ACADEMIC YEAR 2021 – 2022
(Revised September 2021)
New York University
College of Arts & Science
Mathematics Department
Warren Weaver Hall
251 Mercer Street
Rooms 625 and 626
New York, New York 10012
(212) 998-3005
Fax (212) 995-4121
This guide is meant to provide majors with a comprehensive picture of the offerings of the
Mathematics Department. It contains information on courses, degree requirements, special
programs, activities, prizes and awards. It supplements and repeats the information contained
in the New York University Bulletin for the College of Arts and Sciences.
Table of Contents
p. 4
p. 4
Degree Programs..................................................................................
p. 5
Honors Program....................................................................................
p. 20
Transfer Students…..............................................................................
p. 33
Courses Offered....................................................................................
p. 35
Suggested Course Program..................................................................
p. 36
p. 37
p. 39
Mathematics Internship Opportunities…………………………………………….
p. 39
Work Opportunities in the Mathematics Department........................
p. 41
Courses Descriptions...................................…………………......................
p. 41
Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates.......................................
p. 55
Departmental Faculty...........................................................................
p. 57
I. Welcome to The Mathematics Department
The undergraduate division of the Department of Mathematics offers a wide variety of courses
in pure and applied mathematics. The faculty are members of the University’s Courant Institute
of Mathematical Sciences, noted for its advanced training and research programs, which
emphasize the applications of mathematics to technology and other branches of science.
Joint programs are available in mathematics and (1) computer science, (2) economics, (3) data
science, and (4) engineering. They lead to the B.A. in four years, with the exception of the
engineering option, which leads to a joint B.S./B.S. degree from NYU and NYU Tandon School of
Engineering. Additionally, an accelerated B.A. and M.S. degree in Mathematics or Mathematics
of Finance, as well as a M.A. in Math Education with Steinhardt, from New York University in
five years is offered. The department also provides an honors program in (1) mathematics, (2)
mathematics and computer science, and (3) mathematics and economics for outstanding
students. Additionally, independent study and internship courses are available for students
with special interests.
Required courses for all mathematics majors include MATH-UA 121 Calculus I, MATH-UA 122
Calculus II, MATH-UA 123 Calculus III, MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra, MATH-UA 325 Analysis,
and MATH-UA 343 Algebra (except joint mathematics and economics major who have the
option to take MATH-UA 131–133 Math for Economics IIII in place of Calculus IIII).
Mathematics majors are encouraged to spend a semester studying abroad at one of the many
centers run by NYU Global Programs. Currently, mathematics can be studied at NYU Abu Dhabi,
NYU London, NYU Paris, and NYU Shanghai.
II. Advising
Students intending to major in mathematics are urged to declare their major as early as
possible and no later than the beginning of their junior year. Students can declare their major
by completing a major declaration form which is found on the Declaring a Major or Minor
The Undergraduate Advisement office for the Department is located in room 625 and 626 of
Warren Weaver Hall. All matters concerning mathematics courses, majors, and minors can be
addressed here. When necessary, math advisors will arrange appointments with the Director of
Undergraduate Studies or Vice Chair of Undergraduate Affairs for advisement or academic
counseling. Each mathematics major is assigned to a faculty advisor in the mathematics
department. All declared mathematics majors must have their proposed course schedules
approved each term by their faculty advisors. The approved schedule must be signed by the
faculty advisor and delivered to the mathematics department administrative staff in room 606,
625, or 627 for final clearance.
Students who believe that they are prepared to start their work in mathematics at an advanced
level, or who feel qualified to enter a course without the formal prerequisites, should submit a
documentation of prior college level coursework along with syllabuses to the Vice Chair of
Undergraduate Affairs. Calculus placement exams are offered each semester.
III. Degree Programs
Any changes to a degree program’s requirements apply only to students matriculating after
those changes are adopted, and not to students currently enrolled. Each student should follow
the requirements in place at the time they entered the university.
A. Major in Mathematics
The requirements for the mathematics major are thirteen courses numbered
MATH-UA 120 or higher. The only exceptions are MATH-UA 131133 Math for
Economics IIII, which are not open to anyone who has taken Calculus and are
for Economics majors. The courses must include:
a. Introductory Course Requirement
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra
Calculus III and Linear Algebra can each be substituted by their more
intensive counterparts:
MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
b. Analysis and Algebra Requirement
MATH-UA 325 Analysis
MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Either of these courses can be substituted by its more intensive
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
We strongly suggest students take analysis prior to algebra. Both courses
are fully proof-based.
c. Advanced Electives Requirement
The rest of the 13 required courses must include at least three of the
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268
Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Any two computer science courses (numbered CSCI-UA 101 or higher,
except CSCI-UA 380) or graduate data science DS-GA courses may be
credited toward the 13-course requirement.
Students enrolled in and who complete the Premedical or Predental
Program and who wish to major in mathematics may substitute at most
two math classes by any two of the following: PHYS-UA 1112 General
Physics I and II, or PHYS-UA 9193 Physics I and II toward their 13-course
requirement. However, if these physics courses are used towards the
mathematics major, the computer science or data science courses will
not apply towards the major.
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Mathematics Major and the requirements of another major or minor.
Students may petition to enroll in graduate mathematics courses and
apply them to the undergraduate major. Permission to enroll is not
granted until the student has completed MATH-UA 325 Analysis and the
available undergraduate courses on the same topic. Please see the
Enrollment in Graduate Courses webpage for more detailed information.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all courses used to fulfill the major
Students must maintain a 2.0 mathematics GPA.
At least half of all courses in the major must be taken at CAS.
The requirements for the mathematics major are thirteen courses numbered
MATH-UA 120 or higher. The only exceptions are MATH-UA 131, 132, and 133
Math for Economics I, II and III which are not open to anyone who has taken
Calculus and are for Economics Majors. The courses must include:
a. Introductory Course Requirement
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra
Calculus III and Linear Algebra can each be substituted by their more
intensive counterparts:
MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
b. Analysis and Algebra Requirement
MATH-UA 325 Analysis
MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Either of these courses can be substituted by its more intensive
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
We strongly suggest students take analysis prior to algebra. Both courses
are fully proof-based.
c. Advanced Electives Requirement
The rest of the 13 required courses must include at least three of the
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268
Honors Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Any two computer science courses (numbered CSCI-UA 101 or higher,
except CSCI-UA 380) or graduate data science DS-GA courses may be
credited toward the 13-course requirement.
Students enrolled in and who complete the Premedical or Predental
Program and who wish to major in mathematics may substitute at most
two math classes by any two of the following: PHYS-UA 1112 General
Physics I and II, or PHYS-UA 9193 Physics I and II toward their 13-course
requirement. However, if these physics courses are used towards the
mathematics major, the computer science or data science courses will
not apply towards the major.
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Mathematics Major and the requirements of another major or minor.
Students may petition to enroll in graduate mathematics courses and
apply them to the undergraduate major. Permission to enroll is not
granted until the student has completed MATH-UA 325 Analysis and the
available undergraduate courses on the same topic. Graduate courses
may not be counted as Advanced Electives in requirement (c) above.
Please see the Enrollment in Graduate Level Courses webpage for more
detailed information.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all courses used to fulfill the major
Students must maintain a 2.0 mathematics GPA.
At least half of all courses in the major must be taken at CAS.
B. Joint Major in Mathematics and Computer Science
An interdisciplinary major offered jointly by the Department of Mathematics and
Computer Science, provides the opportunity to study both computer science and
relevant mathematics courses such as analysis, algebra, probability, and statistics.
Students must complete one CSCI-UA course with a recorded grade of C or better
before they can declare this joint major (this policy applies to all NYU students, not just
to those matriculated in CAS).
a. Mathematics Requirements
The requirements are ten courses numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher,
except MATH-UA 131, 132, 133 from the Mathematics Department,
which must include:
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 343 Algebra or MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
The rest of the 10 required courses must include two of the following:
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 251 Mathematical Modeling
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA
268 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
b. Computer Science Requirements
Eight computer science courses as required for the major in that
department, which must include:
CSCI-UA 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures
CSCI-UA 201 Computer Systems Organization
CSCI-UA 202 Operating Systems
CSCI-UA 310 Basic Algorithms
CSCI-UA 421 Numerical Computing
CSCI-UA 4xx Advanced CS Elective
CSCI-UA 4xx Advanced CS Elective
Please refer to the Computer Science Majors website for information on
computer science courses.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Joint Major in Mathematics and Computer Science and the requirements
of another major or minor.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all these courses to fulfill the major
Students must maintain a 2.0 mathematics GPA.
At least 4 of the math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint
major must be taken at CAS.
C. Joint Major in Mathematics and Data Science
An interdisciplinary major offered jointly by the Departments of Mathematics and Data
Science trains students to use data science methods, and enables them to understand the
mathematical theories that go into the analysis of large data sets. It will allow students to
apply mathematical theories to real-world challenges that need data science and
computational solutions.
a. Mathematics Requirements
The requirements are nine courses numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher from
the Mathematics Department, which must include:
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
b. Data Science Requirements
Five data science courses as required for the major in that department,
which must include:
DS-UA 111 Data Science for Everyone
DS-UA 112 Introduction to Data Science
DS-UA 201 Causal Inference
DS-UA 202 Responsible Data Science
DS-UA 300 Advanced Topics in Data Science
c. Computer Science Requirements
Four computer science courses as required for the major in that
department, which must include:
CSCI-UA 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures
CSCI-UA 473 Machine Learning
CSCI-UA 479 Data Management and Analysis
Please refer to the Data Science Undergraduate Program website for
information on data science courses and the Computer Science Majors website
for information on computer science courses.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Joint Major in Mathematics and Data Science and the requirements of
another major or minor.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all these courses to fulfill the major
At least 3 of the math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint
major must be taken at CAS.
D. Joint Major in Mathematics and Economics
An interdisciplinary major offered jointly by the Departments of Mathematics and
Economics, providing the opportunity to study economics, and in mathematics, analysis,
statistics, and operations research. Please note: Students in the joint
mathematics/economics major may only take the theory sequence in Economics.
a. Mathematics Requirements
The requirements are nine courses numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher
from the Mathematics Department, which must include:
EITHER, the following three courses (preferred):
MATH-UA 131 Math for Economics I
MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II
MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III
OR, the following three courses:
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
The Math for Economics sequence is the preferred sequence for this
major. Students must complete one of the sequences and courses from
the other sequence may not be applied to the same degree program.
Students may not register simultaneously for separate courses within the
two sequences.
Plus, four chosen from:
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 235 Probability & Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 250 Mathematics of Finance
MATH-UA 251 Mathematical Modeling
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA
268 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 343 Algebra or MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
b. Economics Requirements
Nine economics courses as required for the major in that department,
which must include:
ECON-UA 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON-UA 2 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON-UA 11 Microeconomic Analysis
ECON-UA 13 Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON-UA 20 Analytical Statistics (if not taking MATH-UA 234
Mathematical Statistics)
ECON-UA 266 Introduction to Econometrics
Plus, any three economics elective courses, at least two of
which must be theory electives numbered ECON-UA 300-399.
Note that students who take MATH-UA 234 instead of ECON-
UA 20 for the statistics requirement must take a total of four
ECON-UA electives.
Please refer to the Department of Economics website for information on
economics courses.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Joint Major in Mathematics and Economics and the requirements of
another major or minor.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all these courses to fulfill the major
Students must maintain a 2.0 mathematics GPA.
At least 3 of the math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint
major must be taken at CAS.
E. Mathematics Minor
The requirements for a mathematics minor are four courses in the department
numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher. Courses from the sequences MATH-UA 121-123
Calculus I-III and MATH-UA 131-133 Math for Economics I-III may not both be applied to
the mathematics minor. Although courses transferred from other colleges may count
towards the minor, at least two courses for the minor must be taken at NYU. Students
pursuing majors that require mathematics courses may follow this minor, as long as two
of the four courses do not apply simultaneously to the requirements for their major.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be observed:
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the minor.
A grade of C or better is required in all courses to count toward the minor.
F. Joint Mathematics and Computer Science Minor
The requirements for the Joint Mathematics and Computer Science Minor are the four
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
CSCI-UA 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures
Economics majors may substitute MATH-UA 131 Math for Economics I and 132 Math for
Economics II for MATH-UA 121 and 122.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be observed:
Students must complete one CSCI-UA course with a recorded grade of C or better
before they can declare this joint minor (this policy applies to all NYU students, not just
to those matriculated in CAS).
At most one mathematics course in the joint minor may be transferred from another
Students who wish to double-count courses for the math portion of the minor and
another requirement may count at most two such courses toward the minor.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the minor.
A grade of C or better is required in all courses to count toward the minor.
G. Advanced Mathematical Methods Minor (for Stern undergraduates only)
The Advanced Mathematical Methods Minor provides students with mathematical tools
to handle complex business problems. The requirements are:
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
STAT-UB 14 Introduction to the Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis or MATH-GA 2010 Numerical Methods I
ONE course from the advanced course list below:
o MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268 Honors
Ordinary Differential Equations
o MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
o MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
o STAT-UB 15 Statistical Inference and Regression Analysis
o STAT-UB 21 Introduction to Stochastic Processes
All students must take at least one Stern course in order to meet the minor
requirements. Students who have completed MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or
equivalent should not take STAT-UB 14, and should substitute one of the advanced
courses in its place.
H. Mathematics Education Minor for Mathematics Majors
The Mathematics Education Minor (for Mathematics Majors) enables students to
complete coursework as an undergraduate in CAS that will reduce the number of credits
required of a Steinhardt School of Education M.A. degree in Teachers of Mathematics,
Grades 7-12 for Initial teacher certification. The master's degree will require 30 credits
including student teaching internships beyond the bachelor's degree.
We recommend students declare the minor and begin taking these courses during the
first semester of their junior year. Most of these courses require a fieldwork component
consisting of classroom observation and participation. For course descriptions, please
view the Steinhardt School of Education's Teacher Education website.
I. B.S. /B.S. Program in Engineering
The College of Arts and Science, in cooperation with the NYU Tandon School of
Engineering, offers a joint B.S./B.S. program in engineering. Students in the program
receive the B.S. degree in mathematics and the B.S. degree in either civil, computer,
electrical or mechanical engineering. The joint mathematics/engineering students must
complete the 13-course mathematics requirement. Students are allowed to substitute
CSCI-UA 101, 102 Computer Science I, II, or PHYS-UA 91, 93 Physics I, II for a maximum
of two mathematics classes. Further information is available from Mr. Tyrell Davis,
advisor for the B.S./B.S. program, in the College Advising Center, Silver Center, 100
Washington Square East, Room 905; 212-998-8133.
J. B.A./M.S. Program in Mathematics or Mathematics in Finance
The NYU GSAS Bachelor’s-Master’s track allows students to earn both a Mathematics
Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in five years. The program is suited to students who
have decided not to enter a Ph.D. program at this time but who would like to increase
their skills before entering the job market. Qualifying students are accepted into a
program toward the end of the sophomore year or during their junior year before they
reach 96 credits. Students must earn a minimum of a 3.50 GPA in order to qualify for
acceptance into the Bachelor's-Master's track. During the last few undergraduate
semesters, students should accelerate by taking one quarter of their graduate courses
during regular terms and/or during the summer. In the graduate portion of the program,
they can qualify for a scholarship covering up to 50 percent of the tuition for the
master’s degree.
The application requirements are as follows:
Application Prerequisites: Minimum 3.7 GPA in Mathematics coursework, and
completion of 2 of the following courses:
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268 Honors Ordinary
Differential Equations
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 343 Algebra or MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
Minimum MS Credits Before Bachelor's: 9 (three 3-credit courses)
Mathematics in Finance
Application Prerequisites:
1. Minimum 3.7 GPA in Mathematics coursework
2. Completion of the following courses before the semester of application:
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of
Probability or MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
CSCI-UA 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures (or equivalent)
The department also recommends students complete the following courses
(although these are not required for admission): MATH-UA 262, MATH-UA
263, MATH-UA 252, MATH-UA 253, CSCI-UA 310, CSCI-UA 470.
3. At least one letter of recommendation from a professor in an advanced math or
computer science course (ideally one of the courses listed above)
Minimum MS Credits Before Bachelor's: 12 (four 3-credit courses)
For more information, please contact Associate Director, Juniors and Inter-School
Programs, Brendan Sullivan at [email protected] or (212) 998-3748.
K. B.A./M.A. Program in Mathematics/Teacher Education
Students in Mathematics can complete both their Bachelor's degree and a Master's
degree in Teaching (grades 7 - 12) in just 5 years. In addition to saving money by
completing the MA at an accelerated pace, students in this dual degree program receive
a generous scholarship toward the MA degree. The scholarship typically covers 30% of
graduate tuition and may cover more depending on the program of study and
availability of external funds. For more information, please contact Associate Director,
Juniors and Inter-School Programs, Brendan Sullivan at [email protected] or
(212) 998-3748.
IV. Honors Program
A. Mathematics Honors Major
The Honors Program is designed for students with a strong commitment to
mathematics. It is recommended for students who intend to pursue graduate study in
The requirements for the Honors Mathematics major are thirteen courses
numbered MATH-UA 120 or higher, including the Honors electives. The only
exceptions are MATH-UA 131, 132, and 133 Math for Economics I, II and III which
are not open to anyone who has taken Calculus and are for Economics Majors.
The courses must include:
a. Introductory Course Requirement
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra
Calculus III and Linear Algebra can each be substituted by their more
intensive counterparts:
MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
b. Analysis and Algebra Requirement
MATH-UA 325 Analysis
MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Either of these courses can be substituted by its more intensive
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
We strongly suggest students take analysis prior to algebra. Both courses
are fully proof-based.
c. Advanced Electives Requirement
The rest of the 13 required courses must include at least three of the
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268
Honors Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
While working through the above requirements, students must complete at least
four of the Honors Electives. Where applicable, the same course counts both
towards the general restricted electives as well as towards the honors electives.
For example, students who have taken MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 343
Algebra may not take the corresponding MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I or
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I to fulfill this requirement.
Honors Project
This may be satisfied by participation in the mathematics Summer
Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program under individual faculty
supervision. Students who participate in this program are required to present
their research at Courant's undergraduate research forum in the fall semester of
their senior year. Students who participate in SURE receive financial support for
the summer.
Students may also satisfy this research component by participating in the AM-
SURE program. This program is for students interested in applied mathematics
and will pay a competitive salary. For more information please go to the AM-
SURE website.
Alternatively, students must complete up to two semesters of independent
study (MATH-UA 997, 998) under faculty supervision and present their research
at the Dean's Undergraduate Research Forum (DURF) in the spring. Students
should seek approval of their honors project from the Honors Faculty Advisor,
Antoine Cerfon.
* The math department reserves the right to nominate strong academic records
for admittance into the departmental honors program.
Admission into the Mathematics Honors Program
A grade point average of 3.65 or higher
Students who have completed at least 64 points of graded work in the College
will be awarded degrees with departmental honors by successfully completing
the designated honors sequence, or the equivalent approved by the department,
and by maintaining a general average of 3.65 and an average of 3.65 in the
If you have questions about the honors program, please contact the Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs, Beth Markowitz at [email protected] or the
Honors Faculty Advisor, Antoine Cerfon at [email protected].
If you are a mathematics major who is interested in joining the honors program,
please complete the online major declaration form and select the option
"Current Math Major interested in the Math Honors Program." (Please note: you
must be logged into your NYU e-mail account in order to access this form).
To be graduated with Latin honors, a student must have completed at least 64
points in courses in the College with passing grades. All graded courses taken
while enrolled in the College, or in other divisions of the University, will be used
to compute the honors average. Pass grades are not counted, nor are grades
received in courses at other institutions. The student must have a good record of
conduct and maintain a minimum general average as follows: cum laude, 3.686;
magna cum laude, 3.805; summa cum laude, 3.9.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Any two computer science courses (numbered CSCI-UA 101 or higher,
except CSCI-UA 380) or graduate data science DS-GA courses may be
credited toward the 13-course requirement.
Students enrolled in and who complete the Premedical or Predental
Program and who wish to major in mathematics may substitute at most
two math classes by any two of the following: PHYS-UA 1112 General
Physics I and II, or PHYS-UA 9193 Physics I and II toward their 13-course
requirement. However, if these physics courses are used towards the
mathematics major, the computer science or data science courses will
not apply towards the major.
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Mathematics Major and the requirements of another major or minor.
Students may petition to enroll in graduate mathematics courses and
apply them to the undergraduate major. Permission to enroll is not
granted until the student has completed MATH-UA 325 Analysis and the
available undergraduate courses on the same topic. Please see the
Enrollment in Graduate Courses webpage for more detailed information.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all courses used to fulfill the major
At least half of all courses in the major must be taken at CAS.
The requirements for the mathematics major are thirteen courses numbered
MATH-UA 120 or higher, including the Honors electives. The only exceptions are
MATH-UA 131, 132, and 133 Math for Economics I, II and III which are not open
to anyone who has taken Calculus and are for Economics Majors. The courses
must include:
d. Introductory Course Requirement
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra
Calculus III and Linear Algebra can each be substituted by their more
intensive counterparts:
MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
e. Analysis and Algebra Requirement
MATH-UA 325 Analysis
MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Either of these courses can be substituted by its more intensive
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
f. Advanced Electives Requirement
The rest of the 13 required courses must include at least three of the
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors
Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268
Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
While working through the above requirements, Honors students must complete
at least four of the Honors Electives. Where applicable, the same course counts
both towards the general restricted electives as well as towards the honors
electives. For example, students who have taken MATH-UA 325 Analysis or
MATH-UA 343 Algebra may not take the corresponding MATH-UA 328 Honors
Analysis I or MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I to fulfill this requirement.
Honors Project
This may be satisfied by participation in the mathematics Summer
Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE) program under individual faculty
supervision. Students who participate in this program are required to present
their research at Courant's undergraduate research forum in the fall semester of
their senior year. Students who participate in SURE receive financial support for
the summer.
Students may also satisfy this research component by participating in the AM-
SURE program. This program is for students interested in applied mathematics
and will pay a competitive salary. For more information please go to the AM-
SURE website.
Alternatively, students must complete up to two semesters of independent
study (MATH-UA 0997, 0998) under faculty supervision and present their
research at the Dean's Undergraduate Research Forum (DURF) in the spring.
Students should seek approval of their honors project from the Honors Faculty
Advisor, Antoine Cerfon.
* The math department reserves the right to nominate strong academic records
for admittance into the departmental honors program.
Admission into the Mathematics Honors Program
A grade point average of 3.65 or higher
Students who have completed at least 64 points of graded work in the College
will be awarded degrees with departmental honors by successfully completing
the designated honors sequence, or the equivalent approved by the department,
and by maintaining a general average of 3.65 and an average of 3.65 in the
If you have questions about the honors program, please contact the Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs, Beth Markowitz at [email protected] or the
Honors Faculty Advisor, Antoine Cerfon at [email protected].
If you are a mathematics major who is interested in joining the honors program,
please complete the online major declaration form and select the option
"Current Math Major interested in the Math Honors Program." (Please note: you
must be logged into your NYU e-mail account in order to access this form).
To be graduated with Latin honors, a student must have completed at least 64
points in courses in the College with passing grades. All graded courses taken
while enrolled in the College, or in other divisions of the University, will be used
to compute the honors average. Pass grades are not counted, nor are grades
received in courses at other institutions. The student must have a good record of
conduct and maintain a minimum general average as follows: cum laude, 3.686;
magna cum laude, 3.805; summa cum laude, 3.9.
Additional Guidelines
In addition to the above requirements, the following guidelines must be
Any two computer science courses (numbered CSCI-UA 101 or higher,
except CSCI-UA 380) or graduate data science DS-GA courses may be
credited toward the 13-course requirement.
Students enrolled in and who complete the Premedical or Predental
Program and who wish to major in mathematics may substitute at most
two math classes by any two of the following: PHYS-UA 1112 General
Physics I and II, or PHYS-UA 9193 Physics I and II toward their 13-course
requirement. However, if these physics courses are used towards the
mathematics major, the computer science or data science courses will
not apply towards the major.
Students may double-count no more than two courses towards both the
Mathematics Major and the requirements of another major or minor.
Students may petition to enroll in graduate mathematics courses and
apply them to the undergraduate major. Permission to enroll is not
granted until the student has completed MATH-UA 325 Analysis and the
available undergraduate courses on the same topic. Please see the
Enrollment in Graduate Courses webpage for more detailed information.
Courses taken under the pass/fail option are not counted toward the
A grade of C or better is required in all courses used to fulfill the major
At least half of all courses in the major must be taken at CAS.
B. Joint Honors in Mathematics and Computer Science
This is an interdisciplinary major offered by the Department of Mathematics and the
Department of Computer Science.
1. Mathematics Requirements
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III (MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III is
recommended, but not required)
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra (MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra is
recommended, but not required)
MATH-UA 325 Analysis or 328 Honors Analysis I
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 343 Algebra or 348 Honors Algebra I
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
Two of the following:
MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 268 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
2. Computer Science Requirements
CSCI-UA 101 Introduction to Computer Science
CSCI-UA 102 Data Structures
CSCI-UA 201 Computer Systems Organization
CSCI-UA 202 Operating Systems
CSCI-UA 310 Basic Algorithms
CSCI-UA 421 Numerical Computing
CSCI-UA 453 Theory of Computation
Three computer science courses listed at the CSCI-UA 400 level.
Students should complete a guided research project, sponsored by either
department and presented at the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Fund (DURF)
which takes places in late April. Students are expected to dedicate 10-20 hours
per week toward their research.
If completing research sponsored by the Math Department, this requirement can
also be fulfilled through the mathematics Summer Undergraduate Research
Experience (SURE) program under individual faculty supervision. Students who
participate in this program are required to present their research at Courant's
undergraduate research forum in the fall semester of their senior year. Students
who participate in SURE receive financial support for the summer. Honors
students are given special consideration for admission into the program.
Students may also satisfy this research component by participating in the AM-
SURE program. This program is for students interested in applied mathematics
and will pay a competitive salary. For more information please go to the AM-
SURE website.
Alternatively, students must complete up to two semesters of independent
study (MATH-UA 0997, 0998) under faculty supervision and present their
research at the Dean's Undergraduate Research Forum (DURF) in the spring.
Students should seek approval of their honors project from the Honors Faculty
Advisor, Antoine Cerfon.
Students who have completed at least 64 points of graded work in the College
will be awarded degrees with departmental honors by successfully completing
the designated honors sequence, or the equivalent approved by the department,
and by maintaining a general average of 3.65 and an average of 3.65 in the
If you have questions about the honors program, please contact the Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs, Beth Markowitz at [email protected] or the
Honors Faculty Advisor, Antoine Cerfon at [email protected].
If you are a mathematics major who is interested in joining the honors program,
please complete the online major declaration form and select the option
"Current Math Major interested in the Math Honors Program." (Please note: you
must be logged into your NYU e-mail account in order to access this form).
To be graduated with Latin honors, a student must have completed at least 64
points in courses in the College with passing grades. All graded courses taken
while enrolled in the College, or in other divisions of the University, will be used
to compute the honors average. Pass grades are not counted, nor are grades
received in courses at other institutions. The student must have a good record of
conduct and maintain a minimum general average as follows: cum laude, 3.686;
magna cum laude, 3.805; summa cum laude, 3.9.
C. Joint Honors in Mathematics and Economics
This is an interdisciplinary major offered by the Department of Mathematics and the
Department of Economics.
1. Mathematics Requirements
Introductory Course Requirement
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I OR MATH-UA 131 Math for Economics I
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II OR MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III (MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III is recommended,
but not required) OR MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra (MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra is
recommended, but not required)
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I
Two required electives from the following:
MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of Probability
MATH-UA 268 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
MATH-UA 393 Honors I
MATH-UA 394 Honors II
MATH-UA 397 Honors III
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV
Two more math electives from the following:
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of
Probability (if not fulfilling the two required courses above)
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics
MATH-UA 235 Probability & Statistics*
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers
MATH-UA 250 Mathematics of Finance
MATH-UA 251 Mathematical Modeling
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or MATH-UA 268 Honors Ordinary
Differential Equations (if not fulfilling the two required courses above)
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations
MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical Systems
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable
MATH-UA 375 Topology
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry
* Students who take MATH-UA 235 cannot also count MATH-UA 233, MATH-UA 238 or MATH-
UA 234 towards the major requirements. Students who take MATH-UA 233, MATH-UA 238 or
MATH-UA 234 cannot also count MATH-UA 235.
2. Economics Requirements
ECON-UA 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics
ECON-UA 2 Introduction to Microeconomics
ECON-UA 11 Microeconomic Analysis
ECON-UA 13 Macroeconomic Analysis
ECON-UA 20 Analytical Statistics, if not taking MATH-UA 234 Mathematical
ECON-UA 266 Introduction to Econometrics
any three economics elective courses, at least two of which must be theory
electives numbered ECON-UA 300-399.
*Students who take MATH-UA 234 instead of ECON-UA 20 for the statistics requirement must
take a total of four ECON-UA electives.
Research Requirements
Students should complete a guided research project, sponsored by either department, and
present it at the Dean’s Undergraduate Research Forum (DURF), which takes place in late April
of each year. Students are expected to dedicate 1020 hours per week toward their research.
Students may satisfy their research requirement either through the economic honors sequence
ECON-UA 410 and 450, or if completing research sponsored by the Math Department through
MATH-UA 997 or 998 under faculty supervision and present their research at the Dean's
Undergraduate Research Forum (DURF) in the spring. Students should seek approval of their
honors project from the Honors Faculty Advisor, Antoine Cerfon.
This requirement can also be fulfilled through the mathematics Summer Undergraduate
Research Experience (SURE) program under individual faculty supervision. Students who
participate in this program are required to present their research at Courant's undergraduate
research forum in the fall semester of their senior year. Students who participate in SURE
receive financial support for the summer. Honors students are given special consideration for
admission into the program.
Students may also satisfy this research component by participating in the AM-SURE program.
This program is for students interested in applied mathematics and will pay a competitive
salary. For more information, please go to the AM-SURE website.
Students who have completed at least 64 points of graded work in the College will be awarded
degrees with departmental honors by successfully completing the designated honors sequence,
or the equivalent approved by the department, and by maintaining a general average of 3.65
and an average of 3.65 in the major.
For additional information about the honors program, students should contact the Assistant
Director of Academic Affairs, Beth Markowitz at [email protected].
Mathematics majors who are interested in joining the joint honors program should complete
the online major declaration form and select the option "Current Math Major interested in the
Math/Economics Joint Honors Program." (Please note: you must be logged into your NYU e-
mail account in order to access this form).
To be graduated with Latin honors, a student must have completed at least 64 points in courses
in the College with passing grades. All graded courses taken while enrolled in the College, or in
other divisions of the University, will be used to compute the honors average. Pass grades are
not counted, nor are grades received in courses at other institutions. The student must have a
good record of conduct and maintain a minimum general average as follows: cum laude, 3.686;
magna cum laude, 3.805; summa cum laude, 3.9.
V. Transfer Students
Transfer students who have taken mathematics courses at other colleges should refer to the
Math Major Transfer Student website for complete instructions on how to complete the
transfer course equivalency process. In order to check transfer course equivalencies, transfer
students should contact one of our advisement team and attach a copy of your unofficial
transcript(s) with all previous math course grades:
Students whose last (family) name begins with letters A–M should contact Dana Jaggi, Program
Administrator, at [email protected]
Students whose last (family) name begins with letters N–Z should contact Beth Markowitz,
Assistant Director, Academic Affairs, at [email protected]
Our advisors will check to see if we have already reviewed your course(s) before, and will be
able to let you know if they are equivalent. For any course not previously reviewed, the advisor
will ask for a copy of the course syllabus, which must show a list of textbooks used and a weekly
breakdown of topics covered. They will then have math faculty review each syllabus for
equivalency, and will advise on the MATH-UA course credit(s) to be received.
Transfer courses that are to be counted toward major or optional minor requirements must be
judged equivalent to courses currently offered by the mathematics department. With the
exception of courses taught online due to the COVID-19 pandemic, credit cannot be transferred
for courses in which a majority of the assessment is conducted in a distance-learning
The mathematics department can only evaluate mathematics courses for equivalency and
transfer credit. Transfer students should contact the corresponding departments for each non-
math course to be evaluated.
Official transcripts must also be sent to the University registrar’s office.
No more than half of a major can be completed with transfer course credits; the remainder of
the courses must be taken at NYU. For the Math Major which requires 13 courses, only 6 math
courses can be completed with transfer credit. For the Joint Math and Economics Major which
requires 9 math courses, only 6 math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint major
can be completed with transfer credit. For the Joint Math and Data Science Major which
requires 9 math courses, only 6 math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint major
can be completed with transfer credit. For the Joint Math and Computer Science Major which
requires 10 math courses, only 6 math courses and a total of 9 courses for the entire joint major
can be completed with transfer credit.
If a student happens to have more than half of the major credits equivalent from transfer
courses, they will still be able to use them for placement/prerequisite purposes and possibly
towards their 128 graduation credits, but they will not be able to count towards their major
VI. Courses Offered in Academic Year 2021 – 2022
MATH-UA 397-398 Honors topics and MATH-UA 395 Special Topics are announced and posted in advance.
• MATH-UA 131, 132, and 133 do not count towards the Math Major degree.
MATH-UA 131, 132, and 133 are for Economics Majors (if they are double majoring in Math they may use these
instead of Calculus I – III)
Discrete Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Calculus I
Calculus I
Calculus II
Calculus II
Calculus III
Calculus III
Honors Calculus III
Honors Calculus III
Linear Algebra
Linear Algebra
Honors Linear Algebra
Intro to Computer Simulation
Math for Economics I
Honors Linear Algebra
Math for Economics II
Math for Economics I
Math for Economics III
Math for Economics II
Theory of Probability
Math for Economics III
Mathematical Statistics
Earth’s Atmosphere and Ocean:
Fluid Dynamics and Climate
Probability and Statistics
Introduction to Fluid Dynamics
Theory of Probability
Theory of Numbers
Mathematical Statistics
Mathematics of Finance
Probability and Statistics
Intro to Math Modeling
Honors Theory of Probability
Numerical Analysis
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Theory of Numbers
Mathematics of Finance
Ordinary Differential Equations
Intro to Math Modeling
Partial Differential Equations
Numerical Analysis
Honors Ordinary Differential
Linear and Nonlinear Optimization
Computers in Medicine and Biology
Honors Analysis I
Ordinary Differential Equations
Partial Differential Equations
Honors Algebra I
Chaos and Dynamical Systems
Honors III
Functions of Complex Variable
Special Topics
Honors Analysis I
Independent Study
Honors Analysis II
Honors Algebra II
Differential Geometry
Honors IV
Independent Study
VII. Suggested Course Programs
The programs shown below are suggestions only. Many students will take more mathematics
electives than are listed in these programs.
A. Possible program for mathematics majors:
First Year MATH-UA 121 Calculus I MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math
Second Year MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra MATH-UA 325 Analysis
Third Year Mathematics Elective MATH-UA 343 Algebra or Advanced Elective
Advanced Elective or MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Fourth Year Mathematics Elective Mathematics Elective
Advanced Elective Advanced Elective
By the end of the seventh semester students should complete Analysis, Algebra, and one or
more advanced electives.
B. Possible program for mathematics majors who intend to go into secondary school
First Year MATH-UA 121 Calculus I MATH-UA 122 Calculus II
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math
Second Year MATH-UA 123 Calculus III MATH-UA 325 Analysis
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra
Third Year MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability MATH-UA 343 Algebra
Mathematics Elective
Fourth Year Mathematics Elective Mathematics Elective
Advanced Elective Advanced Elective
Recommended electives are MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics, MATH-UA 255 Mathematics
in Medicine and Biology, MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers, MATH-UA 264 Chaos & Dynamical
Systems, MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations, and MATH-UA 282 Function of
Complex Variables.
C. Possible Honors Program. (Especially recommended for students who intend to go to
graduate school for advanced work in mathematics).
First Year MATH-UA 122 Calculus II MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra
Second Year MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Diff. Equations
Third Year MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II
Mathematics Elective Mathematics Elective
Fourth Year MATH-UA 393 Honors I or III MATH-UA 394 Honors II or IV
Students with advanced standing should begin their freshman year at the appropriate level.
Highly qualified students are encouraged to take graduate mathematics courses provided they
satisfy the prerequisites and obtain permission from the Vice Chair, Matthew Leingang. If
approved these courses cannot replace Advanced Electives. Please see our Enrollment in
Graduate Level Courses website for more information.
VIII. Activities
A. Mathematics Society
There is an active mathematics society open to all students interested in the study of
mathematics. An organizational meeting is held shortly after classes begin in the fall to
plan for the coming academic year. Activities include talks by faculty and guest speakers
on a variety of topics including mathematics and career opportunities as well as
attending conferences. The club is under the supervision of Trushant Majmudar and
Charmaine Sia.
B. Association for Women in Mathematics
The mission and purpose of AWM – NYU Chapter is to increase interest in the
mathematical sciences and their applications in various industries. More specifically, it
focuses on mentoring, encouraging and bringing together women undergraduates in
mathematics to increase visibility of women and their contributions in the discipline.
The club is under the supervision of Corrin Clarkson.
C. NYU Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
NYU SIAM creates a space for students to come together and discuss topics significant
to the learning of mathematics by engaging them with a diverse range of topics and
opportunities in math and its related fields; and providing opportunities for mentorship,
workshops, and cross-school collaboration. The club is under the supervision of Mutiara
Sondjaja and Miranda Holmes-Cerfon.
D. William Lowell Putnam Competition
The mathematics department participates in the annual William Lowell Putnam
Competition, a mathematics competition open to all undergraduate mathematics
students in the USA and Canada. Interested students should contact the department as
early as possible in the school year since the contest takes place in early December. A
series of preparation sessions is held under the supervision of Selin Kalaycioglu.
E. Mathematical Contest in Modeling
MCM is a contest where teams of undergraduates use mathematical modeling to
present their solutions to real world problems. Interested students should contact the
department as early as possible in the school year. This club is under the supervision of
Mutiara Sondjaja.
F. Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling
The Interdisciplinary Contest in Modeling (ICM) is an international contest for high
school students and college undergraduates. ICM is an extension of the Mathematical
Contest in Modeling (MCM). It is designed to develop and advance interdisciplinary
problem-solving skills as well as competence in written communication. Registration for
ICM is via MCM.
G. Peer Mentor Program
The mathematics department has an active peer mentor program for mathematics
majors. The program is designed to assist new mathematics majors in making the
transition to the mathematics major and life at NYU. Students interested in becoming a
mentor or mentee should send an email to
H. Study Abroad
NYU undergraduates can spend a semester studying abroad at one of the many centers
run by NYU Global Programs. Currently, mathematics can be studied at NYU Berlin, NYU
London, NYU Abu Dhabi, NYU Paris, and NYU Shanghai. Students interested in
participating in any of these programs should contact the study abroad office.
I. SURE Program
Since the spring 2000 semester the Mathematics Department has sponsored a number
of summer research experiences (SURE) for a selected number of undergraduate math
majors. The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is aimed at advanced
undergraduate math students in their junior year. The project ends with a written
report and an oral presentation in the beginning of the fall semester. Funds to support
this activity are limited and student participants are chosen by a faculty committee
based on grades, coursework, and fit between their research interests and those of the
supervising faculty. Applications are considered more highly if students have found a
faculty mentor and research topic. Students with questions regarding this program
should send an e-mail to [email protected].
J. AM-SURE Program
The Applied Math Summer Undergraduate Research Experience is a summer research
program for undergraduate students interested in applied mathematics, both modeling
and simulation. The main goal is for each student to complete a research project under
the joint guidance of graduate students, postdocs, and faculty in the mathematics
department at NYU. Some projects will involve theoretical modeling and computer
simulation, and others may involve Courant's Applied Math Lab, where students will
help conduct experiments to validate models and simulations. The program will include
a set of coherent activities such as frequent group academic meetings and social
gatherings. Students will be given office space and computational resources to complete
their projects. Students can apply during the Spring semester using the online
application form.
IX. Awards
A. Prizes
Every spring the mathematics department presents awards to exceptional students in
the department.
The Mathematics Award is presented to a graduating senior for excellence in
mathematics and service to the department and fellow students, and to
members of the junior class for meritorious service, or for excellence in
The Hollis Cooley Memorial Prize is awarded for excellence and exceptional
promise in mathematics.
Mathematics Awards for Academic Achievement are presented to graduating
seniors for academic excellence in mathematics.
B. Scholarships and Grants
New York University sponsors and administers a wide variety of financial aid programs,
including its own scholarship and grant funds and some New York State and Federal
funds. For additional information, students should refer to the College of Arts and
Science Bulletin.
X. Mathematics Internship Opportunities
2 or 4 Points. Undergraduate-level. This course is graded Pass/Fail only
Prerequisites: Permission of the department. Students must be a declared Math major,
have a math GPA of 3.5 and an overall GPA of 3.0, and have at least 50% of the Math
major courses completed.
An internship in mathematics is an excellent complement to formal course work. This is
a great opportunity to explore different career options and gain hands-on experience.
2 or 4 Points. Undergraduate-level. This course is graded Pass/Fail only
Prerequisites: Permission of the department. Students must be a declared Math major,
have a math GPA of 3.5 and an overall GPA of 3.0, and have at least 50% of the Math
major courses completed.
An internship in mathematics is an excellent complement to formal course work. This is
a great opportunity to explore different career options and gain hands-on experience.
Internships are an excellent complement to classroom learning, and can be a valuable part of a
student's education, especially with all of the exciting opportunities offered through our
department and the Wasserman Center for Career Development.
An internship in Mathematics will not count towards the Math Major or Minor. The internship
credit will count towards a student's overall degree.
The College of Arts and Sciences will allow students to take a total of 12 credits between
Internships and Independent Studies, but no more than 8 points may be taken in any one
Note: Not all internships/employers require students to earn academic credit.
Each student must fill out the MATH-UA 897/898 Internship Enrollment Request Form found on
the Mathematics Internship Opportunities website.
In order to be approved, we expect the internship to have meaningful mathematical content,
either directly, or through data analysis, computer science or economics. If the student's
internship is approved by faculty, the student will be registered for the internship course by a
math advisor.
For F1 International Students: If the students' request for internship credit is approved by the
department, students will be notified by their math advisor. At that time, students should
submit their CPT request form via the OGS website. Students should not submit their CPT
request before getting approval for their internship from the department.
Each student's supervisor must complete an evaluation of the student. At the end of the
semester, the supervisor will be instructed to complete an evaluation form to be sent directly
back to the department.
International Students: For more information on policies and procedures, please reach out to
the Office of Global Services or email o[email protected].
XI. Work Opportunities in the Mathematics Department
A. Tutoring
The department offers paid undergraduate tutoring positions for advanced mathematics
majors. Tutors provide free tutoring for undergraduate students taking lower-level
mathematics courses. Preferred applicants have completed and received an A in
Calculus I, II, III, Linear Algebra, Discrete Mathematics, and Analysis.
B. Grading
Paid grader positions are available for advanced mathematics majors. Students grade
homework problems for undergraduate mathematics courses. Preferred applicants have
completed and received an A in Calculus I, II, III, Linear Algebra, and Discrete
Interested students should complete the Grader and Tutor Application on the Work
Opportunities in the Math Department website.
XII. Course Descriptions
Listed below are descriptions of all mathematics courses that satisfy the major and minor
requirements. Some of the courses are given only in the fall, others only in the spring, a few
are given once every other year, and some only on request. However, any course may be
scheduled if there is sufficient demand.
MATH-UA 9 Algebra, Trigonometry, and Functions (offered each term) 4 points
High school mathematics or permission of the department.
This course serves as preparation for MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics, MATH-UA 121
Calculus I, MATH-UA 131 Mathematics for Economics I, and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra.
Topics include: intermediate algebra and trigonometry; algebraic, exponential, logarithmic, and
trigonometric functions and their graphs.
MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics (offered each term)4 points
One of the following:
SAT score of 670 or higher on mathematics portion March 2016 and later
SAT score of 650 or higher on mathematics portion before March 2016
SAT subject test in mathematics (Level 1 or Level 2) score of 650 or greater
ACT/ACTE Math score of 30 or higher
AB score of 3 or higher
BC score of 3 or higher
A-Level Maths score of C or higher (anyone who took Further Maths should contact the
math department as it varies depending on the exam board)
AS-Level Maths score of B or higher
Completion of NYU's Algebra, Trigonometry, and Functions (MATH-UA 009) with a grade
of C or higher
Placement Exam
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 121 Calculus I 2021 - 2027
IB Analysis and Approaches HL score of 5
IB Applications and Interpretations HL score of 5
IB Analysis and Approaches SL score of 7
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 121 Calculus I 2014 - 2020
IB Mathematics HL score of 5
IB Mathematics SL score of 6 or higher
IB Mathematical Studies SL score of 7
A first course in discrete mathematics. Sets, algorithms, induction. Combinatorics. Graphs and
trees. Combinatorial circuits. Logic and Boolean algebra.
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I (offered each term)4 points
Same as for MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics.
Derivatives, antiderivatives, and integrals of functions of one real variable. Trigonometric,
inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Applications, including graphing,
maximizing and minimizing functions. Areas and volumes.
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II (offered each term)4 points
One of the following:
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I with a C or better
AB score of 4 or higher
BC score of 4 or higher
A-level Maths score of B or higher (anyone who took Further Maths should contact the
math department as it varies depending on the exam board)
Placement Exam
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 122 Calculus II 2021 - 2027
IB Analysis and Approaches HL score of 6
IB Applications and Interpretations HL score of 6
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 122 Calculus II 2014 - 2020
IB Mathematics HL score of 6 or higher (no Topic 9)
Techniques of integration. Further applications. Plane analytic geometry. Polar coordinates
and parametric equations. Infinite series, including power series.
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III (offered each term)4 points
One of the following:
MATH-UA 122 Calculus II with a C or higher
BC score of 5
SEAB A-Level H-2 score of B or higher
Certain A-Level Further Maths Exams with score of B or higher (anyone who took
Further Maths should contact the math department as it varies depending on the exam
Placement Exam
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 123 Calculus III 2021 - 2027
IB Analysis and Approaches HL score of 7
IB Prerequisites for MATH-UA 123 Calculus III 2014 - 2020
IB Mathematics HL score of 6 or higher (with Topic 9)
IB Further Mathematics HL score of 6 or higher
Functions of several optimization and variables. Vectors in the plane and space. Partial
derivatives with applications, especially Lagrange multipliers. Double and triple integrals.
Spherical and cylindrical coordinates. Surface and line integrals. Divergence, gradient and curl.
Theorem of Gauss and Stokes.
MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III (offered in the fall and spring terms) 4 points
A- in MATH-UA 122 or equivalent, 5 on the AP Calculus BC, IB Analysis and Approaches HL score
of 7 (students entering 2021 - 2027), IB Mathematics HL score of 6 or higher (with Topic 9)
(students entering 2014 - 2020), IB Further Mathematics HL score of 6 or higher (students
entering 2014 - 2020).
Similar to MATH-UA 123 Calculus III, but at a faster pace and deeper level. Functions of several
variables. Vectors in the plane and space. Partial derivatives with applications, especially
Lagrange multipliers. Double and triple integrals. Spherical and cylindrical coordinates. Surface
and line integrals. Divergence, gradient, and curl. Theorem of Gauss and Stokes. Students
interested in an honors mathematics degree are especially encouraged to consider this course.
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra (offered each term)4 points
Same as for MATH-UA 120 Discrete Mathematics.
Systems of linear equations, Gaussian elimination, matrices, determinants, Cramer’s rule.
Vectors, vector spaces, basis and dimension, linear transformations. Eigenvalues, eigenvectors,
and quadratic forms.
MATH-UA 144 Introduction to Computer Simulation (offered spring term) 4 points (Identical
to CSCI-UA 330)
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 121 Calculus I or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for
Economics majors) and PHYS-UA 11 General Physics.
In this course, students will learn how to do computer simulations of such phenomena as orbits
(Kepler problem and N-body problem), epidemic and endemic disease (including evolution in
response to the selective pressure of a malaria), musical stringed instruments (piano, guitar,
and violin), and traffic flow in a city (with lights, breakdowns, and gridlock at corners). The
simulations are based on mathematical models, numerical methods, and Matlab programming
techniques that will be taught in class. The use of animations (and sound where appropriate) to
present the results of simulations will be emphasized.
MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra (offered in the fall and spring terms) 4 points
A grade of A- or better in MATH-UA 9 Algebra, Trigonometry & Functions or the equivalent.
Any additional requirements depend on the professor teaching the course for that semester.
Please refer to the most recent course description.
This honors section of Linear Algebra is intended for well-prepared students who have already
developed some mathematical maturity. Its scope will include the usual Linear Algebra (MATH-
UA 140) syllabus; however, this class will move faster, covering additional topics and going
deeper. Vector spaces, linear dependence, basis and dimension, matrices, determinants,
solving linear equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, quadratic forms, applications such as
optimization or linear regression.
MATH-UA 131 Mathematics for Economics I (offered each term)4 points
The same as for MATH-UA 121 Calculus I.
NOTE: Cannot apply both Calculus courses and Math for Economics courses to your major or
minor. Economics majors pursuing a double major in mathematics may substitute these courses
for the regular calculus sequence.
Elements of calculus and linear algebra are important to the study of economics. This class is
designed to provide the appropriate tools for study in the policy concentration. Examples and
motivation are drawn from important topics in economics. Topics covered include derivatives
of functions of one and several variables; interpretations of the derivatives; convexity;
constrained and unconstrained optimization.
MATH-UA 132 Mathematics for Economics II (offered each term) 4 points
Completion of MATH-UA 131 Math for Economics I with a grade of C or higher, or passing
departmental placement exam.
A continuation of Mathematics for Economics I. Matrix algebra; eigenvalues; Ordinary
differential equations and stability analysis, multivariable integration and (possibly) dynamic
MATH-UA 133 Mathematics for Economics III (offered in the fall and spring terms) 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II, or passing departmental
placement exam.
Further topics in vector calculus. Vector spaces, matrix analysis. Linear and nonlinear
programming with applications to game theory. This course will provide economics students
who have taken MATH-UA 131 Mathematics for Economics I and MATH-UA 132 Mathematics
for Economics II with the tools to take higher-level mathematics courses.
MATH-UA 228 Earth’s Atmosphere and Ocean: Fluid Dynamics and Climate (offered spring
term)4 points (Identical to ENVST-UA 360)
A grade of B- or higher in MATH-UA 121 Calculus I or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for
Economics majors) or equivalent and familiarity with introductory physics (at least at the
advanced high school level).
Recommended and Preferred: MATH-UA 123 Calculus III
Introduction to dynamical processes that drive the circulation of the atmosphere and ocean,
and their interaction. Goal of the lectures is to develop an understanding of the unifying
principles of planetary fluid dynamics. Topics include the global energy balance, convection and
radiation (the greenhouse effect), effects of planetary rotation (the Coriolis force), structure of
the atmospheric circulation (the Hadley cell and wind patterns), structure of the oceanic
circulation (wind-driven currents and the thermohaline circulation), and climate and climate
variability (including El Niño and anthropogenic warming).
MATH-UA 230 Introduction to Fluid Dynamics (offered spring term) 4 points (Identical to
PHYS-UA 180)
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III (for
Economics majors)
PHYS-UA 106 Mathematical Physics
Fluid dynamics is the branch of physics that describes motions of fluids as varied as the flow of
blood in the human body, the flight of an insect or the motions of weather systems on Earth.
The course introduces the key concepts of fluid dynamics: the formalism of continuum
mechanics, the conservation of mass, energy and momentum in a fluid, the Euler and Navier-
Stokes equations, viscosity and vorticity. These concepts are applied to study classic problems
in fluid dynamics, such as potential flow around a cylinder, the Stokes flow, the propagation of
sound and gravity waves and the onset of instability in shear flow.
MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability (offered each term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III (for
Economics majors) or equivalent, and a grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or
NOTE: Not open to students who have taken MATH-UA 235 Probability and Statistics. This
course is intended for math majors and other students with a strong interest in mathematics. It
requires fluency in topics such as multi-variable integration and therefore a grade of B or better
in MATH-UA 123 or MATH-UA 133 (or the equivalent) is strongly recommended.
An introduction to the mathematical treatment of random phenomena occurring in the natural,
physical, and social sciences. Axioms of mathematical probability, combinatorial analysis,
binomial distribution, Poisson and normal approximation, random variables and probability
distributions, generating functions, Markov chains, applications.
MATH-UA 234 Mathematical Statistics (offered each term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or equivalent.
NOTE: Not open to students who have taken MATH-UA 235 Probability and Statistics.
An introduction to the mathematical foundations and techniques of modern statistical analysis
for the interpretation of data in the quantitative sciences. Mathematical theory of sampling;
normal populations and distributions; chi-square, t, and F distributions; hypothesis testing;
estimation; confidence intervals; sequential analysis; correlation, regression; analysis of
variance. Applications to the sciences.
MATH-UA 235 Probability and Statistics (offered spring term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 122 Calculus II or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for
Economics majors) or equivalent.
NOTE: Not open to students who have taken MATH-UA 233 Theory of Probability or MATH-UA
234 Mathematical Statistics
A combination of MATH-UA 233 and MATH-UA 234 at a more elementary level, so as to afford
the student some acquaintance with both probability and statistics in a single term. In
probability: mathematical treatment of chance; combinatorics; binomial, Poisson, and Gaussian
distributions; law of large numbers and the normal approximation; application to coin-tossing,
radioactive decay, etc. In statistics: sampling; normal and other useful distributions; testing of
hypotheses; confidence intervals; correlation and regression; applications to scientific,
industrial, and financial data.
MATH-UA 238 Honors Theory of Probability (offered spring term) 4 points
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for
Economics III (for Economics majors) with a grade of B+ or better and/or the equivalent, and
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra with a grade of B+ or
better and/or the equivalent, and MATH-UA 120 Discrete Math with a grade of B+ or better
and/or the equivalent. Not open to students who have taken MATH-UA 235 Probability and
Statistics. While B+ or higher is the standard requirement for this course, the department will
consider petitions if you are on the borderline of that requirement.
NOTE: Not open to students who have taken MATH-UA 235 Probability and Statistics. This
course is intended for math majors and other students with a strong interest in mathematics.
The aim of this class is to introduce students to probability theory, with a greater emphasis on
rigor, more material, and a faster pace than the Theory of Probability class. The material will
include discrete and continuous probability, and the most fundamental limit theorems (law of
large numbers and Central Limit Theorem). Students will be made familiar with the classical
models, computations on densities, and convergence to universal distributions. They will also
be expected to understand the proofs of all the results seen in class, and be able to argue with
mathematical rigor.
MATH-UA 240 Combinatorics (offered spring term) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 122 Calculus II or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for
Economics majors) or equivalent.
Techniques for counting and enumeration including generating functions, the principle of
inclusion and exclusion, and Polyacounting. Graph theory. Modern algorithms and data
structures for graph-theoretic problems.
MATH-UA 248 Theory of Numbers (offered fall term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 122 Calculus II or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for
Economics majors) or equivalent.
Divisibility theory and prime numbers. Linear and quadratic congruences. The classical number-
theoretic functions. Continued fractions. Diophantine equations.
MATH-UA 250 Mathematics of Finance (offered in the fall and spring terms) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III and one of the following: MATH-UA 233
Theory of Probability, MATH-UA 235 Probability and Statistics, ECON-UA 18 Statistics, or ECON-
UA 20 Analytical Statistics and/or permission of the instructor.
Introduction to the mathematics of finance. Topics include: Linear programming with
application to pricing. Interest rates and present value. Basic probability, random walks, central
limit theorem, Brownian motion, log-normal model of stock prices. Black-Scholes theory of
options. Dynamic programming with application to portfolio optimization.
MATH-UA 251 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling (offered in the fall and spring terms) –
4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III (for
Economics majors).
Formulation and analysis of mathematical models. Mathematical tools include dimensional
analysis, optimization, simulation, probability, and elementary differential equations.
Applications to biology, economics, and other areas of science. The necessary mathematical
and scientific background is developed as needed. Students participate in formulating models
as well as in analyzing them.
MATH-UA 252 Numerical Analysis (offered fall and spring terms) – 4 points
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Mathematics
for Economics III (for economics majors) with a grade of C or higher and MATH-UA 140 Linear
Algebra with a grade of B- or higher or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra with a grade of C
or higher, or equivalents.
In numerical analysis, one explores how mathematical problems can be analyzed and solved
with a computer. As such, numerical analysis has very broad applications in mathematics,
physics, engineering, finance, and the life sciences. This course introduces the subject for
mathematics majors. Theory and practical examples using Matlab are combined to explore
topics ranging from simple root-finding procedures to differential equations and the finite
element method.
MATH-UA 253 Linear and Nonlinear Optimization (offered fall and spring terms) 4 points
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III OR MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III OR MATH-UA 133 Math for
Economics III (for Economics majors) with a grade of C or better and/or the equivalent, AND
MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra OR MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear Algebra with a grade of C or
better and/or the equivalent.
Optimization is a major part of the toolbox of the applied mathematician, and more broadly, of
researchers in quantitative sciences including economics, data science, machine learning, and
quantitative social sciences. The course provides an introduction to linear programming and
convex optimization. It will cover some theory (duality, minimax problems, convexity) and
algorithms (descent algorithms in the nonlinear case, simplex and interior point methods in the
linear case). The course will put emphasis on numerical implementation (using Python/Numpy
and Gurobi), as well on applications to economics (matching models, dynamic programming,
resource allocation problems), and operations research (shortest path problems, and more
general network flow problems).
MATH-UA 255 Mathematics in Medicine and Biology (offered fall term of even years) 4
points (Identical to BIOL-UA 255)
MATH-UA 121 Calculus I or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II (for Economics majors) and
BIOL-UA 11 Principles of Biology I.
Intended primarily for premedical students with interest and ability in mathematics. Topics of
medical importance using mathematics as a tool, including control of the heart, optimal
principles in the lung, cell membranes, electrophysiology, countercurrent exchange in the
kidney, acid-base balance, muscle, cardiac catheterization, computer diagnosis. Material from
the physical sciences and mathematics is introduced as needed and developed within the
MATH-UA 256 Computers in Medicine and Biology (offered spring term of even years) - 4
points (Identical to BIOL-UA 256)
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 255 Mathematics in Medicine and Biology
Familiarity with a programming language. The language used in the course will be MATLAB, but
prior experience with MATLAB is not required.
Introduces students to the use of computer simulation as a tool for investigating biological
phenomena. The course requirement is to construct three computer models during the
semester, to report on results to the class, and to hand in a writeup describing each project.
These projects can be done individually, or as part of a team. Topics discussed in class are the
circulation of the blood, gas exchange in the lung, electrophysiology of neurons and neural
networks, the renal countercurrent mechanism, cross-bridge dynamics in muscle, and the
dynamics of epidemic and endemic diseases. Projects are normally chosen from this list, but
may be chosen otherwise by students with other interests.
MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations (offered in fall and spring terms) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in both MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics
III (for Economics majors) and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or equivalent.
A first course in ordinary differential equations, including analytical solution
methods, elementary numerical methods, and modeling. Topics to be covered include: first-
order equations including integrating factors; second-order equations including variation
of parameters; series solutions; elementary numerical methods including Euler's methods,
Runge-Kutta methods, and error analysis; Laplace transforms; systems of linear
equations; boundary-value problems. Some optional topics to be chosen at the instructor's
discretion include: nonlinear dynamics including phase-plane description; elementary partial
differential equations and Fourier series.
MATH-UA 263 Partial Differential Equations (offered in the fall and spring terms) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 262 Ordinary Differential Equations or equivalent.
Many laws of physics are formulated as partial differential equations. This course discusses the
simplest examples, such as waves, diffusion, gravity, and static electricity. Non-linear
conservation laws and the theory of shock waves are discussed. Further applications to physics,
chemistry, biology, and population dynamics.
MATH-UA 264 Chaos and Dynamical Systems (offered spring term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in both MATH-UA 122 Calculus II or MATH-UA 132 Math for Economics II
(for Economics majors) and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or equivalent.
Topics include dynamics of maps and of first-order and second-order differential equations:
stability, bifurcations, limit cycles, and dissection of systems with fast and slow timescales.
Geometric viewpoint, including phase planes, is stressed. Chaotic behavior is introduced in the
context of one-variable maps (the logistic), fractal sets, etc. Applications are drawn from
physics and biology. Homework and projects are assigned, as well as a few computer lab
sessions. (Programming experience is not a prerequisite.)
MATH-UA 268 Honors Ordinary Differential Equations (offered fall term) 4 points
A grade of A- or higher in MATH-UA 325 Analysis or a grade of B+ or higher in MATH-UA 328
Honors Analysis I
This class will develop rigorously the basic theory of Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs).
Existence and uniqueness of solutions to ODEs are first investigated, for linear and nonlinear
problems, set on the real line or the complex plane. More qualitative questions are then
considered, about the behavior of the solutions, with possible prolongations to various topics in
Dynamical Systems theory. Applications to Physics and Biology will appear naturally when
discussing examples.
MATH-UA 282 Functions of a Complex Variable (offered spring term)4 points
A grade of C or higher in both MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics
III (for Economics majors) and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or equivalent.
Complex numbers and complex functions. Differentiation and the Cauchy-Riemann equations.
Cauchy’s theorem and the Cauchy integral formula. Singularities, residues, Taylor and Laurent
series. Fractional Linear transformations and conformal mapping. Analytic continuation.
Applications to fluid flow etc.
MATH-UA 325 Analysis (offered in fall and spring terms) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III (for
Economics majors) and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or equivalent.
This course is an introduction to rigorous analysis on the real line. Topics include: the real
number system, sequences and series of numbers, functions of a real variable (continuity and
differentiability), the Riemann integral, basic topological notions in a metric space, sequences
and series of functions including Taylor and Fourier series.
MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I (offered fall and spring terms) 4 points
A grade of A- or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III (or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III
(for Economics majors)) or a grade of B+ or higher in MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III AND a
grade of A- or higher MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or a grade of B+ or higher in MATH-UA 148
Honors Linear Algebra.
This is an introduction to the rigorous treatment of the foundations of real analysis in one
variable. It is based entirely on proofs. Students are expected to know what a mathematical
proof is and are also expected to be able to read a proof before taking this class. Topics include:
properties of the real number system, sequences, continuous functions, topology of the real
line, compactness, derivatives, the Riemann integral, sequences of functions, uniform
convergence, infinite series and Fourier series. Additional topics may include: Lebesgue
measure and integral on the real line, metric spaces, and analysis on metric spaces.
MATH-UA 329 Honors Analysis II (offered spring term) 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I or grade of A in MATH-UA 325
Analysis in conjunction with permission by instructor and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra with a
grade of C or better or the equivalent.
This is a continuation of MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I. Topics include: metric spaces,
differentiation of functions of several real variables, the implicit and inverse function theorems,
Riemann integral on R^n, Lebesgue measure on R^n, the Lebesgue integral.
MATH-UA 343 Algebra (offered fall and spring terms) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in both MATH-UA 123 Calculus III or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics
III (for Economics majors) and MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or equivalent.
Strongly recommended:
MATH-UA 325 Analysis
Introduction to abstract algebraic structures, including groups, rings, and fields. Sets and
relations. Congruences and unique factorization of integers. Groups, permutation groups,
homomorphisms and quotient groups. Rings and quotient rings, Euclidean rings, polynomial
rings. Fields, finite extensions.
MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I (offered fall term) 4 points
A grade of A- or higher in MATH-UA 123 Calculus III (or MATH-UA 133 Math for Economics III
(for Economics majors)) or a grade of B+ or higher in MATH-UA 129 Honors Calculus III AND a
grade of A- or higher MATH-UA 140 Linear Algebra or a grade of B+ or higher in MATH-UA 148
Honors Linear Algebra.
Introduction to abstract algebraic structures, including groups, rings, and fields. Sets and
relations. Congruences and unique factorization of integers. Groups, permutation groups, group
actions, homomorphisms and quotient groups, direct products, classification of finitely
generated abelian groups, Sylow theorems. Rings, ideals and quotient rings, Euclidean rings,
polynomial rings, unique factorization.
MATH-UA 349 Honors Algebra II (offered spring term) 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 348 Honors Algebra I, or grade of A in MATH-UA 343
Algebra in conjunction with permission by instructor.
Principle ideal domains, polynomial rings in several variables, unique factorization domains.
Fields, finite extensions, constructions with ruler and compass, Galois theory, solvability by
MATH-UA 375 Topology (offered spring term) – 4 points
A grade of C or higher in MATH-UA 325 Analysis.
Set-theoretic preliminaries. Metric spaces, topological spaces, compactness, connectedness,
covering spaces, and homotopy groups.
MATH-UA 377 Differential Geometry (offered spring term) – 4 points
MATH-UA 123 Calculus III and MATH-UA 140 Linear algebra or MATH-UA 148 Honors Linear
Algebra. Recommended: MATH-UA 325 Analysis or MATH-UA 328 Honors Analysis I.
The geometry of curves and surfaces in Euclidean space. Frenet formulas, the isoperimetric
inequality, local theory of surfaces in Euclidean space, first and second fundamental forms.
Gaussian and mean curvature, isometries, geodesics, parallelism, the Gauss-Bonnet Theorem.
MATH-UA 393 Honors I (offered fall term of even years) 4 points
Honors standing or approval of the director of the honors program.
A lecture/seminar course on advanced topics. Topics vary yearly and are updated from time to
time. Detailed course descriptions are available during preregistration.
MATH-UA 394 Honors II (offered spring term of odd year) 4 points
Honors standing or approval of the director of the honors program.
A lecture/seminar course on advanced topics. Topics vary yearly and are updated from time to
time. Detailed course descriptions are available during preregistration.
MATH-UA 395 Special Topics I (offered on request in the Fall)
Prerequisite varies according to topic.
Topics vary.
MATH-UA 396 Special Topics II (offered on request in the Spring)
Prerequisite varies according to topic.
Topics vary.
MATH-UA 397 Honors III (offered fall term of odd years) 4 points
Honors standing or approval of the director of the honors program.
A lecture/seminar course on advanced topics. Topics vary yearly and are updated from time to
time. Detailed course descriptions are available during preregistration.
MATH-UA 398 Honors IV (offered spring term of even year) 4 points
Honors standing or approval of the director of the honors program.
A lecture/seminar course on advanced topics. Topics vary yearly and are updated from time to
time. Detailed course descriptions are available during preregistration.
MATH-UA 897, 898 Internship2 or 4 points per term
Permission of the department. Student must be a declared Math major, have a math GPA of 3.5
and an overall GPA of 3.0, and have at least 50% of the Math major courses completed.
To register for this course a student must complete the Enrollment Request Form and have the
approval of the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
MATH-UA 997, 998 Independent Study 2 or 4 points per term
Permission of the department.
To register for this course, a student must seek out a faculty sponsor and draft a brief research
proposal to be approved by the Director of Undergraduate Studies or the Vice Chair of
Undergraduate Affairs.
XIII. Graduate Courses Open to Undergraduates
We encourage undergraduates with demonstrated excellence in rigorous math courses, and a
passion for further study in a specific subject, to apply for permission to enroll in graduate
courses. The policies and procedures for doing so are outlined here.
Students accepted into the Bachelor’s-Master’s track for mathematics should contact the
graduate math program ([email protected]) with their graduate course requests. All other
undergraduates should complete the Graduate Math Course Registration Request Form, linked
below, after carefully reading the following information.
Eligibility to request enrollment in graduate courses
In order to qualify for enrollment in any graduate level math course, students must meet the
following requirements:
Enrolled at NYU New York, or NYU Shanghai or NYU Abu Dhabi visiting New York at the
time the course is offered
Pursuing a major degree program in or jointly in mathematics
Completion of MATH-UA 325 Analysis or equivalent with a grade of A, or MATH-UA 328
Honors Analysis I or equivalent with a grade of A- or higher
Maintaining a math major GPA of 3.65 or higher
Junior standing or above at the time the course is offered
(Students can find their major GPA in the Academic Requirements Report in their Albert
Student Center drop down menu. The major GPA will be located at the bottom of the Math
Major Requirements section.)
Students who do not meet the requirements on this page and would like to petition to enroll in a
graduate course should still complete the Graduate Math Course Registration Request Form,
and must complete the "Special Permission Request" box at the end of the form.
Procedures for requesting permission and enrollment
Students should submit the request form once for each course requested. Students
should not submit the request form twice for the same course.
While waiting for their request(s) to be evaluated, students are advised to enroll in
undergraduate course selection(s) first, which can later be swapped for any approved
graduate courses.
Requests will be evaluated by the Vice Chair for Undergraduate Affairs.
Students should receive a follow-up email within ten (10) university business days
(normally two weeks) of completing the form. Students may follow up by email if they
have not heard about their request by then.
General course enrollment policies
Students are normally granted permission to enroll in one graduate course in their first
semester of receiving permission, and a maximum of two in subsequent semesters.
MATH-GA courses do not count towards the Restricted/Advanced Electives portion of
the Math Major
MATH-GA courses do not count towards the four required honors level courses of the
honors math program. The four honors level courses must be MATH-UA Honors courses.
DS-GA courses do not count towards the Joint Mathematics & Computer Science and
the Joint Mathematics & Economics majors.
This process should not be seen as a “back door” to a master’s program. Students
interested in completing a large number of graduate courses should apply for the
bachelor’s-master’s track.
All math graduate courses carry 3 credits, while undergraduate courses carry 4.
Undergraduates taking graduate courses should take care to earn 128 credits prior to
their anticipated graduation date.
Specific course policies and prerequisites
“Core” master’s courses such as MATH-GA 141020 Introduction to Mathematical
Analysis III, MATH-GA 2110 Linear Algebra I, MATH-GA 2050 Elements of Discrete
Mathematics, etc., are generally off limits to undergraduates
Advanced Ph.D. courses designated as “Advanced Topics” are generally off limits to
The number of seats available to undergraduates in a specific graduate course may be
limited. Permissions are granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Certain courses require additional permission from faculty instructors or overseers.
Students should not seek permission from faculty instructors to override an unfavorable
decision from the department.
A complete list of graduate math courses available to undergraduate students and their
prerequisites is available on the Enrollment in Graduate Level Courses website.
Prerequisites listed are in addition to the general eligibility requirements, and are satisfied by
course work or experience, not by undirected self-study. Students who would like to petition to
enroll in a course that is not listed can do so by choosing the "Other" course option on the
request form.
Descriptions of graduate math courses and current graduate course offerings are available
Graduate Course Descriptions
Graduate Course Schedule
Additional Information
Any questions regarding the Graduate Math Course Registration Request Form, or the process
of requesting graduate math course enrollment, should be directed to the Program
Administrator, Dana Jaggi, at djag[email protected] or the Assistant Director of Academic
Affairs, Beth Markowitz, at [email protected].
XIV. Departmental Faculty
A complete listing of the Department of Mathematics Faculty can be found on our website.