Doodle Comer Swamp
Nature Reserve
Planning Considerations
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Cover photo: Doodle Comer Swamp. Genevieve Wright/DPE
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ISBN 978-1-922840-01-1
EHG 2022/0226
May 2022
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How to use this document v
Acknowledgments v
Contact us v
1. Doodle Comer Nature Reserve 1
2. Protecting the natural environment 1
2.1 Ephemeral wetlands 1
2.2 Geology and landform 3
2.3 Native plants 4
2.4 Native animals 6
2.5 Weeds and pest animals 9
2.6 Fire 11
2.7 Climate change 12
3. Looking after our culture and heritage 13
3.1 Aboriginal heritage 13
3.2 Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place 14
3.3 Shared heritage 14
4. Providing for visitor use and enjoyment 15
5. NPWS infrastructure and services 16
6. Non-NPWS infrastructure and services 16
Appendices 17
Appendix A Legislation and policy 17
Appendix B Scientific plant and animal names 18
Appendix C Vegetation classes and communities in the park 19
Appendix D Description of threatened ecological communities in the park 21
Appendix E Pests and weeds in the park 23
Abbreviations 24
References 25
List of tables
Table 1 Threatened ecological communities in the reserve 6
Table 2 Threatened animals in the reserve 7
List of figures
Figure 1 Map of Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve vi
Figure 2 Vegetation formations in the reserve 6
How to use this document
This planning considerations document outlines the matters considered in preparing the
Doodle Comer Swamp Plan of Management, including the reserve’s key values,
management principles and management considerations. Further information is provided in
the appendices, including an outline of relevant legislation (Appendix A) and scientific names
for common names of species (Appendix B).
It is recommended that readers of this document also read the plan of management.
The plan of management describes the desired outcomes for the reserve’s values and
actions that the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) proposes to undertake to
achieve these outcomes. It also sets out the recreational and commercial activities that are
permitted in the reserve and any requirements to undertake these activities, including
whether consent must be sought from NPWS to undertake them.
This planning considerations document will be updated when appropriate, for example, if we
have new information on:
the values of the park (e.g. new threatened species)
management approaches (e.g. new pest management techniques)
new programs.
Changes will only be made to this document if they are consistent with the plan of
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve is in the traditional Country of the Wiradjuri People.
This plan of management was prepared by staff of NPWS.
Contact us
For more information about this plan of management or Doodle Comer Nature Reserve,
contact the NPWS Riverina Highlands Area at
, PO Box 472, Tumut NSW 2720 or by
telephone on 02 6947 7000.
Figure 1 Map of Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
1. Doodle Comer Nature Reserve
Doodle Comer Nature Reserve (‘the reserve’) is located in southern NSW, bordering the
township of Henty, midway between Wagga Wagga and Albury.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve was reserved on 21 January 2011 and is 1,099
hectares. The reserve was formerly the private property Doodle Cooma West, acquired by
the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) in 2010 with financial assistance from
the Commonwealth Government. The reserve protects much of Doodle Comer Swamp, an
ephemeral wetland ecosystem of high conservation value.
Doodle Comer Swamp is a terminal lake, that is, it has no outflows to external water bodies
such as rivers or the ocean. It is formed in a broad and shallow depression fed by
Buckargingah Creek. This creek rises in the hills 15 kilometres east of the swamp and draws
on a catchment of about 85 square kilometres. The lake floor is approximately 240 metres
above sea level.
The reserve lies within the NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion (Thackway & Cresswell
1995). See Box 1. The South Western Slopes Bioregion is one of the mostly poorly
conserved bioregions in New South Wales, with 2.28% under conservation tenures (NPWS
2003), about half of which are reserved under the National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974
(NPW Act). The bioregion has been heavily cleared for agriculture, including cropping and
grazing, and these are the primary land uses surrounding the reserves.
The reserve is bounded by cleared cropping country to the south and contiguous swamp on
the remaining boundaries. Land use in the surrounding district is predominantly agricultural,
including cropping, and sheep and cattle grazing. Henty and the surrounding region has a
population of 1237 people (ABS 2017).
The bioregion has a sub-humid climate characterised by hot summers and no dry season.
Mean monthly temperatures at nearby Wagga Wagga range from maximums of 12.831.9°C
and minimums of 2.816.4°C. Mean annual rainfall at Henty is 591 millimetres.
2. Protecting the natural environment
2.1 Ephemeral wetlands
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve encompasses about half of the greater Doodle
Comer Swamp (see Figure 1). The swamp is listed in the Commonwealth’s National
Directory of Important Wetlands and is one of only five such wetlands in the NSW South
Western Slopes Bioregion. Doodle Comer Swamp is the largest wetland of its type in
southern New South Wales (OEH 2014a). See Box 2.
The greater Doodle Comer Swamp is about 2,000 hectares and is comprised of the nature
reserve, Crown lands and private land. Over 1,000 hectares of Doodle Comer Swamp is
within the nature reserve. 45 hectares of the reserve sits above the swamp’s high water
mark (see Figure 1).
The swamp is an ephemeral wetland and inundates intermittently depending on rainfall in
the catchment. Annual flows in Buckargingah Creek are highly variable. The wetland can
have periods where it is dry for 5 years or more, as well as periods where it is inundated for
several years. The previous landowner indicated the swamp is inundated for as many as 6 in
10 years. Once flooded, the duration of inundation is affected by factors such as seasonal
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
variation in evaporation rates and the volume of inflows. Inundation can occur for extended
periods where water depth is 1.5 metres or more.
Doodle Comer Swamp’s high conservation value as a wetland is enhanced by its
substantially unaltered flow regime, which is in contrast to most wetlands in inland NSW,
which are regulated. Alteration to the natural flow regimes of rivers, streams and their
floodplains and wetlands is listed as a key threatening process (NSW SC 2002) under the
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 (BC Act). Buckargingah Creek is an unregulated stream
and is not subject to significant water extraction for agriculture.
Management considerations and opportunities
Most of the swamp’s catchment has been subject to land clearing, and land uses such as
cultivation and grazing. These factors have influenced and continue to influence the
swamp’s ecological condition through factors such as increased nutrient levels, water
turbidity and groundwater recharge, with the resulting threat of salinisation.
The long-term conservation of the wetland’s high conservation values depends on protecting
and enhancing the entire Doodle Comer Swamp, fringes, catchment and the natural flow
regime of Buckargingah Creek. The plan of management aims to protect hydrological flows
into the broader wetland as well as the nature reserve.
As such, NPWS will seek to engage with adjoining landholders and champion the protection
of natural stream flows in the catchment. This will require NPWS to monitor development
activities in the wider catchment and be vigilant in engaging with other land and water
management agencies to protect the natural hydrology.
Photo 1 Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve when inundated. Di Thompson
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Box 1. What is the South Western Slopes Bioregion
Australia is divided into bioregions. Bioregions are relatively large land areas
characterised by broad, landscape-scale natural features and environmental processes
that influence the functions of entire ecosystems. Bioregions are characterised by
climate, landform and biodiversity. The NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion covers
about 10% of New South Wales (NPWS 2003). Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve
is situated in the Lower Slopes Subregion of the bioregion. This subregion contains
large areas of Quaternary alluvium (water-deposited soils), and features undulating and
hilly ranges and isolated peaks set in wide valleys at the apices of the Riverina alluvial
fans (fan-shaped deposits of sediment by streams).
2.2 Geology and landform
Doodle Comer Swamp contains the NSW (Mitchell) landscape called Murrumbidgee-
Tarcutta Lakes, Swamps and Lunettes (DECC 2002). This landscape was not represented in
the National Reserve System until acquisition of the reserve. The landscape features plain
swamps with Quaternary river and lake sediments. Soils are heavy, cracking and self-
mulching grey clays. The swamp is bordered on the south east by a lunette of fine aeolian
(windblown) sand.
Soil fertility is moderately high. Similar swamps in this landscape are prone to sodicity (loss
of cohesion) and salinity, a common cause of tree death in such swamps. The reserve’s
soils are limited in richness by some localised sodicity. Maintaining fringing vegetation
communities, protecting the swamp’s natural hydrology and improving the aquatic vegetation
should protect and improve soil health in the reserve. Improving the wetland’s native
vegetation and seed bank are also important.
There are several granite outcrops in the swamp. Such outcrops are a feature of the Lachlan
Fold Belt and are formed by sediment being layered down over time, but not long enough to
cover some protruding rock formations. These geological features are considered unique
where they extrude from the swamp floor and are a part of the reserve’s Aboriginal cultural
values (see Section 3).
Box 2. Wetlands in New South Wales
Wetlands are areas that remain wet long enough for their plants and animals to have
adapted and become dependent on the moist conditions for at least part of their life
In New South Wales, wetlands make up about 6% of the State (OEH 2017b). They are
found along the coast, in the mountains, in large cities, on inland rivers and in the arid
far west.
Wetlands are important to communities across the state, and home to a unique range of
native plants and animals. Ephemeral wetland communities are more challenged by
impacts because the tentative ecological life cycles operating between wet and dry
regimes are more easily broken.
The major threats to wetlands in New South Wales are river regulation and water
diversion or extraction, development and catchment disturbance, pest animals and
weeds, and climate change.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
The NSW Wetlands Policy promotes the sustainable conservation, management and
wise use of wetlands in New South Wales and the need for all stakeholders to work
together to protect wetland ecosystems and their catchments.
There are 12 wetlands in New South Wales recognised for their international
significance and listed under the Ramsar Convention. To date, wetlands are the only
habitat type in the world to have a dedicated international convention.
Doodle Comer Swamp is not a Ramsar site, but has been recognised as a nationally
important wetland through listing on the National Directory of Important Wetlands. The
swamp’s listing occurred because it is a good example of a wetland type occurring
within the bioregion.
2.3 Native plants
The vegetation of Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve was surveyed between 2010 and
2014 (OEH 2016b). This work provides a baseline for future planning in the reserve, noting
that individual projects and proposals will require site-specific vegetation assessment and
Most of the native vegetation in the reserve is characteristic of the ephemeral wetland.
These vegetation communities are dependent on ephemeral and unaltered flows of
A total 154 plant species have been recorded in the reserve, of which only approximately
50% are native. Forbs (herbaceous plants other than grasses) make up 52% of the flora,
followed by grasses (28%), shrubs (6%), trees (6%), and sedges and rushes (5%) (OEH
2016b). One threatened plant, austral pillwort, has been recorded in the reserve (see Box 3).
Native vegetation formations in Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve (Figure 2) include:
freshwater wetlands (66% of the reserve)
forested wetlands (30%)
grasslands (1%)
grassy woodlands (0.5%)
non-native (2.5%).
Several threatened ecological communities are present in the reserve, found wholly within
the grassy woodland vegetation formation which encompasses only 0.5% of the reserve
(see Table 1 and Figure 2). A description of native vegetation communities in the reserve is
included in Appendix C and a description of threatened ecological communities in Appendix
Management considerations and opportunities
Surveys of aquatic vegetation were undertaken in 2016 when the swamp was inundated to
more than one metre depth (Davidson 2017). The aquatic vegetation in the parts of the
swamp which were less than 0.7 metre deep was generally healthy and relatively diverse.
However, tall emergent vegetation was absent in depths greater than one metre. This type of
vegetation is known to grow in similarly deep waters nearby and was probably lost as a
consequence of past grazing and the extended dry period of the Millennium Drought from
2001 to 2009.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Reintroduction of tall emergent aquatic plants, such as common reed, would provide multiple
ecological benefits, including to:
enhance water quality within the wetland by stabilising the wetland floor and reducing
wave action in the large, open central parts of the swamp
provide feeding, nesting and shelter habitat for many species of waterbirds
minimise the spread of weeds on the wetland floor during dry periods
filter the initial flush of turbid water when flooding first occurs
reduce the potential for algal blooms by capturing available nutrients in the water
Reintroduction of common reed will be trialled in a small area of the wetland and monitored.
It is likely that these reintroductions would become self-regenerating, expanding and
contracting in response to wet and dry periods. If reintroduction is successful it will be
expanded to other parts of the wetland.
Much of the lakebed is covered in a forested wetland community, dominated by river red
gum. Extensive stands of river red gum regrowth have established at the high water mark of
the swamp following the removal of livestock grazing. Many of these stands are very dense
and lack structural diversity, occurring in previously cleared country. Competition for
resources is often strong in such stands and can prevent recruitment of new plants and lead
to negligible growth rates. This can delay the development of habitat features characteristic
of healthy red gum forests critical to their flora and fauna, such as spreading crowns, hollow-
bearing trees, structural diversity and coarse woody debris.
Ecological thinning refers to ‘the reduction of stem density to improve the ecological health of
a forest with adequate fallen timber retained to improve habitat and structure for animals and
plants’ (Cunningham et al. 2009, in OEH 2014c). Reduction of stand density reduces
competition between the retained trees, promotes growth of those retained trees to a mature
and old-growth stage and increases growth of understorey plants, loads of coarse woody
debris and provides gaps for sapling recruitment.
A trial of ecological regrowth thinning is proposed to manage some regrowth stands in the
reserve. One stand that could be suitable for a thinning trial occurs between Listers Lane
and Henty Swamp Road. The trial is to be approved via suitable environmental impact
assessment and endorsement by an department botanist. Large-scale thinning trials are
occurring in the river red gum forests of the Barmah-Millewa area along the Murray River in
Barmah and Murray Valley national parks (OEH 2014c).
Box 3. Austral pillwort an endangered plant
A population of the austral pillwort was recorded in the reserve in 2014 (OEH 2016b).
This plant is listed as endangered under the Biodiversity Conservation Act.
Austral pillwort is a semi-aquatic fern, resembling a small, fine grass. It grows in shallow
swamps and waterways, often among grasses and sedges. It is most often recorded in
drying mud, as this is when it is most conspicuous. The species is probably ephemeral,
appearing after soil has been wetted by rain or flooding.
Extant populations of the plant are known from only a few locations in southern NSW. A
threat to this species in the reserve is competition from other grasses. Given this plant’s
persistence in the swamp following massive impacts to its habitat, an initial
conservation action based on botanical advice will be to improve natural conditions
within the swamp. Should further actions be necessary, the statewide Saving our
Species program team will be consulted.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Table 1 Threatened ecological communities in the reserve
Notes on status: E = endangered; CE = critically endangered.
Figure 2 Vegetation formations in the reserve
2.4 Native animals
Doodle Comer Swamp is recognised as a nationally significant wetland and, when
inundated, provides foraging and breeding habitat for waterbirds, amphibians, reptiles, fish
and invertebrates. Waterbirds, including various ducks, ibis, spoonbills and terns have been
observed in their thousands (OEH 2016b). Records include large breeding colonies of great
When dry, the swamp provides habitat for the endangered bush stone-curlew (see Box 4).
The reserve’s river red gum woodlands provide habitat for arboreal mammals and birds.
Common name
(short title)
BC Act
Area in
reserve (ha)
% of
Inland Grey Box Woodland E E 5.3 0.5
Sandhill Pine Woodland E 0.7 0.07
White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red
Gum Woodland
E CE 0.4 0.03
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
A total 37 species of native animal have been formally recorded in the reserve (BioNet
2019), however, anecdotal evidence suggests that many more species occur, particularly
waterbirds during periods of inundation. A total of eight threatened species listed under the
BC Act have been recorded close to or in the reserve (see Table 2), including incidental
records on the NSW wildlife database BioNet and during vegetation surveys (OEH 2016b).
Table 2 Threatened animals in the reserve
Common name Scientific name BC Act
Bush stone-curlew Burhinus grallarius E
Black-chinned honeyeater Melithreptus gularis gularis V
Brolga Grus rubicunda V
Flame robin Petroica phoenicea V
Grey-crowned babbler Pomatostomus temporalis
Little eagle Hieraaetus morphoides V
Superb parrot Polytelis swainsonii V V
White-bellied sea-eagle Haliaeetus leucogaster V
Notes on status: E = endangered; V = vulnerable.
Management considerations and opportunities
Improving our knowledge of the reserve’s native animals is key to managing them. A
waterbird survey during the next substantial flood event would improve NPWS records and
understanding of the wetlands. This would then be followed by regular monitoring of suitable
subsequent flooding events. This could include partnering with external research
Strategies for the conservation of threatened species, populations and ecological
communities have been set out in a statewide Biodiversity Conservation Program (OEH
2016a). Actions listed in each of these strategies are prioritised and implemented through
the Saving our Species program, which aims to maximise the number of threatened species
that are secured in the wild in New South Wales for 100 years (OEH 2013b). Conservation
projects under the program in the local government area (with potential relevance to the
reserve) include projects aimed at securing in the wild the swift parrot and Sloane’s froglet.
Many recovery plans for NSW threatened species have previously been prepared and may
still provide useful information, but they no longer determine the actions required for the
conservation of threatened species in New South Wales. The Commonwealth prepares
recovery plans for nationally listed threatened species under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act. These plans do apply to nationally listed threatened species
occurring in park.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Box 4. Bush stone-curlew an endangered bird
The bush stone-curlew is a ground-dwelling bird that rarely flies. It has a distinctive
drawn-out ‘weeloo’ wailing call, often heard at night.
The bush stone-curlew is found in all mainland states. Numbers have drastically
declined in south east Australia leading to its endangered listing in New South Wales.
The Riverina is one of its strongholds in New South Wales.
There have been numerous records of the bird in and around Doodle Comer Swamp
Nature Reserve. The reserve provides suitable habitat when dry. The bird prefers areas
with sparse ground cover, typically with short grass, few shrubs, dry leaf litter and fallen
timber. It has been observed in dry open grassland croplands adjacent to woodlands.
It is largely nocturnal, feeding on insects and small vertebrates such as frogs, lizards,
snakes and mice.
It nests on the ground in a scrape or small bare patch of ground, and breeds throughout
the summer and spring. Both adults share the incubation and care for the young. As a
ground dweller, it is particularly vulnerable to predation by introduced predators such as
the red fox and feral cat.
Threats to the bush stone-curlew in the reserve include predation by the fox and cat,
and an over-abundance of exotic grasses on the basin floor. Systematic native animal
surveys, pest control programs and ensuring cattle grazing does not occur in an area if
a nest is identified, are measures NPWS can implement to help protect this species.
Photo 2 Bush stone-curlews with chick. Ken Stepnell/DPE
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
2.5 Weeds and pest animals
Pest species are plants, animals and pathogens that have negative environmental,
economic and social impacts and are most commonly introduced species. Pests can have
impacts across the range of reserve values, including impacts on biodiversity, cultural
heritage, catchment and scenic values.
The Biosecurity Act 2015 and its regulations provide specific legal requirements for the
response, management and control of biosecurity risks, including weeds and pest animals.
These requirements apply equally to public and privately-owned land. Under this framework,
Local Land Services has prepared regional strategic weed management plans and regional
strategic pest animal management plans for each of its 11 regions, including the Murray
Regional Strategic Weed Management Plan 20172022 (Murray LLS 2017) and Murray
Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan 20182023 (Murray LLS 2018). These
plans identify priority weeds and pest animals in each of the regions, plus the appropriate
management response for the region (i.e. prevention/alert, eradication, containment or asset
The NPWS regional pest management strategy for Southern Ranges Region (OEH 2012)
identifies pest species and priority programs for Doodle Comer Nature Reserve. The
overriding objective of the pest management strategy is to minimise adverse impacts of
introduced species on biodiversity and other park and community values while complying
with legislative responsibilities. The strategy also identifies where other site or pest specific
plans or strategies need to be developed to provide a more detailed approach. Reactive
programs may also be undertaken in cooperation with neighbouring land managers in
response to emerging issues.
Appendix D lists pest animals and weeds which are known to occur in the reserves, as well
as the status of each of these species.
The ephemeral nature of Doodle Comer Swamp influences the vegetation of the fertile basin
floor. Many species are unable to survive when the wetland is inundated for long periods.
For example, native swamp wallaby grass requires a regular drying phase to set new seed
and total submergence is known to kill plants. Similarly, long inundation periods may kill
exotic grasses.
Over 50% of plant species recorded in the reserve are weeds (i.e. plants that do not occur
naturally in the reserve). These are predominantly pasture weeds associated with previous
land uses and no priority weeds for the Murray Local Land Services region have been
recorded in the reserve. In 2010, the vegetation of the swamp’s basin floor was almost 100%
exotic grasses. In 2014, following a three-year period of inundation, the cover of native
grasses within the recovering vegetation had increased. At the time of last survey in 2016,
the colonisation of the basin floor by native swamp wallaby grass and cane grass was
relatively good and improving. As these native grass species expand throughout the swamp
floor the opportunities for exotic grasses to establish reduce, however, if native grasses do
not colonise a significant part of the basin it is likely that exotic grasses will remain and
dominate (OEH 2016b). Continued monitoring of vegetation in the reserve will be undertaken
to identify changes in species composition or shifts in the ratio of native and weed species
The invasive nature of environmental weeds, their widespread occurrence in the broader
landscape and the fact they compete with native species, requires their continued monitoring
and management. The invasion of native plant communities by exotic perennial grasses is a
key threatening process (NSW SC 2003) under the BC Act.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Excessive build-up of grass biomass can cause a decline in habitat values for bush stone-
curlews (which prefer areas with sparse ground cover, typically with short grass, few shrubs,
dry leaf litter and fallen timber) and prevents establishment of other native plants. Occasional
livestock grazing is permitted under licence as a conservation tool to reduce biomass. This
can serve a secondary function in controlling exotic grasses. Grazing is only permitted when
soil conditions are dry, with appropriate approvals and monitoring by NPWS. Other biomass
management tools include slashing and burning.
There are several pest animal species in the reserve that impact natural and heritage values.
These include cat, red fox and rabbit. Pest control in the reserve will be undertaken in
accordance with pest management strategies relevant to the reserve. The NPWS Southern
Ranges Regional Pest Management Strategy identifies priority pest programs for the reserve
and is updated periodically. Control of the red fox is a medium priority in the current strategy.
A ground-baiting strategy is used in coordination with surrounding landholders and bait takes
are recorded as a measure of fox activity. Predation by the European red fox is a key
threatening process (NPWS SC 1998) under the BC Act.
Carp are present in the swamp when it is inundated. Carp feeding action increases turbidity
and they can have detrimental impacts on water quality and native fish. The issue of carp will
be monitored by NPWS in consultation with the relevant agency. NPWS will seek
opportunities to participate in carp management programs within the swamp and its
Photo 2 Doodle Comer Swamp. Photo: DPE
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
2.6 Fire
Fires, particularly wildfires, are a risk for the reserve because they have the potential to
damage or kill mature hollow-bearing river red gums. Hollow-bearing trees provide animal
habitat for threatened species such as the superb parrot and other native animals. They also
can spread to neighbouring lands where life and property can be threatened.
There have been no recorded ignitions within the reserve. Lightning strikes and rural burn-off
escapes are the 2 most common causes of fire in the local government area. Most dry
storms occur between November and February. In December 2015, a grass fire originating
from outside the reserve burnt about 59 hectares of the southern section of the reserve.
Fire may be used as a tool to reduce fuel loads in the reserve as part of a wider strategy to
mitigate risk to surrounding properties and the town of Henty. NPWS maintains cooperative
arrangements with surrounding landowners and the Rural Fire Service and is a member of
the Hume Bush Fire Management Committee.
Accordingly, a draft fire management strategy has been prepared for the reserve. The
strategy includes biodiversity thresholds of at least 5 years between fires in all vegetation
communities. The background to fire management in NPWS reserves is outlined in Box 5.
Box 5. Fire in the reserve
Fire is a natural feature of many environments and is essential for the survival of some
plant communities. However, inappropriate fire regimes can lead to loss of plant and
animal species and communities, and high-frequency fires have been listed as a key
threatening process under the BC Act.
The primary objectives of NPWS fire management are to protect life, property and
community assets from the adverse impacts of fire, while also managing fire regimes in
parks to maintain and enhance biodiversity. NPWS also assists in developing fire
management practices that contribute to conserving biodiversity and cultural heritage
across the landscape; and implements cooperative and coordinated fire management
with other fire authorities, neighbours and the community (OEH 2013a).
A fire management strategy which defines the fire management approach is prepared
for each reserve and is updated periodically (OEH 2013a). These strategies outline the
recent fire history of the reserves, key assets within and adjoining the reserves including
sites of natural and cultural heritage value, fire management zones and fire control
advantages such as management trails and water supply points. The strategies also
contain fire regime guidelines for conservation of the vegetation communities found in
the reserves based on biodiversity thresholds. Fire management strategies are
developed in consultation with local communities, bushfire management committees
and rural fire brigades.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
2.7 Climate change
The region will continue to experience rainfall variability, consistent with the presence of an
ephemeral wetland, however, more hot days are likely to increase drying rates (climate
change predictions for the region are outlined in Box 6). This is likely to reduce the durations
of inundation and may result in a contraction of the size of the wetland over time. These
effects have the potential to degrade the wetland and affect waterbird breeding.
Isolated ecosystems, such as Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve, are likely to be at
greater risk than larger, connected ecosystems.
The challenge for NPWS is to adapt to the inevitable consequences of climate change and
ensure that management is reflective of these changes. If the hydrological regime of the
swamp were to change, NPWS has a responsibility to ensure that the integrity of the
reserve’s natural values and systems are maintained so that what emerges is also a natural
viable ecosystem. Monitoring of the reserve’s values and their response to management
actions is essential in this task.
Box 6. Climate Change
Human-induced climate change is listed as a key threatening process under the
Biodiversity Conservation Act (NSW SC 2000) and habitat loss caused by human-
induced greenhouse gas emissions is listed under the Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act (TSSC 2001). The following is a snapshot of the predicted
changes to climate for the Murray Murrumbidgee Region (OEH 2014):
Near future 2020-2039
Maximum temperatures are projected to increase in the near future by 0.41.0°C
Minimum temperatures are projected to increase in the near future by 0.40.8°C
The number of hot days (i.e. > 35°C) will increase
Rainfall is projected to decrease in spring
Average fire weather is projected to increase in summer spring in far future
Far future 2060-2079
Maximum temperatures are projected to increase in the far future by 1.62.5°C
Minimum temperatures are projected to increase in the far future by 1.32.4°C
The number of cold nights (i.e. < 2°C) will decrease
Rainfall is projected to increase in summer and autumn
Severe fire weather days are projected to increase in summer and spring in far
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
3. Looking after our culture and heritage
Both Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people place values on cultural and natural landscapes.
These values may be attached to the landscape as a whole, or to parts of the landscape
(e.g. a particular plant, animal or place). All landscapes contain the imprint of human use. On
any given area of land, some historical activity will have taken place (DECCW 2010). Much
of the Australian environment has been influenced by past Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
land-use practices, and people continue to influence the land through agricultural and
recreational use, cultural practices, the presence and spread of introduced plants and
animals, and in some cases air and water pollution.
3.1 Aboriginal heritage
For Aboriginal people, the landscape is made up of many features that are interrelated.
These include land, water, plants and animals, places and stories, historical and current
uses, and people and their interactions with each other and place. These features are
central to Aboriginal spirituality and contribute to Aboriginal identity. They are inseparable
and make up what is known as ‘Country’.
The cultural landscape of the reserve is part of Country of the Wiradjuri speaking nation that
includes the three rivers: Wambool (Macquarie), Galare (Lachlan) and the Murrumbidya
Doodle Comer Swamp is 25 kilometres south of Kengal (The Rock), an area recognised for
its association with Biamai (a sacred Creator in Wiradjuri culture), and Mirrigan (the dingo
The natural habitat of the swamp provided an ideal camping area for the Wiradjuri with its
sources of water and food. The diverse range of Aboriginal sites in the reserve and
surrounding area, including burials, burial chambers, modified trees, artefact scatters, an
ochre quarry and a stone quarry, attest to this traditional occupation.
Historic observations to the north-west and east of Doodle Comer Swamp in 1825 and in
1843 indicate there were groups of between 50 and 100 Aboriginal people living in the local
area. In the late 19th century there was an Aboriginal camp near Doodle Cooma homestead,
and people crossed Buckargingah Creek in bark canoes (OEH 2017a).
Within the swamp there are several unique pink granite outcrops rising to 10 metres above
the basin floor which form ideal viewing platforms. There is evidence of significant past
Aboriginal use in and around these rock outcrops.
There are currently 14 recorded Aboriginal sites in the reserve (Aboriginal Heritage
Information Management System, accessed August 2019). Aboriginal sites are places with
evidence of Aboriginal occupation or places that are related to other aspects of Aboriginal
culture. They are an important in the culture of local Aboriginal people and as evidence of
Aboriginal history.
Doodle Comer Swamp is part of a larger network of swamps and lagoons across the
Riverina that formed a significant part of the cultural landscape, sustaining the Wiradjuri with
an extensive range of resources for thousands of years (Government Notices 2016).
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
3.2 Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place
In 2016 Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place was declared under section 84 of the NPW Act.
Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place is about 1,333 hectares and covers the entire reserve and
several Crown land lots adjoining the reserve’s northern boundary (see Figure 1).
Doodle Comer Swamp forms an important part of the cultural landscape for Wiradjuri
Aboriginal people, including connections with Country.
Aboriginal places are a way of legally recognising and protecting Aboriginal cultural heritage
on public and private lands. An Aboriginal place is defined in the NPW Act as a place that is
or was of special significance with respect to Aboriginal culture.
The Aboriginal cultural values of Doodle Comer, which are significant to the Wiradjuri and
associated Aboriginal people today, include the rich natural environment, the local historic
record of Aboriginal occupation, and sites associated with traditional Aboriginal activities.
Aboriginal people have cultural associations and connections to Country in the reserve.
While the NSW Government has legal responsibility for the protection of Aboriginal sites and
places, NPWS acknowledges the right of Aboriginal people to make decisions about their
own heritage. Aboriginal communities will be consulted and involved in the management of
Aboriginal sites, places and related issues; and in the promotion and presentation of
Aboriginal culture and history.
The management of Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place is consistent with the objectives of
managing Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve. NPWS will work with the Aboriginal
community to protect and celebrate Aboriginal stories and ensure ongoing connection to
Country for Wiradjuri Aboriginal People and management of the Doodle Comer Aboriginal
NPWS will establish arrangements with the Aboriginal community for involvement in reserve
management and support the community to access Country.
3.3 Shared heritage
History has taken place across the landscape. This includes the history of the first
Australians, Aboriginal people, and our shared history since European settlement. Cultural
heritage comprises places and items that may have historic, scientific, cultural, social,
archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic significance. NPWS conserves the
significant heritage features of NSW parks and reserves.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve was formerly part of a private property called Doodle
Cooma West that was used for grazing and cropping. The first European explorer to record
the area was Major Thomas Mitchell in 1835. The first settlers arrived around 1850.
Henty was called Doodle Cooma until 1886 when its name changed to Henty, after a Henry
Henty of Gerogery (a town south of Henty).
There are no listed built items or landforms of heritage value located in the reserve and
therefore no specific objective or action relating to this theme.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
4. Providing for visitor use and enjoyment
The primary purpose of nature reserves is to conserve ecosystems, species, communities or
natural phenomena. They differ from national parks in that there is no requirement to provide
for visitor use in nature reserves. Research, educational use, nature study and enjoyment
are appropriate uses where they do not conflict with conservation.
Prior to reservation, the land now occupied by Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve was
private land with no public access. Recreational use was limited to water sports with
permission of the landholder.
The main attraction to the reserve is the wetland, especially when inundated. The wetland
provides ideal opportunities for birdwatching from the water or surrounding higher ground.
Visitation in the reserve is oriented towards low-key, self-reliant, passive, nature-based
activities. This use is consistent with principles for the management of nature reserves.
Public vehicle access is provided by 2 roads to the south of the reserve: Henty Swamp Road
and Listers Lane (see Figure 1). Interpretive signs and bird hides are located near these
access points.
In addition to these facilities, there is the opportunity to form and maintain an unmarked
walking route along the wetland. An unmarked route is consistent with a Class 6 (AS 2156)
walking track.
Photo 3 Canoeing in Doodle Comer Swamp. DPE
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Wiradjuri People have many stories about birds from their connection and use of such
wetlands within Country. Celebration and connection with this culture will be offered as an
important component of the visitor experience at Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve.
NPWS will, in consultation with the Aboriginal community, combine Wiradjuri cultural history
and knowledge of the local wetlands into the visitor experience.
The reserve is close to Henty and most visitation is likely to proceed from this location. There
are benefits to the Henty community to promote the reserve from town. In consultation with
the Henty community, NPWS will add European cultural history and knowledge of the local
wetlands into visitor experience materials.
5. NPWS infrastructure and services
Although not required to under the Dividing Fences Act 1991, NPWS encourages a
cooperative approach towards sharing fencing responsibilities. NPWS has provided fencing
material to neighbours to support boundary fencing. Current fences are generally in good
condition and this will be monitored over time.
Boundary gates are located at strategic locations to allow for authorised access during
reserve management activities such as fire management, and pest and weed control.
There are two public access points from Henty Swamp Road and Listers Road, with signs at
the entrances.
There are internal fences left over from the land’s previous use. These fences pose a risk to
native animals and are no longer required. Internal fences no longer required will be
identified and removed.
6. Non-NPWS infrastructure and services
There are no non-NPWS infrastructure or services in Doodle Comer Swamp Nature
Reserve, and therefore no actions relating to this section in the plan of management.
The Henty Sewage Treatment Plant is outside the reserve on the outskirts of Henty on
adjoining Crown land. It operates under a NSW Environment Protection Authority licence,
issued under the Protection of Environment Operations Act 1997. Effluent is discharged after
treatment to an effluent re-use storage dam. If the dam becomes full it overflows to the
swamp outside the reserve, where it eventually evaporates. Release of pollutants and
exceedance of discharge limits to the environment are considered a low risk to the reserve’s
values (GHSC 2013).
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Appendix A Legislation and policy
The following laws and policies apply to how we manage our parks (this is not a complete
NSW legislation
National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 and NPW Regulation
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979
Heritage Act 1977
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
Biosecurity Act 2015
Other NSW laws may also apply to park management:
Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Commonwealth legislation
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
NPWS policies and strategies
A range of NPWS plans, policies and strategies may also apply to park management:
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Plan of Management
park management policies
regional pest management strategies
fire management strategies
Other laws, policies and strategies may also apply. Please contact NPWS for advice.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Appendix B Scientific plant and animal names
The following table shows the scientific name for common plant and animal names used in
this plan. See Appendix E for pest animals and weeds.
Common name Scientific name
Austral pillwort Pilularia novae-hollandiae
Cane grass Eragrostis australasica
Common reed Phragmites australis
River red gum Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Swamp wallaby grass Amphibromus nervosus
Great cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo
Swift parrot Lathamus discolor
Sloane’s froglet Crinia sloanei
Common plant names from PlantNET (The NSW Plant Information Network System), Royal Botanic Gardens
and Domain Trust, Sydney, http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au [03/07/19].
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Appendix C Vegetation classes and communities in
the park
Class name Vegetation community description
Inland floodplain shrublands Canegrass (Eragrostis australasica) swamp, tall grassland,
wetland of drainage depressions, lakes and pans of the inland
plains (578 hectares on reserve).
Distributed throughout western NSW in the arid and semi-arid
zones. Not threatened overall but most areas have been
subjected to grazing and trampling by stock and feral animals.
Inland floodplain swamps
Swamp grassland wetland of the Riverine Plain (117 hectares
on reserve).
Grassland and forbland dominated by blowngrass
(Lachnagrostis filiformis), Dutton wallaby grass
(Austrodanthonia duttoniana) and billy button (Pycnosorus
globosus). Occurs on grey cracking clay in swamps and
depressions. More restricted than other grassland types in the
Inland floodplain swamps Shallow marsh wetland of regularly flooded depressions on
floodplains mainly in the semi-arid climatic zone (27 hectares
on reserve).
Moist herbland containing a mix of sedges, forbs, grasses and
free-floating or attached water plants. Some areas have been
cleared for cropping or horticulture in New South Wales, but a
large proportion remains. Altered flooding regimes are the main
threat to this community in New South Wales.
Inland floodplain shrublands Lignum (Muehlenbeckia florulenta) shrubland wetland of the
semi-arid plains (0.14 hectare on reserve).
Inland riverine forests River red gum swampy woodland wetland on cowals (lakes)
and associated flood channels in central NSW (318 hectares
on reserve).
Tall woodland with trees averaging about 20 m high dominated
by river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis). Shrubs are
absent or rare. This community is restricted in extent and is
poorly presented in reserves. Mainly cleared in New South
Wales and susceptible to weed invasion, burning or pig
Inland riverine forests
River red gum herbaceous-grassy very tall open forest wetland
on inner floodplains in the lower slopes subregion of the NSW
South Western Slopes Bioregion and the eastern Riverina
Bioregion (12.5 hectares on reserve).
Very tall open forest dominated by river red gum with trees
averaging about 25 m high and a canopy cover of about 40%.
Mainly distributed along the Murray and Murrumbidgee Rivers
in New South Wales.
Riverine plain grasslands Plains grass grassland on alluvial, mainly clay soils in the
Riverina Bioregion and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
(14 hectares on reserve).
Tussock grassland dominated by the grass species plains
grass (Austrostipa aristiglumis). Occurs on dark grey, self-
mulching clays and clay loam soils in slightly low-lying areas of
floodplains and alluvial plains. Often containing a high
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Class name Vegetation community description
proportion of annual exotic species in spring. Poorly
represented in reserves.
Floodplain transition woodlands Western grey box tall grassy woodland on alluvial loam and
clay soils in the NSW South Western Slopes and Riverina
Bioregions (five hectares on reserve).
Tall woodland to 25 m high dominated by western grey box
(Eucalyptus microcarpa).
An endangered ecological community.
Floodplain transition woodlands White cypress pine woodland on sandy loams in central NSW
wheatbelt (0.7 hectares on reserve).
Tall or mid-high woodland to about 18 m high dominated by
white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla).
An endangered ecological community.
Floodplain transition woodlands Western grey box white cypress pine tall woodland on loam
soil on alluvial plains of NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion
and Riverina Bioregion (0.5ha on reserve).
An endangered ecological community.
Floodplain transition woodlands Yellow box river red gum tall grassy riverine woodland of
NSW South Western Slopes Bioregion and Riverina Bioregion
(0.5ha on reserve).
Tall woodland usually about 20 m high dominated by yellow
box (Eucalyptus melliodora) usually with river red gum
(Eucalyptus camaldulensis).
Source: Adapted from the Plant Community Type Identification Tool (PCT Id Tool).
Common names from PlantNET (The NSW Plant Information Network System), Royal Botanic Gardens and
Domain Trust, Sydney, http://plantnet.rbgsyd.nsw.gov.au [03/07/2019].
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Appendix D Description of threatened ecological
communities in the park
The following are listed as threatened ecological communities under the Biodiversity
Conservation Act.
Inland Grey Box Woodland in the Riverina, NSW South Western
Slopes, Cobar Peneplain, Nandewar and Brigalow Belt South
Bioregions Endangered Ecological Community (EEC)
Inland Grey Box Woodland EEC includes those woodlands in which the most characteristic
tree species, inland grey box (Eucalyptus microcarpa), is often found in association with
bimble or poplar box ( E. populnea subsp. bimbil), white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla),
kurrajong (Brachychiton populneus), bulloak (Allocasuarina luehmannii) or yellow box (E.
melliodora), and sometimes with white box (E. albens). Shrubs are typically sparse or
absent, although this component can be diverse and may be locally common, especially in
drier western portions of the community. A variable ground layer of grass and herbaceous
species is present at most sites. At severely disturbed sites the ground layer may be absent.
The community generally occurs as an open woodland 1525 metres tall but in some
locations the overstorey may be absent as a result of past clearing or thinning, leaving only
an understorey.
This community is also listed as endangered under the EPBC Act.
Potential threats to this community within the reserve include:
grazing by domestic stock
degradation of the local and broader landscape including soil acidification, salinisation,
erosion scalding and loss of connectivity
illegal firewood collection
inappropriate fire regimes
competition of native understorey with invasive grasses and other weeds
invasion and establishment of weed species changing community structure and floristic
over-abundant native herbivores (e.g. macropods) and introduced herbivores (e.g. feral
goats and rabbits) leading to loss of floristic structure and ecological function
aggressive exclusion of small woodland birds from over-abundant noisy miners.
Sandhill Pine Woodland in the Riverina, Murray-Darling Depression
and NSW South Western Slopes Bioregions EEC
Sandhill Pine Woodland EEC is the name given to the ecological community dominated by
white cypress pine (Callitris glaucophylla). Sandhill Pine Woodland is characterised by an
open tree stratum, which may be reduced to isolated individuals or may be absent as a
result of past clearing. The tree layer is dominated by white cypress pine, either in pure
stands or with a range of other less abundant trees or tall shrubs. The structure and species
composition of the community varies depending on disturbance history and temporal
variability in rainfall.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Potential threats to this community within the reserve include:
lack of regeneration partly due to isolation and predation by grazers white cypress
pine seed production is intermittent and successful recruitment is dependent on good
seasonal conditions (e.g. above average rainfall), otherwise seedlings may be short
competition from invasive grasses, Paterson’s curse and other weeds causing a change
in species composition
grazing in areas where there is regeneration by rabbits, hares and native herbivores
inappropriate fire regimes white cypress pine is highly fire sensitive and vulnerable to
too-frequent fire
impacts associated with climate change such as an increase in the frequency of fires, or
a change in species structure and composition
disturbance and damage caused by the illegal removal of timber for firewood collection.
White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland EEC
White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red Gum Woodland (commonly referred to as Box-Gum
Woodland) is an open woodland community (sometimes occurring as a forest formation), in
which the most obvious species are one or more of the following: white box (Eucalyptus
albens), yellow box (E. melliodora) and Blakely’s red gum (E. blakelyi). Intact sites contain a
high diversity of plant species, including the main tree species, additional tree species, some
shrub species, several climbing plant species, many grasses and a very high diversity of
herbs. The community also includes a range of mammal, bird, reptile, frog and invertebrate
fauna species. Intact stands that contain diverse upper and mid-storeys and ground layers
are rare. Modified sites include the following:
areas where the main tree species are present, ranging from an open woodland
formation to a forest structure, and the ground layer is predominantly composed of
exotic species
sites where the trees have been removed and only the grassy ground layer and some
herbs remain.
White Box Yellow Box Blakely’s Red Gum Grassy Woodland and Derived Native
Grassland is listed as critically endangered under the EPBC Act.
Potential threats to this community within the reserve include:
degradation of remnants by non-native plant species, including noxious weeds, exotic
pasture species and environmental weeds
degradation of remnants by feral pest animals resulting in the loss or modification of
habitat and predation of native fauna that are part of the community
degradation by over-grazing and trampling by introduced and native herbivores resulting
in losses of plant species and structural diversity (simplification of the understorey and
ground layer and suppression of overstorey regeneration), erosion and other soil
changes (e.g. loss of cryptogams, increased nutrient status)
illegal harvesting of firewood (either living or standing dead, including material on the
ground) and collection of on-ground woody debris
invasion of remnants by noisy miner (Manorina melanocaphala), displacing small native
birds and leading to tree health decline
altered fire regimes
tree death from over-abundant leaf eating insects and other factors.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
Appendix E Pests and weeds in the park
The following table summarises key information on pests in the park at the time of
publication of this plan. Current information on the status of pests and whether they have a
threat abatement plan can be found on the department’s website. Further pest information
on the park is also available in the relevant NPWS Pest Management Strategy. The Local
Land Service Act declares certain animals to be pests.
Pest animals
Common name Scientific name KTP
Cat Felis catus Y N Y
Common carp Cyprinus carpio N N Y
Red fox Vulpes vulpes Y Y Y
Rabbit Oryctolagus cuniculus Y N Y
Common name Scientific name KTP
Noogoora burr Xanthium occidentale N N N N
Notes for tables:
KTP = key threatening process listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act or the Environment Protection
and Biodiversity Conservation Act.
TAP = threat abatement plan prepared under the Biodiversity Conservation Act.
RSMP = regional priority identified in the Murray Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan (Murray
LLS 2018) or the Murray Regional Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan (Murray LLS 2018).
WONS = Weed of National Significance.
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
BC Act
Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016
Endangered ecological community
Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999
National Parks and Wildlife Service
New South Wales
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
ABS (2017) 2016 Census Data, Australian Bureau of Statistics, Canberra,
Davidson I (2017) Investigation and advice about the wetland vegetation community and its
management on Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve, unpublished report for National
Reserves and Wildlife Service, Tumut.
DECC (2002) Description for NSW (Mitchell) Landscapes Version 2, Department of
Environment and Climate Change, Sydney.
DECCW (2010) NSW Climate Impact Profile: The impacts of climate change on the
biophysical environment of New South Wales, Department of Environment, Climate Change
and Water, Sydney,
GHSC (2013) Greater Hume Pollution Incident Response Management Plan, Henty Sewage
Treatment Plant, Greater Hume Shire Council.
Govt Notices (2016) Gazettal Notice Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place, NSW Government
Gazette No 82 of 14 October 2016, pg 2769.
Murray LLS (2017) Murray Region Strategic Weed Management Plan 20172022, Murray
Local Land Services,
Murray LLS (2018) Murray Region Strategic Pest Animal Management Plan 20182023,
Murray Local Land Services,
NPWS (2003) The Bioregions of New South Wales: Their biodiversity, conservation and
history, National Parks and Wildlife Service, Sydney,
NSW SC (1998) Final Determination to list predation by the European Red Fox Vulpes
Vulpes as a Key Threatening Process under the Threatened Species Conservation Act,
NSW Scientific Committee, https://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/topics/animals-and-
NSW SC (2000) Final Determination to List Anthropogenic Climate Change as a Key
Threatening Process on Schedule 3 of the TSC Act, NSW Scientific Committee,
NSW SC (2002) Final Determination to list alteration to the natural flow regimes of rivers and
streams and their floodplains and wetlands as a Key Threatening Process under the
Threatened Species Conservation Act, NSW Scientific Committee,
NSW SC (2003) Final Determination to list invasion of native plant communities by exotic
perennial grasses as a Key Threatening Process under the Threatened Species
Conservation Act, NSW Scientific Committee,
Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Planning Considerations
OEH (2012) Regional Pest Management Strategy 201217, Southern Ranges Region: a
new approach for reducing impacts on native species and park neighbours, Office of
Environment and Heritage, Department of Premier and Cabinet, Sydney,
OEH (2013a) Living with Fire in NSW National Parks: A strategy for managing bushfires in
national parks and reserves 20122021, revised edition, Office of Environment and Heritage,
Sydney, www.environment.nsw.gov.au/fire/120690livfire.htm
OEH (2013b) Saving our Species, Office of Environment and Heritage, Department of
Premier and Cabinet, Sydney, www.environment.nsw.gov.au/savingourspecies/about.htm
OEH (2014a) Doodle Comer Swamp Nature Reserve Statement of Management Intent,
Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.
OEH (2014b) Murray Murrumbidgee Climate Change Snapshot, Office of Environment and
Heritage, Sydney.
OEH (2014c) Public Environment Report, Ecological Thinning Trial in NSW River Red Gum
Forests, Office of Environment and Heritage, Sydney.
OEH (2016a) Biodiversity Conservation Program, Office of Environment and Heritage,
OEH (2016b) Doodle Comer Nature Reserve Vegetation Survey 20102014, unpublished
report by the Office of Environment and Heritage, Queanbeyan.
OEH (2017a) Doodle Comer Aboriginal Place,
OEH (2017b) Wetlands,
PCT Id Tool, Office of Environment and Heritage, Plant Community Identification Software,
Thackway R & Cresswell I (1995) An Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia: A
framework for establishing the national system of reserves. Australian Nature Conservation
Agency, Canberra,