Predicting Human Card Selection in Magic: The
Gathering with Contextual Preference Ranking
Timo Bertram
Dept. of Computer Science
Johannes-Kepler Universit
Linz, Austria
Johannes F
Dept. of Computer Science
Johannes-Kepler Universit
Linz, Austria
Martin M
Dept. of Computing Science
University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada
Abstract—Drafting, i.e., the iterative, adversarial selection of
a subset of items from a larger candidate set, is a key element
of many games and related problems. It encompasses team
formation in sports or e-sports, as well as deck selection in
formats of many modern card games. The key difficulty of
drafting is that it is typically not sufficient to simply evaluate each
item in a vacuum and to select the best items. The evaluation
of an item depends on the context of the set of items that were
already selected earlier, as the value of a set is not just the sum
of the values of its members - it must include a notion of how
well items go together.
In this paper, we study drafting in the context of the card game
Magic: The Gathering. We propose the use of the Contextual
Preference Ranking framework, which learns to compare two
possible extensions of a given deck of cards. We demonstrate
that the resulting neural network is better able to better inform
decisions in this game than previous attempts.
Index Terms—Preference Learning, Game-playing, Siamese
Networks, Card Games, Magic: The Gathering
Collectible card games have been around for decades and
are among the most played tabletop games in existence.
However, they are also among the most complex games [7].
Of course, a good player needs to be able to play the game
itself, which requires an understanding and knowledge of
thousands of cards. Furthermore, deck-building, choosing a
suitable set of cards to play with, is a gigantic challenge
in itself. For the game of Magic: The Gathering, a lower
boundary of the number of possible card configurations can
be computed as follows. For one of their most restricted game
modes, Standard, 1983 different cards are currently legal.
Decks consist of at least 60 cards, of which usually about
37 are chosen from the aforementioned pool, which we will
use as our lower bound. As each card can be put into a deck up
to four times, this leads to
> 10
combinations of
cards. Even with the assumption that a player will play a deck
black and blue deck, which is a more reasonable assumption,
this still results in
> 10
possible decks.
As such numbers are vastly beyond the power of exhaustive
computation, other methods must be developed to train agents
to build decks. In this work, we study a specific game mode of
MTG where the deckbuilding process is greatly simplified. To
train and evaluate our method, we use a dataset of expert draft
selections, which provides information about which selections
human experts preferred over others.
Our main technical contribution is to use Siamese networks
in a way that has not been previously used. We train and
employ them to decide between different choices by explicitly
modeling the context of the decision. The general framework
of this method of Contextual Preference Ranking is developed
in Section V. Before that, we start with a brief description of
the game (Section II) and a review of related work and Siamese
networks (Sections III and IV). Our experiments and their
results are presented in Sections VI and VII, followed by a
discussion, our conclusions, and an outlook on open questions
for future work.
Magic: The Gathering (MTG) is a collectible card game
with several million players worldwide. We abstain from
explaining the complex rules [19], as they are not necessary
to understand the contribution of this work, but provide some
background information in order to introduce the terminology
A. Drafting
MTG is played in a variety of different styles. For this
work, we consider the format of drafting in a game with eight
players. In contrast to formats where decks are constructed
separately from playing, drafting features a first game phase in
which players form a pool of cards, from which they later build
their decks. The pool of cards is chosen from semi-random
selections of cards, so-called packs. Each pack of MTG cards
consists of 15 different cards of four different rarities: eleven
Common, three Uncommon, and one Rare or Mythic card.
Rare cards appear more frequently than Mythic ones. Over
the course of the whole draft, each player chooses a deck of
45 cards sequentially. Players get their cards by choosing from
many packs as follows: Each of the eight players in a draft
starts with a full pack of 15 cards, selects a single card from
it, and passes the remaining 14 cards on to the next player. In
the following rounds, players select from 14, 13, . . . cards. This
Some packs contain an extra sixteenth card. However, such packs did not
occur in our dataset.978-1-6654-3886-5/21/$31.00 ©2021 IEEE
process continues until all 15 cards of the original packs are
chosen. This process is repeated for an additional two packs,
such that each player selects 45 cards in total. In each round,
packs are passed around in the same direction.
Drafting differs from free deckbuilding since players can
not choose any existing card. Still, the computational com-
plexity of this problem is enormous, as a single draft leads
to (15 · 14 · 13 . . .)
> 2 × 10
possible decks for each
individual player. As there are 8 players but 15 cards per
pack, players will see most packs of cards twice. This gives
players additional information, such as which cards have been
selected by the opponents in the last round. Such information
is disregarded in our current work. We evaluate each pick only
in the context of our current selection of cards, without taking
information about the opponents’ possible picks, future or past,
into consideration.
B. Card Colors
An important property of a card is its card colors, which
has a major impact on the composition of a good deck. Most
cards are assigned a single color, but some cards have multiple
colors, and a small subset of cards has no colors. While there
are exceptions to this, most players’ final decks will only
use cards of two different colors. This means that previously
selected cards, especially their color, strongly influence the
selection of subsequent cards, in order to build a consistent
deck. This also means that colorless cards can be valuable,
as they can be used in any deck. On the other hand, using a
multicolored card however requires having all of its colors in
the deck, which makes them much harder to incorporate.
C. Deck Building
Only about 23 of the 45 selected cards will be used in a
player’s final deck, so almost half of all chosen cards do not
participate in the play phase.
This opens strategic options
such as making speculative picks and changing colors during
the drafting phase. Players may also pick some strong cards
without intending to play them, in order to deny the other
players that card.
In actual games, the draft phase is followed by the play
phase. In this work, instead of evaluating a drafting strategy
directly by playing games with the resulting deck, we evaluate
it by using a large database of human expert picks. This serves
as the ground truth for which card is best in a specific situation.
This has its limitations, as human choices are far from perfect
and can be inconsistent, as well as having no information about
the performance of the resulting decks. Still, this dataset is
useful when trying to predict human decision-making in this
context, and allows the study of draft picking independently
of card play.
The reason is that a legal deck only requires 40 cards, of which usually
17 are so-called basic lands, which are not part of the drafting process. For
more information about this, visit
Current work on selecting cards in the setting of collectible
card games is limited due to available data. Most existing
approaches either drastically reduce the complexity of the
domain by choosing subsets of cards [1] or by using naive
versions of games [10]. Evolutionary approaches are often
used for deck building. However, computing the fitness of
a deck is a difficult problem by itself. In practice, those
approaches often use na
ıve game-specific heuristics to play
games [1], [6], which do not transfer to the context of real
gameplay. A different way to circumvent the complexity of
evaluating decks, which we follow here, is by training on
expert decisions. DraftSim [18] is a large public domain
simulator for human deck-building decisions, which provides
an excellent basis for training. This dataset uses the eight-
player drafting setting explained in Section II-A. In their work,
they also proposed several card selection methods [18]. Their
best performing method is a deep neural network, which was
trained to directly pick the best-fitting card in each round.
The input of the network is a feature-based encoding of the
current set of cards, while the output is a vector of real-valued
scores, which rank all possible card choices. A card with the
maximum score within the current selection P is chosen.
In our work, we train a Siamese network [3], [9] for the
task of drafting. These networks are often used in one-shot
learning for image recognition [9], [17] and process multiple
inputs sequentially in the same network (see Section IV).
Siamese networks have also been used in preference learning
two compare two examples of a similar item [2]. This idea
can also be viewed as an extension of Tesauro’s comparison
training networks [14]. In his work, networks use pairwise
comparisons without context, while we add the anchoring
context sets. In our work, we use Siamese networks differently:
we compare two items with a context by embedding both
inputs as well as the context in a representation space with
the help of the network. To the best of our knowledge, this is
a novel approach.
A key advantage of Siamese architectures over other, more
traditional, neural networks is their independence of the order
of inputs. Feeding both choices as one input into the network
can lead to different outputs depending on the order, which is
circumvented by having a separate forward-pass through the
network for each input. The output for a given input is called
the embedding of the input (see Figure 1).
To compare the different embeddings, Siamese networks
often employ the distance between them to model similarities
and preferences. The contrastive loss [11] and triplet loss are
common loss functions.
(a, p, n) = max (d(a, p) d(a, n) + m, 0) (1)
The triplet loss (Equation 1) uses an anchor (a), a positive
(p) and a negative (n) example. The anchor models the item
to compare to, while the positive example p is in some manner
preferential to the negative example n. As the loss decreases
Fig. 1. Training scheme for triplet loss using an anchor a, a positive p and
a negative example n. The loss function indicates whether a is closer to p
or to n. N is the network that maps an item into an embedding space.
with decreasing distance between a and p, and with increasing
distance between a and n, this means that preferential items
are embedded at closer positions in the embedding space
than less preferential ones. While this choice is arbitrary, the
Euclidian distance d(x, y) = ||x y||
. is chosen as the
distance metric for this work. The margin m is a parameter of
the loss function and controls how far embeddings are pushed
away from each other. We used a margin of 1. In preliminary
experiments, the exact value of this parameter was not critical
for the performance of the method.
Siamese networks are often used to model the similarity
of items. For example, Siamese architectures can compare
pictures of individuals and be trained to recognize whether
two different images show the same person. In that case, the
preference indicates which picture of p and n is more likely
to show the same individual as the anchor, therefore modeling
similarity between items.
We use Siamese networks differently: instead of item simi-
larity, we model preferences in a contextual, set-based setting,
where p and n are possible additions to an existing anchor
set a. Formally, this set addition problem can be represented
as follows: Given a set of items C modeling the context, and
a set of items P that represent the current possible choices,
select the item c
in P, which fits the set C best. Formally, if
u(.) is an (unknown) utility function that returns an evaluation
of a given set of items, then
= arg max
u(C {c}) (2)
The learning problem now is to learn the function u(.) from
a set of example decisions. We propose to solve this problem
by learning contextual preferences of the form
| C) (3)
which means that item c
is a better addition to set C than
. In our application to drafting, all preferences are defined
over one-element extensions {c
}. However, in principle, this
framework can also be applied if the set C can be extended by
arbitrary larger sets of items C
and C
. For decisions without
a context, such as the first pick in a draft, C = . The distance
to the empty set can be used as a measure of the general
utility of a card.
For training a network with such contextual preference
decisions, we employ Siamese networks trained with the triplet
loss. While such networks have been previously used for
comparing the similarity of items (”anchor object a is more
similar to object p than to object n”), we use them here in a
slightly different setting. The anchor object a is a set which
needs to be extended with one of two candidate extensions
p or n. The training information indicates that p is a better
extension than n. This is very different from asking whether
a is more similar to p or n. For example in card drafting,
we seek complementary cards that add to a deck, rather than
endlessly duplicating the effect of similar cards picked earlier.
At testing time, pairwise comparisons are not needed, as we
can directly evaluate each option in the context of their com-
mon anchor. This is possible because the resulting preferences
are transitive w.r.t. the given anchor set, i.e.,
| C) (c
| C) (c
| C)
The reason for this is that all objects are embedded with the
same embedding network N, which always outputs the same
signal for the same input, regardless of the position of the item
in the comparison.
This Contextual Preference Learning framework is the main
contribution of this work, as it introduces a new way of think-
ing about the Siamese structure. Instead of comparing similar
items, we train a preference of items based on a context. To
our knowledge, Siamese networks have not previously been
used in such a way. In addition, this contextual preference of
comparing p and n with context a also differs from comparing
a + p and a + n as in RankNet [2]. We want to emphasize the
generality of this framework - it is applicable to model any
kind of preference learning problem with a context.
In this section, we evaluate the framework defined above
in the domain of drafting cards in MTG.
We define the
context C as the set of cards previously chosen by a player
and train the networks with pairs of possible card choices p
and n, where p was chosen by the player and n is another card
that was available but not chosen. Therefore, we model that
in the human expert’s opinion, p fits better into the current
set than n. When using the network to make a pick decision
in a game where we already hold cards C, we compute the
embedding N(C) and the embeddings N(c
) for all possible
card choices c
, then choose the card c
with minimal distance
to C. Due to the nature of how we structure the training in
Contextual Preference Ranking, it is important to emphasize
that this distance does not model that this card is most similar
to C. Rather, the distance models how well cards fit into the
context, with smaller distances equaling a better fit.
The code used for all experiments can be found at
A. Data preparation and exploration
The DraftSim dataset used in this research consists of
107,949 human drafts from the associated website [5]. Each
draft consists of 24 packs of 15 cards distributed as explained
in Section II-A. The dataset includes 2,590,776 separate packs
and it contains a total of 265 different cards. It is important
to note that those decisions are obtained from a simulator
specifically created for drafting. Therefore, the dataset does not
contain the playing phase of the game. In addition, the dataset
is not tied to a larger Magic:The Gathering environment,
which means that cards are not associated with a market where
cards can be bought or sold. This is important, as otherwise,
the physical or digital price of cards may influence decisions.
We train the network on pairs of possible cards in the
context of the set of cards that are already held by the player.
For each decision to choose the best card from a pack of
k cards, k 1 training examples are generated for pairing
the selected card with each of the k 1 other cards in the
pack. The DraftSim dataset contains 217,624,680 such training
examples. These examples are split 80/20 into training and
test data, using the same split as in [18] to allow a direct
In order to better understand the characteristics of the
dataset, we defined two metrics:
(i) The pick rate of each individual card c captures how
often the card was selected when being offered.
(c) =
number of times c chosen
number of times c offered
(ii) The first-pick rate captures how often a card c was
selected on the very first pick.
(c) =
number of times c chosen first
number of times c offered first
The former metric defines how likely a card is to be chosen
over the whole range of the draft, while the second only
considers the very first pick. Whether a card is selected first
mainly depends on its individual card strength. In contrast,
later card choices are heavily influenced by previously selected
cards. In practice, players strongly prefer cards that match their
collected colors, as those are most likely to be included in the
final deck.
Figure 2 demonstrates that recognizing the first picked
card is a much easier task than choosing cards later, since
the human player’s consensus is higher at that point. For
the first pick decision, it is possible to simply consult a
ranking of available cards [8], [12], [15]. However, even for
this seemingly simple task, rankings are rarely completely
unanimous, which underlines the complexity of the domain.
Over the whole draft, all cards will be chosen at some
point. For the first pick, the number of reasonable choices is
relatively small. Therefore, the first-pick rate drops drastically
as cards get weaker, as can be seen from the quick drop of the
blue solid line in Figure 2. The lowest observed pick rate in the
DraftSim set is 0.07, which is close to the theoretical minimum
/15 0.0667 when a card is always chosen last. However,
Fig. 2. Pick rate of each individual card (higher pick rate equals better card)
Fig. 3. First-pick rate per rarity. Larger area of plot equals more cards of that
pack rate. The cards with the highest first-pick rates are all Rare and Mythic.
the lowest first-pick rate in the data set is 0.00001, which can
safely be regarded as a misclick or otherwise unexplainable
decision. In contrast, the two highest first-pick rates are 0.9995
and 0.9987, showing clearly that in a vacuum, some cards
are clearly regarded as the strongest. The pick-rate differs,
as in those decisions the context of already chosen cards is
important. There, the two highest pick rates are 0.98 and 0.77.
This steep decline occurs, as the card with the highest rate is a
colorless one and therefore playable in any deck. The second
best however is a white card, which explains why a portion
of decisions did not choose that card, as the player was likely
already firmly drafting a deck of different colors than white.
Due to the properties of the game, a drafting system for this
dataset does not need to be able to compare every card with
all others, as a single pack of cards never includes multiple
Rare or Mythic cards (Section II-A). Figure 3 visualizes the
density of first-pick rates of cards separated by rarity. There,
it is visible that all the very strongest cards in the set are in
those two groups. For example, even one of the lesser picked
Rare cards in the top cluster, with a first-pick rate of about 0.8,
is picked more often than any Common or Uncommon card.
Fig. 4. Siamese network N architecture
However, just choosing Rares and Mythics whenever possible
does not result in an appropriate heuristic. As also seen in
Figure 3, a large number of these cards are also among the
least-picked and therefore weakest cards. This is a result of
MTG having multiple formats. Such cards can be strong within
the context of very specific pre-constructed decks but are close
to useless in the drafting format.
B. Network Architecture
This section outlines details of the architecture and training
method used for the Siamese network in our experiments.
The three different inputs a (corresponding to the anchor
card set C), and p and n (corresponding to the picked card
and one of the other cards) are sequentially processed by the
network, as shown in Figure 1. Each forward-pass through the
network encodes a set of input cards through multiple fully-
connected network layers (Figure 4). Therefore, each training
update consists of three sequential forward passes through
the network, followed by the computation of the loss and a
backward pass for updating the network parameters.
The embedding network takes a set of cards as input. The
input space is 265-dimensional with one dimension represent-
ing each possible card. For p and n, the input is a one-hot
encoding, while the anchor a uses an encoding in which each
dimension encodes the number of already chosen cards of that
type. The output of the network is a D-dimensional vector
of real numbers in the range [1, 1], where D 1 is a
parameter, which we experimentally evaluate in Section VII-D.
The output vector is the learned embedding of the input set.
Fully-connected layers are linked by exponential linear unit
functions (ELU) [4]. In preliminary experiments, this led
to quicker training than rectified linear (RELU) and leaky-
RELU activations. We use a learning rate of 0.0001 and the
Adam optimizer with a batch size of 128. For the output
layer, the tanh function was chosen. We do not use batch
normalization as it did not provide benefits in our experiments
but we use a dropout of 0.5. Most of those parameters,
such as the learning rate, the size of the network, and the
optimizer, were not optimized, as reaching the absolute highest
performance was not the priority of this work. Rather, we used
intuitive parameters, which were comparable to the ones used
in previous research [18]. Performance can likely be enhanced
further with a guided search for the optimal parameters.
Agent MTTA (%) MTPD
22.15 NA
30.53 2.62
44.54 1.62
43.35 1.74
48.67 1.48
, D=2 53.69 0.98
, D=256 83.78 0.2476
In this section, we discuss the performance of our networks
for the card selection task and visualize the obtained card
A. Card Selection Accuracy
Our primary goal was to compare our Contextual Preference
Ranking framework to the performance of the previous algo-
rithms for this dataset. The best performing algorithm reported
in [18] uses a traditional deep neural network to learn a ranking
over all possible cards for a given context. It was trained by
directly mapping an encoding of the current set of cards C to a
one-hot encoded vector that represents the selected card. Thus,
it generated exactly one training example per card pick. Our
Magic draft agent SIAMESEBOT instead learns on pairwise
comparisons between the picked card and any other card in
the candidate pack P and therefore generates 2 to 14 training
examples from a single pick, depending on the size of P.
This additional constant factor in the training complexity
is to some extent compensated by the fact that we were able
to train our network with a much smaller number of training
epochs. Due to the large size of the dataset, we split it into
220 sub-datasets. For the results in Figure 7, only a single
epoch of 50 of those datasets was used. We, therefore, used
less than
/4 of an epoch of the whole dataset, in contrast to
20 epochs of training on the complete dataset in [18].
Following [18] we report two measures: the mean testing
top-one accuracy (MTTA) is the percentage of cases in which
the network chooses the correct card in the pack. The mean
testing pick distance (MTPD) is how far away the correct pick
is from the chosen card when ranking all possible choices. In
both of those metrics, with embedding dimension D = 256,
we achieve substantially improved results on the dataset, as
can be seen from Table I.
This strong increase in performance suggests that our
Contextual Preference Ranking approach works well for this
domain. Furthermore, the proposed approach is completely
domain-agnostic. Apart from having a fixed one-hot encoding
of each card, we do not provide the network any other
information about the game or the cards. This leads us to
speculate that our method will likely work well for other
contextual decision-making problems.
Fig. 5. Accuracy of pick-prediction per number of already chosen cards.
SIAMESEBOT performs much better than all other methods and remains a
more stable accuracy in the middle of the packs.
B. Draft Analysis
We also compare the performance of our proposed network
over the course of the whole draft. Since already chosen cards
strongly influence the current decision, we explore whether a
growing set of chosen cards influences the accuracy of picks.
Figure 5 shows the accuracy of our SIAMESEBOT and those
reported in [18] over the three consecutive picking rounds
with 15 cards each. We clearly see that our method generally
provides substantially more accurate decisions. Interestingly,
the accuracy of picks does not show the same performance
curve as previous methods. Those methods have U-shaped
curves and are more accurate at the start and end of each pack.
Our method remains a relatively stable quality throughout
most of the pack. The worst accuracy for our SIAMESEBOT
occurs at pick number 2, which is an interesting observation.
A possible reason for this may be, that the embedding of the
context with a single card, and the embedding of a possible
choice card itself are the same, which could lead to problems
C. Visualization
Finally, we can use the resulting embedding of cards to visu-
alize the decision process of the network. Since embeddings
for cards are constant, the card selection decision is solely
determined by the embedded representation of the anchor.
Visualizing the embedding of single cards aids in under-
standing of the decision process of the network. As the em-
bedding is 256-dimensional, we use t-SNE [16], a stochastic
algorithm to reduce the dimensionality of data points, to plot
the embedding in two dimensions. We graph all cards in their
respective color. Cards of exactly two colors are shown with
one color as their border and the other as the filling. Purple is
used for colorless cards, and gold for cards of more than two
colors. The empty set is shown as the anchor in the middle,
which corresponds to visualizing the first pick.
Although the network did not receive any information about
the color of cards, Figure 6 shows clear clusters with cards
Fig. 6. 2D visualization of embedded cards with the anchor as the empty
card set and colors matching the card colors in the game. Clear clusters of
equal-colored cards are visible, although the network did not receive this
of the same color. Within each cluster, cards seem to be
roughly linearly ordered, where cards closer to the empty set
are stronger in a vacuum. This leads to a star-like structure.
Between clusters, single multicolored cards are visible, which
correspond to multicolored cards of the two adjacent colors.
However, some clusters outside the star structure are visible.
As the dimensionality of the embedding was reduced drasti-
cally, giving an accurate explanation of those is far from trivial.
Firstly, as t-SNE is stochastic, the resulting 2-dimensional
representation changes in different iterations. Therefore, some
clusters sometimes seem to be connected, while they are
disconnected in other iterations. Figure 6 shows two distinct
black clusters, but in other iterations with the same parameters,
the structure of those is more connected. We also use k-means
to cluster the data in its original space. There, the far-seeming
white points are sometimes clustered together, which further
strengthens the explanation that some structures are artifacts
of t-SNE. This is even more drastic when taking different
hyperparameters into account.
Finally, we tested how the observable distances to the
anchor in Figure 6 correlate to the real distances in the 265-
dimensional embedding space. Those two measures achieve a
Kendall’s Tau correlation of 0.6243, which means they are
strongly correlated, showing that Figure 6 still gives good
intuition about the decision-process of the network. When
investigating the correlation further, the loss in correlation
mainly comes from singular points and clusters which have
drastically different distances in the two embedding spaces,
while clusters themselves seem to achieve a similar distance.
D. Sensitivity to Embedding Dimension
The embedding dimension D is the most important hy-
perparameter of the proposed method. Figure 7 shows the
learning curves for different choices of D. Increasing D leads
to strong improvements in network accuracy up to about
D = 32. After this, diminishing returns set in and the
performance stops improving at D = 128. However, even with
Fig. 7. Influence of D on performance. Increasing D leads to higher
accuracies until D 128.
D = 2, the Siamese network achieves an accuracy of 53.69%,
which is higher than the 48.67% of the best previous method
NNETBOT (see Table I).
With the proposed approach, we achieve much higher ac-
curacies than previously reported, while using a much smaller
amount of training. Besides, the embedding of cards and decks
provides valuable information about the dataset without any
added computational effort. The fact that cards of the same
color are clustered together is intuitive and further confirms
the validity of our approach. Embedding a different dataset
would likely look vastly different, for example, a set where
specific colors are more likely to be drafted together. One
surprising finding was that the embedding was not intuitively
perfect. A few outside clusters of cards (Figure 6) seem to
be rated drastically worse than the main structure around the
anchor. A possible explanation is that those clusters contain
weak cards which are chosen near the end. This would still
cluster them together, as they are only chosen in accordance
with the color of the deck while being exceptionally far away
from the empty set since they are never chosen as the first pick.
It however could also just be an artifact of the dimensionality
reduction of the data. Another reassuring finding is that two-
colored cards lie between their two colors, as those cards are
equally relevant for both.
We can use the resulting embedding to construct a rating
of all cards by computing their distances to the empty set.
Interestingly, this differs from expert rankings. We compare
this resulting ranking to two expert opinions in Table II. The
last column ranks the cards based on how often they were
first picked in the dataset (compare Figure 2). The rarity of
each card is encoded behind its name as either Uncommon
(U), Rare (R) or Mythic (M).
From this, a few stark differences are immediately obvious.
While Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants, Djinn of Wishes and Leonin
Warleader are rated similarly to the experts, the extraordinarily
high rating of Goblin Trashmaster is surprising. Note that the
rates for the top cards are very similar, e.g. 99.94% for Ajani,
Card Siamese Expert 1 [15] Expert 2 [8] FPR
Spit Flame (R) 1 18 22 17
Leonin Warleader (R) 2 15 4 8
Goblin Trashmaster (R) 3 51 112 32
Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants (M) 4 7 5 1
Djinn of Wishes (R) 5 14 6 14
Tezzeret, Artifice Master (M) 20 1 2 3
Resplendent Angel (M) 30 9 1 2
Murder (U) 12 21 9 39
Fig. 8. Correlation between first-pick rate and distance. Cards with a higher
first-pick rate are embedded closer to the empty set. Kendall’s Tau = 0.74
Adversary of Tyrants and 99.87% for Resplendent Angel, and
those Rare and Mythic cards are never in direct competition
due to the composition of the decks. This can make a correct
ranking very hard for the network. We can also observe from
the Siamese ranking that, surprisingly, four of the top five cards
are Rare. We speculate that this is due to the fact that Rare
cards occur more frequently in the dataset and the training
sees more positive examples of these. It is possible to combat
this by oversampling mythic examples, or by adding features
to the cards, but this would stand in contrast to the domain-
agnostic approach chosen. While the high ranking of Goblin
Trashmaster is unusual, the network has, however, made a
precise estimation about a hard-to-rate card, Murder. This is
by far the best Uncommon card in the set. It is ordered at
rank 9 and 21 by CFB and DraftSim respectively. Our Siamese
network ranks it at 12, although its first-pick rate is only 39.
To further visualize correlations between the network pre-
dictions and the underlying data, we plot the first-pick rate of
cards against the distance to the empty set in Figure 8, showing
a strong correlation with a Kendall rank correlation coefficient
of 0.74. The main difference between these two statistics is
that the distance is much smoother than the first-pick rate,
which decreases rapidly for weaker cards. The first-pick rate
is only subject to binary choices, i.e., c
without giving
any weight to how close the decision between those cards
was. Due to the training with more than just the first picks,
the embedding distance is a smoother measure of how strong
the card is according to the network.
Finally, we can use the embedding to extract meta-
information about this dataset. For example, the Siamese
network seems to strongly favor the colors red and white, as it
rates four white and five red cards higher than the best green
We showed that the proposed method of using a Siamese
network to model preferences in the context of drafting cards
in Magic: The Gathering worked well and vastly outperformed
previous results. Compared to [18], we report an increase in
accuracy by more than 56%, while also decreasing the pick
distance by more than 83%. Even when our network makes
an incorrect choice, the network ranks the correct choice
very high. In addition to this performance, we show that the
resulting embedding makes intuitive sense. It can be used to
learn further from the dataset, apart from only using it for
draft predictions. For this dataset, we were able to create
absolute rankings of cards and could speculate which colors
With this first implementation of a contextual preference
ranking framework, we showed that Siamese networks work
well for adding items to an existing set. We want to reempha-
size that while this is the first practical test of this framework,
there is no reason to believe that the success is limited to
this particular setting. We did not incorporate any domain
information into SIAMESEBOT beyond the ID of cards used
to encode the input. Therefore, we speculate that our proposed
framework will work well for other problems where preference
has to be modeled in a context.
In order to further test the generality of this approach in
other domains, more work with other datasets is required. One
possible area for future work is sequential team-building in a
MOBA game. It could also be possible to extend this approach
beyond sequential decision-making. An example is a game
where decks are played against each other, and the context
is the intersection of both decks, with positive and negative
examples taken from the remaining cards of the winning and
losing deck respectively. This may introduce a lot of noise into
the training, as winning or losing with a deck is subject to a
multitude of factors besides the chosen cards, but may extend
the method to a larger variety of domains.
There is potential to use this method not only for pre-
game decision-making but for game playing as well. Given
a dataset of expert moves in a game, we can model the
anchor as the current game state, and the chosen and one not
chosen move as positive and negative examples. A concern
with all of those ideas however is the fact that we are solely
training on human expert examples, which provides an upper
limit on how well this can perform in a general context. To
circumvent this, one could also generate datasets on self-play
games as part of an agent training loop, as in AlphaZero [13]
and similar approaches. For further improving performance
within MTG, we could build refined architectures that use
meta-information and a history, which allows inferences about
opponent strategies and color choices which are used by strong
human players. We could also try to train separate networks
for specific numbers of already chosen cards, especially for
the case of 1 chosen card where performance is worst overall.
Acknowledgements We thank the authors of [18] for making the
data publicly available and for sharing their experimental data, and
Johannes-Kepler Universit
at Linz for supporting M
uller’s sabbatical
stay through their Research Fellowship program.
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