User Guide
Linux Mint
Sep 19, 2024
1 Update Manager 3
2 Snap Store 7
3 Windows ISOs and multiboot USB 9
4 Grub Boot Menu 13
5 Bluetooth 17
6 Lost Password 19
7 Printers and Scanners 23
8 Edge ISO Images 27
9 Upgrades 29
10 How to upgrade to Linux Mint 20 33
11 How to upgrade to Linux Mint 21 41
12 How to upgrade to Linux Mint 22 45
User Guide
This is the Linux Mint User Guide.
This Guide is not final. Content is being added slowly but surely :)
User Guide
The Update Manager provides your operating system with software and security updates.
Updates are important because they keep your computer safe, eliminate bugs and can even add new features to your
operating system.
Unfortunately they also sometimes introduce new issues called ‘regressions, which can break things which worked
well before.
To keep your computer safe and in good working condition, it is recommended to apply all available updates and to set
up system snapshots, so that you can restore your system in case something goes wrong.
1.1 Core concepts
1.1.1 Software regressions
Updates keep your computer safe, eliminate bugs and even sometimes add new features to your operating system.
Unfortunately they also sometimes introduce new issues called ‘regressions.
Regressions are very common in the software industry. They’re inherent to software development. Code changes can
cause regressions. No matter how skilled developers are, they cant always predict every possible situation or test on
every possible hardware specification.
When a regression happens, it breaks something which worked well before.
Sometimes it doesnt really matter, but sometimes it matters a lot.
It depends on what part of the operating system is affected and whether or not youre able to work around it or to fix it.
Say, the PDF reader is no longer able to print. Well, it’s annoying.. . but it’s not as problematic as if your network
connection stopped working or if you were suddenly unable to boot the computer or to login.
In the latter case, it can be very problematic if youre not experienced with Linux and you don’t know how to trou-
User Guide
1.1.2 System snapshots
Timeshift, the system snapshot utility, is available in all versions of Linux Mint.
It can be used to create snapshots manually but also to automate system snapshots.
Linux Mint recommends the automation of daily and boot snapshots.
If an update, a mistake, a bug or a malicious program breaks something on your computer, you can restore the operating
system from any snapshot, thus cancelling the problem as if it never happened.
Note: System snapshots only cover the operating system itself. They do not include or affect your personal data.
1.1.3 The different types of updates
There are different types of updates:
‘Software updates are updates which fix bugs (or also sometimes which bring new features).
‘Security updates are updates which patch vulnerabilities.
‘Kernel updates’ represent the installation of a newer kernel.
Security is very important but also very technical. Vulnerabilities dont always affect your computer and can be quite
difficult to understand. Most people dont understand them at all and their personal computers are rarely at risk. That
said, a security breach can have dire consequences, so it is always recommended to take them seriously.
Software updates arent as important. They bring bug fixes or improvements which are not related to security.
Note: In Linux Mint, kernel updates bring both security patches and bug fixes (and sometimes even new features),
and they impact critical parts of the operating system. This makes kernel updates important from a security point of
view, but also prone to regressions which can be hard to fix for novice users.
1.2 Kernel updates
The kernel is the central part of the operating system. Among other things, it is responsible for hardware support.
Note: In Linux Mint, kernel updates bring both security patches and bug fixes (and sometimes even new features),
and they impact critical parts of the operating system. This makes kernel updates important from a security point of
view, but also prone to regressions which can be hard to fix for novice users.
From a security point of view, it is important to apply kernel updates.
A kernel regression could however affect your ability to connect to the Internet, to start your desktop environment or
even to boot the operating system.
For this reason it is important to be cautious when applying kernel updates and to know how to revert them when
something goes wrong.
4 Chapter 1. Update Manager
User Guide
1.2.1 Multiple kernels can be installed
When you apply an update, you replace the old version of the software with the new version.
Things are different when it comes to kernels. When you apply a “kernel update”, you don’t actually update the kernel,
you install a new kernel alongside the existing one.
Every time you apply a kernel update, you install a new kernel on the system, without removing the old ones.
At boot time, the computer selects the most recent one.
1.2.2 Identifying the current kernel
If you want to know which kernel you are currently using, open a terminal and type:
uname -a
1.2.3 Installing and removing kernels
You can install and remove kernels from the Update Manager.
Select “View” -> “Linux Kernels” in the menu.
Note: You cannot remove the kernel you are currently using. To remove it, you need to reboot and select a different
kernel to boot with.
1.2.4 Selecting a kernel
You can have multiple kernels installed, but you can only run one kernel at a time.
When you boot the computer, the very first screen is called the Grub menu. This menu allows you to choose operating
systems but you can also use it to select a kernel.
Note: If you only have one operating system installed, your boot sequence might skip the Grub menu. To force the
Grub menu to show, boot the computer and keep pressing the left Shift key.
To select a kernel, choose Advanced options” in the Grub menu. You should see all the kernels currently installed.
Select the one you want to use and your computer will boot with that one.
1.2.5 Checking the DKMS status
The kernel includes all open source drivers and these usually work very well. Proprietary drivers (NVIDIA, AMD,
Broadcom. . . etc) are not included and they need to compile themselves against every kernel you install. This is done
via a mechanism called DKMS.
If a proprietary driver isnt properly recompiled with DKMS for one of your kernels, it will not function correctly with
that kernel.
After installing or removing a kernel, you can check your DKMS status, to make sure all proprietary drivers are properly
installed for each of your kernels with the following command:
1.2. Kernel updates 5
User Guide
dkms status
Note: New kernel series usually become available before proprietary drivers support them via DKMS. If you are using
proprietary drivers, it is recommended to stick to kernel updates and not to install kernels from series which are newer
than the series of the recommended kernels.
1.2.6 Reverting a kernel update
If something doesn’t work with the latest kernel you installed (or the latest kernel update), reboot, select the kernel you
were previously using, remove the new kernel and reboot again.
1.3 Command line tools
The Update Manager provides a command line utility called mintupdate-cli.
If you are experienced with Linux, you can use this tool in your scripts or your cron jobs to automate the installation
of software updates.
1.3.1 Listing updates
You can use the “list” command to list updates:
mintupdate-cli list
You can use -s to only show the security updates.
You can use -k to only show the kernel updates.
For instance, the following command lists all security updates:
mintupdate-cli list -s
1.3.2 Applying updates
You can use the “upgrade” command to apply updates, using the same options.
For instance, the following command applies kernel updates:
sudo mintupdate-cli upgrade -r -k
Note the -r argument, which was added to refresh the cache.
For more information on mintupdate-cli and a complete list of arguments, type:
mintupdate-cli -h
6 Chapter 1. Update Manager
The Snap Store, also known as the Ubuntu Store, is a commercial centralized software store operated by Canonical.
Similar to AppImage or Flatpak the Snap Store is able to provide up to date software no matter what version of Linux
you are running and how old your libraries are.
2.1 Criticism
2.1.1 Centralized control
Anyone can create APT repositories and distribute software freely. Users can point to multiple repositories and define
priorities. Thanks to the way APT works, if a bug isnt fixed upstream, Debian can fix it with a patch. If Debian doesn’t,
Ubuntu can. If Ubuntu doesn’t Linux Mint can. If Linux Mint doesnt, anyone can, and not only can they fix it, they
can distribute it with a PPA.
Flatpak isnt as flexible. Still, anyone can distribute their own Flatpaks. If Flathub decides they dont want to do this or
that, anyone else can create another Flatpak repository. Flatpak itself can point to multiple sources and doesnt depend
on Flathub.
Although it is open-source, Snap on the other hand, only works with the Ubuntu Store. Nobody knows how to make a
Snap Store and nobody can. The Snap client is designed to work with only one source, following a protocol which isnt
open, and using only one authentication system. Snapd is nothing on its own, it can only work with the Ubuntu Store.
This is a store we can’t audit, which contains software nobody can patch. If we can’t fix or modify software, open-source
or not, it provides the same limitations as proprietary software.
2.1.2 Backdoor via APT
When Snap was introduced Canonical promised it would never replace APT. This promise was broken. Some APT
packages in the Ubuntu repositories not only install snap as a dependency but also run snap commands as root without
your knowledge or consent and connect your computer to the remote proprietary store operated by Canonical.
User Guide
2.2 Disabled Snap Store in Linux Mint 20
Following the decision made by Canonical to replace parts of APT with Snap and have the Ubuntu Store install itself
without users knowledge or consent, the Snap Store is forbidden to be installed by APT in Linux Mint 20.
Note: For more information read the announcements made in May 2020 and June 2019.
2.3 How to install the Snap Store in Linux Mint 20
Recommended or not, if you want to use the Snap Store, re-enabling and installing it is very easy.
sudo rm /etc/apt/preferences.d/nosnap.pref
apt update
apt install snapd
8 Chapter 2. Snap Store
Whether you want to make a USB stick which can boot multiple ISOs or simply boot from a Windows ISO image, we
recommend using Ventoy.
3.1 Ventoy
Ventoy is an open source tool which creates a special USB stick.
That stick contains an exFAT partition in which you can copy multiple ISO files and an EFI partition where Ventoy
puts its bootable menu.
When you boot on the Ventoy USB stick, the menu lists all the ISOs you placed in the exFat partition and you can boot
any of them.
3.1.1 Installation
Go to the Ventoy release page to find the latest version of Ventoy.
Download the tar.gz archive and decompress it.
Right-click the decompressed ventoy folder and choose Open in terminal.
Run the following command to start Ventoy:
sudo ./VentoyGUI.x86_64
3.1.2 Using Ventoy
Choose the device which corresponds to your USB stick.
Press the Install button.
User Guide
Once Ventoy is installed, your USB stick should now be called ventoy.
Mount it if’s not already mounted.
Copy ISO files to the stick.
Boot on the Ventoy USB stick.
10 Chapter 3. Windows ISOs and multiboot USB
User Guide
The ISOs you copied should appear as bootable options.
3.1. Ventoy 11
User Guide
12 Chapter 3. Windows ISOs and multiboot USB
Grub is the boot menu.
If you have more than one operating system installed, it allows you to select which one to boot.
Grub is also useful for troubleshooting. You can use it to modify the boot arguments or to boot from an older kernel.
4.1 How to make the Grub menu always visible
If you only run Linux Mint and there are no other operating systems on the computer, the menu is hidden by default.
To make it visible, as root, add these lines to /etc/default/grub.d/90_custom.cfg:
Then type the following commands in a terminal:
sudo update-grub
User Guide
4.2 How to theme the Grub menu
For compatibility reasons, some releases sometimes ship without a Grub theme:
You can make it look like this:
14 Chapter 4. Grub Boot Menu
User Guide
To do so, open a terminal and type:
apt install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" grub2-theme-mint
Or if you have a HiDPI screen, type this instead:
apt install --reinstall -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confmiss" grub2-theme-mint-2k
4.2. How to theme the Grub menu 15
User Guide
16 Chapter 4. Grub Boot Menu
5.1 Enabling/disabling Bluetooth
5.1.1 Rfkill
Bluetooth can be disabled by using a software kill switch.
On some laptops, a hardware kill switch is also provided either via a special function key or key combination or a
dedicated physical button or mechanism.
Using the rfkill command, you can see the state of these switches.
Open a terminal and type:
rfkill list
The output lists the state of software and hardware kill switches for all your wireless devices:
In the picture above you can see that Bluetooth is neither Soft blocked nor Hard blocked and is therefore enabled.
You can use rfkill to block (i.e. disable) or unblock (i.e. enable) bluetooth:
rfkill block bluetooth
rfkill unblock bluetooth
User Guide
5.1.2 Blueman
Blueman is the default Bluetooth Manager in Linux Mint.
It provides the little Bluetooth icon in your system tray.
To disable Bluetooth right-click the tray icon and select Turn Bluetooth Off.
To enable Bluetooth right-click the tray icon and select Turn Bluetooth On.
To allow non-admin users on your system to disable or enable Bluetooth, they must be added to the netdev group.
You can do this with sudo adduser <username> netdev.
The very first time you open Blueman it asks if Bluetooth should be enabled automatically.
To check whether this feature is enabled open a terminal and type:
gsettings get org.blueman.plugins.powermanager auto-power-on
If auto-power-on is set to true, Blueman automatically unblocks Bluetooth at startup. Note that this setting is user-
If you want to disable Bluetooth at startup you need to set auto-power-on to false:
gsettings set org.blueman.plugins.powermanager auto-power-on false
Note: The auto-power-on option was recently removed in Bluemans master branch. It’s still present in Blueman 2.3.5
but its likely to disappear in newer versions.
5.1.3 Systemd-rfkill
Systemd provides a service which saves the state of your kill switches during shutdown and restores them on the next
This service is a core part of systemd and is installed in Linux Mint by default.
Note: Blueman runs after systemd-rfkill, so if Bluemans auto-power-on setting is enabled it overrides systemd-rfkill.
5.1.4 Bluez
Bluez is the Bluetooth stack used by Blueman.
Bluez has a setting called AutoEnable in the file /etc/bluetooth/main.conf.
If you don’t want Bluez to automatically enable Bluetooth during boot set this option to false.
18 Chapter 5. Bluetooth
Warning: If your disk is encrypted it is not possible to reset the password. If your home directory is encrypted
changing your login password wont help. Unless you made a backup of your encryption passphrase it is not possible
to access the files.
If you forgot your password, and neither your partition nor your home directory are encrypted, there are two ways to
reset it:
Recovery mode
Chroot from live ISO
6.1 Recovery Mode
Boot up the computer, and after the BIOS screen, hold down the left Shift key to force the boot menu to show up:
User Guide
Note: On some computers you might need to press the Escape key instead.
Select the second entry from the top, the one that starts with Advanced options.
Then on the next screen, select the second entry again, the one that ends with (recovery mode).
Linux Mint will then starts in recovery mode and present this menu:
20 Chapter 6. Lost Password
User Guide
Select root to get a root prompt and press Enter.
Use the passwd command to reset your password. Say your username is joe, type:
passwd joe
6.2 Chroot from Live ISO
Boot up the computer from the live ISO.
Once in the live session launch Gparted from the applications menu.
6.2. Chroot from Live ISO 21
User Guide
Identify your Linux Mint partition (usually a large ext4 partition). In the example above the Linux Mint partition is
Open a terminal and type the following commands:
mkdir hdd
sudo mount /dev/sda5 hdd
sudo chroot hdd
mount -o remount,rw /
passwd joe
Replace /dev/sda5 with your Mint partition and joe with your username.
6.3 Forgotten username
If you cant remember your username type the following command, either in the chroot prompt or the recovery mode
ls /home
This command lists the directories in /home which usually corresponds to the list of usernames on the OS.
22 Chapter 6. Lost Password
7.1 Driverless Printing and Scanning (IPP)
Since version 21, Linux Mint features driverless printing and scanning:
Printers and scanners are detected and added automatically.
Communication with the device is done via a standard protocol called IPP.
No drivers are needed.
Installed drivers are not used.
This standard protocol works with many devices, so for most printers and scanners, there is nothing to do. Everything
just works out of the box.
To print a document open File -> Print. . . in your application.
To scan a document open Document Scanner from the application menu.
7.2 Manufacturer Drivers
If your device doesnt work well with IPP you can use drivers from your manufacturer instead.
In this case you need to:
Disable IPP
Install your manufacturer’s drivers
7.2.1 Disabling IPP
IPP takes priority so as long as it’s installed, drivers wont be used.
To remove IPP support from your computer open a terminal and type:
apt remove ipp-usb sane-airscan
User Guide
7.2.2 Hewlett-Packard (HP)
The HP drivers are called HPLIP.
They are open-source and they already are installed by default in Linux Mint.
Installing hplip-gui
In addition to the already installed hplip driver, there is a package available in the Linux Mint repositories called hplip-
This package provides the following utilities:
An HP status tray icon
HP Device Manager
HPLIP Toolbox
HPLIP Fax Utility
Fax Address book
Although you do not need hplip-gui to use your HP device, it can provide extra information (such as ink levels) and
help troubleshooting.
Installing the proprietary plug-in
Some HP printers require proprietary software technologies to allow full access to printer features and performance.
Unfortunately, these technologies cannot be open sourced, but to resolve this HP uses a binary plug-in for these printers.
To see if your printer requires the HP plugin-in, check the list of devices at the HP Developer Website.
To install the plugin-in, open a terminal and type:
apt install python3-pyqt5
sudo hp-setup
Then follow the instructions written on that website.
7.2.3 Brands which provide .deb packages
The following brands provide Linux drivers for their printers and scanners in the form of .deb packages:
Look for Linux drivers on your manufacturer’s website, download the packages and double-click them to install them
with Gdebi.
Hint: When you have a choice between different package options, choose .deb. If you have a choice for the package
architecture choose amd64 (note that this is sometimes called x86_64 or even just 64-bit).
24 Chapter 7. Printers and Scanners
User Guide
7.2.4 Canon
Canon provides Linux drivers for its printers and scanners. They have different websites for Europe, the USA and
various countries.
When downloading drivers from Canon, choose the debian Package archive option.
If they come as .tar.gz archives, decompress them.
Canon driver archives usually contain an script which already has execution permissions. Run it and follow
the instructions provided by Canon.
7.2.5 Brother
Brother provides a utility to download and install the right driver for you.
Download the utility, choose deb when asked.
Decompress it, give it permission to execute and run it in a terminal:
chmod a+rx ./linux-brprinter-installer*
sudo ./linux-brprinter-installer*
Then follow the instructions provided by Brother.
7.3 Troubleshooting
7.3.1 Adding IPP support
In Linux Mint 20.x IPP isn’t installed by default.
If you want to give it a try, remove your printer using the Printers configuration tool.
Then install ipp-usb and sane-airscan from the repositories:
apt install ipp-usb sane-airscan
Finally reboot the computer.
7.3.2 Disabling network printers detection
Network printers are automatically added and reappear even if you remove them.
If you do not like this behaviour, remove the cups-browsed package.
7.3. Troubleshooting 25
User Guide
7.3.3 Removing ippusbxd
ippusbxd was an early implementation of IPP over USB. It didn’t work well and caused many issues. It was installed
by default in Linux Mint 20. If this package is installed on your computer, make sure to remove it.
apt remove ippusbxd
Then reboot your computer.
7.3.4 Additional info
More information is available online on:
26 Chapter 7. Printers and Scanners
If you cannot boot or install Linux Mint because your hardware is too recent and is not properly detected, you may get
better results with the “Edge” ISO image.
In addition to its regular ISO images, Linux Mint sometimes provides an “edge” ISO image for its latest release. This
image ships with newer components to be able to support the most modern hardware chipsets and devices.
Warning: The Edge ISO image is not as stable as the other ISOs and may not support as many proprietary drivers.
Only use it if you cannot boot or install with the other ISOs.
8.1 Latest Edge ISO image
The latest Edge ISO image is Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon Edge.
It features the following upgraded components:
21.3 21.3 Edge
Linux kernel 5.15 6.5
User Guide
28 Chapter 8. Edge ISO Images
9.1 Your Version
To find your version of Linux Mint, open a terminal and type:
cat /etc/linuxmint/info
9.2 Long Term Support
Each major Linux Mint release is supported for 5 years.
Version Supported until
19, 19.1, 19.2, 19.3 April 2023
20, 20.1, 20.2, 20.3 April 2025
21, 21.1, 21.2, 21.3 April 2027
22, 22.1, 22.2, 22.3 April 2029
9.3 Upgrade Paths
The table below shows the upgrade paths between the various Linux Mint releases.
User Guide
From ver-
To ver-
Type of up-
17 17.3 Minor
17.3 18 Major
18 18.3 Minor
18.3 19 Major
19 19.3 Minor
19.3 20 Major
20 20.3 Minor
20.3 21 Major
21 21.3 Minor
21.3 22 Major
Note: There are no other upgrade paths than the ones listed above. For instance, you cannot upgrade version 21 to
version 22 directly, you first need to upgrade it to 21.3, then to 22.
9.4 Types of upgrade
9.4.1 Minor
Upgrades from one point release to another point release within the same major version of Linux Mint are simple and
easy to perform. They take just a few minutes.
9.4.2 Major
Upgrades from one major version to the next are usually more complex. They can take up to a few hours. They can
require a certain level of knowledge and experience from the user.
30 Chapter 9. Upgrades
User Guide
9.4.3 Alternatives
If you cannot upgrade perform a fresh installation.
Generic instructions on fresh upgrades are also available.
9.4. Types of upgrade 31
User Guide
32 Chapter 9. Upgrades
This page explains how to upgrade from Linux Mint 19.3 to Linux Mint 20.
10.1 Requirements
10.1.1 64-bit architecture
Although both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Linux Mint 19.3 are supported until April 2023, new releases of Linux
Mint, including 20, are only available in 64-bit.
To upgrade to Linux Mint 20 you need to be running the 64-bit version of Linux Mint 19.3.
To check which version youre running type:
dpkg --print-architecture
If it says amd64 you can upgrade to Linux Mint 20.
If it says i386, it means youre using the 32-bit version. In this case you cannot upgrade and you need to stick with
Linux Mint 19.3.
10.1.2 Experience with APT
To upgrade to Linux Mint 20 you need experience with APT and the command line.
Upgrading to a newer package base is not trivial and it should not be performed by novice users.
You need to know how to type commands and read their output.
You also need to be experienced with APT. During the upgrade you’ll need to understand the output of APT commands.
You’ll need to understand if a package needs to be removed, if it blocks the upgrade or if it conflicts with another
User Guide
10.2 Preparation
10.2.1 Apply all package updates
To apply all updates:
Launch the Update Manager with Menu Administration Update Manager.
Press the Refresh button to update the cache.
Press the Select All button to select all updates.
Press the Install Updates button.
Follow the instructions from the Update Manager and install all updates until the manager tells you the system
is up to date.
Reboot the computer.
10.2.2 Create a system snapshot
If anything breaks or if anything goes wrong during the upgrade, you can go back in time and revert all changes by
restoring your latest system snapshot. Whatever happens, youre covered. You’ll be able to restore your operating
system to this current state, either from within Linux Mint, or by launching Timeshift from a live Mint session (live
DVD or live USB).
34 Chapter 10. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 20
User Guide
To create a system snapshot:
Launch Timeshift with Menu Administration Timeshift.
Follow the wizard to select a destination for your snapshots.
In the toolbar, click on the Create button to make a manual snapshot of your operating system.
10.2.3 Purge PPAs and 3rd party repositories
PPAs or 3rd party repositories can introduce issues during the upgrade if the versions of the packages they provide are
higher than in Linux Mint 20. This can result in unmet dependencies, held packages or resolver issues.
To purge 3rd party packages follow these steps:
Launch the Software Sources tool from Menu Administration Software Sources.
Open the Additional repositories tab and disable all additional repositories.
Open the PPA tab and disable all PPAs.
Click on the button to refresh your APT cache.
Open the Maintenance tab and click on Downgrade Foreign Packages.
Select all foreign packages and click Downgrade.
10.2. Preparation 35
User Guide
Click on Remove Foreign Packages.
Select all foreign packages and click Remove.
Reboot the computer.
Create another Timeshift snapshot.
Note: This step is optional but it is strongly recommended. Some PPAs are perfectly fine, some aren’t. Some only
add packages and don’t impact the upgrade process, others introduce dependencies which cannot be resolved.
You can leave some foreign packages installed or in their 3rd party version and try to upgrade if you want. If it works,
then great. If it doesn’t, you can always restore the previous snapshot and follow the steps above to purge them before
trying again.
10.3 Upgrade
10.3.1 Install the upgrade tool
To install the upgrade tool, open a terminal and type:
apt install mintupgrade
10.3.2 Check the upgrade
To simulate an upgrade, open a terminal and type:
mintupgrade check
Then follow the instructions on the screen.
This command temporarily points your system to the Linux Mint 20 repositories and calculates the impact of an upgrade.
Note that this command doesnt affect your system. After the simulation is finished, your original repositories are
The output shows you if the upgrade is possible, and if it is, which packages would be upgraded, installed, removed
and kept back.
Note: It is extremely important that you pay close attention to the output of this command.
Keep using mintupgrade check and do not proceed to the next step, until youre happy with the output.
Hint: If this steps fails half-way through type mintupgrade restore-sources to go back to your original APT
36 Chapter 10. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 20
User Guide
10.3.3 Download the package updates
To download the packages necessary to upgrade, type the following command:
mintupgrade download
Note that this command doesnt actually perform the upgrade itself, but just downloads the packages.
10.3.4 Apply the upgrades
Warning: This step is non-reversible. Once you perform it, the only way to go back is by restoring a system
To apply the upgrades, type the following command:
mintupgrade upgrade
10.3.5 Downgrade foreign packages
Some of your packages might have a lower version in Linux Mint 20 than in Linux Mint 19.3. To guarantee they
function properly, they need to be downgraded.
Launch the Software Sources tool from Menu Administration Software Sources.
Open the Maintenance tab and click on Downgrade Foreign Packages.
Select all foreign packages and click Downgrade.
10.3.6 Delete foreign packages
Some packages no longer exist in Linux Mint 20 and can safely be removed.
Launch the Software Sources tool from Menu Administration Software Sources.
Open the Maintenance tab and click on Remove Foreign Packages.
With the exception of packages you want to keep, select all foreign packages and click Remove.
10.4 Troubleshooting
10.4.1 Installing mintupgrade
If you can’t find mintupgrade in the repositories, switch to the default Linux Mint mirror and refresh the APT cache.
10.4. Troubleshooting 37
User Guide
10.4.2 Restoring a snapshot
A known issue affects Timeshift. When restoring a snapshot, if the Disclaimer window is empty, wait for about 2
minutes for the text to appear. Once the disclaimer text is there you can press Next and restore your snapshot. Pressing
Next before the text appears results in a failure to restore. If you did, reboot and try to restore again.
10.4.3 Skipping the timeshift requirement
If youre using another snapshot tool and would rather not use Timeshift, you can skip the Timeshift requirement with
the following command:
echo "{}" | sudo tee /etc/timeshift.json
Dont forget to remove that file after the upgrade if you want Timeshift to work properly.
10.4.4 Computer freeze
On some computers the upgrade can be quite intensive and it can temporarily freeze the desktop. This can last for up
to 10 minutes at times or even take hours on slow computers. This is OK, be patient and give it time.
If this becomes a problem, logout completely, drop to console with CTRL+ALT+F2 and run mintupgrade upgrade
from there instead.
10.4.5 Broken boot
If the computer no longer boots, boot from the live Linux Mint 19.3 ISO.
From the live session, launch Boot Repair and use it to fix the boot sequence.
If this doesnt work, boot from the live Linux Mint ISO again, and launch Timeshift.
Timeshift is able to scan your drives from the live session and restore your snapshot from there.
10.4.6 Boot warnings
You can ignore boot warnings related to ACPI or initramfs unpacking. They’re cosmetic and do not affect the boot
10.5 Notes
The upgrade overwrites files in /etc/ with default configuration files. You can restore files indivually by the Timeshift
snapshot you made prior to upgrading.
To restore your lightDM settings, run the Login Window configuration tool (sudo lightdm-settings).
38 Chapter 10. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 20
User Guide
10.6 Alternatives
If you cannot upgrade perform a fresh installation.
Generic instructions on fresh upgrades are also available.
10.6. Alternatives 39
User Guide
40 Chapter 10. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 20
This page explains how to upgrade from Linux Mint 20.3 to Linux Mint 21.
First, refresh your cache and install the Upgrade Tool by typing the following commands in a terminal:
apt update
apt install mintupgrade
Then type the following command to launch the Upgrade Tool:
sudo mintupgrade
User Guide
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When the tool is done and the upgrade is successful uninstall it and reboot your computer.
apt remove mintupgrade
sudo reboot
This is a major upgrade. It can take several hours.
You will be asked to be up to date and to prepare system snapshots. Do not rush, do not take shortcuts.
Dont hesitate to seek help if you have questions or if you face problems with the upgrade.
42 Chapter 11. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 21
User Guide
11.1 Troubleshooting
11.1.1 Installing mintupgrade
If you can’t find mintupgrade in the repositories, switch to the default Linux Mint mirror and refresh the APT cache.
11.1.2 Repairing boot
If the computer no longer boots, boot from the live Linux Mint 21 ISO.
From the live session, launch Boot Repair and use it to fix the boot sequence.
If this doesnt work, boot from the live Linux Mint ISO again, and launch Timeshift.
Timeshift is able to scan your drives from the live session and restore your snapshot from there.
11.2 Notes
The upgrade overwrites files in /etc/ with default configuration files. You can restore files indivually by the Timeshift
snapshot you made prior to upgrading.
To restore your lightDM settings, run the Login Window configuration tool (sudo lightdm-settings).
11.3 Alternatives
If you cannot upgrade perform a fresh installation.
Generic instructions on fresh upgrades are also available.
11.1. Troubleshooting 43
User Guide
44 Chapter 11. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 21
This page explains how to upgrade from Linux Mint 21.3 to Linux Mint 22.
First, refresh your cache and install the Upgrade Tool by typing the following commands in a terminal:
apt update
apt install mintupgrade
Then type the following command to launch the Upgrade Tool:
sudo mintupgrade
User Guide
Follow the instructions on the screen.
When the tool is done and the upgrade is successful uninstall it and reboot your computer.
apt remove mintupgrade
sudo reboot
This is a major upgrade. It can take several hours.
You will be asked to be up to date and to prepare system snapshots. Do not rush, do not take shortcuts.
Dont hesitate to seek help if you have questions or if you face problems with the upgrade.
46 Chapter 12. How to upgrade to Linux Mint 22
User Guide
12.1 Troubleshooting
12.1.1 Installing mintupgrade
If you can’t find mintupgrade in the repositories, switch to the default Linux Mint mirror and refresh the APT cache.
12.1.2 Repairing boot
If the computer no longer boots, boot from the live Linux Mint 22 ISO.
From the live session, launch Boot Repair and use it to fix the boot sequence.
If this doesnt work, boot from the live Linux Mint ISO again, and launch Timeshift.
Timeshift is able to scan your drives from the live session and restore your snapshot from there.
12.2 Notes
During the upgrade the font rendering will break and your fonts will become unreadable. The upgrade tool is protected
against this issue and is not impacted. Do not interrupt the upgrade. Do not close the terminal attached to it. Ignore
the issue until the upgrade is finished. For more information on this issue read Unreadable fonts during the upgrade.
The upgrade overwrites files in /etc/ with default configuration files. You can restore files individually by the Timeshift
snapshot you made prior to upgrading.
12.3 Alternatives
If you cannot upgrade, then perform a fresh installation.
Generic instructions on fresh upgrades are also available.
12.1. Troubleshooting 47