Oxford Review of Education
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Pathways from the early language and
communication environment to literacy outcomes
at the end of primary school; the roles of language
development and social development
Jenny L. Gibson, Dianne F. Newbury, Kevin Durkin, Andrew Pickles, Gina
Conti-Ramsden & Umar Toseeb
To cite this article: Jenny L. Gibson, Dianne F. Newbury, Kevin Durkin, Andrew Pickles, Gina
Conti-Ramsden & Umar Toseeb (2021) Pathways from the early language and communication
environment to literacy outcomes at the end of primary school; the roles of language
development and social development, Oxford Review of Education, 47:2, 260-283, DOI:
To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/03054985.2020.1824902
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa
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Published online: 11 Nov 2020.
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Pathways from the early language and communication
environment to literacy outcomes at the end of primary
school; the roles of language development and social
Jenny L. Gibson
, Dianne F. Newbury
, Kevin Durkin
, Andrew Pickles
Gina Conti-Ramsden
and Umar Toseeb
Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;
Department of Biological and Medical
Sciences, Oxford Brookes University, Headington Campus, Oxford, UK;
Department of Psychology,
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK;
Department of Biostatistics, Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and
Neuroscience, King’s College London, London, UK;
School of Health Sciences, The University of Manchester,
Manchester, UK;
Department of Education, University of York, York, UK
The quality of a child’s early language and communication environ-
ment (ELCE) is an important predictor of later educational out-
comes. However, less is known about the routes via which these
early experiences inuence the skills that support academic
achievement. Using data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of
Parents and Children (n = 7,120) we investigated relations between
ELCE (<2 years), literacy and social adjustment at school entry
(5 years), structural language development and social development
in mid-primary school (7–9 years), and literacy outcomes (reading
and writing) at the end of primary school (11 years) using structural
equation modelling. ELCE was a signicant, direct predictor of social
adjustment and literacy skills at school entry and of linguistic and
social competence at 7–9 years. ELCE did not directly explain var
iance in literacy outcomes at the end of primary school, instead the
inuence was exerted via indirect paths through literacy and social
adjustment aged 5, and, language development and social devel
opment at 7–9 years. Linguistic and social skills were both predic-
tors of literacy skills at the end of primary school. Findings are
discussed with reference to their potential implications for the
timing and targets of interventions designed to improve literacy
Literacy; social relationships;
language; linguistics;
communication; longitudinal
Children’s early oral language skills are positively associated with later academic out-
comes (Bleses et al., 2016; Roulstone et al., 2011). This applies to many aspects of
academic performance but it is especially relevant to achievement in literacy (Durkin
et al., 2009). One reason for this is that oral language competencies in areas such as
phonology, vocabulary, syntax, non-literal language and story-telling can form a secure
foundation for reading comprehension and decoding (Bishop & Snowling, 2004; Bowyer-
CONTACT Umar Toseeb [email protected] Department of Education, University of York, York YO10 5DD,
2021, VOL. 47, NO. 2, 260–283
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/
licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
Crane et al., 2008). Reading skills in turn facilitate children’s engagement with texts and
production of their own writing, on which formal academic assessment often depends. In
addition, linguistic skills enable a child to benet from direct instruction from a teacher,
which is typically delivered using linguistic means of communication.
There may also be inuences on literacy outcomes via the relations between oral
language skills and social development. Like oral language competence, early social
competence has been linked to later academic achievement, in this case via positive
school adjustment and engagement in collaborative learning with peers (Denham &
Brown, 2010; Taylor et al., 2004; Von Salisch et al., 2015). Moreover, social competence
has a close link to oral language competence (St Clair et al., 2011; Mok et al., 2014).
Linguistic and social competencies have a mutually inuential impact in early child
development. A child’s rst words emerge in the context of early caregiver interactions
(Carpenter et al., 1998). Later in toddlerhood and beyond, more advanced linguistic skills
give children tools to make friends and engage in play (Fujiki et al., 1999; Ho, 2006; Hoyte
et al., 2014; Rakoczy et al., 2006). In turn, these social competencies may enable children to
engage in peer learning opportunities (such as conversation or collaborative problem
solving), which are associated with more positive educational outcomes (Mercer & Howe,
2012; Vrikki et al., 2019).
Both language development and social development are not only inuenced by
individual dierences in underlying abilities but also by proximal and distal environmen
tal factors. Oral language development is dependent on the nature, frequency and quality
of early communicative experiences provided by the main caregiver and others
(Huttenlocher et al., 2010; Romeo et al., 2018). These proximal inuences on early
linguistic development comprise a diverse and complex range of factors such as the
activities and support that caregivers provide to scaold early communication (e.g.,
talking to, reading or playing with, or singing to a child), alongside consideration of the
economic resources that families put into communication-relevant activities, for example,
books, toys or visits to the library (Roulstone et al., 2011). Reecting the reciprocal
inuences discussed above, high-quality early environments have also been shown to
be good predictors of social skills development (Rose et al., 2018), while parental beha
viours that support language development also support social development.
Given that provision of a high-quality early learning environment draws on both
temporal and nancial resources, the construct should also be considered with reference
to socioeconomic status (SES). Deleterious eects of poverty have been consistently
observed for children’s language development and social development (Bradley &
Corwyn, 2002; Ho, 2003; Law et al., 2019) as well as for literacy outcomes (Feinstein,
2003; Jerrim et al., 2015). Even so, a recent analysis has shown that while SES is an
inuential factor, good quality early learning environments can be created even in
resource-limited families (Law et al., 2019). That is: while the availability of resources is
signicant, good use of whatever is available is more important (Ho, 2003).
An array of factors, then, including environmental quality, SES and material resources,
individual dierences in the pace of linguistic and social development, bear on the skills
a child has at the time of entry to school and contribute to ‘school readiness’. The construct
of school readiness captures the extent to which a child is ready to thrive in the context of
formal schooling (Snow, 2006). It can be viewed across several domains, including academic
competences such as literacy and numeracy, and so-called ‘non-cognitive’ or ‘learning
readiness’ skills such as social awareness, self-regulation, independence and persistence in
problem-solving (Blair & Raver, 2015; Carton & Winsler, 1999; Denham, 2006; Fink et al.,
Findings regarding the relative contributions of these dierent skill domains at school
entry have been mixed. Konold and Pianta (2005) found that children characterised by
a high level of social skill at school entry tended to do better than most other groups on
academic outcomes measured after the rst year of school. On the other hand, a meta-
analysis of six longitudinal cohort studies (drawn from Canada, UK and USA), using school
entry assessments as predictors of academic achievement, found moderate eects for early
number skills, small eects for early literacy and language skills and null eects for early
social skills (Duncan et al., 2007). Interestingly, however, a replication of this meta-analysis in
the Canadian data, using multiple imputation to account for missing datapoints, found that
social adjustment at school entry did in fact predict academic achievement (Romano et al.,
2010). Furthermore, the original Duncan study aggregated outcome measures from quite
a wide age range from age 7–8 years to 13–14 years, depending on the available data in
each cohort. Therefore, some of the variability across domains may be due to the age of
assessment; theorists have suggested that the inuences of social competencies on learning
may increase as children get older (Denham & Brown, 2010). In light of these mixed ndings,
there is still work to be done in understanding how the skills in dierent domains that
children have at school entry develop in concert over time, and in identifying the pathways
via which early environmental factors exert inuence over the later linguistic and social
competencies that ultimately aect academic outcomes.
The current study
In the current study, we used a large cohort dataset, the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents
and Children (ALSPAC), to investigate the relative importance of linguistic and social
inuences on achievement in literacy at the end of primary school. Our thesis is that
a positive early language and communication environment (ELCE) initiates a ‘virtuous
cycle’ whereby early social and communicative experiences boost individual development
in these domains, thus supporting school readiness. We consider the features of a positive
early language and communication environment to be parental resources and behaviours
that provide optimal conditions for child language development (Bradley & Corwyn, 2002;
Son & Morrison, 2010). This might include parental sensitive and contingent responding,
engaging the child in play and other one-to-one activities, and emotional warmth (Son &
Morrison, 2010). In turn, skills at school entry enable children to capitalise on opportunities
in the school environment, further promoting linguistic and social development and
ultimately supporting academic attainment at the transition to high school.
We need also further evidence to address the fascinating possibility that, as children
progress through primary school, learning may be increasingly inuenced by dierent
domains of development or that the impact of development in dierent domains upon
learning may vary over time. Oral structural language skills (i.e. expressive and receptive
competence in morphosyntax and semantics) have been traditionally linked to literacy
achievement but their relative importance when compared to social inuences on literacy
at dierent stages of development is not clear. Therefore, we plan to compare the relative
inuence of oral structural language skills with the inuence of social competences upon
literacy outcomes. Given that performance in reading is strongly linked to decoding skills
(Castles et al., 2018), we include this, along with performance IQ, in our model even though
they are not variables of primary interest to the current study. Note that in the current study
we use the term ‘literacy outcomes’ as a shorthand for academic performance in reading
and writing.
To achieve these aims we adopt a longitudinal, community-based cohort approach.
Modelling of children’s development and achievement over time allows us to address the
following predictions:
We expect to nd a direct eect of early environmental inuences on academic and
social school readiness at school entry, on linguistic and social development in middle-
primary school and also on literacy attainment at age 11 years. We also expect that
indirect paths from linguistic and social abilities may dierentially impact on academic
performance in literacy outcomes at the end of primary school. Based on the weight of
previous evidence, we predict stronger eects of linguistic ability, compared to social
abilities, on literacy outcomes.
Materials and methods
Ethical approvals
Ethical approval for the study was obtained from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents
and Children (ALSPAC) Ethics and Law Committee and the Local Research Ethics
Committees. Ethical approval for the secondary analysis of existing ALSPAC data was
obtained from the University of York Education Ethics Committee (reference: 18/5).
Study sample
Data from the ALSPAC sample were used in this study (Boyd et al., 2013; Fraser et al., 2013).
All pregnant women in the old administrative region of Avon, whose estimated delivery was
between April 1991 to December 1992, were eligible to participate. The ALSPAC enrolled
sample consisted of 15,454 pregnancies, which resulted in a total number of 15,589 children
(including multiple births). Of these, 14,901 were alive at 1 years of age. Parents and children
provided biological samples, questionnaire data, and took part in direct assessments. Full
details of the cohort are reported elsewhere. The study website contains details of all the
data that are available and provides a fully searchable data dictionary and a variable search
tool (http://www.bristol.ac.uk/alspac/researchers/our-data/).
A number of exclusionary criteria were applied: second-born children, those who did
not take part in the speech and language session at age 8 years, and those with
a performance IQ below 60 were removed (n = 8,325). This resulted in a nal sample
size of 7,120 (50% boys).
Early language and communication environment (ELCE, 18–24 months)
When the child was aged 18–24 months, ELCE was assessed using a measure previously
used by Roulstone et al. (2011). Higher scores on the measure are indicative of richer
home environmental support for language and communication. The ELCE measure
includes ve subscales: mother-child direct teaching (e.g., mum teaches songs), mother-
child activities (e.g., frequency mum has physical play with child), child’s interactions with
others (e.g., child sung to), resources (e.g., number of toy vehicles a child has at home),
and other activities (e.g., frequency child taken to park). The composite sum scores from
these ve subscales were used to create a continuous latent variable within a structural
equation modelling (SEM) framework (CFI =.952, TLI = .904, RMSEA = .063, SRMR = .028).
Full details of the measure are provided in Appendix A.
Early socio-economic status (SES)
A composite measure of socioeconomic status was taken from Roulstone et al. (2011) and
adapted (car ownership question removed because 95% of the sample owned a car). The
measure consisted of a number of parent-report questions, which were taken at 8- and 32-
weeks gestation. They were coded as described in Roulstone et al. (2011). Responses were
coded on a binary scale for paternal occupation (0 = manual, 1 = non manual), maternal
education (0 = lower than A level, 1 = A level or higher), house tenure (0 = not owned,
1 = owned), home overcrowding (0 = more than one person per room, 1 = less than one
person per room), and nancial diculties (0 = nancial diculties reported, 1 = no nancial
diculties reported). These binary variables were then summed to create an early SES score
ranging from 0 to 5. Higher scores indicate higher SES.
School entry measures (4–5 years)
Children in the UK usually begin school by starting in ‘Reception’ class in the September
following their fourth birthday and then transition into formal schooling in ‘Year 1ʹ during
their fth year of life. Although at the time the ALSPAC children reached Reception-age
there were no statutory assessments, the local region had its own school entry assess
ments, and these were used in the current study. We have used these assessments as
teacher-rated school readiness indicators in the domains of social adjustment and literacy.
Each assessment area was teacher-rated on a scale of 2–7 with higher scores indicating
greater competence. Assessments were carried out in the rst half-term following entry
once teachers were satised the children were settled. Two measures from these assess
ments were used in the analyses reported here:
Literacy at school entry. This latent variable (described in the statistical analyses section)
comprises early reading and writing skills as rated during the reception year.
Social adjustment at school entry. This observed variable is the teacher assessment of
the child’s social adjustment in the rst half-term after school-entry.
Mid-primary school measures (7–9 years)
At the mid-point of primary school, measures of linguistic and social development were
taken. These were a combination of in-clinic assessments and parent-report:
Language development at age 8 years. This was based on measures of expressive and
receptive language skills. These skills were measured using subtests from the Weschler
Objective Language Dimensions (WOLD; Rust, 1996) and were carried out via direct
assessment with each child. The expressive language task was a 10-item picture naming
task and the receptive language task involved being shown a complex picture, listening to
a paragraph about it, and subsequently being asked 16 comprehension questions about
what the child had heard. For both tests, incorrect responses were scored as 0 and correct
responses were scored as 1. Scores were then summed to create a score ranging from 0 to
10 for expressive language and 0 to 16 for receptive language. Composite sum scores for
both measures of language development were used to create a latent variable for
language ability (as described in the statistical analyses section).
Social development. This was based on three measures: play skills, prosociality and
pragmatic language, which were combined to generate a latent variable (as described
in the statistical analyses section).
Play skills at 7 years. Parents were asked to rate their child’s social play skills such as
sharing toys and easily taking turns in a game. There were eight items and the responses
to each item were recoded onto a two-point scale (1 = yes but not well, 2 = yes can do well)
and a mean score was calculated. Scores ranged between 1 and 2, with higher scores
indicating higher levels of skill in play-based interactions.
Prosociality at 7 years. The prosociality scale was based on parental ratings on the
Strengths and Diculties Questionnaire (SDQ) prosocial subscale (Goodman, 1997),
which consists of ve statements rated on a three-point scale (0 = not true, 1 = somewhat
true, 2 = certainly true). Scores ranged from 0 to 10 with higher scores showing higher
levels of prosociality.
Pragmatic language at 9 years. The Children’s Communication Checklist (Bishop, 1998)
was used to assess pragmatic language. This is a parental rating of child communication
skills. The following subscales were summed to form the pragmatic score: inappropriate
initiation, coherence, stereotyped conversation, use of conversational context, and conversa
tional rapport. Higher scores indicate greater pragmatic language ability. The pragmatic
scale was included in the social development latent variable as it involves the social use of
language (for example, in a conversation) rather than the more traditional ‘structural’
measures of comprehension and expression indexes in the language development variable.
Of course, pragmatics also relies on linguistic skills and the distinction is not absolute; for this
reason, we co-varied the language development and social development latent variables in
our model (see statistical analyses section).
Performance IQ at age 8 years. The Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC:
Wechsler, 1991) was used to assess performance IQ (PIQ). To generate a performance IQ
score, the ve performance subtests were used: picture completion, coding, picture
arrangement, block design, and object assembly. The raw scores were standardised
using the WISC manual to generate an age-appropriate score for each child. Higher scores
indicated higher performance IQ.
Decoding skills at age 9 years. This was assessed face-to-face by asking the child to read
out 10 words and 10 non-words. Both types of words were taken from a larger battery of
words (Nunes et al., 2003). Incorrect responses were coded as 0 and correct responses
were coded as 1. These were summed to create a score out of 10 for words and the same
for non-words with higher scores indicating better reading ability. These two scores were
then combined to generate a latent variable for decoding skills (as described in the
statistical analyses section).
End of primary school literacy outcomes (11 years)
The literacy outcomes measures are based on statutory national assessments that all
children in England complete at the end of primary school (key stage 2). The ALSPAC
study team obtained data from the National Pupil Database (NPD, the English national
record of educational achievement for children in state schools) and linked it with the
data for each child. In the present study, we used scores from key stage 2 reading and
writing assessments to compute a latent variable, literacy outcomes.
Statistical analyses
A SEM approach was used to address the research questions. Prior to implementing the
SEMs, a theoretical model specifying the relations and pathways we expected to see
between the study variables was constructed (see Figure A1 in Appendix).
The SEM model was specied in Mplus version 7.3 (Muthen & Muthen, 2012). All other
analyses were run in Stata/MP 16 (StataCorp, 2019). Pathways between the ELCE and end
of primary school literacy outcomes were investigated. This included direct paths and also
indirect paths via social school readiness (4–5 years) and a number of latent variables:
literacy at school entry (4–5 years), language development (8 years), and social develop
ment (7–9 years). We also included direct and indirect paths via covariates such as
performance IQ (8 years) and decoding skills (9 years). Latent variables can be interpreted
in the same way as composite sum scores but with less measurement error. This is
because the extent of the associations between the subscales and the continuous latent
variable can vary, whereas with a composite sum score this is not possible. Taking the
example of the ELCE, in a composite sum score, it is assumed that all ve subscales
contribute equally to ELCE. In a latent variable, if one of the subscales is more important
for ELCE then this is accounted for in the model.
SEM models allow for a measurement (i.e., the latent factor modelling) and structural
model (i.e., the path analysis) to be run concurrently within a single model. The measure
ment model allows for an account to be taken of measurement errors that would
otherwise downwardly bias the apparent strength of association between the predictor
and outcome. Individual items were not loaded directly onto the latent factors. Instead,
a method known as parcelling was used. To do this, rst, composite sum scores were
created for each of the constituent variables for any given latent variable and these scores
were treated as observed variables for the purposes of the latent factor loadings. In total,
there were six latent variables in the SEM; ELCE (mother-child direct teaching, mother-
child activities, child’s interactions with others, resources, and other activities), literacy at
school entry (reading and writing), language development in mid-primary school (expres
sive and receptive language), social development in mid-primary school (play skills,
prosociality, and pragmatic language), decoding skills (word reading and non-word read
ing), and end of primary school literacy outcomes (reading and writing).
The MLR estimator, which is robust to non-normality, was used in the SEM. Residual
variances for all latent variables at age 5 years and 7–9 years were correlated with all
others at the same time point to account for the overlap between the constructs. The
MODEL INDIRECT command was used to test for indirect paths between ELCE and end of
primary school literacy outcomes. All indirect paths were tested rather than just when
there was a signicant main eect; the indirect paths were calculated post-hoc using the
delta method. This is in line with other literature that uses a similar approach and allowed
potential suppressor eects to be revealed (St Clair et al., 2015; MacKinnon, 2000).
Missing data
Given the nature of longitudinal studies, sample attrition is almost inevitable. The ALSPAC
sample was no exception as there was sample attrition and thus missing data. We
compared children who took part at both age 1 and also at the end of primary school.
There was no signicant gender dierence in sample attrition
(1, N = 14,854 = .13,
p = .723) between the sample at 1 years old and those with literacy outcomes data at the
end of primary school. For those who dropped out, socioeconomic status was lower (t
(13,957) = 6.61, p < .001) compared to those who continued to participate at the end of
primary school. For the SEM, the full information maximum likelihood method was used
to deal with missing data.
Pairwise correlations between all variables of interest and descriptive statistics are
shown in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The nal SEM is shown in Figure 1 (CFI = .965,
TLI = .949, RMSEA = .033, SRMR = .033). A full list of coecients for all paths and factor
loadings are provided in Table 3 and the indirect eects are shown in Table 4. For
precision, the path coecients in this section, and in Tables 3 and 4, are reported to
three decimal places.
The eect of ELCE on school readiness at school entry, language development and
social development in the middle-years of primary school
As shown in Table 3, ELCE was associated with literacy at school entry = .225, 95% CI:
.193, .256) and social adjustment at school entry = .090, 95% CI:.053, .127); as well as
language development (β = .118, 95% CI: .086, .150), social development (β = .247, 95% CI:
.208, .286), performance IQ (β = .039, 95% CI: .003, .055), and decoding skills (β = .087, 95%
CI: .058, .116) in the middle years of primary school. In short, a richer ELCE was associated
with more favourable school readiness in literacy and social adjustment, language devel
opment and social development, and performance IQ and decoding skills in the middle
years of primary school.
As expected, higher pre-natal socioeconomic status was associated with better literacy
= .312, 95% CI: .286, .338) and social adjustment at school entry (β = .157, 95% CI: .127,
.188) as well as better language development = .196, 95% CI: .168, .225) and social
development = .128, 95% CI: .090, .167), and performance IQ = .139, 95% CI: .117,
.162) and decoding skills (β = .149, 95% CI: .125, .173) in the middle years of primary
school. Therefore, early socioeconomic status and ELCE each make a unique contribution
to subsequent outcomes at school entry and middle years of primary school.
Table 1. Pairwise correlations between all variables of interest.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
1. Mother-child direct teaching 1
2. Mother-child activities .36*** 1
3. Child’s interactions with others .30*** .45*** 1
4. Resources .09*** .18*** .26*** 1
5. Other activities .16*** .25*** .25*** .20*** 1
6. Early socioeconomic status (< 2 years) .07*** .10*** .20*** .17*** .15*** 1
7. Reading (5y) .13*** .10*** .19*** .09*** .10*** .25*** 1
8. Writing (5y) .12*** .10*** .15*** .05** .10*** .19*** .55*** 1
9. Social adjustment at school entry (5y) .07** .05* .11*** .05* .10*** .14*** .49*** .47*** 1
10. Receptive language (8y) .06*** .07*** .11*** .10*** .06*** .19*** .21*** .15*** .15*** 1
11. Expressive language (8y) .10*** .10*** .19*** .10*** .07*** .24*** .30*** .24*** .18*** .40*** 1
12. Play skills (7y) .07*** .11*** .12*** .08*** .05*** .09*** .12*** .11*** .14*** .07*** .12*** 1
13. Prosociality (7y) .10*** .12*** .11*** .02 .05*** .00 .05** .08*** .13*** .03* .04** .34*** 1
14. Pragmatic language (9y) .07*** .10*** .15*** .11*** .08*** .20*** .18*** .18*** .20*** .13***
.19*** .26*** .20*** 1
15. Performance IQ (8y) .08*** .05*** .13*** .13*** .08*** .24*** .29*** .26*** .19*** .24*** .35*** .13*** .03** .17*** 1
16. Word reading (9y) .11*** .09*** .17*** .07*** .08*** .22*** .26*** .24*** .18*** .23*** .37*** .13*** .03 .23*** .27*** 1
17. Non-word reading (9y) .08*** .07*** .13*** .07*** .04** .17*** .20*** .18*** .13*** .17*** .29*** .10*** .01 .17*** .23*** .72*** 1
18. Reading (11y) .14*** .11*** .22*** .08*** .14*** .32*** .40*** .35*** .29*** .35*** .48*** .16*** .07*** .29*** .42*** .61*** .49*** 1
19. Writing (11y) .11*** .10*** .18*** .04** .13*** .27*** .36*** .35*** .27*** .21*** .34*** .12*** .08*** .25*** .31*** .53*** .45*** .67***
*** p < .001, **p < .01, * p < .05.
Direct pathways from ELCE, early SES, and language development and social
development to end of primary school literacy outcomes
There was a direct eect from early socioeconomic status to end of primary school literacy
outcomes = .057, 95% CI: .037, .076). There was not, however, a residual direct eect
between ELCE and end of primary school literacy outcomes = −.009 95% CI: −.032,
Table 2. Summary statistics for all variables of interest.
n Mean (SD) Range
Early language and communication environment (18–24 months)
Mother-child direct teaching 6,425 8.05 (1.56) 0–10
Mother-child activities 6,409 32.84 (3.22) 14–40
Child’s interactions with others 6,234 28.10 (2.07) 5–30
Resources 6,230 21.53 (2.16) 6–24
Other activities 6,408 8.38 (1.92) 2–15
Early socioeconomic status (< 2 years) 6,765 8.38 (1.92) 0–5
School entry measures (5 years)
Reading 4,787 5.25 (.85) 2–7
Writing 4,788 5.04 (.84) 2–7
Social adjustment 2,459 5.57 (1.02) 2–7
Mid-primary school measures (7–9 years)
Receptive language 7,113 7.49 (1.94) 2–15
Expressive language 7,091 7.47 (1.80) 0–10
Play skills 5,830 1.74 (.19) 1–2
Prosociality 5,715 8.21 (1.71) 0–10
Pragmatic language 5,557 151.32 (7.16) 98–162
Performance IQ 7,120 99.98 (16.71) 60–151
Word reading 6,371 7.63 (2.38) 0–10
Non-word reading 6,368 5.29 (2.47) 0–10
End of primary school literacy outcomes (11 years)
Reading 6,047 31.36 (8.29) 0–49
Writing 6,049 27.81 (7.85) 2–50
Figure 1. Pathways to end of primary school literacy outcomes. Dot-dashed lines depict non-
significant paths. Solid lines depict significant direct paths at p <.05 or lower. Bold solid lines depict
significant indirect pathways at p <.05 or lower. Note. The covariance arrows between all the
mediators at age 5 and 7–9 years have been removed to make the figure clearer. The coefficients
for these covariances are shown in Table 3.
Table 3. Coefficients for structural equation model.
Standardised β coefficients [95% Confidence
Latent variable factor loadings
Mother-child direct teaching ELCE .473 [.448,.498]
Mother-child activities ELCE .664 [.640,.688]
Child’s interactions with others ELCE .691 [.662,.719]
Resources ELCE .326 [.297,.355]
Other activities ELCE .382 [.358,.405]
Reading literacy at school entry .771 [.753,.790]
Writing literacy at school entry .709 [.690,.728]
Receptive language language development .529 [.510,.548]
Expressive language language development .751 [.732,.771]
Play skills social development .589 [.544,.633]
Prosociality social development .472 [.430,.514]
Pragmatic language social development .533 [.484,.583]
Word reading decoding skills .942 [.931,.952]
Non-word reading decoding skills .769 [.757,.780]
Reading end of primary school literacy outcomes .902 [.893,.911]
Writing end of primary school literacy outcomes .746 [.735,.758]
Path coefficients
ELCE literacy at school entry .225 [.193,.256]
ELCE social adjustment at school entry .090 [.053,.127]
ELCE language development .118 [.086,.150]
ELCE social development .247 [.208,.286]
ELCE performance IQ .039 [.003,.055]
ELCE decoding skills .087 [.058,.116]
ELCE end of primary school literacy outcomes −.009 [−.032,.014]
Early SES literacy at school entry .312 [.286,.338]
Early SES social adjustment at school entry .157 [.127,.188]
Early SES language development .196 [.168,.225]
Early SES social development .128 [.090,.167]
Early SES performance IQ .139 [.117,.162]
Early SES decoding skills .149 [.125,.173]
Early SES end of primary school literacy outcomes .057 [.037,.076]
Literacy at school entry language development .461 [.402,.520]
Literacy at school entry social development .145 [.072,.217]
Literacy at school entry performance IQ .371 [.324,.418]
Literacy at school entry decoding skills .357 [.307,.407]
Literacy at school entry end of primary school literacy outcomes .235 [.191,.278]
Social adjustment at school entry language development −.092 [−.149, −.035]
Social adjustment at school entry social development .155 [.084,.226]
Social adjustment at school entry performance IQ −.079 [−.127, −.032]
Social adjustment at school entry decoding skills −.068 [−.119, −.018]
Social adjustment at school entry end of primary school literacy
−.016 [−.056,.024]
Language development end of primary school literacy outcomes .278 [.244,.313]
Social development end of primary school literacy outcomes .076 [.044,.108]
Performance IQ end of primary school literacy outcomes .085 [.065,.105]
Decoding skills end of primary school literacy outcomes .452 [.427,.477]
Residual correlations
Mother-child direct teaching with early SES .099 [.075,.124]
Mother-child activities with early SES .142 [.113,.171]
Child’s interactions with others with early SES .274 [.241,.308]
Resources with early SES .171 [.148,.194]
Other activities with early SES .154 [.131,.177]
Literacy at school entry with social adjustment at school entry .630 [.600,.661]
Language development with social development .140 [.089,.190]
Language development with performance IQ .320 [.293,.348]
Language development with decoding skills .372 [.340,.403]
Social development with performance IQ .108 [.074,.141]
Social development with decoding skills .156 [.112,.201]
Performance IQ with decoding skills .166 [.142,.189]
Table 4. Coefficients for mediated effects in structural equation model.
Standardised β coefficients
[95% Confidence Intervals]
Proportion of effect
explained (%)
Indirect paths
ELCE literacy at school entryend of primary school literacy outcomes .053 [.040,.065] 26%
ELCE social adjustment at school entry end of primary school literacy outcomes −.001 [−.005,.002] n/a
ELCE language development end of primary school literacy outcomes .033 [.023,.043] 16%
ELCE social development end of primary school literacy outcomes .019 [.010,.027] 9%
ELCE performance IQ end of primary school literacy outcomes .002 [.000,.005] 1%
ELCE decoding skills end of primary school literacy outcomes .039 [.026,.053] 19%
ELCE literacy at school entrylanguage development end of primary school literacy outcomes .029 [.022,.035] 14%
ELCE literacy at school entry social development end of primary school literacy outcomes .004 [.002,.001] 2%
ELCE literacy at school entry performance IQend of primary school literacy outcomes .002 [.001,.004] 1%
ELCE literacy at school entrydecoding skills end of primary school literacy outcomes .036 [.029,.044] 17%
ELCE social adjustment at school entrylanguage development end of primary school literacy outcomes −.002 [−.004, −.001] 1%
ELCE social adjustment at school entrysocial development end of primary school literacy outcomes .001 [.000,.002] 0%
ELCE social adjustment at school entryperformance IQ end of primary school literacy outcomes −.001 [−.001,.000] n/a
ELCE social adjustment at school entrydecoding skills end of primary school literacy outcomes −.003 [−.005,.000] n/a
The last column is only populated for indirect effects that were significant.
the value here is 0.485, which is rounded down to 0%.
.014). Both language development = .278, 95% CI: .244, .313) and social development
= .076, 95% CI: .044, .108) predicted end of primary school literacy outcomes but the
eect of language development was stronger
(1, N = 7,120) = 7.12, p = .008)
Indirect pathways from ELCE to end of primary school literacy outcomes
As shown in Table 4, there were a number of indirect pathways between ELCE and literacy
outcomes at the end of primary school. At school entry, there was a signicant indirect
pathway via literacy (β = .053, 95% CI: .040, .065) but not social adjustment (β = −.001, 95%
CI: −.005, .002). There were also signicant indirect pathways via language development
= .023, 95% CI: .023, .043), social development = .019, 95% CI: .010, .027), perfor
mance IQ = .002, 95% CI: .000, .005), and decoding skills = .039, 95% CI: .026, .053) in
the middle-primary school years. Language development was not a stronger mediator
than social development of the relationship between ELCE and end of primary school
literacy outcomes
(2, N = 7,120) = .55, p = .758). In sum, a richer ELCE was associated
with better academic and social school readiness, as measured by literacy and social
adjustment at school entry, but only academic school readiness was subsequently asso
ciated with better literacy outcomes at the end of primary school. Similarly, a richer ELCE
was associated with higher levels of language development and social development in
the middle years of primary school which, in turn, are associated with better literacy
outcomes at the end of primary school.
In addition to the independent indirect pathways from ELCE to end of primary school
literacy outcomes via literacy at school entry and language development and social
development in middle-primary school years, there were also further eects. There was
a signicant indirect eect from ELCE to end of primary school literacy outcomes via
literacy at school entry and language development in middle-primary school = .029,
95% CI: .022, .035). This was also the case for literacy at school entry and social develop
ment in middle-primary school years = .004, 95% CI: .002, .004). These ndings reveal
that a richer ELCE is associated with better literacy skills at school entry, which in turn are
associated with better language development and social development in the middle
years of primary school, which in turn are associated with better literacy outcomes at the
end of primary school.
The equivalent eects were also observed for social adjustment at school entry. There
was a signicant indirect eect from ELCE to end of primary school literacy outcomes via
social adjustment at school entry and language development in middle-primary school
= −.002, 95% CI: −.004, −.001). This was also the case for social adjustment at school
entry and social development in middle-primary school years (β = .001, 95% CI: .000, .002).
Therefore, a richer ELCE is associated with better social skills at school entry, which in turn
are associated with better language development and social development in the middle
years of primary school, which in turn are associated with better literacy outcomes at the
end of primary school.
We had anticipated that the indirect pathway from the ELCE via literacy at school entry
and language development aged 7–9 years to literacy outcomes at the end of primary
school would be stronger than the indirect pathway from the ELCE via social adjustment
at school entry and language development in middle-primary years to literacy outcomes
at the end of primary school. We found no evidence to support this expectation, χ
N = 7,120) = 1.74, p = .419. Similarly, we expected that the indirect pathway from the ELCE
via literacy at school entry and social development in middle-primary years to literacy
outcomes at the end of primary school would be stronger than the pathway from the
ELCE via social adjustment at school entry and social development in middle-primary
years to literacy outcomes at the end of primary school. Again, we found no evidence to
support this expectation
(2, N = 7,120) = .12, p = .40). These results do not support our
hypothesis that academic school readiness in literacy may exert stronger indirect eects
via support for later language development.
There was a signicant indirect eect from ELCE to end of primary school literacy
outcomes via literacy at school entry and performance IQ in middle-primary school
= .002, 95% CI: .001, .004). A signicant eect was not observed, however, when we
examined the relationship between social adjustment at school entry and performance IQ
in middle-primary school years (β = −.001, 95% CI: −.001, .000). Similarly, there was
a signicant indirect eect from ELCE to end of primary school literacy outcomes via
literacy at school entry and decoding skills in middle-primary school = .036, 95% CI:
.029, .044), but not for social adjustment at school entry and decoding skills in middle-
primary school years = −.003, 95% CI: −.005, .000).
The ndings from the present study shed new light on pathways to literacy outcomes at
the end of primary school. We rst discuss the direct inuence of the early factors
measured (early SES and ELCE) before going on to explore the implications of the various
direct and indirect inuences on academic achievement in reading and writing.
Notably, this study illustrates the direct, enduring and wide-ranging inuence of
socioeconomic factors present in early life. Signicant, direct paths from early SES to all
predictor variables and to the academic outcome measure were observed. This comple
ments the ndings of Law et al. (2019), who reported similar SES eects on language
development at age 2 years in the ALSPAC dataset; we now provide evidence of such
eects extending into later childhood. The present results extend previous ndings to
demonstrate that early SES inuences upon literacy outcomes remain even when
a number of other factors are taken into consideration: social adjustment and literacy
skills at age 5 years, and PIQ, decoding skills, and language development and social
development aged 7–9 years and literacy outcomes aged 11 years.
Furthermore, this study conrms that the quality of the ELCE is inuential over and
above early SES eects. This adds to mounting evidence that quality of ELCE makes
a dierence even in otherwise adverse circumstances. To give some examples, mitigating
eects of higher quality ELCE have been reported for early language development (Law
et al., 2019), early cognitive development (Melhuish, 2010; Melhuish et al., 2008), and even
on academic achievement at GCSE and A level (Sammons et al., 2018). Our ndings are
also congruent with research beyond the UK, including studies from Australia, Germany
and USA. For example, Rodriguez and colleagues found both early learning environment
and SES eects on school readiness (Rodriguez & Tamis-Lemonda, 2011), while other
studies have emphasised the role of early communication and literacy activities with
caregivers in inuencing school readiness in literacy (Aikens & Barbarin, 2008; Neuman
et al., 2018; Niklas & Schneider, 2013; Niklas et al., 2015). In the present study, we see that
direct eects of ELCE extend to school readiness in literacy and social domains aged
5 years, and beyond, to inuence oral language skills and social development in middle-
primary school (ages 7–9 years).
Interestingly, and unlike the ndings for early SES, there was no direct path from ELCE
to the end of primary school outcomes measure. Instead, the inuence is indirect, with
signicant routes via literacy at school entry, and, oral language skills and social ability at
the middle-primary school time point. At school entry, the literacy measure, based on an
assessment of reading and writing skills, was found to be much more inuential upon
literacy achievement at the end of primary school than the school-entry social adjustment
variable. This nding is consistent with the meta-analysis by Duncan and colleagues
(Duncan et al., 2007) but not with the later reanalysis of the Canadian data, as discussed
in the Introduction (Romano et al., 2010). The present study elucidates this issue by
revealing that it is slightly later in development (aged 7–9 years) when social skills
begin to impact signicantly on end of primary school literacy outcomes, in that this
can explain unique variance in outcomes. This ts with the general developmental pattern
that peer-based, social learning is a sophisticated skill that develops throughout middle
childhood and into adolescence (Baines & Howe, 2010; Howe, 2009; Mercer & Howe,
2012). It may be the case that, once the basic building blocks of reading and writing skills
are in place, children are better able to take advantage of their developing social
competence for the purposes of academic learning. For example, a child with secure
comprehension of a text may be more condent and able to discuss it with her peers,
a level of social interaction which then helps her to engage with new perspectives and
refer back to the text as appropriate.
Concerning the question of the relative importance of social development vs language
development on the path to literacy outcomes, we found diering amounts of variance
explained by these variables. The results underscore the role that oral language develop
ment plays in supporting academic outcomes in the domain of literacy (Snow, 1991). Higher
oral language ability at 7–9 years was associated with better literacy outcomes at primary
school leaving age and was the nal step on an indirect pathway from ELCE to literacy
outcomes, via literacy and social adjustment at school entry, as well as being directly linked
to ELCE. These ndings bolster existing links in the literature connecting early vocabulary
skills to academic achievement (Bleses et al., 2016) and demonstrate that structural oral
language skills, (i.e., language development in areas such as syntax, morphology and
semantics), continue to be important throughout the primary school years. The magnitude
of the direct eects on the end of primary school literacy outcomes (from 7 to 9 years to
outcomes at 11 years) was stronger for oral language development compared to social
development. For indirect paths (ELCE->5 years->7-9 years-> literacy outcome at 11 years),
however, the eects were not found to be signicantly greater for oral language compe
tence than for social competence. This supports our hypothesis of dierential inuences of
social and linguistic factors.
School-entry social adjustment was associated with relatively weaker eects. Social
adjustment at age 5 was predictive of social development aged 7–9 years, and signicant
direct eects were also observed for later oral language development. Interestingly,
although no signicant indirect pathways from school-entry social adjustment were
found, at 7–9 years there was a signicant, direct pathway from social development to
literacy outcomes. Taken together with the ndings of mixed evidence for dierential
pathways discussed above, we suggest these results show that both social and linguistic
domains of development should be given due consideration when supporting children’s
academic progress in the later primary school years.
Alongside the variables associated with the main research questions motivating the
present study we also included measures that have already been linked to literacy
outcomes: performance IQ and decoding skills (Castles et al., 2018; Tiu et al., 2003).
Findings from these measures support previous research, demonstrating that each of
these constructs explains variance in literacy outcomes. Importantly, the ndings
reported here add the information that ELCE has a direct inuence on decoding skills
in particular.
Strengths and limitations
The present study has many strengths, including the large sample size and, unusually for
a large cohort sample, direct measures of expressive and receptive language. There are
also some limitations and caveats to be considered. One issue is that the sample was less
ethnically and economically diverse than the UK population in general. This limits the
potential generalisability of the study and we recommend replication of eects in diverse
samples in the UK and beyond. Further, we did not have a measure of the home language
and communication environment during the primary school years, nor ongoing measures
of SES. These factors have been shown to be inuential beyond the early years, as family
circumstances can change for many reasons (Jeynes, 2002; Toth et al., 2020). In addition to
this, the sample size for the measurement of social adjustment at school entry was much
lower than that for literacy skills. Although the sample size for social adjustment was still
substantial, this should be noted in interpreting the results and it would be desirable to
address this issue in future research.
It is also a strength that this study contains measures of both structural language skills
and pragmatic language skills. However, we recognise that not all language researchers
would agree with the choice to include pragmatics as part of the social development
latent variable rather than creating a generic linguistic variable. We made this decision
a priori, taking a broad view of pragmatics as the act of putting language to use in social
situations, in line with other studies that have made this distinction (Law et al., 2015; Law
et al., 2014). To account for the inevitable dependence between the two, we allowed our
measures of language development and social development to co-vary.
Finally, as we did not have access to objective test data to measure skills at school
entry, we cannot assess teacher report measures for accuracy. Nevertheless, the school
entry measures do behave as expected in the model and are associated with later
outcomes in the predicted fashion.
Implications for policy and practice
The ndings have implications for policy and practice in early childhood and in education.
Firstly, the ndings underscore the importance of policy responses to poor achievement
in reading and writing that address distal social causes, alongside those that might focus
on proximal environments or individual skills. Improving early family SES indicators such
as education and income would likely have a direct impact on child outcomes throughout
primary schools. Further, as positive ELCE was observed to have an inuence on later skills
and outcomes even in the presence of early SES challenges, the present results provide
yet additional support for the importance of early childhood interventions (Law et al.,
2019; Melhuish, 2010; Sammons et al., 2004).
The lack of direct paths from the ELCE to literacy outcomes at the end of primary school
illuminates that there are other possible routes to supporting academic development in
those children who did not have optimal early learning experiences. There are implica
tions for the timing and targets for interventions during the middle childhood period.
At school entry, the ndings point to greater likely benets for literacy outcomes from
targeting early literacy skills, rather than social skills. Our ndings also underscore the
important role of decoding skills in literacy achievement (cf. Castles et al., 2018) and
therefore we advocate that this should be a continued aspect of policy approaches to
improving literacy outcomes.
Nevertheless, our ndings show that social school readiness inuences social and
linguistic factors in the mid-primary school years and that these are in turn associated
with improved literacy outcomes. Hence, there are good grounds for maintaining and
strengthening educational strategies that combine both linguistic and social elements in
order to support those students at risk of poor outcomes. Social interventions may not
‘pay o’ immediately in terms of literacy but aord a developmental context that can be
drawn upon increasingly as the child’s reading and writing skills advance.
Finally, we note that the social domain of development found to be signicant for literacy
outcomes in the present study may provide concrete and enjoyable intervention targets for
7–9 year olds. For example, educators could consider providing opportunities for practice of
pragmatic language skills and social skills via supported collaboration and conversational
engagement in classroom activities and in play and games with peers. This aligns with
recent studies demonstrating the success of dialogic teaching strategies that take a social-
constructivist approach to using talk in groups to promote learning (Mercer & Howe, 2012).
The present study demonstrates the importance of the early language and commu-
nication environment in supporting development of the skills that underpin children’s
achievement in reading and writing. Oral language comprehension and expression are
important predictors of variance in literacy outcomes, while social competences, includ
ing pragmatics, prosociality and social play, also play an important role and should
continue to receive attention in the mid-primary school years.
We are extremely grateful to all the families who took part in this study, the midwives for their
help in recruiting them, and the whole ALSPAC team, which includes interviewers, computer and
laboratory technicians, clerical workers, research scientists, volunteers, managers, receptionists
and nurses. We would also like to acknowledge the contributions of Peter Clough, Witold Orlik,
and Ciara Broomeld. The U.K. Medical Research Council and Wellcome (Grant 102215/2/13/2)
and the University of Bristol provide core support for the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and
Children (ALSPAC). This publication is the work of the authors Gibson, Newbury, Durkin, Pickles,
Conti-Ramsden, and Toseeb who will serve as guarantors for the contents of this article.
A comprehensive list of grant funding is available on the ALSPAC website (http://www.bristol.
ac.uk/alspac/external/documents/grant-acknowledgements.pdf). The analysis undertaken in this
article was specically funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (Grants ES/P001955/1
and ES/P001955/2). G. C.-R. is supported by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR)
Manchester. A. P. is partially supported by NIHR NF-SI-0617-10120 and the Biomedical Research
Centre at South London and Maudsley National Health Service Foundation Trust and King’s
College London. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those of
the National Health Service, the NIHR, or the Department of Health and Social Care. J. G. is
partially supported by the LEGO Foundation and by the Arts and Humanities Research Council
(Grant AH/N004671/1).
Disclosure statement
No potential conict of interest was reported by the authors.
This Arts and Humanities Research Council [AH/N004671/1] was supported by the Economic and
Social Research Council [ES/P001955/1 and ES/P001955/2]; Medical Research Council [102215/2/13/
2]; National Institute for Health Research [NF-SI-0617-10120]; LEGO Foundation; Wellcome Trust
[102215/2/13/2]; Arts and Humanities Research Council [AH/N004671/1].
Notes on contributors
Jenny Gibson is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology and Education at the University of Cambridge. She
is also a qualied speech and language therapist. Jenny’s research interests lie in the interplay
between linguistic and social development from childhood through to adolescence.
Dianne Newbury is a Reader in Medical Genetics and Genomics at Oxford Brookes University.
Dianne’s research centres around genetic contributions to speech, language and communication
Kevin Durkin is Research Professor of Psychology at the University of Strathclyde. Kevin specialises
in social and communicative development.
Andrew Pickles is a Professor of Biostatistics and Psychological Methods at Kings College London.
Andrew’s research interests lie in the developing and applying statistical methods to mental health
and neurodevelopmental data.
Gina Conti-Ramsden is Emeritus Professor of Child Language and Learning at the University of
Manchester. Gina’s research focusses on the development of children and young people with
developmental language disorder and the associated strengths and diculties.
Umar Toseeb is a Senior Lecturer in Psychology in Education at the University of York. Umar’s
research interests lie at the intersection of neurodevelopmental diversity and mental health during
childhood and adolescence.
Jenny L. Gibson http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6172-6265
Dianne F. Newbury
Kevin Durkin http://orcid.org/0000-0002-6167-3407
Andrew Pickles
Gina Conti-Ramsden
Umar Toseeb
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Appendix. Early language and communication environment (ELCE)
When the child was aged 18–24 months, the mother was asked about the child’s early language and
communication environment. These questions were previously coded by Roulstone et al. (2011) and
used as a measure of communication environment. The framework, proposed by Roulstone et al.
(2011), included proximal and distal language and communication stimulation, proximal develop
ment and welfare, maternal attitudes, and maternal support. Two components of the framework
were used here: language and communication stimulation and development and welfare. Each item
used by Roulstone et al. (2011) was screened for duplicates (some questions were asked at two
separate time points). Then, items within each of the sub-categories of language and communica
tion stimulation and development and welfare were analysed using factor analysis to a) conrm that
the items loaded on to a single factor within each construct (decisions were based on Eigenvalues of
1 or above and visual inspection of a scree plot) and b) remove items which loaded poorly on to the
main factor (factor loadings of below 0.4 were removed). In summary, ve subscales of early
language and communication environment were created (mother-child direct teaching, mother–
child interaction, child’s interactions with others, resources, and other activities). Further details of
each of the ve subscales are provided below.
Mother-child direct teaching
This measure consisted of 10 items such as ‘mum teaches clapping games’ and ‘mum teaches
songs’. Responses were coded on a binary scale (0=no, 1= yes) and then summed to create a score
ranging from 0 to 10. Higher scores indicated that the mother taught the child a wider variety of
things. The scale had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.63). The variance
explained by the latent factor in the SEM (without DLD: 23%, with DLD: 27%)
Mother-child activities
This measure consisted of eight items such as ‘frequency mum sings to child’ and frequency mum
has a physical play with child”. Responses were coded on a 5-point scale (1=never,2=<once per
week, 3=1-2 times per week, 4=3-5 times per week, 5=almost daily) and then summed to create
a score ranging from 8 to 40. Higher scores indicated that the mother and child engaged in activities
more frequently. The scale had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.70). The variance
explained by the latent factor in the SEM (without DLD: 44%, with DLD: 55%)
Child’s interactions with others
This measure consisted of six items relating to others such as ‘child sung to’ and ‘child kissed or
cuddled’. Responses were coded on a 5-point scale (1=never, 2=rarely, 3=once a week, 4=several
Table A1. Pairwise correlations between early language and communication environment subscales.
1 2 3 4 5
1. Mother-child direct teaching 1
2. Mother-child activities 0.41*** 1
3. Child’s interactions with others 0.33*** 0.48*** 1
4. Resources 0.14*** 0.21*** 0.32*** 1
5. Other activities 0.21*** 0.29*** 0.29*** 0.22*** 1
*p< .05, **p< .01, ***p< .001.
Figure A1. Theoretical Model for Pathways to End of Primary School Literacy Outcomes.
times a week, 5=every day) and then summed to create a score ranging from 6 to 30. Higher scores
indicated that the child was more frequently engaged in interactions with other people (not
exclusive to but not excluding the mother). The scale had acceptable internal consistency
(Cronbach’s alpha = 0.54). The variance explained by the latent factor in the SEM (without DLD:
43%, with DLD: 53%)
This measure which consisted of six items such as ‘number of toy vehicles child has at home’ and
‘number of interlocking toys child has at home’. Responses were coded on a 4-point scale (1=none,
2=one, 3=two or three, 4=four or more) and then summed to create a score ranging from 6 to 24.
Higher scores indicated that more resources to underpin development were available to the child.
The scale had acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.58). The variance explained by
the latent factor in the SEM (without DLD: 12%, with DLD: 15%)
Other activities
This measure consisted of three items: frequency child taken to ‘park’, ‘places of interest’, and ‘places
of entertainment’. Responses were coded on a 5-point scale (1=never, 2=a few times per year,
3=once per month, 4=once per week, 5=nearly every day) and then summed to create a score
ranging from 3 to 15. Higher scores indicated that the child was frequently taken places outside of
the home. The scale had good internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.59). The variance
explained by the latent factor in the SEM (without DLD: 14%, with DLD: 17%).