Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality
Meal Plan Contract Terms and Conditions
Summer 2023
I. Introduction
All the material referenced herein becomes and shall be an integral and binding part of
this meal plan contract. It is the meal plan participant's responsibility to become familiar
with all provisions of this contract and materials referenced.
University regulations and policies are subject to changes and additions. Such changes
and additions affecting meal plan contracts shall be officially announced and/or posted
on the dining website (Dining.IllinoisState.edu) and this shall constitute actual notice to
meal plan participants. The changes and additions shall become effective and binding at
the date of such posting or official announcement.
II. Required Participation and Eligibility
All students living in the traditional residence halls (Haynie, Hewett, Manchester,
Watterson, Wilkins, and Wright) are required to purchase a meal plan for the duration
of their summer housing contract. Students who are currently enrolled or were enrolled
the semester directly preceding the summer session (qualifying semester) at Illinois
State University are eligible to purchase a meal plan but are not required to do so.
Students who are not enrolled for a qualifying semester at Illinois State University are
not eligible to purchase a meal plan.
III. General Terms and Conditions
a. Period of Contract
The summer meal period is May 15 – August 11. Contract length may vary from
participant to participant.
From May 15 – August 11, Marketplace at Linkins Center will provide primary service.
Regular hours of operation are breakfast from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., lunch from
11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and dinner from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
The dining center will be closed on May 29 for Memorial Day, June 19 for
Juneteenth, and July 4 for Independence Day.
Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality reserves the right to alter services,
locations, or hours of operation. Notice will be given through the posting of modified
schedules and/or additional information regarding the dining center and on the
dining website (Dining.IllinoisState.edu), except where emergency circumstances
prevent such notice.
b. Meal Plan Access
Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality uses a computerized system to control
Card Office website for ID policies.
Meals are not transferable. Meal plan participants may only pay for guest meals by
using the flex dollars portion of the plan. Credit, debit, and Redbird dollars are also
accepted for guest meals. Meals that are included in a meal plan can be used at
either residential dining center open for service during the contract period. A 15-
minute period is required between meal plan transactions excluding flex dollar
c. Meal Plan Changes
Meal plan participants may request a change to their summer meal plan by
contacting Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality prior to the beginning of the
selected summer meal period. No changes will be allowed after the summer meal
period begins. Approval of change requests is at the sole discretion of Event
Management, Dining, and Hospitality.
If a student extends their stay in a traditional residence hall, their summer meal plan
must be extended accordingly.
d. Cancellation Policy
Meal plan participants who reside in traditional residence halls may only cancel their
summer meal plan contract after cancelling their summer University Housing
Contract. Other meal plan participants, who are participating at will, may cancel the
meal plan contract before any portion of that week’s meal plan (meals or flex dollars)
has been used or upon withdrawal from the University according to the following
provisions, dates, and charges:
1. Request for cancellation must be in writing and signed by the meal plan
participant and addressed to:
Illinois State University
Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality
Attn: Meal Plan Administration
Campus Box 2650
Normal, IL 61790-2650
Notification of cancellation to other university offices or departments will
NOT serve as notice of a participant’s intent to terminate the summer meal
plan contract.
2. Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality will acknowledge receipt of a
meal plan participant’s written request for cancellation of the contract. It is
the meal plan participant’s responsibility to contact Event Management,
Dining, and Hospitality to ascertain if the request was received.
3. The meal plan participant will be held responsible for cancellation charges as
outlined below. A week is defined from Sunday to Saturday. The cancellation
date is the later of the following two dates: a) the last day of the week that
the meal plan (meals or flex dollars) was used; b) the last day of the week that
the meal plan participant is eligible to cancel.
Cancellation Date Cancellation Charges
Prior to start of
meal period
After start of
meal period
Greater of:
Weekly cost of meal plan*number of
weeks completed OR
(Weekly cost of meal plan less weekly
flex dollars)*number of weeks
completed + total
flex dollars used
Greater of
(total cost of the meal plan/13 weeks) *
number of weeks completed
(total cost of the meal plan/total meals
in plan)*number of meals used
4. Upon nonpayment of a meal plan purchase as outlined above, the University
may cancel the meal plan and refuse further requests to purchase future
meal plans. Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality reserves the right to
cancel a meal plan contract upon determination that the participant is no
longer eligible.
e. Liability
The University assumes no responsibility or liability for personal property in any
campus dining facility.
f. Solicitation
The University prohibits any sales or solicitation in the dining centers without written
consent of Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality. Refer to the University’s
Solicitation Policy 6.1.1 for additional information.
IV. Meal Plan Rates and Descriptions
The following section outlines options, rates, descriptions, and availability of meal plans
for Summer 2023. Meals and flex dollars are NOT prorated based on date of purchase.
a. Traditional Access Meal Plan
The traditional meal plan includes a specific number of meals per week and may also
include a specific amount of flex dollars per week. Meals in this plan expire Saturday
evening. Unused meals on the traditional plans do not carry forward to the next
week. There are no refunds for unused meals. All flex dollars will be loaded onto the
meal plan participant’s university ID card at the beginning of the contract period for
use throughout the duration of the contract. Any flex dollars remaining at the end of
the contract period will expire. There are no refunds for unused flex dollars.
Meal Plan Rate Description Available To
$126/week This plan includes 21
meals per week.
Students living in
traditional residence halls
$126/week This plan includes 14
meals and $20 flex
dollars per week.
Students living in
traditional residence halls
b. Block Meal Plan
The block meal plans include a specific number of meals for the summer meal period.
Any meals remaining at the end of the summer meal period will expire. There are no
refunds for unused meals.
Meal Plan Rate Description Available To
60 Block $496 This plan includes 60 meals that
may be used through the entire
summer semester.
Students living
off campus
48 Block $397 This plan includes 48 meals that
may be used through the entire
summer semester.
Students living
off campus
24 Block $198 This plan includes 24 meals that
may be used through the entire
summer semester.
Students living
off campus
16 Block $132 This plan includes 16 meals that
may be used through the entire
summer semester.
Students living
off campus
V. Guest Meal Policy
Meals are not transferable. Flex dollars may be used to purchase a guest meal in the
residential dining center at the posted door rate or at any retail location where flex
dollars are accepted. Credit, debit, and Redbird dollars are also accepted for guest
meals; cash is accepted for guest meals at select retail locations.
VI. Flex Dollars
Meal plan participants may receive flex dollars depending on the meal plan selected.
Flex dollars may be spent on food or drink at the retail dining venues, the dining center,
and vending machines in the residence halls and Cardinal Court. For a complete list of
venues, please visit the dining website (https://dining.illinoisstate.edu/locations/).
Flex dollars remaining at the end of your contract period will expire. There are no
refunds for unused flex dollars.
VII. Carryout Option
While carryout is available, disposable containers do not support campus sustainability
efforts. Meal plan participants are highly encouraged to dine in rather than carryout
whenever possible.
All meal plan options allow carryout from the residential dining centers; A carryout meal
is defined as one entrée, two side dishes, one dessert, and one beverage.
Carryout is available and provided to meal plan participants as a courtesy. Those who
wish to obtain a carryout meal must notify the cashier upon entering the dining center.
Meal plan participants may not take a seat in the dining center once a carryout box has
been obtained. The carryout box must be fully closed when leaving the dining center
(cannot fill up the lid and base separately).
Dine-in and carryout meals are two separate transactions. A meal plan participant who
wishes to dine-in and carryout must use two meals. After the meal plan participant
completes their dine-in meal, they must use their meal plan a second time to obtain a
carryout box to fill and take out of the dining center.
Failure to follow these rules may result in the forfeiture of carryout privileges.
VIII. Payments
Meal plan charges will be billed to your student account. All Student Account policies
Billing statements will be available online through the meal plan participant’s
My.IllinoisState.edu account (http://www.My.IllinoisState.edu/). Visit the Student
Accounts website (http://www.StudentAccounts.IllinoisState.edu/) for information
about authorized user access, billing statement dates, due dates, and payment options.
IX. Information Collection
a. Personal Information Collection
The University may collect information that, alone or in combination with other
reasonably available information, can reasonably identify or relate to a specific
individual or household (“Personal Information”) as follows:
Personal Information collected includes:
University ID Number
Transaction Number
Transaction Amount
Transaction Date
Transaction Time
Type of Meal Plan
Flex Dollar Amount
Transaction Location
Usage Information: When a Redbird Card is used for a meal plan including flex
b. University Use of Your Information
The University may use Personal Information as specified in the University Privacy
Policy https://illinoisstate.edu/privacy-statement/ and (1) process a transaction a
meal plan participant initiates; (2) improve Services and our products; (3) for internal
business or academic purposes, including but not limited to the measurement of
usage; (4) for purposes disclosed at the time a meal plan participant provides their
Personal Information.
The University may aggregate Personal Information and use the aggregated
information, which does not identify a meal plan participant, to analyze the
effectiveness of our Services, to improve and add features to our Services. In
addition, from time to time, the University may analyze the general behavior and
characteristics of meal plan participants and share de-identified aggregated
information, like general usage statistics, with University personnel.
Acceptance of Summer 2023 Meal Plan Contract Terms & Conditions
I acknowledge that I have reviewed the Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality
Summer 2023 Meal Plan Contract Terms and Conditions, have had sufficient time to
review and seek explanation of the terms and conditions, have carefully read them, and
agree to be bound by them. I agree to pay all of the charges arising under the Meal Plan
Contract Terms and Conditions and any extension thereof when due under this contract
and under the rules and regulations of the University together with all fees and other
costs necessary for the collection of any amount not paid when due.
Name: _______________________________________ UID:_______________________
Student Signature:______________________________ Date:______________________