2024-25 fee information
Provider name: Oxford Brookes University
Provider UKPRN: 10004930
Summary of 2024-25 course fees
*Course type not listed by the provider as available to new entrants in 2024-25. This means that any such course delivered to new entrants
in 2024-25 would be subject to fees capped at the basic fee amount.
Table 1a - Full-time course fee levels for 2024-25 students
Full-time course type:
Additional information:
Cohort: Course fee:
First degree
3 yr (incudes healthcare) N/A All students £9,250
First degree
EQS/EQT Equine Science Delivered on
N/A All students £9,250
First degree
ITT ED15 3 yr (BAH-PTE) N/A All students £9,250
First degree
Integrated Masters MC10I 1 yr N/A All students £9,250
Foundation degree
* N/A * *
Foundation year/Year 0
MC10 FYR N/A All students £9,250
* N/A * *
* N/A * *
Postgraduate ITT
PGCE ED59 ED62 ED87 1yr N/A All students £9,250
Accelerated degree
* N/A * *
Sandwich year
Integrated Masters MC10I 1 yr N/A All students £1,600
Sandwich year
Placement Year 1yr N/A All students £1,600
Turing scheme and overseas study years
International Exchange & Erasmus/Turing
Outgoing 1 yr
N/A All students £1,385
Associate School Direct Programme
N/A All students £7,500
MArchD 2 yrs BE55 N/A All students £9,250
Table 1b - Sub-contractual full-time course fee levels for 2024-25 students
Sub-contractual full-time course type:
Sub-contractual provider name and
additional information:
Cohort: Course fee:
First degree
Abingdon and Witney College - Abingdon
and Witney College
10000055 All students £7,570
First degree
Activate Learning - Activate Learning 10004927 All students £7,570
First degree
Bridgwater and Taunton College -
Bridgwater College
10000878 All students £7,570
First degree
Brooklands College - Brooklands College 10000950 All students £7,570
First degree
Global Banking School Limited - GBS 10042500 All students £9,250
First degree
Solihull College and University Centre -
Solihull College & University Centre
10005946 All students £7,570
First degree
Swindon College - Swindon College 10006463 All students £7,570
First degree
Wiltshire College and University Centre -
Wiltshire College & University Centre
10007527 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Abingdon and Witney College - Abingdon
and Witney College
10000055 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Activate Learning - Activate Learning 10004927 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Bridgwater and Taunton College -
Bridgwater College
10000878 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Brooklands College - Brooklands College 10000950 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Solihull College and University Centre -
Solihull College & University Centre
10005946 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Swindon College - Swindon College 10006463 All students £7,570
Foundation degree
Wiltshire College and University Centre -
Wiltshire College & University Centre
10007527 All students £7,570
Foundation year/Year 0
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Postgraduate ITT
* * * *
Accelerated degree
* * * *
Sandwich year
* * * *
Turing scheme and overseas study years
* * * *
* * * *
Table 1c - Part-time course fee levels for 2024-25 students
Part-time course type:
Additional information:
Cohort: Course fee:
First degree
3 yr (incudes healthcare) N/A All students £5,775
First degree
ITT ED15 3 yr BAH-PTE N/A All students £5,775
Foundation degree
* N/A * *
Foundation year/Year 0
Hons Degree MC10 N/A All students £5,775
* N/A * *
* N/A * *
Postgraduate ITT
PGCE ED59 ED62 ED87 1yr N/A All students £5,775
Accelerated degree
* N/A * *
Sandwich year
* N/A * *
Turing scheme and overseas study years
* N/A * *
MArchD 2 yrs BE55 N/A All students £5,775
Table 1d - Sub-contractual part-time course fee levels for 2024-25 students
Sub-contractual part-time course type:
Sub-contractual provider name and
additional information:
Cohort: Course fee:
First degree
Solihull College and University Centre -
Solihull College & University Centre
10005946 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Abingdon and Witney College - Abingdon
and Witney College
10000055 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Activate Learning - Activate Learning 10004927 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Bridgwater and Taunton College -
Bridgwater College
10000878 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Brooklands College - Brooklands College 10000950 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Solihull College and University Centre -
Solihull College & University Centre
10005946 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Swindon College - Swindon College 10006463 All students £5,045
Foundation degree
Wiltshire College and University Centre -
Wiltshire College & University Centre
10007527 All students £5,045
Foundation year/Year 0
* * * *
* * * *
* * * *
Postgraduate ITT
* * * *
Accelerated degree
* * * *
Sandwich year
* * * *
Turing scheme and overseas study years
* * * *
* * * *