Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Complying with the Digital
Markets Act
Apples Efforts to Protect User Security
and Privacy in the European Union
March 2024
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Apple’s Goal Is to Protect Users.......................................... 3
Apple’s Safeguards for App Distribution and Alternative
Payments Aim to Protect User Security and Privacy and
Keep Users Safe................................................................... 6
The Risks That Are Reduced (But Not Eliminated) by
Apple’s Safeguards for App Distribution and Alternative
Payment Systems............................................................... 17
The Role of Alternative App Marketplaces and Alternative
Payment Processors in Further Reducing Risks............... 24
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Apple’s Goal Is to Protect Users
At Apple, our highest priority is to make great products that enrich our users’
lives around the world. We make products that we want to use ourselves, and
that we want our family and closest friends to love as much as we do. We are
constantly focused on providing our users with a high-quality and safe experience
through the seamless integration of hardware, software, and services. And we
know that a big reason why customers choose Appleand iPhoneis because
they believe that we are delivering on that vision.
When Apple introduced iPhone in 2007, it defined the era of mobile computing.
And it inspired new productsincluding nearly two million apps from third-party
developers that have become essential to people’s daily lives, creating an entirely
new app economy responsible for millions of jobs and facilitating trillions of euros
in commerce worldwide.
Unfortunately, we also live in a world where security and privacy attacks present
evolving and increasingly sophisticated threats to everyone. Bad actors create
malicious apps that can alter your data, hold it hostage for ransom, or leak it to
the entire web. They can engage in deceptive or fraudulent activity, seek to snoop
and spy on you without you knowing it, or compromise the very functionality of
your device itself. They can build sham websites designed to trick you into giving
away sensitive data, convince you to download dangerous software, or even
attack your web browser. They can send phishing emails to convince you to hand
over your passwords. Cybercriminals can also attempt to steal your information
by accessing your device without your knowledge or consent, using Bluetooth
accessories and open network connectionsor just getting physical access to
your device. Other bad actors can even try to hack your information and messages
while they’re in digital transit to and from your device. These bad actors have
posed, and will continue to pose, threats to everyone no matter where they live.
Gary Davis, Data Protection Officer
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
We built iPhone to protect users against these kinds of risks, combining hardware,
software, and services designed to work together for maximum security and a
transparent user experience in service of the ultimate goal of keeping personal
information safe. This is one important reason why third-party apps have been able
to achieve incredible success on iPhonebecause, despite all of these well-known
and ever-present risks, users trust Apples commitment to protect them. These are
some of Apple’s most important standards:
Users trust their iPhones with their most sensitive data. We build industry-leading
security protections to help prevent anyone but the user from accessing the
data on their iPhone. And we believe its critical for users to have a trusted place
where they can safely download and discover softwarefree from malware,
cybercriminals, and scammers.
At Apple, we believe privacy is a fundamental human right and we design our
products and services with innovative technologies and techniques to protect our
users’ privacy. Users should not be exposed to software or websites that collect,
use, or share their information without their informed permission. We build our
products and services to give users control over their data and help protect them
against the collection, use, or sharing of their information without their permission,
and to make sure users know what data of theirs is being shared and how it is used,
and that they can exercise control over it.
Users should not be exposed to physical harm through iOS, including through apps
that advocate for or cause harm.
These values are fundamental to who we are, to what iPhone users expect
from us, and to the integrity of our platform.
We are grateful that users in more than 175 countries and regions around the world
have embraced iPhone, and Apple is deeply committed to upholding these core
values in every single one of those places. That means finding a way to protect and
preserve user security, privacy, and safety while following the law in every country
where we do business.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Starting this year, the European Union’s new Digital Markets Act (DMA)
requires us to take a new approach in our work to serve our EU users.
To comply with the DMA, we have created new options for developers and users
and built over 600 new APIs and developer tools to enable these changes. The
new options include enabling sideloading so that EU users can download apps
through app marketplaces other than the App Store, enabling alternative ways to
process payments on the App Store, and many other changes.
This required us
to change the uniquely successful approach that we’ve employed to protect users’
security and privacy and keep them safe.
Since we launched iPhone in 2007, we have taken the same approach to
protecting our users everywhere in the world, encompassing many wide-ranging
and industry-leading protections against countless threat vectors. On the App
Store specifically, starting with its inception in 2008, we wanted to create a safe
and trusted place for users to discover apps and a means of providing a secure
and supportive way for developers to develop, test, and distribute apps to users
globally—and over the years, we have further empowered developers with more
than 40 software development kits (SDKs), 250,000 application programming
interfaces (APIs), and many other advanced tools.
By requiring that all apps on iPhone be distributed through a single trusted
source, the App Store, we were able to accomplish our goal of protecting users
more effectively than any other platform. While our efforts to protect users
and developers alike are never complete, iOS has never allowed a widespread
consumer malware attack on userswhich is exceptional for a 17-year-old,
modern computing platform.
The new options we’re introducing to comply with the DMA necessarily mean
we will not be able to protect users in the same way. To keep offering users the
most secure, most privacy-protecting, and safest platformin line with what
users expect from Apple—we’ve designed and implemented new safeguards that
will help to protect and inform them. While the changes the DMA requires will
inevitably cause a gap between the protections that Apple users outside of the EU
can rely on and the protections available to users in the EU moving forward, we are
working tirelessly to make sure iPhone remains the safest of any phones available
in the EU by reducing the risks introduced by these necessary changeseven
though we cannot entirely eliminate such risks.
This document highlights key steps we’re taking on three important frontsuser
security, privacy, and safetyto address the changes the DMA requires to app
distribution and payments, and what we expect those changes will accomplish for
developers and users in the EU.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Apple’s Safeguards forApp Distribution and Alternative
Payments Aim to Protect User Security and Privacy and
Keep Users Safe
We are introducing and expanding a number of features that will support
user security, privacy, and safety while allowing sideloading and alternative
ways to process payments on the App Store in the EU. Apple has developed
and deployed safeguards aimed at ensuring that we continue to provide the best,
most secure experience possible for users in the EUeven if it won’t be as secure,
privacy-protecting, or safe as in the rest of the world.
Identifying and Stopping Malicious Apps
To help protect our EU users in the new landscape created by the DMA, Apple is
launching Notarization for iOS—a baseline review of all apps (whether they
are distributed through the App Store or an alternative app marketplace)
that reflects the new app distribution landscape and is focused on platform
integrity and protecting users.
Apple will electronically sign each app that is distributed on iOS in the EU, no
matter how it is distributedand this signature will be required for any app on
iOS. Before signing any app, Apple will analyze each one (using a combination of
automated tools and human review) to check that it is free of known malware
and other security threats, generally functions as advertised, and doesn’t expose
users to egregious fraud. By doing these checks on the front end, we can help
prevent cyberattacks and other threats before they spread across other users.
This process is an extension of Notarization for macOS; for years, Apple has
been scanning and signing software distributed on macOS to ensure that it is
free of known malware. This has worked wellso we have adapted it for iOS,
including new enhancements to meet the unique needs of the most trusted mobile
computing platform in the world.
To be sure, Notarization won’t cover everythingas discussed further belowlike
app content, business practices, and other App Store protections for users.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
The protections we have put into place begin at the very first step that an app
developer must take to distribute an app on iOS in the EU.
No matter how a developer distributes an app on iPhone, they must sign up for
Apple’s Developer Program before building an app for iOS (whether in the EU or
anywhere else). As part of the enrollment process, Apple requires developers
to verify their identity by requiring a legal name, phone number, and address
(or, for an organization, other specific identifiers). In some cases, a developer
may be asked for their government identification number or to otherwise prove
their identity. This initial safeguard is an important anti-fraud measure, allowing
developers to be identified and held accountable for what they distributeApple
prevented nearly 105,000 fraudulent developer accounts from being created in
2022 due to suspected fraudulent activities.
When developers sign up for the Program, they agree to our Developer
Program License Agreement. This allows Apple to establish basic rules of the
road that developers must follow in order to distribute their apps on Apple’s
devices. Developers agree not to engage in fraud, to abide by applicable laws and
regulations, and to refrain from designing or marketing their apps for the purpose
of harassing, abusing, spamming, stalking, threatening, or otherwise violating
the legal rights of others. If a developer violates the agreement, we canand
doterminate their agreement. In 2022, Apple terminated more than 400,000
developer accounts for fraud.
In addition, Apple provides tools to developers that protect against certain
risks that could emerge during the development stage, prior to submission. For
example, we have implemented SDK package signing to help developers verify the
source of third-party code. This helps to protect developers from inadvertently
using code that has been maliciously modified as they build their apps.
Notarization begins when a developer submits their app binary to Apple. When
they do so, the developer will indicate which app marketplaces they plan to
distribute the app on, includingif desired—the App Store.
App Development
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
During Notarization, Apple conducts both automated and human review in an
effort to prevent apps that threaten platform integrityincluding threats to user
security, privacy, and safetyfrom reaching the user.
The automated review uses machine learning, heuristics, and years of
accumulated data to help identify problematic apps, scanning the app’s binary for
instances of known malware or other security threats.
The human-led review serves as a critical line of defense to help protect users
from bad actors. Our human reviewers analyze each app, and specialists will reject
apps that violate the Notarization Guidelines. The team also launches and runs each
app on an isolated platform to test whether it works as described and appears to be
safe for users. Because automated review relies on past threats, complementing it
with human review is essential as we try to detect emerging and novel threats. As
cybercriminals become increasingly creative and sophisticated, the human element
of our process allows Apple to stay on top of evolving threats. And human review
is also essential to our effort to stop apps that pose non-software-based threats,
such as egregious frauds, from getting onto iPhone. Human review is particularly
important in identifying bad actors attempting to use social engineering techniques
to manipulate users into granting them access to their device and information by
pretending to be something they are not. Humans can check if a malicious app
is attempting to trick a user, such as by posing as a different app or attempting
to deceive a user into giving access to their sensitive data, and check for other
malicious techniques a machine can’t find.
We will apply these same checks to all app updates, with the aim of stopping bad
actors from sneaking malware or other dangerous features into each app after the
initial download.
To be clear: the automated and human-led review processes that together make
up Notarization are not App Review. They analyze submissions for compliance with
only a subset of the App Store Review Guidelinesand they do not include many
of the most substantial App Store Review Guidelines. Notarization will encompass
checks necessary to protect our users and essential to platform integrity,
including those that specifically aim to protect user security, privacy, and safety.
Security: Notarization checks apps for security threats to the device. For
example, Notarization works to ensure apps do not contain known malware. We
also will not allow apps that attempt to read or write outside their designated
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
container area, which would allow those apps to manipulate other apps or
access unauthorized data from the user’s device.
Tricking users into downloading an app under false pretenseswhether
because the user thinks it is a different existing app or because the app that
is downloaded is different from what the app becomesis a key method that
bad actors use to transmit malware or other viruses onto a device without the
users knowledge, or to threaten device security in other ways. To prevent this,
in Notarization, we will also look at whether apps include false information
about their features or capabilities; impersonate other apps; or have hidden,
dormant, or undocumented features. We will also examine whether apps can
download resources that will introduce or alter functionalities post-download.
Privacy: Notarization will seek to prevent threats to user privacy by ensuring
that each app properly supportsand does not attempt to circumvent—the
privacy features that are built into and essential to the integrity of all Apple
devices. To protect user privacy and provide transparency to users into how
their data will be used, Apple uses technical measures to prevent apps from
accessing users’ sensitive information. iOS only allows apps to access this
kind of data after they have obtained consent from the user—which the user
can revoke at any time. This applies to data and services such as:
the microphone
the camera
Face ID
saved passwords 
location data as provided by Location Services
health data
the unique device identifier used by advertisers (IDFA)
Home app data
Game Center friends list
Apple Music library
Notarization will check that apps requesting these permissions are clear and
concise as to why the access is needed, so the user can make an informed
choice about what permissions to grant—and remain in the driver’s seat when
it comes to their own data.
Location Services allows
apps and websites to use
information from cellular,
Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth
networks to determine a
users location with a high
degree of accuracy and
Under our App Tracking
Transparency framework,
users must consent before
a developer can access
their unique device iden-
tifier used by advertisers
(IDFA) to track them
across websites or other
apps for the purposes of
advertising or sharing with
data brokers.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Notarization will also evaluate whether apps are handling user data in ways
that users expect. For instance, Notarization will seek to ensure that apps
obtain user consent for data collection and sharing, and do not attempt to
manipulate, trick, or force users to consent to an app’s access to their data; it
will also examine if apps provide a privacy policy so that users can understand
how their data is being collected, used, and sold. Because of the sensitivity
of personal health data, we are also requiring that apps do not use or disclose
data gathered in the health, fitness, and medical research context for
advertising, marketing, or other use-based data mining purposes.
Safety: To pass Notarization, apps should not risk users’ physical harm
or damage to their devices. For instance, we will prohibit apps that urge
customers to participate in activities or use their devices in a way that risk
physical harm to others. Notarization will also look for apps that would
imperil the functionality of the device, including by rapidly draining an
iPhones battery, generating excessive heat, or unnecessarily straining
device resourcesall of which could render an iPhone non-functional in an
emergency situation.
Notarization Review Guidelines will not include the content and commerce
policies in the App Store Review Guidelines, and so will not prohibit or check
if apps go against those policies. This means Apple won’t be able to prevent
apps with content that Apple wouldn’t allow on the App Storelike apps that
distribute pornography, apps that encourage consumption of tobacco or vape
products, illegal drugs, or excessive amounts of alcohol, or apps that contain
pirated content (or that otherwise steal ideas or intellectual property from other
developers)from becoming available on alternative app marketplaces. Only apps
that opt into being distributed on the App Store will go through the standard App
Review process, on top of Notarization, which includes enforcement of these App
Storeonly policies.
Once an app has passed these reviews, we notarize it—giving the developer the
signature required for them to distribute that app on iOS. In an effort to ensure
that nothing changes between Apple signing the app and the time a user actually
installs the app on their iPhone, notarized apps will also undergo a series of
basic checks during installation. This will help ensure that the app has not been
tampered with since it was notarized and that the installation was initiated through
an authorized source.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
While we know Notarization will be an important tool in our work to protect
users from threats to their security, privacy, and safety—serving as an early
line of defense against potential threats and malignant featureswe also know
that it has limitations. To establish ongoing safeguards for our users even after
apps are installed, we have also created baseline criteria for alternative app
marketplaces to help ensure that they have at least the minimum capabilities
needed to carry out the important responsibility of protecting users on an
ongoing basis. These include:
Committing to ongoing monitoring to detect and remove malicious
apps. This monitoring is necessary to catch apps that are not blocked during
Notarization or that change after Notarization. Our experience has shown us
that ongoing monitoring for new threats that can emerge after initial review is
imperative to protect users’ safety, security, and privacy. We’ve also found that
monitoring requires marketplace-specific signals like user reviews, customer
feedback, and analysis of marketplace data; Apple will not have access to
these signals outside the App Store. Without each alternative app marketplace
conducting ongoing monitoring, user security, privacy, and safety will be
seriously compromised.
Guaranteeing alternative app marketplaces have the ability to protect
users. Operating an app marketplace that facilitates the distribution of third-
party apps without significantly endangering security, safety, and privacy
is not easy.
App marketplaces need resources in order to carry out these
important responsibilities, such as the ongoing monitoring for malicious apps.
Marketplaces also need to be able to provide ongoing support to users and
developers so that developers can run their businesses and users can rely
on apps downloaded through alternative app marketplaces to perform as
they expect—and get help when they do not. A marketplace that lacks the
resources needed to protect users or that leaves users and developers without
recourse when a need arises would compromise iPhone.
These requirements are the minimum of what is necessary for an app marketplace
to keep users’ data secure and private and users safe. They do not encompass the
whole of the effort Apple has invested in operating the App Store’s high standards
for security, privacy, and safety.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
We have also created app installation sheets that empower users to make
educated choices about the apps they download. Users choose Apple
products in part because of the transparency and control we provide them, which
enables them to make educated decisions about what they want on their devices.
These new app installation sheets are an essential way that we will continue our
commitment to the transparency that users expect from us.
The sheets display information reviewed during Notarization, such as the app
name, developer name, app description, screenshots, and system age rating,
and identify the marketplace a user is downloading the app from, all in a clear,
standardized form. Developers will not be able to change the content of this sheet
after their apps are notarized without going through the process again.
To enable all the changes required
by the DMA, Apple created over
600 new APIs and developer tools.
We built data security and privacy
and user safety into these APIs.
For example, MarketplaceKit, the
framework that allows alternative
app marketplaces to operate
on iOS, facilitates the secure
installation of apps distributed from
alternative marketplaces: when
users download an app through
an alternative app marketplace,
our API enables the marketplace’s
web server to directly interface
with iOSproviding authentication
services, app licenses, and app
data to create a secure experience.
These APIs are also designed to
ensure that app installs from a
marketplace occur as the result
of the users interaction with the
marketplacethat is, the user
affirmatively choosing to download
the appand not through a bug or
automated download. And these
APIs also enable easy updates to
the app, incentivizing developers to
keep apps up-to-date.
Apple has also created other
new APIs that protect userslike
AdAttributionKit, which enables
privacy-protective advertising,
allowing advertisers and developers
to obtain advertising data metrics
without tracking individual users
or devices across apps owned by
other companies. These new tools
will help make sure the changes
we’ve made to comply with the DMA
work as seamlessly as possible
while keeping users as safe as
possible at the same time.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Providing users with a quick-glance summary of this information will let users know
what app they are downloading and what the app looked like when it went through
Notarization, even if other marketplaces don’t have standardized requirements for
app disclosures or the app has changed its presentation after Notarization. The
disclosures will make it easy for users to choose what apps they want to engage
with. A user can also make the choice to turn off the sheets for any marketplace.
The sheets will automatically disappear if a user sets the marketplace as their
default, as the user has then made the choice to prefer that marketplace.
Letting Users Know About Payments Risks
To support the changes we’ve announced to comply with the DMA, we are
also introducing the ability for developers in the App Store to use alternative
payment options to complete transactions for digital goods and services
within their apps in the EU. This opens up new options for developers, but it
also means users of those apps will not have the same protections and benefits
they have come to rely on through Apple’s private and secure commerce system,
including In-App Purchase (IAP)—such as easy subscription cancellation, a
centralized purchase history page, parental controls like Ask to Buy, or protections
from predatory tactics like those that aim to trick users into paying a different
amount for a digital good than advertised. The burden will fall on users to figure
out for themselves, on an app-by-app basis, what benefits and protections might
be available to themand who they should contact for help when transactions go
wrong, as AppleCare agents will have limited (if any) ability to assist them.
As always, Apple is guided by the values of transparency and keeping users
informed. Therefore, we are letting users know that Apple’s protections will not
be available so that the user has the knowledge needed to decide whether
to complete the transaction. Before a user downloads an app, the App Store
will display an informational banner on the app’s product page to inform the user
that the developer is using an alternative payment solution, not Apple's secure
commerce system. And before a user makes a transaction outside of Apple’s
commerce system, they will see an in-app disclosure sheet that lets them know
they are no longer transacting with Apple. This information will help ensure users
know they should be on alert for developers that employ misleading payment
information, predatory pricing, and missing subscription disclosures.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Security, Privacy, and Safety by Design
Importantly, Apple’s system architecture and design continues to protect user
security, privacy, and safety. Apple designed security into the core of its platforms
through its powerful and multi-layered security protection. This design means that
even if iPhone in the EU is not as secure as it is in the rest of the world, we believe
it remains the most secure option in the EU. At a base level, key security features,
such as hardware-based device encryption, cannot be disabled. Apple also
provides layers of protection that provide a stable, secure platform for apps. For
example, all apps are sandboxed, so they are restricted from accessing files stored
by other apps or from making changes to the device. System files and resources
are also shielded from the user’s apps. If an app needs to access information other
than its own, it only does so through services explicitly provided by iOS. This means
one app generally cannot affect other apps or the iOS system, reducing the risk
of malware affecting other parts of the platform. Apple also incorporates code
signing, which means that all code in third-party apps is linked to the developer
whose real-world identity has been verified when they enrolled in the Developer
Program. At launch, iOS ensures that the code in the app is what the developer
signed when it submitted the app.
Apple has also designed iOS around privacy. For instance, iOS requires that users
choose whether apps have access to their Location Services data at alland if
they do, whether the app can access the user’s precise location or only a general
approximation of their location. Apps cannot access iPhone’s microphone or camera
without a users permissionand when an app uses a device’s microphone or
camera, the device displays an indicator to let the user know. For similar reasons,
Apple has prohibited apps from accessing the camera if they are running in the
backgroundso that they cannot surreptitiously spy on users.
Of course, Apple also builds in many other protectionsincluding hardware security
and biometrics, such as Apple silicon, Secure Enclave, Face ID, and Touch ID; the
integrated hardware and software functions that provide for the safe boot, update,
and ongoing operation of Apple operating systems; and the networking protocols
that provide secure authentication and encryption of data in transmission. Apple
devices also include data protection and encryption features to protect devices that
have been lost or stolen, and to defend against unauthorized persons attempting to
use or modify a device.And, Apple provides framework “kits” for secure and private
management of users’ homes and health, which third-party apps can also access
through APIs, so a user’s most sensitive and personal data stays secure and private.
These are just a few examples of Apple’s system architecture and privacy-by-design
protections that—together with the new changes we are introducingcontinue to
protect our EU users in this new landscape.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
We heard—and anticipated—these concerns. That is why we implemented
safeguards, and why we will work tirelessly to innovate to protect our users to
the extent possible under the law.
Concerns from Governments
and Users
We expect that many will welcome
these protections, because we
know that there are real concerns
about the changes Apple is making
to its platform. Since we announced
DMA-related changes to iOS, Safari,
and the App Store in the EU on
January 25, 2024, we have heard
concerns from governments
including government agencies
of EU member statesand
users about the risks of allowing
alternative app stores and
alternative payment processors on
iOS, and asking how and if we plan
to put safeguards in place against
those risks.
Government agencies, both in
the European Union and outside
of it, have been quick to recognize
the risks created by these new
distribution options and the need
for protective measures. These
agenciesespecially those serving
essential functions such as defense,
banking, and emergency services
have reached out to us about these
new changes, seeking assurances
that they will have the ability to
prevent government employees
from sideloading apps onto
government-purchased iPhones.
Several have told us that they
plan to block sideloading on every
device they manage. One EU
government agency informed us
that it had neither the funding nor
the personnel to review and approve
apps for its devices, and so planned
to continue to rely on Apple and the
App Store because it trusts us to
comprehensively vet apps.
These agencies have all recognized
that sideloading—downloading
apps from outside the App Store
could compromise security and put
government data and devices at
And users have sent Tim Cook
numerous emails expressing their
fears that these changes will make
their experience on iPhone less
safe. These customers have told
us that what they love and value
about Apple and its products is
our commitment to protecting their
privacy and security, and that they
fear the risks the new changes may
bring to their own devicesand
those of their families.
To: Tim Cook
From: Apple User
Subject: Sideloading
Date: January 16, 2024
Can you even guarantee
security to people who don’t
want sideloading on their
Surely lot of people prefer
getting normal applications as
usual. A way to unaccept side-
loading and having « normal
Apple applications » on instal-
lation would be a nice way.
To: Tim Cook
From: Apple Customer
Subject: Deeply concerned by recent EU
Date: January 28, 2024
I've been a happy Apple customer and user
for well over a decade.I truly believe what
Apple created is magical. I don't want to
see the day when I am forced to download
a 3rd party store when the developer of an
app I want to use chooses to circumvent
the App Store and forces me to sign up to
theirs, or use 3rd party payment app if my
bank decides it doesn't want to support
Apple Pay anymore. It all currently works
like magic and is a pleasure to use.
I sincerely hope yourself and Apple
continues to stand up for what's right
and continues to deliver best customer
experience around and that we never see
the iPhone full of 3rd party App store like
Samsung or Google phones.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU iPhone User
Subject: Concerns European Digital Markets Act
Date: January 27, 2024
Recently,there has been significant discussion
about iPhones opening up to alternative app
stores, following the European Digital Markets Act.
As a consumer, this development concerns me.
I chose the iPhone for its strong commitment
to privacy and security, a hallmark of Apple's
I understand that, under the new regulations, I
am not obliged to download apps from outside
the App Store. However, I would prefer an option
that would allow me to avoid even the possibility
of encountering apps from external sources,
including avoiding pop-ups or notifications about
them. Essentially, I seek to maintain the iPhone's
current user experience, where the App Store is
the sole source for apps.
Could Apple consider introducing a feature
that lets users like me restrict their iPhones to
only download apps from the Apple App Store?
This option would uphold a consumer's right to
choose the level of security and privacy they are
comfortable with, which I believe is in line with fair
competition principles.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Dear Tim
Real emails received by Tim Cook about
changes to iPhone in the European Union
To: Tim Cook
From: EU Citizen
Subject: Thank You
Date: January 27, 2024
Thank you for leading a company that puts
customers first, no matter if it's in regards to
their privacy, health, or human rights.
As an EU citizen, … I will not be allowing
sideloading on my devices
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
The Risks That Are Reduced (But Not Eliminated) by
Apple’s Safeguards for App Distribution and Alternative
Payment Systems
These safeguards will help keep EU users’ iPhone experience as secure, privacy-
protecting, and safe as possiblealthough not to the same degree as in the rest
of the world. This section provides more detail on the categories of risks that these
safeguards will seek to address.
Notarization aims to detect malicious apps by identifying serious threats to user
security, privacy, and safety. For example:
One common way that malicious apps find their way onto devices is through
social engineeringby manipulating users into granting access to their device
by pretending to be something they are not, including by imitating popular,
legitimate apps. Notarization seeks to reduce this threat by checking to see if
the way an app presents itself through its metadata accurately represents how it
works during the review. Notarization will analyze apps with the goal of stopping
these sorts of malicious pretenders from making their way onto devices.
Google Program Prevents Sideloading
Android has allowed sideloading since its inception, but it appears Google has recognized this
practice puts high-security users at risk.
Google designed its Advanced Protection Program for users whose “accounts contain particu-
larly valuable files or sensitive information” and strongly recommends “journalists, activists,
business executives, and people involved in elections” enroll in the program. One of the core
features of the program is that it prevents sideloading to help fight off “harmful downloads.
Enrollees in the program are only able to install apps from “verified stores, like Google Play
Store and your device manufacturers app store.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
As just one example, through its combination of human and automated review,
Apple identified a set of apps that were found to be impersonating a legitimate
ad platform in order to steal login credentials. Notarization will check for
malicious apps like these. Human review is essential to catch these schemes
automated review cannot check for attacks designed to manipulate users.
Bad actors can also misrepresent their intentions to the user in order to
convince them to willingly provide access to protected areas of their iPhone,
such as Location Services, HealthKit (which stores health data), microphone,
camera, contacts, photos, and more. Bad actors could use that illicitly gained
access to target users with ransomware, where the bad actor gains access to
a users files and encrypts them, decrypting them only after a ransom payment
is made, or threatens to release the files publicly unless they receive money—
which can lead to the loss of access to critical files, financial harm if the user
pays the ransom, or emotional and psychological harm if the user's private
notes, photos, and other files are made public. Notarization, and especially our
human reviewers, will also look to identify and block malware which may try to
deceive users about why it is requesting their permission to access other parts
of iPhonepermission which is essential for the malicious app to access data
beyond its tightly controlled sandbox.
Bad actors could also use that fraudulent access to deploy consumer
spyware, a genre of malware that is installed on a device without the end users
knowledge and steals sensitive information, including contacts, photos, and
videos. Consumer spyware can be used to violate the privacy of an intimate
partner, or by hackers seeking to extract monetizable data like business secrets,
or to obtain leverage over the user as part of some other criminal scheme. Bad
actors can also sell such sensitive data without user permission, including in
violation of the users rights or Apple’s privacy-protecting policies. Notarization,
and our human reviewers, will also look for apps that hide their true purpose and
capabilities in order to deploy consumer spyware.
Developer tools themselves have the potential to contain malicious software,
whether they are knowingly malicious or become infected, posing a threat to
the users and developers alike. Malicious SDKs that a developer knowingly
or unknowingly includes in their app could collect location data and sell it to
unscrupulous entities, opportunistically collect protected data that the app itself
has obtained legitimate user consent for; or attempt to clandestinely track a user
across websites and apps without permission. Notarization will review apps to
identify if they have compromised developer tools embedded into their apps—
like those SDKsthat we know contain malware, which protects developers
themselves from threats from malicious actors who could offer infected
developer tools that contain and propagate malware.
More on Threats
from Sideloading
You can read more about
how bad actors can try to
use sideloaded apps to
threaten users’ security,
privacy, and safety—
especially absent Apple’s
new safeguards—in the
2021 “Building a Trusted
Ecosystem for Millions of
Apps” papers: “A Threat
Analysis of Sideloading
and “The Important Role
of App Store Protections.”
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Malicious apps can even pose physical harm to users. Notarization will review
apps for these risks. For instance, Notarization will check if apps encourage
harm to users or others, catching “challenge apps”—like a variety of apps
built by bad actors in response to a dangerous online challenge that assigned
tasks to users over a 50-day period to encourage them to commit suicide.
These apps were designed to gradually introduce elements of self-harm,
with the final challenge requiring the “player” to kill themself. Apple caught
and rejected these apps from iOS. Notarization aims to continue to keep
dangerous apps like this off iOS.
The eligibility criteria for operating an alternative app marketplace will help
prevent other types of malicious conduct from harming users on iOS by
requiring ongoing monitoring. Although Apple provides the safest and most
secure mobile computing platform in the world—as independent experts have
repeatedly confirmed
bad actors will always try to circumvent our protections.
Despite sophisticated tools and expert review teams, persistent and ongoing
monitoring is necessary to catch cutting-edge, disguised malicious apps that are
not detected by Notarization in the first instance.
We have also seen apps that can transform themselves from unremarkable to
malicious after they clear review. Apps that might appear benignand thus pass
Notarizationcould be triggered by an external signal that turns on malicious
features post-approval, transforming into crypto scams, copycats, money
laundering tools, or worse. These are called bait and switch apps. These apps
might include a component that renders information from the developer’s server
so that the cybercriminal could change the user interface served to the user after
Notarization so the app becomes malicious.
Or an app might contain obfuscated code that does not immediately appear
malicious, but is triggered by an external condition, such as geolocation, IP
address (that is, if it is not being opened in locations or by devices that could be
Apple employees), or how long it had been since submission (that is, long enough
that the bad actor thinks the app will likely have completed Notarization). For
example, an app that appeared during Notarization to be a calculator—and thus
passed Notarizationcould contain code unknown to Apple that, after the app
passed Notarization, turned it into an illegal gambling app.
Those apps are only able to be identified through ongoing monitoring. Indeed,
through ongoing monitoring, Apple has caught the following apps that became
malicious after they got onto the App Store:
To: Tim Cook
From: Apple User
Subject: Disappointed
Date: January 15, 2024
Pretty soon you will have
nothing to differentiate
you from anyone else.
This decision is going
to affect so many of my
friends and family who
rely on the iPhones
ability to protect them
from bad actors. I am
going to have a hard time
justifying them spend
the money on an iPhone
now…. I am not sure if
you will read this person-
ally, but I hope Apple has
some way of keeping
people safe if this is the
path they plan to take.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
An app that presented itself as an app that provided travel information and
services but, after approval, switched to an illegal loan app by an unverified
service provider.
A popular adult chat app that was secretly embedded with ransomware; the
app first requested access to the user’s contacts list—and then, if user did not
pay a ransom, the app threatened to notify all users in their contacts list about
their use of the adult chat app.
An app that presented itself as one that provided information about animals
but, after approval, switched to an app that facilitated illegal gambling.
Apple performs this ongoing review for apps distributed through the App
Store and can quickly remove any malicious app we identify. Some of those
protections will be deployed in the new landscape in the EU. These include
automated tools that attempt to detect if apps have changed since Notarization,
such as by periodically installing and launching apps as if they were installed
through an alternative app marketplace. However, Apple also uses other signals,
including marketplace-specific signals, such as data analysis of user reviews and
downloads on the App Store. We cannot use those marketplace-specific signals to
perform this ongoing review for apps distributed on alternative app marketplaces,
leaving us with many fewer tools to understand when an app may have turned
malicious. As a result, alternative app marketplaces must commit to monitoring for
malicious apps in order to protect users from these very real threats.
And without criteria to ensure marketplaces are legitimate businesses that have
the resources necessary to distribute apps on behalf of developers, dangerous
marketplaces could also easily find their way onto users’ devices. These could
include scam marketplaces that set up shop for a short period of time, convince
users to purchase fake or counterfeit apps, and then close the marketplace
becoming very difficult to track—before users realize they have been scammed. It
could also include marketplaces that are unable to meaningfully monitor the apps
they offer for security, privacy, and safety issues. Or it could include marketplaces
that operate without any clear financial means at all, facilitating transactions
between developers and users only to shut down due to lack of resources,
leaving users without any remedies if they encounter issues with the apps they
have downloaded from the marketplace, need to request a refund, or report
a scam. Apple developed criteria to minimize the risk of such dangerous app
marketplaces, while retaining options for legitimate marketplaces.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU User
Subject: I need to be blunt
Date: October 10, 2023
We don’t want sideloading
access. It only opens the
ecosystem to fraud and
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
The app installation sheets also inform users and help users avoid scams and
social engineering attacks. Bad actors often try to trick users into downloading
malicious programsincluding through copycat apps, scams spread using so-
cial media, fake system updates, email phishing methods, advertising on legiti-
mate-looking websites, and many other malicious tactics. For example, bad actors
may falsely present apps on websites that then direct users to an alternative mar-
ketplace, which in turn permits the developer to misrepresent their app. Because
app installation sheets will help to inform each user about what it is they are down-
loading and from where, they will substantially reducebut not eliminatethe risk
that bad actors will trick users into downloading a malicious app.
These sheets will also help safeguard against—but likewise cannot fully prevent—
apps that misrepresent themselves on alternative app marketplaces. App
marketplaces could choose not to have rules regarding how an app markets itself
on its platform. In those marketplaces, not only could an app market itself as a
totally different app, but it could also set out different pricing or subscriptions than
it will actually charge the user, or falsely represent that it has different features
or services. The app installation sheet, which reflects the data that the developer
submits about their app and that is then checked for accuracy during Notarization,
creates a backstop so that users can be informed of how the app appeared and
what its stated purpose was when it was submitted to Apple for review.
For alternative payment options, our informational banners will help inform
users of the inevitable risks that may arise, such as specific predatory
techniques that Apple’s secure commerce system prevents. Our system protects
against malicious actors that use intentionally confusing designs and text to trick
users into purchases or subscriptions on terms they didn’t intend or understand, or
that make it nearly impossible for the user to cancel. In addition:
Because all apps on iOS that sell digital goods and services within the app
haveuntil nowused Apple’s secure commerce system, Apple has been
able to ensure that users can easily cancel every subscription they sign up
for with one simple tap. And through the StoreKit developer framework that
powers In-App Purchase, Apple ensures that the pricing and terms of the
in-app purchase are exactly what the developer has configured on their SKU
in App Store Connect. Regardless of how the app might market its pricing and
terms, the user is always presented with confirmation of the price they will be
charged before conducting the purchase. Without this system, apps may make
it difficult for users to figure out how to cancel their subscriptions in order to
disincentivize those users from leaving, or use misleading tactics to trick them
To: Tim Cook
From: Apple Customer
Subject: Please DO NOT
STORES on iOS17 or
later iOS updates
Date: January 11, 2023
I’m sending this email
to let you know that
most users including me
across the world hope
you don’t allow side-
loading. As I know, a lot
of users will leave the
iOS ecosystem if apple
allows sideloading.
I have used Apple
devices for more than 10
years, and I believe App
Store is the core of iOS/
iPad OS devices.
It will be a disaster for
current and future iOS
users If you guys allow
sideloading on iOS…
I believe you know much
better than me how
harmful and dangerous it
is to allow sideloading to
the iOS ecosystem.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
into subscribing on terms or at prices the user did not understand in the first
placelike through misrepresenting how long a free trial is, or how often or
how much a user will pay for the subscription.
The App Store’s secure commerce system helps prevent apps from charging
more for a digital good than they disclose. When the app is submitted to Apple
for potential inclusion in the App Store, it must include the price of its digital
goods and services. Apple can test whether that app is actually charging
the amount it advertised to the user—and can check if an app is egregiously
overcharging for the digital goods or services delivered. We have taken action
on hundreds of apps in the last year for their manipulative pricing. As part of the
standard, consistent checkout flow for digital goods and services using In-App
Purchase, Apple’s commerce system APIs also make sure the app displays
the price that it submitted to Apple to the user (along with other submitted
product information and important purchase terms) before the user completes
the purchase, so the user knows what they’ll be charged, whether or not the
app disclosed the true amount to them. Without this system that users have
relied on, the user may not have the assurance that the price the developer is
marketing is an accurate representation of what they will ultimately pay.
Apple further protects children and families through services like Ask to Buy,
which requires parental approval on every item that their children want to buy
or download onto iPhones, so parents can feel secure that scammers are not
targeting their children.
Apple’s anti-fraud measures protect users from fraudulent developers, but they
also protect developers from fraudulent users (such as those who transact with
stolen credit cards), including through Apple’s analysis of its payment system
data to identify trends and developments, which allows Apple to root out
scams and unscrupulous individuals.
The App Store’s commerce system can also help make sure apps deliver what
they promised. When a user makes a purchase through Apple’s system, that
transaction is written to a users purchase history. If the app does not deliver
digital goods or services after the user pays, Apple can use the transaction
To: Tim Cook
From: EU Student
Subject: Dear Tim
Date: October 5, 2023
Please note: I actively
support your choice to
not to approve side-
loading on iPhone, it’s a
good choice for chil-
drens safety.
To: Tim Cook
From: Apple User
Subject: No Android
Date: April 21, 2023
We are very satisfied with iOS because it
is not like Android, it has high security, it
has a user-friendly interface and it never
slows down, but we heard from sources that
sideloading is possible in iOS 17 and it can
be downloaded from stores other than the
App Store. It can also be downloaded. Please
stop doing this.We just want to download
from the App Store and ensure our security.
Please do not enable sideloading. We want
iOS to be like the old one, with strict rules and
extremely high security.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU Apple User
Subject: Concerns and Suggestions Regarding
EU's Sideloading Mandate
Date: January 26, 2024
I am writing to express my concerns about the
recent requirement imposed by the European
Union (EU) for Apple to allow sideloading on iOS
devices. I understand that this decision has been
made in the interest of promoting competition and
consumer choice, but I believe it raises important
privacy and security considerations.
...The App Store has been a trusted source for
iOS applications, providing a level of confidence
and security that is crucial in today's digital age.
Personally, I have always felt safe knowing that
the apps I download from the App Store undergo
strict vetting processes to protect my device and
personal information.
However, with the introduction of sideloading,
there is a potential risk of users unknowingly
installing malicious or unverified applications
from external sources, compromising the overall
security of iOS devices. This shift could expose
users to various cybersecurity threats, and I am
concerned about the potential consequences of
sideloading on iOS.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU Apple User
Subject: From a concerned Apple user and EU citizen
Date: October 24, 2023
I am feeling increasingly more concerned and scared
about my digital privacy and online safety in the EU.
As an EU citizen and Apple user I always believed to
have had the perfect balance between regulatory
protection (like GDPR) and Apple safety features (like
App Tracking Transparency and App Store). However,
recently... that has changed.
Me, my family, friends and colleagues are Apple users
and specifically picked the Apple ecosystem for our
work and free time because of how the products and
software is designed to be private and secure. Plus of
course the safety features introduced over the years.
It is a scary idea but it looks like new regulation from
the EU Commission would compromise many of those
safety and security features I currently rely on.
Dear Tim
Real emails received by Tim Cook about
changes to iPhone in the European Union
To: Tim Cook
From: EU iPhone User
Subject: Sideloading EU
Date: January 25, 2024
I really hope that you will offer me as
an EU Client the option to not use any
sideloaders. I want to rely on the proven
App Store and not some nonsense…
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
history to validate whether the transaction took place and take action against
apps that do not fulfill their end of the transaction. Without this history, Apple
will not be able to assist users if apps renege on a transaction.
Apple also has thousands of AppleCare agents that users can call for
assistance with refunds or other customer support. These agents will not
be able to provide support for purchases made through alternative payment
Users have come to rely on the benefits and protections provided by Apple’s
secure and private commerce system after using it to buy digital goods and
services for the better part of two decades. The informational banners will keep
users informed that they need to be on the lookout for deceptive techniques that,
until now, Apple has protected them from.
The Role of Alternative App Marketplaces and
Alternative Payment Processors in Further
Reducing Risks
In the coming months, many users in the EU will be able to download apps onto
iOS from alternative app marketplaces and make payments using alternative
payment processors. This will mark a sea change from the way things have always
worked on iPhone. Because users trust Apple to keep their devices protected,
they have not had to worry about whether their source of third-party apps or their
in-app payment system posed a threat to them. Users will no longer be able to
assume that protection.
Apple is taking substantial, meaningful measures to protect users in the EU in the
new world of alternative distribution and alternative payments that the DMA has
opened. But the scope of these measures is necessarily limited by the law. Apple
must therefore pass responsibility for the user protection functions it is no longer
permitted to carry out on its own to the alternative app marketplaces and payment
processors themselves.
That means alternative app marketplaces and alternative payment processors
have a likely unavoidable role to play in protecting userseven if users do
not want to use them. Many users have reached out to us to ask whether they
can simply opt out of the changes that Apple announced to comply with the DMA.
And some commentators have argued that users are under no obligation to take
advantage of the new options Apple is making available in the EU if they do not
want to; instead, these commentators say, users can simply continue downloading
apps exclusively from the App Store.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU Customer
Subject: Upcoming EU
Sideloading Update - my
Date: January 26, 2024
I am writing to you
becauseI am afraid of
the next update that is
planned for the European
Union. I actually believe
that the security of the
iPhone and iPad and all
other devices will be
massively jeopardized if
this update is installed…
I really don't want to
install this update. I'm
scared. I'm really scared
of it and I think it makes
the iPhone a little bit less
secure as it is.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
But in practice, users in the EU will lose the choice to solely remain on the App
Store and keep all of Apple’s industry-leading protections, even if that is what
they would prefer. Some developers will choose to make their apps exclusively
available on alternative app marketplaces. These could include apps that users’
jobs or schools require, or that they need to stay connected with family and
friendsapps that users have to download, even if they would prefer not to
use alternative app marketplaces. Developers will ultimately control where
huge numbers of EU users must go to obtain the apps they need, whether
or not users are satisfied with the protections provided by those stores. Despite
our best efforts, many users may not notice or understand that developers are
directing them to download apps from an alternative app marketplace, in spite of
the users’ preference not to transact with that marketplace.
In the EU, every user’s security, privacy, and safety will depend in part on
two questions. First, are alternative marketplaces and payment processors
capable of protecting users? And, second, are they interested in doing so?
The measures that Apple is implementing will establish an important baseline,
but that does not mean they are sufficient on their own. Users’ experiences will
vary significantly based on how each marketplace and payment provider chooses
to conduct their business. This opens up opportunities for differentiation, and,
just as the DMA intended, Apple intends to vigorously compete to ensure that
the App Store remains the most safe, secure, and privacy-protecting option for
consumers. But it also creates potential gaps.
Users will also likely have no choice but to set up multiple accounts with
each app marketplace and alternative payment option they use. This will
not only be inconvenient to the user and degrade their experienceit will
also increase the risk that their data will be stolen. The more accounts a
user has, the more different places their personal and financial information
is stored, which increases the risk of that data being exposed in a data
breachwhich is increasingly likely to happen.
In addition, users could
become even more conditioned to indiscriminately share their information
and trust app distributorseven when the distributors may not be
legitimate. A bad actor could fool a user by posing as a legitimate app
marketplace on a website off iOS, tricking the user into providing payment
or their informationonly after which the user would discover that the bad
actor never had a marketplace at all.
To: Tim Cook
From: EU iPhone User
Subject: Customer
from the European
Economic Area
Date: January 23, 2024
It was my free choice
to purchase an Apple
iPhone, and I did so
because I feel more
secure with iOS than
with a device running
Android.Now, my actual
question: Wouldn't it
be possible for me as
a customer to have
the freedom to choose
whether I install the iOS
version intended for the
European market in the
future, or whether I can
install the iOS version
used in the rest of the
An Android app used
SMS phishing to trick
people into sideloading
an app that masqueraded
as a legitimate postal
service app, but then stole
sensitive information from
the device. It repeated
this scam by masquer-
ading as mail services in
several different countries.
Because it ran slightly
different apps for each
scam, it would be harder
for each marketplace to
detect this pattern.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Operating the App Store for the better part of two decades has been an enormous
undertaking. We work constantly to find and stop bad actors and their ever-
evolving malicious apps. In addition to the thousands of engineers who create
the hardware and software intended to prevent bad actors from harming users,
hundreds of full-time Apple employees participate in App Review, reviewing apps
in over 80 languages across three time zones. Each year, we review over 6 million
app submissions. In the last full year for which data is available, Apple approved
nearly 4.5 million apps and rejected 1.6 million moremany because they did not
perform properly on the device, and some because they violated our security and
privacy rules. This persistence is a major reason why iOS has remained the safest
mobile computing platform in the world since it was launchedand why most bad
actors have concluded that trying to infect iOS with malware is not a worthwhile
investment of their time, energy, and resources.
Even with our experience and round-the-clock human reviewers, we pulled
more than 185,000 apps from the App Store per year because they were later
discovered to have violated Apple’s Guidelines. To find and remove these apps,
Apple carefully monitors the App Store itself—where every single day more than
150 million transactions occur and more than 3.1 million ratings and reviews are
submittedto identify problematic apps. Apple considers a variety of indicators in
its monitoring. These include user reviews, reports through our Report a Problem
tool, feedback to the thousands of AppleCare agents supporting users, and
suspicious patterns in the datalike unusual activity in reviews, sudden spikes
in the number of downloads, or unusual purchase behaviors. It is only by paying
close attention to these signals that Apple’s team can root out bad actors.
Alternative app marketplace operators will now have to undertake ongoing
monitoring necessary to protect EU users from bait-and-switch and other
malicious apps outside of the App Store.
Even if alternative app marketplaces dedicate significant resources to this
monitoring work, it will be harder to identify these malicious apps than it was
before the DMA. Until now, all of these app and developer trustworthiness signals
could be found and analyzed in one placethe App Store— establishing a rich
dataset for the identification of bad actors. But because app distribution will now
be fragmented, these signals will be spread across multiple marketplaces. No
matter how responsible each individual app marketplace operator may beand
Apple hopes that each one diligently monitors for malicious actorsthe fact
remains that everyone (Apple included) will receive fewer signals when bad actors
strike. That means that every marketplace will inevitably be less efficient in rooting
out these threats.
App Store
150 million
transactions each
day including all
free & paid app
downloads and
in-app purchases
3.12 million
ratings and reviews
each day
These include apps
described on page
20 that turned into an
unverified loan app, adult
chat ransomware attack,
the illegal gambling app
that Apple has caught.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Apple has long been concerned
with protecting developers and
the app ecosystem from unethical
and malicious pirated apps.These
so-called “cracked” apps—some
of which are paid apps which have
been modified to be available for
free, and some of which have had
their code rewritten to include
modifications not intended by
their creatorsnot only steal from
hardworking developers and violate
their rights, but also pose severe
risks to users. These pirated apps
are often a vector formalware.
In the weeks following our
announcement of the changes
required by the DMA, we’ve
been working with a number of
developers interested in building
alternative app marketplaces. We
are excited to see what they build.
Butwe’ve also learned about
bad-faith developers who seem
interested in these changes only
so they can build marketplaces
that steal other developers’ IP
and distribute pirated apps.One
developer actually scheduled
a meeting with Apple to ask us
about the changes we’re making
in response to the DMA, which we
answered in good faithonly to
later discover that the developer
was associated with a notorious
distributor of pirated software, and
that they had illegally recorded the
conversation and posted it online.
Unfortunately, their questions
appear to have been intended to
probe for the best ways to take
advantage of Apples upcoming
changes in the EU in order to build
an official marketplace for pirated
apps on iOS.
Over the last fifteen years, we
have spent significant time and
engineering fighting bad actors
like these, who have tried to exploit
every opportunity they can find to
steal and distribute our developers’
IP. But Notarization won’t check to
see if the apps on an alternative app
marketplace infringe on others’ IP,
meaning it will be much harder to
catch and prevent pirate distributors
from making marketplaces that
check for IP violations in name
only.These bad-faith distributors
have been some of the loudest
voices calling for alternative
distribution for just this reason.In
fact, after we contacted the
developer who illegally recorded
their conversation with Apple, the
developer actually argued that the
DMA prohibits Apple from taking
action against them to prevent their
distribution of pirated apps on iOS.
To: Tim Cook
From: iPhone User
Subject: Keep Apple's
iOS closed please
Date: January 27, 2024
If I wanted an open-
source operating system
like Google or Samsung
I would have bought
I can’t say this loud
enough, main—reason I
buy and have an Apple
phone is because you
are a closed iOS and the
iOS is more secure than
Android. But if you are
going to open the gates
and no longer be as
safe, then I might as well
switch over. Please keep
iOS closed, please.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
Each alternative app marketplace will develop its own market standards
for content, business models, and moreand some content and business
models that Apple has always protected users from will become available on
iPhone. This is what the DMA intended: marketplaces will be able to offer apps
that Apple would not have allowed on the App Store. For instance, none of Apple’s
new user protections will evaluate whether apps contain adult content, whether
gambling or cryptocurrency exchange apps have the required licenses, or whether
apps with user-generated content have content moderation policies. We will not
consider whether apps are encouraging the reckless use of weapons or whether
they are seeking to profiteer from national and global crises like epidemics. Each
app marketplace will have to decide whether it will allow those kinds of content
and businesses on their marketplaces, and how much to invest in enforcing their
rules to ensure apps that violate them stay off their platforms.
Alternative app marketplaces will also have to decide what protections to
provide users of their platforms—especially parents and kids. For instance,
Ask to Buy prevents children from buying or downloading items onto their iPhones
without parental approval, and Apple prominently displays an app’s age rating on
its download page on the App Store. The App Store also requires developers to
provide Privacy Nutrition Labels on their app listings, which explain to the user
Apple does not permit
apps that aim to profit
from national crises—like
the COVID-19 pandemic—
on the App Store. It
removed an app that
promoted private parties
during the pandemic
despite stay-at-home
orders, and required
contact-tracing apps to
stop using their public
health function to sell ads.
Apps like these could be
allowed on alternative app
Apple has removed apps
from the App Store for
being primarily used to
facilitate anonymous
cyberbullying. One such
app was being used
to send anonymous
messages to middle-
school age children telling
them they hoped they
killed themselves.
Apple requires cryptocur-
rency exchanges on the
App Store to be properly
licensed everywhere they
do business. It regularly
rejects apps that are
impersonating crypto-
currency exchanges but
instead intend to defraud
users, or that attempt to
operate as unlicensed
exchanges by submitting
the app under the guise of
a legitimate app.
Many popular game apps
targeted at children incor-
porate in-app purchases,
including of in-game
currency, power-ups,
loot boxes, and more.
Without features like Ask
to Buy, children can spend
hundreds of dollars on these
purchases without a parent
noticing. For example, just
last year the U.S. Federal
Trade Commission ordered
a game developer “to pay
$245 million to consumers
to settle charges that the
company used dark patterns
to trick players into making
unwanted purchases and let
children rack up unautho-
rized charges without any
parental involvement.
Apple has identified
apps during App Review
that appear at first to be
innocuous but contain
signals in their metadata
indicating nefarious
intent—such as one
app that initially posed
as a language program,
but contained hidden
signals that it planned to
transform into an unli-
censed gambling parlor
after making it on to the
App Store. Apple found and
rejected this particular app.
On Android devices, many
different pornographic apps
and games are available
to sideload, including app
marketplaces specifically
for adult content.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
how an app will collect their data and track them before the user downloads the
app onto their device. None of those features are mandatory for alternative app
marketplaces. Marketplaces can choose to offer similar protectionsor they can
choose not to.
Although we hope that alternative app marketplaces will meaningfully invest in
protecting user security, privacy, and safety, we cannot guarantee it. Their business
models may provide varying incentives to create protections for users. For example,
alternative app marketplaces that have business models based on the collection
and sale of user data would have a commercial incentive not to offer features like
Privacy Nutrition Labels, which facilitate informed user consent to the collection
and use of their data. This would leave users on that marketplace less educated
about their options to protect their data privacy. Those app marketplaces also
would have no incentive to continue investing in innovative new ways to protect
users’ privacyas Apple continues to do for users on the App Store.
It will be up to each individual marketplace, app developer, and/or alternative
payment processor to provide payments support to users. Some may provide
excellent consumer protections, but others may not. In all such cases, however,
Apple will no longer be able to help users who fall into subscription traps or are
tricked into making an unintended purchaseApple’s many AppleCare agents
will have no ability to provide support for a payment system that Apple does
not control. These choices will introduce enormous complexity for users who
understandably think that they can continue to contact Apple for support after
purchasing a digital good or service through an app available on the App Store
but instead find that Apple cannot help them because the developer has chosen a
different payment solution. That is why it is so important for users to have as much
information as possible before engaging in such a transaction. Apple has a role to
play in supporting users transacting through alternative payment options, including
through the information it provides, but third parties implementing these solutions
do as wellif they do not, the users will be worse off for it.
While these changes bring new opportunities for competition, they will also
inevitably create new and lucrative markets for malicious actors. Malicious
actors have long struggled to gain access to iPhone because of its best-in-class
security and privacy protections. Apple’s integrated approach to platform security
has put the iOS ecosystem out of the reach of commodity malwarein fact,
cybercriminals have never succeeded in getting a single widespread consumer
Apple’s commitment to
protecting user privacy
means that on its Privacy
Nutrition Labels, an app
has to declare what data
the app is collecting and
linking to a user. Existing
app marketplaces on
other platforms do not
require that sort of clear
disclosure of tracking.
In 2021, the US Federal
Trade Commission fined
a membership-based
online learning tool $10
million dollars because
it did not adequately
disclose that consumers
would be charged indef-
initely after an initial free
trial period ended, and
it required a lengthy and
confusing process to
cancel the subscription.
Under Apple’s subscrip-
tion tools today, a user
can cancel a subscription
like this in one click—but
other marketplaces might
not provide that service.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
malware attack on iOS. They have learned that Apple’s integrated approach
to platform security makes most malware infection attempts a lost cause. The
production and distribution of malicious software requires significant resources,
and iPhone’s strong defenses have prevented these efforts from seeing
meaningful return on investment, further lowering the device’s attractiveness as a
In the same way, Apple’s proactive and ongoing monitoring has made it more
difficult for ongoing scams to gain a foothold on iOS. For instance, we take action
to prevent otherwise legitimate apps from being used to facilitate scams, like the
“pig butchering” scam which tricks users into depositing funds for investment into
a scam brokerage account on a legitimate investing app. When we learn about
such scams, we contact the developer of the legitimate app to stop the scams
from proliferating on that app. Our actions have made iOS apps less attractive to
scams like these as well.
The new changes to iPhone in the EU will alter the calculus for bad actors who
previously did not seek ways to exploit iOS and its users because of the relatively
lower returns available to them. Alongside new options for developers, these
changes create new entry pointsand potential vulnerabilities—for scammers
and cybercriminals. These increasingly creative actors pose sophisticated
threats. Many rely on social engineering to trick users into giving away their most
personal and sensitive information through means that anyone could fall for—even
the savviest user. With easier access to iPhone users through alternative app
download channels, the return on their investment increases, making attempts
to target iPhone relatively more lucrative overall. For all the reasons we have
described, including Apple’s inability to test for fraudulent overcharges outside
of its commerce system and the fragmentation of marketplace signals, it will take
longer to catch scammers or other bad actorsand we cannot guarantee that
alternative app marketplaces will take the same swift action against them that we
would. This leaves users exposed to potential bad actors for longer, and may give
those bad actors more space to find creative ways to trick users.
To: Tim Cook
From: iPhone User
Subject: 3rd Party Apps
Date: February 20, 2023
I love how secure iOS on
iPhone is over Android
and would like the option
to not allow 3rd party
apps to be downloaded
once the option arrives.
Maybe a do not allow
check box in settings?
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
This creates an incentive for bad actors to build new schemes and invent new
malware that targets iOS users. These bad actors will gain the ability to move
their apps from one alternative app marketplace to another, creating opportunities
to use the same scam again and again on marketplace after marketplace
or even potentially on the same marketplace with minor changes. All of this
increases the likelihood that bad actors will see a return on their investment on
iOS, incentivizing even more malicious development. Perhaps most concerning,
this newly incentivized level of criminal investment in building tools, services,
and infrastructure to target iOS users risks spilling over and lowering the cost of
attacking even those users who only use the App Store.
Let’s be clear: Apple builds multiple layers of security into its devices and
systems. We will do everything possible to reduce these risks. But for all the
reasons explained, the risks will increase.
Apple is committed to a secure, privacy-protecting, and safe user experience
on iPhone. That commitment continues even as we have put changes into place
to comply with the DMA, so that we are doing everything we can to protect users
in the EU. Even if the EU experience will not be the same as the one we are able to
offer elsewhere, these new tools and processes will help us fight against the risks
that these changes create.
Notarization will help prevent users from being exposed to malicious apps that
contain malware like ransomware or consumer spyware, that trick users into
exposing more of their information than they intend, or that risk their own safety.
App installation sheets will allow users to receive accurate information about
the apps they’re downloading, so that users will be less likely to be tricked into
installing a fake app or an app with terms they didn’t understand. Requiring
alternative app marketplaces to conduct ongoing monitoring will help stop
malicious apps from spreading unchecked. And informational sheets about
alternative payment systems will let users know that they now need to be on the
lookout for fraud and scams intended to trick them into overpaying for what they
These protections help ensure that users will continue to have an enriching, safe,
and transparent iPhone experience, where the user is in control of their own data.
And they will continue to make iPhone the most secure, most privacy-protecting,
and safest smartphone available in the European Union todaygiving users the
great product they expect from Apple.
Complying with the Digital Markets Act: Apple’s Efforts to Protect User Security and Privacy in the European Union
1. Survey: Nearly half of Android users
consider switching to iPhone over security
and privacy concerns, 9to5Mac (Aug. 16,
2. App Store developers generated $1.1
trillion in total billings and sales in the
App Store ecosystem in 2022, Apple
(May 31, 2023),
3. For more information, see Apple
announces changes to iOS, Safari, and
the App Store in the European Union,
Apple (Jan. 25, 2023),
4. App Store stopped more than $2
billion in fraudulent transactions in
2022, Apple (May 2023), https://
5. 2022 App Store Transparency Report,
Apple (2023),
6. Steve Jobs recognized this very issue in
2007. See Steve Jobs, iPhone SDK Letter
(Oct. 17, 2007), available at https://tidbits.
7. Threat Intelligence Report 2023, Nokia,
8. See European Consumer Centre
Germany, Tips against subscription
traps on the internet, https://www.evz.
9. Stuart Madnick, The Continued
Threat to Personal Data: Key Factors
Behind the 2023 Increase (Dec. 2023),
10. Building a Trusted Ecosystem for
Millions of Apps: A threat analysis of
sideloading, Apple (Oct. 2021), at 14.
11. Elizabeth Cassin, Sarahah: Anonymous
app dropped from Apple and Google
stores after bullying accusations, BBC
(Feb. 25, 2018),
12. FTC Finalizes Order Requiring
Fortnite maker Epic Games to Pay
$245 Million for Tricking Users into
Making Unwanted Charges, FTC (Mar.
4, 2023),
tricking-users-making; Kids Mobile
Gaming Report: More Than Two-Thirds
of Parents Worry Kids Overspending
on In-App Purchases, Sell Cell (June 5,
13. App promoting private parties amid
COVID-19 removed from Apple App Store,
Bus. Insider (Dec. 30, 2020), https://
articleshow/80020920.cms; Khadeeja
Safdar & Kevin Poulsen, Google,
Apple Struggle to Regulate Covid-19
Tracing Apps, Wall St. Journal (June 5,
14. Children’s Online Learning Program
ABCmouse to Pay $10 Million to Settle
FTC Charges of Illegal Marketing and
Billing Practices, FTC (Sept. 2, 2020),