Department of Defense
NUMBER 8500.01
March 14, 2014
Incorporating Change 1, Effective October 7, 2019
SUBJECT: Cybersecurity
References: See Enclosure 1
1. PURPOSE. This instruction:
a. Reissues and renames DoD Directive (DoDD) 8500.01E (Reference (a)) as a DoD
Instruction (DoDI) pursuant to the authority in DoDD 5144.02 (Reference (b)) to establish a
DoD cybersecurity program to protect and defend DoD information and information technology
b. Incorporates and cancels DoDI 8500.02 (Reference (c)), DoDD C-5200.19 (Reference
(d)), DoDI 8552.01 (Reference (e)), Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and
Information Integration (ASD(NII))/DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) Memorandums
(References (f) through (k)), and Directive-type Memorandum 08-060 (Reference (l)).
c. Establishes the positions of DoD principal authorizing official (PAO) and the DoD Senior
Information Security Officer (SISO) and continues the DoD Information Security Risk
Management Committee (DoD ISRMC).
d. Adopts the term “cybersecurity” as it is defined in National Security Presidential
Directive-54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-23 (Reference (m)) to be used throughout
DoD instead of the term “information assurance (IA).”
a. This instruction applies to:
(1) OSD, the Military Departments, the Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of
Staff (CJCS) and the Joint Staff, the Combatant Commands, the Office of the Inspector General
of the DoD, the Defense Agencies, the DoD Field Activities, and all other organizational entities
within the DoD (referred to collectively in this instruction as the “DoD Components”).
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(2) All DoD IT.
(3) All DoD information in electronic format.
(4) Special access program (SAP) information technology, other than SAP ISs handling
sensitive compartmented information (SCI) material.
b. Nothing in this instruction alters or supersedes the existing authorities and policies of the
Director of National Intelligence (DNI) regarding the protection of SCI as directed by Executive
Order 12333 (Reference (n)) and other laws and regulations.
3. POLICY. It is DoD policy that:
a. Risk Management
(1) DoD will implement a multi-tiered cybersecurity risk management process to protect
U.S. interests, DoD operational capabilities, and DoD individuals, organizations, and assets from
the DoD Information Enterprise level, through the DoD Component level, down to the IS level
as described in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Special Publication (SP)
800-39 (Reference (o)) and Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Policy (CNSSP)
22 (Reference (p)).
(2) Risks associated with vulnerabilities inherent in IT, global sourcing and distribution,
and adversary threats to DoD use of cyberspace must be considered in DoD employment of
capabilities to achieve objectives in military, intelligence, and business operations.
(3) All DoD IT will be assigned to, and governed by, a DoD Component cybersecurity
program that manages risk commensurate with the importance of supported missions and the
value of potentially affected information or assets.
(4) Risk management will be addressed as early as possible in the acquisition of IT and
in an integrated manner across the IT life cycle.
(5) Documentation regarding the security posture of DoD IS and PIT systems will be
made available to promote reciprocity as described in DoDI 8510.01 (Reference (q)) and to assist
authorizing officials (AOs) from other organizations in making credible, risk-based decisions
regarding the acceptance and use of systems and the information that they process, store, or
b. Operational Resilience. DoD IT will be planned, developed, tested, implemented,
evaluated, and operated to ensure that:
(1) Information and services are available to authorized users whenever and wherever
required according to mission needs, priorities, and changing roles and responsibilities.
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(2) Security posture, from individual device or software object to aggregated systems of
systems, is sensed, correlated, and made visible to mission owners, network operators, and to the
DoD Information Enterprise consistent with DoDD 8000.01 (Reference (r)).
(3) Whenever possible, technology components (e.g., hardware and software) have the
ability to reconfigure, optimize, self-defend, and recover with little or no human intervention.
Attempts made to reconfigure, self-defend, and recover should produce an incident audit trail.
c. Integration and Interoperability
(1) Cybersecurity must be fully integrated into system life cycles and will be a visible
element of organizational, joint, and DoD Component IT portfolios.
(2) Interoperability will be achieved through adherence to DoD architecture principles,
adopting a standards-based approach, and by all DoD Components sharing the level of risk
necessary to achieve mission success.
(3) All interconnections of DoD IT will be managed to minimize shared risk by ensuring
that the security posture of one system is not undermined by vulnerabilities of interconnected
d. Cyberspace Defense. Cyberspace defense actions are taken within cyberspace to defeat
specific threats that have breached or are threatening to beach system cybersecurity measures.
Actions include detecting, characterizing, countering, mitigating threats, (e.g., malware,
unauthorized activity, and vulnerabilities) and restoring systems to a secure configuration as
described in Joint Publication 3-12 (Reference (s)).
e. Performance
(1) Implementation of cybersecurity will be overseen and governed through the
integrated decision structures and processes described in this instruction.
(2) Performance will be measured, assessed for effectiveness, and managed relative to
contributions to mission outcomes and strategic goals and objectives, in accordance with
Sections 11103 and 11313 of Title 40, United States Code (U.S.C.) (Reference (t)).
(3) Data will be collected to support reporting and cybersecurity management activities
across the system life cycle.
(4) Standardized IT tools, methods, and processes will be used to the greatest extent
possible to eliminate duplicate costs and to focus resources on creating technologically mature
and verified solutions.
f. DoD Information. All DoD information in electronic format will be given an appropriate
level of confidentiality, integrity, and availability that reflects the importance of both information
sharing and protection.
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g. Identity Assurance
(1) Identity assurance must be used to ensure strong identification, authentication, and
eliminate anonymity in DoD IS and PIT systems.
(2) DoD will public key-enable DoD ISs and implement a DoD-wide Public Key
Infrastructure (PKI) solution that will be managed by the DoD PKI Program Management Office
in accordance with DoDI 8520.02 (Reference (u)).
(3) Biometrics used in support of identity assurance will be managed in accordance with
DoDD 8521.01 (Reference (v)).
h. Information Technology
(1) All IT that receives, processes, stores, displays, or transmits DoD information will be
acquired, configured, operated, maintained, and disposed of consistent with applicable DoD
cybersecurity policies, standards, and architectures.
(2) Risks associated with global sourcing and distribution, weaknesses or flaws inherent
in the IT, and vulnerabilities introduced through faulty design, configuration, or use will be
managed, mitigated, and monitored as appropriate.
(3) Cybersecurity requirements must be identified and included throughout the lifecycle
of systems including acquisition, design, development, developmental testing, operational
testing, integration, implementation, operation, upgrade, or replacement of all DoD IT supporting
DoD tasks and missions.
i. Cybersecurity Workforce
(1) Cybersecurity workforce functions must be identified and managed, and personnel
performing cybersecurity functions will be appropriately screened in accordance with this
instruction and DoD Manual (DoDM) 5200.2 (Reference (w)), and qualified in accordance with
DoDD 8140.01 (Reference (x)) and supporting issuances.
(2) Qualified cybersecurity personnel must be identified and integrated into all phases of
the system development life cycle.
j. Mission Partners
(1) Capabilities built to support cybersecurity objectives that are shared with mission
partners will be consistent with guidance contained in Reference (r) and governed through
integrated decision structures and processes described in this instruction.
(2) DoD-originated and DoD-provided information residing on mission partner ISs must
be properly and adequately safeguarded, with documented agreements indicating required levels
of protection.
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4. RESPONSIBILITIES. See Enclosure 2.
5. PROCEDURES. See Enclosure 3.
6. RELEASABILITY. Cleared for public release. This instruction is available on the
Directives Division Website at
7. SUMMARY OF CHANGE 1. The changes to this issuance are administrative and:
a. Update organizational titles, references, and internet addresses.
b. Update the description of cyberspace defense in accordance with Reference (s).
c. Require cybersecurity scorecard reporting be accomplished in accordance with the
March 22, 2019 DoD CIO Memorandum (Reference (y)).
d. Require systems processing controlled unclassified information (CUI) be categorized at
no less than the moderate confidentiality impact level in accordance with Part 2002 of Title 32,
Code of Federal Regulations (Reference (z)).
e. Change the Defense Security Service to the Defense Counterintelligence and Security
Agency (DCSA) and the United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to the United
States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) in accordance with the August 15, 2017 Presidential
8. EFFECTIVE DATE. This instruction is effective March 14, 2014.
Teresa M. Takai
DoD Chief Information Officer
1. References
2. Responsibilities
3. Procedures
DoDI 8500.02, March 14, 2014
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ENCLOSURE 1: REFERENCES ...................................................................................................8
ENCLOSURE 2: RESPONSIBILITIES .......................................................................................14
DoD CIO ..................................................................................................................................14
DIRECTOR, DISA ..................................................................................................................16
USD(AT&L) ............................................................................................................................17
DOT&E ....................................................................................................................................18
USD(P) .....................................................................................................................................19
USD(P&R) ...............................................................................................................................19
DIRNSA/CHCSS .....................................................................................................................19
DIRECTOR, DCSA .................................................................................................................21
DIRECTOR, DIA ....................................................................................................................21
OSD AND DoD COMPONENT HEADS ...............................................................................21
CJCS ........................................................................................................................................25
COMMANDER, USCYBERCOM..........................................................................................25
ENCLOSURE 3: PROCEDURES ................................................................................................26
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................26
RISK MANAGEMENT...........................................................................................................26
OPERATIONAL RESILIENCE ..............................................................................................30
INTEGRATION AND INTEROPERABILITY ......................................................................31
CYBERSPACE DEFENSE .....................................................................................................32
PERFORMANCE ....................................................................................................................33
DoD INFORMATION .............................................................................................................34
IDENTITY ASSURANCE ......................................................................................................35
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY .........................................................................................36
CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE.......................................................................................43
MISSION PARTNERS ............................................................................................................43
DoD SISO ................................................................................................................................45
DoD COMPONENT CIOs ......................................................................................................46
DoD RISK EXECUTIVE FUNCTION ...................................................................................47
AO ............................................................................................................................................47
ISOs OF DoD IT ......................................................................................................................48
ISSM ........................................................................................................................................48
ISSO .........................................................................................................................................49
PRIVILEGED USERS (E.G. SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR) ...............................................50
AUTHORIZED USERS ..........................................................................................................50
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GLOSSARY ..................................................................................................................................52
PART I. ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS ................................................................52
PART II. DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................54
1. Three-Tiered Approach to Risk Management ....................................................................27
2. DoD Information Technology.............................................................................................37
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(a) DoD Directive 8500.01, “Information Assurance (IA),” October 4, 2002 (hereby cancelled)
(b) DoD Directive 5144.02, “DoD Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO),” November 21,
2014, as amended
(c) DoD Instruction 8500.2, “Information Assurance (IA) Implementation,” February 6, 2003
(hereby cancelled)
(d) DoD Directive C-5200.19, “Control of Compromising Emanations (U),” May 16, 1995
(hereby cancelled)
(e) DoD Instruction 8552.01, “Use of Mobile Code Technologies in DoD Information
Systems,” October 23, 2006 (hereby cancelled)
(f) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Disposition of Unclassified DoD Computer Hard
Drives,” June 4, 2001 (hereby cancelled)
(g) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Certification and Accreditation Requirements for
DoD-wide Managed Enterprise Services Procurements,” June 22, 2006 (hereby cancelled)
(h) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) File-Sharing Applications
Across DoD,” November 23, 2004 (hereby cancelled)
(i) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Department of Defense (DoD) Guidance on Protecting
Personally Identifiable Information (PII),” August 18, 2006 (hereby cancelled)
(j) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Encryption of Sensitive Unclassified Data At Rest on
Mobile Computing Devices and Removable Storage Media,” July 3, 2007 (hereby
(k) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer Memorandum, “Protection of Sensitive Department of Defense (DoD)
Data at Rest On Portable Computing Devices,” April 18, 2006 (hereby cancelled)
(l) Directive-type Memorandum 08-060, “Policy on Use of Department of Defense (DoD)
Information Systems — Standard Consent Banner and User Agreement,” May 9, 2008, as
amended (hereby cancelled)
(m) National Security Presidential Directive-54/Homeland Security Presidential Directive-23,
“Cybersecurity Policy,” January 8, 2008
(n) Executive Order 12333, “United States Intelligence Activities,as amended
(o) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-39, “Managing
Information Security Risk: Organization, Mission, and Information System View,” current
Document is classified TOP SECRET. To obtain a copy, fax a request to the Homeland Security Council
Executive Secretary at 202-456-5158 and the National Security Council’s Senior Director for Records and Access
Management at 202-456-9200.
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(p) Committee on National Security Systems Policy 22, “Cybersecurity Risk Management
Policy,” August, 2016
(q) DoD Instruction 8510.01, “Risk Management Framework (RMF) for DoD Information
Technology (IT),” March 12, 2014, as amended
(r) DoD Directive 8000.01, “Management of the Department of Defense Information
Enterprise,” March 17, 2016, as amended
(s) Joint Publication 3-12, “Cyberspace Operations,” June 8, 2018
(t) Title 40, United States Code
(u) DoD Instruction 8520.02, “Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) and Public Key (PK)
Enabling,” May 24, 2011
(v) DoD Directive 8521.01E, “DoD Biometrics,” January 13, 2016, as amended
(w) DoD Manual 5200.02, “Procedures for the Personnel Security Program (PSP),” April 3,
(x) DoD Directive 8140.01, “Cyberspace Workforce Management,” August 11,2015, as
(y) DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum, “DoD Cyber Hygiene Scorecard
Supplemental Guidance,” March 22, 2019
(z) Title 32, Part 2002, Code of Federal Regulations
(aa) Title 44, United States Code
(ab) DoD Directive 5230.11, “Disclosure of Classified Military Information to Foreign
Governments and International Organizations,” June 16, 1992
(ac) DoD Directive 8115.01, “Information Technology Portfolio Management,” October 10,
(ad) DoD Instruction 5205.13, “Defense Industrial Base (DIB) Cybersecurity (CS) Activities,”
January 29, 2010, as amended
(ae) DoD Directive 3020.40, “Mission Assurance (MA),” November 29, 2016, as amended
(af) Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Delegation of Authority to Negotiate and
Conclude International Agreements on Cooperation in Information Assurance and
Computer Network Defense,” March 5, 2002
(ag) DoD Directive 5530.3, “International Agreements,” June 11, 1987, as amended
(ah) DoD Instruction 8540.01, “Cross Domain (CS) Policy), May 8, 2015, as amended
(ai) National Security Directive 42, “National Policy for the Security of National Security
Telecommunications and Information Systems,” July 5, 1990
(aj) Office of Management and Budget Circular A-130, “Management of Federal Information
Resources,” as amended
(ak) DoD Instruction 8010.01, “Department of Defense Information Network (DODIN)
Transport,” September 10, 2018
(al) DoD Instruction 8551.01, “Ports, Protocols, and Services Management (PPSM),” May 28,
2014, as amended
(am) DoD Instruction 8100.04, “DoD Unified Capabilities (UC),” December 9, 2010
(an) Defense Security/Cybersecurity Authorization Working Group (DSAWG) Charter, April 8,
Requests for copies can be forwarded to the DoD CIO.
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(ao) Department of Defense Information Security Risk Management Charter, May, 2016, as
(ap) DoD Directive 5134.01, “Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)),” December 9, 2005, as amended
(aq) DoD Instruction 3200.12, “DoD Scientific and Technical Information Program (STIP),”
August 22, 2013, as amended
(ar) DoD Instruction 8580.1, “Information Assurance (IA) in the Defense Acquisition System,”
July 9, 2004
(as) DoD Directive 5000.01, “The Defense Acquisition System,” May 12, 2003, as amended
(at) DoD Instruction 5000.02, “Operation of the Defense Acquisition System,” January 7, 2015,
as amended
(au) DoD Instruction 8330.01, “Interoperability of Information Technology (IT), Including
National Security Systems (NSS),” May 21, 2014, as amended
(av) Section 1043 of Public Law 106-65, “Information Assurance Initiative,” October 5, 1999
(aw) DoD Instruction 5200.39, “Critical Program Information (CPI) Identification and Protection
within Research, Development, Test, and Evaluation (RDT&E),” May 28, 2015, as
(ax) DoD Instruction 5134.16, “Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering
(DASD(SE)),” August 19, 2011, as amended
(ay) DoD Manual 8570.01, “Information Assurance Workforce Improvement Program,”
December 19, 2005, as amended
(az) DoD Instruction 5134.17, “Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test
and Evaluation (DASD(DT&E)),” October 25, 2011, as amended
(ba) Director, Operational Test and Evaluation Memorandum, “Procedures for Operational Test
and Evaluation of Cybersecurity in Acquisition Programs,” April 3, 2018
(bb) DoD Directive 5100.20, “National Security Agency/Central Security Service (NSA/CSS),”
January 26, 2010
(bc) Committee on National Security Systems Policy 11, “National Policy Governing the
Acquisition of Information Assurance (IA) and IA-Enabled Information Technology
Products,” June 10, 2013, as amended
(bd) Title 10, United States Code
(be) Committee on National Security Systems Policy 15, “Use of Public Standards for
Information Sharing,” October 20, 2016
(bf) DoD 5220.22-M, “National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual,” February 28,
2006, as amended
(bg) DoD Instruction 8530.01, “Cybersecurity Activities Support to DoD Information Network
Operations,” March 7, 2016
(bh) DoD Instruction 5200.44, “Protection of Mission Critical Functions to Achieve Trusted
Systems and Networks (TSN),” November 5, 2012, as amended
(bi) DoD Instruction 8560.01, “Communications Security (COMSEC) Monitoring,” August 22,
Requests for copies can be forwarded to the DoD CIO.
Available at
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(bj) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 3, “DoD Information Security Program: Protection of
Classified Information,” February 24, 2012, as amended
(bk) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 4, “DoD Information Security Program: Controlled
Unclassified Information (CUI),” February 24, 2012, as amended
(bl) DoD 5400.11-R, “Department of Defense Privacy Program,” May 14, 2007
(bm) Committee on National Security Systems Instruction 1010, “Cyber Incident Response,”
December 16, 2016
(bn) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 1, “DoD Information Security Program: Overview,
Classification, and Declassification,” February 24, 2012, as amended
(bo) DoD Instruction 1400.25, Volume 731, “DoD Civilian Personnel Management System:
Suitability and Fitness Adjudication For Civilian Employees,” August 24, 2012
(bp) Title 29, United States Code
(bq) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-34, Revision 1,
“Contingency Planning Guide for Federal Information Systems,” current edition
(br) DoD 5200.08-R, “Physical Security Program,” April 9, 2007, as amended
(bs) DoD Manual 5200.01, Volume 2, “DoD Information Security Program: Marking of
Classified Information,” February 24, 2012, as amended
(bt) DoD 5220.22-R, “Industrial Security Regulation,” April 12, 1985
(bu) Committee on National Security Systems Policy 300, “National Policy on Control of
Compromising Emanations,” January 11, 2006, as amended
(bv) Committee on National Security Systems Instruction 7000, “TEMPEST Countermeasures
for Facilities,” May 2004, as amended
(bw) DoD Instruction 5015.02, “DoD Records Management Program,” August 17, 2017
(bx) Unified Command Plan, current edition
(by) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-30, “Guide for
Conducting Risk Assessments,” current edition
(bz) DoD Directive 5105.53, “Director of Administration and Management (DA&M),”
February 26, 2008
(ca) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-37, “Guide for
Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security
Life Cycle Approach,” current edition
(cb) Committee on National Security Systems Instruction 1253, “Security Categorization and
Control Selection for National Security Systems,” March 27, 2014
(cc) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53, “Security and
Privacy Controls for Federal Information Systems and Organizations,” current edition
(cd) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-53A, “Guide for
Assessing the Security and Privacy Controls in Federal Information Systems and
Organizations,” current edition
(ce) Section 806 of the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2011,
January 7, 2011
(cf) DoD Directive 3020.26, “DoD Continuity Programs,” February 14, 2018
(cg) Secretary of Defense Memorandum, “Maintaining Readiness to Operate in Cyberspace
Domain,” December 7, 2012
(ch) DoD Instruction 8523.01, “Communications Security (COMSEC),” April 22, 2008
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(ci) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-126, “The
Technical Specification for Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP): SCAP Version
1.1,” current edition
(cj) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-137, “Information
Security Continuous Monitoring (ISCM) for Federal Information Systems and
Organizations,” current edition
(ck) DoD Instruction 8520.03, “Identity Authentication for Information Systems,” May 13,
2011, as amended
(cl) DoD Directive 5505.13E, “DoD Executive Agent (EA) for the DoD Cyber Crime Center
(DC3),” March 1, 2010, as amended
(cm) DoD Instruction 5240.26, “Countering Espionage, International Terrorism, and the
Counterintelligence (CI) Insider Threat,” May 4, 2012, as amended
(cn) Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction 5123.01H, “Charter of the Joint
Requirements Oversight Council (JROC) and Implementation of the Joint Capabilities
Integration and Development System (JCIDS),August 31, 2018
(co) DoD Directive 7045.14, “The Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE)
Process,” January 25, 2013, as amended
(cp) DoD Chief Information Officer Memorandum, Department of Defense Chief Information
Officer Executive Board Charter,” February, 12, 2012
(cq) DoD Instruction 5200.01, “DoD Information Security Program and Protection of Sensitive
Compartmented Information,” April 21, 2016, as amended
(cr) DoD Instruction 8320.02, “Sharing Data Information, and Technology (IT) Services in the
Department of Defense,” August 5, 2013
(cs) DoD Instruction 8320.07, “Implementing Sharing of Data, Information, and Information
Technology (IT) Services in the Department of Defense,” August 3, 2015, as amended
(ct) DoD Instruction 5230.09, “Clearance of DoD Information for Public Release,” January 25,
(cu) DoD Instruction 8582.01, “Security of Unclassified DoD Information on Non-DoD
Information Systems,” June 6, 2012, as amended
(cv) DoD Instruction 5400.16, “DoD Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Guidance,”
July 14, 2015, as amended
(cw) DoD 8580.02 Instruction, “Security of Individually Identifiable Health Information in DoD
Health Care Programs,August 12, 2015
(cx) DoD Manual 5205.02, “DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program Manual,”
November 3, 2008, as amended
(cy) DoD Instruction 8170.01, “Online Information Management and Electronic Messaging,”
January 2, 2019
(cz) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics Memorandum,
“Document Streamlining Program Protection Plan,” July 18, 2011
(da) Section 811 of Public Law 106-398, “National Defense Authorization Fiscal Year 2001,”
October 30, 2000
(db) Committee on National Security Systems Policy No. 12, “Cybersecurity Policy for Space
Systems Used to Support National Security Missions,” February 6, 2018
(dc) Committee on National Security Systems Instruction 4004.1, “Destruction and Emergency
Protection Procedures for COMSEC and Classified Material,” January 10, 2008
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(dd) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-88, “Guidelines for
Media Sanitization,” current edition
(de) DoD Architecture Framework Version 2.02, August 2010
(df) DoD Instruction 5000.64, “Accountability and Management of DoD Equipment and Other
Accountable Property,” April 27, 2017, as ammended
(dg) DoD Instruction 2030.08, “Implementation of Trade Security Controls (TSC) for Transfers
of DoD U.S. Munitions List (USML) and Commerce Control List (CCL) Personal Property
to Parties Outside DoD Control,” February 19, 2015, as ammended
(dh) DoD Instruction 1035.01, “Telework Policy,” April 4, 2012
(di) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-114, “Users Guide
to Telework and Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Security,” current edition
(dj) National Institute of Standards and Technology Special Publication 800-147, “BIOS
Protection Guidelines for Servers,” current edition
(dk) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration/DoD Chief
Information Officer, “Coalition Public Key Infrastructure, X.509 Certificate Policy,”
current edition
(dl) DoD Directive 5230.20, “Visits and Assignments of Foreign Nationals,” June 22, 2005
(dm) DoD Instruction 5230.27, “Presentation of DoD-Related Scientific and Technical Papers at
Meetings,” November 18, 2016, as amended
(dn) DoD Instruction 2040.02, “International Transfers of Technology, Articles, and Services,”
March 27, 2014, as amended
(do) DoD Instruction 1100.22, “Policy and Procedures for Determining Workforce Mix,”
April 12, 2010, as amended
(dp) DoD Directive 5205.02E, “DoD Operations Security (OPSEC) Program,” June 20, 2012, as
(dq) Committee on National Security Systems Instruction Number 4009, “Committee on
National Security Systems (CNSS) Glossary,” April 6, 2015
(dr) Office of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, “DoD Dictionary of Military and
Associated Terms,” current edition
(ds) Presidential Memorandum, “Elevation of U.S. Cyber Command to a Unified Combatant
Command,” August 15, 2017
Available at
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1. DoD CIO. The DoD CIO:
a. Monitors, evaluates, and provides adv
ice to the Secretary of Defense regarding all DoD
cybersecurity activities and oversees implementation of this instruction.
b. Develops and establishes DoD cybersecurity policy and guidance consistent with this
instruction and in accordance with applicable federal law and regulations.
c. Appoints a DoD SISO in accordance with section 3554 of Title 44, U.S.C. (Reference
d. Coordinates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)) to ensure that
cybersecurity strategies and policies are aligned with overarching DoD cyberspace policy and, in
accordance with DoDD 5230.11 (Reference (ab)), support policies relating to the disclosure of
classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations.
e. Coordinates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
(USD(P&R)) to:
(1) Ensure personnel identity policies and cybersecurity policies and capabilities are
aligned and mutually supportive.
(2) Develop cybersecurity workforce management policies and capabilities to support
identification and qualifications for a professional cybersecurity workforce.
Coordinates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (USD(I)) to ensure that
cybersecurity policies and capabilities are aligned with and mutually supportive of personnel,
physical, industrial, information, and operations security policies and capabilities.
g. Coordinates with NIST in development of cybersecurity-related standards and guidelines.
h. Maintains a formal coordination process with the Intelligence Community (IC) Chief
Information Officer (CIO) to ensure proper protection of IC information within DoD, reciprocity
of IS authorization and cybersecurity risk management processes, and alignment of
i. Coordinates with the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and
Logistics (USD(AT&L)) to ensure that cybersecurity responsibilities are integrated into
processes for DoD acquisition programs, including research and development.
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j. Coordinates with the Director, Operational Test and Evaluation (DOT&E) to ensure that
cybersecurity responsibilities are integrated into the operational testing and evaluation for DoD
acquisition programs.
k. Coordinates and advocates resources for DoD-wide cybersecurity solutions, including
overseeing appropriations allocated to the DoD cybersecurity program.
l. Appoints a PAO for DoD ISs and PIT systems governed by the Enterprise Information
Environment Mission Area (EIEMA) as described in DoDD 8115.01 (Reference (ac)).
m. Coordinates with the DoD mission area owners to ensure that cybersecurity
responsibilities are addressed for all DoD IT.
n. Coordinates with the USD(P) and USD(I) on integrating Defense Industrial Base (DIB)
cybersecurity threat information-sharing activities and enhancing DoD and DIB cyber situational
awareness in accordance with DoDI 5205.13 (Reference (ad)) and in support of DoDD 3020.40
(Reference (ae)).
o. Develops policy for negotiating, performing, and concluding agreements with
international partners to engage in cooperative international cybersecurity activities, in
coordination with the USD(P), USD(I), and the Director, National Security Agency
(NSA)/Chief, Central Security Service (DIRNSA/CHCSS).
p. Negotiates and concludes agreements with international partners to engage in cooperative
international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense activities, according to authority described in
Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum (Reference (af)) and subject to the provisions of
DoDD 5530.3 (Reference (ag)), in coordination with the:
(1) USD(P).
(2) General Counsel of the Department of Defense.
(3) Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer, Department of
(4) USD(I), when such agreements materially affect cleared industry.
(5) CJCS.
q. Establishes policy for the life cycle management of cross-domain (CD) solutions (CDSs)
in accordance with DoDI 8540.01 (Reference (ah).
r. Develops and implements policy regarding continuous monitoring of DoD IT with direct
support from NSA/CSS and Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), and input from the
other DoD Components.
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s. Appoints a military officer in the grade of O-6 or an equivalent civilian employee as the
Defense Security/Cybersecurity Authorization Working Group (DSAWG) Chair.
t. Develops and implements policy for cybersecurity workforce awareness, education,
training, and qualification in coordination with the USD(P&R).
u. Maintains a Defense-wide view of cybersecurity resources that supports national,
organizational, joint, and DoD Component cybersecurity program planning.
v. Conducts an annual assessment of DoD Component cybersecurity programs as required
by section 3555 of Reference (aa).
w. Co-chairs the Enterprise-wide Cybersecurity Solutions Steering Group (ESSG).
x. Ensures that compromising emanations (i.e., TEMPEST) countermeasures implemented
within DoD comply with current national policies.
y. Ensures compliance with the requirements of National Security Directive 42 (Reference
(ai)) and collaborate with the DIRNSA/CHCSS on the performance of DIRNSA/CHCSS duties,
pursuant to Reference (ai), as the National Manager for National Security Telecommunications
and Information Systems Security.
2. DIRECTOR, DISA. Under the authority, direction, and control of the DoD CIO and in
addition to the responsibilities in section 13 of this enclosure, the Director, DISA:
a. Develops, implements, and, in coordination with Commander, USCYBERCOM, manages
cybersecurity for the DISN, consistent with this instruction and its supporting guidance.
b. Develops and maintains control correlation identifiers (CCIs), security requirements
guides (SRGs), security technical implementation guides (STIGs), and mobile code risk
categories and usage guides that implement and are consistent with DoD cybersecurity policies,
standards, architectures, security controls, and validation procedures, with the support of the
NSA/CSS, using input from stakeholders, and using automation whenever possible.
c. Develops or acquires solutions that support cybersecurity objectives for use throughout
DoD via the ESSG.
d. Establishes and maintains the DoD Cyber Exchange in accordance with Office of
Management and Budget Circular A-130 (Reference (aj)) as the DoD knowledge repository
for cybersecurity related policy, guidance, and information.
e. Oversees and maintains the connection approval process in accordance with DoDI
8010.01 (Reference (ak)), CD connection policy in accordance with Reference (ah), DoDI
8551.01 (Reference (al)), and DoDI 8100.04 (Reference (am)) for the DISN (e.g., the Secret
Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) and the Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router
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Network (NIPRNet)) in coordination with the DSAWG (Reference (an)) and DoD ISRMC
(Reference (ao)), when appropriate.
f. Facilitates multinational information sharing efforts, as well as information sharing
between the DoD Components and eligible foreign nations in support of approved international
cybersecurity and cyberspace defense agreements.
g. Supports training, exercises, workforce development, network evaluation, and other
efforts to build international partner cybersecurity and cyberspace defense capacity.
h. Provides enterprise CD services compliant with Reference (ah).
i. Ensures the continued development and maintenance of guidance and standards
procedures to catalog, regulate, and control the use and management of Internet protocols, data
services, and associated ports on DoD networks, in accordance with Reference (al).
j. Develops and provides cybersecurity training and awareness products and a distributive
training capability to support the DoD Components in accordance with Reference (x) and post
the training materials on the DoD Cyber Exchange Website (
k. Conducts command cyber readiness inspections and operational risk assessments in
support of USCYBERCOM.
l. Coordinates with the USD(I) to ensure command cyber readiness inspection guidance and
metrics provide a unity of effort among the security disciplines (i.e., personnel, physical,
industrial, information, operations, and cybersecurity).
3. USD(AT&L). The USD(AT&L):
a. Integrates policies established in this instruction and its supporting guidance into
acquisition policy, regulations, and guidance consistent with DoDD 5134.01 (Reference (ap)).
b. Through the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, monitors and
oversees all DoD cybersecurity research and engineering investments, including research at the
c. Integrates cybersecurity assessments into developmental testing and evaluation.
d. Establishes and maintains the Cybersecurity and Information Assurance Center in
accordance with DoDI 3200.12 (Reference (aq)).
e. Ensures that the DoD acquisition process incorporates cybersecurity planning,
implementation, testing, and evaluation consistent with Reference (q), DoDI 8580.01 (Reference
(ar)), DoDD 5000.01 (Reference (as)), DoDI 5000.02 (Reference (at)), DoDI 8330.01 (Reference
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(au)), section 1043 of Public Law 106-65 (Reference (av)), and this instruction, in coordination
with the DoD CIO.
f. Assists with acquisition-related (e.g., research, development, test and evaluation (T&E))
agreements, and international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense negotiations and
agreements, in accordance with Reference (ag), as needed.
g. Ensures that PIT systems included in acquisition programs are designated, categorized,
and have their authorization boundaries defined according to the guidelines provided in
Reference (q).
h. Ensures that policy and procedures for developing program protection plans (PPPs)
required by DoDI 5200.39 (Reference (aw)) address cybersecurity in accordance with this
i. Defines, develops, and integrates systems security engineering (SSE) into the systems
engineering workforce and curriculum in accordance with DoDI 5134.16 (Reference (ax)).
j. Ensures that acquisition community personnel with IT development responsibilities are
qualified in accordance with Reference (x) and DoD 8570.01-M (Reference (ay)).
k. Coordinates with the DoD Test Resource Management Center for establishment of
developmental T&E (DT&E) specific cybersecurity architectures and requirements.
the authority, direction, and control of the USD(AT&L), the DASD(DT&E):
a. Exercises oversight responsibility for developmental test planning in support of
interoperability and cybersecurity for programs acquiring DoD IS and PIT systems in accordance
with DoDI 5134.17 (Reference (az)).
b. Establishes procedures to ensure that cognizant DT&E authorities for acquisition
programs verify that adequate DT&E to support cybersecurity is planned, resourced,
documented, and can be executed in a timely manner prior to approval of program documents.
5. DOT&E. The DOT&E:
a. Develops and provides policy for cybersecurity testing and evaluation during operational
evaluations within DoD, including, but not limited to the DOT&E Memorandum (Reference
(ba)) describing the cybersecurity testing process.
b. Conducts independent cybersecurity assessments during operational test and evaluation
(OT&E) for systems under acquisition and reports the findings as part of the acquisition process.
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c. Oversees cybersecurity assessments by test agencies during both acquisition and exercise
events as mandated by relevant statutory requirements.
d. Reviews and approves cybersecurity OT&E documentation for all IT, IS, PIT, and special
interest programs as required.
6. USD(P). The USD(P):
a. Coordinates with the DoD CIO to ensure that cybersecurity strategies, policies, and
capabilities are aligned with overarching DoD cyberspace policy, and are supportive of policies
and capabilities relating to the disclosure of classified military information to foreign
governments and international organizations in accordance with Reference (ab).
b. Coordinates with the DoD CIO on international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense
strategies and policies, as well as the negotiating, performing, and concluding agreements with
international partners to engage in cooperative, international cybersecurity and cyberspace
defense activities in accordance with Reference (af).
c. Coordinates with the DoD CIO on enhancing DoD and DIB cyber situational awareness in
accordance with Reference (ad) and in support of Reference (ae).
7. USD(P&R). The USD(P&R) supports implementation of cybersecurity requirements for
effective manning, management, and readiness assessment of the cybersecurity workforce in
accordance with References (x) and (ax).
8. USD(I). The USD(I):
a. Coordinates with the DoD CIO on development and implementation of cybersecurity
policy, guidance, procedures, and controls related to personnel, physical, industrial, information
and operations security.
b. Coordinates with the DoD CIO and the USD(P) on intelligence-related international
cybersecurity and cyberspace defense strategies, policies, and agreements with international
c. Appoints the PAO for DoD ISs and PIT systems governed by the DoD portion of the
Intelligence Mission Area (DIMA) as described in Reference (ac).
9. DIRNSA/CHCSS. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I), and in addition
to the cybersecurity-related responsibilities in DoDD 5100.20 (Reference (bb)) and the
responsibilities in section 13 of this enclosure, the DIRNSA/CHCSS:
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a. Supports the DoD CIO by providing cybersecurity architecture and mechanisms to
support Defense military, intelligence, and business functions, including but not limited to
cryptography, PKI, and IS security engineering services.
b. Evaluates or validates security implementation specifications described in this instruction.
c. Provides cybersecurity support to the DoD Components in order to assess threats to, and
vulnerabilities of, information technologies.
d. Engages the cybersecurity industry and DoD user community to foster development,
evaluation, and deployment of cybersecurity solutions that satisfy the guidance in this
e. Provides SSE services to the DoD Components, including describing information
protection needs, properly selecting and implementing appropriate security controls, and
assessing the effectiveness of system security.
f. Supports the development of NIST publications and provides engineering support and
other technical assistance for their implementation within DoD.
g. Develops SSE training and qualification programs and oversees continuing education
requirements for all trained IS security engineers and cybersecurity architects throughout DoD
in accordance with Reference (ax).
h. Serves as the DoD focal point for the National IA Partnership and establishes criteria and
processes for evaluating and validating all IA and IA-enabled products in accordance with
CNSSP 11 (Reference (bc)).
i. Develops and issues security implementation specifications for the configuration of IA-
and IA-enabled products (e.g., security configuration guides) and supports DISA in the
development of SRGs and STIGs.
j. Serves as the DoD focal point for cybersecurity cryptographic research and development
in accordance with Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering direction and in
coordination with the Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.
k. Manages the DoD Cyber Scholarship Program in accordance with sections 2200-2200f of
Title 10, U.S.C. (Reference (bd)).
l. Plans, designs, manages, and executes the development and implementation of the key
management infrastructure within DoD in coordination with DoD CIO.
m. Plans, designs, and manages the development and implementation of PKI within DoD, in
coordination with DoD CIO and DISA.
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RE 2
n. Approves all applications of cryptographic algorithms for the protection of classified
o. Approves all cryptography used to protect classified information in accordance with
CNSSP 15 (Reference (be)).
p. Develops, implements, and manages a cybersecurity program for layered protection of
DoD cryptographic SCI systems and a cybersecurity education, training, and awareness program
for users and administrators of DoD cryptographic SCI systems in accordance with applicable
DoD and DNI policies and guidance.
q. Conducts risk assessments of mobile code technologies, recommends the assignment of
mobile code technologies to specific risk categories, and provides technical advice and assistance
in the development of countermeasures to identified risks associated with specific mobile code
technology implementations.
10. DIRECTOR, DCSA. Under the authority, direction, and control of the USD(I) and in
addition to the responsibilities in section 13 of this enclosure, the Director, DCSA, monitors and
oversees IS security practices of DoD contractors and vendors processing classified DoD
information in accordance with DoD 5220.22M (Reference (bf)) and DoDI 8530.01 (Reference
direction, and control of the USD(I) and in addition to the responsibilities in section 13 of this
enclosure, the Director, DIA:
a. Provides finished intelligence, including threat assessments, in support of cybersecurity
b. Develops, implements, and manages a cybersecurity program for DoD non-cryptographic
SCI systems, including the DoD Intelligence IS and Joint Worldwide Intelligence
Communications System.
Management Officer of the Department of Defense appoints the PAO for DoD ISs and PIT
systems governed by the Business Mission Area (BMA), as described in Section 2222 of
Reference (aa).
13. DoD COMPONENT HEADS. The DoD Component heads:
a. Ensure that IT under their purview complies with this instruction.
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b. Ensure that cybersecurity requirements are addressed and visible in all capability
portfolios, IT life-cycle management processes, and investment programs incorporating IT.
c. Appoint an AO for all DoD IS and PIT systems under their purview and ensure
all DoD ISs and PIT systems are authorized in accordance with Reference (q).
d. Ensure that PIT systems are identified, designated as such, and centrally registered at the
DoD Component level.
e. Ensure that SSE and trusted systems and networks (TSN) processes, tools, and
techniques described in DoDI 5200.44 (Reference (bh)) are used in the acquisition of all
applicable IT under their purview.
f. Ensure that organizational solutions that support cybersecurity objectives acquired and
developed via the ESSG process are implemented when possible, and participate in the ESSG
process to ensure capabilities acquired or developed meet organizational requirements.
g. Provide for a cybersecurity monitoring and testing capability in accordance with DoDI
8560.01 (Reference (bi)) and other applicable laws and regulations.
h. Provide for vulnerability mitigation and incident response and reporting
capabilities in order to:
(1) Comply with mitigations as directed by Commander, USCYBERCOM orders, or
other directives such as alerts and bulletins and provide support to cyberspace defense, in
accordance with Reference (bg).
(2) Limit damage and restore effective service following an incident.
(3) Collect and keep audit data to support technical analysis relating to misuse,
penetration, or other incidents involving IT under their purview, and provide this data to
appropriate law enforcement (LE) or other investigating agencies.
(4) Establish procedures to ensure prompt management action and reporting in
accordance with:
(a) DoDM 5200.01, Volume 3 (Reference (bj)) for an actual or potential compromise
of classified information.
(b) DoDM 5200.01, Volume 4 (Reference (bk)) for an actual or potential
unauthorized disclosure of CUI (e.g., proprietary information, LE information).
(c) Reference (bf) when such losses occur on cleared contractor systems.
(d) DoD 5400.11-R (Reference (bl)) for a loss or unauthorized disclosure of
personally identifiable information (PII) or other Privacy Act information.
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(5) Comply with CNSS Instruction (CNSSI) 1010 (Reference (bm)).
i. Ensure that contracts and other agreements include specific requirements to provide
cybersecurity for DoD information and the IT used to process that information in accordance
with this instruction.
j. Ensure that all personnel with access to DoD IT are appropriately cleared and qualified
under the provisions of Reference (w) and that access to all DoD IT processing specified types of
information (e.g., collateral, SCI, CUI) under their purview is authorized in accordance with the
provisions of Reference (bj) and DoDM 5200.01, Volume 1 (Reference (bn)) or Reference (bk).
k. Ensure that personnel occupying cybersecurity positions are:
(1) Assigned in writing.
(2) Trained and qualified in accordance with References (x) and (ay).
(3) Assigned a position designation using the criteria found in Reference (w) and DoDI
1400.25 Vol. 731 (Reference (bo)). The position designation will be documented in the Defense
Civilian Personnel Data System.
(4) Meet the associated suitability and fitness requirements.
l. Cybersecurity training and awareness products developed by DISA will be used to meet
the baseline user awareness training required by Reference (x). DoD Components will provide
additional cybersecurity orientation, training, and awareness programs to reinforce the objectives
of the DoD Enterprise cybersecurity awareness programs to authorized users of ISs. This
includes conducting additional in-depth training on DoD Component-specific topics.
m. Ensure that appropriate notice of privacy rights and monitoring policies are
provided to all individuals accessing DoD Component-owned or controlled DoD ISs.
n. Ensure that cybersecurity solutions do not unnecessarily restrict the use of assistive
technology by individuals with disabilities or access to or use of information and data by
individuals with disabilities in accordance with sections 791, 794, and 794d of Title 29, U.S.C.
(Reference (bp)).
o. Conduct vulnerability assessments, Blue Team vulnerability evaluations and intrusion
assessments, cybersecurity inspections, and Red Team operations (using internal or external
capabilities) to provide a systemic view of enclave and IS cybersecurity posture.
p. Ensure that the cybersecurity testing and evaluation is conducted throughout the
acquisition life cycle and integrated with interoperability and other functional testing, and that
a cybersecurity representative participates in planning, execution, and reporting of integrated
T&E activities as discussed in Enclosure 6 of Reference (at).
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q. Collect and report cybersecurity metrics, and ensure that an annual assessment of theDoD
Component cybersecurity program is conducted as required by section 3555 of Reference (aa).
r. Develop DoD IS contingency plans and conduct exercises to recover IS services following
an emergency or IS disruption using guidance found in NIST SP 800-34 (Reference (bq)).
s. Establish a physical security program to protect DoD IT from damage, loss, theft, or
unauthorized physical access in accordance with DoD 5200.08-R (Reference (br)).
t. Ensure all systems are reported in either the Enterprise Mission Assurance Support
Service (eMASS) or Enterprise Reporting System (ERS). Components using alternate tools
for system data are required to work with the DoD CIO to ensure required system data can be
regularly imported to ERS via an application programming interface or other method in
accordance with Reference (y).
u. Ensure that all DoD IT under their purview complies with applicable STIGs, security
configuration guides, and SRGs with any exceptions documented and approved by the
responsible AO.
v. Establish a CD support element to coordinate CD activities with the National Cross
Domain Strategy and Management Office (formerly the Unified Cross Domain Services
Management Office) in accordance with DoDI 8540.01 (Reference (ah)).
w. Ensure use of the DISA-provided CD Services as the preferred method of addressing CD
x. Implement procedures issued by the DASD(DT&E) and DOT&E to ensure that cognizant
T&E authorities for acquisition programs verify that adequate T&E support for cybersecurity
requirements is planned, resourced, documented, and can be executed in a timely manner in
accordance with References (az) and (ba).
y. Ensure individual and organization accountability within organizations under their
purview, including:
(1) Hold commanders, IS owners (ISOs), AOs, information system security managers
(ISSMs), information system security officers (ISSOs), program managers (PMs), project and
application leads, supervisors, and system administrators responsible and accountable for the
implementation of DoD security requirements in accordance with this instruction, References (
w), (bj), (bk), (bn), and (br), DoDM 5200.01, Volume 2 (Reference (bs), DoD 5220.22-R
(Reference (bt)), and supplemental DoD Component guidance. Personnel filling positions with
privileged access must be qualified and sign a Statement of Acceptance of Responsibilities in
accordance with Reference (ay).
(2) Ensure that military and civilian personnel are considered for administrative or
judicial sanctions if they knowingly, willfully, or negligently compromise, damage, or place at
risk DoD information by not ensuring implementation of DoD security requirements in
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accordance with this instruction, other DoD 8500 series directives and instructions, DoD 5200
series instructions and publications, and supplemental DoD Component policies and procedures.
z. Ensure that requirements of CNSSP 300 (Reference (bu)), CNSSI 7000 (Reference (bv)),
and other DIRNSA/CHNSS-issued guidance on compromising emanations (i.e., TEMPEST) are
funded and implemented.
aa. Implement cybersecurity and cyberspace defense activities responsive to DoD
requirements in accordance with Reference (bg).
ab. Ensure that maintenance and disposal of information on DoD IT complies with the
provisions of DoDD 5015.2 (Reference (bw)).
14. CJCS. In addition to the responsibilities in section 13 of this enclosure, the CJCS:
a. Provides advice and assessment on joint military requirements for cybersecurity assisted
by the Joint Requirements Oversight Council in accordance with References (as) and (at).
b. Supports international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense activities of the DoD CIO.
c. Develops, coordinates, and promulgates cybersecurity policy, doctrine, and guidance for
joint and combined operations consistent with this instruction, as required.
d. Appoints a PAO for DoD ISs and PIT systems governed by the Warfighting Mission Area
as described in Reference (ac).
15. COMMANDER, USCYBERCOM. In addition to the responsibilities in section 13 of this
enclosure, the Commander, USCYBERCOM:
a. Coordinates and directs DoD Information Network (DODIN) operations and defense in
accordance with the Unified Command Plan (Reference (bx)).
b. Ensures that orders addressing cybersecurity are consistent with the policy and guidance
in this instruction and coordinated with the DoD CIO.
c. Chairs the DoD ISRMC and co-chairs the ESSG in accordance with References (ao).
d. Oversees and ensures timely implementation of international cybersecurity and
cyberspace defense agreements involving the geographic combatant commands.
e. Oversees DoD cybersecurity inspections as described in DoDI 8530.01 (Reference (bg))
and operational risk assessments as described in NIST SP 800-30 (Reference (bx)) to maintain
and determine compliance with security policy, procedures, and practices.
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a. The purpose of the
that allows mission owner
DoD cybersecurity program is to ensure that IT can be used in a way
s and operators to have confidence in the confidentiality, integrity, and
availability of IT and DoD information, and to make choices based on that confidence.
b. The DoD cybersecurity program supports DoD’s vision of effective operations in
cyberspace where:
(1) DoD missions and operations continue under any cyber situation or condition.
(2) The IT components of DoD weapons systems and other defense platforms perform
as designed and adequately meet operational requirements.
(3) The DoD Information Enterprise collectively, consistently, and effectively acts in
its own defense.
(4) DoD has ready access to its information and command and control channels, and
its adversaries do not.
(5) The DoD Information Enterprise securely and seamlessly extends to mission
c. In accordance with DoDD 5105.53 (Reference (bz)), the Director of Administration and
Management is responsible for providing policy, oversight, direction, and control, including
exercise of the authorities of the Secretary of Defense pursuant to chapter 159 of Reference (bd),
for the management, operation, security, protection, safety, renovation, construction, and IT of
the Pentagon Reservation and supported DoD facilities and space in the National Capital Region,
including the Raven Rock Mountain Complex and alternate sites.
a. Cybersecurity Risk Management. Managing cybersecurity risks is a complex,
multifaceted undertaking that requires the involvement of the entire organization, from senior
leaders planning and managing DoD operations, to individuals developing, implementing, and
operating the IT supporting those operations. Cybersecurity risk management is a subset of the
overall risk management process for all DoD acquisitions as defined in Reference (at), which
includes cost, performance, and schedule risk associated with the execution of all programs of
record, and all other acquisitions of DoD. The risk assessment process extends to the logistics
support of fielded equipment and the need to maintain the integrity of supply sources.
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(1) DoD will use NIST SP 800-37 (Reference (ca)), as implemented by Reference (q), to
address risk management, including authorization to operate (ATO), for all DoD ISs and PIT
(2) DoD IS and PIT systems will transition to CNSSI 1253 (Reference (cb)), NIST SP
800-53 (Reference (cc)), and Reference (ca) in accordance with transition guidance provided in
Reference (q).
b. Integrated Organization-Wide Risk Management. Risk management can be viewed as a
holistic activity that is fully integrated into every aspect of the organization as described in
Reference (o). Figure 1 illustrates a three-tiered approach to risk management that addresses
risk-related concerns at the organization level, the mission and business process level, and the IS
Figure 1. Three-Tiered Approach to Risk Management
- Inter- Tier and Intra-Tier
- Feedback Loop for
Continuous Improvement
- Traceability and Transparency of
Risk-Based Decisions
- Organization-Wide
Risk Awareness
(1) Risk management at Tier 1 addresses risk from an organizational perspective. As
part of the feedback loop, Tier 1 risk management is informed and influenced by risk decisions
made in Tiers 2 and 3.
(a) A comprehensive IS security governance structure is established that provides
assurance that IS security strategies are aligned with and support mission and business
objectives, are consistent with applicable laws and regulations through adherence to policies and
internal controls, and provide assignment of responsibility.
(b) The DoD ISRMC, comprising the four mission area PAOs and other major DoD
and IC stakeholders, provides the Tier 1 risk management governance for DoD.
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(2) Tier 2 addresses risk from a mission and business process perspective and is guided
by the risk decisions at Tier 1, and informed and influenced by risk decisions made in Tier 3.
(a) The activities at Tier 2 begin with the design, development, and implementation
of the mission and business processes defined at Tier 1.
(b) The PAOs for each DoD mission area provide the Tier 2 governance for their
respective MAs.
(3) Tier 3 addresses risk from an IS and PIT system perspective and is guided by the risk
decisions at Tiers 1 and 2.
(a) Though the need for specific protections is identified at Tiers 1 and 2, it is at Tier
3 where the information protections are applied to the system and its environment of operation
for the benefit of successfully enabling mission and business success.
(b) Information protection requirements are satisfied by the selection and
implementation of appropriate security controls in Reference (cc). Security controls are
implemented at Tier 3 by common control providers, system managers (SMs), or PMs, and risk-
based authorization decisions are granted by AOs.
c. Risk Management in the System Development Life Cycle
(1) Risk management tasks begin early in the system development life cycle and are
important in shaping the security capabilities of the IS. If these tasks are not adequately
performed during the initiation, development, and acquisition phases of the system development
life cycle, the tasks will, by necessity, be undertaken later in the life cycle and will be more
costly and time consuming to implement, and could negatively impact the performance of the IS.
(2) Cybersecurity risk management is planned for and documented in a cybersecurity
strategy in accordance with References (ar) and (at), and included in the PPP for all acquisition
programs. Periodic reviews of the PPP and associated systems engineering documents should
evaluate the status of cybersecurity solutions as part of the larger systems development.
(3) Risk management must continue during operations and sustainment. This may
include the application of new or revised security controls prior to the integration of new IT
services or products into an existing operational IS in order to maintain the security of the
operational IS.
d. DoD ISRMC. The DoD ISRMC, supported by the DSAWG, is the DoD risk executive
function as described in References (o) and (ca).
e. Risk Management Framework (RMF). DoD uses Reference (ca) as implemented by
Reference (q), and is applicable to all DoD ISs and PIT systems. The RMF provides a
disciplined and structured process that combines IS security and risk management activities into
the system development life cycle and authorizes their use within DoD. The RMF has six steps:
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categorize system; select security controls; implement security controls; assess security controls;
authorize system; and monitor security controls.
f. Risk Assessment. Risk assessment is a key step in the organizational risk management
process. Risk assessments will be performed in accordance with the process in Reference (by)
and as described on the Knowledge Service (KS) (i.e., recommending preferred risk assessment
approaches and analysis approaches). In particular, all of the risk factors described in Reference
(by) must be used across components and agencies of the DoD to ensure reciprocity and ease of
sharing risk information. The robustness of the risk assessments may be tailored to
accommodate resource constraints and the availability of detailed risk factor information (e.g.,
threat data); however, any tailoring must be clearly explained in risk assessment reports to ensure
that AOs understand to what degree they can rely on the results of the risk assessments.
g. Security Controls. Security controls are expressed in a specified format (e.g., a control
number, a control name, control text, and enhancement text).
(1) All DoD IS and PIT systems will be categorized in accordance with Reference (cb)
and will implement a corresponding set of security controls that are published in Reference (cc)
regardless of whether they are National Security System (NSS) or non-NSS.
(2) All security controls used by DoD are published in the security control catalog in
Reference (cc), with supporting validation procedures in NIST 800-53A (Reference (cd).
(3) DoD-specific assignment values, implementation guidance, and validation
procedures will be developed by the DoD CIO with direct support from NSA/CSS and DISA and
input from the other DoD Components and will be published in the KS at
(4) The DoD CIO, with direct support from NSA/CSS and DISA, and input from the
other DoD Components, works with NIST to ensure that the security control catalog remains up-
to-date and continues to represent DoD needs.
(5) Detailed guidance on DoD IS and PIT system categorization and security control
selection is provided in Reference (q).
h. Cybersecurity Reciprocity
(1) Within DoD, reciprocity has been implemented as cybersecurity reciprocity to
differentiate it from the application of reciprocity to other disciplines. Cybersecurity reciprocity
reduces time and resources wasted on redundant test, assessment and documentation efforts.
(2) Cybersecurity reciprocity is best achieved through transparency (i.e., making
sufficient evidence regarding the security posture of an IS or PIT system available, so that an AO
from another organization can use that evidence to make credible, risk-based decisions regarding
the acceptance and use of that system or the information it processes, stores, or transmits). DoD
Components must share security authorization packages with affected information owners or
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stewards and interconnected ISOs to support cybersecurity reciprocity. The reciprocal
acceptance of DoD and other federal agency and department security authorizations will be
implemented in accordance with the procedures in Reference (q).
3. OPERATIONAL RESILIENCE. Operational resilience requires three conditions to be met:
information resources are trustworthy; missions are ready for information resources degradation
or loss; and network operations have the means to prevail in the face of adverse events.
Operational resilience must be achieved by:
a. Using TSN requirements and best practices to protect mission-critical functions and
components and manage risks to the integrity of critical information and communications
technology in accordance with Reference (bh) for the sustainment of IT. This includes the use of
criticality analysis, all-source threat informed acquisition, and engineering mitigations, and the
authorities prescribed in section 806 of the Ike Skelton National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Year 2011(Reference (ce)). TSN processes and best practices must be applied early and
across the system development life cycle, and be applied to system acquisitions and the purchase
and integration of replacement IT as described in Reference (bh).
b. Performing developmental T&E of cybersecurity in accordance with Reference (at) and
OT&E in accordance with Reference (ba), including the ability to detect and react to penetrations
and exploitations and to protect and restore data and information, in order to inform acquisition
and fielding decisions.
c. Supporting acquisition program protection by:
(1) Ensuring cybersecurity is a key element of program protection planning activities
that manage risks to advance technology and mission-critical system functionality from foreign
collection due to design vulnerability or supply chain exploit insertion, and battlefield loss
throughout the system life cycle.
(2) Having mission criteria for identifying critical components and critical program
information as established in References (bh) and (aw).
d. Planning for mission continuation in the face of degraded or unavailable information
resources in accordance with DoDD 3020.26 (Reference (cf)), and integrating those plans and
priorities into the DoD Information Enterprise.
e. Exercising under realistic cyber conditions and testing procedures and tactics for work-
arounds and fall-backs in the face of hostility in accordance with Secretary of Defense
Memorandum (Reference (cg)). This includes:
(1) Conducting periodic exercises or evaluations of the ability to operate during loss of
all information resources and connectivity.
(2) Being able to allocate information resources dynamically as needed to sustain
mission operations while addressing cyber failures, no matter the cause.
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(3) Being able to restore information resources rapidly to a trusted state while
maintaining support to ongoing missions.
f. Preserving the trust in the security of DoD information during transmission.
(1) Transmission of DoD information must be protected through the communications
security (COMSEC) measures and procedures established in DoDI 8523.01 (Reference (ch)) and
security controls that support transmission security (TRANSEC) in Reference (cc).
(2) COMSEC monitoring will be conducted in accordance with Reference (bi).
(3) Compromising emanations (i.e., TEMPEST) countermeasures must be applied in
accordance with policy in Reference (bu), guidance in Reference (bv), and other TEMPEST
guidance as issued by the DIRNSA/CHCSS.
g. Using automation whenever possible in support of cybersecurity objectives including, but
not limited to, secure configuration management, continuous monitoring, active cyber defense,
and incident reporting and situational awareness.
a. Net-Centric Operations. A net-centric model provides people, services, and platforms the
ability to discover one another and connect to form new capabilities or teams without being
constrained by geographic, organizational, or technical barriers. The net-centric model allows
people, services, and platforms to work together to achieve shared ends. To be net-centric,
cybersecurity will be designed, organized, and managed such that it can work together in any
combination that events demand and maintain an expected level of readiness so that all required
cybersecurity assets can be brought to bear in a rapid and flexible manner to meet new or
changing mission needs.
b. Integration. Cybersecurity must be fully integrated into system life cycles so that it will
be a visible element of organizational, joint, and DoD Component architectures, capability
identification and development processes, integrated testing, information technology portfolios,
acquisition, operational readiness assessments, supply chain risk management, SSE, and
operations and maintenance activities.
c. Interoperability
(1) Cybersecurity products (e.g., firewalls, file integrity checkers, virus scanners,
intrusion detection systems, antimalware software) should operate in a net-centric manner to
enhance the exchange of data and shared security policies.
(2) Semantic, technical, and policy interoperability will be used to integrate disparate
cybersecurity products into a net-centric enterprise that can work together to create new
intelligence and make and implement decisions at network speed.
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(3) Semantic, technical, and policy interoperability support products are designed to
provide security for communications between different IT systems. Interoperable
communications must be consistent with approved cryptographic design and current system
implementation standards. The objective is to ensure the seamless and secure exchange of
classified or sensitive information that is critical to the success of DoD mission goals and
d. Standards-Based Approach. The DoD cybersecurity and cyberspace defense data strategy
will enable semantic, technical, and policy interoperability through a standards-based approach
that has been refined by many in industry, academia, and government. It is an information
oriented approach (see for example the security content automation protocol (SCAP) discussion
in NIST SP 800-126 (Reference (ci)).
e. DoD Architecture Principles. Interoperability and effective management of security
content will be achieved through adherence to DoD cybersecurity architectures as issued. All
DoD Components must commit to these architectures to facilitate sharing of information
necessary to achieve mission success while managing the risk inherent in interconnecting
f. Knowledge Repositories. These contain a broad collection of best practices, benchmarks,
standards, templates, checklists, tools, guidelines, rules, principles, and the like. Examples
include the National Vulnerability Database (, the Open Vulnerability and
Assessment Language Repository
(, and the DoD’s KS as
defined in Reference (q). In many respects, knowledge repositories serve as the cybersecurity
and cyberspace defense communitymemory” and they enable policy or process interoperability
and should be used to share information and answer questions.
5. CYBERSPACE DEFENSE. DoD uses architectures, cybersecurity, intelligence,
counterintelligence (CI), other security programs, LE, and other military capabilities to harden
the DoD Information Enterprise to be more resistant to penetration and disruption; to strengthen
the U.S. ability to respond to unauthorized activity and defend DoD information and the DODIN
against sophisticated and agile cyber threats; and to recover quickly from cyber incidents.
a. DODIN Cyberspace. DoD Components that own or operate the network are generally
authorized to take cyberspace defensive actions except in cases when they would compromise
the operations of elements of cyberspace outside their responsibility. USCYBERCOM and its
subordinate headquarters (Joint Forces Headquarter-DODIN) coordinates all defensive actions
that impact more than one DoD Component or have impacts outside the realm of the network
owner. These actions are under the direction of the Commander, USCYBERCOM, in
accordance with Reference (bx) and conducted as described in Commander, USCYBERCOM,
orders or other directives such as alerts and bulletins and Reference (bg). Cybersecurity
activities are integrated and support DODIN operations as described in Reference (bg).
b. Continuous Monitoring Capability. DoD will establish and maintain a continuous
monitoring capability that provides cohesive collection, transmission, storage, aggregation, and
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presentation of data that conveys current operational status to affected DoD stakeholders. DoD
Components will achieve cohesion through the use of a common continuous monitoring
framework, lexicon, and workflow as specified in NIST SP 800-137 (Reference (cj)).
c. Penetration and Exploitation Testing. Evaluation of cybersecurity during an acquisition
T&E event must include independent threat representative penetration and exploitation testing
and evaluation of the complete system cyberspace defenses including the controls and protection
provided by cybersecurity service providers. Penetration and exploitation testing must be
planned and resourced as part of the DT&E and OT&E via the appropriate program test
d. Cyber Defense Personnel. Cyber defense personnel operating on or in DoD IS will be
identified using identity authentication methods in DoDI 8520.03 (Reference (ck)).
e. LE and CI (LE/CI)
(1) The DoD Cyber Crime Center, as described in DoDD 5505.13 (Reference (cl)),
provides digital and multimedia forensics and specialized cyber investigative training and
services. In this role it coordinates and facilitates relationships across LE, intelligence, and
homeland security communities.
(2) DoD component LE/CI agencies deploy capabilities on the DODIN with the intent to
identify and investigate the human element posing a threat to DoD IT and DoD information.
Cybersecurity will be used in support of countering espionage, international terrorism, and the CI
insider threat in accordance with DoDI 5240.26 (Reference (cm)).
(3) DoD network administrators will accommodate all applicable legitimate and lawful
deployment of LE/CI tools and solutions. DoD LE/CI organizations in turn will make all
reasonable attempts to coordinate the implementation of LE/CI solutions with their respective
AO in a manner consistent with service-level change control processes in order to avoid any
disruption to mission critical operational tempo.
f. Insider Threat. Insider threats must be addressed in accordance with policy and
procedures published by the USD(P).
a. Organizations will implement processes and procedures to accommodate three conditions
necessary to realize effective cybersecurity that is consistently implemented across DoD:
(1) Organization Direction. This includes organizational mechanisms for establishing
and communicating priorities and objectives, principles, policies, standards, and performance
(2) A Culture of Accountability. This includes aligning internal processes, maintaining
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accountability, and informing, making, and following through on decisions with implications for
cyberspace protection and defense.
(3) Insight and Oversight. This includes measuring, reviewing, verifying, monitoring,
facilitating, and remediating to ensure coordinated and consistent cybersecurity implementation
and reporting across all organizations without impeding local missions.
b. In addition to the structures that facilitate DoD’s major decision processes (e.g., the Joint
Chiefs of Staff Joint Capabilities Integration and Development System described in CJCSI
5123.01H (Reference (cn)), DoDD 7045.14 (Reference (co)), Reference (as)) cybersecurity
performance is facilitated by the DoD CIO Executive Board in accordance with the DoD CIO
Memorandum (Reference (cp)) and its supporting governance bodies (e.g., DoD ISRMC).
c. Strategic cybersecurity metrics will be defined, collected, and reported by the DoD CIO in
partnership with the DoD Components. DoD CIO will develop and issue guidance regarding
how cybersecurity metrics are determined, established, defined, collected, and reported.
a. The DoD Information Security Program is described in DoDI 5200.01 (Reference (cq)).
All classified information and CUI must be protected in accordance with References (bn), (bs),
(bj), and (bk). Systems processing CUI will be categorized at no less than the moderate
confidentiality impact level in accordance with Part 2002 of Title 32, Code of Federal
Regulations (Reference (z)).
b. DoD’s information sharing policies and procedures are defined in DoDD 8320.02
(Reference (cr)) and DoDI 8320.07 (Reference (cs)). Information sharing actions and activities
will be aligned with the DoD Information Sharing Operational Strategy and Guidance (see A security clearance held is an attribute of any identified DoD
person, and that attribute should be discovered and considered when a decision is made to share
classified information. If the information intended to be shared is not classified, then other
attributes associated with the identity of the sharing recipient may need to be discovered before
the sharing is executed.
c. The DoD cybersecurity program provides the mechanisms to measure, monitor, and
enforce information security and sharing policies and procedures as they relate to information in
an electronic form, primarily through the implementation of security controls.
d. Information systems must protect classified information and CUI from unauthorized
access by requiring authentication in accordance with Reference (ck) prior to making an access
e. All unclassified DoD information that has not been cleared for public release in
accordance with DoDD 5230.09 (Reference (ct)) and that is in the possession or control of non-
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DoD entities on non-DoD ISs must be protected in accordance with DoDI 8582.01 (Reference
f. Classified information and export controlled unclassified information released or disclosed
to industry in connection with contracts under the National Industrial Security Program must be
protected in accordance with Reference (bf).
g. Spillage of classified information onto an unclassified IS, of higher-level classified
information onto a lower level classified IS, or of classified information onto an IS not
authorized to the appropriate level must be handled in accordance with Reference (bj).
h. To enable automated sharing and protection, all DoD information must include marking
and metadata as required by References (bk), (bn) and (cr), and that information must be in the
format specified in References (bk) and (bs).
i. DoD IT that processes or stores PII or protected health information must comply with
Reference (bl), DoDI 5400.16 (Reference (cv)), and DoD 8580.02-R (Reference (cw)).
j. In accordance with Reference (cv), a privacy impact assessment is required for DoD ISs
that collect, maintain, use, or disseminate PII about members of the public, federal personnel,
contractors, or foreign nationals employed at U.S. military facilities internationally.
k. All non-DoD entities that process unclassified DoD information on non-DoD ISs, to the
extent provided by the applicable contract, grant, or other legal agreement or understanding with
DoD, must comply with applicable Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplements and
will comply with Reference (cu), and, if a cleared contractor, with Reference (bf).
l. Unclassified DoD information in the possession of the DIB will be protected by
conducting DIB cybersecurity as established in Reference (ad), and cleared contractor facilities
will be protected in accordance with Reference (bf).
m. Cryptography required to protect DoD information will be implemented in accordance
with Reference (be).
n. DoD information proposed or projected for publication on public Internet media (e.g.,
website, blog, social media) must be reviewed and approved for public dissemination in
accordance with Reference (ct), DoD Manual 5205.02 (Reference (cx)), and DoDI 8550.01
(Reference (cy)).
o. Cybersecurity scorecard reporting will be accomplished in accordance with Reference (y).
a. Identity assurance ensures strong identification and authentication, and eliminates
anonymity in DoD ISs so that entities’ access and access behavior are visible, traceable, and
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enable continuous monitoring for LE and cybersecurity. Person and non-person entity identity
policies, standards, information, infrastructure, issuance, and revocation processes and
procedures that bind the physical and digital representations of entities will incorporate measures
to ensure the integrity, authenticity, security, privacy, and availability of authoritative identity
information across the full spectrum of DoD mission environments and operations.
(1) DoD ISs will use only DoD-approved identity credentials to authenticate entities
requesting access to or within the Defense information environment. This requirement extends
to all mission partners using DoD ISs.
(2) The identification of entities accessing DoD ISs must be recorded in order to deny
anonymity and deter abuse of authorized IS access. DoD will implement capabilities to record,
track, and monitor specific entity access to networks, applications, and web servers.
b. DoD IS will employ identity assurance procedures that are aligned with the DoD Identity
Management Strategic Plan and the Identity Assurance Implementation Guidance and Roadmap
to the extent practical.
c. Information and infrastructure that support identity reliant functions, processes, and
procedures used in support of DoD operations, including but not limited to identity credentialing,
will incorporate measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, authenticity, and availability of
identity data or identity credentials.
d. Identity assurance policies and procedures regarding identity authentication for ISs are in
Reference (ck).
a. IT. Cybersecurity applies to all IT that receives, processes, stores, displays, or transmits
DoD information, as shown in Figure 2.
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Figure 2. DoD Information Technology
(1) Information Systems. Cybersecurity requirements must be identified and included in
the design, development, acquisition, installation, operation, upgrade, or replacement of all DoD
ISs in accordance with section 3554 of Reference (aa), References (q) and (r), section 2224 of
Reference (bd), this instruction, and other cybersecurity-related DoD guidance, as issued.
(a) DoD ISs are typically organized in one of two forms:
1. Enclave
a. Enclaves provide standard cybersecurity, such as boundary defense,
incident detection and response, and key management, and also deliver common applications,
such as office automation and electronic mail. Enclaves may be specific to an organization or a
mission, and the computing environments may be organized by physical proximity or by
function independent of location. Examples of enclaves include local area networks and the
applications they host, backbone networks, and data processing centers.
b. Enclaves always assume the highest security category of the ISs that they
host, and derive their security needs from those systems. See Reference (ca) for a discussion of
IS boundaries and the application of security controls.
2. Major Application (Formerly Automated Information System Application)
a. Certain applications, because of the information in them, require special
management oversight due to the risk and magnitude of the harm resulting from the loss, misuse,
or unauthorized access to or modification of the information in the application and should be
treated as major applications. A major application may be a single software application (e.g.,
integrated consumable items support); multiple software applications that are related to a single
mission (e.g., payroll or personnel); or a combination of software and hardware performing a
specific support function across a range of missions (e.g., Global Command and Control System,
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System).
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b. Major applications include any application that is a product or deliverable
of an Acquisition Category I through III program as defined in Enclosure 3 of Reference (at).
When operationally feasible all new major applications will be hosted in a Defense Enterprise
Computing Center.
c. All applications, regardless of whether they rise to the level of major
application or not, require an appropriate level of protection. Adequate security for other than
major applications may be provided by security of the environment in which they operate.
d. When possible, capabilities should be developed as applications hosted in
existing authorized computing environments (i.e., enclaves) rather than designated as major
applications requiring new and separate authorizations.
e. DoD Component CIOs will resolve disputes regarding whether an
application rises to the level of a major application.
(b) DoD IS Registration. All systems will be reported in either the eMASS or ERS.
Components using alternate tools for system data are required to work with the DoD CIO to
ensure required system data can be regularly imported to ERS via an application programming
interface or other method in accordance with Reference (y). New systems will be reported in the
eMASS or ERS at the beginning of the system development life cycle.
(c) Stand-Alone Systems. DoD ISs and PIT systems that are stand-alone must be
authorized to operate, but assigned security control sets may be tailored as appropriate with the
approval of the AO (e.g., network-related controls may be eliminated).
(d) Notice and Consent Banners. Standard mandatory notice and consent banners
must be displayed at logon to all ISs and standard mandatory notice and consent provisions will
be included in all DoD IS user agreements in accordance with applicable security controls and
DoD implementation procedures in the KS. Official DoD standard notice and consent language
will be posted on the KS with copies posted to the DoD Cyber Exchange.
(2) PIT
(a) All PIT has cybersecurity considerations. The DoD cybersecurity program only
addresses the protection of the IT included in the platform. See Reference (q) for PIT
cybersecurity requirements.
(b) Examples of platforms that may include PIT are: weapons systems, training
simulators, diagnostic test and maintenance equipment, calibration equipment, equipment used in
the research and development of weapons systems, medical devices and health information
technologies, vehicles and alternative fueled vehicles (e.g., electric, bio-fuel, Liquid Natural Gas
that contain car-computers), buildings and their associated control systems (building automation
systems or building management systems, energy management system, fire and life safety,
physical security, elevators, etc.), utility distribution systems (such as electric, water, waste
water, natural gas and steam), telecommunications systems designed specifically for industrial
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control systems including supervisory control and data acquisition, direct digital control,
programmable logic controllers, other control devices and advanced metering or sub-metering,
including associated data transport mechanisms (e.g., data links, dedicated networks).
(c) Cybersecurity requirements must be identified, tailored appropriately, and
included in the acquisition, design, development, developmental and operational testing and
evaluation, integration, implementation, operation, upgrade, or replacement of all DoD PIT in
accordance with References (bh) and (aw), this instruction, and other cybersecurity-related DoD
guidance, as issued.
(d) Owners of special purpose systems (i.e., platforms), in consultation with an AO,
may determine that a collection of PIT rises to the level of a PIT system.
1. PIT systems are analogous to enclaves but are dedicated only to the platforms
they support. PIT systems must be designated as such by the responsible OSD or DoD
Component heads or their delegates and authorized by an AO specifically appointed to authorize
PIT systems.
2. All DoD PIT systems will be categorized as defined in Reference (cb) and
authorized in accordance with Reference (q).
3. Although other federal departments and agencies may treat PIT systems as a
type of IS, DoD platforms supporting certain DoD missions have unique operational and security
needs. Due to the specialized purpose of their application, PIT systems require uniquely tailored
security control sets and control validation procedures and require security control assessors and
AOs with specialized qualifications.
4. Interconnections between PIT systems and other PIT systems or DoD ISs must
be protected either by implementation of security controls on the PIT system or the DoD IS.
5. For PIT systems that are stand-alone, assigned security control sets may be
tailored as appropriate with the approval of the AO (e.g., network-related controls may be
6. PIT systems must be registered at the DoD Component level.
(3) IT Service. An IT service is a form of a DoD internet service as described in
Reference (cy). It consists of IT capabilities that are provided according to a formal agreement
between DoD entities or between DoD and an entity external to DoD. Capabilities may include,
for example, information processing, storage, or transmission.
(a) An IT service is provided from outside the authorization boundary of the
organizational IS using the IT service and the using organization typically has no direct control
over the application of required security controls or the assessment of security control
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(b) IT services are net-centric and may be provided over service oriented or cloud
computing architectures and may be Internet-based.
(c) An internal IT service is implemented within DoD. The DoD entity providing the
service is responsible for the application of appropriate security controls and for ensuring that ISs
supporting service delivery are assessed and authorized in accordance with Reference (q).
Service-level agreements will be executed for internal services.
(d) An external IT service is implemented outside DoD. The DoD entity using the
external service will:
1. Ensure that interagency agreements or government statements of work for
external services incorporate requirements in accordance with this instruction. Requirements for
external services must include the application of appropriate security controls to the IT
supporting the external service delivery in accordance with Reference (q). Requests for
proposals will include sufficient information on which to evaluate each offeror’s proposed
approach to satisfying the security control requirements.
2. Ensure that processes, roles, and responsibilities are established between
program management office and network operations entities for continued assessment.
3. Ensure that all security relevant and operational status changes are reported
through the organization’s network operations chain of command to the Commander,
4. DoD enterprise-level agreements for services should be used when possible.
(4) IT Product
(a) Unified capability products will receive unified capability certification for
cybersecurity in accordance with Reference (am).
(b) Products that protect classified information must comply with Reference (bc).
(c) Products must meet security configuration guidance in accordance with Chapter
113 of Reference (t) and comply with the connection approval process established in Reference
(d) Products will comply with the requirements of Reference (bh), as applicable.
b. IT Considerations. These are general considerations that apply to IT.
(1) All acquisitions of DoD IS will comply with Reference (ar) and USD(AT&L)
Memorandum (Reference (cz)).
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(2) SMs and PMs must use TSN tools, techniques, and practices, including the use of all-
source threat assessments to inform acquisition and engineering mitigation decisions, for all IT
when required in accordance with Reference (bh). During sustainment, TSN practices will be
applied prior to integrating IT into operational IS.
(3) Cybersecurity will be implemented in all system and service acquisitions at levels
appropriate to the system characteristics and requirements throughout the entire life cycle of the
acquisition in accordance with Reference (q).
(4) All acquisitions of qualifying IT must have an adequate and appropriate
cybersecurity strategy that will be reviewed prior to acquisition milestone decisions and
acquisition contract awards in accordance with References (ar), (at), and Section 811 of Public
Law 106-398 (Reference (dd)) and must plan for developmental test oversight by DASD(DT&E)
and operational test oversight by DOT&E.
(5) Each mobile code technology used in DoD information systems must undergo a risk
assessment, be assigned to a mobile code risk category, and have its use regulated based on its
potential to cause damage to DoD operations and interests if used maliciously.
(6) Ports, protocols, and services will be managed in accordance with Reference (al).
(7) DoD use of space systems will follow cybersecurity policy established in this
issuance and CNSSP 12 (Reference (db)).
(8) Disposal and destruction of classified hard drives, electronic media, processing
equipment components, and the like will be accomplished in accordance with Reference (bj),
CNSSI 4004.1 (Reference (dc)), and applicable security controls.
(9) Disposal of unclassified electronic media will be accomplished in accordance with
the guidelines provided in NIST SP 800-88 (Reference (dd)) and applicable security controls.
(10) Cryptographic products used to protect IT and the information that resides in the IT
will be acquired and implemented in accordance with Reference (be).
(11) All IA products and IA-enabled products that require use of the product's IA
capabilities will comply with the evaluation and validation requirements of Reference (bc).
(12) All IT will be assigned to and governed by a DoD Component cybersecurity
(13) IT below the system level (i.e., IT services and products) will be security configured
and reviewed by the cognizant ISSM (under the direction of the AO) for acceptance and
connection into an authorized computing environment (i.e., an IS enclave with an ATO).
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(14) Cybersecurity must be consistent with enterprise architecture principles and
guidelines within the DoD Architecture Framework (Reference (de)) and DoD cybersecurity
architectures developed or approved by the DoD CIO.
(15) Connections to the DISN must comply with connection approval procedures and
processes as established in Reference (ak).
(16) The ESSG will oversee development and acquisition of enterprise solutions for use
throughout DoD that support cybersecurity objectives.
(17) All persons entrusted with the management of DoD IT will be responsible for
proper use, care, physical protection, and disposal or disposition in accordance with DoDI
5000.64 (Reference (de)), DoDI 2030.02 (Reference (dg)) and, when appropriate, Reference (bj).
(18) In addition to complying with the provisions of DoDI 1035.01 (Reference (dh)):
(a) Telework solutions involving the use of DoD-owned, government-furnished
equipment for remote access to unclassified DoD networks will comply with the requirements of
applicable security controls defined in Reference (cc).
(b) Telework solutions involving the use of non-government furnished equipment
(i.e., any computer or other telework device not furnished by DoD) for remote access to
unclassified DoD networks will be developed by the DoD Components desiring the capability
based on the guidance provided in NIST SP 800-114 (Reference (di)) and evaluated and
approved by the DoD CIO on a case-by-case basis.
(19) Basic input and output systems (BIOSs) will be managed in accordance with
Section 3.2 of SP 800-147 (Reference (dj)). Specifications for personal computer client systems
must include the requirement for BIOS protections compliant with Section 3.1 of Reference (dj).
(20) In anticipation of emerging trusted platform module (TPM) product capabilities, as
well as requirements for device identification, authentication, encryption, measurement, and
device integrity, DoD Components will ensure new computer assets (e.g., server, desktop,
laptop, thin client, tablet, smartphone, personal digital assistant, mobile phone) procured to
support DoD will include a TPM version 1.2 or higher where required by DISA STIGs and
where such technology is available.
(a) Vendor TPMs must be in conformance with Trusted Computing Group standards
( and must be approved by the procuring DoD
Component. The TPM must be turned on and ready for provisioning when the computer asset is
received from the vendor. Written justification must be provided to the responsible AO if assets
are procured without TPM technology in cases where it is available.
(b) DIRNSA will identify use cases and implementation standards and plans for DoD
to leverage TPM functionality fully to enhance IT device security, including platform integrity
verification (BIOS firmware and operating system software), platform identification and
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authentication, and enhanced encryption (hardware based key generation and certificate and key
(21) DoD IT must comply with SCAP standards established in Reference (ci). STIGs
developed by DISA will use SCAP standards.
(22) All use of Internet-based capabilities will comply with References (bk), (ct), (cx),
and (cy).
(23) As the NIST and CNSS publications change, the impact of those changes will be
incorporated into the KS.
(24) All DoD IT that is designated as an NSS must comply with CNSS policy issuances.
a. The DoD Cyber Workforce Improvement Program develops and maintains a trained and
qualified cybersecurity workforce by providing a continuum of learning from basic literacy to
advanced skills, recruiting and retaining highly qualified professionals, and keeping workforce
capabilities current in the face of constant change as described in References (x) and (ay).
b. All cybersecurity personnel must be assigned in writing to identified cybersecurity
positions, and trained and qualified in accordance with References (x) and (ay).
c. All authorized users of DoD IS must receive initial cybersecurity awareness orientation as
a condition of access and, thereafter, participate in both DoD’s and their Component’s enterprise
cybersecurity awareness program.
d. Cybersecurity functions, as defined in Reference (ay), that may be performed by non-U.S.
citizens, non-DoD personnel, contractors, or non-U.S. service providers will be so identified.
e. All cybersecurity positions will be assigned a position designation using the criteria found
in References (w) and (bn) and will meet the associated suitability and fitness requirements. The
position designation will be documented in the Defense Civilian Personnel Data System. Non-
U.S. citizens may not serve as ISSMs, as ISSOs, in supervisory cybersecurity positions, or be
responsible for PKI certificate issuance. Non-U.S. citizens may serve as system administrators
and perform maintenance on cybersecurity enabled products provided they are under the
immediate supervision of a U.S. citizen and meet the investigative requirements of Reference
a. Integral to the success of the DoD cybersecurity program is the promotion of systems and
communications interoperability and advancement of operational cybersecurity and cyberspace
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defense relationships with all mission partners at both the unclassified and classified levels;
integration of cybersecurity and cyberspace defense activities with mission partner critical
infrastructure protection initiatives; and creating cybersecurity and cyberspace defense training
and exercise opportunities to build mission partner operational capacity, improve global cyber
situational awareness, and develop a collective global cybersecurity and cyberspace defense
workforce. This will be accomplished through the planning, negotiation, and implementation of
cybersecurity and cyberspace defense agreements with mission partners.
b. DoD will operate a PKI for use by foreign national mission partners to communicate with
Combatant Commands that will enable use of digital signature, encryption, and PKI-based
authentication and be implemented and operated in accordance with DoD Coalition Public Key
Infrastructure, X.509 Certificate Policy (Reference (dk)).
c. Foreign exchange personnel and representatives of foreign nations, coalitions or
international organizations may be authorized access to DoD ISs containing classified or
sensitive information only if these conditions are met:
(1) Access to DoD ISs is authorized only by the DoD Component head in accordance
with DoD, Department of State, and ODNI disclosure guidance, as applicable.
(2) Mechanisms are in place to limit access strictly to information that has been cleared
for release to the represented foreign nation, coalition, or international organization (e.g., North
Atlantic Treaty Organization) in accordance with Reference (ab) for classified military
information, and other policy guidance for unclassified information such as References (bk),
(dg), DoDD 5230.20E (Reference (dl)), and DoDI 5230.27 (Reference (dm)).
d. Capabilities built to support cybersecurity objectives that are shared with mission partners
will be governed through integrated decision structures and processes described in this
instruction, must have formal agreements (e.g., a memorandum of agreement, memorandum of
understanding, service-level agreements, contracts, grants, or other legal agreements or
understandings) that incorporate considerations for DoD risks, be in accordance with Reference
(ak), and will be consistent with applicable guidance contained in References (ab), (bj), (bk),
(bp), (bn), (bs), and DoDI 2040.02 (Reference (dn)).
e. Information systems jointly developed by DoD and mission partners are considered DoD-
partnered systems. The cybersecurity risk management considerations for DoD-partnered
systems are provided in Reference (q).
f. Agreements with international partners to engage in cooperative international
cybersecurity activities must be formally negotiated and concluded in accordance with Reference
(ag), and any associated classified military information will be released only in accordance with
Reference (ab).
g. The release of cryptographic national security systems technical security material,
information, and techniques to foreign governments or international organizations must be
approved by the CNSS in accordance with Reference (ai).
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12. DoD SISO. On behalf of the DoD CIO, the DoD SISO:
a. Directs and coordinates the DoD cybersecurity program and carries out the DoD CIO’s
responsibilities pursuant to section 3554 of Reference (aa) that include but are not limited to:
(1) Developing and maintaining the DoD cybersecurity program as required by
subsection (b) of section 3554 of Reference (aa).
(2) Developing and maintaining DoD cybersecurity program policies and
implementation and control procedures.
(3) Assisting senior DoD and DoD Component officials concerning their responsibilities
in paragraph (2) of section 3554 of Reference (aa).
b. Serves as the DoD CIO’s primary liaison to DoD AOs, ISOs, and ISSOs.
c. Advises, informs, and supports DoD PAOs and their representatives.
d. Ensures that DoD IT is assigned to and governed by a DoD Component cybersecurity
e. Maintains liaison with DNI CIO to ensure continuous coordination of DoD and IC
cybersecurity activities and programs.
f. Maintains liaison with NIST to ensure continuous coordination and collaboration on NIST
cybersecurity-related issuances.
g. Provides guidance and oversight in the development, submission, and execution of the
DoD cybersecurity program budget and advocates for DoD-wide cybersecurity solutions
throughout the planning, programming, budget, and execution process.
h. Develops guidance regarding how cybersecurity metrics are determined, established,
defined, collected, and reported.
i. Collects and reports cybersecurity metrics in coordination with the DoD Component heads
as required by section 3555 of Reference (aa).
j. Coordinates with USD(AT&L) to integrate cybersecurity concepts into the DoD
acquisition process by:
(1) Supporting the USD(AT&L) in ensuring the DoD acquisition process incorporates
cybersecurity planning, implementation, and testing consistent with References (p), section 3554
of (aa), (q), (ar), (at), and this instruction.
(2) Supporting the USD(AT&L) in its acquisition oversight of major defense
acquisition programs, major automated ISs, or other programs of special interest that are, or
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include, IT, by:
(a) Providing subject matter experts to participate in AT&L oversight of system
engineering technical reviews and the review of system engineering artifacts to ensure that
cybersecurity requirements are incorporated early and that the implementation of those
requirements is maturing across the acquisition life cycle.
(b) Informing USD(AT&L) of acquisition program risk related to a failure to
address cybersecurity requirements in accordance with this policy.
k. Coordinates with the DOT&E to ensure cybersecurity testing and evaluation is integrated
into the DoD acquisition process in accordance with References (ba), and other DOT&E policies
and guidance.
l. Coordinates with USD(P) to ensure cybersecurity policies related to disclosure of
classified military information to foreign governments and international organizations is in
accordance with Reference (af) and (ab).
m. Provides recommended updates and additions to NIST for security controls that are
published in Reference (cc) and for supporting validation procedures published in Reference (cd)
with direct support from NSA/CSS and DISA, and input from the other DoD Components.
n. Provides recommended updates and additions to the security control baselines and
overlays that are published in Reference (cb) and used by DoD with direct support from
NSA/CSS and DISA, and input from the other DoD Components.
o. Develops DoD-specific assignment values, implementation guidance, and validation
procedures for Reference (cc) security controls and publishes them in the KS at with direct support from NSA/CSS and DISA, and
input from the other DoD Components.
p. Ensures that organization-wide solutions that support cybersecurity objectives acquired
and developed via the ESSG process are consistent with DoD architecture, policy, and guidance
developed by the DoD CIO to ensure solutions acquired or developed meet organizational
q. Manages international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense activities and represents
DoD in carrying out assigned international cybersecurity and cyberspace defense responsibilities
and functions through the International Cybersecurity Program.
r. Manages and executes DoD DIB Cybersecurity Program activities in accordance with
Reference (ad).
13. DoD COMPONENT CIOs. DoD Component CIOs:
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a. On behalf of the respective DoD Component heads, develop, implement, maintain, and
enforce a DoD Component cybersecurity program that is consistent with the strategy and
direction of the DoD SISO and the DoD cybersecurity program, and compliant with this
b. Appoint DoD Component SISOs to direct and coordinate their DoD Component
cybersecurity program.
c. When code signing certificates are used to establish provenance of software code,
implement a process to designate individuals authorized to receive code-signing certificates and
ensure that such designations are kept to a minimum consistent with operational requirements.
d. Partner with DoD Component Acquisition Executives to ensure that all IT is acquired in
accordance with DoD cybersecurity policy and that program risk relating to the development of
cybersecurity requirements is assessed, communicated to the Milestone Decision Authority and
managed early in the system development life cycle.
14. DoD RISK EXECUTIVE FUNCTION. The risk executive function, as described in
Reference (ca), is performed by the DoD ISRMC. The DoD risk executive:
a. Ensures risk-related considerations for individual ISs and PIT systems, including
authorization decisions, are viewed from a DoD-wide perspective with regard to the overall
strategic goals and objectives of DoD in carrying out its missions and business functions.
b. Ensures that management of IT-related security risks is consistent across DoD, reflects
organizational risk tolerance, and is considered along with other organizational risk in order to
ensure mission or business success.
15. PAO. PAOs:
a. Oversee and establish guidance for the strategic implementation of cybersecurity and risk
management within their MAs.
b. Appoint flag-level (e.g., general officer, senior executive) PAO representatives to, and to
oversee, the DoD ISRMC.
c. Assist the DoD CIO and DoD SISO in assessing the effectiveness of DoD cybersecurity.
16. AO. AOs:
a. Ensure that:
(1) For DoD ISs and PIT systems under their purview, cybersecurity-related
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positions are identified in their organization’s manpower structure in accordance with
References (x), (ay), and DoDI 1100.22 (Reference (do)).
(2) Appointees to cybersecurity-related positions are given a written statement of
cybersecurity responsibilities.
(3) ISSMs meet all requirements specified in Reference (w).
b. Render authorization decisions for DoD ISs and PIT systems under their purview in
accordance with Reference (q).
c. Establish guidance for and oversee IS-level risk management activities consistent with
Commander, USCYBERCOM, and DoD Component guidance and direction.
d. Must be U.S. citizens and DoD officials with the authority to assume responsibility
formally for operating DoD ISs or PIT systems at an acceptable level of risk to organizational
operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), organizational assets,
individuals, other organizations, and the Nation.
17. ISOs of DoD IT. ISOs of DoD IT:
a. Plan and budget for security control implementation, assessment, and sustainment
throughout the system life cycle, including timely and effective configuration and vulnerability
b. Ensure that SSE is used to design, develop, implement, modify, and test and evaluate
the system architecture in compliance with the cybersecurity component of the DoD Enterprise
Architecture (as described in Reference (r)) and to make maximum use of enterprise
c. Ensure authorized users and support personnel receive appropriate cybersecurity
d. Coordinate with the DoD Component TSN focal point to ensure that TSN best practices,
processes, techniques, and procurement tools are applied prior to the acquisition of IT or the
integration of IT into ISs when required in compliance with Reference (bh).
18. ISSM. ISSMs:
a. Develop and maintain an organizational or system-level cybersecurity program that
includes cybersecurity architecture, requirements, objectives and policies, cybersecurity
personnel, and cybersecurity processes and procedures.
b. Ensure that information owners and stewards associated with DoD information
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received, processed, stored, displayed, or transmitted on each DoD IS and PIT system are
identified in order to establish accountability, access approvals, and special handling
c. Maintain a repository for all organizational or system-level cybersecurity-related
d. Ensure that ISSOs are appointed in writing and provide oversight to ensure that they are
following established cybersecurity policies and procedures.
e. Monitor compliance with cybersecurity policy, as appropriate, and review the results
of such monitoring.
f. Ensure that cybersecurity inspections, tests, and reviews are synchronized and coordinated
with affected parties and organizations.
g. Ensure implementation of IS security measures and procedures, including reporting
incidents to the AO and appropriate reporting chains and coordinating system-level responses to
unauthorized disclosures in accordance with Reference (bj) for classified information or
Reference (bk) for CUI, respectively.
h. Ensure that the handling of possible or actual data spills of classified information resident
in ISs, are conducted in accordance with Reference (bj).
i. Act as the primary cybersecurity technical advisor to the AO for DoD IS and PIT systems
under their purview.
j. Ensure that cybersecurity-related events or configuration changes that may impact DoD
IS and PIT systems authorization or security posture are formally reported to the AO and other
affected parties, such as information owners and stewards and AOs of interconnected DoD ISs.
k. Ensure the secure configuration and approval of IT below the system level (i.e., products
and IT services) in accordance with applicable guidance prior to acceptance into or connection to
a DoD IS or PIT system.
19. INFORMATION SYSTEM SECURITY OFFICER (ISSO). When circumstances warrant,
a single individual may fulfill both the ISSM and the ISSO roles. ISSOs:
a. Assist the ISSMs in meeting their duties and responsibilities.
b. Implement and enforce all DoD IS and PIT system cybersecurity policies and procedures,
as defined by cybersecurity-related documentation.
c. Ensure that all users have the requisite security clearances and access authorization, and
are aware of their cybersecurity responsibilities for DoD IS and PIT systems under their purview
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before being granted access to those systems.
d. In coordination with the ISSM, initiate protective or corrective measures when a
cybersecurity incident or vulnerability is discovered and ensure that a process is in place for
authorized users to report all cybersecurity-related events and potential threats and vulnerabilities
to the ISSO.
e. Ensure that all DoD IS cybersecurity-related documentation is current and accessible to
properly authorized individuals.
20. PRIVILEGED USERS. Privileged users (e.g., system administrators) must:
a. Configure and operate IT within the authorities vested in them according to DoD
cybersecurity policies and procedures.
b. Notify the responsible ISSO or, in the absence of an ISSO, the responsible ISSM, of
any changes that might affect security posture.
21. AUTHORIZED USERS. Authorized users must:
a. Immediately report all cybersecurity-related events (e.g., data spill) and potential threats
and vulnerabilities (e.g., insider threat) to the appropriate ISSO or, in the absence of an ISSO, the
b. Protect authenticators commensurate with the classification or sensitivity of the
information accessed and report any compromise or suspected compromise of an authenticator to
the appropriate ISSO.
c. Protect terminals, workstations, other input or output devices and resident data from
unauthorized access.
d. Inform the responsible ISSO when access to a particular DoD IS or PIT system is no
longer required (e.g., completion of project, transfer, retirement, resignation).
e. Observe policies and procedures governing the secure operation and authorized use of
DoD IT, including operations security in accordance with Reference (cx) and DoDD 5205.02E
(Reference (dp)).
f. Use DoD IT only for official or authorized purposes.
g. Not unilaterally bypass, strain, or test cybersecurity mechanisms. If cybersecurity
mechanisms must be bypassed, users will coordinate the procedure with the ISSO and receive
written approval from the ISSM.
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h. Not introduce or use software, firmware, or hardware that has not been approved by the
AO or a designated representative on DoD IT.
i. Not relocate or change DoD IT equipment or the network connectivity of equipment
without proper authorization.
j. Meet minimum cybersecurity awareness requirements in accordance with Reference (ay).
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AO authorizing official
ASD(NII) Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information
ATO authorization to operate
BIOS basic input and output system
BMA Business Mission Area
CCI control correlation identifier
CD cross-domain
CDS cross-domain solution
CI counterintelligence
CIO Chief Information Officer
CJCS Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
CJCSI Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Instruction
CNSS Committee on National Security Systems
CNSSI Committee on National Security Systems Instruction
CNSSP Committee on National Security Systems Policy
COMSEC communications security
CSS Central Security Service
CUI controlled unclassified information
DASD(DT&E) Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Developmental Test and
DIA Defense Intelligence Agency
DIB Defense Industrial Base
DIMA DoD portion of the intelligence mission area
DIRNSA/CHCSS Director, National Security Agency/Chief, Central Security Service
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISN Defense Information Systems Network
DNI Director of National Intelligence
DoD CIO DoD Chief Information Officer
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DoD ISRMC DoD Information Security Risk Management Committee
DoDD DoD directive
DoDI DoD instruction
DODIN DoD information network
DoDM DoD manual
DOT&E Director, Operational Test and Evaluation
DSAWG Defense Information Assurance Security Accreditation Working Gro
DCSA Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency
DT&E Developmental Test and Evaluation
EIEMA enterprise information environment mission area
eMASS Enterprise Mission Assurance Support Service
ERS Enterprise Reporting System
ESSG Enterprise-wide Cybersecurity Solutions Steering Group
IA information assurance
IC Intelligence Community
IS information system
ISO information system owner
ISSM Information System Security Manager
ISSO Information System Security Officer
IT information technology
KS Knowledge Service
LE/CI law enforcement and counterintelligence
NIPRNet Non-Classified Internet Protocol Router Network
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NSA National Security Agency
NSS National Security System
OT&E operational test and evaluation
PAO principal authorizing official
PII personally identifiable information
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PIT platform information technology
PKI public key infrastructure
PM program manager
PPP program protection plan
RMF risk management framework
SAP special access program
SCAP security content automation protocol
SCI sensitive compartmented information
SIPRNet Secret Internet Protocol Router Network
SISO Senior Information Security Officer
SM system manager
SP Special Publication
SRG security requirements guide
SSE system security engineering
STIG security technical implementation guide
T&E test and evaluation
TPM trusted platform module
TRANSEC transmission security
TSN trusted systems and networks
U.S.C. United States Code
USD(AT&L) Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics
USD(I) Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence
USD(P) Under Secretary of Defense for Policy
USD(P&R) Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness
USCYBERCOM United States Cyber Command
Unless otherwise noted, these terms and their definitions are for the purposes of this instruction.
application. Defined in CNSSI 4009 (Reference (dq)).
authenticator. Defined in Reference (dq).
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authorized user. Defined in Reference (x).
availability. Defined in Reference (dq).
Blue Team. Defined in Reference (dq).
CCI. Decomposition of an NIST control into single, actionable, measurable statement.
confidentiality. Defined in Reference (dq).
continuous monitoring. Defined in Reference (cj).
cybersecurity. Defined in Reference (dr).
cybersecurity architect. See “Information Security Architect” definition in Reference (ca).
cyberspace. Defined in Reference (dq).
cyberspace defense. Defined in the DoD Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms
(Reference (dr)).
DoD-controlled. Used only for DoD purposes, dedicated to DoD processing, and effectively
under DoD configuration control.
DoD information. Any information that has not been cleared for public release in accordance
with Reference (ct) and that has been collected, developed, received, transmitted, used, or stored
by DoD, or by a non-DoD entity in support of an official DoD activity.
DoD Information Enterprise. Defined in Reference (r).
DoD IS. DoD-owned IS and DoD-controlled IS. A type of DoD IT.
DoD IT. DoD-owned IT and DoD-controlled IT. DoD IT includes IS, PIT, IT services, and IT
DoD-partnered systems. ISs or PIT systems that are developed jointly by DoD and non-DoD
mission partners, comprise DoD and non-DoD ISs, or contain a mix of DoD and non-DoD
information consumers and producers (e.g., jointly developed systems, multi-national or
coalition environments, or first responder environments).
foreign national. Defined in Reference (dr).
enclave. Defined in Reference (dq).
identity assurance. See “assurance” definition in Reference dq).
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IA and IA-enabled product. Defined in Reference (bc).
information owner. Defined in Reference (dq).
information resource. Defined in Reference (dq).
information steward. Defined in Reference (dq).
insider threat. Defined in Reference (cm).
integrity. Defined in Reference (dq) as NIST SP 800-53 definition.
IS. Defined in Reference (dq).
ISO. Defined in Reference (ca), but for the purposes of this instruction is not synonymous with
“PM” as indicated in Reference (ca).
IS security engineer. Defined in Reference (dq).
ISSM. Defined in Reference (dq).
ISSO. Defined in Reference (dq).
IT. Defined in Reference (dq).
IT product. Individual IT hardware or software items. Products can be commercial or
government provided and include, but are not limited to, operating systems, office productivity
software, firewalls, and routers.
IT Service. A capability provided to one or more DoD entities by an internal or external
provider based on the use of information technology and that supports a DoD mission or
business process. An IT Service consists of a combination of people, processes, and technology.
key management infrastructure. Defined in Reference (dq).
major application. Defined in Reference (dq).
mission area. Defined in Reference (ac).
mission partners. Defined in Reference (r).
mobile code. Defined in Reference (dq).
mobile code risk categories. Categories of risk associated with mobile code technology based on
functionality, level of access to workstation, server, and remote system services and resources,
and the resulting threat to information systems.
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NSS. Defined in Reference (dq).
network. Defined in Reference (dq).
operational resilience. The ability of systems to resist, absorb, and recover from or adapt to an
adverse occurrence during operation that may cause harm, destruction, or loss of ability to
perform mission-related functions.
overlay. Defined in Reference (cb).
privacy impact assessment. Defined in Reference (cv).
PIT. IT, both hardware and software, that is physically part of, dedicated to, or essential in real
time to the mission performance of special purpose systems.
PIT system. A collection of PIT within an identified boundary under the control of a single
authority and security policy. The systems may be structured by physical proximity or by
function, independent of location.
policy interoperability. Common business processes related to the transmission, receipt, and
acceptance of data among participants.
privileged user. Defined in Reference (dq).
private DoD internet service. Defined in Reference (cy).
PM or SM. The individual with responsibility for a0nd authority to accomplish program or
system objectives for development, production, and sustainment to meet the user’s operational
PPP. Defined in Reference (aw).
public key enabling. Defined in Reference (dq).
reciprocity. Defined in Reference (dq).
Red Team. Defined in Reference (dq).
risk executive function. Defined in Reference (dq).
security category. Defined in Reference (dq).
security control assessor. Defined in Reference (ca).
security controls. Defined in Reference (dq).
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security posture. Defined in Reference (dq).
semantic interoperability. The ability of each sending party to communicate data and have
receiving parties understand the message in the sense intended by the sending party.
SISO. See “Senior (Agency) Information Security Officer” definition in Reference (aa).
SRG. Compilation of CCIs grouped in more applicable, specific technology areas at various
levels of technology and product specificity. Contain all requirements that have been flagged as
applicable from the parent level regardless if they are selected on a DoD baseline or not.
SSE. See IS security engineering” definition in Reference (dq).
stand-alone system. System that is not connected to any other network and does not transmit,
receive, route, or exchange information outside of the system’s authorization boundary.
STIG. Based on DoD policy and security controls. Implementation guide geared to a specific
product and version. Contains all requirements that have been flagged as applicable for the
product which have been selected on a DoD baseline.
supply chain risk. Defined in Reference (bh).
system. Defined in Reference (dq).
system development life cycle. Defined in Reference (dq).
technical interoperability. The ability for different technologies to communicate and exchange
data based on well-defined and widely adopted interface standards.
TEMPEST. Defined in Reference (dq).
TRANSEC. Defined in Reference (dq).
TPM. The TPM is a microcontroller that stores keys, passwords, and digital certificates. It
typically is affixed to the motherboard of computers. It potentially can be used in any computing
device that requires these functions. The nature of this hardware chip ensures that the
information stored there is made more secure from external software attack and physical theft.
The TPM standard is a product of the Trusted Computing Group consortium. For more
information on the TPM specification and architecture, refer to