FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
STRATEGY Business Overview 7
Our Sustainability Strategy 10
Targets & Performance 25
MAKE TODAY BETTER Climate & Energy 31
Labor 35
Chemistry 43
Water 46
Waste 50
Community 54
Product 63
Manufacturing 66
People & Culture 73
How We Work 79
Public Policy 83
Stakeholder Engagement & Reporting 86
Reviews 87
Recognition 88
Contracted Manufacturers Interactive Map
Design Experience
Data Sets
Historic Reporting
Guidelines & Principles Index
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Transparency and accountability are
fundamental to our business and our
approach to sustainability. This report
offers insight into our sustainability
strategy, performance and progress
against the targets and commitments
we shared in our FY10/11 report.
Our organization has undergone several
changes since our last report, including the
divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13
and the inclusion of Hurley and NIKE Golf
within the NIKE Brand in FY14. Generally,
the operational metrics included in this
report are based on the structure of our
portfolio during the FY12 and FY13 reporting
period. They have not been recalculated or
changed to reect the subsequent changes
in our business portfolio.
References to NIKE, Inc. generally include
all businesses in our portfolio during the
respective time period. However, references
to the NIKE Brand generally exclude
Converse, Hurley, NIKE Golf and Jordan.
Further discussion of these changes and
the boundaries of our reporting is included
in our “Business Overview” and “About this
Report” sections.
To provide concise, comprehensive
information, we have included dashboard-
style summaries of progress against our
targets and commitments, along with more
detailed commentary and analysis.
The report also includes a message
from our President & CEO, and an in-
depth discussion of the importance of
sustainability to our growth strategy and
how we are integrating sustainability into
the core of our business.
This print-on-demand report is
complemented by more comprehensive
reporting at,
including an interactive user experience
through which readers can access
additional background data, explore our
value chain and impacts, and nd more
extensive information and tools.
Further details on our approach to reporting
can be found in the “About this Report”
section on page 85.
NOTE: The information in this report and NIKE, Inc.’s corporate responsibility/sustainability reporting and website, inclusive of charts, graphs and discussion, and all
other information presented, may contain forward-looking statements, estimates or projections based on expectations as of the original date of those materials. Those
statements, estimates and projections are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties
are detailed in our reports led with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including Forms 8-K, 10-K and 10-Q. Presented information may also discuss non-
public nancial and statistical information and non-GAAP nancial measures. All information was current only as of the date originally presented. We do not update or
delete outdated information contained in website materials, and we disclaim any obligation to do so. All content is the property of NIKE, Inc.
We hope you nd this report useful.
Please let us know how we’re doing at
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
NIKE, Inc.’s success as a growth company is tied directly to our culture of innovation. Today we
believe that sustainable innovation that benets the athlete, the company and the planet will
play a key role in the future of our business.
This principle shapes how NIKE does business. The results we see continue to motivate
us. As you will read in this report, we are pushing the boundaries to decouple our growth
from constrained resources in order to leave the lightest possible footprint, while driving
uncompromising performance for athletes everywhere.
We are constantly integrating more sustainable ways of working across our business – from
design to production, to logistics and retail. While this work propels us forward we also
recognize that NIKE is positioned to leverage the power of our brand to drive positive change
across our entire value chain, within our industry and beyond.
Spanning almost 20 years, NIKE’s sustainability journey has been dynamic, marked by an ever-
evolving set of challenges and opportunities. As we continue to raise the bar on our approach,
we see new opportunities. Three that stand out as I reect on our FY12/13 progress are:
1. Sustainability and business growth are complementary. Our strategy to create value while
pursuing innovation that reduces our impact on the environment is delivering measurable
results. For example, the natural assumption is that as revenue goes up so does a company’s
greenhouse gas emissions as more sales translates to increased product manufacturing and
freight activity. However through a variety of initiatives we have been able to change the results
of that equation, reducing absolute greenhouse gas emissions by close to 3 percent while
simultaneously increasing revenues by 26 percent over the time period covered by this report.
This motivates us to push even harder for sustainable innovation across the business.
Breakthrough technologies like NIKE Flyknit, which dramatically reduces waste compared
with traditional footwear manufacturing, and ColorDry, which eliminates water and process
chemicals from dyeing while also driving down energy consumption, increasing productivity and
improving quality, provide just a snapshot of the game-changing innovation that will help fuel
NIKE’s sustainable growth.
2. Materials Matter. Six years ago we identied that nearly 60 percent of the environmental
impact of a pair of NIKE shoes was in materials used to make it. That insight, along with our
commitment to design with purpose, has helped sharpen our focus on the need for disruptive
innovation in the world of materials.
Arguably, the last major breakthrough in materials that reshaped the industry at scale was
the introduction of polyester about 50 years ago. We believe there are signicant innovation
opportunities ahead and are working to unlock the barriers to developing and scaling a new
palette of more sustainable materials, but we cannot do so alone.
To effectively drive systemic change we know we must collaborate and seek out unconventional
partnerships. Through our LAUNCH partnership with NASA, US Agency for International
Development, and the US Department of State, we are working to uncover innovations in
sustainable materials that can have a positive impact on people and the planet.
3. Climate change requires business change. At NIKE, everything we do begins with the athlete.
We know that climate-related issues, like pollution and extreme weather conditions, impact an
athlete’s ability to perform and the changing environment presents a unique set of innovation
challenges. Similarly, as a business with diverse global operations, NIKE’s supply chain is
exposed to a range of changing risk factors. This means that our products, as well as how and
where they are made, are fundamental considerations in the long-term success of our business.
NIKE’s approach to meta-trend analysis, future-casting and innovating for long-term growth, will
help drive performance in the short term, while also positioning us to continue to turn risks into
innovation opportunities over the long term.
NIKE is dedicated to serving
athletes and helping them
reach their full potential.
As a growth company we are
dedicated to creating value for
our shareholders. The world in
which athletes and companies
compete is changing fast.
We believe business has a
critical role to play in meeting
the challenges of a changing
world – addressing climate
change, preserving the
earth’s constrained resources,
enhancing global economic
opportunity – not by reducing
growth but by redening it.
To do this we believe
businesses must embrace
sustainability as an innovation
opportunity and governments
should act to create the right
policies and incentives to
accelerate change at scale.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
President & Chief Executive Ofcer
NIKE, Inc.
As NIKE has grown and changed, we have fundamentally shifted our sustainability strategy.
Early on, we learned that rather than just managing our reputation by reacting to criticism about
our supply chain, we could create real opportunities for change by creating an environment of
industry collaboration, partnership and transparency.
This approach has continued to evolve to one where we are harnessing the power of innovation
to manage risks, create opportunities and meet our sustainability and social goals, adding value
to our business and brand.
In 2013, in recognition of the importance of sustainability to NIKE’s Innovation strategy, we
transitioned our Sustainable Business & Innovation organization into NIKE’s core Innovation
function, signaling the enterprise-wide role sustainable innovation will play in NIKE’s future.
During the period this report covers, we also worked with two leading academic institutions
– Harvard Business School and Stanford Graduate School of Business – on case studies that
examine NIKE’s journey since the 1990s. As these teaching instruments are more widely
adopted, we hope NIKE’s experience as one of the rst brands to respond to the challenges of
responsibility associated with globalization, will positively inform the decisions of tomorrow’s
business leaders.
In our previous report, we established new sustainability targets across all impact areas in our
value chain; most of which are 2015 targets. In the interim, this report provides a detailed
account of the progress we have made and where we have faced challenges.
Our performance against targets is detailed extensively throughout this report. We believe that
disclosing our targets and reporting against them provides a strong mechanism to continue to
drive internal integration and build external understanding among all of our stakeholders.
We established a new norm by disclosing our contract factory base back in 2005, and we still
believe transparency is essential for industry change. We also continue to work with global
inuencers, including the United Nations Global Compact, in support of global principles in the
areas of human rights, labor, the environment and anti-corruption.
NIKE is dedicated to serving athletes and helping them reach their full potential. As a growth
company we are dedicated to creating value for our shareholders. The world in which athletes
and companies compete is changing fast. We believe business has a critical role to play in
meeting the challenges of a changing world – addressing climate change, preserving the earth’s
constrained resources, enhancing global economic opportunity – not by reducing growth but
by redening it. To do this we believe businesses must embrace sustainability as an innovation
opportunity and governments should act to create the right policies and incentives to accelerate
change at scale.
By sharing our experience, documenting our progress, noting where we have fallen short and
identifying the challenges that lie ahead, we are hopeful NIKE can help positively shape the
The challenge to create a sustainable economy is global and requires a global response.
We believe it begins with a simple idea: invent better solutions.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Indeed, creating and building business
models that not only recognize and
accommodate but thrive on the constraints
of the natural world is the only way we
can achieve growth in the present that
won’t compromise our ability to grow and
succeed for decades to come.
Of course, this transition is challenging
for a company that sells physical products
and has bold ambitions to provide those
products to more people in more places
worldwide. Transforming NIKE in this
way will take time and is a long-term
commitment. It touches every aspect of
our business, from how we design and
make our products to how we engage
our employees and other businesses in
our value chain. It begins with placing
sustainability at the beginning of the
innovation process.
NIKE, Inc. continues to deliver strong
growth. What fuels our success and
challenges us? Innovation. It’s our growth
engine. It’s what our athletes, consumers
and investors expect of us – and always
have. It’s what we expect of ourselves. It
enables new heights in performance and
raises the bar for our industry and beyond.
Our world faces unprecedented change:
constrained resources, population growth,
heightened connectivity, increased
demand. In a world of nite natural
resources, our growth is enabled by
innite human resources: innovation and
We understand that innovation through the
lens of sustainability is fundamental to
achieving our vision of growth that is not
dependent upon constrained resources.
Innovation has never been more important than it
is today. It’s not just about improving the products
we make. It’s about how we invent better ones, work
with other companies and organizations to develop
markets that value and encourage the creation of new
sustainable processes and products, and improve lives
by leveraging sustainability as the world’s greatest
innovation opportunity.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Through our commitment to innovation, sustainability and design, we are continually
challenging ourselves, and our consumers, to reach the next level of achievement.
Serves the athlete
Grows the company
Delivers inspiration
NIKE, Inc. includes ve distinct brands, each with a powerful connection to its customers:
NIKE Brand designs, develops and sells high-quality athletic performance gear
and sport-inspired lifestyle products, including footwear, apparel, equipment and
Converse, Inc. designs, markets, licenses and sells casual sneakers, apparel and
Hurley International LLC designs, markets and distributes surf and youth lifestyle
footwear, apparel and accessories
Jordan Brand designs and markets premium footwear, apparel and accessories
inspired by the dynamic legacy, vision and direct involvement of Michael Jordan
NIKE Golf designs and markets golf equipment, apparel, balls, footwear, bags and
Converse, Hurley and NIKE Golf were reported as “Other Businesses”in FY12 and FY13.
Other afliated brands in our portfolio at the end of FY12 were Cole Haan and Umbro,
which we divested in FY13. Beginning in FY14, Hurley and NIKE Golf results are now
reported within the NIKE Brand, while Converse results are a separate reporting segment.
Accordingly, we have restated all comparative nancial information to reect these
changes, which can be found at However, reference to other NIKE
Brand metrics throughout this report have not been restated to reect these changes.
As the world’s leading athletic footwear, apparel and equipment
company, NIKE, Inc. is dedicated to inspiring every athlete to
reach their full potential. NIKE co-founder Bill Bowerman saw
endless possibilities for human achievement through sport. His
philosophy still guides our mission today: “To bring inspiration
and innovation to every athlete in the world.” We believe if you
have a body, you are an athlete.
We are working to integrate
sustainability into every aspect
of our business. Our aim is to
challenge, push and explore
ways that change the game
entirely for materials, design
and manufacturing.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
*Forward-looking statements, estimates or projections are based on expectations as of the original date of those materials. Those statements, estimates
and projections are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially. These risks and uncertainties are
detailed in our reports led with the US Securities and Exchange Commission, including Forms 8-K, 10-K and 10-Q.
NIKE, Inc. is a growth company. Over the last 10 years, we’ve more than doubled our
revenue, and we believe we’ll deliver $30 billion in revenue by FY15 and $36 billion
by FY17.
Since we published our FY10/11 Sustainable Business Performance Summary, our
overall employee base grew to approximately 48,000 at the end of FY13, including
seasonal and part-time, an increase of 10,000 employees. We expect strong growth in
Running, Basketball, Football, Men’s Training, Sportswear, Women’s Training and Direct to
Consumer sales. As we look forward, we believe that sustainability is one of the key drivers
that will catalyze innovation and lead us toward continued growth.
Over the past 15 years,
we have evolved from
approaching sustainability
reactively as a reputation
management issue to
embracing it as a key
driver of innovation and
an important source of
competitive advantage.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
FY09-13 CAGR 7%
5-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) based on Fiscal Year 2008 Revenue of
$18,075 million. The revenue amounts presented reect the results of our continuing
Return on Invested Capital calculation is included in the quarterly earnings section of our
investor relations website,, as one of our key nancial metrics calcula-
tions. Please refer to this site for more detail on this calculation.
FY09-13, Five-Year CAGR 8%
*Diluted EPS amounts presented reect the results of our continuing operations. These
amounts have been restated to reect our two-for-one stock split on December 24, 2012
and are not directly comparable as they include non-recurring expenses and benets
such as restructuring changes and settlements.
5-Year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) based on Fiscal Year 2008 diluted EPS
of $1.85.
Performance of the S&P 500 and NIKE stock is calculated by comparing the total returns
of each assuming the reinvestment of dividends over the time period of 5/31/2008 to
Revenue in millions
Revenue in millions
Like many other businesses, NIKE faced some headwinds in FY12/FY13. Rising costs for
energy, materials and labor sparked inationary pressures in some locations and margin
pressures across our industry. Major weather events, such as ooding in Thailand, put
stress on supply chains and delivery. Both weather conditions and political unrest affected
markets and condence in some areas.
While these challenges were shared across our industry, the competitive advantages we
have are unique to the NIKE portfolio. In spite of ongoing macroeconomic challenges, we
remain well positioned to leverage our strengths – including scale, operational capabilities,
brand strength and product innovation – to help mitigate the risks beyond our control and
capitalize on opportunities to grow our company.
At NIKE, we seek to deliver shareholder value through sustainable growth. One of the ways
we will achieve this goal is to nd avenues to reach our long-term vision of decoupling
protable growth from constrained resources.
We are working to integrate sustainability into every aspect of our business. Our aim is to
challenge, push and explore ways that change the game entirely for materials, design and
manufacturing. We don’t grow just to get bigger. We grow to be better and do better.
FY09 FY09
FY10 FY10
FY11 FY11
FY12 FY12
FY13 FY13
$2.2 $2.24 4
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Based on extensive analysis of the impacts of our business across the value chain (see
page 12 for detail), we know that materials and manufacturing represent the greatest
areas of impact on workers, communities and the environment, and the greatest potential
for sustainable innovation.
While NIKE has focused on materials innovation for many years, most improvements
across the industry have been incremental, not fundamental. The time is right for
innovation that leads to a more sustainable palette of materials and chemistries (see
page 17 for detail). We have focused for many years on improving the working conditions
of contract factory workers, increasing productivity, and reducing the environmental
footprint of manufacturing, eventually bringing these threads together through
implementation of lean manufacturing.
The future of lean for NIKE is to deliver protable growth through sustainable
manufacturing and sourcing. To do this, we are making lean NIKE, Inc.’s manufacturing
standard. We require a commitment to lean as part of being accepted into our source
base and a minimum commitment and progression for positive ratings by including it in
our Sourcing and Manufacturing Sustainability Index, a component of our Manufacturing
Index which assesses factories based on sustainability, cost, quality and on-time delivery.
We are working with our supply chain to demonstrate the value of lean as a driver of
sustained, improved business performance where workers are engaged and enabled to
drive business success through continuous improvement. Some of the standard metrics
we use to assess factory adoption include productivity, human resources management
assessments, turnover, absenteeism, and factory implementation of and results from
worker engagement and well-being surveys.
We are now driving a portfolio of advanced manufacturing initiatives that encompass
changes to the traditional manufacturing business model that includes the role of
workers in the production of better products and services. (See discussion in the
“Manufacturing” section.) As described throughout this report, these two areas –
materials and manufacturing – are central to our strategy.
The scale of today’s
challenges requires
breakthrough innovations
such as entirely new materials
and ways to make products.
We focus sustainable innovation on our biggest areas of
opportunity and risk. We ask difcult questions of ourselves,
our business model and our industry. We seek to understand
the meta-trends and the signals – strong and weak – that
add complexity and uncertainty to the future. Rather than
working to avoid only known risk, we work to understand where
opportunity may emerge and what’s needed to foster and scale
it, to enable new forms of innovation to take hold.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Sustainable innovation takes many forms at NIKE. Incremental improvements play an
important role in our efforts, since even small changes have large impacts across our
portfolio. However, incremental changes on their own fall short of the progress needed.
The scale of today’s challenges requires breakthrough innovations such as entirely new
materials and ways to make products. As an example, in 2012 we introduced the rst
product made using the innovative new NIKE Flyknit technology and manufacturing
process. The Flyknit Lunar 1+ running shoe, launched in 2013, reduces footwear waste
in the upper by 80% on average compared with traditional production methods. To put
a picture to that amount of waste, from its introduction in 2012 through FY13 the total
combined material savings from just the uppers of the Flyknit Lunar 1+ compared to
a traditional running shoe was 66,000kg – about the same as 12 adult male African
elephants. Flyknit is a game changer and we believe there is signicant potential ahead as
Flyknit technology is implemented more broadly across our footwear offering.
NIKE’s ability to deploy disruptive technologies like Flyknit at scale multiplies
sustainability benets. And as the game changes, we remain on the offense, always.
In some cases, where we have direct inuence, we use our management tools, expertise
and other resources to take a leadership role. One example is the creation and proliferation
of the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index (NIKE MSI). (See page 18 for detail.)
Other opportunities, such as improving working conditions within our global supply chain,
are beyond the reach of any single organization and require collaboration with other supply
chain participants. One way we are working on these changes is through our collaboration
with the Fair Labor Association to develop the Sustainable Compliance Initiative. This
initiative, still in development, provides tools to improve the quality, consistency and
efciency of efforts in our industry to comply with country laws/regulations, and company
For challenges such as building a market for sustainable materials, we need input from
a broad range of stakeholders and experts. (See page 23 for detail.) After all, risk is
interconnected so solutions must be collaborative. Companies that win in the future
will be those capable of accessing new sources of knowledge, creativity and capital to
accelerate sustainable innovation and bring it to scale.
To further advance our efforts, at the start of FY14 we embedded our Sustainable
Business & Innovation function into the company’s Innovation group (see page 20 for
detail). This streamlines the sharing of sustainable innovation throughout the company
and continues a nearly 20-year evolution to move corporate responsibility and sustainable
innovation from the periphery of the organization to the core of the company. This move
means that sustainability will be central to the questions asked and the solutions created
in the innovation process.
We run a thriving global business.
The people, ofces, brand and
beyond – they’re all part of the plan.
Our designers combine technology,
creativity and mindful material
selection to make all of our
products. While we have control
over what materials we select, we
recognize each material has its own
often considerable footprint, from
growing through to processing.
We’re focusing on turning the
sustainability challenges of
manufacturing into lasting
opportunities by carefully selecting
those we source from, and working
together to reduce impacts.
The world isn’t getting smaller, but
our global logistics make obstacles
like distance and time easier to
People don’t go to a NIKE store just
to shop. They expect expert advice,
inspiration and experience.
Our products spend most of
their lives with consumers. How
consumers care for them over time
makes a big difference.
NIKE shoes have better things to do
than retire in a landll. We aim to
reuse and recycle our products as
much as possible. And even after
their useful life is over, where they
end up matters.
For details on our methodology and an
interactive exploration of our value chain visit
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
The journey to integrate sustainability deep into NIKE has required us to show how it
supports our company strategy, creates value for stakeholders, mitigates risk and makes our
business more resilient.
To do this we must understand our business and its impacts, so we can make informed
decisions that will bring about the greatest change. We also must consider the connectivity
across all areas, as a decision in one area may have unintended consequences or
enhancements in another. We take a broad view, as we recognize the impacts from our
directly controlled operations are a small part of the total system.
An important factor is our outsourced manufacturing model, which is common across the
apparel and footwear industries, as well as many others. The model brings complexities
related to lack of direct control over factories that may serve multiple brands and
incomplete information about performance and impacts. Nonetheless, our vast and
interconnected value chain also offers great opportunities to raise expectations and
standards across the sector, in areas such as labor practices and environmental protection,
(total 12.5M tonnes)
3% 56% 15% 5% 1% 20% <1%
(total 28.9B kWh)
3% 54% 10% 7% 1% 24% <1%
(total 217B gallons)
<1% 83% 2% <1% <1% 15% <1%
(total 700M kgs)
1% 2% 11% 6% 9% 13% 59%
Plan Make Move Sell Use Reuse
Our “big picture” data collection gives us a view of the overall impact of our business in key impact areas which helps us to focus
our efforts on those areas where we have greater impact and understand the interaction between impacts from decisions at different
stages of our value chain. This is a point-in-time reference. We continue to update information on the big picture and assess and
improve on the more direct and concrete elements of a reportable footprint for year-on-year comparisons.
The purpose of this study was to determine the environmental footprint of NIKE, Inc. – including its products – across four impact
areas: CO
e, energy, water and waste. We undertook this work by identifying and quantifying water and energy usage, CO
e emis-
sions and waste created at each stage of the value chain. The impact of each individual product differs considerably, based on its
prole, materials used, size and weight, method of manufacture, and location of production, use and disposal. For more informa-
tion about our methodology and approach, and to navigate the footprint through the value chain and impact areas, go to the online
experience available with this report on
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
to increase our overall positive impact. This approach has been central to our relationships
with contract manufacturers and other brands for many years.
In 2013, we furthered our study of our environmental footprint across our entire value
chain – from raw materials production through consumer disposal of products after use.
This is a complex analysis, due to the variation in the availability and quality of data, the
need to make assumptions and extrapolations, and the dynamic nature of this system and
its many participants. Our knowledge in this area continues to grow.
The analysis – which covers energy use, water consumption, waste generation and
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions – conrmed what we have long believed about the
importance of the design process and materials, and how products are made. These issues
are thus the main focus of our programs and this report. More detail on our methodology
and approach is available online at
The footprint graphic (page 12) only tells part of the story. We also made discoveries
within these categories, such as the signicant effect of cotton and leather on our overall
impacts. In the raw materials stage of the value chain, growing cotton represents 87% of
water use, and it accounts for more than 63% of water use across our entire value chain.
Leather production represents 56% of GHG emissions during the raw materials stage –
mostly from methane as a result of cattle’s digestive processes – and more than 18% of
our total greenhouse gas footprint. These types of insights are valuable as we develop
and evolve our programs moving forward. They compel us to look well beyond the surface
levels of the systems we touch and deep into our value chain. This perspective reinforces
that our span is much bigger and more complex than one might imagine, stretching even
into the agricultural elds where the raw materials for our products are grown and raised,
and where some of our biggest system impacts occur.
By nature, footprinting is backward-looking. Setting our sustainability strategy also
requires looking forward, to navigate in the direction we believe the world is heading.
For many years we’ve focused on meta-trends – “strong signals” – pointing to the
sustainability-related issues that pose the greatest business risks or opportunities. These
meta-trends include issues such as water scarcity, materials cost ination, climate
change, rising labor costs as well as increased transparency and heightened levels of
collaboration. (See page 12 of our FY10/11 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
for more detail.)
We also listen closely to “emerging signals.” Some of the emerging signals we’ve
identied – including micro-plastics in the environment and increasing and changing
environmental policies – are broader than our company or industry. Issues such as these
have the potential to become even more relevant to NIKE in the future.
Within every sustainability challenge also lies a business opportunity. For example,
to better manage constrained resources, we develop and use more recycled and more
sustainable materials, and leaner manufacturing processes. To decrease our exposure
to labor cost ination and capacity constraints, we increase the efciency of our supply
chain. We have developed superior materials such as water-based adhesives through
green chemistry, which also delivers health and safety benets to workers. These types
of innovations have already delivered substantial benets to our business, and we expect
them to increase in the coming years.
Within every sustainability
challenge also lies a
business opportunity.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We also use scenario planning to sharpen our understanding of the potential impact of
sustainability issues on our business and to inform decision making. Through scenario
planning, we can assess the potential impacts that external issues such as climate
change or resource scarcity might have on NIKE. We can model the rippling effect
that a percentage change in our use of a more sustainable material might have across
the value chain, or the impact of changes to our sourcing base as we fully implement
our sustainability indices. We can also analyze how initiatives, such as those that
improve energy or water efciency, or decrease waste, could impact the company’s
Understanding these interconnections helps us prepare for a range of possible futures and
improves our ability to develop innovative solutions to address emerging risks before they
become more challenging to manage.
For example, in 2013 we developed a scenario tool to explore the impacts that climate
change, and related water scarcity, could have on cotton, one of our main product inputs.
We developed a Business and Environmental Scenario Tool (see page 15) which gives us
the ability to assess overall and intersecting impacts from changes to different scenarios.
Environment Governance
& Wellness
Increasing Energy
Water Inadequacy
Changing Climate
Income Divides &
Obesity Spreads
Coming of Age in the
Women in a New Light
Easy Access to
Resource Cost
Labor Inflation
Efficient Supply Chain
Infinite resource availability • Closed-loop product
Zero waste • Low-risk value chain services
Southern Hemisphere
How NIKE, Inc. views, anticipates and responds to emerging signals alongside global
trends, risks and opportunities, and business challenges to inform its plans
We identied the following
emerging signals that could
pose challenges or opportunities
for NIKE in the future:
How NIKE, Inc. views, anticipates and responds to emerging signals alongside global
trends, risks and opportunities, and business challenges to inform its plans
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We work with stakeholders and experts from outside the company to validate this work,
to develop a collective understanding of the systemic issues we face and to identify
shared solutions.
BEST provides a 10-year quantied view of environmental and nancial impacts from
changes to scenarios such as materials used or changes in sourcing.
Before developing BEST, we:
Calculated separately the impact that changes to the business had on each criterion
(nancial, water, energy, CO
, waste)
Took extended time to conduct the environmental analyses
Had a limited view due to the focus on and analysis of one criterion at a time,
therefore we made decisions based only on one criterion or continued with
potentially conicting analyses across different criteria
Often excluded interactions between criteria
Usually focused only on Tier 1 suppliers – those with whom we directly contract for
goods or services – though a considerable portion of the impact occurs earlier in the
value chain
Saw each group within NIKE focus on the criteria that were important to them
With BEST we can:
Input one scenario and receive data on simultaneous impacts to ve criteria
(nancial, water, energy, CO
, waste)
Complete the analysis quickly, with aturnaround in minutes, rather than weeks
Take a holistic view of all criteria and compare the return on investment for all
criteria at the same time
Capture how changes to one criterion impacts others
Take into account a more complete view of the supply chain
Provide users with a view of the entire business so they can see how their decisions
impact other business areas
We now use BEST to assess various impacts and decisions. Some examples include:
Impacts to costs, water usage and energy usage if we use less cotton and more
Changes to the amount of materials purchased, energy used and waste generated if
we increase pattern efciency by certain percentages
Understanding these
interconnections helps
us prepare for a range
of possible futures and
improves our ability to
develop innovative solutions
to address emerging risks
before they become more
challenging to manage.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
NIKE’s Sustainable Business and Innovation team focuses on enabling the company to
thrive in a sustainable future, and provides the insights, tools and expertise to hardwire
sustainable decision making into global business operations.
Given the trends and analysis described earlier, NIKE drives sustainable business
innovation in three strategic ways:
1. Deliver a portfolio of sustainable products and services that enhance
athlete performance
2. Prototype and scale sustainable sourcing and manufacturing models
3. Explore new sources of revenue not based on constrained resources
These pillars are underpinned by skills and capabilities that enable their success. The
sections below describe these pillars and how they work together to drive the disruptive
innovations that will shape our future.
It’s important to note that NIKE also continues to focus on other important aspects of
corporate responsibility including compliance, stakeholder management, employment
practices and community investment. These play an important role in our overall
performance, and our programs and progress in these areas are described later in
this report.
We deliver a portfolio of
sustainable products and
services that maximize
athlete performance.
Drive profitable growth and reduce risk through sustainable innovation
Turn sustainability risks into business opportunities
Hardwire sustainability in the way we operate and drive adoption of sustainability innovation
Catalyze strategic partnerships to bring sustainable innovations to scale faster, cheaper, better
Deliver a portfolio
of sustainable
products and services
that enhance athlete
Prototype and scale
sustainable sourcing
and manufacturing
Explore new sources
of revenue not based
on constrained
Landscaping and
business case
Proof of
Drive protable growth and reduce risk through sustainable innovation
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
NIKE’s main environmental impacts, by far, are realized in the products we sell and the
materials used to make them.
The materials we choose have impacts that ripple across every stage of the value chain.
The approximately 900 million units produced annually through our supply chain are
made from more than 16,000 materials selected from more than 1,500 different vendors,
chosen from a staggering 80,000 material options.
From our analysis, the production of these materials – from growing cotton and harvesting
rubber, to raising livestock for leather and extracting oil for polyester – represents 21% of
the total energy use throughout our value chain, 73% of the water consumption and 33%
of the greenhouse gas emissions. When you include materials processing activities, such
as the dyeing and nishing of fabrics, those percentages increase to 54% of total energy
use, 83% of water consumption and 56% of GHG emissions.
We launched new and updated evaluation tools for rating the sustainability of footwear and
apparel designs in FY13. Described below, these indexes represent the next generation of our
Considered Indexes.
NIKE Materials
Sustainability Index Score
Waste Score
Footwear Sustainability Index
rates footwear designs
as follows:
Apparel Sustainability Index
rates apparel designs
as follows:
NIKE Materials
Index Score
Use Score
Use Score
We launched new and updated evaluation tools for rating the sustainability of footwear and
apparel designs in FY13. Described below, these indexes represent the next generation of our
Considered Indexes.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Reducing materials-related impacts is among the strongest levers we have for improving
our overall environmental performance. However, it’s challenging to reach far upstream
into our value chain and inuence the behavior of companies and individuals over
which we have no direct impact. Therefore, we focus on product design, an area we do
control. Decisions we make in the design phase determine the majority of a product’s
environmental impacts, and can have exponential effects up and down our value chain.
These impacts are embedded in the creation of materials, from how much they weigh to
transport, to how much water and energy are used in washing them, to what is left when a
product’s useful life is over. However, our materials decisions are limited by those that are
available and can their expected performance attributes. So, we also seek to understand
and engage others who play critical roles in the process of developing, creating and
bringing materials to market.
Over the past several years, we have created scoring tools and indices that give our
product creation teams the information they need to make better decisions about
materials based on sustainability as well as performance characteristics. Two key
improvements help a design’s score: reducing waste by improving pattern efciency,
and the choice of more sustainable options (e.g., recycled polyester rather than virgin
polyester). We tested and rolled out our updated footwear and apparel indices in FY12;
both include the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index (NIKE MSI). The NIKE MSI
measures energy and water use, waste generation and chemical use in materials. We have
communicated with and trained our material vendors to help them understand the NIKE
MSI and how they can improve their materials’ scores by providing more sustainable
options, which makes them more attractive to work with as a source for materials.
Collaborating with others is key to fueling disruptive innovation. Our strategy includes
strategic partnerships and making selective investments in breakthrough technologies
in the materials space. In 2012, for instance, we made a minority investment in
DyeCoo Textile Systems B.V., a Netherlands-based company that has developed the rst
commercially available waterless textile dyeing machines. By using recycled carbon
dioxide, DyeCoo’s technology eliminates the use of water in the dyeing process. This
holds great promise for NIKE, since dyeing and nishing represents about 5% of water
use across the value chain. In 2013, we worked with Far Eastern New Century Corp. and
DyeCoo to launch the “dye house of the future” in Taiwan to optimize the dyeing process.
This new process, which we call ColorDry, provides the most consistent color results to
date and eliminates water and process chemicals from the dyeing process.
Decreasing materials use is also core to our approach. NIKE Flyknit technology
revolutionizes the age-old craft of shoemaking by knitting the shoe upper with individual
strands of yarn, which drastically reduces manufacturing waste and materials compared to
traditional cut-and-sew methods while providing strength and support where it’s needed
most. The Flyknit Racer’s laces are 30% recycled polyester, the upper is colored with
water-based inks, and the sock liner is made from recycled materials. We also use 100%
water-based adhesives in the midsole and outsole to reduce the use of volatile organic
compounds. We’re only just beginning to see the potential for Flyknit and we plan to
increase use of this technology in the coming years.
To continue to drive innovations like these, we have a Materials Science Innovation
function that explores the next generation of materials – for instance, non-petroleum-
based, low environmental impact feedstocks for apparel fabrics. This function also
considers how innovations in other elds – such as medicine and biomechanical
engineering – might transfer to our industry.
Our materials decisions are
limited by what materials are
available and their expected
performance attributes. So
we also seek to understand
and engage others who play
critical roles in the process
of developing, creating and
bringing materials to market.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
All of these efforts build on work we have done for years to identify and develop
environmentally preferred alternatives to our most-used materials, such as cotton,
polyester, leather and rubber. For example, we helped to establish the Leather Working
Group, which has created standards for better environmental management of leather
processing, and are Pioneer members of the Better Cotton Initiative.
See “Product” section for more information about our efforts and progress in this area.
Manufacturing is another major part of the equation. We estimate that more than
2.5 million people work at various stages throughout our supply chain, including more
than 1 million in the factories we contract with directly. This makes manufacturing our
biggest area of impact on people. That’s not a new insight, and we have been working
for years to help raise the bar for working conditions, not only in our own supply base but
across our industry. We have done this by developing and communicating our Code of
Conduct and Code Leadership Standards, and by assessing suppliers’ compliance with our
requirements and legal standards. We have also worked with our suppliers to help them
develop their human resources management capacity so they can proactively manage and
engage their workforce.
These efforts led to an insight that has been critical in our work with factories: that lean
manufacturing benets factory owners and workers, increases productivity, reduces
environmental impacts, enhances our brand, and that workers are key to the successful
implementation of lean.
This integrated approach is reected in how we assess performance. Factories are rated
using our Sourcing & Manufacturing Sustainability Index (SMSI), a component of our
Manufacturing Index, which puts sustainability considerations on equal footing with
quality, cost and on-time delivery, and is one tool we use to select factories with which
we do business. This approach serves as a way to identify factories to engage with more
collaboratively and to which we direct more attention, resources and business. The SMSI
incorporates results of other scoring tools that measure progress in worker health and
safety; labor compliance; human resources management; lean implementation; energy and
carbon management and other environmental sustainability issues.
We are now working to implement an enhanced vision of lean manufacturing as part of a
portfolio of initiatives we’re calling the “manufacturing revolution.” This transformation is
a response to signicant trends in our supply chain, including advancements in technology
and engineering, and ongoing volatility in labor and materials pricing. It aims to redene
both how our products are made and what they are made of. It includes innovations in
advanced technology, as well as manufacturing excellence and modernization.
As we look ahead to a new era of manufacturing, we also see opportunities to create a
more sustainable, stable supplier base. To implement the changes we’re anticipating,
the workers employed by our suppliers will need to learn and use multiple skills. During
2013, we conducted two pilot studies in Indonesia that tested both the technology and
human aspects of lean manufacturing implementation. The pilots measured changes
to productivity, cost and worker engagement, and found signicant improvements in a
number of areas when lean manufacturing lines were compared to control lines. We are
collaborating with other organizations and contract factories to encourage them to look
at additional opportunities to improve the lives of workers outside the factories. See the
“Manufacturing” section for details on how we are working to meet our commitments
and dene a new future for our supply chain.
We envision lean
manufacturing that will
deliver protable growth
through sustainable
manufacturing and sourcing.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In 2009, we founded our Sustainable Business and Innovation Lab to focus on materials
and manufacturing innovation partnerships as well as revenue sources that are decoupled
from constrained resources, including through digital services. Among other initiatives, the
Lab helped to fuel our vision to extend NIKE’s leadership in athletic footwear, apparel and
equipment into the digital realm of tness, coaching and training services.
One example of NIKE’s efforts that focuses on services is the NIKE+ digital platform that
enables athletes to track and analyze movement – for example, to share their workouts
and calories burned and personal targets and performance. NIKE+ has grown into a
full ecosystem, delivered with different apps and services, with more than 18 million
members spanning the globe at the end of FY13. Collectively, members have run more
than 1 billion miles, the equivalent of 40,000 times around the earth at the equator.
This expanding business supports athletes’ health and wellness, opening additional
opportunities to NIKE.
In early 2013, we launched the rst NIKE+ Accelerator, which hosted 10 companies for a
three-month, immersive, mentor-driven startup program. Leveraging the success of NIKE+,
participants worked to create products and services to inspire athletes across a broad
range of activity and health goals, including training, coaching, gaming, data visualization
and “quantied self.” Participating companies pitched their business concepts to more
than 1,000 investors, potential strategic partners and prospective collaborators. Through
the program, we received more than 1,000 requests for access to the NIKE+ development
For more than 15 years, we have been on a journey of sustainability integration. This task
is essential. To achieve ongoing, protable growth, sustainability considerations must be
deeply embedded throughout the company. At NIKE, sustainability is not just about vision
and values. It depends equally on having the systems, structures, people, responsibilities
and accountabilities in place to ensure our commitments are reected in our day-to-day
business activities.
During the last two years, we have advanced business integration on several fronts. Some
changes relate to rening our internal organizational structures to more effectively drive
sustainable innovation. These include the following:
The Sustainable Business & Innovation (SB&I) team focuses on a broad range of areas
including nding and deploying new chemistries, training supplier factories on energy
and water efciency programs, partnering with product teams to promote the use of
more sustainable materials and designs, developing scenario planning tools, gathering
information about social and environmental performance within NIKE and its supply
chain, and evaluating and reporting that performance. The team also drives several
of our external engagement activities, collective action efforts and open innovation
agendas to accelerate and scale game-changing solutions. Importantly, SB&I became
a part of NIKE’s Innovation organization in 2013, streamlining the process of scaling
sustainability innovation throughout the company.
The Materials Science Innovation function, which grew out of the sustainable product
research and design function within SB&I and focuses on sustainable materials, now
reports into NIKE’s product innovation team. It includes a dedicated sustainable
product R&D team, making it even better aligned with broader apparel and footwear
materials research.
Our goal is to hardwire
sustainability into the
way we operate and drive
adoption of sustainable
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
The Sustainable Manufacturing Excellence team is formally aligned to both SB&I
and NIKE’s sourcing functions. This enables a strategic outlook for the future of
manufacturing and a holistic view of the impacts and capacity-building work done with
factories as well as joint planning for future growth.
A new product sustainability team works directly with NIKE’s product groups to drive
sustainable innovation deeper into the company’s product creation processes and
Other recent changes reect the deeper integration of several important processes and
activities throughout the company. For example:
Our NIKE Apparel Sustainability Index and NIKE Footwear Sustainability Index have
become part of the standard tools used by our global product creation teams. This
ensures that design decisions take environmental factors into account.
We integrated our Manufacturing Index which includes the Sourcing & Manufacturing
Sustainability Index into our sourcing selection and evaluation criteria. The Index
assesses suppliers on relevant dimensions related to lean manufacturing, such as on-
time delivery and defect rate. As a result, sustainability is a factor in all supplier ratings.
We created and launched a business simulation experience – NIKE 2021 – a half-
day strategy immersion in which participants adopt roles as chief executive, chief
nancial ofcer, and vice presidents in supply chain, product, brand, innovation and
sustainability. Together they compete against other teams to plot strategic investments
and decisions that consider impacts to cost of materials and manufacturing, product
availability, revenue and net income. Nearly 2,000 employees from senior executives
to teams in product development, nance, supply chain and geographies have
participated. NIKE continues to evolve the experience and deliver it to more teams.
We have publicly discussed and published our perspective on the risks of climate
change and sustainability-related issues in broader forums. This illustrates the
increasing importance of sustainability issues to the company and our stakeholders.
During 2013, NIKE also aligned community engagement activities more closely with our
businesses and geographies. This embeds planning and performance tracking into the
appropriate business cycles and increases accountability.
As we integrate sustainability even more deeply throughout the company, the role of the
SB&I team continues to evolve. Using a unique set of capabilities and expertise, the
team focuses on activities that enable more sustainable decision making companywide
that often involves a longer time horizon than the typical business planning cycle. This
Providing a holistic perspective on sustainability opportunities and risks
Working in partnership with business functions to set and deliver against companywide
sustainable innovation priorities
Delivering analysis and guidance on sustainability-related investments
Building a center of excellence in sustainability data capture, analysis and disclosure
Developing tools and capabilities such as environmental footprinting (see page 12),
scenario planning (see page 15) and systems thinking (see page 23)
Facilitating companywide sustainability target setting, performance measurement and
reporting (both internal and external)
In addition to having the right structures in place, integration is also about engagement.
Everyone at NIKE has an important role to play in making the company sustainable
and we encourage leaders and employees to grasp the issues and opportunities ahead,
consider the sustainability implications of their decisions, and be accountable for their
For more than a decade, we have been
on a journey of sustainability integration.
1990s: Received negative publicity for labor
issues in supply chain
1998: Established rst VP of Corporate
2001: Established Board of Directors Corpo-
rate Responsibility Committee
2001: Published rst standalone Corporate
Responsibility report
2006: Launched NIKE Considered Design
2006: Published rst list of factories
contracted to produce NIKE Brand products
(disclosing factory names and locations)
2007: Established scenario planning and trend
2008: Established Project Rewire
(to connect impacts of sourcing
with decision makers)
2009: Changed name of Corporate
Responsibility organization to Sustainable
Business & Innovation
(with corresponding shift in focus)
2009: Established internal audit program
(outside SB&I) focused on oversight of factory
audits according to HSE standards
2009: Established Sustainable Business &
Innovation Lab (focused on closed loop and
manufacturing, and revenue sources decou-
pled from constrained resources, especially
through digital services)
2012: Established non-nancial disclosure
committee with oversight of NIKE, Inc.
sustainability reporting
2012: Launched new set of sustainability
targets, with input and buy-in from relevant
business groups and functions
2012: Released NIKE Materials Sustainability
Index to the Sustainable Apparel Coalition
2012: Launched Flyknit
2013: Launched MAKING App
2013: Harvard Business School and Stanford
Graduate School of Business both publish
case studies on NIKE’s sustainability journey
2013: Waterless dyehouse opens;
ColorDry announced
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
To help educate internal audiences, and to improve our ability to measure sustainability
integration across key business levers, in FY13 we further developed a two-part
Sustainable Business Roadmap, consisting of a framework and an assessment. The
framework describes what sustainability integration looks like across the areas of strategy,
structure, operations and employees. It identies levers that enable integration within
those areas, such as leadership commitment, resourcing and education. The framework
also describes tactics – such as establishing goals, budgeting for sustainability efforts as a
part of standard business processes, and embedding sustainability learning opportunities
in employee development – that provide context and a means to measure integration.
Business teams will use the assessment to identify current levels of integration and
opportunities to drive business performance within their functional areas.
This Roadmap not only provides us a better understanding of where we are today in terms
of integration, but it will also guide us in building the organizational capabilities we
will need to realize our sustainability objectives. The tool will be piloted in 2014 and is
expected to inform further iterations of our sustainability integration strategy.
Integrating sustainability enterprise-wide is challenging, and remains a work in progress.
We have learned a great deal in the more than 15 years we have been working toward a
more sustainable supply chain and business. To share our experience in this area with
others, in 2013 we engaged with professors at Harvard Business School who produced
Governance and Sustainability at NIKE
– a case study about our journey. This publication,
which is being taught at business schools, describes how we transformed from a company
that reacted to external pressures while working to minimize reputation risks to one that
views sustainability as among our leading innovation opportunities. Another case study,
published by Stanford Graduate School of Business –
NIKE: Sustainability and Labor
Practices 1998-2013
– highlights our long-term journey of sustainability and labor.
We must enable leaders
and employees across the
company to grasp the issues
and opportunities ahead,
consider the sustainability
implications of their decisions,
and be accountable for their
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We have also completed
systems innovation work
related to hazardous
chemicals, which has
informed the work of the
ZDHC coalition, a group of
major apparel and footwear
brands and retailers, including
NIKE, that are committed to
zero discharge of hazardous
chemicals by 2020.
Lack of common
Without a shared
understanding of
impacts, designers
cannot make efcient
Establish a universal
standard through industry
collaboration, leveraging
our extensive experience
in this area.
In 2012, to enable a common language and set of denitions related to
materials footprinting, we opened the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index
(NIKE MSI) for public use. In 2013, the NIKE MSI became a core part of
the cross-industry Sustainable Apparel Coalition’s Higg Index.
about materials
Information about the
impacts of more than
16,000 materials
used in our industry is
continually evolving.
Create an open technology
platform that enables
experts worldwide to
contribute and share
information related to
In 2011, we engaged external data experts to help us envision the future
of information sharing and tools innovation in this space. We created a
mechanism to allow experts and brands worldwide to contribute to and
benet from a shared, current dataset of materials information.
Lack of
access to
Designers and other
decision makers
cannot make informed,
sustainable choices
about materials unless
related information is
easily accessible.
Develop tools for
non-technical users
to integrate sound
information about
materials into their
In 2013, NIKE collaborated with our design networks including the
London College of Fashion through a sponsored studio project to test
the prototype app which became MAKING. The app helps designers
and product creators make informed decisions about the environmental
impacts of the materials they choose. Leveraging information in the
NIKE MSI, MAKING ranks materials used in apparel based on four
environmental impact areas: water, chemistry, energy and waste.
Through direct comparisons, designers can quickly see how material
choices stack up. We envision that this innovation will help to catalyze
other advances in this area.
focus on
While we have focused
signicantly on materials
design and use in past
years, our journey to
nd, create and innovate
new materials has really
just begun.
Engage system
participants in a
process of collective
In April 2013, NIKE hosted the LAUNCH 2020 Summit. Along with
NASA, the US Agency for International Development, and the US
Department of State, we convened 150 materials specialists, designers,
academics, manufacturers, entrepreneurs and NGOs to catalyze action
around the sustainability of materials and how they are made. This
included introducing the LAUNCH 2020 Challenge Statement, an open
call for innovation to transform the system of producing fabrics.
*Hazardous chemicals are those that show intrinsically hazardous properties (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic; very persistent and very bio-accumulative; carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic
for reproduction; endocrine disruptors or equivalent concern), not just those that have been regulated or restricted in other regions.
At NIKE, we increasingly see sustainability as a source of competitive advantage and
business value. However, we also see a bigger picture. Ultimately, our collective future
depends on solving problems that are much larger than any individual company or
organization can tackle on its own – issues such as climate change, resource scarcity and
substandard working conditions.
We recognize we must do our part to help transform entire systems rather than just
addressing our role within the parts of the systems we touch. There is no substitute for
the collective action this requires. Signicant collaboration is necessary to organize the
diverse capabilities, resources, insights and political will needed to develop solutions and
bring them to scale. In sustainability, we win or lose together.
For systems to change, we must rst understand them and our role in them, and other
participants must improve their understanding as well. Two years ago we launched a
more formal approach to systems innovation within SB&I. Drawing on systems theory and
capitalizing on the insights and involvement of experts within and outside the company,
we have developed an approach to mapping complex systems, building cross-sector
networks, mobilizing resources and fueling open innovation. This helps us to understand
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
how a system works – the key players, relationships, transactions, points of leverage,
barriers and opportunities – and to create a shared vision for change. It also supports our
efforts to engage with the broader network of stakeholders.
Our understanding in this area continues to increase as we gain insights into how we can
most effectively create change depending on our role in a specic system. Our ability
depends on our role, the type of business relationship, regulations and many other factors.
We are working to apply systems thinking to materials and manufacturing. We have
collaborated for many years with other companies in our industry through organizations
such as the Sustainable Apparel Coalition, with multistakeholder groups including the Fair
Labor Association, and with organizations such as the International Labor Organization
and the International Finance Corporation. Our efforts have been aimed at raising the
bar for performance across our industry, which requires actors across the value chain to
collaborate, share information and innovate more effective, efcient and equitable ways
of doing business. Based on this analysis, we developed strategies to address the main
barriers to progress in this complex system, and launched initiatives to tackle them.
We have also worked to positively change systems in other areas of need:
Created by the Nike Foundation in collaboration with partners, and informed by insights
from thousands of hours of research about the impacts of girls living in extreme poverty
around the world, the Girl Effect leverages the unique potential of adolescent girls
and provides them with resources to end poverty for themselves, their families, their
communities, their countries and the world.
In 2012, with more than 70 organizations from government, civil society and
companies, we launched Designed to Move, a study on the effects of physical inactivity
in childhood and the need to build physical activity into the daily life of children. The
report articulated the decline in physical activity and economic costs of that decline.
With a coalition approach we provided research and dened a physical activity agenda
and framework for action, including creating early positive experiences for children and
integrating physical activity into everyday life.
Helping transform entire systems is complex, difcult and requires long-term investment
and effort. We’re committed to the process – it’s essential to achieving our vision of a
sustainable business. We look forward to learning more in the coming years.
To tackle issues that are bigger than us
– systematic or structural, complex and
multi-causal – we have applied systems
thinking, utilizing mapping that builds
common understanding of the technical,
social, political, business, nancial and
environmental ecosystems at play. We
developed a systems map of materials
used in the footwear and apparel value
chains to help understand our role and
the role of others, and have shared this
work through LAUNCH. See more on
this work at
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
At NIKE, we have developed a series of sustainability-related aims, targets and
commitments to help ensure we are on track and making progress. The remainder of this
report details our performance. It is divided into two major parts:
Make Today Better, which covers our progress in six key impact areas and shows how we
are redening the business to improve our performance.
Design the Future, which illustrates how we are unleashing innovation to drive our
business forward and embedding sustainability into our approaches to product and
We provide a snapshot of our progress toward all of our aims, targets and commitments.
We believe one of the best ways to see these types of change in action is through the
comparison of products. We have evaluated three representative, iconic styles of footwear
and the lifecycle impacts across the value chain: the 2008 Air Pegasus 25, the 2014
Air Pegasus 30, and the 2014 Flyknit Lunar 2. We provide a deep comparison of the
energy, emissions, water and waste impacts of these models at every stage of the value
chain as an illustration of how changes to materials and methods of manufacture – both
incremental and game changing – are bringing to life our vision of decoupling growth from
constrained resources. (See
In sustainability – as in sports – what counts is how you perform
on the eld. A sound game plan or strategy is essential to
success. Then as you progress, people want to know: How did
you do? Did you meet your goals, or fall short? What was the
nal score?
In the end, we know the best
way to tackle challenges is
simply to get to work.
You can only train so much.
Then it’s game time.
You have to perform.
Go online to nd the change in
footprint by style for different areas
of impact and the change at each
phase of the value chain.
A footprint includes many different kinds of impacts that must be measured through the scientic evaluation
of all processes and steps – from growing or processing the materials that go into the product, to how it’s
made, to how it’s used and disposed. To understand our products’ footprint we have conducted a thorough
analysis of ve key environmental aspects: energy use, greenhouse emissions, waste, water use and
chemistry. In this analysis, we look at these ve aspects across three typical-prole running shoes in popular
styles and common sizes.
204.23 13.8 4,424 1.037 0.101
0.947 0.082
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Continuous learning will be essential, as some of our goals will be difcult to meet. For
instance, we are still working, along with others in our industry, to identify a consistent,
meaningful and reliable way to track progress toward our target of zero discharge of
hazardous chemicals by 2020. In FY12, Converse introduced a new, 13% lighter-weight
shoebox, and our new NIKE Brand shoebox will be completely rolled out by the end of
FY15. The NIKE Brand box is 3% lighter, which is great progress, but will not get us all
the way to our 10% weight reduction target.
In each of our impact areas, we are working to solve the most pressing problems. Our
footprinting work conrmed what we had long believed: that our greatest impacts, and
therefore our highest priorities for progress, reside in the parts of our value chain that we
do not control directly. Much of our work over the past few years has been to devise and
deliver on ways to best inuence those impacts – such as through our indices, which help
us to rank and evaluate suppliers and help them understand our aims.
At the same time, we are increasingly aware that our key impact areas often overlap and
interconnect. For example, efforts to reduce hot water usage in a factory may have the
positive effect of also reducing energy usage, because less water needs to be heated. We
also know our actions have far-reaching effects and consequences that are sometimes
unintended – though not necessarily negative. For instance, if we can help a factory
use less water – or on a bigger scale if we make factory sourcing decisions with water
availability and use as a key criteria – we can help whole communities maintain or
improve their access to water for personal use. Similarly, helping to improve water quality
(for instance by working toward our goal of zero discharge of hazardous chemicals) can
broadly help to enhance community and environmental health.
We can address a number of these issues through game changing innovations like NIKE
ColorDry, developed by our strategic partner Dyecoo Textile Systems B.V. to take water out
of the material dyeing process (see NIKE ColorDry on page 27). This type of sustainable
innovation takes considerable time and investment to prove and bring to scale. But the
opportunity for NIKE ColorDry extends broadly, and provides quality improvements as well
as water impacts: no water used, no discharge, no competition with local resources.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Nike ColorDry
30 liters of water are used
to dye one T-shirt by the
traditional method. With
ColorDry, zero water is used:
100% water savings.
Clean fabric is rolled
onto a perforated dye
beam and loaded into
the dye vessel.
Liquid CO
is released
into the dye vessel.
Heat and pressure
change the liquid CO
supercritical fluid carbon
dioxide (SCF CO
and dye are
forced through the fabric
via a perforated beam.
dye into the fabric.
Fresh CO
is pumped
through the machine
sending used CO
the separator.
Separator evaporates
to remove excess
dye and residue.
Pressure is lowered
and CO
leaves vessel
as gas. 95% of CO
recovered and returns
to storage as liquid.
Dyed fabric emerges dry
from the vessel.
Nike believes innovation extends from design to how products
are made. Dyeing without water is one example of how Nike is
working to scale sustainable innovations across its supply chain.
ColorDry process
is 40% faster
as compared
to traditional
reduces energy
by 63% compared
to traditional dyeing.
ColorDry uses
1/4 the physical
footprint to dye
the same amount
of fabric as compared
to traditional dyeing.
Zero water is used
to dye fabric with
ColorDry technology.
5.8 trillion liters of water are used by the
apparel industry each year to dye fabric.
Nearly 100% of
dye is used with
ColorDry, practically
removing the potential
for wastewater pollution.
ColorDry removes
the need for
additional process
10% - 20% of dye remains after processing,
leaving potential for wastewater pollution.
391 billion kWh are used by the industry
each year to dye fabric.
Traditional dyeing uses
30 liters of water to dye
one T-shirt. With ColorDry,
zero water is used.
NOTE: Find out more about NIKE ColorDry and our strategic partnership at
Another example is our decisions about where to source plant-based materials, like
cotton, which have far-reaching effects on how land is used in a given community and
whether there’s enough land to grow food for local populations. We are always working to
identify and assess these kinds of interactions, trade-offs and consequences, recognizing
that there are multiple paths to “better,” with some solutions not even invented yet.
In the end, we know the best way to tackle challenges is simply to get to work. You can
only train so much. Then it’s game time. You have to perform. We report on what we’re
doing, and how we’re doing, on the following pages.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Cut Energy Drive innovation and
collaboration and engage
in public policy advocacy
to deliver carbon reductions
across the value chain
Achieve a 20% reduction
in CO
emissions per unit
from FY11 levels through
FY15 (in aggregate from
assessed footprint in
the built environment,
logistics and footwear
13% reduction at
the end of FY13
Increase contracted manufacturer participation
in NIKE’s energy and carbon continuous
improvement program
Expand use of renewable energy in our built
environment (where available), including all
new retail stores
Design new NIKE, Inc. build to LEED
Assess and report energy and CO
Transform our working
relationship with contract
factories to incentivize
changes that benet their
workers. Instill changes
in our code, instigate
innovation, educate to build
management capabilities,
address root causes in our
own processes, work with
the industry, and reward
factories’ progressive
Source from factories that
demonstrate a commitment
to workers by achieving
minimum bronze rating on
our Sourcing & Manufacturing
Sustainability Index by the
end of FY20
68% of factories
rated bronze or
better at the end
of FY13
Align sourcing decisions by the end of FY20
to prioritize sourcing in factories that have
eliminated excessive overtime
Require commitment to lean manufacturing
and demonstrate progress toward a lean
culture for contract factories to move beyond
compliance by the end of FY15
Develop and test new models of manufacturing
by the end of FY15 that serve to improve
factory approach to workers, their skills and
livelihood, and share ndings to drive industry
Reject Toxics Minimize the impact
of product ingredients
throughout the lifecycle
Achieve zero discharge
of hazardous chemicals
for all products across
all pathways in our
supply chain by 2020
according to plan
Establish an industry-wide management
Expand chemicals management and awareness
Expand use of environmentally preferred
Expand material traceability
Explore disclosure advancements
Slash Water
Borrow water and use it
Improve water efciency
by 15% per unit in
apparel materials dyeing
and nishing, and in
footwear manufacturing,
from FY11 through FY15
10% reduction at
the end of FY13
23% reduction at
the end of FY13
Increase participation in NIKE Water Program
across NIKE, Inc. brands
Drive industry change through expanded
access to the use of NIKE-developed
H2O*Insight Tool
Assess the geographic impact of water
Reduce Waste Use less, buy less to
reduce impact across
the value chain
Achieve a 10% reduction
in waste from nished
goods manufacturing
across NIKE, Inc. and in
shoebox weight per unit
(from an FY11 baseline
through FY15)
8.6% reduction
at the end of
FY13 (footwear)
3% reduction at
the end of FY13
Reduce waste in manufacturing
Improve packaging
Increase recycling, reuse, repurpose & compost
of waste (manufacturing, retail, distribution
centers, ofces)
Catalyze human potential
by creating community
and business impact
through a portfolio of
innovative partnerships,
advocacy and movement-
making initiatives
Invest a minimum of
1.5% of pre-tax income
in communities annually
1.6% of pre-
tax income
contributed to
communities in
Build and expand Access to Sport agenda
Tap the power of our brands to engage
consumers and leverage support for the issues
they care about
Through the NIKE Foundation, continue to use
insight, innovation and inspiration to equip
adolescent girls in the developing world and
transform their world so their full potential can
be realized
Engage, encourage and enable employees to
support communities
On Plan
Signicant Progress
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Integrate sustainability
principles into our
innovation processes,
governance and
portfolios to generate
innovation that
delivers products and
services that combine
performance, innovation
and sustainability
Build sustainable innovation capabilities across the
business to drive a disruptive innovation agenda
as we continue our endless pursuit of delivering
performance products and services to athletes
Develop and prototype an index to drive and measure
how sustainability is integrated into our innovation
portfolios, decision making and processes. Share a
version of this index and lessons learned with others
in an effort to contribute to larger-scale adoption of
approaches that link sustainability and innovation to
drive business growth and performance
Develop tools, processes and systems to establish
metrics to measure impact that can be shared as part
of the index, without compromising the competitive
nature of innovation
Design products
that provide superior
performance and lower
environmental impact
across NIKE, Inc.
Understand and
improve the
environmental prole of
our product designs by
the end of FY15
New NIKE Brand global
footwear productachieves
minimum silver rating on NIKE Footwear
Sustainability Index by the end of FY15
New NIKE Brand global
apparel product
achieves minimum bronze rating on NIKE Apparel
Sustainability Index by the end of FY15
New NIKE Brand global
equipment product
achieves minimum bronze rating on NIKE Equipment
Sustainability Index by the end of FY20
Expand reach of indices to score other NIKE, Inc.
product (i.e. products of Afliate brands, licensees
and carryover products)
Increase use of environmentally preferred materials
Drive improvement in
factory sustainability
performance by
sourcing systems that
include measures
of sustainability
performance (as well as
traditional performance
metrics of cost, quality
and delivery) in selecting
factories with which to
source from over time
Source all products
from factories that
have achieved
bronze or better
on our Sourcing
& Manufacturing
Sustainability Index
by the end of FY20
Incorporate factory labor and environmental
performance criteria into production vendor sourcing
selection and evaluation
Enable contracted factories to expand and optimize
their labor and environmental sustainability
Engage external partners to drive sustainability and
transparency across the industry
People & Culture Tap our people and
our culture, our most
powerful source for
innovation and change
Invest in employee development
Engage employees
Inspire ideas and ignite innovation
How We Work Build sustainability
into the DNA of our
business model, into our
operations and culture
where innovation is
unleashed, shared and
Hardwire sustainability in the way we do business
Measure the business value of sustainability
Be a catalyst of sustainable innovation
Participate in multi-sector efforts to drive system
change and market transformation
On Plan
Signicant Progress
NOTE: Further detail on all targets and commitments is discussed by impact area in this report, and with additional background online.
*“Global” product refers to consumer product designed at NIKE World Headquarters for a global market. NIKE Brand excludes Converse, Hurley, NIKE Golf and Jordan Brand. NIKE Brand
metrics have not been restated to reect the divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13, or the reporting changes to Hurley and NIKE Golf effective in FY14.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
with a deeper dive on some of the most
signicant areas.
By pursuing the course we charted in
FY11 and shared in 2012, we have made
measurable progress and believe we are
on track to meet our targets in most areas,
including reducing manufacturing waste,
energy and water use. In other areas,
progress has been slower or more difcult
to measure. We’re working to align all of
our product engines and brands according
to a common vision and set of tools for
moving the needle.
Making continuous progress in reducing
our impacts is the foundation for
demonstrating that we’re serious about
change. It’s the basis we build upon for
more disruptive innovation.
Our work has delivered signicant
improvements over time – for example,
we’ve reduced manufacturing waste
in NIKE Brand footwear by 35% since
2005 – and that means continuing to
make incremental progress can be more
challenging. That doesn’t mean we stop;
it means we continue to innovate and
drive change.
Through footprinting and other analysis,
we have identied our six areas of
greatest impact and set targets and made
commitments for each: energy, labor,
chemistry, water, waste and communities.
Through systems analysis, we are improving
our understanding of the interconnected
nature of impacts and bring those insights
into our approach to managing them. The
sections that follow provide a dashboard-
style overview of our aims, targets and
commitments as well as our progress, along
“Make Today Better” reects our understanding that
our business and its value chain have environmen-
tal and social impacts that can be reduced through
long-term commitment to continuous improvement.
This includes recognizing the systems, processes and
impacts we have today and doing our best to manage
those, while also pursuing the big, radical changes
that will shape tomorrow.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Drive innovation and collaboration and
engage in public policy advocacy to
deliver carbon reductions across the
value chain
Achieve a 20% reduction
in CO
per unit
from FY11 levels through
FY15 (in aggregate from
assessed footprint in the
built environment, logistics
and footwear manufacturing)
Reduction in per-unit CO
By the end of FY13 we achieved a per-unit
reduction of 13%, in aggregate from our
targeted footprint, compared with our
FY11 baseline. Our targeted footprint includes
NIKE Brand contract footwear factories, retail
facilities, inbound transportation, headquarters
facilities, and NIKE-owned or -operated high-
volume distribution centers.
Increase contracted manufacturer
participation in NIKE’s energy
and carbon continuous improvement
In FY13, 41% of participating
contract footwear factories met
the minimum requirements of the
NIKE Energy and Carbon Program,
representing 72% of NIKE Brand
footwear volume.
The majority of our measured greenhouse gas emissions are CO
. We emit small amounts of other greenhouse gases and roll them up into a calculation of “CO
equivalents,” or CO
e, for our data
reporting. In the text of this report, though, we speak about our measured emissions as simply “CO
” since that is the predominant gas emitted.
The NIKE Brand metrics have not been restated to reect the divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13, or the reporting changes to Hurley and NIKE Golf effective in FY14.
Data includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. Contract factories provided self-reported data to NIKE, most of which (88%) is veried with NIKE eld teams during onsite review.
Assess and report energy and CO
Overall, the amount of energy
used in our value chain fell 5%
and our greenhouse gas emissions
fell 2.8% in FY13 from FY11
compared to revenue growth of
26% over the same period. Also,
we completed a full value chain
footprint assessment in FY13,
based on life cycle data from raw
materials growing or extraction
through product disposal. Findings
for CO
and energy are discussed
in this section.
Expand use of renewable energy in our
built environment (where available),
including all new retail stores
In FY13, we offset 46% or 59,000
mWh, of our energy usage in
NIKE Brand North America retail
stores though Green-e Certied
American Wind Renewable Energy
Certicates (RECs). All 204 of our
NIKE Brand North America retail
stores purchased RECs in FY13,
up from only 2% of stores in FY12.
We also produce renewable energy
at two key global distribution
centers. Our European Logistics
Center in Laakdal, Belgium, has
six wind turbines with generation
capacity of 1.5 MW each, as well
as a solar installation. Together,
they generated 14.4 million kWh
in FY12 and 17.6 million kWh in
FY13. The NIKE China Logistics
Center in Taichang features a solar
heating system that produces
renewable energy for the facility,
including 97,000 kWh in FY12,
and 123,000 kWh in FY13.
Design new NIKE, Inc. build
to LEED standards
Seven of our stores achieved
Platinum or Gold LEED
certication in FY13, bringing our
total LEED-certied stores to 33.
On average, our LEED-certied
stores use 30% less energy per
square foot than standard designs.
reduction in CO
emissions per
unit in NIKE Brand footwear
manufacturing from FY11 to
reduction in CO
emissions per
unit in inbound transportation
from FY11 to FY13
reduction in energy use per
unit processed in major global
distribution centers from FY11
to FY13
reduction in energy use per
square foot in our corporate
ofces from FY11 to FY13
absolute reduction in CO
FY11 to FY13
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Our footprinting conrms that the greatest sources of CO
and energy use in our value
chain lie outside our direct control, both upstream (in growing materials, raw materials
manufacturing and nished goods manufacturing) and downstream (in consumer use,
including washing and drying clothes). (See below.) Fortunately, our indexing tools,
discussed on page 64, provide us with means to inuence emissions and energy use in at
least the key upstream phases of our value chain.
; 28.9B kWh
of which 7% (0.87M tCO
e) and 11% (3.2B kWh) are NIKE, Inc. owned and operated operations
NOTE: For more detail including our methodology and navigation through the value chain and impacts see nikeresponsibility.
com. Our footprinting data includes extrapolations. Some percentages are rounded up resulting in greater than 100% impact
across the value chain.
We measure energy and emissions in three ways – all part of enhancing our understanding
of our overall impacts and assessing our performance.
The big-picture view – is a point-in-time view that gives us the opportunity to see how
choices intersect with one another and where the balance of our work and efforts
should be concentrated. Much of these inputs are extrapolated based on available
data and stretch farther than our company operations, for example in the raw materials
or use phase. We overlay this understanding with what we know about our ability to
control and inuence at each stage.
Our assessed footprint – provides year-on-year comparisons on our absolute energy use
and emissions and helps us to gauge our overall progress toward our aim to decouple
protable growth from constrained resources. This overall energy and GHG footprint
provides a picture in absolute terms against our assessed footprint.
Our targeted footprint – which includes elements of our assessed footprint – measures
those areas where we have specic targets or programs and are working to bring about
reductions. These include NIKE Brand contract footwear factories, retail facilities,
Climate change is a critical issue. At NIKE, we seek to cut
energy use and greenhouse gas (CO
) emissions throughout our
value chain, to reduce our climate impacts as well as energy-
related costs.
We believe we are making
progress toward the aim
of decoupling growth from
constrained resources, as
our revenue growth from
continuing operations has
signicantly outpaced the
growth in energy use and
emissions in our assessed
Plan Make Move Sell Use ReuseDesign
Energy (kWh)
Emissions (tCO
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
inbound transportation and headquarters facilities, and NIKE-owned or-operated
high-volume distribution centers. We measure and assess this performance against a
common metric – total NIKE Brand footwear volume, to give a relevant year-on-year
In FY13, our targeted reductions – which include the aggregate of efforts in the built
environment, logistics and footwear manufacturing – achieved a 13% CO
reduction since FY11 on a per-unit basis against NIKE Brand footwear units. That means
we believe we are on track to reach our CO
reduction target. It also means we believe we
are making progress toward the aim of decoupling growth from constrained resources, as
our revenue growth from continuing operations has signicantly outpaced the growth in
energy use and emissions in our assessed footprint.
We also reduced both energy use and our GHG footprint in absolute terms when
considering our assessed footprint. Through FY13, the total energy use and related CO
emissions for our assessed footprint fell 2.8% in absolute terms (to 1.67 million tCO
and energy use fell 5% (to 14,924 TJ) compared to our FY11 baseline, while company
revenue grew by 26% over the same period.
The greatest single contributor to our assessed footprint is nished goods footwear
manufacturing, which accounts for more than 57% of our assessed CO
emissions. From
FY11 to FY13 alone, footwear manufacturing realized a per-unit emissions reduction of
17%, and down 33% from FY08. This reduction was accomplished by reducing process
heat loss, improving energy management systems and fostering better engagement
between factories and NIKE’s energy eld team.
We have also seen progress in inbound transportation within the NIKE Brand, with our
shipping providers helping us to deliver a 29% reduction in CO
emissions in FY13 as
compared to FY11. We achieved this in part by shipping more product by ocean than air,
thus reducing fuel consumption and cost. The rollout of a new, more-accurate emissions-
tracking system also contributed about 6% of the reduction.
In our NIKE Brand retail stores, we decreased energy use per square foot by 8% from
FY11 to FY13, largely due to better energy management systems. About 77% of our North
America stores now have these systems, up from 70% in FY12.
Overall, in our corporate headquarters facilities, energy use per square foot decreased by
16% from FY11 through FY13, largely due to system and control upgrades. We anticipate
that adding several new buildings to the portfolio late in FY13 will increase energy use per
square foot as building occupancy increases in future years.
We continue to make progress in additional areas not factored into our target,
including apparel and equipment manufacturing, where we are working hard to develop
comprehensive baselines so we can track progress year-over-year. We are also working
more closely with material vendors, to help them reduce their emissions and energy use.
We advocate for meaningful climate policies through ongoing work with organizations such
as the Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP), which we founded in
2008 together with other major brands. See more on our advocacy work in the “Public
Policy” section of this report.
Due to methane emitted by cows,
leather represents 56% of the CO
emissions in the raw materials stage
of our value chain.
NOTE: The NIKE Brand metrics have not been restated to reect the divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13, or the reporting changes to Hurley and NIKE Golf effective in FY14.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Facilities [1,2]
Better data accuracy applied Beginning in FY10, energy use is reported based on scal year. World
Headquarters, all major global distribution centers and global retail stores
are included. Reported GHG is in tCO
e instead of tCO
Business Travel [1,3]
No more use of carbon offsets Includes all commercial air travel, majority of global car rentals and all
owned aviation. Reported GHG is in tCO
e instead of tCO
Inbound Transportation [3]
Moved to more accurate carbon accounting methodology Covers shipment from nished goods factories to distribution centers
globally. Reported GHG is in tCO
e instead of tCO
Footwear Manufacturing [3]
Energy-efciency program and new methodology applied in FY09 Finished good manufacturing, with 90% factory-reported primary data and
10% extrapolated. Reported GHG is in tCO
e instead of tCO
Apparel Manufacturing [3]
Calculated using extrapolations based on lifecycle analysis data This enhancement improved the data and our ability to extrapolate to other
facilities with more accuracy. For perspective, the energy used across the
entire cut-and-sew contract base for our production is estimated to be
equivalent to a single footwear factory.
Equipment Manufacturing [3]
Calculated using extrapolations based on lifecycle analysis data This enhancement improved the data and our ability to extrapolate to other
facilities with more accuracy.
NOTE: “TJ” is terajoules (a measurement of energy use) and “tCO
e” is metric tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents. Reporting is in alignment with WRI Scopes I, II and III. Baseline year for
comparison is FY11. Data on emissions and energy use, as well as revenue, for FY11-13 excludes discontinued operations from Cole Haan and Umbro.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Transform our working relationship with
contract factories to incentivize changes
that benet their workers. Instill changes
in our code, instigate innovation, educate
to build management capabilities, address
root causes in our own processes, work
with the industry, and reward factories’
progressive achievement
Source from factories
that demonstrate
commitment to workers
by achieving minimum
bronze rating
on our
Sourcing & Manufacturing
Sustainability Index by
the end of FY20
In FY13, 68% of contract factories rated bronze
or better on our Sourcing & Manufacturing
Sustainability Index, compared to 70% at the
end of FY12 and 49% at the end of FY11.
Bronze means meeting NIKE’s high standard for
“good” in a contract factory (see page 68).
workers in contract factories
making product for NIKE globally
of audited contracted factories
reported no incidents of exces-
sive overtime
of contracted factories
have compliant grievance
systems in place
Align sourcing decisions by the end of
FY20 to prioritize sourcing in factories
that have eliminated excessive overtime
(dened by Our Code of Conduct as more
than 60 hours in a week or less than one
day off in seven)
Our sourcing process includes
assessment of excessive
overtime. In FY13, 93% of
factories reported no incidents
of excessive overtime. 55
incidents of excessive overtime
were reported: 6 factories had
incidents with >72 hours/week;
34 had incidents with 60–72
hours/week; and 5 exceeded
legal limits for daily or annual
hours. Nine contract factories had
incidents of <1 day off in 7 and
one had an incident of <1 day off
in 14. Remediation plans were
developed and monitored with
all of the contract factories that
had these incidents of excessive
Performance against excessive
overtime standards improved
in all categories compared to
FY12, when 116 incidents were
reported, and 87% of factories
reported no incidents.
Require commitment to lean manufac-
turing and demonstrate progress toward
a lean culture for contract factories
to move beyond compliance by the
end of FY15
At the end of FY12, 91% of
NIKE Brand footwear product
volume and 44% of NIKE
Brand apparel product volume
were sourced from factories
that had participated in
sustainable manufacturing
training. Participating factories
represented 531,000 workers
(61%) in the supply chain.
In FY13 we began incorporating
Human Resources Management
training into how we coach
contract factories on lean
manufacturing. Also in FY13,
85% of our NIKE Brand footwear
product volume and 76% of our
NIKE Brand apparel product
volume was made on lean-
certied lines.
Develop and test new models of
manufacturing by the end of FY15 that
serve to improve factory approach to
workers, their skills and livelihood, and
share ndings to drive industry change
Pilot projects focused on
improving contract factories’
data-collection processes and
precision, and identifying
opportunities for productivity
improvements on the production
line and for worker engagement
and well-being.
We developed a baseline survey to
gauge workers’ views. The survey
helped to identify areas needing
improvement and resulted in
several new factory processes.
Pilot factories improved the
overall stability of their production
lines, enhanced communication
with their teams, and utilized lean
processes such as collaborative
sessions and worker participation,
which led to projects inside the
factory to address productivity and
worker well-being concerns.
We are extending this approach.
Contract factories achieving bronze
or better scoring on Sourcing &
Manufacturing Sustainability Index
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
At the end of FY13, just more than 1 million people – with an average age of 32 – worked
in the 785 factories that we source from directly. We believe another half million people
work in the factories that make the materials used in our products, and more than
1 million people work in raw material production. (Some factories are vertically integrated,
and play more than one of these roles.)
We believe that a successful contract factory can achieve even more success though
more active engagement with workers as a source of innovation and quality, which also
presents an opportunity for workers to benet. This approach is part of the way we seek
to do business through the progression of lean as a component of our “manufacturing
revolution” (see page 69).
For more up-to-date information on the
factories we source from, their locations,
type of product and workers, visit the
online interactive manufacturing map at
With a total footprint of more than 2.5 million people across
our value chain and 1 million people in the contract factories
we source from directly, labor remains among our greatest
areas of human impact and opportunities to help bring
about real change.
workers in contract factories
average age in years
contract factories
NOTE: As of last day of scal year, May 31. Factory, country and worker count includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. These gures include Afliates,
prior to divestiture, and NIKE Brand licensees. For more details and updated information, see NIKE’s interactive manufacturing map, available online.
Europe, Middle East & Africa includes Turkey, Bosnia, Bulgaria, Egypt, Hungary, Isreal, Italy, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain
and the United Kingdom
North Asia includes China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Japan, the Philippines and Vietnam.
South Asia includes Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and Australia.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
For years, we have been sourcing from factories that seek to meet our minimum standards
for good labor performance. In FY11, we converted our contract factory evaluation and
scoring system from a letter-based system to a new medal-based one in line with our
Sourcing & Manufacturing Sustainability Index (SMSI). The SMSI is one component of the
overall Manufacturing Index, which also assesses contract factory performance on quality,
on-time delivery and costing in equal measure. At the end of FY11, 49% of contract
factories scored bronze on the SMSI. By the end of FY13, 68% had reached that score.
Our transition to the SMSI is part of a strategic shift away from a compliance-based
“auditing and checking” relationship with our contract manufacturers and toward
cooperation around lean manufacturing as a means to achieve greater efciency, built
on a stable, agile, engaged and motivated workforce. Because an engaged workforce is
an empowered workforce. We’re spending more time with, and have processes in place
to direct more business to high-performing factories (i.e., bronze or better). At the same
time, we are requiring lower-performing factories to pay for their own audits and to
remediate any issues found. Factories that fail to achieve bronze level performance within
a dened timeframe are reviewed by senior leadership and are assessed penalties, such as
a reduction in orders and are even considered for removal from our contract factory base.
While our focus has become more strategic, audits and monitoring remain an important
component of how we know that our Code of Conduct is enforced, and helps get factories to
bronze status. We assess contracted factories to review their ability to meet our high standards
of social and environmental performance both before and during their work with us.
FY11 FY12 FY13
0 0 0
0 0 <1% / 1
50% / 441 70% / 639 68% / 535
38% / 336 21% / 193 20% / 156
5% / 46 6% / 51 10% / 77
No Rating
7% / 59 3% / 27 2% / 16
TOTAL 100% / 882 100% / 910 100% / 785
NOTE: More detailed discussion of factory performance trends is available in the “Manufacturing” section of this report and on-
line. Contract factory count includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. These gures include Afliates, prior to divestiture,
and NIKE Brand licensees.
In FY13, we tightened compliance requirements, reducing the time period that contract factories could remain yellow before
dropping to red status (to two consecutive quarters). This change resulted in an increase of red ratings at the end of FY13.
SCORING METHODOLOGY: Bronze indicates full compliance with NIKE Code of Conduct and adherence to the 227 requirements in
the Code Leadership Standards (CLS) as measured by our Health, Safety & Environment and Labor tools (available online).
Silver and gold reect an additional commitment to lean manufacturing and progressive achievement in performance manage-
ment, management systems and scoring on assessments tools covering lean manufacturing, Human Resources Management,
Energy & Carbon, Health & Safety and Environmental Sustainability. Gold demonstrates global leading manufacturing perfor-
mance across all industries. Factories rated yellow or red indicate performance out of compliance with our Code and CLSs,
where red indicates critical issues of noncompliance. No rating indicates a lack of data.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
These assessments take the form of audit visits by both internal and external parties, who
gather information on the Code Leadership Standards that amplify our Code of Conduct.
In FY13, 94% of factories went through a full assessment of labor, health, safety and
environmental compliance. The remainder reect the ongoing shift of factories that were
in the process of moving out of our supply chain during the year. In FY13, violations were
recorded in 16% of factories, a drop from 29% in FY12, due in part to our decision to
reduce our contract factory base. The top issues found in FY13 were hours and wages.
Among the top violations were issues with paperwork or documentation, as well as
overtime (considered hours between 60 and 72 per week). Incidents of excessive overtime
dropped from 116 in FY12 to 55 in FY13, due in part to our reduced contract factory
base. The percentage of factories reporting no incidents also improved, increasing from
87% to 93%.
Three areas in our supply chain that remain a priority for our industry are freedom
of association, excessive overtime and wages. We continue to work with experienced
organizations on these important issues. NIKE is a participating brand in the Play Fair
Freedom of Association Protocol in Indonesia where training of factory management
and workers is providing the platform for greater engagement in this area. As a
member of the business caucus of the Fair Labor Association (FLA), NIKE has a seat
on the organization’s Compensation Code Element Working Group that will provide
recommendations to the FLA on how to move forward with a standard for its members.
We continue our work with contract factories to address and eliminate excessive overtime
from the supply chain. Although this is an industry-wide issue, we believe that lean
manufacturing provides an approach that will not only unlock greater value for NIKE and
the factories we work with, but when implemented effectively will signicantly reduce
excessive working hours. See further discussion online with deeper background on these
and other issues.
We continued to work with factories to help them enhance their capacity around human
resources management (HRM). Through the end of FY12, we provided training to
management at contract factories producing 91% of NIKE Brand footwear product and
44% of NIKE Brand apparel product by volume, covering 531,000 workers (61% of
total workers in the supply chain). This included surveying contract factory workers. This
training was integral to our lean manufacturing approach in which we work with contract
FY11 FY12 FY13
Age 1% <1% 2%
Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining 2% <1% 1%
Harassment 3% 4% 1%
Hiring 4% 2% 2%
Hours 41% 44% 42%
Other 13% 13% 8%
Wages 36% 37% 39%
TOTALS 100% 100% 100%
NOTE: More detailed discussion of factory performance trends is available in the “Manufacturing” section of this report and on-
line. Contract factory count includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. These gures include Afliates, prior to divestiture,
and NIKE Brand licensee. Percentages are used to show the relative rate of type of incident.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
factory management to engage employees in problem solving and continuous improvement
and is now incorporated with our lean approach overall.
One worker protection requirement is that contract factories establish grievance systems.
At the end of FY13, 82% of contract factories had such systems in place and were in
compliance with NIKE standards. Of those in compliance, 70% of factories reported use
of their systems, which is comparable to the rate in FY12. We recognize that having and
using systems alone is not enough to secure workers’ capability to communicate with
factory management. We continue to include training and approaches to raising worker
voices as part of the lean manufacturing approach we encourage factories to take.
NIKE believes lean can empower workers and teams. The company’s journey with contract
factories toward lean manufacturing has helped reinforce the need for factory owners
to have a deeper understanding of the cultural differences between management and
workers’ priorities and perceptions, as well as the need to enhance communication and
engagement with workers directly on problem solving.
The success of the lean approach depends on three things:
Leadership – factory leaders use lean to understand the levers that lead to better
business performance
People – workers are engaged and enabled to drive business success through
continuous improvement and a more collaborative work environment
Process – factory processes are predictable and agile in response to customer demand
The lean approach also seeks to engage the minds of those closest to the work to solve the
problems that prevent them from delivering quality product on time, every time.
We require a commitment to lean as part of being accepted into our source base, and
a minimum commitment and progression for positive ratings including measures in our
Sourcing and Manufacturing Sustainability Index. Some of the standard metrics we use
to assess adoption include productivity, HRM assessments, turnover, absenteeism and
factory implementation of and results from worker engagement and well-being surveys.
We believe that a valued contract factory workforce means better business for the factories
and for NIKE, and better well-being for individual workers. Factories that value their workers
– investing in their skill building, listening to their ideas on how to improve factory processes,
communicating about issues that matter to them, facilitating aspects of their lives that help
them show up every day at the factory healthy and on time – can build a skilled, productive
and engaged workforce.
As part of this approach, we designed two pilot programs in Indonesia and learned that to
enable engagement of the contract factory workforce, we needed contract factories to rst
stabilize production lines. Within these pilots we worked with factories to improve data quality,
and to study and assess absenteeism, worker engagement and well-being, factory management
and supervisor skills. Each of these areas has shown to contribute to worker well-being and to
individual and factory productivity. Though early, results of well-being surveys in both footwear
and apparel pilot factories show that production pilot lines addressing these areas outperform
the control lines on both measures of production efciency and worker engagement.
Although we are still piloting this work, we want to be sure that success in production
efciency and enhancements in contract factory performance does not come at the cost of
worker engagement and well-being, as some lean studies at other contract factories have
shown in the past.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Taken alone, these areas do not tell the whole story of worker well-being. We also know
that many workers want to improve their earnings, and compensation systems can
incentivize increased performance. We are working with contract factories to explore and
test such systems as part of this work.
In addition, many factors outside the factory affect workers’ ability to show up on time
and in good health every day. As part of our efforts, we are exploring how we can catalyze
third-party investment in products and services that could support workers’ daily needs.
Many of the factories in our supply base invest in providing support to their workers
through on-site health clinics or nancial literacy training, though these efforts are not
consistently aimed at addressing worker needs. We are developing a scalable and systemic
approach to address these and other issues through commercially viable ecosystems of
services and products to support worker needs.
We anticipate sharing more of our journey of exploring, testing, assessing and scaling as
we learn more through this work.
FY11 FY12 FY13
1 Electrical safety 1 Underground storage tanks 1 Hazardous materials
2 Underground storage tanks 2 Hazardous materials 2 Hazardous waste
3 Hazardous materials 3 Electrical safety 3 Control of hazards
4 Hazardous waste 4 Hazardous waste 4 Energy use
5 Contractor safety 5 Conned spaces 5 Underground storage tanks
We also score contract factories on 35 health and safety factors. In FY12 and FY13, the
average contract factory score was 72% on our scorecard, which measures compliance,
performance and risk mitigation. The average score improved from 69% in FY11.
During FY13 we worked with the Fair Labor Association to launch an accredited re
safety train-the-trainer program. The program began with national trainers from Sri Lanka,
Bangladesh, Indonesia and India, with a target to cascade globally. (See page 72.)
Through our systems innovation lens we are also further exploring the labor system
to better understand our points of leverage and opportunities for innovation. We are
developing a deeper understanding of all the elements that affect labor, at every point
in the process from governments to brands, factory owners to unions to workers. We will
review this work with external stakeholders and then apply it to specic geographies.
This work has helped us focus more on opportunities to inuence worker well-being
outside the contract factory. Some elements outside the factories include lack of access
to affordable and effective ways to manage money. As a result workers employed by our
contract factories may pay more than necessary for basic goods and services such as
energy, water and credit. Health care and child care are also concerns for workers. We are
looking at how we can collaborate with other organizations and factory owners to support
workers in their lives outside the contract factory.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We believe factories that successfully address the well-being of their workers by engaging
with them directly to understand their needs will improve factory performance. We also
believe that factories need strong human resource management (HRM) programs to increase
understanding among factory workers and management. Contract factories that do both of
these things – address worker needs by listening and have a strong HRM program – will
improve their business and our products.
We wanted to know how contract factories within our own supply chain could do this, what
impact it would have, and how to scale this learning, so we started pilots in 2012 with two
Indonesian factories.
We built the pilots on the principles of lean manufacturing. We had already incorporated lean
into our work with contracted factories in previous years and built an enhanced vision of lean
that includes both environmental and labor improvements alongside process efciencies.
Likewise, we introduced training at factories in 2009 to increase factory management
awareness and understanding of HRM. The factories mostly succeeded at process
improvements and we had the opportunity to build up the people and leadership components
of lean.
For the pilot, we established an external advisory board to conrm we were measuring the
right factors. We recruited a range of thought leaders and experts in labor and manufacturing
to provide input, including academics, think-tank members and independent consultants
from Asia, Europe and the US.
We approached two factories – one footwear and one apparel – based on their commitment to
lean, completion of human resources management training, and achievement in surpassing
minimum compliance on our Sustainable Manufacturing and Sourcing assessments.
The factories felt that they needed robust baseline data on empowerment and well-being
measures, as well as basic factory production metrics to show the impact of new approaches.
The two factories both trained managers and used lean approaches – ones that focus on
continuous improvement processes – that reached out to and included factory workers.
Additionally, both factories were unionized and both had adopted lean practices, set up pilot
and control lines, established baselines and measured changes. Though the factories had
similarities, we found very different results.
Soon after we started the pilot, the teams identied opportunities to improve and expand
their data capabilities. Once data collection was stable we established a baseline for the pilot
period over ve months.
The footwear factory assigned leaders who assessed worker feedback from surveys conducted,
determined which projects to undertake, assigned teams to tackle them, set up approaches
and ran the programs. Productivity increased in the factory as a whole as well as on the pilot
line, however so did conict. Though workers were involved in xing the issues arising out of
surveys and proposing solutions to identied problem areas, surveys indicated they did not
feel motivated. Survey results showed a decline in perceived levels of motivation after six
months, but slight improvements in perceptions of some areas of well-being and pay among
those participating in the factory-led pilot. More data and a comparison over time will provide
better perspective on these results.
During the footwear factory pilot we received reports of some egregious behavior by line
managers that violated our Code of Conduct regarding harassment and abuse. We believe the
root causes of this behavior were due to competing priorities among supervisors and a lack of
alignment between the factory group chairman, factory management and supervisory levels.
We determined these conditions would make it difcult to effectively measure the impact of
the pilot and we decided to stop our engagement in the pilot work with them. We worked with
factory ownership and management to help them establish a remediation plan which included
running factory worker engagement audits, developing a stronger relationship with union
leaders, establishing community outreach programs and building leadership competencies.
The factory also underwent a mutual trust and respect training that included more than
9,000 factory workers (including line supervisors and managers).
In 2012, NIKE shared
its manufacturing vision:
to create and deliver
great products through a
sustainable, NIKE, Inc.
sourcing base. Our denition
of a sustainable supply
chain is one that’s lean with
regard to our manufacturing
philosophy; green in our
approach to design, product
creation and sourcing;
equitable in our commitment
to balance people and prot;
and empowered by building a
workforce that knows and
can advocate for its rights.
This case study explores what
we are learning in conducting
pilots with contract factories.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In contrast, the apparel factory management created conditions for workers and management
to review survey results, and together they assessed the best issues to tackle and then worked
together to address them. The factory management quickly realized that workers had good
ideas and could signicantly help the business, and that they had not been tapping into
this vital resource. The apparel factory workers had suggestions around a number of issues
including factory transportation and supervisor/worker communication. Workers were given
time and attention when sharing their views, and the worker-led priorities became the initial
focus for pilot work rather than factory management priorities. Line supervisors and factory
management participated and were responsible for enacting the worker recommendations.
Factory management also enacted management changes based on their understanding of
cultural, generational and gender issues between themselves, who tend to be middle-age and
male, and line workers who tend to be women.
During the pilots the national minimum wages in Indonesia increased 50% to 70%, factory
production growth rates continued to increase, and tensions between some unions and
factories escalated across the country. These external factors did not have a signicant
impact on the apparel factory’s ability to carry out the pilot.
Through this piloting exercise we have learned a great deal about how factories can enable
worker engagement and well-being. We now have evidence from within our own supply chain
that factories investing in and listening to their workers and involving them in production
discussions makes business sense, as measured by increased productivity and worker well-
We determined that additional things must be in place for a pilot to succeed, including
different data systems and approaches to data. We also know contract factories must build a
baseline of strong human resources capacity as a crucial foundation to improve worker well-
As we expand our pilot work to additional factories and countries, we will test more factors
around engagement and well-being both inside and outside the factory. Together with
factories, we have a better understanding of what factories need to have accomplished
before participating in a pilot, and how to gauge factory performance. Together we learned
more direct involvement is required at all levels of factory management to support problem
solving and worker engagement, and engagement and oversight throughout the production
function is critical. Additionally, we know management capabilities are critical, especially the
management systems used and the behavior of line supervisors and factory management.
Some measures we are assessing include:
DATA QUALITY – 6 measures including validity based on cross-checking, occurrence of errors,
team member participation in providing input
LEAN – 21 measures including production efciency, percentage of rejects and rework,
skill levels, absenteeism
WORKER ENGAGEMENT AND WELL-BEING – 40 measures including employee turnover, problems
raised/resolved (production and social), motivation, stress, exhaustion, ability to voice
opinions, feeling of well-being inside and outside the factory
OUTSIDE THE FACTORY – 10 measures including worker sentiment, participation, impact on
turnover or absenteeism
We are reviewing the results of the pilots and are more aware of how our approach to sourcing
and developing new frameworks and protocols should work together to incentivize good
behavior and practices by management at contract factories.
We know that under the right conditions, contract factories can make signicant
improvements that encourage, engage and involve workers as valued contributors. We believe
this work is too important to delay and that moving to new models of working will require
many improvements along the way, from all sides – including our own.
Through this piloting exercise
we have learned a great deal
about how factories can
enable worker engagement
and well-being. We now
have evidence from within
our own supply chain that
factories investing in and
listening to their workers and
involving them in production
discussions makes business
sense, as measured by
increased productivity
and worker well-being.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Minimize the impact of product
ingredients throughout the lifecycle
Achieve the goal of zero
discharge of hazardous
chemicals for all products
across all pathways in our
supply chain by 2020
In FY12, together with six other
companies, we created and signed a
joint plan for achieving zero discharge
of hazardous
chemicals. We are now
working toward this ambitious goal,
while continuing to track and report on
restricted substances, use of petroleum-
derived solvents and training of factories
and vendors.
Establish an industry-wide
management coalition
By the end of FY13, 13
companies had joined the
Zero Discharge of Hazardous
Chemicals (ZDHC) coalition that
we helped launch. A full list of
signatory members is available
at We also
remain involved in the Outdoor
Industry Association’s Chemicals
Management Working Group, the
Green Chemistry and Commerce
Council, the American Chemical
Society’s Green Chemistry
Institute and the AFIRM Group.
Expand use of environmentally preferred
We have entered a strategic
partnership with bluesign
which bluesign
will provide the
NIKE supply chain with access to
a database of more than 4,300
preferred chemical formulations.
Expand material traceability
NIKE and the Sustainable Apparel
Coalition have both identied
traceability as a priority. In FY13
we conducted a pilot project that
traced all material and chemical
components used in making
a T-shirt back to their original
source. We are now reviewing
the results of that exercise and
determining next steps.
Expand chemicals management and
awareness training
By the end of FY12, we had
trained 586 contract factories –
including 326 material vendors
and 193 nished goods factories,
with the remainder being agents
and licensees – in chemicals
awareness and management.
No trainings were held in FY13,
but they will resume after our
RSL is updated in 2014. The
ZDHC coalition is also planning
to conduct joint trainings on
chemicals management for
Explore disclosure advancements
NIKE made a public statement
committing the company to
the goal of zero discharge of
chemicals by 2020.
We collect water-quality data from
vendors that supply materials to
contracted factories through the
NIKE Water Program and actively
partner with the Institute of
Public and Environmental Affairs
on their Green Choice Alliance
program. We are examining
this and other partnerships and
activities to further understand
what types of disclosure will help
us toward our 2020 goal and
create value for the industry.
materials were tested in FY13
to conrm they did not contain
chemicals on our restricted
substances lists (RSLs); 95% of
materials passed those RSL tests
of NIKE Brand footwear designs
used environmentally preferred
rubber in FY13, consistent with
use in previous years
bluender certied
formulations are available in the
chemical database for materials
vendors to access and use
We are committed to phasing out
long-chain peruorinated chemi-
cals (PFCs) by January 2015,
replacing them with alternatives
that have better toxicological and
environmental proles
*Hazardous chemicals are those that show intrinsically hazardous properties (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic; very persistent and very bio-accumulative; carcinogenic, mutagenic and toxic
for reproduction; endocrine disruptors or equivalent concern), not just those that have been regulated or restricted in other regions.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In FY12, together with others in the apparel industry, we launched the ZDHC coalition and
committed to the goal of zero discharge of hazardous
chemicals by 2020. Since then, we
have jointly developed a roadmap for achieving that goal. (See While
it takes time to align multiple stakeholders on objectives and strategy, we believe the
ultimate benets of moving forward together will outweigh the initial efforts involved. After
all, we share vendors, and we believe a challenge this big requires industry-wide solutions.
At the same time, NIKE continues to make progress on its own. We have a NIKE team
driving our efforts toward the goal, including developing accountability systems, company-
specic metrics and other internal means for gauging our progress.
In FY13, we established a strategic relationship with bluesign
to provide our suppliers
with access to extensive information about more sustainable materials and chemistries.
We signed the bluesign
system partner agreement that will enable our contract
manufacturers access to a listing of more than 4,300 pre-screened, bluesign
textile chemical formulations, including dye systems, detergents and other chemicals used
in manufacturing. The bluesign
bluender will provide our contract manufacturers with
an easy-to-use, rigorously vetted list of chemical products that will help them to reduce
the environmental impacts of their processes – and therefore our products.
We are also asking material vendors in our supply base to commit in writing to green
chemistry practices (for example, to self-evaluate, identify and reduce or eliminate toxic
chemicals). To date, 69% of apparel material vendors and 39% in footwear have signed
the commitment. We are hopeful that access to the bluesign
tools will help to increase
these numbers by illustrating how straightforward it can be to choose greener options.
We continue to maintain a restricted substance list (RSL), which we have developed
and shared with material vendors, nished goods contract factories and the public. Our
RSL catalogs the substances that should not be included in our products. In FY13, our
material vendors tested 11,600 materials to conrm they did not contain restricted
substances; 95% passed. (Materials that fail are considered defective and are removed
from production.) Our RSL will be updated in 2014. We are also collaborating with the
ZDHC to establish an industry-wide manufacturing RSL.
While it takes time to align
multiple stakeholders on
objectives and strategy, we
believe the ultimate benets
of moving forward together
will outweigh the initial
efforts involved. After all, we
share vendors, and we believe
a challenge this big requires
industry-wide solutions.
Reducing the use and discharge of toxic chemicals is important
for both the environment and human health. At NIKE, we are
addressing the issue on several fronts.
*Hazardous chemicals are those that show intrinsically hazardous properties (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic; very persistent and very bio-accumulative; carcinogenic, mutagenic and
toxic for reproduction; endocrine disruptors or equivalent concern), not just those that have been regulated or restricted in other regions.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
For a number of years we have been tracking the amount of petroleum-derived solvents
(PDSs) used and hazardous waste generated in the making of our footwear. Both
measures increased slightly over the last two years – by 2.3% and 1.7% per pair of
footwear, respectively – due to new contract factories in the NIKE source base and shifts
in our product mix. However, our long-term progress has been good with the amount of
PDSs per pair down 96% compared with FY95 when we began tracking, and hazardous
waste down 31% per pair compared with FY05.
Finally, we have committed to phase out long-chain, peruorinated chemicals (PFCs)
which are typically used in water-repellent nishes. By 2015, we expect these chemicals
will be replaced by alternatives with better toxicological and environmental proles.
FY11 FY12 FY13
Petroleum-Derived Solvents (PDS) (grams/pair) 12.4 12.3 12.7
NOTE: Data is self-reported by contract factories.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Borrow water and
use it responsibly
Improve water efciency by 15% per unit in
apparel materials dyeing and nishing, and in
footwear manufacturing, from FY11 through FY15
Water efciency in manufacturing is improving.
Our contract footwear manufacturers have
improved efciency of gallons of water per pair
by 23% compared with FY11. NIKE Brand
apparel dyeing and nishing vendors have
improved their efciency of liters per kilogram by
10% from FY11.
Increase participation in NIKE Water
Program across NIKE, Inc. brands
In FY13, 793 NIKE materials
vendors and contract factories
participated in the NIKE Water
Program, up 50% from 527 in
FY11. Participants self-report
their water use related to the
production of NIKE Brand
product and beyond.
Drive industry change through expanded
access to the use of NIKE-developed
H2O*Insight Tool
We made the H2O*Insight Tool
available to the industry in
2011. To date, 95 non-NIKE
manufacturing facilities and three
non-NIKE, Inc. brands are using
the tool. In addition, we continue
to help drive improvement in
measurement, monitoring and
disclosure of water use and
quality throughout the industry
via our participation in various
water initiatives – including the
CEO Water Mandate, the Natural
Resource Defense Council’s
Clean by Design, Business
for Social Responsibility’s
Sustainable Water Group, and
the Zero Discharge of Hazardous
Chemicals coalition. We are
seeking collaborative solutions
to improve industry knowledge
and best practices and to pioneer
new methods for traceability and
quantifying impacts.
Assess geographic impact of water
We recognize supply chain
water use and discharge as
local issues with local impacts.
We collect water-related data
by manufacturing address
(i.e., for contract factories and
material vendors). We are also
verifying geospatial coordinates
for material suppliers and
subcontractors with water-
intensive processes to assess the
water use and discharge of these
facilities in their local context.
More sophisticated assessment
tools are becoming available that
provide insight into which supply
chain locations face the greatest
water-related risks and which
represent the most substantial
opportunities for improvement
and innovation. Water is a factor
in our Country Risk Index and
we will continue incorporating
the best-available global data for
water availability, water quality
and other potential water-related
risks and impacts.
fewer gallons of water were used
in footwear manufacturing in
FY13 compared with FY11
vendors and contract factories
participated in the NIKE Water
Program in FY13
increase in the number of
vendors and factories
participating in the NIKE Water
Program since FY11
Improvement in water efciency
in apparel materials
dyeing and
nishing, per unit, from FY11 to FY13
Apparel materials processing data includes dyeing and nishing facilities supplying to NIKE Brand apparel contract factories. Vendors provided self-reported water use and production data at the facility level, which may
include materials produced for brands other than NIKE.
Footwear manufacturing data includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. Contract factories provided self-reported data to NIKE, most all of which 90% is veried on-site with NIKE eld teams during on-site reviews.
Improvement in water efciency in
footwear manufacturing
, per unit,
from FY11 to FY13
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Our recent footprinting work revealed that the vast majority – 73% – of the water needed
to create our products is used at the beginning of our value chain, in the raw materials
stage. Why? Cotton, mostly. Cotton is very water-intensive to grow; it is responsible for
87% of all water used in the raw materials stage.
Though it is difcult for us to inuence water-use practices far upstream in our supply
chain, like growing cotton, we can help our product creation teams make more water-
efcient design choices using the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index (NIKE MSI). In
the NIKE MSI, water-efcient materials from water-efcient vendors are more favorably
rated; they therefore stand a better chance of being selected by our designers than other
materials. We are also working to improve the water quality and quantity prole of specic
materials – for example, through the Better Cotton Initiative (BCI).
Our footprinting process also showed that the consumer-use phase – i.e., the washing of
garments – has the second-highest water use in our value chain. The two remaining areas
with signicant water use are materials manufacturing and nished goods manufacturing.
In these two areas – where we have more inuence to make improvements – we have set
targets and are making progress.
We are making progress in assessing and understanding our
overall water footprint, which helps us to identify impacts
across our value chain. Though we have targeted improvements
in water efciency for manufacturing and materials processing,
we recognize that efciency is not the only relevant measure.
Water quality, water security and access to water and sanitation
also impact our supply chain and our business, affecting
everything from the availability of raw materials to the health
and well-being of workers and their communities.
of which 6% (12.9B) is from NIKE, Inc.-owned and -operated operations
NOTE: For more detail including our methodology and navigation through the value chain and impacts see
Our footprinting data includes extrapolations. Some percentages are rounded up resulting in greater than 100% impact across the
value chain.
Our understanding of the
supply chain and the system
in which our suppliers operate
is continuously improving.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Footwear manufacturing is where we have seen the greatest efciency gains. By the end
of FY13, our contract footwear factories had reduced their water use by 23% per pair
compared to the FY11 baseline, meaning we achieved our 15% per-pair reduction target
two years ahead of schedule. These factories saw an absolute (not just per-pair) reduction
in water consumption over this time period – dropping from an estimated 3.5 billion gallons
used in FY11 to 2.7 billion gallons in FY13, despite a nearly 20% increase in production.
This progress has been achieved through a combination of NIKE eld team and contract
factory-led efforts, including initiatives to help factories improve metering and data analysis
to reduce leaks; repurpose treated “gray water” (i.e., minimally contaminated water suitable
to replace fresh water in certain applications); set standards for water-consuming processes
such as cleaning; and reduce ow rates. We have also worked hard to communicate to
factories that water is one of the metrics we track in our Sustainable Manufacturing &
Sourcing Index to evaluate performance and make sourcing selection decisions.
The push to reduce water use has also inspired green technology innovation. For example,
many factories have developed and implemented mid-sole washing processes that recycle
and extend the life of water through a three-step ltration process.
We have also seen progress toward our other efciency target – for water used by our
apparel dyeing and nishing vendors. This water efciency improved by nearly 10%
per unit from FY11 through FY13. Although we have not routinely audited material
supplier facilities for water efciency, as we have in footwear manufacturing, we have
provided training on the areas we score, including water, in the NIKE MSI. We anticipate
increasing our outreach to vendors in the coming years in support of this water efciency
improvement goal.
NOTE: The NIKE water program rst included only apparel material vendors; footwear material vendors were invited to
participate beginning in FY10. With the increase in enrollment, we see an initial decrease in percentage of vendors that
are fully compliant. Vendors that have poor/average performance during the rst year of enrollment typically move to better
performance as they continue to participate annually.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We are also seeking out and testing new innovations for reducing water use – such as
the waterless textile dyeing machines developed by DyeCoo Textile Systems B.V. These
machines use recycled carbon dioxide instead of water in the dyeing process, which has
the potential to signicantly cut water use in this stage of our value chain (see page 27 for
In FY13, 793 material vendors and contract factories tracked and reported their water
use and discharge to the NIKE Water Program. Of 260 facilities discharging more than
/day in FY13, 48% met NIKE water quality guidelines (which require compliance
with all local regulations and NIKE guidelines, whichever are more stringent), and another
47% were compliant with local regulations. The remaining 5% needed improvement.
The higher percentage needing improvement in FY13 (compared with the 1% noted in
our FY10/11 report) is due to the expansion of the NIKE Water Program beyond apparel
material vendors to include footwear materials suppliers for the rst time.
In our contract nished goods factories that make apparel and equipment, we are still
putting procedures in place to accurately track water use. At the same time, we have
been working with these factories to improve water efciency. For instance, we selected
a number of apparel contract factories that do materials processing, dyeing and nishing
for targeted consulting from NIKE eld team representatives; these factories increased
their water efciency by 26% from FY11 through FY13. This progress has been due to
the implementation of more efcient dyeing machines, better cooling towers, closed-loop
systems for recovering steam, water-efcient toilets, and foot paddles instead of screw or
lever taps on sinks to reduce excess water use.
Our understanding of the supply chain and the system in which our suppliers operate is
continuously improving. Diverse types of suppliers and the varied local conditions they
face demand unique solutions, collaboration and expertise both inside and beyond the
contract factory to become cleaner, more efcient and more resilient water users.
We continue to improve our understanding of our impacts by assessing our supply
chain against country- and basin-level water risk data, acknowledging that country-level
information is not as important or valuable as that by basin. Additional assessments of
urban infrastructure, number of workers and population demographics, and other factors
contributing to overall water stress will provide greater insight. In the meantime, water risk
is included in our Country Risk Index which is part of our sourcing assessment through the
Manufacturing Index.
Diverse types of suppliers and
the varied local conditions
that they face demand unique
solutions, collaboration and
expertise both inside and
beyond the contract factory to
become cleaner, more efcient
and more resilient water users.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Use less, buy
less to reduce
impact across
the value chain
Achieve a 10% reduction in waste from nished goods
manufacturing across NIKE, Inc. and in shoebox weight
per unit (from an FY11 baseline through FY15)
We showed good progress toward our 10%
nished goods manufacturing waste reduction
goal, achieving an 8.6% reduction in FY13
over FY11 levels. By the end of FY15 we will
have fully rolled out a redesigned footwear
box that reduces our overall average shoebox
weight by 3% compared to FY11. Even with full
implementation, however, we will likely fall short
of our 10% target.
Reduce waste in manufacturing
We worked with contract
factories to reduce their waste
by 8.6% since FY11. In footwear
manufacturing specically,
85% of waste is now reclaimed
through recycling or energy
Improve packaging
NIKE and Converse together
create hundreds of millions
of shoeboxes annually from
100% recycled content. The
vast majority of these boxes are
disposed of or recycled by the
Converse’s 13% reduction in
shoebox weight in FY12 saved
1,300 metric tonnes of corrugate
ber and $1.5 million, compared
to FY11.
So far, we have reduced the
weight of the NIKE Brand shoe-
box by 3%, building on a 6% sav-
ings from a previous box redesign.
This box will be fully rolled out by
the end of FY15.
Increase recycling, reuse, repurpose &
compost of waste (manufacturing, retail,
distribution centers, ofces)
In FY13 we achieved diversion
rates - the amount of waste that
does not end up in landll - of
44% at our retail stores
; 69% at
NIKE World Headquarters; 85%
in footwear manufacturing; and
92% at distribution centers.
Since 1990, our Reuse-A-Shoe
program has recycled 28 million
pairs of shoes into NIKE Grind.
NIKE Grind includes not only
recycled shoes but manufacturing
scrap, with scrap representing
90% of the recycled material and
recycled shoes the remaining
10%. The primary uses of NIKE
Grind include turf in-ll (i.e., the
ll material between the blades
of articial grass), sports surfaces,
carpet underlays, and tness
Reduction in nished goods
manufacturing waste
(per unit) across
NIKE brand footwear, apparel and
equipment from FY11 to FY13
of waste diverted from landll in
FY13 at our retail stores
of waste diverted from landll in
FY13 at NIKE World Headquarters
of waste diverted from landll in
FY13 at major global distribution
weight reduction of Converse
*Retail store calculation based on a small sample set (<10%) tracked and reported through our provider.
**Data includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. Contract factories provided self-reported data to NIKE, most all of which (80%) is veried with NIKE eld teams during onsite reviews.
Reduction in average shoebox weight
per unit (grams of ber/box), from
FY11 to FY13
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Our products themselves eventually become waste, as was made clear in our footprinting
effort. The disposal phase – that is, when our products reach the end of their useful
lives and are thrown away – makes up 59% of the total waste in our value chain. (See
below.) To help our shoes “play on” in the form of new products, we began Reuse-A-Shoe
in 1990. Since then, we have collected and reground 28 million pairs into NIKE Grind
for use in more than 450,000 locations around the world – in applications ranging from
running tracks and playgrounds to carpet backing and soles for new footwear.
At the same time, we are working to reduce waste by focusing on what goes into our
products and packaging. We aim to design our products to limit the creation of waste
in manufacturing, rather than guring out how to repurpose waste after the fact. This
ultimately helps to reduce waste all along our value chain, including at end of life.
NIKE Flyknit, introduced in 2012, represents a small portion of our production line
today, but we believe it holds great potential in helping us advance toward our goal of
reducing waste, especially at scale. The technology uses knit construction that allows for a
lightweight upper that reduces footwear waste. The Flyknit Lunar 1+ running shoe reduces
footwear waste by 80% on average when compared to typical NIKE running footwear.
Our progress toward our waste-related targets has been mixed. We are working toward
10% reductions in waste from nished goods manufacturing across NIKE, Inc. and in
shoebox weight per unit, from our FY11 baseline through FY15. These targets build
Anything we or our contract manufacturers buy that does not
end up in our product (or have another essential purpose)
represents waste and related resources – whether it’s excess
materials that result in unnecessary handling and shipping,
excess corrugated cardboard in boxes, or shopping bags not
needed with consumer purchases.
Of which 14% (96.7M) is from NIKE, Inc.-owned and -operated operations
NOTE: For more detail including our methodology and navigation through the value chain and impacts see
Our footprinting data includes extrapolations. Some percentages are rounded up resulting in greater than 100% impact
across the value chain.
We aim to design our products
to limit the creation of waste
in manufacturing, rather than
guring out how to repurpose
waste after the fact. This
ultimately helps to reduce
waste all along our value
chain, including at end of life.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
on the 35% reduction we had already achieved in footwear manufacturing waste from
FY01 to FY11.
We have made good progress toward our total manufacturing waste reduction target,
having achieved an 8.6% reduction in this waste from FY11 to FY13, through consultation
between our eld teams and contract factories on the application of our index, including
data management, identication of opportunities and setting targets, developing action
plans and implementing process changes. While overall waste has declined, the contract
factory-level diversion rates have improved.
Our shoebox target will be more difcult to meet. Our boxes need to be lightweight and
waste-efcient, but they still must retain their integrity and structure from the factory
to the consumer. Starting in 1995, our shoebox has been made of 100% recycled
content. Since that time, we have worked to reduce the weight of the box, developing
different alternatives with varying degrees of success. The new NIKE Brand box is a 3%
weight reduction against our FY11 baseline, building on a 6% savings from a previous
box redesign. We are in Phase 3 of rollout and will be at full implementation of the new
box design by the end of FY15. That’s good progress but not enough to meet our 10%
reduction target by FY15. We are exploring additional options, including changes to the
master carton – so that the smaller and lighter shoeboxes can be shipped in a leaner outer
box. Additionally, we have other shoebox initiatives in various stages of implementation
that will reduce overall shoebox weight.
Converse launched its redesigned box in FY12, achieving a 13% reduction in average
weight per box compared to the previous design. This reduction was achieved through a
design overhaul that enabled the use of less material and lighter-weight corrugate ber.
One of the primary ways we help to drive waste reductions in our supply chain is via our
NIKE Materials Sustainability Index and our footwear and apparel indices. By measuring
the environmental impact of chosen materials and the waste efciency of designs, our
designers can make better choices. In NIKE Brand apparel, our average pattern efciency
rates at the end of FY13 were more than 80%. In NIKE Brand footwear, this rate improved
to 71% average efciency – resulting in a nearly 13% reduction in waste compared to
For manufacturing waste that we cannot yet eliminate, what we do with it matters. We
make every attempt to drive waste as high up the value chain as possible – ideally back
into our own product through closed-loop innovation. Examples include material vendor
take-back programs and grinding rubber outsoles back into new outsoles, including testing
and exploring new ways to increase the level of scrap content that can be mixed back into
new outsole rubber. The next best options are NIKE Grind applications, basic recycling
solutions, and then energy recovery.
Our corporate ofces also produce waste, though the amount is minimal compared to
that from manufacturing and packaging. At our World Headquarters (WHQ) campus,
our waste has grown 4% compared to 14% growth in our campus square footage since
FY11. We are monitoring the increased amount of waste we produce and are including
waste assessments and reductions in our long-term planning. We are also focusing on the
diversion of waste to compost and recycling, away from landll. Our WHQ diversion rate in
We have made good
progress toward our total
manufacturing waste target
through consultation between
our eld teams and contract
factories on the application
of our index, including data
management, identication
of opportunities and setting
targets, developing action
plans and implementing
process changes.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
FY13 was 69% – our best on record despite dropping to 57% in FY12 from previous rates
above 60%. Our ability to maintain or improve these diversion rates in the future depends
in part on external factors such as the efforts of our food service suppliers, and proposed
regulatory changes regarding acceptable materials for composting and recycling.
NOTE: Waste data is self-reported by contract factories and veried by NIKE eld teams.
At NIKE World Headquarters in Oregon, we have worked hard to improve our rates of
composting, recycling and reuse.
FY11 FY12 FY13
Landll 424 658 567
Compost 304 327 356
Recycling 498 559 917
TOTAL 1,226 1,544 1,840
Diversion 65% 57% 69%
FY11 FY12 FY13
Landll/Incinerate 21 19 21
Diversion Activities
Energy Recovery 36 37 38
Recycling (NIKE Grind, downcycling) 60 62 60
Closed-loop Reuse (in-house, takeback) 32 30 26
TOTAL 149 149 145
Diversion 86% 86% 85%
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Catalyze human potential by creating
community and business impact through
a portfolio of innovative partnerships,
advocacy and movement-making initiatives
Invest a minimum of
1.5% of pre-tax income in
communities annually
1.5% pre-tax income
FY12 contributions: $42.8 million
Build and expand Access to
Sport agenda
NIKE collaborated with numerous
organizations from diverse
cultures and disiplines to create
Design to Move: a framework for
action that addresses a growing
physical inactivity epidemic by
providing a simple but effective
cross-sector call-to-action with
just two asks: 1) Create early,
positive experiences for children
in sports, physical education and
physically active play; and 2)
Reintegrate physical activity into
everyday life.
Today, more than 100
organizations have formally
adopted Designed to Move
in their respective areas of
management and governance
and are actively collaborating
to promote and deliver
widespread action.
Engage, encourage and enable
employees to support communities
Globally, employees contributed
$2.5 million tracked through
NIKE’s giving platform to
nonprot organizations during
FY12 and FY13, which NIKE
matched with an additional $2.4
million. During the past two
years, employees have reported
298,880 volunteer hours in their
communities. NIKE launched an
update to the WE Portal – our
employee giving mechanism – in
late FY13.
Tap the power of our brands to engage
consumers and leverage support for the
issues they care about
Using the power of our brands,
we reached out to communities
through various programs
and collaborations including
Converse (RED), Hurley H2O
Waves For Water and The Ecology
Center, Jordan Fundamentals,
LIVESTRONG and N7. Other
examples in FY12/13 included
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital,
Students Run LA and the NIKE
School Innovation Fund.
Through the NIKE Foundation, continue
to use insight, innovation and inspira-
tion to equip adolescent girls in the
developing world and transform their
world, so that their full potential can
be realized
The NIKE Foundation continued
to develop key relationships
across sectors to further support
and equip adolescent girls in the
developing world. The Foundation
used the ongoing support from
NIKE, Inc. in combination
with contributions from others,
including the UK Department
for International Development,
the NoVo Foundation and other
collaborators, to unleash the
Girl Effect.
organizations joined together
in support of the Designed to
Move framework
contributed by NIKE, Inc. in
support of the Girl Effect through
the NIKE Foundation in FY12/13
in NIKE, Inc. matching funds
for employee charitable
contributions in FY12/13
community volunteer hours
logged by NIKE, Inc. employees
in FY12/13
NOTE: The contributions and pre-tax income amounts for FY12 and FY13 have been adjusted to exclude Cole Haan and Umbro results, as those businesses were divested of on February 1,
2013, and November 30, 2012, respectively.
FY13 contributions: $52.7 million
Pre-tax income from continuing operations
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We focus on nding the most effective and innovative approaches and programs for driving
change and then test and rene them before taking them to scale. Our community spend
totaled $95.5 million over the two scal years covered in this report. This includes cash,
product and in-kind donations.
Kids are designed to move, yet today’s children are the most inactive generation
in history. If no change occurs, according to research, half of all Americans and Chinese
are projected to be physically inactive, along with a third of the British and Brazilian
populations by 2030. That’s about 1 billion people. Physical inactivity has reached
epidemic levels that threaten social and economic prosperity for individuals, companies
and nations around the world.
At NIKE we see a future where kids are running, jumping and kicking to reach their
greatest potential. We assembled an Access to Sport team to address this issue, and the
rst step was recognizing that no one can solve it alone.
In 2011, our Access to Sport team began working with more than 70 expert organizations
to develop Designed to Move (see, a framework for action supported
by public, private and civil sector organizations. The framework was co-authored by the
American College of Sports Medicine, the International Council of Sport Science and
Physical Education, and NIKE. It highlights the growing epidemic of physical inactivity,
including its costs and consequences, and outlines the benets of physical activity and a
simple call-to-action to help end this crisis: 1) create positive experiences for children in
sports and physical activity, and 2) integrate physical activity into everyday life.
in FY12/13, combining cash, product
and in-kind contributions
FY12 FY13
Cash $27.9 $34.9
Product/In-Kind $14.9 $17.8
TOTAL $42.8 $52.7
NOTE: As of this reporting cycle, we have adopted an improved methodology to calculate our community contributions, incorporat-
ing a range of best practices. This allows for greater comparability in our spending and establishes consistent guidelines across our
We leverage the power of our employees, brands, consumers
and partners to support organizations and collaborations that
create positive long-term changes that expand access to sport,
empower adolescent girls in the developing world, and support
the communities in which we live, work and play.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
The following examples showcase how NIKE’s efforts have brought this issue and its
solutions to the forefront in FY12 and FY13:
1. Raise Awareness
Get Physical Activity on Global Agendas
The costs and consequences of physical inactivity have been grossly under-appreciated.
For instance, most people are shocked to learn that mortality rates related to physical
inactivity now exceed those attributable to smoking. We worked with corporate,
government, academic and sports industry leaders to get physical activity on agendas
in global forums such as the Clinton Global Initiative, the World Economic Forum, the
World Federation of Sporting Goods Industry’s General Assembly and the International
Olympic Committee’s “Sport For All” Conference. To date, more than 100 organizations
have ofcially aligned under Designed to Move, adopting a common language to
collectively advocate for urgent change.
2. Create Active Schools
Because Active Kids Do Better
NIKE, represented by President & CEO Mark Parker, partnered with US First Lady
Michelle Obama; Partnership for a Healthier America; the Alliance for a Healthier
Generation; the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation
and Dance; the President’s Council on Fitness, Sports & Nutrition; and ve other
public- and private-sector organizations to introduce Let’s Move! Active Schools. The
active-school model gets kids moving before, during and after school. NIKE’s direct
contribution includes professional development and training for school champions,
as well as branding and communication support. As part of the overall initiative,
there are opportunities for schools to apply for grants that support broader active
schools efforts. Learn more at
3. Early Positive Experiences
Reshape Youth Sports
The Aspen Institute took inspiration from Designed to Move to create Project Play,
a series of roundtable forums with experts across multiple sectors re-imagining the
youth sports system in the US. The aim is to reverse the trend in youth sports of
kids dropping out, burning out or getting locked out for a variety of reasons, and
reset the bar to help make certain that the early experiences kids have with sports
and physical activity are positive ones. Much of the work mirrors the 7 Design
Filters, a global set of program best-practice guidelines developed in collaboration
with practitioners from around the world and published in the Designed to Move
materials. NIKE is an active sponsor and participant in Project Play, which will
culminate in the Aspen Institute’s nal report of policy recommendations, available
in the fall of 2014.
4. Lead by Example -
Aligning to Deliver Early Positive Experiences in Sports
Together with community programming partners, NIKE reviewed our global portfolio
of community sports programs against the 7 Program Design Filters laid out in
the Design to Move framework. As a result, specic investments have been made
in several areas: targeting younger participants with special emphasis on children
more vulnerable to physical inactivity, adequate dosage and duration of physical
activity, feedback mechanisms to help children assess progress, and creative ways to
deliver incentives beyond trophies and winning. After 18 months of careful program
evaluation we have strong partnerships in 11 countries reaching nearly 3 million kids
annually with this new standard of positive experience sports programming.
5. Employee Empowerment
Move Your Asterisk
NIKE’s mission is to bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete
in the world.
The asterisk recalls NIKE co-founder Bill Bowerman’s statement, “If you have a body
you are an athlete.” We turned that statement back on NIKE and challenged our
employees to get moving and raise physical activity levels in the workplace.
organizations ofcially aligned under
Designed to Move
estimated number of people projected
to be physically inactive by 2030 in the
US, UK, China and Brazil if no action
is taken. The economic cost of physical
inactivity in those countries in 2008 was
more than $200 billion.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
NIKE has a long-term commitment to help solve this urgent, global epidemic. We’ve
invested heavily to get to the point where today, more than 100 organizations globally
have formally adopted Designed to Move and are actively collaborating to promote and
deliver widespread action.
Over the past two years, we continued various brand-sponsored projects and partnerships
and began several new ones.
In collaboration with (RED), Converse contributed more than $3 million from FY08 to
FY13 to ght AIDS. Of that, $1.7 million was donated in FY12 and FY13.
Our support for Hurley’s H2O nonprot partner Waves For Water has helped an
estimated 5 million people gain access to clean water through portable water solutions.
Hurley H2O’s other nonprot partner, The Ecology Center, connected with 40 local
schools and 10,000 kids, focusing on water education.
LIVESTRONG serves to improve outcomes for people facing cancer. NIKE announced
it will stop producing new LIVESTRONG product after its Holiday 2013 line but will
continue to support the LIVESTRONG Foundation.
The NIKE N7 Fund provides grants to Native American and aboriginal communities
in the United States and Canada in support of sports and physical activity programs
for youth. Since 2009, approximately $1.8 million has been directed to these
communities. (Learn more at
During FY12 and FY13, the NIKE Foundation continued to catalyze partners to unleash
the Girl Effect. Highlights included:
A high-prole launch of
Smarter Economics: Investing in Girls
at the annual meetings
of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund in 2012; this report makes the
economic case for investing in adolescent girls
The launch of the Ni Nyampinga brand radio show and magazine in Rwanda to connect
girls and inspire them to reach their full potential
The opening of Girl Hub Ethiopia (as part of the Girl Hub collaboration with the UK
Department for International Development) and the launch of the Yegna-brand radio
drama and girl band to connect, inform and inspire girls across Ethiopia
Ensuring girls were included in commitments made at the London Family Planning
Summit in 2012, where over $4 billion was pledged to tackle the unmet family
planning needs of 120 million girls and women by 2020
Celebrating the rst-ever UN International Day of the Girl in October 2012, sharing
messaging in advance to inform advocacy and providing a digital platform for the girl
community to get its messages out
Preparation of a Girl Declaration, inspired and informed by girls to rally, consolidate
and focus the girl movement globally, with a specic objective to embed girls in the
next set of global development goals that will determine how approximately $2 trillion
of international aid will be invested over 15 years starting in 2016
A new Girl Effect website ( designed and created so that all its content
(articles, videos, case studies, fact sheets and more) can be easily used to amplify
the Girl Effect
Girl Effect launched
Smarter Economics:
Investing in Girls
at the annual
meetings of the World Bank
and International Monetary
Fund in 2012, making the
economic case for investing in
adolescent girls.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Our WE Portal brings together employees around volunteering, service, giving and
community activities that matter most to them. NIKE launched a new WE Portal in FY13,
providing enhancements to our online experience. The new portal includes features that
allow employees to create volunteer teams in their communities, design specic cause
campaigns and engage directly with qualied and vetted nonprot organizations. Globally,
employees used the portal to track personal contributions of $2.5 million to nonprot
organizations during FY12 and FY13, which NIKE matched with an additional
$2.4 million.
FY12 FY13
Employee Contribution (Inc) $1.10 $1.41
Company Match $1.06 $1.26
Tracked Volunteer Hours 167,060 131,819
NOTE: Previous reporting tracked US employees only. A new system for capturing, tracking and reporting contributions and volun-
teer hours has been implemented across NIKE, Inc.
When disaster strikes a community, we mobilize to help where we can have the greatest
impact. For instance, in the aftermath of widespread damage to the US East Coast caused
by Superstorm Sandy, we committed $2 million to rebuilding efforts in New York and New
Jersey and an additional $1 million worth of product donations to New York City nonprot
organizations. Hurley H2O and Waves For Water also helped mobilize relief efforts reach-
ing 350,000 people by distributing essential supplies, rebuilding 150 homes and donat-
ing 40,000 meals. In 2013, we also responded to the earthquake in Chengdu, China, by
working with local partners to provide humanitarian assistance. And after the tornados
in Oklahoma in May 2013, we helped rebuild playgrounds and support Native American
tribal communities through our N7 program.
As we move forward, we will focus our community investment in the following three areas
to create sustained value for the communities where we live, work and play:
NIKE, Inc. matched
employee contributions
with an additional
$2.4 million
to nonprot organizations
NOTE: All of the totals for geographic regions are for the NIKE Brand only.
*The gure for Afliates includes global totals for the following NIKE, Inc. brands: Cole Haan, Converse and Hurley International.
**Global includes NIKE Foundation and other work that spans geographies adn brands. Global also includes the corporate
backyard giving program, employee matching gifts and other community impact work that may have been previously reportd as
part of North America.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Creating global impact through innovative, physical-activity based programs and
Leveraging our brands and brand equity to strengthen our community activities and
inspire our consumers around this work
Engaging communities through locally relevant initiatives and employee programs
designed to make a positive impact closer to home
Creating social change is complex and so is measuring it. We are committed to measuring
the social impact of our community investments, and have sought the counsel of NGOs,
academics and other experts in the eld.
In FY08, we partnered with the Women’s Funding Network and piloted their “Making
the Case” framework to better track our social impact over time. An expanded roll out
occurred in FY10 across many of our sport-related community investments. However, as
we have evolved our approach through key areas of focus, we have been looking at ways to
consistently and meaningfully enhance our measurement of outcomes across our portfolio.
We are currently exploring other ways to track social impact and gain insight into the
effectiveness of our community investments so we can direct resources to places where we
will see the greatest results.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
For example, we have rolled out tools
that our designers are using to make our
products more sustainable. And we are
working with contract manufacturers
to transition to lean manufacturing as
we pursue our vision of “manufacturing
This section provides a dashboard-style
view of progress toward our commitments
in each area, followed by more information
about key initiatives and developments.
We have made good progress in many of
these areas, though some are more readily
measurable than others.
That’s why we developed our targets
and commitments announced in FY12
by separating out those that relate to
improving the present from those related to
taking an entirely new path, or “designing
the future.”
Our “design the future” targets and
commitments cover ve areas: (1) unleash
innovation, (2) revolutionize product, (3)
transform manufacturing, (4) people and
culture, and (5) how we work. These targets
and commitments are not focused on
discrete impact areas, but on contributing
to the transformation of systems and
processes that will enable progress across
all aspects of our supply chain.
We are working to decouple protable growth from
constrained resources through sustainable innovation.
Incremental change alone will not get us to our vision
of a closed-loop business model.
Inventing a different way of doing business will require
understanding complex systems and the opportunities
that exist for changing them. It will also require new
ways of working together at NIKE, across our industry
and with other sectors.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Integrate sustainability principles into our innovation processes,
governance and portfolios to generate innovation that delivers
products and services that combine performance, innovation
and sustainability
We continue to embed sustainability
into NIKE’s overall innovation focus
and efforts
Build sustainable innovation capabilities
across the business to drive a disruptive
innovation agenda as we continue our
endless pursuit of delivering perfor-
mance products and services to athletes
During FY12, we established
a Sustainable R&D organization,
dened its strategy and research
agenda, and began exploratory
research in new and improved
materials. During FY13, we
launched a sustainable product
team, which works with existing
product groups to drive the
further adoption of sustainable
materials and manufacturing
practices in NIKE’s portfolio.
Also in FY13, we directly
connected our manufactur-
ing revolution efforts with our
sustainable manufacturing
excellence program via reporting
and governance lines. This has
helped sustainability become a
key component and catalyst of
our broader manufacturing
innovation agenda.
To better align our sustainable
innovation agenda with our manu-
facturing and product innovation
agendas, all innovation teams
across NIKE have adopted a
common terminology and project
management principles.
Develop and prototype an index
to drive and measure how sustainability
is integrated into our innovation port-
folios, decision making and processes.
Share a version of this index and
lessons learned with others in an effort
to contribute to larger-scale adoption
of approaches that link sustainability
and innovation to drive business growth
and performance
We conducted planning activities
related to our Sustainable
Business Roadmap in FY13, and
plan to launch the related index
in FY14.
Develop tools, processes and systems
to establish metrics to measure impact
that can be shared as part of the index,
without compromising the competitive
nature of innovation
In FY12, we launched a Smart
Data Initiative to provide data
on the company’s overall
sustainability impacts, including
its footprint. The initiative
also assesses and compares
the impact of sustainability
innovations at NIKE.
In addition, we are developing
tools and capabilities to better
track and analyze sustainability-
related portfolio investments
and manage innovation projects.
We implemented a dashboard
to gather and present consist-
ent and in-depth information on
innovations. This enables us to
assess investments across innova-
tion types, levels and strategic
focus areas.
liters of water used in dyeing
apparel with DyeCoo technology,
compared to an average 30 liters
per shirt needed for traditional
textile dyeing
sustainable materials
innovation nalists surfaced
through LAUNCH 2020
phases in NIKE, Inc.’s innova-
tion pipeline: explore, prototype,
pilot, scale
NIKE leaders, angel investors,
venture capitalists, industry
leaders and members of the
media participated in Demo Days
in which 10 start-up companies
presented their product concepts
after 3 months in NIKE’s
backyard, collaborating with
NIKE mentors to connect their
company’s products to NIKEFuel
and NIKE+
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Sustainable innovation cuts across everything we do – from designing products and
developing and sourcing new materials, to devising lower-impact ways to manufacture,
package and transport those items.
To succeed, we must build, strengthen and embed new innovation capabilities throughout
the company. In the last two years, key milestones have included moving the Sustainable
Business & Innovation team into NIKE’s broader Innovation function and establishing
a Sustainable R&D organization and a Sustainable Product Team. The Sustainable
R&D organization focuses on discovering new, environmentally preferred materials that
enhance athlete performance. The Sustainable Product Team drives the use of sustainable
materials and manufacturing practices across NIKE’s product portfolio. Combined, these
two groups help us grow our business more responsibly by creating products that deliver
the highest-possible performance while minimizing our environmental footprint.
Over several years we have developed our Sustainable Business Roadmap, a two-part
tool that measures the levels of sustainability integration across key dimensions of
our business. The Roadmap describes what sustainability integration looks like across
strategy, structure, operations and people and includes an assessment that teams can use
to identify levels of integration and opportunities to drive performance. NIKE worked with
sustainability leaders, including Ceres and PwC, to develop, review and include
latest thinking and best practices. We plan to share more details of the use and
ndings as they evolve.
We also work with organizations to advance innovation. Recent examples include the
DyeCoo – Since 2012, we have worked with this Netherlands-based company to advance
waterless textile dyeing. Learn more on page 27.
– In FY13, we established a strategic relationship with this Swiss rm to
provide our suppliers with access to extensive information about more sustainable
materials and chemistries. Learn more on page 44.
LAUNCH – NIKE co-founded LAUNCH, a strategic collaboration between NASA, NIKE,
the US Department of State and the US Agency for International Development (USAID)
in 2010 to identify and support visionaries whose ideas, technologies and programs
have the potential to create a better world.
Plant PET Technology Collaborative (PTC) – Together with Coca-Cola Company, Ford Motor
company, H.J. Heinz Company and Procter & Gamble, NIKE, Inc. formed the PTC
in 2012 as a strategic working group focused on accelerating the development and
use of 100% plant-based PET materials and ber. PET, also known as polyethylene
terephthalate, is a durable, lightweight plastic that is used by all member companies
in a variety of products and materials including plastic bottles, apparel, footwear and
automotive fabric and carpet.
Innovation is also essential
to developing a skilled,
stable and engaged contract
manufacturing workforce.
Innovation is core to NIKE, and is essential to sustainability.
For us, the two are linked. They feed each other, leading to new
discovery, better products and superior performance.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Design products that provide superior
performance and lower environmental
impact across NIKE, Inc.
Understand and improve
the environmental prole
of our product designs by
the end of FY15
Since our last report, we have
developed, tested and rolled out new
sustainability indices for measuring
the environmental performance of our
products. By the end of FY13, 98%
of all new global NIKE Brand footwear
product and 86% of all new global
NIKE Brand apparel product was scored
using these new indices.
NIKE Brand global footwear product
achieves minimum silver rating on the
NIKE Footwear Sustainability Index by
the end of FY15
63% of scored footwear product
achieved a silver rating or better
in our rst season using the new
NIKE Brand global apparel product
achieves minimum bronze rating on the
NIKE Apparel Sustainability Index by the
end of FY15
51% of scored new apparel
product achieved a bronze rating
or better in our rst season using
the new index.
NIKE Brand global equipment prod-
uct achieves minimum bronze rating on
the NIKE Equipment Sustainability Index
by the end of FY20
32% of scored equipment
product (bags only) achieved a
bronze rating or better in FY13.
A new equipment index will be
launched in the fourth quarter
of FY14.
Expand reach of indices to score other
NIKE, Inc. product (i.e. products of
Afliate brands, licensees and carry
over products)
Hurley continued to submit
product through a simplied
version of the design scoring tool
during FY13. In the rst quarter
of FY14, we rolled out Quick
Strike Index tools – Excel-based
versions of the indices – for use
by Converse and Hurley for both
footwear and apparel.
Increase use of environmentally
preferred materials
The average total NIKE Materials
Sustainability Index score –
assessing chemistry, energy/
ghg emissions, water and
land-use intensity and physical
waste of the base material;
vendor practices; and additional
environmental criteria (e.g.
recycled/organic content or
efcient manufacturing practices)
– for materials selected for use
in product improved 16% from
FY12 to FY13, to 36 out of 100.
Cotton: 88% of NIKE’s global
apparel containing cotton used
at least 5% organic cotton (down
from 90% in FY11); 11% of
NIKE’s total cotton use was
organic (up from 10% in FY11)
Polyester: 35% of NIKE Brand
global polyester garments
contained recycled polyester,
compared to 27% in FY11
Leather: 100% of leather used in
NIKE Brand footwear comes from
Leather Working Group medal-
rated suppliers
Rubber: 75% of NIKE Brand
footwear designs used environ-
mentally preferred rubber
materials have been scored in
the NIKE Material Sustainability
Index (NIKE MSI)
material vendors have been rated
in the NIKE MSI
of NIKE Brand’s global polyester
garments contain recycled
of NIKE Brand’s global cotton-
containing apparel uses at least
5% organic cotton
“Global” product refers to consumer product designed and scored for a global market. NIKE Brand excludes Converse, Hurley, NIKE Golf, Jordan Brand and some NIKE iD. NIKE Brand
metrics have not been restated to reect the divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13, or the reporting changes to Hurley and NIKE Golf effective in FY14. “New” styles refers to a product
that has been re-designed or newly designed for the season. Re-designed styles have new t, design lines, pattern, and/or fabrication.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
At NIKE, we see sustainability as a catalyst for revolutionizing
our products – for driving innovation in a way that benets the
athlete, our company’s growth and the environment.
We have fully and formally integrated product innovation with sustainability through our
indices: the NIKE Footwear Sustainability Index (FSI) and the NIKE Apparel Sustainability
Index (ASI). As described on page 17, these indices provide a way for our product creation
teams to measure the environmental prole of each product. Both the NIKE FSI and
NIKE ASI are powered in part by the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index (NIKE MSI),
which provides scores for specic materials and for material vendors based on a variety of
environmental criteria.
FY12 FY13*
2% 7%
78% 56%
15% 22%
Not Considered 5% 15%
Scored 100% 98%
In order for footwear product to achieve silver on the Footwear Sustainability Index, the style must receive a minimum of 48
points across four areas: materials, waste, solvents and energy.
*In FY13, we transitioned to a new FSI with a new scoring methodology. FY13 data is only one season, where as FY12 is an
average over four seasons.
FY12 FY13*
2% 2%
9% 18%
16% 31%
Not Considered 25% 49%
Scored 52% 86%
In order for apparel product to achieve bronze on the Apparel Sustainability Index, the style must receive a minimum of 30
points across two separate areas: materials and waste.
*In FY13, we transitioned to a new ASI with a new scoring methodology. FY13 data is only one season, where as FY12 is an
average over four seasons.
SCORING METHODOLOGY: Product indices (Apparel Sustainability Index (ASI) and Footwear Sustainability Index (FSI)) help NIKE
product teams assess the sustainability of designs, based on the overall environmental performance of materials and the scoring
of the design. We calibrated scores over a two-year period based on previous and current generations of the indices, the latest of
which incorporates the NIKE Materials Sustainability Index, which also takes into account the vendor’s sustainability practices.
Working with a possible 100 points, the threshold for bronze requires excellence in one or more index areas. Additional points
are awarded for materials or processes with improved efciencies in energy, waste, water or chemistry that are not specically
captured elsewhere in the scoring.
These indices are the latest generation of a series of tools that launched in 2006 with our
Considered Index. For NIKE Brand footwear and apparel, the transitions to the NIKE FSI
and NIKE ASI were completed at the end of FY12.
By the end of FY13, we succeeded in using the new indices to score 98% of all new,
global, NIKE Brand footwear product (with 63% of those achieving silver or gold ratings)
and 86% of all new, global, NIKE Brand apparel product (with 51% of those achieving
bronze or higher ratings). We are working toward our commitment to achieve 100% of
styles of NIKE Brand footwear rating silver or higher, and 100% of new, NIKE Brand
Our Footwear and Apparel
Sustainability Indices
consider available materials
and design in that product
type and overall product
scores. We calibrated
scoring thresholds with
previous versions to elevate
expectations and recognize
continuous improvement.
NOTE: The NIKE Brand metrics have not been restated to reect the divestiture of Cole Haan and Umbro in FY13, or the reporting changes to Hurley and NIKE Golf effective in FY14.
”New” styles refers to a product that has been re-designed or newly designed for the season. Re-designed styles have new t, design lines, pattern, and/or fabrication.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
apparel rating bronze or higher, by the end of FY15, but we anticipate we may not be able
to reach these challenging goals.
Also, to be clear, these metrics do not cover all NIKE Brand products. Because the indices
are used in design and development, it has made sense to focus on new product creation,
so products that have been on the market for some time have not been scored. (However,
they are scored when undergoing major design changes.) When looked at on a volume
basis, in FY13 the indices scored about 50% of our annual total NIKE Brand footwear and
apparel product.
We are now expanding the use of the indices into our NIKE Brand equipment category
and our other brands. Converse and Hurley have recently begun employing versions of
the NIKE FSI and NIKE ASI, and we are launching a new NIKE Equipment Sustainability
Index for bags, socks and gloves.
The NIKE MSI, which feeds into the product indices, contains scores for more than
80,000 specic materials and 1,500 material vendors. We have shared the NIKE MSI
widely, lling a void for the consistent assessment of materials across the industry.
The Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC), for one, has adopted the NIKE MSI as the
measurement tool for materials within its Higg Index.
In FY13, we made the index even more widely available through the MAKING App. Any
designer can now download and use MAKING on an iPhone. (See
Another way we work to revolutionize product is by nding ways to incorporate improved
materials through coaching our suppliers in improved environmental practices. The
average NIKE MSI score for materials available to NIKE designers in FY13 was 36 out of
100. We plan to use this gure to assess the change over time in the materials available
for making our products.
We continue to seek out and use more sustainable alternatives for our top-volume
materials. For example, of all cotton used in NIKE Brand product in FY13, 11% was
organic, up from 10% in FY11. All told, 88% of our NIKE Brand global cotton-containing
apparel used at least 5% organic cotton in FY13, down slightly from 90% in FY11. We
have made a commitment to source 100% more-sustainable cotton – either certied
organic or grown according to Better Cotton Initiative (BCI) standards – by the end of
FY20. As BCI Pioneer members and members of the Better Cotton Fast Track Program
we are aggressively working toward this goal, but it may take longer than expected for our
cotton sources to transition.
In addition, 19% of the polyester used by NIKE Brand in FY13 was recycled polyester
(compared to 16% in FY11), and more than 35% of our global NIKE Brand polyester
apparel contains some recycled content. Our top-selling NIKE Tempo short, for example,
now has a recycled polyester liner. And in our global football (soccer) category, 50% of the
polyester used is recycled polyester.
Finally, 100% of the leather used by NIKE Brand in footwear is certied according to
the standards of the Leather Working Group, an organization that rates and classies
tanneries based on environmental standards for leather processing. The Leather Working
Group assesses tanneries on a wide range of criteria – including water consumption, waste
management, efuent treatment transparency and more – and grades on a medal-rating
scale. In fact, 58% of NIKE Brand leather for footwear is from gold-rated suppliers.
”New” styles refers to a product that has been re-designed, or newly designed, for the season. Re-designed styles have new t, design lines, pattern and/or fabrication.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Drive improvement in factory sustainability
performance by implementing sourcing
systems that include measures of
sustainability performance (as well as
traditional performance metrics of cost,
quality and delivery) in sourcing-evaluation
processes when selecting factories with
which to source from over time
Source all products
from factories that have
achieved bronze or
better on our Sourcing
& Manufacturing
Sustainability Index by
the end of FY20
Incorporate factory labor and
environmental performance criteria into
production vendor sourcing selection
and evaluation
Labor and environmental
performance criteria were
incorporated into NIKE’s new
source selection process in FY11.
In FY13, 33 factories entered
the source selection process and
70% were approved. During FY12,
156 factories entered the process
and 68% were approved.
Enable contracted factories to expand
and optimize their labor and environ-
mental sustainability capabilities
At the end of FY12, 91% of NIKE
Brand footwear product volume
and 44% of NIKE Brand apparel
product volume were covered
in sustainable manufacturing
training. Participating factories
represented 531,000 workers.
Human Resources Management
training is being integrated into
our denition of the lean manu-
facturing approach implemented
by contract manufacturers.
Engage external partners to drive
sustainability and transparency across
the industry
NIKE participated in testing
the Fair Labor Association
Sustainable Compliance Tool
in 2012. NIKE is working to
leverage this tool more broadly
in collaboration with the
Sustainable Apparel Coalition to
provide greater consistency in
indicators measured across the
Factories achieving bronze or
better scoring on our Sourcing &
Manufacturing Sustainability Index
Bronze indicates contracted factories are
substantially in compliance with our Code of
Conduct (assessed through audit tools that look
at 227 Code Leadership Standards on labor and
health, safety and environment), have no serious
or critical Code violations, and have made a
commitment toward lean manufacturing (see
page 68). Progress toward bronze rating and
better will take time as we calibrate scoring and
conrm consistent application of ratings.
workers in factories making
product for NIKE, Inc. globally
of NIKE, Inc. contracted
factories were audited in FY13
of footwear made on lean-
certied lines
of apparel made on lean-
certied lines
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Our overall goal is to raise the bar for performance in our contract footwear, apparel and
equipment manufacturing. We are working in our own supply base and we share our
experiences in order to be a catalyst for positive change across the industry. We are on
track to meet our manufacturing commitments and have begun to look ahead, redening
what manufacturing will look like for NIKE in the future.
During FY12 and FY13 we made progress in transforming our relationships with contract
factories by using our Manufacturing Index (MI) to help determine whether to buy from
them. A component of the MI is the Sourcing & Manufacturing Sustainability Index
(SMSI), which combines ratings for lean manufacturing, labor and health, safety and
environment. Our FY20 target is for all contract factories from which we source to be at
the bronze level or above on the SMSI. The MI also assesses strategic metrics including
country risk, leadership planning and development, and transparency in which we have
included public reporting on labor and environment at the factory group level as one of the
criteria for gold-level status.
Decisions about whether to source from a factory are complex. Our indices provide a way
to score factories on a diverse set of factors, providing a valuable decision-making tool and
helping to improve the efciency of the sourcing process (see page 68). During FY13, 33
factories entered the source selection process and 70% were approved. The average time
We believe in putting our energy where we have the most
impact. Our footprinting work (see page 12) has conrmed
that the nished goods manufacturing part of our value chain
is where many of our biggest impacts on people and the
environment are felt. Our systems mapping (see page 24) has
helped us understand the interrelationships and identify our
points of leverage in the complex manufacturing supply chain.
Decisions about whether to
source from a factory are
complex. Our indices provide
a way to score factories on a
diverse set of factors providing
a valuable decision-making
tool and helping to improve
the efciency of the sourcing
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Built in Quality
Operational Stability
Culture of
Assesses sourcing based on key measures of performance
Country Risk
Leadership Planning
& Development
Shared Values
Management Vision
& Strategic Planning
Integration across
Results and
Built in Quality
Culture of
Recruiting and
Workforce Planning
Integration Across
Drinking Water
Canteen Management
Exposure Limits
Personal Protective
Respiratory Protection
Fire Safety Mgmt
Contractor Safety
HSE Management System
Air Emissions
Hazardous Materials
Solid Waste
Storage Tanks
(Environment, Safety & Health Rating Analysis)
Workplace is
Healthy & Safe
Code Leadership
Health (24) & Safety (118)
Code Leadership
Environment (33)
Environmental Impact
is Minimized
World Class
Employment is Voluntary
Employees are at Least Age 16
Contractor does not Discriminate
Freedom of Association
Code Leadership Standards:
Labor (52)
Elements of NIKE, Inc.
Code of Conduct
*Tools currently in use will be replaced with Fair Labor Association’s Sustainability Compliance
Initiative assessment tool once adopted to provide standardization and comparability across
the industry.
of Code
Compensation is Timely Paid
Harassment/Abuse not Tolerated
Working Hours are not Excessive
Regular Employment
Processes for Closure or
Progressive Realization of a
Fair Wage
Prohibits Homeworking
Freedom of Movement
Proof of Age
Effective Grieveance
Provisions for ‘Foreign’
Minimum Age Requirements
Women’s Rights
Prohibits Harassment
and Retaliation
Compensation Practices
Demonstrates Substantial Compliance with Code
of Conduct through Minimum Scores on Audits
Absence of Yellow (Serious)
or Red (Critical) Incidents
to Lean
of Code
Sustainability is incorporated into NIKE, Inc.’s Manufacturing Index (MI), a tool used in selecting and assessing the performance of contract
manufacturers. As one component of the MI, we assess sustainability through our Sourcing & Manufacturing Sustainability Index (SMSI).
Our target of sourcing all product from factories reaching a minimum bronze standard on our SMSI requires alignment with our Code of Conduct.
Sustainability is incorporated into NIKE, Inc.’s Manufacturing Index (MI), a tool used in selecting and assessing the performance of
contract manufacturers. As one component of the MI, we assess sustainability through our Sourcing & Manufacturing Sustainability
Index (SMSI). Our target of sourcing all product from factories reaching a minimum bronze standard on our SMSI requires alignment
with our Code of Conduct.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
a factory spent in NIKE’s sourcing selection process was 152 days, down from 246 days
in FY12.
The SMSI also gives us a platform to incentivize performance improvements. Factories
rated below the bronze level are required to pay for third-party audits until their
performance improves. Bronze or better factories receive audits from NIKE and third-party
auditors. During FY12 and FY13 we began offering beyond-compliance assessments to
contract factories to help them measure and achieve higher levels of performance, and
also began to advise bronze-rated contract factories on a range of topics, including energy,
water and human resource management.
At the end of FY13, 68% of factories had attained the bronze level or above, a slight
decline from the 70% level in FY12. We expect that progress will not always be linear,
but will generally improve over the longer term as factories learn the new system and we
are able to apply the tool consistently across all regions. We remain condent that we are
on track to meet our FY20 target to source from factories that are bronze-rated or above.
Those rated below bronze – yellow or red when found to have serious or critical violations
– undergo management review and assessment and establish remediation plans.
We have continued our focus on Human Resources Management (HRM) by providing
training. At the end of FY12 this training had extended to factories that employ 61% of
the workers in our manufacturing supply chain and produce 91% of NIKE Brand footwear
product and 44% of NIKE Brand apparel product by volume. The training was valuable in
raising awareness of HRM issues and approaches among factory management. We now see
an opportunity to help contract factory management develop the capabilities to put theory
into practice and recognize workers as the key to success in lean manufacturing.
HRM, together with lean, comprise what we call “Lean 2.0.” Research conducted in 2014
by MIT Researchers
Does Lean Improve Labor Standards? Capability Building and Social
Performance in the Nike Supply Chain,
found adoption of lean manufacturing at NIKE
contracted factories resulted in a 15% reduction in serious labor violations at more than
300 contracted factories from 2009-2013 on average, the rst quantitative evidence of
lean practices delivering factory-based improvement for workers. HRM training has now
been incorporated into our broader lean manufacturing program.
New manufacturing approaches are needed because the challenges in our supply chain
We share extensive data on our monitoring
of factory performance. In 2005, we
were the rst company in our industry to
provide a complete list of the factories
that we contract with to make NIKE
Brand products, detailing the number of
employees, workforce information, as well
as addresses and contact information.
By Product Engine
FY11 FY12 FY13
0 0 0
0 0 1
441 639 535
336 193 156
46 51 77
59 27 16
882 910 785
FY11 FY12 FY13
0 0 0
0 0 0
262 368 309
184 114 93
21 25 43
30 10 7
497 517 452
FY11 FY12 FY13
0 0 0
0 0 0
91 140 100
92 55 43
9 13 22
23 7 2
215 215 167
FY11 FY12 FY13
0 0 0
0 0 1
88 131 126
60 24 20
16 13 12
6 10 7
170 178 166
Not rated
NOTE: As of the last day of the scal year. Factory count includes NIKE, Inc. contracted manufacturing. These gures include Afliates, prior to divestiture, and NIKE Brand licensees. For more details and updated information, see
NIKE’s interactive manufacturing map, available online at
*Greg Distelhorst, University of Toronto Rotman School of Management and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Science; Jens Hainmueller, Stanford University
Department of Political Science and Stanford Graduate School of Business; Richard M. Locke, Brown University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Department of Political Science
NOTE: Access full report at
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
are changing. Increasing costs for labor and logistics, uctuating materials costs and
availability, changing consumer expectations and the rapid pace of innovation are among
the factors making our supply chain ever more complex. To maintain our leading position,
we’re looking to a range of innovations we collectively call the “manufacturing revolution.”
This revolution is focused on better products and better production.
Our manufacturing revolution portfolio of initiatives aims to redene how our products
are made and what they are made from. Focus areas include waste reduction of all kinds
and more efcient use of materials and labor in a more resource-constrained world. This
approach could bring manufacturing closer to market as well as create a more sustainable,
stable source base committed to workers as a source of innovation, and drive protable
growth for the company. Our manufacturing revolution initiatives encompass three broad
Sustainable manufacturing excellence. Through lean manufacturing and our work to meet
our targets, we’re seeing dramatic improvements in waste reduction (see page 50) and
water efciency (see page 46). At the end of FY13, 76% of our NIKE Brand apparel
and 85% of our NIKE Brand footwear was made on certied lean lines.
Manufacturing modernization. This entails making the value-added steps in the
manufacturing process more efcient through processes such as automated cutting and
stitching. It also means eliminating or reducing non-value-added work such as moving
materials around a factory.
Manufacturing innovation. In this space we’re looking at entirely new ways of making
products. NIKE Flyknit (see page 11) is an example of this kind of game-changing
609 / 61%
Third-Party 391 / 39%
NOTE: Contract factory count includes NIKE, Inc. contract manufacturing. These gures include Afiates, prior to divestiture,
and NIKE Brand licensees. Audits include annual assessments and compliance visits which includes use of HSE and Labor
audit tools. Some factories have visits or assessments more than once in a given year. Active factory counts change during the
year and totaled 1,000; gures reect that change. At the start of FY13, the audit frequency was changed to a minimum once
every 12 months (from 18 months) and a new third-party system was implemented so comparable gures are not available for
FY12. Third parties conducting audits are approved for use by NIKE, but contracted by factories and use the same audit tools.
These kinds of changes have implications for workers in the supply chain. More automa-
tion could mean a greater need for higher-skilled workers and a shift toward higher-skilled
positions, which, along with growing labor shortages, creates incentives for factories to
reduce turnover. That’s why HRM is an integral part of Lean 2.0, and why we’re looking at
developing new metrics to assess factories’ approach to people management and enable
them to improve the skills of their employee base.
NIKE believes lean can also empower workers and teams. The company’s journey toward
incentivizing lean manufacturing in contract factories has helped reinforce the need for a
deeper understanding by factory management of the cultural differences between manage-
ment and workers. The success of the lean approach depends on:
leadership – factory leaders use lean to drive business performance
people – workers are engaged and enabled to drive business success through
continuous improvement
process – factory processes are predictable and agile in response to customer demand
Our manufacturing revolution
initiatives aim to redene how
our products are made and
what they are made from.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
The lean approach also seeks to engage the minds of those closest to the work to solve the
problems that prevent them from delivering quality product on time, every time.
We will continue to bring learnings from our manufacturing pilot program into our
approach to lean manufacturing; and we will work with those contract factories that
demonstrably extend this approach throughout the supply chain and help managers to
unlock greater value from their factories, with a valued workforce. (See discussion in
Piloting New Ways of Working
case study on page 41.)
Another important shift in how we approach the role of manufacturing in our value chain
is our increasing focus on our material vendors – that is, the suppliers that manufacture
the more than 80,000 materials available for use in our products.
We recognize that our goal to transform manufacturing requires collaboration with contract
manufacturers and others. During FY12 and FY13, we continued important work to
advance solutions across the industry. With the Fair Labor Association (FLA), we played a
key role in the development of the Sustainable Compliance Initiative (SCI) methodology
and assessment tool, which we piloted in 2011/12. This tool focuses on factory
capabilities to manage working conditions and reduce risks. NIKE is also facilitating
discussions between the Sustainable Apparel Coalition and the FLA on collaboration
opportunities between their organizations regarding tools.
To help others learn from our experience, we cooperated with both Harvard Business
School and Stanford Graduate School of Business, which released case studies that
examine NIKE’s sustainableinnovation journey over the past 15 years. See discussion in
the “Strategy” section.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
On April 24, 2013, the Rana Plaza garment factory in Bangladesh collapsed, killing
1,129 people and injuring more than 2,500. This disaster – the worst in the history of
the garment industry – showed that, despite decades of work by many institutions and
individuals, some workers in the industry still face unacceptable conditions.
NIKE has never sourced from Rana Plaza. However, NIKE sources product from four
contract factories in Bangladesh (see All four
factories are in facilities purpose-built for light industrial occupancy and located in
export processing zones – unlike the Rana Plaza facility that fullled orders for many
major apparel brands that source from hundreds of factories across Bangladesh. The
NIKE-contracted facilities have undergone re, safety and structural audits and those
ndings have been independently veried by an outside rm.
Since mid-2012, NIKE has participated in developing a strategy for a Fair Labor
Association-led global re safety training and certication. The pilot, launched in
October of 2013, is being accredited by the Institution of Occupational Safety and
Health (IOSH) to provide formal and globally recognized certication in re and safety
training. The initial training, with MAS Holdings at the MAS Institute of Management
and Technology in Sri Lanka, included participants from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka,
Indonesia and India.
In addition, NIKE has worked with contract factory management on the following
measures: supplemental inspections and training, including re and electrical safety
audits; third-party building safety inspections covering re prevention and protection,
electrical safety and lighting, ventilation and indoor air quality; and emergency-
procedure training with workers.
There is important work to be done in Bangladesh, and NIKE remains part of those
conversations by continuing dialogue and engagement with stakeholders. We rmly
believe that responsibility for long-lasting, systemic change must be shared by
governments, manufacturers, NGOs, brands, unions and factory workers.
At the end of FY13, NIKE, Inc. sourced
product from four contracted factories
in Bangladesh. All four factories are in
facilities purpose-built for light industrial
occupancy and located in export
processing zones. The NIKE-contracted
facilities have undergone re, safety and
structural audits and those ndings have
been independently veried.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Tap our people and our culture, our most
powerful source for innovation and change
We are making progress in our work
to invest in and engage employees to
inspire ideas and ignite innovation.
of employees with access to
NikeU have registered for online
Launched Manager90, an
upward feedback tool that gives
managers insight from employees
about key strengths and opportu-
nities to improve
Completed a prototype Inclusion
Index, which will help leaders
and teams measure the link
between diversity, inclusion and
Invest in employee development
We launched NikeU in FY12,
offering a single destination
for employee learning, training
and development. The NikeU
website is a key enabler to our
development strategy, providing
web-based and in-person
training for our employees
around the globe.
As of the end of FY13, 32,400
employees (more than 80% of
those with access to the website)
had signed up to use NikeU
programs. Since the NikeU site
launched, our employees have
completed 174,515 web-based
sessions and enrolled in 32,429
instructor-led sessions. As of the
end of FY13 our desk- and ofce-
based employees have access to
the site, with plans to make the
content more widely available in
future years.
Engage employees
We conducted our last all-
employee satisfaction survey
in FY08. Since that time, we
have worked to transform our
approach to surveys to deliver
better, in-the-moment employee
engagement. An “always open”
pulse-polling approach will
replace traditional census surveys
in the future, and we will gather
feedback regularly with the
help of social technology. In the
meantime, we capture unltered
employee feedback via the
Manager90 tool and continue to
conduct business-unit and other
decentralized surveying.
Inspire ideas and ignite innovation
We are working to expand the
composition of our leadership
teams to reect the global nature
of our business. We track self-
reported demographic proles
including gender globally, and
ethnicity and race within the US.
We collaborated with NIKE
employees, Georgetown
University and RoundPegg, Inc.
to gauge NIKE’s ability to create
an open and inclusive culture.
As a result, we’ve created a
prototype Inclusion Index,
which we will further rene
and continue to pilot internally
in FY14.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
At the end of FY13, NIKE, Inc. employed 43,700 people on six continents, excluding
seasonal and part-time employees, an increase of nearly 6,600 employees (18%)
compared with FY11, when we published our last sustainability report.
Our retail employee base has grown more than any other part of our business, and we
anticipate further growth in retail employees over the coming years. The geographic
locations with the fastest rates of growth were Greater China, Central/Eastern Europe and
Emerging Markets.
For FY13 data, Corporate Functions, Global NIKE Brand and NIKE Golf are distributed throughout the listed regions. TOTAL
excludes seasonal and part-time employess for whom not all workforce diversity information is consistently available.
In FY12, we rolled out new global processes and systems that allow better global tracking
and reporting, for greater visibility into information related to our employee base. We’ve
also begun assessing information more broadly. This enhanced access to information will
help us plan for and keep up with the pace of growth while also giving managers the tools
and systems they need to support their employees.
Globally, 52% of our employees were male and 48% were female in FY13. Among
management, 59% were male, while 41% were female.
In the US, where employees self-report information on ethnicity and race (together labeled
“people of color,” consistent with the US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission),
people of color made up 48% of all employees and 24% of management. (This
information is not available for our global employee base.)
Inclusion at NIKE means:
“The awareness and respect
of our diverse perspectives
ensuring we are invited to
contribute our best ideas.”
We believe that a talented, diverse and inclusive employee
base helps drive the creativity that is central to our brands.
Our global strategy for human resources is to help unleash
our employees’ potential across every area of our business by
enabling leaders to make great decisions that in turn enable
NIKE’s business growth.
3,156 / 7%
Central & Eastern Europe
1,175 / 3%
Emerging Markets
3,914 / 9%
Greater China
3,074 / 7%
630 / 1%
North America
24,095 / 55%
Western Europe
7,656 / 18%
43,700 / 100%
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In FY12, we began a collaboration with NIKE employees, Georgetown University and
RoundPegg, Inc. to gauge our ability to create an open and inclusive culture. The result
is a prototype Inclusion Index. When complete, the index will help leaders and teams
measure the link between diversity, inclusion and innovation. We will further rene and
continue to pilot the index internally in FY14 and beyond. Moving forward, we will also
identify and rene diversity-related measurements and build an online action toolkit
for employees and managers, identifying best practices for diversity, inclusion and
In addition to the Inclusion Index, the Diversity & Inclusion team continues to offer
signature experiences for employees based around the globe, including the Medici Effect,
which helps employees nd new and creative ways to use their teams’ diversity as they
approach work; New Crew experiences to leverage inter-generational diversity; and Speak
Up!, a simple and powerful platform that features employees’ inspiring stories, passions
and ideas. In addition, we are piloting new programs, such as Bias to Breakthrough,
to help teams explore the origins and impacts of unconscious bias and how teams can
remove bias-based barriers to creativity.
NIKE’s seven US-based employee networks (known collectively as NCourage), include
Ability, Asia Pacic, Black Employee, Latino & Friends, LGBT & Friends, Native American,
and Women of NIKE. These networks draw upon the diverse employee population to
provide experiences in the areas of cultural awareness, community building and career
Gender FY11 FY12 FY13
Men 51% 50% 52%
Women 49% 50% 48%
Gender FY11 FY12 FY13
Men 3,360 / 60% 3,706 / 59% 4,054 / 59%
Women 2,278 / 40% 2,578 / 41% 2,795 / 41%
TOTAL 5,638 / 100% 6,284 / 100% 6,849 / 100%
Gender FY11 FY12 FY13
Men 11 / 79% 10 / 83% 10 / 83%
Women 3 / 21% 2 / 17% 2 / 17%
TOTAL 14 / 100% 12 / 100% 12 / 100%
NOTE: “NIKE, Inc. Employees” includes global full time employees and excludes part-time and seasonal workers. “Management”
is based on internal job level code. Figures rounded to nearest percentage. Data as of May 31 each year.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We believe our diverse and inclusive culture helps to fuel innovation. It attracts and
inspires the best talent in the world, separating us even further from our competition. And
it simply makes NIKE a unique place to work. In December 2013, we made a decision to
align our Diversity & Inclusion team with the NIKE global HR organization, leveraging the
scope and reach of the HR team to amplify the impact of diversity and inclusion within
the company.
In FY12, we launched NikeU – an online platform for employee training and development
in areas such as merchandising, retail, leadership and management that will help NIKE
Ethnicity FY11 FY12 FY13
American Indian or Alaska Native
175 / 1% 200 / 1% 121 / 1%
1,778 / 8% 1,999 / 8% 1,782 / 7%
Black or African American
4,561 / 21% 5,275 / 22% 5,326 / 20%
3,429 / 16% 3,927 / 16% 4,436 / 17%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacic Islander
209 / 1% 230 / 1% 194 / 1%
11,915 / 54% 12,684 / 52% 13,212 / 51%
Two or more races
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 792 / 3%
3 / <1% 0 / 0% 138 / 1%
22,070 / 100% 24,315 / 100% 26,001 / 100%
Ethnicity FY11 FY12 FY13
American Indian or Alaska Native
19 / 1% 19 / 1% 17 / <1%
195 / 6% 216 / 7% 193 / 6%
Black or African American
314 / 10% 329 / 10% 329 / 10%
285 / 9% 306 / 9% 279 / 8%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacic Islander
11 / <1% 12 / <1% 8 / <1%
2,273 / 73% 2,420 / 73% 2,462 / 71%
Two or more races
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 98 / 3%
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 71 / 2%
3,097 / 100% 3,302 / 100% 3,457 / 100%
NOTE: Figures rounded to nearest percentage. Based on tracking in US only, based on regular full-time employees, based on
data at May 31 each year. “Management” based on internal job level code. *This metric was not tracked before FY13.
Ethnicity FY11 FY12 FY13
American Indian or Alaska Native
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 0 / 0%
1 / 7% 1 / 8% 1 / 8%
Black or African American
2 / 14% 2 / 17% 2 / 17%
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 0 / 0%
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacic Islander
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 0 / 0%
11 / 79% 9 / 75% 9 / 75%
Two or more races
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 0 / 0%
0 / 0% 0 / 0% 0 / 0%
14 / 100% 12 / 100% 12 / 100%
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
employees build capabilities to execute on our business strategy. Since the website went
live, it has received more than 2.1 million visits, with 72% of visitors coming to the site
more than once. More than 80% of employees who have access to the website (i.e., desk-
and ofce-based employees), have signed up for NikeU accounts. As of the end of FY13,
employees have taken 174,515 web-based sessions and 32,429 instructor-led sessions.
As NikeU grows, we are increasing the number of translated courses and building targeted
and custom curricula for different functional areas within the company. We are also
making the platform more widely available by designing programs accessible via mobile
technologies and social platforms. This is critical for reaching our diverse population of
global employees, including sales associates in our retail stores and our distribution center
In addition, we equip our leaders to plan for, hire and grow individual talent; align strategy
and manage team performance; celebrate and reward performance; and drive excellence
across the organization. NikeU invests in professional skills development resources
through collaborations with CEB and Harvard Business Publishing and its Harvard
ManageMentor offering. In 2014 NikeU will launch Manager Core, including more than
40 courses translated into 24 languages.
In FY12 we introduced our Manager Manifesto, which outlines four core principles:
lead, coach, drive excellence and inspire. We followed that with the launch of Manager
Excellence – a global movement anchored by common frameworks, tools and shared
experiences to help managers lead, coach, drive and inspire their employees to realize
their individual and collective potential. Manager90 and Manager Journey are two key
components of this initiative:
Manager90 is an upward feedback tool that we launched in FY12 to provide managers
with insights from their employees about key strengths and opportunities to improve
according to the four core principles of our manifesto. Managers can use the feedback
they receive to create a customized plan for their growth and development. In late
FY14, we will begin to roll out the tool more broadly in 14 languages.
Manager Journey is an end-to-end digital experience we plan to launch in FY15. It will
provide NIKE managers with increased visibility into best practices, tools and resources
they need to effectively manage their teams.
NIKE offers competitive total compensation, including benets that provide employees the
opportunity to stay t, support the wellness of their families and create a positive working
environment. As a global company, every geographic location is different, but each
provides for variable health coverage, tness center memberships, time off, retirement
savings and more. Total benets packages depend on position, location and years with the
company. The range of benets available includes:
Health insurance
Life and accident insurance
Disability insurance
Retirement savings plan with a company contribution
Employee stock purchase plan (15% discount)
Paid vacations and holidays
Paid sabbaticals
Product discounts
Onsite tness center/tness discounts
Transportation allowance/discount
Tuition assistance
training sessions delivered online
by NikeU through FY13
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
FY12 FY13
4.4 6.8
2.2 1.8
Recordable Rate
Lost-Time Rate
3.6 6.0
1.9 1.6
3.6 5.9
1.4 1.7
FY12 FY13
3.1 5.5
0.83 1.3
Recordable Rate
Lost-Time Rate
2.7 4.6
0.66 1.1
1.5 5.1
0.10 1.3
FY12 FY13
0.66 1.3
0.14 0.40
Recordable Rate
Lost-Time Rate
0.53 1.2
0.38 0.40
0.63 1.1
0.22 0.40
Our work to assess and track employee satisfaction has continued to focus on how we
gather and use information in real time, how we respond to it and how it can be most
useful for providing feedback and opportunity for improvement. Standardized, universal
surveys provide big-picture feedback, but don’t meet these important needs.
We conducted our last all-employee satisfaction survey in FY08. Since then, we’ve been
working to develop and deliver feedback channels, available at any time, that allow for
unltered, in-the-moment employee input.
NIKE promotes and manages a healthy and safe working environment for employees. We
offer everything from healthy-living pledges included in employee-benet plans to on-site
gyms and classes at corporate facilities. We also conduct risk-based safety assessments
and tracking globally, and we provide extensive safety training to employees based on the
type of job they do and the level of risk associated with that job.
We continue to monitor and report health-and-safety data for our employees, especially
in higher-risk areas. Overall, NIKE performed better than average compared with relevant
industries on the key indicator of recordable injury rates. We also performed better than
average in terms of lost-time rates (another key safety indicator), with the exception of
our distribution operations in FY12. In all categories in FY13, NIKE performed better
than the industry average and rates improved in ve of the six measures in FY13
compared to FY12.
NOTE: All reporting based upon 100 employees working for a full year (or 200,000 working hours). “Recordable rate” is based on the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
record-keeping standards and Bureau of Labor Statistics.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Build sustainability into the DNA of our business model,
into our operations and into our culture where innovation
is unleashed, shared and scaled
We are advancing in our work to embed
sustainability across NIKE’s business
and to invest in employees, engage
them, and inspire ideas and
ignite innovation
Hardwire sustainability in the way we
do business
In FY13, we created the
NIKE Sustainable Business
Roadmap, which we will use to
dene and measure integration
of sustainability across key
business functions at the
corporate and business-unit
During the year, we continued
working toward company-
wide sustainability targets
established in 2012. We
reviewed and updated regular
reporting against targets within
each business and created
a new executive committee
with oversight of performance
and reporting. In addition, we
increased the visibility of our
progress through quarterly
reporting to the Corporate
Responsibility and Sustainabil-
ity Committee of the Board of
Measure the business value
of sustainability
During FY12 and FY13,
we estimated the potential
business value in the
coming years of many of
our sustainability initiatives.
Although we don’t share these
estimates publicly, this analysis
conrmed our beliefs about the
scale of these opportunities
and cemented our commitment
to driving sustainable
innovation across the business.
During FY13, we developed
BEST, a custom scenario
planning tool, which also
informs our understanding of
the impacts of our business.
We use this to estimate the
nancial and environmental
impacts of our business as
well as the impacts associated
with changing materials,
manufacturing technologies
and business models. (See
page 15 for detail.)
Be a catalyst of sustainable
We finalized an integration
index and framework, which
will be used to create a
common understanding of
what it means to integrate
sustainability into the business.
We also created leadership
commitment around targets
and included these t argets in
strategy and scorecards of all
major businesses, functions
and affiliates.
In 2013, our Sustainable Busi-
ness & Innovation team joined
NIKE’s broader Innovation or-
ganization. This move facilitates
scaling of sustainability innova-
tion throughout the company.
In addition, we conducted two
“hackathons” on materials and
created an interactive sourcing
map disclosing contract
factories and relevant data
including locations, employees
and product types.
Participate in multi-sector efforts
to drive system change and market
Participated in and
convened various stakeholder
engagements and interactions
around systems, materials
and labor, in addition to those
that took place in the regular
course of business. Highlights
in FY12/13 included: the
LAUNCH 2020 Summit, the
ZDHC (Zero Discharge of
Hazardous Chemicals) coalition,
reviews of the NIKE Materials
Sustainability Index as a
component of the Sustainable
Apparel Coalition’s Higg
Index, and development of
the Fair Labor Associations’s
Sustainable Compliance
Initiative assessment tool.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
During the last two years, we have made important changes that deepen the role of
sustainability in our company. In 2013, our Sustainable Business & Innovation team joined
NIKE’s broader Innovation organization. This move facilitates scaling of sustainability
innovation throughout the company.
We have expanded the use of key sustainability tools throughout the company to build
capabilities and facilitate more informed and effective decision making. Our NIKE Apparel
Sustainability Index and NIKE Footwear Sustainability Index are now part of the standard
product creation suite of tools used by all of our designers. Our Sourcing & Manufacturing
Sustainability Index was integrated as a component into NIKE’s overall Manufacturing
Index, making sustainability a factor in all supplier evaluations and ratings. New
approaches to environmental footprinting, scenario planning and systems mapping are
yielding fresh insights and perspectives on our performance and opportunities.
We also continue to develop and test tools that help to identify the key actions each
function and team can take, and assess their progress toward integrating sustainability
into the way they operate. In FY12, these efforts included the publication of our NIKE,
Inc. sustainability targets and regular internal reporting against them.
LAUNCH – In 2013, NIKE hosted the LAUNCH 2020 Summit. Along with NASA,
the US Agency for International Development and the US Department of State, we
convened more than 150 materials specialists, designers, academics, manufacturers,
entrepreneurs and NGOs to catalyze action around the sustainability of materials
and how they are made. Since it was founded in 2010, LAUNCH has successfully
introduced and supported initiatives and technologies that are solving challenges
facing our society.
ZDHC – In FY12, together with six other companies, we created and signed a joint
roadmap for achieving the goal of zero discharge of hazardous* chemicals (ZDHC). By
the end of FY13, the ZDHC coalition had 13 member companies working toward this
ambitious goal with more joining the effort. (See page 43.)
Sustainable Apparel Coalition – In FY12, we sponsored a review led by Duke University
with six other US and international universities, of the NIKE Materials Sustainability
Index (NIKE MSI). The review involved leading academics from the US and EU, who
recommended that the Sustainable Apparel Coalition adopt the NIKE MSI as a means of
evaluating materials.
Valuing Workers – We laid the groundwork for and conducted pilot studies of lean
manufacturing including human resources capacity with two contract factories in Indonesia,
with advice and cooperation of key manufacturing and sourcing suppliers. (See page 41.)
Fair Labor Association (FLA) – NIKE played a key role in the development of the
Sustainable Compliance Initiative assessment tool, which launched in late 2012.
Sustainability at NIKE is fundamentally about the products
we sell and how they are made. To become more sustainable,
we must continue to transform the most basic parts of our
business: how we design products, how we interact with
suppliers, how we inspire our employees and how we engage
with others outside the company. Many opportunities lie ahead
in catalyze entire systems, by working beyond our company to
unleash, share, inspire and scale innovation. To this end, we
participate in multi-sector efforts to drive change.
LAUNCH announced a
materials system challenge
in April 2013 at NIKE’s
world headquarters,
gathering more than 150
people including designers,
academics, scientists and
business leaders. The
challenge drew submissions
from around the world and
10 nalists were selected to
receive guidance from the
LAUNCH team to help bring
their innovations to scale.
*Hazardous chemicals are those that show intrinsically hazardous properties (persistent, bio-accumulative and toxic; very persistent and very bio-accumulative; carcinogenic, mutagenic
and toxic for reproduction; endocrine disruptors or equivalent concern), not just those that have been regulated or restricted in other regions.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
NIKE, Inc.’s Board of Directors established a Corporate
Responsibility and Sustainability Committee in 2001 to review
signicant policies and activities and to make recommendations
regarding labor and environmental practices, community
affairs, charitable and foundation activities, diversity and equal
opportunity, and environmental and sustainability initiatives.
In 2013, the Committee updated its charter to review strategy
and performance, and to formally include sustainability and
NIKE, Inc.’s Board of Directors is responsible for corporate governance in compliance with
reporting laws and for representing the interests of our shareholders. As of May 2013,
the Board was composed of 12 members, 10 of whom are considered independent, non-
executive directors under the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange. Details
on Board membership, oversight and activity are available online and in our nancial
Either the company chairman or the chief executive ofcer attends the Corporate
Responsibility and Sustainability Committee meetings. The Committee meets ve times
each year to review strategies and plans for corporate responsibility.
As of May 31, 2013, members of the Board of Directors’ Corporate Responsibility and
Sustainability Committee included:
Phyllis M. Wise (Chair)
Douglas G. Houser
John C. Lechleiter
Johnathan A. Rodgers
John R. Thompson, Jr.
Eric Sprunk, EVP and Chief Operating Ofcer, and Hannah Jones, VP of Sustainable
Business & Innovation, both participate in the Board of Directors’ Corporate Responsibility
and Sustainability Committee sessions.
In FY09, the vice president of NIKE’s Sustainable Business & Innovation (SB&I) group
became part of the NIKE, Inc. Strategic Leadership Team, chaired by President and CEO
Mark Parker. In early FY14 SB&I ofcially became part of the company’s Innovation
function with the VP reporting both to the President of Innovation and to the CEO. The
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Strategic Leadership Team is responsible for directing NIKE, Inc.’s mid- and long-term
strategy and also manages the sustainability reporting process.
Details regarding the links between performance and the compensation of Board
members, senior managers and executives are described in our annual Proxy Statement,
accessible at and led with the US Securities and Exchange Commission
(SEC). Details regarding employee and shareholder communication with the Board can
also be found in the Proxy Statement. The process for submitting shareholder resolutions
is also described in the Proxy Statement or Bylaws under SEC Rule 14a-8. These are
accessible at and at the SEC website.
NIKE, Inc. has a code of ethics for all employees that we call “Inside the Lines.” This
code denes the standards of conduct we expect employees to follow and includes a
range of topics on employee activity, ethical behavior, product safety, legal compliance,
competition and use of resources.
Each year, all NIKE, Inc. employees are required to verify that they have read and
understand Inside the Lines, our employee Code of Ethics. NIKE also operates a global
toll-free AlertLine for employees to condentially report any suspected violations of the
law or our Code of Ethics. Any reported concerns around accounting, auditing or internal
control are communicated to the Board’s Audit Committee, which determines appropriate
We expect our suppliers to share our standards and to operate in a legal and ethical
manner. While Inside the Lines addresses the behavior of NIKE employees, our Code of
Conduct addresses the behavior of contracted suppliers that manufacture products for
NIKE, Inc. The Code of Conduct directs suppliers to respect the rights of their employees
and to provide them with a safe and healthy work environment.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
We advocate for free trade by seeking improvements in existing global, multilateral,
regional and bilateral agreements, as well as by seeking new, innovative agreements while
challenging protectionism. We believe free, fair and sustainable trade encourages growth,
investment and innovation and serves the interests of workers and consumers globally.
Our objectives include seeking seamless access and open markets through the elimination
or reduction of import duties, protecting intellectual property rights and establishing
mechanisms that promote sustainable trade and growth. We also seek policies and
government action that promote the efcient and secure transport of products. We believe
we can help create opportunities for workers and communities by advocating for sensible
labor and environmental provisions within trade agreements.
NIKE supports efforts to create an efcient tax system by identifying and advocating for
tax policies that allow us to be competitive in the global marketplace.
We advocate for intellectual property policies that support innovation, development and
consumer trust. NIKE works in partnership with local and international public authorities
to support a robust and modern regulatory framework to combat counterfeiting and
promote a balanced system to protect our innovative designs and products.
We have been a strong advocate of workplace nondiscrimination legislation for lesbian,
gay, bisexual and transgendered employees in the territories and geographies where we
have a signicant employee base. In November 2011, we completed an extensive policy
review of civil marriage in the US and signed a business amicus brief that advocates for
setting aside federal legislation prohibiting same-sex civil marriage.
Our policy agenda also includes the promotion of access to sport and physical activity
in the various geographies in which we operate. We build coalitions and encourage
governments to develop policies that promote physical activity and education in schools
and places for youth to play. The solution requires a coordinated approach that considers
the way our cities are designed; that schools become hubs for physical activity before,
during and after formal education takes place; that our workplaces are structured to
prioritize physical activity; as well as how community environments and volunteer
organizations are engaged at the local level.
We are an active champion of Designed to Move (see and have been
advocating for government to rethink policies to encourage early positive experiences of
physical activity for youth, and for people to integrate physical activity more effectively
into their daily lives. Designed to Move lays out a framework to reprioritize physical
activity within society, across all sectors, and provides drivers for ending the physical
This section describes our
positions on several key
public policy issues, as well
as our approach to political
contributions and trade
association memberships.
We engage in public policy advocacy on issues affecting
our business, our employees and our consumers. We have
harnessed the power of our brand to mobilize policy makers
and promote initiatives that align with our business strategy,
corporate values and objectives across different policy areas.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
inactivity epidemic. Our goal is to create a world where sports and physical activity are not
only highly valued, but an expected and enjoyable part of life.
By collaborating with governments and other stakeholders, we promote public policies that
reward innovation as well as sustainable business models. We seek to create a legislative
and regulatory playing eld that accelerates NIKE’s ability to decouple growth from
constrained resources.
NIKE is actively engaged in national and regional sustainability-related policy
initiatives around the globe. The key policy areas we focus on pertain to sustainable
materials, products and supply chains; climate change; resource efciency; and
post-consumer waste.
As with many societal and environmental issues, no one organization can solve these
challenges alone – solutions require input and collaboration between government,
business, consumers and civil society. To that end, we work with other businesses
through trade associations and coalitions to help drive and shape forward-looking
sustainability policies.
For example, NIKE is a founding member of the Sustainable Apparel Coalition (SAC),
an industry-wide group of more than 100 leading apparel and footwear brands, retailers,
suppliers, academics and NGOs working to reduce the environmental impacts of apparel
and footwear products. We have worked with SAC since 2009 to create an industry
approach to the environmental footprinting of footwear and apparel products. We are
also working with SAC to pilot test the European Union’s Product Environmental Footprint
In the US, we helped create Business for Innovative Climate and Energy Policy (BICEP),
an advocacy coalition of businesses committed to working with policy makers to pass
meaningful energy and climate legislation. In 2013, NIKE, together with other leading
brands, signed on to BICEP’s Climate Declaration, urging policy makers to undertake a
coordinated effort to combat climate change.
In 2011, we undertook an extensive review of our policies and practices regarding political
contributions and trade association memberships, as well as our policy positions. After
this review, the NIKE Board of Directors adopted a company policy on these issues. The
policy is available online at
In the US, we make state- and local-level political contributions primarily to ballot-
measure campaigns and candidates in Oregon, where our world headquarters is located.
Oregon contributions are listed at We also contribute in a limited way to
state and local candidates and ballot-measure campaigns in other states. Under current
US election law, employees of corporations can jointly donate to federal candidates
through the creation of political action committees (PACs). Contributions from the NIKE,
Inc. PAC are bipartisan, relatively modest, and are listed at Contributions from
NIKE, Inc. are reported by calendar year, and in 2012 included Oregon contributions
totaling $226,500 to 50 individuals or causes (see
In our global and territory policy hubs, we share – on applicable government registries
and platforms – information about our policy advocacy, relevant trade association
memberships, and individuals engaged in lobbying or advocacy on behalf of NIKE, Inc.
Through collaborating with
governments and other
stakeholders, we promote
public policies that reward
innovation as well as
sustainable business models.
NIKE is a founding member of
the Sustainable Apparel Coali-
tion (SAC), an industry-wide
group of more than 100 leading
apparel and footwear brands,
retailers, suppliers and NGOs
working to reduce the environ-
mental impacts of apparel and
footwear products.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In 2012, NIKE, Inc. launched and its fth
report: FY10/11 Sustainable Business
Performance Summary. The launch
marked a change in how we approach
corporate responsibility reporting. We
moved away from a single, exhaustive
report that included strategy, progress
and performance, and instead published
a summary report with additional data,
explanation and interactive elements
available online. We believe the evolution
of our format allows us to engage more
deeply with those seeking information
related to corporate responsibility at
NIKE. In addition to our report, which
provides a snapshot in time, readers can
nd more frequent updates and stories on
the NIKE Better World website and our
NIKE, Inc. corporate website.
Our FY12/13 report builds on this
platform, providing a progress update
against our targets and describing some of
the key steps in our journey over the past
two years. This print-on-demand report
summarizes our strategy, approach and
performance. It is complemented by more
comprehensive reporting on the www. website, including
a rich user experience where readers can
access more extensive information, stories
and interactive tools.
Reporting is an important means
of sharing our understanding of the
social and environmental impacts of
our business. It also addresses our
stakeholders’ desire for sustainability
information by providing an open, clear
picture of our aims and progress toward
incorporating responsible practices into
our operations.
Reporting also provides an indicator – to
us and others – of our ability to succeed
and thrive. We use sustainability as a way
to systemically address risk management,
efciency, innovation and future-looking
efforts – all of which are critical in
positioning NIKE for long-term growth.
We believe that transparency is a central
component of a responsible business
strategy and that reporting is a critical
part of delivering transparency. Reporting
is the main tool we use to provide
important information to our stakeholders
about how we manage corporate
responsibility issues and impacts. Our
previous reports, available for download,
include a broader discussion of why we
report on our sustainability performance
and of our perspective on materiality.
We support the Global Reporting Initiative
(GRI) and continue to develop our reporting
with reference to GRI’s third generation
of indicators (G3). We also considered the
Apparel and Footwear Sector Supplement
Indicators, which are in draft/pilot form.
NIKE is a member of the Ceres Company
Network and endorses the principles of the
United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
This report describes actions we have
taken to implement these principles, and
serves as our Communication on Progress
as required for all companies that endorse
the UNGC.
Our sustainability reporting website,, includes an index
that points readers toward relevant GRI
indicators and UNGC principles. The site
also includes search functions that allow
users to nd information and access our
reporting. The GRI G3 Guidelines include
different application levels, from A+ (the
most rigorous) to C. We have assessed our
performance against the GRI guidelines at
the B level.
Our primary audiences for this report are
those who seek a deep understanding of
both the sustainability issues NIKE faces
and our strategic response to those issues
as we strive for long-term sustainable
growth. Historically, these readers have
included leaders of nongovernmental
and advocacy organizations, media, other
businesses, academics and analysts,
and investors representing the socially
responsible investment community.
We recently conducted a survey of report
readers to nd out how they identify
themselves and to ask for feedback,
including what information they are
most interested in. Of those who chose
to respond, a high number identied
themselves as students and consumers.
Other important stakeholders who access
and read our report include employees,
suppliers, contract manufacturers,
customers and indidviduals with
an in-depth knowledge of corporate
responsibility. Writing for multiple
audiences requires addressing a wide
range of understanding and exposure to the
social and environmental issues we face.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
In addition, we recognize that the world
of reporting has fundamentally changed.
Information can be accessed by anyone,
anywhere. Given what we know about
our audience and the potentially broad
reach of our reporting, we have worked
to provide the information required by
key stakeholder groups while making the
content accessible, relevant and easy to
Our reporting shifted in FY10/11 from a
primary focus on activities and data related
to the NIKE Brand to a broader look across
all NIKE, Inc. brands. We have continued
with this approach to provide a more
comprehensive view of our impact and
reach. In our reporting, information applies
across NIKE, Inc., unless otherwise noted.
Other information brings in approaches and
strategies that include Converse, NIKE
Golf and Hurley businesses, though at
times we implement those strategies at a
different pace.
This report covers FY12 and FY13. Unless
otherwise noted, all references to dates
are made on a scal-year basis. Some
important events that took place after
the close of FY13 are also covered in the
report; their inclusion reects the impact or
inuence these events may have on NIKE’s
future direction.
Converse, Hurley and NIKE Golf were
reported as “Other Businesses” in FY12
and FY13. Other afliated brands in our
portfolio at the end of FY12 were Cole
Haan and Umbro, which we divested of
in FY13. Beginning in FY14, Hurley and
NIKE Golf results are now reported within
the NIKE Brand while Converse results are
a separate reporting segment. Accordingly,
we have restated all comparative nancial
information to reect these changes, which
can be found at
However, reference to nonnancial NIKE
Brand metrics throughout this report have
not been restated to reect these changes.
We believe that developing and rening
listening skills is critical to a company’s
success. This has been true in our history
as we have listened to and innovated for
athletes to deliver performance products,
and it is how we approach our corporate
responsibility efforts.
Early in our corporate responsibility
journey, we learned the importance of
engaging with and listening to multiple
stakeholders. They help us prioritize
key issues and develop our corporate
responsibility policies and approaches.
We see stakeholder engagement as a
key enabler of both risk mitigation
and innovation.
NIKE engages with a broad range of
stakeholders on an ongoing basis, including
individuals in civil society organizations,
industry and government, as well as
consumers and shareholders. We do this
informally, through participation and/or
membership in networks and organizations
and as a structured part of our outreach
strategies related to issues and challenges.
We also do this through formal partnership
work and stakeholder engagement
activities, which are covered throughout
this report. Additional details can be found
NIKE rst held a formal multi-stakeholder
forum for feedback on reporting in February
2004. We have continued this type of
engagement through a number of meetings
– some informal and casual, others formal
and facilitated by organizations including
SustainAbility and Business for Social
Responsibility. For more recent reports, we
established panels of experts who provided
feedback on early drafts and discussed
issues such as materiality, completeness,
relevance, tone, performance and the
future of our reporting, among other
topics. For the FY12/13 Stakeholder
Review Panel, NIKE engaged Forum
for the Future (Forum) to facilitate
feedback for this FY12/13 Sustainable
Business Performance Summary. Forum
is an independent nonprot working
globally with business, government and
other organizations to solve complex
sustainability challenges.
The purpose of this process was to provide
unltered, expert input on issues, targets
and information to improve the quality and
enhance the credibility of our reporting.
Forum played the role of a neutral
facilitator in this process and helped
to reframe the conversation around not
only our reporting but also our approach.
In this capacity, Forum jointly selected
stakeholders with NIKE, coordinated the
overall process, led stakeholder discussions
and virtual feedback sessions, and
consolidated feedback for us. NIKE’s SB&I
team managed the overall reporting
process and actively participated in
stakeholder engagement as an information
provider and listener.
NIKE and Forum jointly created a list of
relevant stakeholders who possess a range
of the following attributes:
Understanding of the apparel and
footwear business
New and unique perspectives
Expertise and reputation in
sustainability strategy and/or issue areas
ranging from water and energy to labor
and chemistry
Geographic/nationality, gender and
issue diversity
The participation of listed stakeholders
and organizations is not an indication of
support, recommendation or endorsement
of any information, persons or organizations
in the report. Participants included:
Lindsay Bass, Senior Program Ofcer,
Fresh Water, World Wildlife Fund
Leonardo Bonanni, Founder and CEO,
Garrett Brown*, Coordinator,
Maquiladora Health & Safety Support
Davida Heller, Head of Member
Engagement, The Climate Group
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
Mark Kenber*, CEO, The Climate Group
Richard Liroff, Executive Director,
Investor Environmental Health Network
Richard Locke, Howard Swearer Director
of the Watson Institute for International
Studies and Professor of Political
Science, Brown University
Eliot Metzger, Senior Associate, World
Resources Institute
Andrea Moffat, Vice President,
Corporate Program, Ceres
Dara O’Rourke, Associate Professor UC
Berkeley, Co-founder of GoodGuide
Michael L. Reading, Manager, Corporate
Partnerships & Bill Bowes Fellow,
Environmental Defense Fund
Peter Schulte, Research Associate,
Pacic Institute
Matthew Thurston, Manager, Product &
Supply Chain Sustainability, REI
Vanessa Timmer, Executive Director, One
Auret van Heerden, CEO, Academy for
Sustainable Business
The intent of this engagement process was
to bring together subject-matter experts
who could provide valuable input into
our sustainability reporting process and
respond to the specic expectations around
NIKE distributed a draft of the FY12/13
Sustainable Business Performance
Summary through Forum, and the selected
experts had a chance to review its
Forum consolidated the feedback,
synthesized it into themes and issue areas,
and presented it to the stakeholders during
a workshop at NIKE world headquarters.
This session allowed for all available
participants to engage more directly with
NIKE on its approach to reporting, systems
change and innovation. The feedback was
also consolidated and provided back to the
NIKE team.
The NIKE team addressed feedback in one
of the following three ways:
Revamped sections of this report
summary and/or the online report with
additional content or language and
tone changes to better clarify particular
report sections
Responded to issues that were raised
but could not be changed
Flagged stakeholder input for future
consideration in NIKE’s sustainability
strategy and/or future reports
Engaging stakeholders in the reporting
process was valuable – it provided
NIKE’s leadership with direct insight
and perspective from external experts.
The NIKE team made changes to the
report based on this feedback in the
areas of articulating its strategy, content
and design, certain data, metrics and
dashboards, and context around and
enhanced discussion of prominent
business, environmental and social issues.
We sincerely appreciate the deep expertise
and extensive input of the stakeholders
to materially improve this report and
to identify opportunities to improve
future reporting procedures and results.
We believe that the net result of this
consultation of critical stakeholders has
resulted in a stronger and more credible
NIKE continues to seek quality and
transparency in our performance
management and reporting. As we do this,
we have explored additional ways to provide
condence in our processes and our
reported data.
Various data points are conrmed internally
through staff and systems that have been
established to collect and review that
data. For instance, we gather information
about energy use across the US from
veried, metered data that comes directly
from utility billing systems. Other data
and information are conrmed externally
through third parties such as the Fair Labor
Following our FY05/06 and FY07-09
reports, NIKE’s internal audit team was
asked to review our sustainability reporting
processes. Their report noted a number
of opportunities for improvement and
investment, including better documentation
of information, internal checks at multiple
levels, review of forward-looking public
commitments, documentation of systems
and controls, and improved interactions
with key internal audiences. The SB&I
team felt, after focusing our reporting on
key impacts and business targets, that
NIKE had signicant work to do internally
on assurance. Toward this end, we worked
closely with our internal audit department
in 2011 to design and train subject-
matter experts and data consolidators on
the expectations for veriable work, and
reviewed some of our key data collection,
consolidation and retention processes.
We have continued this partnership and
enhanced annual trainings and reviews for
process participants.
Going forward, we will continue to
address information systems development
and consistency. Where direct-source
information is only partially available or
is extrapolated, we note it in our report.
We understand there are opportunities to
improve our data collection processes,
especially where information comes from
third parties such as contract factories
or material vendors that supply to such
factories. Some areas are subject to
rotating audits, during which we more
closely evaluate information and the
systems that generate data to help us
calculate and report on our impacts. It
is not possible to verify 100% of data
contained in our reporting, but we do track
the sources and the methods for measuring
and consolidating what we report and aim
for continuous improvement.
We also aim to be transparent about the
systems we use to assess data – past,
current and future – and how our systems
*Individuals participated not as respresentatives of their organization.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
might change over time to accommodate
evolving methods and standards or
availability of data. At times, that means
we need to adjust information based
on new systems or better data that can
replace previous information or metrics –
especially those based on estimates and
extrapolation. There may also be cases
where changes in data collection render
previously reported data incomparable. In
those cases, we note where restatements
have occurred and strive to explain how
changes affect comparability over time.
We understand the role of external
assurance. We have explored third-party
assurance and audit systems with leading
providers. We continue to review the issue
with company management, our internal
audit team and other external stakeholders.
We still believe we have internal steps
to complete before undertaking a robust
external review. Toward this end we have
worked closely with internal auditors on
reviews of metrics and processes that we
use to review content and identify and
prioritize areas for additional improvement.
We have started to consider the timing,
pace and value of external assurance, while
continuing to address issues raised through
our internal audit processes.
Our online reporting describes some of the
awards, recognitions and listings we have
achieved in FY12 and FY13, including:
Sustainability/corporate responsibility
indices: Dow Jones Sustainability Index
(US, Global), FTSE4Good Index
Climate-specic indices: Climate
Counts, Forest Footprint Disclosure,
Climate Innovation Index
Media listings: Corporate Responsibility
Magazine’s 100 Best Corporate
Citizens, Fast Company’s Most
Innovative Company
Reporting recognition: Corporate
Register Awards, Best Overall Report
and Most Innovative Reporting, 2012
While we participate in some relevant
surveys and listings, we recognize
that the type and nature of these
surveys changes each year. We provide
accessible and transparent information
consistent with our strategy and use
our reporting to drive that transparency,
rather than to drive our performance in
surveys or rankings.
FY12/13 Sustainable Business Performance Summary
One Bowerman Drive
Beaverton, Oregon 97005