Are storage sheds required to comply with the 2020 Minnesota Residential Code?
Storage sheds and similar uses are accessory structures and their occupancy group classicaon is IRC-4. These
structures must be designed and constructed in accordance with the 2020 Minnesota Residenal Code (MNRC).
[R300.1, R301.1]
Do storage shed requirements apply for all of Minnesota?
The Minnesota State Building Code is the standard of construcon for all of Minnesota, in areas with or without
local code enforcement. The 2020 MNRC adopts the 2018
Internaonal Residenal Code (IRC) with amendments.
[Minnesota Statutes, secon 326B.121, MR 1309]
The Minnesota State Building Code, or the code, is
adopted under Minnesota Statutes, secon 326B.106,
subdivision 1, and includes the chapters idened in
Minnesota Rules, part 1300.0020. The 2020 MNRC can be
viewed at hps://
Are building permits required for all storage sheds?
One-story storage sheds with a oor area of 200 square
feet or less are exempt from building permit requirements.
All storage sheds must comply with the code, local
ordinances and other laws. [MR 1300.0120, subp.4]
Can storage sheds have electrical lighting and outlets installed?
Electrical light xtures, outlets and other electrical related items are allowed in sheds, but an electrical permit
is required for their installaon even when a building permit is not required. An electrical inspector will conduct
a rough-in inspecon when interior nishes are installed on walls or ceilings but prior to concealment. A
nal inspecon is required when the project is complete. The homeowner or Minnesota-licensed electrical
contractor who obtained the electrical permit must contact the local electrical inspector to schedule the
required inspecons.
Is a Minnesota residential building contractor license required to build a storage shed?
Residenal building contractor, residenal remodeler or residenal roong licenses are not required for the
construcon of a storage shed. Although Minnesota licensure is not required, contracted individuals and
homeowners should conrm local jurisdicon requirements for permits, inspecons and other requirements
before construcon. [Minn. Stat. 326B.802, subd. 13 and Minn. Stat. 326B.805]
Are storage shed setbacks from property lines regulated by the code?
The 2020 MNRC does not address minimum property line setback requirements for storage sheds. Local zoning
ordinances may regulate property line setbacks and the size and number of accessory structures permied on a
property. Storage sheds cannot be constructed within a property's drainage and ulity easements.
A manufactured storage shed with wood skids.
Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry
Does the code have requirements for exterior walls and eave projections near property lines?
All sheds, including those not requiring a building permit, must comply with code requirements for exterior
walls. Shed exterior walls less than ve feet from the property line are required to be one-hour re-resistance
rated. Roof eave projecons equal or greater than two feet and less than ve feet from the property line
are also required to be one-hour re-resistance rated. (See illustraon below) [R302.1, Table R302.1(1), MR
1300.0120, subp. 4]
Is a structural engineer required to design a storage shed?
A design by a structural engineer is not required for storage sheds designed in accordance with the
prescripve requirements of the 2020 MNRC. Designs, foundaon systems and methods of anchorage that
are unconvenonal construcon pracces and not addressed by the code must be cered by a structural
engineer as compliant with the code. [R301.1.3]
Do storage sheds require footings and foundations that comply with the code?
The foong and foundaon of the structure must support all loads (i.e. dead loads, live loads, roof loads, snow
loads, wind loads) as prescribed by the code. This is necessary to provide a complete load path to transfer loads
from their point of origin through the foundaon to the supporng soils. [R301.1, R401.2]
Do storage sheds require frost depth footings?
The 2020 MNRC has ve excepons from the requirements for minimum foong depth for frost protecon,
including MR 1303.1600. MR 1303.1600 permits slab on grade construcon for one-story detached private
garages, shed buildings and carports not larger than 1,000 square feet on any soil except peat or muck.
[R403.1.4.1, MR 1303.1600]
Does slab on grade construction require a footing?
Slab on grade construcon, oen called a
turned down foong, requires the perimeter
of the slab to be capable of supporng all
imposed design loads. The code requires
turned down foongs to be placed 12-inches
below the undisturbed ground surface. For
exterior framed walls constructed directly
on the concrete slab, the code requires a
minimum of 6-inch clearance from untreated
wood products to grade. (See illustraon at
right) [R403.1.4, R317.1]
Monolithic slab-on-grade with turned down foong.
If the storage shed is designed with an attic for storage, is the attic considered a story?
The code denes an ac as unnished space between the ceiling and roof assemblies and a habitable ac as
nished or unnished habitable space within an ac. Closets, storage, ulity spaces and similar uses are not
considered habitable space.
A habitable ac is not considered a story when complying with all of the following requirements:
1. the occupiable oor area is 70 square feet or more;
2. the occupiable oor area has a ceiling height of 7'-0" or more;
3. the occupiable space is enclosed by roof assembly above, knee walls (if applicable) on the sides and the
oor-ceiling assembly below; and
4. the oor of the occupiable space does not extend beyond the exterior walls of the oor below.
(See full code text) [R202, R325.6, R304, R305]
Are anchor bolts required for slab on grade construction?
Foundaon anchorage is necessary because structures must support all loads (i.e. dead loads, live loads, roof
loads, snow loads, wind loads) and provide a complete load path to through the foundaon to the supporng
soils. Wood sill plates at exterior walls on monolithic slabs must be anchored to the foundaon with anchor
bolts spaced a maximum of 6 feet on center. Bolts must be at least 1/2-inch in diameter and extend a minimum
of 7 inches into concrete. Locate the bolts in the middle third of the width of the plate. A nut and washer must
be ghtened on each bolt. Foundaon anchor straps equivalent to anchor bolts are permied in accordance
with the manufacturer's installaon instrucons and design. (See full code content) [R403.1.6]
Is a storage shed built elsewhere and delivered to a property considered a manufactured structures?
Storage sheds built o site are usually not considered manufactured structures by the code because they are
of open construcon with all framing visible and the structural panel siding aached directly to the stud wall
framing. Minnesota Rules, chapters 1360 and 1361, address manufactured structures of closed construcon
as "prefabricated" or "industrialized/modular." Closed construcon is any building manufactured in a manner
in which all porons cannot be readily inspected at the installaon site without disassembly, damage, or
destrucon of the building. Open construcon is not regulated by MR 1360 or MR 1361.
Are manufactured storage sheds on skids required to be placed on level ground, crushed rock or concrete slab?
The storage shed manufacturer should provide instrucons with recommendaons for placement so the shed is
stable and level. The instrucons may also address air ow for the oor system and other consideraons.
Is the siding on manufactured and site-built storage sheds required to have 6 inches of clearance above the
All storage sheds constructed with wood support skids, wood oor joist, wood oor sheathing, exterior wall
framing and wood exterior structural panel siding must be protected from decay as required by the code.
The code requires the following to be decay protected: wood joists or the boom of a wood structural oor
closer than 18 inches or wood girders closer than 12 inches to the ground and wood siding, sheathing and wall
framing on the exterior of the structure having a clearance of less than 6 inches. Wood products that protect
against decay are naturally durable wood or preservave treated wood. [R317.1, R317.1.2]
Do manufactured or site-built storage sheds require floor systems designed to the code?
Storage sheds constructed with wood support skids, wood oor joist, wood oor sheathing, must be designed
as convenonal construcon with oor joist spacing based on the grade and species of the joist material, span
limitaons of the structural panel oor sheathing, and required joist bearing requirements. The code includes
requirements for decay resistance materials for oor systems. [2020 MNRC Chapter 5, R317.1, R317.1.2]
Phone: 651-284-5012 or 1-800-657-3944
Revised May 2022
Does the code include manufactured storage shed anchorage requirements?
The code provides prescripve requirements for foundaons and anchorage for structures built with
convenonal construcon pracces. Storage sheds, like other structures regulated by the code, must be
anchored in place to prevent movement or overturning due to weather events. The shed manufacturer must
install or provide an anchoring system based on the individual shed's area, height, wind exposure and accepted
engineering pracces. [R301.1, R301.3, R310.2]
Are storage sheds required to have a water-resistive barrier (WRB) at exterior wall assemblies?
The code requires a WRB over the exterior wall sheathing prior to the installaon of siding to prevent water
accumulaon within the wall assembly for both heated and unheated structures. Structures built using the
post/frame method (pole buildings) or with structural panels aached directly to the studs as the siding and
exterior sheathing must have a WRB or an alternave secondary drainage plane to drain moisture to the
structure's exterior. An alternave method for the secondary drainage plane must comply with the intent of
the code and be approved by the jurisdicon's building ocial. Previous model codes exempted detached
accessory structures from WRB installaon requirements, but the excepon was removed in the 2018 IRC.
[R703.2, R703.1.1, MR 1300.0110]
Are detached storage sheds required to have an ice barrier installed before installing asphalt shingles?
The code does not require ice barriers for detached accessory structures that do not contain condioned oor
area. However, the asphalt shingle manufacturer may require ice barriers in their installaon instrucons.
Asphalt shingles must be installed in accordance with the code and the manufacturer's installaon instrucons.
[R905.1.2, R905.2.7, R905.1]
Instead of buying wood trusses for a storage shed, can an individual fabricate their own?
Wood trusses are engineered components of the roof and ceiling structure and must be designed by a
Minnesota licensed engineer to accepted standards. A structurally compliant roof and ceiling structure can be
constructed without trusses in accordance with the 2020 MNRC prescripve requirements for hand framing of
ridge boards, raers and ceiling joists. [R802.10 R802.3, R802.4, R802.5]
Can a storage shed be finished to create a dwelling such as a "tiny home" or "accessory dwelling unit?"
Local zoning ordinances dictate if a ny home or accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is allowed on the property.
Municipal zoning ordinances vary by municipality and regulate land use, including locaon, height, width,
type of foundaon, number of stories and size of buildings. Zoning ordinances may also limit the number of
dwellings on a property.
A shed converted into a ny house or ADU must comply with the 2020 MNRC requirements for dwellings. A
dwelling is dened as a single unit providing complete independent living facilies for one or more persons,
including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, eang, cooking and sanitaon and a ny house is a
dwelling with 400 square feet or less in oor area excluding los. Tiny homes and ADUs must comply with code
requirements for structural design, foundaons, energy code compliance, light, venlaon, heang, minimum
room sizes, ceiling heights, emergency escape and rescue openings, means of egress, smoke alarms and carbon
monoxide alarms, sanitaon, and toilet, bath and showers spaces. View more about ny houses atles/pdf/ny_houses.pdf.