Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1
Official Form 201
Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy 04/22
If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. On the top of any additional pages, write the debtor’s name and the case
number (if known). For more information, a separate document, Instructions for Bankruptcy Forms for Non-Individuals, is available.
1. Debtor’s name
2. All other names debtor used
in the last 8 years
Include any assumed names,
trade names, and doing business
as names
Debtor’s federal Employer
Identification Number (EIN)
___ ___ – ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
4. Debtor’s address
Principal place of business
Number Street
City State ZIP Code
Mailing address, if different from principal place
of business
Number Street
P.O. Box
City State ZIP Code
Location of principal assets, if different from
principal place of business
Number Street
City State ZIP Code
5. Debtor’s website (URL)
Fill in this information to identify the case:
Check if this is an
amended filing
United States Bankruptcy Court for the:
District of _________________
Case number (If known): _________________________ Chapter _____
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
5800 Tennyson Parkway
Plano TX 75024
5 4 1 4 2 9 5 7 5
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 1 of 23
Debtor _______________________________________________________ Case number (if known)_____________________________________
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2
6. Type of debtor
Corporation (including Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP))
Partnership (excluding LLP)
Other. Specify: __________________________________________________________________
7. Describe debtor’s business
A. Check one:
Health Care Business (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(27A))
Single Asset Real Estate (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51B))
Railroad (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(44))
Stockbroker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(53A))
Commodity Broker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(6))
Clearing Bank (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 781(3))
None of the above
B. Check all that apply:
Tax-exempt entity (as described in 26 U.S.C. § 501)
Investment company, including hedge fund or pooled investment vehicle (as defined in 15 U.S.C.
§ 80a-3)
Investment advisor (as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 80b-2(a)(11))
C. NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 4-digit code that best describes debtor. See .
8. Under which chapter of the
Bankruptcy Code is the
debtor filing?
Check one:
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 11. Check all that apply:
Debtor’s aggregate noncontingent liquidated debts (excluding debts owed to
insiders or affiliates) are less than $3,024,725 (amount subject to adjustment on
4/01/25 and every 3 years after that).
The debtor is a small business debtor as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51D). If the
debtor is a small business debtor, attach the most recent balance sheet, statement
of operations, cash-flow statement, and federal income tax return or if all of these
documents do not exist, follow the procedure in 11 U.S.C. § 1116(1)(B).
The debtor is a small business debtor as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51D), and it
chooses to proceed under Subchapter V of Chapter 11.
A plan is being filed with this petition.
Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetition from one or more classes of
creditors, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 1126(b).
The debtor is required to file periodic reports (for example, 10K and 10Q) with the
Securities and Exchange Commission according to § 13 or 15(d) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934. File the Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing
for Bankruptcy under Chapter 11 (Official Form 201A) with this form.
The debtor is a shell company as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rule
Chapter 12
9. Were prior bankruptcy cases
filed by or against the debtor
within the last 8 years?
If more than 2 cases, attach a
separate list.
Yes. District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________
District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________
___ ___ ___ ___
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
5 2 2 3
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 2 of 23
Debtor _______________________________________________________ Case number (if known)_____________________________________
Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3
10. Are any bankruptcy cases
pending or being filed by a
business partner or an
affiliate of the debtor?
List all cases. If more than 1,
attach a separate list.
Yes. Debtor _____________________________________________ Relationship _________________________
District _____________________________________________ When __________________
Case number, if known ________________________________
11. Why is the case filed in this
Check all that apply:
Debtor has had its domicile, principal place of business, or principal assets in this district for 180 days
immediately preceding the date of this petition or for a longer part of such 180 days than in any other
A bankruptcy case concerning debtor’s affiliate, general partner, or partnership is pending in this district.
12. Does the debtor own or have
possession of any real
property or personal property
that needs immediate
Yes. Answer below for each property that needs immediate attention. Attach additional sheets if needed.
Why does the property need immediate attention? (Check all that apply.)
It poses or is alleged to pose a threat of imminent and identifiable hazard to public health or safety.
What is the hazard?
It needs to be physically secured or protected from the weather.
It includes perishable goods or assets that could quickly deteriorate or lose value without
attention (for example, livestock, seasonal goods, meat, dairy, produce, or securities-related
assets or other options).
Other _______________________________________________________________________________
Where is the property?
Number Street
_______________________________________ _______ ________________
City State ZIP Code
Is the property insured?
Yes. Insurance agency ____________________________________________________________________
Contact name ____________________________________________________________________
Phone ________________________________
Statistical and administrative information
13. Debtor’s estimation of
available funds
Check one:
Funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.
After any administrative expenses are paid, no funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors.
14. Estimated number of
More than 100,000
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 3 of 23
06 / 30 / 2022
/s/ Laura Davis Jones
2436 DE
Wilmington, DE 19899
(302) 652-4100 [email protected]
Laura Davis Jones
919 North Market Street, 17th Floor
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 4 of 23
Rider 1 to Voluntary Petition
On the date hereof, the affiliated entity listed below, including the debtor in this chapter 11 case
(collectively, the "Debtors"), filed a petition in this Court for relief under chapter 11 of title 11 of
the United States Code.
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
Maverick II Holdings, LLC
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 5 of 23
June 29, 2022
The undersigned, constituting all of the members of the board of directors (the Board”)
of First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation, a Virginia corporation (the “Company”), hereby adopt
the following resolutions by written consent, in addition to those resolutions approved by the
Board during their meeting as of the date first written above:
A. Appointment of Chief Restructuring Officer:
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that it is desirable and in the best interests of the
Company, and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties, to
appoint a Chief Restructuring Officer (“CRO) to assist with management and operation
of the Company;
WHEREAS, the Board has evaluated the capabilities of several candidates for the
CRO appointment, and is prepared to make an appointment;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that effective as of the date of the
Companys filing of the petition with respect to its case under chapter 11 of title 11 of the
United States Code, §§ 101 et seq. (the Bankruptcy Code”), the Board hereby appoints
Tanya Meerovich as CRO for the Company, to assess the financial condition of the
Company, the Companys current operations, the projected outlook for the Company, and
the best path forward for its success, and shall take all such steps and do all such acts and
things as she or any other member of the Board shall deem necessary or advisable to
proceed with the appointment, installation, and integration of the CRO into the
Companys financial and operational planning;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Company be, and it hereby is, authorized
and directed to pay all fees and expenses incurred in connection with the engagement of
the CRO;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company, including,
without limitation, the CRO (each an Authorized Officerand together the Authorized
Officers”) are, and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in
the name of the Company, to take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further
actions, and to execute, acknowledge, deliver, and file any and all such instruments as
they, in their discretion, may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out the
purpose and intent of the foregoing resolutions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the acts and transactions relating to
matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions of the Companys management,
advisors, and members of the Board, in the name and on behalf of the Company, which
acts would have been approved by the foregoing resolutions except that such acts were
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taken prior to the execution of these resolutions, are hereby in all respects confirmed,
approved and ratified.
B. Chapter 11 Case:
WHEREAS, the Board has considered the financial and operational aspects of the
Company’s business and the recommendations of the Company’s professionals and
WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed the historical performance of the Company,
the market for the Company’s services, and the current and long-term liabilities of the
WHEREAS, the Board has reviewed, considered, and received the
recommendations of the senior management of the Company and the Company’s
professionals and advisors as to a case of the Company under chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code; and
WHEREAS, B2 FIE IV LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, as the owner
of all the equity interests of the Company, has authorized the actions set forth in this
Written Consent.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board has determined, in the
good-faith exercise of its reasonable business judgment, that it is desirable and in the best
interests of the Company, and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested
parties, for the Company to file a voluntary petition under the provisions of chapter 11
the Bankruptcy Code and to take any related actions necessary to file for and effectuate
bankruptcy protection and to take other actions in a bankruptcy case;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers of the Company are,
and each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the
Company, to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate to protect the assets of the
Company and seek protection from creditors, including without limitation, if they deem it
appropriate, to execute and verify or certify a voluntary petition under chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code and to sign or authorize any and all other pleadings, petitions, motions,
schedules, lists, applications, affidavits, instruments, documents, or actions appropriate
and desirable, as determined by them in the exercise of their discretion, prior to and
throughout the course of the bankruptcy case and to take and perform any and all further
acts and deeds that they deem necessary, proper or desirable in connection therewith or in
furtherance of any such petition or the Company’s case in chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further actions, and to execute,
acknowledge, deliver and file any and all such instruments as they, in their discretion,
may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out the purpose and intent of the
foregoing resolutions; and
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 7 of 23
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the acts and transactions relating to
matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions of the Companys management,
advisors and members of the Board, in the name and on behalf of the Company, which
acts would have been approved by the foregoing resolutions except that such acts were
taken prior to the execution of these resolutions, are hereby in all respects confirmed,
approved and ratified.
C. Retention of Advisors:
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that it is desirable and in the best interests of the
Company, and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties to
employ the law firm of Dentons US, LLP as general bankruptcy counsel to the Company
to represent and assist the Company in carrying out its duties under the Bankruptcy Code,
and to take any and all actions to advance the Company’s rights, including filing and
pleading, and in connection therewith, the Company is hereby authorized and directed to
execute appropriate retention agreements, pay appropriate retainers prior to and
immediately upon the filing of the chapter 11 case, and to cause to be filed an appropriate
application for authority to retain the services of Dentons US, LLP;
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that it is desirable and in the best interests of the Company
and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties to engage FTI
Consulting, Inc. (“FTI Consulting”), including those within its employ necessary for it to
perform its duties, as financial consultant for the Company in connection with the chapter
11 case, subject to bankruptcy court approval;
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that is desirable and in the best interests of the Company
and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties to engage
Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP as local counsel in Delaware for the Company in
connection with the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy court approval; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that is desirable and in the best interests of the Company
and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties to engage
Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC as claims agent for the Company in connection with
the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy court approval; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and
each of them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the
Company, to engage Dentons US LLP as general bankruptcy counsel for the Company in
connection with the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy court approval;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 8 of 23
engage FTI Consulting, Inc. as financial consultant for the Company in connection with
the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy court approval;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company,
authorized and directed to engage Pachulski Stang Ziehl & Jones LLP as local counsel in
Delaware for the Company in connection with the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy
court approval;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company,
authorized and directed to engage Kurtzman Carson Consultants LLC as claims agent for
the Company in connection with the chapter 11 case, subject to bankruptcy court
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
employ additional professionals as the Authorized Officers, in their reasonable discretion
deem necessary to represent and assist the Company in carrying out its duties under the
Bankruptcy Code or to carry out the purpose and intent of the foregoing resolutions;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
execute appropriate retention agreements, pay appropriate retainers prior to and
immediately upon the filing of the chapter 11 case, and to cause to be filed an appropriate
application for authority to retain the services of any additional professional;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
engage and retain all assistance by legal counsel, accountants, investment banking
advisors, financial advisors, and other professionals, subject to Bankruptcy Court
approval, and to perform any and all further acts and deeds that the Authorized Officers
deem necessary, proper, advisable, or desirable in furtherance thereof with a view to the
successful prosecution of the Company’s chapter 11 case;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further actions, and to execute,
acknowledge, deliver and file any and all such instruments as they, in their discretion,
may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out the purpose and intent of the
foregoing resolutions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the acts and transactions relating to
matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions of the Company’s management,
advisors and members of the Board, in the name and on behalf of the Company, which
acts would have been approved by the foregoing resolutions except that such acts were
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 9 of 23
taken prior to the execution of these resolutions, are hereby in all respects confirmed,
approved and ratified.
D. Credit Facility:
WHEREAS, it has been proposed that the Company (i) enter into that certain
(a) operational cash flow debtor-in-possession facility (the “Cash Flow DIP Facility”)
with B2 FIE XI LLC (the “Cash Flow DIP Lender) providing postpetition financing
under a senior secured, super priority loan facility and that certain term sheet, approved
subject to modifications in the judgment of the CRO, and (b) debtor-in-possession
warehouse financing facility (the DIP Repo Facility) with Barclays Bank PLC or an
affiliate thereof (the DIP Repo Agent) providing postpetition financing under a master
repurchase agreement and related DIP Repo Facility Documents (as defined in that
certain proposed master repurchase agreement between Barclays Bank PLC as buyer and
First Guaranty Mortgage Company as seller) and that certain term sheet, approved
subject to modifications in the judgment of the CRO, to the Company, as borrower, in its
capacity as debtor-in-possession in the Companys case under chapter 11 of the
Bankruptcy Code, in the forms presented to the Board subject to any further
modifications approved by the Authorized Officers, or any of them, in the exercise of
their reasonable discretion and upon the advice of counsel to be in the best interests of the
Company, and (ii) adopt those certain budgets (the Budgets”) presented to the Board
subject to any further modification approved by the Authorized Officers, or any of them,
in the exercise of their reasonable discretion; and
WHEREAS, the Board has determined, in the good-faith exercise of its
reasonable business judgment, that it is desirable and in the best interests of the
Company, and its creditors, shareholders, employees, and other interested parties to
approve the DIP Credit Facility and adopt the Budget and, subject to the approval of the
Bankruptcy Court, to enter into and perform under the DIP Credit Facility and to act in
accordance with any related orders of the Bankruptcy Court.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Cash Flow DIP Facility, the
DIP Repo Facility and the Budgets, subject to any further modifications approved by the
Authorized Officers, or any of them, in the exercise of their reasonable discretion and
upon the advice of counsel are adopted, approved and ratified in all respects;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company to
execute the Cash Flow DIP Facility and the DIP Repo Facility and to do or cause to be
done all such acts and things, and to take all actions deemed necessary or appropriate, to
cause the Bankruptcy Court’s approval of the Cash Flow DIP Facility, the DIP Repo
Facility and the Budgets;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Authorized Officers be, and each of
them hereby is, authorized and directed, on behalf of and in the name of the Company, to
take or cause to be taken any and all such other and further actions, and to execute,
acknowledge, deliver and file any and all such instruments as they, in their discretion,
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 10 of 23
may deem necessary or advisable in order to carry out the purpose and intent of the
foregoing resolutions; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all of the acts and transactions relating to
matters contemplated by the foregoing resolutions of the Company’s management,
advisors and members of the Board, in the name and on behalf of the Company, which
acts would have been approved by the foregoing resolutions except that such acts were
taken prior to the execution of these resolutions, are hereby in all respects confirmed,
approved and ratified.
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Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 12 of 23
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned directors have signed this consent as
of the date first written above.
Harin de Silva
Richard Le Brun
Dennis Schmal
Katherine Verner
Aaron Samples
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 13 of 23
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned directors have signed this consent as
of the date first written above.
Harin de Silva
Richard Le Brun
Dennis Schmal
Katherine Verner
Aaron Samples
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 14 of 23
Combined Corporate Ownership Statement and List of Equity Security Holders,
Certification of Creditor Matrix
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 15 of 23
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Page 1
Fill in this information to identify the case:
Check if this is an
amended filing
Debtor name
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation
United States Bankruptcy Court for the:
District of
Case number (If known):
Official Form 204
Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 30 Largest Unsecured
Claims and Are Not Insiders
A list of creditors holding the 20 largest unsecured claims must be filed in a Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 case. Include claims which the debtor
disputes. Do not include claims by any person or entity who is an insider, as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(31). Also, do not include claims by
secured creditors, unless the unsecured claim resulting from inadequate collateral value places the creditor among the holders of the 20 largest
unsecured claims.
Name of creditor
and complete
mailing address,
including zip
Name, telephone number, and email
address of creditor contact
Nature of the
(for example, trade
debts, bank loans,
services, and
Indicate if
claim is
, or
Amount of unsecured claim
If the claim is fully unsecured, fill in
only unsecured claim amount. If
claim is partially secured, fill in total
claim amount and deduction for
value of collateral or setoff to
calculate unsecured claim.
claim, if
n for
value of
or setoff
1. Customers Bank 3705 Quakerbridge Rd
Suite 100
Hamilton, NJ 8619
Attn: Scott Goodwin
Telephone: (502) 523-2710
Unsecured Bank
2. South Street
Securities LLC
1155 6th Avenue
New York, NY 10036
Attn: Karen Carnes
Telephone: (212) 824-0734
Margin call $1,570,000
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 16 of 23
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Case number (if known) _ 22- _
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Page 2
3. Daiwa Capital
Markets America
32 Old Slip
14th Floor
New York, NY 10005
Attn: Ryan Geiger
Telephone: (212) 612-6747
Email: ryan.geig[email protected]
Margin call $1,400,000
4. Morgan Stanley
& Co. LLC
1585 Broadway
New York, NY 10036
Attn: Chelsea Mitchell-Byrd
Telephone: (212) 276-7177
Margin call $965,803
5. Jefferies LLC 520 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Attn: Joe Pollicino
Telephone: (866) 533-2051
Margin call $780,000
6. R.J. O'Brien &
Associates, LLC
222 South Riverside Plaza
Chicago, IL 60606
Attn: David Fulscher
Telephone: (312) 373-4899
Margin call $607,975
7. Sourcepoint, Inc. PO Box 1043
Buffalo, NY 14240
Attn: Stephen Parks
Telephone: (972) 822-1565
Trade Debt $605,071
8. HCL Lending
Solutions LLC
330 Portero Ave.
Sunnyvale, CA 94085
Attn: Dennis Postlewaite
Telephone: (321) 223-4431
Trade Debt $447,750
9. Rushmore Loan
Services LLC
15480 Laguna Canyon Road
Suite 100
Irvine, CA 92618
Attn: Terry Smith
Telephone: (949) 341-5720
Trade Debt $ 418,863
10. BMO Capital
601 Lexington Avenue
44th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Attn: Richard Harnett
Telephone: (201) 284-7313
Email: richard.h[email protected]
Margin call $360,000
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 17 of 23
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Case number (if known) _ 22- _
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Page 3
11. Lakeview Loan
4425 Ponce De Leon Blvd
Coral Gables, FL 33146
Attn: Etienne Jouard
Telephone: (305) 631-6298
Email: etienn[email protected]
Trade Debt $328,028
12. Mizuho Securities
320 Park Avenue
12th Floor
New York, NY 10022
Attn: Thomas O'Leary
Telephone: (732) 476-3012
Email: thomas.olear[email protected]
Margin call $290,000
13. Maxwell
Financial Labs,
518 17th Street
Suite 950
Denver, CO 80202
Attn: Brian Simons
Telephone: (914) 924-5136
Trade Debt $238,578
14. ICE Mortgage
Technology, Inc.
4420 Rosewood Drive
Suite 500
Pleasanton, CA 94588
Attn: Sue Sroka
Telephone: (858) 692-5975
Trade Debt $ 220,986
15. Deutsche Bank
Trust Co.
c/o Corporate Trust & Agency Services
PO Box 1757
Church Street Station
New York, NY 10008
Attn: Chris Corcoran
Telephone: (714) 247-6045
Email: christopher.p.corcor[email protected]
16. Indecomm
Holdings, Inc.
379 Thornall Street
2nd Floor
Edison, NJ 08837
Attn: Katherine Baird
Telephone: (704) 909-7394
Email: katherin[email protected]
Trade Debt $123,433
17. Optimal Blue,
601 Riverside Avenue
Jacksonville, FL 32201
Attn: Michelle Kersch
Telephone: (904) 854-5043
Email: michelle[email protected]
Trade Debt $121,613
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 18 of 23
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Case number (if known) _ 22- _
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Page 4
18. Carrington
Services, LLC
1600 South Douglass Road
Anaheim, CA 92806
Attn: Tracey McShane
Telephone: (949) 517-7113
Trade Debt $120,000
19. Quanatative Risk
181 West Madison
41st Floor
Chicago, IL 60602
Attn: Maximillian Betzig
Telephone: (312) 782-4596
20. Planet Home
Lending, LLC
321 Research Parkway
Suite 303
Meriden, CT 06450
Attn: Dawn Pawelczkyk
Telephone: (203) 303-5281
Trade Debt $105,575
21. Wells Fargo
550 South Tyron Street
6th Floor
Charlotte, NC 28202
Attn: Abed Nassar
Telephone: (704) 410-8261
Email: abed.nass[email protected]
Trade Debt $102,225
22. Talx Corporation
(The Work
(now Equifax)
4076 Paysphere Circle
Chicago, IL 60674
Attn: Elain McFarland
Telephone: (949) 295-2454
Email: elain[email protected]
Trade Debt $88,387
23. Adrian Ledsema
Maritza Lopez
2812 S. Trumbull Avenue
Chicago, IL 60623
Attn: Adrian Ledsema
Maritza Lopez
Telephone: (773) 414-2151
Trade Debt Contingent $85,620
24. Total Expert, Inc. 1600 Utica Ave. S.
Suite 800
Saint Louis Park, MN 55416
Attn: Dan LeFevre
Telephone: (303) 349-0851
Email: dan.lef[email protected]m
Trade Debt $84,655
25. Seneca Mortgage
Servicing LLC
48 South Main Street
Newtown, CT 06470
Attn: John Anderson
Telephone: (212) 561-5365
Trade Debt $79,320
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 19 of 23
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Case number (if known) _ 22- _
Official Form 204 Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims Page 5
26. Xactus, LLC 370 Reed Rd.
Suite 100
Broomall, PA 19008
Attn: Sharin Peet
Telephone: (908) 651-0528
Trade Debt $77,820
27. Ritz-Carlton Golf
Resort Naples
2600 Tiburon Dr.
Naples, FL
Attn: Alice Zimmer
Telephone: (239) 254-3360
Email: alice.z[email protected]
Trade Debt $77,440
28. Healthwell
5280 Corporate Drive
Frederick, MD 21701
Attn: Collin Alexander
Telephone: (202) 604-9923
Security deposit Contingent $65,985
29. 12667 Alcosta Blvd
Suite 250
San Ramon, CA 94583
Attn: Ryan Bones
Telephone: (975) 708-6264
Trade Debt $58,320
30. Venminder, Inc. 400 Ring Road
Suite 131
Elizabethtown, KY42701
Attn: Hayley Proctor
Telephone: (720) 732-0835
Trade Debt $52,498
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 20 of 23
In re: ) Chapter 11
Case No. 22-__________
Debtor. )
Name Address Type/Class
of Stock
of Issued
650 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Common 100%
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 21 of 23
In re: ) Chapter 11
Case No. 22-__________
Debtor. )
Pursuant to rules 1007(a)(1) and 7007.1 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure, the
following are corporations, other than a government unit, that directly or indirectly own 10% or
more of any class of the debtor’s equity interest:
Corporation Percentage of Shares Held
650 Newport Center Dr.
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 22 of 23
In re:
Chapter 11
Case No. ________
(Joint Administration Requested)
Pursuant to Rule 1007-2 of the Local Rules of Bankruptcy Practice and Procedure for the
United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, the above captioned debtor and its
affiliated debtors in possession (collectively, the "Debtors") I hereby certify that the Creditor
Matrix submitted herewith contains the names and addresses of the Debtors' creditors. To the best
of the Debtors' knowledge, the Creditor Matrix is complete, correct, and consistent with the
Debtors' books and records.
The information contained herein is based upon a review of the Debtors' books and records
as of the petition date. However, no comprehensive legal and/or factual investigations with regard
to possible defenses to any claims set forth in the Creditor Matrix have been completed. Therefore,
the listing does not, and should not, be deemed to constitute: (1) a waiver of any defense to any
listed claims; (2) an acknowledgement of the allowability of any listed claims; and/or (3) a waiver
of any other right or legal position of the Debtors.
The Debtors in these Chapter 11 Cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s tax identification number are:
First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation (54-1429575); and Maverick II Holdings, LLC (88-1305621). The location of
the corporate headquarters and the service address for First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation is 5800 Tennyson
Parkway, Suite 450, Plano, TX 75024.
Case 22-10584 Doc 1 Filed 06/30/22 Page 23 of 23
Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
@Home Mortgage, LLC 910 N. West Avenue Jackson MI 49202
1017 Group LLC 1375 State Street, Unit 7 Pahrump NV 89048
1st 2nd Mortgage Company of
1st ADV Holdings, LLC 12 Rosalie Rd Bailey CO 80421
1st American Home Loans, LLC 508 Pomfret Street Putnam CT 06250
1st American Lending LLC 277 Fairfield Road, Suite 335 Fairfield NJ 07004
1st American Mortgage and
Loan, LLC
6860 S. Yosemite Ct., Suite
2000 Centennial CO 80112
1st Capital Mortgage LLC
13720 E 86th street n suite
180 Owasso OK 74055
41197 Golden Gate Cir Ste
203 Murrieta GA 92562
1st Colonial Community Bank 1040 Haddon Avenue Collingswood NJ 08108
1st Colorado Mortgage
Solutions, Inc.
2919 W 17th Avenue, Ste.
115 Longmont CO 80503
1st Eagle Mortgage Inc.
790 W. Frontage Road, Suite
418 Northfield IL 60093
1st Financial Inc.
839 Elkridge Landing Road
Suite #100 Linthicum MD 21090
1st Florida Lending Corp
2151 Consulate Drive Suite 8
A Orlando FL 32837
1st Lending Solutions, Inc. 6370 Magnolia Ave Suite 210 Riverside CA 92506
112 Corona CA 92883
1st Nations Mortgage
Corporation 281 Ponderosa Drive Boulder CO 80303
1st Priority Mortgage, Inc. 6000 Sheridan Drive Williamsville NY 14221
1st Rate Home Mortgage, Inc. 401 W. Baseline Rd. #102 Tempe AZ 85283
1st Reliant Home Loans, Inc. 3002 Dow Avenue Suite 202 Tustin CA 92780
1st Security Bank of Washington
6920 220th Street Southwest,
Suite 300 Mountlake Terrace WA 98043
1st Signature Lending, LLC
9800 Crosspoint Blvd. Suite
300 Indianapolis IN 46256
1st Source Funding, Inc.
8537 S. Redwood Rd, Sutie
A-3 W Jordon UT 84088
1st USA Reverse Mortgage LLC 12512 Alcanza Dr Austin TX 78739
1st Veteran Mortgage, Inc. 26626 Portales Lane Mission Viejo CA 92691
3 Keys Lending, LLC 12349 S. Pagano Lane Herriman UT 84096
360 Home Lending LLC 12005 FORD RD Suite 405 Dallas TX 75234
360 Mortgage Inc. 28 Westwoods Dr Liberty MO 64068
4Sure Mortgage Solutions L.L.C
3515 N Pine Island Road
Suite 2 Sunrise FL 33351
5GMortgage, LLC 7950 Dusty Way Ft Worth TX 76123
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
5RG Lending Group Inc. 333 H Street Suite 5000 Chula Vista CA 91910
719 Lending Inc. 104 S Cascade Ave #201 Colorado Springs CO 80903
786 Mortgage LLC 6809 Grinnel Lane Haymarket VA 20169
A & A Mortgage Funding Inc
3419 Brook Crossing Drive,
Suite 10 Brandon FL 33511
COMPANY, INC 4379 S. Howell Ave, #22 Milwaukee WI 53207
A Bigger Better Mortgage 4610 S. Ulster ST, STE 150 Denver CO 80237
MORTGAGE INC 8229 Boone Blvd, 230 Vienna VA 22182
A Mortgage Boutique, LLC
1574 Medical Center
Parkway, Suite 101 Murfreesboro TN 37129
A N Mortgage, Inc. 6675 Rockville RD Indianapolis IN 46214
A.A. Genesis Investments, LLC 1012 Martin Ave, Suite C McAllen TX 78504
A.I., Inc. dba Affordable Interest
Mortgage 7400 E Arapahoe Rd #109 Centennial CO 80112
A.S.A.P. Mortgage Corp. 2 S. Division Street 2nd Floor Peekskill NY 10566
A2C Mortgage, LLC
332 Haddon Avenue Suite
202 Haddon Township NJ 08108
A2Z Funding Inc 2156 The Alameda San Jose CA 92156
AA Mortgage Brokers, Inc. 8556 E 101st St, Ste. B Tulsa OK 74133
AA South Florida Mortgage, LLC 13861 Plantation Rd #103 Fort Myers FL 33912
AAA Capital Investment, Inc. 117 S. Garfield Ave. Alhambra CA 91801
LLC 9889 BELLAIRE BLVD. #233 Houston TX 77036
Aaron Samples
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Aaron Samples
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
13284 Pond Springs Rd suite
204 Austin TX 78729
Abbatiello, Jacob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ABC United Finance Corp
7777 Leesburg Pike Suite
400 N Falls Church VA 22043
ABK Financial, LLC 12004 Legacy Estates Blvd Sarasota FL 34238
Able First Mortgage
410 South Ware Blvd suite
804 Tampa FL 33619
ABLE Mortgage, Inc. 113R Padelford Street Berkley MA 02779
ABM Funding Inc.
701 N. Green Valle
#200 Suite #243 Henderson NV 89074
Above & Beyond Mortgage
Loans, Inc. 12560 Albion Street Thornton CO 80241
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
3100 W Burbank Blvd. Suite
201 Burbank CA 91505
ABS Home Mortgage, Inc. D/B/A
ABS Funding 1730 Park Street Suite 119 Naperville IL 60563
Absolute Home Loan Services,
LLC 3008 E. Robinson St. Orlando FL 32803
Absolute Home Mortgage
330 Passaic Avenue, Suite
204 Fairfield NJ 07424
Absolute Mortgage Group, Ltd 313 Alamo Street, Ste A Lake Charles LA 70601
Academy Bank, N.A.
8551 North Boardwalk
Avenue Kansas City MO 64154
Academy Mortgage Corp. 339 West 13490 South Draper UT 84020
Academy Mortgage Corporation 339 West 13490 South Draper UT 84020
Accelerate Mortgage, LLC
750 Prides Crossing Suite
303 Newark DE 19713
Accelerated Funding
Government Loans, Inc. 26522 La Alameda, Suite 395 Mission Viejo CA 92691
Accelin Loans LLC
19125 N Creek Pkwy Suite
104 Bothell WA 98011
Acceptance Home Mortgage,
101 Plaza East Blvd, Suite
232 Evansville IN 47715
Access Capital Funding, LLC 14366 South Outer Forty Chesterfield MO 63017
Access home loans, LLC 10 2nd St SE Unit 206 Minneapolis MN 55414
Access Information Holdings,
6818 Patterson Pass Rd Ste.
Access Information Management 500 Unicorn Park Drive Woburn MA 01801
Access Information Protected P.O. Box 101048 Atlanta GA 30392
Access Loans, Inc 921 McLeod Dr Huntsville TX 77320
101S Houston TX 77084
Access Reverse Mortgage
Corporation 7411 114th Ave, Ste 301 Largo FL 33773
Acclaimed Lending, LLC 1201 11th Ave. Greeley CO 80631
INSURANCE P.O. Box 140854 Orlando FL 32814-0854
6675 Westwood Blvd, Suite
135 Orlando FL 32821
Accutrust Mortgage, Inc. 1107 Pleasant Street Fall River MA 02723
Ace One Mortgage, LLC
3000 Stonewood Dr Suite
110 Wexford PA 15090
ACELAND MORTGAGE LLC 151 Calle San Francisco San Juan PR 00901
Acorn Mortgage Group, LLC
14350 N. Frank Lloyd Wright
Blvd Ste #1 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Acquire Mortgage and Real
Estate Inc. 1405 Garden Street San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Acre Mortgage & Financial, Inc. 70 E. Main Street Marlton NJ 08053
In re First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation Page 3 of 176
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Action One Financial
800 S. Barranca Avenue
Suite 210 Covina CA 91723
ActiveComply, LLC 1 West Church St Suite 1 ORLANDO FL 32801
1301 South Mopac
Expressway Suite LL25 AUSTIN TX 78746
Adam Cunningham dba
California Vanguard 1290 N Hancock #220 1290 N Hancock #220 CA 92807
Adcom Group Inc 135 Lake ST S, STE 230 Kirkland WA 98033
Adeyemo, Ibrahim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Adrian Ledsema and Maritza
Lopez 2812 S. Trumbull Avenue Chicago IL 60623
Adrovel, Belda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Advanced Funding Home
Mortgage Loans 6589 South 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84121
Advanced Mortgage, LLC
12501 Prosperity Dr., Suite
430 Silver Spring MD 20904
LENDING INC. 308 S. FIRST AVE #C Arcadia CA 91006
Advantage Lending, LLC
7521 Mourning Dove Road
Suite 101 Raleigh NC 27615
Advantage Mortgage, Inc. 265 SW 1st Ave. Canby OR 97013
Advantage Plus Federal Credit
Union 2133 East Center Street Pocatello ID 83201
Advantage Realty Solutions LLC
DBA Homebird 6825 Dixie Hwy Suite F CLARKSTON MI 48346
AdvantageFirst Lending Inc.
22342 Avenida Empresa
Suite 100
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
Advisors Mortgage Group, LLC 1411 Highway 35 Ocean NJ 07712
AFCO 5600 North River Road Suite 400 Rosemont IL 60018-5187
AFCO Credit Corporation 4501 College Blvd Suite 320 Leawood KS 66211
Affiliated Financial Services, Inc.
dba Affiliated Mortgage Lending 211 Ft. Woth Drive Suite A Denton TX 76201
Affiliated Home Loans Inc 655 S 4TH E STE 101 Preston ID 83263-1616
Affiliated Mortgage Company
2605 E Atlantic Boulevard
Suite 201 Pompano Beach FL 33062
Affinity Home Lending LLC 84 Church Street Suite A Marietta GA 30060
Affinity Mortgage Group, Inc. 325 E. Hillcrest Drive #195 Thousand Oaks CA 91360
STE. 200 Tallahassee FL 32308
LLC 11484 Montserrat Drive Venice FL 34293
Agee, Sharon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
AHL Funding 15360 Barranca Pkwy Irvine CA 92618
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Ahmed, Kamran
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ahmed, Tahir
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
AHP Servicing LLC
440 S. La Salle St., Suite
1110 Chicago IL 60605
AJB Services Corp. 237 East Washington Street Agnew WA 98362
AJR Mortgage Company, Inc. 9 South Sheppard Street Richmond VA 23221
Akber Financials, INC. 8273 White Oak Ave Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
Akerman LLC PO BOX 4906 Orlando FL 32802
AKSARBEN MORTGAGE, LLC 17838 Burke St. Suite 102 Omaha NE 68118
Alameda Mortgage Corporation
780 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Suite
100 Walnut Creek CA 94596
Alaska Division of Banking &
Robert H. Schmidt, Division
Director 550 W 7th Ave, Suite 1850 Anchorage AK 99501
Alaska Division of Banking &
Securities 550 W. 7th Avenue Suite 1850 Anchorage AK 99501
Alba, Janet
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Albert, Ronald
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alcova Mortgage LLC 308 Market St SE, Suite 204 Roanoke VA 24011
Alex Castellon and Associates
3400 Inland Empire Blvd,
Suite 101 Ontario CA 91764
Alexander Sr., Jerry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ali, Raza
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alight, Inc dba Riivos, Inc 130 Battery Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111
Alkan Mortgage Corporation
PARKWAY, STE 2251 Lake Mary FL 32746
MORTGAGE L.L.C. 8915 South Pecos Suite 17B Henderson NV 89074
ALL CAPITAL SOLUTIONS LLC 419 Ronsdale Road Eldersburg MD 21784
All Coast Lending Inc.
2500 S Power Rd STE 223
Unit 7 Mesa AZ 85209
All Colorado Mortgage, Inc 418 W Bijou St Colorado Spgs CO 80905
All County Capital Corp. 185 Wythe Avenue, Suite 94 Brooklyn NY 11249
All Credits Mortgage, Inc.
No. 302 Charlottesville VA 22902
All Elite Loan, Inc. 851 Burlway Rd, Suite 618 Burlingame CA 94010
All Home Lending Inc. 10 Plaza Square, 2nd Floor Orange CA 92705
LLC 145 West White Horse Pike Galloway NJ 08205
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
MORTGAGE LLC 13400 SW 136 Terrace Miami FL 33186
3325 Smokey Point Drive
Suite 103 Arlington WA 98223
All Square Mortgage Inc. 9506 4th St NE, Suite 102 Lake Stevens WA 98258
All Western Mortgage, Inc. 8345 W. Sunset Road, #380 Las Vegas NV 89113
Allegiant Lending, LLC
163 SW Midtown PL Suite
105 Lake City FL 32025
Allen Dell Porter 18275 Grove Pl. Fontana CA 92336
Allen, Bobbie J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Daniel B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Deborah S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Georgia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Helene
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allen, Jessica E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alliance Mortgage Group, Inc
6860 South Yosemite Ct
Suite 2000 Centennial CO 80112
Alliance Mortgage Group, LLC 1730 Park St, Suite 219 Naperville IL 60563
Alliance West Mortgage, Inc. 23 Orchard, Suite 100 Lake Forest CA 92630
Allied First Bank, SB 3201 Orchard Rd Oswego IL 60543
Allied Mortgage Group, Inc. 225 City Avenue Suite 102 Bala Cynwyd PA 19004
Allison, Chad
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allison, Leif S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Allvin, Mahalakshmi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ally Mortgage LLC 405 Olde Heritage Cir Woodstock GA 30188
Almaguer, Julio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Al-Mazem, Alia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alonso, Rodney
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alpha Lending Corporation 2930 Biddle Avenue Suite #C Wyandotte MI 48192
Alpha Mortgage Corporation 1320 Airlie Road Wilmington NC 28403
Alpine Mortgage of Eagle LLC 6630 West State Street Boise ID 83714
Alpine Mortgage Services, LLC
201 W Passaic Street Suite
101 Rochelle Park NJ 07662
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Alston, Melissa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Altamont Mortgage Funding, Inc.
4380 SW Macadam Ave.
Suite 125 Portland OR 97239
Altisource Solutions S.a.r.l. 40 Avenue Monterey Luxembourg L-2163 Luxembourg
Altisource Solutions S.a.r.l. Dept CH 18137 Palatine IL 60055-8137
Altitude Financial Corporation 1885 N Kolb Road Tucson AZ 85715
ALV Enterprises, Inc. 7390 S Creek Road #201 Sandy UT 84093
Alvarado, Sandra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alvarez Jr., Jose A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alvarez, Latasha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alvarez, Nicolas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alvarez, Samantha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Alvarez-Garcia, Tara
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Amankwah, Jennifer N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Amazon Web Services, Inc. PO Box 84023 Seattle WA 98124
AMC Diligence, LLC 630 Third Avenue #1601 NEW YORK NY 10017
AMC LINKS, LLC 3051 W Maple Loop Dr #300 LEHI UT 84043
Amcap Mortgage, Ltd. 9999 Bellaire, Suite 700 Houston TX 77036
Amend, Thomasina M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
America One Mortgage
Corporation 1902 Wright Place, Suite 200 Carlsbad CA 92008
American Advisors Group
18200 Von Karman Avenue
Suite 300 Irvine CA 92612
American Bancshares Mortgage,
14261 Commerce Way Suite
100 Miami Lakes FL 33016
American Bank and Trust
Company NA 4301 E 53rd Street Davenport IA 195052
American Bank and Trust
Company NA 4301 E 53rd Street Davenport IA 52807-3861
American Capital Finance
530 East Main St, Suite 4B
Office # 1 Chester NJ 07930
American Capital Financial
Group, LLC
5010 Nicholson Lane, Suite
100 Rockville MD 20852
American Dream Realty Inc
20121 Ventura Blvd Suite
214 Woodland Hills CA 91364
American Eagle Mortgage
Company, Inc. 767 Shamrock Blvd Venice FL 34293
1801 NW 66th AVE STE
103A Plantation FL 33313
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
American Fidelity Mortgage, Inc.
American Financial Funding
Corp. 10649 W. 163rd Place Orland Park IL 60467
American Financial Lending, Inc. 20860 N. Tatum Blvd. # 160 Phoenix AZ 85050
American Financial Network, Inc. 10 Point Drive, Suite 330 Brea CA 92821
American Financial Solutions,
Inc. 6705 W. 26th street Berwyn IL 60402
American First Lending
450 Port Orchard Blvd Ste.
220 Port Orchard WA 98366
American Food & Vending Corp. 124 Metropolitan Park Drive LIVERPOOL NY 13088
American Group Realtors, Inc
1074 East Cole Road suite
14 Calexico CA 92231
American Heritage Lending, Inc. 485 E 17th Street, Suite 220 Costa Mesa CA 92627
American Home Finance Group
100 E. Linton Blvd., Suite
305A Delray Beach FL 33483
INC. 2880 PIO PICO DRIVE Carlsbad CA 92008
American Home Lending USA,
230 S. Buchanan Street,
Suite A Edwardsville IL 62025
American Home Mortgage, Inc.
6085 Lake Forest Drive Suite
300-B Atlanta GA 30328
American Homestar Mortgage,
2450 South Shore Boulevard,
Suite 301 League City TX 77573
American Independent Mortgage
2929 E Commercial Blvd, Ste
608 Fort Lauderdale FL 33308
American Independent Mortgage
LLC 3000 NE 30th Place Ste 403 Fort Lauderdale FL 33306
American Integrity Finance, Inc.
110 Civic Center Drive, Suite
202 Vista CA 92084
American Intermutual Agency,
#200 San Diego CA 92121
American Midwest Mortgage
Corporation 6363 York Road Suite 300 Parma Heights OH 44130
American Mortgage and
Financial Services, LLC 216 N. Main Street Goshen IN 46526
American Mortgage Bank LLC 3401 NW 63rd St., Suite 555 Oklahoma City OK 73116
American Mortgage Finance Inc. 6518 N Lincoln ave Lincolnwood IL 60712
American Mortgage Resource,
Inc. 2 Winter Street, Suite 202 Waltham MA 02451
11503 Springfield Pike
Second Floor Cincinnati OH 45245
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
American Mortgage Service
11503 Springfield Pike,
Second Floor Cincinnati OH 45246
American Mortgage Services,
Inc. 171 Wesley Reed Drive Atoka TN 38004
American Mortgage Source LLC
2932 NW 122nd Street, Suite
18 Oklahoma City OK 73120
American Mortgage, Inc.
989 112th Avenue NE Suite #
201 Bellevue WA 98004
American Nationwide Funding,
LLC 60 Crossroads Plaza O Fallon MO 63368
American Nationwide Mortgage
Company, Inc.
3820 Northdale Blvd Suite
111A Tampa FL 33624
American Neighborhood
Mortgage Acceptance Company
700 East Gate Drive, Suite
400 Mount Laurel NJ 08054
American Pacific Mortgage
Corporation 3000 Lava Ridge Court #200 Roseville CA 95661
American Portfolio Mortgage
2401 Plum Grove Road Suite
202 Palatine IL 60067
American South Financial
Services., LLC 613 Canal Blvd. Thibodaux LA 70301
American VA Loans 20422 Beach Blvd., Suite 105 Huntington Beach CA 92648
Americana Mortgage Group, Inc
1615 Northern Blvd - Suite
404 Manhasset NY 11030
AmericanSafeLending LLC 2974 Mill Grove Terrace Dacula GA 30019
Americas Best Lending, Inc.
Texas Best Lender Inc. 5035 North FRWY Houston TX 77022
Americas Choice Mortgage
Company, LLC 14 Puri Lane Stafford VA 22554
Americas Mortgage Lender,
100 South Jefferson Road
Suite 105 Whippany NJ 07981
AmeriDream Mortgage Group,
3700 Standridge Drive, Ste
101 The Colony TX 75056
Amerifinancial Home Mortgage,
421 N. Northwest Hwy., Suite
16 Barrington IL 60010
Amerifirst Financial, Inc. 1550 E McKellips Rd, # 117 Mesa AZ 85203
Amerifirst Home Loans, LLC 2245 Texas Dr. Suite 300 Sugar Land TX 77479
Amerifund Home Loans, Inc. 4973 Leeds Street Simi Valley CA 93063
Amerina Services LLC 602 Thrush Ave Austin TX 78753
Ameripro Lending, Inc. 26149 Matlin Rd Ramona CA 92065
AmeriSouth Mortgage Company
2101 Sardis Road North,
Suite 120 Charlotte NC 28227
AmeriSouth Mortgage Company 2101 Sardis Rd N Ste 120 Charlotte NC 28227
Amico, Kafi T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Amir Behnam Izadyar dba Abiz
Mortgage Amir Behnam Izadyar
9977 Old Annapolis
Road MD 21042
AmNet ESOP Corporation 347 3rd Avenue, 2nd Fl Chula Vista CA 91910
Amoles-Martinez, Heriberto G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ample Funding llc
SUITE 104 Norco CA 92860
AmRes Corporation
One Neshaminy Interplex
Third Floor Suite 310 Trevose PA 19053
Amrock Inc. 662 Woodward Avenue Detroit MI 48226
A-M-S Mortgage Services, Inc. 375 Chestnut St, 3c Newark NJ 07105
Amsive 605 Territorial Dr BOLINGBROOK IL 60440
AmWest Funding Corp. 6 Pointe Drive Suite 300 Brea CA 92821
Anaheim Professional Services
Inc. 111 S. Illinois Street Anaheim CA 92805
Anchor Financial Mortgage, Inc. One Lonsdale Avenue Pawtucket RI 02860
Anchor Funding, Inc. 6336 Greenwich Drive #A San Diego CA 92122
Anchor Mortgage Consultants,
LLC 2806 Surrey Oaks Court Denton TX 76210
5850 S. Polaris Ave Suite
1400A Las Vegas NV 89118
Anchor Mortgage, LLC
133 River Landing Drive,
Suite 100 Daniel Island SC 29492
Ancora Asset Services Inc.
531 E. Chapman Avenue,
Suite D Orange CA 92866
STE B-4 Long Beach CA 90805
Anderson, Kristin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Anderson, Richard
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Anderson, Sheri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Andrea III, Stephen J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Andres & Barth 8235 Douglas Ave. Suite 1120 Dallas TX 75225
Andresen and Company, Inc. 822 MARIMBA DRIVE EL PASO TX 79912-4950
Andrew Chamow 103 Woodlake Drive West Woodbury NY 11797
Andrus, Daniel C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Angel Oak Home Loans, LLC
980 Hammond Drive Suite
200 Atlanta GA 30328
Angel, Michelle B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Angerbauer, Rob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Angulo Cardenas, Carlos A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Annapolis First Mortgage, LLC 1605 Race Street Baltimore MD 21230
Answer Home Loans, Inc.
500 Granite Bay CA 65746
Amodeo dba Excellence
Real Estate 14625 E WHITTIER BLVD Whittier CA 90605
Anthony Gilbert Ayala
13440 Paramount Blvd, Suite
C South Gate CA 90280
Anusiem, Charles
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
A-OK Mortgage Inc. 11011 Brooklet Drive #220 Houston TX 77099
Apex Appraisal Service, Inc.
14861 N Scottsdale Rd Ste A
Apex Arabians, LLC 671 Williamsville Rd. Houston DE 19954
Apex Financial & Realty, Inc. 5535 Balboa Blvd. #102 Encino CA 91316
Apex Mortgage LL
8850 Columbia 100 Parkway
Suite 215 Columbia MD 21045
Apex Mortgage LLC
8850 Columbia 100 Parkway
Suite 215 Columbia MD 21045
SERVICES, INC. 3807 Fort Hill Dr Alexandria VA 22310
Apple Mortgage
7660 Goddard Street, Suite
120 Colorado Springs CO 80920
Approved Funding Corp. 41 GRAND AVENUE RIVER EDGE NJ 07661
Approved Mortgage Source, LLC
1039 Harley Strickland Blvd.,
Suite 700 Orange City FL 32763
Arambulo, Rodrigo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Aramco Mortgage Inc.
935 West San Marcos Blvd.,
Suite 100 San Marcos CA 92078
Aranda, Carmen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CORPORATION 601 Union Street Suite 2727 Seattle WA 98101
Arcadia Financial Group LLC 329 W 14 Mile Rd Clawson MI 48017
Arch Capital, Inc.
4411 Suwanee Dam Rd,
Suite 120 Suwanee GA 30024
Arch Mortgage Insurance
Company 3003 Oak Rd WALNUT CREEK CA 94597
Arcstone Financial, Inc. 1917 Hillhurst Ave. #203 Los Angeles CA 90027
Arcus Lending, Inc.
1245 S. Winchester Blvd,
Suite 209 San Jose CA 95128
Ardalan, Babak
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ARE Mortgage Group, Inc. 13520 Jenny St Hesperia CA 92344
Arivs LLC
RD, STE #217 Mesa AZ 85213
Arizona Department of Financial
Institutions 100 N. 15th Ave. Suite 261 Phoenix AZ 85007
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
rizona Department of Insurance
and Financial Institutions Evan G. Daniels, Director
101 North 15th Avenue, Suite
261 Phoenix AZ 85007
Arizona Industrial Development
Authority c/o Kutak Rock LLC
8601 North Scottsdale Rd.,
Suite 300 Scottsdale AZ 85253
Arizona Lending Specialists, LLC 5212 S. Casa Prieto Dr. Gold Canyon AZ 85116
Ark Mortgage, Inc. 400 Rella Blvd Suite 300 Montebello NY 10901
Arkansas Community Finance &
Investment Inc
7101 West 12th Street, Suite
200H Little Rock AR 72204
Arkansas Securities Department 1 Commerce Street Suite 403 Little Rock AR 72202
Arkansas Securities Department,
Campbell McLaurin, Interim
Commissioner 1 Commerce Way, Suite 402 Little Rock AR 72202
Armand, Dominique R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Armed Forces Bank, N.A. 320 Kansas Avenue Fort Leavenworth KS 66027
Armijos, Andrea
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Arnaz Financial, Inc. 915 Sutter St. #110 Folsom CA 95630
Arnold, Kimberleigh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Arnold, Nancy L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MORTGAGE, LLC 10218 N Abby Dr. Citrus Springs FL 34434
Arras, Kelsey N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Array Capital Investment
Company LLC 1750 N. Collins Blvd #103 Richardson TX 75080
Arroyo, Victor M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Arthur, Erika L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Arthur-Silva, Rebecca
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
8401 Lake Worth Rd, Suite
110 Lake Worth FL 33467
Ascend Realty and Financial
Corporation 957 Vernie Ct Cupertino CA 95014
Ascension Mortgage Brokers,
Inc. 3462 Tree Farm Ln Cottonwood Heights UT 84121
Aslan Home Lending
1777 S Harrison St Suite
1000 Denver CO 80210
Aspire Financial, Inc. 4100 Alpha Road Suite 300 Dallas TX 75244
Aspire Home Loans LLC
1033 Demonbreun St., Suite
300 Nashville TN 37203
Asset Financial Center Inc. 1424 21st Street Sacramento CA 95811
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Associated Mortgage Bankers,
Inc. 2395 Ocean Avenue Suite 5 Ronkonkoma NY 11779
Associated Mortgage Center,
Associated Mortgage
Corporation 7211 South Yale Avenue Tulsa OK 74136
Associated Mortgage Group, Inc.
13535 SW 72nd Avenue,
Suite 140 Portland OR 97223
Assured Capital Funding, Inc. 14203 Rick Drive Shelby Township MI 48315
Astar Home Capital Inc 48 Bakertown Rd. Suite 204 Monroe NY 10950
INC 192 Saxer Ave Springfield PA 19064
Aston Morley dba
iFinance.RealEstate 3079 Harrison Ave. #11 South Lake Tahoe CA 96150
AT&T 208 S. Ackard Street Dallas TX 75202
Atkins, Louann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Atlantic Finance Group, LLC
115 Saint Charles St., Suite
B Drexel Hill PA 19026
Atlantic Home Loans, Inc. 20 Route 46 West Suite #202 Parsippany NJ 07054
Atlas Mortgage Solutions Inc. 8899 S 700 E, Ste. 125 Sandy UT 84070
Au, Sandy H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Audas, Shirley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Augusta Financial, Inc.
25129 The Old Road Suite
350 Santa Clarita CA 91381
Augusta Lending, LLC 852 S Main Pleasant Grove UT 84062
Augusta Mortgage, Inc 5145 S. Airport Rd. Suite 300 Roy UT 84067
Aujla, Pritpal dba Orbit Home
Loans 1913 Capitol Ave Suite D Sacramento CA 95811
Aumplex 301 Rock Rose Lane Petaluma CA 94952
Austin Capital Bank SSB 8100 Shoal Creek Blvd Austin TX 78757
Austin Endeavors, Inc. 6401 Brass Bucket Ct. Gaithersburg MD 20882
Automate Testing, Inc. 14785 Preston Rd., Suite 550 Plano TX 75254
515 E Las Olas Boulevard
Suite 120 Fort Lauderdale FL 33301
Avalon Mortgage Corporation
6333 Greenwich Drive, Suite
220 San Diego CA 92122
Avanti Mortgage, LLC
6040 S Fashion Blvd, Suite
101 Murray UT 84107
AVANTUS, LLC 600 Saw Mill Road WEST HAVEN CT 06516
Avenu, LLC
65 E. Wadsworth Park Dr.
Ste 110 Draper UT 84020
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Avenue Mortgage, LLC
100 Independence Place,
Ste. 308 Tyler TX 75703
AX Mortgage Corp DBA Tower
Home Loans 306 Main St Reading MA 01867
Axero Holdings, LLC 401 Park Avenue South NEW YORK NY 10016
Axia Financial, LLC
3009 112th Ave NE, Suite
200 Bellevue WA 98004
AXIS INSURANCE COMPANY 111 South Wacker Drive Suite 3500 Chicago IL 60606
Azmari, PLC 7137 E. Rancho Vista Dr. Suite B05 Scottsdale AZ 85251
Azulow Inc.
970 Lake Carillon Dr,, Suite
300 Saint Petersburg FL 33716
2975 S Rainbow Blvd Suite
E6 Las Vegas NV 89146
B2 FIE IV LLC 650 Newport Center Drive Newport Beach CA 92660
Back, Cassie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Backyard Mortgage Corp 27 Bubenko Lane Garnerville NY 10923
BAI Center
115 S. LaSalle Street, Ste.
3300 Chicago IL 60603
Bailey, Peggy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baker, David M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baker, Ebonie M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baker, Franklin J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baker, Kenneth M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baltiyski, Milena
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Banaszak, Erick
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Banc One Mortgage Corporation 333 City Blvd West #1810 Orange CA 92868
Banco Mortgage Lender, LLC
2200 N Commerce Parkway
Suite 200 Weston FL 33326
BancStar Mortgage LLC
8120 Woodmont Ave Suite
830 Bethesda MD 20814
Banda, Arturo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bangert, Jamie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bank Commissioner of the State
of New Hampshire 53 Regional Drive Suite 200 Concord NH 03301
Bank of Benoit 202 Main Street Benoit MS 38725
Bank of England 5 Statehouse Plaza, Ste 500 Little Rock AR 72201
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Bank of Little Rock Mortgage
Corporation 15909 Cantrell Road Little Rock AR 72223
Bank of New York Mellon Trust
Company, N.A. 2001 Bryan Street 11th Floor Dallas TX 75201
Bank of Saint Elizabeth 215 Main Street Saint Elizabeth MO 65075
Bank of Tennessee 301 East Center Street Kingsport TN 37662
Bank of the Pacific 300 East Market Aberdeen WA 98520
Bankers Mortgage Corp. 1609 Warwick Ave Warwick RI 02889
Bankers Residential Mortgage
1401 N. Central Expressway,
Suite 100 Richardson TX 75080
Banking Commissioner of the
State of Connecticut 260 Constitution Plaza Hartford CT 06103-1800
Banking Mortgage Services,
B.M.S. Corp. 5820 Bird Rd S. Miami FL 33155
Banking Mortgage
Services,B.M.S.Corp. 5820 BIRD RD Miami FL 33155
Banks, Paula
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Banks, Trabein M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BankSouth Mortgage Company,
Bankvista 125 Twin Rivers Court Sartell MN 56377
BankWest, Inc. 420 S. Pierre Street Pierre SD 57501
BANNER CAPITAL BANK 205 State Street Harrisburg NE 69345
Banning, Robert P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Banning, Thomas R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barclay Butler Financial, Inc. 1051 E Main St. Ste 219 East Dundee IL 60118
Barclay, Keith
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnes, Barry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnes, Jeremy A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnes, LaTara D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnes, Shaunucey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnett, Ross C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barnstable Mortgage Group, LLC 545 N. Maple Ave Ridgewood NJ 07450
Barragan, Luis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barratt, Mitchell W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Barrett Financial Group, L.L.C.
2314 S. Val Vista Drive Suite
201 Gilbert AZ 85295
Barriga, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barrington Bank & Trust
Company N.A. 201 S. Hough St Barrington IL 60010
Barron, Selene
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barto, Christopher O.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barton, Maria A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Barton, Tiffany E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Baskett, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bass Bari, Inc 15260 Ventura Blvd Ste 1200 Sherman Oaks CA 91403
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Batiste, Remica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Battis, Steve
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Batura, Leo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bauer III, Edward
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bautista, Bernie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bay Capital Mortgage
2553 Housley Road, Suite
200 Annapolis MD 21401
Bay Equity, LLC 770 Tamalpais Dr. Suite 207 Corte Madera CA 94925
BayBurg Financial Inc.
1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd
#109 Boca Raton FL 33486
BayBurg Financial Inc.
1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd
#109 Boca Raton ID 33486
Bayer, Jacy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BayFirst National Bank 700 Central Avenue St Petersburg FL 33701
Baymont Mortgage LLC 1226 Halls Bridge League City TX 77573
Bayne, Joshua
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BayPointe Mortgage Consultants
380 Hampton VA 23666
Bayshore Mortgage Funding LLC
1920 Greenspring Dr, Suite
140 Timonium MD 21093
Bay-Valley Mortgage Group 7390 Lincoln Way Garden Grove CA 92841
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Bayview Residential Brokerage
51 E Campbell Avenue, Suite
110 Campbell CA 95008
Bazzi, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BCAMR APPAREL INC. 2917 Avenue K, Suite #101 Brooklyn NY 11210
BD Mortgage Group LLC
9800 4th St. North, Suite
#200 St Petersburg FL 33702
BEACH FL 32548
Beach, Wendy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beam Lending, LLC
1086 E Highway 193, Suite
#102 Layton UT 84040
Beaman, Brian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beaman, Susan M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beanstalk Digital 508 W Lookout Dr #14-109 RICHARDSON TX 75080
Beaty, Richard
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Becerra, Sergio A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beckam Funding Corp.
FLOOR Irvine CA 92614
Beesinger, Shane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bekkari, Manju
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Belem Servicing, LLC dba
Patriot Home Mortgage
619 S Bluff St Tower 1, Ste
301 St George UT 84770
Bell, Amanda J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bell, Jazmyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bell, Nathan C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bellamente, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bellavia Jr., Joe
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bellucci, Dylan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beltran, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beminio, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Benedetti, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Benefit Equity Mortgage LLC 11133 Lindbergh Business Ct Saint Louis MO 63123
BenHalim, Khaled
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bennett Liss 30856 Agoura Road, D2 Agoura Hills CA 91301
Benton, Shawndi N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Beraja and Associates Inc 4500 Park Granada, 228 Calabasas CA 91302
Bergen Mortgage Enterprise LLC
411 Hackensack Ave, Suite
200 Hackensack NJ 07601
Berkeley Mortgage, LLC. 123 Paris Avenue, Suite 2D Northvale NJ 07647
Bernabei-Parsons, Elana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bernardo Quintas Bowden
2460 India Hook Rd., Suite
201-C Rock Hill SC 29732
Berninger, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Berry Happy Incorporated
2626 South Loop West Suite
232 Houston TX 77054
Berry, Kristen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Berumen Entities, Inc.
15650 Devonshire St., Suite
100 Granada Hills CA 91344
Bery Neeraj dba American Sona
Mortgage 1500 N Harbor Blvd La Habra Heights CA 90631
Best Advantage Mortgage LLC
888 County Rd D W Suite
102 New Brighton MN 55112
Best Capital Funding
21540 Plummer Street Suite
A Chatsworth CA 91311
Best Damn Loans, LLC
7137 E Rancho Vista Dr,
Suite B05 Scottsdale AZ 85251
Best Equity Property Services,
1115 Stratford Avenue, suite
D Dixon CA 95620
Best Financial Mortgage
Services, Inc. 108 Phenix Avenue Cranston RI 02920
Best Impressions Inc 400 N Washington St Alexandria VA 22314
BEST LOAN CHOICE, INC 30 East Padonia Rd., Ste 408 Lutherville MD 21093
Best Loans Corp 3022 Willow rd Punta Gorda FL 33982
Best Mortgage of Miami Inc 2406 SW 137th Ave Miami FL 33175
Best Options Mort
e Services,
10300 SW 72nd Street Suite
162 Miami FL 33173
Best Partners Mortgage
Cooperative Inc. DBA Lenders
Best Rate Capital Inc
975 West Jericho Turnpike
Suite 3 Smithtown NY 11787
Better Business Bureau of North
Texas 1601 Elm Street, Suite 1600 Dallas TX 75201
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Better Business Lenders, Inc. 601 N McDonald St Apt 610 Mount Dora FL 32757
Better Choice Financial 200 Main Street, Suite 204A Huntington Beach CA 92648
Better Lending LLC
2700 S River Road, Suite
206 Des Plaines IL 60018
Beverly-Hanks Mortgage
Services, Inc. 2 Town Square Ste 220 Asheville NC 28803
BFF Lending Services Inc
969 Holmdel Road, 2nd
Floor, Unit # 3 Holmdel NJ 07733
Bhatti, Javed
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Biehler, Lauren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bighorn Mortgage Group Ltd. 2589 N State Hwy 67 Sedalia CO 80135
Bilello, Joseph F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bills Jr., Doug
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Birchwood Credit Services, Inc. P.O Box 266391 WESTON FL 33326
Birdow, Shavante
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Birkedahl, Naaman
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bison State Bank 223 Main Street Bison KS 67520
Bivona, Sherresa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bivona-Truman, Janine F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BJV Financial Services Inc. 7221 W. TOUHY Chicago IL 60631
BKL Financial, Inc 8175 E Kaiser Blvd Ste. 204 Anaheim CA 92808
Black Box Network Services 1000 Park Drive LAWRENCE PA 15055
Black Oak Mortgage, LLC 105 Towne Lake Parkway Woodstock GA 30188
Black, Haley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BlackFin Group LLC
8310 South Valley Highway,
Ste. 300 Englewood CO 80112
Blackmore Jr., George A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Blain, Christi R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
1121 Old Walt Whitman
Road Suite 204 Melville NY 11747
Blake, Krystal R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Blake, Susan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Blanchard, Tamara A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Blanchard, Tristen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
INC. 13055 SW 42 ST, SUITE 106 Miami FL 33175
Blaylock, Niki L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bledsoe, Everett R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BLEND LABS, INC. 415 Kearny Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94108
BLG Holdings, Inc. 2353 S Linden Rd Suite A Flint MI 48532
Bliss Mortgage LLC
5322 Primrose Lake Circle
Suite A Tampa FL 33647
Bloch, Elliot A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Block Financial Resources LLC
100 Cedarhurst Avenue Suite
202B Cedarhurst NY 11516
BLOOMBERG FINANCE LP 731 Lexington Avenue NEW YORK NY 10022
Blount, Laura
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Blue Door Mortgage, LLC 440 Harvard Street Brookline MA 02446
ASSOCIATION 17 West Main Street Luray VA 27409
Blue Skye Lending LLC
8130 Lakewood Main St.
#205 Bradenton FL 34202
Blue Water Financial
Technologies, LLC
1330 Lagoon Avenue 4th
Blue Waters Mortgage and Real
Estate Group, Inc.
850 Iron Point Road, Suite
122 Folsom CA 95630
Blue, Kelsey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bluebonnet Mortgage, LLC 438 S. Water Lane New Braunfels TX 78130
Bluefish Home Loans LLC 6322 S 3000 E #110 Cottonwood Heights UT 84121
Bluerock Mortgage LLC 1120 Campus Drive West Morganville NJ 07751
BLUESKY LENDING, LC 1255 W. 15th St. Suite 445 Plano TX 75075
Bluestar Mortgage Inc. 1850 N Alafaya Trail Unit 1A Orlando FL 32826
Bluestar Mortgage Inc.
951 N Plum Grove Road Ste
H Schaumburg IL 60173
Bly, Bryce
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bly, Eric
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BM Real Estate Services, Inc.
5016 N. Parkway Calabasas
Suite 200 Calabasas CA 91302
BMC Residential LLC dba Black
Mountain Capital 371 North Avenue New Rochelle NY 10801
BMO Capital Markets 601 Lexington Avenue New York NY 10022
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
BMO Harris Bank National
3D-146 Naperville IL 60563
Boardwine, Hillary W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bodine, Joshua
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boensch, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bogar, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bojorquez, Gabriela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bologna, Dominic V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BombBomb,Inc 90 S. Cascade Ave #700
Bond Mortgage LLC 1111 N. Maple Street Murfreesboro TN 37130
Bone, Rebekah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Booker, Angela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boone, Mario
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boots, Karen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Borchers, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boren, Nicole M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bortell, Kristina K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boskofsky, Gordon C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bostic II, Dwain A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boston Mortgage Services, LLC 471 EASTERN AVENUE Chelsea MA 02150
Bouchie, Michael A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boulton, Denise, Anne 110 Civic Center Drive #203 Vista CA 92084
Bourgeois & Associates
Mortgage, L.L.C. 8050 Crowder Blvd.,Ste A New Orleans LA 70127
Bowen, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bowers, Jessie B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BowHattan Holdings, Inc.
2888 Loker Avenue East,
Suite 201 Carlsbad CA 92010
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
BoxCar Mortgage, LLC 664 Seminole Ave Suite 101 Atlanta GA 30307
Boyce Jr., William J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boyd, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boyd, Valor N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Boyer, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bozarth Home Mortgage LLC 111 S Division St Guthrie OK 73044
Bradford, Cynthia M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bradley Arant Boult Cummings PO Box 830709 Birmingham AL 35283
Bradley, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brammer, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Branch-Hughes, Angela 16133 Ventura Blvd 7th Fl Encino CA 91436
Brand Cabinet Solutions, Inc.
dba JK & Associates 4499 VIA MARISOL 222B Los Angeles CA 90042
Brand Lending Company dba
Advice Home Loans Company
11350 Random Hills Rd.,
Suite 800 Fairfax VA 22030
wine Acquisition Partners,
LP c/o Brandywine Realty Trust 300 Arboretum Place Suite 330 Richmond VA 23236
Brandywine Valley Mortgage
535 N Church Street, Suite
105 West Chester PA 19380
Braudaway, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brauer, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BRAVO II Guarantor I L.L.C. 650 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach CA 92660
Bravo Mortgage LLC 12900 SW 128th St STE 101 Miami FL 33186
Breeze Financial LLC 1001 Elm Street Suite 401 Manchester NH 03101
Brenon, Karen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brent Alan Hawkins 39271 Flamingo Bay, #A Murrieta CA 92563
Brett Allen Faryniarz dba New
Horizon Loans
6200 E Canyon Rim Rd,
#204 Anaheim Hills CA 92807
Brickshire Mortgage L.L.C. 4970 College Green Lane Providence Forge VA 23140
Bridgelock Capital 5900 Canoga Ave., Ste. 200 Woodland Hills CA 91367
Bridgeview Mortgage Corp. 1200 Hempstead Tpke. Franklin Square NY 11010
Bridgewater Capital, Inc.
2108 South Boulevard, Suite
209 Charlotte NC 28203
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Brighten Lending
13300 Crossroads Parkway
North Suite 185 City Of Industry CA 91746
Brightwell, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brinkman, Michael R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Briones, Cesar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brisbane, Alicia M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Briscoe, Vincent C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bristow, Lynn T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brizzi INC 5800 Lonetree Blvd, Ste 101 Rocklin CA 95765
Brockman, Jerry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brooks, Chris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brooks, Ebony
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brooks, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brooks, Tischina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brousseau, Philip
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown III, Douglas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Adrienne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Angela A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Betty
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Bob J 1909 Steamboat Spring Garland TX 75044
Brown, Carly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Graelon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Janice
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brown, Seth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Brown, Timothy R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bruce Curtis Jung
4195 Chino Hills Parkway,
#413 Chino Hills CA 91709
Bruce, Harlan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bruins, Casey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Brurs, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bryan, William E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buchanan, Nancy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buchanan, Shirley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buck, Kevin W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buckingham, Michael C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buckley LLP 2001 M Street NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20036
Buckley, Lori
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buczkowski, Denise
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bueno Jr., Jose V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Bueno, Frank
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Built Technologies, Inc
635 Grassmere Park Suite
Bupp, Dawn R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Burke, Timothy E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Burks, Carla
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BurnsSearch LLC 1415 Legacy Dr., Ste. 250 Frisco TX 75034
Burt, Nathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Busch, Tiara C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Buschardt, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BuyersRoad, Inc. DBA 3000 Executive Parkway SAN RAMON CA 94583
Bydand Home Loans LLC
34270 Pacific Coast
Highway, Suite A Dana Point CA 92629
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Byers, Ricardo M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ByWeekly Mortgage Corporation
(The) 508 N. Tyson Avenue Glenside PA 19038
C & A Mortgage Services of
Florence Inc. 305-C Second Loop Road Florence SC 29505-2849
C & E Financial Group dba
Vintage Lending 14121 14121 SE Allen Rd Bellevue WA 98006
C & E Financial Group, Inc 777 E. 4500 S., Suite 220 Salt Lake City WA 84107
C & E Financial Group, Inc. 777 E. 4500 S., Suite 220 Salt Lake City UT 84107
C O Federal Credit Union 117 Spring Street Charleston SC 29403
C&R Mortgage Corporation 7788 N. Milwaukee Ave. Niles IL 60714
C2C Brokers Inc. 7566 Tyndall Dr Gloucester Point VA 23062
Cabrillo Mortgage and Realty
3110 Camino Del Rio South
#311 San Diego CA 92108
Caffrey Corporation - Arivs, LLC
117 MESA AZ 85213
Cain, Demetria
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
BLVD Los Alamitos CA 90720
Cal Funding 35465 Dumbarton Ct. Newark CA 94560
Cal Green Lending Inc 118 Howel Mountain Rd. Angwin CA 94508
Calabrese, Anthony F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CalCon Mutual Mortgage, LLC
3131 Camino Del Rio North
Suite 1680 San Diego CA 92108
Calculated Risk Analytics, LLC
4000 MacArthur Blvd., Suite
800 Newport Beach CA 92660
California Consumer Lending 9122 Las Tunas Dr Temple City CA 91780
California Department of
Financial Protection and
Clothilde V. Hewlett,
320 West 4th Street, Suite
750 Los Angeles CA 90013
California Financial Realty Inc.
Choice Financial Group 5000 Birch Street Suite 3000 Newport Beach CA 92660
California Home Finance and
Real Estate Services 2525 Camino Del Rio S, 301 San Diego CA 92108
California Home Finance and
Real Estate Services
2525 Camino Del Rio S.,
Suite 225 San Diego CA 92108
California Loan Associates Inc
5800 Stanford Ranch Road,
Suite 320 Rocklin CA 95765
California Mortgage Advisors,
4304 Redwood Highway
Suite 100 San Rafael CA 94903
California Platinum Realty and
Loans Inc
AVENUE 10TH FLOOR Woodland Hills CA 91367
Caliver Beach Mortgage, LLC 500 Redland Court Suite 300 Owings Mills MD 21117
CalNest Financial & Realty
Corporation 43951 Boscell Road Fremont CA 94538
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Caltex Funding, LP 1600 Airport Freeway #200 Bedford TX 76022
Camacho, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Camarena-Flores, Erick
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cambridge Lending Group, Inc.
1020 Milwaukee Ave., Suite
232 Deerfield IL 60015
Camelback Mortgage, LLC
3111 N Central Ave, Suite
A101 Phoenix AZ 85012
Cameron E. Robert dba
Cameron - Hall Mortgage 2310 Eagle Crest Grapevine TX 76051
Cameron, Cody A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cameron, Kelly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Camino Real Mortgage Bankers
707 North Maclay Avenue
Suite A San Fernando CA 91340
Campbell, Sonja
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Campos Financial Corp.
15650 Devonshire St Suite
202 Granada Hills CA 91344
Candor Technology, Inc. 3476 Dewitt Circle THE VILLAGES FL 32163
Cane, Ann Marie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cannon-Merryman, Michelle A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Canon Signature Mortgage, LLC 715 Main Street Canon City CO 81212
Canopy Mortgage, LLC dba Box
Home Loans
380 Technology Court Ste.
200 Lindon UT 84042
Capital City Home Loans, LLC
1255 Lakes Parkwa
300, St. 300 Lawrenceville GA 30043
Capital Financial Group, Inc. 846 South Main Bountiful UT 84010
Capital First Mortgage, L.L.C. 277 Fairfield Road, Suite 104 Fairfield NJ 07004
Capital Home Funding, LLC 45 STRATFORD RD Newport News VA 23601
Capital International Financial,
395 Alhambra Circle Suite
200 Coral Gables FL 33134
Capital Mortgage, LLC
1857 S. Millennium Way,
Suite 100 Meridian ID 83642
Capital Mortgage, LLC (broker)
1857 S. Millennium Way,
Suite 100 Meridian ID 83642
Capital Residential Mortgage
8500 Leesburg Pike, Suite
510 Vienna VA 22182
Capital Works Inc. dba Capital
Works Mortgage 2079 w 44th ave Denver CO 80211
Capitan, Leslie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Capitol Coast Real Estate
200 Sacramento CA 95825
Cappello, James E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CAPSILON 55 Second St Suite 500 San Francisco CA 94105
Capstone Direct, Inc. 3285 Old Conejo Road Thousand Oaks CA 91320
Capstone Mortgage Co., Inc.
1775 Massachusetts Avenue
#4 Lexington MA 02420
Capstone Mortgage Lending,
11400 N Kendall Dr, Suite
106 Miami FL 33176
CapView, Inc.
1980 Festival Plaza Drive,
Suite 300 Las Vegas NV 89135
Caraccio, Anthony V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Careaga, Diego A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Careaga, Ian P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carew, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carey Real Estate Inc 714 Howard Ave Carson CA 90746
Carey, Christina R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carlin, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carlos Angel Jaramillo
225 W. Hospitality Lane,
Suite 201F San Bernardino CA 92408
Carlton, Patrick
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carlton, Tiffany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carmichael, Shannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carmona, Lawrence T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carola III, Louis P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carpenter, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carpenter, Larry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carr Jr., Robert J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carrollton Bank 315 West Public Square Carrollton IL 62016
Carter Jr., Wallace A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carter, Chelsi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Carter, Nikkia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Carty, Diane M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CasaBella Financial Services,
LLC 2658 SW Reilley Ave Palm City FL 34990
Casanova, Lee Ann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Casas Loans Corp
2333 Camino del Rio South
Ste. 150 San Diego CA 92108
Cascade Northern Mortgage Inc
7710 NE Greenwood Dr Ste-
170 Vancouver WA 98662
Case Financial Services, LLC 107 Whitney Avenue N Haven CT 06510
Cash, Grady
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Casino, Melchor C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Casmia Holding, LLC 1319 S. Eastern Ave Las Vegas NV 89104
Castellanos, Cameron
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Castillo, Rosa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC
13751 S Wadsworth Park
Drive Suite 101 Draper UT 84020
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC
49 49 Music Square West #502 Nashville TN 37203
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC
9005 9005 Overlook Blvd BRENTWOOD TN 37027
Castle & Cooke Mortgage, LLC
9051 9051 W. KELTON LN #3 Peoria AZ 85382
Castle Mortgage Corp.
11501 N. Cumberland Rd.,
Suite 300 Fishers IN 46037
Castle Mortgage Corporation 5414 Oberlin Drive, Suite 375 San Diego CA 92121
Castle, Catherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Castro, Marc A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Catalina Ventures, Inc. 2852 East Coast Highway Corona Del Mar CA 92625
Catalyst Mortgage
3013 Douglas Boulevard
Suite 135 Roseville CA 95661
Cathell, Deena D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cathy Jo Milligan 58 N. Ash Street Ventura CA 93001
Causey, Jared
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cave, Christine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Cavender, Crystal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cayanan-Calma, Alma C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CBC Companies Inc dba FD
Holdings, LLC dba Factual Data 5100 Hahns Peak Dr LOVELAND CO 80538
CBC Mortgage Agency (Chenoa) 912 W. Baxter Dr. Suite 150 South Jordan UT 84094
CBM Mortgage, Inc. 912 Hometown Way Front Royal VA 22630
CCA Financial LLC
7275 Glen Forest Drive Suite
100 Richmond VA 23226
CCM FUNDING GROUP LLC 2024 Austin Ave Waco TX 76701
CDL Mortgage Services, Inc. 6524 Lonetree Blvd Rocklin CA 95765
CDW LLC 200 N Milwaukee Avenue VERNON HILLS IL 60061
Cedotal Mortgage Company 201 Canal Blvd Thibodaux LA 70301
Celebrity Home Loans, LLC
One Mid America Plaza,
Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181
Centennial Bank 620 Chestnut Street Conway AR 72032
CenterBank 744 State Route 28 Milford OH 45150
Centermac Realty, Inc. 640 North Diamond Bar Blvd Diamond Bar CA 91765
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 1101 First Street South Winter Haven FL 33880
Central Coast Lending, Inc. 601 Morro Bay Blvd., Suite B Morro Bay CA 93442
Central Group Mortgage LLC 7900 College Blvd # 130 Overland KS 66210
Central Lending Services Inc.
301 Oxford Valley Rd, Suite
802A Yardley PA 19067
Central Mortgage Funding, LLC
29777 Telegraph Rd, Suite
3090 Southfield MI 48034
CEO Home Corp 5 Park Plaza Suite 1150 Irvine CA 92614
CEO Home Corp.
19900 MacArthur Blvd., Suite
610 Irvine CA 92612
CEO Lending LLC 11710 Meadow Falls Dr Tomball TX 77377
Cephus, Rondale V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cephus, Ronni
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cequina Jr., Joel L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cequina, Phounsouk
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cerrato, Freddy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cevic Funding Inc 16531 Bellflower Blvd Bellflower CA 90706
CF Capital Group 1902 Wright Place, Suite 200 Carlsbad CA 92008
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
CFT NV Developments, LLC
1160 North Town Center
Drive, Suite 110 Las Vegas NV 89144
CGAP, Inc.
125-10 Queens Blvd., Suite
316 Kew Gardens NY 11415
Chaidez, Edlin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Challa, Madhava
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chamberlain Mortgage
1934 Old Gallows Road Suite
350 Vienna VA 22182
Chamberlain, Catherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
COMPANY LLC 3152 Little Rd #206 Trinity FL 34655
Champions Mortgage, LLC 10575 68th Ave Suite C2 Seminole FL 33772
Chan, Peggy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chance, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CHAND Mortgage LLC 131 Market Street Saddle Brook NJ 07663
Chaney, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Charles River Associates 1201 F Street, NW, Suite 800 Wasington DC 20004
Charles, Cyllanna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Charter Mortgage LLC
500 Southland Drive, Suite
220 Hoover AL 35226
Chaudhary, Naila
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chavarria, Alex
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cherney, Nicholas C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cherry Creek Mortgage Co., Inc.
7600 East Orchard Rd. Suite
#250-N Greenwood Village CO 80111
Cherry Creek Mortgage, LLC
7600 East Orchard Rd., Suite
#250-N Greenwood Village CO 80111
Cherry Mortgage, LLC
1800 Jimmy Davis Hwy,
Suite B Bossier City LA 71112
Chew, John, Stephen 4322 Hidden Oaks Dr Yorba Linda CA 92886
Chicago Financial Services, Inc.
1455 W. Hubbard St. Suite
200 Chicago IL 60642
Chinta, Samuel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chiotti, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chiou, Steven H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Chiusano, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
200 Fountain Valley CA 92708
Choice Lending Corp. 12640 Hesperia Road Ste D Victorville CA 92395
25391 Commercentre Drive,
Suite 200 Lake Forest CA 92630
Christensen Financial, Inc. 860 N SR 434, Suite 1002 Altamonte Springs FL 32714
Christopher, Janice R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Christopher, Taylor
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Chu & Associates, Inc.
3452 E Foothill Blvd Suite
530 Pasadena CA 91107
COMPANY 1133 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10036
CIBC Bank USA 120 South LaSalle Street Chicago IL 60603
CIBM Bank 2913 West Kirby Avenue Champaign IL 61821
Cigna Health & Life Insurance
Co. 900 Cottage Grove Road Bloomfield CT 06002
Cigna Healthcare P O BOX 644546 Pittsburg PA 15264-4546
Cindy Kolari dba Affordable Real
Estate Loans 10592 Combie Road Auburn CA 95602
Ciras, LLC M. Josh Petruniw 99 W. Canal Street Wabash IN 46992
CIS Financial Services, Inc. 851 North Military Street Bexar AL 35570
CIS Financial Services, Inc. dba
CIS Home Loans 818 Military Street South Hamilton AL 35570
Cisco Systems Inc 170 West Tasman Dr. SAN JOSE CA 95134
Cisco Webex, LLC 170 West Tasman Dr. SAN JOSE CA 95134
Cities Home Mortgage Corp
2300 Lakeview Parkway,
Suite 700 Alpharetta GA 30009
CitiStar Mortgage LLC
SUITE 2D Cape Coral FL 33904
COMPANY 3110 ALMA HIGHWAY Van Buren AR 72956
Citizens Bank & Trust Company
of Vivian, Louisiana 120 W. Arkansas Ave. Vivian LA 71082
City First Mortgage Services,
750 South Main Street Suite
104 Bountiful UT 84010
City Lending, Inc. 8150 Lessburg Pike # 405 Vienna VA 22182
City of Stephenville 298 W. Washington Stephenville TX 76401
City View Group, LLC dba CITY
SUITE 4014 Las Vegas NV 89118
Claims Recovery Financial
Services, LLC 231 East Ave. Albion NY 14411
Clark, Josh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Clarke, Mandisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Class AMC Intermediate, Inc. 2600 Bellingham TROY MI 48083
Class Valuation LLC aka JANUS
AMC, LLC / Landmark 2600 Bellingham TROY MI 48083
Classic Mortgage, L.L.C.
25 East Spring Valley
Avenue, Suite 205 Maywood NJ 07607
Clay Wells & Associates, Inc.
2, PMB 134 Bowling Green KY 42104
Clay, Cheryl
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clay, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clay, Yvonne M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Claycomb, Diana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clear 2 Close Lending, LLC 1201 E Lake Shore Blvd Kissimmee FL 34744
Clear Mortgage Lending, Inc.
2881 E. Oakland Blvd., Suite
420 Fort Lauderdale FL 33306
10D Ashland OR 97520
Clear Mountain Bank 160 Morgantown Street Bruceton Mills WV 26525
ClearPath Lending
15615 Alton Parkway Suite
300 Irvine CA 92618
Clemens, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clements, Aubrey J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cleofe, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cleveland, Sharae L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clevenger, Reba M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ClickUp 350 Tenth Ave 5th floor SAN DIEGO CA 92101
Cliffco, Inc.
70 Charles Lindbergh Blvd.,
Suite 200 Uniondale NY 11553
Clifford, Brittany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Clift Enterprises Inc 803 Carlsborg Sequim WA 98382
Clift Enterprises Inc. 803 Carlsborg Rd., Suite C Sequim WA 98382
Cline, Susette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CLM Mortgage, Inc
480 Wildwood Forest Dr, Ste
802 Spring TX 77380
ClosingCorp Inc.
6165 Greenwich Drive Suite
300 SAN DIEGO CA 92122
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Clover Key Financial LLC 7047 E Greenway Pkwy #160 Scottsdale AZ 85254
CME Lending Group LLC 711 Plaza Drive Chesterton IN 46304
CMS Mortgage Solutions Inc.
1612 Centerville Turnpike
Suite 307 Virginia Beach VA 23464
2303 Camino Ramon Ste
160 San Ramon CA 94583
Coast2Coast Mortgage, LLC
11481 Old St Augustine Rd
Suite 104 Jacksonville FL 32258
Coastal Funding Corporation Inc. 216 South Palafox Place Pensacola FL 32502
Coastal Funding SLC, Inc.
735 Tank Farm Road, Suite
210 San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Coastal Lending Group, LLC
909 Ridgebrook Road, Suite
108 Sparks MD 21152
Coastal Pacific Lending Inc.
1100 Town & Country Suite
1250 Orange CA 92868
Coastal States Mortgage, Inc. 5 Bow Circle Hilton Head Island SC 29928
Coello, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Coester VMS
555 Quince Orchard Rd,
Suite 650 Gaithersburg MD 20878
Coggins, Kerrie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cognizant Technology Solutions
U.S. Corporation
5001 Statesman Drive Suite
175 & 200 IRVING TX 75063
Cole, Lola
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Coleman Jr., Eric R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Coleman, Keenan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Coleman, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Coleman, Wileese
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Collier, James P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Colony Bank 302 S MAIN ST FITZGERALD GA 31750
Colorado Division of Real Estate Marcia Waters, Director 1560 Broadway, Suite 925 Denver CO 80202
Colorado Home Mortgage &
Financial, Ltd. 5555 Erindale Dr, Ste 206 Colorado Springs CO 80918
Colorado Lending Team LLC
1745 Shea Center Drive,
Suite 400 Hghlnds Ranch CO 80129
Colorado One Mortgage, LLC 7950 S Lincoln Street #115 Littleton CO 80122
Colquitt, Taquilla
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Colten Mortgage, LLC
6021 S Syracuse Way, Suite
104 Greenwood Village CO 80111
Columbus Capital Lending, LLC 9955 N Kendall Drive Miami FL 33176
Colunge, Nuvia A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Combs, Stacy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Comcast PO 6505 Chelmsford MA 01824
Comergence Compliance
Monitoring, LLC 25910 Acero Suite #260 MISSION VIEJO CA 92691
Commercial & Investment
Networks of S FL, LLC
TERRACE G215 Boca Raton FL 33431
Commodity Futures Trading
Commission Three Lafayette Centre 1155 21st Street NW Washington DC 20581
Commonfund Mortgage Corp 717 Erie Boulevard West Syracuse NY 13204
Commonwealth Mortgage of
Texas LP
11133 Interstate 45 South,
Suite 310 A Conroe TX 77302
Commonwealth of
Massachusetts, Division of
Banking 1000 Washington Street 10th Floor Boston MA 02118-6400
Commonweathl USA
Settlements, LLC
4 Penn Center West, Suite
400 Pittsburg PA 15276
Community First National Bank 215 S. Seth Child Road Manhattan KS 66502
Community Heights Funding, Inc 1475 w 114th st Cleveland OH 44102
Community Mortgage
Corporation 142 Timber Creek Dr Cordova TN 38018
Community Mortgage Lending
Corporation 5743 Wilkie Drive Suite 3 Fort Wayne IN 46804
Community Mortgage, LLC
Community Mortgage Advisors
19045 E Valley View
Parkway, Suite F Independence MO 64055
Community West Mortgage LLC
9200 W. Cross Drive Suite
330 Littleton CO 80123
Compass Analytics
5800 Tennyson Parkway Ste
450 PLANO TX 75024
Compass Mortgage, Inc. 27755 Diehl Rd Suite 100 Warrenville IL 60555
Competitive Lending LLC 19634 Biscayne Bay Drive Boca Raton FL 33498
Complete Funding Financial
Services, Inc. 7560 S Dome Peak Littleton CO 80127
Complete Mortgage LLC 2205 Hollywood Blvd. Hollywood FL 33020
Computershare Holdings Inc. 250 Royal Street CANTON MA 02021
Computershare Mortgage
Services, LLC dba
Computershare Loan Services 8742 Lucent Blvd., Ste. 300 Highlands Ranch CO 80129
Computershare Valuation
Services LLC 250 Royal Street CANTON MA 02021
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Comte, Brenda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Concierge Mortgage, LLC
11350 McCormick Road,
Suite 405 Hunt Valley MD 21031
Concord Mortgage Inc. 430 W. Main Street Brighton MI 48116
Concord One Financial, LLC 5 Christy Drive, Suite 202 Chadds Ford PA 19317
INC. 601 108th Ave NE Suite 1000 BELLEVUE WA 98004
Congressional Bank
4445 Willard Avenue 10th
Floor Chevy Chase MD 20815
Connecticut Department of
Banking and Consumer Credit
Carmine T. Costa, Division
Director 260 Constitution Plaza Hartford CT 06103
AVENUE #202 Glendale CA 91208
Conner, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Consolidated Information
Services Solutions, LLC dba
UniversalCIS 370 Reed Rd Suite 100 BROOMALL PA 19008
Constant Investments, Inc.
14241 Firestone Blvd., Suite
210 La Mirada CA 90638
Consumer First Mortgage, Inc.
511 Ener
Center Boulevard
Suite 702 Northport AL 35473
Consumer Real Estate Finance
Co 115 NE 3Rd Ave #601 Fort Lauderdale FL 33312
Consumer Real Estate Finance
Co. 330 SW 2nd Street. #111 Fort Lauderdale FL 33312
Consumers National Bank 614 E Lincoln Way Minerva OH 44657
Continental Funding Corp. 7 Cabot Place Stoughton MA 02072
Continental Mortgage Bankers,
1025 Old Country Road,
Suite STR4 Westbury NY 11590
Contour Mortgage Corporation
990 Stewart Avenue Suite
660 Garden City NY 11530
Contreras, Ivory D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Convoy Home Loans, Inc.
2100 East Grand Ave., Suite
145 El Segundo CA 90245
Coomer, Kristye
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cooper, Cathy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cooper, James W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cooper, Kierra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Cooper, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cooper, Noel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cooper, Raven
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Copiague Funding Corp. 325 E Sunrise Highway Lindenhurst NY 11757
Copperstate Home Loans, LLC
2432 W Peoria Ave, Suite
1121 Phoenix AZ 85029
Cordova, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Core Financial Inc.
4012 Cortez Rd. W., Ste. #
2202 Bradenton FL 34210
Core Mortgage Services, LLC 1840 North Atherton St State College PA 16803
Corelogic Credcom LLC
NW Atlanta GA 30309
Corelogic Information Solutions 4 First American Way Santa Ana CA 92707
Corelogic Solutions, LLC 40 Pacifica, Suite 900 Irvine CA 92618
CoreLogic, Inc. PO BOX 847070 DALLAS TX 75284
Cornerstone Bank 6000 Midlantic Dr Suite 120S Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.
1177 West Loop South, Suite
700 Houston TX 77027
Cornerstone Home Lending, Inc.
1177 West Loop South, Suite
700 Houston TX 77027
Cornerstone Mortgage Services,
16220 Frederick Rd., Suite
510 Gaithersburg MD 20877
Corporate / Financial Litigation
Commercial Litigation
Branch Civil Division U.S. Department of Justice Washington DC 20530
Corporate Capital LLC 610 Uptown Blvd, Suite 2000 Cedar Hill TX 75104
Corporate Investors Mortgage
Group, Inc. 1300 Environ Way Chapel Hill NC 27517
COMPANY 251 Little Falls Drive Wilmington DE 19808
Corron, Carolyn A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cortez Jr., Pete
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cortez, Luis Ricardo 3761 N FERNWOOD AVE Rialto CA 92377
Cortina, Diana E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Corvus of Charlotte LLC 815 W Weed St Chicago IL 60642
Cothran, Melissa A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cothran, Tamara N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cotte, Augusto
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
CountryFirst Mortgage Inc.
20860 N. Tatum Blvd, Suite
300 Phoenix AZ 85050
CountryFirst Mortgage, Inc.
20860 N. Tatum Blvd Suite
300, Office 311 Phoenix AZ 85050
County Bank 116 W. Broadway Brunswick MO 65236
Covarrubias, Lorena
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Covenant Loan Funding
6303 Owensmouth Ave., 10th
Floor Woodland Hills CA 91367
Covius Holdin
s, Inc. dba Covius
Mortgage Solutions, LLC.
720 S. Colorado Blvd. Suite
200 GLENDALE CO 80246
6205- B Peachtree
Dunwoody Road NE Atlanta GA 30328
Cox, Christopher D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cox, Sarah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CR Funding, Inc. 433 Standard Street El Segundo CA 90245
Cracchiolo, Polly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Craft, Julia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Craftifi LLC 60 Thorpe Street Fairfield CT 06824
Cramer, Timothy J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crampton, Peter
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crane, Peter
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crane, Terence
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crawford I, Amberlee C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crawford, Lucinda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SUITE B Lawndale CA 90260
Credence Funding Corporation
1202 Technolo
Drive, Suite
A Aberdeen MD 21001
Credit Plus, Inc. 31550 Winterplace Parkway SALISBURY MD 21804
Credit Risk Solutions LLC FKA
Altavera Mortgage Services, LLC 8670 Wolff Court Suite 250 WESTMINSTER CO 80031
Credit Suisse Securities (USA)
LLC Eleven Madison Avenue New York NY 10010-3629
Credit Union of Georgia 3048 Eagle Drive Woodstock GA 30189
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Creek, Patrick S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Creek, Peyton
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Creekside Mortgage Services,
1235 Boardman Canfield Rd,
Suite 1 Boardman OH 44512
22935 Ventura Blvd., Suite
201 Woodland Hills CA 91364
Crestone Mortgage 8510 MADISON AVE STE F Fair Oaks CA 95628
Cristina Ortiz and David Pagan
Daniel, Edelman, Latturner
& Goodwin LLC 20 S. Clark St., Ste. 1500 Chicago IL 60603
6180 Brent Thurman Way,
Ste 200-A Las Vegas NV 89148
Cross Keys Bank 307 Plank Road St. Joseph LA 71366
Cross, Jason A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crossfire Financial Network, Inc.
9350 Sunset Drive (SW 72
Street) Ste 270 Miami FL 33173
Crossman, Steven
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CROWDER MORTGAGE INC. 1003 Signature Cir Longmont CO 80504
Crowley, Carl
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crowley, Carol C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cruz, Dana J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cruz, Malaika
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Crystal Funding, Inc. 2 Great Elm Ct. Potomac MD 20854
CSI Century Services Inc. 3421 Lena Raechel Circle Dacula GA 30019
CT Corporation System
111 Eighth Avenue, 13th
Floor New York NY 10011
CT Corporation System 28 Liberty Street New York NY 10005
3049 NW 107th Ave STE
28877 Doral FL 33172
CTC Funding & Mortgage Inc
2501 WINDY HILL RD Suite
230 Marietta GA 30067
CTC Mortgage Company LLC 4803 PGA Blvd., Ste. B Palm Beach Gardens FL 33418
Cuadrado, Alena
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cubbison Enterprises, Inc. dba
PACFI 10332 W Ustick Rd Boise ID 83704
Culpepper, Travis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cummings, Kewanis D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Curiel Appraisal Service PO Box 13002 El Paso TX 79913
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Curinos, LLC 1990 Main Street Suite 750 Sarasota FL 34232
Curley, Brendan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cushingberry, Felicia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Cushman & Wakefield US, Inc. One East Pratt Street Suite 700 Baltimore MD 21202
Custom Lending, Inc.
7120 E. Orchard Rd. Suite
400 Centennial CO 80111
Customer Service Mortgage
Corporation 4353 Park Terrace Dr, 100 Westlake Village CA 91361
Customers (LOC) - Sponsor
Guarantee Scott Goodwin 40 General Warren Blvd. Malvern PA 19355
Customers Bank Scott Goodwin
3705 Quakerbridge Rd., Ste.
100 Hamilton NJ 08619
Customers Bank (Repo) Scott Goodwin 40 General Warren Blvd. Malvern PA 19355
Cuthrell, David, Michael 17584 Cerro Verde Drive Yorba Linda CA 92886
Cygnus Corporate Services
SOUTH, SUITE 360 Orange CA 92868
Cypress Mortgage Corporation 824 W. Superior St. 207 Chicago IL 60642
Cypress Realty Group, Inc
2131 Palomar Airport Road,
Suite 229 Carlsbad CA 92011
D&M Enterprise Group 88 West Front Street KEYPORT NJ 07735
Dabney, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dadkhah, Jade M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Daiwa Capital Markets America
Inc. 32 Old Slip 14th Floor New York NY 10005
Dale, Bryan J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dane Residential Mortgage Inc 21066 Sharmila Lake Forest CA 92630
Daniels Interests Inc. 14301 Echo Bluff Austin TX 78737
Daniels-Price, Shelonda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Danny Velazquez, P.A.
1500 Weston Rd, Suite 200-
13 Weston FL 33326
Danos Capital LLC 12555 SW Hall Blvd Portland OR 97223
Darce Financial, Inc 2604 NW 53 drive Boca Raton FL 33496
Darien Oien
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Darling, Steven Mark 10444 Timberlane Way Santee CA 92071
Darrigan, Diana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DAS Acquisition Company, LLC
12140 Woodcrest Executive
Drive, Suite 150 Saint Louis MO 63141
DAS Acquisition Company, LLC
12140 Woodcrest Executive
Drive Ste. 150 St. Louis MO 63141
Datawatch Systems, Inc.
4401 East-West Highway
Suite 510 BETHESDA MD 20814
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Daugherty, Jacob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davala, Jacquelyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dave, Sheena
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
David Dee Basket 1150 Prarie Wind Blvd. Stephenville TX 76401
David Pellegrino 2570 Hillcrest Road Quakertown PA 18951
David Steinberg dba Summit
Funding 7030 137 Street Kew Gardens Hills NY 11367
David, Josh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davidson, Sherri L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davies Jr., James H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Aaron
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Christopher N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Gerard
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Jeff T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Katrina L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Keith
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Keli
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Michael D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, Tracy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis, William M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Davis-Fernandez, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Day, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Day, Kyle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Day, Lynn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
750 Old Hickory Blvd., Ste.
150 Brentwood TN 37027
DC Funding Group dba Clear
Point Mortgage
9245 Laguna Springs Dr,
Suite 200 Elk Grove CA 95758
De Castro, Sharon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dean, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dearing, Cynthia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DeBacker, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DeBard, Davis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DeCaire, Rhiannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dedicated Mortgage Solutions,
Inc. 600 W. Market Street Baltimore OH 43105
Deen, Kenneth S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DeGuzman, Victor
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dehr, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Del Norte Bank A Savings &
Loan Association 705 Grand Avenue Del Norte CO 81132
Del Rosario, Teresa C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Delaney, Mary E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Delaware Attorney General Attorney General Carvel State Office Building 820 N French St Wilmington DE 19801
Delaware Dept of Justice Attn Bankruptcy Dept 820 N French St 6th Fl Wilmington DE 19801
Delaware Office of the State
Bank Commissioner
Robert A. Glen,
Commissioner 1110 Forrest Avenue Dover DE 19904
Delaware Secretary of State Franchise Tax 401 Federal Street PO Box 898 Dover DE 19903
Delaware State Treasury
820 Silver Lake Blvd, Suite
100 Dover DE 19904
DeLeo, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Delmar Financial Company
1066 Executive Parkway,
Suite 100 St. Louis MO 63141
Demetria Cain Anthony J. Hall The Leach Law Firm 1950 Lee Road, Ste. 213 Winter Park FL 32789
DeMorett Enterprises, Inc. 419 Bush Street Red Wing MN 55066
Dennis Schmal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Denton, Jimmie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Department of Agriculture Joaquin Tremols, Director
1400 Independence Avenue,
SW Washington DC 20205
Department of Housing and
Urban Development
Federal Housing
Volky A. Garcia, Director of
Lender Approval 400 7th Street SW Washington DC 20024
Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20530
Department of Veterans Affairs VA Regional Loan Center 6900 Almeda Road Houston TX 77030
DePasquale, Robert 32 Pershing Avenue Stamford CT 06905
DePinto, Frank
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Desert Equity Lending, LLC 11995 N. 139Th. Pl Scottsdale AZ 85259
Desir, Jerry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Desrochers, Jacques
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Destiny Mortgage Group, Inc.
606 Bosley Avenue, Ste E
1st Floor Towson MD 21204
Deutsche Bank Christopher Corcoran 1 Columbus Circle New York NY 10019
Deutsche Bank National Trust
Co. 1761 East St. Andrew Place 2nd Floor Santa Ana CA 92705
Deutsche Bank National Trust
Co. 3 Park Plaza 16th Floor Irvine CA 92614
Deutsche Bank National Trust
Co. 60 Wall Street New York NY 10005
Developers Mortgage Company
2700 E. Dublin-Granville
Road, Suite 460 Columbus OH 43231
DG PINNACLE FUNDING LLC 782 NW 42 Ave Ste 450 Miami FL 33126
Diamond Appraisals, LLC 3602 Guardsman Ln. North Las Vegas NV 89032
Diamond Mortgage Services,
Incorporated 17 Trescott Street Taunton MA 02780
Diamond Residential Mortgage
Corporation 582 Oakwood Ave Lake Forest IL 60045
Diaz, Damaso
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Diaz, Kenneth W. 34119 thistlewood avenue Murrieta CA 92563
Diaz, Sonja
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dick, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Diec, Mimi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Digital Mortgage, LLC 1122 LADY ST. SUITE # 249 Columbia SC 29201
Dimension Mortgage Corp.
1000 SKOKIE BLVD Suite
570 WILMETTE IL 60091
Dimensions Mortgage, LLC
777 Cleveland Avenue suite
101 Atl GA 30315
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Dimick, Walter
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Direct Lenders, LLC
1600 Kennesaw Due West
Road Suite 610 Kennesaw GA 30152
Direct Lending Group, Inc. 3443 Deltona Blvd Spring Hill FL 34606
Direct Mortgage Investors, Inc.
150 S Pine Island Rd Suite
300 Plantation FL 33324
Direct Mortgage Investors, Inc.
150 S Pine Island Road,
Suite 300 Plantation FL 60453
Directions Equity, LLC
2915 W Bitters Road Suite
102 San Antonio TX 78248
Directors Mortgage Inc.
275 LAKE OSWEGO OR 97035
Discount Loan Brokers, Inc. 6307 Deerbrook Road Oak Park CA 91377
Disler, Gregory
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Disney Financial Corporation 3527 Paseo Salamoner La Mesa CA 91941
Distinctive Mortgages, LLC
13754 Frontier Court, Suite
107 Burnsville MN 55337
District of Columbia Department
of Insurance, Securities and
Karima M. Woods,
Commissioner 1050 First Street, NE 801 Washington DC 20002
District of Columbia.
Departmemt of Insurance,
Securities & Banking 810 First Street, NE Suite 701 Washington DC 20002
Diversified Home Mortgage Inc
2200 Post Oak Blvd, Ste.
1000 Houston TX 77056
Divine Financial Services Corp
204-A Homestead FL 33035
Divita Home Finance, Inc. 1610 Tiburon Blvd Suite 102 Tiburon CA 94920
DKF Enterprise, Inc. Homestead
Mortgage 8155 Gladys Ave Ste 100 Beaumont TX 77706
DMG Tulsa, LLC
CORPORATE PLACE Oklahoma City OK 73142
DMS Capital, Inc.
1662 Hillhurst Avenue, Suite
A Los Angeles CA 90027
Do, Khoa
17150 Newhope St, Suite
215 Fountain Valley CA 92708
Do, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dobrzanski, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dobynes, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dodd, Andre
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dodd, Crystal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Dogru, Deniz
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Doil Kim, Inc. dba The Mortgage
Marketplace, Inc. 510 W. Northwest Highway Mount Prospect IL 60056
Donald Uhler Paulino
1731 Hasti Acres Dr Suite
208 # 9 Bakersfield CA 93309
Donnan, Terri L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Donnell, Vontrae
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Doordash, Inc.
3003 2nd Steeet, South
Tower, Suite 800 San Francisco CA 94107
FINANCE 200 W CLEMENTS Odessa TX 79761
Doran, Vincent
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dorsey, Linda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DOSS Home Loans, LLC 1300 McGowen Street Houston TX 77004
Doss, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dotzauer, Anastasia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DoublePositive Marketin
350 BALTIMORE MD 21230
Douglas, Cindy N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dousa, Gregory
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dowell, Wakenna S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Downs, Vanessa C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Draper, Judd
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DRC Mortgage Lending, LLC
359 Belle Terre Blvd, Suite
#2 Laplace LA 70068
Drew Mortgage Associates, Inc. 196 Boston Turnpike Road Shrewsbury MA 01545
Dues, Regina N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Duffek, Sharon L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
duFief, Claire
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Duggirala, Swarna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Duke Energy 400 S Tryon Charlotte NC 28285
Duke Energy P.O. Box 70516 Charlotte NC 28272
Dumke, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dunbar, Daniel D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dunlap, Thomas R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dunn, Kendra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Duran, Joshua M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Durand, Beth A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Durand, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Durand, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Durante, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Durruthy, Tauny
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dwayne Lewis Figari +
Davenport LLC 901 Main Street, Ste. 3400 Dallas, TX 75202 TX 75202
Dyer, Jeanna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Dytrix, Inc 155 Inverness Dr suite a BLUE BELL PA 19422
E 3 Mortgage Corp
950 Peninsula Corporate
Circle, Suite 1005 Boca Raton FL 33487
E Mortgage Capital, Inc. 939 E Santa Ana Blvd Santa Ana CA 92701
1111 Sixth Avenue Suite
#300 San Diego CA 92101
Eagle Funding Corporation 7625 Sunrise Blvd, Suite 209 Citrus Heights CA 95610
1784 McDermott Dr, Suite
110 Allen TX 75013
East Coast Capital Corp.
25 Melville Park Road Suite
200 Melville NY 11747
East Coast Mortgage and
Financial Services, Inc.
540 Pennsylvania Avenue,
Suite 230 Fort Washington PA 19034
East Coast Mortgage Lenders,
3228 SW Martin Downs Blvd,
#1 Palm City FL 34990
Eastborn Home Mortgage Inc.
19 East Main Street Suite D-
1 Moorestown NJ 08057
Eastep, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Easy Apps Mortgage, Inc. 1044 Central St., Suite 202 Stoughton MA 02072
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Easy Financial Service, Inc. 2120 Springwater Dr. Fremont CA 94539
Easy Mortgage Solutions Inc 2141 Norma Ct Oxnard CA 93036
Echeverria, Deborah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Echols, Kristine C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ecom Mortgage, Inc.
225 W Valley Blvd, Ste H-
133 San Gabriel CA 91776
Economic Research Institute,
Inc. 111 Academy Dr. Suite 270 Irvine CA 92617
Eddie De Leon dba Premier
Mortgage Capital
104 Riverside CA 92506
Edgcombe, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Edge Home Finance Corporation 4510 W 77th Street Suite 365 Edina MN 55435
Edgewater Funding Inc
18270 SW Boones Ferry Rd
#4 Portland OR 97224
Edison Mortgage Group, Inc 1222 SE 47th Street Cape Coral FL 33904
Edwards, Ema
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Edwards, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eerdmans, Melinda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Efinity Financial Inc. 1901 Central Drive, Ste. 612 Bedford TX 76021
EG Mortgage Group LLC dba
EG Home Loans
400 Renaissance Center,
Suite 2600 Detroit MI 48243
1900 Gallows Road Suite
800 Vienna VA 22182
Ehiem, Kerry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ehrlich, Dean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eid, Lia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eiring, Jeffrey R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ekkati, Tharun R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ekstrom, Carl E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
El Paso Electric PO Box 982 El Paso TX 79960
El Paso XCS, LLC dba Xpress
Cleaning Services 3508 Gateway East Blvd. El Paso TX 79905
Elam, Tameka
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Elcap Mortgage, Inc.
800 Battery Ave SE, Suite
100 Atlanta GA 30339
eLearning Brothers
DRIVE, SUITE 100 American Fork UT 84003
Electro-artel Enterprises LLC 11331 siamese lane Sugar Land TX 77478
Electrum Financial PLLC 28421 N Rio Mountain Ct Scottsdale AZ 85262
ELEGANT LOANS 5811 Memorial Hwy #201 Tampa FL 33615
E-LENDING INC. 4505 Somerset lane Kent WA 98032
Elev8 Mortgage, LLC 1777 SW Chandler Ave #208 Bend OR 97702
Elite Mortgage Company, LLC 1370 South 400 East N Salt Lake UT 84010
LLC 1439 SW 54th Terrace Cape Coral FL 33914
Elkin, Darcy J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Elliott Jr., Sidney
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Elliott, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ellis III, Griffith T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ellis, Michael W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ellison, Christina Marie DBA
Ellison Lending 635 Central Avenue San Francisco CA 94117
Ellison, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Elo Group Inc 1274 Earlton Lane Lincoln CA 95648
Elo Group Inc 2557 Mariani Way Lincoln CA 95648
Emahiser Jr., Eugene R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Embassy Funding, LLC 216 Congers Road, Suite 3-A New City NY 10956
Embrace Home Loans, Inc. 25 Enterprise Center Middletown RI 02842
Emerald Mortgage Corp. 408 Northwest Highway Fox River Grove IL 60021
Emery Financial, Inc. 625 Kings Road Newport Beach CA 92663
Emet Lending Group, Inc. 2601 Saturn St. Ste. 200 Brea CA 92821
EMM Loans, LLC dba E
1950 Route 70 East Suite
300 Cherry Hill NJ 08003
EMortgage Lending, Inc. 4380 Bonita Rd. Bonita CA 91902
Empire Appraisal Services, LLC PO Box 2157 Misson Viejo CA 92690
Empire Home Loans, Inc. 4401 Hazel Ave., Suite 135 Fair Oaks CA 95628
EMPIRE STATE BANK 2047 Victory Blvd Staten Island NY 10314
Encompass Lending Group, LP.
23108 Seven Meadows
Parkway, Suite 100 Katy TX 77494
Endeavor Capital, LLC 14897 Clayton Road Chesterfield MO 63017
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Endow, Fred
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
COMPANY 1221 Avenue of the Americas New York NY 10020
English Jr., Charles
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
English, Anthony S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
English, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ennen, Deborah S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ennis, Miyone
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Enter Home Mortgage, LLC 1701 N. Emerald Dr Prescott AZ 86301
Entra Title, LLC
2101 NE 26th Street Suite
Entrust Financial Corporation 6125 Luther Lane, #412 Dallas TX 75225
Envision Bank 129 North Main Street Randolph MA 02368
Envision Finance & Mortgage,
Inc 55 N 775 E Tremonton UT 84337
Envoy Mortgage Ltd
10496 Katy Freeway, Suite
250 Houston TX 77043
Envoy, Inc. 410 Townsend Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107
EON Mortgage Group Inc. 950 Skokie Blvd. Suite 204 Northbrook IL 60062
EP SSS Investments, LLC 11380 Montwood Suite A10 El Paso TX 79936
Epic Finance LLC 751 SW Puffin St. Oak Harbor WA 98277
Epic Mortgage Inc 3728 Prairie Avenue Brookfield IL 60513
EPLANET MORTGAGE LLC 15250 Ventura Blvd. #1018 Sherman Oaks CA 91403
ePlus Technology 13595 Dulles Technology Dr HERNDON VA 20171
Epperson, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
EQUIBOX MORTGAGE, INC. 11050 Artesia Blvd., Suite A Cerritos CA 90703
Equifax Information Services,
LLC 11432 Lackland Rd SAINT LOUIS MO 63146
EquiLane Lending LLC
3190 S. Wadsworth Blvd.
Suite 200 Lakewood CO 80227
Equinox Home Financing Inc. 17291 Irvine Blvd. Suite 400 Tustin CA 92780
Equity Express Mortgage
Corporation 3850 Bird Rd #403 Coral Gables FL 33146
Equity Home Mortgage LLC
100 Enterprise Drive, Suite
300, Office 346 Rockaway NJ 07866
Equity Lending Mortgage Inc 720 Marlstone Place Colorado Springs CO 80904
INC. 541 E SILVERTHORN LN Ponte Vedra FL 32081
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Equity Now Inc.
172-174 East Boston Post
Road, Unit Lower Level East Mamaroneck NY 10543
Equity Prime Mortgage, LLC
5 Concourse Parkway Suite
2250 Atlanta GA 30328
Equity Smart Home Loans, Inc.
1499 Huntington Drive, Suite
500 South Pasadena CA 91030
Erbstein, Steve
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eric Zhou Design (Haihong
Zhou) 2403 Damsel Katie Dr Lewisville TX 75056
Erickson, Drew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ernst, Hannah L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ernster II, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
PLLC 112 W 34TH ST, 18TH FL New York NY 10120
PLLC 51 John F. Kennedy Parkway First Floor West Short Hills NJ 07080
Ervin, Elaine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Esa, Louis B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Escape Mortgage LLC 1843 n 1400 w Lehi UT 84043
Esfahani, Farhang
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eshaghian, Ruth 5140 AVENIDA HACIENDA Tarzana CA 91356
Espinosa, Celina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Espinoza, Hector J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Esposito, Janis E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Espy, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Esquivel, Candace C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Essent Guaranty, Inc.
101 South Stratford Road,
Ste. 400 Winston Salem NC 27104
Two Radnor Corporate Cntr
100 Matsonford Road RADNOR PA 19087
Estala, Billy F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Estrada, Jennifer L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eubanks, Tiffany Q.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Eun, Jihe
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Eustis & American Mortgage
Corporation Eustis Mortgage
Corporation 798 S. Rampart St. New Orleans LA 70113
Evans, Charlie III 615 Smoketree Dr La Verne CA 91750
Evans, Chris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Evans, Cody
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Evans, Van
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Evans-Hayes, Dawn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ever Mortgage LLC 7300 W McNab Rd Ste 114 Tamarac FL 33321
Everett Financial, Inc.
14801 Quorum Drive, Suite
300 Dallas TX 75254
Everette, Shannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Evergreen Northwest Lending
Company 15015 Main St, Suite 205 - A Bellevue WA 98007
Everwise Group Corporation 15615 Alton Pkwy, Suite 450 Irvine CA 92618
Everyones Loan Company, Inc. 36558 Fontaine St Murrieta CA 92563
Evesham Mortgage, LLC 65 E Route 70 Plaza 70 Marlton NJ 08053
Evolve Bank & Trust 6070 Poplar Ave Suite 250 Memphis TN 38119
Evolve Mortgage Services, LLC
DBA Veptas Technology
Solutions, Inc.
6136 Frisco Square Blvd.
Suite 350 FRISCO TX 75034
Excel Mortgage LLC 20 Bellamy Place Stockbridge GA 30281
Excel Mortgage Network Inc.
877 Executive Center Dr. W.
#301 St. Petersburg FL 33702
Excel Realty & Mortgage, Inc.
7031 Koll Center Parkway
Suite 190 Pleasanton CA 94566
Excel Realty Inc.
8300 Sierra College Blvd Ste
A Roseville CA 95661
Exception Capital, Inc.
2 Embarcadero Center, 8th
Floor San Francisco CA 94111
Exceptional Financial Inc.
3944 Murphy Canyon Road,
Suite 201 San Diego CA 92123
Exceptional Financial Solutions
3944 Murphy Canyon Rd.,
Suite 201 San Diego CA 92123
Executive Lending Group, LLC 6 SW 2nd St Ste 107 Lees Summit MO 64063
Executive Mortgage Brokers,
12800 Whitewater Drive
Suite 100 Minnetonka MN 55343
GROUP OF FLORIDA, LLC 34 S Federal Hwy Suite A Dania Beach FL 33004
Executive Mortgage of
Louisiana, Inc. 1308 Camellia Blvd, Ste 110 Lafayette LA 70508
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Experian Information Solutions
Division 475 Anton Blvd. Costa Mesa CA 92626
Experience,com 12667 Alcosta Blvd., Ste 250 San Ramon CA 94583
Expert Mortgage Associates, Inc. 645 Balmoral Lane Hoffman Est IL 60067-4721
Express Mortgage Decisions,
Inc. 350 Pfingsten rd ste 104 Northbrook IL 60062
EZ Mortgages, Inc
4535 Missouri Flat Rd. Ste.
2E Placerville CA 95667
Ezymax Realty Inc. 16686 San Benito Drive Morgan Hill CA 95037
F&B Acquisition Group, LLC
1650 Des Peres Rd., Suite
120 St. Louis MO 63131
Fabus, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Faggiano, Kristine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fain, Karen S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fair Way Lending, LLC
918 Lily Creek Road Suite
202 Louisville KY 40243
Fairfax Lending Inc. 6094A Franconia Road Alexandria VA 22310
Fairfax Mortgage Investments,
Inc. 3900 University Drive # 300 Fairfax VA 22030
Fairview Mortgage Capital Inc.
29000 S. Western Ave. Suite
210 Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275
15400 Calhoun Dr., Suite
120 Rockville MD 20855
Fairway Independent Mortgage
Corporation 4750 S Biltmore Lane Madison WI 53718
Fajardo, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fall River Five Cents Savings
Bank 79 North Main Street Fall River MA 02720
LLC 1787 JEFFCO BLVD Arnold MO 63010
Family First Funding, LLC 44 Washington St. Suite 200 Toms River NJ 08753
Fann, Taylor
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Farley, Kimberly A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Farley, Megan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Farmers Bank & Trust Company 200 East Main Street Magnolia AR 71753
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Farmers State Bank of Alto
Pass, ILL 55 Elm Street Alto Pass ID 62905
Farmers State Bank of Alto
Pass, ILL 55 Elm Street Alto Pass IL 62905
Farrell, Cheryl D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Farrell, JB
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Farrington, Savannah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fast Action Mortgage, Inc.
2700 N. Main Street, Suite
620 Santa Ana CA 92705
Fastapp, Inc.
2081 Business Center Drive ,
Suite 280 IRVINE CA 92612
Fava, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FaxSIPit Services Inc 1150 Station Street #225 Vancouver BC V6A 4C7 Canada
Fayd, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FBT Mortgage, LLC 6911 Washington Ave. Ste. B Ocean Springs MS 39564
FedCEO LLC dba StackArmor 1775 Tysons Blvd. 5th Floor Tysons VA 22102
Federal Express Corporation PO BOX 94515 PALATINE IL 60094
Federal Hill Mortgage Company,
LLC 904 Light Street Baltimore MD 21230
Mac Heidi Mason, EVP & GC 8200 Jones Branch Dr. McLean VA 22102
Federal Home Loan Mortgage
Corporation 8200 Jones Branch Drive McLean VA 22102
Federal Housing Administration 451 7th Street S.W. Washington DC 20410
Federal Insurance Company 202B Halls Mill Road Whitehouse Station NJ 08889
Federal National Mortgage
Association 1100 15th St. NW Washington DC 20005
Attn Stergios Theologides,
General Counsel Midtown Center 1100 15th Street NW Washington DC 20005
Federated Mortgage Corp.
1301 Grandview Ave., Suite
100 Pittsburgh PA 15211
Feduke, Edward A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fenton, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fenton, Treacy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ferguson, Bridget D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Ferguson, Patriece
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fernandez, Cindy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fernandez, Joann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fernandez, Salvador O.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ferrante, Deborah W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ferrari Lending 8316 Via di Veneto Boca Raton FL 33496
Ferro, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fessler, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FFC Mortgage Corp. 1 Jenner, Suite 175 Irvine CA 92618
Fidelity Bancorp
3400 Inland Empire Blvd
Suite 101 Ontario CA 91764
Fidelity Direct Mortgage, LLC
555 Quince Orchard Road
Suite 411 Gaithersburg MD 20878
Fidelity First Funding, Inc 3658 N 650 E North Ogden UT 84414
Fidelity First Home Mortgage
Company 707 Bestgate Road Annapolis MD 21401
Fidelity Funding Mortgage Corp. 255 S. Maitland Avenue Maitland FL 32751
Fidelity Home Group Corp.
4700 Millenia Boulevard,
Suite 175 Orlando FL 32839
Fidelity Lending Solutions, Inc.
2650 E. Imperial Hwy. Suite
110 Brea CA 92821
Fields, Aligladys
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fifth Street Financial Mortgage
500 Bicentennial Way Suite
310 Santa Rosa CA 95403
Figueroa, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Figueroa, Mario
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fike, Kristen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Finance of America Mortgage
LLC 1687 Partners Mortgage
1687 1687 Eureka rd Suite 100 Roseville CA 95661
Finance of America Mortgage
LLC 3200 dba Pinnacle Capital
Mortgage, LLC 3200
3200 E. Camelback Road,
Suite 123 Phoenix AZ 85018
Finance of America Mortgage
LLC 5955 dba Peak Mortgage
5955 Shoreview Lane N,
#200 Keizer OR 97303
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Finance of America Mortgage
LLC 999 dba Pinnacle Capital
Mortgage 999 999 Grant Avenue #201 Novato CA 94945
Finance of America Mortgage,
LLC (broker)
300 Welsh Road, Bldg. 5,
Suite A Horsham PA 19044
Finance Pros Inc. dba New
Destiny Mortgage
DR Land O Lakes FL 34637
Financial Consultants Network
LLC 15455 Dallas Pkwy #600 Addison TX 75001
Financial Freedom Mortgage,
LLC 112 W PARK DR Suite 300 Mt. Laurel NJ 08054
Financial Independence
Mortgage 536 E Palmdale Blvd Palmdale CA 93550
Financial Mortgage Solutions,
9680 Eagle Ranch Rd. NW,
Unit 6 Albuquerque NM 87114
Financing Hard Money, LLC 1275 Cleveland St. Clearwater FL 33755
Finco Lending, Inc.
8 Neshaminy Interplex, Suite
115 Trevose PA 19053
Finco Lending, Inc. (ND)
8 Neshaminy Interplex, Suite
115 Trevose PA 19053
Findlay, Deborah D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Finicity Corporation
434 W. Ascension Way Suite
Fink & McGregor Mortgage, LLC 6691 S 1300 E Salt Lake City UT 84121
Finlayson, Rufus
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Finley Properties Corp.
6310 Greenwich Drive STE
150 San Diego CA 92122
Fiorenza, Sylvia B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
First Alliance Home Mortgage,
LLC 20 Jackson Dr. 2nd Floor Cranford NJ 07016
First American Bank 700 Busse Road Elk Grove IL 60007
First American Data Tree, LLC P O BOX 31001-2286 Pasadena CA 91110-2286
First American Docutech 1755 International Way IDAHO FALLS ID 83402
& INVESTMENT CORP 19811 E Colima Rd, #330A Walnut CA 91789
First Arkansas Financial, Inc 906 South Rock St. Sheridan AR 72150
First Bank 300 East Third Street Burkburnett TX 76354
First Bank & Trust 9816 Slide Road Lubbock TX 79424
First Bank (NC) 300 SW Broad Street Southern Pines NC 28387
First Banker Mortgage
Corporation 17835 ventura blvd.#200 Encino CA 91316
First Centennial Mortgage
Corporation 2471 W. Sullivan Rd Aurora IL 60506
First Choice Financial of the
Western Slope LLC 2470 Patterson Road #12 Grand Junction CO 81505
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
First Choice Loan Services, Inc. One Tower Center, Floor #18 East Brunswick NJ 08816
First Choice Mortgage Advisors
206 W. State Street, Suite
200 Media PA 19063
First Choice Mortgage Co. 4408 S. Park Lane Spokane WA 99223
First Choice Mortgage Services,
Inc. 1160 Dutilh Road Suite 100 Mars PA 16046
First Class Mortgage Company 99 South Main St, Suite 154 Fall River MA 02721
First Class Mortgage V, Inc 12906 63rd Ave North Maple Grove MN 55369
First Click Mortgage, Inc. 2315 Elmen Street HOUSTON TX 77019
FIRST COAST FINANCIAL INC 3300 Irvine ave ste 265 Newport Beach CA 92660
FIRST COAST LOANS LLC 2300 N Haskell Ave Dallas TX 75204
First Colony Mortgage
Corporation 508 W 800 N Orem UT 84057
First Community Bank 5455 Sunset Blvd. Lexington SC 29072
First Community Mortgage, Inc. 275 Robert Rose Drive Murfreesboro TN 37129
First Federal Bank of Kansas
City 11550 Ash Street Suite 300 Leawood KS 66211
First Fidelis, LLC
6025 Metcalf Lane Suite
210A Overland Park KS 66202
First Fidelity Home Mortgage of
Wisconsin, LLC
2426 N Grandview Blvd,
Suite A Waukesha WI 53188
First Florida Financial Group
LLC 8695 College Pkwy, Ste 101 Fort Myers DC 33919
First Florida Financial Inc
13400 Sutton Park Drive
South, Suite 1502 Jacksonville FL 32224
First Florida Home Mortgage,
Inc. 1245 Westlake Boulevard Palm Harbor FL 34683
First Heritage Financial, LLC
105 Trevose PA 19053
First Heritage Mortgage, LLC
3201 Jermantown Road Ste
800 Fairfax VA 22030
First Home Bank 700 Central Avenue St Petersburg FL 33701
First Home Equity Loans, LLC 802 Laurens Rd., Suite A Greenville SC 29607
First Home Mortgage
6211 Greenleigh Avenue,
Suite 300 Baltimore MD 21220
First Hometown Mortgage, Inc
833 South Halleck St., PO
Box 209 Demotte IN 46310
First Hope Bank, a national
banking association 1301 Hope Bridgeville Road Hope NJ 07844
First Independence Bank 7310 Woodward Ave #101 Detroit MI 48202
First Inte
e Services,
1807 Park 270 Drive Suite
265 St. Louis MO 63146
First Laridian Mortgage Co., Inc. 577 Hamburg Turnpike Wayne NJ 07470
First Look Appraisals, LLC 65 E Wacker Place CHICAGO IL 60601
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
First Mortgage Solutions, LLC 9201 Ward Parkway Kansas City MO 64114
BANK TEXAS 220 PALO PINTO ST Weatherford TX 76086
First National Bank of Gillette 319 South Gillette Avenue Gillette WY 82716
First National Bank of Middle
Tennessee 200 East Main Street McMinnville TN 37110
First Nations Home Finance
Corporation 7330 Engineer Road Suite A San Diego CA 92111
First New Mexico Bank 300 S Gold Deming NM 88030
First New Mexico Bank of Silver
City 1928 Highway 180 East Silver City NM 88061
First Northern Bank of Wyoming 141 S. Main Street Buffalo WY 82834
First Northern Financial Group,
Inc. 980 Eddie Dowling Highway North Smithfield RI 02896
First Option Mortgage, LLC
1100 Circle 75 Parkway SE
Suite 300 Atlanta GA 30339
First Rate Inc. 3142 McGraw St San Diego CA 92117
First Savings Bank 702 North Shore Drive Jeffersonville IN 47130
First Securities Financial
Services, Inc.
30150 Telegraph Rd, Suite
320 Bingham Farms MI 48025
First Standard Financial Corp.
3435 Wilshire Blvd., Suite
888 Los Angeles CA 90010
First State Bank 16100 E. Nine Mile Road Eastpointe MI 48021
First State Bank 206 South Main Street Elmore City OK 73433
First Union Mortgage Group,
4015 Executive Park Drive,
Suite 215 Cincinnati OH 45241
First United Bank 201 North Broadway Dimmitt TX 79027
First Vision Bank of Tennessee 1401 N Jackson St Tullahoma TN 37388
First Washington Mortgage
2233 Wisconsin Ave NW,
Suite 232 Washington DC 20007
First Wisconsin Financial, Inc. 110 N. Main Street Oconomowoc WI 53066
First World Mortgage
Corporation 127 Prospect Avenue West Hartford CT 06106
FirstTrust Home Loans, Inc. 906 South Rock St. Sheridan AR 72150
Fischer, Chris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fishburn III, Ralph T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fisher, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fitkin Mortgage Corporation Inc.
16552 Boones Ferry Road
Ste. 3 Lake Oswego OR 97035
Five Star Financial LLC 9031 CLYDESDALE RD Castle Rock CO 80108
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
#200 Henderson NV 89074
Fix Financial, Inc.
DR STE 340 Newport Beach CA 92660
Flagstar (Warehouse) Matthew Miller 5151 Corporate Drive Troy MI 48098
Flagstar Bank Matthew Miller 5151 Corporate Drive Troy MI 48098
Flanagan State Bank 301 W. Falcon Hwy Flanagan IL 61740
Flanagan, Christy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Flanders, Garrett C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Flannery, Sean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Flat Branch Mortgage, Inc. 101 S Fifth Street, Suite 200 Columbia MO 65201
Flatworld Solutions Inc 116 Village Blvd Ste 200 Princeton NJ 08540
FlexPoint, Inc. 151 Kalmus Dr., Ste. D210 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Flores, Jose, Manuel
101 Parkshore Drive, Suite
100 Folsom CA 95630
Flores, Nicholas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Florida Capital Bank, N.A.
10151 Deerwood Park Blvd,
Bldg 100, Ste 200 Jacksonville FL 32256
Florida Financial Institute, Inc. 1800 Senegal Date Drive Naples FL 34119
Florida Home Finance, LLC 14442 SW 174 Terrace Miami FL 33177
Florida Home Loan Centers 4612 Ayron Terrace Palm Harbor FL 34685
Florida Home Loans, LLC
1180 Spring Centre South
Blvd, #320 Altamonte Spg FL 32714
Florida Mortgage Capital Inc 3901 NW 79 Ave Ste 220 Doral FL 33166
LLC 2031 E Edgewood Dr, Suite 3 Lakeland FL 33803
Florida Office of Financial
Russell C. Weigel, III,
Commissioner 200 East Gaines Street Tallahassee FL 32399
Flow Mortgage, Inc.
600 B St, Ste 300, room 08-
139 San Diego CA 92101
Floyd, Aston
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Floyd, Cynthia D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FM Home Loans, LLC
2329 Nostrand Avenue 3rd
Floor Brooklyn NY 11210
Foley & Lardner LLC 3000 K Street NW Suite 600 Washington DC 20007
Follmer, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Folmar, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fong, Kenny
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Foothills Mortgage LLC 5231 S Zinnia Ct Littleton CO 80127
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Forberg, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Forbright Bank
4445 Willard Avenue 10th
Floor Chevy Chase MD 20815
Ford, Martin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FormFree Holdings Corporation
3245 Peachtree Pkwy Suite
D 177 JOHNS CREEK GA 30024
Forslund, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FORTIS PRIVATE BANK 1550 17th Street Suite 100 Denver CO 80202
Foster Jr., William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fountain Home Loans, LLC 232 Professional Crt Ste C1 Gulf Shores AL 36542
Fowler, Demetrius, Emil dba
Khetha Home Loans
11400 W Olympic Blvd Ste
200 Los Angeles CA 90064
Fox Valley Mutual, Incorporated
PARKWAY, SUITE 425 C Evergreen CO 80439
Fox, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fox, Ralph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
FPF, Incorporated DBA First
Pacific Financial 1549 Chestnut Street Redding CA 96001
Franco Jr., Oscar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Franklin Advantage, Inc. 24012 Calle de la Plata #330 Laguna Hills CA 92653
Franklin Financial Group Inc. 755 Maidstone Court Cincinnati OH 45230
Franklin, Briana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Franklin, Detrone
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Franklin, Erica S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fransos, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Frascarelli, Maria
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Frazho, Kristin M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Frazier, Jean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fredrickson, Scott 1421 n wanda rd, 120 Orange CA 92867
Freedom Lending, LLC 2012 Hwy 160 W Suite 22 Fort Mill SC 29708
Freeman, Cindy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024 LLC
6 Dickinson Drive Bldg 300
ste 301A CHADDS FORD PA 19317
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Freitag, Lauren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Frey, Alice
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Friesen, Kristen G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fritz, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Front Range Lending 10501 Sierra Ridge Dr. Parker CO 80134
FrontPoint Security Solutions,
LLC 1595 SPRING HILL RD Vienna VA 22182
Fukai, Valerie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Fulcrum Home Loans LLC 32 N. Fisher Park Way Eagle ID 83616
Full Beaker Inc 200 112th Ave NE #310 BELLEVUE WA 98004
CONSULTING, LLC 15532 Chanove Avenue Greenwell Springs LA 70739
Full Spectrum Capital
Corporation 7439 N Fiske Ave Portland OR 97203
Funderburg, Samantha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
AMERICA LLC 6 Kelly Place Stanhope NJ 07874
Funding Resources LLC 630 Chestnut Rd Myrtle Beach SC 29572
Funding Resources Mortgage
777 Passaic Avenue, suite
220 Clifton NJ 07012
Funding Source Corp.
747 Chestnut Ridge Road,
Suite 301 Chestnut Ridge NY 10977
SUITE 202 Boynton Beach FL 33435
FundLoans Capital
662 Encinitas Blvd., Suite
270 Encinitas CA 92024
Funes, Yanira
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Funk, Amy M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
G&M Mortgage Brokerage Inc
500 Marquette Ave Suite
1200 Albuquerque NM 87102
G. & M. Wolkenberg, Inc. 2838 Long Beach Road Oceanside NY 11572
G.W. Jones Exchange Bank 115 W. Main St Marcellus MI 49067
G.W.Wolthuis Financial Services
5677 South 1475 East Suite
4B So. Ogden UT 84403
Gabrielle Valderas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gagishvili, Georgy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Galab Dhungana Esquire PC 350 Fifth Avenue, Ste. 5900 New York NY 10118
Galbreath, Kory
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Gallegos, Reynaldo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gallups, Michelle M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Galvan, Adrienne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ganjam, Sri Krishnamacharyul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gapital Mortgage, Inc.
1180 North Town Center
Drive, Suite 100-1055 Las Vegas NV 89144
Garcia, Adolfo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garcia, Amanda C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garcia, Laura I.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garcia, Marcos
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garcia, Sergio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garden State Home Loans, Inc.
2091 Springdale Road, Suite
16 Cherry Hill NJ 08003
Gardner Financial Services, LTD 3503 Paesanos Parkway San Antonio TX 78231
Gardner Financial Services, Ltd.
dba Legacy Mutual Mortgage 3503 Paesanos Parkway San Antonio TX 78231
Garg, Anurag
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garretson, Rebecca L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garrett, Gerrod
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garrett, Ronald
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gartner, Inc. 56 Top Gallant Road Stamford CT 06902
Garza, Jaime F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Garza, Lydia E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gate Cap, LLC 305 21st Street, Suite 247 Galveston TX 77550
Gateway Capital Mortgage, Inc. 11 Beach Drive Saint Petersburg FL 33701
Gateway Capital Mortgage, Inc. 11 Beach Drive SE St Petersburg FL 33701
Gateway First Bank 244 South Gateway Place Jenks OK 74037
Gatewood, Patricia J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Gayle Lord
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gazette Mortgage, LLC
21734 Provincial Blvd. Ste
240 Katy TX 77450
GDM Mortgage Corp 1802 N Alafaya Trl, Suite 164 Orlando FL 32826
Gearheart, Kittie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
General Mortgage Capital
1350 Bayshore Highway,
Suite 740 Burlingame CA 94010
Generation Lending Inc. 30011 Ivy Glenn Dr. Ste 207 Laguna Niguel CA 92677
Generation Mortgage
Associates, LLC 12052 100th Ave Seminole FL 33772
Generation Mortgage, LLC 105 East Center St. Manchester CT 06040
Genesis Financial Services, Inc. 14175 Erie Rd. Apple Valley CA 92307
Geneva Financial, LLC 180 S. Arizona Ave Suite 310 Chandler AZ 85225
Genex Lending, LLC 1775 Lanyon Dr Bartlett IL 60103
FLOOR Irvine CA 92614
Gensler Information Solutions,
232 Third Street North Suite
201 LA CROSSE WI 54601
Gentle, Kesha N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
DBA Enact 8325 Six Forks Rd RALEIGH NC 27615
GEO Mortgage Services, Inc. 9901 McPherson Suite 101 Laredo TX 78045
Geo-Corp, Inc.
901 Corporate Center Dr Ste
401 Monterey Park CA 91754
Georgalakis, Tino, Stan 5878 lake buena vista way Banning CA 92220
GEORGE MAKHOUL 4675 Park Avenue Slatington PA 18080
Georgia Department of Banking
& Finance
Kevin B. Hagler,
2990 Brandywine Road,
Suite 200 Atlanta GA 30341
Gerritsen, Sharon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gershman Investment Corp.
16253 Swingley Ridge Road
Suite 400 Chesterfield MO 63017
Gershman, Jane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GESA CREDIT UNION 51 Gage Blvd. Richland WA 99352
Get Chase Mortgage, Inc 149 QUAIL HOLLOW RD Logan UT 84321
GET HOME MORTGAGE, LLC 2307 E Pasture Dr Saint George UT 84790
2821 Glenwood Avenue,
Suite 1 Rockford IL 61101
Getz Mortgage, Inc. 480 Pierce Street, Suite 306 Kingston PA 18704
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Getzelman, Casey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GFL Capital Mortgage, Inc.
1100 Corporate Way, Suite
210 Sacramento CA 95831
GI Home Loans, Inc. 910 Hale Place Suite 110 Chula Vista CA 91914
Gibbons, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gibson, Dionna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gibson, Katelyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gilbert Ramirez dba Victoria
Home Loans 112 S. Catalina Avenue, #6 Redondo Beach CA 90277
Gilbert, Jessica E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Giles Scott, Jade
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Giles, Jacob R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gillespie, Kent
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gilmartin, Deborah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gimenez, Ray
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ginne Mae
425 3rd Street, SW, Suite
500 Washington DC 20024
Ginnie Mae 451 7th Street, SW Room B-133 Washington DC 20410
Gipson, Connie R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Givens, Tonya
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GLACIER BANK 49 Commons Loop Kalispell MT 59901
Glasper, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Glass, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
100 Shoreline Highway
Building A MILL VALLEY CA 94941
Glasse, Nicholas A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Glenn, Lesa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Global Funding LLC
3240 B Juan Tabo NE Suite
B-3 Albuquerque NM 87111
Global Home Finance Inc 325 S Stemmons Freeway Lewisville TX 75037
Global Home Finance Inc. 325 S Stemmons Freeway Lewisville TX 75067
Global Lending Solutions Inc.
4305 Windsor Centre Trl, Ste
200 Flower Mound TX 75028
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Global Mortgage Link, LLC 111 N. 12Th St., Suite B Murray KY 42071
Global Mortgage Link, LLC (ND) 111 N. 12Th St., Suite B Murray KY 42071
Global Mortgage Network, Inc.
626 Jacksonville Rd. Suite
230 Warminster PA 18974
Globe Mortgage, Inc. 1200 Brickell Avenue #740 Miami FL 33131
Glory Mortgage LLC 121 Lancha Cir, Unit 206 Ind Hbr Bch FL 32937
Glowach, Edward
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
REDLEGG 902 Randall RD St C #319 Saint Charles IL 60174
Go Lender Direct, Inc. 42377 Via Azalea Temecula CA 92592
Go Prime Capital, Inc.
22120 Clarendon Street,
suite 150 Woodland Hills CA 91367
Goddard, Amy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Godwin, Melanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gold Coast Funding Inc
500 North Broadway, Suite
133 Jericho NY 11753
Gold Quest Group, LLC 1001 West Loop South, 803 Houston TX 77027
Goldate, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Golden Bear Capital Inc.
10650 Scripps Ranch Blvd
Ste 230 San Diego CA 92131
Golden Empire Mortgage, Inc.
dba GEM Mortgage
1200 Discovery Drive Suite
300 Bakersfield CA 93309
Golden State Equity Group Inc. 6454 Mission St. Daly City CA 94014
Golden State Finance Authority 1215 K Street Suite 1650 Sacramento CA 95814
Golden State Financial Group,
23801 Calabasas Road, ste
2026 Calabasas CA 91302
Golden Waters Funding, Inc 2677 N Main St, Suite 465 Santa Ana CA 92705
Golden West Alliance, Inc.
330 North Brand Boulevard
Suite 320 Glendale CA 91203
Goldman, Carolyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Goldsmith Associates, PLLC 100 Crescent Court, Ste. 700 Dallas TX 75201
Goldsmith-Routzon, Alycia L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GoldStar Mortgage, Inc. 1557 Chesnut Bypass Centre AL 35960
Goldwater Bank, National
2525 E. Cmelback Rd. Ste.
1100 Phoenix AZ 85016
Golik Jr., Michael P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Golob, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gomez, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gomez, Jesus E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gomez, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gomez, Octavio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gomez, Oscar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Goncalo, Daniel F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gonzalez, Fernando A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gonzalez, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gonzalez, Pauline
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gonzalez, Sarah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Good Buy Enterprises LLC 200 William Allen Lane Decatur TX 76234
Good Day Financial, LLC 8151 E Evans Road, Suite 2 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Good, Nancy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Goodall Young, Vanesha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Goodloe, Aba-Nyamekye
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Goodview Financial & Real
Estate Corporation
2350 Mission College Blvd.,
Suite #242 Santa Clara CA 95054
Googain, Inc. 1288 Kifer Road, Suite 208 Sunnyvale CA 94086
GoPrime Mortgage, Inc.
320 N. Salem Street, Suite
300 Apex NC 27502
GoPrime Mortgage, Inc. dba
Prime Mortgage Lending Inc.
320 N. Salem Street, Suite
300 Apex NC 27502
Goss, Khadizah S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
INC 2570 W 600 NORTH LINDON UT 84042
Goulian, Mitchell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Government National Mortgage
451 Seventh Street, Room B-
133 Washington DC 20410
Grady, Michele
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Graff, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Graham, Grace
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Graham, Kyle C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Graham, Matthew W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Graham, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Granado, Audrey A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Grande Homes, Inc. dba GHI
SUITE D National City CA 91950
Grander Home Loans, Inc. 3930 Oregon St STE 200 San Diego CA 92104
Granite Mortgage, Inc. 2614 Navajo Road El Cajon CA 92020
Grant Thornton LLP
1901 South Meyers Road
Suite 455 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181
Grant, Kenneth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gratz, Jason Dieter
970 Los Vallecitos Blvd, Ste
222 San Marcos CA 92069
Gray, Steven
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Grayson, Rosanna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Great Mortgage, Inc
1754 N Washington St Ste
128B Naperville IL 60563
Great Northern Insurance
Company 202B Halls Mill Road Whitehouse Station NJ 08889
Great Northern Mortgage Corp. 129 Broadway Suite A Lynbrook NY 11563
Greater Boston Mortgage
Advisors, Inc.
399 Neponset Street Suite
206 Canton MA 02021
Green Mango Mortgage, LLC
16165 North 83rd Avenue,
Suite 200 Peoria AZ 85382
Green River Capital Corp.
1670 Old Countr
Road Suite
220 Plainview NY 11803
Green Street Mortgage Lenders,
Inc. 600 Ave. A Opelika AL 36801
Green, Ronda L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Green, Taylor C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greenback Capital Mortgage
Corporation 1086 Teaneck Road Suite 4E Teaneck NJ 07666
Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Bethani R. Oppenheimer &
John D. Elrod Terminus 200
3333 Piedmont Road NE,
Suite 2500 Atlanta GA 30305
Greenberg Traurig, LLP Nancy A. Peterman
77 West Wacker Drive, Suite
3100 Chicago IL 60601
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Greenberg, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greenbox Loans, Inc.
3250 Wilshire Blvd., Ste.
1900 Los Angeles CA 90010
Greene, Shannon M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greene, Terri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greenfield Group, Corp 1424 Stone Canyon Way Lewisville TX 75067
Greenfront Mortgage, LLC 120 McFaul Way Zephyr Cove NV 89448
Greenidge, Travis A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greenlee, Tom
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greenline Mortgage, Inc. 32339 Wekiva Pines Blvd Sorrento FL 32776
Greentree Mortgage Company,
Limited Partnership 2 Eastwick Drive Suite 300 Gibbsboro OK 08026
Greenway Funding Group, Inc.
7811 Montrose Road, Suite
430 Potomac MD 20854
Greenway Mortgage Funding
Corp. 107 Tindall Rd, Suite 14 Middletown NJ 07748
Greenway Mortgage Funding
Corp. (WNQM) 107 Tindall Rd, Suite 14 Middletown NJ 07748
Greenwood, Katherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greer, Brianna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gregory A Rachunok 518 Navajo Ave Paso Robles CA 93446
Gregory, Amanda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gregory, Joseph L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Greiner, Chris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Griesenbeck, Jaclyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Griffin Funding, Inc. 2445 5TH AVE STE 300 SAN DIEGO CA 92101
Griffin, Deloise
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Grisell, Tamela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GRM Information Management
Services, LLC 9200 East Hampton Dr CAPITOL HEIGHTS MD 20743
Grohgan, Fredrick
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Group One Mortgage, Inc.
900 E Indiantown Road,
Suite 110 Jupiter FL 33477
DRIVE Miami FL 33133
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Groves Capital, Inc. 4025 Stonebridge Ln Rancho Santa Fe CA 92094
Groves Capital, Inc. 4080 Centre St #206 San Diego CA 92103
103 Park Ridge IL 60068
GSF Mortgage Corporation 15430 W. Capitol Dr Brookfield WI 53005
Guaranty Mortgage Service, Inc. 4300 B Street, Suite 301 Anchorage AK 99503
GuardHill Financial Corp.
140 East 45th Street, 31st
Floor New York NY 10017
SERVICES, INC. dba Pavaso,
6111 West Plano Pkwy Suite
3800 PLANO TX 75093
Guardian Mortgage Inc
3900 Jermantown Road,
Suite 300 Room # 37 Fairfax VA 22030
Guardiola, Luci
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Guess, Cristie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Guidance Mortgage, LLC 14380 W. Capitol Dr., Suite 1 Brookfield WI 53005
Guidehouse, Inc. FKA Navigant
Consulting, Inc.
2100 CHICAGO IL 60606
Guidry, Bernadette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Guild Mortgage Company
5887 Copley Drive Floors 1,
3, 4, 5, and 6 San Diego CA 92111
Gulf Coast Bank and Trust
Company 200 St. Charles Street New Orleans LA 70130
Gunter, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gunter, Sarah M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gurich Enterprises, Inc.
100 East Thousand Oaks
Blvd., Suite 161 Thousand Oaks CA 91360
Guthman, Monica D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gutierrez Sr., Jorge A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gutierrez Zacarias Jr., Jorge A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Gutierrez, Julieth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Guzman, Armando J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
GVC Mortgage, Inc.
600 Corporation Drive, Suite
200 Pendleton IN 46064
H & F Financial Services LLC
975 Swinnea Ridge Blvd
Suite 2 Southaven MS 38671
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
8170 Lark Brown Rd, Suite
201 Elkridge MD 21075
H&R Funding LLC 216 North Ave East Cranford NJ 07016
7940 Silverton Ave Suite
101A San Diego CA 92126
Hackworth, Elisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hacrow Holdings LLC dba
Signature Lending Services 15851 Dallas Pkwy, Ste 600 Addison TX 75001
Hadley, Mike
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hahn, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haire, Brian S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haislip Sr., Kenneth D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haislip, Jesse
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Halberg, Jeremiah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hale, Eric
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hale, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Halifax Solutions Inc 5097 Wagon Wheel Way Antioch CA 94531
Hall, Donald
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hall, Kahmee L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hall, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hall, Talena
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haller, Adam J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hallmark Home Mortgage, LLC 7421 Coldwater Road Fort Wayne IN 46825
Hallmark Mortgage Corp. 12830 Hillcrest Rd #111 Dallas TX 75230
Halo Mortgage, LLC 2836 North University Drive Coral Springs FL 33065
Halpin, Daniel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hama, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamad, Amina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamblen, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamel, Darren Charles 17506 Heartwind Ct Houston TX 77095
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hamill, Joseph F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamilton Home Loans, Inc.
1551 Sawgrass Corporate
Parkway, Suite 300 Sunrise FL 33323
Hamilton Jr., Joseph A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamilton Mortgage Corporation
2850 19th Street South Suite
300 Birmingham AL 35209
Hamilton Mortgage Services Inc.
11776 W. Sample Road,
Suite 104 Coral Springs FL 33065
Hamilton, Jonathan A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamilton, Linda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamilton, Rebecca S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hamilton, Serenity
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hampton, Kameron C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hancock Mortgage Partners,
One Sugar Creek Center
Blvd, Ste 1000 Sugar Land TX 77478
Haney, Alise
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haney, Spencer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hanks, Cassey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hans, Diane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hanson, James K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hanssel, Tim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Happy Medium
3824 Cedar Springs Rd.
#379 DALLAS TX 75219
Harbor Homes Loans LLC
15 Aylesbury Road Suite 400
1st Floor Timonium MD 21093
Harbor Mortgage Solutions, Inc.
100 Grandview Road, Suite
105 Braintree MA 02184-2686
HarborOne Mortgage LLC 650 Elm Street Suite 600 Manchester NH 03101
Hardin, Kirkland
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harin de Silva
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haritouni-Gozalian, Janet
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harley, Bradley K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Harmon, Lauren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harmon, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harper, Bryce
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harriage, Olivia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris Family Partnership 712 Harris Point Dr. Virginia Beach VA 23455
Harris, Daina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Dreama
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Jeffery
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Lachea W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Nicholas A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harris, Samantha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hart, Gayla M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hartford Funding, Ltd.
100 Crossways Park Drive
West Suite 302 Woodbury NY 11797
Hartshorne, Mitchell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Harvest Financial Associates,
LLC 2637 Flat Shoals Rd Decatur GA 30034
Harvey II, Sylvester L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hash, John S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hassan, Quazi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hassan, Walid
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hasson, Margaret
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hatch, Russell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haught, Gregory
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hawaii Division of Financial
Department of Commerce
and Consumer Affairs
Catherine P. Awakuni Colon,
335 Merchant Street, Rm.
King Kalakaua
Building Honolulu HI 96813
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hawk Mortgage Group, LLC
725 N. Hickor
Avenue, Suite
200 Bel Air MD 21014
Hawkins Home Loans Hawkins Home Loans West Sacramento CA 95691
Hawkins, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hawkins, Katrina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Haws, Inc. 101 Plaza Real South, STE I Boca Raton FL 33432
Haws, Inc. 101 Plaza Real South, STE I Boca Raton FL 33460
Hawthorne, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hayes, Adam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hayre, Dayle L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hays, Terri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hazou, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
HCL America, Inc 2401 Internet Blvd. #200 Frisco TX 75034
HCL Lending Solutions, LLC 330 Potrero Avenue SUNNYVALE CA 94085
Healthwell Foundation 5280 Corporate Drive Frederick MD 21701
Heard, April
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hearsay Social, Inc.
185 Berry Street Suite 3800
Lobby 5 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94107
SUITE 104A Boca Raton FL 33431
Heathrow Mortgage, LP
1850 General George Patton
Dr, Suite B209 Franklin TN 37067
Hebert, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hebert, Lauren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hedke, Jacob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hege, Stephanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Heinsohn, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Helmberger, Katie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henderson III, Walter L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hendricks & Struggles 5949 Sherry Lane, Ste. 1200 Dallas TX 75225
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hendricks, Alfred
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hendricks, Jennifer K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henkin, Roger
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henley, Jogayle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hennon, Adam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henriod, Alexander
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henry S Moranchel dba
HLOANPROs 4115 E Live Oak Ave. Ste. 6 Arcadia CA 91006
Henry, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henry, Courtney D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Henry, Michele
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Heo, Yoon Y.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Heritage Financial Corporation 3478 Kennedy Blvd Jersey City NJ 07307
Heritage Home Loans, LLC 1060 S Main, 101B St George UT 84770
Heritage Mortgage Banking
Corp. 25 Lindsley Drive, Suite 209 Morristown NJ 07960
Heritage Mortgage, LLC 336 James Record Rd. Huntsville AL 35824
Heritage MortgageKC LLC 509 NW 5th St, Suite 100 Blue Springs MO 64014
Hermansen, Brad
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Herminghaus, Lauren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hernandez, Bryanna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hernandez, Erika
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hernandez, Juan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hernandez, Marco
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hernandez, Raquel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Herndon, Sadey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Herrera, David A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hester, Tina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
HGS Fidelit
e Compan
of Alexandria, Inc. 3900 Sterkx Road, Suite D Alexandria LA 71301
Hicks, Katura
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hicks, Keisha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
High Definition Mortgage Inc 8075 S Beneva Rd Unit 6 Sarasota FL 34238
High Lakes Lending, LLC
2755 NW Crossing Dr., Suite
229 Bend OR 97703
High Quality Mortgage, LLC
271 Rt 46. West -Unit H202-
203 Fairfield NJ 07704
Highlands Residential Mortgage
950 W. Bethany Drive, Suite
800 Allen TN 75013
Hignite, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hill Valley Financial Services Inc. 18080 S Shiloh Lane Oregon City OR 97045
Hill, Bruce G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hillcrest Capital, LLC dba
Hillcrest Home Loans 7676 Hillmont St. Ste. 105 Houston TX 77040
Hillcrest Lending, Inc. 5333 W. San Fernando Rd Los Angeles CA 90039
Hilliard, Allison
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hilltop Funding llc
6000 Metrowest Blvd, suite
120 Orlando FL 32835
Hilsabeck, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hines, Latoya M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hinkle, Jon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hinojosa, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
HireRight, LLC
3349 Michelson Drive Suite
150 IRVINE CA 92612
Hisaw, Sable M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hitouch Business Services LLC PO BOX 930257 Atlanta GA 31193
HLP Mortgage, LLC
1235 South Highland Avenue
Suite A Lombard IL 60148
Hoang, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hobbs Jr., Ronald R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hodges, Jonathan W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hodges, Lee Ellen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hoffman, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hohman, Jaye
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hollinshead, Elizabeth A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hollywood Associates, LLC
c/o Vita and Vita Realty
Group 1680 Route 23 North Wayne NJ 07470
Holman, Delia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Holt, Eric J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Home Approvals Direct, Inc. 18201 Von Karman Suite 300 Irvine CA 92612
Home Captain, Inc.
1517 Voorhies Avenue 2nd
Floor BROOKLYN NY 11235
Home Equity Mortgage, LLC 2670 Memorial Blvd. Ste C Murfreesboro TN 37129
Home Federal Bank 624 Market St. Shreveport LA 71101
Home Financial Corporation
459 Herndon Parkway
Suite#16 Herndon VA 20170
Home Funding Corporation
1820 East Warm Springs
Road #130 Las Vegas NV 89119
Home Loan Arrangers LLC 11850B S Homestead Ln Olathe KS 66061
Home Loan Center, Inc 7050 SW 86 Avenue Suite A Miami FL 33143
Home Loan Enterprise 2855 Michelle Dr #180 Irvine CA 92606
Home Loan Enterprise 2855 Michelle Dr #180 Irvine CA 92617
Home Loan Financing 555 Black Water Cove Sandy Springs GA 30328
Home Loan Pros, Inc.
2011 Commerce Drive, Suite
F113 Peachtree City GA 30269
Home Loan Solutions, Inc 420 Lake Cook Rd, Suite 104 Deerfield IL 60015
Home Loans Inc
2557 Ashley Phosphate Rd,
2nd Floor Charleston SC 29418
Home Mortgage Alliance
STE #500 SANTA ANA CA 92707
Home Mortgage Assured
Corporation 6000 Parkland Blvd Mayfield Heights OH 44124
Home Mortgage, Inc. 298 Lawrence Blvd Pineville LA 71360
Home Pad Lending LLC
3233 E. Chandler Blvd Suite
9 Phoenix AZ 85048
TERRACE SUITE 210 Bay Harbor Islands FL 33154
Home Solution Lenders, Inc. 1445 East Main St. Bartow FL 33830
Home Town Funding, Inc. d/b/a
CNB Mortgage Company 63 Monroe Avenue, Suite A Pittsford NY 14534
HomeBot 2420 17th street 3rd floor DENVER CO 80202
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
INCORPORATED 5027 empire way Irving TX 75038
Homecite Mortgage Corporation 990 RESERVE DR, STE 105 Roseville CA 95678
HomeFirst Mortgage Corp. 207 South Alfred Street Alexandria VA 22314
Homeland Financial Network Inc 2 South Pointe, Suite 185 Lake Forest CA 92630
Homeland Financial Network,
Inc. 23022 La Cadena Suite 203 Laguna Hills CA 92653
COMPANY 5757 S. CASS AVENUE Westmont IL 60559
28662 Oso Parkway, Suite
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
Homepath Mortgage, LLC 117 N 3rd Street Kingston TN 37763
Homeplus Corporation
2878 Camino Del Rio South,
Suite 402 San Diego CA 92108
Homeric LLC 4822 Purdue Avenue Dallas TX 75209
HomeSearch Funding LLC 314 MariGold Ct Glenn Heights TX 75154
Homeside Financial, LLC.
8621 Robert Fulton Drive,
Suite 150 Columbia MD 21044
Homestar Financial Corporation 332 Washington Street NW Gainesville GA 30501
Hometown Equity Mortgage, LLC
1 Mid Rivers Mall Drive,
Suite 130 St. Peters MO 63376
Hometown Financial Services,
LLC 1186 SW Gatlin Blvd Port St Lucie FL 34953
Hometown Lenders, Inc.
310 The Bridge Street 4th
Floor Suite A Huntsville AL 35806
350 The Brid
e Street, Suites
116, 200 & 202 Huntsville AL 35806
Hometown Mortgage Company
South, Inc.
3411 Ambassador Caffery
Parkway Lafayette LA 70506
HomeTrust Mortgage
1475 E Woodfield Rd Suite
110 Schaumburg IL 60173
EXPRESSWAY, Suite 1-F Richardson TX 75080
Homrok, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Homz Mortgage, LLC
111 Barclay Boulevard,
Suite205, Lincolnshire
Corporate Center Lincolnshire IL 60069
Hood River Mortgage Group,
LLC 11 3rd Street Unit 101 Hood River OR 97031
Hooker, Grayson B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hoover, Rich
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hopper, Natasha L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hosler, Morgan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
House of Finance, Inc. 2300 North King Street Honolulu HI 96819
Howard Hanna Financial
Services, Inc.
1000 Gamma Drive, 3rd
Floor Pittsburgh PA 15238
Howard, Clinton
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Howard, Ericka
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Howard, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Howe, Rosemarie L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Howes, Douglas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
HP Mortgage, LLC
7495 W. Atlantic Avenue,
Suite 200-293 Delray Beach FL 33446
INSURANCE SERVICES INC 9855 Scranton Rd suite 100 SAN DIEGO CA 92121
Huckstep, Amy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hudson Home Mortgage LLC
171 E. Ridgewood Ave.,
Suite 204 Ridgewood NJ 07450
Hudson Nationwide Lending LLC
100-02 101st Avenue, Suite
100 Ozone Park NY 11416
Hudson Shine Capital Inc 6 Melnick Drive Suite 218 Monsey NC 10952
Hudson United Mortgage, LLC
95 South Middletown Road
Suite B Nanuet NY 10954
Hudson, Nathaniel L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huette, Russ
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huffaker, Jay D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huffer, Erin W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huffer, Megan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huffer, Melissa J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huggins, Mattison D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hughes Jr., William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hughes, Courtney L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hughes, Vivian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Hulet, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Humbert Mortgage, Inc 1250 Springfield Pike Cincinnati OH 46215
Humphries, Courtney
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hunt Mortgage Corporation 403 Main Street, Suite 210 Buffalo NY 14203
Hunt, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hunt, Vestina B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SUITE 130, OFFICE C Eagle ID 83616
Hunter Lending, LLC 1630 Welton St, Ste 735 Denver CO 80202
Hunter, Amy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hunter, Neil
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Brian Clarke 200 Park Avenue New York NY 10166
Hunton Andrews Kurth LLP Shannon Daily Riverfront Plaza, East Tower 951 East Byrd Street Richmond VA 23219
Hurst Real Estate, Inc.
6060 N. Central Expy Suite
500 Dallas TX 75206
Hurt, Jill D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hussong, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Huynh, Quyen L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hyango, Thessel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Hyperion Mortgage, LLC
3525 Piedmont Road
Building 5 Suite 215 Atlanta GA 30305
Hypo Lending 17700 Castleton St., Ste 408 City Of Industry CA 91748
Hypotec Inc
20283 State Road 7, Suite
429 Boca Raton FL 33498
i3 Lending Inc. 1900 Boothe Circle Suite 100 Longwood FL 32750
i3 Mortgage, LLC 115 Atrium Way, Suite 122 Columbia SC 29223
iApprove Lending
3130 South Harbor Blvd
Suite 520 Santa Ana CA 92704
Ibanez Mortgage Group, LLC 10400 Eaton Place Suite 400 Fairfax VA 22030
Ibanez, Tiani
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ICE Mortgage Technology Inc.
222 N Sepulveda Blvd Ste
1800 EL SEGUNDO CA 90245
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc
FKA Ellie Mae, Inc D.B.A.
Allregs 4420 Rosewood Drive PLEASANTON CA 94588
ICE Mortgage Technology, Inc
FKA Ellie Mae, Inc.
4420 Rosewood Drive, Suite
ICON ADVISORY GROUP, LTD 14785 Preston Rd Suite 1125 DALLAS TX 75254
iCore Lending, Inc.
17785 Center Court Drive N,
Suite 600 Cerritos CA 90703
ID Agent LLC 26 W 17th Street, 9th Floor New York NY 10011
Idaho Central Credit Union 4400 Central Way Chubbuck ID 83202
Idaho Department of Finance Consumer Finance Bureau
Patricia Perkins, Director of
11341 West Chinden Blvd,
Suite A300 Boise ID 83714
Ideal Financial, Inc.
17725 Crenshaw Blvd, Ste
306 Torrance CA 90504
Ideal Mortgage Services, LLC 1257 Haslett Rd. Haslett MI 48840
Ieng, Sokira K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ignite Integration Solutions, Inc.
(IIS) 100 Crossways Park West WOODBURY NY 11797, LLC
567 San Nicolas Drive Suite
Illinois Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation Mario Treto, Jr., Secretary
320 West Washin
ton Street,
3rd Floor Springfield IL 62786
Illinois Department of Financial
and Professional Regulation 320 West Washington Street 3rd Floor Springfield IL 62786
Imagine Home Lending of
Central Wisconsin, LLC 5424 US Highway 10 E Ste C Stevens Point WI 54482
Imagine Home Lending, LLC 1037 Riders Club Road Onalaska WI 54650
Imbimbo, Nicholas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Impact Home Loans Inc. 779 Hamilton Drive Pleasant Hill CA 94523
Incenter Appraisal Management,
129 West Trade Street 9th
Floor CHARLOTTE NC 28202
Incredible Lender LLC 16 Linden Lane Breckenridge CO 80424
IND Mortgage LLC 117 Kendrick St, Suite 300 Needham MA 02494
INDECOMM HOLDINGS, INC. 379 Thornall Street 2nd Floor EDISON NJ 08837
Independent Bank
5050 Poplar Avenue, Suite
2200 Memphis TN 38157
Indiana Department of Financial
Institutions Consumer Credit Division Richard J. Rice, Chairman
30 South Meridian Street,
Suite 300 Indianapolis IN 46204
INC 5283 ARAPAHO WAY Carmel IN 46033
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Indigo Mountain Investments, Inc 4210 Wadsworth Blvd., #302 Wheat Ridge CO 80034
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Industry Home Mortgage LLC
720 S Colorado Blvd
Penthouse North Tower Glendale CO 80246
INFINISOURCE, INC. 15 E. Washington Street COLDWATER MI 49036
Infinite Quality Lending Inc
160 S Old Springs Rd Ste
100-B Anaheim CA 92808
Infiniti Financial Group, Inc.
1020 Milwaukee Ave, Suite
230 Deerfield IL 60015
Infiniti Home Loans Inc. 16480 Harbor Blvd, Suite 201 Fountain Valley CA 92708
Infinity Home Loans Group 77770 Country Clue Dr A Palm Desert CA 92211
Informa PLC 26565 Agoura Rd Calabasas CA 91302
Information Management
1120 Ave. of the Americas,
6th Floor New York NY 10036
Ingendorf, Samuel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Inland Bank and Trust 2805 Butterfield Road Oak Brook IL 60523
Inlanta Mortgage, Inc
W239 N3490 Pewaukee
Road Ste 200 Pewaukee WI 53072
Innovative Home Loans, LLC
8655 SW Citizens Drive,
Suite 107 Wilsonville OR 97070
Innovative Lending Group, LLC 17176 FM 156, Suite A101 Justin TX 76247
Innovative Mortgage Services,
17717 Hunting Bow Circle
Unit 101 Lutz FL 33558
Insight Financial Services LLC 27780 Novi Rd. #210 Novi MI 48377
Inspire Home Loans Inc.
4695 MacArthur Court Suite
350 Newport Beach CA 92660
Inspired Life Mortgage, LLC 8962 E Buckboard Road Tucson AZ 85749
Integr8tive Solutions Inc. 2388 Santa Ana Costa Mesa CA 92627
Integra Financial Group, Inc 6565 N. Avondale, Suite 200 Chicago IL 60631
Integrant, Inc.
226 Maple Avenue West,
Suite 401 Vienna VA 22180
INTEGRATED DISCOUNT, INC. 103 N Goliad, Ste 108 Rockwall TX 75087
Integrity Financial LLC 50 SpinningLeaf Trl Silverthorne CO 80498
Integrity Financial Services of
Tampa Bay, Inc. 13129 66th Street Largo FL 33773
Integrity Financial Services, LLC 1105 SW 44th St Cape Coral FL 33914
Integrity First Mortgage, LLC 9 Peddlers Row Newark DE 19702
Integrity Lending Corporation
9505 Reisterstown Road,
Suite 2 South Owings Mills MD 21117
Integrity Mortgage Center LLC 319 Devereaux Dr Natchez MS 39120
Integrity Mortgage Co 3758 Windchant Cir Castle Rock CO 80104
Integrity Mortgage of Missouri
Corporation 200 N Main St St. Charles MO 63301
Integrity Mortgage, Inc. 226 A Collins Rd., Suite 6 Fort Wayne IN 46825
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Integrity Property Financial
3250 W Bi
Beaver Rd, Suite
120 Troy MI 48084
Intelliloan, Inc.
500 N. State College, Suite
1400 Orange CA 92868
Intelli-Mine Inc. 12 Trovita IRVINE CA 92620
Intercoastal Mortgage LLC dba
Intercoastal Mortgage Company
11325 Random Hills Road
Ste 600 Fairfax VA 22030
Intercontinental Capital Group,
265 Broadhollow Road Suite
220 Melville NY 11747
Interest Smart Home Loans
23172 Plaza Pointe Drive,
Suite 155 Laguna Hills CA 92653
Interest Smart Home Loans
30211 Avenida de las
Banderas, Suite 200
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
InterLinc Mortgage Services,
5875 North Sam Houston
Parkway West, Suite 300 Houston TX 77086
Internal Revenue Service Attn Susanne Larson 31 Hopkins Plz Rm 1150 Baltimore MD 21201
Internal Revenue Service
Centralized Insolvency
Operation 2970 Market St Philadelphia PA 19104
Internal Revenue Service
Centralized Insolvency
Operation PO Box 7346 Philadelphia PA 19101-7346
Internal Revenue Service PO Box 931300 Louisville KY 40293
International Bank of Commerce 1200 San Bernardo St Laredo TX 78040
International City Mortgage, Inc.
200 E Sandpointe Ave, Ste
650 Santa Ana CA 92707
International Sunbelt Properties
Inc. 4429 Village Rd. Long Beach CA 90808
Interstate Home Loan Center,
Inc. 40 Marcus Drive Suite 250 Melville NY 11747
IntroLend Arizona LLC 1745 E River Rd, # 245 Tucson AZ 85718
IntroLend First Cloud, LLC 3750 Gunn Hwy, Suite 305 Tampa FL 33618
IntroLend, LLC Elevated 998 N 1200 W Orem UT 84057
IntroLend, LLC Exceed
6136 Frisco Square Blvd.
#200 Frisco TX 75034
IntroLend, LLC Utah IntroLend
Utah LLC 6629 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84121
Investors Mortgage Group, Inc. 4 Skillings Rd Winchester MA 01890
Invicta Mortgage Group, Inc. 230 Prospect Ave Scranton PA 18505
Iowa Division of Banking Jeff Plagge, Superintendent
200 East Grand Avenue,
Suite 300 Des Moines IA 50309
IPM-Texas, LLC 5717 Legacy Drive Plano TX 75024
iReverse Home Loans,
Corporation DBA iHome
Mortgage 12404 Hunters Glen Owings Mills MD 21117
Irizarry, Jorge
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Iron Point Corporation
2130 E. Bidwell Street, Suite
110 Folsom CA 95630
Irving, Michael W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
iServe Residential Lending, LLC
10920 Via Frontera, Suite
520 San Diego CA 92127
Issuer Direct Corporation 500 Perimeter Park Drive Morrisville NC 27560
Iverson, Scott M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ivey, Nancy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ivol, William C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ivory, Eric D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ixonia Bank W1046 Marietta Ave. Ixonia WI 53036
Jackson Henry Mortgage, LLC 26403 Oak Ridge Dr Spring TX 77380
Jackson, Felicia D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jackson, Iesha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jackson, Jennifer L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jackson, Jullius
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jackson, Tonja
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jacmel Holdings, Inc. 14408 Whittier Blvd Suite B1 Whittier CA 90605
JACOG LLC 3400 NW 78 AVE Doral FL 33122
Jacques Financial Group, Inc. 2260 Del Paso Rd, Suite 200 Sacramento CA 95834
Jakubcin, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
James Davis dba Cash
Mortgage Services 7016 Williams Dr Galveston TX 77551
James Halter, Rasco Klock
Perez & Nieto 555 Fifth Ave. 17th Floor New York NY 10017
James Kutz dba Jim Kutz Real
Estate and Finance 1653 Ebers Street San Diego CA 92107
James, Arielle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
James, Cody L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
James, Ronald M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
James, Vanessa R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Jamieson, Wayne A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jan-Pro 10410 Park Road Suite 200 CHARLOTTE NC 28210
Jan-Pro of Las Vegas
1050 E Flamingo Rd Suite
N334 LAS VEGAS NV 89119
Jan-Pro of Northern NJ 421 Fairfield Rd FAIRFIELD NJ 07004
Jarlin Financia, Inc. dbaFirst
Rate Mortgage Group 529 Glen Meadow Road Richboro PA 18954
Javasgal Enterprises LLC
5005 W 34th Street, Suite
107C Houston TX 77092
Jayco Financial Services, Inc. 490 Alabama St, Suite 101 Redlands CA 92373
800 S Brookhurst st. Suite 3-
B Anaheim CA 92804
Jefferies LLC 520 Madison Ave. New York NY 10022
Jelani, Stephanie R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jelsing Financial & Marketing
Services, Inc dba PGS Home
Loans 5731 Palmer Way, Suite D Carlsbad CA 92010
Jenkins, Jeffery
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jensen, Chad
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jensen, Melody
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jersey Mortgage Company of
New Jersey, Inc.
511 South Avenue East, 1st
Floor Cranford NJ 07016
9431 Haven Avenue, Sute
232 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
Jessie Palmer
Crawford, Wishnew & Lang
PLLC 1700 Pacific Ave., Ste. 2390 Dallas TX 75201
Jessie Palmer Neill Legler Cole, PLLC
3300 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste.
425 Dallas TX 75219
Jet Direct Funding Corp.
111 West Main Street Suite
110 Bay Shore NY 11706
Jet Mortgage LLC
2591 Dallas Parkway, Suite
300 Frisco TX 75034
Jeter, James C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jewkes, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
JFQ Lending, Inc. 7720 N. Dobson Rd. Scottsdale AZ 85256
JHS Lending Services, Inc. 2251 Broad Street, Suite B San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Jimenez, George
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jimenez, Jasson
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
JJs of Florida, LLC 189 S. Converse Street Spartanburg SC 29306
JLB Corporation 11737 Administration Dr St. Louis MO 63146
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
JM Loans Inc. dba Seacliff
Mortgage 9042 Garfield Avenue, #207 Huntington Beach CA 92646
Jobe, Madison
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jocis, Joelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
John B. Stricklin dba
SUITE4 Lexington SC 29072
John Del Casale dba New Era
1900 Camden Avenue, Suite
101 San Jose CA 95124
John E Young Mortgage LLC 214 Sahara Dr Kingston PA 18704
John M. Cramer dba Cramer
Consulting Group 2237 Commonwealth Ave San Diego CA 92104
John, Julie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johns, Sisily
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson II, Lonnie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Amber R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Bradley C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Brent B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Brian S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Brian S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Helen M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Jake
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Jennifer L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, John C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Josephine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Matthew B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Johnson, Preston
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Robin J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Scott G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Sierra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, Stelisha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnson, William R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnston, Dianne M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Johnston, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Brian K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Brittany M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Christina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Clyde
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Jeremy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Kenneth A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Natalie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Penny
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Rayshella
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Rodney
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Sheila M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jones, Stella
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Jordan Pacific, Inc.
5353 Mission Center Road
Suite 204 San Diego CA 92108
Jordan, Penny S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Jose Cordova (Freelance
consultant) 1912 Elk Lake Trail Justin TX 76247
Joseph, John R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Joshua Coomer LLC
871 Coronado Center Drive,
Suite 210 Henderson NV 89052
JPMortgage Company LLC
9900 Shelbyville Road, Suite
10A Louisville KY 40223
JR Mortgage Corporation 600 S Cherry #143 Denver CO 80246
JSB Mortgage Corporation 14730 Beach Blvd Suite 106 La Mirada CA 90638
JTs Lending Team, Inc 10724 White Oak Ave. Granada Hills CA 91344
Juarez, Zachary K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Justice, Dylan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
JVB Financial (Repo) Tom McHugh 3 Columbus Cir. 24th Floor New York NY 10019
K & B Capital Corp. 40 SE 5th St. # 502 Boca Raton FL 33432
K Pacific Group 1300 Quail Street unit 208 Newport Beach CA 92660
K, Meenatchi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
K. Hovnanian American
Mortgage, LLC 3601 Quantum Blvd. Boynton Beach FL 33426
K2 Lending, Inc
384 Inverness Parkway, Ste
200 Englewood CO 80112
Kaag Financial, LLC 6840 Caine Rd Columbus OH 43235
Kadirire, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kadlogic Inc
1560 E southlake Blvd ste
100 South Lake TX 76092
Kadlogic Inc
1560 E southlake Blvd ste
100 South Lake TX 76248
Kairos Mortgage, LLC 2273 W 7800 S Ste 7 West Jordan UT 84088
Kaiser, Dina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KAM Financial & Realty, Inc.
9920 Pacific Heights Blvd.,
Suite 150 San Diego CA 92121
Kanlise, Christinia R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kansas Office of the State Bank
Division of Consumer and
Mortgage Lending
David L Herndon, Bank
700 SW Jackson St., Suite
300 Topeka KS 66603
Kappel Mortgage Group, Inc. 2425 Fair Oaks Blvd, Ste. 5 Sacramento CA 95825
Karla Sue Seebold 311 E I 30 STE 103 Rockwall TX 75087
Karpe Mortgage, Inc.
8501 Camino Media, Suite
400 Bakersfield CA 93311
Karra, Vishnu V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kass Shuler Law Firm 1505 North Florida Ave. Tampa FL 33602
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Kassel, Lorieann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Katherine Verner
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kaza2, Inc. dba Ameriplus
Financial Services 45340 Hanford Road Canton MI 48187
KBS Lending, Inc. 16415 Addison Road #316 Addison TX 75001
KDWallstreet Mortgage Advisors
LLC KD Wallstreet Mortgage
LLC 6540 SW 10th Ave STE 102 Topeka KS 66615
Keane, Melissa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Keating, Mechelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Keavy Group LLC 15176 91st Terrace North Jupiter FL 33478
Keenan Jr., James H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KeepItSafe Inc dba Livevault
6922 Hollywood Blvd. Ste
500 HOLLYWOOD CA 90028
Keeton, Lizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Keith, Holly J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kelbaugh, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kelleher, Mary C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kelley Mortgage, LLC
105 E. James Campbell Blvd,
Ste 2 Columbia TN 38401
Kelley, Christina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kelley, Jim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kelley, Karen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
300-6 ALISO VIEJO CA 92656
Kelly Mortgage, Inc.
23011 Moulton Parkway
Suite F3 Laguna Hills CA 92653
Ken Margolis 135 Elm Drive Roslyn NY 11576
Kennon, Tonya L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kenny Financial Serives, Inc 2 W Market Street, Ste. 100 West Chester PA 19382
Kenny Financial Services, Inc. 1601 Market Street, FL 19 Philadelphia PA 19103
Kenny, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
KensieMae, LLC 7014 13th Avenue, Ste. 202 Brooklyn NY 11228
Kentucky Department of
Financial Institutions
Division of Non-Depository
Institutions Charles Vice, Commissioner 500 Mero St.
Mail Stop 2 SW
19 Frankfort KY 40601
Keplar, Stuart
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kern Mortgage Co., Inc. 979 Farmington Ave, STE 1F Berlin CT 06037
KERRYG, LLC 2240 Via Puerta, Unit D Laguna Woods CA 92637
Kessner Financial, Inc. 5550 Glades Road Suite 305 Boca Raton FL 33431
Kesterson, Arthur
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kesterson, Dominic
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kesterson, Russell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Key One Financial Inc.
5101 NE 82nd Avenue Suite
240 Vancouver WA 98662
Keys Life Tavernier Inc. dba
Allstate Funding Group
12555 Orange Drive Suite
202 Davie FL 33331
Keystone Bank, National
11500 Bee Caves Road,
Suite 150 Austin TX 78738
Keystone Funding Inc 519 S Red Haven Lane Dover DE 19901
Khan, Fiam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Khorn, Alexander
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kianpour, Matthew R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kietzke, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kilson, Generra N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kim, Kristen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kindl, Mary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kindly Loans LLC 25231 Vista Fusco Lake Forest CA 92630
King, Tiffany M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
King, Timothy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kingsbury III, John W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kinney, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
KIS Lending, Inc.
TERRACE Fort Pierce FL 34947
Kitnick, Steven J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kitts, Nicholas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Klaburner, Stamatia A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Klein, Paula
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Klier, Keith
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KMB Solutions, LLC 10410 PARK ROAD STE 200 Charlotte NC 28210
KNB Capital, Inc
30721 Russell Ranch Rd
Suite 140 Westlake Village CA 91362
Knight, Bailey M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kniker, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Knock Lending LLC
309 E. Paces Ferry Rd. NE,
Suite 400, Office Space #24 Atlanta GA 30305
Kobty, Showki A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kohler, Kurt I.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kohrs, Bob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Konneh, Richelda Y.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Koorosh Farzad 9465 Wilshire Blvd Suite 300 Beverly Hills CA 90212
Kovac, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kozak, Marianne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KPG Mortgage LLC 3745 Running Springs Road Ellicott City IA 21042
Krajewski, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kramlick, Jaclyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kris Lofton
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KROLL ASSOCIATES, INC. 55 East 52nd Street New York NY 10055
Krukowski, Alexander
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Kryczkowski, Michele
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KS StateBank 1010 Westloop Place Manhattan KS 66502
KT Mortgage Inc. 7103 Judi Ct Dallas TX 75252
Kuber, Zachary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kurt Kinnie Appraisal 10206 CLIFFWORD DR Houston TX 77035
Kurtz, Scott
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Kwaschyn, Dena L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
KweenB Mortgage service INC. 2922 NW Audene Dr. Corvallis OR 97330
Kwik Mortgage Corporation 959 Route 46 East Suite 401 Parsippany NJ 07054
L&B CIP Legacy Place I & II,
c/o Jones Lang LaSalle
Americas, Inc. 5700 Tennyson Parkway Suite 170 Plano TX 75024
L&B Realty Advisors, LLP 5910 N. Central Expressway Suite 1200 Dallas TX 75206
L.A. Mortgage One LLC 400 Hamilton Row Suite 200 Birmingham MI 48009
La Cross Mortgage, LLC
513 E. Jackson Ave., Suite
323 Harlingen TX 78550
LA Top Broker Inc. 4602 Crenshaw Blvd Los Angeles CA 90043
Lake Tahoe Mortgage, LLC 899 Tahoe Blvd Ste 500 Incline Village NV 89451
Lakeview Mortgage Bankers
Corp 5512 Merrick Road Massapequa NY 11758
Lakeview Mortgage LLC 6 West Broadway, Unit 28 Derry NH 03038
Lamar Lending LLC
2515 B East Nasa Parkway,
Suite 200 Seabrook TX 77586
Lambert, Debra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lambert, Sherri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lance, Jeffrey D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
LAND GORILLA, INC 1241 Johnson Ave Ste 154 San Luis Obispo CA 93401
Land Home Financial Services,
Inc. 1355 Willow Way, Suite 250 Concord CA 94520
Landaeta Jr., Anthony
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Landeros, Jesse M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Landeros, Jinnette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Landivar, Gabriel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Landmark Funding Group, Inc. 411 Kingston Ave., Suite 201 Brooklyn NY 11225
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Landmark Mortgage Group LLC 3706 Youree Drive Shreveport LA 71105
Landmark Mortgage L.L.C.
1019 Hwy. 17 South, Suite
107 North Myrtle Beach SC 29582
Landmark Real Estate &
Financial Inc 1172 Murphy Ave Suite 234 San Jose CA 95131
Lane, Tammy J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
LaRaia, Laura C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Larry, Jalisa L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Laser MTG, LLC 2520 Saint Rose Pkwy #210 Henderson NV 89074
Latibeaudiere, Ezrea
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Latimer, Linda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Laud, Oscar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lauer, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Laurastar Inc. Northview Lendin
Services 137 Johnson Shores Longville MN 56655
LaValley, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lawhorn & Associates Mortgage
Co., Inc.
100 Jefferson Street South
Side Huntsville AL 35801
Lawrence, Deandre
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lawson, Timothy J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Laxamana, Abel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Laxmi Narayan Enterprises, Inc.
dba 4815 State Hwy 121 Suite 2 The Colony TX 75056
Layton Financial Services Corp 11912 GOLDEN BELL LN Frisco TX 75035
Lazarchick, Kimberly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
LBC Solutions, Inc
4605 Lankershim BLVD #
421 North Hollywood CA 91602
LBG Lending Services, LLC 4333 Charles Crossing Drive White Plains MD 20695
LC LENDING INC 1680 NE 125 ST North Miami FL 33181
LCJ FINANCIAL GROUP INC 536 Main Street Zanesville OH 43701
LD Bowerman Investments, LLC
dba Minuteman Office Plaza Attn Mike Skalla 13961 S. Minuteman Dr. Suite 350 Draper UT 84020
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Le, Dominic T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Le, Nhat
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lea, Alan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Leader Funding, Inc
220 Rockville MD 20850
Leaders Credit Union 35 Stonebridge Blvd Jackson TN 38305
LeadPoint, Inc
2045 S Barrington Ave Suite
LeadQual LLC 555 12th Street OAKLAND CA 94607
Lee, Jane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Jeffry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Margaret A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Min-Tswen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Peter
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Seung H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lee, Shannon H. dba Proactive
#3, SUITE 301 Denver CO 80222
Leeway Funding, INC. 3660 wilshire blve #506 Los Angeles CA 90010
Legacy Home Loans, LLC
4004 Hillsboro Pike, Suite
216 B Nashville TN 37215
Legacy Mortgage Lending Corp
1560 Sawgrass Corporate
Parkway, Suite 400 Fort Lauderdale FL 33323
Legendary Home Loans, Inc
1499 W. Palmetto Park Rd
#109 Boca Raton FL 33486
Leger, Grant
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Legility Data Solutions, LLC 216 Centerview Dr. Ste 250 BRENTWOOD TN 37027
Leighton, Stacy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lemoine, Sara L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lemus, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lend 18 Corp. 2060 Valley Rim Road El Cajon CA 92019
Lend Colorado Inc. dba Flatirons
Mortgage Inc. 4450 Arapahoe Ave. Ste 100 Boulder CO 80303
Lend Smart Mortgage, LLC 3450 Lexington Ave N #210 Shoreview MN 55126
Lend to America Inc
6355 Topanga Canyon Blvd,
Suite 100 Woodland Hills CA 91367
Lender Express Mortgage LLC 3382 E Cheyenne St Gilbert AZ 85296
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Lender ToolKit, LLC 2712 Ironwood Place ERIE CO 80516
Lenders Credit Services 8180 Greensboro Drive McLean VA 22102
28535 Orchard Lake Rd Ste
#50 Farmington Hills MI 48334
Lendesta, LLC 1201 E Lake Shore Blvd Kissimmee FL 34744
LENDGO, INC 6420 Wilshire Blvd LOS ANGELES CA 90048
Lendgo, Inc. 8383 Wilshire Blvd, Suite 540 Beverly Hills CA 90211
Lending 3, Inc. 17220 Newhope Street #213 Fountain Valley CA 92708
Lending Studios LLC 64 E Broadway Rd, Suite 200 Tempe AZ 85282
Lending Tree, LLC 11115 Rushmore Dr. CHARLOTTE NC 28277, LLC 1350 West 300 North, Trlr 9 Clearfield UT 84015, LLC 1350 West 300 North, Trlr 9 Clearfield UT 84103
LENDirect Mortgage, Inc
SUITE 220 Sarasota FL 32436
LendLink Financial Inc.
5901 N. Milwaukee Ave,
Suite F Chicago IL 60646
LendMoney Mortgage Services,
LLC 4727 Andover Street Sugar Land TX 77479
Lendmor, LLC 3945 Savannah Court Boulder CO 80301
Lendplicity LLC dba Lendplicity
Mortgage 907 RR 620, Suite 101 Lakeway TX 78734
Lendplicity Mortgage Lendplicity
LLC 907 RR 620, Suite 101 Lakeway TX 78734
LendSolid, LLC 3401 Oberon St. Kensington ME 20895
3240 Stone Valley Road
West Alamo CA 94507
LENDWISE HOME LOANS LLC 5L Ferland Drive Derry NH 03038
Lenox Financial Mortgage
200 East Sandpointe, Suite
800 Santa Ana CA 92707
Level 3 Communications PO Box 910182 Denver CO 80291
Levine, Adam H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Levy, Isaac
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lewaylyn LLC 1308 Emerald Dr. Niles MI 49120
Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith
LLP 2112 Pennslyvania Ave. NW Suite 500 Washington DC 20037
Lewis, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lewis, Brittany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lewis, Jerry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
401 S. Old Woodward
Avenue, Suite 333 Birmingham MI 48009
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Lexis Nexis P.O. BOX 933 Dayton OH 45401
LHM Financial Corporation 9089 E Bahia Drive Suite 101 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Li, Cheng
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Liang, Katherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Liberty Bank and Trust Co. 6600 Plaza Drive New Orleans LA 70127
Liberty Group Funding Inc 2450 Hollywood Blvd #503 Hollywood FL 33021
Liberty Home Mortgage
Corporation 6225 Oak Tree Blvd Independence OH 44131
Liberty Mortgage Lending, Inc. 393 NE 5th Avenue Delray Beach FL 33483
Liberty Mortgage Services, Inc. 2329 Highway 34 Suite 302 Manasquan NJ 08736
Liberty Mutual Insurance
Company 175 Berkley Street Boston MA 02116
Licis, Wendy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Life Capital Lending Group, Inc.
1820 N Corporate Lakes
Blvd, Suite 207-6 Weston FL 33326
LIFE residential, Inc. 690 Otay Lakes Rd #230 Chula Vista CA 91910
Lighthouse Financial
Enterprises, Inc. 110 Wallace Rd. NW Salem OR 97304
Lighthouse Lending LLC
4131 North Central
Expressway, Suite 900 Dallas TX 75204
Lighthouse Mortgage Services
LLC 1335 Holly Ave, Suite B Columbus ND 43212
Lighthouse Mortgage Services
LLC 1335 Holly Ave, Suite B Columbus OH 43212
Lightning Funding Inc.
300 Bedford Avenue, Suite
203 Bellmore NY 11710
Lin, Jennie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lincoln Capital Advisors, LLC 1158 Canton Street Roswell GA 30075
Lincoln Financial Mortgage
Corporation 10658 Seminole Blvd Seminole FL 33778
Lincoln Mortgage Solutions, LLC 7016 Caviro Lane Boynton Beach FL 33437
Lincoln Partners Advisors LLC
500 W. Madison Street, Ste.
3900 Chicago IL 60661
Linda Andrews dba Sierra
Foothill Mortgage
3257 Professional Dr.
Ste. A CA 95602
Lindblom, Suzann E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lindsey, Brandy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lindsey, Jonathan M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lindsey, Marcus
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Lineage Bank 120 5th Ave N Franklin TN 37064
LINKEDIN CORPORATION 2029 Stierlin Ct. Mountain View CA 94043
Lionsgate Real Estate Group 3551 Voyager St #104 Torrance CA 90503
GROUP (WS) 3551 Voyager St #104 Torrance CA 90503
Lisa Home Mortgage, LLC
50 N Laura Street, Suite
2534 Jacksonville FL 32202
Little, Shauna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Liu & Partners Enterprises
Corporation dba Pacificwide
7041 Koll Center Pkwy
Ste.270 Pleasanton CA 94566
Liu, Huamin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Livingston Lending, LLC
108 East Grand River
Avenue, Suite 200 Brighton MI 48116
LJC Mortgage Corp.
2915 Biscayne Blvd Suite
300-8 Miami FL 33137
Llado, Mylu
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Llamas,Maria Rebecca 526 N 1st st Fresno CA 93702
LLOYDS OF LONDON One Lime Street London EC3M 7HA United Kingdom
LnderLab, Inc.
3100 Alvin Devane Blvd.
Suite 100 Austin TX 78741
LO, Inc. dba Reliance Mortgage,
1008 140th Ave NE, Suite
#101 Bellevue WA 98005
Loan Advisor Group, Inc 1025 Sentinel Drive Ste 200 La Verne CA 91750
Loan Cabin Inc.
1910 S Highland Ave, Suite
300 Lombard IL 60148
Loan Factory, Inc. 2195 Tully Road San Jose CA 95122
Loan Gallery, Inc.
500 North Brand Blvd 20th
Floor Glendale CA 91203
Loan Monkey, Inc 1450 Frazee Road, Ste 602 San Diego CA 92108
Loan Simple, Inc.
9635 Maroon Circle Suite
100 Englewood CO 80112
Loan Solutions Marketing, Inc. 23330 Mill Creek Drive, #150 Laguna Hills CA 92653
Loanatik, L.L.C. 8600 E Anderson Dr,, #250 Scottsdale AZ 85255
Loandrone, Inc.
400 Spectrum Center Drive,
Suite 1900 Irvine CA 92618
LoanFlight Lending, LLC
201 N. Franklin St, Suite
3440 Tampa FL 33602
LoanHappy Mortgage
Processing, LLC 850 Jardin Ct Alpharetta GA 30022
Loankea LLC 21 Tamal Vista Blvd Ste 250 Corte Madera CA 94925
Loanleaders of America, Inc. 38 Executive Park Suite 260 Irvine CA 92614
LoanLogics, Inc 4800 E. Street Road TREVOSE PA 19053
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
LoanPeople, LLC
3420 Executive Center Drive
Suite G100 Austin TX 78731
20200 W Dixie Hwy Suite
#1208 Miami FL 33180
Loanstar Financial Corporation
138 Civic Center Drive, Ste.
208 Vista CA 92084, LLC
3150 Holcomb Brid
e Rd, 4th
Floor Norcross GA 30071
Lobo, Janet
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Loch, Rithvicharin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Locke Group, LLC dba Key
2717 Commercial Center
Blvd, Suite E200 Katy TX 77494
Lockton Companies, LLC 3657 Briarpark Dr Suite 700 Houston TX 77042
4725 Piedmont Row Drive
Ste 510 Charlotte NC 28210
Loessberg Investments, Inc
2377 Gold Meadow Way,
Suite 100 Gold River CA 95670
Lofton, Kristopher S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Logan, Tracy K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
LogMeIn USA, Inc. 320 Summer St BOSTON MA 02210
LOGS Legal Group LLC 770 NE 63rd St. Oklahoma City OK 73105
Logsdon, Carrie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lombard, Robert S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lonczak, Lisa M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lone Mortgage, Inc. 5275 S Durango Dr Las Vegas NV 89113
Lone Star Wide Capital, Inc. 2301-D Nantucket Drive Houston TX 77057
Long, Adam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Long, Nyssa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Long, Tammy S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Long-Nettles, Shamarina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Alysha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Jasmine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Jaylynne M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Lopez, Jeanine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Jennifer H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Michael H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopez, Yessenia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lopuski Jr., Frank
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lord, Gayle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lorenzy Gordon dba L A Gordon
Mortgage Center 2350 250TH Si Lomita CA 90717
Los Banos, Caleb K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lott, Cameron
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Loughmiller, Michelle L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Louisiana Office of Financial
Stanley M. Dameron,
Commissioner P.O. Box 94095 Baton Rouge LA 70804
Louviers Mortgage Group, LLC 6415 3rd Street Louviers CO 80131
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Low Rate Company Corp. 3200 Bristol St #860 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Low VA Rates, LLC 384 S 400 W Suite 100 Lindon UT 84042
Lowry, Timothy R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Loyalty Funding, Inc.
330 Irvine CA 92612
LQ Digital 555 12th Street, Ste. 450 Oakland CA 94607
LRG Lending, Inc
5701 Lonetree Blvd Suite 307
308 Rocklin CA 95765
GROUP INC 2300 w 84 st, suite 404 Hialeah FL 33016
Lu, Christopher H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lubin, Bryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Luce, Cindy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Luck, Destani M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Luck, Gabriela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lucrative Home loans Inc. 2490 Walton Blvd, Suite 101 Rochester Hills MI 48309
Ludwig, Justin D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lumen PO Box 9010182 Denver CO 80291
Communications, LLC 100 CenturyLink Drive Monroe LA 71203
Lundberg, Kim K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Luneta Home Loans LLC
10542 S Jordan Gtwy Ste
300 South Jordan UT 84095
Lupp, Tanja A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Luthe, Jennifer T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lutz, Hayley M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Lux, Natalie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Luxury Mortgage Corp.
Four Landmark Square, Suite
300 Stamford CT 06901
LVS II Offshore, L.P. Attn John Lane 650 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach CA 92660
LVS II Offshore, L.P.
Intertrust Corporate Services
(Cayman) Limited 109 Elgin Avenue George Town Grand Cayman KY1-9005 Cayman Islands
Lynk Financial, Inc. 5601 Ormond Rd White Lake MI 48383
Lynley Van Singel
Crawford, Wishnew & Lang
PLLC 1700 Pacific Ave., Ste. 2390 Dallas TX 75201
Lynley Van Singel Neill Legler Cole, PLLC
3300 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste.
425 Dallas TX 75219
Lynley VanSignel, Melanie
Meyer and Jessie Palmer
Crawford, Wishnew & Lang
PLLC 1700 Pacific Ave., Ste. 2390 Dallas TX 75201
Lynley VanSignel, Melanie
Meyer and Jessie Palmer Neill Legler Cole, PLLC
3300 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste.
425 Dallas TX 75219
Lynx Mortgage Bank, LLC 143 Post Avenue Westbury NY 11590
Lyons Mortgage Services, Inc. 48-02 25th Ave., Ste. 303 Astoria NY 11103
M I E Financial, Inc. 3330 Dundee Rd, Ste C5 Northbrook IL 60062
M Squared Financial LLC 7501 Mission Road STE 200 Prairie Village KS 66208
M Street Mortgage LLC 7843 Seafarer Way Lorton VA 22079
M&W Family of Companies, Inc.
DBA Xpress Mortgage 3884 Brookside Dr. Crown Point IN 46307
M3COM of Virginia, Inc 20110 Ashbrook Pl Ste 250 ASHBURN VA 20147
MAC5 Mortgage, Inc. 225 Union Blvd. Ste 350 Lakewood CO 80228
Mace Innovations LLC 9490 S 300 W #100 SANDY UT 84070
Mack, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mackey, Tina M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Macklin, Brandon C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Macziewski, Debora J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Madanski, Darrin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Madden, Walter
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Madderra, Brylan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Madondo, Japie Z.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Madyn Home Loans LLC
1829 Reisterstown Road
Suite 350 Pikesville MD 21208
MAE Capital Mortgage Inc 4940 Pacific Street Rocklin CA 95677
MAGA Mortgage Solutions LLC 14821 Man O War Drive Odessa FL 33556
Magee, Sean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Magnolia Bank, Incorporated 4910 L&N Turnpike Magnolia KY 42757
Magnolia State Mortgage LLC 1412B Peterman Dr. Alexandria LA 71301
Mahne, Loren C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Main Street Bank 31780 Telegraph Bingham Farms MI 48025
Maine Dept. of Professional &
Financial Regulation
Bureau of Consumer Credit
William N Lund,
Superintendent 35 State House Station Gardiner ME 04333
Maine Mortgage Solutions LLC 114 Holmes Rd Scarborough ME 04074
Mainely Mortgages, Inc. 53 Crogan Rd. Hermon ME 04401
Malett, Hershel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Malladi, Krishna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mam, Chetra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mamie Green dba Harvest
Residential Mortgage Services
4800 Sugar Grove Blvd.,
Suite 620-C Stafford TX 77477
Mancuso Properties III, Inc. dba
MP3 Mortgage 444 Hermosa Ave, 101 Hermosa Beach CA 90254
Manfre, David V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mango Mortgage LLC 319 W. Mountain Sage Dr. Phoenix AZ 85045
Maniscalco-Powell, Josephine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Manjo, Kenneth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Manley, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mansfield, Deborah L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mansion Mortgage Corp 3043 Sotheby lane Land O Lakes FL 34639
Mantashian, Armen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Manuel Diaz Andrade
AVE, SUITE D Fullerton CA 92831
Marathon Mortgage Services Inc 5354 fallbrook ave Woodland Hills CA 91367
Marchin, Neal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marcus, Michael S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Maretti, Jonnie C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marguerite Nogosek
Incorporated 3190 S. Bascom Ave. #110 San Jose CA 95124
Maribel London & Co. 895 Palomar st., Suite H Chula Vista CA 91911
Maricle, Diana S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marimark Mortgage, LLC 5327 Primrose Lake Circle Tampa FL 33647
Maritime Mortgage Corp 4 Cabot Place Stoughton MA 02072
Mariz, Vincent
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mark Stillman dba Oso Creek
Financial 32 Woodsong
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
Market Consulting Mortgage, Inc
8601 Six Forks Road, Suite
400 Raleigh NC 27615
Market Lending Corp
4000 North State Rd 7 Suite
409-B Lauderdale Lakes FL 33319
Market Place Mortgage Corp 246 E. Janata Blvd, Ste 220 Lombard IL 60148
Marklevitz, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marrow, Sonya
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marsh, Heather
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marshall, Aundria
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Charlene R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Jack
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Polina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Martin, Raeshell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Tiffanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martin, Zach
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez Jr., Xavier
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez, Jorge
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez, Ramon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez, Roberta L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martinez, Stefanie C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Martoccio, Patricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Marty Prince, Inc. 7618 E. Appletree Lane Orange CA 92869
Maryland Commissioner of
Financial Regulation
Antonio P. Salazar,
1100 North Eutaw Street,
Suite 611 Baltimore MD 21201
Maryland Commissioner of
Financial Regulation 1100 North Eulaw Street Suite 611 Baltimore MD 21201
Maryland Residential Lending,
1300 Piccard Drive, Suite
204 Rockville MD 20850
Mason McDuffie Mortgage
2430 Camino Ramon, Suite
300 San Ramon CA 94583
Mason Mortgage Advisors, LLC 11862 Lackland Rd Saint Louis MO 63146
Mason Mortgage Company 2518 W OVERHILL RD PEORIA IL 61615
Mason, Anthony T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Massachusetts Division of Banks
Mary L. Gallagher,
Commissioner of Banks
1000 Washington Street,
10th Floor Boston MA 02118
Massella, Michael M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Massey Appraisal 110 W. Lebanon Street MOUNT AIRY NC 27030-2936
Massey, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Masters, Michele
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Materna, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Matrix Resources Inc.
1000 Abernathy Rd. NE, Ste.
500 Altanta GA 30328
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mattfield, Constance A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Matthews, Alma E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Matyja, Deborah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Maxsys Solutions 1500 Spring Garden Street Philadelphia PA 19130
Maxwell Financial Labs, Inc. dba
Maxwell Lender Solutions, Inc. 1624 Market St. Suite 211 DENVER CO 80202
Maxwell, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
May, Beth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
May, Eric S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mayberry Partners
c/o Adams Commercial Real
Estate Services 1333 2nd St. NE Suite 314 Hickory NC 28601
Mayer Brown LLP PO BOX 915004 Dallas TX 75391
Mayer LLP 750 N. Saint Paul St. Dallas TX 75201
Mayer, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mayflower Mortgage, LLC 891 Main Street Osterville MA 02655
Maynez, Debbie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mays, Kyle G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mayse, Carrie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MBA Mortgage Corporation 2 Adams Place, Suite 410 Quincy MA 02169
MBLO Funding,Inc. 11104 Front Street, Unit 2D Mokena IL 60448
MC Mortgage Group Market
Consulting Mortgage, Inc.
1908 Eastwood Road, Suite
221 Wilmington NC 28403
McAnuff, Brianna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McBride, Anthony
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McBride, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McCaffery, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McCarthy Holtus, LLC 1225 W. 15th St., Ste. 1060 Plano TX 75075
McCorkel, Rob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McCoy, Thomas C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McCurdy Mortgage Corporation
1035 Bradshaw Estates
Drive Canton GA 30115
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
McDaniel, Melanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McDermitt, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McDonald, Jordan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McDonald, Katherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mcdonald, Tiffany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McDonaugh, Rebecca
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McDowell, Shawn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McFadden, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McGee, Immanuel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McGee-Martin, Keyona
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McGinnis, Pamela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McGonigal, Katherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McGrover Commercial Capital
LLC 2810 S Le Jeune Rd Coral Gables FL 33134
McIntyre, Shannon M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McJab Inc
4550 Kearny Villa Road,
Suite 215 San Diego CA 92123
McJunkins, Elizabeth H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKenney, Joshua
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKenzie, Alan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKenzie, Lynda D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKenzie, Mitchell D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKinney Sr., Nicholas D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mckinney, Kevin G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKnight, Paris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McKoy, Janelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
McLagan Partners, Inc.
1600 Summer Street Suite
601 Stamford CT 06905
McLaughlin, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McLean Mortgage Corporation
MCM Holdings, Inc.
14100 Palmetto Frontage
Road Suite 300 Miami Lakes FL 33016
McMahan, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McMasters, Melanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McNamara, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mcneal, Samone
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
McNeill, Demetrial
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MCS Mortgage Services, Inc.
7000 W. Palmetto Park Rd
Suite 210 Boca Raton FL 33433
MD Lenders LLC dba ProActive
Lenders 11806 Kemp Mill Road Silver Spring MD 20902
MDC Financial Service Group
Inc. 2455 4th Ave San Diego CA 92101
MDE Home Loans, LLC
766 Shrewsbur
Avenue East
Building, Suite 204 Tinton Falls NJ 07724
MDF Associates dba Proforma
Turnkey Marketing 1095 Jupiter Park Dr, Ste. 3 Jupiter FL 33458
Measures, Richard R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medaglia, Andrea
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medcalf, Nikie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medford, Truett W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medfouni, Martha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medina, Manuel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Medley, Ricky
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mees, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mega Capital Funding, Inc.
CALABASAS. SUITE 100 Calabasas CA 91302
Meijer Credit Union 2410 Gaynor Ave NW Grand Rapids MI 49514
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Melanie Meyer
Crawford, Wishnew & Lang
PLLC 1700 Pacific Ave., Ste. 2390 Dallas TX 75201
Melanie Meyer Neill Legler Cole, PLLC
3300 Oak Lawn Ave., Ste.
425 Dallas TX 75219
Melara, Jose
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Melissa Data Corporation 22382 Avenida Empresa
Member Options, LLC 1936 Arlington Blvd. Charlottesville VA 22903
Menconi & Associates Inc. 1370 N. Brea Blvd Fullerton CA 92835
Mendelson Global LLC
20191 E Country Club Dr,
2701 Aventura FL 33180
Mendez, Riley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mendoza, Ben H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Merati, Tyler
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mercado, Estella M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Merchant Resources, LLC 14001 Riverdowns North PL Midlothian VA 23113
Mercury Network, LLC. 501 NE 122nd St Suite D OKLAHOMA CITY OK 73114
Meridian Bank 9 Old Lincoln Highway Malvern PA 19335
Meridian Home Mortgage
410 Meadow Creek Dr., Suite
213 Westminster MD 21158
Lending QB 1600 Sunflower Ave Ste 200 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Merrick, Kellie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Merritt, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MET Mortgage Services LLC
681 Lawlins Road (Building
50), Suite #202-203 Wyckoff NJ 07481
MetaSource, LLC
67 West 13490 South Ste
300 DRAPER UT 84020
Metcalf, Shawonna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Metheny, Garrett J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Metis Thinktank LLC dba Great
Lakes Home Financing
6632 Telegraph Road Suite
#114 Bloomfield Hills MI 48301
Metro Lenders, Inc. 2451 S. Fundy Cir. Aurora CO 80013
Metrolink Mortgage
7853 E. Arapahoe Ct Suite
2100 Centennial CO 80112
Metroplex Mortgage Services,
Inc 8622 N Himes Ave Tampa FL 33614
Metropolitan Home Mortgage,
500 N. State College, Suite
1400 Orange CA 92868
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Telecommunications 445 12th Street SW Washington DC 20554
Meyer, Melanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Meyer, Trev
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Meza, Vicky
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MG Lybbert LLC dba Oxbow
Mortgage Company
4007 Bridgeport Way West,
Suite E University Place WA 98466
MG1 Inc.
8008 Haven Avenue Suite
200 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
MGIC Investor Services Corp 270 East Kilbourn Ave. Milwaukee WI 53202
MHMC Corporation dba MH
8550 W. Flagler Street Suite
104 Miami FL 33144
Michael An King
1055 E. Colorado Blvd., Suite
500 Pasadena CA 91106
Michael David Grimmet dba
Investors First Mortgage 68645 Durango Rd Cathedral City CA 92234
Michael Joseph Mueller
2013 E Orangethorpe Ave
Suite B Placentia CA 92870
Michael Rand & Associates, Inc. 1124 N. Hollywood Way, #B Burbank CA 91505
Michigan Department of
Insurance and Financial
Services Anita G. Fox, Director
530 W. Allegan Street, 7th
Floor Lansing MI 48933
Michigan Financial Mortgage
Company, Inc. 217 S Center Street Suite 3 Northville MI 48167
Michlitsch, Haley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mickie Simonds dba Creative
Mortgage Solutions 726 Clinch Avenue Clinton TN 37716
Microsoft Corporation 1 Microsoft Way REDMOND WA 98052
Mid Valley Services, Inc. 7644 N Palm Ave Fresno CA 93711
Mid-Atlantic Federal Credit
Mid-Continent Funding, Inc.
3401 W Broadway Business
Park Ct Ste 213 Columbia MO 65203
Midland Mortgage Corporation 1500 Richland Street Columbia SC 29201
Mid-Missouri Bank 3546 East Sunshine Springfield MO 65809
Midwest Equity Mortgage, LLC
One Mid America Plaza,
Suite 800 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181
Midwest Mortgage Associates
Corporation 5333 N Union Blvd Suite 100 Colorado Springs CO 80918
Midwest Mortgage Consultants
LLC 600 Soo Lane, Suite 6 Buffalo MN 55313
Midwest Mortgage Investments,
Ltd 5450 Monroe Street Toledo OH 43623
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mikulecky, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miles, Gisela E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Milestone Mortgage, LLC 523 W Windmill Gate Cove Draper UT 84020
Millard, William E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Millenium Home Mortgage, LLC 40 Baldwin Road Parsippany NJ 07054
Millennial Home Loans, LLC 1722 Splendor Drive Woodbine MD 21797
Millennium Financial Group, Inc. 24 West Main Street Middletown MD 21769
Millennium Mortgage Group,
2520 St. Rose Parkway,
Suite 305 Henderson NV 89074
Miller Fox Financial Group, LLC 5 Quartermaster Ct. Jeffersonville IN 47130
Miller, Adam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miller, Brian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miller, Brian C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miller, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miller, Stephanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Miller, Timothy M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Milliman, Inc.
201 Edgewater Drive Suite
289 WAKEFIELD MA 01880
Mills, Cassandra D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mills, Stephani
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Milos Automation, Inc 379 Thornall Street Suite 2 EDISON NJ 08837
Minnesota Department of
Financial Institutions
Division Grace Arnold, Commissioner 85 7th Place East, Suite 280 St. Paul MN 55101
Minnesota Department of
Commerce, Financial Institutions
Division 85 7th Place East Suite 280 Saint Paul MN 55101
Mint Home Loans, LLC
22 W Padonia Road, Suite C-
145 Timonium MD 21093
Mintz, Loren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mintz, Marc
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mirabal Jr., Reinaldo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mirfield, Kayla
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Missimer, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mission Loans, LLC
5686 Dressler Rd NW, One
Bancorp Building North Canton OH 44720
Mississippi Department of
Banking and Consumer Finance Mortgage Division
Rhoshunda Kelly,
Commissioner P.O. Box 12129 Jackson MS 39236
Missouri Division of Finance
Mick Campbell, Acting
Commissioner 301 W High Street
Truman State Office
Building, Room 630 Jefferson City MO 65101
Missouri Mortgage Clearing
House, Inc. 697 Green Forest Drive Fenton MO 63026
Missouri Mortgage Services,
LLC 2520 W Arlington St Springfield MO 65810
Mitchell Mortgage, LLC 2091 East 1300 South #203 Salt Lake City UT 84108
Mitchell, Latisha G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mizuho Securities 320 Park Avenue 12th Floor New York NY 10022
MK Lending Corp 11023 McCormick St. #100 North Hollywood CA 91601
ML Mortgage Corp. 8270 Aspen Street Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
MLB Residential Lending, LLC
51 Commerce Street Suite
101 Springfield NJ 07081
MLD Mortgage, Inc.
30B Vreeland Road Ste 200
& 220 Florham Park NJ 07932
MLinc Mortgage Solutions, LP 8825 Vista Oaks Cir DALLAS TX 75243
mLinc Technologies, Inc.
510 E. Corporate Drive, Ste.
100 Lewisville TX 75057
MLP Home Mortgage Inc
1335 Corporate Center
Curve, Suite # 240 Eagan MN 55121
MLS Services, Inc. 404 NE Franklin Avenue Bend OR 97701
Moapa Valley Mortgage LLC
280 N. Moapa Valley Blvd
suite A Overton NV 89040
1322 Space Park Dr. #C105-
B Houston TX 77058
Moccia, Concetta
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Modex, Inc. 3400 188th St. SW, Ste. 165 Lynwood WA 98037
Modica, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mohsin Mortgage Corp. 3075 Washington Pike Bridgeville PA 15017
Molepske, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Money Market Mortgage, LLC
1343 Sullivan Avenue 2nd
Floor South Windsor CT 06074
MONEY OPTIONS INC 12819 Shadow Run Blvd. Riverview FL 33569
Money Tree aka First Bank
Mortgage, Inc. 43 Crescent Street Suite#20 Stamford CT 06906
Money Well Lending, LLC 16910 NE 79th Way Vancouver WA 98682
Money1st Consulting, LLC 50 N. Laura St Suite 2500 Jacksonville FL 32202
MongoDB, Inc. 1633 Broadway, 38th Floor New York NY 10019
MongoDB, Inc. 229 W. 43rd Street, 5th Floor New York NY 10036
Monien-Kienzle, Mary Jo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Monroe, Daun
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Montana Division of Banking &
Financial Institutions
Melanie G. Hall,
Commissioner P.O. Box 200546 Helena MT 59620
Montanus, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Montaz, Stephanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Montenegro I, Sean P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Montoya, Fabiene
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moody-Lynch, Kimmie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moore, Allen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moore, Cherese
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moore, Shirley J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moore, Yiekia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moosa, Mohammed H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MOR LENDING LLC 2301 NW 87 Ave, 503 Doral FL 33172
Morales-Perez, Angelina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moreland, Taylor
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moreno, Kayla
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC 1585 Broadway New York NY 10036
Morgan, Emily E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moria Development, Inc. 2055 E Centennial Cir Tempe AZ 85284
Morris, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Morris, Cynthia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mortgage 1 Incorporated 43456 Mound Road Sterling Heights MI 48314
Mortgage Acuity LLC
2 University Plaza Drive,
Suite 100 Hackensack NJ 07601
PARTNERS LLC fka Daneric
Capital Management Group LLC 14 Via Coralle Newport Coast CA 92657
INCORPORATED 7000 Security Blvd, Suite 11 Baltimore MD 21244
Mortgage Assurance, Inc.
1200 Ashwood Parkway,
Suite 200 Atlanta GA 30338
Mortgage Bank of California
1141 Highland Avenue Suite
C Manhattan Beach CA 90266
e Bankers Association of
New York, INC. PO Box 10448 UNIONDALE NY 11555
INC. 806 E Windward way #105 Lantana FL 33462
Mortgage Broker One, Inc. 6336 Greenwich Drive #C San Diego CA 92122
Mortgage Capital of MN, Inc. 9473 Garland Lane North Maple Grove MN 55311
Mortgage Center of America,
10400 Eaton Place, Suite
212 Fairfax VA 22030
Mortgage Collaborative
Cooperative 11622 El Camino SAN DIEGO CA 92130
Mortgage Connextions L.P.
11133 Interstate 45 S, Ste
310 Conroe TX 77302
Mortgage Core LLC
2340 Perimeter Park Dr, Ste
200 Atlanta GA 30341
Mortgage Corp. of the East - III
800 Hingham Street, Suite
104 N Rockland MA 02370
Mortgage Easy, Inc.
1601 Gravesend Neck Rd,
Suite12 Brooklyn NY 11229
Mortgage Educators and
Compliance 486 West 50 North AMERICAN FORK UT 84003
Mortgage Express LLC 1886 Shelton Grove Road Sweetwater TN 37874
Mortgage Financial Group, Inc. 1100 E. Alfred Street Tavares FL 32778
Mortgage Funding Group, Inc. 3440 Francis Road, Suite C Alpharetta GA 30004
Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
Corporation 270 E.Kilbourn Ave. MILWAUKEE WI 53202
Mortgage Investors Group
8320 E. Walker Sprin
s Lane
Suite 200 Knoxville TN 37923
Mortgage Lenders Investment
Trading Corporation
1400 S International Pkwy,
Suite 1000 Lake Mary FL 32746
Mortgage Lending Enterprises,
LLC 1508 Flamingo Road Gretna LA 70056
Mortgage Lending Group LLC 128 4th Ave S, Suite 101 Edmonds WA 98020
Mortgage Master Service Corp
20425 72nd Ave South Suite
210 Kent WA 98032
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mortgage NEKS LLC dba
LoanNex 16 North Central Avenue SAINT LOUIS MO 63105
Mortgage Network Solutions 2036 Foulk Road, Suite 102 Wilmington DE 19810
Mortgage One Northwest Inc 2401 Bristol Ct SW, B-103 Olympia WA 98502
Mortgage One, Inc. 11800 Greenleaf Ave. Potomac MD 20854
Mortgage Options of Texas
Limited Company
2404 S. Grand Blvd.
Ste.220A Pearland TX 77581
Mortgage Partners Group LLC 121 Triad Center West Dr O Fallon MO 63366
Mortgage PRO Loan Services,
LLC 4625 Nobel Pass Cumming GA 30041
Mortgage Research Center, LLC 1201 Chapel Plaza Court COLUMBIA MO 65203
Mortgage Simple, LLC 2334 Old Mill Rd Ste A Sugar Land TX 77478
Mortgage Solutions FCS Inc.
2700 Ygnacio Valley Road
suite 255 Walnut Creek CA 94598
Mortgage Solutions LLC 11470 S 1320 E Sandy UT 84092
Mortgage Superstore, LLC 7900 Glades Rd., Suite 210 Boca Raton FL 33434
Mortgage Suppliers Inc 8771 Rockwell Road Winchester KY 40391
Mortgage Unlimited, L.L.C. 222 Outwater Lane Suite 4B Garfield NJ 07026
Mortgage World Bankers, Inc.
32-75 Steinway Street Suite
212 Long Island City NY 11103
Mortgage Xpress LLC
364 Parsippany Road, Suite
7B Parsippany NJ 07054
Mortgage300 Corporation dba
Cason Home Loans
2000 PGA Blvd, Bldg A, Ste
3220 Palm Beach Gardens FL 33408
MORTGAGECTO, LLC 6109 Aberdeen Dr Plano TX 75093
MortgageOne, Inc 5860 Owens Ave Suite 130 Carlsbad CA 92008
Mortgages by Alfredo, LLC 10218 N Abby Dr Citrus Spgs CA 34434
Mortgages Done Right Inc. 1500 Gateway Blvd Suite 220 Boynton Beach FL 33426
MortgageTech Holdings, LLC
Manager, LLC) 53 Commerce Way Woburn MA 01801
Mortimer, Rebecca L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Morton Pigg, Heidi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Morty, Inc. 180 Varick St. #816 New York NY 10014
Moser, Troy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MOTO FINANCIAL LLC 120 S Dillard st Winter Garden FL 34787
Moulard, Tricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mountain State Justice 1029 University Ave, Ste. 101 Morgantown WV 26505
Mountain View Lending
Specialists, LLC
415 Townsquare Lane Unit
#214 Huntington Beach CA 92648
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Mountain View Mortgage, LLC 276 S. Main Bountiful UT 84010
Mourhess, Richard S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Movement Home Loans LLC
7135 S Highland Drive, Suite
202 Salt Lake City UT 84121
Mowdy, Carl M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Moya & Associates, LLC dba
Target Mortgage 18304 Roseate Dr Lutz FL 33558
Moyer Appraisal Service, Inc. 5921 Sly Fox Lane Indianapolis IN 46237
845 United Nations Plaza,
42B New York NY 10017
SKR Real Estate Services
LLC 6029 S. Fort Apache Rd. Suite 100 Las Vegas NV 89149
MSB Investments Inc 10315 Woodley Ave Ste 118 Granada Hills CA 91344
MSF Lending - Mortgage
Solution Finders, Inc. 4000 Legato Rd. Suite 1100 Fairfax VA 22033
MTG DIRECT TNFL, LLC 13883 Oakwood Park Lane Jacksonville FL 32224
Mubaslat, Alaa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Muddam, Swapna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Muhammad, Sameer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mullen, Margaret
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mullen, Monica L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mullica Financial Services, LLC 900 Route 168 Suite A-3 Blackwood NJ 08012
Mullins, Tammy R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mulloy, Mary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munder, Gwendolyn K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munoz De la Torre, Casey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munoz Sr., Antonio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munoz, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munoz, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Munoz, Jose O.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Murphey, Benjamin, Rozier dba
Shelter Island Mortgage 2915 Canon Street San Diego CA 92106
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Murphy, Glen R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Murria, Raul A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Musbach, Cheri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mutual Federal Bank 2212 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago IL 60608
Mutual of Omaha Mortgage, Inc.
3131 Camino Del Rio North,
Suite 1100 San Diego CA 92108
Mutzig Management, Inc 2413 Webb Avenue, Suite E Alameda CA 94501
MVHoskinson, Inc. dba
Mortgage Pro 1980 Summit Drive Dunedin FL 34698
My Easy Mortgage, LLC 2405 Creel Lane, Ste 102 Lutz FL 33548
My Florida Mortgage Solutions,
7901 Kingspointe Pkwy Unit
19 Orlando FL 32819
My Maine Hive LLC 386 North Main Street Brewer ME 04412
My Mortgage, Inc
2191 Defense Highway Unit
304b Crofton MD 21114
Myles, Preston J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024, LLC
11622 El Camino Real, Suite
100 San Diego CA 92130
MyTina, Inc 842 Foothill Blvd La Canada CA 91011
N & T Realty Incorporated
8488 Elder Creed Road, Unit
1 Sacramento CA 95828
N.H. Mortgage
2377 S. El Camino Real,
Suite 204C San Clemente CA 92672
Nandanan, Sajit
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Narnindi, Deepika
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Natale, Donna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nation One Mortgage
Corporation 701 Route 73 North, Suite 2 Marlton NJ 08053
National Homebuyer Fund, Inc. 1215 K. Street Suite 1650 Sacramento CA 95814
CO 1271 Avenue of the Americas Floor 37 New York NY 10020-1304
Nations Reliable Lending, LLC 1220 Augusta Dr., Suite 600 Houston TX 77057
Nations Trust Mortgage Inc
20200 West Dixie Highway,
Suite 1104 Aventura FL 33180
Nationstar Mortgage Holdings
750 Highway 121 BYP Suite
Nationwide Equities Corporation
One International Blvd. Suite
1202 Mahwah NJ 07495
Nationwide Funding Group Corp.
350 S Crenshaw Blvd Ste A-
203 Torrance CA 90503
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Nationwide Home Loans, Inc 6500 S Quebec St Ste 105 Englewood CO 80111
Nationwide Mortgage & Realty,
1 TransAm Plaza Drive Suite
300 Oakbrook Terrace IL 60181
Nationwide Mortgage Bankers,
Inc. 310 A Main Street Lebanon NJ 08833
Nationwide Mortgage Direct LLC
2131 Hollywood Blvd STE
406 Hollywood FL 33020
Nationwide Property & Appraisal
Services, LLC
1103 Laurel Oak Road Suite
160 VOORHEES NJ 08043
CLEARING 2100 Alt 19 North Palm Harbor FL 34683
Naulin, Marcus
2945 Townsgate Road Suite
200 Westlake Village CA 91361
Nava Commercial Capital & Real
Estate Inc. 578 G Street Brawley CA 92227
Nava, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Navesink Mortgage Services
LLC dba Loan Beam 15851 Dallas Pkwy ste.1150 ADDISON TX 75001
Navshad Lalani dba PLATINUM
FINANCIAL SERVICES 3541 Carnation Circle Seal Beach CA 90740
NCL LLC 200 Byrd Way Suite 145 Greenwd IN 46143
NContracts DBA Questsoft
23441 South Pointe Drive
Ste 270 LAGUNA HILLS CA 92653
Neadeau, Rick
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nebraska Bank of Commerce 6000 Village Drive, Ste 100 Lincoln NE 68516
Nebraska Department of
Banking and Finance Kelly Lammers, Director 1526 K Street, Suite 300 Lincoln NE 68508
Nebraska Department of
Banking and Finance PO Box 95006 Lincoln NE 68508
Needel, Howard
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Neely, Sarah M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Negrin, Alana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Neil, Alivia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nelson, Josephine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Neubert, Steve
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nevada Department of Business
& Industry
Division of Mortgage
Cathy Sheehy,
1830 College Parkway,
Suite 100 Carson City NV 89706
2980 S Rainbown Blvd. Suite
210-A Las Vegas NV 89146
Nevels, Michele
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
New City Mortgage, LLC 16597 Village Drive Houston TX 77040
New City Mortgage, LLC 165997 Village drive Houston TX 77040
New En
land Re
ional Mort
Corporation 90 Stiles Road Suite 201 Salem NH 03079
New Era Solutions, Inc. dba 1ST
10689 N. Kendall Drive, Suite
319 Miami FL 33176
New Fed Mortgage Corp. 98 High Street Suite 2 Danvers MA 01923
New Frontier Financial Inc. 13612 Midway Ste 398 Dallas TX 75244
New Fund Mortgage Inc. dba
Western Capital Mortgage Inc. 900 Lane Ave, Suite 127 Chula Vista CA 91914
New Hampshire Banking
Department Consumer Credit Division
Emelia A.S. Galdieri, Bank
53 Regional Drive, Suite
200 Concord NH 03301
New Heights Lending, LLC
6655 W Sahara Ave, Ste
A108 Las Vegas NV 89146
New Jersey Department of
Banking & Insurance Division of Banking
Marlene Caride,
Commissioner P.O. Box 040 Trenton NJ 08625
New Market Bank 101 Old Town Road Elko New Market MN 55054
New Mexico Regulation &
Licensing Department
Financial Institutions
Linda M. Trujillo,
Superintendent P.O. Box 25101
2550 Cerrillos
Road Santa Fe NM 87504
New Millennium Bank
222 Brid
e Plaza South Suite
400 Fort Lee NJ 07024
New South Mortgage
130 River Landin
Dr, Suite 1
D Daniel Island SC 29492
New Threshold Mortgage, Inc. 2500 Caladium Drive NE Atl GA 30345
New Wave Lending Group, Inc. 17800 Castleton St. #588 City of Industry CA 91748
New West Lending, Inc. 7310 N 16th Street, Suite 170 Phoenix AZ 85020
New Western Mortgage LLC 1430 S Federal Blvd 101 Denver CO 80219
New York Life Insurance
Company 420 Lexington Ave. 14th and 15th Fl. New York NY 10170
New York State Department of
Financial Services
Adrienne A. Harris,
Superintendent One State Street New York NY 10004
Newborn, Ebony
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Newell, Spencer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Newland Mortgage, Inc.
4000 Kruse Wa
Place, Suite
3-120 Lake Oswego OR 97035-2543
Newman, Keyanna K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Newmeyer Dillion 895 Dove Street, Fifth Floor Newport Beach CA 92660
NEXA Mortgage, LLC
3100 W Ray RD STE 201
Office # 209 Chandler AZ 85223
NEXA Mortgage, LLC
3100 W Ray RD STE 201,
Office # 209 Chandler AZ 85226
Nexpanse Financial LLC C2 Brier Hill Court, Suite 201 East Brunswick NJ 08816
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
NexSpring Financial, LLC
14567 North Outer Forty Rd.,
Suite 250 Chesterfield MO 63017
NEXTGEN MORTGAGE, INC 20 Trafalgar SQ, STE 626 Nashua NH 03063
Nextres, LLC 12 Penns Trail, Suite 138 Newtown PA 18940
Nezat, Araya
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
NFM, Inc.
1190 Winterstone Road,
Suite 300 Linthicum MD 21090
Nguyen, Linh Y.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
NICE MORTGAGE LLC 7167 SW HWY 200 Ocala FL 34476
Niche Mortgage 3288 Golf Links Rd Deer Island OR 97054
Nicholas Mosser Moser Law Firm
2805 Dallas Parkway, Ste.
222 Plano TX 75093
Nichols, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nichols, Tiffany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nicholson, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Niehaus, Cole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nieto, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
NII Capital II, LLC 2281 Swan Boulevard Wauwatosa WI 53226
Nissan, Sal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nitro Software, Inc. 225 Bush Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94104
NMI Holdings, Inc . (National MI) 2100 Powell St EMERYVILLE CA 94608
NMSI, Inc. 3700 Wilshire Blvd. #330 Los Angeles CA 90010
Noble Home Loans Inc 7830 W. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas NV 89117
Nobles Jr., Maurice
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Noda, Bill
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Noguez, Laura
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Noguez, Sasha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nonprofit Mortgage
2665 Villa Creek Drive, Suite
252 Dallas TX 75234
Nopulos, Alexander
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Norman, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
North American Financial Corp
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
North Carolina Office of the
Commissioner of Banks
Katherine M.R. Bosken,
Commissioner 4309 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699
North Dakota Department of
Financial Institutions I. Lise Kruse, Commissioner 1200 Memorial Highway Bismarck ND 58504
COMPANY 305 Madison Avenue Morristown NJ 07960
North Star Mortgage, Inc 695 S Main St, suite 6 Brigham City UT 84302
Northeast Bank 500 Canal Street Lewiston ME 04240
Northeast Financial LLC 48 Meriden Road Suite 1 Middlefield CT 06455
Northern Mortgage Services,
LLC 2828 Wilson Ave SW Grandville MI 49418
Northern Sierra Financial
Services 113 Presley Way, Suite 6 Grass Valley CA 95945
Northpoint Mortgage Inc.
198 Charlton Rd, 2nd Floor
Suite #4 Sturbridge MA 01566
Northshore Financial Group, Inc. 214 E. Main Chewelah WA 99109
SUITE 2B Mandeville LA 70448
NorthSide Mortgage Group LLC 176 N. Renfro Street Mount Airy NC 27030
NorthStar Erie, LLC.
2221 Peninsula Drive, Suite
211 Erie PA 16506
Northstar Funding Inc
15 Wilkinson Avenue
Building B, Floor 2, Unit 2 B-
3 Jersey City NJ 07305
Northstar Lending Group, Inc. 1657 Highway 395 #103A Minden NV 89423
Northwest Bank of Rockford 3106 N. Rockton Avenue Rockford IL 61103
Northwest Funding Group Inc 12411 SE 2nd Circle Vancouver WA 98684
Northwest Mortgage Inc. 348 Quell Ct Fort Wayne IN 46845
5100 HOUSTON TX 77010
Norwich Commercial Group, Inc. 38 Security Drive Avon CT 06001
Nova Financial & Investment
6245 E. Broadway Blvd, Ste.
#400 Tucson AZ 85711
NP, INC. dba US Mortgage of
4800 N Federal Hwy Bldg E
Ste 200 Boca Raton FL 33431
NSF Loans, Inc 2835 E. Chestnut Ave. Orange CA 92867
Nuckols, Chris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
NuHome Group, LLC dba
NUHOME MORTGAGE 1445 N Loop West Ste 105 Houston TX 77008
Nuline Funding, Inc.
21550 Oxnard Street, Suite
300 Woodland Hills CA 91367
Numerica Credit Union 14610 E Sprague Avenue Spokane Valley WA 99216
Nunn, Celina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
NuPoint Home Loans, LLC 1200 N Federal Hwy, 205 Boca Raton FL 33432
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Nustad, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Nuwave Lending LLC
STE 110 - 295 Richardson TX 75080
NV Energy 6226 W. Sahara Ave. Las Vegas NV 89151
NW Processing Group Inc.
7360 SW Hunziker Street,
Suite 103 Portland OR 97223
O1NE MORTGAGE INC 9267 Haven Ave, Suite 255 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
Oak Bay Properties Ltd.
5718 Westheimer Rd. Ste.
1000 Houston TX 77057
Oak Capital Mortgage, LLC
307 W. Tremont Ave., Suite
200 Charlotte NC 28203
Oak Hill Mortgage, LLC 3057 Jeannie Anna Ct Oak Hill VA 20171
Oak Street Financial, Inc. 1919 Blanding Blvd., Suite 10 Jacksonville FL 32210
Oakes, Danielle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oaktree Funding Corp. 1298 W. 7th Street Upland CA 91786
Oas, Melissa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oasis Home Mortgage, LLC 3405 Salterbeck Court Mount Pleasant SC 29466
Oasis Mortgage, LLC
3101 N. Central Ave., Suite
840D Phoenix AZ 85012
OBranovic, Laura T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Obsidian Financial Services, Inc. 115 Samo Road, Suite 215 Melbourne FL 32901
Obsidian Financial Services, Inc. 907 E. Strawbridge Ave. Melbourne FL 32901
Obsidian-Elite Financial Services
11876 Sunrise Valley Dr.
Suite 201 Reston VA 20191
Ocean Capital Lending, LLC 120 S. Olive Ave., Suite 311 West Palm Beach FL 33401
Ocean Lending Home Loans,
27271 Las Ramblas, Suite
350 Mission Viejo CA 92691
Oceanfront Mortgage, Inc.
11230 Sorrento Valley Rd.
#160 San Diego CA 92121
Oceans Lending, LLC 6 North Park Drive Suite 108 Hunt Valley MD 21030
19000 MacArthur Blvd Suite
200 Irvine CA 92780
Oconee State Bank 35 North Main Street Watkinsville GA 30677
Ocotillo Home Lending LLC 4526 S McClelland Dr Chandler AZ 85248
Ocrolus, Inc 101 Greenwich 23rd Floor NEW YORK NY 10006
Odartei Laryea, Joey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ODell, Mary L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
ODonnell, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Office of Financial Institutions,
Commonwealth of Kentucky, 500 Mero Street Frankfort KY 40601
Office of the United States
Trustee Delaware Benjamin A. Hackman
J Caleb Boggs Federal
Building 844 King St Ste 2207 Lockbox 35 Wilmington DE 19899-0035
Offit Kurman PA 300 E. Lombard Street Suite 2010 Baltimore MD 21202
Offix LC dba Offix Image Smart 5505 Robin Hood Rd I Norfolk VA 23513
Ogden, Laura D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ogden, Monique
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
OHara Jr., Gary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ohio Division of Financial
Kevin R. Allard,
Superintendent 77 S High Street, 20th Floor Columbus OH 43215
Ohio Home Finance, Ltd.
5550 Township Road 93-
Suite A McComb OH 45868
Ohler, Tiffany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oien, Darien E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ojo, Oluwole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oklahoma Department of
Consumer Credit Scott Lesher, Administrator 629 N.E. 28th Street Oklahoma City OK 73105
Oklahoma Department of
Consumer Credit 629 NE 28th Street Oklahoma City OK 73105
Oklahoma Premier Mortgage
Company LLC 3750 W. Main, Suite AA Norman OK 73072
Old Glory Mortgage, Inc. 10 East Lancaster Avenue Paoli PA 19301
Old J Corporation dba
DISCOUNT HOME LOANS 11460 Lehigh Lane Riverside CA 92507
Olde Towne Mortgage
132 Boone Street Square,
Suite 1 Jonesborough TN 37659
Olde Towne Mortgage LLC
701 West Market Street Suite
1 Perkasie PA 18944
Oler, Juston
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Olguin, Jenifeer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oliphant, Nikkia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Olmos, Daniela R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
OM Mortgage, LLC
30 East Padonia Road, Suite
303 Timonium MD 21093
Omega Financial Services, Inc.
1185 Morris Avenue, 2nd
floor & 3rd floor Union NJ 07083
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Omega Realty & Lending, Inc.
22201 Ventura Blvd., Suite
201 Woodland Hills CA 91364
Omni Funding Corporation dba
Provident Mortgage Services
2372 Morse Avenue, Suite
397 Irvine CA 92614
Omni-Fund, Inc.
26395 Jefferson Ave., Suite
E Murrieta CA 92652
On Course Learning PO Box 860507 Minneapolis MN 55486
On Q Financial, Inc. 615 S River Dr Suite 170 Tempe AZ 85281
On Time Lending, LLC
14850 Montfort Drive Suite
165 Dallas TX 75254
14502 N Dale Mabr
Suite #132 Tampa FL 33618
One Nevada Credit Union 2645 S. Mojave Rd. Las Vegas NV 89121
OneHome Mortgage,LLC 205 Range Dr Lafayette LA 70508
OneLogin, Inc 848 Battery Street SAN FRANCISCO CA 94111
OnY Glo, Inc. 6 Hutton Centre Drive #1030 Santa Ana CA 92707
Onyx Lending, LLC
2655 Van Ness Avenue,
Suite 3 San Francisco CA 94109-1968
Open Mortgage, LLC 14101 W Hwy 290 #1300 Austin TX 78737
Opportunity Bank of Montana 1400 Prospect Avenue Helena MT 59601
Opteon AMC, Inc. 14861 N. Scottsdale #A105 Scottsdale AZ 85254
14861 N Scottsdale Rd Ste A
Optifunder 8 Suffield Place CREVE COEUR MO 63141
Optima Lending LLC 2819 Hennepin Ave, Ste 2A Minneapolis MN 55408
Optimal Blue, LLC. 5340 Legacy Dr. PLANO TX 75024
Optimum First, Inc. 8900 Warner Avenue Fountain Valley CA 92708
Optimum Mortgage, LLC 12569 S 2700 W, Suite 100 Riverton UT 84095
Option Financial, LLC 6551 Harrison Avenue Cincinnati OH 45247
Option Funding, Inc.
4165 East Thousand Oaks
Blvd, Ste 260 Westlake Village CA 91362
Options Mortgage Services LLC
4005 Nine McFarland Drive,
Ste 200 Alpharetta GA 30004
Options Travel Services, Inc. 135 Randhurst Village Dr. Mount Prospect IL 60056
Optiv Security 1144 15th St Suite 2900 DENVER CO 80202
Oqvest LLC 50 Harrison St, STE 211C Hoboken NJ 07030
Oramas, Joey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Orca, Jason M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Oregon Department of
Consumer & Business Services,
Insurance Division 350 Winter Street NE Salem OR 97309-0405
Oregon Dept of Consumer &
Business Services 350 Winter St. NE 2nd Floor Salem OR 97301
Oregon Division of Financial
Andrew R. Stolfi, Insurance
Commissioner and Director
350 Winter Street NE, Room
410 Salem OR 97301
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Orellana, Melissa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Orion Federal Credit Union 400 Monroe Avenue Memphis TN 38103
Orlicki Group LLC
401 E Jackson Street, Suite
2340 Tampa FL 33602
Orlofsky, Jared
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ortiz, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Osborne, Briana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Osborne, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ostronic, Inc. 4443 Callada Place Tarzana CA 91356
Ovation Mortgage Corporation
5765 S. Rainbow Blvd., #109-
C Las Vegas NV 89118
Overton, Alvin D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
OVM Financial, Inc.
5040 Corporate Woods Drive
Suite 100 Virginia Beach VA 23462
Owen, Kelly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Own In The Sun, Inc. 1902 Wright Place, Suite 200 Carlsbad CA 92008
Own Mortgage Inc. 2455 4th Ave San Diego CA 92101
Oxford Financial Services, Inc. 245 Old Hook Rd 2B Westwood NJ 07675
Paavilainen, Jacob
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pacheco Melendez, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
CORPORATION 355 Gellert Blvd., Ste. #230 Daly City CA 94015
Pacific Bay Lending Inc 711 Grand Ave Ste 265 San Rafael CA 94901
Pacific Capital Mortgage, Inc.
4900 W Expressway 83,
Suite 230 McAllen TX 78501
LENDER INC 190 S. Orchard ave B-115 Vacaville CA 95688
Pacific Financial Group Inc 19700 Fairchild Rd Suite 320 Irvine CA 92612
Pacific Home Brokers Inc.
4275 Executive Square, Ste
200 La Jolla CA 92037
Pacific Home Loans, Inc. 2395 S. Kihei Rd. Ste 205 Kihei HI 96753
Pacific Horizon Bancorp, Inc. 2727 Foothill Blvd La Crescenta CA 91214
Pacific Indemnity Company 555 South Flower Street Suite 300 Los Angeles CA 90071
Pacific Lending LLC
4141 Inland Empire Blvd,
Suite 160 Ontario CA 91764
Pacific Mortgage Planning LLC 510 NE 4th Ave Ste 2 Camas WA 98607
Pacific Mountain Capital, LLC
SUITE 231 Scottsdale AZ 85260
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Pacific Regency Corporation 1048 Irvine Ave. #797 Newport Beach CA 92660
Pacific Residential Mortgage
13010 SW 68th Parkway,
Suite 145 Tigard OR 97223
Pacific West Lending LLC
14001 N 7th Street, Suite
E109 Phoenix AZ 85022
Pack, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pacor Mortgage Corp. 14930 S Cicero Oak Forest IL 60452
Padfield & Stout LLP 420 Throckmorton St. Suite 1210 Fort Worth TX 76102
Padilla, Olivia V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Padol, Kayla J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Page, Jennita
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pagulayan, Gerard M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Painter, Scott W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Palacios II, Francisco
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Palmer, Jessie J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Palmer, Letreese H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Palmer, Sherrie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pamela Robichaud 16020 Abbotts Pond Rd Milford DE 19963
Pannell, Steven, Leary 622 Fremont St Upland CA 91784
Panorama Mortgage Group, LLC
6623 Las Vegas Blvd South,
Suite F-200 Las Vegas NV 89119-3245
Papanicolas, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Paperboy Delivery LLC dba
Motto Mortgage Lifestyles
9640 W Tropicana Avenue
#200-C Las Vegas NV 89147
Papp, Louis A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Paradigm Mortgage Services,
7200 Wisconsin Avenue,
Suite 500 Bethesda MD 20814
Paragon Home Loans, Inc.
225 Greenfield Pkwy Suite
207 Liverpool NY 13088
Paragon Mortgage Services, Inc.
4600 South Syracuse, 9th
Floor Denver CO 80237
Paramount Bank
90 Village Square Shopping
Center Hazelwood MO 63042
Parco, Teresa M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Park Grove Lending, LLC 118 S Park Grove Ct Gilbert AZ 85296
Parker Mortgage Group LLC 550 Fairways Ln Chelsea MI 48118
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Parker, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Parker, Raymond
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Parks Sr., Whitney H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Parks, Rebecca
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Parkside Lending, LLC
180 Redwood Street, Suite
250 San Francisco CA 94102
Parkside Mortgage, LLC
5948 Timber Ridge Dr Suite
202 Prospect KY 40059
Parkview Investment & Loan Inc 4603 Mission Blvd #219 San Diego CA 92109
Parra, Javier
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Parsell, Catherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Partners Elite Financial Inc 3715 NE 44th st Vancouver WA 98661
Partnership Financial Credit
Union 5940 Lincoln Ave Morton Grove IL 60053
Passarella, Cara
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pathway Home Lending Inc
1499 W. 120th Ave, Suite
110 Westminster CO 80234
Patil, Vijaya R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Patricio, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Mortgage Finance Advisors 3093 FAIR OAKS BLVD Sacramento CA 95864
Patriot Bank 9105 Barret Rd. Millington TN 38053
Patriot Home Loans Inc 2596 West 11275 South South Jordan UT 84095
Patriot Mortgage LLC 77 W Main St. Freehold NJ 07728
Patriot One Mortgage Bankers,
LLC 142 Willis Avenue Mineola NY 11501
SUITE 200 Murrieta CA 92563
Patterson, Casandra R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Patterson, Cassi L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Paul Randall Nelson dba OB
Mortgage 4665 Coronado Ave, San Diego CA 92107
Pavilion Mortgage, Inc 15303 Huebner rd., Bldg #2 San Antonio TX 78248
Pavlak, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Payne, Whitni
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
(previously BtN Access) 31/F Empire State Building NEW YORK NY 10118
PCMA, Inc. 2100 Main Street, Suite #450 Irvine CA 92614
Peace Home Lending LLC 11350 Random Hills Rd #800 Fairfax VA 22030
Peace Home Lending LLC
3975 University Drive, Suite
230 Fairfax VA 22030
Peak to Peak Mortgage LLC 794 Troy Ct Aurora CO 80011
Pearson, Kristen A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pearson, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pease, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pedregon, Gilbert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pedroza, Jacqueline
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Peffall, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pen Air Federal Credit Union 1495 East Nine Mile Road Pensacola FL 32514
Peng, Wei
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pennington, Nicole R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pennsylvania Department of
Banking and Securities
Non-Depository Licensing
Richard Vague, Secretary of
Banking and Securities
17 N. Second Street, Suite
Market Square
Plaza Harrisburg PA 17101
Pennsylvania Dept of Banking
and Securities 17 N. Second Street Suite 1300 Harrisburg PA 17101
Penny Lane Financial LLC
1804 W Union Ave, Suite
202 Tacoma WA 98405
Penrith Home Loans LLC 601 Union Street Suite 2217 Seattle WA 98101
Peoples Bank 138 Putnam Street Marietta OH 45750
Peoples Bank of Commerce 1528 Biddle Road Medford OR 97504
Peoples Bank, a WA State
Company 3100 Woburn Bellingham WA 98226
Peoples Choice Mortgage
Corporation 133 Maple Ave Red Bank NJ 07701
Peoples Home Mortgage, LLC
619 S Bluff St, Tower 1, Suite
#101 St George UT 84770
Peoples Mortgage Lending LLC
8050 Beckett Center Drive
Suite 223B West Chester OH 45069
Peoples Processing, Inc. 13492 Research Blvd AUSTIN TX 78750
Peoples, Craig T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Perez Consulting Inc. dba Top
Loan Fundings 3461 Hillview Dr Riverside CA 92503
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Perez Jr., Oliverio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Perez, Farukh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Perez, Xochitl
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Performance Capital
Investments, Inc.
6110 McFarland Station Dr,
Suite 106 Alpharetta GA 30004
Performance Financial, Inc. 151 Kalmus Dr., Ste. D210 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Performance Real Estate and
Mortgage Services 5483 Adobe Falls Rd, Unit 7 San Diego CA 92120
Perkins Coie LLP Attn Lindsey
700 Thirteenth Street N.W.,
Ste. 800 Washington DC 20005
Perla, Joann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Perry, Andrea L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Persaile, William J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pershall, Beth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Personal RE Services INC 5882 Bolsa Ave Suite 250 Huntington Beach CA 92649
PETERSON FUNDING, LLC 12816 Fayview Lane Draper UT 84020
Peterson, Brian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Peterson, Schuyler L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Peterson, Terrence
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Petra Cephas Inc 27 Clyde Road, Suite 201 Somerset NJ 08873
Petruccelli, Felix
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Peyton, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pham, Kathy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Phan, Kosal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Phelps, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Phelps, Matthew A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Philip R Marsh 60894 Ridgepoint Court Concord IN 46517
Phoenix Loan Solutions Inc. 365 Interstate Blvd Sarasota FL 34240
Phoenix, Xander
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Phythian, Angela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Pickens, Kenneth L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pierce, Kevin B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pierpoint Mortgage, LLC 3088 Sheffield St, STE B Norton Shores MI 49441
PIF Lending LLC 4155 S Buffalo Drive #101 Las Vegas NV 89147
Pilger, Judy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pilgrim Mortgage LLC
1270 N. Loop 1604 E., Suite
100 San Antonio TX 78232
Pilgrim Mortgage LLC
1270 N Loop 1604 E Suite
1101 San Antonio TX 78232
Pimpton, Antoinette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pine Country Bank
1201 1st Avenue NE PO Box
528 Little Falls MN 56345
Pinkerton, Jon S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pinnacle Bank Wyoming 1702 Sheridan Ave Cody WY 82414
Pinnacle Capital Mortgage 1812 1812 Jefferson St. Napa CA 94559
Pinnacle Funding, Inc. 905 W. Main St., Ste 24 Durham NC 27701
Pinnacle Home Mortgage, LLP 20 S Third St, Suite 210 Columbus OH 43215
Pinnacle Lending Group, Inc.
6475 S. Rainbow Blvd. Ste.
102 Las Vegas NV 89118
Pinnacle Mortgage Corporation 835 Hanover Street Unit 301 Manchester NH 03104
Pinnacle Mortgage Solutions Inc.
1489 W. Warm Springs Rd.
Suite 110 office # 201 Henderson NV 89014
Pioneer Home Lending, LLC 2691 Sierra Morado Dr Lewisville TX 75067
Pioneer Mortgage Funding, Inc.
SUITE 118 Tampa FL 33606
Pitman, Kent A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pittman, Denim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pladna, Megan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Planet Home Lending, LLC
5401 W. Kennedy Blvd.,
Third Floor Tampa FL 33609
Planview Delaware LLC aka
Leankit, Inc. 236 2nd Ave S Franklin TN 37064
Plascencia Jr., Baudelio
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Plateau Data Services, LLC DBA
RateMarketplace 1875 S Grant St #950 SAN MATEO CA 94402
Platinum Home Mortgage
2000 West Center Drive
Suite East D403 Hoffman Estates IL 60192
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Platinum M.G. Holdings, LLC 3296 E GUASTI RD STE 120 ONTARIO CA 91761
Platinum Mortgage, Inc.
352 East Riverside Dr Unit
A5 St George UT 84790
Platinum Parking 719 Olive Street Dallas TX 75201
Plourde, Adam
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Plum, Sandra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
PMF,INC 142 W Platt St, Suite 118 Tampa FL 33606
Poca Valley Bank, Inc., The 7033 Charleston Road Walton WV 25286
Poe, Julie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pogue, Monica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Point Equity Residential Lending
925 Highland Pointe Dr, Ste
330 Roseville CA 95678
Point Mortgage Corporation 864 Amena Court Chula Vista CA 91910
Polaris Home Funding Corp. 151 44th Street SW Grandville MO 43953
Polaris Home Funding Corp. 7433 Fairlinks Ct Sarasota FL 34243
Polaris Home Loans, LLC
One Monarch Place 22nd
Floor, Suite 2200 Springfield MA 01144
Polestar Mortgage, Inc. 2660 Townsgate Road # 400 Westlake Village CA 91361
Polonus, Gabriella K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
17806 IH 10 WEST SUITE
450 SAN ANTONIO TX 78257
Pope, Nikitha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Porch Light Mortgage LLC 10 Wilsey Square, Suite 280 Ridgewood NJ 07450
Porter Financial Group, LLC 100 Main St., Suite 7 East Jordan MI 49727
Porter, Clayton
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Porter, David M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Porterfield, Angel M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Positive Closing LLC
1761 Hotel Circle South,
Suite 207 San Diego CA 92108
PossibleNOW, Inc.
4400 River Green Parkway
Ste 100 DULUTH GA 30096
Potomac Mortgage Group, Inc.
dba MVB Mortgage
4035 Ridge Top Road, Suite
100 Fairfax VA 22030
Potomac Trust Mortgage
Company LLC 111 South Fairfax Street Alexandria VA 22314
Potts, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Powell, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Power Mortgage, Inc. 568 Belle Terre Blvd. La Place LA 70068
PowerDMS, Inc. 101 S Garland Ave Ste 3000 ORLANDO FL 32801
Powerhouse Solutions, Inc. 11 Grace Avenue Suite 307 Great Neck NY 11021
PPDocs, Inc dba
PeirsonPatterson, LLP
2310 West Interstate 20
Suite 100 ARLINGTON TX 76017
CORP 8735 NW 82 AVE, Suite 208 Doral FL 33166
CORP Prada Mortgage Bankers 3785 Nw 82 Ave Suite 208 Doral FL 33166
Predian Financial Services, LLC
dba Predian Mortgage
830 Morris Turnpike, 4th
Floor Short Hills NJ 07078 Corporation 6519 Savings Place, Ste 235 Sacramento AR 95828
Preferred Funding Services, Inc. 25 Homestead Drive, Suite F Columbus NJ 08022
Preferred Home Lending LLC
118 Vintage Park Blvd, Suite
W 400 Houston TX 77070
Preferred Mortgage Bankers,
LLC 201 NE 95th Street Miami Shores FL 33138
Preferred Mortgage Services,
Inc. 2375 C Homer Adams Pkwy Alton IL 62002
Prego, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Premier American Mortgage 2932 Cuesta Lane Cape Girardeau MO 63701
Premier Family Mortgage LLC
9556 Park Meadows Drive
Ste 100 Lone Tree CO 80124
Premier Home Finance, LLC. 6207 Heritage Point Ct. Hilliard OH 43026
Premier Lending Alliance, LLC
8831 Thomas Ave. Suite
#100 Johnston IA 50131
Premier Lending Group, LLC 7798 Virginia Oaks Drive Gainesville VA 20155
CAPITAL INC 6117 Brockton Ave, STE 104 Riverside CA 92506
Premier Mortgage Consultants
Of Southwest Florida,Inc
2534 SE Santa Barbara Pl
Suite.201 Cape Coral FL 33904
Premier Mortgage Corporation
400 East Broadway Avenue
Suite 303 Bismarck ND 58501
Premier Mortgage Resources,
3363 E. Presidential Dr
Suites 100, 102, and 200 Meridian ID 83642
Premier Street Mortgage, LLC
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright
Blvd. #1270 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Premier Workspaces
1003 Bishop Street, Ste.
2700 Honolulu HI 96813
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Premiere Capital Investments,
Inc 41690 Ivy St. Suite B Murrieta CA 92562
Premium Mortgage Corp. 2541 Monroe Ave Rochester NY 14618
Presidio Funding Inc 1870 Washington Place San Diego CA 92103
INC 13992 ARBOLITOS DRIVE Poway CA 92064
Prestige Assets & Holdings Inc. 4501 E. Carson St. #203 Long Beach CA 90808
Prestige Home Mortgage L.L.C. 6 Maple Street, Suite 202 Northborough MA 01532
Prestige Residential Loans LLC
4970 SW Griffith Dr, Suite
205 Beaverton OR 97005
Prestonwood Mortgage LLC. 6004 Yellow Rock Trail Dallas TX 75248
Price Financial Services, LLC 126 West Lancaster Avenue Wayne PA 19087
Price Mortgage, LLC 690 E Warner Rd, Ste. 103 Gilbert AZ 85296
Price, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pridgen, Annamarie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
11555 Medlock Bridge Road,
Ste 100 Johns Creek GA 30097
Prime Choice Funding, Inc. 17852 E. 17th St., Suite 107 Tustin CA 92780
Prime Choice Lending Inc. 4633 Coit Rd #340 Frisco TX 75035
Prime Equity Financial
601 S Federal Highway Suite
201 Boca Raton FL 33432
Prime Home Loans, Inc. 2444 Hwy 120 Unit 101 Duluth GA 30097
Prime Home Mortgage LLC 155 Steele Street, 618 Denver CO 80206
Prime Mortgage Resources, Inc.
One Columbus Center Suite
600 Virginia Beach VA 23462
Prime Mortgage, LLC
8400 E. Crescent Parkway,
#600 Greenwood Village CO 80111
Prime One Mortgage Corp. 1012 N. Washington, Suite A Spokane WA 99210
PrimeLending, A PlainsCapital
Company 18111 Preston Road #900 Dallas TX 75252
PrimeWest Mortgage 7806 Indiana Avenue Lubbock TX 79423
Primus Lending Corp.
SUITE 670 Los Angeles CA 90010
Principal Financial Group Inc 2000 Riveredge Parkway Sandy Springs GA 30328
Principal Financial Services, Inc. ATTN RIS MAIL TEAM 711 HIGH STREET Des Moines IA 50392
Priority 1 Lending
38701 Seven Mile Road,
Suite 290 Livonia MI 48152
Priority 1 Lending, LLC
38701 Seven Mile Road,
Suite 290 Livonia MI 48152
Priority Bank 3401 E Mission Blvd Fayetteville AR 72703
Priority Lending, LLC 8035 N Oracle Road Oro Valley AZ 85704
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Priority Mortgage Corp
Prism Lending, Inc.
850 E Higgins Road, Suite
125W Schaumburg IL 60173
Prism Mortgage, LLC
770 Lake Cook Road, Suite
145 Deerfield IL 60015
Pritchard, Jeff
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Private Capital Loans, LLC 8180 NW 36th St, Suite 100L Doral FL 33166
400 West Cummings Park,
Suite 3250 Woburn MA 01801
Pro Option Mortgage, Inc. 3413 Heards Ferry Dr. Tampa FL 33618
Proctor II, William R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Professional Mortgage
Associates 1231 I Street, Suite 203 Sacramento CA 95814
Proforma Turnkey Marketing 1095 Jupiter Park Dr JUPITER FL 33458
Progressive Lending Solutions,
2277 West Hwy 36, Suite
304 Roseville MN 55113
Propel Home Loans LLC 8100 Wayzata Blvd., Suite C Golden Valley MN 55426
PropertyRate, LLC
1855 W. Katella Ave, Ste.
100 Orange CA 92867
Propr Lending LLC
5955 Shoreview LN N, Suite
200 Keizer OR 97303
Prosek LLC 1552 Post Rd. Fairfield CT 06824
ProStream, LLC 8400 Emerald Glen Lane Frisco TX 75003
Proverbs, Shannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Province Mortgage Associates,
Inc 50 Office Parkway East Providence RI 02914
ProVisor, Inc.
200 S. Executive Drive, Suite
120 Brookfield WI 53005
Prudential Borrowing, LLC 450 Sunrise Hwy Rockville Centre NY 11570
Prudler Funding 401 Watt Ave Suite 5 Sacramento CA 95864
Pruitt, Aretha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Prysma Lending Group, LLC 18 Padanaram Rd Danbury CT 06811
Puckett, Maddeysen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Pure Lending Solutions 1300 4th Stree San Rafael CA 94901
Purpose Funding Inc.
27651 La Paz Road Suite
200 Laguna Niguel CA 92677
Qian, Chen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Quach, Linda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Qualified Mortgage Incorporated 1415 Panther Ln Naples FL 34109
Quantitative Risk Management
181 West Madison Street
41st Floor Chicago IL 60602
Quantum Express Inc 1625 Sweetwater Rd, Suite D National City CA 91950
Quaranta, Vincent
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Quddusi, Nabeel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Querrey, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
QuestRock LLC 675 Mansell Rd Suite 115 Roswell GA 30076
Quick App Mortgage LLC 4248 Tuller Rd Ste 106 Dublin OH 43017
Quik Fund, Inc.
900 Stewart Avenue, Suite
240 Garden City NY 11530
Quinlan, Patrick J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Quinn, Yvette E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
QuinStreet,Inc 950 Tower Lane 6th Floor FOSTER CITY CA 94404
Quintero, Albert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Quintess Funding, LLC
3501 Algonquin Rd., Suite
300 Rolling Meadows IL 60008
Quontic Bank 1 Rockefeller Plaza 9th Floor New York NY 10020
R M K Financial Corp. 1819 S. Excise Ave. Ontario CA 91761
R.H.Cooper Ltd
225 Wilmington West
Chester Pike Ste. 200 Chadds Ford PA 19317
R.J. OBrien & Associates, LLC 222 South Riverside Plaza Chicago IL 60606
R3 Appraisal Management, LLC 9053 S Pecos Rd HENDERSON NV 89074
RABASA INC 780 Callecita Aquilla Sur Chula Vista CA 91911
Raccoon Valley Bank 1202 2nd St Perry IA 50220
RADIAN GUARANTY INC 2638 S. Falkenburg Road RIVERVIEW FL 33578
Radian Guaranty, Inc 1601 Market Street PHILADELPHIA PA 19103
Radiant Financial Group, LLC
15411 W. Waddell Road,
Suite A-107 Surprise AZ 85379
Radwan, Paul S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Raghunathan, Indumathi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rainey, Anne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rajaram, Priya
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rajmalani, Sunita V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Ramirez, Adrienne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramirez, Joel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramirez, Leo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramirez, Yvette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramm, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramos, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ramsden, Brandi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Randle, Patricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
RANTAX INC 9223 Archibald Ave Suite J Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
Rapid Capital Funding PC 1 Park Plaza, Suite #600 Irvine CA 92614
Rapid Mortgage Company
7870 East Kemper Road
Suite 280 Cincinnati OH 45249
Raquel Myers dba 1st Legacy
Mortgage 3016 Polar Lane Suite #207 Cedar Park TX 78613
Rashid, Shireen K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rate House Mortgage Company
1316 Bound Brook Road,
Suite 2C Middlesex NJ 08846
Rate Plus, Inc. 17011 Beach Blvd., Ste. 600 Huntington Beach CA 92647
Rate Simple, Inc.
525 Technology Dr. Suite
470 Irvine CA 92618
RateBeat LLC.
9400 Topanga Canyon Blvd
Suite 210 Chatsworth CA 91311
RatePlug, LLC 1700 N. Park St. Ste 107 NAPERVILLE IL 60563
RateWinner, LLC 18 Campus Blvd., Suite 100 Newtown Square PA 19073
Rathbun, Amy C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Raul Hector Barcena-Salas
SUR Chula Vista CA 91911
Rayfield, Jamie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Raynor Brokerage LLC 3690 Fort Union Blvd #204 Salt Lake City UT 84121
RC Global Financial, Inc.
3949 Clairemont Drive, Ste
15 San Diego CA 92117
RCI Financial Corporation 2639 Turk Blvd San Francisco CA 94118
RCM Mortgage Inc
16135 Preston Road, Suite
202 Dallas TX 75024
RDA Limited Company 1448 N 2000 W Suite 2 Clinton UT 84015
120 Miami FL 33126
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Ready Price, LLC
5671 Santa Teresa Blvd
#101 SAN JOSE CA 95123
Ready2Fund LLC 3300 N Triumph Blvd Ste 100 Lehi UT 84043
Readyfresh PO Box 856192 Louisville KY 40285
Real Consultants Mortgage and
Real Estate Services Inc. 8141 2ND ST Suite 420 Downey CA 90241
Real Estate Source, Inc. dba
California Lending Source 1024 Iron Point Rd. 1017 Folsom CA 95630
Real Estate Valuation Partners,
LLC dba Valuation Partners Three Sugar Creek Suite 100 SUGAR LAND TX 77478
RealEstate Loans Limited
Liability Company 7710 Balboa Ave, Suite 209B San Diego CA 92111
RealFi Home Funding Corp.
707 Westchester Avenue,
Suite 305 White Plains NY 10604
RealFi Home Funding Corp.
Residential Home Funding Corp
707 Westchester Avenue
Suite 305 White Plains NY 10604
RealtiWorks, Inc 4973 Leeds Street Simi Valley CA 93063 (Move Sales, Inc.) 3315 Scott Blvd SANTA CLARA CA 95054
MANAGEMENT, LLC 4600 Fuller Dr IRVING TX 75038
Red Bell Real Estate LLC
7730 S. Union Park Ave.,
Suite 400 Midvale UT 84047
165 S. Kimball Avenue, Suite
100 Southlake TX 76092
Red Rock Mortgage 810 S. Durango Drive Las Vegas NV 89145
Red Tree Mortgage LLC
Four Penn Center West Suite
203 Pittsburgh PA 15276
Reddy, Eddala
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reduced Fee Mortgage Inc. 19950 Dodd Blvd Suite 102 Lakeville MN 55044
Redwood Mortgage Company 40 Tanner Street, Suite #2 Haddonfield NJ 08033
Reed, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reed, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reed, Charisse
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reed, Sean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reed, Whitney
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reeder, Tracy L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reese, Ryan M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Reeves, Crystal
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reeves-McKnight, Lakesha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Refinitiv US, LLC FKA Thomson
Reuters Markets LLC P.O Box 415983 BOSTON MA 02241
Regional Mortgage Corporation 9959 W 143rd Street, Suite B Orland Park IL 60462
Regus Corporation 3000 Kellway Drive Suite 140 Carrollton TX 75006
Regus Corporation 3636 S. GEYER RD St. Louis MO 63127
Regus Management Group 3000 Kellway Drive Suite 140 Carrollton TX 75006
Regus Management Group
PIKE, SUITE 250 Frederick MD 21704
Regus Management Group PO BOX 842456 Dallas TX 75284-2456
Regus Management Group, LLC 3000 Kellway Drive Suite 140 Carrollton TX 75006
Reid, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reilly, Diane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rekstad Lubinski, Solveig K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reliabank Dakota 211 North Main St. Estelline SD 57234
Reliable Mortgage Professionals
5401 W. Kenned
Blvd, Suite
100 Tampa FL 33609
Reliable Mortgages, Inc.
1385 West State Road 434
Suite 102 Longwood FL 32750
Reliance Funding Corp. 2227 Overlook Lane Fogelsville PA 18051
Reliance Lending Northwest LLC 30 5th St E, Ste 102 30 5th St E, Ste 102 MT 59901
SOLUTIONS INC 1601 Anacapa St Santa Barbara CA 93101
Reliant Realty, Inc.
2100 Northrop Avenue, Suite
900 Sacramento CA 95825
Remarkable Home Loans LLC 62 E 800 N, #202 Spanish Fork UT 84660
Rembao, Christine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rembao, Melessa G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ReNew Lending, Inc.
1155 West 4th Street, Ste
220 Reno NV 89503
Renner, Sabrina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Renz, Marc
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Republic Bank & Trust Co. 601 West Market Street Louisville KY 40202
Republic State Mortgage Co. 815 Hawthorne Street Houston TX 77006
Res-Com Mortgage Corp 1211 W 22ND ST, STE 802 Oak Brook IL 60523
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Residential Acceptance
Corporation 5027 West Laurel Street Tampa FL 33607
Residential Home Mortgage
Corporation 53 Frontage Road, Suite 200 Hampton NJ 08827
Residential Mortgage Network,
Inc. 2461 10th Street, Suite 308 Coralville IA 52241
Residential Savings Mortgage
2801 N University Dr, Suite
204 Coral Springs FL 33065
Residential Valuation Service
SUITE NO 3 San Diego CA 92119
ResMac, Inc. 398 NE 6th Avenue Suite B Delray Beach FL 33483
Resource Financial Services,
Inc. 2717 Devine Street Columbia SC 29205
Restrepo, Alex A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Retrievex Holdings Corp 6818 Patterson Pass RD LIVERMORE CA 94550
SUITE 104 Frederick MD 21701
Rey, Luis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reyes, Keren
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reyes, Levis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reyes-Joaquin, Glenda L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reyna, Merardo V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Reynolds, Cordell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rhinehart, Shandra R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rhode Island Department of
Business Regulation Division of Banking Elizabeth Tanner, Director 1511 Pontiac Avenue Building 68-2 Cranston RI 02920
Rhodes, Isaac J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
RICH Home Loans LLC 1550 Wewatta St 2nd Floor Denver CO 80202
Richard Luftig 527 Split Rock Road Oyster Bay Cove NY 11791
Richey May & Co, LLP
9605 S. Kingston Court Suite
200 ENGLEWOOD CO 80112
Rick Lebrun
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ricker, Melissa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Riddley, Patricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Riffle, Natalie C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Right Key Mortgage, LLC 859 Washington Street South Easton MA 02375
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Right Step Mortgage LLC 4 Hinman Meadow Road Burlington CT 06013
Riley, Julie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rimmer-Ratzel, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rios, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ritter Mortgage Group, Inc. 1230 Nottingham Road Westminster MD 21157
Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort Naples 2600 Tiburon Dr. Naples FL 34109
River City Mortgage LLC
4555 Lake Forest Drive,
Suite 450 Cincinnati OH 45242
Rivera, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Riverbank Finance LLC
3205 Eaglecrest Drive NE
Suite 206 Grand Rapids MI 49525
RiverHills Bank 553 Chamber Drive Milford OH 45150
RJR Mortgage Company, LLC 812 Central Ave, Suite 4 Westfield NJ 07090
RLM Mortgage LLC
2530 Eldorado Parkway ste
120 McKinney TX 75070
RM Mortgage Center, LLC 1290 Broadcasting Road Wyomissing PA 19610
RMSolutions, Inc. 5909 Old Wheeler Rd LA VERNE CA 91750
Robert C. Devine DBA Approval
Plus Mortgage Services 609 Hamilton Street Collegeville PA 19426
Robert Half International Inc 2884 Sand Hill Rd MENLO PARK CA 94025
Robert Pinzhoffer 6418 Wood Owl Cir. Bradenton FL 34210
Robert Schuman dba Network
Financial Group 16860 Price Ct Morgan Hill CA 95037
Robert Weaver dba Security
Mortgage Co. 5601 Soapberry Dr Mckinney TX 75070
Roberts, John H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Roberts, Mario
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robertson, Alison R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robertson, Caroline A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robertson, Erica B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robichaud, Pamela M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robinson, AlShavet
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robinson, Jessica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Robinson, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robinson, Raymond
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robinson, Terrence
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robison, Andrew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Robus Finance LLC
5295 S Commerce Dr, Ste
205 Salt Lake City UT 84107
Rock Hill Financial, LLC
822 Montgomery Ave., Suite
312 Narberth PA 19072
Rock River Financial, Inc 388 State St NE #500 Salem OR 97301
Rockwell, Terry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rocky Mountain Mortgage
Works, LLC 101 Cardinal Way Unit 1 Parachute CO 81635
Rocky Mountain Mortgage, LLC 15137 E Wesley Avenue Aurora CO 80459
Rodarte-Larranaga, Jasmine A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rodriguez, Dianna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rodriguez, Francisco
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rodriguez, Jessica Y.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rodriguez, Kim A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rodriguez, Stephanie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Roelkey, Rhonda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rogers, Derwin S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rohlsen, Alexis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rollins, Jeffery S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rolph Mortgage LLC
4030 Mt Carmel Tobasco
Road, Suite 220 Cincinnati OH 45255
Romack, Joseph G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Romero Rodriguez, Jaime
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Romero, Edgar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ronald Claxon dba Marcus
Claxton Mortgage Services
5051 Peachtree Corners Cir
Suite 200 Peachtree Corners GA 30092
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Roosevelt Mortgage Solutions,
9500 Ray White Road, Suite
200 Office 248 Fort Worth TX 76244
Rosales, Ernie J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rosario, Vanessa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rosas, Gerardo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rose, Edward D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rose, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rosen, Sherry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rosenthal, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ross Mortgage Company, Inc.
115 Flanders Road, Suite
120 Westborough MA 01581
Ross Mortgage Corporation
2075 West Big Beaver Road
Suite 700 Troy MI 48084
Ross, Carlos B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ross, Julie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Roundtree, Vaughn T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Roya Nasr dba Comprehensive
Mortgage Solutions
1133 Camelback Street ,
#7224 Newport Beach CA 92658
#104 Deerfield Beach FL 33442
RP Mortgage, LTD 2301 Blake St., Suite 100 Denver CO 80205
3530 Habersham at
Northlake Rd, BUILDING C
Suite 500 Tucker GA 30084
RSJ Service Corp dba Esteem
10670 Civic Center Drive,
Suite 100 Rancho Cucamonga CA 91730
Ruben Augusto Miller 3753 Coleman Avenue San Diego CA 92154
Rubi Sepulveda, Jacqueline
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rubin Lubin LLC
428 North Lamar Blvd, Ste.
107 Oxford MS 38655
Rucker, Patrick D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rudolph, Charles E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ruiz, Josue
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rumore, Gabreale
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Rupert, Renae
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rush, Lisa B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rusnack Jr., Paul A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Russo, Richard
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Rusty Rose Inc. 7480 sw 40 st Suite 605 Miami FL 33155
Rutledge, Kaye
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
RVA Mortgage Brokers LLC
3900 Westerre Parkway,
Suite 300 Richmond VA 23233
S&S Financial
23332 Mill Creek Drive, Ste
235 Laguna Hills CA 92653
Safont Homes Corp.
15500 New Barn Road Suite
102 Miami Lakes FL 33014
Sage Lending, LLC 4812 Dorsey street Forest Hill TX 76119
Sage, Cheyenne M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Saladino, Stephanie E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024 LLC PO Box 844048 Boston MA 02284-4048
Salazar, Fallon D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Salazar, Robert C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Salazar, Victor
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Salem Five Mortgage Company,
LLC 210 Essex Street Salem MA 01970
Sales Boomerang, LLC
10461 Mill Run Circle Suite
950 OWINGS MILLS MD 21117, Inc.
The Landmark @ One
Market Street Suite 300 SAN FRANCISCO CA 94105
Salisbury Bank and Trust
Company 5 Bissell Street Lakeville CT 06039
Salt Lake City Lending Group
LLC 3126 E Danish Ridge Way Salt Lake City UT 84121
Samples, Aaron
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sampson 852, llc 14673 Midway Rd., Suite 216 Addison TX 75001
San Diego Funding
2468 Historic Decatur Road
#160 San Diego CA 92106
Sanchez, Christina R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sanchez-Perez, Maricela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Sanco Investments Inc 100 N Citrus ST, Suite 320 West Covina CA 91791
Sanders-Patton, Iyana T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sandlan, Brittany
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sands, Chelsea
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Santa Cruz, Catherine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Satori Financial Mortgage
Group, LLC 2808 W Broadway Ave Minneapolis MN 55411
Satterwhite, Catrina L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Savage, Nella
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SaviBank 208 E. Blackburn Suite 200 Mount Vernon WA 98273
Savills Studley
520 Newport Center Drive
8th Floor Newport Beach CA 92660
Savings Home Mortgage Limited
Liability Company 100 Gaither Road Mount Laurel NJ 08054
Savisa LLC dba Motto Mortgage
500 North Central
Expressway, Suite 305 Plano TX 75074
Savoy, Tywan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sawyer Jr., James R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sawyer, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Saxony Partners LLC 13355 Noel Rd Suite 1450 DALLAS TX 75240
Saxton Mortgage, LLC
12636 High Bluff Drive, Suite
400 San Diego CA 92130
Sayamax Property Solutions,
1980 Festival Plaza Drive
Suite 300, Office 357 Las Vegas NV 89135
Sayeg, Heather D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scarola, Randy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scarpelli, Scott T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scarsella, Gary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scarsella, Thomas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scavetto, Audrey L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scenic Oaks Funding, Inc. 1156 Scenic Dr. Suite 200 Modesto CA 95350
Scheid, Michael C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Schick, Edward T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schley, Charles
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schoch, Dorrian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schrandt, Timothy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schuette, Rachel R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schultz, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schultz,Mark Elloitt 2214 Faraday Ave Carlsbad CA 92008
Schuster, Terri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schwalb, Bruce
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schwartz, Patricia J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Schweizer, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scott, Aysha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scott, Nicole N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scott, Samuel A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Scout Financial Group Inc. dba
Scout Lending 87 E Green Street, Suite 306 Pasadena CA 91105
Scovill, Adam R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Screen Magic Mobile Media, Inc.
2831 St. Rose Parkway, Ste.
300 Henderson NV 89052
Scroggins, LaDedra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SDG Lending, Inc. 1213 SW 25th Ave. Boynton Beach FL 33426
SDP Solutions LLC PO Box 925 Colleyville TX 76034
Sea View Mortgage, Inc. 27 Beach Road, Suite 5 A Monmouth Beach NJ 07750
Searle, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Seay, Cynthia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Secatore, Paula
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Second Finance, Lc 4484 S Marsalis Ave Dallas TX 75216
Securadyne Systems
Intermediate LLC, dba Allied
Universal Technology Services 3440 Sojourn Drive Suite 240 Carrollton TX 75006
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Secure Funding Group
2371 FENTON ST. STE 220-
A Chula Vista CA 91914
Secure One Capital Corporation
3200 Park Center Drive,
Suite 1300 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Secure Settlements, inc. Dba
Secure Insight, Inc
100 Lanidex Plaza Suite
1201 PARSIPPANY NJ 07054
Securities & Exchange
Commission Regional Director 1617 JFK Boulevard Ste 520 Philadelphia PA 19103
Securities & Exchange
Commission Secretary of the Treasury 100 F St NE Washington DC 20549
Securities & Exchange
Commission NY Office Regional Director Brookfield Place 200 Vesey St, Ste 400 New York NY 10281-1022
Security Bank 602 W Main St Newbern TN 38059
Security First Financial, Inc.
28631 S. Western Avenue,
Suite 103 Rancho Palos Verdes CA 90275
Security Mortgage Corp
30201 Orchard Lake Rd, Ste
101 Farmington Hills MI 48334
SecurityNational Mortgage
433 Ascension Way, 5th
Floor Salt Lake City UT 84123
Sede, Josiah A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Seger, Lorie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Segoviano, Elizabeth
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Seidman, Frank W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Selby, Patricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Select Mortgage Advisors, LLC 600 Glen Court Louisville KY 40207
Select One Mortgage, Inc 1254 Hosford St. Hudson WI 54016
Selectplus Lending
28494 Westinghouse Place,
Ste 212 Valencia CA 91355
Selker, Samuel J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Selling ATX Homes LLC 724B Lamar Blvd Austin TX 78703 Brokerage
5355 Avenida Encinas, Ste.
203 Carlsbad CA 92008
Semper Home Loans, Inc. 225 Dupont Drive Providence RI 02907
Sente Mortgage, Inc 4520 Burnet Road Austin TX 78756
Sepulveda, Stephen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Seroka & Associates 200 S Executive Dr BROOKFIELD WI 53005
Serv Corp.
South Palm Desert CA 92211
Servis One, Inc.
1425 Greenway Drive Suite
400 Irving TX 75038
SettlementOne Valuation, LLC 7999 Knue Road, Ste. 160 Indianapolis IN 46250
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Severn Savings Bank FSB
200 Westgate Cirlce, Suite
100 Annapolis MA 21401
Seville Mortgage, LLC
2680 S. Val Vista Drive Bldg.
6, Suite 129 Gilbert AZ 85295
Seville Mortgage, LLC
2730 S. Val Vista Drive Bldg
6, Suite 129 Gilbert AZ 85295
Seward Jr., Samuel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
6800 Weiskopf Avenue,
Suite 200 Mckinney TX 75070
SFMI Lending Capital Inc. 7550 SW 96th CT Miami FL 33173
Shah, Vikash
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shamrock Home Loans, Inc. 75 Newman Avenue East Providence RI 02916
9065 S Pecos Road Suite
200 Henderson NV 89074
Sharad, Chakravarthy N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shari Barth, dba Optimal
Training Solutions 7516 Benelux Court Plano TX 75025
Sharp Mortgages, Inc. 8785 Perimeter Park Blvd. Jacksonville FL 32216
SharperLending Solutions LLC
1410 N. Mullan Road, Ste.
100 Spokane Valley WA 99206
Shaw, Anthony
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shaw, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shearer, Christina R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shelley, Theresa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shepard, Brian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shepardson, Mark W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sheppard, Jeremy, Marsh 90 Arches Circle Sacramento CA 95835
Sherman, Brigette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sherwood Mortgage Group, Inc 915 Greenwich Drive Thousand Oaks CA 91360
Shields, Jesse
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shields, Laura
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shin, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shore Capital Corporation
2030 Main Street, Suite 1300
#78 Irvine CA 92614
Shore United Bank 18 East Dover Street Easton MD 21601
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Showe, Lora
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shuey, Danielle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shumate, John W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Shupe, Michael C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SI Mortgage Company
35871 Mound Road Suite
201 Sterling Heights MI 48310
Siddiqui, Sami
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Siek, Scott W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sierra Foothills Real Estate
Services, Inc. 9640 Los Lagos Cir N Granite Bay CA 95746
Sierra Springs PO Box 660579 DALLAS TX 75266-0579
Sierra Verde Resources LLC
dba Greenview Mortgage
5300 SCHAEFER RD Suite
Sigmund, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sign On The Line, Inc.
400 Spectrum Center Drive
Suite 800 Irvine CA 92618
Signature Lending Resources
LLC dba Motto Mortgage
Signature 7701 Eldoardo Pkwy #600 Mckinney TX 75070
Silicon Valley Capital Funding
Inc. 6090 Hellyer Avenue #100 San Jose CA 95138
Silver Fin Capital Group LLC 11 Grace Avenue, Suite 408 Great Neck NY 11021
Silver Oak Funding, Inc.
11344 Coloma Road, Suite
760 Gold River CA 95670
SILVER STAR MTG 860 Kuhn Drive Suite 106 Chula Vista CA 91914
Silverstone Equities LLC
4000 N Federal Highway
Suite 216 Boca Raton FL 33431
Silvidi, Lauren M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simental, Angelica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simile, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simon, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simons, Robert J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simple Lending Mortgage LLC
500 South Florida Ave Ste
400-11 Lakeland FL 33801
Simple Mortgage Broker LLC 2537 Taylor Ave Ogden UT 84401
SimpleNexus, LLC 2600 N. Ashton Blvd. #500 Lehi UT 84043
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Simpler, Amy M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Simplified Mortgage Solutions
LLC 3125 Hebron Drive, Ste 101 Cayce SC 29169
Simplifile, LC
1 4844 North 300 West Suite
202 Provo UT 84604
Simplify Home Loans, LLC 1261 South 820 East # 200 American Fork UT 84003
SIMPLY FINANCIAL INC 5632 West Lawrence Ave Chicago IL 60630
Simpson, Damon A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sims Appraisal Company PO Box 24521 Knoxville TN 37933
Sims, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sinclair, Hugh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Singer, Georgiana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sirote & Permutt, PC 2311 Highland Avenue South Birmingham AL 35205
SitusAMC Holdings Corporation
DBA The Collingwood Group,
1717 K Street NW Suite
1015 WASHINGTON DC 20006
Siwell, Inc. 4212 50th Street Lubbock TX 79413
SJSJ Developments LLC dba
Highland Financial 17806 IH 10 Suite #300 San Antonio TX 78257
SK Global Investment, Inc.
Skeen, Amy D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Skidmore, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SkyWest Investment Group, Inc
9381 E. Stockton Blvd Suite
200 Elk Grove CA 95624
Slater, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SLR Mortgage, Inc.
4080 McGinnis Ferry Road,
Unit 1308 Alpharetta GA 30005
Small, Ida
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smart Financial Services, Inc. 2778 S 35th Street, Suite 202 Milwaukee WI 53215
Smart Home Lending LLC 5440 W 110th St, Suite 300 Overland Park KS 66211
Smiciklas, Mary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith Broady & Associates, Inc. 1114 E 10 St. Jeffersonville IN 47130
Smith III, Daniel H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Smith Jr., Aubrey D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Alicia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Ana B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Brian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Canisia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Carlo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Carlton
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Cheryl A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Christal L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Dallas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Daniel W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Darrall
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Heather L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, James T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Keona
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Kristin L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Leroy A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Susana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Terrell L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smith, Tina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Smolich, Vicki
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SMS MORTGAGE GROUP LLC 3521 Michael Drive Plano TX 75023
Smythurst, Christopher W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Snap Mortgage, LLC 405 Olde Heritage Circle Woodstock GA 30188
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
SnapFi, Inc.
1155 Meridian Avenue, Suite
100 San Jose CA 95125
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Snyder, Jordan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
So Cal Financial Group, Inc. 634 Shoppers Lane Covina CA 91723
Sobotka, Jared
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SoCal Pacific Mortgage, Inc. 18121 Irvine Blvd. Tustin CA 92780
Soenksen, Jhon P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
560 Herndon Parkway Suite
# 100A Herndon VA 20170
Solis, Matt
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Solsberg, Michele M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Solutions Financial Mortgage
Company 2700 Patriot Blvd, Suite 110 Glenview IL 60026
Song, Cindi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sorrels, Timothy M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sosa, Rosita
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Soto, Lindsay M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Soulence LLC 13961 S. Minuteman Dr. Draper UT 84020
Sourcepoint, Inc.
South Carolina State Board of
Financial Institution
Curtis M. Loftis, Jr.,
Chairman 1205 Pendleton St., 3rd Floor Edgar Brown Building Columbia SC 29201
South Central Bank, Inc. 208 SOUTH BROADWAY GLASGOW KY 42141
South County Mortgage Corp. 561D South County Trail Exeter RI 02822
South Dakota Division of
Banking Bret Afdahl, Director
1601 N. Harrison Avenue,
Suite 1 Pierre SD 57501
1650 NE 115 Street, APT
201 Miami FL 33181
South Fork Funding, inc. 2000 Arctic Avenue Bohemia NY 11716
South Sound Home Loans LLC 5931 Hogan Dr SE Olympia WA 98513
South Street Securities LLC 1155 6th Avenue 14th Floor New York NY 10036
South Wind Financial, Inc. 6655 W. Sahara Ave. #D114 Las Vegas NV 89146
Southeast Mortgage of Georgia,
Inc. 3575 Kroger Blvd. Suite 400 Duluth GA 30096
Southern Birch Mortgage, Inc.
600 Stewart Street, Suite
#400 Seattle WA 98101
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Southern Star Capital, LLC
5220 Spring Valley Road
Suite 602 Dallas TX 75254
Southland Mortgage Inc 1930 Harrison St, Ste 206A Hollywood FL 33020
Southland Mortgage LLC 2216 Justice Street Monroe LA 71201
SouthNorth Group LLC 35-32 Union Street, Unit 3B Flushing NY 11354
SouthPoint Financial Services,
Inc. 5955 Shiloh Rd Suite 205 Alpharetta GA 30005
Southside Mortgage Corporation 508 East Atlantic Street South Hill VA 23970
Southside Mortgage of
Pittsburgh, Inc
Floor 2 Pittsburgh PA 15210
SouthState Bank, N.A. 1101 First Street South Winter Haven FL 33880
SOUTHWEST BANK 4800 E. 42ND STREET Odessa TX 79762
SouthWest Equity Corp. 438 Corte Calypso Chula Vista CA 91914
Southwest Funding, LP 13150 Coit Road, Suite 100 Dallas TX 75240
Southworth, James W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sovereign Lending Group
3540 Howard Way Suite #
200 Costa Mesa CA 92626
Space Coast Credit Union 8045 North Wickham Road Melbourne FL 32940
Spain, Cindy M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Spaulding, Michael
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Spears, Starr
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Spec Home Loans 1246 Oakmead Ln La Verne CA 91750
Spectrotel PO Box 1949 Newwark NJ 07101
Spectrotel PO Box 339 Neptune NJ 07754
Spectrum 1900 Blue Crest Lane San Antonio TX 78247
Spectrum 400 Atlantic Street 10th Floor Stamford CT 06901
c/o Charter Communications
PO Box 60074 City of Industry CA 91716
Spectrum PO Box 94188 Palatine IL 28602
Spectrum / Time Warner Cable 1900 Blue Crest Lane San Antonio TX 78247
Spencer-Auber, Dennis
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Spicer, Lisa A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Spire Realty Group, LP 2001 Bryan Street, Ste. 2150 Dallas TX 75201
Spivey, Zachary I.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Splash Real Estate Solutions
LLC 3051 W 105th ave, #351653 Westminster CO 80035
SPP investments, inc 1419 University Ave Ste d San Diego CA 92103
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Springboard CDFI
2140 Hoover Avenue, Suite
115 National City CA 91950
Springer, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Springhouse, LLC
1000 Abernathy Road
Northpark Town Building 400
Suite 200 ATLANTA GA 30328
SRE Mortgage Alliance, Inc. 2245 Campus Drive El Segundo CA 90245
SSM Funding, Inc
2121 Palomar Airport Rd.
#150 Carlsbad CA 92011
St. Cloud Mortgage, Inc.
606 25th Ave South, Suite
101 Saint Cloud MN 56301
St. Fin Corp. 23330 Mill Creek Suite 250 Laguna Hills CA 92653
St. James, Diane P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
stackArmor, Inc. 8300 Greensboro Dr. Tysons VA 22102
Stafford, Terrence J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stafford, Traci
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stake, Christopher J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stamps, Donovan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Standard Home Lending Inc. 13223 Ventura Blvd Suite G Studio City CA 91604
Stanford Funding Inc 2525 S Shanklin LN Denver NC 28037
Stangl, Jim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Staples, William M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Starboard Financial
Management, LLC 4145 East Baseline Road Gilbert AZ 85234
Stark, Andrew M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Starr, Brett
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Starr, LeJenia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Starr, Steven
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Starrett, Jaclyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
State Banking Department of
Alabama Bureau of Loans
Mike Hill, Superintendent of
Banks P.O. Box 4600 Montgomery AL 36103
State of Alabama, Department of
Banking PO Box 4600 Montgomery AL 36103-4600
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
State of California, Department
of Business Oversight 2101 Arena Blvd. Sacramento CA 95834
State of Colorado, UCCC
Administrator 1300 Broadway, 10th Floor Denver CO 80203
State of Delaware, Office of the
State Bank Commissioner 1110 Forrest Avenue Dover DE 19904
State of Georgia, Department of
Banking and Finance 2900 Brandywine Rd. Suite 200 Atlanta GA 30341
State of Hawaii, Commissioner
of Financial Institutions King Kalakaua Building 335 Merchant Street Room 221 Honolulu HI 96813
State of Indiana, Department of
Financial Institutions 30 South Meridian Street Suite 300 Indianapolis IN 46204
State of Iowa, Department of
Commerce 200 East Grand Ave. Des Moines IA 50309
State of Kansas, Office of the
State Bank Commissioner 700 SW Jackson Street Suite 300 Topeka KS 66603
State of Louisiana, Office of
Financial Institutions PO Box 94095 Baton Rouge LA 70804-9095
State of Maine Bureau of
Consumer Credit Protection 35 State House Station Augusta ME 04333
State of Michi
an, Department of
Insurance and Financial
Services 530 W. Allegan Street #7 Lansing MI 48933
State of Mississippi, Department
of Banking and Consumer
Finance PO Box 12129 Jackson MS 39236-2129
State of Missouri Commissioner
of Finance PO Box 716 Jefferson City MO 65102
State of Montana Department of
Administration PO Box 200101 Helena MT 59620-0101
State of Montana, Division of
Banking and Financial
Institutions PO Box 200546 Helena MT 89620-0546
State of Nevada Division of
Insurance 3300 West Sahara Avenue Suite 275 Las Vegas NV 89102
State of Nevada, Division of
Mortgage Lending 3300 West Sahara Avenue Suite 285 Las Vegas NV 89102
State of New Jerse
, Department
of Banking & Insurance 20 W. State Street Trenton NJ 08625
State of New Mexico, Regulation
and Licensing Department 2550 Cerrillos Road 3rd Floor Santa Fe NM 87504
State of North Carolina, Office of
the Commissioner of Banks 4309 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-4309
State of North Dakota,
Department of Financial
Institutions 1200 Memorial Highway Bismark ND 58504
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
State of Ohio, Superintendent of
Financial Institutions 77 S. High Street 20th Floor Columbus OH 43215
State of Oregon, Division of
Financial Regulation PO Box 14480 Salem OR 97309
State of Rhode Island,
Department of Business
Regulation 1511 Pontiac Avenue Cranston RI 02920
State of South Carolina,
Consumer Finance Division Edgar Brown Building 1205 Pendleton St. Columbia SC 29201
State of South Dakota, Division
of Banking 1601 N. Harrison Avenue #1 Pierre SD 57501
State of Tennessee, Department
of Financial Institutions 312 Rosa L. Parks Ave. 26th Floor Nashville TN 37243
State of Vermont, Commissioner
of Financial Regulation 89 Main Street Montpelier VT 05620-3101
State of Virginia, Bureau of
Financial Institutions P.O. Box 640 Richmond VA 23218-0640
State of Washington, Dept. of
Financial Institutions, Consumer
Loans PO Box 41200 Olympia WA 98504
State of West Virginia, Division
of Financial Institutions 900 Pennsylvania Ave Suite 306 Charleston WV 25302
State of Wisconsin, Department
of Financial Institutions 4822 Madison Yards Way North Tower Madison WI 53705
Staunton Financial, Inc. dba
John Adams Mortgage
25800 Northwestern Hwy Ste
110 Southfield MI 48075
Stauts, Kim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
COMPANY 1299 Zurich Way Schaumburg IL 60196-1056
Steele, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Steinberg, Karl
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Steinhauser, Jeffrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Steitz, Eric
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stelzer, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stephens, Bradley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stepherson, Niecole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
cle, Inc dba Shred-It USA,
LLC 28161 N Keith Drive LAKE FOREST IL 60045
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Sterling Capital Inc. 376 East 60 South, Unit B American Fork UT 84003
Steve Rakita dba Ridgley Group 410 IVES TER SUNNYVALE CA 94404-9408
Steven Kitnick Seminars, LLC 10837 Irving Park Ave. Las Vegas NV 89116
Stewart, Althea M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stewart, Annie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stewart, Brett
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stewart, Joseph
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stewart, Natalie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stewart, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
STL Mortgage Solutions LLC 17336 Orrville Rd Chesterfield MO 63005
Stockton Mortgage Corporation
88 C. Michael Davenport
Blvd. Ste 1 Frankfort KY 40601
Stone, Bryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stone, Gary A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stone, Scott
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
StoneCastle Securities, LLC 152 West 57th Street 35th Floor New York NY 10019
Stonegate Mortgage Associates,
Inc. 10A Bridge St, Suite 200 South Dartmouth MA 02748
Stonewall Mortgage Bankers Inc.
12905 SW 42nd Street, Suite
203 Miami FL 33175
Storts, Brick P.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stovall, Kelly
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Stratech Consulting, LLC dba
Uday Devalla Consulting 6614 Del Norte Lane DALLAS TX 75225
Strategic Home Loans, Inc. 741 Lakefield Rd. Unit J Westlake Vlg CA 91361
Strategic Mortgage LLC 2643 E Valencia St Gilbert AZ 85296
Strategic Mortgage Planning LLC 2708 NE 68TH ST Gladstone MO 64119
Strategic Mortgage Solutions Inc
STE 390 Eugene OR 97401
Stratford Funding, Incorporated 32453 Scenic Lane Franklin MI 48025
Stratton Mortgage, LLC
6221 Riverside Drive Ste 1
South Dublin OH 43017
Stratton, Laromy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Streamline Mortgage
9042 Garfield Avenue Suite
202-D Huntington Beach CA 92646
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Streamo, Danielle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Strode-Buchanan, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Strong Home Mortgage, LLC 9408 Grant Avenue Suite 302 Manassas VA 20110
Stroup-Mishenko, Corey L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Studio Bank
124 12th Avenue South Suite
400 Nashville TN 37203
Sturos II, Theodore R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sublime Financial, LLC
14785 Preston Rd., Suite
#455 Dallas TX 75254
Suburban Mortgage Inc.
7500 N Dreamy Draw Drive,
Suite 110 Phoenix AZ 85020
Success Mortgage Partners, Inc.
1200 S. Sheldon Rd. Ste.
150 Plymouth MI 48170
Sugano, Eileen M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sullivan, Kurt
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sullivan, Laurie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sullivan, Maria S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Summers, Jared A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Summit Direct Mail, Inc. 1655 Terr Colony Court Dallas TX 75212-6222
Summit Funding Advisors LLC
3495 Piedmont Rd NE
Building 12 Suite 420 Atlanta GA 30305
Summit Home Lending, LLC 72 N Main St Ste 310 Hudson OH 44236
Summit Mortgage Bankers, Inc.
136-20 38th Avenue, Suite
11i Flushing NY 11354
Summit Mortgage Corporation 9600 54th Ave N, Suite 100 Plymouth MN 55442
Sun Mortgage Company, Inc. 128 Lincoln Street, Suite 100 Boston MA 02111
Suncoast Mortgage LLC 2904 LITTLE EGRET ROAD North Myrtle Beach SC 29582
LLC 9908 South Bell Oaks Drive Sandy UT 84092
438 N. Frederick Avenue,
Suite 225 Gaithersburg MD 20877
SunnyHill Financial Inc.
600 California St. Suite 15-
007 San Francisco CA 94108
SunQuest Funding, LLC 184 North Ave East #300 Cranford NJ 07016
Sunrise Bay Mortgage INC 538 Main Street Watsonville CA 95076
Sunstreet Mortgage, LLC 1725 E Skyline Dr Tucson AZ 85718
Sunvest Mortgage Group LLC
12794 W Forest Hill Blvd,
Suite 29 Wellington FL 33414
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Superintendent of Financial
Services of the State of New
York 1 State Street New York NY 10004-1511
Superior Fiber & Data Services 1711 Briercroft Ct Ste 154 CARROLLTON TX 75006
Superior Lending Associates,
L.C. (ND) 813 N 900 W Orem UT 84057
Superior Lending Associates, LC 813 N 900 W Orem UT 84057
Superior Mortgage Lending LLC
8867 W. Flamingo Rd. Suite
200 Las Vegas NV 89147
Sure Financial Corporation 34024 Colonial Court Sterling Heights MI 48312
Suri, Anil
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Surma, Piotr E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Susini, Danielle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Suzy Lindblom
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
SVI Group Inc.
97 E. Brokaw Road, Suite
110 San Jose CA 95112
SW Way Holdings, LLC
2470 Paseo Verde Parkway,
Ste. 140 Henderson NV 89074
Swali, Bhanu
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Swan Financial Corporation
320 Whittington Pkwy., Ste.
106 Louisville KY 40222
Sweeney, Cynthia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sweeney, Troy D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Swift Mortgage, LLC 13150 Coit Road Suite 303 Dallas TX 75240
Swinson, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Syed, Misbahuddin A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Sync Funding LLC 450 Century Pkwy Suite 250 Allen TX 75013
Synergy Financial Group Inc.
PKWY, Suite 100
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
Synergy One Lending, Inc.
3131 Camino Del Rio North,
Suite 1100 San Diego CA 92108
Synergy Technical, LLC 2201 W Broad Street Richmond VA 23220
Szypula, Kristie L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
T. Christian Stracke
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
T2 Financial LLC
480 Olde Worthington Road
Suite 300 Westerville NC 43082
Talbert, Diane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tallant, Shannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tallent, Evelyn G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Talon Loans, LLC 920 Chambers St Ogden UT 84403
Talx Corporation (The Work
Number) 4076 Paysphere Circle Chicago IL 60674
Tamblyn, Kathleen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tamez, Eric
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tan, Kathryn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tancil, Karen D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tapia III, Gilbert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tapia, Lana M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TargetRecruit Holdings, LLC 3763 Garnet Street Houston TX 77005
Tarrant Mortgage LLC 777 Main Street, Suite 600 Fort Worth TX 76102
Tarzian, Mike
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tate, Hillary
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TaxSaver Plan 4925 Greenville Ave #1300 DALLAS TX 75206
Taylor, Angela L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Cason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Jessica J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Joanne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Marian G.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Mary E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Shelbi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Taylor, Victoria
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TEAM USA MORTGAGE L.L.C. 1709 Tullamore Ave, Suite D Bloomington IL 61704
TEG Federal Credit Union 1 Commerce Street Poughkeepsie NY 12603
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Tellez, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Teltech Communications, LLC 3211 Internet Blvd., Ste. 300 Frisco TX 75034
Tennessee Department of
Financial Institutions Compliance Division
Greg Gonzales,
Commissioner 312 Rosa L. Parks Avenue
Tower, 26th Floor Nashville TN 37243
Tennessee Housing
Development Agency Andrew Jackson Bldg. 3rd Fl. 502 Deaderick St. Nashville TN 37243
Tennessee Trust Mortgage, Inc. 6398 Hwy. 41-A Pleasant View TN 37146
Tenorio Torres, Sofia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Terra Ferma Mortgage, Inc
11999 Katy Freeway Suite
450 Houston TX 77079
Terrell, Cress J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Terrence Ryan McCarthy 11234 Coody Court Beaumont CA 92223
Tewes Mortgage Inc. 10095 Overseas Hwy Marathon FL 33050
Texadia Systems 15850 Dallas Parkway DALLAS TX 75248
Texas Capital Bank Sean ONeill
2221 Lakeside Blvd. Suite
800 Richardson TX 75082
Texas Capital Bank (Repo) Bill French 2000 McKinney Avenue Suite 700 Dallas TX 75201
Texas Capital Bank Visa Card
2200 McKinney Ave., Ste.
700 Dallas TX 75201
Texas Department of Savings
and Mortgage Lending Hector Retta, Commissioner
2601 North Lamar Boulevard,
Suite 201 Austin TX 78705
Texas Grand Mortgage Inc 9000 Clay Rd # 100 Houston TX 77080
Texas Lending Pro, inc.
5757 Flewellen Oaks lane
#104 Fulshear TX 77441
Texas Lock & Safe Corporation 1111 Jupiter Road, No. 110 Plano TX 75074
Texas Mortgage Associates, Inc
dba Dallas Mortgage Associates
10501 N. Central
Expressway Suite 210 Dallas TX 75231
Texas Mortgage Source LLC
1300 West Lynn St. Suite
214 Austin TX 78703
Texas Professional Mortgage,
848 Dominion Drive, Suite
200-A Katy TX 77450
Texas State Affordable Housing
Corp. 6701 Shirley Ave. Austin TX 78752
Thayer Financial Corporation
20151 SW Birch Street Suite
200 Newport Beach CA 92660
The Anderson Financial Group,
Inc. 2421 N. Ashland Ave. Chicago IL 60614
The Appraisal Hub, LLC
900 Washington Street Suite
A Norwood MA 02062
The Bachrach Group 1430 Broadway, 13th Floor New York NY 10018
The Bank of Jackson 420 Oil Well Rd. Jackson TN 38305
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
The Benefit Company, Inc. DBA
BenefitFirst PO Box 21186 Columbia SC 29221
CORPORATION 3206 S BARCELONA ST Spring Valley CA 91977
The Cortland Savings and
Banking Company 194 W Main St Cortland OH 44410
THE DOT PRINTER, INC. 2424 McGaw Ave. Irvine CA 92614
The Equitable Mortgage
Corporation 3530 Snouffer Road Ste 100 Columbus OH 43235
The Farmers Bank 120 Village Drive Portand TN 37148
The Five Star Institute
1349 Empire Central Dr., Ste.
900 Dallas TX 75247
The GreenHouse Group Inc 3594 Adams Ave San Diego CA 92116
The Home Loan Expert LLC
1600 South Brentwood
Boulevard Suite 700 St. Louis MO 63144
The Horn Funding Corp.
9155 E. Nichols Avenue,
Suite 150 Centennial CO 80112
The Law Office of Brenton C.
McWilliams PO Box 1066 Orange Beach AL 36561
The Lending Group Company 1111 Street Rd Suite 202 Southampton PA 18966
The Lending Source, Ltd. 25225 Stewart Place Carmel CA 93923
The Loan Pros Team Inc
5793 NW 151st Street, Unit
5793B Miami Lakes FL 33014
OF EVELETH 401 GRANT AVE Eveleth MN 55734
The Money House, Inc. 52 Paseo Covadonga Street San Juan PR 00901
The Mortgage Broker Group LLC
1401 North Central
Expressway, #100 Richardson TX 75080
The Mortgage Brokers, LLC 3201 Dallas Pkwy, #200-272 Frisco TX 75034
The Mortgage Firm, Inc.
921 Douglas Avenue Suite
200 Altamonte Springs FL 32714
The Mortgage House,
Incorporated 305 Hoover, Suite 500 Holland MI 49423
The Mortgage Link, Inc. 3 Research Place, Suite 103 Rockville MD 20850
The Mortgage Market, LLC
8290 W. Sahara Avenue,
Suite 186 Las Vegas NV 89117
The Mortgage Place, LLC
2511 Independence, Suite
400 Cape Girardeau MO 63703
The Mortgage Source, Inc.
#210 Studio City CA 91604
The Mortgage Tree, LLC 700 2nd. Street League City TX 77573
The Newfinity Group Inc. 510 NE Wavecrest Way Boca Raton FL 33432
The Patterson Company Real
Estate Lending 3324 N Visscher Tacoma WA 98407
The Perpetual Financial Group,
1325 Satellite Blvd Buildings
1100, Suite 1120 Suwanee GA 30024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
The Phoenix Mortgage Group,
Inc. 240 N Rock Rd, Ste 280 Wichita KS 67206
The Real Geek Incorporated 1290 N Hancock St STE 230 Anaheim CA 92807
The Scotsman Guide Media Inc.
2218 20th Avenue SE, Ste.
129 Bothell WA 98021
INC 2932 Daimler Street Santa Ana CA 92705
The Ultimate Software Group,
Inc. 2000 Ultimate Way Weston FL 33226
The Union Bank Co. 105 Progressive Drive Columbus Grove OH 45830
Theis, Vishnu
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Theisgen, Evon M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024,PLL
9180 So. Kyrene Rd., Suite
101 Tempe AZ 85284
HOME MORTGAGE, INC 5525 n union #103 Colorado Springs CO 80918
Thibeaux, Patricia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thibeaux, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thibodeaux, Kari L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Think Mortgage, Inc.
5455 Wilshire Blvd., Suite
1505 Los Angeles CA 90036
think one mortgage inc 1888 Hylan Blvd Suite 1 Staten Island NY 10305
Thomas, Dean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thomas, Iris
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thomas, John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thomas, Marc
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thomason, Diamond
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thompson, Brad D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thompson, Kisha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thompson, Rebekah C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thompson, Stephanie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thompson, Tammy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Thornhill, David M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Thornton, Mallory R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Threshold Mortgage Solutions,
151 Chesterfield Industrial
Blvd Chesterfield MO 63005
Thrive Mortgage, LLC 4819 Williams Drive Georgetown TX 78633
Throckmorton FW 3, LLC
300 Throckmorton Street,
Suite B100 Fort Worth TX 76102
Tiana D Ochoa, Mortgage, Real
Estate, & Insurance Services 4614 East Freeway Houston TX 77020
Ticket Mortgage Inc 1612 Walnut Blossom Modesto CA 95355
Tidal, Inc
411 camino del rio south ste
300 San Diego CA 92108
Tidewater Home Funding, LLC 1108 Eden Way North Chesapeake VA 23320
Tiger Loans, Inc. 780 Roosevelt, Suite 120 Irvine CA 92620
Tilley, Mark A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Timated Incorporated 26711 Aliso Creek rd #200a Aliso Viejo CA 92656
Timberline Mortgage Inc 716 South Cove View Road Richfield UT 84701
Timios Inc 5716 Corsa Ave # 102 Westlake Village CA 91362
Timmons, Aubrey J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Timothy Walsh dba Walsh
Financial Services 2665 Ariane Drive #206 San Diego CA 92117
Tiqui, Rachel J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Titan Home Finance LLC
25 West Northfield Road,
Unit 1A Livingston NJ 07039
Titan Mortgage LLC
25 West Northfield Road,
Unit 1A Livingston NJ 07039
Titan Mutual Lending, Inc. 250 Commerce Suite 220 Irvine CA 92602
TMC Mortgage Corporation
dbaTexas Mortgage Company
6860 North Dallas Parkway
#200 Plano TX 75024
TNT 2018, LLC 305 Denali Pass, Suite D Cedar Park TX 78613
Tockgo, Mike
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Todays Home Mortgage Co. 92 Montvale Avenue #4160 Stoneham MA 02180
Togbey, Kodjovi M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tomalka, Martin A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tomasso Mortgage aka Robert
P. Tomasso Mort
e Compan
Inc. 4410 SE 16th Place Ste 1 Cape Coral FL 33904
Tone, Shanell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Tong, Tram
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Top Echelon LLC
4883 Dressler Rd., NW,
Suite 203 Canton OH 44718
Top Flite Financial, Inc. 201 School St. Williamston MI 60448
Top Floor Brokerage, LLC 200 Fairhope Avenue Fairhope AL 36532
Top One Investment Inc
777 N First Street,
Mezzanine San Jose CA 95112
Topaz Mortgage Corporation
4000 Legato Road, Suite
1100 Fairfax VA 22033
Tornambe Capital 653 W 17th St Costa Mesa CA 92627
Torre, Joaquin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Torregrossa, Allan Cortlandt 21 Hickory Shadows Drive Houston TX 77055
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Torres, Jennie E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Total Expert, Inc 6321 Bury Drive - Suite 15 EDEN PRAIRIE MN 55346
Total Financial Health, LLC 12 W 100 N, Suite 201-A American Fork UT 84003
Total Mortgage Services, LLC 185 Plains Road, 3rd FLoor Milford CT 06461
Totelcom 1189 W. South Loop Stephenville TX 76401
Totelcom Networks, LLC PO Box 290 De Leon TX 76444
Tottleben, William
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tourigny, Brenna S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Town and Country Home
Mortgage, Inc. 347 North Main Nephi UT 84648
Townsend, Kyuana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Towse Jr., John A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Trachsel, Arika
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tracie Lewis (contractor) 1925 Ring Teal Lane Flower Mound TX 75028
Trackvia, Inc.
1675 Larimer Street Suite
500 Denver CO 80202
Traderhall dba Hallmark
Financial 1405 Cathderal Oaks Rd Chula Vista CA 91913
Tradition Mortgage LLC
16995 Brandtjen Farm Drive
Suite 300 Lakeville MN 55044
PACIFIC SEAL MORTGAGE 14284 Beach Blvd. Westminster CA 92683
Trans United Financial Services
Inc 17341 Irvine Blvd Tustin CA 92780
Trebowski, Dan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Treglia, Frank
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Trejo, Susan A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tri-County Bank & Trust
Company 18 E. Washington Street Roachdale IN 46172
Trident Home Loans, LLC 6723 Plantation Rd Pensacola FL 32504
Trident Mortgage Company, LP 431 W. Lancaster Avenue Devon PA 19333
Trident Services, LLC DBA
Triserv Appraisal Management
Solutions, LLC 875 Old Roswell Road Roswell GA 30076
Trimax Loan, Inc.
291 S. La Cienega Blvd.,
#409 Beverly Hills CA 90211
Trinity Financial Enterprises LLC
323 Sunny Isles Blvd, 7th
Floor Sunny Isles Beach FL 33160
Trinity Financial Enterprises LLC
323 Sunny Isles Blvd, 7th
Floor Sunny Isles Beach FL 33160
Trinity Funding, Inc. 6918 Corporate Dr. #A6 Houston TX 77036
Trinity Intercontinental, Inc.
2815 Camino Del Rio South
Ste 110 San Diego CA 92108
Trinity Real Estate Soltions
SUITE 1100 Houston TX 77058
TriStar Bank 719 East College Street Dickson TN 37055
TriStar Finance Inc.
5209 Lake Washington Blvd
NE, Suite 220 Kirkland WA 98033
Tri-State Mortgage, LLC 6436 S. RACINE CIR, #114 Centennial CO 80111
Triumph Bank
1125 Schilling Blvd E Suite
100 Collierville TN 38017
TRN Financial LLC 1400 Ravello Dr., Suite N170 Katy TX 77449
TROPHY FINANCIAL LLC 4375 s buffalo drive suite 109 Las Vegas NV 89147
Troutman Pepper Hamilton
Sanders LLP PO BOX 933652 Atlanta GA 31193
Trudgeon, Nicholas
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TrueShred, Inc. P.O. Box 980 Gainesville VA 20156
TruLink, Inc
501 South Cherry Street
Suite 1159 Denver CO 80246
Tse, Kong
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TSG Lending, Inc 4465 Granite Drive, 1019 Rocklin CA 95677
Tucker, Beets
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tunnero, Vincent
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Turczynski, Heidi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Turgiss, Keith W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Turn Key Mortgage Inc 207 8th Street Oregon City OR 97045
SUITE B-6 Baton Rouge LA 70816
Turner, Charia S.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Turner, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Turner, Takisha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Turning Technologies, LLC 255 W Federal St YOUNGSTOWN OH 44503
Turn-Key Mortgage, LLC 986 W. Norton Norton Shores MI 49441
Turrubiates, Christina J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Tuttle, Kristie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
TVMA, Inc 805 Estelle Dr Suite 111 LANCASTER PA 17601
Tweedt, Penny
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Two Marrows Investments, LLC
dba M&M Mortgage Team
742 Thimble Shoals Blvd Ste
A Newport News VA 23606
TXU PO Box 350764 Dallas TX 75265
Tylan Mortgage, LLC 205 E Flat Rock Ridge Flagstaff AZ 86001
U.S. Attorney General
Commercial Litigation
Branch Civil Division U.S. Department of Justice Washington DC 20530
U.S. Attorney General, District of
Delaware Hercules Building 1313 N Market Street Wilmington DE 19801
U.S. Lending Corporation
2921 Landmark Place Suite
215-#326 Madison WI 53713
U.S. Mortgage Funding, Inc. 1415 W 22ND ST, STE 540E Oak Brook IL 60523
Uhler Mortgage Solutions Inc
1731 Hasti Acres Dr. Suite
208 #9 Bakersfield CA 93309
Ukasoanya, Ike
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ultimate Home Lending, LLC 8325 N Cedar Dr. Eagle Mountain UT 84005
Ultimate Kronos Group, Inc. 2000 2000 Ultimate Way Weston FL 33326
Unified Lending Inc.
10808 South River Front
Pkwy, Suite 393 South Jordan UT 84095
Uniform Services Veterans
Mortgage LLC 2156 North Hill Field Road Layton UT 84041
Unify Home Lending, Inc.
2101 Mt. Rushmore Rd.
Suite 300 Rapid City SD 57701
SERVICES OF TEXAS, LLC 2530 Red Hill Avenue SANTA ANA CA 92705
United American Mortgage
3198 Airport Loop Drive Suite
F Costa Mesa CA 92626
United Bank 685 Griffin Street Zebulon GA 30295
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
400 Plano TX 75093
United Fidelity Funding Corp
1300 NW Briarcliff Pkwy
#275 Kansas City MO 64150
United Finance, Inc 17822 17th St, Suite 110 Tustin CA 92780
United Home Loans, Inc.
Four Westbrook Corporate
Center Suite 650 Westchester IL 60154
United Lending Group, Inc. 1716 Penns Lane Ambler PA 19002
United Lending Partners, Inc. 4234 Hacienda Dr., Suite 110 Pleasanton CA 94588
United Mortgage Advisors LLC
4913 FITZHUGH AVE, Suite
201 Richmond VA 23230
United Mortgage Advisors, Inc.
2563 N Toledo Blade Blvd
Unit 1 N Port FL 34289
United Mortgage Corp.
25 Melville Park Road Suite
100 Melville NY 11747
United Mortgage Corporation of
America 18274 Cumulus Court Santa Clarita CA 91350
United Mortgage of Florida LLC 18503 Pines Blvd Suite 310 Pembroke Pines FL 33029
United Mutual Funding Corp 659 W Lumsden Rd Brandon FL 33511
United One Mortgage, Inc.
1215 Livingston Ave, Suite
305 North Brunswick NJ 08902
United Trust Financial, LLC.
40 South Dundalk Avenue,
Suite 201 Baltimore MD 21222
United Valley Bank 211 DIVISION AVE S CAVALIER ND 58220
Unity Bank 64 Old Highway 22 Clinton NJ 08809
Unity Mortgage of SC 1705 Carolina Ave Orangeburg SC 29115
Universal Home Loans LLC 1241 E Benson Loop Rd Shelton WA 98584
Universal Mortgage & Finance,
3158 Braverton Street Suite
204 Edgewater MD 21037
University Lending Group, LLC 42452 Hayes, Suite 1 Clinton Township MI 48038
Unum Group PO BOX 406990 Atlanta GA 30384-6990
Upell, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
UpEquity SPV2 LLC
3601 S Congress Ave Suite
C304 Austin TX 78704
Upshaw, Carrie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Uptown Financial Group, Inc. 15550 W 64th Place A Arvada CO 80007
Uptown Funding LLC.
5215 N OConnor Blvd. Suite
1100 Irving TX 75039
Uriel Nyankumah Bryan Hilton PC PO Box 1970 Douglasville GA 30133
Urmson, Debbie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
US Attorney for Delaware
David C Weiss c/o Ellen
Slights 1007 Orange St Ste 700 PO Box 2046 Wilmington DE 19899-2046
US Bank Home Mortgage
HFA & Correspondent
Lending 9380 Excelsior Blvd. Hopkin MN 55343
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
US Department of Housing and
Urban Development 451 7th Street S.W. Washington DC 20410
US Department of Veterans
Affairs Loan Guaranty Service 810 Vermond Ave, NW Washington DC 20420
US Direct Lender
16200 Ventura Blvd., Suite
208 Encino CA 91436
US Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission 100 SE 2nd Street #1500 Miami FL 33131
US Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission 131 M Street, NE Washington DC 20507
US Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission
207 S. Houston Street, 3rd
Floor Dallas TX 75202
US Mortgage Corporation
201 Old County Road Suite
140 Melville NY 11747
3440 Hollywood Blvd, Suite
415 Hollywood FL 33021
USA Financial Consultants Inc.
4545 Murphy Canyon Rd Ste
211 San Diego CA 92123
USA Mortgage Corporation
101 N Addison Street, Suite
202 Elmhurst IL 60126
USDA Rural Development Rural Housing Service
1400 Independence Ave.,
SW, Room 5014, Stop 0701 Washington DC 20250
USN Mortgage, Inc. 245 S. Broadway Hicksville NY 11801
Utah Capital Mortgage
7351 S. Union Park Avenue
Ste. 225 Midvale UT 84047
Utah Department of Financial
Darryle Rude,
Commissioner (Interim) P.O. Box 146800 Salt Lake City UT 84111
Utah Division of Real Estate
Jonathan Stewart, Division
Director 160 E 300 S, Second Floor Salt Lake City UT 84111
Utah Mortgage Inc.
1525 N Main Street, Suite
100 Bountiful UT 84010
Utah Mortgage Pros, LLC 321 E State Road, Suite 100 American Fork UT 84003
Uter, Dawn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Utopia Financial LLC 375 Morgan Street, Suite U Phoenixville PA 19460
V.I.P. Mortgage, Inc. 9221 E Via de Ventura Scottsdale AZ 85258
VA Choice Home Mortgage Inc.
580 Lynnhaven Parkway,
Suite 103 Virginia Beach VA 23452
Vacante, Cassie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vaccarezza, Michael, David 1100 W. Vine Street Stockton CA 95203
Valde Inspired Holdings, LLC
4630 N Loop 1604 W Suite
401 San Antonio TX 78249
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Valderas, Gabrielle L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Valerie Jean dba American
Inland Realty
400 North Princeland Court
Suite 2-3 Corona CA 92879
Valley Electric Association, Inc. 800 E. Highway 372 Pahrump NV 89041
Valley West Corporation
8010 West Sahara Avenue
Suite 140 Las Vegas NV 89117
Valon Mortgage, Inc.
14647 S. 50th Street, Suite A-
150 Phoenix AZ 85044
Value Trend Solutions, LLC
14861 N Scottsdale Rd Ste A
Van Dyk Mortgage Corporation 2449 Camelot Court SE Grand Rapids MI 49546
Van Groningen, JK
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
van Grunsven, Jeri
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Van Meter, Josh
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Van Patten, April, Lynne
1107 Investment Blvd Ste
290 El Dorado Hills CA 95762
Vandegriff, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vander Ploeg, Travis A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vanderbilt Mortgage and
Finance, Inc. 500 Alcoa Trail Maryville TN 37804
Vandersterren, Antoon J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
VanHorn, Matthew T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
VanKeef Financial, LLC
2605 W. Lake Mary Blvd. Ste
111 Lake Mary FL 32746
VanKeef Financial, LLC 765 Primera Blvd Suite 1001 Lake Mary FL 32746
VanSingel, Salina L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vantage Mortgage Group, Inc.
17040 Pilkington Rd., Suite
300 Lake Oswego OR 97035
Vantage Point Financial Group
401 Old Penllyn Pike, 2nd
Floor Blue Bell PA 19422
Vantage Point Mortgage, Inc. 5800 Jameson Ct., #10 Carmichael CA 95608
Varghese, Jeryn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Varriale, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vasquez, Rebecca B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
VAST GROUPS INC. 10348 GLORIA AVE Granada Hills CA 91344
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Vatreni, Inc. 30212 Tomas, Suite 100
Rancho Santa
Margarita CA 92688
Vaughn, Nikki
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vazquez III, Jesus M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vazquez Jr., Jesus M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vazquez, Eric A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vazquez, Tiffany D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
VBS Mortgage, LLC
2040 Deyerle Avenue Suite
207 Harrisonburg VA 22801
Veard, Edward
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Velasquez, Andres
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Venditor, LLC
6801 W. 107th Street, Suite
106 Overland Park KS 66212
1000 Abernathy Rd. Suite
200 ATLANTA GA 30328
Venminder, Inc. 400 Ring Road Suite 131 Elizabethtown KY 42701
Venstar Financial Inc.
2603 Camino Ramon Ste
431 San Ramon CA 94583
Ventura, Nicole
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Venture Lending Group LLC
2551 River Park Plaza Ste.
200 Fort Worth TX 76116
Vera Mortgage LLC 637 Neptune Dr Groveland FL 34736
Veramendi, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Verge, Torrance O.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Veritas Funding, LLC
7730 South Union Park
Avenue Suite 200 Sandy UT 84047
Veri-Tax, LLC 30 Executive Park Ste 200 IRVINE CA 92614
Vermont Department of Financial
Regulation Banking Division
Molly Dillon, Deputy
Commissioner of Banking 89 Main Street, 2nd Floor Montpelier VT 05602
Vermont Department of Financial
Regulation Banking Division 89 Main Street Montpelier VA 05620
Vernon, Ashley
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Verrios, Aristotle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vertex Financial Group, Inc. 640 Plaza Drive Ste 120 Highlands Ranch CO 80129
Vesta Capital Inc. 10555 Stanford Ave Garden Grove CA 92840
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Veterans of America Mortgage
15233 Ventura Blvd Suite
500 Sherman Oaks CA 91403
Vicki Rose & Associates 3217 Steeple Point Pl. Flower Mound TX 75022
Victoria Financial Corp. 217 W. Las Tunas Drive San Gabriel CA 91776
Victoria Mortgage Bankers 1070 N Milwaukee Avenue Chicago IL 60642
Victorian Finance, LLC 2570 Boyce Plaza Road Pittsburgh PA 15241
Victory Marketing Solutions, LLC 210 Old Settlers Trail Waxahacie TX 75167
Villa, Veronica
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Village Capital & Investment LLC
2550 Paseo Verde Parkway,
Suite 100 Henderson NV 89074
Village Mortgage, Inc 3852 S Washington Blvd. South Ogden UT 84403
Villano, Katie D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Villanueva, Tirsa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Villarino, Brandon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Villarreal, Elise
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vino Investment Advisors LLC 2 Cityplace Drive 200 Saint Louis MO 63141
VIP Lending LLC 3420 McDaniel Place The Villages FL 32163
Virgen Jr., Ernesto
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Virginia Bureau of Financial
dministration and Licensin
Jehmal T. Hudson,
Commissioner and Chair P.O. Box 640 Richmond VA 23218
Virginia Credit Union, Inc. 7500 Boulders View Drive Richmond VA 23225
Virginia Wholesale Mortgage
Incorporated dba VA Wholesale
Mortgage Incorporated
249 Central Park Ave, Ste
300, Office #116 Virginia Beach VA 23462
80 West Grand Street, 3rd
Floor Elizabeth NJ 07201
Visage, Inc. 180 Sansome Street San Francisco CA 94104
Vishnnu Karra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Visich, Christopher J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vision Mortgage LLC 352 Warren Ave Unit 6 Portland ME 04103
Vision Mortgage, Inc.
3161 Cameron Park Drive,
Suite 108 Cameron Park CA 95682
Vision One Mortgage, Inc. 17862 17th Street Ste. 107 Tustin CA 92780
Vista Mortgage Corporation 219 Billings St., Suite 360 Arlington TX 76010
Vivian Hughes, LLC 5102 Meadowcreek Dr DALLAS TX 75248
Vladimir Rozummy dba 1-800-
BETTER-RATE 5340 FRANKLIN # 302 Los Angeles CA 90027
VMC Investments Inc 1445 Butte House Rd Suite I Yuba City CA 95993
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Vo, Thanh T.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Vogel, Richard V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
VP Partners, Inc.
19782 MacArthur Blvd., Suite
250 Irvine CA 92612
VRB Mortgage, Inc. 500 Emerald Bay Laguna Beach CA 92651
Vstar Lending LLC 1350 E Arapaho Rd Ste 206 Richardson TX 75081
Vucko Jr., John
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wade Smith dba Premier
Lending and Real Estate 645 Fourth Street, Suite 215 Santa Rosa CA 95404
Wagner, Kayla
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wagner, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wagoner, LaToya
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Waldron II, Michael J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Angela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Benjamin D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Dionne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Laura
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Leron
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walker, Tim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wall Financial, Inc. 695 S. Harvard Bl., 3rd Floor Los Angeles CA 90005
Wall Street Mortgage Bankers,
1010 Northern Blvd., Suite
336 Great Neck NY 11021
Wallace Ph.D., Jon R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Waller, Yvette
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wallick & Volk, Inc. 222 East 18th Street Cheyenne WY 82001
WallStreet Wholesale Lender
3111 W Freddy Gonzalez,
Suite 225 Edinburg TX 78539
Walsh, Kyle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Walt, Logan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Walton, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ward Kilduff Mortgage, LLC 59 East Hill Road Canton CT 06019
Ward, Jordan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Warner, Corey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Warren Fonville 1635 Rogers Road Fort Worth TX 76107
Warren, Latasha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Warren, Michael D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Warrington, Oona
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Warsaw Federal Savin
s & Loan
Association 3533 Warsaw Avenue Cincinnati OH 45205
Warshaw Capital, LLC
2777 Summer Street Suite
306 Stamford CT 06905
Washington Commanders 1600 FedEx Way Landover MD 20785
Washington Commanders 21300 Redskins Park Dr. Ashburn VA 20147
Washington First Mortgage Loan
4055 Lake Washington Blvd.
NE Suite 100 Kirkland WA 98033
Washington State Department of
Financial Institutions
Charles E. Clark, Agency
Director P.O. Box 41200 Olympia WA 98504
Washington, Byran
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Washington, Joshua
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Watercrest Mortgage LLC 110 Nasa pkwy, Suite 100 Houston TX 77058
Waterloo Mortgage LLC 1920 McKinney Ave Floor 8 Dallas TX 75201
Waterman Bank 248 W. Lincoln Highway Waterman IL 60556
Waters, Trey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Waterstone Mortgage
Corporation N25 W23255 Paul Road Pewaukee WI 53072
Watson Mortgage Corp. 6206 Atlantic Blvd Suite 1 Jacksonville FL 32211
Watts, Delice D.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Watts, Jason
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wayman, Tina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wayne Bank 717 Main Street Honesdale PA 18431
Wazowski and Sullivan Inc 935 Curtiss Street, Unit 8 Downers Grove IL 60515
WB Residential, LLC
500 West Eighth Street,
Suite 125 Vancouver WA 98668
We Loan Money Inc 400 S LA BREA #104 Inglewood CA 90301
9703 Richmond Avenue,
Suite 208 Houston TX 77042
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Weaver, Chaquita
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Webb, Kendell
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Webber, Kathrine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Webber, Noell L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Weeber, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Weedon, Dannetta
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Weems, Patrice M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Weiner Brodsky Kider, PC
1300 19th Street, NW Suite
500 Washington DC 20036
Weisbrod, Jamie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wellness360 2399 Forino Dr DUBLIN CA 94568
Wells Fargo Victor Nguyen 420 Montgomery Street San Francisco CA 94104
Wells Fargo Securities
550 South Tyron Street 6th
Floor Charlotte NC 28202
Wembleys Inc
5000 North Parkway
Calabasas, Suite 114 Calabasas CA 91302
WeMortgage, LLC
14362 N. Frank Lloyd Wright
Blvd. #1270 Scottsdale AZ 85260
Wendling, Bryant
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
WesBanco Bank, Inc. One Bank Plaza Wheeling WV 26003
Wesley Jr., Robert J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wesley Mortgage, LLC
9009 Carothers Pkwy, Ste A-
3 Franklin TN 37067
Wesley, Suvarna
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
West Capital Lending, Inc. 202 Fashion Ln, STE 223 Tustin CA 92780
West One Capital Group, Inc. 1201 Dove St Suite 580 Newport Beach CA 92660
West Park Mortgage Group, LLC 13948 Lynmar Blvd Tampa FL 33626
West Ridge Financial Corp 1279 East Lone Peak Drive Alpine UT 84004
West Town Bank & Trust 7820 West 26th Street North Riverside IL 60546
West Valley Community
Mortgage LLC
1750 West Research way,
suite 204 West Valley UT 84119
West Virginia Division of
Financial Institutions Mortgage Division
Dawn E. Holstein,
Chairperson Commissioner
of Banking
900 Pennsylvania Ave.,
Suite 306 Charleston WV 25302
West, Jill
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Western Bank 140 E. Motel Drive Lordsburg NM 88045
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Western Express Lending
1 Spectrum Pointe Drive,
Suite 200 Lake Forest CA 92630
Western Mortgage Corporation 9219 Katy Freeway ste 115 Houston TX 77024
Western Mortgage Network Inc. 3320 Caminito Daniella Del Mar CA 92014
Western Ohio Mortgage
Corporation 733 Fair Road Sidney OH 45365
Weststar Mortgage Corporation
8814 Horizon Blvd. NE, Ste
100 Albuquerque NM 87113
Westview Corporate Center, Inc. c/o Clarion Partners
1440 New York Avenue,
NW Suite 200 Washington DC 20005
Westwood Mortgage, Inc 9706 4th Ave NE Suite 205 Seattle WA 98115
Wheatland Bank 222 N Wall St Spokane WA 99201
Wheaton, Gwendolyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wheeler Mortgage Corp
665 SE 10th Street, Suite
102 Deerfield Beach FL 33441
Wheeler Staffing Partners 1700 Alma Drive, Ste. 500 Plano TX 75075
White Oak Mortgage, LLC 910 Elm Grove Rd. #35 Elm Grove WI 53122
White, Areniqua
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
White, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
White, Justin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
White, Robert J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
White, Sophia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Whitlow, Deborah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Whitmire, Brittany M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wicall, Sean
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wick, Audra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wiedemann, Joseph M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wiers, David L.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilbert L Butler Jr. dba Premier
Financial Services 955 Mahle Drive Reynoldsburg OH 43068
Wilcher, Bryan K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilding, Jonathan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilhelm Mortgage Inc. 17310 Wright St, STE 104 Omaha NE 68130
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Wilkens, Melinda
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilkey, James
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilkey, Ryan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilkins, Amanda R.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilkinson, Lorie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
WILL ESTATE GROUP 5150 Wilshire Blvd, STE 100 Los Angeles CA 90036
Willamette Valley Bank 101 High Street NE Salem OR 97301
William B. Wynn, Appraiser
CIRCLE Lakeland FL 33813
William C Behrens dba Xpress
Mortgage 9512 Catalpa Circle Mentor OH 44060
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams Financial, Inc. 1687 Topanga Costa Mesa CA 92627
220 Calle Manuel Domenech
PMB 2048 San Juan PR 00918
Williams Mortgage Group, LLC
6547 N. Academy Blvd.
#1207 Colorado Springs CO 80918
Williams, Breann
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Cara E.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Christian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Christina A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Christine
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Christopher
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Gina
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Karen A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Kathy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Kyle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Michelle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Nichole K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Williams, Randi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Tamikki
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Tonya B.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Virginia
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Wendy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Williams, Zundra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Willis Towers Watson
801 South Figueroa Street
Suite 800 LOS ANGELES CA 90017
Willis, Jessalyn
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Willow Bend Mortgage
Company, LLC
5800 W. Plano Parkway
Suite 105 Plano TX 75093
Wills, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilson Bank & Trust 623 West Main Street Lebanon TN 37087
Wilson, Harry
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilson, Lisa
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilson, Michael A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wilson, Virna N.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Winhall, Sarah
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Winover, Belinda F.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Winter, Jill
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Winterwood Mortgage Group
107 N State Road 135, Suite
301 Greenwood IN 46142
WINTEX GROUP LLC 4888 Dexter Drive Suite 100 Plano TX 75093
Wipfli LLP
12359 Sunrise Valley Drive
Suite 130 Reston VA 20191
Wipro Gallagher Solutions, LLC
1400 ATLANTA GA 30305
Wisconsin Department of
Financial Institutions Division of Banking
Cheryll Olson-Collins,
4822 Madison Yards Way,
North Tower Madison WI 53705
Wisconsin Wholesale Mortgage
LLC 2833 W. Layton Ave Milwaukee WI 53221
Wise Choice Mortgage
1807 S Powerline Rd, Suite
105 Deerfield Beach FL 33442
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Wise, Mark
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wiser Lending LLC
3012 Centennial Olympic
Park Austin TX 78732
Witmer, Logan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wittman, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wittmann, Randall
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wolfe Financial, Inc. 191 H NC Hwy 42 North Asheboro NC 27203
Wolff, Michael Spencer 17934 Tiara St Encino CA 91316
Wolfson, Betty
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wolsey Inc 115 NW State St, Suite 302 Pullman WA 99163
Wolter, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wolters Kluwer Financial
Services, Inc
6815 Saukview Drive P O
Box 1457 SAINT CLOUD MN 56303
Womack, Ronald J.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wonder Rates, Inc. 2611 Senter Rd #212A San Jose CA 95111
Woodrum, Karen M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Woods, Bobbie H.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Woods, Julie A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Woods, Kierra
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Woods, Susan
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wooldridge, Angela
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Woolsey, Gregory
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Workforce Learning LLC 1557 Hiddenbrook Dr Herndon VA 20170
Workfront, Inc Dept CH 16712 PALATINE IL 60055
Works, Aubrey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
WorkTango, Inc.
639 Queen Street West,
Suite 502 Toronto ON M5V 2B7 Canada
Wright, Shannon
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wrights Media
2407 Timberloch Place, Suite
B The Woodlands TX 77380
Wu, Yangguang
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Wunsch, Corey
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024, LLC 535 Bergen Blvd. Suite 2 Ridgefield NJ 07657
Wylie, Kerrie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Wyoming Bank & Trust 5827 Yellowstone Road Cheyenne WY 82009
Wyoming Division of Banking 2300 Capitol Avenue 2nd Floor Cheyenne WY 82002
Wyoming Division of Banking
2301 Capitol Avenue, 3rd
Floor Cheyenne WY 82003
Wyse Home Loans LLC 6979 Coors Ct Arvada CO 80004-8148
Xactus, LLC 370 Reed Rd. Suite 100 Broomall PA 19008
Xcellence Mortgage, Inc. 10508 N Kendall Drive Miami FL 33176
Xinnix, Inc. 3820 Mansell Rd #280 ALPHARETTA GA 30022
COMPANY 70 Seaview Avenue Stamford CT 06902-6040
XOME Holdings LLC (DBA
750 Highway 121 BYP Suite
Xome Realty Services LLC
750 Highway 121 BYP Suite
Xpressdocs 4901 North Beach Street FORT WORTH TX 76137
XPRO MORTGAGE INC. 1601 116th Ave NE, #114 Bellevue WA 98004
Yacowar, Ronald
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yamaguchi, Robert
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yanecko, Jane
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yarosh, Vadim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yaukey, Kevin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ybarra, Xavier M.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yepez, Ismar
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Yes Lending Group LLC 2100 14th St, Ste. 107 - MS2 Plano TX 75074
Yext Inc 61 Ninth Avenue New York NY 10011
Yokel, Kim
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
York Traditions Bank
226 Pauline Drive PO Box
3658 York PA 17402
Yosten, Lawana
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Cindi
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
Young, David
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Dianne
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Lawanda K.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Makita
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Marcus
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Steven
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, Tammy
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Young, ZTasha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Younger II, Donnie
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Youngs Real Estate, Inc.
3017 Douglas Blvd., Suite
300 Roseville CA 95661
Your Legacy Financial, Inc. 2445 Honolulu Ave. Montrose CA 91020
Your Mortgage Genie LLC
16701 Melford Blvd, Suite
400 Bowie MD 20715
Zabriskie, Steven C.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zachary, Elizabeth V.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zachow, Jeffrey W.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zakis, Angelo
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zambrano, Martha
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zana Financial & Equity Group
14121 Lakeside Boulevard
North Shelby Township MI 48315
Zavala Sr., Jorge A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zech, Gayle
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zechiel, Jason A.
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
ZEMAN MORTGAGE, INC. 140 W. Park Ave. Suite 220 El Cajon CA 92020
MORTGAGE AND LENDING 8000 IH-10 WEST #600 San Antonio TX 78230
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Creditor Matrix
CreditorName CreditorNoticeName Address1 Address2 Address3 City State Zip Country
ZenOCR, Inc.
c/o Vyakya Technologies
Private Limited D-10
Ramaniyam Marvel, 7
Seshadripuram 1st Main
Road Velachery Channai Tamilnadu 600042 India
Zepeda, Gabriel
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zero Point Loans Inc 4440 Twain Ave #101 San Diego CA 92120
Zero Point Mortgage Services 5200 DTC Pkwy Suite 300 Greenwood Village CO 80111
Zeth, Matthew
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zhang, Jing 4036 Raphael Dr Plano TX 75093
Zhou, Haihong
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zhu, Yixin
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Ziernicki, Sebastian
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
MORTECH, INC. 5960 South 57th St LINCOLN NE 68516
Zimmerman, Paul
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zip Mortgage, LLC 306 Bemner St. Starbuck MN 56381
ZixCorp Systems, Inc. 2711 N. Haskell Ave. #2300 Dallas TX 75204
ZNN Inc.
128 E. Katella Ave., Suite
110 Orange CA 92867
Zoho (Manage Engine) 4141 Hacienda Dr. Pleasonton CA 94588
ZoomInfo Technologies LLC 805 Broadway St Suite 900 VANCOUVER WA 98660
Zorell Investments, Inc. 3655 E. Thousand Oaks Blvd Westlake Village CA 91362
Zunker, Jennifer
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
Zuo, Siwen
5400 Tennyson Parkway,
Suite 450 Plano TX 75024
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