SECTION I. DEFINITIONS.................................................................................Page 2
SECTION II. PURPOSE AND GOALS..............................................................Page 10
RESPONSIBILITIES ....................................................................Page 11
SECTON IV. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FACILITIES...................................Page 12
SECTION V SOLID WASTE STORAGE..........................................................Page 15
OF SOLID WASTE.......................................................................Page 18
SANITARY LANDFILL...............................................................Page 20
SECTION X TRANSFER STATIONS...............................................................Page 23
SECTION XI DEMOLITION DEBRIS DISPOSAL ........................................... page 24
SECTION XII WASTE TIRES..............................................................................Page 25
SECTION XIII SPECIAL WASTE.........................................................................Page 26
COLLECTION LICENSE.............................................................Page 28
RECYCLING MATERIAL SEPARATION .................................Page 30
COLLECTION AND TRANSPORTATION ................................Page 32
SECTION XVII LICENSE FEES.............................................................................Page 36
SECTIONS XIX LITTER..........................................................................................Page 39
SECTION XX ENFORCEMENT AND INSPECTION ........................................Page 40
SECTION XXI VIOLATIONS AND PENALTIES ...............................................Page 41
SECTION XXII VARIANCES.................................................................................Page 44
AND COLLECTION OF SOLID WASTE ...................................Page 45
SECTION XXIV ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS...............................................Page 46
SECTION XXV SEVERABILITY...........................................................................Page 47
SECTION XXVI PROVISIONS ARE ACCUMULATIVE ......................................Page 48
SECTION XXVII NO CONSENT ..............................................................................Page 49
SECTION XXIX EFFECTIVE DATE.......................................................................Page 51
The Solid Waste Management Ordinance for Jackson County is an ordinance authorizing
and providing for County Solid Waste Management; establishing powers and duties in
connection therewith; establishing standards and requirements for solid waste management
operations within incorporated and unincorporated areas of the County of Jackson; requiring a
license for storage, collection, transportation, processing, and disposal of solid waste, embodying
and supplementing the minimum standards and requirements established by rules of the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency; providing for enforcement of said requirements; imposing
penalties for failure to comply with these provisions; requiring performance bonds and
insurance; and promoting the health, safety, and welfare of the public along with protecting
resources of water, air and land.
The County Board of Commissioners of the County of Jackson under the authority
provided in chapter 115, 115A, 116, 145.22, 145.23, 375, 400, 561.01 and 609.74 of the MN
State Statutes, does ordain:
Unless specifically altered, terms and abbreviations used in this ordinance shall be
interpreted in a manner consistent with Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 115, 115A, 116 and 400 and
rules of the Agency, which have been or hereafter may be adopted under those provisions.
Terms and abbreviations used herein which are not specifically defined by law shall be construed
in accordance with the context and professional usage.
Subd. 1. “Agency” means the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Subd. 2. “Air contaminant” means the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of any
dust, fumes, mist, smoke, vapor, gas or other gaseous fluid, or particulate substance differing in
composition from or exceeding in concentration the natural components of the atmosphere.
Subd. 3. “Air Pollution” means the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of any air
contaminant or combination thereof in such quantity, of such nature and duration, and under such
condition as would be injurious to human health or welfare, to animal or plant life, or to
property, or to interfere unreasonably with the enjoyment of life or property.
Subd. 4. “Backyard Compost Site” means a site used to compost food scraps or
yard waste generated by a single family or household, apartment building, or commercial office
Subd. 5. “Brush Disposal Facility” a site used exclusively for disposal in or on the
land of trees and tree parts including stumps, branches, and their attached leaves. Such disposal
may include open burning and burial of the resulting ash or unburned tree parts.
Subd. 6. “Board” means the Jackson County Board of Commissioners.
Subd. 7. “Canister System” means one or more commercial solid waste storage
containers (such as “dumpsters”) located to function as an intermediate disposal facilities, and
which are serviced on a regular basis by a public or private hauler.
Subd. 8. “Collection” the aggregation of solid waste from the place at which it is
generated, and includes all activities up to the time the waste is delivered to a waste facility.
Subd. 9. “Collector(s)” any person(s) or entity specifically licensed by the County
under this Ordinance, who owns, operates, or leases vehicles for the purpose of collection and
transportation of garbage, rubbish, or other mixed municipal solid waste and recyclable materials
and to dispose of the same.
Subd. 10. “Co-Composting” the composting of mixed municipal solid waste with a
nutrient source or a bulking agent.
Subd. 11. “Compost Facility” a site used to compost or co-compost solid waste.
This includes all structures used to control drainage, collect and treat leachate, and storage areas
for the incoming waste, the final product, and residuals resulting from the composting process.
Subd. 12. “Composting” is the controlled microbial degradation of organic waste to
yield a humus-like product.
Subd. 13. “Container” a container for solid waste which meets the requirements set
forth in Section.
Subd. 14. “County” means any department or representative of the County who is
authorized by this ordinance or otherwise by the county Board to represent the County of
Jackson in the enforcement or administration of this ordinance.
Subd. 15. “Cover Material” is granular material approved by the Agency that is used
to cover compacted solid waste and demo-debris in a land disposal site. Important general
characteristics of good cover are low permeability, uniform texture, cohesiveness and
Subd. 16. “Demolition Debris” inert material that includes concrete, brick,
bituminous, untreated wood, masonry, glass, rock, and plastic parts resulting from the demolition
of buildings, roads, and other man-made structures. Demolition debris does not include solid
waste or asbestos waste.
Subd. 17. “Demolition Debris Land Disposal Facility” means a site used only to
dispose of demolition debris.
Subd. 18. “Disposal” has the meaning given it in MN Statutes Section 115A.03,
Subd. 10.
Subd. 19. “Dumping” the discharge, deposit, injection, spilling, leaking, or placing
of any waste into or on any land or water so that the waste or any constituent thereof may enter
the environment or be emitted into the air, or discharged into any waters, including ground water.
Subd. 20. “Facility” all contiguous land, structures, monitoring devices, and other
improvements on the land used for monitoring, treating, storing, or disposing of solid waste,
leachate, or residuals from solid waste processing.
Subd. 21. “Farm” is a tract of land, ten (10) acres or more in size, which is
principally used for agricultural activities such as the production of cash crops, livestock or
poultry farming. Such farm may include agricultural dwelling and accessory buildings and
structures necessary to the operation of the farm.
Subd. 22. “Garbage” means material resulting from the handling, processing,
storage, preparation, serving and consumption of food.
Subd. 23. “Hazardous Waste or Toxic Waste” is any refuse or discarded materials or
combinations of refuse or discarded materials in solid, semi-solid, liquid, or gaseous form which
cannot be handled in a routine waste management techniques because they pose a substantial
present or potential hazard to human health or other living organisms because of their chemical,
biological or physical properties. Categories of hazardous waste material includes, but are not
limited to, explosives, flammables, oxidizers, poisons, irritants, and corrosives. Hazardous waste
does not include sewage sludge, and source materials, special nuclear waste or by product
material as defined by the “Atomic Energy Act of 1954”, as amended.
Subd. 24. “Household Hazardous Waste” any waste generated from household
activity that exhibits the characteristics of or that is listed as hazardous waste under agency rules,
but does not include waste from commercial activities that is generated, stored, or present in a
household. Household hazardous waste include, bat are not limited to paints, solvents, cleaners,
pesticides, herbicides, paint thinner, drain opener, varnishes, stains, and adhesives.
Subd. 25. “Illegal Dumping” means dumping of any garbage including littering,
demolition, white goods, batteries, rubbish, tires, or solid or hazardous waste other than approved
site or container.
Subd. 26. “Incineration” means the process by which solid wastes are burned for the
purpose of energy recovery or volume and weight reduction in facilities designed for such use.
Subd. 27. “Industrial Solid Waste” all solid waste generated from an industrial or
manufacturing process and solid waste generated from non-manufacturing activities such as
service and commercial establishments. Industrial solid waste does not include office materials,
restaurant and food preparation waste, discarded machinery, demolition debris, or household
Subd. 28. “Intermediate disposal facility” means a facility for the temporary
collection, storage, reduction, recycling, or processing of solid waste prior to final disposal.
Subd. 29. “Land Pollution” means the presence in or on the land of any solid waste
in such quantity, or such nature or duration, and under such conditions as would affect
injuriously any waters of the state, create air contaminants or cause air pollution.
Subd. 30. “Licensee” means a person who has been authorized by issuance of a
license by the County Board for solid waste management purposes pursuant to this ordinance.
Subd. 31. “Local Government Unit” means, cities, towns and counties.
Subd. 32. “Major Appliances” means clothes washers, dryers, dishwashers, garbage
disposals, trash compactors, conventional and microwave ovens, ranges and stoves, air
conditioners, refrigerators, freezers, residential furnaces, hot water heaters, and dehumidifiers.
Subd. 33. “Mixed Municipal Solid Waste” has the meaning given it in MN Statues,
Section 115A.03, subd. 21. Garbage, refuse, and other solid waste from residential, commercial,
industrial, and community activities that the generator of the waste aggregates for collection, but
does not include hulks, street sweepings, ash, construction debris, mining waste, sludge, tree and
agriculture wastes, tires, lead acid batteries, used oil, and other materials collected, processed,
and disposed of as separate waste streams.
Subd. 34. “Municipality” a city, village, borough, county, town, sanitary district,
school district or other governmental subdivision or public corporation or agency created by the
Subd. 35. “Office” means the Office of Waste Management.
Subd. 36. “Open Burning” burning any matter whereby the resultant combustion
products are emitted directly to the open atmosphere without passing through an adequate stack,
duck, or chimney.
Subd. 37. “Open Dump or “Dump” a land disposal site at which solid waste is
disposed of in a manner that does not protect the environment, is susceptible to open burning,
and is exposed to the elements, flies, rodents and scavengers.
Subd. 38. “Operation” means any site, facility, or activity relating to solid waste
Subd. 39. “Operator” person responsible for the overall operations of a facility.
Subd. 40. “Owner and Occupant” the person(s) or entity(ies) which hold legal or
beneficial title to a property and the person(s) or entity(ies) which have or exercise possession or
occupancy of a property respectively.
Subd. 41. “Person” means any human being, any municipality or any other
governmental or political subdivision or public agency, any public or private corporation, any
partnership, firm, association, or other business organization, any receiver, trustee, assignee,
agent, or other legal representative or any of the foregoing, or any other legal entity.
Subd. 42. “Pollutant” has the meaning given it in MN Statutes, Section 115.01,
Subd. 13.
Subd. 43. “Post Closure & Post-Closure Care” actions taken for the care,
maintenance, and monitoring of a facility after closure that will prevent, mitigate, or minimize
the threat to public health and environment posed by the closed facility.
Subd. 44. “Processing” the treatment of solid waste after collection and before
disposal. Processing includes but is not limited to volume reduction, storage, separation,
exchange, resource recovery, physical, chemical, or biological modification, and transfer from
one waste facility to another.
Subd. 45. “Putrescible Material” means solid waste which is capable of becoming
rotten or which may reach a foul state of decay or decomposition.
Subd. 46. “Recovered Materials” materials that have been separated from solid
waste and stored so that the material is properly protected from environmental degradation and is
not a source of odor, harborage for skunks, rodents or mosquitoes and is being processed,
modified, or converted to be a raw material that may be beneficially used.
Subd. 47. “Recycling” is the process of collecting and preparing recyclable materials
and reusing the materials in their original form or using them in manufacturing processes that do
not cause the destruction of recyclable materials in a manner that precludes further use.
Subd. 48. “Recycling Center” is either a county facility for receiving, processing and
marketing recyclable materials or a privately operated facility performing the same functions.
Subd. 49. “Recyclable Materials” materials that are separated from mixed municipal
solid waste for the purpose of recycling, including paper, glass, plastics, metals, automobile oil,
and batteries. Refuse derived fuel or other material that is destroyed by incineration is not a
recyclable material.
Subd. 50. “Refuse” means putrescible and non-putrescible solid wastes, including,
but not limited to, garbage, rubbish, ashes, incinerator ash, incinerator residue, street cleanings,
market and industrial solid wastes, and sewage treatment wastes which are in a dry form.
Subd. 51. “Rubbish” non-putrescible solid wastes, including but not limited to ashes
and combustible and non-combustible wastes, such as paper, cardboard, tin cans, yard clippings,
wood, glass bedding, crockery, or litter of any kind.
Subd. 52. “Sanitary District” a sanitary district with the authority to regulate solid
Subd. 53. “Sanitary Landfill” means a land disposal site, permitted by the Agency,
employing an engineered method of disposing of solid waste on land in a manner that minimizes
environmental hazards by spreading the solid waste in thin layers, compacting the solid waste to
the smallest practical volume, and applying cover material at the end of each operation day, or at
intervals as may be required by the Agency.
Subd. 54. “Scavenging” all unauthorized removal of solid waste materials from a
solid waste disposal facility.
Subd. 55. “Service Area” is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statute 400.08 which
grants Jackson County the authority to establish and determine the boundaries of the solid waste
management areas in the County. The County Board may impose service charges for the area.
The Jackson County Solid Waste Ordinance may require mandatory solid waste collection and
mandatory recycling separation in the service area.
Subd. 56. “Shoreland” means land located within the following distances from the
ordinary high water elevation of public waters:
(a) land within 1,000 feet from the normal high watermark of a lake, pond or
(b) land within 300 feet of a river or stream of the landward side of flood
plain delineated by ordinance on such a river or stream, whichever is
Subd. 57. “Solid Waste” means garbage, refuse, sludge from a water supply
treatment plant or air contaminant treatment facility, and other discarded solid materials and
sludges, in solid, semisolid, liquid, or contained gaseous form, resulting from industrial,
commercial, mining, and agricultural operations, and from community activities, but does not
include hazardous waste; animal waste used as fertilizer; earthen fill, boulders, rock; sewage
sludge; solid or dissolved material in domestic sewage or other common pollutants in water
resources, such as silt, dissolved or suspended solids in industrial waste water effluents or
discharges which are point sources subject to permits under section 402 of the Federal Water
Pollution Control Act, as amended, dissolved materials in irrigation return flows; or source,
special nuclear, or by-product material as defined by the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as
Subd. 58. “Solid Waste Collection Service” the collection and transportation of solid
waste generated by any person, residential, business, commercial, governmental, or industrial
unit in Jackson County by a hauling service for hire by the generator, or a demolition debris
hauling service that transports solid waste separated or mixed with demolition debris, or a
service hauls recyclables.
Subd. 59. “Solid Waste Facility” all property real or personal, including negative
and positive easements and water and air rights, which is or may be needed or useful for the
processing or disposal of waste. It includes but is not limited to the storage, collection,
transportation, processing and reuse, conversion, or disposal of solid waste in a safe
environmentally sound manner.
Subd. 60. “Solid Waste Management” means the storage, collection and removal of
solid waste from public or private property, its transportation to intermediate or final disposal
facilities and its disposal by approved methods, the management of a recycling program, solid
waste education and other solid waste operations or services.
Subd. 61. “Source Separated Materials” materials that are separated from solid
waste by the generator and recovered for reuse in their original form or for use in
manufacturing processes.
Subd. 62. “State” means the State of Minnesota.
Subd. 63. “Transfer Station” means an intermediate waste facility in which solid
waste collected from any source is temporarily deposited to await transportation to another
waste facility.
Subd. 64. “Waste” means solid waste, sewage sludge and hazardous waste.
Subd. 65. “Waste Reduction” an activity that prevents generation of waste including
reusing a product in its original form, increasing the life span of a product, reducing material
used in production or packaging, or changing procurement, consumption, or waste generation
habits to result in smaller quantities of waste generated.
Subd. 66. “Waste Tire” is a tire that is no longer suitable for its original intended
purpose because of wear, damage, or defect.
Subd. 67. “Waste Tire Collection Site” a licensed waste facility used for the storage
of waste tires prior to their transport to a waste tire processing facility.
Subd. 68. “Water Pollution” means the contamination of any waters of the state so as
to create a nuisance or render such waters unclean, obnoxious or impure, so as to be actually or
potentially harmful or detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, to domestic,
commercial or industrial use, or to animals, birds, fish or other aquatic life.
Subd. 69. “Water of the State” means all streams, lakes ponds, marshes, water
courses, waterways, wells, springs, reservoirs, aquifers, irrigation systems, and all other bodies
or accumulations of water, surface or underground, natural or artificial, public or private,
which are contained within, flow through or border upon the state or any portion thereof.
Subd. 70. “Yard Waste” means the garden wastes, leaves, lawn cuttings, weeds and
prunings generated at residential or commercial properties.
Subd. 71. “Yard Waste Compost Facility” a site used for the composting of yard
waste which is (a) operated by the county or the municipality or; (b) operated by a private
person or entity and permitted by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency to accept yard
The Jackson County Board of Commissioners has determined this Ordinance be adopted
Subd. 1. Protect the public’s health, prevent public nuisances, and prevent
contamination of the groundwater and other environments of Jackson County from solid waste
through the control of number, location and operation of such facilities.
Subd. 2. Preserve and protect our land and water resources.
Subd. 3. Assure that all individuals are informed and responsible for their actions
regarding solid waste that may affect the environment and the community now and in the future.
Subd. 4. Support activities that will promote use and reuse of materials found in
solid waste that would otherwise be disposed in ways that would not recapture the useful
characteristics of its components.
Subd. 5. Augment, supplement and support existing Jackson County and State of
Minnesota controls on solid waste.
Subd. 6. Embody the purposes found in Minnesota State Laws and Rules on solid
Subd. 7. The Jackson County Solid Waste Ordinance shall follow Minnesota
Statutes, including but not limited to Chapters 17.135, 115, 115A, 116, 145.22, 145.23, 375, 400,
561.01, 609.671, 609.68 and 609.74.
The Environmental Service Officer shall have all necessary authority to implement and
carry out the provisions of this Ordinance including, but not limited to, the following:
Subd. 1. The Environmental Services Officer shall be certified with Minnesota
Pollution Control Agency for Waste Disposal Facilities Inspector Type II, in accordance with the
provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 116.41, Subd. 2.
Subd. 2. To review and consider all license applications and supporting materials
which are required to him/her for operations within the County, and after consideration, to
recommend in writing with documentation to the County Board that a license may be granted or
Subd. 3. To inspect operations to determine compliance with this Ordinance and to
investigate complaints which violate this Ordinance.
Subd. 4. To recommend, after first consulting with and obtaining approval from the
County Board of Commissioners, to the County Attorney that legal proceedings be initiated
against a person to compel compliance with the provisions of this Ordinance or to abate or
control an operation not in compliance with this Ordinance.
Subd. 5. To encourage and conduct studies, investigations and research relating
aspects of solid waste management, including, but not limited to, methodology, chemical and
physical considerations, and engineering.
Subd. 6. To advise, consult, and cooperate with the public and other governmental
agencies in furtherance of the purpose of the Ordinance.
Subd. 7. To plan, implement and administer all County operated waste abatement
Subd. 1. No person shall operate a solid waste disposal facility nor allow, permit, or
cause his land to be used as a solid waste disposal facility without a valid license issued by
Jackson County.
Subd. 2. In order to obtain a license to operate a solid waste facility an individual
must first complete an application and provide all of the following information:
A. Two sets of complete plans, specifications, design data, ultimate land use
plan, if applicable, and proposed operating procedures prepared by a
registered professional engineer of Minnesota.
B. Evidence that the property is properly zoned for the solid waste disposal
facility and that the owner has obtained the necessary building permits.
C. A bond in an amount to be set by the County Board naming the County as an
obligee with sufficient sureties duly licensed and authorized to transact
corporate surety business in the State of Minnesota as sureties. The condition
of such bond shall be that if the principal fails to obey any of the requirements
or do any of the acts required by this Ordinance in the operation of the waste
facility, or if, for any reason ceases to operate or abandons the waste facility,
and the County is required to expend any monies or expend any labor or
material to restore the facility to the condition and requirements as provided
by this Ordinance, the obligor and the sureties on its bond shall reimburse the
county for any and all expenses incurred to remedy the failure of the principal
to comply with the terms of the Ordinance, and the obligor and its sureties
will indemnify and save the County harmless from all losses, costs and
charges that may occur to the County because of any fault of the obligor under
the terms of his license to operate and the Ordinances of the County.
D. In lieu of part, or all, of said bond, the licensee may provide financial
assurance in an amount and form acceptable to the County Board to be used to
bring the facility into compliance with said requirements. The performance
bond shall be subject to cancellation by the surety at any time only upon
giving one hundred twenty (120) days prior written notice of cancellation to
the Environmental Services Officer.
E. The licensee shall furnish to the County certificates of insurance issued by
insurers duly licensed within the State of Minnesota covering public liability
insurance, including general liability, automobile liability, loading and
unloading, completed operations liability, explosion and collapse of
underground operations liability and bodily injury liability in amounts
described in F. In addition, the licensee shall provide evidence of workers
compensation coverage in the required statutory amounts.
F. A certificate of insurance issued by a company duly licensed to operate within
the State of Minnesota covering public liability, automobile liability,
operations liability, with bodily injury limits in an amount no less then
$500,000 for injury or death on any one person and aggregate limits of not
less then $1,000,000 for injuries or deaths arising out of any one occurrence.
Property damage limits shall be not less then $1,000,000 per occurrence and
in the unencumbered aggregate amount of at least $1,000,000. The Board
reserves the right in its discretion to set such other limits as it deems
G. Evidence of compliance with all State and Federal laws including necessary
permits and licenses for operation of a solid waste disposal facility.
Subd. 3. License applications will be reviewed by the Environmental Services
Officer to determine compliance with the requirements of Subd. 2 and the Jackson County Solid
Waste Plan. The applicant will be notified of any deficiencies in the application. Within 45 days
after receipt of a completed application the Environmental Health Officer will present the
application to the Jackson County Board of Commissioners with a recommendation for approval
or denial of license.
Subd. 4. The Jackson County Board of Commissioners will make final
determination whether to grant the license. Any license granted by the Board will be valid for
one (1) year unless surrendered, suspended, or revoked prior to that time.
Subd. 5. No person shall construct or operate in Jackson county a landfill,
incinerator, transfer station, or compost facility for the disposal of solid waste without first
obtaining a permit from the County and meeting all local, state and federal regulations relating to
such facility.
Subd. 6. The following items are banned from final disposal at solid waste disposal
facilities in Jackson County and Dickinson County Sanitary Landfill, Iowa:
-dry cell batteries containing mercury, silver, or nickel-cadmium, or sealed lead
acid batteries that were purchased for use by a government agency or an
industrial, communication, or medical facility.
-Household Hazardous Waste (see Sect. II for definition)
-Lead Acid Batteries (vehicle batteries)
-Use oil
-Major Appliances/White Goods (see Sect. II for definition)
-Recyclable Material (see Sect. II for definition)
-Waste Tires
-Yard Waste
-Plastic grocery bags or trash bags (IA Chapter 455D)
Jackson County Board of Commissioners will by resolution ban additional materials as
dictated by State and Iowa State regulations.
Subd. 1. The owner, lessee and occupant of any single or multi-family dwelling,
business establishment, industry and all other premises, shall be responsible for the satisfactory
storage of all solid waste accumulated at that premise, business establishment or industry. No
building, structure, area, or premise shall be constructed or maintained for human occupancy, use
or assembly without adequate facilities for sanitary and safe storage, collection, transportation,
and disposal of all solid wastes.
Subd. 2. The owner, lessee and occupant of any single or multi-family dwelling,
business establishment, industry and all other premises shall be responsible for maintaining all
areas free of improperly stored solid waste accumulations. Except for accepted normal operation
on farms, this includes removal of: (a) animal feces, brush piles, inoperable machines, major
appliances, fixtures, and equipment so damaged, deteriorated or obsolete as to have not
substantial value and can be reasonably considered solid waste; (b) lumber piles and building
materials unless being actively used by a business or construction requiring the use of such
lumber and materials; (c) tin cans, broken glass, broken furniture, boxes, crates, and other
debris; (d) any other form of mixed municipal solid waste. Nothing in this section is designed to
restrict the commonly accepted activities of farms and duly established and licensed automobile,
scrap iron, and metal recyclers and salvage operations.
Subd. 3. Putrescible waste, including, but not limited to, garbage shall be stored in
durable, rust-resistant, non-absorbent, water-tight, rodent-proof, and easily cleanable containers,
with close-fitting, fly tight covers having adequate handles to facilitate handling; or other types
of containers acceptable to the solid waste collection service which comply with Agency
regulations, this Ordinance, and approved by the Environmental Services Officer. The size and
allowable weight of the containers may be determined by the solid waste collection service as
approved by the Environmental Services Officer.
Subd. 4. Solid Waste shall be stored in durable containers or as otherwise provided
in this Ordinance. Where putrescible wastes are stored in combination with non-putrescible
wastes, containers for the storage of the mixture shall meet requirements for putrescible waste
Subd. 5. No person shall place the following items into a container for collection
and disposal at a solid waste disposal facility:
-Household Hazardous Waste. All household hazardous wastes shall be disposed
of through the Lyon County Regional Household Hazardous Waste Facility.
-Dry cell batteries containing mercury, silver, or nickel-cadmium, or sealed lead-
acid batteries.
-Lead Acid Batteries (vehicle batteries)
-Used oil
-Major Appliances
-Waste Tires
-Yard Waste
-Recyclable Material
-Plastic grocery bags or trash bags (IA Chapter 455D)
Jackson County Board of Commissioners will by resolution ban additional materials as
directed by MN State regulations and Iowa Department of Natural Resources regulations.
Subd. 6. Toxic or Hazardous Wastes shall be stored in durable, leak-proof
containers and shall be “printed or marked” so as to easily identify the container as a toxic or
hazardous waste, (e.g. a yellow ban that encircles, at a minimum the center one-third (1/3) of the
container) consistent with federal and state regulations. All previous lettering and numbering
will be obliterated from the container. The container will be marked within the yellow band, or
other easily identified area, using a permanent marker as follows: The chemical name of the
waste, the UN or NA number the contaminates present by percentages, the start date, the
generators name and address and the generators EPA or Agency identification number. Such
wastes shall be stored in a safe location, accompanied with a description of the chemical
composition of the substance stored within the container and be in compliance with the storage
and transportation requirements of Agency regulations, federal and state regulations and this
Ordinance. Vehicles shall be properly placarded and be accompanied with a proper shipping
manifest. In any case a generator of hazardous waste must comply with all federal and state laws
and regulations applicable to the generation, storage, transportation, processing and disposal of
hazardous waste (whichever laws and regulations are more stringent).
Subd. 7. All containers for the storage of solid waste shall be maintained in such a
manner as to prevent the creation of a nuisance or unsanitary condition.
Subd. 8. Solid Waste objects or materials too large or otherwise unsuitable for
storage containers shall be stored in a manner which is pollution-free, nuisance-free and
satisfactory to the Environmental Services Officer.
Subd. 9. Solid wastes shall not be stored outside a private residence, in a residential
or urban rural setting, for more than one (1) month without the written approval of the
Environmental Services Officer. Solid Waste shall not be stored on public, commercial or
business property for more than two (2) weeks, without the written approval of the
Environmental Services Officer. Non-putrescible wastes suitable for recycling shall not be
stored on public or private property in a manner which creates a nuisance, blight, or health
hazard. Compostables shall not be stored on public or private property in a manner which
creates a nuisance, blight, or health hazard.
Subd. 10. Solid Waste shall not be stored or disposed of in containers specifically
designated for the collection or deposit of recyclables.
Sub.d 11. Burning of solid waste shall be prohibited except (a) as allowed at a
licensed solid waste facility; (b) as allowed under the terms of a “Permit For Open Burning”,
Agency Rules 7005.
Subd. 12. Burying of solid wastes shall be prohibited except as allowed by 17:
Department of Agriculture; 17.135.
Subd. 13. All major appliances shall be disposed of with an Agency approved major
used appliance processor. No major appliance shall be stored, or disposed of at an unapproved
Subd. 1. Unless otherwise provided in these regulations; the owner, lessee and
occupant of any premises, business establishment or industry is responsible for the collection and
transportation of solid waste from the premises, establishment or industry, and shall collect and
remove all solid waste accumulated at the premise, business establishment or industry and
transport it to an operation for which permit has been issued by the Agency or IDNR and/or a
contract signed by the County. A solid waste collection service shall be responsible for the
collection and transportation of all solid waste for which it has been contracted to collect and
remove and will transport it to an operation for which a permit has been issued by the Agency,
IDNR, and/or a contract signed by the County, at which disposal occurs, or at the solid waste
disposal facility that is designated through resolution by the Jackson County Board of
Subd. 2. Vehicles or containers used for the collection and transportation of
garbage and other putrescible wastes, or solid waste containing such materials, shall be covered,
leak-proof, durable and of easily cleanable construction. These shall be cleaned to prevent
nuisances, pollution or insect breeding, and shall be maintained in good repair.
Subd. 3. Vehicles or containers used for the collection and transportation of any
solid waste shall be loaded, moved and unloaded in such a manner that the content will not fall,
leak or spill therefrom, and shall be covered to prevent blowing of material. Where spillage does
occur, the material shall be picked up immediately by the solid waste collector or transporter and
returned to the vehicle or container and the area properly cleaned. When the material cannot be
immediately picked up or the area cleaned the Environmental Services Officer shall be notified
as described.
Subd. 4. Vehicles and containers used for the collection and transportation of toxic
or hazardous wastes shall be durable, enclosed, and leak-proof in a safe, sanitary and nuisance
free manner. Vehicles shall be properly marked and labeled and be accompanied with a proper
shipping manifest, as required by federal and state regulations and statutes.
Subd. 5. Any person, firm or corporation intending to collect and haul mixed
municipal solid waste for hire is required to obtain a license before starting business. Any firm,
corporation or business collecting and hauling its own waste is required to obtain a license.
Vehicles that are transporting only Recovered Materials, concrete, brick, bituminous, trees, or
structural metals are excluded from this requirement, unless these materials are being hauled to a
County contracted Solid Waste Facility.
Subd. 6. The collection and transportation of solid waste shall be performed in
accordance with State rules administered by the Agency and the County.
Subd. 7. A collector or hauler shall refuse to knowingly accept for collection any
mixed municipal solid waste within Jackson County Municipalities or service areas which
A. Any yard waste
B. Any materials which has been designated by the County Board of
Commissioners as subject to mandatory recycling, pursuant to Section IV.
C. Household hazardous wastes. All household hazardous wastes shall be
disposed of through the Lyon County Regional Household Hazardous Waste
D. Dry cell batteries containing mercury, silver, or nickel-cadmium, or sealed
lead acid batteries.
E. Lead acid batteries (vehicle batteries)
F. Used oil
G. Major appliances
H. Waste tires
I. Plastic grocery bags or trash bags
Subd. 8. Jackson County may by Ordinance require cities and towns to organize
collection as pursuant to Minnesota State Statute 115A.94, Subd. 5.
Subd. 9. The collection and transportation of solid waste shall be performed in
accordance with agency rules in addition to the rules provided by this Ordinance.
Subd. 10. Solid Waste must be disposed of at a MPCA permitted facility or IDNR
permitted facility. The County reserves the right to designate which agency approved solid
waste facility solid waste produced in the County is to be disposed at through resolution by the
County Board of Commissioners. A license will not be issued to those hauling to undesignated
A sanitary landfill shall comply with all Agency (MN Rules Chapters 7001 and 7035)
and County permit requirements, and the Jackson County Solid Waste Management Plan. The
County will not issue a license to a site out of compliance. All other methods of solid waste
landfills are prohibited.
See Section IV of this Ordinance for further regulations.
A solid waste incinerator shall comply with all Agency and County permit requirements
and the Jackson County Solid Waste Plan. The County will not issue a permit to a site out of
See Section IV of this Ordinance for further regulations.
A solid waste composting facility shall comply with all Agency and County permit
requirements and the Jackson County Solid Waste Plan. The County will not issue a permit to a
site out of compliance.
See Section IV of this Ordinance for further regulations.
A solid waste transfer station shall comply with all Agency and County permit
requirements and the Jackson County Solid Waste Plan. The County will not issue a permit to a
site out of compliance.
See Section IV of this Ordinance for further regulations.
Demolition debris disposal shall comply with all Agency permit requirements, local
zoning ordinance and the Jackson County Solid Waste Plan. All demolition debris disposed of in
Jackson County must be disposed at an Agency permitted site. Demolition waste generated on-
site by construction or demolition of structures on an individual property may be buried on-site.
Placement of demolition for land improvement projects may be allowed provided a permit for
that waste is obtained from the Agency. A record of on-site or land improvement burial shall be
filed at the Office of the County Recorder. Permit application forms may be obtained from the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.
Subd. 1. Chapters 7001 and 9220 of the Minnesota Waste Tire Permitting Rules are
hereby incorporated by reference.
Subd. 2. No more than ten (10) waste-tires may be stored within the boundaries of
any residential lot.
Subd. 3. No more then one hundred (100) waste tires may be stored on any non-
residential lot except at a properly licensed solid waste facility.
Subd. 4. Exceptions to Subd. 1 and 2 may be allowed when waste tires are utilized
outside the building for decorative, recreational, structural, constructual or agricultural purposes
where they comply with the requirements of other applicable laws or sections of this Ordinance.
Subd. 5. Waste tires within one thousand (1000) feet of a residence shall be stored
or utilized in a manner that prevents water from being retained in the tires.
Subd. 6. Waste tires shall not be placed, stored, left, or permitted to remain in a
lake, stream, wetland, sinkhole, gully, waterway, floodplain, or shoreland.
Subd. 7. The owner of the land or premises upon which waste tires are located in
violation of this Ordinance shall be obligated to remove them to a licensed solid waste facility,
obtain the license required by the Ordinance within one (1) year of the effective date of this
ordinance, or such later date approved by the Jackson County Environmental Service Officer.
Subd. 8. The disposal of waste tires in the land is prohibited after July 1, 1985.
This does not prohibit the storage of unprocessed waste tires at a collection or processing facility.
Subd. 9. Transfer and Collection of waste tires must meet Agency rules and
Subd. 1. No person may place major appliances in mixed municipal solid waste or
dispose of major appliances in a solid waste processing or disposal facility after July 1, 1990.
Subd. 2. Major appliances must be recycled or reused. Recycling includes:
A. the removal of capacitors that may contain PCB’s
B. the removal of ballasts that my contain PCB’s
C. the removal of chlorofluorocarbon refrigerant gas; and
D. the recycling or reuse of the metals.
Subd. 3. All doors, lids, hinges or latches must be removed from major appliances
or provide locks to prevent access by the public.
Subd. 4. No more than two (2) discarded appliances may be stored on a residential
property for more then 1 year without the written approval of the Environmental Service Officer.
Subd. 5. All major appliances shall be disposed of with an Agency approved major
used appliance processor. No major appliance shall be stored, or disposed of on an unapproved
Subd. 1. Household batteries may not be placed in the mixed municipal solid waste.
(e.g. disposable or rechargeable dry cells commonly used as power sources for household or
consumer products including, but not limited to, nickel-cadmium, alkaline, mercuric oxide, silver
oxide, zinc oxide, lithium, and carbon-zinc batteries, but excluding lead acid batteries).
Subd. 1. No person shall place in mixed municipal solid waste any motor vehicle
battery or dispose of after January 1, 1988.
Subd. 2. All batteries must be recycled.
Subd. 3. Any person who transports used lead acid batteries from a retailer must
deliver the batteries to a recycling facility.
Subd. 1. No person shall place in mixed municipal solid waste any infectious
Subd. 2. All Minnesota State Statute 116.75 rules and regulations will be followed.
Subd. 1. A person may not place used oil in mixed municipal solid waste or place
oil in or on the land, unless approved by the Agency (115A.916)
Subd. 2. Any person, firm or corporation intending to collect used oil must meet
Agency regulations.
Subd. 1. A person may not place yard waste in or for collection with mixed
municipal solid waste.
Subd. 2. Yard waste shall be disposed of at municipal yard waste compost sites,
backyard composting or by agricultural burning.
Subd. 1. Recycling facilities/Recycling Collection Services shall fulfill the
requirements established by this Ordinance, provide the annual reports required, be permitted,
and shall be exempt from a permit fee.
Subd. 2. Vehicles operated by recyclers must meet the requirements of Section VI.
Subd. 3. No person shall operate a recycling facility nor allow, permit or cause his
land to be used as a recycling facility without a valid license issued by Jackson County.
Subd. 4. To obtain a license to operate a solid waste recycling facility the
individual must first complete an application available from the Jackson County Environmental
Service Office and provide the following:
A. Plans, specifications, and proposed operating procedures.
B. Evidence that the property is properly zoned for a recycling facility and that
the owner has obtained the necessary building permits.
C. Evidence of knowledge and compliance with all State and Federal laws
including necessary permits or license for operation as a recycler.
D. Provide a list of recyclable materials accepted at said facility.
Subd. 5. Civic or non-profit organizations, school groups, service clubs or others
who collect recyclable materials to support their organization will not need to obtain a
license/permit, except as required by the Agency. All submittals, as required by an agency
license/permit, shall be submitted to the Environmental Services Office.
Subd. 6. All recyclable materials collected as part of an recycling collection
program shall not be disposed in a manner which preludes its reuse, as defined in the recycling
definition in Minnesota Statute 115.03., Subd. 25a, and 25b.
Subd. 7. Recyclable materials collected and processed at part of an organized
recycling collection program for municipalities, service areas and townships within Jackson
County, at a minimum, shall be as outlined below:
A. Aluminum food and beverage containers, and foil
B. Tin food cans
C. Glass bottles and jars (food and beverage)
D. Plastic bottles and jugs (1-5, plus 7)
E. Newsprint
F. Corrugated cardboard
G. Office paper
H. Metal pots and pans
I. Brass fitting and copper tubing
J. Such other materials which may be designated by the County Board of
Subd. 8. All civic or non-profit organizations, school groups, service clubs,
commercial/industrial establishments or others who collect and dispose of recyclable material
shall to the extent possible, submit a report to the Environmental Service Office of the type and
quantity of material collected. This report shall be submitted by July 15 of each year and
account for all material collected and recycled from July 1 of the previous year to June 30 of the
reporting year.
Subd. 1. Municipal Collection/Service Areas: By January 1, 1993, all corporate
municipalities in Jackson County shall pass an Ordinance requiring each residential unit and all
commercial businesses to have solid waste collection and recyclable separation for collection.
Jackson County through resolution will form service areas. The service areas will be
required to have solid waste collection at each residential unit, and require commercial business
to have solid waste collection. The service area will have mandatory recycling collection, or
alternative recyclable material disposal through drop-off sites. The service area will be required
to have recyclable separation for collection. The service areas will be required to have
environmentally safe alternative solid waste disposal practices, such as burning or burial as set
by Agency rules 7005 and as allowed by 17; Department of Agriculture 17.135.
Subd. 2. Mandatory residential recycling. It shall be unlawful for any owner or
occupant of a residential or multi-unit residential building within a Jackson County municipality
or service area to generate and deposit for collection mixed municipal solid waste which contains
any of the following recyclable materials:
A. Aluminum food and beverage containers, and foil
B. Tin food cans
C. Glass food and beverage containers
D. Plastic bottles and jugs (1-5, plus 7)
E. Newsprint
F. Corrugated cardboard
G. Office paper
H. Metal pots and pans
I. Brass fitting and copper tubing
J. Such other materials which may be designated by the County Board of
Commissioners unless such waste is directly delivered or collected for direct
delivery to a facility which has been approved by the County for separation of
Subd. 3. Mandatory Commercial Recycling: It shall be unlawful for any owner or
occupant of a commercial building within Jackson County municipality or service area to
generate or deposit for collection mixed municipal solid waste which contains any of the
following recyclable materials:
A. Aluminum food and beverage containers, and foil
B. Tin food cans
C. Glass food and beverage containers
D. Plastic bottles and jugs (1-5, plus 7)
E. Newsprint
F. Corrugated cardboard
G. Office paper
H. Metal pots and pans
I. Brass fitting and copper tubing
Such other materials which may be designated by the County Board of Commissioners
unless such waste is directly delivered or collected for direct delivery to a facility which has been
approved by the County for separation of recyclables.
Subd. 4. Haulers: A collector or hauler shall refuse to knowingly accept for
collection any mixed municipal solid waste within a Jackson County Municipality or service area
which contains:
A. Any yard waste
B. Any materials which has been designated by the County Board of
Commissioners as subject to mandatory recycling, pursuant to this Section.
C. Household hazardous wastes. All household hazardous wastes shall be
disposed of through the Lyon County Regional Household Hazardous Waste
D. Dry cell batteries containing mercury, silver, or nickel-cadmium, or sealed
lead acid batteries.
E. Lead acid batteries (vehicle batteries)
F. Used oil
G. Waste tires
H. Plastic grocery bags or trash bags
Subd. 5. Anti-Scavenging Clause: Ownership of the designated recyclable
materials set out for curbside collection or deposited at the drop off sites shall be vested in the
collector and transporter of recyclable materials designated by the County Board of
Commissioners, or by contract through the municipalities. It shall be unlawful and an offense
against this Section for any person, firm, or corporation other than the owner, lessee, or occupant
of a residential dwelling to pick up said materials for his or her own use.
Subd. 6. Municipalities, Service Areas or Townships within Jackson County that
contract with refuse hauler(s)/recyclable collector must contract only with a refuse
hauler/recyclable collector who is licensed by Jackson County. A recycling
collector(s)/facility(ies) contracted by a municipality or township for collection or processing of
recyclable material must accept, at a minimum, recyclables as stated in Section XIV, Subd. 7 of
this Ordinance. Contracts must also be consistent with the provision of this subsection.
All commercial haulers must obtain an annual license. Any firm, corporation or business
collecting and hauling its own waste must obtain an annual license. Each vehicle used by
Commercial haulers to haul solid waste or any vehicle owned by a firm, corporation or business
used to collect and haul its own waste shall be operated only after a Commercial haulers Vehicle
Permit has been initially issued by the County Board as provided herein. However, any firm,
corporation or business may apply to the Environmental Service Office for an exemption from
the above requirements. Exemptions may be granted upon a showing of: 1) the nature of the
material being hauled; 2) the frequency of the hauling of the material; and 3) the amount of
material to be hauled.
Subd. 1. No licensee or any contractor operating under contract or agreement with
the licensee shall commence operations until he/she has obtained at his/her own cost and expense
all insurance required herein. All insurance coverage is subject to approval of the County board
of Commissioners and shall be maintained by the licensee for the term of the license period. All
insurance shall be on occurrence basis form only. A certificate of insurance issued by a
company duly licensed to operate within the State of Minnesota.
A. The licensee shall obtain and maintain for the duration of this license statutory
Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Employer’s Liability Insurance as
required under the laws of the State of Minnesota.
a. State: Minnesota – Statutory
b. Employer’s Liability
c. Benefits required by Union labor contracts: as applicable.
B. Comprehensive General Liability (including Premises-Operations:
independent Contractor’s Protective; Productors and Completed Operations;
Broad Form Property Damage). The licensee shall obtain the following
minimum insurance coverage and maintain it at all times throughout the life of
the license.
a. Personal Injury; an amount not less than $500,000 and aggregate limits
of not less than $1,000,000.
b. Property damage liability insurance; an amount not less than
$1,000,000 per occurrence and in the unencumbered aggregate amount
of at least $1,000,000 and shall include coverages for the following
i. X (Explosion)
ii. C (Collapse)
iii. U (Underground)
C. A Comprehensive Automobile Liability (owned, non-owned, hired). Bodily
Injury and Property Damage (combined limit) amount not less than $500,000
on any person and aggregate limits of not less than $1,000,000 for injuries or
deaths arising out of any one occurrence.
D. Insurance certification evidencing that the above insurance is in force with
companies acceptable to the County Board of Commissioners and in amounts
required shall be submitted to the Environmental Services Officer for
examination with which they shall be filed with the permit at the
Environmental Services Office. The insurance certificates shall specifically
provide that a certificate will not be modified except upon thirty (30) days
prior written notice to the environmental Service Officer. Neither the County
Board of Commissioner’s failure to require or insist upon certificates or other
evidence of insurance, nor the County Board of Commissioner’s acceptance
of the certificate or other evidence of insurance showing a variance from the
specified coverage changes the licensees responsibility to comply with the
insurance specifications.
E. The terms used in Subd. 1 to specify the required insurance are to be
interpreted according to the ordinary usage of the insurance industry.
Subd. 2. Persons intending to engage in the business of being a Commercial Hauler
for hire and any firm, corporation or business, except as exempted collecting and hauling its own
waste must file an application with the County Board of Commissioners for initial issuance of a
license and vehicle permits, using forms provided by the Environmental Services Office. Such
application to the County Board of Commissioners and subsequent annual renewals to the
County Board shall contain the following information.
A. The name and address of the applicant.
B. A description of each vehicle to be used for solid waste collection, including
the vehicle identification, make, model, the capacity of the body or the
capacity and number of rolloffs.
C. The date of the last State of Minnesota safety inspection of the vehicle.
D. The location and address describing the place where the applicant is storing
his equipment/vehicle.
E. Current copy of certificate of insurance, indicating proper insurance coverage
for the period of the license, including the name of the insurance carrier, its
agent, policy number, and effective dates.
F. Map of the area of each City, Township and County served.
G. The type and number of locations served and the estimated weekly weight or
volume of solid waste collected.
H. A copy of approvals if required by the governing body of any municipality to
be served, or
I. A statement by the applicant that shows that he/she:
a. Utilizes County designated routes;
b. That vehicle operators possess proper Minnesota drivers license
J. Other information the County may reasonably require, including applicants
signature, and appropriate fees for the license and permit(s).
Subd. 3. All vehicles used for collecting and transporting solid waste shall be
inspected annually by the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the vehicle shall not be
permitted or operated unless it has a current safety sticker affixed by the Minnesota Department
of Transportation. Each vehicle, its body or rolloff, may be inspected by the County at least
annually to determine compliance with this Ordinance.
Subd. 4. Collectors of solid waste from residential customers must by January 1,
1993, charge for collection on the basis of the volume or weight of waste collected. For single
family customers, the collector must offer a minimum 1 can or bag rate. The can, or bag, shall
be no larger than 30 gallons in accordance with Minnesota Statute 115A.93.
Subd. 5. License required. No person may collect mixed municipal solid waste for
hire without a license from Jackson County where the mixed municipal solid waste is collected.
No firm, corporation, or business, except as exempted may collect and haul its own waste
without a license from Jackson County.
Subd. 6. The solid waste collection service for hire, and any firm, corporation, or
business, except as exempted collecting its own solid waste will provide annually to the Jackson
County Environmental Services Officer a report of the following:
A. Quantities hauled for recyclables and solid waste; (quantities will be reported
in cubic yards or tonnages. Recyclables will be reported in cubic yards or
tonnages separated by type (e.g.) newsprint, paper, plastic, ferrous and
nonferrous metals, glass corrugated, white goods, etc.)
B. The site where the load(s) of solid waste was disposed;
Omission of the annual report shall be grounds for the termination of the license or denial
of license renewal.
Subd. 7. The Solid Waste Officer shall determine that the solid waste transportation
vehicles used are properly constructed to be in compliance with the intentions of this Ordinance.
Subd. 8. All permits expire when the vehicle ownership is transferred or on the 31
day of December following issuance. Each permit issued shall be maintained in or on the
vehicle and displayed as required by the County. Any such permit may be suspended or revoked
by the County Board of Commissioners for good cause.
Subd. 9. The Solid Waste collection service will indemnify, defend and save
harmless the Commission, the County, their agents, elected officials and employees from all
claims, damages, losses, liabilities, omission on the part of the hauler or its contractors, agents,
servants or employees in the performance of or in relation to any of the work or services to be
performed or furnished by the hauler under the terms of this Contract.
Subd. 1. Approval of an application to the County Board of Commissioners for a
license for a solid waste management facility shall be contingent upon the payment to the county
of a license fee in the amount specified by the County Board of Commissioners. Such license
fees are hereby found to be equal to the cost to the county of processing the license applications
and administering and enforcing this Ordinance with respect to said license including periodic
Subd. 2. The fees prescribed shall be paid by a license applicant with respect to
each facility maintained by him/her. All license fees shall be paid annually as a condition for
license renewal. Nonpayment of the annual solid waste license fee shall be grounds for denial to
issuance of licenses.
Subd. 3. The fees prescribed by the County Board of Commissioners shall be paid
by a license applicant with respect to each vehicle collecting and transporting solid waste. All
license fees shall be paid annually as a condition for license renewal. Such license fees are
hereby found to be equal to the cost to the County of processing the license applications and
administering and enforcing this Ordinance with respect to said license including periodic
inspections. Nonpayment of the annual solid waste collection and transportation license fee shall
be grounds for denial for issuance of licenses.
Subd. 1. This subdivision is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statute 400.08 which
grants Jackson County the authority to impose reasonable charges for solid waste management
and disposal. The purpose of this section is to establish a method of collection for such charges.
Owners, lessees, and occupants of property situated within Jackson County shall pay for solid
waste management services to their properties provided by the County or through its contractor,
according to a schedule of charges approved from time to time by resolution of the Board of
A. Landfill fees are determined annually by Sanifill Inc., owner/operator of the
Dickinson County Sanitary Landfill, and as per contract agreed upon by the
County Board of Commissioners.
B. Service fees may be established by the County Board of Commissioners by
resolution for solid waste management services provided to the various
parcels of land in the County, and such charges may result in an assessment
levy payable with real estate taxes. All rates and charges shall be uniform in
their application to use and service of the same character and quantity. A
copy of the current rate schedule shall be kept on file in the Office of the
County Auditor. If no new rate schedule for solid waste management services
is adopted in any year, the rate schedule for the previous year will remain in
effect. In establishing or revising the rate schedule, the Board may take into
account all factors relevant to solid waste management and disposal. Such
factors include, but are not limited to, the character, kind and quality of
service and of solid waste, method of deposition, the number of people served
at each place of collection, and all other factors that enter into the cost of
providing the service including, but not limited to, public education, recycling
programs, solid waste management facilities operating and debt.
C. Surcharges can be determined by the County Board of Commissioners by
resolution. Solid Waste collection services hauling within Jackson County,
shall pay a surcharge fee based on total cubic yards/tonnage of solid waste
collected in Jackson County.
D. All service fees and surcharges may be billed by the County pursuant to
resolution by the County Board of Commissioners.
Subd. 2. Users of facilities. Users of solid waste management facilities provided by
the county, (or the solid waste management facility that is designated by resolution by the
County Board of Commissioners) by and through its contractor or by facilities licensed in the
County or by those who collect solid waste from sites, premises, owners, lessees, or occupants of
property situated within or outside the County shall pay charges for the use of said facilities
according to resolutions established by the County Board of Commissioners; and, the fee rates
will be according to the definition of this Ordinance for “Multi-county mixed waste,” and, for
solid waste generated within the County. Established tipping fees are adopted in resolution by
the County Board of Commissioners and kept on file in the office of the County Auditor. All
fees charged for solid waste disposal shall be paid on a monthly basis according to the billing
schedule at the facility.
Subd. 3. Service Area. This section is enacted pursuant to Minnesota Statute
400.08 which grants Jackson County the authority to establish and determine the boundaries of
the solid waste management areas in the County. The boundaries of the County shall constitute
the boundaries of the solid waste management service area.
Subd. 4. Solid Waste Fund for operations provided by the County. A special
account on the official books of the County is hereby created which shall be known as the Solid
Waste Fund. Monies collected pursuant to this Ordinance and all receipts from the sale of real or
personal property pertaining to solid waste management systems and the proceeds of all gifts,
loans, and issuance of bonds for the purpose of the system shall be credited to the Solid Waste
Fund. All costs of acquisition, construction, enlargement, improvement, repair, supervision,
control, maintenance, post closure care and maintenance and operations of the solid waste
management system, and facilities which are owned and operated by the County, but not those
owned and operated by its licensee or contractor, shall be charged to the Solid Waste Fund.
Subd. 1. A person who unlawfully places any portion of solid waste in or on public
or private lands, shorelands, roadways, or waters is subject to a civil penalty.
Subd. 2. A State, political subdivision or private person that incurs costs as
described in Minnesota State Statute 115A.99 may bring an action to recover the civil penalty,
related legal, administrative, and court costs, and damages for injury to or pollution of the lands,
shorelands, roadways, or waters where the waste was placed if owned or managed by the entity
bringing the action.
Subd. 1. Inspection and evaluation of waste facilities shall be made by the
Environmental Services Office or Agency in such frequency as to insure consistent compliance
by the facilities with the provisions of this Ordinance. Each licensee shall be provided with
written and documented notice of any deficiencies, recommendations for their correction and the
date when the corrections shall be accomplished. Each licensee shall be required to allow free
access to authorized representatives of the Solid Waste Department, County Board, Agency, or
to authorized representative of any other governmental agency at any time for the purpose of
making such inspections as may be necessary to determine compliance with the requirements of
this Ordinance, or any other applicable statute, Ordinance or regulation.
Subd. 2. The County shall have the right to inspect private property to determine if
a waste facility is in accordance with the provisions of this Ordinance.
Subd. 3. Where the conditions imposed by any provisions of this Ordinance are
either more restrictive or less restrictive, than comparable conditions imposed by any other
provision of this Ordinance or any other applicable law, Ordinance, rules and regulation, the
provision which establishes the higher standards for the promotion and protection of the public
health, safety and general welfare shall prevail.
Subd. 4. The Environmental Services Office shall be responsible for the
administration and enforcement of this Ordinance.
Subd. 1. Misdemeanor. Any person who shall violate or fails, neglects or refuses to
comply with the provisions of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof shall be punished therefore as provided by Minnesota Law. A separate
offense shall be deemed committed upon each separate day during or on which a violation occurs
or continues. The county is responsible for the enforcement of this Ordinance.
Subd. 2. Equitable Relief. In the event of a violation or a threat of violation of this
Ordinance, the Jackson County Attorney may take appropriate action to enforce this Ordinance,
including but not limited to, application for injunctive relief, action to compel performance or
other appropriate action in District Court, if necessary, to prevent, restrain, correct, or abate such
violations or threatened violations.
Subd. 3. Costs as Special Assessment. If a licensee, owner, or operator of a waste
facility fails to comply with the regulations in this Ordinance, Jackson County may take the
necessary steps to correct such violations or terminate the facility and the costs thereof may be
recovered in a civil action or may be certified, at the discretion of the County Board of
Commissioners, to the Jackson County Auditor as a special assessment against real property.
Subd. 4. Suspension of License. Any license issued pursuant to this Ordinance
may be suspended for not longer than sixty (60) days by the County Board of Commissioners for
violation of any provision of this Ordinance. Suspension shall not occur earlier than ten (10)
calendar days after written notice of suspension has been personally served on the licensee by
certified mail with return receipt. Such written notice shall contain the effective date of
suspension, the nature of the violation or violations constituting the bases for the suspension, the
facts which support the conclusion that a violation or violations have occurred and a statement
that the licensee is entitled to a hearing provided that he request such hearing in writing by
serving said request personally on the Board within ten (10) calendar days, of service of such
notice, exclusive of the day of service. If the licensee fails to request a hearing within the time
prescribed, he/she shall forfeit any right to a public hearing. Following receipt of a request for a
hearing, the County Board of Commissioners shall set a hearing date which will be set at a time
convenient for the Board. The hearing shall be conducted pursuant to the procedures established
in Section XII, Subd. 6, titled “hearing” of this Section. If the suspension is upheld and the
operator has not demonstrated within the sixty (60) day period that full compliance with the
Ordinance has been attained and that such compliance will be continued, the County Board of
Commissioners may serve Notice of Suspension once again or initiate the revocation procedures
in Section XXI., Subd. 5.
Subd. 5. Revocation of License. Any license issued pursuant to this Ordinance
may be revoked by the County Board of Commissioners for violation of any provision of this
Ordinance. Revocation shall not occur earlier than ten (10) calendar days after written notice of
revocation has been personally served on the licensee, or, if a hearing is requested, until the
written decision of the Board has been served on the licensee by registered mail. Such written
notice shall contain the effective date of the revocation, the nature of the violation or violations
constituting the basis for revocations, the facts which support the conclusions that the violation
or violations have occurred, and a statement that the licensee is entitled to a hearing provided
that he request such hearing in writing by personally serving said request to the Board of
Commissioners within (10) calendar days, of service of such notice, exclusive of the day of
service. If the licensee fails to request a hearing within the time prescribed, he/she shall forfeit
any right to a public hearing. Upon receipt of a written request for a hearing, the County Board
of Commissioners shall set a hearing not earlier then ten (10) days and not later then thirty (30)
days from the date of receipt of the request.
Subd. 6. Hearings. Whenever a hearing is requested in regard to an application,
renewal, suspension or revocations of a license, the hearing shall be governed by the following
A. Hearing Officer: The Jackson County Board of Commissioners shall have the
power to conduct public hearings pursuant to this Section. By resolution, the
County Board of Commissioners may appoint a Hearing Officer to assist the
County Board. If the individual conducts hearings on behalf of the County
Board he/she shall submit to the County Board of Commissioners, in writing,
Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and recommendations, and the County
Board of Commissioners may base its decision on this report.
B. Notice of Decision: The County Board of Commissioners shall notify the
applicant or licensee in writing as to its decision within five (5) working days
after a decision is reached.
C. Procedures: All hearings shall be conducted in the following manner:
a. The court reporter shall record and transcribe, if necessary, a record of
the hearing.
b. All testimony shall be sworn under oath.
c. The rules of evidence shall be informal. All relevant evidence, subject
to the County Board of Commissioner’s or hearing officer’s discretion
may be reviewed.
d. The county shall present evidence first.
e. The applicant or licensee, or his counsel, if represented, may cross-
examine all witnesses testifying in the proceedings.
f. The attorney for the County Board of Commissioners may cross-
examine all witnesses testifying in the proceedings.
g. The decision of the County Board of Commissioners shall be based on
the evidence presented at the hearing before the County Board or on
the Findings of Act, Conclusion of Law and Recommendations of the
hearing officer.
h. If the applicant or licensee fails to appear at the hearing, he shall
forfeit any right to a public hearing before the County Board of
Commissioners or hearing officer.
i. Any applicant or licensee aggrieved by a decision of the County Board
of Commissioners shall have the right to appeal to the District Court in
the County of Jackson on questions of law and fact within thirty (30)
days of the date of the decision.
Subd. 7. Removal of Suspension: In the case of a suspension, upon written
notification from the licensee that all violations for which the suspension was invoked have been
corrected, the Environmental Services Office shall re-inspect the site, facility, or solid waste
collection service within five (5) working days after receipt of the notice for the licensee. If the
Environmental Services Office finds on such re-inspection that the violations constituting the
grounds for suspension have been corrected, the Environmental Services Office shall
immediately terminate the suspension by written notice to the licensee and the County Board.
Upon written application by the applicant or operator, the County Board may grant
variances from the provisions of this Ordinance in order to promote the effective and reasonable
application and enforcement of the provisions of this Ordinance.
A variance may be granted by the Board of Commissioners after a public hearing where
the Board determines that enforcement of this Ordinance would cause the applicant undue
hardship, or that the Ordinance cannot be complied with due to technological impossibility or
economic unreasonableness. Such a variance shall not be granted for a period in excess of two
years, but may be renewed upon application of the applicant and after public hearing. A variance
may be revoked by the Board at the public hearing prior to expiration of the variance. An
application for a variance shall be accompanied by a plan and time schedule for achieving
compliance with the Ordinance. Prior to any public hearing held by the Board under this
provision, persons who may be adversely affected by the granting of the proposed variance shall
be given at least thirty (30) days notice to said public hearing.
Solid Waste management facilities, and any firm, corporation, or business collecting its
own solid waste in existence on the effective date of this Ordinance and operation of such
facilities shall conform to the provision of this Ordinance no later than 60 days after the adoption
of the Ordinance, or terminate operations no later than the date, unless granted a variance.
Solid waste collection services for hire in existence on the effective date of this
Ordinance shall conform to the provisions of this Ordinance no later than January 1, 1993, unless
granted a variance.
For the purpose of protecting the public health, safety, and welfare, the County Board
may impose additional requirements consistent with the intent of this Ordinance for the operation
of solid waste management sites or facilities.
It is hereby declared to be the intention of the County Board of Commissioners that
several provisions of this Ordinance be severable in accordance with the following:
Subd. 1. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge any provision of this
Ordinance to be invalid, such judgment shall not affect any other provision of this Ordinance not
specifically included in said judgment.
Subd. 2. If any court of competent jurisdiction shall adjudge invalid the application
of any provision of this Ordinance to a particular structure, site, facility, operation or solid waste
collection service, such judgment shall not affect the application of said provision to any other
structure, site, facility, operation or solid waste collection service, not specifically included in
said judgment.
The provisions of this Ordinance are accumulative and additional limitations upon all
other laws and ordinances heretofore passed or which may be passed hereafter, covering any
subject matter in this Ordinance.
Nothing contained in this Ordinance shall be deemed to be a consent, license, or permit to
locate, construct, operate or maintain any site, facility or operation, or to carry on any activity.
Nothing in this Ordinance shall preclude any local unit of government from adopting
stricter regulations than this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication
according to law.