Ochsner Journal 20:299–302, 2020
©2020 by the author(s); Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)
DOI: 10.31486/toj.19.0108
Pitfalls of Extensive Documentation in the Emergency
Andrea Blome, MD, MBA,
* Daohai Yu, PhD,
Xiaoning Lu, MS,
Kraftin E. Schreyer, MD
Department of Emergency Medicine, Temple University Hospital, Philadelphia, PA
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lewis Katz School of
Medicine at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA
Background: The law mandates careful record-keeping in the emergency department, and clinical imperatives also support the
value of complete and legible reports. A common assumption is that extensive documentation increases the yield of relative value
units (RVUs) and higher levels of care, thereby maximizing reimbursement. However, overdocumentation presents certain risks,
possibly impacts physician eciency, and does not ensure that records are more readable and clinically useful. We examined the
eect of increased documentation on actual reimbursement.
Methods: We conducted a 12-month productivity analysis of patients per hour (pt/h), RVUs per hour (RVU/h), amounts of monies
billed, and amounts of monies collected for all full-time supervising physicians in a university emergency medicine training pro-
Results: RVU/h vs pt/h yielded a positive linear relationship (R
=0.7571) and a strong correlation coecient of 0.87. RVU/h vs rev-
enue collection (amount actually paid) yielded a moderately positive linear relationship (R
=0.1752), with a correlation coecient
of 0.42. The relationship between pt/h and collections was weak (R
=0.0815), with a correlation coecient of 0.29. A quartile com-
parison showed an inection point, suggesting that after the third quartile, RVU/h did not appear to help generate signicantly
higher collections.
Conclusion: The data, while not denitive, suggest that overly extensive documentation may increase RVU totals but, after a point,
does not reliably increase revenue generation.
Keywords: Clinical coding, documentation, topography–medical
Address correspondence to Andrea Blome, MD, MBA, Department of Emergency Medicine, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, 1514 Jefferson Hwy.,
New Orleans, LA 70121. Tel: (504) 842-1533. Email: andrea.blome@ochsner.org
Every emergency patient encounter requires documenta-
tion, and charting is expected to be thorough and accurate.
Aside from being a legal document, the emergency depart-
ment (ED) medical record has clinical and nancial functions.
Clinically, the medical record communicates vital information
to providers—whether the inpatient team, an ofce-based
physician, or the emergency medicine physician at succes-
sive visits. Medical records also form the basis of billing.
Compensation is based on the work performed as deter-
mined by coding. Generally done by a third party, coding
is the process of deconstructing the ED visit into a level of
service and the procedures performed.
Relative value units (RVUs) represent an arbitrary mea-
surement of physician work; they are measures of value
based on the Medicare reimbursement formulae for physi-
*Dr Blome is now afliated with the Department of
Emergency Medicine, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New
Orleans, LA.
cian services.
RVUs extracted from medical records factor
into the compensation that the physician contributes to the
department. In the unique clinical setting of the ED, in which
patients present unpredictably with varying degrees of acu-
ity and complexity, RVUs track a confusing mix of cognitive
and procedural efforts. Unlike their colleagues in the surgi-
cal and medical departments, ED physicians generally have
no knowledge of how many RVUs will be generated for work
with a particular patient. Not surprisingly, billing efforts on
behalf of emergency physicians require trained billing spe-
cialists, either outsourced or in-house.
Different evaluation and management codes apply to the
context of a patient encounter, such as in-hospital or out-
patient visits, and factor into the level of service. The level
of service ranges from 1 to 5, with an additional designa-
tion for critical care, and is determined by how much clini-
cal information is documented in the history, review of sys-
tems, physical examination, and medical decision-making.
In general, the more complex the visit, the higher the level of
Whether the physician is a direct employee, a con-
tractor, or a member of an independent group, documenting
Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 2020 299
Pitfalls of Extensive Documentation
and billing for all work legitimately performed is imperative.
Trainees are generally directed to document extensively.
Supervising physicians may also be encouraged by admin-
istrators or billing services to provide appropriate docu-
mentation to qualify for the highest appropriate level of
The widespread use of electronic medical records allows
for fast and easy documentation with prepopulated tem-
plates and phrases. Templated medical records are designed
to efciently capture required histories (present illness, past
illnesses, social and family history, review of systems), objec-
tive ndings, and data review to justify coding levels. Emer-
gency medicine practice entails multitasking of clinical prob-
lems involving varying degrees of acuity and complexity.
The relative ease of computerized charting can allow for
careful review of systems pertinent to the chief complaint,
and an unsuspected issue may shed light on the present-
ing complaint. For instance, a patient presenting with leg
edema who is found to have pruritis on review of systems
would suggest a liver pathology as the cause. Further, an
incidental nding could lead to the discovery of an unre-
lated but signicant pathology. For example, a patient pre-
senting with ankle pain who is found to have unintentional
weight loss on review of systems may suggest an undiag-
nosed malignancy. Thorough use of a review of systems
may provide the physician with diagnostic acumen; however,
an extensive review of systems may also lead to notation
of system complaints that are not thoroughly investigated.
Casual reference to incidental ndings can be medicole-
gally problematic if the ndings are not fully investigated or
followed up.
What might be considered overdocumentation can also
result in overbilling. Third-party payers—such as gov-
ernment agencies, insurance companies, health mainte-
nance organizations, and employers—review emergency
medicine group practices. A group with high levels of
complex care billings could invite audits, resulting in pay-
backs and penalties. In rare cases, charges of fraud have
been leveled. For instance, Prime Healthcare Services, Inc.
agreed to pay $1.25 million to settle upcoding allegations
regarding falsied information about patient comorbidities
and complications.
As medical billing companies process
healthcare encounters into claims for insurance companies
and patients, they can provide protection against potential
penalties. To protect physicians and themselves, billing spe-
cialists may intentionally bill a medical record documented at
a level 5 to a lower level. In other words, careful charting by a
physician to justify a high level of service may be reimbursed
at a lower level.
Another consideration related to overdocumentation is
that time spent charting may be at the expense of patient
care. An observational study of ofce-based physicians
showed that physicians spent 2 hours on the computer for
every hour of patient time.
Although some charting is often
done after the scheduled end of shift, this study demon-
strated that charting takes more clinical time than direct
patient care.
Conceptually, given a cohort of ED patient encounters,
opportunities for reimbursement may be missed when chart-
ing is done in the context of a busy ED. Again, conceptually,
given the same cohort of emergency patients, there must be
a level at which all possible billable issues have been cap-
tured, and further documentation, from the point of view of
billing, would be overdocumentation.
While it is arguable to what degree extensively detailed
charting may be clinically valuable, a common assumption is
that adding more information to documentation will improve
reimbursement. To what degree this assumption is accurate
is the focus of this study.
We conducted a 1-year productivity analysis of all super-
vising physicians (n=39) across 3 hospitals in an urban,
university emergency medicine training program located in
Philadelphia, PA. The health system serves an area of the
state in which 30% of the population lives below the federal
poverty level, and the majority of the payers are government-
funded programs such as Medicare and Medicaid.
All supervising physicians work 8-hour shifts, with a range
of 8 to 18 shifts per month. Physicians in training work during
most shifts at all 3 sites. The department at the main univer-
sity hospital is divided into 3 zones according to acuity. The
other hospitals in the system each have 1 designated main
ED and 1 minor care area. Minor care areas at all 3 sites
are staffed by advanced practice providers. No advanced
practice provider medical records were included in this
At the study institution, a third-party company that con-
tracts with the health system handles billing. The electronic
medical record generates coding levels that the hospital’s
coding department conrms. The medical records are then
sent to the billing company for nal review.
Data for each supervising physician were assessed for
patients per hour (pt/h), RVUs per hour (RVU/h), amounts
of monies billed, and actual reimbursement from billings.
Ranges were averaged rst by physician. Because physi-
cians worked varying numbers of hours, we calculated per-
centages of reimbursement to billings to standardize the
evaluation. The relationships between RVU/h vs pt/h, RVU/h
vs revenue collected, and pt/h vs revenue collected were
determined. The R
value for each relationship was used
to determine variance, and a correlation coefcient was
also calculated. For trending purposes, physicians were
ranked and subsequently divided into RVU quartiles based
on billings and revenue collection percentages.
Among the 39 physicians, pt/h ranged from a low of 1.3
of 10.07. A scatter plot of pt/h vs RVU/h showed a strong,
positive liner relationship (R
=0.7571) and a correlation coef-
cient of 0.87 (Figure 1).
Percentages of actual revenue collected vs billings ranged
from a low of 12.9% to a high of 23.1%. RVU/h vs revenue
collection yielded a moderately positive linear relationship
=0.1752) with a correlation coefcient of 0.42, suggesting
that adding more detail to documentation to produce higher
RVUs may not translate to increased revenue (Figure 2).
The analysis of pt/h vs revenue collection yielded a weak
relationship (R
=0.0815), with a correlation coefcient of
0.29 (Figure 3).
A quartile analysis and interaction plot comparing RVU/h
to percent revenue collections showed an increase in RVU/h
until the third quartile (Figures 4 and 5).
300 Ochsner Journal
Blome, A
Figure 1. Scatter plot demonstrating a strong linear rela-
tionship between patients seen per hour (pt/h) vs relative
value units per hour (RVU/h) for each supervising physician.
A trend line is included, with an R
of 0.7571.
Figure 2. Scatter plot of relative value units per hour (RVU/h)
plotted against percent revenue collection demonstrating a
moderate positive linear relationship, with an R
of 0.1752.
Figure 3. Scatter plot of patients seen per hour (pt/h) vs per-
cent revenue collection demonstrating a weak linear rela-
tionship, with an R
of 0.0815, implying a very limited pre-
dictability of pt/hr for the percentages of actual revenue col-
Figure 4. Quartile graph of relative value units per hour
(RVU/h) rank vs percent revenue collection demonstrating
an increase in revenue collection until the third quartile.
This study suggests an inection point at which docu-
mentation for more RVUs did not appear to generate signi-
cantly higher collections. Beyond this point, the ED physician
may be documenting too much. While complex patients may
need extensive documentation, for a range of patients, over-
documentation is not without hazard. Medicolegally, docu-
mentation of less clinically pertinent issues that are not fully
investigated may be hard to defend, as can documenta-
tion of negative system reviews that are not matched by in-
depth history taking. Clinically, more time spent document-
ing indicates less time spent with patients.
tion of history-taken positives not apparently relevant to the
immediate clinical problem could mandate special studies
and procedures that could extend length of stay and impair
patient ow.
Electronic medical records have made charting easier and
quicker to accomplish, as well as provided ready access
to complete and legible records. As with all technologies,
computerized charting is not without its downsides and may
sometimes lead to its own form of overuse.
One limitation of this retrospective observational study is
that metrics for RVU/h, pt/h, billings, and revenue collec-
tions are precise but only for an institution with a poor payer
Figure 5. Interaction plot of relative value units per hour
(RVU/h) rank vs percent revenue collection demonstrating
an inection point after which percent revenue collection no
longer increases.
Volume 20, Number 3, Fall 2020 301
Pitfalls of Extensive Documentation
mix. A similar study in a more afuent demographic might
show greater variability in reimbursement yields. In addition,
this study was conducted at a training university health sys-
tem with training physicians rotating in all 3 hospitals in the
system. The training physicians chart, but the supervising
physician is responsible for the nal documentation and can
edit a trainee’s charting. Time devoted to training physicians
likely impacted throughput and documentation. Further, sim-
ilar to the training physicians, the supervising physicians
rotate among the 3 hospital sites. Because of the way treat-
ment zones are apportioned, physicians have little opportu-
nity to preferentially choose lower acuity patients who would
require less treatment time. Advanced practice providers see
the patients requiring minor treatment during the day and
evening shifts but not overnight. The 5 nocturnists, there-
fore, see more lower acuity volume than the physicians work-
ing day and evening shifts. Seeing lower acuity patients
on the overnight shift could allow physicians to treat more
patients per hour which would impact the results of the anal-
ysis. For the remaining physicians, discrepancies in acuity
should equalize over the course of a year. Scribes, who were
employed in lower acuity zones and occasionally in minor
care areas, may have impacted efciency, but that was not
analyzed in this study. Finally, the data were compiled for
each physician for a 1-year time period, and more granular
data, such as by shift, were not obtained.
The importance of accurate and detailed medical doc-
umentation is inarguable. However, our data indicate an
inection point beyond which documentation did not appear
to generate signicantly higher collections. Documentation
should, therefore, focus on important clinical information
rather than on billing outcomes.
This study was presented orally at the National Soci-
ety for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) and won
the first-place award for resident presentation at the SAEM
Mid-Atlantic Regional Conference Plenary Session in March
2017. The authors have no financial or proprietary inter est in
the subject matter of this article.
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©2020 by the author(s); licensee Ochsner Journal, Ochsner Clinic Foundation, New Orleans, LA. This article is an open
access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license
(creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode) that permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in
any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
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