North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR)
Request for Prequalification
of Vendors and General Contractors
Prime Contractors and Vendors for Residential Construction Services
Request for Qualification #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD
Date of Issue: April 17, 2024
Applications Accepted on an Ongoing Basis
Email Completed Application to: Construction@ReBuild.NC.Gov
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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The North Carolina Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR), a division of the North Carolina Department of Public
Safety (DPS), is seeking to develop and maintain a list of prequalified prime construction contractors and vendors
to perform, or cause to be performed: reconstruction, rehabilitation, demolition, and/or elevation/mitigation
services in connection with the administration of U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (“HUD”) and
Community Development Block Grant-Disaster Recovery (“CDBG-DR”) of eligible structures through NCORR
recovery programs.
In addition to prequalified general contractors, the State now seeks to prequalify vendors with manufactured home
manufacturer, manufactured home dealer, and manufactured home setup contractor licenses. Vendors that have
these licenses will be prequalified for bids and assignments for turn-key manufactured housing unit replacement,
to include haul away/demolition of existing damaged manufactured housing units, delivery of an adequate new
manufactured housing unit, setup and installation of the new unit, and any related elevation/mitigation services
related to installation of the new unit. Vendors with these license types and not a general contractors license will
be prequalified only for manufactured housing work.
The Program Delivery Office will utilize the prequalified list for assigning work to prequalified contractors and
vendors. A project or set of projects with a total or aggregate total under $250,000 may be assigned to a Vendor.
Project assignments are based upon Vendor scorecards, capacity, and location. The Program Delivery Office will
evaluate all these factors to assign projects properly and fairly in the best interest of the state. Pursuant to NCORR’s
Special Delegation construction assignment contracts can be entered into up to $250,000 without competitive
bidding. Additionally, NCORR may elect to issue a Request for Bid (RFB) to the vendors on the prequalified list to
solicit offers.
This Prequalified Vendor and General Contractor List is not a contract. The individual Assignment Contract
(“Assignment”) or Request for Bid (RFB) will be the contract.
Vendors that submit an Application to be added to the Vendor and General Contractor Prequalified List will be
expected to accept the terms and conditions of the Contract. By submitting this Application, the Vendor
acknowledges they have reviewed the sample Assignment Contract and Request for Bid, including the terms and
conditions, located at Construction Assignment List | ReBuild NC
There is no limit on the number of Vendors to be added to the Prequalified List. The process will be open, in that,
it will be publicly posted to allow additional Vendors the opportunity to be added to the List.
NCORR shall review the applications to confirm that they meet the requirements. For any Vendor which has
previously been prequalified by NCORR that Vendor will be waived into this Prequalified List, subject to submission
of all current licenses and surety letters, unless that status was rescinded. Failure to produce updated licenses,
surety letters, and other information required to prequalify in the timeline specified by the State will result in
inactivation of prequalification status.
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Vendors which have not responded to bids or assignments for which they were solicited and refused assignments
more than a) three consecutive times or b) a period of six months, or MHU vendors that do not provide updated
stock or inventory lists upon request, may have their prequalification rescinded. If a Vendor’s prequalification has
been rescinded, they will be required to reapply to be placed back on the prequalification list. If a Vendors
prequalification is rescinded twice for the same reason, the Vendor may not be allowed to reapply.
The State may request additional formal responses or submissions from any or all Vendors for the purpose of
clarification or to amplify the materials presented in any part of the Application. Vendors are cautioned; however,
the State is not required to request clarification, and often does not. Therefore, all Applications should be complete.
Vendor must either provide a copy of their active North Carolina General Contractor (GC) license with the
Application or other allowable license, described below.
If prequalifying for manufactured housing unit replacement work only, Vendors must comply with NCGS §
143143.11 and must hold a manufactured home dealer license. Manufactured home manufacturers may apply to
the prequalification list, but must provide a list of manufactured home dealers they do business with or operate,
the manufactured home licenses for those dealerships that are expected to participate on behalf of the
manufacturer, and identify which dealership is party to each award accepted. To facilitate awarding, the State may
choose to coordinate with manufacturers directly rather than dealers, if both the manufacturer and dealer
separately applied for prequalification. The State may request the manufactured home setup license in use for each
project awarded, at its discretion.
Vendors must maintain active licensure throughout the prequalification term. If not provided during
prequalification, the State will require the submission of the manufactured home setup contractor in use for the
set-up portion of the scope of work prior to contract execution for either bidding or assignment.
Vendors must maintain active licensure throughout the prequalification term.
Vendors must provide a letter, with the Application, from your surety company, signed by their Attorney in Fact,
verifying their willingness to issue sufficient payment and performance bonds, on behalf of your firm and the dollar
limits of that bond commitment, both single and aggregate. Surety company bond rating shall be rated “A” or better
under the A.M. Best Rating system or The Federal Treasury List.
Periodically throughout the prequalification period the Program Delivery Office (PDO) will require an updated surety
letter. Vendors will be required to provide the surety letter to PDO within two (2) business days of receiving the
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Upon award of contract, all projects will require 100% performance and payment bonds, individually or as a whole,
after issuance of the Work Order (WO) and prior to Notice to Proceed (NTP). Failure to submit bonds within 5
calendar days will result in default on the contract.
Submit a copy of your Certificate of Insurance (COI), that complies with the below requirements, with the
For Contracts up to $1,000,000 the below limits shall apply.
i. Worker’s Compensation The Vendor shall provide and maintain Worker’s Compensation
Insurance, as may be required by the laws of North Carolina, as well as employer’s liability
coverage, with minimum limits of $250,000, covering all of Vendor’s employees who are
engaged in any work under the Contract in North Carolina. If any work is sub-Contracted, the
Vendor shall require the sub-contractor to provide the same coverage for any of its employees
engaged in any work under the Contract within the State.
ii. Commercial General Liability General Liability Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad
Form on an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $500,000 for Combined Single
Limit. Defense costs shall be in excess of the limit of liability.
iii. Automobile Automobile Liability Insurance, to include liability coverage covering all owned,
hired and non-owned vehicles, used within North Carolina in connection with the Contract. The
minimum combined single limit shall be $250,000 bodily injury and property damage; $250,000
uninsured/under insured motorist; and $2,500 medical
For Contracts valued in excess of $1,000,000 the following limits shall apply.
i. Worker’s Compensation The Vendor shall provide and maintain Worker’s Compensation
Insurance, as may be required by the laws of North Carolina, as well as employer’s liability
coverage, with minimum limits of $500,000.00, covering all of Vendor’s employees who are
engaged in any work under the Contract in North Carolina. If any work is sub-Contracted, the
Vendor shall require the sub-contractor to provide the same coverage for any of its employees
engaged in any work under the Contract within the State.
ii. Commercial General LiabilityGeneral Liability Coverage on a Comprehensive Broad Form on
an occurrence basis in the minimum amount of $1,000,000.00 for Combined Single Limit.
Defense costs shall be in excess of the limit of liability.
iii. Automobile Automobile Liability Insurance, to include liability coverage covering all owned,
hired and non-owned vehicles, used within North Carolina in connection with the Contract. The
minimum combined single limit shall be $500,000.00 bodily injury and property damage;
$500,000.00 uninsured/under insured motorist; and $5,000.00 medical payment.
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Vendor is required to have an “ACTIVE” North Carolina Secretary of State and an “ACTIVE” SAM registration. See
the application below for more information on how to satisfy this requirement.
Pursuant to North Carolina General Statute G.S. 143-48, it is State policy to encourage and promote the use of small,
minority, physically handicapped, and women contractors in purchasing Goods and Services. NCORR has established
a recommended goal of meeting or exceeding a 10% HUB participation for each contract. As such, Vendors will
identify those Vendors that are minority owned or have a strategic plan to support the State’s Historically
Underutilized Business program by meeting or exceeding the goal of 10% utilization of diverse firms as 1st or 2nd
tier subcontractors. Vendor HUB utilization will be documented with each contract by the Program Delivery Office
(PDO) and the information will factor into the Vendors scorecard score.
Information regarding HUB certification, and to locate HUB Vendors, is located at
NC DOA Historically Underutilized
Businesses (HUB) Office - Minority, Women-Owned & Small Businesses.
For any project greater than $200,000, Vendors shall comply with the provisions of Section 3 of the Housing and
Urban Development Act of 1968, as amended, 12 USC 1701u, its implementing regulations at 24 CFR 75 (updated
2020) and Section 3 Contract Requirements (24 CFR 75.19)
. Based on current Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) benchmarks, Vendors will be expected to meet or exceed 25 percent or more of the total number of labor
hours worked by all workers are Section 3 workers and 5 percent or more of the total number of labor hours worked
by all workers are Targeted Section 3 workers (
24 CFR 75.21).
If the project is a Section 3 project and these benchmarks are not met, Vendors shall demonstrate best efforts to
comply (24 CFR 75.9
). Vendor Section 3 utilization will be documented with each contract by the Program Delivery
Office and the information will factor into the Vendors scorecard score.
Information regarding Section 3 is located at the HUD Section 3 Guidebook
The Program Delivery Office may utilize the prequalified list for assignment work. A project or set of projects with
a total or aggregate total under $250,000 may be assigned to a Vendor. Project assignments are based upon Vendor
scorecards, capacity, and location. The Program Delivery Office (PDO) will evaluate all these factors to assign
projects properly and fairly in the best interest of the state. The Program Delivery Office will email the Assignment
to the selected Vendor who will either accept the assignment at the PDO determined cost or decline the assignment.
The Vendor will have 48 business hours to inform PDO if they accept the assignment, and to provide all required
documentation. See Assignment Contract located at Construction Assignment List | ReBuild NC
for details.
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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For rehabilitations, the bid factor will be set by NCORR and will be applied to the Estimated Cost of Repair (“ECR”).
For MHU replacements and reconstructions projects, the price per square foot will be set by NCORR. The NCORR
cost factors include reasonable overhead and profit. Vendors will accept or reject the costs calculated by NCORR.
Vendors that do not accept the NCORR’s cost calculation will not be awarded contracts. As a condition of executing
this prequalification application, Vendors agree not to share the details of any refused assignment with other
potential respondents, including bidders. Vendors that refuse assignments are also not permitted to bid on those
specific projects.
Assigned contracts will be in the form of a Work Order. All Work Orders shall be issued by NCORR in writing, signed
by both the Vendor and NCORR, and shall include a Scope of Services, a list of tasks to be performed by the Vendor,
a time schedule, a list of deliverables, if any, and such other information or special conditions as may be necessary
for the work requested.
NCORR will assign projects only to responsible vendors or contractors with adequate capacity. To evaluate capacity,
vendors and contractors will be limited to a total number of projects based on the number of projects a vendor or
general contractor has completed to date as well as their current scorecard score.
Contractors without a scorecard or less than 2 project completions may be assigned up to 7 total projects awarded
or in progress at a time. Contractors with a scorecard of less than 75 will not be eligible to be assigned any projects.
Contractors with 3 or more project completions and a scorecard of 75 or greater will be eligible to be assigned
greater than 10 or more projects awarded or in progress at a time based on scorecard score, project completions,
and total number or unfinished projects in their queue.
For MHU replacements, vendors must share current or expected inventory with NCORR on a routine basis in order
to evaluate capacity. Current, updated inventory will be routinely provided to NCORR in set intervals. NCORR may
request current inventory upon request. Inventory sent to NCORR is presumed to be available from the vendor to
NCORR. NCORR will use the inventory list to determine a best value, best fit based on the characteristics of the
project to assign to the vendor. NCORR reserves the right to assign MHU replacements using its traditional method,
if a best value, best fit is not identified through an MHU vendor’s stock or inventory list.
It is NCORR’s sole discretion whether it is in the best interest of the State to issue a Request for Bid (RFB) to the
prequalified vendor list in lieu of issuing an assignment. The RFB will be issued to all Vendors on the prequalified
list requesting offers by a specified due date and time. Offers from responsible vendors will be evaluated and
contract award will be made based on the determination which offer provides the best value to the State. See
Request for Bid located at Construction Assignment List | ReBuild NC
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Upon approval of a Vendor to the Prequalified List, the Program Delivery Office (PDO) will contact the Vendor and
schedule a required training session. The purpose of this training is to review the Salesforce application used as the
system of record for all related tasks associated with a Contract, provide training on the various
processes/requirements of the Program, and address any questions. This session must be completed prior to the
issuance of an Assignment. Sessions are held virtually through MS Teams or may be viewed at
Vendor may be removed from the Prequalified List because of poor performance, material breaches of contract,
substantiated non-payments to subcontractors/valid payment bond claims, substantiated complaints from
homeowners that are serious (e.g., violations of policies concerning alcohol, illegal drugs, possession of firearms,
disrespectful behavior, theft of personal property, Vendor damage to real property not subject to rehabilitation,
etc.), False Claim Act violations, and misrepresentation of experience, violations of permits, illegal disposal of
hazardous materials, any major OSHA or several minor OSHA violations, significant injuries to any person during
construction caused by failure to follow required safety practices, failure of Vendor to respond to requests for
information, failure of Vendor to respond to Assignments (accept or decline assignment) within 48-hours, failure of
Vendor to respond to Request for Bids, and/or negative Vendor evaluations/scorecards.
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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This form gathers information about the Vendors seeking to be added to the Vendor Prequalified List. Completing
this questionnaire does not guarantee being added to the List. Evaluation of the submittal shall be performed by
the prequalification committee. Vendors are cautioned it is their responsibility to ensure ALL information is
provided with the Application and all information conforms to the requirements herein. Any Application that is
incomplete and/or does not meet requirements will be denied.
Business Type (check box)
Corporation Partnership Limited Liability Company Sole Proprietor Joint Venture
Indicate your North Carolina HUB Certification; if applicable (check only one box)
B (Black) HA (Hispanic) AA (Asian American) AI (American Indian)
W (Female) D (Disabled) SED (Socially Economically Disadvantaged)
Ensure NC HUB certification is ACTIVE prior to certifying to the above question. Contact the NC HUB
Office, NC DOA: Historically Underutilized Businesses (HUB)
, for certification assistance.
Applied for North Carolina HUB certification; application pending.
Not a HUB Vendor.
Is your firm owned or controlled by a parent or any other organization? YES NO
If “YES”, describe Ownership:
List all other names your firm has operated as for the past three (3) years:
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Has your present company, its officers, owners, or agents ever been convicted of charges relating to conflicts
of interest, bribery, or bid-rigging? YES NO
If “YES”, describe:
Has your present company, its officers, owners, or agents ever been barred from being awarded public
work in North Carolina? YES NO
If “YES”, describe:
Does your company have a signed surety letter verifying their willingness to issue sufficient payment and
performance bonds on construction projects? YES NO
If yes, attach a copy of surety letter and identify the single and aggregate dollar limits.
Single Dollar Limit $ ___________________
Aggregate Dollar Limit $ ___________________
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Is your firm registered with the State of North Carolina to do business? YES NO
Vendor MUST have a “CURRENT-ACTIVE Secretary of State status.
See Secretary of State website and confirm registration is “Current-Active” PRIOR to submitting this
EXAMPLE of “Current-Active” status shown below.
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Does your firm have an ACTIVE SAM Registration? YES NO
“ID Assigned” or “INACTIVE” SAM status is NOT acceptable.
PRIOR to submitting this Application confirm SAM registration is “ACTIVE”.
EXAMPLE of “Active Registration” status shown below.
SAM Registration:
MUST register with SAM,
. SAM registration is FREE.
When registering selectRegister for All Awards” and “Include in Public Search”.
For assistance with SAM registration contact The Federal Service Desk at 866-606-8220 or the
Live Chat GSAFSD Service Portal Landing - GSA Federal Service Desk Service Portal
Video on How to Register with SAM, Entity Registration - Core Data YouTube
SAM Resources,
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Select which ACTIVE North Carolina license(s) your firm has:
General Contractor (GC) License Number _______________________________
Limitation (North Carolina General Contractor License Only):
Classification (North Carolina General Contractor License Only):
Manufactured Home Manufacturer License Number _____________________________
Manufactured Home Dealer License Number ___________________________________
Manufactured Home Setup License Number ___________________________________
Firm Name on License(s): ______________________
Provide a copy of each license checked above with the Application.
EXAMPLE of GC License shown below.
Has your license ever been denied or revoked?
If “YES”, describe:
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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Select the North Carolina counties your company is interested in providing service.
North Carolina Statewide (All Counties)
By County: (check the applicable box)
Anson Beaufort Bertie Bladen Brunswick Cabarrus
Carteret Chowan Columbus Craven Cumberland Currituck
Dare Davidson Duplin Durham Edgecombe Gates
Greene Halifax Harnett Herford Hoke Hyde
Johnston Jones Lee Lenoir Martin Montgomery
Nash New Hanover Northampton Onslow Pamlico Pender
Perquimans Pitt Richmond Robeson Sampson Scotland
Tyrrell Wake Washington Wayne Wilson
Request for Vendor Prequalification “RFPQ7” #19-RFPQ-00011-DAD Vendor: ___________________________________
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By executing this Request for Prequalification (“Application”), the Vendor acknowledges they have reviewed the
sample Assignment Contract and Request for Bid, including the terms and conditions, located at
Assignment List | ReBuild NC.
Request for Prequalification Application
Approved ____________________ (date)
Denied ____________________ (date)
Reason(s) Denied:
Surety Letter; not provided and/or Vendor does not have ability to bond construction projects.
NC Secretary of State; registration not Current-Active.
SAM; registration not Active.
License(s); not Active and/or copy not provided with Application.
Certificate of Insurance; not provided and/or does not meet minimum limits.
Application Reviewed (Approved/Denied) By: ________________________
PDO Signature