Admissions Process for the Ed.D Program
International Applicants
Given that the application and admissions processes to the doctoral program require time, applicants should begin
collecting and submitting required paperwork once a decision has been made to apply. All paperwork that is
required within the first stage of the process is due by April 15 of the year in which application is being made.
Under this timeline, applicants receive a decision regarding their admission by May 15 of the same year. However,
the EdD Program Staff and Office encourage applications to be submitted, if possible, sooner than April 15 as the
material could be reviewed earlier throughout the admissions cycle.
The admissions process to the doctoral program consists of two stages. The first stage is a paper-based examination
of applicant data which is conducted by the Office of International Programs. The second stage is performance-
based and is undertaken by the School of Education Doctoral Program. The two academic teams work together to
implement these processes as follows:
Stage One Review: Office of International Programs. The office of International Programs coordinates a
review process with other personnel within the university to ensure the applicant is able to meet the criteria
established by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, United States Citizenship and Immigration
Services, and other agencies, as required. This process includes, but is not limited to: obtaining a copy of
the applicant’s passport; collecting data from standardized examinations; securing copies of evaluated
transcripts; and other related actions. This information must be received before Stage Two. Upon the
candidate’s successful completion of the Stage One process, the office of International Programs will send
verification of the applicant’s eligibility to the School of Education Doctoral Program for continued review
and consideration.
Note: The Office of International Programs reserves the right to undertake any identity verification
procedures that it believes are required in order to validate the applicant’s personal identity. Such
procedures may include, but are not limited to: direct contact with university faculty having personal
knowledge of applicant; request for additional documentation; photographic identification; and other means
as might be deemed necessary to authenticate the identity of applicant.
Should fraudulent identity be discovered:
During the application process, the process shall be immediately terminated and the School of
Education shall have no obligation to return any monies or materials provided as part of the
application process; and
After admission has been granted, the applicant shall be immediately dismissed from the program
and forfeit any and all rights to re-enrollment.
Entrance into candidacy within the doctoral program begins with the applicant’s certification by the Office
of International Programs. Please see the table below for an overview of the documents required in Stage
One of the application process. Should the Office of International Programs determine that the applicant
does not meet its requirements, the applicant shall not receive consideration for admission to the doctoral
Stage One Screening Process (Office of International Programs)
Initial Application Form and Non-Refundable Application Fee of $50.00 USD completed on the
University’s website
Copy of the Passport Photo Page
Standardized Examinations
Applicants from Non-English speaking countries:
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In those cases where English is not the native language of the applicant, score reports from the
Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
or the International English Language Testing
System (IELTS) are required for admission. In order to qualify for program admission, applicants
are required to obtain a minimum TOEFL score of 71 (iBT), 197 (cBT) or 527 (paper-based) as
determined by the type of examination that was taken. In the case of the IELTS, a minimum score
of 6.0 is required for program admission.
International candidates seeking to transfer from other regionally accredited United States post-
secondary institutions who have earned a minimum of thirty (30) college-level credit hours and
who meet the aforementioned standards of academic proficiency will not be required to submit
TOEFL or IELTS scores.
Applicants from English-speaking countries:
a. In those cases in which English is the spoken language, official score reports from the Graduate
Record Exam (GRE)
depicting performance in the areas of quantitative reasoning; verbal and
analytic writing are required. These data must be less than five (5) years old as of the date of
application. Applicants must obtain a minimum combined verbal and quantitative score of 285
and a minimum analytical writing score of 3.5.
Official Transcripts for all Graduate-Level Coursework
a. Lincoln Memorial University (LMU) requires that all graduate-level transcripts for international
candidates be evaluated and translated by an outside service. The official transcripts must be sent
to World Education Services (, or
) for a course-by-course
evaluation and verification that the degree is equivalent to a master’s degree issued from an
institution of post-secondary education in the United States of America. The official WES report
should be sent to LMU along with the application packet.
Recommendation Forms
Three (3) recommendations from persons knowledgeable of the applicant’s professional knowledge and
skills need to be completed and submitted.
Resume or Curriculum Vitae
A copy of the applicant’s resume or curriculum vitae is required and should be submitted.
Additional Documents - Additional documents as requested by the Office of International Admissions at
the time of application.
Stage Two Review: School of Education Doctoral Program. Following notification from the Office of
International Programs that an applicant has passed the Stage One review, the admissions representative for
the doctoral program will deliver the information collected by this office to the faculty Admissions
Committee. This Committee will review the data and make a determination regarding the applicant’s level
of preparation and likelihood of success in completing the degree requirements. In the event these data lead
the Committee to make an affirmative decision, the applicant will advance to Stage Two of the admissions
process. At this point in time, any information requested from the applicant should be submitted as follows:
Attention: Doctor of Education Program, Carter and Moyers School of Education, Lincoln Memorial
University Cedar Bluff, 421 Park 40 North Blvd., Knoxville, TN 37923.
International applicants recommended for Stage Two consideration will be asked to fulfill the requirements
listed in the table below. Admission packages for membership in the fall cohort must be submitted in
completed form prior to 31 May of the year in which admission is being sought.
Stage Two Screening Process (School of Education Doctoral Program)
TOEFL scores are non-negotiable applicants failing to perform at the stipulated level shall not be considered for
admission to the program
The GRE scores may be waived in lieu of an acceptable TOEFL or IELTS score
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Writing Sample
Applicants will submit a copy of a thesis or a formal paper that they completed as part of their master’s
degree program. Applicants may also be required to submit their philosophy of education and research
Structured Interview
Applicants will participate in an online or in-person structured interview with members of the doctoral
program faculty.
Topical Presentation
Applicants may be asked to provide a five (5) minute presentation on a current topic of their interest. This
presentation may be delivered in-person or via the Internet.
The Admissions Committee will review all available data and forward a final recommendation for, or
denial of, admission to the applicant. The decision of the Admissions Committee is final. Candidates who
are granted admission to Lincoln Memorial University will receive a letter of acceptance - a copy of which
will be provided to the Office of International Programs for use in working with the candidate to complete
all remaining processes. This letter, along with the I-20 form furnished by the University, must be
presented to the Consular Office of the United States to which the candidate applies for a student visa.
Those applicants accepted into the program will be required to complete, sign, and return related
documents (e.g, Affidavit of Support and Certification of Finances form) and pay the Candidate and
Exchange Visitor Information System (SEVIS 901) fee (see
.) These final steps in the
admissions process are coordinated and directed by the Office of International Programs.
Upon notice of acceptance, applicants will work with an assigned faculty member to complete a program of
study appropriate to the degree program and concentration(s) they have selected. Sample program of
studies plans are posted and available for review within the Graduate Education Catalog.
Applicants who are accepted for candidacy in the doctoral program will be expected to participate in an all
day orientation program which is offered one week in advance of the onset of fall term courses.
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