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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence
Holders at SCQF Level 6
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence
Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
Specimen Questions
Version 6, November 2021
The specimen examination questions contained in this publication are
representative of the type of questions used to assess candidates taking the
AT SCQF LEVEL 6 examinations.
Candidates are assessed by a 40 question, 60 minute, multiple-choice
examination. Candidates have to answer 28 out of 40 questions to pass.
The answers to each of these questions are shown towards the end of this
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
©BIIAB Qualifications Limited 2 www.biiab.co.uk
Specimen Questions
1 Which of these is a licensing objective?
A Preventing food poisoning
B Preventing public nuisance
C Preventing of drink driving
D Protecting staff safety
2 It is the duty of the Licensing Board to produce:
A A list of licensing objectives
B A note of convictions of current licence holders
C A statement of licensing policy
D Antisocial behaviour reports for a local area
3 If an applicant for a licence is convicted of attempting to influence a Board
member, the Board may:
A Add special conditions to the licence
B Name the applicant in the media
C Refuse to consider the application
D Sue the applicant in court
4 Each Local Licensing Forum is responsible for:
A Giving general advice and making recommendations to the Board
B Granting applications for premises and personal licences
C Prosecuting licensing offences
D Reviewing applications for premises and personal licences
5 Licensing Standards Officers have the power to:
A Enter and inspect licensed premises
B Sack all staff members on licensed premises
C Close licensed premises down permanently
D Remove all personal licence holders from the licensed premises
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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6 A premises licence application must contain:
A A description of the premises
B A list of all employees at the premises
C Details of relevant insurance policies
D Financial accounting statements
7 If a police constable below the rank of inspector wishes to inspect premises,
other than licensed premises they must have:
A Verbal permission to do so from a Justice of the Peace or a police officer
with the rank of inspector or above
B Verbal permission to do so from the premises manager or from the
premises licence holder
C Written authority to do so from a Justice of the Peace or a police officer
with the rank of inspector or above
D Written authority to do so from the premises manager or from the
premises licence holder
8 In relation to personal licences, which of these statements is correct?
A A personal licence gives certain proof of business competency
B The grant of a personal licence requires the applicant to own premises
C The licence allows the holder to supervise or authorise the sale of alcohol
D The licence is valid for 25 years if there are no problems
9 At the expiry of a 5 year period after issue, a personal licence holder must
produce to the Licensing Board:
A A copy of their birth certificate
B A current driving licence
C Evidence they have completed refresher training
D Evidence of their current contract of employment
10 How long does a personal licence holder have to notify the Licensing Board
when they have been convicted of a relevant offence?
A 7 days
B 14 days
C 1 month
D 3 months
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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11 A person charged with selling alcohol to a child or young person may have
a defence if they can prove that they:
A Had limited knowledge of the licensing law
B Had taken reasonable steps to establish their age
C Knew the child or young person as a family friend
D Were related to the child or young person
12 It is an offence for any responsible person in relation to any relevant
premises to allow:
A A breach of the peace to be committed
B Children to be refused the sale of alcohol
C Drunk persons to be excluded from the premises
D Off duty members of staff to gather on the premises
13 The Licensing Board should only grant a licence permitting the sale of
alcohol over a continuous period of 24 hours:
A At Christmas and New Year only
B For applicants with 10 years experience
C For exceptional circumstances only
D Once a year in each Board area
14 In licensed premises alcohol must not be sold to:
A A member of brewery staff
B A person who is drunk
C Known trouble makers
D Licensing Board members
15 In Scotland, smoking is not permitted:
A On public streets
B In any public place
C In enclosed public spaces
D Outdoors after 10.00 pm
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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16 Which of these would be considered to be an irresponsible drinks promotion?
A Including one free drink to be covered by the cost of entry into premises
B Giving customers a free bottle of wine upon purchase of four main course
table meals
C Offering a sealed bottle of champagne as a prize in a competition
D Supplying customers with double measures of alcohol for the price of
single measures
17 When using the defence of due diligence a responsible person must show
that they:
A Had given staff specific instructions in relation to the offence and had
therefore fulfilled their responsibilities
B Did not know that the offence was being committed and had taken all
reasonable measures to prevent it
C Were not on the premises at the time of the offence and that they had no
opportunity to prevent the offence
D Were on the premises at the time of the offence but were busy elsewhere
when it was committed
18 Which of the following best defines what is meant by vicarious liability?
A An individual being held legally responsible for an offence committed by
another person or persons
B A person accepting a proportion of the blame for an offence which they
committed with assistance from others
C An individual actively attempting to prevent an offence from taking place
but being unsuccessful in doing so
D A person passing responsibility for an offence that they have committed
on to another person or group of people
19 If a personal licence holder changes their name and/or address they have a
legal duty to inform:
A The Licensing Standards Officer in the area where they work within 14
days of the change taking place
B The Licensing Board which issued their licence within 1 month of the
change taking place
C The Justice of the Peace responsible for the area where they live within
28 days of the change taking place
D The Local Licensing Forum for the area where they live within 10 days of
the change taking place
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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20 Under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 who has the legal right to request
that a personal licence holder produces their licence for examination on
licensed premises?
A A Justice of the Peace
B A District Court official
C A Licensing Board Member
D A Licensing Standards Officer
21 What is the minimum age at which alcohol can be sold to a young person?
A 17
B 18
C 21
D 25
22 Which of these is an acceptable proof of age?
A A student union membership card with a photograph
B An original birth certificate
C A European Union photo card driving licence
D A copy of a recent bank statement
23 A young person can attempt to purchase alcohol on licensed premises
without committing an offence if:
A The drink is classed as being low alcohol
B It is part of a test purchase operation
C The purchase is being made for an adult
D They do not intend to drink the alcohol
24 The typical abv of most flavoured alcoholic drinks is:
A 4.2%
B 4.8%
C 5.5%
D 5.9%
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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25 The generally accepted definition of low risk drinking is:
A Consuming no more than three to four units of alcohol on a weekly basis
B Regularly drinking over the recommended daily limits but having an
alcohol free week each month
C Occasionally drinking two or three times the weekly limit but usually
remaining alcohol free
D Consuming alcohol within recommended limits and having at least 2
alcohol free days per week
26 The UK Chief Medical Officer recommends that to keep risks at a low level,
it is safest not to drink any more than:
A 8 units a day
B 12 units a day
C 14 units a week
D 18 units in a weekend
27 The main reason that a person becomes drunk is that they:
A Consume alcohol at a faster rate than their body can expel the alcohol
B Drink alcohol without having any food in their stomach to absorb the
C Do not keep track of the number of units of alcohol consumed over a
period of time
D Mix different types of alcoholic drinks which increases the potency of the
28 Which of the following is a mandatory condition which applies to all licensed
premises which remain open after 1am?
A An appropriately trained first aider must be on the premises between
1am and 5am or until the premises next close
B Premises must have written policies concerning evacuation and the
prevention of the misuse of drugs on the premises
C Toilets must be checked on a regular basis to ensure the safety and
wellbeing of people using these facilities
D A personal licence holder must be on the premises between 1am and
5am or until the premises next close
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Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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29 An application for the renewal of a personal licence must be made during a
period of:
A 1 month, beginning 2 months before the expiry of the licence
B 3 months, beginning 6 months before the expiry of the licence
C 6 months, beginning 9 months before the expiry of the licence
D 9 months, beginning 12 months before the expiry of the licence
30 Which of the following is the best advice in relation to dealing with a conflict
A Try and deal with the situation without involving other colleagues to
prevent escalation
B Maintain physical distance from the offenders and if possible separate
them from other customers
C Tell the offenders that the police are being called and follow them if they
leave the premises
D Become actively involved in the conflict, taking sides with the customer
you consider to be in the right
31 Which of the following best describes binge drinking?
A Consuming any amount of alcohol for three or more consecutive days
B Consuming alcohol at the weekend only and abstaining during the rest of
the week
C Consuming alcohol at higher than recommended levels only when eating
a full meal
D Consuming excessive quantities of alcohol in a single drinking session
32 What is the drink driving limit in Scotland?
A 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
B 70 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
C 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
D 90 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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33 Which of these is not a likely consequence of excessive alcohol consumption
for a licensed retail business?
A An increase in the number of assaults experienced by staff
B An improved business reputation and increased profits
C An increase in staff turnover and a reduction of staff morale
D A rise in the cost of dealing with damage caused by vandalism
34 What course of action must a Licensing Board upon receipt of an application
for variation which is not a minor variation?
A Hold a hearing for the purpose of considering and determining the
B Grant the variation within 7 days unless any objections are received
C Refer the application directly to the Local Licensing Forum for
D Ask a Licensing Standards officer to prepare a written report on the
35 Following the delivery of statutory training to staff responsible for serving or
selling alcohol, there is a legal requirement that:
A Staff successfully pass an examination before they are allowed to
undertake their job role
B Records of the training are filed with the Local Licensing Board within 28
days of completion
C Staff receive regular refresher training every year to keep their
knowledge up to date
D Records of the training in the required form are kept at the premises
where the staff work
36 What is the maximum permitted period of validity for an occasional
A 5 days
B 10 days
C 14 days
D 21 days
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37 Which of the following is an offence under the Licensing (Scotland) Act
A Sending a child or young person to obtain alcohol sold for consumption
off the premises
B Being accompanied by a child or young person when buying alcohol for
consumption on or off the premises
C Buying a glass of wine for a young person which is to be consumed on
the premises with a table meal
D Delivering alcohol to a young person who is employed in an appropriate
role on licensed premises
38 Under the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 it is a requirement to display a
notice relating to:
A Sensible drinking limits
B Underage sales offences
C Keeping noise at acceptable levels
D CCTV usage on the premises
39 If a person who is drunk attempts to enter licensed premises, an offence is
committed by:
A Anyone accompanying the person who is drunk
B The door supervisor on duty
C The premises licence holder for the premises
D The person who is drunk
40 Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) can be best described as:
A The number of units of alcohol necessary to increase the number of
milligrams (mg) of alcohol in 100 millilitres (ml) of blood by 20 mg
B The quantity of alcohol required to increase the number of milligrams of
alcohol in the blood by 10%
C The amount of alcohol in a person's blood when their intake of alcohol
exceeds their liver's ability to remove it from the bloodstream
D The amount of alcohol n the bloodstream at any one time, measured in
terms of volume of alcohol contained within the blood
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
©BIIAB Qualifications Limited 11 www.biiab.co.uk
Assessment Criteria
1.1 State the 5 licensing objectives and their purpose
2.2 State the duty of the Board to produce a statement of
licensing policy
2.1 State the law in relation to applicants attempting to
influence Board members
3.2 State the local licensing forum’s general functions, and the
constitution and proceedings of the forum
3.1 State the role and general functions of the Licensing
Standards Officer (LSO)
4.2 State the procedure and documentation required for a
premises licence application, the applicant’s duty to notify the
court of convictions, and the procedure of further application
after refusal
4.7 State the rights of entry for police officers
8.1 State what a personal licence is, what it entitles the holder
to do, it’s prescribed form, and its period of validity
9.1 State the legal requirement of the licence holder and staff
to undertake training and to hold relevant qualifications
10.1 State the duty to notify the court if charged with a
relevant offence or the Licensing Board if convicted
12.2 State the law in relation to the sale of other age-related
products to an underage person, the delivery of alcohol by or to
an underage person and unsupervised sale of alcohol by under
14.3 State the law in relation to disorderly conduct and refusal
to leave premises
15.1 State the law in relation to licensed hours
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
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14.1 State the law in relation to the sale of alcohol to a drunk
17.1 State how a range legislation relevant to a personal licence
holder is applicable in the operation of licensed premises
6.2 State the law in relation to irresponsible promotion of alcohol
10.2 State what is meant by the defence of due diligence
10.3 State what is meant by vicarious liability of premises licence
holders and interested parties
10.4 State the duty of a personal licence holder to notify the
Licensing Board of any change of name or address
10.6 State the duty of a personal licence holder to produce their
licence when asked to do so by a constable or Licensing Standards
12.1 State the law in relation to the sale of alcohol to a child or young
13.2 State what is acceptable proof of age and where relevant
information can found and identify best practice policies for age-
related sales
13.2 State the law in relation to test purchasing
18.1 State the strengths in units of a range of common alcoholic
20.1 State the definition of low risk, hazardous and harmful drinking
20.7 State the Government’s low risk drinking guidelines
18.2 State the effect that alcohol has on the human body and how it
affects people differently
6.1 State the law in relation to mandatory conditions for a premises
8.3 State the procedure for the renewal of a personal licence, the
form the application must take and notification of determinations for
21.2 Identify the signs of potential conflict and how to manage such
conflict situations, best policies for preventing conflict and the
importance of personal safety
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders at SCQF Level 6 and
Scottish Certificate for Personal Licence Holders (Refresher) at SCQF Level 6
©BIIAB Qualifications Limited 13 www.biiab.co.uk
20.2 Identify patterns of problem drinking and trends relating to
alcohol misuse
20.4 State the drink driving limits in Scotland, England, Wales and
Northern Ireland
20.5 State the consequences of excessive drinking in Scotland
7.1 State the law with regard to the application for variation including
further application after refusal
9.2 State appropriate procedures for recording training
11.1 State what an occasional licence is, who can apply and the
procedure for application
12.3 State the law in relation to the purchase or consumption of
alcohol by or for an underage person and sending an underage
person to obtain alcohol
12.4 State the duty to display a notice relating to underage sales
14.2 State the law in relation to drunk persons entering or in
premises on which alcohol is sold and obtaining of alcohol by a drunk
20.3 State the difference between Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) and