St. Pius X
Catholic High School
Student Handbook
2023 - 2024
St. Pius X Catholic High School
Student/Family Handbook, Student Honor Code, and
SPX Families in Action Pledge Against Substance Usage
Acknowledgement & Agreement
2023-2024 School Year
In order to ensure that students and their families are familiar with the philosophy,
rules, regulations, and policies of St. Pius X Catholic High School & the
Archdiocese of Atlanta, we ask that students and parents or guardians please read
and review this 2023-2024 St. Pius X Student/Family Handbook, the SPX Families in
Action Pledge Against Substance Usage, and the St. Pius X Student Honor Code
Booklet (all included as part of the Handbook).
This Acknowledgement Form states that you as students and parents or guardians
of students agree, as a condition of admission to and enrollment at St. Pius X
Catholic High School, to abide by all of the policies of this handbook and all
governing administrative regulations of St. Pius X Catholic High School and the
Archdiocese of Atlanta in effect at the time of admission, or as amended, for the
duration of enrollment of the student.
Please print and complete ALL required forms found at this LINK for EACH
student attending St. Pius X. All signed forms are to be returned via this LINK or
in person by Friday, August 11, 2023.
Please review this handbook, including the SPX Families in Action Pledge and
Student Honor Code.
Student Name (Please Print):
Student Signature:
Student Grade Level and
Parent or Guardian Name
(Please Print):
Parent or Guardian Signature:
The purpose of the St. Pius X Catholic High School (“SPX”) Families in Action Pledge is to confirm a set of
expectations among families regarding SPX student activities and gatherings in our homes. United in this
Pledge, SPX families stand in solidarity with SPX as one community sending the consistent message that
unlawful drinking and drug use is not tolerated at SPX or in our homes.
The Law
Georgia law states, in part, that it is illegal to sell, serve, or furnish alcoholic beverages to a person under
21 years of age and that it is illegal for a person under 21 years of age to purchase, knowingly possess, or
misrepresent his or her age in any manner for the purpose of obtaining alcoholic beverages (cf. O.C.G.A.
Sec. 3-3-23).
The Pledge
1. There will be no unlawful drug or alcohol use when SPX students are at my home.
2. I will be present and visible throughout any gathering of SPX students at my home or where I have
sponsored an event in which SPX students are present.
3. If a teen brings alcohol or drugs into my home or my event, or arrives apparently under the
influence of drugs or alcohol, I will ask the teen to remain in my home and immediately notify the
parents to request further instructions.
4. I will welcome calls from other SPX parents who have concerns or questions about any activity or
party involving SPX students being planned for or hosted at my home.
5. I acknowledge that it is my duty and responsibility to contact the host family before granting
permission for my SPX student to attend a party in someone else's home if I have any questions
about the party, including the nature of the party, who has been invited, and who will chaperone.
6. If I go out of town overnight and my SPX student will be at home, I will provide supervision
through another responsible adult who will either stay with my SPX student overnight or provide
the necessary supervision (including checking my home as often as necessary), making themselves
available to my SPX student for all support as needed as if I were home.
7. All adult members of my household affirm this Pledge, which I confirm by submitting the signed
Acknowledgement Form to the school that is found at the beginning of the 2022-2023 St. Pius X
Student Handbook.
The Spirit of St. Pius X
Mission Statements
Mission Statement for the Archdiocese of Atlanta
Mission Statement for St. Pius X Catholic High School
Vision Statement
Our Values
Supernatural Vision
Centrality of Christ
Integral Education
Positive Statements
Our Patron Saint
Our Patron Saint
School Crest
Use of School Name, Crest, Logo, and Motto
Our Motto: Domini Sumus
Alma Mater
Prayer of St. Pius X
Amendments to School Policy
This handbook may be amended by the school administration at any time during the year with proper
notification of these changes being communicated in writing to Parents and Students.
Mission Statement for Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta
Our schools are committed to providing an excellent education in an environment of spiritual, intellectual,
physical and moral formation in accordance with the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. The
Catholic Schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta serve a vital role in the educational ministry of the Church.
Mission Statement for St. Pius X Catholic High School
St. Pius X, an archdiocesan high school, provides a college preparatory education for the formation of the
mind, body, and spirit of each student in accordance with the teachings of the Catholic Church.
St. Pius X Catholic High School is a Roman Catholic educational institution, fully committed to the teachings of the
Roman Catholic faith. All educational activity offered at the school is grounded in the Catholic faith; without it, the
school is unable to achieve its mission. While St. Pius X Catholic High School is committed to ensuring that all
teachings of the Catholic faith are shared and discussed with respect, sensitivity, and charity, especially with those
who may struggle with them, the school expects all parents/guardians and students to demonstrate support for the
mission of the school and all the teachings of the Roman Catholic faith by not contradicting or criticizing them publicly, in
words or actions, including through online social media venues. Students who fail to act in a manner consistent with
this expectation may be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion. Parents/guardians who
fail to act in a manner consistent with this expectation may be asked to withdraw their child/children from the school.
Vision Statement
We strive to form students of strong character and deep faith who complete college, serve others, and
participate actively in the life of the Church.
Our Values
Supernatural Vision: We foster the growth of good human beings who love God and neighbor and thus
achieve their eternal destiny of heaven through the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Centrality of Christ: We are founded on Jesus Christ the Redeemer who, through His Incarnation, is united
with each person and is both the model and means for personal holiness.
Community: We are a community of persons bound by the Catholic Faith who recognize our school as an
extension of the intimate atmosphere of family life.
Teamwork/collaboration among administrators, faculty, and parents for the school’s common
Interaction of students and teachers which is a dialogue and not a monologue
Physical environment that has amenities that create a pleasant family atmosphere
Our core commitment to the Gospel shapes our expectation for moral behavior inside and outside
of the classroom. We celebrate the gift of diversity and work to foster charity and inclusion in all
we do. Any speech or action in violation of this commitment is contrary to the Church's teaching
and to the mission of St. Pius X Catholic High School. For more information on these expectations
of our mission, please visit our “Diversity & Inclusion” page on the school’s website
Integral Education: We aim to develop the intellectual, physical, psychological, moral and religious
capabilities of every student.
Truth: We seek to teach not merely knowledge but understanding, wisdom and truth. Human beings can
grasp the truth of things, and in grasping that truth can know their duties to God, themselves, and their
Positive Statements
We believe that each person is called to a deeper relationship with God and to the transformation
of society.
We believe that service to others is a response to human need either by direct sharing of spiritual
and material resources or by developing skills needed for achieving a just society.
We believe that each person has unique worth and gifts.
We believe that each person is called to use his or her gifts to serve the common good.
We believe that each person is responsible and accountable, personally and publicly.
We believe that teachers create an educational environment that nurtures each person's
independent pursuit of education and development.
Our Patron Saint
The life and papacy of St. Pius X is best recorded by Catholic Church historian Thomas Bokenkotter (2004,
pp. 383-384):
Giuseppe Sarto, or Pius Xthe first Pope elected in the twentieth century (1903) and the
first Pope to be canonized (1954) since the sixteenth centurywas the son of poor peasants
from Riese, an obscure village in northern Italy. After his ordination in 1858 he gained a
rather wide experience as a parish priest, as spiritual director of a seminary, and as a
chancery official, impressing everyone at the same time by his deep spirituality. In 1884
he was made bishop of Mantua, where he showed a marked zeal for reform. Finally, in
1893, he was transferred to Venice as patriarch and cardinal. In spite of his advance up the
ranks of the hierarchy, he remained dedicated to the tasks of the parish priest and loved
nothing more than catechizing children, saying Mass, and hearing confessions. Even as
Pope he retained the heart of a simple parish priest and manifested a warmth, humor,
affability, and gentleness that won the hearts of pilgrims from all corners of the world.
His most important acts as Pope were inspired by the same pastoral sense and solicitude.
His love of the Mass and his desire to have it performed in the most dignified manner was
embodied in his decree on the reform of sacred music (1903). Of similar inspiration was
his decree urging all the faithful to frequent Communion and admitting children to this
sacrament at the earliest possible age.
Pius died as Europe plunged into the inferno [of World War I] and was succeeded by Pope
Benedict XV (1914-22).
Bokenkotter, T. (2004). A concise history of the Catholic Church. New York, NY: Doubleday.
St. Pius X Catholic High School shares the saint’s deep love for the Eucharist and his commitment to form
young people to be faithful followers of Christ so they can share the Lord’s love with their families, their
communities, and their places of work after they leave the school.
Our Roots
To read about the history of our school, please visit our website here.
School Crest
Much of what St. Pius X lived and stood for is mirrored at St. Pius X High School. Our school community
has adopted many symbols and reminders of his ideals. For example, the school crest contains much from
the life of Pope St. Pius X. On the crest there is a winged lion. This symbol represents the Evangelist Mark,
who is the patron saint of Venice, the city in which Cardinal Sarto was patriarch and cardinal. As Pope,
Pius X retained this symbol for his own coat of arms. It is from this symbol that the school proudly calls
itself the "Golden Lions."
Appearing on the coat of arms of both Pius X and the first Archbishop of Atlanta are the waves of the sea.
On the saint's coat of arms, they represent the seaport of Venice. On the coat of arms of the Archbishop of
Atlanta and on the school’s crest, they symbolize the city of Atlanta, named after the Atlantic Ocean.
Superimposed on the waves is the anchor of hope, again from the coat of arms of Pius X. At the lower left
of the crest is a sword. This is the symbol of the martyrdom of St. Paul from whose First Epistle to the
Corinthians Pope Pius X took his motto and from whose Epistle to the Romans the school derives its motto,
"Domini Sumus."
Significant colors on the emblem are gold and white, which are the Papal colors; adding the color blue
comprises the school colors. The color red symbolizes the martyrdom of the Apostle Paul.
Finally, to the left of the emblem is the "chi rho,” seen as the symbol . This can refer to Pius X; however,
its original meaning is derived by combining the first two letters of the Greek word, "christos," or Christ,
spelled, ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ in Greek. Christians used the chi rho as a symbol of their acceptance of the Way.
Additionally, Emperor Constantine I is said to have seen a vision of the symbol before his victory at the
Battle of the Milvian Bridge, in which a voice declared, In hoc signo vinces,” or, “In this sign, you shall
Use of School Name, Crest, Logo, and Motto
No one may use the school name, logo or motto on any type of social media or in any other way, e.g. putting
the name on t-shirts, for example, without the express written permission of the President.
Our Motto: Domini Sumus
None of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself. If we live, we live to the Lord, and if we die, we
die to the Lord; so then, whether we live or whether we die, we are the Lord's. Rm. 14: 7-8
This short passage taken from the fourteenth chapter of Paul's Epistle to the Romans summarizes not only
the Apostle's message but also the mission and purpose of this high school. We are called to live as a
community, always mindful of our relationship with God and with one another. No matter what our
position is in the community, whether administrators, staff, teachers, students, or parents, the Lord is the
center and the reason for the school’s existence. In short, our school motto conveys the belief that every
human belongs in a special and dignified way to God, and our actions and attitudes should likewise affirm
the inherent dignity of all human beings. "We are the Lord's," and thus we are accountable to Him and the
community formed in His name. It is because of our firm belief in the reality that every human being
belongs to the Lord that we have adopted the Latinized phrasing of “We are the Lord’s” as our school
motto, rendered as, Domini Sumus.
We try to live out this commitment in many ways. First, we try to recognize Christ in all the members of
our school community, and we try to help each member of the community to likewise recognize the
presence of the Lord Jesus in one another. Secondly, we try to use those gifts and talents that the Lord has
given us to build up and strengthen this community. Thirdly, we celebrate our oneness with our Lord and
one another in the Eucharist. Thus, in all that we say and do, we seek to demonstrate and affirm that we
are His and one with Him.
Alma Mater
DOMINI SUMUS: We are the Lord's,
Ring out the bells of St. Pius,
Echoes resounding in golden tone,
A spirit that's hers alone.
We're proud of you, our Alma Mater
Because of you we're strong.
St. Pius Tenth, with you we'll triumph,
To your call we throng.
From your wisdom and your courage,
We learn to banish fear,
Searching for life's dream and promise,
Finding guidance near.
When from you we have departed,
When our four years are spent,
St. Pius, we'll ever honor
Ideals you represent.
Prayer of St. Pius X
O Lord Jesus Christ,
let your passion be my strength
to sustain, guard, and protect me.
Let your wounds be my food and drink
to nourish, fill and invigorate me.
Let the shedding of your blood
cleanse me of all my sins.
Let your death obtain eternal life for me
and your cross lead me to everlasting glory.
Let these constitute for me
refreshment and joy,
health and uprightness of heart.
St. Pius X (1835-1914)
Admissions and Enrollment
Admissions and Enrollment
Non-Discrimination Policy for Admissions
Admissions Requirements
Items Required for Admission
Students with Diverse Learning Needs
Non-Catholic Students
Transfer Students
Continuous Enrollment Policy
Non-Discrimination Policy
St. Pius X will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of
its educational policies, admission policies, scholarship and work programs.
Admissions Requirements
In order to be considered for admission, a completed application must be returned by the last Friday in
A completed application must include the following documents:
Completed online St. Pius X Application for Admission on the Ravenna Platform
Completed student prompts
Transcripts for 6th grade, 7th grade, and 1st semester of 8th grade
Current principal/counselor recommendation
Current math teacher recommendation
Current language arts teacher recommendation
Parish Verification Form (only required for Catholic students)
Secondary School Admission Test (SSAT) scores
Copy of Birth Certificate
Application fee of $100.00 (nonrefundable, payable by credit card)
Picture of applicant (optional) - Please upload or print name on back
PSAT Scores or other standardized test scores (optional)
In the admission of students to an Archdiocesan high school, acceptance priority is given to Catholic
families who have met the above criteria. (per section #5120 of the Archdiocese of Atlanta Policy Manual)
Students and their parents/guardians agree, as a condition of admission, to abide by the guidelines of this
student handbook and all governing administrative policies or regulations of St. Pius X Catholic High
School and the Archdiocese of Atlanta in effect at the time of admission, or as amended, for the duration
of enrollment of the student. All new students have a probationary status during the first semester of the
school year and are expected to follow all policies, both academic and behavioral, of the school. If a
violation occurs, penalties will be enforced.
Students with Diverse Learning Needs
St. Pius X strives to accommodate students with physical, emotional, social or learning challenges.
However, families must fully disclose the nature and known extent of such challenges at the time of
application or as they learn of their student’s needs through proper psychoeducational testing. The school
has limited resources to meet certain challenges and may recommend educational alternatives that may
better serve the needs of some students.
Non-Catholic Students
The school respects the personal conscience of individual students and their families. This freedom is
recognized by the Catholic Church. However, as a Catholic school it cannot relinquish its own freedom to
proclaim the Gospel and to offer a formation based on the teachings of the Catholic faith and the values to
be found in Christian education. Therefore, all students will be expected to participate in religious
instruction and Catholic formation offered at the school except those intended only for Catholics; namely,
the reception of the Sacraments.
Transfer Students
St. Pius X Catholic High School admits students to grades 9-11 (if space is available). Only students
transferring from Catholic high schools beyond metropolitan Atlanta will be considered for the senior year.
Transfers from local high schools will not be admitted for the senior year.
A student applying for admission to a grade higher than the ninth shall as a prerequisite to admission
present a certified copy of his or her academic transcript and disciplinary record from the school previously
A student transferring to St. Pius X must be enrolled for at least one full year (two semesters) in order to
receive a St. Pius X diploma.
Continuous Enrollment Policy
Continued enrollment of the student is subject to the student observing all school rules as set out in the
school handbook including but not limited to general behavior, academic performance and attendance.
Continued enrollment in any given school year and re-enrollment in any subsequent years are subject to
the parents’/guardians’ continued support of the mission of the school as documented in the student
handbook and the policies of the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the maintenance of a demonstrably effective
and supportive relationship between the school and the parents/guardians. Continuous enrollment in any
subsequent year is subject to mutual agreement. That agreement may be withheld by the student, the
parents, the school administration, or the Archdiocese of Atlanta with or without cause. Please refer to the
Business Office Chapter for continuous enrollment financial information.
To officially withdraw from St. Pius X Catholic High School, a Transfer of Records must be completed and
submitted to the Registrar. Final and official transcripts will be transferred to other schools when all
accounts have been paid in full and upon completion of the Transfer of Records form.
Academic Program
Graduation Requirements
Courses Required for Graduation
Non-Participation in Early Graduation, Dual Enrollment, or Outside Credit
Works of Mercy
Credit Recovery
Student Course of Study
Levels of Instruction
Course Load
Course Progression
Course Enrollment and Requirements
Course Catalog Terms
Course Descriptions
Course Offerings/Availability
Class Sizes
Unscheduled Time
Student Level Placement
Course Registration
Core Courses
Elective Courses
Alternate Course Choices
Class Balancing
Schedule Corrections
Schedule Change Requests
Academic Required Course Changes
Course Withdrawal
Curriculum Enrichment Policy
Standardized Testing
Advanced Placement (AP) Program
AP Exams
AP Class Fees
Limiting AP Courses
Grade Scale
Honors/AP Course Grade Rigor Points
Level Change’s Effect on Grades
Grade Reports
Deficiency Notices
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Deficiencies
Access to Grades
Academic Probation
Academic Probation Monitoring
Academic Probation and Financial Aid
Make-up Work/Tests Following Absence
Medical Leave of Absence as Related to Academics
Transfer Grades-Incoming Upper-Class Students
Transfer Grades-Incoming Freshmen
National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) Membership
Credit Recovery
HOPE Rigor Courses
Final Exams
Final Exam Schedule
Make-up Exams
Alternate Exam Dates
Exam Exemptions for Seniors
Transcript Requests
Credit Awarded
Class Rank
Academic Awards
Graduation Medals
Senior Pins
Departmental Awards
College Book Awards
STAR Student
Cornelius L. Maloney Award
Father James Harrison Principal’s Award
Participation in Athletics
GHSA Requirements
NCAA Requirements
St. Pius X is a college preparatory school which provides a program of study requiring 24 Carnegie units
for graduation. Please refer to the course catalog located on the Academics page of the school’s website for
complete course descriptions and requirements for enrollment.
Credits /Subject
Basics of Catholicism or Survey Catholicism/Christian Life & Liturgy
Hebrew Scriptures/Christian Testament
Catholicism and Major Faiths of the World/History of Christianity
Apologetics & Life Ethics/Catholic Social Teaching & Vocations
English *
English I Lit/Comp English II Lit/Comp
American Lit/Writing British Lit/Writing
Mathematics *
Algebra I
Algebra II
*At least one course beyond Algebra II
Science *
Biology Chemistry
Physics One Science Elective
Social Studies *
World History United States History
Economics (.5 credit) Am. Government (.5 credit)
Languages *
Credits must be in the same language for two consecutive years to fulfill the GeorgiaOE
requirements; additional years of World Languages are credited as electives
Business &
Introduction to Digital Technology (.5 credit)
Note: Must be taken within the first year at St. Pius X.
Works of Mercy
Completion of yearly Works of Mercy based on criteria stipulated by
Campus Ministry is graded as a “Pass/Fail” course.
See Campus Ministry page on school website for details.
Class of 2024 Class of 2025 and beyond
Health and Wellness
(.5 credit)
Note: Must be taken
first year at St. Pius X
Health and Wellness
(.5 credit)
Note: Must be taken first
year at St. Pius X
Required for
Fine Arts
Total Credits
Required for Graduation
* Denotes Core academic area; in some instances, AP Courses and/or approved electives may be taken in
place of the equivalent required course.
Non-Participation in Early Graduation, Dual Enrollment, or Outside Institutional Credit
St. Pius X Catholic High School is a four-year institution and therefore does not offer early graduation; St.
Pius X does not participate in Dual Enrollment or offer credit for online courses other than authorized
Credit Recovery.
Works of Mercy Requirements
Each year, students are required to take part in the Works of Mercy Program as part of their ongoing
Catholic formation. The Works of Mercy are a concrete way for students to fulfill Christ’s commandment
to “love [one’s] neighbor as [oneself]” (cf. Matthew 22:39, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27).
Works of Mercy requirements, including deadlines and directions for successfully submitting verification,
are determined by the Campus Ministry department. The Works of Mercy are graded based on successful
completion of all required projects and these grades appear on official transcripts.
Works of Mercy Credit Recovery
Students who fail to complete their Works of Mercy per the requirements stipulated by Campus Ministry
will be required to recover those credits in order to graduate from St. Pius X. All credit recovery for
underclassmen must be completed by August 1 before the following school year begins in order for a
student to be on track to graduate. Students who are not on track to graduate will no longer be allowed to
remain at St. Pius X.
Senior students who fail to complete their Works of Mercy per the requirements stipulated by Campus
Ministry will be required to recover those credits in order to graduate from St. Pius X. All credit recovery
for seniors during their senior year must be completed by the last day of senior classes in order to be eligible
for graduation and participating in graduation exercises. If seniors do not complete the credit recovery
within one year of leaving St. Pius X, they will no longer be eligible to receive a St. Pius X diploma.
Details concerning the Works of Mercy requirements, instructions, and deadlines can be found at the
Campus Ministry page of the St. Pius X website.
Levels of Instruction
St. Pius X offers a rigorous college-preparatory curriculum designed to prepare all students for entry and
success in the collegiate setting. Each level of instruction is college-preparatory, challenging students based
on their aptitude and particular needs. Details regarding course levels offered and the requirements and
expectations for each can be found in the Course Catalog located on the Academics page of the school
College-Preparatory (CP) classes are designed to meet the needs of students enrolled in a college-
preparatory curriculum.
NOTE: CP level courses have protected status at St. Pius X. They are specifically designed for students
who have a demonstrated need for them. They are not used to make a student’s schedule easier or
less demanding.
College-Preparatory Accelerated (CPA) classes are designed to meet the needs of students enrolled in
a college-preparatory curriculum who can complete tasks with greater independence and who have a
demonstrated level of aptitude and achievement.
Honors (H) and Advanced Placement (AP) courses are weighted courses designed to meet the needs
of students who want an advanced college-preparatory curriculum and have demonstrated a high
level of responsibility, interest, aptitude, and achievement. The course principles and concepts are
explored in greater depth, and more independent work is expected of the student.
Course Load
All students in grades 9-12 must successfully complete a minimum of six (6) graded subjects each semester
each year. Each semester, a minimum of four (4) subjects must include courses from the core disciplines of
Theology, English, mathematics, social studies, science, and/or world languages.
Students in Honors courses should anticipate an average of one hour of homework per night per class. For
AP requirements, see the AP Expectations chart at the beginning of each department section as well as the
AP Program section of this document.
Course Progression
Each department section in the Course Catalog contains a flowchart showing the normal progression
through the courses. Some, like Theology, have set courses to be taken at set times during the student’s
time at SPX. Others have flexibility in the choices/levels. Any questions about a particular progression
should be addressed to the chairperson of that department.
Course Enrollment and Requirements
Students enroll in courses at St. Pius X through a process that begins each academic year and culminates
in a student’s schedule for the following school year. This process includes several major stages; in order
for students to maximize their educational experience and be enrolled in as many of the courses as they
desire, it is important that they understand this process and their responsibilities within it.
Below are the major stages of course enrollment:
In-class performance: during the entire current academic year, teachers observe student
performance in order to determine recommendations for course placement for the following
school year.
Recommendations made to department chairs: in early spring, teachers recommend students for
placement in the following year based on the current year’s observations; department chairs have
the final say on whether or not to accept the recommendation.
Recommendations shared with students: in the early spring students are able to see their
recommendations in PowerSchool. They have a brief period to inquire about their recommended
Registration: in mid to late spring students register for courses for the upcoming school year.
Scheduling: over the summer the Academics office creates student schedules for the upcoming
school year. Schedules are based on requirements being fulfilled by students, departmental
recommendations, the number of sections available, and the periods of the school day in which
the courses are available. Preference in scheduling particular courses is ALWAYS given to what
a student needs in order to be on track to graduate.
NOTE: Due to the physical restraints of the school’s space, the number of teachers and sections
available each year, student demand, and conflicting courses, no student is EVER guaranteed a
course, even if a teacher recommended the student for that course.
Course Catalog Terms
Whether or not students are enrolled in their desired courses depends on a number of other factors,
including whether or not the student completed the necessary prerequisites or whether they will be in the
correct grade for when the course is offered.
Below is a detailed list of the terms stipulating these requirements that students will see when they access
the Course Catalog, which is found on the Academics page of the St. Pius X website.
Students should review the individual course descriptions (see the Department pages in the Course
Catalog) to determine what requirements must be fulfilled in order to be eligible for enrollment.
Prerequisite (e.g. “Algebra 1, Geometry”) These courses ensure that students have a solid and
appropriate foundation to be successful in subsequent courses. Therefore, students must pass
prerequisites in order to be eligible to enroll in subsequent courses. This status is reviewed at the end
of the year. If a student fails a prerequisite course or does not pass with the required listed grade,
he/she will be registered for a different qualifying course.
Corequisite These are additional course(s) in which the student must also be enrolled in order to
be eligible to take the course in question.
Grade Level: (e.g. “Grade(s): 10, 11, 12th These denote the grade level required for students to be
eligible for enrollment in the course in question; these grades refer to the grade the student will be in
during the following academic year.
Permission of Department These are courses that require a teacher recommendation in order to be
eligible for enrollment. The criteria vary by course/department, so it is the responsibility of the student
to follow the guidelines set forth by the department and submit any necessary applications by the
departmental deadline.
Notes These outline any additional information pertinent to the courses that a student should know
in deciding to request placement.
Course Descriptions
Course descriptions are provided in the Course Catalog found on the Academics page of the St. Pius X
website to help students and parents determine the content of the course offerings. Please read them
carefully. If further explanation is needed, contact the chairperson of the department or the teacher
currently teaching the course.
Course Offerings/Availability
All courses listed in the Course Catalog are offered subject to availability. Changes to the Course Catalog
may occur without notice. Courses offered are based on numerous factors, including:
Teaching staff needs: these are determined for the next school year based in part upon the data
gathered from course registration in the spring.
Teaching staff availability: course availability is subject to the availability of appropriate teachers
who can successfully teach the planned courses.
St. Pius X offers various levels of instruction in order to serve all its students as effectively as
possible. The number of courses, levels, and sections are selected based on the needs of the school
at large, and are the sole prerogatives of the professional staff and the administration.
Courses may be limited to a certain number of students; therefore, not all students who register
for a course will be able to take it. It should be noted that the selection of certain courses does not
guarantee that the student will be scheduled into those courses.
The school reserves the right to drop courses for which there is insufficient enrollment or no
teacher available.
Class Sizes
Each class has a maximum capacity based on facilities, content needs, and best educational practices.
Because of the impact and disruption changes have on class size and to ensure the balance of class loads,
class capacities will NOT be overfilled.
Unscheduled Time
Students may take no more than one non-credit course (study hall, work-study, or study support) per
academic year. Work Study placements take precedence over elective courses for purposes of scheduling.
Once schedules have been distributed, requests to drop electives in favor of Study Hall will not be granted.
Student Level Placement
St. Pius X offers classroom instruction on various levels with different academic expectations in order to
ensure the greatest academic success for each student, and course assignment and student placement in a
given instructional level are the sole prerogatives of the professional staff and the administration.
Student placement in any subject will be based on the following: performance on certain standardized tests
(when applicable), aptitude, performance in that course of study, and teacher recommendations.
Recommendations will be made by teachers in the spring based on the student’s performance in the current
course. Students are invited by departments to participate in AP and Honors courses based on their
demonstrated ability, grades. skills, work habits, and motivation. Students enrolled in AP and Honors
courses who do not continue to demonstrate these qualities will have their invitations withdrawn from the
programs for the following year.
Students not placed in their level of choice may request a review or submit an application, as outlined by
the specific department, but there is no guarantee that the student recommendation will be changed.
Every effort is made to place students in courses that are at the correct level based on their previous
academic experience. Occasionally, a student may be misplaced. In such cases, the Dean of Academics, in
consultation with the subject teacher and department chair, may shift a student to a different level course.
Special Notes About Student Level Placement
In English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and World Languages, CPA courses are considered “on-
track,” while CP level courses have protected status: they are specifically designed for students
who have a demonstrated need for them, such as those with a diagnosed and documented learning
difference. They are not used to make a student’s schedule easier or less demanding.
For students who wish to move out of a particular World Language course progression, they must
provide a written rationale for the desired move to the department chair prior to registration for
the following year and have a placement test for the desired language on file with the department.
All moves are subject to availability and are not guaranteed.
Parents of students placed in courses at parent request against school recommendation must sign
a contract stipulating that the student will complete the course at the requested level, regardless
of performance, and that reassignments to a lower level will not be made after the switch has been
Course Registration
Course registration occurs in spring for the following academic year. Students should work in consultation
with parents and their counselor to plan the appropriate course of study for their long-term goals and
register for those courses accordingly.
Core Courses
Once a student registers for a course, level changes are not allowed. All requests for a particular level must
happen during the stated time frame prior to course registration. Requests for additional AP courses made
after the initial course registration will not be honored. This includes instances where students were not
scheduled into AP courses for which they did register but which were not ultimately available for the
reasons listed under “Course Offerings/Availability” above.
Elective Courses
Although students are asked to prioritize elective choices, no course is guaranteed. If a student lists an
elective during registration, even if it is an alternative, the student will not be allowed to drop the course
once schedules have been published. This includes switching to Study Hall.
If the school’s master schedule dictates, students may be placed in an elective course not selected during
registration. Elective courses are subject to cancellation due to low enrollment.
Alternate Course Choices
The following do not guarantee that a student will be scheduled for a particular course:
A teacher recommendation for a high-demand course
Selecting a course as a primary elective during registration
Some students cannot be scheduled into the electives they request due to a number of factors:
Single-section courses offered during the same period
Class size maximums
Course sequencing (eg the required prerequisite is taught in the same semester)
All choices are taught in the same semester, causing schedule overload
An inability to have lunch in the schedule
Students must select alternate elective options during the registration time frame. Elective alternates are
not prioritized; therefore, it is possible that a student might be placed in anything he/she has chosen. It is
also possible in situations listed above under “Course Offerings/Availability” that a student will be placed
in an elective that he/she did not choose. In these circumstances, the master schedule dictates the courses.
Assigned electives will not be reconsidered once the schedules are published.
Class Balancing
St. Pius X reserves the right to modify student schedules in a manner that best benefits the student and
SPX. In order to provide the most optimal educational experience, the Academics Office tries to balance
classes as much as possible (i.e. similar number of students in each class). Since a number of courses are
taught only one semester each year, and since a change to one student’s schedule can throw the balance off
in other classes, there is sometimes a need to rebalance classes for instructors at the beginning of each
Schedules visible in the PowerSchool portal in the summer are subject to change class period or teacher
until the first day of school in August. The assigned elective course(s) may change if class balancing is
required; however, the assigned core courses themselves are final, and no changes should be
Schedule Corrections
Student course lists for the following year will be distributed in May. Students should bring any ERRORS
to the attention of the Registrar using the online Schedule Error Notification Form. The form link will be
posted in Canvas and will be open for a limited time. Schedule change requests will NOT be accepted via
Reasons for a schedule correction include:
Did not receive a course required for graduation
Enrolled in a non-repeatable course a student has already completed and for which he or she has
received credit
Enrolled in a course for which a student has not met the prerequisite
A student does not have a full schedule of seven (7) classes
A student does not have a lunch period (unless that student is enrolled in a double-period AP
science course)
Schedule Change Requests
St. Pius X does not have a drop-add period. After the published deadline, class changes will be made only
for academic reasons, e.g. the student did not successfully complete the prerequisite or the student was
placed incorrectly.
The following reasons for change of schedule will NOT be considered:
Specific teacher request (either for or against)
A student believes that he or she does not learn well with a particular teacher’s “style”
Dissatisfaction with a course/level
Placement in an elective that the student did not request
Desire for a particular lunch/class period
The schedules of others
Change of mind
To adjust time of arrival/departure from school
To accommodate extracurricular activities, including jobs
Students do not have the ability to select instructors. It is important for students to be exposed to a variety
of teaching styles and learning methods while in a college-preparatory environment. The instructors at St.
Pius X are diverse in their talents and methods and exposure to them provides an excellent foundation for
learning how to adapt to the particularities of others, whether professors in college or employers afterward.
Academic-Required Course Changes
In rare cases, circumstances require a student’s schedule to be revisited. Changes will be made for academic
reasons only, with the student's ability to meet course requirements being the primary consideration. This
may be initiated by the student’s teacher or the department chairperson, who will consult with the Dean of
Academics. The Dean of Academics is the only one with authority to make a schedule change, and will
only do so with the recommendation of the department chair.
Student- or parent-initiated course request changes must always begin with the classroom teacher. Failure
to follow protocol may result in the request being denied. The teacher will discuss the issue with the
department chairperson who can then make the request of the Dean of Academics. After course
registration, parents/students should not expect a change request to be accommodated.
Course Withdrawal
In an effort to provide the most accurate information possible on SPX transcripts, students who withdraw
from a course after the semester has begun will have a “W” (Withdrawal) noted on their transcript. This is
consistent with the process used by colleges and universities and will therefore be more effective in
communicating the most precise record of a student’s academic progress.
Once the academic year has started, courses may not be dropped except when the Dean of Academics
deems this action advisable. Such withdrawals may carry a grade of “WF” (Withdrawal-Failing) or “WM”
Curriculum Enrichment Policy
St. Pius X students are permitted to enroll in external coursework (outside the school) for purposes of
curriculum enrichment; however, community college and on-line courses are not accepted in lieu of
graduation requirements, prerequisites, credit hours earned, or grade point average.
Families who wish to pursue external coursework for curriculum enrichment are encouraged to verify
with colleges of interest that the courses will be accepted and considered in the admissions process. The
student will be responsible for reporting these courses to the colleges to which they apply; St. Pius X will
not publish external coursework to student transcripts.
No adjustments can be made to a student’s schedule in order to accommodate demands for external
coursework, which should not interfere with the normal St. Pius X school day, schedule, or academic
progress. Families are advised to consider all factors involved in enrolling in coursework for curriculum
enrichment, including workload at St. Pius X, time constraints, and stress levels so as not to overload
Standardized Testing
Standardized tests of various types, as appropriate to the individual classes, are administered. The regular
testing program consists of the PSAT administered in grades 9, 10, and 11. The SAT and ACT are offered
periodically throughout the academic year. Additional testing is recommended where needed.
Students who have learning or medical needs that warrant accommodations in the classroom can request
accommodations on standardized tests. The standardized testing companies (College Board or ACT) must
approve the request in order for students to use the accommodation(s) on its test. The information on how
to make this request is available on the SSD page of Canvas under the "Extras" tab. Any student who has
testing or a doctor’s note recommending classroom accommodations has access to this Canvas page. Any
questions can be directed to the Study Support teachers.
Accommodations will be provided on the PSAT and AP exams for students who have been approved by
the College Board. SPX will provide proctors for students taking the PSAT 10/11, which is given to
sophomores and juniors, and AP exams with standard time or 50% extra time. The family will be charged
a proctoring fee for any additional personnel that must be acquired to provide accommodations outside of
those previously stated. Some accommodations that would require additional personnel are 100% extra
time, extra time on the PSAT 8/9 (which is taken by freshmen), or a reader.
Test results are explained and used when counseling students for future plans. Copies of these test results
are mailed directly to the student’s parent(s). PSAT scores are not part of the student’s transcript.
Advanced Placement (AP) Program
AP courses are college-level courses and as such require considerably more homework and studying than
other course levels. Students considering taking an AP course should check the AP Expectations chart in
that department’s section of the Course Catalog found on the Academics page of the school website.
Advanced Placement (AP) Courses labeled “AP” include an 8-point addition in the final numeric average,
provided this average is 70% or greater at the conclusion of the course. In the case of a failing grade or
failure to take the required AP exam in May, the student will not be awarded the 8-point addition.
Any student who enrolls in an AP course must remain in the course until the completion of the course.
Requests to drop an AP course must be approved by the Dean of Academics. Any student who drops an
AP course due to failing grades will receive the notation W/F (Withdrawn/Failing) on the official
If a student enrolls in an Advanced Placement course for curriculum enrichment that is also a course
offered at St. Pius X, then he/she may take the national AP exam at St. Pius X on the designated date and
time in May for an additional, non-refundable fee billed through FACTS. Students in this situation who
wish to take the national exam at St. Pius X must notify the Dean of Academics of their intent to take the
national exam in writing by December 15th of the academic year.
Students not enrolled in an AP course at SPX or in an outside enrichment AP course that is also offered at
SPX may not take the national AP Exam at St. Pius X or use the St. Pius X school code when registering for
the exam.
AP Exams
All students taking an Advanced Placement class are required to take a make-up AP exam at the scheduled
time in May.
Students who are scheduled to take two exams on the same day at the same time will be allowed to choose
which of these exams to take during The College Board’s late-testing week.
Students who miss the AP Exam for any reason are required to take a make-up AP exam the third week of
AP testing. Failure to do so will result in an 8-point deduction in the semester grade for that course. In the
event a student must make up an AP Exam, that student is responsible for informing the AP Testing
Coordinator before the original testing time concludes; failure to do so will result in the Testing
Coordinator being unable to order the tests, and the student will not receive the 8-point addition to the
final course grade.
If AP testing proctors identify a test that has been illustrated, defaced, “Christmas-treed,” or otherwise not
taken seriously, the Academics Office and the subject teacher will be notified and the student will not earn
the additional 8 points for their course grade.
AP Class Fees
AP courses require a fee of $100 per course for the AP exam, which is non-refundable after October 1st.
In addition, any fees incurred due to students not taking scheduled exams, late exam ordering fees, or fees
for returning of unused exams/exam make-ups will be charged to the students’ Facts Billing Accounts.
Limiting AP Courses: Beginning with the Class of 2025
Given the difficulty of AP coursework, St. Pius X requires that students limit their academic schedule as
Freshman Year: one AP course
Sophomore Year: two AP courses
Junior Year: three AP courses
Senior Year: three AP courses (per semester)
This policy encourages students to seek a balance in their academics and extracurricular activities. In
addition, St Pius X’s AP course load allows for less academic stress and anxiety so students can pursue
their academic interests with greater focus, passion, and opportunity for enjoyment in these disciplines.
Colleges are informed of St. Pius X’s AP Course Caps through the Counseling Department’s “St. Pius X
Profile Sheet,” which is included as a part of the applying student’s application packet and which helps
colleges interpret the performance and choices of our students. In other words, St. Pius X students are
compared to St. Pius X students, not to students from other schools with respect to the number of AP
courses chosen and successfully completed.
During course registration, students may petition for a fourth AP course as a rising junior or rising senior.
The criteria for contingent approval are as follows (and are based on course availability):
1. The student has maintained a 95% weighted average during the current school year, including the
present semester. Tentative approval will be granted during course selection.
2. As a rising junior or senior, the student has taken a total of four courses, in any combination, at the
following levels during the current academic year:
a. Any AP Course(s)
b. Any Honors Course(s)
c. The third or fourth year of a language unless the additional AP course for which they are
petitioning is a World Languages AP course.
d. Must have completed the Fine Arts requirement of ½ credit, unless petitioning for an AP
Fine Arts course or currently enrolled in a Fine Arts course which will fulfill the ½ Fine
Arts credit requirement.
Students meeting the required criteria for petition for an additional AP course will then obtain the
application for additional AP courses and complete the form to submit to the Dean of Academics.
Grade Scale
St. Pius X issues numeric grades to its students. The grade interpretations are as follows:
90 108 Excellent or superior work indicating a high level of mastery of materials or skills as
indicated by the objectives of the course.
80 89 Above average work and mastery of materials or skills.
74 79 Average work or mastery of the materials or skills.
70 73 Passing, but indicates either a deficiency in mastering some required materials or
skills, or a lack of application on the part of the learner.
Below 70 Failure to minimally meet the fundamental objectives of a course.
INC Incomplete
If work is not completed within two weeks after the semester ends, the Incomplete becomes a numeric
grade. In extenuating circumstances, a student may appeal for a time extension to a committee composed
of the Dean of Academics and the Dean of Students.
Access to Grades
The PowerSchool Parent Portal is a web-based application that allows parents and students timely access
to academic information. Parents and students are able to view student schedules, attendance/discipline
information, and teacher comments. Additionally, results of tests and assignments can be seen as soon as
they are recorded, enabling quick intervention and communication with teachers and, if necessary, the
student’s counselor.
A link to the Parent/Student Portal has been provided on the St. Pius X website.
PowerSchool access may be limited, or turned off completely, at the end of each semester. This encourages
students to focus on academic matters such as tests, projects, and/or exams. Teachers are not required to
communicate student exam results/final grades during this time.
PowerSchool access is often turned off in the summer for software maintenance. Notification will be given
in advance of such shutdowns.
Honors/AP Course Grade Rigor Points
Courses labeled “Honors” include a 4-point addition in the final numeric average provided this average is
70% or greater. Courses labeled “AP” include an 8-point addition in the final numeric average provided
this average is 70% or greater.
No rigor points will be awarded in Honors or AP courses taken if the final raw grade is below 70%.
Additionally, AP students who do not take the AP exam will not be awarded the extra points.
Level Change’s Effect on Grades
If it is determined to be in the best interest of a student to change levels in a course, the grades in the original
course are retained and combined with the grades in the new course. It is the responsibility of the original
teacher to give the grade from the original course to the new teacher at the time of the transfer.
Grade Reports
First semester report cards will be uploaded to the PowerSchool Parent Portal shortly after the second
semester begins and grades have been finalized. Second semester report cards will be uploaded to the
PowerSchool Parent Portal in early June after grades have been finalized. Parents will receive an email
once report cards have been uploaded to PowerSchool. Grade reports remain archived and accessible in
the Parent Portal for the duration of the student’s enrollment.
Deficiency Notices
Deficiency Notices will be run on or about the Friday of the ninth week of each semester to any student
with a grade of 73 or below in any class. An email notification will be sent to the Parent Email account for
the student, and a hardcopy notice will be sent via the US Postal Service to the student’s home address.
Parent-Teacher Conferences for Deficiencies
Official Parent/Teacher conferences are only for students with deficiencies and are held in the fall by
appointment only. Please contact your student’s teacher(s) if a meeting is desired before or after the official
fall conference date. Information about dates/times will be distributed with the deficiency notices.
Academic Probation Monitoring
Students on Academic Probation will report to an Academic Advisor every Thursday afternoon for the
entire semester. Grades will be monitored in three-week intervals, but the students will not be released
from fall advisory meetings until the January report card becomes available and/or from spring advisory
meetings until the June report card becomes available.
If students are also on Discipline Contract, those students will be assigned the same advisor/counselor for
both academic and behavioral concerns. These students will be reviewed at the end of the school year to
determine if continued enrollment at St. Pius X is advisable.
Students who are placed on Academic Probation for two semesters are liable for dismissal from St. Pius X.
Students who continue to fail the same course for two consecutive semesters are liable for dismissal from
St. Pius X.
Make-Up Work/Tests Following Absence
Some absences cannot be avoided. However, students must realize that regular attendance, diligence, and
application to study contributes to the students' success in academic endeavors. Even excused absences
often result in lower grades for absent students because nothing can replace students' presence in class for
learning and school achievement. Parents have access to attendance, conduct, and grades through the
PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal. If parents have questions following a review of absences or conduct
via the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal, please contact the Dean of Students for clarification.
Students are afforded the opportunity to make up tests and/or quizzes missed as a result of at least one or
more full day’s excused absence from school. These tests must be completed at the discretion of the teacher
or within three (3) school days of the absence.
For students who miss work due to unexcused absences or suspensions, tests and assignments that are due
on the day of the absence or suspension become due on the day the student returns.
Teachers are responsible for providing the tests and test administration locations. Students are responsible
for arranging the necessary appointments. In all cases the teacher ultimately determines the time when the
test is to be taken.
In the case of a student with a prolonged illness, the Academics Office will determine the time extension
for making up tests. It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Dean of Academics upon his/her return
to school.
Medical Leave of Absence as related to Academics
In the case of a student with a prolonged absence (medical or psychological) of 20 absences from one class
or 15 consecutive days, the Academics Office may request a withdrawal from St. Pius X. Criteria for re-
enrollment may be established so that the student may return the following semester or academic year. In
the case of fewer than 20 absences from one class or 15 consecutive days, the Academics Office will
determine the time extension for making up assessments.
Because teachers are not required to reteach subject matter that has been missed, it is recommended that
parents procure a tutor for their student’s extended absence for all missed classwork. Until missed
assignments are received by the teacher, students will receive a grade of “0” for all missed work which is
not made up. Once assignments are submitted, they will be graded and the student will then receive a
grade for the assignment(s). It is the student’s responsibility to contact the Dean of Academics upon his/her
return to school.
Transfer Grades Incoming Upper-class Students
Transfer students who are new to St. Pius X will have courses from the previous school listed on the SPX
transcript. Credit toward graduation will be awarded, but the grades will not be calculated into the
student’s cumulative GPA.
Letter grades will be converted to numeric grades according to the following:
SPX reserves the right to administer final exams to students for the purpose of placement and/or
acceptance of course credit.
Transfer Grades Incoming Freshmen
High school level courses taken prior to the first semester of freshman year will not be included on the
transcript, will not receive credit towards graduation, and will not be included in the GPA calculations.
Students may be given placement exams to ensure correct leveling with respect to these prior courses.
National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) Membership
As a member of the National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC), St. Pius X supports
its “Statement of Principles and Good Practice” and has agreed to comply with both the intent and spirit
of colleges, universities, and secondary schools that comprise that organization in reporting disciplinary
situations. Therefore, St. Pius X will require that students truthfully and accurately answer questions posed
by certain colleges regarding probations, suspensions, dismissals, expulsions, and other Honor Code and
disciplinary violations. The Counseling department will notify colleges of any significant changes in a
student’s academic or personal status. Upon a second offense, colleges will receive information about any
change of status that results from the second incident (including, but not limited to, suspension, expulsion,
change of school, etc.)
Credit Recovery
Registration for credit recovery courses must have the approval of the Dean of Academics and Principal
prior to enrollment. Students may register for no more than three (3) semester courses (or 1.5 total credits)
for credit recovery over the current academic year. Students who fail more than three courses in one
academic year will be dismissed from St. Pius X Catholic High School.
For individuals and their families who need assistance with the registration process for credit recovery, a
Credit Recovery Coordinator will be available to assist. Credit Recovery information options will be made
available after the student has failed a course. St. Pius X does not offer credit recovery or summer school.
It is the responsibility of the family to research, register and pay for credit recovery, regardless of the option
selected. It is also the responsibility of the family to ensure that the Registrar of St. Pius X receives an official
transcript upon successful completion of the course(s). Credit recovery courses must be equivalent to
courses offered at St. Pius X and as such requires prior approval to ensure the appropriate course is taken.
If the student does not successfully complete a credit recovery course, the student will not receive a course
schedule nor be allowed to start classes for the new school year. A withdrawal from St. Pius X will be
required since all students starting a new school year must be in good academic standing and be on track
for graduation.
Students who enroll in a distance learning program for credit recovery must earn a grade of “C” or better,
based on the stated St. Pius X grading scale listed below, in all coursework in order to receive credit from
SPX. Students who do not successfully earn a “C” or better in a distance learning course may submit the
final grade for administrative review; administration reserves the right to refuse to award credit for any
such course.
All original grades are posted on the student transcript, even if the course is retaken.
Grades earned for credit recovery will be identified as such on the student’s cumulative record. Letter
grades will be converted to a numeric value according to the following table, and this grade will be included
in the student’s cumulative GPA. Credit recovery grades will not be used in any academic award
Failure to recover credit and provide verification of successful completion of all needed credit(s) by August
1 of the following academic year results in a student being “off-track” to graduate and therefore subject to
NOTE: Graduating seniors who wish to participate in graduation exercises MUST successfully recover
required credits and provide verification of completion by the conclusion of spring semester senior exams
in order to participate.
HOPE Rigor Courses
Per the Georgia Student Finance Commission:
For the High School Graduating Class of 2017 and beyond, a student meeting the requirements to be a
HOPE Scholar at the time of high school graduation must earn a minimum of four full credits from the
academic rigor course categories [advanced math, advanced science, foreign language courses, Advanced
Placement courses in core subjects] prior to graduating from high school.
SPX requirements assure a student of graduating with five rigor courses, which exceeds the HOPE
Scholarship minimum, before including any AP courses.
Math one (all grade 11 and 12 courses are rigor courses)
Science three (Biology, Chemistry, Physics)
World Languages one (all Level 2 and above are rigor courses)
Final Exams: General Information
Most academic courses have a final exam each semester. This must count no less than 10% of the final
grade and no more than 20% of the grade. The percentage will be determined by the department and listed
in each course syllabus.
Final Exams Schedule (Fall Semester)
All core courses for all grades administer final exams the last four days of the fall semester.
The final exam days are classified by subjects assessed; each day will host two 90-minute exam
Schedules are provided from the Academics Office prior to the final exams period.
Students who are not required to attend a particular subject exam time are not required to be on
EXAMPLE 1: A freshman student is not in a Social Studies class; that student does not
need to be at school during the Social Studies time period.
EXAMPLE 2: A senior student is not in a World Language class; that student does not
need to be at school during the World Languages time period.
Students will be dismissed from school following the conclusion of the second exam,
approximately 12:00 p.m.
Students must leave campus once their exam(s) are complete, under the direct supervision of a
coach or a club moderator.
The schedule below describes the general time frames for the final exam four-day period:
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Elective Exams I
9:30-10:15 a.m.
Student break
Student break
Student break
Student break
10:15-11:45 a.m.
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Elective Exams II
11:50-12:00 p.m.
Student dismissal from campus
Final Exams Schedule (Spring Semester: Underclassmen [Grades 9-11])
All core courses for grades 9-11 administer final exams the last four days of the spring semester.
The final exam days are classified by subjects assessed; each day will host two 90-minute exam
Schedules are provided from the Academics Office prior to the final exams period.
Students who are not required to attend a particular subject exam time are not required to be on
EXAMPLE 1: A freshman student is not in a Social Studies class; that student does not
need to be at school during the Social Studies time period.
EXAMPLE 2: A junior student is not in a World Language class; that student does not
need to be at school during the World Languages time period.
Students will be dismissed from school following the conclusion of the second exam,
approximately 12:00 p.m.
Students must leave campus once their exam(s) are complete.
The schedule below describes the general time frames for the final exam four-day period:
Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four
8:00-9:30 a.m.
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Elective Exams I
9:30-10:15 a.m.
Student break
Student break
Student break
Student break
10:15-11:45 a.m.
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Subject final exam
Elective Exams II
11:50-12:00 p.m.
Student dismissal from campus
Final Exams Schedule (Spring Semester: Senior Core Subject Exams)
All core courses for seniors administer final exams the last three regular school days of the spring semester.
The final exam days are classified by subjects assessed; each day will host two 60-minute exam
Schedules are provided from the Academics Office prior to the final exams period.
Students who are not required to attend a particular subject exam time are not required to be on
EXAMPLE 1: A senior student is in an AP English class that does not host a spring final
exam; that student does not need to be at school during the English core exam time period.
EXAMPLE 2: A senior student exempted the spring final exam for Math; that student does
not need to be at school during the Math time period.
Students will be dismissed from school following the conclusion of the second exam.
Students must leave campus once their exam(s) are complete.
Early Administration of Final Exams
Due to test security, students are not permitted to take final exams before the scheduled dates. A student
who misses a final exam will have to make arrangements for making each exam up with the Dean of
Make-Up Exams
If a student is seriously ill during the exam period, he/she will make arrangements with the Dean of
Academics to make up these exams.
Exam Exemptions for Seniors
All exemptions are at the discretion of the teacher/department chairperson. Please refer to the
individual class syllabus for full details.
Seniors may lose the exemption privilege if their absences exceed 10 sessions per course, per
semester. Please refer to the Attendance section of this handbook for further details.
Transcript Requests
Current students should contact the Guidance Office for transcripts related to college/scholarship
applications. The Guidance Office sends a final official transcript to the student’s college of record
following graduation. NCAA eligibility transcripts are also handled through the Guidance Office.
All other transcript requests should be directed to the Registrar.
Student Records
Per The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 ( FERPA), parents have a right to review their
student’s educational records. In order to request a review of your student’s educational records, please
contact the Academics Office to request an appointment. Please allow the Academics Office a minimum of
48 hours to respond to your request and set up an appointment for review of the records. Archdiocesan
policy requires that review of all educational records are accompanied by an authorized member of the
Academics Office or the Principal’s Office.
Credit Awarded
One half-credit is awarded for each semester of work successfully completed.
Students may take no more than one non-credit course per academic year. Work Study will replace one
semester of elective credit.
Once the academic year has started, courses may be dropped ONLY when the Dean of Academics deems
this action advisable. In these cases, the course will be listed on the student’s transcript and a WF”
(Withdrawal-Failing) or “WM (Withdrawal-Medical) will be recorded. This applies to both core and
elective courses.
Graduation requirements are stated in terms of “credits earned.” Students are required to complete 24
credits in the required courses outline in the Graduation Requirements; to take at least six graded courses
each semester; to take courses in the appropriate sequence (e.g., Biology, then Chemistry, then Physics);
and to pass all courses taken at St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Only students who have fulfilled both academic and Works of Mercy graduation requirements will be
permitted to participate in the graduation exercises. Seniors who reach their May graduation date needing
more than three course credits (to be completed in summer school or an alternate setting) will not receive
a St. Pius X diploma.
Students who fail to earn the minimum credit requirement in eight semesters and four summer school
sessions may be granted one additional year to make up their unearned credits. If the student does not earn
the required credit during that time, they will be ineligible for a St. Pius X diploma. With the exception of
Theology courses, all failed coursework must be taken outside of St. Pius X, and credit will be transferred
to the school.
Graduating seniors who wish to participate in graduation exercises must successfully recover the credits
required and provide verification of successful recovery by the conclusion of spring semester senior exams
in order to participate.
Class Rank
Grade Point Averages are recorded numerically on semester end report cards and transcripts based on a
100-point grading scale and a 5.0 grading scale. St. Pius X does not rank students.
Academic Awards
GPAs are not rounded when determining academic awards levels. Grades from credit recovery courses are
not factored into academic award calculations.
The following awards are given each semester:
President’s List: Students with a 95.00 average for the semester who have no individual grade lower
than a 95
Principal's List: Students with a 95.00 average for the semester with no individual grade lower than a
Deans’ List: Students with an average between 90.00-94.99 with no individual grade lower than a 90
Honor Roll: Students who achieve a grade point average of 90.00 or higher for the semester but do not
qualify for the President’s List, Principal's List or the Deans’ List
Graduation Medals
Seniors may earn medals they can wear with their graduation regalia, based on their academic
accomplishments in their first seven semesters at St. Pius X Catholic High School. The following medals
are awarded based on the criteria listed:
Gold Medal: This is given to seniors who have made the President’s List at least seven semesters.
Silver Medal: This is given to seniors who have made the Principal’s List at least seven semesters.
Bronze Medal: This is given to seniors who have made the Dean’s List at least seven semesters.
Rounding Down: If a senior has earned less than seven semesters of a particular “list” and has
earned distinction from a lower list, then the senior will earn the medal for the next lower list.
EXAMPLE: A student makes the President’s List for six semesters and the Dean’s List for
one semester; that student would receive a Silver Medal for the Principal’s List.
NOTE: No medal will be awarded to students who do not make one of the distinction lists
for seven semesters at St. Pius X.
Senior Pins
Seniors will earn recognition pins for achieving any mix of President’s, Principal’s, and/or Dean’s list for
at least five semesters during their time at St. Pius X, which are delivered to the students with a
congratulatory note. Seniors may wear these pins with their graduation regalia
Diploma Seals
Biliteracy Diploma Seal: Students who maintain a 3.0 or above in all their English classes as well
as earned a 4 or higher on a World Language AP examination are eligible for the Seal of Biliteracy.
Fine Arts Diploma Seal: Students who complete 8 consecutive semesters of Fine Arts Credits,
with at least 6 being in one Fine Arts pathway (i.e. Band, Chorus, Dance, Guitar, Music Production,
Theatre, or Visual Arts) are eligible to receive a Fine Arts Diploma Seal. Students must complete
the above course of study in addition to the completion of a capstone project their senior year.
Students who complete all of the requirements will receive a seal for their diploma, a special
distinction on their final transcript, and a Fine Arts cord for their graduation regalia. Any questions
should be directed towards the Fine Arts department chairperson.
St. Pius X will recognize at commencement the Valedictorian and Salutatorian who are the graduating
seniors with the highest cumulative grade point averages. These students are named after the grades are
finalized for the first semester of senior year.
Only courses taken at St. Pius X Catholic High School will be considered for Valedictorian/ Salutatorian
selection. Valedictorians, salutatorians, and any other student speakers/performers must have exemplary
attendance and behavioral records as determined by the administration at its sole discretion.
Due to the fact that students enrolled at St. Pius X must complete Works of Mercy in order to be eligible to
graduate, and due to the fact that St. Pius X has no control over course offerings or rigor from other schools,
students who have not been at St. Pius X since the first semester of their freshman year are ineligible to be
considered for Valedictorian or Salutatorian.
Departmental Awards
Every academic department honors students on each grade level for Outstanding Achievement. Special
departmental awards may also be given.
College Book Awards
These books given on behalf of the school and the participating colleges honor juniors for scholarship,
leadership, and involvement.
STAR Student
This award honors the senior who leads the class on the basis of the SAT and academic achievement.
Cornelius L. Maloney Award
This award is given to the two seniors who have demonstrated the highest academic achievement. The
Valedictorian and Salutatorian must be enrolled at St. Pius X for at least seven consecutive semesters.
Father James Harrison Principal’s Award
This award is presented to students who exemplify to a very high degree the qualities which are the essence
of Father Harrison’s vision and are truly representative of the ideals of St. Pius X. Simply stated, they are
good people who represent the best of their class and this school.
GHSA Requirements
The Georgia High School Association (GHSA) regulates the extra-curricular activities of students in
Georgia’s public and private high schools. As stated in the GHSA Constitution and By-laws, Section 1.51,
in order to be eligible to participate, practice and/or in interscholastic activities, a student must be
academically eligible.
Eligibility for activities regulated by GHSA includes earning (with a passing grade) 2.5 Carnegie Units per
semester as well as earning a prescribed number of counting-toward-graduation credits by the end of each
school year to be able to participate the following school year. For more information, see Please refer to pages 17-18 of the GHSA constitution and by-laws
Important note: The units that must be earned to be eligible for GHSA-sanctioned activities are listed
By the end of Grade 9 Five (5) Carnegie Units of credit
By the end of Grade 10 Eleven (11) Carnegie Units of credit
By the end of Grade 11 Seventeen (17) Carnegie Units of credit
Credit Recovery grades are not posted until the first semester of the following school year, which could
delay eligibility.
NCAA Requirements
Students who plan to participate in athletics in college at the NCAA Division I or Division II level must be
certified by the NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse. The Counseling office or the Athletic Director can provide
information pertinent to eligibility requirements. However, it is the student’s responsibility to meet all of
the requirements. See the NCAA website for info:
Attendance Policies and Procedures
Attendance Policies & Procedures
Attendance Office Check-In/Check-Out
Attendance Procedures
Excused vs. Unexcused
Attendance and Excessive Absences
Attendance Review
Continued Excessive Absences After Board Review
Tardiness and Its Relation to Absences
Absence Records
Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA)
Other Circumstances Regarding Absences from School
Parents Out of Town
Effect of Absence on Activity Participation
Absence Due to Field Trips and School-Related Functions
Absence Due to Service Opportunities
To Report Absences:
404-636-3023, ext. 228
Attendance Office Check-In/Check-Out
Any time a student leaves school or returns to school during school hours, he/she must report to the
Attendance Office. Any student who does not sign in at the attendance office when arriving late to school
or sign out at the attendance office when leaving school early will receive a detention.
Early Dismissal
Students who anticipate having to leave school early must present an original written request
(emails and faxes will not be accepted) from their parent or legal guardian to the Attendance
Office before the end of the first period. It should be dated, should state the reason for the early
dismissal, who will be picking up the student, and should include a phone number for
verification purposes. All early dismissals must occur prior to 2:30 p.m. and will NOT be granted
after that time. The excused students must sign out immediately before leaving school and sign
in if they return before the end of the school day. If a student fails to bring a note to school for
early dismissal, the student’s parent must appear before the attendance secretary personally to
sign out their student.
Study Hall Early Dismissal Privilege
Juniors & seniors may leave at the end of 7th period if they have an assigned study hall for 8th
period. A permission slip for early departure signed by the parents must be on file with the
attendance office and may be obtained during the first week of each semester from the attendance
office. Students must sign out in person and must not loiter or be in the parking lot, school
buildings, or other facilities on the days they exercise their early dismissal privilege. Parents may
rescind this privilege in writing at any time. The Deans of Students may review this privilege based
on academic or disciplinary concerns or other abuse of the privilege.
Attendance Procedures
In the event of a student’s absence, parents must telephone the Attendance Office at the number above
between 7:45 and 9:00 a.m. In addition, students returning to school following an absence must present a
written explanation of the absence from their parents or guardians. It should be dated, contain the dates
of the absence and the reason for the absence. It should include a phone number of a legal guardian/parent
for verification purposes no later than 8 a.m. on the day of return. The attendance secretary will file all
absence notes in the central office and make the appropriate annotation in PowerSchool.
The school determines the legitimacy and classification of all absences; absences are divided into two
Excused vs. Unexcused Absences
Excused absences:
o Informed/Planned Excused Absence (Known/Planned Future Absences and College
Visits): An informed absence will be recorded as “excused” for occasions when a future
absence is planned and the appropriate Informed Absence paperwork has been
submitted. These absences may include but are not limited to:
Planned family events
Medical appointments
Court summons
College visits
If a college visit is requested, but not yet confirmed by the college,
Informed Absence paperwork must be completed in advance in order to
have an excused absence.
If the college visit does not occur at the requested time, no penalty will
be incurred for the change in attendance.
Informed absences specifically for college visits will not be approved as
an excused absence during the following times: class pilgrimages and the
week prior to or during final semester exams.
Permission must be requested in writing by the parent or guardian to the
Attendance Office as far in advance as possible. Please include the
requested dates of absence and the reason for the absence.
Letters from organizations or other entities other than parents/guardians
will not be accepted.
Telephone excuses from parents on the day of departure will NOT be
honored; the student’s absence will be recorded as unexcused. Keep in
mind that unexcused absences directly affect credit for all graded
coursework during the time of the unexcused absence.
In addition to advanced written notification, the Informed Absence form
must be obtained from the attendance office and a signature and grade
from each teacher must be secured. This completed form must be
approved by the Dean of Students before an excused absence will be
For any informed absence, the student must take responsibility for make-
up work as outlined in the course syllabus(i) and must schedule a time
with the teacher(s) to make up all missed tests and quizzes. It should be
noted that some class work/assignments/tests/quizzes must be
completed in advance of the informed absence. Credit will be given
based on completed work.
Informed absences may not be granted for final exam days.
Due to the need for test security, no final exams may be given before
regular exam dates.
o Unplanned Excused Absence
Provided written documentation is presented to the Attendance Office, an
unplanned absence will be recorded as an “excused” absence for:
a death in the family,
a medical appointment, or
a court summons.
A physician’s statement will be required for absences of 5 days or longer due to
illness/surgery. This ensures that the school has the necessary documentation for
academic credit and is in compliance with the laws of the State of Georgia.
It is the responsibility of students to make-up work as outlined in the course
syllabus(i) and to schedule a time with the teacher(s) to make up all missed tests,
quizzes, projects, assignments, or homework. The time limit for completion of
make-up work will be determined by the teacher’s syllabus. The teacher is the
person who sets the day and time of tests. Credit will be given when work is
Unexcused Absence
o An unexcused absence is recorded when appropriate paperwork has not been completed
in advance (see “Informed Absence” above) or when no valid reason can be given for the
o The school does not condone or sponsor any form of “skip day.” Individual or collective
skip days will be designated as an unexcused absence. For any rumored skip days, a
physician’s note with a diagnosis may be requested in order for a student to receive an
“excused absence” notation.
o Tests and assignments must be completed per each teacher’s syllabus. For all unexcused
absences the recorded grade is computed as 69% of the actual earned grade.
o At St. Pius X, annually, students participate in a Class Pilgrimage. Each pilgrimage is an
integral part of the overall Catholic formation program at St. Pius X. Therefore,
attendance at the pilgrimage is mandatory. Students should not schedule a doctor’s
appointment, college visit, vacation, etc. on their scheduled pilgrimage day. Absences on
these days are unexcused. In the event of inclement weather or other factors, and the
pilgrimage must be postponed, students will have a normal school day and students are
expected to be in class and prepared for class.
o Field Day counts as a regular school day, and absences on Field Day are unexcused.
Attendance and Excessive Absences
St. Pius X Catholic High School is expected to provide the number of days of instruction set by the State of
Georgia and required by the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and the Secondary Association of Independent
Schools (SAIS). Additionally, St. Pius X Catholic High School believes that student attendance is vital for
students to fully benefit from the educational experience it provides. Therefore, students are allowed 10
non-school related absences per class per semester.
If a student accumulates more than 10 absences, regardless of the reasons, the student will be
subject to an Attendance Review.
Students who miss more than 50% of a class period for a non-school related event will accrue an
absence to that class; this absence will count against the 10-absence quota.
School-related absences, such as field trips or absences with a St. Pius X athletic team, do not count
against the above-mentioned 10 absence quota.
College visits, non-SPX athletic events, and all other absences count toward the overall attendance
quota, so families should plan accordingly.
Attendance Review
The purpose of an Attendance Review is to determine the necessary action to be taken in order to maintain
the educational integrity of St. Pius X and to ensure the best possible educational experience for the student
when a student has accrued more than 10 absences in at least one course. The review is conducted by an
Attendance Review Board that is composed of the Dean of Academics, one of the Deans of Students, and a
representative from the Counseling Department. The Board will review the circumstances regarding the
excessive absences and make a recommendation to the school’s principal for the student’s credit in the
course(s) that have accrued the absences and other appropriate consequences.
The Board will recommend one of the following decisions:
Credit granted pending appropriate make-up of work missed.
Credit denied:
o The student will be withdrawn from the course, noted on the transcript as WF (Withdrawal
Failure) or WM (Withdrawal Medical), depending on the circumstances.
o The student will be moved into the credit recovery process with one of the credit recovery
coordinators for the remainder of the semester if it is not a Medical Withdrawal
o The student will be required to recover course credit through credit recovery.
o In the case of a Medical Withdrawal, the school requires verification from an appropriate
medical authority. See details concerning Medical Withdrawals below.
Additionally, senior students who appear before the Attendance Review Board risk not being
allowed to exempt final exams.
The Board makes recommendations to the principal, who can uphold the decision, overturn the decision,
or ask the Board to review the matter further. The principal’s final decision is made in writing to the family.
All appeals must in turn be made in writing to the school’s principal within ten days of the family’s written
notification of the consequences.
Continued Excessive Absences After Attendance Board Review
As stated above, students will go through the Review Board process after 10 class absences. However, if a
student misses more than 20 class sessions in a particular course in one semester, the student will then risk
being withdrawn from the course and having credit denied. In this circumstance, a student will receive
the proper WF (Withdrawal Failure) or WM (Withdrawal Medical), depending on the circumstances
surrounding the absences.
Tardy to School
St. Pius X seeks to develop in students the habit of being on time for all of their classes.
At St. Pius X, classes begin promptly at 8:00 a.m. Monday through Thursday.
Friday’s start time is 8:40 a.m. except when an 8:00 a.m. start is noted on the school calendar or
announced as a change of schedule.
When a student is tardy for any reason, please follow the procedure below:
Students who arrive late to school because of car problems, doctor appointments, illness,
etc. must have a note from a parent or guardian which should be given to the attendance
office when they check in, or the parent may call the Attendance Office and leave a voice
mail or send an email to A[email protected]g explaining the student’s tardiness by the end
of the school day.
Without timely receipt of notification of tardiness, a detention will be issued and enforced.
Excessive tardiness to school:
Once a student reaches 7 tardies to school in a semester, each successive tardy will result
in a detention.
These detentions will be issued regardless of whether or not it is “excused.”
Tardy to Class
When a student is late to class without a valid reason and a written pass, they should expect to
receive a detention from their teacher or be referred to the Deans of Students.
Based on the situation, the Deans will determine whether or not the student is skipping all or any
part of the class.
If the Deans determine that a student skipped class, the student will receive 3 detentions.
Absence Records
Parents have access to attendance, conduct and grades in the Powerschool Parent/Student Portal through
the St. Pius X website, If you still have questions following your review of Powerschool
Parent/Student Portal, please contact the Dean of Students for clarification.
Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act (TADRA)
Effective April 16, 2015, all students must have a certificate of enrollment in order to obtain a driving
permit or license. For more information, please refer to Georgia DOE’s
Implementation Guidelines for Teenage and Adult Driver Responsibility Act.
Other Circumstances Regarding Absences from School
When leaving school to attend a funeral (other than the funeral of a family member-see informed absences),
students must present a written excuse from a parent on the day of the funeral. Students may not drive
other students to a funeral unless written permission is received in the attendance office from the
passenger’s and driver’s parents prior to the funeral.
Parents Out of Town
When parents are going to be out of town, the Attendance Office requires a note telling how parents can
be reached and who is responsible for the student in the parents' absence. The information may be used to
verify attendance or to assist the school in case of medical or other emergency.
Effect of Absence on Activity Participation
Students who have missed four or more class periods because of illness or an unexcused absence may not
participate in or attend any extracurricular activity that day. In the case of an informed or an excused
absence, the Dean of Students will determine the legitimacy of a student's request to
participate. Documentation such as a doctor's note or court summons may be required.
Absence Due to Field Trips & School Related Functions
Students who miss class to participate in any school sponsored field trips, athletic events, fine arts events,
or other school-related functions are responsible for making up assignments, tests, etc. per the teacher
Absence Due to Service Opportunities
Absences will not be approved and credit will not be given for other individual service projects requiring
time away from the school day. Students are to complete their Works of Mercy service requirements
outside of the regularly scheduled school day. The only exception to this will be for school-sponsored
service projects such as the annual mission trips or March for Life. Please refer to the Campus Ministry
page of the St. Pius X website for further information.
Business Office
Policies & Procedures
Tuition and Incidental Fees
Delinquent Accounts
Payment of Tuition
Financial Aid
Work-Study Policy
Continuous Enrollment
Notice of Exemption
Tuition and Incidental Fees
Tuition is established annually as part of the budget process and posted on the school website. Parents are
expected to keep their tuition payments up-to-date. All outstanding tuition must be settled by the last day
of school.
St. Pius X Catholic High School uses FACTS Tuition Management to collect tuition and incidental fees. All
families must participate in the FACTS Program.
Delinquent Accounts
Access to the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal (including access to grades) will be restricted for any
student whose account is not current. All academic records and transcripts will be marked incomplete for
students with outstanding tuition due. This policy is inclusive of students who are applying to colleges and
universities and it may affect their application and admissions.
All current seniors must have their accounts paid in full in order to receive their Baccalaureate &
Graduation tickets.
All rising seniors, rising juniors, and rising sophomores must have their accounts paid in full in order to
continue enrollment. These students will not receive their class schedules for the following school year
until their prior year balance is paid in full.
Payment of Tuition
The school will refund prepaid tuition on a prorated basis. A student enrolled one day or more during a
month is considered enrolled for the entire month.
If a student withdraws voluntarily or involuntarily for any reason, the family will be responsible for the
following percentage of yearly tuition:
Prior to June 30 0%
July 1 July 31 10%
August 1 September 30 30%
October 1 December 31 60%
January 1 - March 1 80%
After March 1 100%
Incoming students are required to make a non-refundable deposit of $1,000. Of this deposit, $700 is applied
towards tuition and $300 is applied to a registration fee.
Financial Aid
A limited amount of money for tuition work study is provided annually. Applications must be received
each year by a designated deadline, which will be communicated during the school year well in advance
of the due date (early March). Applications received after the designated deadline run the risk of receiving
a substantially reduced amount of financial aid than what may otherwise be awarded. The families of
students applying for financial aid pay the cost of processing the application. No aid is given unless the
application is completed and submitted as instructed. Applications are then reviewed by the Financial Aid
Committee at St. Pius X which determines the amount, if any, that can be awarded to each student. The
maximum amount of financial aid awarded is 70% of the active Catholic tuition rate. Families may appeal
their financial aid award by following the Financial Aid Appeal Guidelines, which may be obtained from
the Assistant Business Manager of Student Accounts.
St. Pius X provides need-based scholarships funded with earnings from its endowment funds. The
endowment funds include scholarships created by individuals as well as parent organizations. All
scholarships are need-based grants and are awarded in conjunction with financial aid.
Work Study Policy
Any work study student who does not conscientiously complete his/her commitment will be removed
from the Work Study program and will have his/her monies rescinded. Students may also be removed
from the Work Study program for excessive disciplinary issues. Once a student has been dropped from the
Work Study program, the student will no longer be eligible to participate in the program in the future.
Continuous Enrollment
All current students will be automatically enrolled for the following school year. However, continued
enrollment of the student is subject to the account balance being paid in full by the end of the school year
and the student observing all school rules as set out in the school handbook including but not limited to
general behavior, academic performance and attendance as further stated in the section: “Regulations for
Student Conduct” of this handbook. A non-refundable enrollment fee of $300 per student is charged to
the family’s FACTS account. Each May, families must complete the Annual Data Update (ADU) of their
enrollment information in PowerSchool by the stated deadline. If a family does not complete the required
forms by this deadline, the family will be charged a late fee and the student grades and schedule will be
withheld until the new school year begins.
Parish Verification Forms
In order to receive the Catholic rate of tuition, each family must submit a new parish verification form
annually. If a new parish verification form is not submitted by the published due date for the upcoming
school year, per Archdiocesan policy, the Non-Catholic rate of tuition will be charged.
To officially withdraw from St. Pius X Catholic High School, a Transfer of Records form must be obtained
from the Registrar. The Library, Bookstore, Clinic and Business Office must certify that the student account
is clear. Final and official transcripts will be transferred to other schools when all accounts have been paid
in full and upon completion of the Transfer of Records form. The student’s discipline summary letter will
reflect the details of the departure (“withdraw while neither suspended nor expelled,” “withdraw pending
a hearing,” “withdraw while suspended,” “withdraw following a hearing,” or “expulsion”).
Student Accident Insurance
Pursuant to Archdiocesan Policy #5340, Secondary Accident Insurance is provided for all students of St.
Pius X Catholic High School. In the event that a student is injured on campus during school hours or
participating in extracurricular activities representing St. Pius X (i.e. athletics, robotics, etc.), an accident
report and insurance forms will be provided to the legal guardians of the student. This insurance is
secondary to the primary insurance and will cover out of pocket expenses after deductibles are met.
Notice of Exemption
St. Pius X Catholic High School is not a licensed child care facility. This school is not required to be licensed
by the Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning and this school is exempt from state licensure
BYOD Program;
Computer, Internet, & Cell Phone
Usage Policy
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Program
Mandatory BYOD School
BYOD Requirements
All Devices
Laptop Devices
Examples of Unacceptable Devices
Computer & Internet Usage Policy
Computer & Internet Policy-Guidelines for Acceptable Use
BYOD: Cell Phones & Other Electronic Devices
Conduct Related to BYOD Program
Cell Phones/Electronic Devices During Final Exams
Mandatory BYOD School
St. Pius X Catholic High School is a mandatory Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) school. All students are
required to provide their own approved device and bring it to class daily. The minimum requirements for
the device are below.
BYOD Requirements
We know that students will be more familiar with their own personal devices and will be able to take
responsibility for ensuring they know how to operate their own devices in the classroom. Just about any
new laptop, PC or Mac, is acceptable to use as are Chromebooks. The majority of students choose a laptop
as their device. Please see the minimum specifications below.
Students will be expected to bring a device that allows them to access the web, take notes, and interact with
an eTextbook (depending on the class) at the very least. In the same way a student is expected to bring
his/her textbook to class, their device must also be brought charged and ready to use each day. While at
school, students must connect to the SPX wireless network and will not be permitted to use cellular
connections at school. Devices with this capability are not recommended as they can be used to bypass
Internet filtering at school and at home.
We recognize that some students prefer to type their notes or write math problems on paper rather than
using the stylus and inking feature that a tablet PC provides. This functionality does add cost to the price
of the device. Therefore, those who are not using this feature may opt for a less costly device that still meets
their needs.
If providing a suitable device will constitute a significant financial hardship for your family, please email
The following are the minimum specifications for devices brought to school.
All Devices
Ability to connect consistently to the wireless network
Ability to operate normally on a daily basis (This includes battery, booting up, running without
errors, and speed of use.)
Students are expected to bring the device fully charged each day. If a device cannot maintain a
charge throughout the school day, students should also bring their charger to school.
Laptop Devices
Laptop Devices
Processor - Intel i5, AMD Ryzen 5 or greater
Memory - 8GB
Windows laptops must run Windows 11
Windows 2-in-1 combo laptop/tablet (with keyboard) is also acceptable
Windows RT and Windows 11 S NOT acceptable.
Mac (running MacOS 10.15 or higher) with Google Chrome browser installed
Chromebook (running latest Chrome OS)
Screen size of 10 inches or greater
Examples of Unacceptable Devices
iOS (iPad) and Android tablets
Amazon Kindles and Fire tablets
Barnes and Noble Nooks
Windows RT / Windows 10/11S Devices
Students who cannot access the school’s BYOD network or who may have technical issues with their
computer need to take care of these issues by working with the user’s manual that came with the device or
by seeking assistance from an authorized provider outside of school. Since these are not school devices, the
school is not able to allocate resources to troubleshoot issues nor are we certified to make repairs.
Computer equipment including Internet access is available to students, faculty, and staff on site at St. Pius
X Catholic High School. We are very pleased to bring this access to our school community and believe the
Internet offers vast, diverse, and unique resources to both students and teachers. Our goal in providing this
service to teachers and students is to promote educational excellence in our school by facilitating resource
sharing, innovation, and communication. No St. Pius X computer or computer equipment may be used in
any manner that contradicts this goal.
With access to computers and people all over the world also comes the availability of material that may not
be considered to be of educational value in the context of the school setting. It is impossible to control or
even monitor all material on this global network, and any user may discover controversial and even
offensive information. We (St. Pius X Catholic High School) firmly believe that the valuable information
and interaction available on this worldwide network far outweighs the possibility that users may procure
material that is not consistent with the educational goals of our community. St. Pius X has implemented an
Internet filter to try and protect our Internet users from any inappropriate content. However, not
everything can be accounted for, and not every inappropriate site can be restricted; therefore St. Pius X has
chosen to work with our students to identify inappropriate Internet activities and hold them responsible
for their actions. All Internet activity may be monitored and logged.
The smooth operation of our computer systems relies upon the proper conduct of faculty, staff, students
and all end users and adherence to strict guidelines. It is the purpose of this policy to summarize these
guidelines and to ensure that all those who use St. Pius X computers and network do so in an appropriate
manner. If a St. Pius X user violates any of these guidelines, his or her access could be terminated and
disciplinary action may result.
In general, St. Pius X computer equipment should be used to enhance and expand the educational
experience in accordance with our educational objectives. Users should show respect for others and honor
their privacy and property. St. Pius X computers may never be used in a manner that would violate any
laws, infringe on anyone’s privacy or property, or cause harm to anyone. To ensure privacy, no user should
ever divulge personal information to anyone over the Internet or via any other means using a computer.
Usernames and passwords should be kept secure and not shared under any circumstances. (Extremely
Important - Please stress with your student(s))
The most important point to remember is that anyone using any computer or network at St. Pius X takes
full responsibility for his/her own actions. St. Pius X Catholic High School and the provider of our Internet
connection will not be liable for the actions of anyone using our equipment. All users shall assume full
liability - legal, financial, or otherwise - for their actions. Use of St. Pius X computers and network indicates
agreement to the terms of this policy. Violations of this policy could result in a loss of privileges as well as
additional penalties, including legal action.
Computer and Internet Policy - Guidelines for Acceptable Use
Note: All terms below shall be defined at the discretion of St. Pius X Catholic High School so as to be
inclusive of all situations and liabilities.
1. Authorized Users The only authorized users of St. Pius X Catholic High School's internal (on-
site) computers and network are current faculty, staff, and students and other individuals who
act with the knowledge and consent of current faculty or staff members. Authorized users are
not to give out any credentials (usernames, passwords, etc.). Credentials belonging to someone
else are not to be used at any time.
2. Acceptable Use - The primary purpose of our computer facilities and network is to support
education and research consistent with the educational objectives of St. Pius X Catholic High
a. St. Pius X Catholic High School’s computers, network and related equipment may not be
used for any of the following, and is not limited to:
i. Transmission, storage, retrieval, or use of any material in violation of any
national or state regulation, including but not limited to copyright laws;
ii. Use for the monetary gain of any individual or organization (other than
compensation paid by St. Pius X Catholic High School);
iii. Interference with or unauthorized access to any computer, computer network or
related equipment;
iv. Use which would damage any computer or related equipment;
v. Any other use that contradicts St. Pius X Catholic High School’s values or
educational objectives.
b. Use of another organization’s network or computing resources must comply with the
rules appropriate for that network
c. Use of unapproved personal equipment on the St. Pius X network is prohibited.
3. Privileges - The use of St. Pius X Catholic High School computer equipment and network is a
privilege, not a right, and inappropriate use will result in a cancellation of that privilege. The St.
Pius X Catholic High School administration will deem what is inappropriate use and their
decision is final. The St. Pius X Catholic High School administration may suspend or revoke
access at any time, for any reason.
4. Student Email Accounts St. Pius X Catholic High School issues a student email account for all
students through G Suite for Education. The purpose of these email accounts is to communicate
with the school. Any misuse of the school issued email account will result in disciplinary action.
5. Internet Etiquette - Users are expected to abide by the generally accepted rules of Internet
etiquette. These rules can currently be found on the Internet at
“” and at other similar locations. Users who
do not fully understand how to appropriately use the Internet must take it upon themselves to
seek out authorized information. Lack of knowledge is no excuse for inappropriate behavior.
6. No Warranties - St. Pius X Catholic High School makes no warranties of any kind for the
computer and network service it is providing. St. Pius X Catholic High School will not be
responsible for any damages a user suffers, including but not limited to the loss of data or
personal equipment damage. Use of any information obtained via the Internet is at the user’s
own risk and by his/her own responsibility. Upon leaving St. Pius X Catholic High School any
information associated with a user’s computer access may be permanently removed, including
but not limited to that user’s computer files. Student files may also be removed at the end of each
7. Privacy and Security - St. Pius X Catholic High School makes no guarantees or warranties for the
security of any computer or network system. All computers, network and related equipment are
the property of St. Pius X Catholic High School and are subject to search at any time without
notice. Personal electronic devices brought on campus are also subject to search. Any activity on
any St. Pius X computer or network may be monitored and recorded at any time without any
8. Vandalism - Vandalism (defined as broadly as possible and including but not limited to
defacement of computer equipment, intentionally attempting to circumvent computer access
restrictions, and intentionally uploading computer viruses) will result in cancellation of
privileges and possible disciplinary and legal action. (Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Catholic
Schools Policy #5220)
9. Games - In an effort to support the school’s mission as an educational institution, all game
playing must be at the direction of a teacher and for the purposes of education. Recreational
game playing without the specific instruction of a faculty or staff member is prohibited and may
result in disciplinary action.
10. Software on SPX devices Unauthorized software is not to be loaded, run, or used in any way on
St. Pius X equipment. The only authorized software is that which is loaded by the St. Pius X
Information Technology staff.
11. Software on Personal Devices - any software on personal devices that may adversely affect
network operations and or other devices on the network is prohibited.
12. Students will connect to the SPX wireless network on their personal devices and will not be
permitted to use cellular connections or any other network/wireless connections at school.
13. Students will not use a privacy filter or any other method to prevent faculty and/or staff from
seeing what is on their device screen at any time. Students are also not permitted to use a proxy
or vpn or any other means of circumventing network controls or obscuring network traffic.
14. All interactive Internet sites, blog sites, chat rooms, social networking sites, etc. may not be used
in any way to cast a negative light on St. Pius X Catholic High School, our policies and
procedures, or any member of the St. Pius X Community. An attempt will be made to block
access to such sites from campus. Parents are strongly encouraged to monitor their child’s
personal social media and home Internet activity. Violations including circumvention of the
campus block, (including cell networks or mobile hotspots) may result in disciplinary action.
15. Release - The user of any St. Pius X Catholic High School computer, network or related
equipment accepts any and all responsibility for their actions and releases St. Pius X Catholic
High School, its employees, and all persons and entities related to it from any and all damage
and/or liability caused by or related to their use of any computer, network or computer
equipment at St. Pius X Catholic High School.
16. No individual, team, parent group, or program may use the school name, logo, or motto on any
type of social media, other Internet site/communication, or in any other way without written
permission from the Communications Coordinator for the school. To be approved, the
individual, team, parent group, or program will:
Register the administrator of the site
Provide contact information and passwords for administering the page
Use only the official school logo
Follow all handbook policies regarding conduct
17. The St. Pius X school name, crest (or logo) and lion are important brands that should not be
misused in any way, shape, or form. No one may use the school name, logo, or motto on any
type of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.), other Internet site/communication or in
any other way, e.g. putting the name on t-shirts, for example, without the written consent of the
Communications Coordinator.
Cell phones MAY be an approved device under the St. Pius X BYOD Policies under the following
The phone is required as part of a classroom syllabus and/or lesson.
The phone is only used at the discretion of a teacher, director, or coach.
The phone is used for educational purposes.
The phone is utilizing the school’s wi-fi network while a student is on campus.
The phone is silent and out of use and sight when not in use for legitimate educational purposes
sanctioned by a teacher, director, or coach.
The following devices may only be used under the direct supervision and permission of a teacher,
director, or coach:
Laser Pointers
iPods or any type of MP3 player
Recording devices
Digital cameras
AirPods/Earbuds or other wireless listening devices
Unacceptable devices noted above in the BYOD Policy
Students may use any of the items listed above in the school building before and after school; they are to
be put away out of sight and on silent by 8:00 a.m. and may not be used until after final dismissal without
the permission and supervision of a teacher, director, or coach as listed above. Teachers, directors, and
coaches may exercise discretion and prohibit cell phone or other electronic device usage before or after
school in their classrooms.
Students are allowed to wear Smartwatches, e.g. Apple Watches, etc. during the school day except during
any assessments or exams. Students are not permitted to use smartwatches, apple watches, etc. for
texting, recording, research or any type of communication. Misuse results in a technology violation with
the standard 3 detention penalty.
St. Pius X reserves the right to search any item that is brought onto campus or to school-sponsored
events; students should have no expectation of privacy respecting their devices if they bring them onto
school property or school-sponsored events.
Conduct Related to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Program
Any misuse of a device based on teacher, director, or coach instructions will result in 3 detentions and
further disciplinary action if warranted. (Penalty: 3 detentions-confiscations of electronic devices.
Parent retrieval for repeat offenses. Saturday School as warranted for repeat offenders.)
Video or audio recording of class requires explicit permission of the instructor. (Penalty: 3 detentions-
confiscation of electronic devices. Parent retrieval for repeat offenses. Saturday School as warranted
for repeat offenders. Potential Honor Code violation.)
In keeping with national testing policy and in order to protect test integrity, cell phones and other
electronic devices, including all watches and ear buds, are prohibited from all final exam sites.
This policy reflects the standards maintained by the Educational Testing Service (SATs, ACTs and AP
exams in particular).
Students MAY NOT have any cell phones or any unapproved electronic devices on their person,
in their purse, backpack or any other type of baggage. Cell phones and unapproved electronic
devices must be turned off and stored in lockers or vehicles during exam hours from 7:55 a.m.
until 11:45 a.m.
Students may use their school-approved BYOD devices to study before and after each final exam
period and during the break between exam periods, but they may not bring these devices with
them into the exam rooms. Devices should be turned off and stored in students’ lockers during
their exams. Students who do not have an exam but choose to remain on campus during an exam
period may use their devices.
If a device is required for an exam per a teacher’s explicit instructions, the student will be
informed about this in advance and will only be allowed to use that device during the exam time
as noted by the teacher. Normal consequences for misuse of electronic devices will apply.
Calculators may ONLY be used on mathematics and/or science exams as noted by the
teacher. Calculators will not be allowed in any other exams.
If at any time during the four-day final exam period, a cell phone or other electronic device is
seen or suspected of being on a person, it will be confiscated, inspected, and held by
administration until the 8th/last school exam is completed, at which time a parent may pick up
the device from the Dean of Students’ office from 11:45 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. After that time,
devices will be available for retrieval in January (following Christmas Break) or teacher post-
planning days following the second semester exams.
During final exams, students will NOT be able to accept a cell phone call or other electronic messaging
from a parent to notify the student of a parent’s arrival on campus. Please arrange in advance for a
specific pick up location. Students who need to reach a parent by telephone are instructed to come to the
Dean of Students’ office to use the phone to call home. Parents who need to reach a student during exam
time are to call the office so that a message can be delivered to a student.
St. Pius X Campus Ministry
Works of Mercy Service Program
Works of Mercy Program Overview
Works of Mercy Requirements
Table of Eligible and Ineligible Service Opportunities
Works of Mercy Tracking, Recording, and Due Dates
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Service Award
Works of Mercy Program Overview
As a Catholic School rooted in Christ, the Catholic Church, and our school motto, we are committed to
performing Works of Mercy and serving the greater community. Therefore, we require that our students
complete the Works of Mercy service requirement as part of their formation at St. Pius X Catholic High
School. Our motto, Domini Sumus “We are the Lord’s” (Rom 14:8) is an important reminder that we are
called to be Christ to others, to be witnesses of the Gospel, and to serve those who are most in need by our
actions and words. We bring God’s love and compassion to those who are most in need when we reach out
and perform Works of Mercy. We also serve the common good by performing service for the greater
Each year, students are required to take part in the Works of Mercy Apostolic Program as part of their
ongoing Catholic formation. In Matthew 25:40 Christ instructs us to go out and serve our communities by
stating, “whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.” We hold this call as an
essential component of our mission at St. Pius X and therefore structure our Works of Mercy requirements
to reflect this external community service.
Works of Mercy Requirements
1. Students are required to complete a minimum of five projects with each project at least one hour
in length during each academic school year and track them through the x2VOL
a. Works of Mercy Projects that are not entered and verified in the x2VOL website/app will
not be approved.
b. Works of Mercy x2VOL Tracking instructions can be found on the Campus Ministry
page of the school’s website. Campus Ministry will give in class instructions for all
incoming freshmen on how to set up their account and logging projects.
2. Each of the five projects are occasions of service. We do not count hours; however, to be considered
an “occasion of service” the project must be at least one hour long. You may not count working
the same project in multiple shifts during one day as multiple service projectsstudents only
receive credit for one project per day.
a. For example, attending a SPX Mission Trip would satisfy several “occasions of service” as
projects as it is multiple days of service.
3. Students must serve the communities beyond their homes and St. Pius X.
i. A Work of Mercy is a project performed for those in our world who are most vulnerable
and in great need, outside of our own Pius Community. Students must complete at
least FIVE Works of Mercy projects each year. To be considered a Work of Mercy the
project must be in one of the categories listed in the table below.
ii. The following table lists possible Works of Mercy but is not a comprehensive list. Any
questions about the eligibility of a project should be directed to Campus Ministry.
b. INELIGIBLE OPPORTUNITIES: Any activity that would be expected of you or seen as a
responsibility of yours by being a member of a family or a part of the SPX community and its
organizations (e.g. babysitting, cutting the grass, washing a car, or doing other household chores)
Feeding the Hungry
or Giving Drink to
the Thirsty
Support and volunteer for food pantries,
soup kitchens, and agencies that feed the
hungry such as:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
St. Francis Pantry
Cooking dinner for your
family, buying a drink or
meal for a friend, helping
at the Coke sale.
Clothing the Naked
or Sheltering the
Help neighbors care for their homes and do
Volunteer at a homeless shelter, with
charitable agencies who care for the
homeless, build homes, and provide
support in the wake of natural disasters
Volunteer to work at a clothing drive or at
a shelter where clothing is distributed to
those in need
Giving your sibling hand-
me-downs, letting a
friend borrow some
clothing, buying clothing
for family or friends.
Visiting the Sick or
the Imprisoned
Volunteer at a hospital
Cook and deliver meals to the sick and
Work with an organization such as Catholic
Charities to create and send cards to
someone who is sick or imprisoned
Volunteer for Archdiocese of Atlanta
Prison Ministry
Donate blood at a Blood Drive (including at
St. Pius X)
Family responsibilities
such as chores, yard
work, visiting sick family
members or friends, etc.
Instructing the
Ignorant or
Converting Sinners
Tutoring through an approved
organization such as
SPX Writing Center or NHS
Lekotek of Georgia
Teens Tutor Teens
Volunteering in Liturgical Ministries at
your local parish: Altar Serving, Lectoring,
EMHCs, Ushers
Volunteering for a
political campaign or
signing a petition,
helping a friend or family
member with homework
Caring for God’s
Volunteering at an animal shelter
Participating with a non- profit
organization to complete a service project
such as stream clean-ups, Eagle Scout
Attending a spring/summer break Mission
Babysitting, working at
your job without pay,
picking up trash while on
a walk
Works of Mercy Tracking, Recording, and Due Dates
Students are to document their projects and their reflections on the x2VOL app by the assigned deadlines
Senior Works of Mercy Projects are due FRIDAY, MARCH 22nd, 2024
Underclassmen Works of Mercy Projects are due FRIDAY, APRIL 12th, 2024
After the deadline, a grade will be recorded in PowerSchool reflecting a student’s completion of the
required Works of Mercy service projects in the student's Work of Mercy pass/fail class. Students who do
not have all five projects completed and verified in x2VOL by their assigned deadline above will receive a
FAIL grade in PowerSchool for the Work of Mercy requirement. Falsifying information on a Works of Mercy
form, including falsifying supervisor information is an Honor Code violation. Campus Ministry is not responsible
for student projects that are not submitted or verified correctly. All students who fail will be required to
complete credit recovery, which is coordinated with Campus Ministry. Contact for more information concerning credit recovery.
Saint Teresa of Calcutta Service Award
Campus Ministry awards one student from each grade the Saint Teresa of Calcutta Service Award. This
award is given to the student in each grade that models the virtues of Saint Teresa of Calcutta by
demonstrating an ongoing commitment to service and performing Works of Mercy that far exceed the
minimum requirement of the Works of Mercy Service Program. Students are therefore encouraged to go
beyond the minimum requirements each year to develop a commitment to serving those who are in need
on an ongoing basis. Students are encouraged to enter as many projects as they complete into their x2VOL
app to be considered for this opportunity
Policies & Procedures
Main Functions of the Clinic
Required Forms
Dispensing Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medications
Illness at School and Communication with Parents
Required Health Records
11th Grade Immunization Requirements
Archdiocese of Atlanta Infectious Disease Policy
Main Functions of the Clinic
Our school clinic is a service to our students and is staffed daily by a Registered Nurse. If a student
becomes ill in school, he or she should report the illness to a teacher and request permission to go to the
nurse’s office/clinic. The nurse will determine whether the parent/guardian should be notified and the
student sent home. In the event that the nurse determines the student should go home, students will only
be released to the person(s) identified in PowerSchool as their emergency contact(s). No one else may pick
up a student from the clinic or grant permission to leave school. If the student drove himself/herself to
school, parental verbal permission will be obtained by the school nurse via the clinic telephone to allow
the student to drive himself/herself home. Email requests and permission to leave school granted via text
messaging from the student's phone is not permitted and the request will be denied. Upon arrival at home,
the student or parent should call the school nurse to notify her of the student’s safe arrival.
Parents/guardians are required to update all information, i.e. address update, contact phone number
update, emergency contact information, student’s health information, prescribed medication information,
and updated immunizations (State form 3231) during the annual data update. This occurs early spring
through May of the current school year. These records are kept in PowerSchool. Prescribed medication
information is also included in this update. Students are not allowed to carry prescription medications
on their person and must be kept in the clinic (with the exception of inhalers, Epi-pens, Auvi-Q, Valtoco,
and Insulin).
Required Forms
A Medication Agreement Form, a Medication Consent Form, and Action Plans must be completed and
on file for students receiving ANY medications (prescription or non-prescription over the counter)
including but not limited to antibiotics, pain medication, etc. For further information regarding
medication at school, a printable form and action plans, please contact the School Nurse in the Clinic.
Dispensing Prescription and Over-the-Counter (OTC) Medication
All prescribed medication will be dispensed through the Clinic. Any Over the Counter Medications
(e.g. Tylenol, Advil, Aleve) can be carried in the student’s backpack as long as it is labeled with the
student’s name and is in its original store-purchased travel sized container. Students are allowed to carry
one day’s dosage of OTC medications in their backpack. Any violation of this rule will be handled
through the administration.
If a parent would prefer to have their student receive non-prescription (over the counter (OTC))
medication through the Clinic the following forms must be completed and on file in the Clinic before
OTC medication will be dispensed: The Medication Agreement Form and the Medication Consent Form.
It is the parent's responsibility to provide the clinic with a brand-new container of the OTC medication
labeled with their student’s name. It is also the parents’ responsibility to pick up all of their students’
medications at the end of the school year. The parent or the student may pick up the medication from the
school clinic.
Illness at School & Communication with Parents
Students should report to the clinic when they become ill. In the event of a serious illness, a parent will be
notified by the School Nurse. Students may not initiate contact with their parents by any electronic means
requesting an early dismissal due to illness. The school nurse will contact the parents or have the student
call from the clinic phone to report the illness and/or need for pickup. The action that is taken will be
determined by the school nurse and the parent/guardian. The parent(s) must bear the responsibility of
providing transportation home. No student will be excused from class to drive an ill student home.
* If a student(s) is involved in a car accident on the way to school (driver or passenger), and the student(s)
reports to school, the student(s) must meet with the school nurse upon arrival, before being admitted to
Required Health Records for School
Per Archdiocesan Policy and The State of Georgia current immunizations are required for school
attendance. All students entering school (through 19 years of age) must be immunized according to the
rules and regulations established by the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR). See the
REQUIREMENTS from the Georgia Department of Health.
Form 3231, The Certificate of Immunization, is the official record of immunization and is required for each
student attending St. Pius X Catholic High School. This form can only be obtained through your student’s
physician or the Georgia Department of Human Resources (DHR).
New 11th Grade Immunization Requirements
Georgia's immunization requirements for students entering or transferring into the eleventh grade have
been revised to align with the current recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization
Practices (ACIP), the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the American Academy of Family
Physicians (AAFP).
Effective July 1, 2021, all students who are new entrants or transfers into a Georgia school in the eleventh
grade, will require proof of a booster dose of the meningococcal conjugate vaccine, unless their first dose
was received on or after their sixteenth birthday.
The Catholic Church does not recognize an immunization exemption based upon matters of
conscience/religious convictions, and does not accept any alternative or homeopathic immunization that
has not been approved by the FDA. Medical exemptions are considered and are applicable when a child
has a long-term condition that contraindicates immunizations. Parents requesting a medical exemption
from any Georgia State required immunization must provide a detailed explanation of the child’s disability
and/or disease process as documented by a licensed pediatrician. This documentation must be provided
on the pediatrician’s official letterhead, and must contain the physician’s medical license number. It must
state if the medical exemption is temporary or permanent. The Archdiocese of Atlanta reserves the right
to obtain a second medical opinion in such cases.
Archdiocese of Atlanta Infectious Disease Policy
The primary responsibility for the prevention and control of infectious diseases lies with
individuals, families, and public health authorities. Schools are not responsible for providing
expert infectious disease advice or treatment for students; this is the role of medical practitioners
and health authorities.
Attendance at any school may be denied to any student reasonably suspected of or diagnosed
with a contagious or infectious disease that could make the child’s attendance harmful to the
welfare of all other students, faculty, and staff.
Schools reserve the right to require a statement from the student’s primary care physician
authorizing the student’s return to school. Schools will respect all students’ privacy. Parents of
other children attending the school may be notified that their child has been exposed to a
communicable or infectious disease in a manner that avoids identifying the student with the
disease to the maximum extent appropriate in each particular circumstance.
During periods of infectious disease, some operational procedures and events may be added,
modified and/or canceled including but not limited to:
Prevention techniques hand washing education, coughing and sneezing education; hand
sanitizers in classrooms; sanitizing wipes in classrooms for computers, desks, common areas, etc.;
tissues in all rooms; sanitation procedures; and if appropriate, the mandated use of facial masks
along with social distancing.
Preparedness Schools will comply with CDC, State Department of Health guidelines, and
directives from the Office of Catholic Schools.
Response Schools will follow the Office of Catholic Schools policy for school closures (Policy
5285) and directives from State and Local (County and Municipal) jurisdictions. The Office of
Catholic Schools will provide a written Reopening of Schools Plan specific to the infectious or
communicable disease present.
Recovery Schools will publish a return to school procedure in accordance with directives from
the Office of Catholic Schools which aligns to the Reopening of Schools Plan approved by the
Superintendent of Schools.
Policies and Procedures
Audio/Video/Photographic Recording Policy
School and Family Cooperation/Communication
Methods of Communication
Student/Family Email
Exclusive Use of SPX Email for Official School Communication
Telephone Calls
Drop-in Visits Prohibited
Order of Communication Tables
Official Parent-Teacher Conferences
School Closures
Severe Weather
Emergency Texting Service
Archdiocese of Atlanta School Closure Policy
Emergency Drills
Communication Regarding Extraordinary Circumstances
Students Living Out of Household
Family Custodial Situations
Access to the School: Visitors and Rideshare Services
Visitors on Campus
Archdiocese of Atlanta On-Demand Transportation Services Policy
Good communication between the home and school is an important part of fostering growth in the child.
It is important for all of us, students, teachers, and parents to do all that we can to promote communication
and mutual understanding. One of the significant ways in which we can do this is by learning and working
through the procedures followed by the institution. We ask, therefore, that you become familiar with the
following procedures and use them when communicating with the school:
Audio/Video/Photographic Recording Policy
No audio/video/photographic recording devices may be used during functions of the school without
permission of the principal or classroom teacher. Such events include, but are not limited to: classroom
presentation, awards ceremonies, performances, plays, parent conferences, administrative conferences,
and religious services. This policy also includes recording of conversations either in person or by telephone
by or among students, parents, teachers, or school administrators on school property or involving the use
of the school telephone. Recordings of school functions may not be published, posted electronically, or
distributed without permission.
School and Family Cooperation/Communication
If information which causes concern surfaces at school about a particular student(s), and if the information
cannot be immediately substantiated, the school reserves the right to discuss this information with the
particular student(s) and his/her/their parents. This unofficial and off-the-record type of communication
is not to be considered accusatory. This communication reflects the school's ongoing desire to act in
cooperation with families in raising awareness, bringing about preventative intervention, and dispelling
The preferred method of communication for the faculty and staff is through email.
Emails will be treated in the same manner as telephone calls. Please allow the person you have contacted a
minimum of 2 school days to respond to your correspondence. Email addresses may be found on the St.
Pius X website.
Student/Family Email
All students are issued a school email account. Students are responsible for accessing this account
regularly. Official school business including but not limited to schedules, class registration, parking
permits (sophomores, juniors, & seniors only), out-of-uniform days, Saturday school or other disciplinary
issues, etc. will be sent to student accounts.
All families are issued (one) 1 email account per family to which all important school correspondence will
be sent. All families are responsible for checking this account on a regular basis to stay informed on all
school information.
Exclusive Use of SPX Email for Official School Communication
St. Pius X assigns one family email account and one student email account to which all school-related
information is sent. St. Pius X does not maintain any personal email addresses and per Archdiocesan
policy, all communications generated by SPX must be sent to the one family email account and/or the one
student email account. St. Pius X provides instructions for parents to be able to forward and/or create
filters so that the SPX account can be shared to other email accounts if so desired.
Telephone Calls
If you wish to talk with a member of the faculty or administration and they are unavailable when you call
the school, please leave the following information on the faculty or staff member's voice mail:
your name
phone numbers where you can be reached
when you can be reached at each of those numbers
If your telephone call is not returned within two school days, please call again. If this second call is
unanswered, then call the head of the department. If the department head does not return your call within
2 business days, please notify a member of the administration.
Drop-in Visits Prohibited
It is important that parents who wish to meet with a member of the faculty or with an administrator call
ahead to schedule an appointment. Due to the daily changing academic schedule, “drop-in” visits on
faculty members or administration are not permitted. A teacher’s preparation and instructional time is
paramount. “Drop-in” visits detract from the normal schedules or the opportunity for the teachers to use
their planning time to prepare for class, thus the need to schedule an appointment.
Order of Communication
If there is a concern regarding a student’s experience at St. Pius X, it is important for parents/legal
guardians to work through the proper order of communication, as most questions are resolved at the
“local” level and “on the ground.” Conferences/Meetings are restricted to parents and/or legal guardians
only. Please follow the order of communication for the most common situations about which parents seek
Order of
Fine Arts
Tuition, Fees,
First Contact
Subject teacher
Head Coach
Deans of
Second Contact -
if issue still
Athletic Director
Fine Arts
Third Contact - if
issue remains
Dean of
School Principal
Dean of
Last Contact -
if issue still
School Principal
School President
School Principal
School Principal
See the table below for a list of the other frequently used contacts for school questions.
Concerns Regarding Course Placement
Individual Class Teacher & Department Chair
(Department Chairs have the final word on course
placement at St. Pius X; the Academics Office does not
override Department Chairs’ placement decisions)
Student Academic Performance
Individual Class Teacher, Department Head, Dean of
Student Schedule
Dean of Academics Office
Student Behavior
Deans of Students
Emotional & Behavioral Concerns
Counseling Offices
Spiritual & Religious Concerns
Campus Ministry
Student Health
School Nurse
Student Athletic Activities
Individual Sport Coach, Director of Athletics
Tuition Account
Assistant Business Manager of Student Accounts
Fundraising/Tax Receipts
Office of Advancement
Official Parent-Teacher Conferences
Official Parent-Teacher conferences for students with deficiencies are held in the fall by appointment only.
Please contact your student’s teacher(s) if a meeting is desired before or after the official fall conference.
Only legal guardians or parents are permitted to attend conferences.
Severe Weather
In case of severe weather conditions, St. Pius X will announce the school’s status through several different
television and radio stations and their websites: WGST-640 AM, WSB-750 AM, STAR 94.1 FM and The
River 97.1 FM Radio Stations and WSB-TV Channel 2, WAGA-TV FOX5, and WXIA-TV Channel 11 and
WGCL TVChannel 46 television stations concerning the closing of school. Students, parents, and faculty
will be responsible for listening to /watching these stations.
Emergency Texting Service
St. Pius X offers an Emergency Texting service for the sole purpose of notifying parents immediately of any
weather-related closures or any emergencies on campus. All families are strongly encouraged to register
so that timely communications from the school can be received.
Parents are to opt-in to the TEXT SERVICE by clicking the link using the student’s ID and the password
“changeme.” Once logged in, please follow the prompts to change the password, then add your cell phone
and carrier. At that time, you may also add your email address.
Any questions or concerns should be directed to Laura O’Connell -
Archdiocese of Atlanta School Closures Policy
In the event of a natural disaster, disease outbreak or any other circumstances which, in the judgment of
the Superintendent of Schools, make it is infeasible, unsafe or otherwise imprudent to continue campus-
based education, all Archdiocesan schools shall resume as soon as practical via distance learning and/or
other methods adopted and/or developed by the school administration and faculty and approved by the
Office of Catholic Schools. Due to continuing financial obligations relating to operational costs, including
administrative, faculty and staff salaries, there shall be no suspension, reduction or refund of tuition or
applicable fees.
Emergency Drills
Monthly emergency drills are necessary for the safety of the students and faculty. When the alarm sounds,
students will follow designated instructions appropriate for the emergency drill.
Students Living Out of Household
Students who live outside of the parents' or guardians' household without the expressed consent of the
parent or guardian and/or without the consent of the administration of St. Pius X will not be eligible to
attend or continue at St. Pius X.
In accordance with the teaching of the Catholic Church, St. Pius X High School assumes the position that
all life is a God-given gift and is sacred. Such life is to be respected and preserved. St. Pius X High School,
therefore, does not and will not consider abortion as acceptable under any circumstances.
Pursuant to Archdiocesan student policy #5260, in the event of a student pregnancy, St. Pius X shall
encourage the student parent (boy or girl) to continue the pregnancy to full term and delivery. The school
shall support the student’s pro-life choice by allowing the student’s continued studies for as long as
appropriate at the discretion of the Principal.
When a pregnant student withdraws from regular attendance, the school has an obligation to help the
student with arrangements for educational alternatives.
The following guidelines will be implemented in order to ensure the best interest of the student(s), parents
and school community: When pregnancy is known to school personnel, the Principal will meet with the
girl and her parents/guardians. The student is encouraged to begin the appropriate professional
counseling consistent with Catholic teaching to assist with the circumstances of the pregnancy and with
making choices for the future of the both parents and the newborn child. If the father is identified, and if
he is a student in a Catholic school, the Principal of that school will meet with him and his
parents/guardians and require that he be involved in the counseling program similar to that provided to
the mother. The school will assist the pregnant student to make arrangements for continuing her education
by referring the student to an alternative program. Both students will be referred to their pastor for advice
and counseling.
Catholic Schools and their counselors are not equipped to deal with the lifestyle of the married student.
Therefore, students who are married will not be allowed to remain in school. School authorities, as in any
other case, will act with concern and responsibility to assist such students in identifying ways and means
to address their spiritual, emotional and educational needs at such times. Cohabitation and a marriage not
recognized by the Catholic Church are causes for expulsion.
Family Custodial Situations
St. Pius X Catholic High School is finding an increasing number of families experiencing transitions in
parental custodial relationships. In addition, laws governing divorce settlements and custody have
recently changed. For this reason, we find it necessary to clarify the procedures the administration and
faculty will follow in communicating with parents in such situations.
In two parent families it is assumed that both parents are living at the same address unless we have been
notified otherwise. St. Pius X personnel will, therefore, send home notices, communication, etc. to the
address given on the application/registration form. It is assumed that both parents are communicating
regarding the child and that all information is shared between the parents. This information includes but
is not limited to conference appointments, report cards, interim reports, and discussions with school
In families experiencing separation of parents or pending divorce, the above information will be sent to the
home of whichever parent currently has primary physical custody of the child. It is assumed that this
information is shared by the parents and between the parents. St. Pius X issues ONE family email account
and gives access to both parents. Since this situation frequently impacts a child’s achievement and
interactions at school, parents are asked to inform both the principal and teachers of this fact so that
appropriate support can be given to the child. St. Pius X Catholic High School cannot proceed on hearsay,
rumors, or demands of a parent, but only with the appropriate documentation detailed below.
In cases of an actual divorce decree involving clear custody by one parent, the principal is to be informed
by the custodial parent of this fact. A copy of the first page of the decree bearing the case number, the
pages referring to custody and the relationship with the school, and the final page bearing the judge’s
signature are to be submitted to the principal. Unless the decree indicates otherwise, school
communications will be sent home to the parent that has primary physical designation or primary physical
custody. Custodial parents should understand, however, that unless the divorce decree specifically limits
the non-custodial or non-primary physical custodian parent’s right to access the records, the non-custodial
parent has a right to the same access as the custodial parent. St. Pius X will, unless otherwise restricted by
a Court Order, release such records upon request to the non-custodial parent. “Records” include official
transcripts, report cards, health records, referrals for special services, and communications regarding major
disciplinary actions. It does not include daily class work and papers, or routine communications sent to the
home of residence. In these cases, the custodial parent is asked to cooperate with the school and share this
information directly with the non-custodial parent. This avoids time-consuming duplication of services.
Further, parents should realize that unless restricted by Court Order, any non-custodial parent has the right
to attend any school activity of their child, which includes sports activities and class programs. Parents
should keep each other informed as to these activities to avoid duplication of communications and to allow
the school to better attend to the duty of teaching your children.
In cases of “joint custody” (shared parenting agreements) entitling other parents access to school personnel
and activities, it is assumed that one copy of communication and information sent to the home will be
shared by and between the parents. St. Pius X issues ONE family email account and gives access to both
Regarding arranging parent conferences in all custody situations: It is preferred and will be the general
procedure that one conference appointment be scheduled “jointly” if both parents wish to be present. It is
assumed that parents are able to set aside differences and to come together on behalf of their child for this
time. A joint conference further ensures that both parents are given the same information at the same time,
thereby avoiding misunderstanding or misinterpretations.
In cases where joint conferences are clearly neither possible nor desirable by all parties involved, alternate
arrangements may be discussed with the principal, subject to the approval of both parents, and further
reviewed by St. Pius X. Every effort will be made to keep communications open with both parents while
at the same time avoiding duplication of services and excessive demands on the teacher’s time.
Visitation should generally begin at the home of one of the parents and not at school. It is hoped that
visitation arrangements would reflect the sensitivity of both parents to the consistency and routines that
foster security in a child and allow for school responsibilities and homework to be taken care of during the
school week.
If there are questions concerning this statement of procedures, or circumstances which might necessitate
other arrangements, please contact the principal personally.
Visitors on Campus
All visitors to St. Pius X Catholic High School must report to the main office to sign in and receive a visitor’s
badge. All visitors must wear a visitor’s sticker while on campus. St. Pius X students may not invite friends
to our campus at any time unless permission is granted from the administration.
The only student visitors who will be allowed will be those whose parents have initiated the admission
application process, i.e., filled out forms and requested a shadow visit.
Former students, whether alumni or not, house guests, students from other schools, etc. may not spend the
day attending classes with St. Pius X students, may not come to lunch or bring lunch on campus, and may
not roam school halls to visit former teachers during school hours. Teachers are available during the
academic day by appointment only and may not be disturbed during school hours. Please refer to the
Appointments section in this chapter in regards to scheduling a meeting with your student’s teachers.
Archdiocese of Atlanta On-Demand Transportation Services Policy
On-demand transportation services (e.g., Uber, Lyft) are prohibited from transporting Archdiocesan
students to and/or from Archdiocesan property unless a parent, grandparent, or guardian accompanies
the student in the vehicle.
Councils and Committees
Who to Contact
St. Pius X Catholic High School is operated by Catholic Education of North Georgia, Inc.
The Office of Catholic Schools establishes policies governing the programs and administration of all
diocesan schools. St. Pius X is in full compliance with the Policy Manual for Catholic Schools in the
Archdiocese of Atlanta.
The President and the Principal of St. Pius X are appointed by the Archbishop and work under the
supervision of the Superintendent of Catholic Schools. The President is responsible for the strategic
direction of the school. The Principal is responsible for the day to day administration of the school.
Right to Amend
The Administration of St. Pius X Catholic High School reserves the right to amend the student handbook
at any time with notification provided to all St. Pius X stakeholders.
Advisory Council
Pursuant to Policy #8060 of The Office of Catholic Schools of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, each Archdiocesan
school is expected to have an Advisory Council. The council serves in an advisory capacity to the president
or principal and to the pastor (in parish schools).
The Archdiocese of Atlanta maintains an Archdiocesan Advisory Council for schools. The council advises
the Archbishop and the Superintendent of Schools in all Archdiocesan school matters for which the
Archbishop and/or the Superintendent seek the council’s advice and counsel including, but not limited to
marketing, policy, financial viability, legislative efforts, and the closing, expanding or building new
Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.
Academic Council
The Academic Council is composed of Department Chairpersons, the three Deans, and the Principal. The
Principal and Dean of Academics co-chair the Council. The Council's function is to develop and
recommend academic policy; additionally, it is responsible for the development of scheduling and testing
procedures and for setting standards for evaluation and growth of faculty, department chairs, and
Campus Ministry Team
The Campus Ministry Team is vital to the fulfillment of the mission of St. Pius X, as they are the chief
coordinators of the spiritual activities that infuse the school with its distinctive Catholic identity. Among
their responsibilities are the following: the planning and execution of liturgical celebrations (e.g. all-school
Mass and all-school Penance services); the planning and execution of retreats and pilgrimages; the
oversight, inspiration, and management of the Works of Mercy Program; assisting coaches and directors in
the formation of spirituality among their respective student groups; speaking in classes about theological
questions; leading the school’s faculty in spiritual formation; and acting as ministers to students as far as
their expertise warrants.
The Campus Ministry department is led by the Director of Campus Ministry and is staffed by Campus
Ministry personnel.
Class Councils
The class councils are organizations of students chosen to serve as official representatives in matters of
concern to individual classes. These councils have faculty moderators whose chief function is to assist these
groups to articulate and achieve the goals appropriate to their class.
Curriculum Review Committee
This committee is composed of members of the faculty who have both articulated an interest in and been
selected by the Principal to take part in diocesan-wide discussions relevant to curriculum. These faculty
examine curriculum issues in light of current research, college requirements, and expectations, as well as
business and community needs.
Discipline Committee
The Discipline Committee is composed of the three Deans of Students and faculty members appointed by
the Principal and the Deans of Students. The function of this committee is to act as a fair and impartial
body to hear cases concerning students charged with serious violations of school regulations, and to make
recommendations to the Principal concerning disciplinary action including and up to expulsion from
school. The committee is convened when a student’s actions, or the sum of repeated behaviors, are such
that a consequence of them could result in a student’s expulsion from the school.
Financial Aid Committee
The Financial Aid Committee is made up of the Deans of Students, Business Manager, and the Assistant
Business Manager of Student Accounts. The committee reviews the financial need of each applicant as
determined by a third-party financial aid service. The committee determines the recipients of financial aid
and reviews all financial aid appeals.
Honor Council
The Honor Council is composed of 10
, 11
, 12
grade students, the Dean of Students, and three faculty
advisors. Honor Council cases are heard by the Dean of Students and two student co-chairs. Appeals of
Honor Council verdicts are heard by the full panel of student members, faculty advisors, and the Dean of
Students. St. Pius X Catholic High School believes it is important not only to set high standards of academic
and ethical achievement but also to set equally high standards of academic and personal integrity. The
primary purpose of the St. Pius X Honor System is to create an atmosphere of honesty, trust and integrity
among the students and faculty members through raising the consciousness of an honorable life. The
Honor Council will enforce the Honor Code, take responsibility for determining if a student has violated
the Honor Code, educate the students on how to live as honorable people and recommend the penalties
for the offense.
Any student who violates the honor code by lying, cheating, plagiarism, stealing, or bullying/harassment
goes through the Honor Council; a person who violates the discipline code does not go through the Honor
Council but through the discipline system. Please check the Honor Council booklet for further
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee is composed of the Principal, the Director of Admissions, one of the Deans of
Students, the Director of Advancement, the Business Manager, and the Assistant Business Manager of
Student Accounts. The committee determines the recipients of both endowed and funded scholarships.
School Building
Our school building contains asbestos in limited, controlled concentrations. It is maintained according to
all AHERA regulations, including annual inspections.
Our management plan is available for your review upon request.
Student Council
The Student Council is an organization of students elected by the student body to serve as its official
representative in matters of concern to the entire school. The Student Council provides a medium through
which student opinion may be heard in a forum for the consideration of common school problems.
Safe Environment
Every year, all students will receive safe environment training according to Archdiocesan policies. If
parents/guardians do not want their students to participate in this training, they must fill out an “opt-out”
form provided by one of the Deans of Students via the St. Pius X family email account by the end of the
second week of school.
School Directory
Marsha Free
, Executive Asst. to the Principal
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x223
Uniforms / Textbooks
Karoline Brennan,
Roar Store Manager
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x242
Volunteer Certification
Sandy Stogner
, Human Resources
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x247
SPX Email Assistance
Tim Stultz,
Director of IT
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x294
BYOD/Microsoft Office Information
Tim Stultz,
Director of IT
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x294
Canvas Learning Management System
Marian Rosenberg,
Instructional Technologist
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x252
PowerSchool Parent Portal
Sam Nelson,
SIS Management
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x 259
Certificate of School Enrollment
Pick up from the Counseling Office
Grade Report for Insurance Company
Print most recent Report Card from PowerSchool
Parent Portal
(actual transcript is rarely required)
Georgia ADAP Certificate
Request ONLY if student is testing for a Driver's License.
At least three (3) days before certificate is needed, email
the following to Coach Garrison ([email protected])
Full name as it appears on child's
birth certificate
Date of birth
School year and semester the
student took health
Academic Concerns
Jason Eaglen,
Dean of Academics
404-636-3023 x232
Accounts, Tuition and Billing
Denise Hatter,
Student Accounts
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x260
Address Updates
Karen Travers,
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x233
Traci Zimmerman,
Administrative Assistant
[email protected] 404-636-7751
Attendance, Tardies and Early Dismissals
Jen Polzin,
Attendance Secretary
[email protected] 404-636-7063
Cafeteria SAGE Dining
Eric Mongerson,
Food Service Director
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x239
Campus Ministry / Works of Mercy
Susan Baker,
Director of Campus Ministry
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x249
Clinic / School Nurse
Donna Owens, R.N.
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x248
Counseling Office
Christi Caragher,
Administrative Assistant
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x234
Course Registration / Scheduling
Jason Eaglen,
Dean of Academics
404-636-3023 x232
Fine Arts Programs
Lisa O’Connor,
Fine Arts Coordinator / Director of Dance
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x381
Meggan Wilkauskas,
Head Librarian
[email protected] 404-636-3023 x264
Lion Leader Program
Lion Leader Advisory Board
Who To Contact When You Have Questions About . . .
Updated 7/07/23
Regulations for Student Conduct
Disciplinary Policies and Procedures
Communication about Discipline Issues
Disciplinary Consequences
Saturday School
Disciplinary Suspension
Expulsion and Expulsion Procedures
Discipline Contract and Requirements
Personal Safety and Health: Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Products
Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy
Childhood Abuse/Neglect
Social Media
Brothers and sisters,
You have forgotten the exhortation addressed to you as children:
“My son, do not disdain the discipline of the Lord
or lose heart when reproved by him;
for whom the Lord loves, he disciplines;
he scourges every son he acknowledges.”
Endure your trials as “discipline;”
God treats you as sons.
For what “son” is there whom his father does not discipline?
At the time,
all discipline seems a cause not for joy but for pain,
yet later it brings the peaceful fruit of righteousness
to those who are trained by it.
So strengthen your drooping hands and your weak knees.
Make straight paths for your feet,
that what is lame may not be disjointed but healed.
HEB 12:5-7, 11-13
Disciplinary Policies and Procedures
The primary role governing the conduct of all the members of our school community is the "Great
Commandment" of our Lord: "You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul,
and with all your mind....and you must love your neighbor as yourself." (Matt. 22: 37-40) Everything which
promotes this threefold love is acceptable in our school community. Anything which undermines the
growth of such loving harmony both on and off-campus is rejected. St. Pius X reserves the right to
determine if off-campus behavior has a detrimental input on the school or the school’s reputation. The
Administration reserves the right to discipline students for off-campus behavior and/or conduct. St. Pius
X also reserves the right to search any vehicle or item that is brought onto the campus.
The good name, reputation and personal safety of each student, faculty/staff member, and adult volunteer
are vitally important. In order to protect students, employees, volunteers, and the school itself, each student
is expected to treat the good name and reputation of other students, school employees, volunteers and the
school with dignity and respect and not engage in any activity or conduct, either on campus or off campus,
that is in opposition to this guideline and/or is inconsistent with Catholic teaching or values, as determined
by the school in its discretion.
Catholic teaching prohibits actions which violate respect for the dignity of the human person. Students
whose actions are considered by the school to violate this respect, including those of a demeaning,
harassing, derogatory, racist, or discriminatory nature, whether communicated by word or deed, in-person
or electronically, by gesture, image or in any other manner, will result in disciplinary action, which may
include suspension and/or expulsion from school. Parents/guardians are to support this guideline in their
relationships with school employees, students and their families; failure to do so may result in the
parents/guardians being asked to withdraw their children from the school.
It is the mission of St. Pius X Catholic High School to ensure that each student has a successful school
experience in a safe and supportive environment. Personal honor, integrity, and respect for others are
expected of all students. In order to assist the student members of the St. Pius X community in their attempt
to live within the spirit of these expectations, guidelines for their personal conduct and penalties for failure
to follow these guidelines are in place. These penalties can consist of detentions, work crew, suspensions,
withdrawal or expulsion.
Students and parents should realize that the regulations listed are not all inclusive. There are other things
that a student may do, e.g., frequent unexcused absences, unwillingness to cooperate with teachers,
consistent failure to do work, a consistently negative and rebellious attitude, or any behavior considered
detrimental to the community as a whole, which will call for a review by the Discipline Committee and
may lead to punishment or dismissal. The administration reserves the right to determine the severity of
the situation and punishment at the time the incident occurs.
Parental Support
As our students’ primary educators, parents are to support the school’s discipline policies and procedures
in their relationships with school employees, students, and their families; failure to do so may result in the
parents being asked to withdraw their children from the school.
Communication for Discipline Issues
The yellow discipline referral slip highlights situations which often require a penalty of more than 1
detention and requires a parent signature indicating a discussion has occurred between parents and the
student about the student's concerning behavior. When students receive a yellow discipline referral slip,
they will be required to have it signed by their parents or guardians and returned to the Dean of Students’
Office the following day; the yellow slip constitutes communication. Furthermore, students are responsible
for communicating with their parents regarding discipline issues. Discipline history, including salmon-
colored detentions signed by the student, is available to parents in PowerSchool. In cases of more severe
disciplinary infractions or Honor Council referrals, parents may contact the Dean of Students’ office at the
following email address - d[email protected] .
Disciplinary Consequences
The following chart offers an overview of the disciplinary consequences at St. Pius X and how they
relate to one another. More details about each follow in the narrative below.
Relationship to other
Detentions are given to students
who do not uphold the rules,
regulations and policies of the
school. Detentions are held after
school daily and last 30 minutes.
Detentions are written on one of
two colors as follows: salmon (for
standard infractions) or on yellow
(for infractions that require a
student meeting with a Dean and
a parent signature on discipline
Upon receipt of the 6
detention, a
student must attend mandatory
Saturday School. If another 6 are
accrued, another Saturday School
will be required.
Saturday School is held once per
month from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm,
with a fee of $30. Students may
be required to perform
maintenance work around the
campus (inside or outside) or to
observe silent reflection time as
Saturday School
Two Saturday Schools at any point in
the academic school year will lead to
a discipline contract.
Continued failure to comply with the
policies of the handbook may result
in expulsion from the school, which
in the school’s discretion, may or
may not involve a disciplinary
Discipline contracts provide
students who consistently fail to
meet behavioral expectations
with a higher level of
accountability. They are assigned
a faculty discipline mentor, who
will meet with the student
weekly. Contracts will remain in
force until such time that the
Deans of Students and the
student’s faculty mentor agree
that the student has shown the
ability to respect and comply
with the expectations, policies,
rules and regulations of St. Pius.
Discipline Contract
Students are placed on a discipline
contract when they reach 12
detentions in an academic year or as
a result of the recommendation of the
Deans of Students and/or Discipline
The student on contract will be
subject to a hearing before the
Discipline Committee should he/she
continue to accumulate additional
detentions or be involved in a single
more egregious rule violation.
Discipline Hearings are
convened by the Dean of
Students to review a student’s
status at St. Pius X Catholic High
School. The Discipline
Committee of five teachers and
the three Deans of Students
conduct the review.
Conferences/Meetings are
restricted to parents and/or legal
guardians only.
Out-of-school suspension is
assigned to students who await
the results of a discipline hearing.
Discipline Hearing
Students may be called for a hearing
before the Discipline Committee for a
number of reasons:
A student on a discipline
contract continued to
accumulate detentions or
was involved in a more
serious violation.
A student received a 3
Honor Council Referral (see
Honor Council section of this
A student received a 2
substance infraction (see
Substance Abuse section of
this handbook).
A student was involved in a
single act of sufficient
severity to warrant a
hearing, including, but not
limited to assault, theft, sale
or distribution of substances,
or other illegal activity.
The school in its discretion
may choose to move directly
to a Discipline Hearing for
any infraction.
Disciplinary suspension is the
temporary removal of students
from academic and
extracurricular participation.
Disciplinary Suspension
Disciplinary suspensions are
imposed by the school as a serious
Suspension is served either in-school
or out-of-school.
Expulsion is considered a
termination of enrollment.
All disciplinary actions taken by
the school shall be preceded by
internal procedures and
supported by defensible records.
Expulsion shall be used in response
to an egregious offense or as a final
measure in response to continuous
accumulation of disciplinary
offenses. Expulsion is one of the
recommendations available to the
Discipline Committee.
Detentions are given to students who do not uphold the rules, regulations and policies of St. Pius X Catholic
High School. Detentions are cumulative August May each school year. Parents have access to conduct,
attendance and grades on the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal through the St. Pius X website, If questions are not answered after a review of the PowerSchool Parent/Student Portal,
contact the Dean of Students for clarification.
Detentions are to be served after school the day after the student receives his/her penalty. The detention
begins at dismissal and lasts 30 minutes in length, Monday through Thursday. There will be no exceptions
to this unless there is a note from the medical/dental office that verifies a long-standing medical or dental
appointment for the student on the day of the detention. Students who have to work, participate in carpool,
attend tutoring, attend practices of any type, or have athletic competitions, etc. are not excused. Students
who do not serve their detention on their appointed day will have the penalty doubled.
The Deans of Students will support detentions issued by faculty or staff members issued in a manner
consistent with the policies of the school. Students who have a question about a detention issued by a
faculty or staff member may approach that individual for a respectful discussion about the situation and
subsequent detention. Any adjustments to the detention must be addressed with the Dean of Students by
the faculty or staff member. A detention may not be revisited or adjusted after 1 week has passed.
Because of the expectations for students involved in specific school programs (e.g. athletics,
extracurricular and co-curricular activities), other sanctions (apart from those outlined in this handbook)
may be incurred for violations of the regulations for student conduct.
Saturday School
Upon receipt of the 6
detention, and subsequent counts of 6, a student will be required to attend
mandatory Saturday school, held once per month from 8:00 am to 11:00 pm, with a fee of $30 per student
payable via FACTS at the time Saturday School is served. The Principal and/or the Dean(s) reserve the
right at any time to assign Saturday school to students who have other disciplinary violations. Detentions
are cumulative from August to May each school year. The student record will then reflect the served
Saturday school. If a student does not report to Saturday school as scheduled he/she will be out-of-school
suspended from school on the Monday following Saturday school and must meet with the Deans for other
instructions prior to returning to school; those students must still serve their Saturday school at the next
available date. Should students qualify for Saturday school, but not be required to attend (i.e. mandatory
distance learning, conclusion of school year), the $30 fee will still be assessed via FACTS.
Saturday School is a form of punishment and students may be required (but are not limited to) to perform
maintenance work around the campus (inside or outside) or to observe silent reflection time as directed by
a faculty/staff member depending on the facility needs at the time. Sporting events (SPX or club),
SAT/ACT practice tests and/or prep courses, conflicts with the family’s schedule, and jobs/community
service do not qualify for postponement. Archdiocesan sacramental requirements and documented, out-
of-town travel for the student are the only considerations for postponement; if the postponement comes at
the end of the school year, the student may be responsible for serving hours over the summer. The $30 fee
(per student, per assigned Saturday school) includes not only supervision fees, but also the cost of
maintenance supplies used to complete any duties and work assigned for Saturday School. Students are
to report to the Donnellan Center by 8:00 a.m. and may be picked up at 11:00 am.
from the Donnellan Center. Please refer to your family/student email account for complete details prior
to your Saturday school service.
Students should wear clothes appropriate for manual labor (indoor and/or outdoor). Jobs might include:
trash pick-up around campus, washing windows, cleaning out storage areas, cleaning up the stadium or
gym (following home games), or other similar tasks. Students are to bring work gloves for heavier work
details. Students are allowed to bring a small snack and drink. Cell phones/Airpods/Earbuds are not
allowed during Saturday school for any reason. Regular disciplinary procedures and penalties will apply.
Disciplinary Suspension
Disciplinary suspension is the temporary removal of students from academic and extracurricular
participation. Suspension is served either in-school or out-of-school. Students who are serving in-school
suspension must report to school to the Dean of Students office on the day(s) of their suspension in uniform.
The student(s) will be assigned to a separate room where they will complete their assigned course work.
They will not participate in their classes nor may they attend extracurricular activities for the duration of
their suspension. In-school suspension students may be expected to pay the expense for a substitute teacher
to supervise the day(s). Students who serve out-of-school suspension may not attend classes, be present on
campus, and participate in extracurricular activities on or off campus for the duration of their suspension.
This very serious penalty may be imposed by the Principal or the Deans. Tests and assignments that are
due on the day(s) of out-of-school suspension become due the day the students return to their regular
school routine. During in-school suspension tests and assignments are completed per the teachers’
instructions. Students are responsible for collecting any additional assignments and should be prepared
to take any tests or quizzes on the day of their return to class. Any test or quizzes that are missed while
they are out on suspension will be made up at the discretion of the teacher. There will be no academic
penalties for either out-of-school or in-school suspensions.
As a definition, expulsion is considered a termination of enrollment. Expulsion shall be used in response
to an egregious offense or as a final measure in response to continuous accumulation of disciplinary
offenses. Expulsion results from repeated refusal to obey school rules or from conduct which endangers
self and others, property, health or safety of others, and expulsion is deemed to be in the best interest of
the school community. One serious offense may also be cause for expulsion.
On occasion, students may not be invited to return to school for behavior and/or academic reasons. These
students are not considered expelled. The Administration of St. Pius X reviews all information available
regarding behavior and/or academic performance and makes the final decision.
All disciplinary actions taken by the school shall be preceded by internal procedures and supported by
defensible records.
Expulsion Procedures
In those cases of serious breach of discipline which demand immediate review but are determined by the
school in its discretion to be cause of immediate expulsion, a disciplinary committee will be convened to
examine the specific details of the situation. This committee is composed of the Deans of Students and a
panel of faculty members. The Principal is not part of the disciplinary committee.
Only legal guardians or parents may attend a disciplinary hearing. The student(s) and his/her parent(s)
will be permitted to answer questions and present evidence in order to clarify the details of the case for the
disciplinary committee.
After the meeting is completed, the committee will submit its recommendation to the Principal for
consideration. The final disciplinary action decision rests with the Principal. Parents may appeal expulsion
to the Superintendent of Catholic Schools, for review of the decision within 10 school days. Students
remain suspended out of school until a final decision has been reached regarding the appeal.
The Disciplinary Committee makes a recommendation which might include: expel or not to expel the
student (other disciplinary suggestions will be outlined to accompany this recommendation).
Before the hearing is held, the parents and student are informed of the possible recommendations of the
committee and once the hearing date and time are set that the student does not have the right to voluntarily
If the decision to expel the student is made, the parents are notified in writing. When a specific disciplinary
issue arises from outside of a school resulting in direct repercussions for a school of the archdiocese, the
principal(s) involved must immediately contact the superintendent. In those cases, the individual school(s)
should follow their handbook procedures in order to ensure fair process and notification in assigning
discipline. However, in cases involving students from more than one archdiocesan school and where
expulsion could be considered, the Disciplinary Committee is convened and makes a recommendation to
the superintendent. The decision for expulsion or other disciplinary action in such cases rests with the
For students leaving SPX, the student’s discipline summary letter will reflect the details of the departure
as follows: “withdraw while neither suspended nor expelled,” “withdraw pending a hearing,” “withdraw
while suspended,” “withdraw following a hearing,” or “expulsion.”
In certain circumstances, the Administration may expel a student without a Discipline Hearing. All
disciplinary actions taken by the school shall be preceded by internal procedures and supported by
defensible records. Appeal of expulsion must be made in writing by the parents to the Superintendent
within 10 school days per Archdiocesan Policy #5470. The student will remain suspended out of school
until such time when a final decision is reached.
Discipline Contract
Students are placed on a discipline contract when they reach 12 detentions or as a result of the
recommendation of the Deans of Students and/or Discipline Committee. Parents will be notified in writing
when their student is placed on a discipline contract by one of the Deans of Students. Signed contracts (as
well as all official school documents) must be returned to the Dean of Students Office within 2 (two) school
days of receipt to avoid further disciplinary penalties. Contracts will remain in force until such time that
the Deans of Students and the student’s faculty mentor agree that the student has shown the ability to
respect and comply with the expectations, policies, rules and regulations of St. Pius X High School as set
forth in the student handbook. At that time, a recommendation may be made for the student to be released
from the discipline contract. Any student who is on contract may not serve in an elected student
government position, or represent his/her class/club on either homecoming court or be elected as
king/queen of homecoming or prom. Any student holding such an office must resign at the time the
contract is issued. Should a student on contract continue to disregard the conduct policy as outlined in
his/her discipline contract, he/she will appear before the discipline committee to determine continued
enrollment at St. Pius X High School.
Discipline Contract Requirements
The student will obey and be respectful of all school rules.
The student will attend weekly meetings with an assigned SPX teacher mentor.
The student will be subject to a hearing before the Discipline Committee should he/she continue
to accumulate additional detentions or be involved in a single more egregious rule violation. (In
the case where a student has already appeared before the Discipline Committee, regardless of
previous offense, it nullifies the hearing mentioned above. Consequences outlined in the original
Discipline Committee meeting will be enforced and could then include additional detentions,
social probation, suspension, withdrawal or expulsion.)
If your student is an athlete, fine arts performer, or involved in an extracurricular activity, he/she
will also miss 20% of the regular season’s competitions, performances, or events at the first
available opportunity. The student is fully responsible for speaking with the coach, advisor, or
moderator about the discipline contract. Coaches, advisors, or moderators may, at their discretion,
have penalties beyond the school-imposed penalties.
Additional restrictions may be enforced per the student handbook, or by a team, club, or
A student who continues to disregard the behavioral expectations of St. Pius X Catholic High
School will appear before the Discipline Committee, as such behavior indicates the student does
not respect or accept the requirements of the contract, or the rules of our school. Consequences
could include additional detentions, social probation, suspension, withdrawal or expulsion.
A student who appears before the Discipline Committee for the first time because of discipline
contract violations could receive additional detentions, social probation, suspension, request to
withdraw or expulsion.
As a result of being placed on a discipline contract, any work study student is subject to the loss of
financial aid upon review by the school administration. When a student is placed on a discipline
contract, he/she is immediately assigned to a teacher mentor with whom he/she must meet every
Thursday afternoon, immediately after school. A discipline contract student must attend this
meeting unless he/she is ill or has a conflict with a medical appointment. Students must notify the
assigned teacher mentor 24 hours in advance in order to miss a meeting, or before leaving school
if dismissed from the clinic.
Students who enter into a discipline contract and/or substance contract are prohibited from
holding a class or school office (president, vice-president, class rep, etc.). Additionally, students
on contract cannot represent a class, club, or sport on a homecoming court or other school related
representation. If an office is held at the time the student enters into a discipline contract and/or
substance contract, the student must resign from said office.
It is extremely important that the student be on time for these meetings each week. Should the
student miss a meeting with the assigned SPX teacher mentor without 24-hour advance
notification, the teacher mentor will notify the Dean of Students Office and a yellow referral form
will be written up. A first offense constitutes a WARNING. Subsequent missed meetings result in
detentions or more significant penalties based on a review of the student’s situation. 24-hour
advance communication is mandatory should the student need to miss a meeting for any reason.
Sickness the day-of requires an email to the teacher mentor during the course of the school day, or
via email or in person prior to checking-out from the Clinic. Repeated notifications to miss
meetings will not be tolerated and will result in additional penalties
General Behavior
Students are expected to cooperate with all school personnel and with each other, and to behave
appropriately at all times, especially at school functions (on or off campus). Students can be disciplined for
conduct, whether inside or outside of the school, that is detrimental to the reputation of the St. Pius X
Catholic High School.
1. St. Pius X Catholic High School has a concern with students whose conduct on or off our school campus
brings discredit or harm to the name of the school or the reputation of its student body. Therefore, such
conduct or behavior which is in opposition to our Catholic philosophy and moral standards, on the part of
our students, could require a penalty or dismissal from the school.
Students must adhere to St. Pius X’s regulations for student conduct at all times, including but not limited
to the time they leave home for school until they return home in the afternoon. Any misbehavior or conduct
unbecoming a St. Pius X student which goes against Christian values in public places, including the
Internet, electronic devices or in vehicles of any sort that is reported to the school will be subject to
investigation and penalty. Students may not bring discredit to the name of St. Pius X.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
2. It is considered a serious offense if students deliberately cause a disturbance on another campus. Any
offense taking place on other school property shall be considered the same as if such actions were to take
place on our campus, especially at Marist, Blessed Trinity, and St.Mary’s Academy because of the special
relationships we share.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
3. Students are expected to maintain order in the school at all times. Students who repeatedly cause
disturbances in class are liable to be expelled from the class. This may result in loss of credit for the course.
Causing a disturbance in the library, another study area or the cafeteria will likewise result in expulsion
from that area as well as other disciplinary action. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or
expulsion dependent upon the situation.
4.Students are not allowed to order any type of food or drink to be delivered to the school during school
hours, including, but not limited to: Doordash, Uber Eats, friends, parents, etc. Penalty: detentions,
Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
5. The use of inappropriate, abusive, or profane language is strictly prohibited on our campus, at games on
another school's campus, or at off-campus activities sponsored by St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Repeated violations may result in further disciplinary action, up to and including suspension or expulsion
Penalty: Yellow incident referral.
6. Fighting is strictly prohibited before, during, and after school between our students, or between our
students and others. If a student makes a choice to get involved in a physical confrontation with another
student, then he/she makes the choice to accept the consequences. Students should be aware that the
penalty for fighting will be imposed on all participants equally.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
7. Students may not leave the campus between arrival at school and the end of the school day unless they
have received early dismissal permission or are on a school-supervised outing. Permission for early
dismissal must be requested by a parent and must be obtained by the end of the first period from the
attendance office. Students may not leave school, even with permission, after 2:35 pm. Students who are
truant from school will be suspended and called before the discipline committee. Penalty: detentions,
Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
8. Students must arrive on time for the first period class each day. Students are expected to be in all classes,
study halls, and homerooms, etc. on time. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses,
potential loss of credit for class, further disciplinary action may be determined by the school, up to and
including suspension or expulsion.
9. Students are not permitted to walk around or loiter in the halls during the school day, nor are they
permitted to loiter in restrooms or empty classrooms during the school day. Students may never remain
at any location on campus unattended during the school day. Students may not recline or lie down on
campus unless they are in the school clinic.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
10. During school hours, students may not be in areas considered "off limits," unless directly supervised by
a faculty/staff member. These areas are
the front lawn and the lawns directly under classroom windows and outside the gym;
benches and picnic tables by the Donnellan Building;
all parking lots; any steps around the buildings;
all athletic fields, the stadium, and the gym (except when directly supervised by a teacher);
all wooded areas around the school building; and
the stage and auditorium.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
11. At any given time, in any restroom on the school campus, there should be no more than one student in
a restroom stall. If more than one student is found to be in a restroom stall, penalties will be incurred.
Penalty: detentions, discipline hearings, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action
may be determined by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
12. Students may enter the school campus as early as 6:30 a.m. and may enter the cafeteria at that time.
They may only be in the school building on regular school days between the hours of 7:15 a.m. and 3:30
p.m. Schedules will differ on late start days. Students need to move to the library, cafeteria, or scheduled
athletic practice no later than 3:30 p.m. Any students remaining on campus after 3:30 p.m. should wait in
the cafeteria or library (until it closes) for their transportation. St. Pius X strongly discourages leaving
campus for any reason while waiting for transportation. The school doors are on an automatic timer.
Students who attempt to gain access to the building after the doors have locked must enter from the main
school building entrance. Pounding, knocking on doors and requesting admission through any other
school door, window, or egress is not permitted. Outside of these days or times students may only be in
the school building if accompanied by a teacher or coach. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated
13. Food and drinks are not allowed in any area of the school building at any time before, during or after
the school day apart from the cafeteria. Seniors are allowed to eat in Maloof Plaza and the Senior
Courtyard. College 101 groups are allowed to eat in the Counseling Office. Grades 9 - 11 may only eat lunch
in the cafeteria. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses.
14. Water Bottles
Students will be allowed to have a water bottle during the school day provided it meets the following
Must be a plastic or metal bottle, no more than 32 oz. The Roar Store will have water bottles
available for purchase.
Absolutely no glass containers.
Must have a secure screw-top, leak proof lid like a Nalgene or Camelbak.
No offensive logos or logos that promote drugs, alcohol, or tobacco.
A regular, generic, disposable water bottle (to include types like Dasani, Deer Park, Publix,
Kroger, etc.) type of water bottle is acceptable.
Clear, pure water only is allowed in the bottle. Absolutely no Gatorade, Powerade, flavoring (no
lemonade, tea, coffee, etc.) or coloring of any kind (like Mio or Crystal Light) is allowed.
No fast food cups, coffee cups, gas station cups, etc. of any kind.
Absolutely NO water bottles during any assembly, including Mass.
Your water bottle can be checked by any faculty or staff member at any time. Remember that
alcohol of any kind is never allowed on this campus at any time.
If there are any distractions or problems with the bottles, discipline penalties will apply.
Property damage caused by your water bottle or misbehavior with your water bottle will be your
responsibility for restitution.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
15. The chewing of gum and/or spitting of any type in the school building, sidewalks or on the breezeway
is not permitted.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
16. Students may not sell tickets, candy, or other products in school.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
17. Students are required to turn in all official forms with parents' signatures within 2 school days or on the
dates specified by all school offices. This includes, but is not limited to class syllabi, discipline contracts,
registration materials, etc.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
18. Students are in violation of school policy and the Honor Code for falsifying signature(s) of parent(s),
guardian(s), or others, even when directed by those individuals. Students are accountable for obtaining
appropriate and original signatures of parents/guardians when necessary. Penalty: detentions, Saturday
School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined by the school, up to and
including suspension or expulsion); appearance before the Honor Council.
19. Students are required to come prepared for class which includes but is not limited to bringing books,
homework and classroom supplies as directed by the teacher each day. As part of the preparation for class,
students are to remain awake and attentive. If the student is habitually unprepared for class, it is left to the
teacher’s discretion if the grade will be affected.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, potential loss of credit for class, further
disciplinary action may be determined by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
20. Students are expected to serve all detentions the day after they receive their penalty. Students may not
do homework or sleep during detention. Cell phones are strictly prohibited.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
21. Students are to wear their uniform appropriately and within the guidelines stipulated in the handbook.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
22. Gambling (e.g., pools concerning athletic contests) and coin-pitching, betting, and any other form of
gaming are prohibited.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion, appearance before Discipline Committee.
23. Students are never to give their locker combination to others. Only appropriate decorations, secured
by magnets, are permitted inside the lockers. Lockers are not to be jammed in any way that prevents their
closing because this may permanently damage the locking mechanism and allow for inappropriate access
by other students. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action
may be determined by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
24. Students are not allowed to have visitors on campus during regular school hours, including lunch
periods, unless permission has been granted by the administration. Students from other schools (other than
SPX alumni) are not allowed on campus during school hours and will be asked to leave. Refer to the
Communications Section: Visitors on Campus policy.
Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined
by the school, up to and including suspension or expulsion.
25. Every student must have their current school year SPX Student ID card on their person at all times.
Misuse of the ID card (e.g., sharing your card with others for them to use, stealing a card from another,
using another person’s ID card) may result in an Honor Council referral. Further penalty: detentions,
Saturday School for repeated offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined by the school, up to
and including suspension or expulsion.
26. St. Pius X does not condone or allow pranks; jokes; skip days; or destructive, physical, and/or
potentially dangerous games (such as the game referred to as “Assassin”) for any students, including
seniors during the final days of spring semester. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School for repeated
offenses, further disciplinary action may be determined by the school, up to and including suspension or
expulsion. (Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Catholic Schools Policy #5220)
Personal Safety and Health: Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Products
Parents and students should be aware that Georgia law has established a school safety zone which includes
the schools and areas within 1000 feet of those schools, in which tobacco products, drugs, alcohol,
“palcohol” (powdered alcohol), nicotine patches and weapons are strictly forbidden. St. Pius X is a drug,
alcohol, tobacco free campus at all times and during all events.
Pursuant to Archdiocesan Policy #5500 - If the school believes a student has been involved in possible
illegal activity, including, but not restricted to suspected use or possession of drugs, illegal substances,
abuse of social media, weapons, or stolen property, it may choose to conduct a search of a student’s
belongings, including, but not restricted to purse, book-bag, locker, and/or vehicle. The school reserves
the right to request police assistance in these investigations if it so chooses. Parents will be contacted by the
school in the event that police assistance is requested.
The use, possession, sale, purchase, or distribution of illegal drugs, alcohol, palcohol”, nicotine patches,
tobacco products (including, but not limited to “spiceand/or “herbal supplements” designed to mimic
or produce effects similar to illegal substances), vapes, Juuls, electronic cigarettes and accompanying liquid
solutions on or off our campus at any time, including but not limited to personal and/or after-school
functions, is strictly prohibited. A school function is any activity in which the name of St. Pius X is used
whether the activity takes place on school grounds or not. The amount of alcohol/”
palcohol”/drugs/tobacco/nicotine patch/vapes/paraphernalia is irrelevant and any possession is
Students who demonstrate by their behavior that they may be involved in illegal use of drugs and/or
alcohol will be subject to a random drug test ordered by a member of the administration. In addition,
students who are associated with other students in possession of alcohol, drugs, vapes, Juuls, or any
tobacco products in any vehicle or at any off-campus event are subject to the same disciplinary penalties.
If the student refuses help or will not agree to abide by the school's policies, he/she will NOT be permitted
to remain in the school community.
Penalty: Use or possession of drugs, alcohol, drug-related paraphernalia, tobacco or electronic
cigarettes/vapes/Juuls and accompanying liquid solutions may lead to suspension or expulsion. For sale,
purchase, or distribution: expulsion. The administration reserves the right to determine the school’s
response at the time of the incident or at the time the incident is reported to school administration. Local
Authorities may be contacted.
St. Pius X requires that a student involved in, in possession of, or associated with the illegal use of drugs,
alcohol or “palcohol” will participate in a school-approved professional assessment. Then the student,
along with his/her parents, will meet with a team from St. Pius X which has been assembled by the
Principal. This team will review the required professional assessment and establish a contract for
continued attendance at St. Pius X. The contract will be based on abstinence, prescriptive therapy, and
ongoing random drug testing (at parents' expense) with results being shared with St. Pius X. This contract
will remain in effect for the duration of the student's matriculation at St. Pius X.
The use or possession of a dangerous weapon or explosive compound is strictly prohibited on our campus
at any time, including after-school functions. This includes, but is not limited to, all types of fireworks. St.
Pius X reserves the right to search any vehicle or item that is brought onto campus. Penalty: detentions,
Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation. Local police may be contacted.
The use, possession, sale, purchase, or distribution of illegal falsified identification is in violation of St. Pius
X Catholic High School policy. If the student refuses to abide by the school's policies, he/she will NOT be
permitted to remain in the school community. Penalty: For use or possession of illegal falsified
identification: Honor Council violation with possible suspension, referral to the Discipline Committee, or
expulsion. For sale, purchase or distribution: expulsion. The local police may be contacted.
Personal honor, integrity and respect for others are expected at all times of every student.
1. Catholic teaching prohibits actions which violate respect for the dignity of the human person. Actions
considered by the school to violate this respect, including those of a demeaning, harassing, derogatory,
racist, or discriminatory nature, whether communicated by word or deed, in-person or electronically, by
gesture, image or in any other manner, will result in disciplinary action, which may include suspension
and/or expulsion from school. Students, parents, and guardians are to support this guideline in their
relationships with school employees, students and their families. Parents failing to meet this expectation
may be required to withdraw their children from the school; Students who fail to meet this expectation
may be subject to expulsion.
2. Students shall conduct themselves with due respect toward one another and faculty/staff members at
all times. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion dependent upon the situation.
3. It is considered a serious offense if students harass faculty and staff of St. Pius X High School (on or off
campus), or if they invade their privacy by disturbing them at their homes, on their cell phones or on the
Internet. Penalty: Honor Code violation, with detentions, Saturday School, 1 to 3 days suspension or
4. The hazing or initiation of any student in the school or as part of any athletic team or extracurricular
group or team is strictly prohibited. Penalty: Honor Code violation, with detentions, Saturday School, 1 to
3 days suspension; dismissal from the team or expulsion from school.
5. Students are required to show responsible and respectful behavior in the cafeteria and to the cafeteria
staff. Students misbehaving or not cleaning up after themselves will be penalized.
Penalty: detentions/Saturday School for repeat offenders.
6. Students may express their points of view provided they do not seek to coerce others to join them in their
mode of expression and provided they do not intrude on the rights of others. All meetings and assemblies
on the campus, as well as the distribution of literature or buttons and/or display of materials, must have
the prior approval of the Administration. Penalty: detentions, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion
depending upon the situation.
Harassment/Bullying (Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Catholic Schools Policy #5210)
Harassment occurs when an individual is subjected to treatment that is hostile or intimidating because of
the individual’s perceived differences including, but not limited to race, creed, color, national origin,
physical or mental impairment or sex. Harassment can occur any time during or after school or during
school related activities. It includes, but is not limited to, any and all of the following:
VERBAL HARASSMENT/BULLYING: Derogatory comments and jokes, threatening words spoken to
another person.
PHYSICAL HARASSMENT/BULLYING: Unwanted physical touching, contact, assault, deliberate
impeding or blocking movements or any intimidating interference with normal work or movement.
VISUAL HARASSMENT/BULLYING: Derogatory, demeaning or inflammatory posters, cartoons, written
words, drawings or gestures.
CYBERBULLYING: Any form of harassment shared or transmitted electronically.
It is imperative to maintain an educational environment that encourages optimum human growth and
development. Respect for the dignity of each person is essential to Catholic tradition. It is vital that each
school program maintains a learning and working environment free of any form of harassment or
intimidation of students by any other student, lay employee, religious, or priest. The school will treat
allegations of harassment/bullying seriously and will review and investigate such allegations in a prompt,
confidential, and thorough manner. Substantiated acts of harassment are an Honor Code violation and
will result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion. Students found to have filed false or
frivolous charges will also be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including expulsion.
It is the students’ responsibility to:
Conduct themselves in a manner which contributes to a positive school environment
Avoid any activity that may be considered discriminatory, intimidating or harassing.
Immediately report all incidents to a supervising adult.
Discontinue the inappropriate conduct immediately when informed that he/she is perceived as
engaging in intimidating, harassing or unwelcome conduct.
St. Pius X Catholic High School has an absolute “NO RETALIATION” policy in regards to any discipline
issues regardless of persons involved. Appropriate disciplinary penalties will apply to anyone involved in
any form of retaliation.
Verbal warning/reprimand and apology to the victim,
A parent/student/principal conference,
Written warning/ reprimand & parent notification, entered in the student’s file,
Honor Code referral
Detention or removal from selected school activities and/or extracurricular activities,
Behavior/probation contracts, possibly requiring professional intervention,
Suspension or Expulsion.
Sexual Harassment and Sexual Violence Policy
St. Pius X Catholic High School is firmly committed to providing a safe, positive learning and working
environment for everyone in the school. For this reason, and in keeping with the goals and objectives of
Catholic education, St. Pius X High School expressly prohibits sexual harassment and sexual violence in
the school environment. This policy re-emphasizes the personal dignity of the individual and fosters
positive sexual attitudes and respect for others.
Sexual Harassment Defined
For the purpose of this policy, sexual harassment includes the following specific instances: verbal sexual
abuse; disseminating obscene or sexually explicit material, whether in form of music, written lyrics,
pornographic pictures or other literature, or having such material in one’s possession in the school, on
school grounds, or at school-sponsored activities; obscene or sexually explicit graffiti anywhere in the
school or on the school grounds; continuing unwanted written or oral communication directed to another
of a sexual nature; spreading sexual rumors/innuendoes; obscene T-shirts, hats or buttons; touching
oneself sexually in front of others; obscene and/or sexually explicit gestures; inappropriate exposure of
body parts and any other inappropriate behavior of a sexually explicit or obscene nature that demeans or
offends the recipient. The above list is not meant to be all-inclusive, but is intended to provide guidance
as to what may constitute sexual harassment. Isolated trivial incidents are not sufficient to constitute
harassment and will be handled according to the student behavior code.
Allegations of any type of harassment are to be reported to the teacher and the Principal. Parents of both
the offender and the victim will be informed of the allegations. The matter is to be kept confidential by all
parties involved, and every effort will be made to protect the alleged victim from retaliation. The parents
of both the offender and the victim are obligated to cooperate in remedying the situation.
If the allegations are substantiated, disciplinary actions will be taken. These will depend on the nature,
frequency, and severity of the action, the ages of the offender and victim, the history of similar actions by
this individual, and the circumstances in which the harassment occurred. Possible disciplinary actions may
include but are not limited to any or all of the following:
Verbal warning/reprimand and apology to the victim,
A parent/student/principal conference,
Written warning/ reprimand & parent notification, entered in the student’s file,
Honor Code referral
Detention or removal from selected school activities and/or extracurricular activities,
Behavior/probation contracts, possibly requiring professional intervention,
Suspension or Expulsion.
Sexual Violence
Sexual violence is handled separately because of its potential criminal nature. If an incident of sexual
violence occurs, the principal or other school authority is required under state law to report the incident
(GA. Code Section 19-7-5) that sexual abuse or violence has occurred involving a child less than eighteen
years of age. The Archdiocesan Department of Catholic Education will be contacted immediately in these
Generally sexual harassment should be construed as sexual violence when: the recipient is physically
touched without his/her consent in a sexual manner; is expressly threatened or perceives a threat of
physical harm for purposes of the offender’s sexual gratification; or is the victim of sex offenses under
Georgia law. In these cases, the Department of Human Services and the police will be contacted
Hazing (Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Catholic Schools Policy #5215)
Hazing is defined as any act committed against someone joining or becoming a member or maintaining
membership in any organization that is humiliating, intimidating or demeaning, or endangers the health
and safety of a person.
Hazing includes active or passive participation in such acts and occurs regardless of the willingness to
participate in the activities. Hazing creates an environment and school climate in which dignity and respect
are absent and therefore is contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
No student, parent, teacher, administration or volunteer shall permit, condone or tolerate hazing. This
policy applies to hazing behavior that occurs on or off school property and during and after school hours.
Invitation into campus organizations, athletic teams, and other activities undertaken by such organizations
or individuals must be consistent with the stated purpose of the organizations and the educational mission
of the schools of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Any activities that may be construed as hazing are prohibited.
A person who engages in an act that violates school policy or law in order to be initiated into or affiliated
with a student organization shall be subject to discipline for that act.
Students found to be in violation of this policy are subject to discipline which may include but is not limited
to detention, suspension or expulsion from the school. The Archdiocese of Atlanta will act to investigate
all complaints of hazing and will discipline or take appropriate action against any student, parent, teacher,
administrator or other archdiocesan employee or volunteer who is found to have violated this policy. Civil
authorities (Law enforcement and/or DFCS) may also be contacted depending on the nature of the hazing
Reporting Procedures
Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of hazing or any person with knowledge or belief
of conduct which may constitute hazing shall report the alleged acts immediately to the building principal.
The principal will notify both the Superintendent of Schools and the Office of Safe Environment for the
Archdiocese of Atlanta. The Archdiocese of Atlanta will undertake or authorize an investigation by an
archdiocesan official or by a third party designated by the Archdiocese.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta will take appropriate action against any student, parent, teacher, administrator,
school employee or volunteer who retaliates against anyone who makes a good faith report of hazing, or
who testifies, assists or participates in an investigation or hearing about a hazing incident. Retaliation
includes, but is not limited to, any form of intimidation, reprisal or harassment.
Safe Environment
All employees and volunteers of St. Pius X Catholic High School must participate in the Archdiocesan Safe
Environment/VIRTUS Training in order to work with our students.
Child Abuse/Neglect (Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Catholic Schools Policy #5290)
The State of Georgia requires by law that any Principal, teacher, counselor or other school administrator,
employee or volunteer report all cases of suspected child abuse of children less than eighteen years of age.
Georgia Law, Code Section 19-7-5, requires the reporting of injuries or neglect of minors, provides
immunity for those reporting in good faith and provides a penalty for violation of the law.
Social Media
St. Pius X Catholic High School provides many online resources for student use, and we recognize that in
addition to using the internet to access educational materials, many students also use various forms of
social media. Social media can be used for good and most students use it appropriately. Students are
expected to demonstrate the same standard of respectful behavior toward others online as they are in-
person (see Respecting Persons guideline in this handbook).
At St. Pius X Catholic High School, we do not make a practice of reviewing our students’ social media
activity outside of school hours, but if something is brought to our attention that is believed to be in
violation of the school’s code of conduct, the school may investigate and respond with appropriate
consequences up to and including expulsion. Therefore, we encourage our parents to be diligent in
monitoring their child’s social media participation to ensure their personal safety and compliance with St.
Pius X Catholic High School’s social media usage expectations.
Honor Code Booklet
Honor Pledge
What Constitutes an Honor Code Offense?
Unauthorized Collaboration/Communication
Plagiarism & the use of AI auto generated text
Unauthorized Recordings/Photographs
Institution of the Honor Code
Honor Council Standards
The Process of an Honor Violation Case
Initial Process
Appealing a Verdict
Appeal Hearing Process
Number of Honor Council Violations
Student Responsibilities
Faculty Responsibilities
Parent Responsibilities
Penalties and Consequences
St. Pius X Catholic High School
Honor Pledge
I. Mission
St. Pius X Catholic High School believes it is important not only to set high standards of academic and
ethical achievement but also to set equally high standards of academic and personal integrity. The
primary purpose of the St. Pius X Honor System is to create an atmosphere of honesty, trust, and integrity
among the students and faculty members and to foster honorable lives. The Honor Council will enforce
the Honor Code, educate students on how to live as honorable people, and recommend penalties for
II. What constitutes an Honor Code Offense?
A person who violates honor by lying, cheating, unauthorized collaboration and/or communication,
plagiarism, stealing, taking/producing unauthorized recordings/photographs, or harassment/bullying
goes through the Honor Council process. A person who violates other discipline policies does not go
through the Honor Council, but through the discipline system.
Lying- an attempt to cover up one’s own misdeeds or the misdeeds of others; giving false
information; misrepresenting the truth
*The use, possession, sale, purchase, or distribution of illegal falsified identification (“fake
IDs”) is a misrepresentation of the truth and constitutes an Honor Code violation.
Cheating- deliberately giving, receiving, or copying any unauthorized information on any quiz,
test, exam, or other written work; passing off another’s work as one’s own (including from the
*Having discussions in advance or carrying notes or other information on one’s person
while taking a test may constitute an Honor Council violation.
*Falsifying or tampering with substance testing constitutes an Honor Code violation.
Unauthorized Collaboration/Communication- sharing or exchanging information, news, or ideas
with classmates verbally or through the use of an electronic device during any assessment
(including a take-home test), writing project, or class assignment
Students may not present AI-generated text or other AI generated content as their own original
work when completing assignments or assessments for St. Pius X.
Plagiarism- passing off the words or ideas of others as your own work without citing them
properly, whether they are published or unpublished
Stealing- taking something which belongs to another without consent
*Additionally, damage or destruction of any school property will not be tolerated and
may constitute an Honor Council offense (cf. AoA policy #5220).
Unauthorized Recordings/Photographs- making or receiving any recordings (audio or video) or
pictures of faculty, students, assessments of academic assignments.
Harassment/Bullying- treating others with cruelty, contempt, demeaning remarks, being
disrespectful in words or actions.
“Our core commitment to the Gospel shapes our expectations for
moral behavior inside and outside the classroom. We celebrate the gift
of diversity and work to foster charity and inclusion in all we do. Any
speech or action in violation of this commitment is contrary to the
Church’s teaching and the mission of SPX and will not be tolerated."
III. Institution of the Honor Code
At the beginning of every school year, new freshmen students at St. Pius X will recite the Honor Code
and sign a statement attesting that they understand and will abide by the code of honor. The
Upperclassmen will recite the Honor Code as a refresher. The signed Honor Pledge for each class is
displayed in the library hallway for all four years as a reminder of that commitment. Additionally,
parents and students alike sign the student handbook each year, which includes the Honor Code.
IV. Honor Council Standards
The Honor Council is composed of seniors, juniors, sophomores, and three faculty advisors. Each spring,
students who wish to be part of the Honor Council will submit self-nominations. The list of students will
be presented to the faculty for R (recommended) or NR (not recommended) and comments. All
candidates must have a 74 or better average and should not be on a discipline contract, academic contract,
or a substance contract (discipline track).
Any student who has been convicted of an Honor Code violation is ineligible for the Honor Council,
though in extraordinary circumstances, students with a previous Honor Council violation may petition
for a review of their application. Honor Council members are expected to be role models, follow school
rules, and uphold the principles and values of the Honor Code.
V. Confidentiality
Honor Council members sign an oath of confidentiality at the beginning of each school year and recite the
oath before each meeting. The members understand the need for confidentiality regarding the cases that
come before them and their deliberations and recommendations. Any Honor Council member who is
determined to have discussed any information outside the Council will be dismissed.
Pledge of Confidentiality:
I promise to keep any names and information that I obtain through the Honor Council meetings in strictest
confidentiality. This means I will not discuss any aspects of Honor Council business with friends, classmates,
parents, or others - either here at school, at home, in any other setting, or through electronic media.
All records of Honor Council violations are placed in a student’s discipline file and maintained by the
Dean of Students Office until the student graduates, when all discipline files are shredded. Discipline
files and discipline history are internal school documents only, and are not released beyond St. Pius X.
VI. The Process of an Honor Violation Case
When the Dean of Students is informed about a possible Honor Code violation - by a teacher or student -
they will begin an investigation and ask the accused to write a statement regarding the details of the
accusation. Should the student confirm their guilt, the Dean of Students may determine the penalty and
complete the case. The Dean of Students may also choose to assign two student co-chairs to the case. The
accused student is responsible for immediately discussing the details of the case with their parents; the
Dean of Students will follow up with an email confirming the completion of the case and the penalty
decision. Parents may email questions to deanofstude[email protected] for additional information.
A. Initial Process of a Case. The Dean of Students and two co-chairs will meet with the accused to inform
them of the charge, clarify the accusation, and review the student’s signed and dated written statement.
If the accused admits to committing an offense while meeting with the student co-chairs, then the
student co-chairs will deliberate, plan counseling, and recommend a penalty to the Dean of
Students at that meeting. The Dean of Students will follow up with an email confirming the
completion of the case and the penalty decision. Parents may email questions to
[email protected] for additional information.
If the co-chairs determine guilt or negligence and the accused accepts the verdict, then the
student co-chairs will deliberate, plan counseling, and recommend a penalty to the Dean of
Students. The Dean of Students will follow up with an email confirming the completion of the
case and the penalty decision. Parents may email questions to deanofstude[email protected] for
additional information.
**In the event of tampering with random drug testing sample(s) or bullying/harassment cases,
administration will process these cases without the assistance of the student panel.
B. Appealing a verdict. If the accused chooses to appeal the Council’s verdict, the case goes to an appeal
hearing. The student and parents must appeal the initial verdict in writing within 7 days with an email
to indicating their request for an appeal. The student co-chairs turn in their
checklist to the Dean of Students, who will call the parents of the accused and inform the full Honor
Council of the appeal hearing details. The accused may ask for a faculty advocate to accompany them in
the appeal hearing and speak to their character. The appeal process is not available for convictions that
refer the case directly to the Discipline Committee for review, as the Discipline Committee itself
constitutes a review. One example of such a referral to the Discipline Committee is after a third Honor
Council referral.
C. Appeal Hearing Process:
Student co-chairs explain the case to all present.
All written statements are shared.
Members ask background questions.
The accused and the advocate are invited in.
Honor Council members repeat the oath of confidentiality in the presence of the accused.
The accused is invited to give his or her testimony.
Honor Council members ask follow-up questions.
The student is dismissed so that the council can review the evidence.
The advocate is invited to give testimony on behalf of the accused.
Honor Council members deliberate and vote on three possible outcomes: Guilty, Negligent, or
Not Guilty (“Negligent” means there was some negligent behavior, but no evidence of an actual
Honor Code violation.).
The Honor Council, with advisors, plan counseling.
The accused (and advocate) return. The Honor Council gives the verdict and counseling to the
accused. If guilty or negligent, the Honor Council explains the penalty recommendation process
and tells the accused to make an appointment with the Dean of Students.
The accused and faculty advocate are excused.
The Honor Council determines the penalty recommendation.
Student co-chairs give a written breakdown of the case to the Dean of Students. Student co-chairs
report to the informing teacher with the case results.
The Dean of Students meets with the accused to give the penalty.
VII. Number of Honor Council Violations
For a student’s first or second Honor Council referral, he or she will meet with the Dean of Students and
members of the Honor Council for the standard process outlined above. A first or second referral can
result in a minimum penalty of one detention or a maximum penalty of expulsion, depending on the
severity of the infraction.
If a student is referred for a third violation, following the customary Honor Council review, the student
will not receive a standard penalty. Instead, the student must have a hearing with the Discipline
Committee, which determines whether the student will continue at St. Pius X Catholic High School.
Students who have received a third referral are in danger of expulsion from the student body.
After the first and second referrals, students and their families will receive a notification reminding them
that additional referrals carry graver consequences and could jeopardize their continued matriculation at
VIII. Student Responsibilities
St. Pius X understands that it is difficult for students to report Honor Code violations because their
friends and classmates are affected. However, violations of honor hurt both the students involved and
our greater community. By reporting violations, students are protecting the school and ensuring that a
diploma from St. Pius X still holds meaning. Moreover, students are allowing their peers to experience a
process that helps them to learn and grow from their mistakes.
Student witnesses should report incidents to a teacher, counselor, the Dean of Students, or an Honor
Council member. The name of the witness is known only to the Dean of Students and is never revealed to
the accused or anyone else.
IX. Faculty Responsibilities
Teachers must use a yellow referral slip to report all Honor Code violations that the teacher witnesses or
as they are reported to the teacher by a student. It is a professional expectation for teachers to report all
offenses for Honor Council consideration.
A. The Honor Pledge: Teachers are encouraged to include the Honor Pledge on all assessments, whether
on paper or digital, including Final Exams.
On my honor, I pledge that the work I submit is my own and that I have neither given nor
received unauthorized help on this test or assignment.
B. The Honor Code must be included in each course syllabus.
X. Parent Responsibilities
Once it has been determined that an honor investigation is to be held, the student is responsible for
immediately discussing the details of the case with his/her parents; the Dean of Students will follow up
with an email after the completion of the case and the penalty decision.
Under no circumstance should a parent contact the witnesses involved or any member of the Honor
Council. A Faculty Advocate is permitted to attend the appeal hearing session along with the faculty
advisors. The Council will act as quickly and fairly as possible.
XI. Penalties and Consequences
Penalties range from (but are not limited to) detentions, Saturday School, lunch detentions, restitution,
letters of apology, essays, school clean up, grade changes (at the discretion of the teacher*), suspension
(depending on the severity of the violation), referral to the Discipline Committee, or even expulsion from
school. The penalties are recommended by the Honor Council and are reviewed by the Dean of Students,
who then informs the accused of the penalty. Additionally, Honor Council referrals may make students
ineligible for future leadership positions at St. Pius X, such as Lion Leaders, NHS, and Honor Council.
Students who have received a third referral are in danger of permanent removal from the student body.
Discipline infractions, including Honor Council referrals, are not reported to college(s) unless they result
in a change of status for the student (out of school suspension, expulsion, or withdrawal).
*Students can expect an academic penalty as part of an academic-based Honor Council case. Academic penalties
(grades, completion of assignments or assessments, etc.) are at the discretion of the teacher and/or department.
Note: The St. Pius X Catholic High School Honor Code is based on information from “A Handbook for Developing
and Sustaining Honor Codes” (CSEE), the Montclair Kimberly Academy Code (Montclair, New Jersey), St. Mary’s
Episcopal School Code (Memphis, Tennessee), Holy Innocents Episcopal School Code (Atlanta, Georgia), and
discussions at St. Pius X Honor Council Meetings
Library and Media Services
Library Procedures
Hours of Operation
Student Access During Study Hall and Lunch
Checkout Privileges and Procedures for Students
Overdue and Lost or Damaged Items
Chromebook Loans
Online Resources
Cell Phone Use in Library
Eating and Drinking in Library
Hours of Operation for Student Access
The Flannery O'Connor Library is open from 7:30 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday. On late
start days the library opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 3:30 p.m. Exceptions include the day prior to holidays
and such special schedules as Field Day, etc. The library closes at noon on final exam days.
Student Access During Study Hall and Lunch
Students have the privilege of using the library for studying, research, and pleasure reading. Students who
want to use the library during study hall must obtain library passes earlier in the day from a subject teacher
who assigned the research. Study Hall students report to the Study Hall Moderator first for his/her
approval initials, and then go to the library. Students who are either on academic probation or discipline
contracts must stay in Study Hall. Students who want to use the library after eating lunch must be one of
the first fifty to sign up with the on-duty hall monitor or have a pass to present to the hall monitor from
one of their teachers and to the person working at the library services desk. Students may use the library
at lunch without a pass if they enter the library before the late bell.
Check Out Privileges and Procedures for Students
All materials borrowed from the school library must be properly checked out. Removing items from the
library without checking them out is considered theft and will be handled as stated in Item 3 of Honor
Code Violations."
Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors may check out books for a two-week loan period. Seniors have a three-
week loan period. Audio-visual equipment is also available for student use. Equipment may be checked
out overnight or for the weekend to use for class assignments with the permission of a librarian.
Students use their student ID number to borrow items from the library. A student should NEVER check
items out for someone else. Students may renew items as many times as needed, provided no one else
needs them. Students may reserve items online even if they are checked out to another student. The
requesting student will be notified when the item is returned. Reserved items will be held behind the
library services desk for five school days.
Overdue and Lost or Damaged Items
Library items are community property and purchased for the use of students and faculty. Borrowing is a
privilege and keeping items beyond their return due date prevents other students having access to the
materials. If books are not returned on time, a fine of 10 cents per day per book is charged. Overdue fines
for audiovisual equipment range from one to two dollars per day. Students are not charged fines for days
they are not in school (the weekend, holidays or sick days). It is the student's responsibility to inform the
librarian of absences.
Weekly overdue notices are sent to the student’s email, but students are able to check their account status
at any time by logging in to Surpass, the library’s online catalog. It is the student’s responsibility to keep
up with account status. Also, the school reserves the right to write detentions, and/or withhold records
and materials (e.g. transcripts, yearbooks, etc.) for students who do not return library materials in a timely
If a student loses an item or damages it beyond repair, the price of the item plus a $5.00 processing fee is
charged to cover replacement costs. If a lost item is paid for and later found within the same school year,
the cost of the item less the processing fee is refunded. Students are responsible for all items checked out
on their accounts. Library fines and other charges are sent to the student’s FACTS account at the end of
each month.
Chromebook Loans
The library has a limited number of Chromebooks for short-term checkout. These Chromebooks are
available for students who occasionally forget their personal devices or their device is in repair for a short
period of time (about two weeks). Students are limited to 10 Chromebook checkouts per year with a
maximum of 30 days.
Online Resources
In addition to print and audiovisual resources, the library has many online subscription databases and
eBook collections available for students to use 24/7. Access to these resources is located on the Flannery
O’Connor Library Canvas Page. Anyone in the immediate family sharing the same household may use
these resources. The necessary usernames and passwords for remote access are also posted on the library’s
Canvas page.
Expected Behavior in the Library
Eating and drinking (with the exception of a water bottle) in the library is not allowed. Cell phone use is
limited to before and after school hours. During this time, students should set their phones to silent and
leave the library to accept or make a call. Please refer to the chapter on Regulations for Student Conduct.
Students who disregard library rules may be issued a detention or asked to leave the library.
Philanthropy at St. Pius X
Culture of Philanthropy
Methods of Giving to St. Pius X
The Annual Fund
Employer/Employee Matching Gifts Programs
Capital Campaigns
Restricted Giving
Endowments: Scholarships, Memorial Gifts, and Unrestricted Funds
GRACE Scholars
Planned Giving
Fundraising Efforts, Approval, and Proceeds
In-Kind Gifts
Personal Gifts
Other Ways to Give at No Cost to You
Reporting Gifts
Proper Use of the St. Pius X Name, Crest, and Lion
Parent Membership Organizations
Athletic Association
Home & School
Mothers’ Club
Mothers’ Club Prayer Group
Arts Society (SPAS)
In all things, St. Pius X seeks to maintain a culture of philanthropy whereby all employees, parents, alumni,
and friends work toward advancing the school’s mission. The importance of participating and giving is
infused into the daily life of our community, and every member of the community is an advocate for St.
Pius X.
In keeping with the Church’s teachings on social and economic justice and its longstanding educational
history, St. Pius X Catholic High School seeks to provide a Catholic educational experience at a reasonable
cost. To do so, a delicate balance is struck between what it actually costs to educate each child and the
tuition rate. The cost to educate each child is kept as low as possible without compromising educational
excellence. The tuition rate is also kept as low as reasonably possible without putting too much of a burden
on fundraising and other sources of revenue.
The school has traditionally kept gross tuition proceeds at 85-90% of the cost associated with operating the
school. A portion of the difference is covered by philanthropic giving, fundraising income, endowment
income, diocesan subsidy, and interest income, with the Annual Fund being the largest source of support.
The Office of Advancement plays a vital role in fostering this philanthropic spirit and managing the
relationships that keep it active and effective for the benefit of both current and future students.
The Annual Fund
A gift to the Annual Fund is the single most important gift one can make to St. Pius X.
What it is: Each year St. Pius X conducts an Annual Fund in which the entire community is solicited
for unrestricted gifts to the school. Unlike tuition, donations to the Annual Fund are tax deductible
and help cover salaries and other essential needs.
Why we do it: Annual sustained giving is vital to the ongoing success of St. Pius X, and the Annual
Fund is the primary means for covering the 10-15% difference between tuition and the cost to
educate each child. The Annual Fund provides unrestricted monies, allowing the finance office the
greatest latitude for balancing the school’s budget and achieving the school’s mission.
Timing: The parent portion of the Annual Fund kicks off in July and pledges/commitments are
requested by December 31. Payments on Annual Fund pledges are due by May 31. Pledges and
gifts can be sent to the school, paid via credit card online at, through the family’s
FACTS account, through gifts of stock, or through the family’s financial institution’s online bill pay
Amount: Every family is expected to contribute to the Annual Fund; we seek 100 percent parent
participation. Families give at all levels and every donation is appreciated no matter the size. Gifts
range from $5 to $25,000.
Employer/Employee Matching Gift Programs
Matching gifts programs help many St. Pius X donors double their gifts to the school. Check with your
employertypically the human resources departmentto see if they match gifts to secondary education
institutions or go to Matching Gifts to see if your company participates.
Capital Campaigns
Capital campaigns are periodic initiatives that support projects not generally funded by the yearly
operating budget. The current Ring the Bells Capital Campaign is a $14.8M effort to fund the renovated
library, lobby, rear gates, field house, restrooms/concession stand facility, and pressbox/bleacher seating.
Unlike gifts to the Annual Fund, pledges and donations intended for capital campaigns can be structured
over several years and are not always spent in the year they are made.
Restricted Giving
While a gift to the Annual Fund is the single most important gift one can make to St. Pius X, on occasion,
one might also choose to make gifts that are restricted or directed in nature, e.g. for scholarships, financial
aid, and specified programs. These are also welcomed and appreciated by the school. If an individual
desires to make a restricted donation that is in keeping with St. Pius X's mission, the contribution should
be sent to the Office of Advancement, clearly indicating the program and item for which the donation is
made. The donation will be used only for the indicated program and item specified by the donor.
Endowments: Scholarships, Memorial Gifts, and Unrestricted Funds
St. Pius X has an Endowment Fund which is made up of over 80 named funds that support scholarships,
faculty enrichment, and general needs of the school. There are two general types of scholarships within the
St. Pius X Endowment Fund: named scholarships and the memorial scholarship. Named scholarships are
established with a minimum gift of $25,000 to the school and are named after the donor’s designee. The
gifts are held in perpetuity while the interest on the principal provides for the stated purpose. The memorial
scholarship is a pool of funds endowed by gifts from various donors to memorialize a deceased individual.
Scholarships are awarded by the scholarship committee based on need and the nomination of St. Pius X
faculty (for current students) and elementary school personnel (for incoming freshmen). The St. Pius X
unrestricted endowment fund provides for the general needs of the school by providing an annual source
of income through interest. The school’s endowment fund must reach $3M before it is fully endowed and
interest income can be used.
GRACE Scholars
If you pay state taxes in Georgia, you have the power to change the life of a student in need at St. Pius X
while reaping a generous tax benefit. Thanks to the Georgia Private School Tax Credit law, taxpayers can
redirect a portion of their state taxes to Student Scholarship Organizations (SSOs). GRACE Scholars is one
such SSO, and taxpayers can choose to directly support students at St. Pius X through participation in the
GRACE Scholars program.
The GRACE Scholars program provides access to a Catholic school education for Georgia families who
otherwise could not afford school tuition. Taxpayers receive a 100% state income tax credit for their gift
while helping to make a Catholic school education a reality for families in need. What is especially
appealing to taxpayers is that they can specify which Catholic school they would like to receive their re-
directed taxes. Please visit to learn more and to participate
Planned Giving
Planned giving is another way to make a gift to St. Pius X. Examples of planned gifts may include gifts of
cash, securities, tangible property, real estate, or life insurance. Gifts may be made through bequests,
charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, or charitable lead trusts. The Chi-Rho Society honors
those individuals who have included St. Pius X in their wills or estate plans.
Fundraising Efforts, Approval, and Proceeds
St. Pius X has centralized its fundraising within the Office of Advancement and in its various parent
organizations which undertake such efforts. The school sanctions and thereby limits its advancement and
fundraising activities to avoid over-solicitation of its parents and benefactors. The school strives to take the
burden off of teachers and coaches by relieving them of regular and routine fundraising responsibilities.
Teachers and coaches should not engage in solicitation of donors without the written approval of the
President or the Director of Advancement.
The use of all proceeds from fundraisingwhether restricted or unrestricted giftsare subject to the
approval of school administration. Some school fundraising events are sponsored by the school’s parent
organizations. These individual programs must gain approval for all fundraising activities from the school
administration. Proceeds from these events are collected and used by the parent organizations at their
discretion, subject to the approval of appropriate administrators.
In-Kind Gifts
St. Pius X may accept in-kind gifts as charitable contributions. In-kind gifts are donations of property other
than cash and marketable securities. Examples could include real estate, art, books, equipment,
furnishings, or smaller consumable items (cups, napkins, food, etc.).
Donors must communicate and coordinate with St. Pius X prior to the acceptance of any such in-kind gift.
Any in-kind gift in excess of $5,000 requires the donor to complete IRS Form 8283 and requires the school's
acknowledgement statement verifying the receipt of the donated in-kind gift. An individual who donates
an in-kind gift greater than $5,000 must get a qualified appraisal in order to deduct for tax purposes.
Receipts will be prepared by the school and issued to the donor of in-kind gifts. These receipts will not list
an amountit is the donor's responsibility to determine the fair market value of the gift for IRS purposes
but will list a description of the in-kind gift donated. Although the amount is not included on the donor's
receipt, the fair market value is recorded on the school’s donor records/financial statements.
Personal Gifts
Occasions arise when parents, alumni, or friends of St. Pius X are inclined to offer personal giftsmonetary
or non-monetaryto a coach, teacher or staff member. These may range from relatively small tokens of
appreciation to expensive gifts or cash. The policy of the school on personal gifts is that not all are
appropriate and that the prudent coach, teacher or staff member will use their best professional judgment
in accepting such gifts.
Other Ways to Give at No Cost to You
Publix: Shoppers can help by designating St. Pius X as their Publix Partner. Go
to and select the login tab. If you already have an account, you will need to select
St. Pius X as your partner school under Settings. If you don’t have an account, you will have to
create one and assign St. Pius X as your partner school. When you go to the store, enter your
phone number associated with your online account and St. Pius X will receive credit. There are
great digital coupons to take advantage of too when using a digital account.
Kroger: Visit and register your Kroger Plus card. Login to your Account Summary
and scroll down to the box entitled Community Rewards where you can edit your beneficiary
organization. The Kroger number for St. Pius X is 21385.
For more information about St. Pius X fundraising, giving opportunities, and scholarships, please consult
the St. Pius X website or call the St. Pius X Office of Advancement at 404-633-4290.
Reporting Gifts
Any gifts, whether cash or in-kind, that do not come directly to the Office of Advancement must be reported
to the Advancement Office in writing by the department chair, coach, moderator, or parent organization
within five working days so proper recognition and thanks can be assured. It is essential that all gifts to the
school be accounted for not merely for the purposes of recognition and tax deductibility, but also for the
Business Office to accurately track and assess program costs and report assets on the school’s financial
statements. Forms for reporting in-kind gifts valued at $100 or more are available from the Office of
Advancement, the faculty handbook, or in the “form farm” in the school.
Gifts to the school that have been reported to the Office of Advancement are disclosed in the school’s
Annual Report published after the fiscal year end. Only Annual Fund gifts are recorded in the report's
annual giving society levels. Basic income statements for the school and parent organizations are also
published in the Annual Report.
The St. Pius X school name, crest (or logo) and lion are important brands that need to be properly and
consistently used in marketing the school. Recognition of these items is very important as we promote
ourselves to a highly competitive market. No one may use the school name, logo, or motto on any type of
social media or in any other way, e.g. putting the name on t-shirts, for example, without the express
written permission of the principal.
St. Pius X has a number of parent organizations that support the school and meet the needs of the parents,
students, and faculty. The Athletic Association, Home and School Association, the Mothers’ Club & Prayer
Group, and the St. Pius X Arts Society (SPAS) are all vibrant and active organizations which support the
school with their volunteerism, fundraising, and prayer.
Athletic Association
The Athletic Association works to promote the fullest possible participation of the St. Pius X school
community in its athletic events and programs. The St. Pius X Athletic Association provides supplemental
financial and volunteer support for the athletic program. The Association has membership fees and also
sponsors a golf tournament, the Christmas Basketball Tournament, and seasonal Coke product sales.
Corporate Sponsorships and general athletic program ads are solicited as well.
Cost: Membership Levels range from $50 to $550, and come with varying benefits, based on the
level chosen.
Home & School Association
The Home and School Association promotes and maintains parental interest and involvement in the school
and provides a vehicle for communication and community building between parents and the
administration, faculty, and staff. Home and School facilitates cooperative activities that are beneficial to
the school. Foremost among these activities is the Families In Action program which involves parents,
students, and the school community in a concerted effort to stop drinking and drug use among high school
students. All parents or legal guardians are members in Home and School.
Cost: The $25 membership fee is automatically assessed in August via each family’s FACTS
Mothers’ Club
The St. Pius X Mothers' Club is an excellent way to connect with the St. Pius X community. It provides an
opportunity for mothers to serve St. Pius X and its community through initiatives such as raising money
for student scholarships, organizing group prayer sessions, providing support for Pius families in need,
supporting school faculty and staff, supporting Dresden Elementary school, and various other activities.
Cost: The membership fee is $25.
Mothers’ Club Prayer Group
The Parents’ Prayer Group was formed by the Mothers’ Club to provide unified prayer support for the
students, faculty, and staff of St. Pius X High School. Moms, dads, and friends of St. Pius X gather the first
Wednesday of every month in the Chapel to say the Rosary and pray for particular and general intentions
of the school community. The prayer group also provides an opportunity for parents to get to know one
another in an informal, small group setting.
Arts Society (SPAS)
St. Pius X Arts Society (SPAS) works to promote, support, and supplement the needs of the Fine Art
students and their teachers in a Catholic and spiritual environment. Many parents contribute to our
program, as well as volunteering many hours for each performance. SPAS enables us to provide an
enriched education in the arts for our students. With their dedication and support, we are able to invite
guest artists, offer further training classes and trips, enhance productions, offer the Arts Festival, and much
Cost: Membership Levels range from $50 to $550, and come with varying benefits, based on the
level chosen.
St. Pius X adheres to all financial policies and procedures as they are promulgated by the Archdiocesan
Finance Office. These are available for review upon request
School Athletics
Participation in St. Pius X Athletics
The Value of Trying Out
Participation is a Privilege, Not a Right
The Student-Athlete’s Responsibilities To Faith, Academics, And School Life
Effect of Absence on Activity Participation
Sacramental Responsibilities
Student-Athlete Discipline
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Products
Policies and Procedures for Athletic Participation
Tryout Procedures for All Sports
Athletic Physicals
Summer Activities
Strength and Conditioning Expectations
Practice Attendance
Equipment, Uniforms, and Participation Fees
Injuries and Illness
Social Media and Music Expectations
Profanity and Abusive Language
Athletic Fines
Conflict Resolution Process
Letters and Awards
Post-Season Awards Banquets
Athletic Association and Membership Expectations
Our school takes great pride in its athletic program. We feel that athletics are an integral part of the high
school experience. For our athletes, we want our athletic program to be fun. We want our athletic program
to be challenging. Finally, we want our athletic program to help in making lifestyle decisions which are in
accordance with the values set forth by this school.
The purpose of this section of our handbook is to offer the student and the parent an overview of our
athletic program. After reading this, it is our hope that the reader will have a working knowledge of the
sports offered, the requirements of participation, procedures for tryouts, in-season and out-of-season
guidelines, and the overall expectations incumbent upon the student and his/her parents in regard to
athletic participation. It is certainly not meant to be all-encompassing, and we would encourage any
student or parent with questions to present them to the Athletic Director.
The Value of Trying Out
All students are encouraged to discover and develop the specific athletic abilities they possess. We have a
wide-ranging variety of sports, and we encourage every student to try to get involved in one or more of
them. It must be pointed out, however, that athletics are competitive in nature and that not everyone makes
the team. We believe strongly in the old adage that trying and failing is far greater than not having tried
at all.
Participation is a Privilege, Not a Right
We also point out that athletics are an educational privilege, not a right. Participating in athletics involves
commitment, self-discipline, and responsibility on the part of the student-athlete who is representing the
team, the school, himself/herself, and the family. Within athletics, as in education and life itself, there is a
challenge to the student-athlete and the team to strive for maximum and ultimate performance, be one's
best self, put forth one's best effort, and call forth the best in others. With these objectives and values in
mind, the St. Pius X Athletic Department strives to build a program of variety and creativity, one which
will meet the needs of each student.
All student-athletes are subject to both school and Archdiocesan policies and the actions of the offices of
the Deans of Students and Academics. Athletic practices and games are NOT acceptable excuses for
missing formal disciplinary or academic obligations or Archdiocesan Sacramental obligations (see details
regarding Sacramental Responsibilities below).
The student-athlete's academic progress is a priority. Acceptable progress is a prerequisite for continued
participation in athletics. The student-athlete is responsible for budgeting his/her time efficiently in order
that he/she is able to meet both academic and athletic commitments.
The student-athlete must be careful in choosing the activities to which he/she makes a commitment. The
high standards of both academics and athletics at St. Pius X may sometimes require that an individual
student-athlete limit the number of other activities in which he/she participates.
Each student-athlete participating in interscholastic athletics at the varsity level must be certified eligible
by the Georgia High School Association. Although the athletic department is responsible for submitting
the paperwork involved, each student-athlete is responsible for making sure that he/she meets eligibility
requirements. For further explanation of eligibility requirements, see the Athletic Director or Assistant
Athletic Director.
All student-athletes are expected to make academics their number one school priority. In order to be
eligible to participate, practice and/or in interscholastic activities, a student must be academically eligible
in accordance with both St. Pius X requirements and GHSA Constitution and By-Laws . If either of these
requirements are not met, the Dean of Academics will notify the student that he or she is ineligible. It is
expected that appropriate communication happens between parent, student, and head coach in advance of
Effect of Absence on Activity Participation
Students who have missed four or more class periods in one academic day because of illness or an
unexcused absence may not participate in or attend any extracurricular activity that day. In the case of an
informed or an excused absence, the Dean of Students will determine the legitimacy of a student's request
to participate. Documentation such as a doctor's note or court summons may be required.
The essence of St. Pius X athletics is competition within a framework of exemplary sportsmanship. Each
student-athlete, parent, and fan is expected to exhibit behavior consistent with the Christian ideals of this
school and GHSA guidelines listed under the GHSA Sportsmanship Statement. Specifically,
sportsmanship includes respect for oneself, game officials, teammates, coaches, spectators, and facilities
and equipment. A St. Pius X student-athlete is gracious in victory and maintains his/her composure in
adversity. Anything less is inconsistent with the athletic ideals of our school community.
Sacramental Responsibilities
St. Pius X Catholic High School fully supports the Archdiocese of Atlanta and our Catholic parishes in the
faith formation and Sacramental preparation requirements for Confirmation. The school highly encourages
the reception of this important Sacrament. Therefore, St. Pius X activities, events, sports, games, or
practices are not considered acceptable excuses for missing the obligations of the requirements of
Confirmation. Additionally, students will not receive any penalties from any St. Pius X Catholic High
School activities, events, sports, games, or practices for adhering to the Archdiocesan requirements for
Student-Athlete Discipline
A St. Pius X High School student-athlete is expected to let teachers, students and the general public know
that he/she is a student-athlete by his/her exemplary conduct. Student-athletes are subject to all rules and
regulations of the school, with disciplinary action taking precedence over all practice and game situations.
If a student is a multi-sport athlete, the penalty will be served at the first available opportunity, which
might include post-season play or performances during a current season and it is the student’s
responsibility to inform the coach(es), director(s), or moderator(s) of this penalty. If an athletic/fine arts
season is completed, the penalty will still be served at the first available opportunity of the new season.
Remember, participation in athletics is a privilege and not a right. Our coaches may, and likely will, impose
additional consequences in addition to any school discipline expectations. This has become the number one
initiative from the GHSA and the NFHS.
Alcohol, Drugs, and Tobacco Products
The use or possession, at any time, of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is prohibited. This prohibition
applies regardless of the location, (whether it is on or off campus) and extends for the entire school year,
which includes the athletic season. If the student remains part of the student body, on the first offense, the
student-athlete, fine arts participant, or club member will be suspended from 20% of the total number of
regular season games/performances/competitions at the first available opportunity. If a student is a multi-
sport athlete, the penalty will be served at the first available opportunity, which might include post-season
play or performances during a current season and it is the student’s responsibility to inform the coach(es),
director(s), or moderator(s) of this penalty. If an athletic/fine arts season is completed, the penalty will still
be served at the first available opportunity of the new season.
The head coach, Athletic Director, Principal, or Deans of Students have the authority to increase the
suspension according to the specific circumstances of an individual case. Upon suspicious behavior, the
school also reserves the right to ask a student-athlete to undergo drug and alcohol testing. The student will
also be liable for disciplinary action by the school as well.
Tryout Procedures for All Sports:
1. The student-athlete must listen for announcements of Tryout dates and times. These
announcements will be made over the P.A. system and/or posted on our web page.
2. All transportation to and from Tryouts is the responsibility of the athlete.
3. The student-athlete is responsible for having the proper equipment and clothing.
4. All candidates for teams must have an athletic physical on file before participating in any way. In
the event that a student needs to go to his/her own doctor, our form must be used. A student-
athlete is required to have one physical per year, as required by the Georgia High School
Association. This physical must be completed on or after April 1 of the preceding school year.
5. All candidates for teams are expected to be in top physical condition. It is extremely difficult to
give a fair evaluation of a student-athlete who is grossly "out-of-shape.” The student-athlete is
encouraged to do physical conditioning prior to tryouts. Specific instructions will be given by each
6. Student-athletes are expected to understand the importance of out-of-season conditioning and
summer practice. Student-athletes will be expected to participate in a pre-season conditioning
program, if not already involved in an in-season sport. The student-athlete may also be asked to
attend summer workouts and camps.
7. Tryouts are competitive in nature. Not all candidates may be selected for the team. The student-
athlete should understand that player selection is probably the most difficult decision made by the
coach. Decisions are made on the basis of a professional analysis by the coach and his/her assistant
coaches. Players who do not make the team are encouraged to work on their own, play in
recreational leagues and to even try out again in subsequent seasons. The Athletics Department
believes in the value of perseverance.
8. When there is an overlap in sports seasons, a student-athlete will complete the season in which
he/she is involved before trying out for another sport. At that time the student-athlete will be
afforded a full tryout. Missing the original tryout will NOT hurt his/her chances of making the
team. The athlete is expected to be in constant communication with both head coaches to be sure
all parties are clear on expectations and timing.
9. The activities which constitute the tryout and the duration of the activities are at the discretion of
the coach based upon the needs of his/her sport.
10. The coaching staff at St. Pius X makes every effort to ensure that each student-athlete has ample
opportunity to display his/her abilities. Fairness is an integral component of the St. Pius X Athletic
11. The following activities have specific requirements:
Cheerleading: Students trying out for cheerleading for the next school year may not have a
detention count higher than the number designated by their coach.
Homecoming Court: Candidates for Homecoming Courts may not be on any school contract and
may not have excessive detentions. All nominees must have fewer than six (6) detentions during
a given year.
Athletic Physicals
All athletic participation requires a complete physical and additional forms. Please use this link for all
forms and instructions: St. Pius X Physical Form
Summer Activities
In keeping with the Georgia High School Association Constitution and By-laws, summer activity for
athletes is unrestricted as long as the student’s participation is voluntary. However, given the tradition of
excellence in St. Pius X athletics, athletes should expect to participate in appropriate summer requirements.
Strength & Conditioning Expectations
Strength and conditioning is an integral part of competition. The SPX Athletic Department believes in year-
round strength participation and all sports are expected to take part in conjunction with their head coach
and our strength and conditioning coordinator. Athletes and parents should expect strength and
conditioning requirements throughout the school year and summer.
Practice Attendance
Attendance at all scheduled practices is mandatory. If, at any time, it becomes necessary to be excused
from practice, the student-athlete should contact the coach as soon as possible (a day in advance,
preferably). It is then up to the coach as to whether or not the student-athlete will be excused. Unexcused
absences will result in disciplinary action including being withheld from subsequent contests. "In-season"
practices take priority over "out-of-season" workouts. No coach will demand that a player attend a pre-
season practice while an "in-season" practice is in progress.
It is each athlete's responsibility to be on time for all athletic practices and games. Players must take
extraordinary precaution to ensure that they are at game sites at the time designated by the coach. Students
under discipline contract, suspension, or detention, must notify their coach(es).
Equipment, Uniforms, and Participation Fees
Athletes are responsible for any equipment and uniforms issued to them. A student-athlete who loses
equipment or uniform is liable for the full replacement cost of the item(s). In addition, the student-athlete
is responsible for cleaning uniforms and otherwise taking precautions to ensure that the uniform remains
in good condition and the equipment is maintained. Report cards, diplomas, and transcripts will be
withheld until payment is received for lost or damaged athletic uniforms and/or equipment.
Each sport has associated fees for participation. These fees and their purpose are communicated by head
coaches at all introductory meetings. Fees are charged to the parents’ FACTS account.
Injuries and Illness
All injuries, major and minor, are to be reported to the St. Pius X Athletic Trainer and the coach as soon as
they occur. Illnesses are also to be reported. An athlete may receive treatment from the Trainer during
his/her lunch period.
St. Pius X student-athletes are expected to let teachers, students, and the general public know that they are
student-athletes by their exemplary appearance and conduct. Each coach has the authority to issue detailed
dress and appearance guidelines.
Social Media & Music Expectations
All sports social media platforms and accompanying music choices (both social media and live events)
must follow the appropriate guidelines set forth by the Archdiocese of Atlanta and St. Pius X. Athletes and
their parents should recognize that they represent St. Pius X Catholic High School and its athletic program
when posting on their personal social media platforms.
Profanity and Abusive Language
All profanity and abusive language are absolutely prohibited. Cursing during practices or competitions
regardless of coaching supervision or at an official, coach, opponent, fellow team members, and/or
spectator(s) may result in the student athlete's removal from participation.
Athletic Fines
In any event at which an athlete or student is fined by the Georgia High School Association (GHSA) for
any unsportsmanlike behavior related issues, the total amount of the fine and all associated costs for
mandated online sportsmanship classes will be the responsibility of the student-athlete and will be charged
to their family's FACTS account. In addition, any severe fines levied against the school for the actions of
the student-athlete will be the responsibility of the student-athlete.
Conflict Resolution Process
In the event that a conflict develops between a student-athlete and a coach, or a parent and a coach, there
is an avenue of appeal. Following is the appeal procedure:
1. The initial appeal should occur between the student-athlete and/or parent between the head coach
and coach in question. This appeal should take place 24 hours after the event, in order to address
the issues fairly.
2. If the initial appeal is not resolved, the student-athlete or parent may contact the Athletic Director.
The Athletic Director has the authority to request a conference, which would include the coach in
question, head coach, the student-athlete, and the parent(s).
3. In the event that this still does not bring resolution, a conference with the Principal can be
4. The Principal will not grant a conference unless the preceding procedure has been followed first.
Note: All complaints or appeals must follow this procedure in order to receive consideration.
Letters and Awards
St. Pius X High School letters will be awarded according to these guidelines: playing time, attitude,
leadership, effort, contribution to the team, cooperation, and attendance. Since circumstances vary widely
from sport to sport, the specifics of lettering can also be expected to vary. However, the general guidelines
listed above will apply to all sports.
Post-Season Awards Banquets
All athletes are expected to attend the post-season awards banquet for their respective sports. Celebrating
individual and team accomplishments is an important capstone to an athletic season and postseason
banquets provide coaches the vital opportunity to award athletes who have performed with distinction
throughout the season.
St Pius X athletic families are expected to join our Athletic Association annually and support our
department as a whole.
In addition, St. Pius X athletes participate in (only) one fundraiser each year. Our proceeds from the
Annual Coke Sale benefit each team individually, as well as the Athletic Association as a whole. Each
team and all individual members are expected to take ownership of this event and participate fully based
on the expectations given to them by their head coach.
Student Services & Activities
Student Government
Student Organizations and Clubs
Purpose of Student Organizations and Clubs
Student Government
Student Council
2023-2024 Student Representatives
Senior Class Leadership
Junior Class Leadership
Sophomore Class Leadership
Freshmen Class Leadership
Honor Council
General Guidelines
Guests for Dances
Access to Special Events
Student ID Card
Attending Sports and/or Fine Arts Events on Campus
Graduation Tickets
Student Organizations: General Guidelines
Guest Speakers
Meeting Times
Purpose of Student Organizations and Clubs
Student organizations and clubs are designed for students who desire to share and promote worthwhile
interests. All such activities are under faculty supervision. These activities provide a range of experiences
and enable students to develop technical and social skills. A wholesome change of pace from daily
classroom routine is a by-product of the activities program. For a student to derive maximum benefit from
the program of activities, he/she should exercise care in his/her selection and strive to make a genuine
contribution to the group project. For a complete listing of all clubs and organizations, please go to and click on the campus life dropdown.
Student Council
Moderators: Ian LaBreck, H. Buot
The Student Council is an organization of students elected by the student body to serve as its official
representative in matters of concern to the entire school. Student council provides a process for formal
communication between the students and faculty/ administration. It promotes a good Christian and
educational atmosphere in the school, a cooperative forum for student involvement, good morale and the
orderly direction of special school activities. Members are elected by the student body. Students may not
be on discipline contract or have excessive detentions (more than 5) when nominated as an officer of the
student council or to the class council.
2023-2024 Student Representatives
Student Council President: Will McBride
Student Council Vice President: Dede Amaizo
Senior Council President: JR Samad
Senior Council Vice President: Allie Orsagh
Junior Council President: Charlie Nelson
Junior Council Vice President: Colin Crosby
Sophomore Council President: Bella Gratch
Sophomore Council Vice President: Mackenzie Stultz
Freshman Council Representatives: TBD during Fall Semester
Senior Class Leadership
Moderators: Dena Peck & Victoria Millard
Main activities include homecoming, class picture for Senior Class Day, pictures with Santa, Field Day, and
senior gift presented to school at Awards Assembly.
Junior Class Leadership
Moderators: Lindsey Farrell & Laura Robertson
Main activities include football homecoming, prom, and Move-up Day breakfast. The purchasing of class
rings is optional and the decision to purchase a class ring rests entirely with student(s) and parent(s).
Sophomore Class Leadership
Moderators: Charles Hicks & Andrew Lauer
Main activities include freshman/sophomore dance, homecoming activities, freshman orientation and
party, and Christmas gifts.
Freshman Class Leadership
Moderators: Matthew Wineski & Will Cloyd
Main activities include orientation, freshman/sophomore dance, election of freshman council,
homecoming, and Christmas gifts.
Honor Council
Moderators: Trey Broussard, Lindsay Dent, Ashley Curlette
St. Pius X Catholic High School believes it is important not only to set high standards of academic and
ethical achievement but also to set equally high standards of academic and personal integrity. The primary
purpose of the St. Pius X Honor System is to create an atmosphere of honesty, trust and integrity among
the students and faculty members through raising the consciousness of an honorable life. The Honor
Council will enforce the Honor Code, take responsibility for determining if a student has violated the
Honor Code, educate the students on how to live as honorable people and recommend the penalties for the
Guest Speakers
Permission should be received from the Principal before any speaker is engaged to address an assembly or
meeting sponsored by an individual club.
Meeting Times
Organizations must arrange their meeting times so as not to conflict with regularly scheduled school
General Guidelines
Arrangements for dances are made through the faculty moderator of the sponsoring group. All dances
must have the approval of the Principal and be scheduled through a Dean of Students. They must be
adequately chaperoned, and one or two police officers must be on duty.
For each dance, an arrival and departure time will be communicated prior to each event. Dress Codes are
set for both Homecoming (Semi-formal) and Prom.
Guests for Dances
In regards to dances, the school does not support extravagant or high-pressure date invitations. Students
must be respectful of one another, the school day, and all instructional time.
If a student wishes to ask a guest from another school to a dance sponsored by St. Pius X, including
Homecoming and Prom, a form must be secured from the Dean of Students’ office which is to be completed
by an appropriate representative of the invited student’s high school.
Individuals aged 21 or older are not allowed to attend any St. Pius X Catholic High School sponsored social
event, including Homecoming, Prom, or any other dance.
Freshmen are not allowed to attend prom.
Student ID card
Students are required to have on their person at all times their current school year student ID card in
order to purchase lunches, sign in at the library, or make purchases in the roar store. Students who forget,
lose, or misplace their ID card may purchase a replacement ID in the Dean of Students’ office for $15
(charged to FACTS) for each and every replacement request. Students may not purchase lunch in the
cafeteria without their current school year ID card.
Attending Sports and/or Fine Arts Events on Campus
A school issued, current year student ID card is required for students to attend sports events and/or fine
arts events on campus unless that event is a ticketed event (i.e. student dances, GHSA playoff events).
Students must present the school issued, current year student ID card at the ticket gate for entrance. A
photo of the ID card, or other “proof” of enrollment is not acceptable. Absent the student ID card, the
student must pay for admission at the ticket gate.
Graduation Tickets
Tickets are required for entrance into the Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation. The number of tickets per
graduate will be set each year prior to the senior parent night meeting. Tickets to Baccalaureate Mass and
Graduation are required.
Student Driving Procedures, Regulations, and Rules
Student Driving and Parking on Campus
On-Campus Parking Application Process
Eligibility and Application
On-Campus Parking Fees
Parking Placard
Lost Parking Placard
Parking Space Designations
Parking Lot Regulations
Safe Driving Requirements
Prohibited Parking Areas
GALA Reserved Parking Spaces
Frontier Trail/Court
Shell Station and U-Turn at Median off I-85
Parking Placard Revocation
Parking Lot Security
Personal Safety
Reporting Suspicious Activity
Vehicle Security
Parking at St. Pius X is a privilege and not a right. Students should travel the parking lot with respect due
to the fact that it is a busy place with multiple risks and dangers.
Drivers must always give the right of way to pedestriansALWAYS.
Drivers must always follow directional signs.
Drivers must use caution when negotiating any blind spots, when parking, and when pulling out
of parking spaces.
Drivers must be honest in the event of a collision and report it to the necessary authorities truthfully
and promptly.
failure to adhere to the aforementioned policy could result in the loss of parking privileges.
Penalty for any infraction of policy: detentions, Honor Council, Saturday School, suspension or expulsion
dependent upon the situation.
On-Campus Parking Application Process
Students are required to park in their assigned parking location from the time he/she has arrived on
campus until the end of each school day (3:00 pm). Students are not to move his/her vehicle from their
parking location unless otherwise instructed by school administration. Students are not permitted to
change or swap parking locations with another student. Students may request a parking change but only
by contacting
All St. Pius X students enrolled for the 2023-2024 school year are eligible to apply for parking permits with
the exception of Freshmen (Class of 2027). The deadline for all applications is June 30, 2023. If you do not
apply for a parking permit by the deadline, you are subject to not obtaining a parking permit for the 2023-
2024 school year. This includes ALL students even if not eligible to drive until later in the school year.
Please note that no students are guaranteed on-campus parking nor are students allowed to request specific
parking locations.
The parking permit process is done on a lottery first-come, first-serve system starting with the Seniors
(Class of 2024). ALL main campus parking is considered Senior” parking. Only seniors will be assigned
main campus parking and the underclassmen that have special parking needs. There is NO dedicated
Senior parking lot.
Juniors (Class of 2025) spots are assigned to Johnson Road and Shallowford parking lots. If there are
parking spots available, the Sophomores (Class of 2026) will be eligible for parking.
If you have indicated that you have not yet obtained your driver’s license, you will be skipped for the
student next on the list until you obtain your driver’s license. You will be required to show proof of driver’s
license when you have cleared the parking list. If you have not obtained your driver’s license by the time
you are eligible to drive, you will be placed on a waiting list until more parking becomes available. Once
all student parking spots have been assigned, a waiting list is generated. As spots become available during
the school year, the waiting list will be used on a first-come, first-serve basis.
On-Campus Parking Fees
Parking permits are $125.00 charged on each student's August 2022 FACTS account. There are no discounts
for multiple parking placards per family.
Please ensure that you receive an email notification when you have submitted your application. If you do
not receive an email confirmation, please contact [email protected] immediately.
Parking Placard
Students will receive a hanging placard to display in their vehicle. These hanging placards must be placed
for administration to confirm the vehicle is parked in the correct assigned parking spot. Vehicles are also
to be registered with the school prior to a student driving that vehicle to school. Students are not to swap
the hanging placard into a new vehicle without previously registering the vehicle. All vehicle registrations
must be done through contacting parki[email protected].
Parking placards will be available for pick up July 26, 2023. Students that do not pick up their placard prior
to the first day of school, will be given their parking placard on the first day of school. Those that do not
have the placard on the first day should still park in their assigned parking spot. This information will be
sent out prior to the first day of school.
Lost Parking Placard
A lost placard must be replaced and a $50.00 charge will be made to a student’s FACTS account each time
a student loses his/her parking placard. A student that has not lost his/her but does not properly display
the hanging placard will receive a detention each and every day. Three (3) consecutive days of no placard
will be considered lost. The lost fee will then be charged to the student’s FACTS accounts on the next
appropriate billing.
If a student has a short- or long-term permanent change to a vehicle, please remember to remove the
parking placard and put it into the student’s new vehicle.
Students that arrive at school and his/her assigned parking spot has been taken by another vehicle are to
find an unassigned parking spot. An unassigned parking spot can be identified by no letter being above
the parking spot number. All parking spots on campus will have a number and if there is a letter above the
number that is considered an assigned parking spot. The following are the letter identifications that
accompany each parking spot:
T - Faculty and Staff
S - Students
K - Kitchen Staff
C - Cafeteria/Roar Store Staff
V - Visitors
Students that do not park in an his/her assigned parking spot will be given a detention for each offense
including parking in another assigned spot or not properly notifying administration of parking in a specific
parking spot for the day.
The 2023-2024 on-campus parking application will be available on Monday, May 22 at 1:00 pm. During the
application process, you will be asked for the following information. Please make sure to have all the
information before submitting your application.
-Student ID#
-Driver’s License Issued Date and Expiration
-License Plate Numbers of up-to four (4) vehicles. Please note that ALL vehicles must be registered with St.
Pius X administration prior to parking on campus. If you potentially will have more than four (4) vehicles
to drive, please email [email protected]. If you do not indicate a vehicle now but later need to add, you will
again need to email pa[email protected].
Please note that St. Pius X Catholic High School administration reserves the right to revoke an on-campus
parking permit for any student at any time.
All questions about on-campus parking can be sent to or to Blaise Wannemacher, Director
of Operations, at bwan[email protected]
Safe Driving Requirements
Students may have permission to drive to school provided they obey the 10 (ten) M.P.H. speed limit and
park only in areas designated by the school authorities. This campus is a one way” driving and parking
layout. Students must enter and exit campus courteously and responsibly. No one should ever enter exits
nor drive opposite the usual flow of traffic. No one should drive or park on sidewalks, or service vehicle
access ways.
Students may not loiter in their cars before, during, or after school. Students must obtain the parking lot
pass from the Dean of Students’ office in order to enter their cars during the school day.
Students are requested to park efficiently in their assigned parking spots. Do not leave huge gaps (front,
back, or side) when parking on curbs as this limits others’ ability to park and maneuver while driving.
Students will be required to follow all Georgia laws in relation to driving and parking on campus. State
law is enforced on campus in relation to handicapped spaces, red curbs, dumpster areas, etc. at all times
during the school day and on the weekends. Temporary use of a HANDICAPPED space (due to an injury)
must be obtained from Mrs. Owens and Dr. Simpson.
In addition, students will be responsible for removing vehicles from parking lots for band/flag line late to
practices and any other extracurricular activities as requested. Students who fail to comply will receive a
parking violation sticker on the window and detention(s) should they fail to move by the announced time.
Students run the risk of having parking privileges revoked for repeat offenses of any kind on property.
Students may not utilize any teacher or reserved spaces at any time before or during the school day, even
for zero” period, meetings before school, etc. regardless of time. Teacher and reserved spaces are reserved
M-F at all times until 3 p.m. or later.
GALA reserved parking spaces
These are marked by the word GALA or the family name. These spaces are reserved for specific families
who purchased a reserved parking space at the Gala Auction. No one (to include parents, students, and
other visitors) is to park in GALA spot on a school day until AFTER 3 pm even if the spot is empty.
Frontier Trail/Court
This is not part of the St. Pius X Catholic High School campus. City of Chamblee and Dekalb County
parking ordinances apply here. St. Pius X is not responsible for any incurred parking violations as they
relate to Frontier Trail/Court.
Any Junior with a parking violation jeopardizes his/her main campus parking permit for their Senior
year. Any Sophomore with a parking violation jeopardizes his/her main campus parking lottery
opportunity for their Junior year.
Shell Station and U-turn at Median off I-85:
When driving to St. Pius X on I-85 South, parents and students should exit to the right at Chamblee Tucker
Road and then take an immediate left on Dresden Drive. Continue down Dresden to the stop light on
Shallowford and take a left. This will allow you to make a right turn onto Johnson Road and a right turn
into the St. Pius X parking lot.
Students and Parents are not to use the Shell stations or the shopping center as turnaround points. The
area is highly congested in the morning and presents a dangerous and hazardous condition. Please note
that it is illegal to make a U turn on Shallowford Road in order to enter Johnson Rd.
Students are not allowed to park on Frontier Drive.
Parking Placards can and will be revoked for inappropriate behavior including, but not limited to
inappropriate behavior in the parking lot, en route to and from school (such behaviors include speeding,
reckless driving, or other infractions), arrest and/or jail time for underage drinking/fake substances,
weapons, DUI, Drug/Alcohol/Tobacco contracts or for continuous violation of school rules as stated in the
St. Pius X Student Handbook. Student safety is a high priority and for this reason we expect compliance
with all the rules pertaining to parking and driving on our campus.
Personal Safety
Students should always try to walk to and from their vehicles with other students. In the event that a
student feels endangered, they should make use of the “Blue-Light Call Towers” to contact the Police
directly, or use their phone to call the Police. Chamblee Police can be reached at (770) 986-5000 or 911.
Students should remain vigilant in the parking lots, for their sake and the sake of their classmates.
If a student does call the Police or uses the Blue-Light Call Tower to contact the Police, they should notify
the Director of Operations or the Principal as soon as they are safe.
Reporting Suspicious Activity
If students see suspicious persons or activity at any time they are in a parking lot, they should contact the
Police directly, or use their phone to call the Police. Chamblee Police can be reached at (770) 986-5000 or
911. They should also follow up and report their concerns to a teacher, coach, director, or administrator
once they arrive on campus.
Vehicle Security
Although St. Pius X provides a parking area for cars, the school is not responsible for damages or theft
which may occur while cars are parked here. Individuals use the lot at their own risk. Students are not to
leave ANY items visible in the car. It is the students’ responsibility to keep their cars locked with all
personal belongings stored securely in the trunk or hidden in the rear of their SUV using the cargo cover.
Archdiocese of Atlanta
High School Student Substance Abuse Policy
Substance Use Policy
Substance Use Contract
Substance Use Contract Requirements
For St. Pius X Catholic High School families, the Acknowledgement Form for this policy is required at the
time of re-enrollment.
This policy establishes the Archdiocese of Atlanta’s position on the use or abuse of alcohol, drugs or
other controlled substances including nicotine by its high school students. It is a part of our commitment
to safeguard the health of our students and to provide a safe environment for students to learn and to
grow. Because substance abuse, either while at school or away from school, can seriously endanger the
health and safety of students and render it impossible to create an environment conducive for learning,
the Archdiocese of Atlanta has established this Drug-Free School Program to detect users, provide
appropriate counseling and resources to support students and families and ultimately remove students
who continue to abuse alcohol, drugs or other controlled substances. The Archdiocese of Atlanta is
committed to preventing the use and/or presence of these substances in its school or on its property and
to encouraging its students to say "no" to drugs and alcohol.
The elements of this policy are as follows:
1. Anti-drug Policy. The Archdiocese of Atlanta prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution,
dispensation, presence, or use of alcohol, drugs, or other controlled substances on school property or
during any school sponsored activities. Students violating this prohibition will be referred to
rehabilitation, counseling and/or disciplined up to and including expulsion.
2. Notice. Notice of this policy will be posted in appropriate handbooks and policy manuals.
3. Acknowledgment/Copy to Students. All students and parents will acknowledge notice and consent of
this substance abuse policy by annually signing the Student/Parent Acknowledgment Form.
4. Education Program/Student & Parent Orientation Sessions. The Archdiocese of Atlanta will present
several Substance Abuse Orientation/Education Programs for all students on a periodic basis. In
addition, the Archdiocese of Atlanta will conduct Parent Orientation Sessions designed to explain the
school's Substance Abuse Program and general education concerning the dangers of drug and alcohol
5. Application of Policy. This policy applies to all high school students grades 9-12.
6. Policy Implementation Dates. The mandatory drug and alcohol testing provisions of this policy
became effective with the 2017-2018 school year. Parents or legal guardians of all students enrolled for
the current school year are required, as a condition of enrollment of their son or daughter at any
archdiocesan high school, to acknowledge and consent to the Student Substance Abuse Policy, including
the drug and alcohol testing procedures.
7. Mandatory Drug Testing. Archdiocesan high schools will utilize drug and alcohol testing to help
administer this policy. Archdiocesan high schools reserve the right to drug and/or alcohol test students
at any time, for any reason. Any refusal to take a drug and/or alcohol test will result in referral to
rehabilitation and/or disciplinary action up to and including expulsion, depending on the circumstances.
All parents/legal guardians of students and students will be required to sign the Chemical Screening
Consent and Release Form prior to drug or alcohol testing as a condition of enrollment. Such consent is
deemed valid for the entire school year. In general, the following types of testing will be used:
A. Random Testing. All students in grades 9 through 12 will be subject to random testing throughout the
school year.
B. Reasonable Suspicion Testing. Students will be tested when reasonable suspicion exists such that their
behavior or performance indicates possible alcohol or other drug use, in violation of this policy. The
decision to test a student under reasonable suspicion rests with the high school principal.
C. Post-Accident Testing. Students will be tested following serious accidents, which cause injuries
requiring medical attention. Students will not be tested under this provision following accidents which
only cause minor injuries, requiring only minor first aid treatment.
D. Follow-up Testing. Students will be tested when there has been an admission of alcohol/drug use,
detection of alcohol/drug use, or when returning from counseling/rehabilitation, which was the result of
a positive test and the involuntary referral of the student to rehabilitation. Follow-up testing can
randomly be conducted any time and without advance notice due to the above conditions and without
advance notice to the student and at the discretion of the High School Principal.
E. Students who alter or attempt to alter the test (including but not limited to synthetic urine, diluting
specimen) will appear before the Honor Council and enter into a substance contract discipline track.
8. Cost of Drug Testing. Archdiocesan high schools will pay the cost of all mandatory drug and/or
alcohol tests, initial and confirmation. A student and/or his/her parents shall pay the cost of any
contested test, follow-up testing and any additional tests not subject to the student substance abuse policy
9. Positive Drug Test.
A. Medical Review Officer (MRO) - All positive drug test results will be reviewed by the Medical Review
Officer (MRO). The MRO may contact the student and his/her parents in order to investigate the reasons
behind a positive drug test. Failure to cooperate with the MRO will result in immediate suspension
pending disciplinary review. If the MRO is unable to contact the student and his/her parents, the MRO
will communicate that fact to the appropriate high school principal. Once the MRO has finalized the
investigation s/he will communicate the results to the high school principal.
B. Confirmation/Notification/Retesting - All positive drug tests will be confirmed using gas
chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) or an equivalent method. Within five (5) school days
after receipt of a positive confirmed test result from the MRO, a student and his/her parents will receive
written notification from the school of such positive confirmed test result (Notification Form), the
consequences of such results, and the options available, whereupon the student and his/her parents will
have five (5) school days to contest or explain the positive test result. If the student's or parent's
explanation or challenge is unsatisfactory to the MRO, the MRO shall report a positive test result back to
the high school principal.
C. Students - If a student tests positive (confirmed drug test), his or her parents shall be notified, and he
or she will be referred to evaluation, assessment, counseling and/or rehabilitation at his/her or his/her
parent's own expense. Students must enter and successfully complete an approved substance abuse
counseling/rehabilitation program at their own expense to remain enrolled at an archdiocesan high
school. Each school will maintain a resource file which contains information on rehabilitation resources.
Refusal to agree to be referred to rehabilitation will result in immediate expulsion.
10. Drug Testing Procedures. The Archdiocese of Atlanta will utilize any type of drug and/or alcohol
testing procedure that it believes is appropriate, in conformity with the law, including urinalysis, blood
tests, breathalyzers, or any other method. All parents/legal guardians of students and their students,
and/or students over the age of majority will be required to sign the Chemical Screening Consent and
Release Form at the time reenrollment occurs at each school, and such consent is deemed valid for the
entire school year.
11. Drugs. The Archdiocese of Atlanta will determine the controlled substances (including alcohol and
nicotine) for which testing will be performed.
12. Drug & Alcohol Arrests/Convictions. Any student who is involved with, arrested or convicted,
including a plea of nolo contendere or other pleas with respect to any alcohol or drug incident must
report the details of the incident(s) immediately and in no case later than five (5) days to the Principal.
Any such incidents that are not reported by the student or his/her parents or legal guardians will be
treated as a serious violation of this policy and subject the student to immediate suspension pending a
disciplinary committee review. Should a student be convicted of Driving Under the Influence (DUI),
disciplinary action shall result in accordance with the parent/student handbook and the Policy Manual
for the Office of Catholic Schools.
13. Resource File/Student Assistance. Each high school will maintain a Resource File in the
administrative offices containing information on substance abuse assistance programs and rehabilitation
resources, where students and their parents may obtain information and/or counseling or treatment for
rehabilitation from substance abuse, at parent/guardian expense.
14. Disciplinary Action. The Archdiocese of Atlanta reserves the right to use disciplinary action up to and
including expulsion for any violation of this policy, any positive drug or alcohol test,
tampered/adulterated test, refusal to take a test, or any refusal by a student to cooperate with any aspect
of this policy. If a student tests positive a second time for a drug or alcohol test, it will be grounds for
possible immediate expulsion.
15. Confidentiality. All information, test results, or other materials received by any of the high schools in
the operation of this substance abuse program are confidential communications, which will only be
utilized on a need-to-know basis. These confidential communications and information will not be
released unless required by law or with parental consent.
16. Designated Substance Abuse Program Official: The high school principal is the designated Substance
Abuse Program Official. All communications and the coordination of the program will be conducted
through the designated substance abuse program official.
17. Searches. St. Pius X Catholic High School reserves the right to search any person, personal article,
locker, vehicle or other items brought onto archdiocesan property. Refusal by a student to consent to a
search will be grounds for immediate suspension pending a referral to the disciplinary review committee.
18. Policy Changes. The Archdiocese of Atlanta reserves the right to change, alter, or amend this policy
at any time at its discretion.
19. Definitions. When used in this policy, the term:
A. "Alcohol" means ethyl alcohol, hydrated oxide of ethyl, or spirits of wine, from whatever
source or by whatever process produced.
B. "Drug" means amphetamines, cannabinoids, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), methadone,
methaqualone, opiates, barbiturates, benzodiazepines, propoxyphene, ecstasy or a metabolite of any such
substances, and nicotine. The Archdiocese of Atlanta may test a student for any or all of these.
C. "Student" means any person enrolled at any archdiocesan high school.
D. "Nonprescription medication" means a drug or medication authorized pursuant to federal or
state law for general distribution and use without a prescription in the treatment of human disease,
ailments, or injuries.
E. "Prescription medication" means a drug or medication lawfully prescribed by a physician for
an individual and taken in accordance with such prescription.
Substance Use Contract
Students are placed on Substance Use Contracts when they have violated the substance use policies as
stated in the student handbook. Parents will be notified in writing when their student is placed on
Substance Use Contract by one of the Deans of Students. Signed contracts (as well as all official school
documents) must be returned to the Dean of Students Office within 2 (two) school days of receipt to
avoid further disciplinary penalties. Should the student remain at St. Pius X, a Substance Use Contract
will be in effect through graduation with the following stipulations. Additional stipulations may be
required based on the individual case.
Substance Use Contract Requirements
Upon receiving the substance use contract, you are responsible for contacting a provider to obtain
a risk assessment; please refer to the list provided in this contract packet. After scheduling your
appointment, you are also responsible for informing your student’s counselor via email with the
date, time, and provider with whom you will be completing your risk assessment. You must
contact your student’s counselor about your scheduled appointment within 1 week of scheduling
to verify the appointment. Results of the risk assessment should be forwarded to your students’
counselor upon completion of the assessment. Your family has 3 weeks to provide the results of
the risk assessment to your counselor or further disciplinary action will be taken including, but
not limited to out of school suspension or a discipline hearing. (Discipline Track, Health Track)
Once the risk assessment is complete and the results received by the St. Pius X Counselor, you
will be notified if additional meetings are required. Depending on the risk assessment evaluation
(and the outcome of any additional meetings at St. Pius X), your counselor will notify the St. Pius
X administration of any amendments to be made to the original contract. (Discipline Track,
Health Track)
Student is responsible for contacting his/her SPX extracurricular coach(es) / director(s) at this
time. Penalties are at the discretion of the coach(es) / director(s) as listed in any
contracts/expectations relevant to the student’s participation in the program. Additionally,
please be aware that your student may not hold elected office or represent his/her class, sport,
club, or organization in homecoming or Prom courts while this contract is in effect. Additional
restrictions may be enforced per the handbook, or by team, club, or organization. (Discipline
Track, Health Track)
Discipline Track School Penalty: Sit out 20% of the competitive athletic or performance schedule
(if less than 10 events, student must miss 1 full event) at first available opportunity. Students
may have additional penalties at the discretion of the coaches/directors as listed above.
(Discipline track only)
Students will be randomly selected to participate in the substance testing program. Results must
be negative when randomly screened. (Discipline Track, Health Track)
Cost per random test will be added to the student's FACTS account. (Discipline Track, Health
Other stipulations as noted following review of assessment and subsequent meeting(s) with St.
Pius X counselor will be added through an addendum letter. (Discipline Track, Health Track)
I understand that any further Substance Use related incidents (as defined in the Student
Handbook) and/or any non-negative Substance Use tests (as outlined above) will result in an
appearance before the Discipline Committee. I realize that a second Substance Use related
offense will likely result in expulsion from St. Pius X Catholic High School. (Discipline Track,
Health Track)
College reporting: Upon a second offense, St. Pius X is ethically bound to contact colleges
regarding a change of status that results from the second incident (including, but not limited to,
suspension, expulsion, change of school).
Uniform Policies and Dress Codes
The Purpose of the Uniform
General Uniform Guidelines
Uniform Code
Uniform Enforcement
Student IDs and Lanyards
Particular Uniform Guidelines
Acceptable Outerwear
Men’s Slacks
Women’s Skirts/Skorts
Women’s Slacks
Hair Styles
Men’s Facial Hair
Tattoos and Jewelry
Special Circumstances Regarding No Uniform
Out-of-Uniform: Medical Reasons
Out-of-Uniform Days
Spirit Days
Field Day
Out-of-Uniform Restrictions
Specific Dress Codes
Dress Codes for Dances
Other Notable Dress Requirements
The uniform at St. Pius X has several purposes.
First, it supports the school’s mission by seeking to erase divisions that might be apparent in settings
without a uniform. For instance, our students come to us from a wide range of socioeconomic
circumstances and are hardly monolithic; therefore, the uniform serves as one type of equalizer for our
students so they can focus on their studies.
Second, the uniform supports the school’s mission by assisting students in their development toward career
readiness. The uniform is intended to reflect the professional appearance that one would expect in the
workplace. Similarly, many careers have dress codes and regulations for the sake of the profession: for
example, doctors, nurses, lawyers, firefighters, police officers, military personnel, research professionals,
and hospitality professionals are all expected to adhere to particular dress and appearance standards. The
St. Pius X uniform is intended to help students become habituated to such strictures prior to their entrance
into their chosen profession.
Third, the school seeks to form students in a manner consistent with the teachings of the Catholic faith on
the virtue of modesty, as stated, for example, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (2521-2524):
In conclusion, we at St. Pius X are proud to be representatives of our school. This carries with it a
responsibility to present ourselves in a manner fitting our dignity as people who “belong to the Lord.” Our
students are the first ones to be seen by visitors when they come onto our campus. Therefore, it is expected
that our students will always wear their uniform correctly and proudly. It is one of the ways we
demonstrate a unifying faith in Christ as well as a unity of belief in the mission of St. Pius X Catholic High
Uniform Code
Uniform Policy 2023-2024
- Tennis Shoes, Loafers, or Flats (must cover toe and heel)
Saddle Shoes
SOLID BLACK, NAVY or WHITE socks (ladies & gentlemen) *NO symbols*
White Short Sleeve or Long Sleeve SPX Polo (2 more years) - laurel wreath logo
Current Senior Polo (2 more years) - see image
New logo polos sold in Roar Store - see image
Navy Blue crewneck or Quarter Zip Sweatshirt with SPX logo including those
provided by any SPX organization
SPX Underclassmen Navy sweaters, fleece, and jacket
SPX Senior Sweatshirt (*Current Senior Class Only*)
Gray Pants - Flynn O’Hara
Black, Brown, or Chi Rho Belt
Skirt - Flynn O’Hara
w/spandex biker shorts underneath
Gray Pants - Flynn O’Hara
Hair must be off the eyebrows,
above the ears and collar
Hair may not be dyed,
bleached, or highlighted in a
non-natural human hair color
Hair must be clean, kempt, and
Hair must be out of the eyes and may
not be dyed, bleached, or highlighted in
a non-natural human hair color
Hair must be clean, kempt, and
Two stud or small hoop earrings in each ear; may not dangle (Ladies Only)
One ring allowed on each hand
Two necklaces (either a pendant on a silver or gold chain or a string of pearls)
One item (silver/gold bracelet or hair tie ONLY) may be worn on each wrist
Uniform Enforcement
Students will be given the penalty of a detention for any uniform policy infraction. Detentions will be issued
at the discretion of any faculty/staff member during the school day.
Student IDs:
Students are required to have on their person at all times their current school year student ID card in
order to purchase lunches, sign in at the library, entrance into home athletic events, fine arts events,
school dances, or make purchases in the Roar Store. Students who forget, lose, or misplace their ID card
may purchase a replacement ID in the Dean of Students’ office for $15 (charged to FACTS) for each and
every replacement request. Students may not purchase lunch in the cafeteria without their current school
year ID card. SPX Student ID cards may not be shared with others at SPX or those attending other
Uniform Shirts
All underclassmen will wear either a white or navy polo shirt. Students are allowed to have the top button
only unbuttoned on their polo shirt. Oversized, excessively small or short shirts are not allowed. Official
St. Pius X Logo on the shirt is the only acceptable logo. All uniform shirts must be tucked in at all times,
especially when students are wearing sweaters, quarter zips, or senior sweatshirts. Shirt collars are to be
visible when wearing sweatshirts or quarter zips. Students must wear their uniform shirt under any
sanctioned outerwear. Outerwear is never to be tied around the waist.
Acceptable Outerwear:
All students should own one or more of the following: a navy school uniform sweater, a senior sweatshirt,
a school uniform fleece jacket, an all-weather school jacket, a school letter jacket, or an official SPX uniform-
compliant crew neck or quarter-zip sweatshirt. All other outerwear, including sweaters, team jackets,
and/or team sweatshirts are considered out-of-uniform and may not be worn in the school building from
first bell to last bell (this includes lunchtime).
Females: Ladies black/white saddle oxfords, black or brown leather tie-up dress shoe (completely covers
the foot) or black or brown leather standard heel loafer, or solid black, solid brown, or solid white athletic
Males: Men's black or brown leather tie-up dress shoe or black or brown leather standard heel loafer, or
solid black, solid brown, or solid white athletic shoes.
Shoes must be worn as the manufacturer intended, that is, laced if tie-up and with the heel of the shoe
covering the heel of the foot. Students may not draw, color or have graffiti of any type on their school
shoes. If a student cannot wear his/her uniform school shoes (saddle oxfords, penny loafers or dress lace
up shoes) for medical reasons, the student must wear an alternative uniform shoe. Any adjustment to the
school uniform must be prescribed in writing by a physician. A note from a parent is not acceptable and
the doctor’s note must be on file with the school nurse.
Men’s Slacks:
All males will wear dark charcoal gray slacks which must be purchased from Flynn O’Hara Uniforms. No
other brand of slacks may be worn. Males’ slacks should be fitted to the waist and be hemmed properly
without cuffs. Pants worn on or below the hips are not permitted. All males must wear a black, brown, or
Chi-Rho belt.
Women’s Skirts/Skorts:
Skirts/Skorts must be the appropriate length and fitted appropriately to the waist/hips. Girls are in
compliance if they have the following:
Shorts must be attached to the skort as manufactured/shorts must be worn under the skirt
Skirt/Skort cannot be rolled at any time during the school day
Length must be longer than the longest fingertip when arms are placed at the sides
Women’s Slacks:
Charcoal slacks available only from Flynn O’Hara are allowed as a uniform choice for all girls, grades 9-12.
Slacks must fit appropriately and not be tight through the hips.
Girls may wear (solid colors only) black, white or navy knee or crew socks. Males’ socks may be black,
white or navy crew socks (solid colors only). Girls may wear only navy tights or leggings in the winter
Only plain white (no graphics, no logos, no writing) T-shirts may be worn under the uniform shirts. Plain
white long-sleeved T-shirts are allowed only under long sleeved uniform shirts.
Hair Styles:
Students may NOT come to school with hair dyed unnatural colors (bright blonde, reddish purple, heavily
bleached hair, ombre, gray, mohawks or excessively shaved hair or patterns, hair tinsel/ribbons/colored
extensions, etc.) or any other.
The following hair accessories ARE permitted:
Solid black, brown, white, navy or school plaid unadorned headbands/ribbons may be worn.
The following hair accessories are NOT permitted:
Scarves of any length or color are not permitted
We require a simple hair style which is consistent with our simple, tailored appearance of the school
uniform. All hair must be clean, kempt, and professional. The school reserves the right to control the
extremes in hairstyles for all students.
Men’s Facial Hair: All male students must be neatly shaven, no facial hair permitted, this includes
sideburns. The length of the sideburns cannot pass beyond the mid-ear point.
Tattoos and Jewelry:
Tattoos (temporary, henna, semi-permanent and/or permanent), writing on exposed skin, and body-
piercing (apart from the two pierced earrings per ear which are allowed) are not considered to be consistent
with the uniform code of St. Pius X. Therefore, students should not obtain visible tattoos nor have their
bodies visibly pierced including, but not limited to: gages/gauges or any other expansion device, tongues,
eyebrows, noses, lips, etc. The school reserves the right to expel students who violate this rule and who
refuse to remedy the situation. An exception may be made for students celebrating their family’s cultural
events (temporary henna, etc.); prior approval with parent communication must be obtained from the Dean
of Students.
Out of Uniform-Medical Reasons
If a student is unable to wear any part of their school uniform due to a medical reason, a physician’s note
on the physician's letterhead containing a diagnosis and an end date for accommodation must be given to
the school nurse. The student must wear all other components of the school uniform appropriately.
Out-Of-Uniform Days
These will be announced. On regular out-of-uniform days students are expected to come to school in
regular casual clothes which are clean and without holes or fraying of any kind. Jeans are allowed on out
of uniform days. They are always expected to be neat, modest and well-cared-for. No low cut tops,
plunging necklines which would expose any cleavage or spaghetti straps will be permitted. The wearing
of jewelry must continue to follow the daily regulations. Spirit wear is not required. Sandals of any type
are NOT allowed. All shoes must cover the entire foot.
Spirit Days
Students are expected to wear clothing with a visible St. Pius X logo on it. Students whose clothing does
not meet the expectations of school officials will be sent home or will be given a school uniform to wear for
the day. Approved clothing for spirit day consists of jeans or khaki style pants, tennis shoes or shoes that
cover the entire foot and SPX logoed apparel. Sandals of any type are NOT allowed.
Field Day
On Field Day ONLY: Students are expected to come to school in athletic shorts or Bermuda shorts (no
leggings or skorts) and predesignated class color T-shirts. T-shirts must be intact with neck, torso, sleeves
unaltered and uncut. No tank or halter tops. Socks and tennis shoes must be worn. No flip-flops or sandals
of any kind may be worn on field day.
Out-of-Uniform Restrictions
On Out-of-Uniform or Spirit Days (Boys and Girls)
skirts, dresses, rompers, shorts or city shorts of any length (pants must come AT LEAST to the
bottom of the calf),
military grade or hunting camouflage clothing
pajama pants or lounge pants
white pants or skirts (linen)
sweat pants, athletic style pants
jeans/pants with tears or holes (fake or real) of any size
oversized pants falling below natural waist
spandex or form-fitting clothing (including but not limited to leggings/jeggings, pajama jeans,
yoga pants and/or leotard type tops)
low cut or plunging necklines which would expose any cleavage
shirts which show midriff
spaghetti strap tops/sweaters/blouses
tank tops/sweaters/blouses
strapless tops/sweaters/blouses
oversized/undersized shirts
Birkenstocks, Crocs, flip flop type shoes, beach shoes, slippers (indoor/outdoor) or bedroom shoes
(indoor/outdoor), shoes with rollers or skates on the bottom
any hats
Advertising on clothing which is designed to promote the use of alcohol or other drugs or that which is of
a political nature or might not be in keeping with the Christian values promoted in this school is prohibited.
Note: Because of the unique and constantly changing nature of fashion, the school has reserved the right
to classify any style of dress, grooming, or appearance as inappropriate. Students who are dressed in a
fashion that does not meet the expectations of school officials will be sent home. Continued offenses may
result in suspension or expulsion.
Dress Codes for Dances
St. Pius X sponsors school dances during the school year. These dances provide students the opportunity
to enjoy friendship and community outside of the school day consistent with our Catholic mission and
values. As St. Pius X sponsored events, the expectation is that a student’s appearance and behavior reflect
virtue and modesty. With this in mind, the following attire expectations are in effect for St. Pius X school
Dress Code for Males
Dress Code for Females
Dances, Prom
Semi-formal attire is required, e.g.
a suit or tuxedo (prom).
No jeans
Appropriate undergarments
should be worn and not visible.
Semi-formal attire is required
Appropriate undergarments
should be worn and should
not be visible
Personal style is encouraged
but dresses should be modest
and respect the dignity of the
body and the environment of a
Catholic School.
Semi-formal attire is required, e.g.
a suit, sport coat, buttondown
shirt and slacks, and tie
No jeans
Appropriate undergarments
should be worn and not visible.
Semi-formal attire is required;
it should not be as dressy as
what is expected for Prom
Appropriate undergarments
should be worn and should
not be visible
Personal style is encouraged
but dresses should be modest
and respect the dignity of the
body and the environment of a
Catholic School.
Dances Dress
Students should adhere to the dress code requirements for out of uniform days.
Dress Code for Males
Dress Code for Females
Graduation Festivities:
Clean Shaven.
No jeans
Dark dress slacks, white dress
shirt with a tie, appropriate dress
Appropriate undergarments
should be worn and not visible.
Any color dress (no
denim) not shorter
than mid-calf in length
& appropriate dress
undergarments should
be worn and should
not be visible
Personal style is
encouraged but dresses
should be modest and
respect the dignity of
the body and the
environment of a
Catholic School.
All seniors should wear full regalia in addition to the specific requirements
listed below. Full regalia includes:
Graduation gown and mortarboard with tassel provided by St. Pius
School-awarded medals
School-approved stoles and cords*
* The St. Pius X graduation exercises are formal events and therefore we do
not allow decorations or adornments on mortar boards (caps) or on
graduation gowns for Honors assembly, Baccalaureate Mass, or
Graduation. Only stoles or cords approved by the Dean of Academics are
allowed. Students who receive academic honor roll medals at the Honors
Assembly may wear those medals with their graduation regalia if they
Senior Tie-Dye and
Skort/Pants Painting
Seniors traditionally have a special out of uniform day at the end of the
second semester where they will tie-dye one of their senior polo shirts and
paint their college logo on their skirt/skort or gray pants. Seniors may
paint only the university logo or university name on the skirt/skort or
pants. No painting on the back of pants or skirts/skorts. No phrases, battle
cries, or other language even if associated with the university are allowed
on the shirts, skorts, or pants
updated July, 2023
Main Oce
Main Oce Fax
Counseling Fax
404-636-3023 ext. 228
School Phone Numbers
St. Pius X Catholic High School
2674 Johnson Road, NE Atlanta, GA 30345-1720