Curriculum Vitae
DePaul University-College of Education
Department of Leadership, Language, & Curriculum
2247 N. Halsted Street, Chicago IL 60614-3624
773.325.4526 leodis.scott@depaul.edu http://www.linkedin.com/in/leodis
Columbia University-Teachers College (New York)
Ed.D., Adult Learning and Leadership (2012)
Dissertation: Engaged-learning: Community engagement classifications at
U.S. Land-grant institutions
University of Illinois at Chicago (Chicago)
M.Ed., Measurement, Evaluation, Statistics, and Assessment (2016)
BA, Economics/Philosophy (2002)
Lead Evaluator, AdvancEd Illinois Training (2015)
Educating Adults, DePaul University-School for New Learning (SNL) (2008-2009)
Workplace Learning and Performance Institute, American Society for Training and
Development (ASTD)-Chicago Chapter (2008)
(2017-Present) Assistant Professor (tenure track), Educational Leadership,
Department of Leadership, Language, & Curriculum, College of
Education, DePaul University
(2016-2017) Instructional Assistant Professor (term faculty), Department of
Leadership, Language, & Curriculum, College of Education, DePaul
(2015-2016) Director, Institutional Research Assessment and Analysis, Adjunct
Faculty, General Education, MacCormac College-Chicago
(2014- ) Adjunct Assistant Professor (lecturer), Adult Learning & Leadership
(AEGIS) Program, Department of Organization and Leadership,
Columbia University Teachers College-New York
(2014-2015) Statistics Instructor, Pre-Matriculation Summer Program (PMP),
School of Public Health, University of Illinois at Chicago
(2013- ) Adjunct Faculty, Workforce Education and Development, WED 486
Adult Learning, Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU)
(2012- ) Adjunct Faculty (instructor), Core Faculty Mentor, School for New
Learning, DePaul University
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
Learning Cities; Educational Leadership; Lifelong Learning Policy; Higher Education
DePaul University-College of Education:
A&S 801: Leadership: Theory and Practice
A&S 811: Assessment and Accountability
A&S 843: The Politics of Schooling
A&S 588/688: Service Learning for Higher Education (Summer 2018)
SCG 735: Quantitative Research Methods I
SCG 755: Quantitative Research Methods II
SCG 775: Seminar: Frameworks in Educational Research I
SCG 785: Seminar: Frameworks in Educational Research II
DePaul University-School for New Learning:
LL 205: Quantitative Reasoning
LL 270: Critical Thinking
LL 300: Research Seminar
LLS410: Personal Effectiveness
EA 515: Developing Professional Identity
MacCormac College:
CIS 1150: Introduction to Computers
COL 1010: First Year Experience
Columbia University-Teachers College:
HUD 4120: Methods of Empirical Research
ORLD4050: Introduction to Adult and Continuing Education
(2018) DePaul University, University Research Council, National Center for
Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD) Faculty Success Program
Grant, Onward and Upward: Developing a Successful Publication and
Scholarship Profile, $3,750.
(2017-2019) DePaul University, Public Service Learning Instructional Grant,
“Learning Cities Project: Quantitative Research in Public Service,
Leadership, and Learning across the City,” $4,500.
(2018- ) MacCormac College, Institutional Membership Scholar for LearnLong
Institute for Education and Learning Research (LIFR)
(2016) DePaul University, Golden Key International Honour Society, Honorary
Faculty Member
(2013) DePaul University, Onboard with D2L Program Award
(2012-2015) University of Illinois at Chicago, Illinois Veterans Grant, Graduate
Student/Researcher, $60,000.
(2007) University of Illinois at Chicago, Lighting the Flame
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
Books Edited:
[1] Scott, L. (2015) (Ed.). Learning cities for adult learners. New Directions for
Adult and Continuing Education, 145. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[2] Scott, L., Watson, C., Liu Wong, M., & Boden-McGill, C. (2018) (Eds.). Quality
of life in adult learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
Peer-Reviewed Book Chapters:
[3] Scott, L. (2018). Quality of life factors for assessing learning cities. In L.
Scott, C. Watson, M. Liu Wong, & C. Boden-McGill (Eds.), Quality of Life in
Adult Learning. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
[4] Scott, L. (2017). Learning Cities. In A. Knox, S. Conceicao, & L. Martin (Eds.),
Mapping the Field of Adult and Continuing Education: An International
Compendium (Vol. 4). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
[5] Scott, L. (2015). Learning Cities-for-all: Directions to a new adult education-
and-learning movement. In L. Scott (Ed.), Learning Cities for Adult Learners.
New Directions for Adult and Continuing Education, 145. San Francisco, CA:
[6] Hibbler, D. K., & Scott, L. (2015). Role of leisure in humanizing learning cities.
In L. Scott (Ed.), Learning Cities for Adult Learners. New Directions for Adult
and Continuing Education, 145. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
[7] Scott, L. (2014). Experience of engagement as a starting point. In Carrie J.
Boden-McGill & Kathleen P. King (Eds.), Developing and Sustaining Adult
Learners (pp. 17-33). Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
[8] Yorks, L., & Scott, L. (2013). Lifelong tools for the learner, educator, and
worker. In Victor C. X. Wang (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Technologies for
Improving the 21st Century Workforce: Tools for Lifelong Learning. Hershey,
PA: IGI Global.
Peer-Reviewed Articles:
[9] Scott, L., Howard, J. E., Howard, D. M. (2018). Constructing career choices: A
calling for education and human development. Journal of Education and Human
Development, 7(2).
[10] Howard, D. M., Howard, J. E., Scott, L. (2017). From the classroom to the
workforce: Empowering students to find their career passion. Journal of Health
Administration Education, 34(3). Washington, DC: Association of University
Programs in Health Administration.
[11] Dotson, E., Hibbler, D., & Scott, L. (2017). Culture of learning cities:
Connecting leisure and health for lifelong learning communities. In V. C. Bryan
& J. L. Bird (Eds.), Healthcare Community Synergism between Patients,
Practitioners, and Researchers. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
[12] Hibbler, D., Scott, L., & Ginger, N. (2016). A city learning together: Reciprocal
collaboration of academics and practitioners at the Chicago Park District
(Special Issue). Schole: A Journal of Leisure Studies and Recreation Education,
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
[13] Scott, L. (2011). A guide to the good life (Review), Philosophical Practice 6(3),
[14] Scott, L. (2010). The philosophic consultant: Revolutionizing organizations with
ideas (Review), Philosophical Practice 5(1), 596-598.
[15] Learning Cities ‘Matrix’: Choices for adult learners’ authenticity, morality, and
humanity for education and learning research (September, 2015), Third Annual
Research Conference in Adult, Community, and Higher Education (ARCACHE)
at Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
[16] Learning Cities: Spaces of belonging and growth (October 2014; with C.
Watson & A. Tiu Wu), Eleventh International Transformative Learning
Conference at Teachers College- Columbia University, New York, NY.
[17] LearnLong Institute: A think-tank for transforming the spaces of adult learning
(October, 2014), Eleventh International Transformative Learning Conference at
Teachers College- Columbia University, New York, NY.
Other Scholarly Works:
[18] Scott, L. (2012). Engaged-learning: Community engagement classifications at
U.S. land-grant institutions (Dissertation). Columbia University-Teachers
College, New York, NY.
Works in Progress (Potential Publication):
[19] Scott, L. (expected 2020). Philosophical Underpinnings of Adult and Continuing
Education. In T. S. Rocco et al., 2020 Handbook of Adult and Continuing
Education. Sterling, VA: Stylus.
[20] Dotson, E., Scott, L., & Clarke, C. (expected 2019). The U.S. healthy politic
imperative: Advancing cities through lifelong learning and health equity,
International Review of Education (IRE)-Journal of Lifelong Learning.
Heidelberg, Germany, Springer-Verlag.
(2018, June) Learning Cities for America: Measuring Public Service through Changing
Lifelong Learning Policy, 2018 Midwest Public Affairs Conference
(MPAC), Chicago IL.
(2017, Nov) Learning Cities: Introducing the Philosophy, Policy, and Practice of
Lifelong Learning, Sixty-Sixth American Association for Adult and
Continuing Education (AAACE) International Conference, Memphis, TN.
(2016, June) Sustainable Learning-Regions Planner (SLRP): Certification for learning
cities professionals. (with Pat Inman), Thirteen PASCAL International
Observatory Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
(2016, June) Humanizing learning cities through the social impact of leisure (with
Dan Hibbler), Thirteen PASCAL International Observatory Conference,
Glasgow, Scotland.
(2016, June) Learning cities in the US: Development of a research model and
methodology (with Connie Watson), Thirteen PASCAL International
Observatory Conference, Glasgow, Scotland.
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
(2015, Nov) Learning cities: Creating new communities for teaching adults, Sixty-
Fourth American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
(AAACE) International Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
(2015, Nov) Evolution in re-theorizing prior learning assessment: Integrating
changing perspectives (with Cynthia Stevens), Sixty-Fourth American
Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE) International
Conference, Oklahoma City, OK.
(2015, Nov) Learning cities for all: Assessing the higher education, health, and
leisure of adult learners (with Dan Hibbler and Ebbin Dotson), American
Evaluation Association (AEA), Chicago, IL.
(2015, Nov) Developing a diversity [pipeline] program success indicator: A program-
level macro-evaluation (with Ebbin Dotson, Joanne Howard, and Diane
Howard) American Evaluation Association (AEA), Chicago, IL.
(2015, Sept) Learning City Matrix: Unplugging adult education, anomalies, and
authentic lifelong learners, Third Annual Research Conference in Adult,
Community, and Higher Education (ARCACHE), Ball State University,
Muncie, IN.
(2014, Nov) Learning Cities: Expanding the assessment of experience for the
reciprocal education and learning of adults, Fortieth International
Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL) Conference, Chicago,
(2014, Nov) Revolution for re-theorizing the changing perspectives for prior learning
perspectives of prior learning assessment (with Cynthia Stevens),
Fortieth International Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL)
Conference, Chicago, IL.
(2014, Nov) Mobilizing a culture of engagement: Addressing experiences of adult
men of color in higher education (with John Littlejohn Jr.), Fortieth
International Council for Adult & Experiential Learning (CAEL)
Conference, Chicago, IL.
(2014, Oct) Learning cities: Spaces of belonging and growth (Experiential session)
(with C. Watson & A. Tiu Wu), Eleventh International Transformative
Learning Conference at Teachers College- Columbia University, New
York, NY.
(2017-2019) Quality of Instruction Council (QIC) (3-Year Term), DePaul University
(2017-2018) Faculty Search Committee, Assistant Professor (tenure-track)
Educational Leadership Program, Department of Leadership, Language,
and Curriculum, College of Education, DePaul University
(2017- ) Committee Member, Education and Youth Task Force, Quality of Life
Strategic Plan, Teamwork Englewood
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
(2016-2017) Provost Task Force on School for New Learning (At Large Member
approved by Faculty Council Executive Committee), DePaul University
(2012- ) President & Board Chair, LearnLong Institute for Education and Learning
Research (LIFR)
Golden Key International Honour Society, DePaul Chapter (April 28, 2018)
Topic: Keys of Lifelong Learning
DePaul University, EDSA Annual Conference (April 28, 2018)
Topic: Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research: A Showdown (with Amira
Alumni University, DePaul University (April 14, 2018)
Topic: Chicago as a Learning City: Educational Needs for Alumni, Leaders, and
Lifelong Learners
City of Stonecrest, Georgia, Town Hall Meeting (July 18, 2017)
Topic: How Can District 5 Become a “Learning City” for Economic Growth
City Seminary of New York: Faith, Spirituality, and Learning Cities (May 19, 2017)
Topic: Panelist for Learning Cities for Teachers College-Columbia University
DePaul University, EDSA Conference, Accountability & Resistance: Pushing Back
Against Hegemonic Discourses in Education (April 8, 2017)
Topic: Key Critical Thinking Steps for Developing an Educational Philosophy
Northern Illinois University, Distinguished Speakers Series: New Perspectives on
Growing Local Economies (April 3, 2017)
Topic: How Universities through Learning Cities Can Transform Economies
WFLD-TV, Channel 32: Good Day Chicago Weekend (December 17, 2016)
Topic: Red Flags & Blue Ribbons for Selecting a College
Ball State University, ARCACHE (September 19, 2015)
Topic: Learning City Matrix
Career Conference & Expo-Apostolic Church of God: Greater You (June 27, 2015)
Topic: Critical Thinking to Vocations and New Career Options
Alpha Sigma Lambda, DePaul Chapter, Induction Ceremony (May 17, 2014)
Topic: Stay Engaged
Lindblom Math & Science Academy (December 6, 2013)
Topic: Education and Success (Workshop for Illinois Council Against Handgun
DePaul University-SNL, Adult Student Week (November 5, 2013)
Topic: Engaging Critical Thinking to Vocations and New Careers
Columbia University-Teachers College, Adult Learning Seminar (June 13, 2013)
Topic: Engaged-Learning: From Conceptual Framework to Lifelong Research
and Practice
Curriculum Vitae DR. LEODIS SCOTT
Alpha Sigma Lambda, DePaul Chapter, Induction Ceremony (May 18, 2013)
Topic: Lifelong Engagement for the Scholar, Learner, and Leader
DePaul University-College of Education:
Dissertation Chair: Harris, Debra (Naperville Cohort)
Dissertation Committee: Washington, Kimberly
DePaul University-School for New Learning:
Masters Inquiry (MAEA) Project Advisor: Griggs, Dorothy (2016): Heuristic Inquiry
Columbia University-Teachers College:
Dissertation Committee: Andrews, Lyron (2015). How professionals experience critical
thinking within an occupation: Peering into the phenomena. ProQuest Dissertations.
(2017-Present) Teamwork Englewood, Quality of Life Strategic Plan
Education and Youth Task Force Member
(2012-Present) LearnLong Institute for Education and Learning Research (NFP)
President & Board Chair
(2010-2012) New Heights Neighborhood Center
Instructor: General Educational Development (GED): Mathematics
Sections Part I (Computational) and Part II (Conceptual); National
Work Readiness Credential (NWRC): Situational Judgment
(2010-2012) Community Impact at Columbia University
Manager: Emerging and Transitional Worker Training; Disconnected
Youth Training from New York State Department of Labor, Division of
Employment and Workforce Solutions
(1992-1996) United States Army
Corporal (Training Non-Commissioned Officer)
Occupation: Medical Specialist (91B)
Learning Cities: This research relates to the expansion of education and learning for
improving quality of life.
Educational Leadership: This research relates to educational leaders as public service
workers and professionals in guiding effective facilitation and instruction.
Lifelong Learning Philosophy & Policy: This research relates to social education
philosophy, policy, and practice in education, lifelong learning, and workforce