LearnToLearn Core Set & Curriculum pack
Curriculum Pack
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Children Should Be Allowed to Express
Themselves In All Ways Possible
Thank you for choosing LearnToLearn from LEGO
In many schools around the world, children are still being taught to express themselves
in a traditional way, primarily using pen and paper. Here at LEGO Education, we believe
that children should also be given the opportunity to experience a progressive learning
method that is more effective, motivating, and engaging.
LEGO Education provides children with opportunities to become effective learners
as well as develop skills of the 21st century: Collaboration, Communication, Creativity,
Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. We focus on curriculum objectives and learning
standards, but we use alternative means to acquire knowledge rather than traditional
pen and paper exercises.
We know from research that when we allow children to use multiple senses during
the learning process, they have a far better chance of fully understanding and
remembering what they have learned.
In other words, they will learn how to learn.
Welcome to the world of LEGO Education solutions!
Esben Stærk Jørgensen
President of LEGO Education
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Table of Contents
1. The LEGO
Education Approach to Learning .............................................
2. Introduction ...............................................................................................
3. Classroom Management Tips ...................................................................
4. Getting Started Activities
Building License 1 ........................................................................................
Building License 2 ........................................................................................
Building License 3 ........................................................................................
Building License — Ready, Set, Build! ......................................................... 
5. Engineering & Technology Activities
Across the River ........................................................................................... 
Maggies Wheelchair .................................................................................... 
My Machine Invention .................................................................................. 
6. Language Arts Activities
Scene Builders ............................................................................................. 
What’s That Sound? ...................................................................................... 
Why Describe? .............................................................................................. 
7. Mathematics Activities
Block and Cover ........................................................................................... 
Mirror, Mirror ................................................................................................. 
What’s Behind My Back? .............................................................................. 
8. Science Activities
Balancing Act ............................................................................................... 
Brick Biology ................................................................................................ 
Super Structures .......................................................................................... 
Worms and Birds .......................................................................................... 
9. Social Studies Activities
A Place to Call Home ................................................................................... 
Community Planner ...................................................................................... 
People Perspectives .................................................................................... 
10. Building License Cards ............................................................................... 
11. Mr. Learnie ................................................................................................. 
12. Element Overview ...................................................................................... 
13. Letter to School Management ................................................................ 
14. Letter to Parents ...................................................................................... 
15. LEGO Education Product Grid ................................................................... 
16. Mr. Learnie Building Instructions ........................................................... 
17. Thank you .................................................................................................... 
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Education Approach to Learning
Education LearnToLearn is an educational tool that helps elementary school
students achieve curriculum goals within Engineering & Technology, Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies while also building and reinforcing the
most fundamental learning skills of the 21st century: Collaboration, Communication,
Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. Like all classroom solutions
from LEGO Education, this set is based on “Constructionism,” a school of thought
pioneered by progressive theorists Jean Piaget and Seymour Papert.
Concrete Experience in a Meaningful Context
Constructionism starts with the conviction that children learn best when they
experience things firsthand and within a meaningful context. Unlike simply
memorizing abstract principles, hands-on experimentation with concrete materials
leads to deeper engagement and more memorable learning especially when
children perceive their work as relevant.
LEGO Education and Constructionism
LEGO Education solutions combine specially selected LEGO bricks with learning
activities designed by education experts and are ideal for hands-on learning. All
of our solutions require students to experiment with tangible models building
memorable, curriculum-related knowledge as they construct solutions to carefully
formulated challenges.
The 4C Learning Process a Structured Learning Experience
At LEGO Education, we have turned Constructionist principles of learning and
knowledge about effective learning into a practical, four-step learning process
that all of our classroom solutions support.
The 4C process consists of four steps:
Connect phase awakens students’ curiosity and the desire to learn.
Construct phase encourages the student to tackle the challenge by
building something functional or meaningful to him/her.
Contemplate phase involves reflection and dialogue, with the teacher and
other students, about what everyone has learned from their experience.
Continue phase gives students opportunities to apply their newly acquired
knowledge to new challenges as well as take ownership of their learning.
Throughout this process there can be iterations, as students work continuously
through the steps.
Learning to Learn
In all phases of the 4C process, the teacher plays a critical role as facilitator
and guide, helping students reach their solutions and promoting Collaboration,
Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking, and Problem Solving. Applying this
process to curriculum content results not only in the acquisition of curriculum-
related knowledge but in stronger fundamental learning skills.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Getting Started
To help you communicate the purpose and value of using LEGO
LearnToLearn in your classroom, templates of a letter to your school management
and a letter to the parents can be found on pages 30 and 31.
Introduce LEGO Education LearnToLearn into your classroom by implementing
Building License 1-3 activities. These three activities will help you create guidelines
and successful management systems for using bricks in your classroom. Then
progress to the activity called “Building License Ready, Set, Learn!” in which
students will demonstrate their readiness to participate in future activities. When
complete, students will receive Building Licenses, which they can display proudly!
Each of the activities focus on one subject and skill of the 21st century, however they
often incorporate several skills. See the top headings for the subject and skill.
Each activity consists of an Objective, which describes the key curriculum focus,
Activity Steps, which suggest a natural learning flow, Discussion Questions, which
prompt reflection and discussion, and an Extension, which provides more ideas.
Grade Level Modifications can be found in the sidebar. Use these to modify the
lesson to either lower grades (grades 1–2) or upper grades (grades 3–4). The
sidebar also contains photo examples of what other students have built when
doing this activity. Use them as inspiration.
Each activity includes a suggested time frame in which to complete the Activity
Steps and Discussion Questions.
In each activity, students are either working individually or with other students.
The symbols indicate which way of working is suggested. However, many activities
provide opportunities for students to share with others or discuss as a whole group.
Time Frame Symbol
Working Individually Symbol
Working with Others Symbol
Engineering & Technology
Language Arts
Social Studies
Skills of the
21st Century
Critical Thinking
Problem Solving
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Classroom Management Tips
Here are valuable tips from teachers who have used LEGO
Education solutions in
the classroom. Try as many of these as you like or adapt them to fit your needs:
Brick Management
Write names or student numbers on the bags.
Use a piece of thin felt, lunch tray, or other material to create a designated
building space.
Allow students to work on the floor when possible.
Create a “lost brick bin” for any bricks that are unclaimed at the end of the activity.
Two brick separators have been included. Keep them in a special place so that
students can borrow them when needed. See the sidebar for ways to use the
brick separator.
Cleanup Strategies
Try one of these methods to keep track of bricks after each activity. Students will
become more and more efficient at completing these tasks:
Print and laminate a color copy of the Element Overview on page 29 for each
student. At the end of each activity, have students match their bricks to the
corresponding image before placing them in their bags to ensure that the sets
are complete and ready to be used for the next activity. It may be helpful for
students in lower grades to first separate their bricks by color and then match
them with the image.
Print and laminate a color copy of Mr. Learnie on page 28 for each student and/
or provide each student with a copy of the building instructions on pages 33–39.
At the end of each activity, have students build Mr. Learnie. He is made up of every
brick in the set, so if students can complete the models, they know that the sets
are ready to be used for the next activity.
Some teachers invite students to use trays
to help manage their bricks.
Use the brick separator to lift bricks
or push rods out.
ElEmEnt OvErviEw
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2014 The LEGO Group. 076507.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2014 The LEGO Group. 076507.
Front View 1:1 Back View 1:1
Constructed by LEGO
Designer Ina, Denmark
Element Overview (page 29)
Mr. Learnie (page 28)
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
45–60 min.
Building License 1
Objective: Students will explore their LearnToLearn Sets and practice management skills.
Activity Steps
1. Invite students to think of a time when they tried something new, like a sport,
instrument, or game. Remind students that when they try something new, they
have to practice and become pros! Sometimes people even need to get a license to
show that they are ready to do something special, like drive, or become a teacher
or doctor.
2. Tell students about the LearnToLearn Sets. Since this is something new, they have
to practice and become pros. Tell them that once they have practiced using the
sets three times and demonstrate their readiness to do more activities, they will
have their own Building License. Today is the first practice session!
3. Divide students into pairs, and tell them that each pair needs a printed copy of
Mr. Learnie, one big bag, one small bag, and two baseplates. Tell them that the
bags have enough bricks for two Mr. Learnies—one for each student. Hand out
the materials to the students, and give them about 10 min. to build their own
Mr. Learnie.
4. Compare the models in class, and ensure they all look the same.
5. Tell students to take Mr. Learnie apart and build their own models, but they can
only use the bricks from their own Mr. Learnie. Give students about 20 min. to
explore the set and build their models. As students build, encourage them to share
their models with others.
6. Give each student a 5 min. warning before they need to clean up. Provide each
student with a brick bag, and demonstrate how to use the Element Overview or
Mr. Learnie model to ensure they have used all their bricks.
Discussion Questions
What did you build during your exploration time and why?
What are three things you noticed about your set?
Why is it important that you and your classmates keep track of the bricks?
Print enough copies so that each of your students will have a license. Cut out the cards
and give one to each student after finishing “Building License — Ready, Set, Build!”
You may choose to print pictures of the students and have them paste them on top of
the minifigures. You may also choose to laminate the cards after students fill them in.
Building License Cards
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
You may wish to show students the
Building License (template on page 27).
ElEmEnt OvErviEw
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2014 The LEGO Group. 076507.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce de/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2014 The LEGO Group. 076507.
Front View 1:1 Back View 1:1
Constructed by LEGO
Designer Ina, Denmark
Element Overview (page 29)
Mr. Learnie (page 28)
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Building License 2
Objective: Students will sort and categorize bricks in multiple ways.
Activity Steps
1. Invite students to recall the last time they used their LearnToLearn Sets. Review
successful methods of getting out and putting away their bricks. Remind them that
they are each on their way to earning a Building License!
2. Give each student the set assigned to him/her. Allow students 10–15 min. to build
whatever they want. Give them a 2 min. warning before it is time to stop building.
3. Facilitate a discussion on attributes. Hold up various bricks to show two different
attributes: color and shape. Tell the students that they are going to sort their bricks
into categories based on attributes. First, have students sort by color. Consider
creating a sorting template for students to use.
4. Encourage students to create a name for each category. Document these
names for the next activity, “Building License 3,” where students work more with
names. Invite students to share their names with the person next to them and
5. Ask students to repeat the sorting process by shape instead of color.
6. Ask students to clean up. They may use the Element Overview or Mr. Learnie model.
Discussion Questions
How many categories did you make?
How did the categories look similar and/or different?
Which bricks were difficult to sort and why?
Solution Example: Students have
sorted by color
Solution Example: Students have
sorted by shape
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Explain that attributes are
characteristics. Shape and
color are two characteristics
that students can use to
describe the bricks. Explain
that categories, in this case,
are groups of bricks with
similar attributes.
Upper Grades:
Ask students to sort by
multiple attributes or by other
attributes, such as size or
number of studs (the raised
parts on top of the bricks).
35–50 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Building License 3
Objective: Students will work together to create a set of common names for their bricks.
Activity Steps
1. Invite students to recall the names they created for different categories the last
time they used their LearnToLearn Sets. Discuss how confusing it is when they call
the same thing by different names. It would be helpful if they agreed on a name for
each brick.
2. Have students brainstorm names for each brick based on their attributes and
categories: for example, blue, round brick, green, square brick, and so forth. Ask
students to agree on or vote for their favorites.
3. Create a Brick Names List on a poster with images of the bricks and the agreed-
upon names next to them.
4. Tell students they will be working with a partner to practice using the brick names.
Give each student his/her set. The “naming partner” says the names of five or more
bricks from the Brick Names List. The “building partner” finds those bricks in his/her
set and builds a model with them. Have both students look at the model and check
that the building partner used the bricks that the naming partner intended. Have
students take turns in each role.
5. Ask students to clean up. They may use the Element Overview or Mr. Learnie model.
Discussion Questions
How did you decide as a class on the names?
What was difficult about making a group decision?
When doing the partner activity, how did having common names help?
Solution Example: A model with seven
bricks constructed by the building partner
40–50 min.
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
When it is time to practice
using the brick names,
choose a student helper to
assist you in modeling this
activity for the class.
Upper Grades:
Give the building partner a
time limit of 60 secs. to build
their model.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Building License — Ready, Set, Build!
Objective: Students will create a Class Guidelines List and demonstrate knowledge
they have gained in the last three activities to receive their Building License.
Activity Steps
1. Invite students to recall the Brick Names List they created. Tell students today that
they will create a Brick Guidelines List. Ask students to brainstorm guidelines for
successful building. Write them where everyone can see.
2. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets. Tell students to gather the eight bricks
shown in the sidebar by using the names from the Brick Names List.
3. Ask students to build a duck any way they want as long as they use all eight
bricks. As they build, remind them of the guidelines that they just created.
4. When students are finished building, have them label and place their ducks
together so that they can compare them. How are they similar and/or different?
Point out that each student used the same bricks, yet each duck is unique! As
they do future activities with the sets, students can each have different ways of
approaching the activities because they are unique individuals!
5. Congratulate the students on following the guidelines. Pass out a Building License
for each student to complete.
6. Ask students to clean up. They may use the Element Overview or Mr. Learnie model.
Discussion Questions
Why is it important to agree on class guidelines?
How were the ducks similar? How were they different?
Why is it important to recognize that everyone is unique?
Eight bricks for this activity
Solution Example: Ducks constructed
by students around the world!
Possible Brick Guidelines
Help others pick up bricks
that fall on the floor.
Always check that you
have all of your bricks
when putting them away.
Ask each other for help
when needed.
Solve problems together.
Communicate with your
4050 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Across the River
Objective: Students will explore bridge structures by designing and building their
own bridges.
Activity Steps
1. Tell students about Emma and Thomas, who are good friends. They are on
separate sides of a river. The river is very choppy, so neither one can swim to the
other side. Ask students, “How can you help Emma and Thomas?” Perhaps they
need a bridge!
2. Guide students in conducting research on bridges by looking at a few pictures of
bridges, reading an article, or watching a short video.
3. Based on the age and ability of your students, choose a brick or bricks to
represent the river. The wider the river, the more difficult the challenge. Use the
two minifigures to represent the friends, Emma and Thomas.
4. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets to build a bridge to help Emma and
Thomas. Encourage students to test their bridges by making sure they can hold
both minifigures.
5. Have students share their designs with the class. Ask them to compare and
contrast the bridges and relate them to their research.
Discussion Questions
How did you decide on the design of your bridge?
What was difficult about this challenge? How did you overcome it?
How is your bridge design different from and/or similar to other bridges?
Encourage students to write a story about how their two minifigures came to be on
opposite sides of a river and why they need to get to each other. Have students
share their stories with a partner or with the entire class.
Delve deeper into Engineering and Technology by designing solutions with
the 9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A stable bridge
constructed by Catharina, Brazil
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Provide pictures of bridges
made from blocks or bricks
as inspiration for the students.
Upper Grades:
Have students research
types of bridges and choose
one to build. You may give
additional design constraints,
such as the bridge cannot
touch the brick or bricks
representing the river.
9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Maggies Wheelchair
Objective: The students will explore wheels and axles and develop an understanding
of the needs of others.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion about wheels and axles. Show students that their
LearnToLearn Sets contain the bricks, shown in the sidebar, that can be used as
axles and wheels.
2. Tell students about a girl named Maggie who has used a wheelchair all her life. It is
her first day at a new school, and Maggie would like a new wheelchair to start the
school year. She wants it to be fast, keep her safe, and look interesting and fun!
3. Have students work independently or in pairs using one LearnToLearn Set to
design and construct a new wheelchair for Maggie.
4. Prompt students to test and adapt their designs until they are satisfied that
Maggie can get to her class on time, safely, and in style!
5. Have students share their final designs with the class.
Discussion Questions
How did you decide on your wheelchair design?
What happened during testing, and how did you change your design?
What special features did you include?
At Maggie’s school, they have ramps and elevators as well as stairs so that Maggie
can get to her class. Ask students to evaluate their own schools. What improvements
could be made to meet the needs of everyone? Prompt students to discuss an
action plan for school improvements.
Delve deeper into Engineering and Technology by exploring how wheels, axles,
and other simple machines function with the 9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set.
Go to to learn more!
Elements for Wheels and Axles
Solution Example: A four-wheel wheelchair
constructed by Sofie, Denmark
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Explain that an axle is a rod
placed through the center of
a wheel. Demonstrate putting
together an axle and wheels
with the bricks from the set
(see sidebar images for
Upper Grades:
Challenge students to build
a wheelchair that must also
include a place for Maggie’s
9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
My Machine Invention
Objective: The students will explore and demonstrate an understanding of machines
and inventions by designing and building their own.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion about machines. Invite students to give examples of
machines that have already been invented. Point out that machines often help
solve a problem.
2. Tell students that they are going to invent machines to solve problems. Choose
a problem that aligns with a current unit of study or use one of the following: The
machine must feed people, build homes, or make a family member’s job easier.
3. Have students work independently or in pairs using one LearnToLearn Set to
invent, design, and construct a machine.
4. Encourage them to ask each other questions and make observations. Then have
students adapt their models based on these observations. You may have students
take photos of each prototype to record the adaptations made.
5. As students finalize their machine inventions, have them share their final designs
with other students who have also finished.
Discussion Questions
How does your machine invention solve the problem?
How would people use the machine?
What was challenging about inventing a completely new machine?
How did you overcome this challenge?
Prompt students to write user guides detailing steps to follow when using the machines.
You may consider bringing in examples of user guides for inspiration. For students who
are not proficient in writing, encourage them to record verbal instructions.
Delve deeper into Engineering and Technology by building and programming
moving machines with motors and sensors with the 45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example:
A “flying machine
constructed by
Anne Katrine, Denmark
Solution Example: A “sewing maker machine”
constructed by Brixi-jean, United Kingdom
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Consider having a collage
showing pictures of
machines. These pictures
can be used to encourage
or inspire the students.
Upper Grades:
Specify a type of machine,
or challenge students with
design constraints, such as
“the machine must contain
two moving parts.
45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Scene Builders
Objective: The students will build an important scene from a story that they have
read or an original story that they create.
Activity Steps
1. Discuss the important elements of stories, like setting, characters, and plot.
2. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets to build a scene from a story. Students
may build an important scene from a story that they have read recently or from an
original story that they create.
3. If students have built a scene from a story that they have read, ask them to write a
description of the scene and compare their description with the story. If students
have built a scene from an original story, ask them to write about the scene.
4. Ask students to share what they have written with the student next to them or with
the whole class, if time allows.
Discussion Questions
How did you show the setting (time and place), plot, staging, and so forth
using your bricks?
Why did you feel this was an important scene?
What details did you include to make your scene clear to other students?
Have students create a “good books to read” bulletin board with the completed written
summaries on display in order to encourage other students to read the books.
Delve deeper into Language Arts by exploring story components, structure,
and writing with the 45100 StoryStarter Core Set and StoryVisualizer software.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A campfire scene from an
original story constructed by Emilie, Australia
Solution Example: A scene from “The Princess
and the Peaconstructed by Eleanor, Denmark
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Students may focus on one
element, such as settings
or characters. When writing,
students may write words or
simple sentences.
Upper Grades:
Discuss more complex
elements of stories with
students, such as mood and
conflict. When writing, students
may write a paragraph or more.
45100 StoryStarter Core Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Whats That Sound?
Objective: The students will demonstrate an understanding of letter sounds
and/or words.
Activity Steps
1. Review sounds that the class has been learning. Based on students’ age and
ability, they may be single letter sounds, blended sounds, or words with silent
sounds. Make a list of the sounds for the students, and pick one of the sounds
to focus on for this activity.
2. Have the students make a list of objects that contain that sound. Then have
students use their LearnToLearn Sets to build the objects. For instance, in lower
grades, when learning the “s” sound, students may build a snake, slide, or sign.
In upper grades, when learning the “st” sound, students may build a staircase,
store, or post office.
3. Once students have finished building, ask them to share with the student next
to them or with the whole class.
4. Place all the models together, take pictures, and make a class vocabulary list
with the pictures.
Discussion Questions
Is the sound a single-letter sound or blended sound and why?
Is the sound in the beginning or end of the word you chose?
Did anyone choose the same word? If so, what are the similarities
and/or differences between your models?
Have students write or record silly sentences with alliteration or
multiple occurrences of the same sound.
Delve deeper into Language Arts by exploring other literary devices with the
45100 StoryStarter Core Set. Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A transformer that
demonstrates the ‘t’ sound constructed
by Cam, United Kingdom
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Brainstorm words containing
the sound before beginning
to build. Emergent readers
may use the correct sound
but the word is spelled
differently. For example, when
exploring the “k” sound,
students may build a cat.
Upper Grades:
Challenge students to think
about sounds that are in
different parts of words. For
example, the “sh” sound is
in the beginning of “sheep,
the middle of “fishing,” and
the end of trash.
45100 StoryStarter Core Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Why Describe?
Objective: The students will explore descriptive details and words or adjectives.
Activity Steps
1. For this activity, use a recent topic or theme from any area, such as Social
Studies, Science, etc. Ask students to brainstorm a list of people, places, or
objects related to the topic or theme.
2. Have students use their LearnToLearn Set to build a person, place, or object.
3. Facilitate a discussion on descriptive details and words or adjectives.
4. Have students work with a partner to take turns guessing the person, place, or
object that their partner built. After each incorrect guess, the student who built
the model must add a descriptive detail to their model. Do this until one of the
students correctly identifies the model or after three incorrect guesses.
5. Prompt students to write words or sentences describing the person, place,
or object that they have built.
Discussion Questions
What is the most important descriptive word or adjective
related to your model and why?
Why was it important to add descriptive details to your model?
Why do people use descriptive language?
Create a class poster of the descriptive words and sentences that students
created, including photos of their models. Encourage students to use it as a
visual dictionary during future writing assignments.
Delve deeper into Language Arts by creating descriptive stories with
the 45100 StoryStarter Core Set and using the StoryVisualizer software to record
and document their writing. Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: The Wright Brothers
working on a plane constructed by
Dohyun, South Korea
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Explain that an adjective
is a word used to describe
people, places, or objects.
Give some examples before
asking students for a list of
Upper Grades:
Ask students to give
examples of adjectives in all
their forms, such as good,
better, and best.
45100 StoryStarter Core Set
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Block and Cover
Objective: The students will demonstrate spatial thinking, counting, and problem-
solving skills while playing a strategic game.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on games. Tell students they will be playing a math game
today. The goal of the game is to have the most studs of their color visible by
the end of the game. Remind students that studs are the raised parts on top of
the bricks.
2. Have students work with a partner using one LearnToLearn Set. Have each student
choose a color and collect all of the bricks in that color. Then have each student
place the 2x2, round brick in one of the corners of the building plate, as shown in
the sidebar.
3. Prompt students to take turns placing any brick in their color on the building plate.
The first brick must touch their 2x2, round brick. It can be either alongside or on
top of it.
4. Have students take turns placing bricks on the building plate while always
touching at least one brick of their color. (It is OK to touch the other player’s color
as well.) They may build on top of existing bricks, and the bricks may extend
beyond the edges of the building plate.
5. When both students have placed all of their bricks, tally up the final score by
counting how many studs are visible. Students may display results in a graph.
Discussion Questions
What strategies did you use while playing the game?
Which sizes and shapes of bricks worked best and why?
How did you determine the score at the end of the game?
Have students work in pairs or small groups to create a problem-solving game of
their own using the bricks in the set. Ask them to create a set of directions. Then,
have another group in the class try their directions to see if they make sense.
Delve deeper into Mathematics by exploring the competencies for mathematical problem
solving through game-like activities with the 45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: The beginning of the game
Solution Example: The end of the game:
Students were asked “How many studs are
showing in each color, and which student
has more?”
Red: 25
Blue: 27
Blue has more!
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Demonstrate how the game
is played by playing with a
student. Also allow for a trial
run of the game.
Upper Grades:
Create additional rules, such
as they may not cover the
other playerscolors. Or have
students use both building
plates to make the game
board larger.
45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Mirror, Mirror
Objective: The students will explore colors, shapes, patterns, and symmetry.
Activity Steps
1. Review the concept of symmetry, or use this lesson as an introduction. Show
students examples of symmetry, or have them research examples to share with the
class. Remind students that whatever is on one side has to be on the other for a
design to be symmetrical.
2. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets to build symmetrical designs. They may
do this by placing bricks on the building plate like a mosaic, or they may create a
vertical design. See the photos in the sidebar for examples. It is OK if the designs
are not perfectly symmetrical. Some students may focus on symmetrical shape
while others focus on color.
3. When students are finished building, prompt them to share their design with
a student next to them. Have students “check” each other’s designs and give
suggestions for improvements if needed.
Discussion Questions
How did you decide on your design?
How did you check that your design is symmetrical?
Show me the middle of your design (the symmetry line).
Are there more lines of symmetry?
Have students work in pairs. Prompt one student to build a design with his/her
LearnToLearn Set and the other student to build the mirror image of the design
using his/her set.
Delve deeper into Mathematics by exploring the competencies for mathematical
problem solving with the 45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: Mosaic design
constructed by Maria, Brazil
Solution Example: Vertical design
constructed by Vinicius, Brazil
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Place a temporary line down
the middle of the building plate
to emphasize that whatever
they build on one side, they
must build on the other.
Upper Grades:
Discuss symmetry lines
(vertical versus horizontal)
and have students place
amirror along the symmetry
line to see the symmetrical
design. Then remove the
mirror and check that their
design is symmetrical. You
may also introduce diagonal
lines of symmetry.
45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Whats Behind My Back?
Objective: The students will expand their knowledge of mathematical terms related
to positions, numbers, and colors while communicating with a partner.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on communication by talking about being clear and specific
when speaking.
2. Have students work with a partner using their LearnToLearn Sets. Have one partner
pick five bricks from his/her set, and have the other partner pick out the exact
same bricks from his/her set. Ask all students to take out their gray building plates
as well.
3. Have the partners sit back-to-back, and ask one student to build a secret model
on his/her building plate, so that the other student cannot see it.
4. Prompt the partner who built the secret model to explain to the other partner how
to build an exact copy by using descriptive language, such as on top of, on the
side, underneath, and so forth.
5. When the students are finished, ask them to compare and contrast the two
models. If time allows, have students switch roles and repeat.
Discussion Questions
How does it feel to communicate with someone without looking at them?
What would make this activity easier and why?
Why is it important to be able to clearly communicate to others?
Play the model memory game. Hide a prebuilt model and show it to students for a
few seconds, then ask them to try to build the model from memory. Show the model
as many times as needed for students to complete the replica.
Delve deeper into Mathematics by exploring the competencies for mathematical
problem solving with the 45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2.
Go to to learn more!
Have your students sit back-to-back like
the minifigures in this model.
Solution Example: Models constructed
by Shahad and Rikke, Denmark. After
placing them side by side, they noticed
the differences between the two models.
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Allow students to ask
questions or briefly look at
the model a few times during
the building process. You
may also prompt them to
build less complex models,
such as towers.
Upper Grades:
Have students use more
bricks, and prompt them to
build more complex models.
You may also add a time limit.
45210 MoreToMath Core Set 1-2
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Balancing Act
Objective: The students will explore balance, weight, and scales.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on “balance.” You may ask students to demonstrate balance
by standing on one foot or discuss how they play on a teeter-totter. Talk about the
long part that they sit on (the beam), and the part in the middle that doesn’t move
(the fulcrum) around which the effort (the force) and load (weight) move.
2. Show students an example of a balance scale. Discuss the scale’s components
and purpose. Tell students that they are going to build scales.
3. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets to build scales. You may demonstrate
building the balance mechanism by using the bricks in the sidebar image.
Encourage students to experiment with their scale by adjusting the position of the
fulcrum and the distance of the effort and load.
4. As students finish building, have them take turns with a partner placing bricks or
“weight” on one side of the scale. Ask students to discuss their findings.
Discussion Questions
When placing weight on one side, how did you know which side was
heavier and which was lighter?
How did you know when the scale was balanced?
Were there any bricks that looked different but were the same weight?
Tell students that there are many kinds of scales. Have students research
other kinds of scales and build them or invent their own kind of scale.
Delve deeper into Science by exploring levers and balance with
the 9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A scale constructed by
Education designer Ina, Denmark
Elements for Balance Mechanism
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Explain that a lever is the
plank that goes up and down
and the fulcrum is the middle
that stays in the same place.
Upper Grades:
Have students use the white,
1x10 plates from both sets
to create a really long lever.
Remind them to be sure to
remember to put one white,
1x10 plate back in each set
at cleanup.
9686 Simple & Powered Machines Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Brick Biology
Objective: The students will explore and demonstrate an understanding of animals
and where they live (habitats).
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on animals and their habitats. You may structure the activity
around a specific animal or group, such as domestic, wild, or endangered animals.
2. Tell students they will be working with a partner. Prompt students to work together
to choose an animal.
3. Have students use one of their LearnToLearn Sets to build the animal they chose.
They will use the other set during the next step.
4. Then, ask students to construct their animal’s habitat with the other partner’s
LearnToLearn Set. Remind students to keep the sets separate in order to make
cleanup easier.
5. Encourage students to share and discuss, first with another group, then with the
whole class, if time allows.
Discussion Questions
What are the characteristics of your animal and its habitat?
How has the animal adapted to live in this habitat?
Is the animal endangered? If so, why or how is it endangered?
Encourage students to write words, sentences, or paragraphs about their animals
and habitats. Let students keep models in front of them while writing, because this
will help them use more descriptive words. You may consider taking photos of each
model and displaying them in the room alongside their writing.
Delve deeper into Science by building wild animals and making them come to life
by programming with the 45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A beach, the turtle’s
habitat, constructed by Cooper and Josie,
United States
Solution Example: A turtle constructed
by Cooper and Josie, United States
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Before starting the activity,
you may wish to show
pictures of animals and
review where they live.
Write a list of them for
students to choose from.
Upper Grades:
Have students research
specific animals and
incorporate their research
into their models.
45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Super Structures
Objective: The students will explore structure, stability, and weight as they build towers.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on towers. You may show pictures or videos of real-life towers.
2. Tell students they are going to make their own towers. Have students work with a
partner using one LearnToLearn Set to build the tallest tower possible.
3. When students are finished building, have the class take a “gallery walk” to see all
of the different designs.
4. Decide, as a class, on a way to measure the towers to see which is the tallest.
5. Have a class discussion on the strategies used to create the tallest towers
possible. Ask what worked well and what did not work well.
6. Have the students predict which tower in the classroom is the most stable
structure if the surface the models are on starts to shake. Have them explain why
they think so.
Discussion Questions
What did you learn when looking at the designs of others?
How did you work together?
How else could you have measured the towers?
Because towers are extremely tall, they can be very unstable. Discuss the concept
of center of gravity. Have the students test the stability of their structures by shaking
the baseplates gently. Discuss how to create an accurate test to find the most stable
structure in the classroom. Conclude by having students reflect on their hypothesis.
Delve deeper into Science by testing structures with an earthquake simulator with
the 45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set. Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A skyscraper
constructed by Lexi, United States
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Provide students with
guidance for building stable
towers, such as creating a
wider base, and using as many
bricks as possible from the set.
Upper Grades:
Give students a time limit for
how long they have to design
and build.
45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set
30–45 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
30-45 min.
Worms and Birds
Objective: Students will explore the principles of computational thinking by
participating in a strategic game.
Activity Steps
1. Tell students about the worm and the bird, who are very hungry. The worm really
wants to reach the apple so it can eat it, but it has to be very careful, because the
bird wants to eat the worm.
2. Have students take out the required bricks and set them up on the baseplate as
shown in the sidebar.
3. Explain to students that the worm needs to reach the apple without touching the
bird, and the only way to do this is by using the bricks in front of them. They need
to calculate the number of studs on the bricks, and that number represents the
number of studs on the baseplate that students can move their worm.
Each brick has an assigned action.
Red: move forward Yellow: turn left
Blue: move backward Round: spin around
Orange: turn right
4. Tell students they need to choose their bricks carefully; for example, altogether
there are four studs on one of the red bricks, so the worm can move four studs
forward. They should not attach the bricks to the baseplate but leave the ones
they used in a separate pile. Have students work independently to complete the
5. Ask students which bricks they used and to compare solutions. Explain to students
that all solutions are correct and there are several ways to achieve the same
Discussion Questions
How did you decide which route to take?
What was the most difficult part of the task?
How is your LEGO
brick solution similar to computer coding?
Have students work in pairs to build the extension model shown in the sidebar.
This time explain that one student controls the worm and the other student
controls the bird. The objectives are for the worm to reach the apple and the bird
to catch the worm before it reaches the apple.
Delve deeper into computational thinking by exploring the principles
of computational thinking with the 45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
In pairs, let students create
three different routes.
Upper Grades:
Have students create more
obstacles and complete the
game again.
45300 WeDo 2.0 Core Set
Solution Example: The beginning of the
extension game
Elements for the game
Solution Example: The beginning of the
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
A Place to Call Home
Objective: The students will explore house designs from different cultures.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion on key elements of a specific culture. You may choose one
from a recent unit of study.
2. Tell students that people often construct houses that fit the specific needs of their
culture. The type of house often depends on the geography of the area, availability
of resources, lifestyles of the people, and needs of their culture. Discuss these
influences in relation to the specified culture.
3. Have students use their LearnToLearn Sets to construct a house for people from
the specified culture.
4. When students are finished building, have them share their houses with the
person next to them and explain the special features that make them suited to
the specified culture.
Discussion Questions
What materials would your house be made of in the real world?
How would people build the house you designed in the real world?
How does your house accommodate the needs and environment
of the specified culture?
Ask students to consider how houses would be different in the future. They may
discuss how new inventions and technology would influence houses. Invite students
to build a house of the future. Take photos of the original and new models so that
students can compare and contrast the two.
Delve deeper into Social Studies by exploring community and other areas of the
world with the 45110 BuildToExpress Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A house constructed
by Mu, Singapore
Solution Example:
A castle
constructed by
South Korea
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Ask students to build the
house he/she lives in before
trying to build one from
another culture, as this will
be more relatable.
Upper Grades:
Ask students to consider that
people with unique roles in
a culture may need unique
houses. Have students incor-
porate these differences into
their houses.
45110 BuildToExpress Core Set
3045 min.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Community Planner
Objective: The students will explore communities and the needs of citizens.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion about communities by asking students to describe the
community in which they live.
2. Tell students they are going to build a community. This community needs places
like stores, schools, restaurants, emergency services, and so forth.
3. Have students use their LearnToLearn Set to build one of the places in their
community. Have them label their model with their names and the name of the place.
4. As students finish building, have them organize their buildings. Facilitate a class
discussion as students observe and analyze all their models together. Ask
students about what they need to add or change to make sure the citizens have
everything they need.
5. Continue modifying the community until the whole class is satisfied that it is
complete, and then ask students to create a name for their community.
Discussion Questions
How did you work together to complete the community?
What are the most important components of the community and why?
How does this community compare to the community that you live in?
Have students design posters, brochures, or business cards that promote
the business or describe the function of the place they created.
Delve deeper into Social Studies by exploring community and other areas
of the world with the 45110 BuildToExpress Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A “burger house
constructed by William, United Kingdom
Solution Example: A community created
by teacher Amy’s class, United Kingdom
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Start out by having students
make a list of buildings they
see in their community. When
they start to build their model,
have them refer to the list, if
Upper Grades:
Discuss the idea of trading
goods and services.
45110 BuildToExpress Core Set
4560 min.
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©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
People Perspectives
Objective: The students will demonstrate understanding of the characteristics of
important people.
Activity Steps
1. Facilitate a discussion about the roles of people in communities all over the
world. Ask students to give examples of people who have important roles within a
community. You may choose to focus on a specific person that the class has been
learning about.
2. Prompt the students to think about details and important characteristics of this
person. This may include what the person looked like, what they did, who they
knew, and so forth.
3. Have students use their LearnToLearn Set to construct a model that represents the
person, including the details they recalled.
4. When students are finished building, prompt them to write words or sentences
about the person they chose. Once they are done writing, have students share in
small groups or with the whole class, if time allows.
Discussion Questions
What key details are most important about the person that you chose?
What were the most important bricks in your model?
How did this person affect the community or world?
Ask students to consider what new roles our communities and world will need in the
future. Ask students questions, such as: Who will fill these roles? How can you and your
classmates become people who will benefit the community or world? Ask students to
write or discuss how they will affect their community or world in the future.
Delve deeper into Social Studies by sharing different perspectives and
expressing ideas with the 45110 BuildToExpress Core Set.
Go to to learn more!
Solution Example: A lifeguard constructed
by Charlotte, Australia
Solution Example: A drummer constructed
by Jungyoung, South Korea
Grade Level Modifications
Lower Grades:
Students may focus on a type
of community helper rather
than a specific person, such
as a police officer, firefighter,
teacher, or the mayor.
Upper Grades:
Students may focus on histor-
ical figures from recent units
of study from different eras,
cultures, and so forth, such
as famous political leaders,
activists, authors, and artists.
45110 BuildToExpress Core Set
3045 min.
Print enough copies so that each of your students will have a license. Cut out the cards
and give one to each student after finishing “Building License — Ready, Set, Build!”
You may choose to print pictures of the students and have them paste them on top of
the minifigures. You may also choose to laminate the cards after students fill them in.
Building License Cards
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
©2014 The LEGO Group
Favorite object to construct:
Building License
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©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Front View 1:1 Back View 1:1
Constructed by LEGO
Designer Ina, Denmark
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©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Dear School Management
I am writing to inform you about LEGO
Education LearnToLearn, a unique and cross-
curricular tool I feel will be a valuable addition to my classroom.
The LearnToLearn solution is based on the educational theory of Constructionism,
which is rooted in the belief that children learn best when they experience things
firsthand and within a meaningful context.
I truly believe that this hands-on experimentation with concrete materials will lead
to deeper engagement and development of skills of the 21st century: Collaboration,
Communication, Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
Perhaps the best news is that the cost of an entire classroom implementation of
LEGO Education LearnToLearn is very small, so we could even finance it with the
classroom budget.
In summation, I would like to quickly review the benefits of integrating this solution:
Directly addresses several areas of our curriculum.
Constructionist approach to learning, resulting in higher
student engagement and memorable experiences.
Supports fundamental, skills of the 21st century.
Very affordable, i.e., doesn’t compete with books, etc.
Reputable company in education for over thirty years.
I truly hope you are as excited about this idea as I am, and I look forward to hearing
your thoughts and fielding any other questions you may have.
Thank you for your time.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Dear Parent
Our class will begin using a new learning tool called LEGO
Education LearnToLearn.
I am writing to let you know what we’re doing with this tool, how it works, and how I
expect it to benefit your child.
Learning by Doing
For over thirty years, LEGO Education has been developing educational solutions
based on a well-established educational theory that holds that children learn best
and remember more through hands-on experience with physical things.
Teaching Required Subjects Using a Hands-on Approach
In our class, we’ll be incorporating LearnToLearn across the areas of Engineering
& Technology, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies. However,
instead of memorizing the abstract principles and formulas related to these subjects,
your child will use LEGO bricks to construct knowledge in the subject areas as well
as building skills of the 21st century.
Learning to Learn
With the integration of this solution into our curriculum, it is my hope that your child
will not only learn subjects more effectively but will also improve his/her collaboration,
communication, creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
Most importantly, your child will be learning to learn in a new and exciting way. Our
goal is that this new solution stimulates all childrens love of learning.
I look forward to sharing the results with you at our next parent-teacher conference.
Sincerely yours,
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Now that you have tried LearnToLearn, you probably want more LEGO
Education Sets to explore
thesubject areas and further develop your studentsskills of the 21st century. Look at the chart below to
see which sets would best complement your curriculum based on your favorite LearnToLearn activities.
Then go to for availability and ordering information!
Core Set and
Core Set
WeDo 2.0
Core Set
Core Set 1-2
Machines Set
Simple &
Machines Set
Engineering &
Technology Activities
Across the River
Maggie’s Wheelchair
My Machine Invention
Language Arts
Scene Builders
What’s That Sound?
Why Describe?
Block and Cover
Mirror, Mirror
What’s Behind My Back?
Science Activities
Balancing Act
Brick Biology
Super Structures
Worms and Birds
Social Studies
A Place to Call Home
Community Planner
People Perspectives
Education Product Grid
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Mr. Learnie
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
9 10
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LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group.
©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.
Thank You
We would like to thank all those who helped test activity ideas and provided student models. We would
also like to thank the following teachers for their amazing cooperation in co-developing LearnToLearn:
Lynne Boucher, STEAM Teacher, US
Beth Brubaker, Gifted/Talented Specialist and
Project Coordinator, US
Timothy Burns, Robotics and Media Camp Director, US
Amber Buser, Third Grade Teacher, US
Teresa Dailey, Second Grade Teacher, US
Dr. Shirley Disseler, Assistant Professor of Elementary
Education and Middle Grades Coordinator, US
Holly Doe, Enrichment and Technology Teacher, US
Michelle Faucher-Sharples, Elementary Teacher, US
Nancy Foote, Middle School Teacher, US
Linda Graham, Year Three Teacher, Wales
Erin Hardy, Second Grade Teacher, US
Jenifer Hearn, Elementary Teacher, US
Madlen Hempel, First Grade Teacher, DE
Wendy Henderson, Elementary Teacher, US
Clarissa Jackson, First Grade Teacher, US
Jason Kyle, Elementary Computer/Technology Teacher, US
Amy McIvor, Primary Teacher, UK
Stephanie Nicholls, Primary Teacher, UK
Teresa Nicholls, Primary Teacher, UK
Rachel Parry, Primary Teacher, UK
Bo Pedersen, Primary Teacher, DK
Maridel Schonert, Elementary Teacher, US
Garrett Sims, Elementary Teacher/STEM Educator, US
Carole Townsend, Primary Teacher, UK
Rebekka Trukenmüller, Primary Teacher, DE
Hans Wischmann, Primary Teacher, DE
Christine Zaremba, Technology Coordinator, US
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the/sont des marques de commerce
du/son marcas registradas de LEGO Group. ©2015 The LEGO Group. 094613.