Revised 2021
Prepared by:
Daniel G. Cahill
Poyner Spruill LLP
301 Fayetteville Street
Suite 1900
Raleigh, NC 27601
(919) 783-6400
Sarah L. DiFranco
Sarah Fritsch
Poyner Spruill LLP
301 South College Street
Suite 2900
Charlotte, NC 28202
(704) 342-5250
2 Revised 2021
I. Breach of Contract
In North Carolina, claims on a construction project primarily involve claims for breach of
contract. In order to properly plead a claim for breach of contract, the complainant should allege:
1) the existence of a contract, 2) the specific provisions breached, 3) the facts and circumstances
constituting the breach, and 4) the amount of resulting damages. Cantrell v. Woodhill Enterprises,
Inc., 273 N.C. 490, 160 S.E.2d 476 (1968). “[W]here the cause of action is a failure to construct in
a workmanlike manner and with the material contracted for, plaintiff's pleading should allege
wherein the workmanship was faulty or the material furnished by defendant was not such as the
contract required.” Id. at 497, 160 S.E.2d at 481. A party may also breach the contract by
repudiation. A party repudiates a contract when, by his words or conduct, he expresses an
unequivocal and absolute refusal or inability to perform. Messer v. Laurel Hill Assoc., 93 N.C.
App. 439, 378 S.E.2d 220 (1989); Profile Invs. No. 25, LLC v. Ammons East Corp., 207 N.C. App.
232, 700 S.E.2d 232 (2010). A lien granted pursuant to Chapter 44A of the General Statutes
cannot be premised on a contract implied in law. Waters Edge Builders, LLC v. Longa, 214 N.C.
App. 350, 715 S.E.2d 193 (2011).
II. Negligence
Negligence is the failure to exercise the appropriate standard of care under the given
circumstances, whether that standard be imposed by statute or common law. In North Carolina,
in order to establish a claim for negligence, a party must prove: 1) a duty imposed by law to
conform to a certain standard of care; 2) a failure to conform to that standard; 3) a causal nexus
between the failure to conform to the standard and the resulting injury or damage; and 4) actual
damages or injury. Sasser v. Beck, 65 N.C. App. 170, 308 S.E.2d 722 (1983).
Violations of the North Carolina Building Code constitute negligence per se. Oates v. JAG,
Inc., 314 N.C. 276, 333 S.E.2d 222 (1985).
While North Carolina does recognize a claim for negligent construction, it should be noted
that North Carolina has also long held that "[o]rdinarily, a breach of contract does not give rise
to a tort action by the promisee against the promisor." N.C. State Ports Authority v. Lloyd A. Fry
Roofing Co., 294 N.C. 73, 81 (1978); see, e.g. Supplee v. Miller-Motte Bus. College, Inc., 239 N.C.
App. 208, 768 S.E.2d 582 (2015); see e.g. Hardin v. York Mem'l Park, 221 N.C. App. 317, 730 S.E.2d
768 (2012). Commonly known as the economic loss rule, the law is well-settled in North Carolina
that there is no recovery in tort for purely economic losses. Similarly, “[A] tort action does not
lie against a party to a contract who simply fails to properly perform the terms of the contract,
even if that failure to properly perform was due to the negligent or intentional conduct of that
party, when the injury resulting from the breach is damage to the subject matter of the contract.
It is the law of contract and not the law of negligence which defines the obligations and remedies
of the parties in such a situation.” Kaleel Builders, Inc. v. Ashby, 161 N.C. App. 34, 43, 587 S.E.2d
470 (2003). The owner of a general contracting company may be held personally liable for
negligent construction of a building if the owner personally supervised or performed the
construction. White v. Collins Bldg., Inc., 209 N.C. App. 48, 704 S.E.2d 307 (2011).
3 Revised 2021
In order to prevail on a claim for willful and wanton negligence, a party must prove a
deliberate purpose to not fulfill some duty imposed by law necessary for the safety of persons or
protection of the property of others. Akzona, Inc. v. Southern R. Co., 314 N.C. 488, 334 S.E.2d
759 (1985). To be entitled to punitive damages, a party must prove willful or wanton conduct.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1D-15. “’Willful or wanton conduct’ means the conscious and intentional
disregard of and indifference to the rights and safety of others, which the defendant knows or
should know is reasonably likely to result in injury, damage or other harm. ‘Willful or wanton
conduct’ means more than gross negligence.” N.C. Gen. Stat § 1D-5(7) (2016).
North Carolina remains in the discrete minority of states that recognizes the defense of
contributory negligence as a complete bar to a negligence claim. Under North Carolina law, if a
party asserting a claim based on negligence is found to have contributed, even the slightest
amount i.e. 1% negligent, to its own injuries, the finding bars the party’s right to recovery.
With contributory negligence, a plaintiff's actual behavior is compared to that of a reasonable
person under similar circumstances.Draughon v. Evening Star Holiness Church of Dunn, 374 N.C.
479, 484, 843 S.E.2d 72, 77 (2020).
III. Breach of Warranty
A. Express Warranties
In the construction industry, warranties are generally defined as promises, or guarantees
of the quality, quantity, or duration of a product or certain construction work performed. There
are two types of warranties or guarantees involved in construction contracts. The first is the
“express warranty, which is a warranty specifically agreed to by the parties and embodied in
their construction contract. See Coates v. Niblock Dev. Corp., 161 N.C. App. 515, 588 S.E. 2d 492
(2003). These provisions within the contract specify the duties of the parties and the time limits
involved. The most common warranty of this type is the contractor’s promise regarding the
quality of his work often found in the contract’s “General Conditions. This warranty usually
promises the contractor’s work will be of good quality, free from defects, and performed in
accordance with the contract documents.
The UCC express warranty provision (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 25-2-313) has also been applied to
construction projects. See Westover Products, Inc. v. Gateway Roofing, Inc., 94 NC App. 63, 380
S.E.2d, 369 (1989); See also Russell v. Baity, 95 NC App. 422, 383 S.E.2d 217 (1989). There are
four elements required of a successful claim for a breach of express warranty under the UCC: (1)
a contract between the seller and buyer of goods; (2) a promise by the seller to the buyer relating
to the goods, or a description of the goods, or showing a sample or model to the buyer, which is
made part of the basis of the bargain; (3) breach of the warranty; and (4) damages caused by the
breach. See Russell v. Baity, supra; Westover Products, Inc. v. Gateway Roofing Company, supra;
Salem Towne Apartments, Inc. v. McDaniel & Sons Roofing Co., 330 F. Supp. 906 (E.D.N.C. 1970).
4 Revised 2021
B. Implied Warranties
The second type of warranty is the “implied warranty”, which arises by operation of law
from the nature of a particular transaction. In the construction context, there are a number of
implied warranties which can arise under North Carolina law.
The most important implied warranty between an owner and a contractor is the one by
which the owner warrants to the contractor the plans and specifications furnished by or on behalf
of the owner are accurate and adequate for the contractor’s performance of the work. If the
plans and specifications are defective, the contractor is entitled to recover any additional costs
incurred in attempting to perform in accordance with the defective plans or in making corrections
required because of the defective plans. Gilbert Engineering Co. v. Asheville, 74 NC App. 350, 328
S.E.2d 849, disc. rev. denied, 314 NC 329, 333 S.E.2d 485 (1985); Greensboro Housing Authority
v. Kirkpatrick & Assoc., 56 NC App. 400, 289 S.E.2d 115 (1982).
A second example of an implied warranty is the mutual promise by the parties to a
construction contract that neither will delay or impede the other’s performance. See Raleigh
Paint & Wallpaper Co. v. James T. Rogers Builders, Inc., 73 NC App. 648, 327 S.E.2d 36
(1985)(where general contractor prevented subcontractor from completing performance of the
contract, general contractor was precluded from using subcontractor’s failure either as defense
or counterclaim). A claim for breach of warranty not to delay or hinder usually derives from the
contractor seeking to recover damages when it has been forced to perform work in an inefficient
or out-of-sequence manner by virtue of some act or omission for which the owner is responsible.
Yet another example of implied warranty is the implied warranty of workmanlike
construction. Lumsden v. Lawing, 107 N.C. App. 493, 421 S.E. 2d 594 (1992). This warranty
guarantees the quality of work performed by the contractor. Cantrell v. Woodhill Enterprises,
Inc., 273 NC 490, 160 S.E.2d 476 (1968).
An implied warranty which is sometimes utilized in construction is the warranty of
livability. This warranty does not apply to commercial buildings, only residential dwellings. See
Dawson Industries, Inc. v. Godley Constr. Co., 29 NC App. 270, 224 S.E.2d 266, disc. rev. den., 290
NC 551, 226 S.E.2d 509 (1976). The warranty relates to substantial defects in a dwelling which
renders the dwelling unfit for human habitation. The warranty does not apply to visible or
“patent” defects and only requires that the construction be of sufficient quality to withstand
reasonable conditions of use. Hartley v. Ballou, 286 NC 51, 209 S.E.2d 776 (1974). This warranty
is not limited to the initial purchaser of a residence but provides a subsequent purchaser a cause
of action based upon negligence against the builder. Gaito v. Auman, 313 NC 243, 327 S.E.2d 870
IV. Misrepresentation and Fraud
Contracts exist in virtually every aspect of construction and carry with them an implied
obligation of “good faith and fair dealing. SunTrust Bank v. Bryant/Sutphin Prop., LLC, 222 N.C.
App. 821, 833, 732 S.E.2d 594, 603 (2012) (quoting Bicycle Transit Auth. v. Bell, 314 N.C. 219, 228
5 Revised 2021
(1985)). When a party to a contract fails in that respect, a simple breach of contract action arises.
In order to sustain an action for fraud or misrepresentation, substantial aggravating
circumstances or egregious conduct must be present. The economic loss doctrine does not bar
a fraud claim. Bradley Woodcraft, Inc. v. Bodden, 251N.C. App.27, 795 S.E.2d 253 (2016).
A. Common Law Fraud
In order to establish a claim for common law fraud in North Carolina, the plaintiff must
show: “(1) a false representation or concealment of a material fact, (2) reasonably calculated to
deceive, (3) made with intent to deceive, (4) which does in fact deceive, (5) resulting in damage
to the injured party.” Myers & Chapman, Inc. v. Thomas G. Evans, Inc., 89 N.C. App. 41, 365 S.E.2d
202, affirmed, in part, rev’d in part & remanded, 323 N.C. 569, 374 S.E. 2d 385, 391 (1988). To
prove common law fraud, one must demonstrate a misrepresentation made knowingly,
reasonable reliance, and resulting harm. Punitive damages are available for a successful common
law fraud claim.
Fraud can also be established where a party has a duty to speak but fails to do so. A duty
to speak may arise (1) in the context of a fiduciary duty, (2) where one party has taken affirmative
steps to conceal material facts from the other party, or (3) where one party has knowledge of a
latent defect in the subject matter of the negotiations about which the other party is both
ignorant and unable to discover through reasonable diligence. Harton v. Harton, 81 N.C. App.
295, 344 S.E.2d 117 (1986).
B. Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practices
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1, governing unfair and deceptive trade practices, is a statutory
cause of action for a party injured by fraud and, in some circumstances, misrepresentation. Proof
of fraud is a per se violation of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1. However, in pursuing a violation of § 75-
1.1, knowing misrepresentation is not a necessary element and willfulness is not a prerequisite.
In fact, good faith is not a defense. Pursuing a remedy under this statute is made more attractive
by the fact that treble damages are automatically awarded for § 75-1.1 violations, and attorneys’
fees are also available in the discretion of the trial court. Typically, a plaintiff will allege both a
common law claim and a violation of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1, but the plaintiff must ultimately
choose his or her course of action. Note, a party may not recover both punitive damages and
treble damages under Chapter 75. The prevailing party must make an election prior to entry of
judgment. Ellis v. Northern Star Company, 326 N.C. 219, 388 S.E.2d 127 (1990).
Fact patterns that have been held to constitute fraud and, consequently, unfair and
deceptive trade practices include: misrepresentations by developers of oceanfront property
regarding material aspects of the project and false promises made to purchasers, a general
partner’s misrepresentations to contractors about the amount of money remaining on a
construction loan, false representations about work that had been performed on a condominium
in order to consummate a sale, and securing services and materials with no intent to pay.
6 Revised 2021
C. Misrepresentation
Deception, to a lesser degree than fraud, can be actionable and also qualify as a violation
of N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1. The key distinction is the absence of the element of intent. Negligent
misrepresentation occurs when in the course of a business or other transaction in which an
individual has a pecuniary interest, he or she supplies false information for the guidance of others
in a business transaction, without exercising reasonable care in obtaining or communicating the
information. Intent to deceive or knowledge of a statement’s falsity is not required, as it is when
fraud is alleged. Unlike fraud, negligent misrepresentation does not give rise to an award of
punitive damages. Contributory negligence is a defense to negligent misrepresentation in tort
actions, however it is not a defense in unfair and deceptive trade practice actions.
In Marshall v. Miller, the North Carolina Supreme Court held that in order for
misrepresentation to form the basis for an unfair and deceptive trade practices claim, a party’s
words or conduct must possess the tendency or capacity to mislead or create the likelihood of
deception. 47 N.C. App. 530, 268 S.E.2d 97 (1980), modified & aff’d 302 N.C. 539, 276 S.E.2d 397
(1981). Several actions on the part of a partner and contractor involved in the construction of an
apartment complex were found to have been misrepresentations constituting unfair trade
practices. These included obtaining funds to pay subcontractors and material suppliers and then
failing to pay them, and providing misleading information about the status of construction,
expected date of completion, and quality of the construction. However, in determining whether
a representation is deceptive under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-1.1, the effect on the average consumer
is considered. If the average person would not be deceived by a misrepresentation, then no
violation of the statute would be found. In a business context, its effect on the “average
businessperson” is the test. In the construction context, for example, courts have noted that
projected completion dates are commonly missed for multiple reasons. Those facts alone would
not rise to a level of conduct which would result in a violation of § 75-1.1.
For a breach of contract claim to support a § 75-1.1 violation, substantial aggravating
circumstances must be present in relation to the breach. A mere breach of contract, even if
intentional, cannot support an unfair trade practice claim. Branch Banking & Trust Co. v.
Thompson, 107 N.C. App. 53, 418 S.E.2d 694 (1992). Some aspect of fraud, deception, or other
unfairness needs to be present to sustain such a claim, and it must rise to a level greater than the
general unfairness that accompanies a contract breach. Determining whether a mere breach of
contract has occurred, or whether fraud or misrepresentation in violation of the unfair trade
practice statute can be supported, will depend upon the facts evidencing the presence of
requisite additional aggravating circumstances.
V. Strict Liability
North Carolina recognizes strict liability for ultra-hazardous activities, such as blasting.
Guilford Realty and Insurance Co. v. Blythe Brothers Co., 260 N.C. 69, 131 S.E.2d 900 (1963). North
7 Revised 2021
Carolina courts also impose strict liability on builder-vendors for any breach of the implied
warranty of habitability, which occurs when a structure is not sufficiently free from major
structural defects or not constructed in a workmanlike manner so as to meet the standard of
workmanlike quality prevailing at the time and place of construction. Becker v. Graber Builders,
Inc., 149 N.C. App. 787, 561 S.E.2d 905 (2002).
VI. Arbitration Provisions
North Carolina adopted the Revised Uniform Arbitration Act, N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-569 et
seq. When one party claims a dispute is covered by an agreement to arbitrate and the other
party denies there is such an agreement, the trial court must determine whether an arbitration
agreement exists. Moose v. Versailles Condo. Ass’n., 171 N.C. App. 377, 381, 614 S.E.2d 418, 422
(2005); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-569.6(b). In its analysis, the court must ascertain: “1) whether the
parties had a valid agreement to arbitrate and also 2) whether the specific dispute falls within
the substantive scope of the that agreement.” Moose, 171 N.C. App. at 381, 614 S.E. 2d at 422.
The party seeking arbitration must show that the parties mutually agreed to arbitrate. Routh v.
Snap-On Tools Corp., 108 N.C. App. 268, 271-72, 423 S.E.2d 791, 794 (1992).
Finding the existence of an arbitration agreement is conclusive on appeal where
supported by competent evidence. Sciolino v. TD Waterhouse Investor Servs., Inc. 149 N.C. App.
642, 645, 562 SE.2d 64, 66 (2002). However, the determination of whether the dispute is subject
to arbitration is reviewable de novo. Moose at 382, 614 S.E.2d 422. An order denying a motion
to compel arbitration is immediately appealable under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-569.28, but the grant
of a motion to compel arbitration is interlocutory and is not immediately appealable because it
does not affect a substantial right since courts are able to vacate, modify or correct an arbitration
award. C. Terry Hunt Indus. V. Klausner Lumber Two, LLC, 255N.C. App. 8, 803 S.E.2d 679 (2017).
A right to arbitrate may be waived either by the express terms of the parties’ contract or
impliedly by delay that is prejudicial to the other party. T.M.C.S., Inc. v. Marco Contractors, Inc.,
780 S.E.2d 588 (2015). Prejudice may include causing the non-moving party to unnecessarily
incur legal fees. Town of Belville v. Urban Smart Growth, LLC, 252 N.C. App. 72, 796 S.E.2d 817,
VII. Damages
In North Carolina, the general rules governing the measure of contract damages apply to
the breach of a construction contract. One’s actual damages must arise as the natural and
proximate result to the breach of contract. The general rule for determining the quantum of
damages for the breach of an express contract is that the non-breaching party should be placed
in the same position had the contract been fully performed by the other party. Meares v. Nixon
Constr. Co., 7 N.C. App. 614, 173 S.E. 2d 593 (1970). Where there is an implied contract, damages
may be based on quantum meruit, i.e. the reasonable value of the services rendered and
accepted by the other party. Booe v. Shadrick, 322 N.C. 567, 369 S.E. 2d 554 (1988).
8 Revised 2021
A. Compensatory (Direct) Damages
North Carolina courts have developed three different rules for calculating compensatory
damages depending upon the timing of the breach of contract, which are not always consistently
applied; (i) If the contractor has fully completed its work, the damages recoverable would be the
full contract price plus interest; (ii) If the contractor has “substantially completed” its work, the
measure of damages is the difference between full performance and what the owner has actually
received, i.e. the reasonable cost of correcting and completing the contractor’s work; Meares,
supra; but (iii) Where a contractor has not substantially completed its work the measure of
damages is the contractor’s earned but unpaid portion of the contract price which had been
earned, plus lost profits on the remaining work, if any, determined by taking the contract price
and subtracting what it would have cost the contractor to complete the contract. Meares, supra.
In the event defects in construction may not be corrected without destruction of a substantial
portion of the work beneficial to the owner then the measure of damages is the diminution in
value attributable to the contractor’s breach (“Economic Loss Rule”). Moss v. Best Knitting Mills,
190 N.C. 644, 130 S.E. 635 (1925).
The North Carolina Court of Appeals approved of and enforced an engineering firm’s “risk
allocation” provision, which provided that the firm’s liability for all claims, damages and expenses
would not exceed $50,000 or the amount of the firm’s fee, whichever was greater. Blaylock
Grading Company, LLP v. Smith, 189 N.C. App. 508, 658 S.E.2d 680 (2008).
B. Special (Indirect) Damages Lost Profits
Special proof is required to recover lost profits as they constitute a form of special
damages in North Carolina. The first requirement is that lost profits must have been within the
contemplation of the parties when the contract was made. See Weyerhaeuser Co. v. Godwin Bldg.
Supply Co., 292 N.C. 557, 234 S.E. 2d 605 (1977). The second requirement is that the special
damages must be ascertainable with reasonable certainty, i.e. not speculative or uncertain. See
Gurney Industries, Inc. v. St. Paul Fire and Marine Ins. Co., 467 F 2d 588 (4
Cir. N.C. 1972).
C. Delay Damages
Damages flowing from a delay in a construction project are recoverable in certain
situations. In North Carolina, there are two kinds of delays. The first type of delay is an excusable
delay and the second is an inexcusable/compensable delay. Generally, excusable delays are
unforeseeable, involve forces over which neither party has any control and are not due to either
party’s fault. Because of this, excusable delays do not give rise to damages although a contractor
maybe entitled to an extension of time within which to complete its work. Excusable delays
include unforeseen weather conditions, labor problems, and similar matters over which a party
may not have control. It should be noted, however, that weather conditions causing delays must
be unusually severe, and it is generally held that a contractor should anticipate some type of
weather delays during any project. Additionally, although generally not an issue in North
Carolina, labor disturbances constitute an excusable delay if they were unanticipated at the time
9 Revised 2021
of contracting. A contractor should pay careful attention to any notice requirements contained
in its contract since these may set out a given time period during which contractor must seek an
extension of time to complete its work. If it does not do so, its request may be denied summarily.
An inexcusable/compensable delay is one which is caused by a party on the project which
impacts another party which then becomes entitled to be compensated for resulting damages.
Unlike an excusable delay, an inexcusable delay is a breach of contract so that the other party
may be entitled to both damages and an extension of time. Some general examples of
compensable delays include an owner’s failure to provide sufficient access to a project; an
owner’s supply of defective materials causing delay; an owner’s failure to deliver materials during
the time required by the contract; and delays resulting from the owner’s failure to coordinate
the work with others on the project (when the owner is charged with that duty).
Where both parties to a construction contract contribute to the delay, neither can recover
damages unless there is proof of clear apportionment of the delay and expense attributable to
each party. In proving delay damages, North Carolina courts favor a direct actual cost method of
quantifying the actual losses resulting from a delay, although these are not always easy to
measure. A modified total cost method which seeks the difference between a contractor’s total
costs in performing the contract and its bid price is disfavored and is accepted only when there
is no other way to compute damages. Biemann & Rowell Co. v. Donohoe Cos., 147 N.C. App. 239,
556 S.E. 2d 1 (2001). In order to recover under the total cost method, the plaintiff must show:
(1) the impracticability of proving actual costs directly; (2) the reasonableness of its bid; (3) the
reasonableness of its actual costs; and (4) the lack of responsibility for the added costs. Id.
North Carolina courts prefer evidence that establishes actual damages; namely those that
arise as a natural and proximate result of party’s breach of contract. Federal Paper Bd. Co. v.
Kamyr, Inc., 328 N.C. 570, 403 S.E. 2d 510 (1991). Direct damages would include such things as
excess labor, material, and equipment costs. Indirect damages would include items such as (1)
extended jobsite and home office overhead, (2) anticipated or lost profits; (3) additional
insurance for bond premiums and (4) damages due to lost restricted bonding capacity. See
Olivetti Corp. v. Ames Bus. Sys., Inc., 319 N.C. 534, 356 S.E.2d 578 (1987) (proof of damages must
be made with reasonable degree of certainty). However, it has been held that home office
overhead cannot be recovered on a public project unless that recovery was expressly
contemplated by the parties in their contract. Davidson and Jones, Inc. v. North Carolina Dep’t
of Admin., 315 N.C. 144, 337 S.E. 2d 463 (1985). No North Carolina courts have addressed the
issue of whether the Eichleay” formula calculation largely utilized as a method of calculating
home office overhead damages in construction delay cases may be used to calculate overhead
costs as damages.
In North Carolina, no-damages-for-delay clauses are generally enforceable on non-public
projects. These clauses, however, are closely scrutinized and there are exceptions to
enforcement for delay caused by fraud, misrepresentation, bad faith, active interference, gross
negligence, and unreasonable delay constituting abandonment of the contract. Moreover, if an
owner fails to grant an extension of time for delays caused by that owner, North Carolina courts
10 Revised 2021
may award damages for breach of contract even though the contract contains a no-damages-for-
delay clause.
D. Liquidated Damages
Liquidated damages clauses are frequently used in construction contracts in North
Carolina following the general rule that parties to a contract may agree as to the amount of
damages at the outset of their agreement. Because of the difficulty of proof of actual damages
on a construction project, liquidated damages clauses are routinely upheld provided that the
provision is not deemed a penalty and is a reasonable estimate of damages. A valid liquidated
damages clause requires: (1) the damages must be of such a nature that they would be difficult
to ascertain if there were a breach; and (2) the amount stipulated must either be a reasonable
estimate of the probable damages if there were a breach or be reasonably proportionate to the
damages actually caused by the breach. Ledbetter Bros., Inc. v. N.C. Dep’t of Transp., 68 N.C. App.
97, 314 S.E.2d 761 (1984). If a court finds a liquidated damages clause unenforceable, it will
deem the clause to operate as an upper limit on the amount of damages that may be recovered
for the breach. Kinston v. Suddreth, 266 N.C. 618, 146 S.E. 2d 660 (1966).
E. Interest on Contract Damages
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 24-5 provides that an amount due under a contract bears interest from
the date on which it was due and N.C. Gen. Stat. § 24-1 provides that in the absence of an express
agreement, the legal rate of interest is eight percent (8%) per annum. A court may award interest
at a rate significantly higher than the statutory rate of eight percent pursuant to an agreement
between the parties, even where the evidence of such an agreement is one party’s failure to deny
the interest agreement in response to a request for admissions. J.M. Parker & Sons, Inc. v.
William Barber, Inc., 208 N.C. App. 682, 704 S.E.2d 64 (2010).
F. Attorney’s Fees
Historically, contractual provisions for attorney fees for any type of action were not
enforced by North Carolina courts unless specifically authorized by statute. Stillwell Enter., Inc.
v. Interstate Equip. Co., 300 N.C. 286, 266 S.E. 2d 812 (1980). In Stillwell, the Court allowed the
recovery of attorney’s fees in a dispute involving the lease of construction equipment because it
interpreted the lease as “evidence of indebtedness” under N.C. Gen. Stat. § 6-21.2 which allowed
recovery on an attorney’s fees provision in such a document. The legislature has enacted several
statutes since Stillwell to allow for the recovery of attorney’s fees including:
1. Business Contracts (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 6-21.6)
Reciprocal attorneys’ fees provisions in business contracts are valid and enforceable for
the recovery of reasonable attorneys’ fees and expenses if all parties to the contract sign the
contract (which includes electronic signature). However, the award of attorneys’ fees may not
exceed the amount in controversy. A business contract is defined as a contract entered into
11 Revised 2021
primarily for business purposes and does not include consumer contracts, employment
contracts, or contracts in which a government or governmental agency is a party.
2. Lien Enforcement Actions (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-35)
This statute allows a “prevailing party” to recover reasonable attorneys’ fees in a lien-
enforcement action upon a finding by the presiding judge that the losing party unreasonably
refused to resolve the matter which constituted the basis of the suit or defense. “Prevailing
party” is defined as (i) one who obtains judgment of at least 50% of the monetary amount sought
or (ii) one who defends a lien-enforcement action that results in a judgment of less than 50% of
the monetary amount sought by the claimant.
3. Unfair and Deceptive Trade Practice (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 75-16.1)
In any suit in which it is alleged that a party violated N.C. Gen. Stat. 75-1.1, which allows
treble damages, the presiding judge may award reasonable attorney fees to the prevailing party,
to be taxed as part of the court costs upon a finding by the presiding judge that (i) the party
charged with the violation, willfully engaged in such conduct and there was an unwarranted
refusal to fully resolve the matter which constitutes the basis of the suit; or (ii) the party
instituting the action knew or should have known, the action was frivolous and malicious.
G. Mitigation of Damages
When a contract has been breached by a party the other party is under a common law
duty to mitigate its damages due to the breach, provided he or she is aware of the breach.
Tillinghast v. Providence Cotton Mills, 143 N.C. 268, 55 S.E. 2d 621 (1906). However, the duty to
mitigate requires only reasonable diligence and ordinary care and is not obligated to incur
extraordinary expense to minimize his or her damage T.C. Bateson Constr. Co. v. United States,
319 F.2d 135 (Ct. Cl. 1963).
VIII. Economic Loss Doctrine
North Carolina has adopted the economic loss doctrine, and consequently a party cannot
recover for purely economic losses through a tort action. Moore v. Coachmen Industries, Inc.,
129 N.C. App. 389, 499 S.E.2d 772 (1998) (where doctrine prevented plaintiffs from recovering
on their negligence claim against defendants for the loss of their recreational vehicle). The term
“economic losses” has been construed to include damages to a product itself. See N.C. State
Ports Authority v. Lloyd A. Fry Roofing Co., 294 N.C. 73, 240 S.E.2d 345 (1978) (where the plaintiff
contracted with a general contractor who subcontracted the work and the plaintiff’s claim of
negligence against the subcontractor for the faulty roof work was barred due to the economic
loss doctrine). See also Crescent Univ. City Venture, LLC v. Trussway Mfg., Inc., 376 N.C. 54, 852
S.E.2d 98 (2020) (reaffirming N.C. State Ports Authority and concluding that North Carolina courts
have consistently applied the economic loss rule to hold that purely economic losses are not
recoverable under tort law, particularly in the context of commercial transactions).
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“The rationale for the economic loss rule is that the sale of goods is accomplished by
contract and the parties are free to include, or exclude, provisions as to the parties’ respective
rights and remedies, should the product prove to be defective.” Moore, 129 N.C. App. at 401-
402, 499 S.E.2d at 780. To allow a remedy in tort, where the defect in a product damages the
actual product, would let the aggrieved party ignore the rights and remedies imposed by the
contract for sale of the product. Id. at 402, 499 S.E.2d at 780.
Only where a defective product causes damage to property other than the defective
product is the loss attributable to the defective product and recoverable in tort. Id. Otherwise,
recovery is in a contract action. In Higginbotham v. Dryvit Systems, Inc., 2003 U.S.Dist. LEXIS 4530
(M.D.N.C. 2003), the plaintiffs contended that their losses were not “economic losses” because
the product involved, defendant’s Fastrak 4000, damaged not only itself, but also plaintiffs’
house. The Higginbotham court, relying on a similar holding in Wilson v. Dryvit Systems, Inc. 206
F. Supp. 2d 749, 753 (E.D.N.C. 2002), held that such damage was not considered damage to other
property. “‘[W]hen a component part of a product or a system injures the rest of the product or
the system, only economic loss has occurred.’” Higginbotham at 10 (quoting Wilson at 753).
IX. Indemnity and Contribution
A. Indemnity
In North Carolina, indemnification from a contractor or other entity involved on a
construction project may only be had in three circumstances: 1) when a written contract for
indemnification exists between the parties; 2) when a contract implied-in-fact exists; or 3) when
equitable concepts arising from the tort theory of indemnity exist, which are also called a contract
“implied-in-law.” Kaleel Builders, Inc. v. Ashby, 161 N.C. App. 34, 587 S.E.2d 470 (2003). Kaleel
is the leading case on indemnification, and it places strict limits on a contractor’s right to recover
indemnity damages from someone such as a subcontractor.
In most cases, it is clear whether or not an express contract for indemnification exists. If
one does exist, then the entity seeking indemnification may generally recover it. If no such
contract exists, then the only way to recover indemnification is to argue that a contract implied
in fact or one implied in law exists. This will generally be difficult to prove.
A contract implied in fact “stems from the existence of a binding contract between two
parties that necessarily implies the right.” Kaleel, 161 N.C. App. at 38, 587 S.E.2d at 474. Thus,
unless there is a contract between the person seeking indemnity and the person against whom
the claim is asserted, there can be no indemnification. Additionally, even if there were such a
contract, the right to indemnity arises only in master-servant or principal-agency contractual
arrangements, and in the typical construction context, a contractor will not have this type of
relationship with another contracting entity. Kaleel, 161 N.C. App. at 40, 587 S.E.2d at 474-75.
13 Revised 2021
As for a contract implied in law, this is an equitable right existing when one defendant is
passively negligent but is exposed to liability for another’s active negligence, or one party is
derivatively liable for the negligence of another. Both scenarios require negligence as the
underlying claim, which is generally prohibited in construction cases, as the remedies will be
determined by contract. Kaleel, 161 N.C. App. at 41-42, 587 S.E.2d at 475-76.
Therefore, under Kaleel, absent a written contract for it, indemnification generally may
not be recovered on a construction project. However, contractors still maintain the right to
recover for breach of contract from any entity with whom they contracted.
B. Contribution
The only right to contribution in North Carolina is the right that exists between joint
tortfeasors. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1B-1. As tort claims are generally prohibited in construction cases,
given that the remedies are to be judged by the contracts existing between the parties, there can
be no joint tortfeasors. Thus, there is generally no right to contribution. See Kaleel, 161 N.C.
App. at 43, 587 S.E.2d at 476.
X. Statutes of Repose and Limitations
In North Carolina, actions for breach of contract, breach of warranty, and negligence have
a three-year statute of limitations. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-52. The limitations period begins to run
on the date of breach or negligent act. However, where the action is one for personal injury or
property damage, the period does not begin to run until the injury is, or should reasonably have
been, discovered. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-52. The discovery rule is subject to a statute of repose,
however, no actions for an unsafe or defective improvement to real property may be brought
after six years from the later of substantial completion or the last act or omission giving rise to
the claim. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 1-50. The six-year statute of repose was called into question in
December of 2014 when freedom of contract principles prevailed in the North Carolina Supreme
Court’s decision in Christie v. Hartley Constr., Inc., 367 N.C. 534, 766 S.E.2d 283,(2014). The Court
determined that a manufacturer waived application of North Carolina’s 6-year statute of repose
by extending an express 20-year warranty of its product. The decision restores confidence that
an express warranty can be relied on for its full stated term. The 10-year statute of limitations
applicable to instruments under seal applies to both actions on the instrument itself and
counterclaims based on the instrument. McGuire v. Dixon, 207 N.C. App. 330, 700 S.E.2d 71
XI. Pay When Paid Clauses (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 22C-2)
Pay when paid clauses are against public policy in North Carolina and are unenforceable.
XII. Prompt Payment Act. (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 22C-1)
14 Revised 2021
When a subcontractor has performed in accordance with the provisions of his contract,
the contractor is required to pay the subcontractor the full amount the contractor receives for
the subcontractor’s work within seven days of receipt of the payment. Delay in making this
payment entitles the subcontractor to interest on the unpaid amounts at one percent (1%) per
XIII. Insurance Coverage
A. Builder’s Risk Insurance
Builder’s Risk Insurance usually covers the subject building while under construction as
well as other structures, equipment, and materials related to the construction which are actually
located on the jobsite. Normally, all parties participating in the construction of the project are
co-insureds under the typical policy. The policy is an “all risk” policy so that generally coverage
terms are construed broadly and exclusions are construed very narrowly. The policies do not
cover business interruption losses or loss of use, although endorsements can be purchased
covering these kinds of losses. The policy generally terminates when the project is accepted by
the owner or when it terminates by its own terms. Many Builder’s Risk policies exclude damages
caused by faulty or defective workmanship or materials.
B. Commercial General Liability (“CGL”) Policies
CGL policies cover the insured for claims arising out of bodily injury or property damages
caused by an occurrence. This coverage does not apply to Workers’ Compensation claims but
only to claims by third parties that the insured caused bodily injury or property damage to them.
CGL policies are written both on an occurrence and claims-made basis. Originally, CGL policies
excluded coverage for work product since the policies were not issued as a guarantee of an
insured’s quality of work. Later on, endorsements to some the CGL policies provided that work
performed by a general contractor’s subcontractor did come within the coverage provisions, but
work by the general contractor itself did not. In addition, much litigation has taken place over
whether a given event constitutes an “occurrence” under the terms of the policy. See Builders
Mutual Insurance Co. v. Mitchell, 207 N.C. App. 330, 709 S.E.2d 528 (2011).
C. Other Coverages
In addition to the above coverage, Owner’s and Contractor’s protective liability policies
provide insurance to protect an owner from liability for work performed by the contractor on
behalf of the owner, but these policies generally do not cover the owner’s sole negligence which
causes damage.
Project Management Professional Liability Insurance covers the architect or engineer,
owner, and general contractor for management related work during the construction project.
Again, the policy only covers claims arising while the work is in progress.
15 Revised 2021
A Wrap-up policy is a single insurance policy covering the construction risks of the owner,
construction manager, general contractor, and subcontractors. Generally, it provides the same
coverage as separate policies purchased by the parties. These policies are generally only seen on
very large projects.
In addition to the above, pollution liability policies and umbrella or excess liability
insurance policies are also available.
Finally, in the context of design professionals there is professional liability insurance,
project specific insurance covering all design professionals on a given project, and design-build
insurance. Design-build policies cover those projects where an owner contracts with a single
entity which provides both design and construction services.
XIV. Performance and Payment Bonds State and Local Public Projects
A public entity must require a payment and performance bond from each contractor with
a contract more than $50,000 if the total value of the construction project exceeds $300,000.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-26. Within 75 days of first furnishing subcontractors or material suppliers
who do not have a direct contract with the general contractor one must serve a Notice of Public
Subcontract on the general contractor in order to preserve a payment bond claim under the
general contractor’s payment bond. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-27. The requirements of the Notice
of Public Subcontract are set forth in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-27(d).
Any action on a payment bond must be brought within the longer of one year from the
last date that labor or materials were provided to the project or the date that the public entity
makes final settlement with the contractor. If a subcontractor or supplier does not have a direct
contract with the entity that posted the payment bond, the subcontractor or supplier must also
provide written notice of the amounts claimed and to whom the labor or materials were provided
within 120 days of the last date that labor or materials were provided to the project. This notice
must be sent by certified mail, sheriff, or overnight delivery. Suits to enforce claims against
performance or payment bonds must be brought in the county where the project is located. N.C.
Gen. Stat. §§ 44A-27, 44A-28. A court may award a reasonable attorney’s fee to the prevailing
party upon a finding that there was an unreasonable refusal by the losing party to fully resolve
the matter which constitutes the basis of the suit or defense.
XV. Requirement that General Contractors Be Licensed
Any person, firm, or corporation who bids, constructs, superintends, or manages the
construction of any building, highway, public utility, or improvement where the cost of
improvement is more than $30,000 is deemed a “general contractor” engaged in the business of
general contracting and, therefore, must be licensed by the State Licensing Board for General
Contractors. N.C. Gen. Stat. §§ 87-1(a), 87-2. A contractor must be licensed to recover from the
owner for breach of contract or on theory of quantum meruit. Mill-Power Supply Co. v. CVS
Assocs., 85 N.C. App. 455, 355 S.E.2d 245 (1987).
16 Revised 2021
However, there are limits to the scope of the “unlicensed contractor defense.” Wright
Constr. Servs., Inc. v. Hard Art Studio, PLLC, 853 S.E.2d 500, 504 (N.C. Ct. App. 2020)(holding that
licensure defense did not bar negligence claims by an unlicensed general contractor against
architects or engineers who breached their duty of care in their professional work on a
construction project.)
XVI. Mechanic’s Lien Laws
In North Carolina, an individual, corporation, or other entity that provides: (1) materials
or services; (2) for the purpose of making an improvement on real property; (3) pursuant to an
express contract with the owner of the real property, is entitled to a mechanic’s lien. The lien
attaches to the improvements to the property, and to the lot on which the improvement is
situated, but only to the extent of the owner’s interest in the property. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-8.
However, a contractor is not entitled to a construction lien for materials and labor provided
pursuant to a joint venture agreement with the landowner. Lake Colony Construction, Inc. v.
Boyd, 212 N.C. App. 300; 711 S.E.2d 742 (2011).
A. Lien Agent Requirement
1. Designation of Lien Agent- North Carolina requires that owners designate
a lien agent on all private projects where the total cost of the project exceeds $30,000.
N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-11.1. The building permit is required to list the lien agent, and if it
does not, any potential lien claimant may make a written request to the owner, who is
required to respond within 7 days with the name and contact information of the lien
agent. Contractors and subcontractors are required to provide written notice of the name
and contact information of the lien agent to a material supplier or subcontractor within 3
days of contracting with the supplier or subcontractor. A contractor or subcontractor
who fails to provide the lien agent information within 3 days of contracting, will be liable
for any actual damages suffered as a result of failure to give notice.
2. Notice to Lien Agent- In order to preserve priority, potential lien claimants
must serve notice on the designated lien agent within 15 days of first furnishing or before
the owner conveys an interest in the property. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-11.2.
3. Through an online system ( an owner may appoint a lien
agent, a potential claimant may determine the lien agent for a project and provide notice
to the lien agent, and anyone can search for information about the project.
B. General Contractor’s Lien
There are two steps to perfecting a general contractor’s mechanic’s lien. First, a Claim of
Lien on Real Property must be filed with the Clerk of Court within 120 days after the contractor
last furnished labor and/or materials to the property and served on the record owner of the
property. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-12. A Lien on Real Property is served when it is deposited; proof
17 Revised 2021
of receipt is not required. The lien “relates back” to the first date that the contractor provided
any labor or materials to the property. Interim lien waivers signed by a general contractor do not
re-set the date of the general contractor’s first furnishing of labor, material, and equipment to
the project for purposes of calculating the effective date of the general contractor’s lien. .
Wachovia Bank Nat. Ass'n v. Superior Const. Corp., 213 N.C. App. 341, 718 S.E.2d 160 (2011).
Second, a lawsuit must be filed to enforce the lien within 180 days of the last furnishing of labor
and/or materials to the property. N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-13. These deadlines are strictly enforced.
Forms for the liens are contained in the North Carolina General Statutes.
C. Subcontractor’s and Supplier’s Liens
Subcontractors and suppliers have three different types of liens: (1) lien on funds (N.C.
Gen. Stat. § 44A-18); (2) wrongful payment lien (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-20); and (3) subrogation
lien (N.C. Gen. Stat. § 44A-23).
1. Lien on Funds. Most subcontractors and suppliers have a lien upon any
funds owed to the contractor with whom the subcontractor or supplier dealt. A subcontractor
may also have a lien on funds owed to other parties in the contractual chain by subrogation. The
lien on funds is perfected by serving a Notice of Claim of Lien Upon Funds on all parties in the
contractual chain by certified mail, overnight delivery or sheriff. The Notice of Claim of Lien Upon
Funds should also be attached to any Claim of Lien on Real Property filed with the court. The lien
on funds must be perfected by filing suit to enforce the lien.
2. Wrongful Payment Lien. A party that receives a Notice of Claim of Lien
Upon Funds is under a duty to withhold payment of any funds subject to the lien on funds
referenced in the Notice of Claim of Lien Upon Funds. If any party wrongfully pays funds that are
subject to the lien, that party becomes personally liable up to the amount of the wrongful
payment. If the owner of the property makes the wrongful payment, the owner’s personal
liability for the wrongful payment also becomes a direct lien on the property in favor of the
3. Subrogation Lien. First, second, or third tier subcontractors can enforce the
general contractor’s lien against the owner by subrogation. The subcontractor must serve a
Notice of Claim of Lien Upon Funds, file and serve a Claim of Lien on Real Property with the Notice
of Claim of Lien Upon Funds attached, and perfect the lien by filing suit. A subrogation lien must
be filed within 120 days of the last date the general contractor performed work on the project
and must be perfected by suit brought within 180 days. These subrogation lien rights can be
limited if a general contractor posts a “Notice of Contract” on the job site and files it in the
courthouse and the subcontractor fails to respond with the appropriate documents. A contractor
can also compromise the subcontractor’s subrogation lien rights by waiver until the suit is filed
to enforce the subrogation lien.
In any mechanic’s lien action, a court may award a reasonable attorney’s fee to the
prevailing party upon a finding that there was an unreasonable refusal by the losing party to fully
resolve the matter which constitutes the basis of the suit or defense.
18 Revised 2021
About the Authors
Poyner Spruill LLP is a multidisciplinary North Carolina law firm, providing a comprehensive range
of business and litigation legal services. The firm has a reputation for professional excellence and
client service throughout the Southeast. Poyner Spruill, one of the largest firms in North Carolina,
has more than 100 attorneys with offices in Charlotte, Raleigh, Rocky Mount, and Southern Pines.
Daniel G. Cahill is the Firm’s Managing Partner. He practices in the areas of commercial litigation,
construction law, eminent domain and condemnation law and appellate practice.
Sarah L. DiFranco is a Partner in our Charlotte office and practices in the areas of commercial
litigation and construction law.
Sarah Fritsch is an Associate in the Charlotte office and practices civil litigation.
This Compendium outline contains a brief overview of certain laws concerning various
litigation and legal topics. The compendium provides a simple synopsis of current law and is
not intended to explore lengthy analysis of legal issues. This compendium is provided for
general information and educational purposes only. It does not solicit, establish, or continue
an attorney-client relationship with any attorney or law firm identified as an author, editor or
contributor. The contents should not be construed as legal advice or opinion. While every
effort has been made to be accurate, the contents should not be relied upon in any specific
factual situation. These materials are not intended to provide legal advice or to cover all laws
or regulations that may be applicable to a specific factual situation. If you have matters or
questions to be resolved for which legal advice may be indicated, you are encouraged to
contact a lawyer authorized to practice law in the state for which you are investigating and/or
seeking legal advice.