Department of German, Bowdoin College
Bowdoin College George Taylor Files Professor of Modern Languages; 07/2017 – present
Assistant (2002), Associate (2007), Full Professor (2016); 2002 – present
Affiliate Professor, Cinema Studies; 2012 – present
Chair of German; 2008 2011, fall 2012, 2014 2017, 2019 – 2022
Acting Chair of Film Studies, 2010 2011
Lawrence University Assistant Professor of German, 1998 – 2002
St. Olaf College Visiting Instructor/Assistant Professor, 1997 – 1998
Ph.D. German/Comparative Literature, University of MN, Minneapolis, 1998
M.A. German, University of WI, Madison, 1992
Diplomgermanistik University of Leipzig, Germany, 1991
Books (*peer-review;
editorial board review)
1. Translating the World: Toward a New History of German Literature around 1800, University
Park: Penn State UP, 2018 (paperback December 2018, also as e-book).*
Winner of the SAMLA Studies Book Award – Monograph, 2019
Shortlisted for the Kenshur Prize for the Best Book in Eighteenth-Century Studies, 2019
[reviewed in Choice Jan. 2018; German Quarterly 91.3 (2018) 337-339; The Modern
Language Review 113.4 (2018): 297-299; German Studies Review 42.1(2-19): 151-153;
Comparative Literary Studies 56.1 (2019): e25-e27, online; Eighteenth Century Studies
52.3 (2019) 371-373; MLQ (2019)80.2: 227-229.; Seminar (2019) 3: 298-301; Lessing
Yearbook XLVI (2019): 208-210, Monatshefte 131(2021) 3:470-476]
2. Reading and Seeing Ethnic Differences in the Enlightenment: From China to Africa New York:
Palgrave, 2007 (available as e-book, paperback, seperata).*
unofficial Finalist DAAD/GSA Book Prize 2008
[reviewed in Choice Nov. 2007; German Studies Review XXXII (2008)2: 422-423, Focus
on German Studies 15/2008; The Germanic Review 84.1. (2009): 94-96; Monatshefte
2(2010) 236-238]
Books, edited volumes (*peer-review;
editorial board review)
Tautz, curriculum vitae
3. Co-Ed., with Crystal Hall, German and European Cultural Histories, around 1800: Between
Network and Narrative (Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment, ed. Gregory Brown), with
digital component on Manifold (Oxford/Liverpool UP, 2023, in production)
4. Ed., Colors 1800/1900/2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference. (Amsterdamer Beiträge zur Neueren
Germanistik, eds. A. Visser et al. Vol. 56) Amsterdam, Atlanta: Rodopi 2004.*
[reviewed in Seminar-online 2005; German Quarterly 79.1(2006)144-145,
Monatshefte 99.1(2007): 114-116; The Germanic Review 82.3 (2007): 286-287]
Articles (*peer-review;
editorial board review;
1. “The Messy Side of Enlightenment: Readers, Reviewers, and the Traces they Leave behind”
Germanic Review 95:4 (2020): 241-256.*
2. “The Local and the Global, or the Persistent Relevance of the 18
Century,” Forum, German
Quarterly 93.2 (2020): 255-258.
3. “Seeing White” Mosaic: An Interdisciplinary Critical Journal* 19 pp. (revise and re-submit)
4. “Introduction: The Ethics of the Image – Historical Events, Practice, Media” South Central
Review 36.3 (2019): 1-9.*
5. “Paul Poet transforms Christoph Schlingensief’s Container-Project: Performance into Image”
South Central Review 36.3 (2019): 50-67.*
6. “Global City eclipses Small Town, or how to tell a New Story of Eighteenth-Century
(German) Literature” in “Forum: Critical Conversations,” Eighteenth-Century Theory
and Interpretation 1 (2017), 109-113.
7. “Beobachten, Erleben, Verdinglichen: Wissen in Kotzebues und Chamissos
Alaskaerzählungen” Zeitschrift für Germanistik (2014) 1: 55-67.*
8. “Das Original durch die Übersetzung schaffen: Lessing, die Hamburgischen Dramaturgie
und die neue Komparatistik” Lessing Jahrbuch/Lessing Yearbook (2012/2013): 53-72.*
9. Stadtgeschichten: Rumor, Gossip, and the Making of Classical Weimar,” German
Studies Review 3 (2013): 497-514.*
10. “Travelling Ideas of (the British) Empire: Translating the Caribbean World for the
Eighteenth-Century German Stage” Publications of the English Goethe Society 79.2
(2010) 95-111.*
11. “’Das Hamburgische Parterre’: Johann Christoph Bodes Westindier und die Verortung
des Globalen. Miszelle” Zeitschrift für Germanistik (2009)1: 183-190.
12. “Charlotte Kerners/Rolf Schübels Blueprint: Buch und Film” Gegenwartsliteratur 7/2008:
114-137 (publ. 2009).*
13. “A Fairy Tale Reality? Elfriede Jelinek’s Snow White, Sleeping Beauty and the
Mythologization of Contemporary Reality,” Women in German Yearbook 24 (2008):
165-184 (publ. 2009).*
14. “White Masculinity at the Turn of Two Centuries: The Narrative Enactment of an Ideal
in Karoline Fischer’s William der Neger (1817) and Hans Grimm’s Dina (1913),”
Seminar 44.1(2008): 24-36.*
Tautz, curriculum vitae
15. “From Text to Body: the Changing Image of ‘Chinese Teachers’ in eighteenth-century
German Literature,” Edinburgh German Yearbook 1 (2007): 27-45.
16. “Cutting, Pasting, Fabricating: Eighteenth-Century German Travel Texts and their
Translators between Legitimacy and Community” German Quarterly 79(2006) 2: 155-173.*
17. “Paths of Orientation: Gisela Kraft’s Turn to Romanticism circa 1990” Colloquia Germanica
38 (2004) 2: 175-194 (publ. September 2006).*
18. “The Effect of Transformation: the Case of George Tabori’s Mutters CourageSeminar
41.1 (2005): 19-35.*
19. “Die Sprache verstellt den Blick: Elfriede Jelinek liest Hegel” Modern Austrian Literature
37 (2004)1/2: 71-86.*
20. “Wackenroder’s ‘Ein wunderbares morgenländisches Mährchen von einem nackten
Heiligen’: Autopoeisis of World, Rhetoric of the Orient” Monatshefte 95(2003)1: 59-75.*
21. “‘Coming out’ ist ‘in’: Neuste amerikanische Forschungen zu sexuellen Identitäten im
achtzehnten Jahrhundert” Das achtzehnte Jahrhundert, 23(1999)1: 83-88 (co-authored with
Peter Höyng).
22. “Fashionable Details: Narration in an Eighteenth-Century Travel Account” Germanic
Review 72(1997) 3: 201-212.*
23. “Allegorien der Zeit, Symbole der Zeitlosigkeit. Überlegungen zum Narrativen in der
Frühromantik” Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft und Geistesgeschichte
71(1997)1: 110-126.
Chapters (*peer-review;
editorial board review;
1. (forthcoming) “Between Autofiction and the Archive: On/Travelling the 1000 Serpentinen
Angst,Afrika and Alemania: German-Speaking Women, Africa, and the African Diaspora,
eds. Priscilla Layne, Michelle Stott James, and Lisabeth Hock (under contract at U of Toronto
P, 2023), 27 pp.*
2. “Arbiter of Nation? The Strange Case of Hans Müller-Casenov’s The Humour of Germany
(1892)” Transnational Framings: The German Literary Field in the Age of Nationalism,
1848-1919, eds. Lynne Tatlock and Kurt Beals, eds., Woodbridge, UK: Boydell &
Brewer/Camden House, 2023, 130-148.*
3. “Between the Port and the Court, but never Part of Nation: Friederike Brun’s Domesticated
Cosmopolitanism” Germany from the Outside, ed. Laurie Johnson London: Bloomsbury
Academic, 2022, 37-59.*
4. (in production) “Social Capital, Material Cultures, Reading: Non-Linear European Histories
and “Epilogue: New Networks?” (co-authored with Crystal Hall), 27 pp. and 8pp.,
respectively, in German and European Cultural Histories volume of Oxford Studies in the
Enlightenment, series ed. Gregory Brown, Oxford, Liverpool: LUP, forthcoming 2023.*
5. (in production) “K/Cosmopolit* in Enlightenment Journals: Of Networks
and Translation” In German and European Cultural Histories, 29 pp.*
6. “Translating the World for a German Public or Mediating the Radical in Small Genres” in:
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Radical Enlightenment, ed. Carl Niekerk Amsterdam: Brill-Rodopi, 2018, 184-210.
7. “Localizing China: of Knowledge, Genres, and German Literary Historiography” in:
Reading China in the Enlightenment, eds. Daniel Purdy and Bettina Brandt, Toronto: U of
Toronto P, 2016, 118-141.
8. “Die Welt als Intertext: das Britische Kolonialreich und Hamburg im späten 18.
Jahrhundert” in: Gastlichkeit und Ökonomie: Wirtschaften im deutschen und englischen
Drama des 18.Jahrhunderts, eds. Sigrid Nieberle und Claudia Nitschke, Berlin: de Gruyter,
2013, 264- 289.*
9. “Revolution, Abolition, Aesthetic Sublimation: German Responses to News from France in
the 1790s” in: Rewriting the Radical: Enlightenment, Revolution, and Cultural Transfer in
1790s Germany, Britain and France, ed. Maike Oergel, Berlin: de Gruyter, 2012, 72-87.*
10. “Michel Foucault trifft Yoko Tawada: Sprache und ethnologische Poetologie als
Heterotopien. Ein Versuch” in: Außenraum – Mitraum – Innenraum. Heterotopien für
Kultur und Gesellschaft, eds. Hamid Tafiazoli und Richard Gray, Bielefeld: Aisthesis, 2012,
169- 191.*
11. “Introduction: Colors and Ethnic Difference or Ways of Seeing” Colors
1800/1900/2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference Ed. Birgit Tautz, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004,
12. “Epilog: Farblose Räume” Colors 1800/1900/2000: Signs of Ethnic Difference Ed.
Birgit Tautz, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2004, 273-283.
13. “Texturen und Farben. China und Afrika im Blick des deutschen Idealismus” Das Fremde.
Reiseerfahrungen, Schreibformen und kulturelles Wissen, Alexander Honold, Klaus R.
Scherpe (eds.) = Zeitschrift für Germanistik Beiheft 2 (1999, 2nd edition, 2003): 63-81.
14. “Bedeckt, entblößt, nackt: Verkörperte Geschichte in George Taboris Shylock-
Improvisationen,” in Verkörperte Geschichtsentwürfe: George Taboris Theaterarbeit, Peter
Höyng (ed.), Tübingen: Francke, 1998, 67-88.
In Progress (*peer-review;
editorial board review;
1. Book manuscript, “Small Things, Narrative Episodes,” on the material life of books and
objects in books, segueing into larger, multifaceted narratives with focus on local archival
finds of the 18
and 19
centuries and their global effects (current).*
2. Book manuscript, “Ethics of the Image,” on film, with emphasis on ethics of
constructing/perceiving images rather than ethical decisions of representing events
3. Short Chapter, “Marginalia, also To Marginalize,originally planned for Media Inventories,
eds. Sean Franzel, Ilinca Iurescu, Petra McGillen, first draft submitted to workshop; (under
contract at de Gruyter, 2023/24), withdrawn due to deadline to be expanded into free standing
4. Article, “Competition in Transmitting Chinese Culture: the Enlightenment Journals,” co-
authored with undergraduate student Quyen Ha ’18, Joosep Vorno ‘22.* (under revision, to be
re- submitted to DH journal)
Tautz, curriculum vitae
5. Chapter/Article, “Frozen Photographs, Recycled Photography: on Women’s Film of the
1970s,” withdrawn from Photography in German Cinema, eds. Carrie Collenberg and Martin
Shaheen (London, New York City: Berghahn), to be re-submitted to a film journal by end of
6. Article, “Gebrochene Texte, verdrängte Genres: Über den Atlantik und in die deutsche Stadt”
(=essay on a global history of German literature, invited to Schillerjahrbuch 2022/23) now in
revision/expansion as stand-alone article.
7. “Werthers Medien,” Zeitschrift für Germanistik (special issue, October 2023)
Encyclopedia Entries
“Saal-Nixe” in: Andere Klassik: Goethes Schwager Vulpius, ed. Alexander Košenina. Hannover:
Wehrhahn, 2012, 152-153.
“George Tabori” in: The Columbia Encyclopedia of Modern Drama. 2 vols., eds. Gabrielle
H. Cody and Evert Sprinchorn. New York: Columbia UP, 2007. 1323.
“Allegory”; “Fashion”; “Moral Weeklies”; “Symbolic Content”; “Christiane Mariana von
Ziegler” in The Feminist Encyclopedia of German Literature, eds. Susanne Kord and Friederike
Eigler, Westport: Greenwood Press, 1997, 9f., 151f., 328-330, 511, 583-585, respectively.
Co-ed. with Patricia Simpson, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 30 (2023).
Co-ed. with Patricia Simpson, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 29 (2022).
Co-ed. with Patricia Simpson, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 28 (2021).
Co-ed. with Patricia Simpson, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 27 (2020).
Co-ed. with Patricia Simpson, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 26 (2019).
Journal Sections
Co-Ed./co-author, with Patricia Simpson, “Re-Examining (White) Enlightenment Legacies
through a German Lens,” Goethe Yearbook, vol. 30, 113-136.
Co-Ed. (lead), with Patricia Simpson, “(New) Directions in 18
century German Studies,
Forum, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 28, 297-357.
Co-Ed. (lead), with Patricia Simpson, “The Canon versus the Great Unread: Challenges and
Opportunities” Forum, Goethe Yearbook, vol. 27, 187-242.
Ed., “Book Reviews,” Goethe Yearbook, vol. 23 (2015): 271-320.
Ed., “Book Reviews,” Goethe Yearbook, vol. 22 (2014): 261-319.
Ed., “Book Reviews,” Goethe Yearbook, vol. 21(2013): 256-310.
Review Essays
“Fractured Visions, New Horizons: Debates in Eighteenth-century Studies beyond German
Studies” Goethe Yearbook, vol. 30 (2023), 115-117.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
“Kulturstau im Prenzlauer Berg: Ein Essay über Ralph Martins Zeitgeistroman Papanoia
andererseits: Yearbook of Transatlantic German Studies 3(2013): 39-48.
“Money, Money, Money: On Richard Gray’s Money Matters and Fritz Breithaupt’s Der Ich-
Effekt des Geldes” review essay H-Net; March 19, 2013.
“The Study of Literature after the Holocaust: On Sara Guyer’s Romanticism after
Auschwitz,” review essay H-Net, (co-authored with S. Cerf); June 23, 2009.
Recent Book Reviews (since 2017)
Oliver Simons, Literary Conclusions (Evanston: Northwestern UP, 2022) German
Quarterly 95.3 (Fall 2022): 333-336.
Sean Williams, Pretexts for Writing (Lewisburg: Bucknell UP, 2019) Lessing
Jahrbuch/Lessing Yearbook XLVIII 2021, 243-245.
M.-I. Matthews-Schlinzig and C. Socha, eds., Was ist ein Brief? Aufsätze zu epistolarer
Theorie und Kultur, fLessing Jahrbuch/Lessing Yearbook XVVI 2019, 201-203.
M.-G. Dehrmann and J. Weber, eds., Gotthold Ephraim Lessing: Von der Aehnlichkeit der
Griechischen und Deutschen Sprache, Lessing Jahrbuch/Lessing Yearbook XVL 2018, 233-
Additional Book Reviews
German Studies Review 89 (2014)1: 167-170; Lessing Jahrbuch/ Lessing Yearbook XL
2012/2013: 210-212; Monatshefte 102 (2010)2: 248-250; Monatshefte 101(2009)1:113-
115;Germanic Review 83(2008)3: 275-277; German Studies Review XXXII (2008)1: 211-
212; Monatshefte 99(2007) 4: 560-561; German Quarterly 79.4 (2006): 534-535;
Monatshefte 98(2006)3: 458-460; Monatshefte 97(2005)4: 768-770; Monatshefte
97(2005)4: 774-775; German Quarterly 77.1(2004):121-123; Journal of European Area
Studies 9(2001) 2: 275-277; German Quarterly 75.1 (2002): 109-110; Journal of European
Area Studies 9(2001) 1:135-136; Eighteenth-Century Studies 34 (2001) 2: 321-324;
German Studies Review XXIII (2000) 1: 214-215; Colloquia Germanica 32 (1999) 4: 372-
374; The German Quarterly 72(1999) 3: 305-306; German Studies Review XXI (1998) 2:
354-355; Zeitschrift für Germanistik. (1996) 3: 709-711; Comparativ 5 (1995) 5: 174-178;
Women in German Newsletter, Fall 1993; Deutsche Literaturzeitung 110 (1989)10/11 (co-
authored with G. Lerchner und J. Möhring)
Hidden Figures: Blackness in East German Cinema, Biannual DEFA Summer Seminar, 2023.
German Literary Institutions, NDU/UGA German Studies Seminar, Berlin; Max Kade Travel
Grant, 2022.
Winner of SAMLA Studies Book Award – Monograph (for Translating the World), 2019.
Shortlist, Kenshur Prize: Best Book in 18
century Studies (for Translating the World), 2019.
Humboldt-Kolleg Award, Humboldt-Foundation, 2017.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
DAAD Conference Award (with Crystal Hall), 2017.
AATG Center of Excellence, national distinction for German department (lead sponsor), 2017.
German Embassy Partnership Project Grants, 2009 – 2010, 2013 – 2015, autumn 2017.
Humboldt Fellowship for Experienced Researchers, 2011 – 2013.
DAAD Summer Seminar Fellowship, U of Chicago, 2009.
Finalist for 2008 DAAD/German Studies Association Book Prize, 2008.
Workshop and Conference Awards: Edinburgh U 2006, FAU Erlangen 2009, Leibniz U
Hannover 2018, Voltaire Center Indiana U Bloomington 2019.
Internal, Selection
Faculty Research Awards, 2006 – 2008, 2018 – 2020.
Faculty Leave Fellowships, 2007 – 2008, 2011 – 2012, 2018 – 2019.
Symposium Funding & Publication Subsidy (with Crystal Hall), 2017 – 2023.
Curriculum development Awards 2003 – 2005, 2017 – 2019, 2023 – (2025).
Gibbons Summer Awards for Digital Humanities/Student funding, 2017, 2020.
Mellon Grants, Bowdoin/Colby, 2008 – 2009, 2014 – 2016.
Multiple Professional Organization Grants, Bowdoin College, 2008 – 2014, 2018 – 2023.
Phocas Award for Coastal Studies research, Bowdoin College, 2010.
Fletcher Research Award, Bowdoin College, 2007 – 2009.
Junior Faculty Research Award (start-up), 2002.
Invited Presentations
“Markt der Ideen, Markt der Differenzen: Zeitschriften, Übersetzungen und das Beherrschen des
Globalen” in: Globalität als Systemstörung, XV. Congress of Vereinigung für Internationale
Germanistik, July 2025 (in development).
“Werthers Übersetzungen oder Global-Sentimentaler Stil als Alternative zu Weltliteratur”
Werthers Transformationen: Internationale Fachtagung, July 2024 (in development).
“Globalität entdecken oder fünf Thesen zur (Nicht-) Dominanz,” workshop, Globalität in der
deutschen Literatur des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts, Tübingen University, June 2022 (online
participation due to Covid-19).
“On Marginalia” (pre-circulated case study), Media Inventories, 3
workshop, UBC, November
2021 (online).
“Critiquing Europe – But is it all Fake? Erich Scheurmann’s Der Papalagi (1920),” Against
Exclusivity: New Aesthetics in Literature and Film, Max Kade Symposium, UIC, November 2021
“Arbiter of Nation? The Strange Case of Hans Müller-Casenov’s The Humour of Germany
(1893)” Transnational Framings, Washington University German Studies Symposium,
September 2021.
(Covid-19 postponed), “On Translating the World,” Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany,
summer 2020 (now summer 2022).
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Research Seminar on Translating the World, St. Andrews U, Scotland, April 2020 (postponed
to online May 2021).
(Covid-19 cancelled/postponed), “On Colors: White” PSU, Department of German and
Russian Research Seminar, April 2020.
“On Marginalia – Key Texts,” Media Inventories, 2
workshop, U of MO, February 2020.
“The Fake and the Emergence of Modern Scholarly Disciplines, or Rethinking the Relationship
between Translation and Original” Voltaire Center, IUB, 18
annual workshop, May 2019.
“Sentimentalism Foreclosed, Orality Silenced: before Beauty and the Sublime,” From Grotesque
to Sublime: The Racial Other in an Entangled Enlightenment, international workshop and
conference, Leibnitz-University Hanover, Germany, March 2018.
“Self-Archiving” 19
century Media Inventories, workshop, Dartmouth College, March 2018.
“Color in eighteenth-century German, European, World Literary Studies” A One-Day
Workshop,” Yale University/Eighteenth-Century Studies, Walpole Library, November 2015.
“Mediating the Radical in Small Genres” How Radical was the Enlightenment? University of
Illinois Urbana Champaign, November 2013.
“Translating the World,” Kolloqium Literaturtheorie, Universität Leipzig, June 2013.
“Locating China, or Hidden Aspects of an Eighteenth-century Story” Reading China in the
Enlightenment: A Research Symposium, PSU, State College, February 2012.
“The Persistence of Verticality: on (Architectural) Metaphor” Felix Aestheticus: Colloquium in
Honor of Jochen Schulte-Sasse, University of Minnesota, April 2011.
“How Reviewing Manuscripts Changed my Writing” NeMLA, New Brunswick, NJ, April 2011.
“Die Welt als Intertext: Britisches Kolonialreich und das Hamburger Theater,” Universität
Erlangen, July 2010.
“Princesses, their Popularization, and Reality: Elfriede Jelinek’s Grim(m) Fairy Tales,” Colby
College, April 2008.
“A New Orientalism? A New Romanticism? – Considerations of a ‘old text’ in contemporary
German literature” Williams College Symposium, April 2007.
“From Text to Body: the Changing Image of ‘Chinese Teachers’ in 18
-century German
Literature,” Symposium on Cultural Exchange Edinburgh, Scotland, December 2006.
“Elfriede Jelinek’s Fairy Tale Princesses Transformed: Snow White, Jackie O., and Diana,”
Emory University, October 2006.
“Different Ways of Seeing?: Africa – Blackness – German Cultural and Literary History”
Symposium in conjunction to Africa-Semester, University of TN, Knoxville, February 2003.
“Zur Konzeption ethnischer Differenz im deutschen Idealismus, Kolloquium Kolonialismus als
Kultur?, Humboldt University, June 1999.
Selected Recent Conferences (since 2014)
(forthcoming) “Resisting Explanatory Data” GSA, September 2023.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
“Monitoring one’s Health: “Müßiggang,” Coffee, and other Strangers in Classical
Weimar” ASECS, March 2023 (Participation withdrawn due to illness).
“On Daniel Purdy’s Chinese Sympathies (Cornell UP, 2021)” Author-Meets-Critic Roundtable,
GSA, September 2022.
Kästchen – Small Things, Narrative Episodes” Atkins Goethe Conference, November 2021
(postponed from 2020, due to Covid-19).
(Cancelled due to Covid-19) “Boxes, letters, and the Grand Narrative of World Literature
(Goethe & Carlyle)” ASECS, March 2020.
“The ethical burden and the collapse of (cinematic) form,” In “The Duty of Art: Ethics and
Empathy in Aesthetic Theory,” Seminar, GSA, October 2019.
“New Directions in 18
century German Studies: Roundtable,” GSA, October 2019.
“Seeing White,” Seminar, NeMLA, Washington DC, March 2019.
“Competition in Transmitting Chinese Culture: Enlightenment Journals,” ASECS, Orlando,
March 2018. (not appearing in person).
“Goethe’s Aversions, Cultural Turns,” Atkins Goethe Conference, PSU, November 2017.
“Cosmopolitan Concepts in German Journals: (Un-) Translatables?,” NEASECS/CSECS,
Toronto, October 2017.
“Photographs in German Cinema,” Seminar, GSA, Atlanta, October 2017.
“Lessing’s (Mis-) Translations” MLA, Philadelphia, January 2017.
“Boundaries of the Humane/Human: Watching Schlingensiefs Container” GSA, San Diego,
October 2016.
“Globalizing 18
-century Literary History” Roundtable, MLA, Austin TX, January 2016.
“Imploding Genre/Killer Medium: Anekdoten in 19
-century Journals” GSA, Washington DC,
October 2015.
“Aesthetic Shifts: Goethe’s Towers” 3
Atkins Goethe Conference, Pittsburgh, October 2014.
“Conversion Narratives,” Seminar, GSA, Kansas City, September 2014.
“World Knowledge in Hamburg: Capital around 1800” Capitals of Knowledge, ACLA, NYC
March 2014.
Additional Conferences (1993-2011)
Women in German Conference 2009; Institute for Germanic and Romance Studies, London,
(Rewriting the Radical) 2009; Deutsche Gesellschaft zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts,
2013 ([Das fremde Ding/Transformation des Wissens]; not appearing in person); Goethe
Society Conference (Goethe and the Postclassical) 2008; ASECS 2006 and 2002, Austrian
Writers Conference 2002; GSA 2012, 2010, 2008, 2006, 2004, 2003, 2000, 1998 and 1996;
International Narrative Society, 2003; Kentucky Foreign Language Conferences 2004, 1998,
1994 and 1993; M/MLA conferences 1996, 1995; NEMLA 2010, 2007, 2006 and 2003; and
AATG 1994
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Colors/Identity: A Digital Exhibit, Bowdoin College Museum of Art (co-curated with Ellen
Tani and David Israel), 2016-2017 (now off-line).
Moving the Image: Women and the Camera, Bowdoin College Museum of Art (co-curated
with Diana Tuite), November 2010.
Short Pieces of Writing, Alternate Format Publications, Translations
“Karrierewege in anderen Ländern: USA” Mitteilungen des Deutschen Germanistenverbands
(Göttingen: V&R Unipress, Mai 2018), 193-195.
Felix Aestheticus: Colloquium in Honor of Jochen Schulte-Sasse,” A Digital Festschrift,
two-part DVD, co-edited with Liz Gary, Bowdoin ’11, June 2011.
“Meine Universität: Post aus Übersee. Grußwort zum 600.Jahrestag der Universität Leipzig”
Leipziger Blätter. Sonderheft 2009: 40.
Choice Reviews: books by McCarthy (2017), Goebel (2012)), Saul (2010), Pinkert (2009),
Cusack (2008).
“Minor Debates?” Conference Report, Newsletter, GSNA (Fall 2006).
“Lenz and Laughter.” Conference Report, Newsletter of International Lenz Society (2/2006).
“Akira Kurosawa’s Rashomon,” Lawrence U, November 2000 (FYS-lecture, video-file).
Translation of Hanna Schissler, “Frauen als Mütter. Zur “Normalisierung” der westdeutschen
Gesellschaft,” Sozialwissenschaftliche Informationen 24 (1995)1: 41-48.
Translation of Hassan Melehy (with V. Langbehn), “The Cartesian Web,” in
KultuRRevolution 31/1995: 14-21.
Talks at Bowdoin College
“Small Things, Narrative Episodes,” Inaugural Lecture, Files Professorship, April 2018.
“Seeing, Reading, Translating,” College-wide Convocation address, September 2016.
“Re-Readings, Mis-Readings, New Readings: On Lessing’s Hamburg DramaturgyApril
“Trade versus Gossip: The World in late 18
-century German Cities” March 2011.
“Elfriede Jelinek’s Fairy Tale Princesses: Snow White, Jackie O., and Diana” April 2006.
“Cutting, Pasting, Fabricating: Eighteenth-century German Travel Texts, their Translators
and Editors” April 2004.
Research Collaborations
“Race in Transatlantic Contexts in the 18
century,” with Claudia Nitschke, Durham, und Sigrid
Köhler, Tübingen (from spring 2022).
“German-Asian Studies,” with Mita Banerjee, JGU Mainz (from June 2022)
Tautz, curriculum vitae
“Transatlantic Literatures and Cultures,” with Anke Bandau, Hannover, ongoing since 2012.
Humboldt-Kolleg on Network@1800: New Directions in German and European Studies
(with Crystal Hall, April 5-8, 2017).
“Inventories of the 19
century,” participant in research group organized by Petra McGillen
and Sean Franzel (2018 – present)
DH projects on “Localizing small genres and margins of the canon,” with Jeremy Lewis ’13,
Sabina Hartnett ’18, Quyen Ha ’18, Joosep Vorno ’22, and Crystal Hall (ongoing)
Literature and Culture Courses (at Bowdoin)
- Capstone/Honors Project Writing: Colloquium and Writing Group
- 21
Century German-language Literature and Film (Rethinking Center, Margin, Belonging; in
- 19
-century German literature (Realismus: Geburt der Nation; Realismus, Nation und das
Populäre der Gemeinschaft)
- 18
-century German literature (Das andere 18. Jahrhundert; Geist(er) des 18. Jahrhunderts;
Love-Theft-Travel [the latter with DH component]; also in a remote version with incorporated
Oxford-style tutorial)
- Romanticism (Romantik /Wiederkehr des Romantischen)
- Modernism (Modernist Visions)
- Farben – Zeichen des Ethnischen1800/1900/2000;
- Myth, Modernity, Media
- Gateway Made in Germany
- Introduction to Literature and Culture
German Literature and Culture in English Translation/Film Courses (at Bowdoin)
- Pact with the Devil (intermediate, research-based writing intensive)
- Terrorists and Spies, Borders and Bridges: German Film since 1980 (lecture course)
- Ethics of the Image (advanced seminar and/or intermediate lecture/seminar course,
incl. one iteration with remote portion)
- Nazi Cinema (lecture course);
- Comediennes, Historians, Storytellers: Women Filmmakers (First year seminar)
Language and Culture (at Bowdoin)
- Advanced German: Texts in Contexts (Jugendkultur)
- (Not) Lost in Translation: German across the Disciplines
- Intermediate German I & II (varied textbooks & thematic focus, including remote),
most recently Germany in Europe and German History as Visual Culture, respectively
- Beginning German I & II (varied textbooks, including flipped classroom e-platform)
Additional Seminars/Lecture Courses (Other Institutions)
- German Drama
Tautz, curriculum vitae
- Post-1945 Literature of Germany, Austria, Switzerland
- Literature into Film/Literature as Film
- German Unification in Text and Context
Honors Projects, Independent Studies, Summer Research (director, at Bowdoin)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin in Germany” (Honors) Sofie Brown, 2022-2023.
“Clashes and Destinies: Naturalism/Modernism” (advanced independent study) Colin Campbell,
fall 2022.
“Olivia Wenzel and Sharon Otoo: Novels” (Honors) Annika Moore, 2022-2023.
Race and Global Human Rights 1800 (advanced independent study), Lauren Katz, spring 2022
“German Colonialism in Samoa: Literary Representations” (Honors) Brigita Kant, 2021-2022.
“Soviet-Jewish Migration in 21
-century German literature,” (Honors) Lauren Katz, 2021.
“German-Jewish Life and Literature in East Germany and around 1990,” Hroswaith research
fellowship, Lauren Katz, Summer 2021.
German-Jewish Literature and Philosophy of the 20
century, (advanced independent
study/reading focus) Lauren Katz, Spring 2021.
“Reading Across Genres and Databases: Topic Modeling and its Applications Refined,” Gibbons
fellowship Joosep Vorno, 2020. (JV has since been my RA, publication pending.)
Migration: Sprachen, Räume, Individuen,” (advanced independent study), Roither Gonzales,
Spring 2020.
and 20
century prose (intermediate independent study), Symone Marie Holloway, Spring
2020. (I was also SMH’s co-advisor in MMUF program.)
Willkommenskultur: Refugee Discourse 1800/2000 through Big Data and Close Reading,”
(honors), Sabina Hartnett, 2017-2018, subsequent article in Transit 12.1., a peer-reviewed e-
journal. (SH is now a graduate student in DH at U of Chicago.)
-century views on China in German Journals: Topic Modeling, Gibbons summer
Fellowship Quyen Ha, 2017. (A joint publication with BT and JV is pending.)
and 21
-century German theater (intermediate independent study), Busra Eriz, 2017
“Lessing’s Nathan der Weise Today: Performance, Religion, Politics” (honors), Eva Spaeh,
2015 –2016. (ES is now graduate student at LMU in neurolinguistics.)
“Popularization and Fairy Tale” (honors), Anna Piotti, 2015–2016. (AP is now a PhD
Student in German and Language Science at Penn State.)
“Voiced Over: Reimag(in)ing Blackness in German Film” (honors), Arhea Marshall,
2014 – 2015. (AM is now a graduate student in global literatures at Eberhard Karls
Universität Tübingen.)
“Der Wolf und das Mädchen: Gewalt und Koketterie in Grimms’ Märchen Rotkäppchen” Caitlin
Greenwood (honors), 2014 – 2015.
“Translating Gottfried Benn’s Statische Gedichte” Zackary Suhr (honors), 2013 – 2014.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Survey of German Poetry (intermediate independent study), Zach Burton, spring 2014.
“Qingdao: Der andere Kolonialismus” (honors), Ben Ziomek, 2012 – 2013.
“Myth and Modernity” (advanced independent study/writing), Molly Krueger, Fall
2012. (MK is now a PhD candidate in German Studies at UC Berkeley.)
Romanticism and Film (intermediate independent study), Caitlin Stratton, Fall 2012.
Yoko Tawada (advanced independent study/reading focus), Chester Eng, 2010 – 2011.
“Herausforderungen an die deutsche Kulturnation” (honors), Sally Hudson, 2009 – 2010.
“’Um der gebrechlichen Einrichtung der Welt willen:’ Geschlecht und Scham in Heinrich
von Kleists ‘Marquise von O’” (honors), Teresa Weaver, 2008 – 2009.
Nietzsche and Ecology (advanced independent study/reading focus), Nick Manny, spring 2009.
“The Uncommon Palatine-Mohawk Relationship” (Mellon Mays Summer Project), Rebecca
Shouveiller, 2008.
“Defining Fluctuation: Movement and Change in Fiction and Feature Films about Millennial
Berlin” (honors), Andrew MacDonald, 2006 – 2007.
“Creating his own Myth: Werther’s Façade, Self-Deception, Delusion” (honors),
Courtney Reichert, 2006.
“Kanak Sprak und Kultur: Feridun Zaimoglus Weg vom Ethnographen zum Pop-Star”
(honors), Adnan Prsic, 2004 – 2005.
Sadistic Violence in Fairy Tales (advanced independent study/reading focus), Bitsy Gerasimova,
“Amerika-Ausgangspunkt, Fluchtpunkt, Sehepunkt: Amerikabilder in der Gegenwarts-
literatur der Schweiz” (honors), Hanny Studer, 2003 – 2004.
“Afro-Germans: Conflicts among Generations” (honors), Bethany Dittmar, 2002 – 2003.
Honors Committees (at Bowdoin)
“Jewish cemeteries and GDR memorial culture” Emily Cohen (2019-2020, History
“Nazis in Latin America after World War Two” Ellen Kimball (2010-2011; History
Reader and committee member on all German Department Honors from 2014- 2018 and
Advisory Board, book series New Studies in the Age of Goethe, (Bucknell/Rutgers UP), 2022 –
Co-Editor, Goethe Yearbook, 2018 – 2023.
Book Review Editor, Goethe Yearbook, 2013 – 2015.
Editorial Board, German Quarterly, 2016 – present.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Editorial Board, Women in German Yearbook, 2009 – 2015.
Advisory Editor, Eighteenth-Century Studies, July 2010 – 2012.
Manuscript Reviews and Consultations
Journals: Eighteenth-Century Studies, European History Quarterly, German Studies Review,
Goethe Yearbook, German Quarterly, Modern Austrian Literature, Mosaic,
Publications of the English Goethe Society, Seminar, Women in German Yearbook
Academic Presses: Cornell UP, Northwestern UP, U of Michigan P, Camden
House; Berghahn Books, Houghton-Mifflin
Manuscript Workshops: University of TN, Knoxville
Translation Review/Consultation (online, completed): Lessing’s Hamburgische
Dramaturgie/Hamburg Dramaturgy, transl. by Wendy
Arons et al. (New York: Routledge, 2018)
Professional Organizations
Member, Committee for MLA Scaglione Prize for Studies in Germanic Languages and
Literatures, 2021-2024.
Mentor, Dissertation workshop, Atkins Goethe Conference: Goethe’s Things, online, 2020.
Member, ASECS essay Prize Committee, 2018 – 2019.
Volunteer, Mentoring 1-1-Workshops, NEMLA, 2019.
Member (ex officio), Essay Prize Committee German Quarterly, 2016 – present.
Executive Secretary, North American Goethe Society, 2016 – 2017.
Member, Essay Prize Committee, Goethe Society of North America, 2017.
Member, Honorary Members and Honorary Fellows Committee, AATG, 2016 – 2018.
Member, Search Committee, Editor of German Quarterly, AATG, summer 2015.
Member (ex officio), Executive Committee of North American Goethe Society, 2013 – present.
Elected Member, Executive Committee, 18
and early 19
- century German Literature, MLA,
2009 – 2014, secretary 2012, chair 2013.
Member, Search Committee for Co-Editor, Women in German Yearbook, 2014.
Elected Member, Executive Board, Director of German, NEMLA, 2008 – 2011.
Chair, Dissertation Prize Committee, Women in German, 2009 – 2011.
Member, Book Manuscript Award Committee, NEMLA, 2010 – 2011.
Conference Service to Professional Organizations
Paper Peer Review: 18
- century German Literature at MLA, 2009 – 2014 (chair 2013)
Program Chair: German section at NEMLA 2009 – 2011
Panel Organizer: for MLA 2017 and 2018, ASECS 2020, 2018 and 2013 (also
commentator) and 2006 (two panels, also moderator), GSA 2019,
2017 (also commentator), 2012, 2010, 2008 and 2006, for NEMLA
2013 (also moderator), 2010, 2007 and 2003 (also moderator),
SEASECS 1999 (also moderator), AATG/ACTFL 1995 (also
Commentator: GSA 2015, 2012, 2010, and 2008; ASECS 2005, SAESECS 1999;
GSA 1999
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Moderator: Atkins Goethe Conference 2021, 2014; MLA 2016, 2014, 2013 and 2011;
NeMLA 2010; GSA 2022, 2008, 2004, 2000 and 1999; SEASECS 1999
Reviews, Grants and Research Projects
Kluge Fellowship/NEH/Library of Congress; Austrian Research Foundation; Research
Council KU Leuven (Belgium); ad hoc emergency NEH
Reviews, Programs and Tenure and Promotion
Review of Department of German, Middlebury College, 2023.
Review of Department of German (chair), Grinnell College, 2018.
Review of Department of German and Russian, Washington & Lee U, 2017.
Review of Department of German, Vassar College, 2014.
Review of Department of German and Russian, Franklin & Marshall College, 2009.
Reviews for Tenure/Promotion, collectively representing broad institutional spectrum and
including SLACs, R1 research universities, and comprehensive public universities:
- to Professor in USA in 2016, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022; to Professor in Canada 2020
- to Associate Professor in 2022, 2021(2), 2020, 2019, 2017, 2012, 2010
- TT Assistant professor for reappointment 2014
- External advisor for appointment to Chair/Professor in the UK 2019.
Certificate Program in Data Storytelling, four courses, Purdue U, May 2023 – present
Humanities Podcasting Symposium, Online, October 2021.
3-Day-Intensive Curricular/Course Design, CBB/Bowdoin CLT, August 2020.
Asynchronous course, lectures/webinars, weekly meetings with Everspring, August 2020.
Bowdoin-IT-organized Blackboard, Zoom, Ensemble workshops, August 2020.
Various workshops remote teaching (Teams, Zoom), Bowdoin College, March 2020.
Intentional Pedagogy, Bowdoin College, August 2019.
Women’s Leadership & Advancement Workshop, U Maine, May 2019.
Mellon and Colby-Bowdoin-Art Museums: Object-centered Active Learning, June 2017.
AvH Alumni Colloquium Washington DC (invitee), March 2017.
Identity in an Evolving Europe, Mini conference at Bates (EUROMaine), April 2016.
Tangled Times: Memory in Europe, Mini conference at Bates (EUROMaine), May 2015.
DAAD/Goethe-Institute: German across Disciplines/Engineering, October 2014.
“Werthers Medien,” seminar, Wellesley College, February 2019.
“Using Visual Art to Structure a Curriculum,” Colby Art Museum, August 2018.
“Schiller’s Robbers in the 1920s. A Conversation,” Portland Museum of Art, May 2018.
“Making the Transition: On being a Faculty Member”, U of Minnesota, April 2011.
“Cultural Studies in Language Teaching,” Maine AATG, fall 2004.
“Redefining the eighteenth century,” ACM, 2001.
“Felix Aestheticus: Colloqium in Honor of Jochen Schulte-Sasse,” U of MN, April 2011.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
At Bowdoin College
Leadership in Professional Development and on Committees:
Faculty Co-Lead, Mellon Concept Pre-Proposal, 2023
Initiator and Convener, Research into Action: Seminar in Second Language Acquisition
(4 events total; model for collaborative research seminar to increase visibility of
language departments), 2017-18.
Faculty Panel on Prolific Scholarship/Publishing, jointly with Bowdoin Library, 2016..
Chair (Spring 18), Recording Committee, 2017 – 2018.
Search Committees: Tenure-track (2013 – 2014, 2005 – 2006) and full-time visiting
positions in German (2016-17, 2013 – 2014, 2010 – 2011, 2008 – 2009).
Committee Memberships
Search committees for Art Museum Curator (2009 – 2010); Associate Dean of the
Faculty (2007); Associate Librarian for Collections, ad hoc (2020); Positions in Film
(2010); Classics (2007); Spanish (2005); Russian (2005).
Curriculum Implementation Committee (2022 –).
Sills Hall Program Committee (2022 –).
Recording Committee, 2017 – 2018.
College Reaccreditation Committee, 2016 – 2018.
Film Studies/Cinema Studies Program Committee, fall 2012, 2014 – present.
Student Appeal and Grievance Committee, 2013 – 2016.
Art Museum Executive Committee, 2009 – 2011.
Working Group on International Education, 2008 – 2009.
Film Studies Working Group, 2008 – 2010.
Curricular and Educational Policy Committee, 2005 – 2007.
New Course Subcommittee, 2005 – 2006.
Off-Campus Study Committee, 2003 – 2005.
Leadership Curricular Development/Co-Curricular Programming:
Initiator and co-facilitator, “Will you read with us? Susan Neiman’s Learning from the
Germans” (current students and alumni common read), fall 2020.
Lead Self-Study/ Departmental External Review and Center of Excellence, 2016 – 2018
Co-convener, Mellon courses/professional development series “Beauty,” 2014 – 2016
and Mediterranean Studies group, summer 2013.
Initiator and main organizer of event series funded by German embassy/Information
Center: Germany on Campus (two events, fall 2022), Making Choices (3 events total, fall
2017), German Voices in Europe (two events, 2015-2016), generally themed campus
weeks (2014 – 2015, 2013 – 2014, 2009); organizer of thirteen additional campus-wide
lectures by German Studies/film/literature scholars as well as multiple film screenings,
combined with panel discussions since 2004, most recently in 2019 and in collaboration
with MMUF.
DEI Initiatives
Departmental DEI representative, Fall 2022 -
Groundwater Approach Racism/Anti-Racism, December 2021.
Tautz, curriculum vitae
Bystander-Training/ Anti-Asian Violence, Hollaback!, April 2021.
DiversityEdu training course 2020.
Co-Facilitator, White Fragility reading group, 2019-2020.
Advancing Women UMaine workshop Spring 2019.
Student Advising and Recruiting Programs
Pre-major and major advisor, study abroad advisor (since 2003), BASE advisor (2016 –
2017; special program for under-prepared students/inclusion).
Various programs for Admissions office and Student Affairs, respectively (on student
research; open Q&A, post-enrollment academic fairs, open houses, etc.).
German (native), English (near native), French (good reading knowledge), Latin and Russian
(reading knowledge), Danish (rudimentary reading knowledge)
American Comparative Literature Association, American Society for Eighteenth Century
Studies, German Studies Organization, Goethe-Society of North America, Lessing Society,
Modern Language Association, American Association of Teachers of German
(May 30, 2023)