OANDA Exchange Rates API:
ERP Integration Series
Integrating the OANDA API
with Workday
Proud Partners:
Solutions for Business
Executive Overview s
OANDA Exchange Rates API: Workday Integration
The OANDA Exchange Rates API easily integrates the most trusted currency
exchange rate data with your Workday Financial Management Application. Our
Rest API documentation and API Key test drive service are a great source of
information for IT departments who want to integrate the OANDA Rates with their
computing environments - or simply familiarize with our solution.
OANDA’s Exchange Rates API is congured according to your preferences for
schedule, currencies, cross-rates and rounding. The service is fully automated
– congure once and forget about it.
– IT Director
This is a big win for our Finance team. Not only will this save time every
month but is a key process improvement for our SOX initiative.
Solutions for Business
Business Benets
Workday needs OANDA currency exchange rates API to
automatically convert foreign currency transactions to the
base currency of each organization. Though Workday pro-
vides a screen to enter these rates manually, as part of the
standard product, this can become time consuming, even
if you only need a relatively small number of currencies. As
with any manual process, mistakes occur which can have
a major impact on your business:
If rates are not entered on a particular day, then foreign
currency transactions cannot be entered for that day.
If a rate is entered incorrectly, the impact may not be
noticed for weeks. For example, if a rate is entered
incorrectly the impact on your account balances at
month end will be signicant.
Using FXLoader to automate the load of daily rates provides
a number of benets:
• No user intervention is required.
• Rates are guaranteed to be accurate and up to date.
• Robust failure handling makes this a highly
reliable solution.
• Easy to install and technically simple – no les
are involved.
OANDA Exchange Rates API: Workday Integration
Solutions for Business
FXLoader queries exchange rates from
OANDA, which provides market rates
between 190+ currencies, precious metals
and is used by audit rms, tax authorities
and nancial institutions worldwide.
Source of FX Rates
You have complete control over the fre-
quency of rates load. Most choose daily,
but weekly, monthly, annually, based on
your accounting periods or any specic
dates are all available. You also have con-
trol over the time of day it runs.
Congure which currencies you want
to query from OANDA. Flag base cur-
rencies to restrict which cross-rates are
generated. You can also query using
one currency code and load into Workday
using a different code –useful when your
ERP uses an old code such as MXP for
OANDA Exchange Rates API: Workday Integration
You have the option to query all currency
rates from a single base currency from
OANDA, and then triangulate to create all
other currency pairs (cross-rates). Alter-
natively, you can query all currency pair
combinations directly from OANDA.
- Financial Analyst
“FXLoader has been a great tool
that has saved us time and er
ror-proofed our processes. Your
team has been outstanding, the
implementation was seamless,
and I am overwhelmingly pleased
with the results we are seeing!
Solutions for Business
OANDA Exchange Rates API: Workday Integration
FXLoader has a number of conguration
parameters to provide exibility in how
you run it. You can specify which rate type
you wish to load or query one date from
OANDA and load the data into a different
date. For example, you can load rates
into the next day to ensure the rates are
available to users at the start of each day.
You can also load a particular day into
a number of extra days forward. For
example, if you only want to load rates
Rates are sent to Workday using the
web service provided within the
Financial_Management set of integration
Load and Validation
If the rates web service or Workday
cannot be contacted for any reason,
FXLoader will re-submit itself to try again
later after a delay you specify. It will do
this however many times you specify. You
can specify up to ve email addresses to
be notied of the outcome, either for every
run or only in the event of a failure.
Failure Handling and Notications
Solutions for Business
Technical Overview
FXLoader is hosted on an Oracle Platform as a Service
(PaaS) instance, the core of which is an Oracle database.
Oracle handles the availability and security, to the same
enterprise standards as their cloud applications (SaaS).
OANDA Exchange Rates API: Workday Integration
The communication with OANDA is via secure (HTTPS)
web services.
OANDA uses an API key to validate access. The web
services sending rates to Workday depends upon the URL
and tenant congured, plus a username and password
(encrypted within FXLoader) that has access to load rates
via the API.
We loved your product – it worked beautifully.
Solutions for Business
© 1996 - 2016 OANDA Corporation. All rights reserved. “OANDA”, “fxTrade” and OANDA’s “fx” family of
trademarks are owned by OANDA Corporation. FXLoader and all other trademarks appearing on this document
are the property of their respective owners.
FXLoader is an OANDA Integrations Partner.
OANDA Exchange Rates API is a subscription-based service.
You can choose among different packages based on your FX data needs and use
cases. The FXLoader connector and translator tool can be included in your offering, or
it can be purchased separately depending on the service package of your choice.
A 30-day free trial is also available.
Purchase Information
For more information, please contact our FX Integration Specialists :