
• To further elucidate the risk of
abnormal liver function tests and
- Long term safety
- Use in populations
not studied in clinical
trials: pregnancy and
lactation, elderly,
children under 14
years of age, hepatic
impairment, renal
Annual reports
To be
with annual
Category 3 - Required additional pharmacovigilance activities (by the competent authority)
multi-centre registry
study REGAR02
To investigate the association
between the <product> induced
QTc prolongation and possible
predictive factors, and estimate
the incidence of treatment-
emergent adverse events of
special interest.
The study will also monitor the
patterns of drug utilisation for
- Cardiac risk
Annual update
reports on
results will
be provided
Final report
Drug utilisation study
for <product>
To document the real-life use of
the product and to monitor off-
label use.
To measure the effectiveness of
routine risk minimisation
measures, e.g. the compliance
with the SmPC recommendations
on dose reduction in renal
- Safety in renal
impaired patients
-Off-label use in
paediatric population
Final report
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Study (study
short name, and
Summary of objectives
Safety concerns
(required by
Due dates
impaired patients.
To measure the effectiveness of
the educational materials, i.e. the
off-label use in paediatric
Post-approval safety
surveillance program
for lot-specific
adverse events Q-
To evaluate any potential change
in the frequency of
hypersensitivity, immunogenicity
or lack of drug effect events.
Changes in the
frequency of
hypersensitivity and
immunogenicity events
with the altered
manufacturing process
Final report
2 years
following the
expiry of the
first released
Data collection from
participation in the
To monitor the treatment safety
of <indication>
- Inhibitor development
- Thromboembolic
- Serious allergic
reactions or
Regular updates
Data will be
reviewed on
an on-going
basis as a
part of
and reported
Part IV: Plans for post-authorisation efficacy studies
Include a list of the planned and on-going imposed post-authorisation efficacy studies, i.e. imposed by
the competent authority as a condition of marketing authorisation or which are Specific Obligations in
the context of conditional marketing authorisation or marketing authorisation under exceptional
Protocol(s) should be provided in Annex 5.
If not such studies are required, this part may be left empty.
Table Part IV.1: Planned and on-going post-authorisation efficacy studies that are conditions of the
marketing authorisation or that are specific obligations.
Examples of activities are provided in green in the table, to guide on the level of the detail expected.
Not all milestones are applicable for all studies. Submission of intermediate milestones imposed by the
competent authority should be included. Final study report due dates should always be included in
accordance with Annex II conditions.
Please consider that text from the table below will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
Study (study short
name and title),
Status (planned, on-
Summary of objectives
Due Date
Efficacy studies which are conditions of the marketing authorisation
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Study (study short
name and title),
Status (planned, on-
Summary of objectives
Due Date
Extension of clinical trial
for <product>(SUMACI)
To examine the
5-year efficacy
and safety of
<product>, compared
with reference treatment, in
patients who
received study
treatment in the
pivotal sponsored study
for treatment of
Long term
efficacy and
Final report
Efficacy studies which are Specific Obligations in the context of a conditional marketing authorisation or a
marketing authorisation under exceptional circumstances
External natural history
controlled, open-label
interventional study to
assess the efficacy and
safety of <product> in
the treatment of
<indication>, including
long-term treatment
To further investigate the benefits of
<product> in the treatment of <…>,
To be
submitted with
annual re-
Final report
A global, prospective,
observational study in
the treatment of
To provide a report of descriptive
data on 1000 patients including 200
patients treated with <product>
Long term
efficacy and
Final report
Part V: Risk minimisation measures (including evaluation of
the effectiveness of risk minimisation activities)
This part is applicable for all initial marketing authorisation applications.
Risk Minimisation Plan
For initial marketing authorisation applications for generic, hybrid medicinal products and fixed
combination product with no new active substance, if the medicinal product does not have additional
risk minimisation activities, the following statement may be sufficient and sections V.1 V.3 may not
be applicable:
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<The safety information in the proposed product information is aligned to the reference medicinal
However, if new important risks have been identified for the submitted product, the risk minimisation
activities for such safety concerns should be presented in Part V, following the same requirements as
for a full marketing authorisation application. If the originator medicinal product does have additional
risk minimisation activities, a full Part V is required for these medicinal products.
Further guidance on risk minimisation measures can be found in GVP Module XVI and GVP Module XVI
Addendum I Educational materials.
V.1. Routine Risk Minimisation Measures
Include all safety concerns from Part II: Module SVIII.
This section may not be applicable for initial marketing authorisation applications for generic, hybrid
medicinal products and fixed combination product with no new active substance, where the originator
product does not have additional risk minimisation activities.
Table Part V.1: Description of routine risk minimisation measures by safety concern
Safety concern Routine risk minimisation activities
Please provide the following information, as applicable:
<Safety concern 1>
<Routine risk communication:>
Provide only reference to SmPC/PL section(s) (do not copy the complete
SmPC/PL wording):
e.g. <SmPC section 4.8.>
e.g. <PL section 4>
<Routine risk minimisation activities recommending specific clinical measures
to address the risk:>
Include the specific clinical measures/monitoring information for healthcare
professionals in SmPC or patients in PL:
e.g. <recommendation for liver function monitoring are included in SmPC
sections 4.4>
e.g. <how to detect early signs and symptoms of serious infections in PL
sections 2 and 3>
<Other routine risk minimisation measures beyond the Product
<Pack size:>
e.g. when the amount of medicine in a pack helps ensuring that the
medicinal product is used correctly.
<Legal status:>
e.g. restricted medical prescription, special medical prescription,
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categorisation at member states level etc.
<Safety concern 2> <None>
V.2. Additional Risk Minimisation Measures
This section should present the additional risk minimisation measures. The proposed draft key
messages of additional risk minimisation activities should be provided in the RMP Annex 6.
For medicinal products approved non-centrally, in situations where the need for additional risk
minimisation may vary across member states, the RMP can reflect that the need for (and content of)
additional risk minimisation can be agreed at national level.
This section may not be applicable for initial marketing authorisation applications for generic, hybrid
medicinal products and fixed combination medicinal product with no new active substance, where the
originator medicinal product does not have additional risk minimisation activities.
Select from following options:
Statement that there is no need for additional risk minimisation activities
<Routine risk minimisation activities as described in Part V.1 are sufficient to manage the safety
concerns of the medicinal product.>
<Additional risk minimisation 1>
Further extensive guidance on additional risk minimisation measures and on monitoring the
effectiveness of risk minimisation activities is provided in GVP Module XVI, but examples of the
materials most frequently used are included below:
Healthcare Professional and Patient/Carer Guide
The term guide can refer to any descriptive material that educates Healthcare Professional and/or
patients/caregivers about specific risks, and/or their early symptoms, and/or the best course of action
to be taken when these appear beyond the recommendation contained in the Product Information. A
guide may also aim to raise awareness about an on-going (imposed) registry/study, as well as about
the general value of reporting adverse events. Terms such as ‘brochure’, ‘leaflet’ should be avoided
and the term ‘guide’ should be used instead.
Healthcare Professional training material
In case of complex medicinal products, guides may be supplemented with training materials. They are
commonly used to train Healthcare Professional when new complicated administration procedures (e.g.
intra-vitreal injections, imaging diagnostics, ATMPs, etc.) are introduced or diagnostic products are first
authorised, in order to minimise the potential risks associated with performing such procedures.
Prescriber checklist
Used to facilitate patient selection when initiating therapy or repeat prescription is issued, as
appropriate. The checklist should remind prescribers of e.g. a restricted indication, contraindications,
warnings and precautions needed for the use of a medicinal product particularly relating to important
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safety concerns in the SmPC and to facilitate the need for examination of specific aspects of the
patient’s health before initiating treatment and/or during continuous monitoring as appropriate.
Patient diary
It is generally requested to record information on the recommended treatment (e.g. date and/or
outcome of specific tests needed) to facilitate regular monitoring of the patient’s health status with
respect to the medicinal product related safety concerns or particular signs and symptoms that can be
discussed with the Healthcare Professionals. It is useful for the patient to read about precautions
needed to minimise important risks.
Patient alert card
The aim of this tool should be to ensure that special information regarding the patient’s current
therapy and its important risks (e.g. potential life-threatening interactions with other therapies) is held
by the patient at all times and reaches the relevant healthcare professional as appropriate. The
information should be kept to the minimum necessary to convey the key minimisation message(s) and
the required mitigating action, in any circumstances, including emergency. Ability to carry with ease
(e.g. can be fitted in a wallet) should be a key feature of this tool.
Pregnancy prevention programmes
A pregnancy prevention programme (PPP) is a set of interventions aiming to minimise pregnancy
exposure during treatment with a medicinal product with known or potential teratogenic effects. The
scope of such a programme is to ensure that female patients are not pregnant when starting therapy
or do not become pregnant during the course and/or soon after stopping the therapy. It could also
target male patients when use of a medicinal product by the biological father might have a negative
effect on the pregnancy outcome. A PPP combines the use of educational tools with interventions to
control appropriately access to the medicine. Therefore, the following elements should be considered
individually and/or in combination in the development of a PPP.
Educational tools targeting healthcare professionals and patients to inform on the teratogenic risk
and required actions to minimise this risk e.g. guidance on the need to use more than one method of
contraception and guidance on different types of contraceptives; information included for the patient
on how long to avoid pregnancy after treatment is stopped; information for when the male partner is
Controlled access at prescribing or dispensing level to ensure that a pregnancy test is carried out and
negative results are verified by the healthcare professional before prescription or dispensing of the
medicinal product;
Prescription limited to a maximum of 30 days supply;
Counselling in the event of inadvertent pregnancy and evaluation of the outcome of any accidental
Include objectives including a list of risks addressed.
Rationale for the additional risk minimisation activity:
Include justification on why the particular additional risk minimisation is considered needed.
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Target audience and planned distribution path:
Include very brief summary of planned communication plan.
Plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions and criteria for success:
Specify how effectiveness will be measured and provide the criteria for judging success. Milestones for
reporting should be included when effectiveness is evaluated using only routine pharmacovigilance
<Removal of additional risk minimisation activities>
<Rationale for the removal:>
Include justification when an additional risk minimisation activity is proposed to be removed from the
V.3 Summary of risk minimisation measures
Table Part V.3: Summary table of pharmacovigilance activities and risk minimisation activities by
safety concern
Include all safety concerns from Part II: Module SVIII. Examples below are provided in green in the
table, to guide on the level of detail expected. For clarity, a further summary of pharmacovigilance
activities should also be included for clarity.
Although the title of the section makes reference to the risk minimisation activities, to facilitate the
drafting and the publication of the RMP summary, as well as to have an overview of risk management
activities in the RMP, the table also includes pharmacovigilance activities.
Please consider that text from the table below will be included verbatim in the RMP public summary.
This section may not be applicable for initial marketing authorisation applications for generic, hybrid
medicinal products and fixed combination product with no new active substance, where the originator
medicinal product does not have additional risk minimisation activities.
Safety concern Risk minimisation measures Pharmacovigilance activities
<Safety concern
<Routine risk minimisation
Provide only reference to SmPC/PL
section (do not copy the complete
SmPC/PL wording) e.g.:
<SmPC section 4.1 and 4.8>
<SmPC section 4.4 where advice is
given on monitoring the liver
<PL section 2>
<Pack size>
<Additional risk minimisation
measures:> e.g.
Include only a list of elements from the
PhV Plan above
<Routine pharmacovigilance activities
beyond adverse reactions reporting and
signal detection:>
<AE follow-up form for adverse
<Additional pharmacovigilance
<Study short name and
final study report due date>
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Safety concern Risk minimisation measures Pharmacovigilance activities
<Healthcare Professional Guide>
<Patient guide>
<Surgeons’ checklist>
<Rehabilitation Manual>
<No risk minimisation measures>
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Part VI: Summary of the risk management plan
A separate RMP Part VI should be provided for each product in the RMP, but applicants may use the
same RMP part VI if the relevant sections of the summary apply to all products with the same active
substance. As it is a stand-alone document, do not include any references to other parts of eCTD
dossier or other medicinal products published RMP summaries.
This section should be submitted for all initial marketing authorisation applications and all post-
authorisation RMP updates.
When submitting the RMP summary for publication, do not include the title “Part VI: summary of the
risk management plan.” Instead, start on “Summary of risk management plan for <invented name
(s)> (<INN>). The exact layout of the template can be found on the following page.
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Summary of risk management plan for <invented
name(s)> (<INN>)
This summary should be updated to reflect any important change to the RMP
and be consistent with
other RMP parts/modules.
This is a summary of the risk management plan (RMP) for <invented name>. The RMP details
important risks of <invented name>, <how these risks can be minimised>, and how more information
will be obtained about <invented name>'s risks and uncertainties (missing information).
<Invented name>'s summary of product characteristics (SmPC) and its package leaflet give essential
information to healthcare professionals and patients on how <invented name> should be used.
For centrally authorised medicinal product only:
<This summary of the RMP for <invented name> should be read in the context of all this information
including the assessment report of the evaluation and its plain-language summary, all which is part of
the European Public Assessment Report (EPAR)>.
Important new concerns or changes to the current ones will be included in updates of <invented
name>'s RMP.
I. The medicine and what it is used for
<Invented name> is authorised for <indication outline from Table Part I.1Indication(s) in the
EEA> (see SmPC for the full indication). It contains <INN> as the active substance and it is given by
<route of administration from Table Part I.1 “pharmaceutical form(s) and strengths”>.
For centrally authorised medicinal product only:
<Further information about the evaluation of <invented name>’s benefits can be found in <invented
name>’s EPAR, including in its plain-language summary, available on the EMA website, under the
medicine’s webpage <link to the EPAR summary landing page>.
The link to the EPAR summary will be provided to the applicant as part of the cover letter in the CHMP
opinion package. MAHs should use the same link for updates related to post-authorisation procedures.
II. Risks associated with the medicine and activities to
minimise or further characterise the risks
Changes are considered important if they relate to the following: new safety concerns or important changes/removal to a known
safety concerns, major changes to the pharmacovigilance plan (e.g. addition of new studies or completion of ongoing studies), any
‘additional risk minimisation measure’ which is added or removed, routine risk minimisation activities recommending specific clinical
measures to address the risk.
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Important risks of <invented name>, together with measures to minimise such risks and the proposed
studies for learning more about <invented name>'s risks, are outlined below.
Measures to minimise the risks identified for medicinal products can be:
Specific information, such as warnings, precautions, and advice on correct use, in the package
leaflet and SmPC addressed to patients and healthcare professionals;
Important advice on the medicine’s packaging;
The authorised pack size the amount of medicine in a pack is chosen so to ensure that the
medicine is used correctly;
The medicine’s legal status the way a medicine is supplied to the patient (e.g. with or
without prescription) can help to minimise its risks.
Together, these measures constitute routine risk minimisation measures.
Include the sentence below, if the RMP (Part V.2) includes additional risk minimisation measures:
<In the case of <invented name>, these measures are supplemented with additional risk minimisation
measures mentioned under relevant important risks, below>.
In addition to these measures, information about adverse reactions is collected continuously and
regularly analysed <, including PSUR assessment - include PSUR statement only if product has PSUR
requirements> so that immediate action can be taken as necessary. These measures constitute routine
pharmacovigilance activities.
Include the sentence below, if the RMP does contain missing information in the summary of safety
<If important information that may affect the safe use of <invented name> is not yet available, it is
listed under ‘missing information’ below>.
II.A List of important risks and missing information
Important risks of <invented name> are risks that need special risk management activities to further
investigate or minimise the risk, so that the medicinal product can be safely <administered> <taken>.
Important risks can be regarded as identified or potential. Identified risks are concerns for which there
is sufficient proof of a link with the use of <invented name>. Potential risks are concerns for which an
association with the use of this medicine is possible based on available data, but this association has
not been established yet and needs further evaluation. Missing information refers to information on the
safety of the medicinal product that is currently missing and needs to be collected (e.g. on the long-
term use of the medicine);
List of important risks and missing information (from Part II: Module SVIII)
Important identified risks
Important potential risks
Missing information
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II.B Summary of important risks
If Module SVII is not applicable (see Part II Module SVII requirements) and the reference medicinal
product does not have additional risk minimisation activities and no additional pharmacovigilance
activities are requested, include only this statement:
<The safety information in the proposed Product Information is aligned to the reference medicinal
If Module SVII is applicable (see Part II Module SVII requirements) or the reference medicinal product
has additional risk minimisation activities or additional pharmacovigilance activities, provide the
following information for each risk/ missing information:
Module SVII is applicable:
<Important <identified> <potential> risk > or <Missing information>
Evidence for linking the risk
to the medicine
Delete this row for tables
summarising missing
Use text from RMP Part II SVII.3.1 under ‘Evidence
source(s) and strength of evidenceor the corresponding
SVII “Justification of <new safety concerns> <and/or
reclassification> with a submission of this RMP in
comparison with the reference medicinal product published
on <EMA/national competent authority/CMDh> website” if
SVII.3.1. is not applicable
Risk factors and risk groups
Delete this row for tables
summarising missing
Use text from RMP Part II SVII.3.1 under “Risk factors and
risk groups”
<Not applicable> if RMP Part II SVII.3.1 is not applicable
Risk minimisation measures <Routine risk minimisation measures>
Use text from table Part V.3.
<Additional risk minimisation measures>
Use text from table Part V.3.
<No risk minimisation measures>
pharmacovigilance activities
This row should be removed
in case there are no
pharmacovigilance activities
Additional pharmacovigilance activities:
<Short study name>
Use study short name from table Part V.3.
See section II.C of this summary for an overview of the
post-authorisation development plan.
Module SVII is not applicable but there are additional risk minimisation activities or additional
pharmacovigilance activities:
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<Important <identified> <potential> risk 2> or <Missing information>
Fill this table for each risk that have corresponding
additional risk minimisation activities or
additional pharmacovigilance activities
Risk minimisation measures
This row should be removed
if RMP Part V.3 is not
<Routine risk minimisation measures>
Use text from table Part V.3
<Additional risk minimisation measures>
Use text from table Part V.3.
pharmacovigilance activities
This row should be removed
in case there are no
pharmacovigilance activities
Additional pharmacovigilance activities:
<Short study name>
Use study short name from table Part V.3 or from Table
Part III.2 if Part V.3 is not applicable.
See section II.C of this summary for an overview of the
post-authorisation development plan.
II.C Post-authorisation development plan
II.C.1 Studies which are conditions of the marketing authorisation
<The following studies are conditions of the marketing authorisation:>
Include studies category 1 and 2 from Table Part III.1: On-going and planned additional
pharmacovigilance activities.
Include all studies from Table Part IV.1: Planned and on-going post-authorisation efficacy studies
which are a condition of the marketing authorisation or which are a specific obligation.
<Study short name> Include text from Part III.2 and/or Part IV.
Purpose of the study: Include text from Part III.2Rationale and study objectives’ and/or Part IV
Summary of objectives’.
<There are no studies which are conditions of the marketing authorisation or specific obligation of
<invented name>.>
II.C.2 Other studies in post-authorisation development plan
Include category 3 studies from Table Part III.3: On-going and planned additional pharmacovigilance
<Study short name> Include text from Part III.2.
Purpose of the study: Include text from Part III.2 Rationale and study objectives’.
<There are no studies required for <invented name>.>
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Part VII: Annexes
For generic (Article 10 (1)) and hybrid (Article 10 (3)) medicinal products, the same requirements as
for initial marketing authorisation application for a new active substance apply. For annexes 4 and 6,
materials should be kept as similar as possible with the originator product in order to deliver a
consistent message. Therefore, marketing authorisation holders are strongly encouraged to share the
content of their material(s) upon request from other marketing authorisation holders.
Table of contents
Include TOC of Annexes (it is predefined and not considered as confidential information).
Annex 1 EudraVigilance Interface
Annex 1 of the RMP is not required to be submitted in eCTD; the electronic file should be submitted in
accordance to GVP Module V section V.C.2 and the guidance on the website
Leave Annex 1 empty.
Annex 2 – Tabulated summary of planned, ongoing, and completed
pharmacovigilance study programme
List all studies included in the Pharmacovigilance Plan (current or in previously approved RMP
Table 1 Annex II: Planned and on-going studies
Include study short
name, title and category
Summary of
Safety concerns
Protocol link
Include link or reference to full
protocol (included in RMP Annex
3 or eCTD).
Include planned submission
dates of interim and final study
report requested by the
Competent Authorities.
LE observational cohort
safety study
(study LE123)
Category 1
e.g. To evaluate over
a minimum of 1 year
the incidence of all-
cause mortality and
adverse events of
special interest in
patients with lupus
- serious infections
(including non-serious and
serious opportunistic
infections and PML)
- malignancies (including
non-melanoma skin cancer)
- serious infusion
- hypersensitivity reactions
- serious psychiatric events
(mood disorders, anxiety
and suicide).
Link to protocol
Interim results:31 December
Final study report submission:
15 July 2020
Table 2 Annex II: Completed studies
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Include study short
name, title and category
Summary of
Safety concerns
Date of Final Study Report
Link to report
Include date of report submission or
state the reason for not submitting the
Include link or reference to full Final
Study report (included in eCTD).
An open-label,
multicentre evaluation
of the long-term safety
and efficacy of drug A in
the prevention and
treatment of bleeding
episodes in previously
untreated patients with
acquired haemophilia A
Category 2
e.g. To evaluate the
long-term safety in
subjects with acquired
haemophilia A
- Long-term safety
- Safety profile in
patients ≥ 75 years
27 May 2015
Link to final study report
Annex 3 - Protocols for proposed, on-going and completed studies in the
pharmacovigilance plan
Annex 3 should include protocols of imposed studies (categories 1 and 2) and protocols for those
required studies (category 3). Protocols of studies not imposed or not required should not be included.
This annex may include the electronic links or references to other modules of the eCTD dossier where
the protocols are included, instead of the full protocol documents.
Table of contents
Include ToC
Part A: Requested protocols of studies in the Pharmacovigilance Plan, submitted for regulatory review
with this updated version of the RMP
If protocols have been requested to be submitted for review by the competent authority, and the
marketing authorisation holder choses to submit for assessment a study protocol within the same
procedure as the RMP submission, part A should include this protocol; alternatively the protocol
might be reviewed in a stand-alone procedure, and once agreed, included in the RMP annex 3
part C.
When a protocol not yet approved is submitted to address a request for supplementary information,
a track changes version of any updated protocol and an executive summary of how outstanding
points have been addressed should be always submitted (e.g. in the cover letter of the procedure).
<Full protocols or links/references to eCTD documents>
Part B: Requested amendments of previously approved protocols of studies in the Pharmacovigilance
Plan, submitted for regulatory review with this updated version of the RMP
If protocol amendments have been requested to be submitted for review by the competent
authority, and the marketing authorisation holder choses to submit for assessment the study
protocol amendment within the same procedure as the RMP submission, part B should include the
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updated protocol; alternatively the protocol amendment might be reviewed in a stand-alone
procedure, and once agreed, included in the RMP annex 3 part C.
Once approved, protocols from parts A or B should be moved to part C, with the next warranted
RMP update.
<Full protocols or links/references to eCTD documents>
Part C: Previously agreed protocols for on-going studies and final protocols not reviewed by the
competent authority
This section should include:
The final approved protocols for studies included in the Pharmacovigilance Plan (current or in
previously approved RMP versions). They should be accompanied by the name of the
procedure when the protocol was approved and date of the procedure outcome.
The protocols not reviewed or not approved for category 3 studies, for information only.
Protocols of completed studies should be removed from this annex once the final study reports are
submitted to the competent authority for assessment.
Approved protocols:
<Procedure number where the protocol was approved>
<Full protocols or links/references to eCTD documents>
Final protocols not reviewed or not approved:
<Full protocols or links/references to eCTD documents>
Annex 4 - Specific adverse drug reaction follow-up forms
Table of contents
Follow-up forms
Provide the specific adverse drug reaction follow-up forms in full.
Annex 5 - Protocols for proposed and on-going studies in RMP part IV
This section should include links or references to other parts of the eCTD dossier, where the protocol
for an imposed efficacy study was submitted. This information is meant to facilitate the assessment by
maintaining an overview of the post-authorisation efficacy and safety development plans.
Annex 6 - Details of proposed additional risk minimisation activities (if
<Draft/approved> key messages of the additional risk minimisation measures
Example: Key messages are included before initial approval of the product (D1- D181) for review and
assessment. For Centrally Authorised Products, the PRAC, CHMP (or CAT, if applicable) and EMA will
review and agree a final version that will be included in Annex II of the marketing authorisation. If the
product requires a revision of the key messages post-marketing, an amended set of key messages can
be proposed for assessment in Annex 6 by the Marketing authorisation holder (tracked changes).
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In exceptional situations, it may be possible to tailor the key elements within the RMP to specific
national situations or treatment behaviours/guidelines, i.e. some key elements may be unique for
some EU Member States. However, it should be kept in mind that key elements considered applicable
for all Member States will be included in Annex II of the marketing authorisation (for centrally
authorised products) or as a condition of the marketing authorisation for DCP/MRP and purely national
The following text can be directly adapted into the final annex II:
Prior to the <launch><use> of <PRODUCT NAME> in each Member State the Marketing Authorisation
Holder (MAH) must agree about the content and format of the <educational> <controlled access>
<pregnancy prevention> <other> programme, including communication media, distribution
modalities, and any other aspects of the programme, with the National Competent Authority.
The <educational> <controlled access> <pregnancy prevention> <controlled distribution> <other>
programme is aimed at <describe main objectives of programme>
The MAH shall ensure that in each Member State where <PRODUCT NAME> is marketed, all
<healthcare professionals> <and> <patients/carers> who are expected to <prescribe>
<dispense><use> <PRODUCT NAME> have access to/are provided with the following educational
<package> <message to be disseminated through professional bodies>:
<Physician educational material>
<Patient information pack>
<Other (if any other audience is targeted it should clearly described)>
Physician educational material:
<The Summary of Product Characteristics>
In addition to the Summary of Product Characteristics select all tools that apply:
<Guide for healthcare professionals>
<Healthcare professionals training material>
<Prescriber checklist>
<Patient alert card>
Based on the choice on the above listing, select all relevant elements and edit as required.
Guide for healthcare professionals:
o <Relevant information of the safety concern(s) addressed by the aRMM (e.g. seriousness,
severity, frequency, time to onset, reversibility of the AE as applicable)>
o <Details of the population at higher risk for the safety concern addressed by the aRMM
(e.g. contraindications, risk factors, increased risk by interactions with certain medicine)>
o <Details on how to minimise the safety concern addressed by the aRMM through
appropriate monitoring and management (e.g. what to do, what not do, and who is most
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likely to be impacted according to different scenarios, like when to limit or stop
prescribing/ingestion, how to administer the medicine, when to increase/decrease the
dosage according to laboratory measurements, signs and symptoms)>
o <Key message to convey in patients counselling >
o <Instructions on how to handle possible adverse events>
o <Information about the <name of> <study> <registry> and the importance of
contributing to such a study>
o <Remarks on the importance of reporting on specific adverse reactions, namely: < adverse
reaction 1, adverse reaction 2 etc…>
o <Other to be specified>
Healthcare professionals training material:
o <Information on <product name>, including the approved indication according to the
o <Detailed description of the administration procedures of <PRODUCT NAME>>
o <Patient’s preparation for the procedure and subsequent monitoring>
o <Management of early signs and symptoms of selected safety concerns, namely: safety
concern 1, safety concern 2, etc.>
o <Other to be specified>
For diagnostic products, select additional information:
o <Limitations of <PRODUCT NAME> use, interpretation errors, safety information and the
results of clinical trials informing on the diagnostic use of <PRODUCT NAME>>
o <Review of the imaging reading criteria, including method of image review, criteria for
interpretation, and images demonstrating the binary read methodology>
o <Demonstration cases with correct imaging interpretation by an experienced reader and a
number of clearly positive and negative cases as well as less clear-cut cases>
Prescriber checklist:
o <Lists of tests to be conducted for the initial screening of the patient>
o <Vaccination/treatment course to be completed/withdrawn before/after treatment>
o <Premedication, general health, and pregnancy and contraception checks immediately
before/during/after treatment>
o <Monitoring activities during treatment and for X years after last treatment>
o <A specific reference to the fact that the patient has been informed and understands the
<potential> <teratogenic> risks of <specify risk(s)> and the measures to minimise
o <Other to be specified>
Patient alert card:
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o <A warning message for healthcare professionals treating the patient at any time,
including in conditions of emergency, that the patient is using <PRODUCT NAME>>
o That <PRODUCT NAME> treatment may increase the <potential> risk of: <Risk 1, Risk2,
o Signs or symptoms of the safety concern and when to seek attention from a healthcare
o Contact details of the <PRODUCT NAME> prescriber
The patient information pack:
o Patient information leaflet
In addition to the patient information leaflet select all that applies:
<A patient/carer guide>
<A patient diary>
Based on the choice on the above listing, select all relevant elements and edit as required. The
suggested key elements are not strictly supposed to be used only for the related specific tool (see
example below):
Patient/carer guide:
o <A description of the <potential> <teratogenic> risks(s) associated with the use of
<PRODUCT NAME> namely: <Risk 1, Risk2, etc.>
o <A description of the correct use of <product name> and the <potential> risks associated
with its use, namely: <Risk 1, Risk2, etc.>
o <Detailed description of the modalities used for the self-administration of <PRODUCT
o <A description of the <early> sign and symptoms of the <potential> risk of <specify
o <A description of the best course of action if sign and symptoms of those risks present
themselves (e.g. How to reach your doctors)>
o <Recommendations for the planning of the monitoring schedule>
o <Information about the <name of> <study> <registry>>
o <Remarks on the importance of reporting on specific adverse reactions, namely: < adverse
reaction 1, adverse reaction 2 etc…>
o <Other to be specified>
Patient diary:
o <A record on the recommended treatment <date> <outcome of specific test(s)> to
facilitate regular monitoring of the patient´s health status to product related <Risk 1,
Risk2, etc.> or <particular symptoms that can be discussed with the Physician etc.>>
o <A description of precaution(s) needed to minimise <Risk 1, Risk2, etc.> associated
with the use of <PRODUCT NAME>>
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For pregnancy-related risks, select additional information:
o <Recommendation not to take <PRODUCT NAME> in case of pregnancy>
o <For women of child bearing potential recommendation to use effective contraception
o <Recommendation for regular pregnancy testing>
Annex 7 - Other supporting data (including referenced material)
Only key literature referenced in the RMP should be included in the format of electronic links or
references if already included in other modules of the dossier.
Annex 8 Summary of changes to the risk management plan over time
A list of all significant changes to the Risk Management Plan over time
Version Approval date
<At the time of
<procedure number>
Add high level description of major changes:
<Safety concerns>
Important Identified/Potential Risk/Missing information 1:
Added/ Removed/ Reclassified
<Pharmacovigilance Plan
Study 1:
Added as a new safety concern <Important
identified risk 1> has been identified and need to
be further characterised
Due date postponed due to difficulties with patient
Removed as study has been completed and
obligation has been fulfilled
<Post-authorisation efficacy plan
<Risk minimisation measures>
Additional risk minimisation 1:
Added/ Modified to increase the patient´s
awareness on the signs and symptoms relevant to
the early recognition of increased plasma levels in
patients with specific polymorphism
Added to inform the healthcare professionals
about the new available information regarding
heart failure
Annex 4: Specific adverse drug reaction follow up
forms 1 added