Using the web to look for work
Implications for online job seeking and
Bernard J. Jansen and Karen J. Jansen
Penn State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA, and
Amanda Spink
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Purpose The web is now a significant component of the recruitment and job search process.
However, very little is known about how companies and job seekers use the web, and the ultimate
effectiveness of this process. The specific research questions guiding this study are: how do people
search for job-related information on the web? How effective are these searches? And how likely are
job seekers to find an appropriate job posting or application?
Design/methodology/approach The data used to examine these questions come from job
seekers submitting job-related queries to a major web search engine at three points in time over a
five-year period.
Findings Results indicate that individuals seeking job information generally submit only one
query with several terms and over 45 percent of job-seeking queries contain a specific location
reference. Of the documents retrieved, findings suggest that only 52 percent are relevant and only 40
percent of job-specific searches retrieve job postings.
Research limitations/implications This study provides an important contribution to web
research and online recruiting literature. The data come from actual web searches, providing a realistic
glimpse into how job seekers are actually using the web.
Practical implications The results of this research can assist organizations in seeking to use the
web as part of their recruiting efforts, in designing corporate recruiting web sites, and in developing
web systems to support job seeking and recruiting.
Originality/value This research is one of the first studies to investigate job searching on the web
using longitudinal real world data.
Keywords Jobs, Internet, Search engines, Recruitment advertising
Paper type Research paper
The web is a worldwide information resource, and it is important to understand
emerging searching trends for locating and utilizing this information. It is also
important to understand the impact these trends have on the way people conduct the
daily business of their lives. For example, the web has dramatically changed the way
job seekers find positions. As of July 2002, over 52 million Americans have conducted
online searches for information about jobs, with more than 4 million Americans doing
so on a typical day, representing a 60 percent increase from 2000 (Boyce and Rainie,
2002). Recent demographics for web job searchers suggest that there is an equal mix of
males and females and 61 percent are age 18-29 (Boyce and Rainie, 2002). Furthermore,
57 percent of whites, 43 percent of African-Americans, and 47 percent of Hispanics
have web access (Rainie and Packel, 2001), and within minority groups, nearly 60
percent have conducted online job searching (Boyce and Rainie, 2002). These statistics
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is available at The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Online job
Internet Research
Vol. 15 No. 1, 2005
pp. 49-66
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/10662240510577068
show that the web is a tool that is capable of reaching various segments of the job
searching market. Although these numbers are encouraging, using the web as a
recruitment tool can still lead to disparate impact and these demographic trends should
be kept in mind when using online recruitment (Stanton, 1999).
Recognizing the increasing and more diverse traffic on the web, companies are
beginning to advertise and post position openings online. In fact, Leonard (2000)
reported that 75 percent of Fortune 500 companies are posting jobs to their corporate
sites, and less than a year later, Capelli (2001) reported that 90 percent of large US
companies are using the web for recruiting. In addition, more than 75 percent of human
resource professionals are now using web job boards to supplement traditional
recruiting methods (HR Focus, 2000). It is evident that web-based recruiting and job
search is now a major trend, reflecting the growing use of the web for commercial
purposes (Lawrence and Giles, 1999; Spink and Jansen, 2004; Spink et al., 2002).
Several articles have addressed web searching in general (Arasu et al., 2001;
Montgomery and Faloutsos, 2001; Silverstein et al., 1999), including those focusing on
topic-specific searches. Many recent articles have been published focusing on how
corporations can enhance their recruitment process by using the web (Boehle, 2000;
Dysart, 1999; Gutmacher, 2000; Leonard, 2000). Other articles have examined the role
and importance of job boards such as, CareerMosaic, and HotJobs
(Donovan, 2000; Gordon, 2002; Gutmacher, 2000). With the focus on job boards and
corporate recruiters, it is somewhat surprising how little research attention has been
paid to the job seekers themselves. With one recent exception (Feldman and Klass,
2002), we could locate no other published research exploring how job seekers locate
job-related information and positions on the web and how successful they are in
finding relevant information.
In this study, we address this shortcoming in the literature by examining trends in
job-related searching across a five-year period. We report the results of this
examination as well as the effectiveness of job-related searching. Finally, we examine
the extent to which job seekers are meeting their objectives (e.g. job postings,
applications) for those searchers specifically searching for positions. Following a
review of literature, we present the methodology utilized to obtain and analyze actual
web queries. We analyzed these queries to determine trends in searching and term use
over time. We also submitted subsets of these queries to major web search engines to
evaluate the relevance of retrieved information. The implications of these results are
then discussed for both those searching for positions and those desiring to attract job
seekers to their organizational web sites.
Related studies
Job-seeking studies
On the whole, there has been very little research on the recent trend to utilize fully the
web as part of the recruiting process. The majority of published articles describe how
companies are currently using the web and outline the issues and concerns associated
with web recruiting (c.f. Boehle, 2000; Capelli, 2001; Dysart, 1999; Epstein and Singh,
2003; Leonard, 2000; Munger, 2002; O’Leary et al., 2000; Stanton, 1999). Most of these
articles adopt a corporate or organizational perspective, providing hints and tips for
organizations to find candidates (e.g. Capelli, 2001; Leonard, 2000), paying little
attention to how potential candidates find information about organizations and
organizations’ posted job-related information. On a related note, there appears to be an
implicit assumption in many of these prescriptive articles that active job seekers can
readily find job postings and applications on corporate web sites (e.g. Dysart, 1999),
which is a potentially erroneous conclusion. Much attention is also dedicated to finding
passive job candidates (i.e. those who are not actively looking for work but may be
interested in a new position). These candidates are least likely to be using the very
popular job boards (Boehle, 2000), suggesting that it may be beneficial to find out more
information about how individuals broadly search the web for job-related material,
beyond the limited scope of job boards. This is especially important since corporate
human resource managers prefer their corporate web sites relative to job boards
(Boehle, 2000).
Recent empirical articles have examined the attractiveness of a corporate web site in
attracting potential job applicants (Dineen et al., 2002; Kuhn and Skuterud, 2000; Scheu
et al., 1999; Supjarerndee et al., 2002). These articles focus on attractiveness and the fit
between the corporate web site and job seeker characteristics. Similar to the descriptive
articles above, this stream of research focuses on the organization’s ability to attract
candidates once they have arrived at their web site. This is certainly an important
research topic, but it tells us very little about how job seekers search for and find these
web sites.
One notable exception is a study conducted by Feldman and Klaas (2002), who
examined the experiences of managers and professionals searching for jobs via the
web. These researchers surveyed recent MBA graduates to ascertain the job search
behaviors and strategies they employed, and to examine the perceived effectiveness of
web searching and the difficulties encountered. Their measure of perceived
effectiveness was somewhat limited (one item, forced ranking), but they found that
29 percent of respondents reported that the web was the most helpful strategy for
finding a job, compared to 40 percent who believed that networking was the most
useful. Perhaps the most enlightening results were those concerning difficulties
encountered when searching the web. Almost 43 percent of respondents reported that
there were not enough relevant jobs listed to make its use worthwhile. Thirty-three
percent of respondents reported that the companies’ web sites lacked relevant data
about jobs. Finally, 10 percent of respondents had difficulty even finding company web
sites. These findings shed light on the user’s experience in both searching for and
finding relevant job-related information.
Web studies
Although there is little research of online job searchers, there is a growing body of
literature that examines how people in general search on the web (Ho
lscher and Strube,
2000; Jansen and Pooch, 2001; Spink et al., 2002). This research provides some insight
into how people search for information on the web and provides a broad framework for
considering the job-related search process. Jansen and Pooch (2001) present an
extensive review of the web searching literature, reporting that web searchers exhibit
different search techniques than do searchers on other information systems. Ho
and Strube (2000) report information on sessions, queries, and terms, noting that
experts exhibit different searching patterns than novices. Finally, in analyzing trends
in web searching, Spink and colleagues (2002) report that web searching has remained
relatively stable over time, although they noted a shift from entertainment to
Online job
commercial searching. The researchers noted an increase in general e-commerce
searching (i.e. commerce, travel, economy, and jobs) from about 11 percent of all
queries in 1997 to nearly 25 percent in 2001. This reported trend mirrors results from
survey data (Boyce and Rainie, 2002) and corresponds to the increase in the quantity of
available commercial information on the web (Lawrence and Giles, 1999). Although not
directly applicable to job searching, this stream of research on general web searching
techniques provides useful information and a methodology for examining web job
From a synthesis of the existing literature on the topic, we observe the following.
First, one study provides an understanding of how people actually search for jobs
online (Feldman and Klass, 2002). Although a corporation may post recruiting material
on their corporate web site, we know very little about how potential job applicants
locate this material. Second, there appears to be no published information on how
successful online job seekers are in obtaining relevant information. We do not know if
searchers are actually locating job positions or if organizations that desire to recruit
online are effectively utilizing the web as a resource in their recruiting efforts. There
seems to be an implicit belief that once an applicant “goes online,” he or she
unquestionably locates the desired information. This study challenges these prevailing
assumptions by considering the information needs of the job searchers and examining
how these information needs are translated into queries that are submitted to web
search engines. We then analyze the effectiveness of actual job-related searches in
obtaining relevant results. Finally, for those specifically searching for jobs, we examine
the extent to which job seekers are finding what they are looking for (e.g. job postings,
Research questions
Our first research question focuses on how people search for job-related information on
the web. To investigate this question, we obtained, and qualitatively analyzed, actual
job-related queries submitted to a major web search engine. For this research question,
we sought to examine the characteristics of job-related queries, investigating areas
such as the number of terms in a query, the number of queries in a session, and the use
of query operators.
Our second research question examined the effectiveness of these searches in
locating job-related information. This involved resubmitting a subset of these
real-world queries to a web search engine and evaluating the retrieved results in order
to determine the effectiveness of the queries. We extracted these queries from the
complete data set using key terms, and the queries encompass a wide range of
job-related information needs. We are interested in how effective these queries are at
retrieving relevant information. This has implications not only for job seeker using the
web, but also search engines and web sites that serve these users.
For the third research question, which questioned the likelihood of job seekers
finding a job posting or application, we qualitatively extracted queries from the data
set that the researchers deemed were position-specific (i.e. queries relate to directly
finding a position). We submitted a subset of these queries to three major web search
engines. Independent evaluators judged the retrieved sites to determine whether or not
they contained a job posting or application materials.
Research design
Data collection
The queries we obtained for this research had been submitted to Excite
(, a major web search engine at the time of data collection. Excite
provided us with three transaction logs, each holding a large and varied set of queries
(approximately one million). The transaction logs spanned several hours of user
searching on the following dates: 16 September 1997 (Tuesday, midnight to 8 a.m.),
1 December 1999 (Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.), and 30 April 2001 (Monday, midnight
to midnight)[1]. Excite was the second most popular web site in 1997 (Munarriz, 1997),
and was the fifth most popular in 1999 and 2001 as measured by number of unique
visitors (Cyber Atlas, 1999, 2001).
Each record within the transaction log contained three fields:
(1) Time of Day: measured in hours, minutes, and seconds from midnight of each
day as logged by the web server.
(2) User Identification: an anonymous user code assigned by the Excite server.
(3) Query Terms: terms exactly as entered by the given user.
With these three fields, we located a user’s initial query and recreated the chronological
series of actions by each user in a session[2].
Data analysis
From the three complete transaction logs, we were interested in only those queries that
were job-related. We therefore culled a subset of queries pertaining to job hunting and
job related information using a modified snowball sampling technique (e.g. Patton,
1990). More specifically, we started with several seed terms (i.e. job, employment, and
hiring) that are central indicators of job-related searching based on a standard human
resource textbook (Sherman Jr et al., 2000). Using this set of terms, we extracted all
records from the 1997 transaction log that contained these terms. We then reviewed the
extracted records identifying other terms that frequently appeared. These new terms
were then combined with the set of original terms, and from the original transaction log
we extracted all records that contained these terms. The process was repeated until the
addition of new terms to the set added less than ten new and unique queries. We
repeated the process for the other two transaction logs.
Query analysis. We then qualitatively analyzed the retrieved subset to identify
queries that were obviously not job-related. For example, we eliminated queries such as
interview with a vampire and work out. We employed the same process on the other
two transaction logs. At this point, we were satisfied that we had retrieved a subset of
each of the transaction logs that contained solely job-related searches. This set of data
was used to address the first of our three research questions.
Effectiveness. For the second research question, a random set of 100 queries was
pulled from the 2001 job-related data set for closer examination. Each of the 100 queries
was submitted to Microsoft Search ( because it is the most popular web
site as measured by number of unique visitors and has one of the largest document
collections used by any web search engine (Nielsen/Netrating, 2002). After each query
was submitted, the web site addresses for each of the top ten results were saved. We
chose this number of results because reported statistics show that approximately 80
percent of web users never view more than the top ten or so documents (Jansen et al.,
Online job
1998; Silverstein et al., 1999; Spink et al., 2002). If a query retrieved fewer than ten
results, then that number of results was utilized. The 100 submitted queries retrieved a
total of 969 results.
Three independent reviewers were hired to visit each of the 969 web sites to
determine whether the result was a topically relevant document based on the query.
The reviewers received training regarding the judgment process and were given
written instructions for determining topical relevance. Topical relevance was a binary
judgment and coded as 1 for topically relevant and 0 for topically non-relevant.
Agreement across the three raters was calculated using r
, and was found to be fairly
high (r
¼ 0:78), especially considering the subjectivity associated with determining
topical relevance.
Job query analysis. The final research question focused on those actually looking for
jobs (not just job-related queries) and their ability to find a job posting in the top ten
retrieved results. To isolate such queries, the researchers reviewed the job-related
queries from the 2001 data set and choose a separate subset of 110 multi-term queries
that, in context, clearly indicated interest in locating or obtaining a job. For example,
the following queries were included: fashion jobs in Los Angeles, NBA employment,
Johns Hopkins University employment, and teenage summer jobs.
These queries were then submitted to three of most popular search engines at the
time of the study: America Online, Microsoft Search and Google (Cyber Atlas, 2001).
We were again interested in only the top ten results retrieved by each query. This set of
110 queries retrieved a combined total of 3,088 results from the three search engines.
Once again, if less than ten results were retrieved, then that number was utilized. An
independent reviewer evaluated each of these results, making a relevance judgment,
and assigned the appropriate relevance code. In this case, relevance was determined
based on whether the retrieved page had a job position posted (1) or not (0).
Table I presents overall descriptive data for both the entire transaction log and the
job-related subset for each year. Overall data was reported in Spink et al. (2002).
One general observation, before more examining closely the job-related searching
trends, is that the number of users held fairly steady at approximately fifteen hundred
across the five-year period. In addition, although total queries held constant in the
complete transaction log, the number of job-related queries varied over time, with a
significant dip in 1999. To help explain this trend, we obtained the unemployment data
for the time periods of our data collection (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2002) because
unemployment rates during the period of study may have impacted online job
searching. As expected, the unemployment rate decreased from 4.9 percent in
September 1997 to 4.1 percent in December 1999, rising again to 4.5 percent in April
2001. This trend correlates with the dip in job-related queries, suggesting that the
lower unemployment rate in 1999 may indeed have influenced job-related searching.
Job-related search characteristics
The number of queries in a session and the number of terms in a query are indicators of
the complexity of the searcher’s information need, with a greater number of queries
and terms indicating greater complexity. The number of single queries in a session is
substantially higher than for the overall transaction logs. This means that a large
majority of job searchers are making only one attempt at finding relevant information
before ending their search session. Looking at the number of terms within queries, we
see that the number of queries with three terms was substantially higher for the job
searching queries than for the overall data sets. The use of Boolean operators by job
related searchers is also about 5 percent higher than in the general web population.
This may indicate that there is something about job-seeking queries that lend
themselves to the use of Boolean operators. This is similar to what prior research has
noted in the area of multimedia information searching, where image queries have a
high occurrence of Boolean operators (Jansen et al., 2003). Job seekers originally viewed
fewer results pages (i.e. the number of retrieved uniform resource locators retrieved by
the search engine and presented to the user usually in chucks of ten) than the general
web searcher, although this trend appears to be reversing based on the 2001 data.
Combining these findings, we seem to have contradictory indicators. The majority of
the sessions are very short but the queries are relatively lengthy. It could be that the
lengthier queries are locating the required information therefore resulting in shorter
sessions. Conversely, it could be that even with the longer queries, users are not
locating the information they need and are just ending their search on this search
engine. We will return to this point when we investigate relevance in the next section.
Terms are the building blocks of queries, representing, to some degree, the information
need of the searcher. The distribution of term usage within a large set of web queries
generally follows a Zipf distribution (Jansen et al., 2000), with a relatively small set of terms
used quite frequently and a large set of terms used relatively infrequently. For the complete
Job only
Job only
Job only
Sessions 211,063 1,637 325,711 1,451 262,025 1,568
Queries 1,025,908 2,711 1025,910 1,982 1,025,910 2,265
Terms 1,277,763 9,447 1,500,500 7,021 1,538,120 9,050
Queries in session
1 query 48.4 63 20.8 77 30.8 75
2 queries 60.4 22 19.8 17 19.8 16
3 þ queries 55.4 15 19.3 6 25.3 10
Mean queries per user 2.5 1.7 1.9 1.4 2.3 1.4
Users modifying queries 52.0 37 39.6 23 44.6 25
Terms in query
1 term 26.3 13 29.8 14 26.9 15
2 terms 31.5 19 33.8 20 30.5 15
3 þ terms 43.1 68 36.4 66 42.6 69
Mean terms per query 2.4 3.49 2.4 3.55 2.6 4.00
Boolean queries 5.0 5 5.0 11 10.0 15
Percentage usage of 100 most
frequently occurring terms 17.9 61 19.3 59 22.0 59
Terms not repeated in the data set 57.1 10 61.6 14 61.7 13
Result pages viewed per query
1 page 28.6 31.8 42.7 46.4 50.5 44.7
2 pages 19.5 41.6 21.2 25.3 20.3 21.7
3 þ pages 51.9 26.6 36.1 28.2 29.2 33.5
Note: All numbers in italics are percentages
Table I.
Comparative statistics for
entire transaction log and
job-related query data
Online job
transaction logs, the set of the 100 most frequently utilized terms represented 18 percent to 22
percent of the total term usage. However, for the job-related queries, the 100 most frequently
used terms accounted for 59 percent to 61 percent of the total terms. The percentage of terms
used only once was quite low relative to the general web population. Importantly, there is a
very tight jargon used for online job searching, which implies that there are common
information needs across job searching individuals. Armed with this information, companies
can design their web sites to include these terms in order to maximize the likelihood of
having their site returned in the results list during a job-related search.
Table II presents the term frequencies for all three years from the job-related data
sets. To arrive at this list, we first sorted all terms within the data set in descending
order by frequency of term occurrence. From the list of highest-ranked terms, we then
removed the terms without information content (e.g. and, or, is, the), known as stop
words. We then selected the top 25 terms from each of the three data sets. These were
merged into one list, resulting in a total of 33 unique terms, as presented in the first
Terms 1997 1999 2001
bank 38 40 32
California 50 25 23
Canada 48 30 17
career 169 44 70
careers 30 10 3
education 13 32 56
employers 51 14 10
employment 1,196 570 520
example 1 1 41
experience 1 20 42
federal 46 29 8
Florida 11 24 28
home 24 28 25
human 79 37 26
insurance 6 16 27
job 462 271 299
jobs 477 180 183
listings 114 19 10 2 50 108
office 7 15 25
opening(s) 66 19 39
opportunities 277 67 50
positions 38 3
recruiters 53 48 36
resources 79 38 29
211 260 382
s 121 89 88
retirement 77 115 104
search 32 32 42
state 41 42 30
Texas 42 22 14
unemployment 50 71 111
work 107 104 153
Table II.
Top occurring terms and
frequencies for 1997,
1999, and 2001
column of Table II. We then provided the frequency of occurrence for all terms from all
three data sets (even if it was not in the top 25 in other years) to allow for better
interpretation of trends over time.
The most frequently occurring terms for all three time periods were “employment”
and “job”, with the frequency of occurrence trending downward. This was generally
the case for most of the top terms. In 1997, the top 25 terms accounted for 63 percent of
all term occurrences. By 2001, the top 25 terms accounted for 50 percent of all term
occurrences, indicating a broadening of the job searching jargon. However, the core set
of high-use terms was fairly stable. Of the 25 terms appearing in 1997, 17 also appeared
on the 2001 list.
There were also some interesting new additions in the top 25 lists over the five-year
period. Of the 25 terms in the 2001 list, nine did not appear in the 1997 list, and four did
not appear in 1999 list. The rapid increase in occurrences of “” (from two
in 1997 to 108 in 2001) is indicative of the influence job boards have had on job-related
searching. The term “resume” also showed a significant increase, which can be
attributed to a combination of factors. First, this trend mirrors the increased use of job
boards. Second, many articles have urged recruitment experts to find passive
candidates online by searching for “resume” and resume.htm on the web (Gutmacher,
2000; Leonard, 2000). Locations such as California, Canada, and Texas, which appeared
in the 1997 and 1999 list, were not in the top 25 of the 2001 list, although their
occurrences were still relatively frequent. The term “Florida” with only 11 occurrences
in 1997 steadily increased, with 28 occurrences in 2001. The occurrence of these terms
indicate that location, and specific locations, are of high interest to job seekers. Overall,
these trends provide interesting insights into job-related search terms and trends.
Although a term analysis is worthwhile, it is important to examine how these terms
are utilized in conjunction with other terms given that most of the job-related queries
are three or more terms. We analyzed the job-related queries using term co-occurrence
analysis, which looks for the simultaneous occurrence of terms within queries
(Leydesdorff, 1989). Figure 1 presents the term co-occurrences for the 1997 data set for
the top 25 most frequently occurring terms in a correlation matrix fashion. The three
most frequently occurring pairs were (1) “jobs” and “employment” (204
co-occurrences), (2) “employment” and “opportunities” (181), and (3) “jobs” and
“opportunities” (106).
Figure 2 presents the same information for the 1999 data set. Here, the three most
frequently occurring pairs were: first, “employment” and “opportunities” (48, a
substantial drop from 1997); second, “human” and “resources” (37); and third, “job” and
“bank” (35). While there is still a clustering of co-occurrences around the most frequent
terms, the clustering is less pronounced and the distribution of co-occurrences is more
disperse relative to 1997. Another change is the increase in the co-occurrence of the
term “unemployment” from only two co-occurrences in 1997 to 11 co-occurrences in
1999. Overall, the co-occurrences are lower and sparser, indicating a broadening of the
job searching terms used.
Figure 3 presents the term co-occurrences for the 2001 data set for the top 25 most
frequently occurring terms. Generally, the co-occurrence distribution trend has
continued, with a sparser allocation. The most frequently occurring pairs in 2001 were
“resume” and “example (157); “resume” and “experience” (100); and “resume” and
“education” (100). However, the most prevalent pair in 1997 (“employment” and “job”),
Online job
occurs only 20 times in 2001. Combined with the appearance of other terms on the 2001
list (e.g. “education”, “home”, “insurance”), it appears that the job-searching language
may be moving from broad terms (e.g. “employment”, “opportunities”) to narrower and
more specific terms. Thus, although employment was still the most prevalent term
(Table II), the terms paired with it are getting broader and more dispersed, suggesting
that searchers are getting more sophisticated and specific in their searching.
Effectiveness of job-related searches
Our second research question addressed the effectiveness of job-related searches in
obtaining relevant results. Using the random subset of queries from the 2001 data set,
we submitted them to a web search engine and had three independent raters evaluate
the results to determine topical relevance. This analysis helps address the question of
whether job-related search sessions are short because the searchers are finding the
information that they need or that they are not finding the information they need and
just giving up or going elsewhere.
Relevance is the key measure for determining relative precision, which is a standard
metric to evaluate information system performance (Korfhage, 1997). Relative
precision is the ratio of the number of relevant documents retrieved to the total number
of documents retrieved at a certain position in a results list. So, if, for example, one
relevant document was retrieved out of ten, with the other nine being not relevant,
precision would be 0.01 (i.e. 0.01 ¼ 1 relevant/10 retrieved). This specific metric is
Figure 1.
Frequency of term
co-occurrence for top 25
terms for 1997
referred to as P@10 (i.e. precision at 10). The topical relevance evaluations from the
three raters were averaged to create one measure of relevance, which was used to
calculate relative precision for the queries. Of the 969 documents retrieved within the
top ten results, 506 (52 percent) results were judged to be topically relevant and 434 (48
percent) were judged to be topically non-relevant. Thus, the relative precision for the
entire set of results is 0.52, meaning that on average just over half of the obtained
results from job-related queries were topically relevant.
Locating a job posting
While making their relevance judgments, the raters also noted whether or not there
was a job posting or a link to a job posting on the web site that was retrieved. Results
revealed that only 23 percent (224) of the 969 documents contained job postings. This
seemingly low number surprised us, although it should be noted that these were
job-related, not necessarily job-specific searches. Therefore, our third research question
focused on job-specific searches to determine the frequency by which searchers found a
job posting in the retrieved results.
In this portion of the analysis, we used a separate sample of 110 job-specific queries
from the 2001 data set which the researchers deemed were queries seeking job
positions. These queries were submitted to three popular search engines (MSN, Google,
and AOL) and retrieved web sites containing job postings were coded as relevant.
From the total number of relevant documents, we again calculated P@10 for these
queries. The results of this evaluation are displayed in Table III. The relative precision
of these results was just over 0.39, meaning that approximately 40 percent of the
Figure 2.
Frequency of term
co-occurrence for top 25
terms for 1999
Online job
retrieved results contained job postings. This percentage of relevant documents was
fairly consistent across the three search engines.
Table IV provides a more in-depth examination of these queries and their topical
relevant results. Results show that about 50 percent of the queries retrieved less than
five relevant results within the top ten results, and research has shown that the vast
majority of web searchers look at no more than the top ten results (Jansen and Spink,
2003). The most common occurrences were between five and eight relevant results,
occurring 44 percent of the time.
We also wanted to examine this set of job-specific queries to see if there were
recurring concepts that appeared as refiners of the search. Although various ontologies
have been developed to classify web queries (Spink et al., 2002), we could not locate any
that specifically dealt with job seeking queries. Therefore, we performed a linguistic
classification of the queries, modifying a technique from Enser (1995). The set of
queries contained 419 terms, not including Boolean operators such as AND and OR.
Figure 3.
Frequency of term
co-occurrence for Top 25
terms for 2001
America Online Google Microsoft Search Total
Posting 422 427 373 1,222
No posting 624 592 645 1,866
Precision 40.3% 41.9% 36.6% 39.6%
Table III.
Job postings in results of
job-specific queries
across three popular
search engines
From these terms, we removed stop words (e.g. the, and, in, etc.) and general topic
terms such as “jobs” and “employment”. We then collapsed terms that were obvious
phrases, such as “United” and “States” into one phrase (e.g. “United States”). This
resulted in 179 remaining query terms. We then classified each of these terms, resulting
in seven job-related refiner groupings.
Over 45 percent of all refiners were “location” (e.g. city, state or country), far more
prevalent than the next two most common refiners, “industry (e.g. airlines, hospital; 17
percent) and “skill set” (e.g. teaching, janitorial; 11 percent). “Company” refiners
referred to specific organizations (e.g. IBM, Ford), accounting for 8.9 percent. The
remaining refiners were “job sites” (e.g. classified ads), “government”, and “temporal”
(e.g. summer employment), accounting for 8.4 percent, 7.3 percent, and 2.2 percent
In reviewing the analysis of job-related searching over the last five years, some trends
in the ways job seekers search for information on the web are apparent. First, their
session lengths (i.e. the number of queries they submit) are very short, with the over 60
percent of the sessions containing only one query. Second, the number of terms in this
query is relatively high, with the majority of job seekers submitting queries with three
of more terms. Given that session and query length are indicators of the complexity of
information need and searching expertise, these two findings are contradictory.
Perhaps the shorter sessions are due to longer queries locating relevant information on
the first search. However, our analysis suggests this is not likely given the 52 percent
relevance rate we found. Another possibility is that the percentage of relevant
documents obtained was enough to satisfy the searchers. Once again, this does not
seem likely, especially considering other researchers’ findings that 43 percent of
surveyed individuals could not locate enough relevant information on the web, 33
percent were dissatisfied with the information on companies’ web sites, and 10 percent
had difficulty locating company web sites (Feldman and Klass, 2002). It may be that
job seekers are using a variety of information sources.
Number of topical relevant
Queries retrieving that
number of results
Topical relevant
results retrieved
10 6 60 11.3
9 5 45 8.5
8 18 144 27.1
7 8 56 10.5
6 13 78 14.7
5 15 75 14.1
4 8 32 6.05
3 6 18 3.4
2 7 14 2.6
1 9 9 1.7
100 531 100
Table IV.
Number of topical
relevance results by
Online job
Certainly, these results indicate that organizations that want to maximize the
number of searchers finding their web sites must do a better job of designing these
sites so that job applicants can find them. It would be useful for companies to take into
account the terms that job seekers are utilizing to locate job information and positions
on the web as they design their web sites. The data we provide in Table II and
Figures 13 should prove beneficial in this regard.
In our analysis of the terms that job seekers utilize, there currently appears to be a
very tight language that job seekers employ when searching, but there are also
indications that this language is expanding. The terms “employment” and “job” were
the most frequently occurring terms across the three time periods. Over that time, nine
new terms appeared in the top 25 terms, with four appearing in the most recent time
period. The core set of high-use terms was fairly stable, with 17 appearing throughout
the five-year period; however, the percent usage of the top terms is generally trending
downward. The top 25 terms accounted for 63 percent of all term occurrences in 1997
but only accounted for 50 percent of all term occurrences by 2001. This 13 percent drop
indicates a broadening of the job searching language over time.
Similarly, in analyzing the co-occurrence of terms, the most prevalent term,
“employment”, is being paired with a widening number of other terms over time.
Combined with the appearance of other narrower terms on the 2001 list (e.g.
“education”, “home”, “insurance”), it appears that the job searching language may be
moving from broad terms (e.g. “employment”, “opportunities”, “jobs”) to more specific
terms. This trend also suggests that searchers are getting more sophisticated and
specific in their searching. Thus, although there are some search words that appear
consistently, the speed of change in search patterns across the five years necessitates
continual examination of search trends over time to ensure that job seekers can locate
relevant job-related information.
Two terms showed increased usage over time: “” and “resume”. The
emergence of “” as a frequent search word is certainly an indication of the
influence that job boards have had on web job searching. Similarly, the increase in the
occurrences of the term “resume” mirrors the job board trend. It may also reflect the
increased recruitment of passive candidates, as companies are learning to “source”
potential candidates by searching for “resume” and “resume.htm” across the web
(Gutmacher, 2000; Leonard, 2000).
Although job boards are playing an increasingly important role in online
recruitment, it is apparent from our term co-occurrence analysis that significant
numbers of online job seekers continue to utilize general web search engines to locate
job-related information on “resume examples” and “resume education”, which may be
useful information for some web-based companies and service providers. Companies
desiring to recruit online should also consider submitting their web documents
containing job information to the major web search engines for indexing (i.e. the web
page is added to the search engine’s information base), ensuring their pages will appear
in search results.
Location terms, such as “California”, “Canada”, and “Texas”, had high occurrences
in all sampling periods, and “Florida” steadily increased over time. Although three US
states and Canada were the only locations appearing in the top terms, it is important to
note that there were numerous occurrences of other US states and other countries. This
corresponds with the finding that location was the most common refiner used in
searches. The obvious implication is for companies to include location descriptors for
job positions and announcements posted on their web sites.
Our findings also suggest that the relative precision (i.e. the ability to find topically
relevant results) of job-related searches was relatively low (52 percent). It seems
apparent from this low percentage that the terms job seekers use do not necessary
correspond to the terms that are used on corporate web sites. While this percentage is
low, the results are even less encouraging with respect to finding actual job postings.
Only 23 percent of job-related searches and 40 percent of job-specific searches
contained job postings. Of course, this may be the result of there being fewer available
jobs in general rather than a shortcoming of corporate web design, but it would seem
like a good recruiting strategy to link actual job postings or even a statement of current
hiring needs directly to job-related search results as often as possible.
Strengths and limitations
This study contributes to web research and online recruiting literature in important
ways. First, the data come from actual job seekers submitting genuine queries and
looking for job information. Accordingly, it provides a realistic glimpse into how web
users actually search, without the self-selection issues or altered behavior that can
occur with lab studies or survey data. Second, our sample is quite large, with
approximately 1,500 users within each time period, and more importantly, spans a
five-year period, permitting us to examine and report on trends in searching over time.
Finally, we obtained data from a very popular search engine at the time of data
collection and conducted our relevance analysis on three of the largest search engines
on the web to ensure that our results were generalizable.
As with any research, there are limitations that should be recognized. The sample
data comes from one major web search engine, introducing the possibility that the
queries do not represent the queries submitted by the broader online job-seeking
population. However, Jansen and Pooch (2001) have shown that characteristics of web
sessions, queries, and terms are very consistent across search engines. Another
potential limitation is that we do not have information about the demographic
characteristics of the users who submitted queries, so we must infer their
characteristics from the demographics of web searchers as a whole.
The set of query terms is also an imprecise measure of actual information need. We
have attempted to mitigate this shortcoming by using a modified snowball sampling
technique for choosing job-related terms and by utilizing multiple independent
reviewers in determining relevance. Finally, these queries may not reflect the type and
kind of job searching that is occurring on the popular job banks, such as or From our term analysis, it is apparent that these job banks will
continue to play a major role in job searching activities. However, it is important to note
that research shows that over 70 percent of online users utilize a general web search
engine to locate other web sites and web documents (CommerceNet/NielsenMedia,
1997), suggesting that the data we report provides insight into the terms and specific
sites for which individuals are searching, regardless of the particular system.
Overall, the data reported in this study provide a useful characterization of job-related
information searching and give companies insight into the terms and pairs that are
Online job
most frequently used. Equipped with this information, companies can design their web
sites to include these terms, provide more direct access to job postings and hiring
needs, and reach a larger pool of job candidates. Further research should continue to
examine the changing trends in searching and begin to explore more directly the
manner by which individuals use job boards in an attempt to find job-related
1. Times are Pacific Time as recorded by the Excite web server.
2. Jansen and Pooch (2001) provide useful definitions for key terminology. A term is any series
of characters separated by white space. A query is the entire string of terms submitted by a
searcher in a given instance. A session is the entire series of queries submitted by a user
during one interaction with the web search engine
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