Volume 21, Issue 7 July August 2018
Faith Lutheran
PO Box 175
Wolverton, MN 56594
(218) 995-2556
Follow Faith
Lutheran Church
Wolverton on
Devlyn Brooks, Interim SAM
(701) 412-8733
It is the mission of
Faith Lutheran Church:
To gather prayerfully as the
Body of Christ;
To grow in faith, love, and
To go into the world joyfully
as disciples.
Sunday Worship
9:30 a.m.
Holy Communion on the first
and third Sunday of the month.
Coffee Fellowship
10:30 a.m.
Message from our Minister Devlyn Brooks, S.A.M.
July Food Pantry Item:
Powdered Drinks
On Father’s Day, Shelley treated me to a spectacular outdoor concert by Mer-
cyMe at the Bluestem Amphitheater in Moorhead.
The evening was a spectacular specimen of the special Minnesota kind: Clear
blue skies as far as the eye could see. Not too hot, but warm enough to wear
summer short sleeves. Little breeze, no mosquitoes, no rain and an awe-
inspiring, blazing pink sunset.
Add on top of that the music of one of my favorite all-time artists -- Christian
or non-Christian music alike -- at one of my all-time favorite music venues,
and you can imagine how special the night felt!
At one point, lead singer Bart Millard coaxed the entire crowd into an acapella
rendition of “Amazing Grace,” with the sun dipping into the horizon and the
sky lighting up in spectacular pinks, reds and oranges, I thought to myself,
“I’ve never witnessed a more beautiful moment at a concert in my life!”
But eventually I would be proven wrong that night. Because as the concert
continued, my attention was drawn to a remarkable young man in the crowd,
and he ultimately will be the memory I take away from the concert.
For those who haven’t been to Bluestem, there are fixed seats in the middle of
the amphitheater and off to each side are grassy areas where the crowd can
stand. The young man that caught my attention was standing off to one of the
sides, right up next to the gates that keep the crowds back from the stage.
He was dressed in a baseball cap and green t-shirt and you could tell, even
from a distance that he was special, because from the very first notes of music
that rang out from MercyMe’s guitars and drums, the young man began play-
ing the air drums and bobbing his entire upper body like no one’s business! …
On and on, throughout every song, the young man was oblivious to the rest of
the crowd that stood, or sat, mostly stoic throughout the concert bowl, and he
partied on as if he was at a private show of this world-famous band.
I could not take my eyes off him and
his pure, unadulterated joy his heart
was feeling. It was contagious, and I
was so envious of the young man!
You could absolutely see the Holy
Spirit at work in the young man, as he
totally shed any inhibitions he might
have of rockin’ out to MercyMe in his
own and unique way in front of thou-
sands. … And I could only stare on in envy!
“When we’re feeling the
Spirit taking us over, let’s
give ourselves up to it and
let it show to the rest of the
Faith Share & Care
Bible Camp—Prayers for Brooke and Madison
Nord as they attend Camp Emmaus on July 11-13
and Liliana Smeby on July 22-23. Have fun girls!
Let the Holy Spirit in and feel the joy!
Baptism—Faith celebrated the baptism of Flynn
Anton Aretz, son of Britta (Stein) and Jann Aretz on
June 10. The Aretz family resides in Germany.
Birth—Congratulations to Megan and Joe
Woodraska on the birth of a son, Casper Henry
Woodraska. Born June 22nd. Proud grandparents are
Bev and Paul Israelson.
You see, I’m not wired like that young man.
While I can get up in front of the congregation
and share a sermon, or speak to a boardroom full
of people about important topics, I shudder at the
thought of expressing childlike joy such as that
young man in front of groups of people, even if it
is the joy of the Spirit filling me!
And so even as I sit and write this for the news-
letter, I’m brought back to the scene of watching
that young man enjoy his concert so much, and I
think what a terrific lesson for the rest of us.
Can you imagine if we could all let ourselves go
in such a fashion when the Holy Spirit takes us
over -- despite how many people might be
around? What kind of example of the Lord’s
wonderment would that be for others? And
just imagine how could that help spread our
Lord’s Good News?
That’s my challenge to myself and you all this
summer. When we’re in the moment, and we’re
feeling the Spirit taking us over, let’s give our-
selves up to it and let it show to the rest of the
world. … Let’s be like the young man at the
MercyMe concert and just let that Spirit shine
despite how many people might be surrounding
us! … Amen!
(Continued from page 1)
BOOK CLUB—Will begin again in the fall. Anybody
have a suggestion on a book?
CONVENTION—September 14-15 31st NWMN Synod-
ical Women’s Organization Annual Convention at Trinity
Lutheran in Detroit Lakes, MN
SEPTEMBBER OUTING—September 8 10:00am Tour
of Jill Rogers yard in rural Barnesville. Her extensive
flower gardens were featured on Prairie Public Televi-
sion’s Prairie Yard and Gardens. Here is a link to the epi-
sode —
More info will be in September’s newsletter.
The men’s group will meet the first and third Tuesday’s
in July and August. Those dates are July 3, 17 August 7
and 21.
A Caregiver Discussion Group is
being held every 3rd Tuesday of each month at
Breckenridge Lutheran Church. The next meeting
will be July 17 at 10am to 11:30am. Join other
caregivers for education, sharing, problem-solving
and refreshments. All are welcome. Contact Laura
Rasmussen at 651-347-2590 or
[email protected]rg with questions.
Prayer Requests
Jane Buchholz—Sheyenne Crossing Long Term Care West
Doris Dibley—at home Wolverton
Barney Edwards—Eventide, Moorhead,
Louie Gruenberg—River Pointe Moorhead
Rose Hanson—Bethany Grace Pointe Fargo
Elaine Johnson—River Pointe Moorhead
Linda Lucke—at home
Arlene Nelson—Eventide Senior Living Moorhead
Keith Nelson—at home in Wolverton
Barb Wise—at home in Wolverton
Please keep these
people who are
under medical care
in your prayers.
Let Devlyn Brooks
know if you would
like your name or
that of a loved one
added to this list.
Message from our President RC Stein
Hello Everybody,
Where is your favorite place to be? Just about everyone has a place where they feel safe, comfortable, pen-
sive, stimulated, or maybe at peace. I have come to realize that my favorite place is (drum roll) Faith Lu-
theran Church right here in Wolverton.
I like being here on Sunday mornings when there is a buzz of activity before worship. Then we are further
prepared for worship by a wonderful prelude from one of our accompanists; and after that we hear the
word and receive the sacraments. Of course this is all followed by coffee/fellowship time in the basement.
All of these activities are important elements of our worship ritual.
I like being here on the first Wednesday of each month for our Church Council meetings. It is so gratifying
to hear the members of the Council express their opinions, concerns, and pride regarding the variety of
issues that need to be addressed to keep our church alive and thriving. We are truly blessed to have such a
dedicated group of leaders. On most Wednesdays there are also other committee or organization meetings
in the basement or the sanctuary. I am always pleasantly surprised by the level of activity around our
I like being here in the mornings when there is absolutely nothing going on and the church is quiet. I like
to sit in the sanctuary and look at the stained glass windows – especially the Alpha and Omega windows in
the front. You may recall that those two windows were replaced about a year ago and the color of the
morning sun shining through them is stunningly beautiful. (Note: they are equally beautiful during regular
Sunday morning worship but it is worth taking the time outside of our weekly worship service to appreci-
ate the silence and the beauty.) The statue of Jesus on the alter and the woodwork on the alter, pulpit, lec-
tern, communion rail, and the pews are all enhanced by the bright red carpet and the side windows. I am
anxiously awaiting the appearance of our new pipe organ. I know it will heighten our musical worship and
I know that it will also augment the appearance of our church.
I understand that we (not the building) are the church, but I am so thankful and appreciative that we have
been blessed with such a wonderful place to call our church home. Praise be to God!
RC Stein
June happenings...
Carter Brooks, Ben Krump, and Claire Aigner travel with Breckenridge Lutheran to
Thank you to the men’s group for
coordinating church window washing!
National Youth Gathering Send-
off service was June 24. Those
traveling to Houston on June 26
are front row: Kaitlyn Israelson,
Ava Aigner, Zachary Wulfekuhle,
Adam Schmit. Middle row: Sara
Aigner, Claire Aigner, Bailey
Adams, Ben Krump, and Austin
Erickson. Back row: Tina Aigner,
Janelle Krump, Devlyn Brooks,
and Christie Erickson. Not
pictured: Carter Brooks, Owen
Martinson, and Lauren Beyer.
Richland Lutheran members
Zachary, Adam, Bailey, and
Lauren will be traveling with Faith
Lutheran. LYO families
appreciate your support and
1 Barb Wise
2 David Matz
4 Kristi Edwards
4 David Israelson
6 Sheyenne Dockter
8 Sage Tuel
9 Dennis Bohner
9 Jim Lucke
11 Scott Blilie
11 Jessica Nelson
11 Zayden Smeby
12 Dallas Israelson
15 Tammy Dockter
15 Eric Stark
15 Nev Tracy
16 Riley Kappes
17 Adrie Israelson
19 Amanda Nelson
21 Claire Aigner
22 Kiyara Jinadasa
22 Candace Johnson
23 Karen Thompson
26 Mandy Schroeder
26 Brayden Retzlaff
27 Grant Israelson
28 Carley Stark
29 Anton Smeby
30 Beverly Israelson
31 Marlow Cassidy
31 Delmar Nord
12 Amy and Raymond Traut
16 Jeff and Sue Rasmussen
21 Erick and Ellen Stark
22 Bradley and Vicky Nelson
25 John and Jessi Kappes
26 David and Gayle Matz
31 Karl and Karen Thompson
Meeting Minutes
June 6, 2018
Opening Prayer: LaDawn Turner
Opening Devotions: Mark Miller
Members Present: RC Stein, Mark Miller, Debi Byars, Michael
Aigner, Brad Nelson and LaDawn Turner
Others Present: Devlyn Brooks & Mike Nelson
Devotions for June 11: Michael Aigner
Communion Assistants: June 17
Michael Aigner, July 1
Offering Counter: All of Council
Food Pantry Item for July: Powdered beverages
Secretary’s Report: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: Approved
Sam’s report: Devlyn emails all council members a weekly re-
Council Conversation: Organ update by Nelson Organ, Mike had
a slide show to share the work in progress both at the church and
also at his shop.
Committee Reports:
Faith Women: LaDawn Turner reported Diane Nord planning to
attend Women Bible Retreat at Fair Hills on June 11
& 12
Men’s Group: RC Stein reported they had window washing on
June 5
, good turn out and supper was served.
Music & Worship: Debi Byars reported the next meeting is
scheduled for August 14
, all Sunday services are scheduled
until then.
Property & Maintenance: Brad Nelson and Mark Miller will be
working with Mike Nelson with changes that will be made for
our organ project.
Youth: Michael Aigner reported we have 12 students and 5
adults attending the National Youth Gathering in Houston Texas
starting June 26
Old Business:
Churches United for the Homeless invitation to become member
New Business:
God’s Work Our Hands Sunday-September 9
is ELCA service
Draft Social Statement on Women and Justice.
The Lord’s Prayer
July Birthdays
1 Erica Halverson
2 Lois Picotte
4 Chloe Nord
6 Carter Erickson
8 Harlie Nord
9 Mike Byars
10 Jordan Annette
10 Jeremy Maesse
10 Tania Merritt
13 Tony Emerfoll
14 Marie Skoblik
15 Kyle Affield
15 Madison Nord
15 Kaitlyn Israelson
17 Ben Krump
19 Elijah Beyer
19 Maren Cassidy
20 Adrianne Tucker
21 Colton Mastin
21 Mason Tucker
23 Randy Emerson
23 Brendon Skoblik
24 Elizabeth Aigner
24 Kirk Lindblom
24 Kaden Schroeder
25 Nancy Israelson
25 Lisa Miller
25 Ron Wilner
28 Boden Schroeder
29 Jessica Mastin
29 Lexi Hoeft
30 Chad Erickson
30 Natalie Nelson
30 Darin Smith
July Anniversaries
9 Spencer and Lanette Nord
17 Jay and Cindy Nord
19 Calvin and Tammy Annett
Birthdays and Anniversaries
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Faith Lutheran Church’s
Summer worship schedule
9:30 worship in the month’s of
June, July, and August
July Schedule
Sunday, July 1—Rev. Jerry Protextor
Wednesday, July 4 Happy Independence Day!
Sunday, July 8—Devlyn Brooks
Wednesday, July 11—Church council meeting @ 7PM
Sunday, July 15—Devlyn Brooks
Sunday, July 22—Lay Service
Wednesday, July 25—Endowment Committee Meeting
@ 7:00pm
Sunday, July 29—Devlyn Brooks
August Schedule
Sunday, August 1 Church Council Meeting at 7PM
Sunday, August 5 Devlyn Brooks
Sunday, August 12 Rev. Jerry Protextor
Tuesday, August 14 Music and Worship Meeting at
Sunday, August 19 Devlyn Brooks
Sunday, August 26 Pr. Ernest Simmons
July Ushers
Randy Emerson
Dave Matz
August Ushers
Robert Nord
Wayne Krump
July—September Altar
Judy Getz
Leone Nelson
Lois Picotte