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Undergraduate Honors Theses
Computer Science and Computer Engineering
The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Game Engine for the The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Game Engine for the
Android Platform Android Platform
Jon Hammer
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
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Hammer, J. (2012). The Design and Implementation of a Mobile Game Engine for the Android Platform.
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A Undergraduate Honors College Thesis
in the
Department of Computer Science and Computer Engineering
College of Engineering
University of Arkansas
Fayetteville, AR
December, 2012
Jon C. Hammer
In this thesis, a two-dimensional game engine is proposed for the Android mobile
platform that facilitates rapid development of those games by individual developers or hobbyists.
The essential elements of game design are presented so as to introduce the reader to the concepts
that are crucial for comprehension of the paper. A brief overview of the Android Operating
System is also included for those unfamiliar with it. Three primary design goals are identified,
and a prototype solution is described in detail. The prototype is then evaluated against those
design goals to see how well it accomplishes each task. The results are collected and presented
at the end of the thesis and demonstrate that though there is always room for expansion, the
prototype does indeed satisfy the requirements given.
©2012 by Jon C. Hammer
All Rights Reserved
This project has been a monumental undertaking and would not have been possible
without the support of a large number of people. I thank Dr. Russell Deaton and Dr. Nilanjan
Banerjee for providing me with the original foundation of the project. Dr. Deaton encouraged
the idea of a developing a gaming engine and was kind enough to be my Thesis Director during
the preliminary stages of the engine's development, while Dr. Banerjee provided the knowledge
and tools necessary to implement it on the Android mobile platform.
I also thank Dr. John Gauch and Dr. Craig Thompson. With the departure of Dr.
Banerjee and Dr. Deaton, Dr. Gauch graciously took over the task of being my Thesis Director in
the last semester while I finished the details of the project and has been a source of
encouragement along the way and Dr. Thompson took over the responsibility of coordinating the
students in the Honors program, myself included, and served on my thesis committee. I also
thank Dr. Gordon Beavers for serving on my committee, and the rest of the Computer Science
faculty at the University of Arkansas. I consider my education to be my most valuable asset.
My family and friends have been particularly important throughout this process. My
mother and father have always pushed be to do my best and to strive for the highest level
excellence possible. Their encouragement has pushed me through high school and college and
will continue to push me for the rest of my life. My friends have always been available when I
need them, either for advice or a distraction, and for that, I wish to thank them.
Finally, to all who have helped me along the way, I sincerely thank you. It has been a
pleasure working with you.
1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Problem ................................................................................................................................ 1
1.2 Objective .............................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Approach .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Organization of this Thesis .................................................................................................. 5
2. Background ...............................................................................................................................7
2.1 Key Concepts ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1.1 Digital Images ............................................................................................................... 7
2.1.2 The Game Loop .......................................................................................................... 10
2.1.3 An Introduction To Animation ................................................................................... 13
2.1.4 Android, An Overview ................................................................................................ 15
2.2 Related Work ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.1 AndEngine .................................................................................................................. 17
2.2.2 LibGDX ...................................................................................................................... 17
2.2.3 Corona ......................................................................................................................... 18
3. Architecture .............................................................................................................................19
3.1 High Level Design ............................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Design ................................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.1 System Core ................................................................................................................ 20
3.2.2 Graphics Core ............................................................................................................. 20
3.2.3 Input Core ................................................................................................................... 22
3.2.4 Update Core ................................................................................................................ 22
3.2.5 File Core...................................................................................................................... 22
3.3 Implementation .................................................................................................................. 23
3.3.1 System Core ................................................................................................................ 23
3.3.2 Graphics Core ............................................................................................................. 25 Renderer ............................................................................................................... 26 Resource Managers .............................................................................................. 28 Core Drawables .................................................................................................... 31 Additional Drawables .......................................................................................... 32
3.3.3 Input Core ................................................................................................................... 36
3.3.4 Update Core ................................................................................................................ 38
3.3.5 File Core...................................................................................................................... 39
3.4 Extensions to the Engine ..................................................................................................... 40
3.4.1 Sprite ........................................................................................................................... 41
3.4.2 Particle System............................................................................................................ 45
4. Results and Analysis ...............................................................................................................48
4.1 Methodology ...................................................................................................................... 48
4.1.1 Ease of Use ................................................................................................................. 48
4.1.2 Modularity................................................................................................................... 49
4.1.3 Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 49
4.2 Results ................................................................................................................................ 50
4.2.1 Ease of Use ................................................................................................................. 50
4.2.2 Modularity................................................................................................................... 52
4.2.3 Efficiency .................................................................................................................... 55
4.3 Analysis ............................................................................................................................. 62
5. Conclusions ..............................................................................................................................63
5.1 Summary ............................................................................................................................ 63
5.2 Potential Impact ................................................................................................................. 63
5.3 Future Work ....................................................................................................................... 64
References .....................................................................................................................................66
Figure 1: Pseudocode for Game Loop Routine............................................................................. 13
Figure 2: High Level View of the Engine ..................................................................................... 19
Figure 3: Breakdown of the Graphics Core .................................................................................. 26
Figure 4: An Example Particle System ......................................................................................... 45
Figure 5: Source Code Needed to Draw an Image to the Screen .................................................. 51
Figure 6: Engine Modularity Example ......................................................................................... 53
Figure 7: Test 1 Results ................................................................................................................ 56
Figure 8: Test 2 Results ................................................................................................................ 58
Figure 9: A Typical Level Map .................................................................................................... 60
Figure 10: Test 3 Results .............................................................................................................. 61
1.1 Problem
In recent years, the number of "smart phones" has increased significantly. Smart phones
are cellular phones capable of performing significantly more complicated tasks than their earlier
counterparts through the use of specialized applications. They currently represent 47% of the
cellular market in the United States [9]. Many new kinds of applications have emerged due to
the unique nature of the cell phone, specifically its status as a device that is mobile, because it is
carried around constantly throughout the owner's day. Because people tend to have many short
periods of inactivity throughout a given day (such as those incurred when waiting at a bus stop or
when taking a break from work), games have become increasingly common on mobile platforms,
as they can provide a momentary "escape" from the hustle and bustle of reality [10].
Games currently represent a large percentage of the mobile application library, and more
are routinely being developed [11]. Game development has therefore become a non-trivial part
of the various mobile application markets. Compared to other gaming markets, however, those
designed for cell phones are unique in that the market is not completely dominated by
professional studios (as is the case in the home console sector, for example). The relative ease of
working on cellular phones combined with a reduction of many of the fundamental barriers
involved with console development greatly encourage individual development. Development
kits are either freely available or available with a minimum number of restrictions when working
with mobile devices. A wealth of documentation and examples are also available for the most
popular platforms, like Android and iOS. As such, individual developers and hobbyists are free
to pursue their own projects, and their output is placed alongside that of the larger game
development companies [12]. The notion is attractive for many.
As development time is a scarce resource for this particular audience, at least compared
to larger studios, reducing it is very important because it reduces costs and allows for a faster
return on the investment. Addressing this issue requires examining "bottlenecks" in the
development process, just as similar bottlenecks must be examined when attempting to optimize
a piece of software.
One of the most commonly faced problems is that each project tends to start from scratch,
which wastes a considerable amount of development time. A more efficient solution, then, is to
develop a common starting point for game designers--a core set of basic functionalities that
allow developers to express their intentions at a high level, without having to worry about the
intricacies of the hosting platform or most of the mundane details involved with displaying an
image on the screen. The more efficient solution is to build a mobile gaming engine, one that
takes care of these issues, abstracting them away so the designer can focus on game content and
1.2 Objective
The objective of this project was to develop game development middleware between the
Android operating system and the game developer, enabling the developer to focus on game play
and design, rather than the mechanics of interacting with the hosting hardware and other
"boilerplate" activities. Specifically, the engine absorbs the tasks of file system interaction, user
input, the "game loop," which will be explained in detail in Section 2.1.2, and rendering objects
to the screen.
1.3 Approach
The game development engine was not intended for use by studios or even professionals.
It was designed to simplify the task of an individual developer, a hobbyist, or a student who
wishes to learn about game design itself. It was not designed to be all-encompassing
("everything and the kitchen sink") , as is common for larger engines, but rather to be small,
fast, and simple. As such, the primary goals of the project were for the engine to be easy to use,
modular, and efficient. Ease of use refers to the level of difficulty involved with learning how to
properly use the engine (which should ideally be minimal), while modularity allows the engine
to be extensible, so new behavior can be added by another developer without modifying the
engine as a whole. Efficiency refers to both computation speed and the size of the storage
needed to properly implement the algorithms that need it.
To actually make any progress in the development of a game using the engine versus
starting from scratch, it has to be "easier" in some form. In this particular context, it means
development time should be minimized. An obscure or inconsistent API would only serve to
lessen the benefits created by using an engine in the first place. If more time is spent learning
how to use the engine than is saved by using it at all, the designer's time has been wasted. This
ease-of-use requirement is met by using a clear internal structure and a consistent format, as well
as providing lucid documentation.
Power is another issue to consider. It is important to remember that the actual devices in
context are not "normal" computers in the sense that they are designed to be mobile. They are
not constantly tethered to a wall, providing, from an application's point of view, an essentially
unlimited source of energy. The designer of a mobile application must be mindful of power
usage, primarily through the use of input devices, sensors, and CPU clock cycles. Each of these
hardware components will require a certain amount of the phone's battery usage to operate
Of the sources previously listed, the CPU clock cycles are the element that developers
have the most control over. Reducing the number of cycles used generally corresponds to using
a more computationally efficient algorithm for the same task, since less efficient solutions tend
to require more clock cycles. Therefore, if the proposed engine is to use less power and fewer
clock cycles, it must be designed to be more efficient, again in terms of computation speed.
Another benchmark, the "frames per second" will be introduced in section 2.1.2 and will be used
to gauge the performance of the engine in Chapter 4.
Another issue to consider is that of limited storage space. The internal memory (Random
Access Memory, or RAM) and the backing storage (typically some sort of flash-based memory)
is usually more limited on a cell phone, even a "smart phone", than on the average home
computer, though there are exceptions. Some versions of the Samsung Galaxy S III, for
instance, contain up to 2 GB of RAM with 64 GB flash storage. [13] Although special
considerations like these typically do not need to be made for applications written on platforms
such as Android, it is something to keep in mind when developing.
The engine, as proposed, should try to meet these goals as well as possible. To actually
construct it, though, several specific details had to be considered. First, since the engine is a
program (technically part of one), it must be written in a programming language. As the Android
Standard Development Kit (SDK), as well as the Android runtime itself, are both written in the
Java language, programs written for Android devices tend to also be written in Java [14].
Writing the engine in that language avoids an arguably unnecessary layer of complication that
would likely arise if another language was used.
Another caveat relates to the integration with the hosting Android operating system (or
OS). The decision had to be made of how much of that host to "abstract away", in the sense that
the developer does not directly call routines provided by the host SDK, though they are likely
called by the engine itself. The notion of abstraction has the immediate benefit of making
developer code portable across other mobile platforms, provided the engine itself has been ported
to that platform, but unique functionality provided by one platform may not be available as a
result. In accordance with the modularity objective mentioned above, OS-specific functionality
has been put in its own "core" (see Chapter 3), thus alleviating those drawbacks.
1.4 Organization of this Thesis
Chapter 2 on Background is split into two primary sections. The first is an overview of
the background material needed for comprehension, and includes a discussion on the
fundamentals of graphics processing, the game loop necessary for the engine to run, an overview
of animation itself, and a brief section on the Android operating system. The second section
describes several related projects that encompass the spectrum of gaming engines on the Android
platform, including AndEngine, LibGDX, and Corona.
In Chapter 3 provides a detailed description of the game development engine’s
architecture. A high level design of the framework is followed by the designs of each of the
primary components. The implementation is discussed in detail afterwards, again starting from
the core framework and working down to that of each of the primary components. Two of the
basic engine extensions are also covered, sprites and particle systems, that demonstrate proper
usage of the API to create new constructs.
The engine is benchmarked by several methods in Chapter 4, according to how well it
fulfilled the various goals set forth in Section 1.3. Example code is given to show ease of use,
explanations are provided for extending the engine beyond its current feature set, and three test
applications are proposed to stress the engine in different ways, allowing the engine's
performance to be gauged appropriately. The various results are collected and presented at the
end of that chapter.
Chapter 5 presents a short summary of the project, as well as the various conclusions
derived. This chapter also demonstrates the significance of the engine, not only to its intended
audience, but also to the software development community as a whole. The final section outlines
various ways the engine could be improved to further aid game designer making use of it.
2.1 Key Concepts
In order to fully comprehend this thesis, the reader should be familiar with some of the
essential mechanics involved with general 2D game design and with the Android operating
system. The three fundamental topics in game design include graphics programming, the "game
loop", and the essential mechanics behind animation. An in-depth familiarity with the Android
platform is not required, but an overview covering the important information is included in
Section 2.1.3. It is, however, assumed that the reader understands basic programming constructs,
such as arrays, loops, simple data structures, and object-oriented design (including inheritance
and the idea of an interface).
2.1.1 Digital Images
Colors are the basis for all images, digital or otherwise. Without them, there would be no
coherent way to tell different images from one another, and the discussion of graphics
programming would be a moot point. As such, it is vital to understand how colors are typically
represented in a computer so that we may work with them.
Though there are many such representations, the one most commonly used splits a given
color into three core components, red, green, and blue. These three colors form a basis for all
other components, in that all other colors, black and white included, can be generated using
different amounts of each. For example, equal amounts of red, green, and blue will typically
yield a shade of grey, while equal amounts of just red and blue will typically produce a shade of
Actually quantifying these colors requires a somewhat arbitrary choice to be made.
Typically, a range of some sort is selected for each component (though usually that range is the
same for each, for simplicity's sake). For example, it could be decided that each component
would be a whole number between 0 and 9, inclusive, meaning there would be 10 separate values
for each color component, giving 10 * 10 * 10 = 1,000 possible different colors in this scheme.
It could also be decided that each component would be a floating point number between 0.0 and
1.0, inclusive, in which case the number of colors is only limited to the precision that those
floating point numbers are stored.
Because of limitations placed by screen manufacturers, the range has traditionally been
set to a whole number between 0 and 255, inclusive, which provides 256 unique values for each
color component (giving 256 * 256 * 256 = 16,777,216 possible colors). By convention, white
is defined to be the set (255, 255, 255), while black is defined to be the set (0, 0, 0). A nice side-
effect (and actually a contributing factor to the decision in the first place) is that each color
component can be stored on a computer in a single byte, with no wasted or unnecessary space. If
each component takes up one byte, the whole color then, can be stored using three.
Unfortunately, on most computers, bytes are not addressed (able to be retrieved) one at a
time. For performance reasons, they are typically packed into groups of four or eight (called a
"word") and sent off as a single unit. If a color is stored using three bytes, then one byte per
color is not being used at all (assuming a 32-bit word, or four bytes), which results in a waste of
storage space. It is for this reason that the fourth byte is usually given some sort of " auxiliary "
status. That is, it is available for use to serve some other purpose than providing color
information. A common usage is to include an "alpha channel" that stores transparency
information in the fourth byte. A value of 255 means the color is completely opaque, while a
value of 0 means the color is completely transparent, for example.
When referring specifically to digital images, each color is displayed on the screen using
"pixels." A pixel is the smallest unit of information a monitor or screen is capable of displaying,
and one pixel stores one color, usually represented using the four-byte approach described above.
The "resolution" of a screen represents how many pixels it can display and is usually given in
two parts (for example, 1280 x 800). The first number represents the number of pixels that can
be displayed in the horizontal direction, while the second represents the number of pixels that
can be displayed in the vertical direction, assuming the "wider" of the two sides is horizontal.
The resolution of a screen is important because it is fundamentally limits what can be shown on
that screen. That is, anything we wish to render must be either scaled (magnified or minified) or
cropped (part of the image removed because the image is too large) to fit in the space allotted
To display digital images, then, is to map the pixels of some input image to a certain
region of the screen. The source of the image can be a digital picture, an artist's design, or can be
generated programmatically, but the mapping is the key factor. At its most basic level, the
screen is a blank canvas of pixels whose size is limited by the resolution. Though the
undertaking is almost always abstracted away in some form, it is essentially the task of the
programmer to fill the canvas--to decide the values of each and every pixel on screen at any
given point in time.
2.1.2 The Game Loop
Although static images can be pleasant to the eye, filling the screen with data just once
does not usually constitute a "game." It more closely resembles a picture or a painting. A game
is defined by the interaction between the player and the system designed by the game developer.
Specifically, a game must be dynamic, representing a changing environment in some form or
another. For this to happen, a static image is not enough. The pictures must move.
This new requirement poses important challenges for the developer. Not only is he
tasked with filling every pixel on the screen, but he must now do it repeatedly--and quickly.
Several new questions are raised, though. "When should we fill the screen? How often? Do we
only need to fill the screen when something changes?" The answers will require more
explanation. This process is commonly known as "rendering" and is but a single step in the
pipeline that is the game loop.
The change from rendering static images to dynamic ones introduces at least one new
element that must be considered in our pipeline. The images must now be updated before they
are rendered. These two operations form a cycle that is to repeat as long as the game is active.
Images are updated, then they are rendered. Then the process repeats itself until the game is
exited. This process is known as the "game loop" and is the backbone of most games and game
During the update step, each object on screen is updated according to its own set of rules.
For example, objects might be affected by gravity and fall toward the bottom of the screen, or
they might be moving and must be moved left or right depending on its current velocity. The
"trick" is to achieve the motion smoothly, which requires handling movement over a series of
iterations of the game loop, each time only moving the object slightly.
During the rendering step, each object is drawn to the screen in some order. This is done
by mapping the source image's pixels to a predefined location on the screen, then moving on to
the next object. The order in which objects are rendered is important--items drawn first tend to
be partially overwritten by objects drawn later on. This is often exploited in 2D games to create
the illusion that one object is "in front" of another, with respect to the player's viewpoint.
Backgrounds, for instance, are usually drawn first, followed by characters and level objects, then
a "heads-up display", or HUD that provides information to the player during the game. This
ensures important details are always visible to the player.
Unfortunately, there is still one significant piece missing from our current game loop.
The player has no way to actually interact with the game. To borrow a piloting metaphor, the
game is on "autopilot." The addition of the update mechanic turned a static scene into a dynamic
one, turning out painting into a movie. Similarly, the addition of a user input mechanic will turn
the movie into a proper game.
To accomplish this, the hosting operating system should inform the game when the user
has provided some input, by means of a mouse movement or click, a key press, or as in the case
of mobile phones, touching the screen. This "event" (see Section 2.1.3 below) is recorded by the
game and saved until it can be processed. Processing is deferred until the next update step in
order to give a predictable flow of events. Each iteration of the game loop, input events are
handled appropriately, objects are updated, then everything is drawn to the screen as described
previously. This is the final "flow" of the game loop [1].
In order for the game loop to be effective, though, it should operate within certain
parameters. Most importantly, it must run (complete a single iteration) very quickly. For the
human eye to perceive motion, the "frame," a shot of the screen at any given time, must change
at least 25 times per second. There are a number of caveats with this figure, as the human eye
technically can perceive motion at lower numbers under certain conditions, but 25 is a
reasonable value to target. A number that is higher will result in smoother motion (up to a point)
while numbers that are considerably smaller will cause the motion to appear jagged or choppy.
As a result, it should be a goal of the game designer to maintain at least 25 fps (or frames per
second) on average while the game is running, or else risk losing the intended audience because
the game is perceived as being "slow."
It is important to note, however, that different iterations of the game loop might take
different amounts of time. A scene with a multitude of objects, for example, would require much
more time to update than one with only one object. Because the fps, the number of game loop
iterations per second, is variable, the game must also be flexible enough to show movement at
the same pace, regardless of whether the fps is very high or very low (ideally). This also has the
side effect of making the game playable on a huge variety of computers, such as those found in
the cell phone market. If the animation remains constant regardless of the fps, a scene will
display at the same speed regardless of whether it is being played on a fast computer or a slower
one, rather than displaying very slowly on a slower computer and incredibly quickly on a faster
A common solution to this problem is to include a dt variable as a parameter to the
update routine [15]. This variable represents the time that has elapsed since the last frame was
rendered and can be included in velocity calculations to ensure fps independence of animation.
Small values imply a higher fps, so the animation should be slowed, while higher values imply a
lower fps, meaning the animation should be sped up. A pseudocode example of the completed
game loop is shown in Figure 1 below.
1 void gameLoop()
2 {
3 //store the previous time and the current time
4 def prevTime = null;
5 def beginTime = currentTime();
7 while (active)
8 {
9 //calculate the value of dt
10 prevTime = beginTime;
11 beginTime = currentTime();
12 def dt = beginTime - prevTime;
14 //perform the game loop operations in order
15 processInput();
16 update(dt);
17 render();
18 }
19 }
Figure 1: Pseudocode for Game Loop Routine
2.1.3 An Introduction To Animation
At this point, we are prepared to discuss how animation itself works. As mentioned
earlier, the frames per second (fps) required for the human eye to perceive motion is roughly 25.
In other words, the screen must be redrawn once every 1/25 of a second at a minimum for an
object's movement to be smooth. If the same image is used every frame but the coordinates
change, the object will appear to have a velocity that moves it in some direction, though the
object itself will not move. On the other hand, if different but similar images are used every
frame but the coordinates remain stationary, the object will appear to move in place. Changing
both the images used and the coordinates drawn will cause the object to both move and have
velocity in some direction.
As a concrete example, assume we are trying to draw an image of a walking man to the
screen. His feet are placed at the bottom of the screen and will walk in the direction he is facing
until he hits a wall, at which point he turns around and begins to walk in the opposite direction.
To start off, we will attempt to make the man "walk in place", that is, the x or y coordinates
(assuming a typical coordinate system, where x is the horizontal axis and y is in the vertical axis)
will not change between frames. Because walking is inherently a continuous operation, and
drawn frames are a discrete construct, we will need to "sample" the man's stride. We will need
to take a set of n static images over the period of one stride and switch between them every
frame at a speed of at least 1/25 of a second so the user perceives the man as actually walking
If the images taken were evenly spaced over the course of the man's stride, we can make
use of the inherently periodic nature of walking and the entire sequence can be "looped". The
images are played in the order they were taken, and after the last frame has been displayed, the
sequence starts over again. In this way, the animation can continue indefinitely. As an effect,
however, a sequence containing an animation can only be placed once, in which case a non-
periodic animation results. If the man were to kick a soccer ball, for example, he would probably
only kick once, not repeatedly.
If at this point, the animation sequence is played continuously, the man would appear to
be walking in place, though he would not actually be moving anywhere. To remedy this, the
man should be given a velocity in each of the horizontal and vertical directions. The vertical
velocity would likely be 0 in this case, as the man is not supposed to be flying. At each frame
then, the position where the image is drawn, the coordinates of the image, would change
according to the velocity in each direction. A positive horizontal velocity might move the man
to the right, while a negative one would move him to the left, for example. A value of 0 in both
directions results in a stationary object [1].
This basic process is the foundation upon which all animation lies, though there are a
multitude of complications that may be added to deal with different circumstances. Multiple
animation sequences can be used to animate different actions, such as walking right versus
walking left, and collision detection can be implemented to detect when one object has come in
contact with another, which usually spurs one of these changes of sequence.
2.1.4 Android, An Overview
Android is an "open source" Linux-based operating system designed for use in higher end
cell phones, sometimes called "smart phones". Open source refers to the fact that the source
code for the entire system is freely available for anyone who has a desire to inspect it. Android
is currently maintained by Google, Inc., who supervises its progress and development, and
currently holds the majority of the worldwide smart phone market share [8].
To develop for the platform, a programmer need only install the Java Development Kit
(JDK) and the Android Development Kit (ADK) on their development machine. The ADK
includes tools for testing applications in both an Android emulator as well as on an actual mobile
phone that has Android installed. The actual applications are typically written using the Java
programming language, as that is also the language the Android runtime is written in. Publishing
applications can be done by registering as an Android developer, which gives the developer the
ability to submit their work to the Android marketplace, from which that application can be
downloaded directly onto a user's device [14].
Android, like many other operating systems, uses an "Event-driven" model [16]. When
something "important" happens, such as touching or redrawing the screen, an "event" is raised,
which is then sent off to anyone who has registered with the event handler that they are
interested in the news. To respond to a given event then, one must simply tell the hosting
operating system that they wish to receive those updates.
Touch events are the most important to a game designer on the Android platform because
they provide the main source of user input to the game, though Android does provide access to a
multitude of other sensors that an individual mobile phone might possess. These might include
an accelerometer, GPS, proximity sensor, and light sensor, depending on the specific phone
model. Typical Android phones also have access to various radios, including cellular, wifi, and
3G/4G which allow communication between other cellular devices and other networked devices,
like computers.
2.2 Related Work
The use of game engines has become more prevalent in recent years. It is becoming
increasingly common for major studios to use them as a starting point for high-profile games,
rather than completely starting from scratch at the beginning of each project. As such, many
more options are being created, both for professional use by large companies and for individual
or small team development by hobbyists. Engines that are designed to work specifically with the
Android platform and that are catered to 2D games are less common, but are in existence. Three
such are described here to show the wide variety of engines of this type and are presented in
order of escalating complexity.
2.2.1 AndEngine
AndEngine is an open source solution that tends to fall in the "Hobbyist" end of the
spectrum described above. It has been created and is currently maintained by a single developer,
and is available free of charge (including the source code) to anyone with a desire to design a
game using it. AndEngine is designed specifically for the Android platform (hence the name),
and so is not designed to be cross-platform at all. This is one of the primary differences between
it and the other engines discussed later.
AndEngine is discussed because it bares the most similarity to the proposed system. Its
primary focus is essentially the same, but the implementation is very different. Specifically, the
internal structure is significantly more complicated, but no less structured than the design
presented for this engine. AndEngine also absorbs some tasks that are not part of the engine
design given. It includes a wrapper for Box2D, a physics engine, for example [3].
2.2.2 LibGDX
LibGDX is similar to AndEngine in that it is also maintained by a single developer and is
open source, but has a more expanded set of use cases [5]. For example, it is designed not only
to operate on the Android platform, but also as desktop applications and HTML 5 web
applications using Java. It also includes a set of APIs to work with advanced math and physics
in an effort to more completely encapsulate the game development process [4]. With the
expanded set of features comes several drawbacks, however. The engine is necessarily much
more complicated to accommodate the other features, and rendering requires knowledge of
OpenGL, which can contribute to the time needed to learn the API considerably. Though it is
more powerful, it is more difficult to use.
2.2.3 Corona
Corona Labs produces a commercial gaming engine called Corona that is considerably
more opulent than the other engines described so far. Corona is not an open source solution. It
uses a licensing system in which each developer pays to have access to the development kit for a
full year. Corona Labs does not collect any royalties from applications built using its software,
however. Any of these applications can be built for both Android and iOS devices, but requires
that the user write in the Lua scripting language, rather than the more familiar Java [6].
Users of Corona have access to a massive set of libraries to handle nearly any situation
the game developer might come across, making it one of the "everything and the kitchen sink"
solutions described above. Besides basic rendering, Corona provides access to mathematics
routines, physics engines, networking functionalities, video playback, and a complete set of
native user interface elements like buttons and text boxes, among many other things. One of the
goals of the Corona project is to eliminate any interaction whatsoever with the hosting platform,
so it must necessarily be much more extensive than either of the other two projects mentioned
above [6].
Corona is included in this discussion because it contrasts so starkly with the other engines
presented, as well as with the engine that will be presented in the next section. It serves to
demonstrate just how completely an engine can encompass a project. This is one of the solutions
that would likely be used by a large studio, rather than a single developer, so the design goals are
very different.
3.1 High Level Design
The engine is organized in a hierarchical fashion. It is composed of a set of cores, each
of which contains specific functionality necessary for operation. Each of these cores is
composed of one or more components that accomplish specific goals. The components "report"
to the enclosing core, which then communicates with the engine itself. There are five primary
cores, the File Core, the Graphics Core, the Input Core, the System Core, and the Update Core.
A high level diagram of the engine is shown in Figure 2 below:
Figure 2: High Level View of the Engine
The engine is built on top of the Android Standard Development Kit (SDK) and performs
almost all communication with the host operating system. The user communicates primarily
through the engine to perform important operations, though it can be bypassed in favor of the
Android SDK for particularly performance-intensive operations or when using the engine would
File Core
Graphics Core
Input Core
System Core
Update Core
Engine Core
Derives From
be inappropriate. That being said, it is recommended for the user to make use of the engine
whenever possible for the sake of portability.
3.2 Design
In the sections that follow, the basic purpose of each core is defined, omitting specific
Architectural decisions. Those will be explained in detail in Section 3.3 with specific
implementation issues and their solutions. The information presented here represents a high
level discussion, independent of those issues.
3.2.1 System Core
The system core is responsible for functionality that is unique to the Android operating
system. If the engine were to be ported to another platform, such as iOS or Windows Mobile
Phone, capabilities that are unique to those systems would be placed here. In the current version,
for Android, the methods are primarily designed to aid with the input of resources such as
images and level maps and to aid with "bootstrapping", giving the developer an entry point from
which to start. The process is described in more detail in Section 3.3.1 below.
3.2.2 Graphics Core
The graphics core is by far the most sophisticated of the engine cores. In order to
optimize the rendering of objects, each object that needs to be drawn on the screen must register
itself with an object called the Renderer. It is the Renderer's job to draw each object that has
been registered every frame.
To be drawn by the Renderer, an object must either be, or contain, a Drawable. A
Drawable contains information on how exactly to draw itself, delegating the task from the
Renderer. The Renderer only has to tell each Drawable to "draw" itself on the screen.
Unfortunately, there are many different types of objects that can be drawn to the screen. Images
read from files, strings of text, and shapes (like squares, circles, and the like) can all be drawn, so
each needs its own "Drawable" implementation. There are also several extra Drawables to help
with specific tasks. Sprite sheets and tile sheets for maps are two examples. Using these extra
Drawables over their fundamental counterparts can potentially impact performance drastically.
To actually create the content that is displayed on the screen, a set of managers are used.
Each manager provides a way to create a certain resource. After creation, a unique identifier is
returned to the creator, which is used to locate the resource when it is needed. The actual
resource is stored by the manager, along with all other resources of the same type. This common
storage allows pooling of resources so multiple copies of each resource are unnecessary. Indeed,
if an attempt is made to create a resource that already exists, the unique identifier is simply
returned, skipping the creation step (as the resource already exists).
The Renderer, the Drawables, and the various managers work together to facilitate
drawing of the object, while the graphics core supervises the operation. It is important that this
operation be efficiently implemented, as the drawing time is non-trivial, especially for larger
projects, where the fps can drastically increase or decrease simply by using one method of
drawing over another. This is demonstrated in the benchmarks run on the engine in Chapter 4.
3.2.3 Input Core
This core provides the ability to process input events, specifically touch events. Its
primary component is the Touch Propagator, whose purpose is to respond to touch events sent by
the operating system. It will record the event and propagate it to all objects that have requested
the information during the update phase of the game loop.
Those objects are "tagged" by implementing an interface called Touchable. Any object
that implements this interface can register itself with the Touch Propagator to receive touch
events. The primary method of interest is called onTouch() and is called whenever one of
these events is received.
3.2.4 Update Core
The update core operates very similarly to the input core. The Updater, the primary
component, is in charge of updating every object that moves on the screen. Any object that is to
be updated, then, must register itself with the Updater and implement the Updatable interface,
which defines the action to be taken by the Updater. The update core informs the Updater when
to actually perform the update operation.
3.2.5 File Core
The classes and methods in the file core allow the user to access the underlying Android
file system to read and write standard text files. Methods are also included to delete a given file
(regardless of type) and to determine if a given file actually exists. Also included is the ability to
read in XML files using a standard parser. XML files are returned in an n-ary tree data structure
called an XML Tree, in which the hierarchical structure of the original file is preserved. The
contents can be accessed by traversing the tree in some fashion. The tree is composed of nodes,
each of which has an element name, a set of attributes, and a list of child nodes, which hold the
connections in the document.
3.3 Implementation
A more detailed description of the inner workings of the engine created for this project is
given here. The singular class at the top of the engine hierarchy is named, conveniently enough,
Engine. Engine maintains a collection of cores, each of which inherits from the abstract base
class Engine Core. It also is responsible for sending appropriate commands to each of the cores
when needed. For example, it tells the graphics core when to render everything and it tells the
update core when to update each item on the screen.
Each Engine Core in turn maintains a collection of Engine Core Components. Generally
each core has several components that accomplish various goals. Each core will be described in
more detail below. This collection of components can be added to or removed from at any point,
even at run time. As a result, so long as a given class inherits from Engine Core Component, it
can be included into the engine as seamlessly as any of the predefined components. This
structure allows the engine framework itself to be very extensible and modular.
3.3.1 System Core
The system core deals most directly with the hosting operating system. As such, most of
its job deals more with "bootstrapping" than actual engine operation, though the system core
does expose some functionality that can be used during the run time of a game, such as the
ability to display dialog boxes or to vibrate the phone, for example.
Every program must have a starting point of some sort, typically in the form of a
main() method where normally a window would be created and the game loop would begin.
In the Android environment, however, the main() method is hidden from the programmer,
buried in a series of initialization routines that handle most of the "grunt work". Where does the
programmer begin, then? He must first create an object that inherits (directly or indirectly) from
a class called "Activity". An activity is similar to a window in a more traditional operating
system. It is a single screen, an empty canvas, that can be filled by the programmer in whatever
manner he desires [17].
What goes on the canvas then? A typical Android application is filled with buttons, text
boxes, labels, and other accoutrements common in graphical user interface design. In our case,
what we want really is an empty canvas. That is, we want an object to put on the screen that
covers the entire screen that allows us to modify individual pixel values. Using the Android
terminology, what we need is a Surface View, an object that accomplishes this goal. A view
represents any user interface element and is the ultimate super class of anything that is shown on
the screen.
This Surface View must be added to the Activity so that it may be used. Also, an
instance of the engine must be created and initialized before any other task can be accomplished.
To simplify the task of the application programmer, an Activity that performs these duties, Game
Activity, has already been created and is part of the system core.
As part of its initialization, Game Activity creates a Game View, an extension of
Android's Surface View. The Game View starts a new thread that is responsible for handling the
game loop. The thread starts an infinite loop during which the input processing, updating, and
rendering actions in the engine are called in turn, as described in Section 2.1.2. Though the
game loop starts immediately, the game does not actually begin until the engine is formally
started. This allows the game developer the opportunity to perform any game-specific
initialization, like creating objects and levels, before starting the engine himself.
Although not strictly necessary, the abstract base class Game has been provided to allow
the developer to separate the actual game initialization routines from the hosting activity, which
aids in producing a game that is easily portable to other platforms. One could certainly initialize
the gaming constructs without it, but the abstraction might prove to be helpful, especially in
larger projects where object creation and initialization can incur a significant amount of the
development time. It is recommended that the user create a custom game class that inherits from
Game that is instantiated in their starting Activity.
3.3.2 Graphics Core
There are four primary components to the graphics core, plus a number of auxiliary
classes that accomplish different goals. These primary components include the Renderer and
three content managers: the Texture Manager, the Font Manager, and the Shape Manager. The
majority of the auxiliary classes are various implementations of the Drawable interface for
different purposes and will be described in detail in Section The diagram below shows
the breakdown of the Graphics Core.
Figure 3: Breakdown of the Graphics Core Renderer
The purpose of the renderer is to actually display every item on the screen when
requested to do so by the graphics core. Because of the wide variety of objects that can be
displayed on the screen (images, text, and shapes are the primary candidates), the renderer must
be flexible enough to draw any object that meets certain conditions (namely the ability to be
drawn somehow). This is accomplished by requiring any object that is drawn to the screen to
inherit from a "Drawable" abstract base class, the main method of which is called draw().
Drawable is essentially an interface, but was implemented as an abstract base class so all
Drawables can inherit certain properties and methods common to that type, such as the ability to
have a "color filter" placed upon them that changes the hue of the object being drawn.
Graphics Core
Texture Manager
Shape Manager
Font Manager
Rendering List
Texture Drawable
Sprite Sheet
Tiled Drawable
Shape Drawable
Shape Info
Font Drawable
Font Info
Consists Of
Engine Core Component
Inherits From
The renderer's duty, then, is to hold a collection of objects (each of which is a subclass of
Drawable) and to call the draw() method on each when told to do so by the graphics core
(which is itself told to do so by the engine). The renderer must also supply mechanisms for
inserting Drawables into this collection and removing them later. Otherwise, there would never
be anything to draw, as the collection would perpetually be empty.
Unfortunately, this particular approach becomes too constricting when dealing with 2D
games because there are frequently specific objects that must be drawn on top of others. The
background, for instance, is usually drawn below any other objects on the screen, so the
developer would be forced to always add the background object to the rendering list before any
other objects. To provide more flexibility, the screen, as seen by the player, is split into three
regions, or panes, along the axis into the screen. Each pane is essentially independent of the
others and contains its own rendering list. The three panes generally correspond to background
objects, middleground objects, and foreground objects, and allow the developer to focus on one
section of the screen at a time.
Regarding implementation, each pane is simply its own rendering list. So rather than
having one that is used for all drawing, three are used. All of the items in the background list are
rendered first, followed by all items in the middleground list, and finally all items in the
foreground list. This causes foreground objects to always be displayed, regardless of anything in
the background or middle ground panes. Similarly, items in the middle ground are always
shown, provided there is not an item in the foreground at the same location. The background
simply takes up what space was unfilled by either of the other two panes. All items within a
single pane are parallel to one another, and so there is no preference as to which objects are
rendered first. The user simply informs the engine which list the image should be put in.
28 Resource Managers
Apart from the renderer, there are three managers that are included as part of the graphics
core. Each manager is responsible for allocating, storing, and retrieving the raw resources that
are needed to draw an object on the screen, and there is one for each type of primary resource:
fonts, shapes, and textures. Fonts are used to display written text on the screen, and shapes are
important for primitive rendering objects like circles, rectangles, and points.
Textures are a slightly more abstract notion. A texture itself represents some image that
will be displayed on the screen and is typically a bitmap. Textures can also, however, represent a
part of an image that is to be displayed, and are then referred to as a "texture section". A
common usage of texture sections is a typical sprite sheet, wherein frames of animation of an
object are all stored in one picture. At any given point, only one animation frame should be
displayed, so only a small piece of the source image should be displayed. The concept of
animation in general was discussed previously in Section 2.1.3, and sprite sheets are discussed in
more detail in Section
There are many benefits to the management system described here. One of the most
fundamental is that each resource is created only once, even if it is used multiple times when
rendering. For example, a bitmap might represent the image of a single character, and multiple
characters might be drawn to the screen at the same time. Rather than storing a separate copy of
the bitmap for each character, one version is stored with the appropriate manager, and that
version is used when drawing each character. This pooling scheme saves resources, as the item
to be drawn only has to store a reference to the resource it needs, rather than the actual resource
itself (which can be a substantial improvement when the resource is very large, like a bitmap
Another advantage is that of resource encapsulation. Since each manager holds all
resources of a given type and the managers have been specifically designed to not provide access
to the resources themselves, they must be responsible for understanding the mechanics behind
actually rendering the item. In other words, the renderer knows only that a given Drawable can
be rendered, and a Drawable knows only that one of the managers knows how to actually copy
the resource pixels to the screen properly. The task is delegated entirely to the managers, as they
are the only objects with direct access to the resources. It is not important how exactly that task
is accomplished; only that the appropriate manager understands how to do it. Because of this,
the user of the engine (and even most of the engine itself), does not have to bother with
cumbersome details involved with properly displaying a given resource.
The architecture of each individual manager tends to follow the same design pattern.
First and foremost, a manager has to envelop a collection of whichever resource it is charged
with managing. It must also include a way of adding and removing items from this collection.
Adding to the collection is usually done via a creation method, which takes in the information
necessary to construct a single resource, performs the creation (if necessary), inserts the resource
into the collection, and returns an index of some sort that uniquely identifies it so the resource
can be used later. As mentioned before, if a creation operation is attempted when the resource
already exists, the actual creation is skipped so multiple copies of that resource are not made.
Since resources cannot be accessed directly from outside the manager, deletion is
performed by simply telling the manager which resource to remove via the index that was given
when the object was created. In this manner, the encapsulation principle is not violated. A
manager must also have the capability to draw resources of the type it handles. This is done with
some sort of draw method, that is given the identifier of the resource to be used and coordinates
at which the object should be drawn.
The creation step is unique for each of the three managers. For the Texture Manager, all
that is needed to create a given bitmap is a way of identifying that bitmap somehow, like a file
name. In Android, images that are included as part of a project are assigned a unique resource
identifier instead, so that identifier is what is passed into the creation method. To create a texture
section rather than a complete texture, the texture identifier is needed (the value returned by the
texture creation step) and a set of coordinates that represents which part of the source image will
be drawn. Usually this is done using a rectangle structure, something that defines a rectangular
region to be "cut out", as it were.
Fonts and shapes are created using a slightly different process. For either, the user must
first fill out a structure containing information about that font or shape and pass that structure to
the creation method. This is necessary because both have a large number of parameters that can
be modified and it would be impractical to pass them all into a single creation method. The Font
Info structure holds the font color, size, and alignment (left, center, or right). There is also a flag
signaling that this font is to be bolded.
The Shape Info structure is slightly more complicated. There is a set of properties
common to each shape, and there are several properties unique to certain shapes. Common
properties include the color, style, and the stroke width. The style represents whether the shape
is filled or not (that is, whether only an outline is drawn). The stroke width is used to define how
"wide" the outline should be when only outlines are drawn. Also included is a dither flag, which
will enable dithering on the shape, essentially smoothing the edges slightly.
The types of shapes currently available are circles, ovals, points (individual pixels), lines,
rectangles, and rounded rectangles. Many have unique parameters, so to facilitate that, each has
a specialized structure that inherits from the general Shape Info structure. Points and lines use
no other parameters, but circles require a radius, ovals require a "bounding rectangle" that
completely encloses the oval, rectangles require coordinates at which to be drawn, and rounded
rectangles (which themselves inherit from standard rectangles) need individual radii in both the x
and y directions to facilitate the rounded edges. Core Drawables
At this point, we are ready to more closely examine the various Drawables that have
already been created. To begin, we must decide what all Drawables have in common. This core
functionality is placed in the abstract base class Drawable. As previously mentioned, each
instance needs at a minimum a draw() method that is called by the renderer. Since each
Drawable might do this in different ways, it should be defined as abstract, meaning the body
of the function will be defined by some concrete subclass of Drawable. In addition, each
Drawable needs to know where it should be drawn on the screen somehow. This is done by
letting each hold its own coordinates, as well as its width and height. Finally, a given object on
the screen might not necessarily need to be displayed all of the time. If a Drawable should be
temporarily hidden, rather than removed from the rendering list completely, a "visible" property
is needed. Only objects that claim to be visible will be rendered. Those who are not visible will
be skipped completely in the rendering step.
Various Drawables have been created to serve different purposes in the engine. The three
most crucial are directly related to the three resource managers described above (the Font
Manager, the Shape Manager, and the Texture Manager), and are so called the Font Drawable,
the Shape Drawable, and the Texture Drawable. The Font Drawable is used to hold information
about strings of text drawn to the screen, the Shape Drawable is used to hold information about
shapes drawn to the screen, and the Texture Drawable holds information about images that are to
be rendered.
Each of the three follows a similar architecture. They all inherit from the Drawable super
class and implement the draw() method by asking the appropriate manager to handle the task.
The Font Drawable asks the Font Manager to render strings, the Shape Drawable asks the Shape
Manager to render a given shape, and the Texture Drawable asks the Texture Manager to render
a certain image. Each tells the corresponding manager which resource is to be shown and at
what location. Therefore each of the three primary Drawable sub classes must also contain the
unique identifier of a resource that is to be shown. This identifier is returned by one of the
managers when the resource is initially created. Additional Drawables
These three primary sub classes can be used to render any combination of strings of text,
shapes, and images, but they are inappropriate in certain circumstances. In the cases where using
one of the fundamental Drawables would prove to be unnecessarily cumbersome to deal with,
several other implementations have been written. Also, because each of the additional
implementations derives from the same base class, Drawable, new functionality can be added by
the user for a specific problem simply by writing another implementation that inherits from
Drawable. It will inherently fit into the rendering pipeline just as easily as one of the predefined
implementations. This contributes greatly to the modularity of the engine.
Certain situations are very common in 2D games and have custom Drawable
implementations designed for their particular purpose. For example, the Drawable Group
represents a collection of other Drawable objects. Although similar to the rendering lists used by
the renderer, the Drawable Group is unique in that only one of the items in the list is displayed at
a given time. One of the items in the collection must be "selected", and the selected item is the
one that is displayed at runtime. This is most appropriate for situations when a cycle or marquee
effect is desired in a game. Several Drawables are created and stored in the Drawable Group.
After a certain amount of time, the selected item would be changed, and the next item in the
cycle would be displayed.
Another situation that is very common deals with the representation of animations in a
file. As discussed in the discussion on animation in Section 2.1.3, animations in 2D games are
usually discrete samples of a fluid animation, rather than a continuous motion. To create the
illusion of a walking character, for example, a series of static images must be produced that
represent the position of the character at different points in time. When the images are displayed
one after the other at a certain minimum rate of change, the human eye perceives motion.
In practice, storing a separate image for each frame of the animation tends to be a large
waste of resources and adds significant complexity to the developer working with those images,
especially if there are many of them. A single game might have thousands of these frames in a
non-trivial project. A common solution is to combine the various frames (or at least some subset
of them) into a single file by forming a grid, placing one frame in each cell. The author of the
file is responsible for determining how many rows and columns should be in the file. This single
image is then accessed by the program and one frame is rendered at a time, usually based on a
current row and column index, similar to the Drawable Group described above. Colloquially,
this larger image is often referred to as a "sprite sheet".
To handle objects like this, the Sprite Sheet class was developed. It is very similar to the
other Drawables discussed so far, but requires a slightly more complicated initialization. In
order to draw a piece of a source image, a texture section is needed, as mentioned in the
discussion of the Texture Manager above. To be able to index each frame in the sprite sheet, a
texture section is needed for each of those frames. If they don't already exist, they need to be
created when the Sprite Sheet is created. If the number of columns in the source file are known,
as well as the width of the source file in pixels, the width of one cell can be found by dividing the
total width by the number of columns. Similarly, the cell height can be found by dividing the
total height by the number of rows. It is assumed that the grid in the input file is regular and that
each cell is the same size.
Once the cell width and height are found, the texture sections can be created by iterating
over each cell, assigning source boundaries based on the current index of iteration and the cell
size. These source boundaries simply represent a rectangle (whose size is smaller than the
original image) that tells the engine where to look for this particular texture section in the
original image. The process is analogous to cutting a rectangular cake into smaller pieces, each
of which has the same size. Each time a texture section is created, the identifier that is returned
is saved in an array to be used later. By preprocessing the image in this way, changing the frame
that is currently active is as simple as changing either the current row or the current column
index. When the drawing operation is called, the texture section that has been requested is
looked up in the array, using the current row and column as keys, and the Texture Manager
performs the rendering using that identifier.
Apart from animation, the Sprite Sheet can also be used for other images that are stored
in a grid-like format. For example, the collection of background objects shown on the screen can
also be stored in a single file. Storing level elements like ladders, platforms, trees, and blocks
that are all the same size in one file has the same benefits provided as when storing all the frames
of an animation in one file described above. As a result, sprite sheets that store similar objects
are also very common, though one could certainly store each object in its own file, which would
be necessary if the various images were all different sizes.
This idea has proven to be the basis of what is called a "Tiling System". If all of the level
information can be broken down into a set of core "parts" or building blocks, as is common with
certain 2D game genres like platformers, it makes logical sense to divide the screen itself into a
rectangular grid, placing a certain image in each cell. One can see that a partnership with a
Sprite Sheet would be a very natural extension. The Sprite Sheet would represent a single image,
divided into rows and columns, with a frame or single object in each cell. The tiling system
could ask the Sprite Sheet for a given image at one of the cells on the screen that has been
divided into a grid of its own. The Sprite Sheet does so, and the tiling system proceeds to repeat
the operation for the next cell, likely with a different image. In this manner, a complete level can
be constructed in a very uniform way.
To facilitate this particular operation, the Tiled Drawable exists. Though some of the
details are slightly different, the core idea is the same. The Tiled Drawable divides its own area
(which could be equal to the screen size or smaller) into a rectangular grid of a given size. The
cells are then filled with identifiers that represent texture sections of the original image and the
entire grid is submitted to be drawn when requested. Since the Tiled Drawable is itself a
Drawable, it can be stretched, moved, or hidden completely, which could prove useful to a game
For the purpose of storage efficiency, however, each cell is not a Drawable of its own--
just an identifier representing a unique texture section (though extending the design to do so
would be very straightforward). Each cell can, however, be hidden individually. The need is
actually a performance one. The average level map (a common use of this class) is equitable to a
sparsely populated matrix or database. Usually, every cell does not contain an image that is
important to the game play. The cell is not completely void because of the design, but it is
considered logically empty. It would prove to be a waste of time to go through the rendering
process for a cell that isn't even visible to the player. As such, each cell can declare itself as
"invisible" so that it will be ignored by the renderer when the time comes to draw the object.
Though the final result is unaffected, the performance can be impacted drastically, as seen in
Section 4.2.
3.3.3 Input Core
Though significantly less intricate than the graphics core, the input core is no less
important to the operation of the engine as a whole. As mentioned in its introduction in Section
3.2.3, the primary function of this core is to provide the engine with user input, which, since the
target platform generally has a touch screen, is usually a touch event of some sort. Though not
included as part of this design, support for other hardware devices on that platform like
accelerometers and gyroscopes could easily be added by creating new classes that extend the
Engine Core Component class and registering those new classes with the input core.
Of paramount interest in this topic is the singular input core component, the Touch
Propagator. During the engine's initialization routine, it registers itself with the element of the
underlying operating system that detects when the user has physically touched the screen of the
device. For Android, the onTouchEvent() method of the View class is overwritten. The
operating system creates an event and sends it to all objects that have requested that information,
so the engine is aware of touch events almost as soon as they occur. The engine itself does not
care about this event. It simply forwards it on to the input core, which then sends it to the Touch
The Touch Propagator's first task is to synchronize the event. This is a very crucial task,
as the underlying operating system sends the initial event asynchronously. The processing of
touch events must be folded into the event loop, which runs in a single thread, to ensure
consistent processing and to avoid synchronization issues that would be very difficult to track
down for a developer. To accomplish this, a flag is set internally that says the screen was just
touched. The location of the touch is also recorded, along with the "type", such as a down-press,
movement, or up-press. During the next iteration of the game loop, the engine asks the Touch
Propagator to process the touch event, and the flag is unset. This ensures each touch event is
cached until it can be processed at the appropriate time, at which point it can safely be discarded.
The second task of the Touch Propagator is to maintain a collection of objects that desire
to be informed when a touch event has, in fact, occurred. Objects can be added to and removed
from this list at any time and identify themselves by implementing a "Touchable" interface.
There are two methods in this interface. One of these is getTouchBounds(). This method
allows the Touch Propagator to query the object for its current location on the screen. This is
necessary because otherwise there would be no way to tell which object (or objects) are to be the
recipients of the touch message. The second method, onTouch(), is called when an object
has been successfully identified as that recipient, and so must respond in some way.
Once these objects have registered themselves with the Touch Propagator, the propagator
must wait until a touch event has been received. At that point, after the event has been
synchronized, each item in the collection must be examined to see if the coordinates of the touch
lie within the boundaries of that item. If so, the onTouch() method is called and the
propagator continues its search. In this architecture, multiple objects can be touched at once.
Regarding performance, since touch events are relatively rare (that is the number of frames
processed that contain touch events is very small compared to the total number of frames), and
the number of items in this collection on average is moderately small, a linear search like this
contributes very little to the average run time.
3.3.4 Update Core
The update core is extremely similar to the input core in design. It consists of a singular
component, the Updater whose function is analogous to that of the Touch Propagator in the input
core. The Updater maintains a collection of objects that implement the "Updatable" interface,
allowing them to be updated. This interface includes one primary method and one implicit
The method is of primary importance and is called update(long dt). The
parameter passed into the function, dt, represents the amount of time that has passed since the
last frame was rendered, as described in Section 2.1.2, and should be included in any calculations
that involve movement by the object being updated to ensure frame rate independence. The
implicit property is a variable named active whose usage is exactly the same as that of
visible in the Drawable class. When this flag is set, the object will be updated. When it is
not, the object will be skipped by the Updater during the update cycle. This allows a given
object to ignore update requests, which is useful under certain circumstances, such as the pausing
of a game.
Once per frame, the Updater checks the status of each object. If that object is active,
meaning it is ready to be updated, its update() method is called and the Updater moves on to
the next item in the collection. Any action at all can be taken during the update phase by a
particular object, but usually game play is advanced in some form. An object will move in a
certain direction according to its velocity or an animation will advance to the next frame.
Collision detection and resolution schemes would be applied here as well. Generally speaking,
most of the logic of the game is implemented in the update() method, which means the input
core, simple as it is, is indeed a vital part of the engine's existence.
3.3.5 File Core
For all but the most trivial of projects, external files will be needed in some form or
another. They hold high scores, objectives completed, and save states, among any number of
other pieces of information. At some point in a project, their existence will be needed.
Interfacing with the native operating system's file system is a task that can cleanly be abstracted
away using the engine as an intermediary. The piece of the engine that accomplishes this task is
the file core. The file core consists of two primary components, the File IO module and the
XML Reader.
The File IO module primarily concerns itself with the reading and writing of simple text
files, though it also includes methods to determine whether a certain file exists in the file system
or not and to delete files. For the sake of convenience, each method in the class can either be
called locally using an instance of the engine or statically by providing an Android activity to use
as a gateway. Typically, the local versions of each method will be used because an instance of
the engine is already available.
The other primary component of the file core is an XML Reader, provided for reading
standard XML files. The XML Reader will create an instance of a parser that reads the file and
extracts the important information. A simple tree data structure, XML Tree, is used to return the
results to the user. This tree consists of a set of nodes, each of which has references to one or
more child nodes. A single node contains an element name that corresponds to the tag name and
a set of key-value pairs that correspond to the various XML attributes and their values.
Storing important information, such as levels or character information, as XML files not
only provides a uniform way to access and modify key game elements, but also has the benefit of
being portable across multiple platforms. For example, a level editor on a Windows machine
could create or modify the XML files, which could then be read by the game during the
initialization of that level.
3.4 Extensions to the Engine
Now that the core building blocks of the engine have been realized, those pieces can be
used to build more sophisticated constructs than were previously possible. Two such assemblies
are the "sprite" and the "particle system", both of which have their foundations in the various
pieces of the engine described up to this point. They formally lie outside the domain of the
engine in that they make use of its services, but are not categorized under any single core of
operation. Rather, they make use of the functionality provided by multiple cores working in
harmony to achieve a greater goal than is possible by only exploiting a single part of the engine.
3.4.1 Sprite
Although the various cores can be used directly, properly initializing an object requires
several steps. To display an item on the screen requires creating a Drawable appropriate to the
task at hand, obtaining a reference to the Renderer, and adding that Drawable to the renderer's
list. To set up an item for updating, that item must first implement the Updatable interface, a
reference to the Updater must be obtained, and the item must be added to the Updater's list. A
nearly identical process must be followed to allow an item to be touched. In games especially, at
least two of these effects are usually desired, and generally all three will be used. For example, a
character in a game must be drawn to the screen, move around (which requires updating), and
could jump when touched. A button could be formed by drawing a static image to the screen and
processing events when it is touched, but would not require updating.
As common as scenarios such as these are in game development, it would make sense to
create a common starting point that handles the "bookkeeping" involved with displaying an
object, updating it, and allowing it to process touch events. The "Sprite" class accomplishes this.
Since a Drawable, Updatable, and Touchable object all must interact, the Sprite class inherits
directly from Drawable and implements the interfaces given in Updatable and Touchable.
Because of this relationship, the Sprite (or its internal Drawable) can be inserted into any part of
the engine. The Drawable will be rendered, while the Sprite itself will be updated and can
respond to touch events.
In order for the Sprite class to be functionally useful, it must be very flexible. Exploiting
the object-oriented features of the host language, Java, simplifies this particular task greatly. For
each of the three tasks, rendering, updating, and receiving touch events, the Sprite class has a
default handling function. Users of the class need only "rewrite" those methods that are needed
using the principles of inheritance. These three methods are createDrawable(),
update(), and onTouch(), and the process for changing each is moderately simple.
While the Sprite class can manage the insertion of its Drawable into the rendering list, it
must first know what to draw. This can vary for each Sprite, so it makes sense to let the user
define the action taken. The createDrawable() function's task is to create a concrete
Drawable object for the Sprite, thus taking care of that definition . The Drawable that is returned
may be any of those mentioned in Sections or, or it could be a custom
Each, however, likely needs its own set of construction parameters. For example, the
creation of a Texture Drawable requires the resource identifier of the image to be used, while the
creation of a Tiled Drawable requires a resource identifier and the number of rows and columns
in the source image. As there is no way to account for all of the various possibilities involved
with each construction, the createDrawable() method takes as a parameter an array of
Objects (the ultimate super class of every class in the Java language). This array allows any
number (and any type) of parameters to be given to the creation method. Usage, then, depends
on which type of Drawable is being used. In the default implementation, a Texture Drawable is
returned, so a single resource identifier must be passed into createDrawable() in the Object
This leads to an important side note about the Sprite class. In order to maintain the
maximum flexibility, the object creation step has been split into two parts, creation and
initialization. In the creation phase, the Sprite is allocated its memory, as is common with the
creation of any other object. It is in the initialization phase, however, where internal properties
are set, where the Drawable is created (via the createDrawable() method), and the Sprite is
registered with the Renderer, the Updater, and the Touch Propagator. The primary advantage of
this two stage method is that the sprite can be effectively reset by calling the initialization
function again after a Sprite has already been initialized once.
The most apparent results of this are that each Sprite must call init() at some point
after its creation or have it called for them. Because it might be inconvenient to force the
developer to always include this initialization call after the Sprite has been created (especially if
they have no use of the two-stage system), there exists a separate constructor that can be used to
create and initialize the object at once. In this way, the developer can choose which approach
they prefer.
The init() function needs four pieces of information to work properly. With only
three exceptions, the width and height are a necessary part of each sprite. Circles, points, and
text are drawn at the coordinates of the sprite, and so have no need of the two values. Any
number can be given in these circumstances. Also necessary is the rendering list that this Sprite
should be added to. As explained in section, there are three options, the foreground,
middleground, or background. A Sprite can be set in any of the three, so the engine needs to
know which. The final piece of information needed is the set of parameters for the
createDrawable() function, (stored in an Object array). The init() method will call that
function during its execution, so it will simply pass along the information given to it. In effect,
the user can either pass parameters to the createDrawable() function directly through the
init() function or indirectly through the secondary constructor (that calls the init()
function implicitly).
The two other methods of note are update() and onTouch(). The former allows the
Sprite to change every frame, while the latter provides the user with a way to respond when this
Sprite has been touched. Both are fairly straightforward. The default implementation of
update()ensures the Drawable and the touch boundaries are kept in sync. As a result,
overloaded versions of the method should take care to ensure the default implementation is
called at some point before the method returns. Otherwise the sprite would never move. The
default implementation of onTouch(), however, is completely empty, so there is no such
Enhancing the Sprite class for special needs, then, tends to be a very simple process. One
simply overloads one or more of the base methods to change the functionality. A Text Sprite is
included as an example. The createDrawable() method is updated so that it creates a Font
Drawable using a given color, text alignment, and size. A fourth parameter, if provided, bolds
the text. A pair of getters and setters are also included, which provide a simple way to modify
and retrieve the text of the Text Sprite.
Special care has been made to explain how the Sprite class works because it is often the
only class that the developer deals with directly. It is the backbone for the majority of projects,
both large and small, and as such, understanding its operation is vital to the effective use of the
engine as a whole. Furthermore, not only does it simplify many common tasks in game
development, it is also a good example of how the various pieces of the engine can be used
together to accomplish a common goal.
3.4.2 Particle System
Another engine extension has also been included--the particle system. The particle
system is a set of classes built on the engine in the same way the Sprite class was, but its purpose
is significantly different than that of the Sprite. A particle system is essentially a collection of
shapes, but is unique in that the collection as a whole is the point of interest, rather than the
individual particles themselves. Particle systems are frequently used to produce special effects,
ranging from fire and smoke to streams like water, and as such tend to rely on a large number of
construction parameters. The parameters can depend on the particle, like its color for instance,
or they can be a property of the environment, like gravity. It is the combined effect of all of
these that produce the net result seen on screen [18]. An example particle system representing a
fire with smoke is shown below:
Figure 4: An Example Particle System
A particle system satisfies at least two of the same conditions that a Sprite does. It must
be drawn to the screen and must be "updatable" (since individual particles usually move). As
such, it is implemented in a similar fashion, inheriting from the abstract base class Drawable and
implementing the methods found in the Updatable interface. (The sprite actually contained a
Drawable, though, whereas a particle system is one. The difference is a subtle one.) Depending
on the circumstances, a given particle system might or might not need the ability to be touched,
so the standard implementation forgoes that particular functionality.
The class Particle System encompasses the functionality described so far. It also includes
a collection of "particle emitters". An emitter is responsible for maintaining its own collection of
particles--creating new ones when necessary, removing those that grown too old, moving those
that are still active, and drawing the active ones to the screen every frame. Different effects can
be achieved simply by modifying the particle creation method. Particles can originate from a
single point, a line, or a shape by changing the particle's initial location. They can move in a
focused direction or be scattered randomly by changing the particle's initial velocities. The
possibilities are quite expansive.
A singular particle is defined by a number of factors. Each particle has its own location
and velocity, color, fade rate, shape, size, lifetime, and age. The location gives the current
position of the particle, while the velocity tells it which direction to move, both in the horizontal
and vertical directions. The color of a particle can be static (one color is used throughout its
lifetime) or dynamic (a start and an end color are given, and the particle interpolates between the
two over the course of its lifetime). The fade rate determines how fast (if at all) a particle
becomes transparent over the course of its lifetime and is independent of whether the color
chosen is static or dynamic. The shape of a particle can either be a circle or a square, where the
size represents the radius of a circle (in pixels) or the length of one side for a square.
The final two parameters require more detailed explanation. Typically, a particle is only
active for a certain amount of time. After this period of time has elapsed, the particle will "die",
and will no longer be visible on the screen. The lifetime represents how long (in frames) the
particle should be allowed to live at a maximum, while the age represents how many frames it
has already been active. Other conditions can affect the lifespan of a single particle, though. If a
particle moves off the screen, there is no point in maintaining it, so it will usually be killed.
Similarly, if a particle becomes too transparent to actually see, it will be terminated. Particles
that have completed their course are often reset with new parameters, essentially recycled, so
they may be used again.
Because the phenomena that are usually modeled using particle systems are inherently
very nondeterministic, values for particle parameters tend to be established using a "fuzzy" range
system. The velocity would be a random number between 0.0 and some maximum value, for
example. The color also might have a random amount of each of red, green, and blue. Although
a minor point, efficient generation of these random numbers is important because it can
contribute nontrivially to the average run time. The implementation given relies on the Java
language's standard mechanisms for doing so.
Three objectives were defined for this project initially. The engine developed had to be
easy to use, modular, and as computationally efficient as possible. The first two criteria,
however, tend to be very subjective and difficult to quantify. Instead of formally testing them,
an argument will be presented as to why the engine as presented accomplishes those goals. The
computational efficiency, though, can be quantified and will be demonstrated using a set of three
test applications designed to "push" the engine in different ways. The primary measure for these
tests will be the frames per second (fps) that is achieved on average under certain circumstances.
4.1 Methodology
A different set of criteria apply for each of the three primary goals listed above. Those
criteria are explained in detail first, followed by the actual arguments that show how the engine
meets those various conditions. A brief analysis is provided thereafter.
4.1.1 Ease of Use
In order to demonstrate ease of use, it must be shown that the engine can be created and
initialized with a minimum amount of effort from the game developer. It also must be shown
that simple tasks, like displaying an image on the screen, can be done in a few lines of code.
(Brevity of code does not directly correspond with ease of use, but it is generally a good
indicator. Shorter code generally takes less time to comprehend or process than longer items.)
Finally, it must be exhibited that more complicated tasks, those that the engine does not support
directly or natively, can be built using the fundamental building blocks in a relatively
straightforward manner--without unnecessary complications arising from the use of the engine
4.1.2 Modularity
Modularity is established by the ability of another developer to add functionality to the
engine without modifying the core components themselves, and applies to the engine itself (the
ability to add new cores), an individual core (the ability to add new core components), and to
applicable core components (the ability to process different types of objects than were initially
accounted for). Demonstrating the engine's modularity, then, involves showing how each of
these subtasks can be accomplished without changing any of the code that is responsible for
handling the related task.
4.1.3 Efficiency
As mentioned in Section 2.1.2, a game should ideally run at least 25 frames per second
for it to appear smooth. Larger values result in smoother game play, while smaller values will
make the game appear jagged and unresponsive. Keeping this in mind, three tests were
constructed to stress the engine in different ways. The first creates a certain number of random
circles, giving each a random position, velocity and a size based on that velocity. Faster
velocities result in smaller circles. The circles each continue until they hit the window
boundaries, at which point they reverse direction. To gauge the performance of the engine, the
number of circles is increased until the average frame rate drops below 25.
The second test is similar, but uses a particle system rather than a set of Sprites. A
maximum cap is set on the number of particles shown on screen at any one time, and that cap is
divided between two emitters, one that represents a fire and another that represents smoke. The
particle cap is raised until the frames rate drops below 25. Though the rendering times are
roughly the same for the two experiments, the particle system requires more time updating each
particle, since the conditions are more complicated.
The final test demonstrates shows a very common usage scenario involving the drawing
of two separate level maps using a Tiled Drawable, described in detail in Section The
test shows what happens if the user neglects to inform the Drawable which indices in the map are
invisible. If the Drawable is indeed told which indices are safe to skip, the frame rate will
increase dramatically.
These three tests serve to show how different design decisions can impact the engine's
performance, as well as how well the engine can withstand the kind of stress that will
undoubtedly come as a part of normal game play.
4.2 Results
4.2.1 Ease of Use
Demonstrating the ease of use of the engine requires demonstrating that each of the goals
mentioned in Section 4.1.1 can be achieved in a logical fashion. The first of these was that
creation and initialization of the required a minimum amount of effort from the game developer.
Provided the user follows the advice given in Section 3.3.1, in which the primary activity inherits
either directly or indirectly from Game Activity (provided in the System Core), this requirement
is already satisfied, as Game Activity creates an instance of the engine and initializes it as part of
its own creation phase. As the developer has actually write no code to create or initialize the
engine, then, the condition is satisfied.
The second condition required it to be possible to accomplish a simple task, such as
displaying an image on the screen with only a few lines of code. This too can be accomplished
with comparative ease, as seen in the following example:
1 public void onCreate(Bundle savedState)
2 {
3 Engine engine = getEngine();
5 int width = 100;
6 int height = 100;
7 int renderingList = Renderer.RENDERER_FOREGROUND;
8 int id = R.drawable.example;
10 Sprite example =
11 new Sprite(engine, width,
12 height, renderingList, id);
14 engine.start();
15 }
Figure 5: Source Code Needed to Draw an Image to the Screen
The above is the complete contents of an Activity that simply draws an object to the
screen. Note that the "work" is essentially one line of code, as the variables were declared solely
for clarity and line 10 extends over the next two lines due to formatting. The sprite created will
have a width and height of 100 pixels and will be drawn in the foreground (though the rendering
list is irrelevant for a demonstration such as this). Line 8 saves the resource identifier of an
image in the project folder called example.png, and shows how Android typically handles
images. The sprite will be placed at location (0, 0) by default (the top-left corner of the screen).
Another position can be set by adding the following line after lines 10 - 12:
13 example.x = 200;
This will change the sprite such that it is drawn at (200, 0), rather than (0, 0). More
complicated position changes can be included by overriding the update() method of the Sprite
class. As this example shows, simple tasks are indeed relatively easy to implement.
The final condition asks that it be possible to implement functionality that is not native to
the engine in a straightforward manner, without a multitude of engine-specific complications.
An example of this is the entire particle system, as described in Section 3.4.2. The system lies
outside the engine, but exists because it is able to be inserted into the workflow. It can be
rendered because it inherits from Drawable and so may be inserted into the Renderer's rendering
list. It is able to be updated because it implements the Updatable interface, thus allowing it to be
inserted into the Updater's list. The drawing just requires the implementation of a custom
draw() method, while the updating requires an update() method. The overhead involved
with interfacing with the engine is very small compared to the work actually done by the particle
engine, and although the position is arguable, implementing new functionality in the engine is
indeed very straightforward.
4.2.2 Modularity
As with the "Ease of Use" requirement, there were three tasks that were deemed
necessary to show the engine to be modular. The first of these was that it was possible to add
another engine core without actually modifying the Engine class. The following example shows
how that might be done with a mythical "Sound Core" class, assumed to inherit from Engine
Core, just as all other engine cores do.
1 public class ExpandedEngine extends Engine
2 {
3 private SoundCore sound;
5 public ExpandedEngine(GameActivity parent, int
6 screenW, int screenH)
7 {
8 super(parent, screenW, screenH);
9 }
11 public void init()
12 {
13 super.init();
15 sound = new SoundCore(this);
16 sound.init();
17 }
19 public void destroy()
20 {
21 super.destroy();
23 if (sound != null) sound.destroy();
24 sound = null;
25 }
27 public SoundCore getSoundCore() {return sound;}
28 }
Figure 6: Engine Modularity Example
As seen in the above example, adding a new core to the engine can be done by creating a
subclass that overrides two of the essential methods of the Engine class and adding a getter to
retrieve the new sound core. Although this particular method is not as elegant a solution as used
in the latter two cases, it certainly does accomplish the initial goal--that the engine itself can be
modified without changing the core Engine class. (It is for the sake of efficiency that this
method is taken. Under normal circumstances, the engine framework itself would not be
modified very often.)
While the ability to add a single core is important, more so is the ability to add core
components to one of those cores. This usage scenario is much more common and can actually
be achieved without requiring the developer to create a subclass of the affected core if desired. If
a new component has already been created (done by inheriting from the Engine Core Component
class), a new core component can be added by simply calling the addComponent() method of
the affected core with two parameters. The first is a unique integer constant identifying that
component, and the second is an instance of the new component itself. This can be done at any
point during run time, allowing the developer to modify the engine while it is running if the need
The final condition for modularity involves the integration of custom components into
engine core components that are applicable. The Renderer, for example, is one of the most
important components of the graphics core. The Renderer is not very selective about objects
admitted to one of its rendering lists--the object must only declare itself as Drawable. Though
many standard Drawable implementations are provided, new ones can be created by the user at
any time. Inserting them into the appropriate rendering list requires exactly the same process as
inserting any of the predefined Drawables into a rendering list.
In a similar fashion, any item that declares itself to be Updatable can be inserted into the
Updater's list, and any item that declares itself to be Touchable can be inserted into the Touch
Propagator's list. The most important components are very flexible in their operation and
contribute greatly to the overall modularity of the engine as a whole.
4.2.3 Efficiency
To gauge the efficiency of the engine, we must first find a baseline value against which
others may be gauged. In order for this number to make any sense, however, it must have units
associated with it. As mentioned previously, a common metric for games is the frames per
second (or fps). The frames per second is often used because it generally corresponds very well
to the amount of work being done by the processor at any given point. When the processor has a
lot to do, the fps will typically drop, and vice versa. Higher values for the fps are better in terms
of quality because a smoother image results.
To obtain the baseline fps value, the engine must be run in an isolated environment (a
control group). To do so, all experiments are performed on the same Samsung Galaxy Nexus
device, containing a 1.2 GHz dual-core processor and 1 GB of RAM [7]. An extremely simple
"pass though" application was designed that did nothing but initialize the engine and start it. No
sprites were created, and nothing was added to the Renderer, the Updater, or the Touch
Propagator. The application was allowed to start and sit until the fps stabilized. Doing so
yielded the baseline value of 59.6 fps. As this value is considerably more than the 25 fps
required to perceive motion, the engine does well initially.
The first test was run a number of times with different numbers of circles. After one
minute, the average fps was recorded. The results were placed in Figure 7 below. A graph
representation follows thereafter. As apparent by the data, the engine, as currently implemented
is capable of rendering nearly 1500 simultaneous objects before slowdown becomes drastic
enough to warrant calling the game "unplayable" by our current definition. An interesting side
note is that 600 such objects can rendered simultaneously with only a 5% slowdown from the
baseline state. Another feature to notice is the drastic performance drop between 600 and 700
objects on the screen. While this could be random error, it more likely corresponds to a point
where the operating system had to do more work than normal, such as where the RAM had filled
and had to be swapped into the permanent memory, for example. Regardless of the reason, it
gives the resulting graph a distinctly "cubic" look.
Figure 7: Test 1 Results
Number of Circles
Average FPS (After 1 Minute)
Test 2 was designed to test a similar situation, with the exception that the circles were
replaced with a particle system representing fire and smoke. Individual particles in the particle
system had a more costly update routine than the simple circles, so they are probably a better
approximation of objects that would be generated by a real game. The results, however, are very
similar to the first test. The frame rate only dropped to unplayable levels after about 1500
simultaneous particles were rendered on screen at any one point. The graph has a distinctly more
"stair step" shape to it, but the correlation is essentially linear in nature.
Figure 8: Test 2 Results
Number of Particles
Average FPS (After 1 Minute)
The final test was constructed to show how expensive displaying two typical tiled level
maps were under two sets of circumstances. Typically, drawing a level map is a moderately
expensive operation by itself because the drawing time is proportional to the number of rows
times the number of columns in the result--for a 20 x 12 map, 240 separate drawing calls have to
be made in the worst case, compared to just one for a single sprite. Minimizing this number,
then, is very important. Looking at a typical level map, like that shown in Figure 9 below, we
can observe that most of the map is empty space. The grid contains an invisible cell in most
locations. (In this particular example, only 26 of the 240 cells actually have a visible image in
Figure 9: A Typical Level Map
We can save a substantial amount of time by simply ignoring those cells that aren't going
to be displayed. There are two options to accomplish this. The engine could preprocess each
image that comes along, looking for any cell where the alpha channel is 0 for each pixel in that
cell, but that would also waste a bit of time. A more effective solution would be to simply ask
the user which cell values are supposed to be invisible. Since the user has to tell the engine
which image is in each cell anyway, they likely already know which cells should be ignored.
This also has the benefit of letting the user "hide" cells selectively (even if they are not empty),
which could be a useful game play mechanic.
Giving the user the option to "inform" the engine can have serious performance
repercussions, however. In test 3, two level maps were displayed in the traditional manner and
the fps was measured for each after one minute, as in the previous two tests. The maps differed
in that the second was more populated than the first. There were fewer empty cells that could be
skipped. In the first case, the invisible indices were set--the engine was "informed" about which
parts of the map to skip. In the second case, the line that accomplishes this was removed. The
fps was measured for both cases and is shown in Figure 10 below.
Figure 10: Test 3 Results
Invisible Indices Set
Invisible Indices Not Set
Percent Drop
The results are quite drastic. Omitting the one line that informed the engine about the
invisible indices resulted in nearly a 50% performance drop in the case of map 1. Map 2, being
less sparse was not affected as much, but the drop was still about 35%. In the case where the
invisible indices were not set, the worst case scenario always results. Each of the cells in the
image will always be drawn, which can drag the performance down miserably. Including those
invisible indices provides such a performance increase it would be foolhardy to ignore it.
4.3 Analysis
The arguments presented above show the engine to be both easy to use (at least in some
fashion) and modular, which would benefit greatly if the project were to be expanded. The API
is not perfect, however, and could be further updated to enhance both of those features. The
performance data shows the engine to be capable of running very fluidly under normal
circumstances, only slowing under 50 fps for 400-500 objects on what would probably be
considered a "standard" Android smart phone. Many more could likely be used, but care would
have to be taken to ensure that major slowdowns would not occur on smaller (or slower) devices.
More testing would be needed to be sure.
5.1 Summary
In this thesis, a two-dimensional game development engine was proposed for the Android
mobile platform that facilitates rapid development of those games by individual developers or
hobbyists. The essential elements of game design were presented in order to introduce the reader
to concepts that were crucial for comprehension of the paper. Three primary design goals were
identified: ease of use, modularity, and computational efficiency, and were chosen to aid the
user of the system. A prototype solution was then described in detail that included a hierarchical
structure composed of engine cores and engine core components . The prototype was then
evaluated against those design goals presented to see how well it accomplished each task. The
results were collected and presented in the last chapter and showed that the proposed design was
indeed able to meet the objectives provided. It would be a viable option for a single game
developer wishing to quickly and easily construct games on the Android platform.
5.2 Potential Impact
This engine would likely be of use only to its intended audience. Large corporations or
game design studios with many more resources to devote to a single project are not likely to
benefit as much from this design as the individual developer who has few resources. Time and
knowledge, especially, are serious bottlenecks for a solo developer, as a large task that would
normally be broken up into several smaller pieces can only be done by a single person.
Especially for students who are new to the field of game design, time can be roughly split
into two halves--the time taken to learn how to accomplish a certain goal, and the time required
to actually complete it. Those with more experience can eventually shorten the learning time,
but development time can only be shortened so much before a fundamental barrier is reached.
Passing that barrier requires a new approach--that a shortcut of some sort be taken. The engine
accomplishes this task.
The engine is capable of reducing both the learning time and the development time, if
used properly. As such, its potential impact is very widespread. It could be used to teach the
fundamental concepts of game design to a beginner or to allow construction of a rapid prototype
for a developer. Most importantly, however, it provides a blank canvas. One whose contents are
bound only by the imagination of the designer. To provide a means for the expression of those
ideas is the broadest impact of this engine.
5.3 Future Work
The engine as presented aims to simplify the task of 2D game development for an
individual developer, hobbyist, or student wishing to learn about game design. As such, there
are several areas in which the engine could be expanded further. Integrating a sound core,
allowing more hardware integration through the use of other sensors on the device, and expanded
graphical capabilities are all ways the project could be improved.
The primary focus of the engine was to simplify the rendering of objects to the screen. It
was not specifically designed to be a complete game development solution like many
commercial engines, so a sound module was left out in the design, though the inherent
modularity of the engine would provide a straightforward method of integrating one, as
referenced by Figure 6 in Section 4.2.2. Another engine core could be developed to facilitate the
playback of sound effects and music and would indeed be a logical advancement of the current
technology, as most commercial games do make use of it in some form or another.
Another area for improvement would expand the capabilities of the current input core by
providing access to the phone's accelerometer, compass, gyroscope, GPS, light sensor, or
camera, where available. Using these sensors as an addition to the current touch-based input
would serve to give the developer a richer set of options to make use of when creating games and
could spur a form of creativity that is currently unavailable through the engine alone. The
accelerometer and gyroscope, in particular, could prove to be viable input options.
There are also a host of options that could be added to enhance the engine's capabilities
graphically. For example, while the engine does support scaling and translation of items shown
on the screen, rotations are not currently available. Color filters can be applied to objects,
changing their overall hue, but more advanced lighting methods could also be useful. More
complicated Drawables could also be created for specific tasks, like a scrolling tile system for
platformer-style games.
Another idea would be to provide some options for device-independent rendering--that is,
an image on one device would display in a similar manner on another without any changes to the
application logic. Currently, that task falls to the game developer, because there are multiple
ways of implementing it. Not all Android devices have the same aspect ratio, unfortunately.
Depending on the individual game, it might be appropriate to assume all devices have some
standard dimensions and scale everything drawn appropriately, but this approach could have the
unintended side effect of stretching images that should not be stretched. Another approach
would be to scale everything so the correct aspect ratio is always maintained, introducing black
bars around the sides when necessary. This, however, might not be ideal for smaller devices,
where screen real estate is already at a premium. Giving the developer choices like these within
the engine itself could be a beneficial addition.
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