Customer Service Page 1
Scanning to a Mac OS X
This document describes how to scan to a repository on a Mac OS X computer from a
Xerox multifunction device. This document covers scanning via FTP in the Mac OS X
environment only. Setting up the Xerox device for scanning, and scanning a document to
a Macintosh repository are also discussed.
Note: Mac OS X version 10.1.5 and 10.2 were used to conduct testing for this document.
To scan from a Xerox device, you must access a remote storage directory, known as a
scan repository. If that repository resides on a Mac OS X computer, enable FTP services
to allow remote access. The Macintosh OS X includes native FTP services so that you do
not need third party FTP software.
Setting Up FTP
Providing FTP Access
This section provides the method to set up the FTP server used to transfer files from the
Xerox device to the Scan Repository residing on the Macintosh computer. For a
repository residing on a Mac OS X computer, FTP services must be enabled for remote
1. Select System Preferences from the Apple menu.
2. In the Internet & Network section, select [Sharing].
3. In the File & Web tab (Services tab in v10.2), select [Allow FTP Access].
Continue with the procedure in the next section before you close System Preferences.
Adding a User
1. Select [Show All] to display System Preferences again.
2. In the System section, select [Users] (select [Accounts] in v10.2).
Xerox Multifunction Devices
Customer Tips
… for the user
July 2, 2003
… for the user
This document applies
to these Xerox
x WC Pro 32/40 Color
x WC Pro 65/75/90
x WC Pro 35/45/55
WC M35/M45/M55
x DC 555/545/535
x DC 490/480/470/460
x DC 440/432/425/420
x DC 340/332
x DC 265/255/240
x DC 230/220
Page 2 Customer Service
3. In the Identity tab (Users tab in v10.2), click [New User]. Enter the following
information (examples shown):
Name: Xerox device user
Short Name: xduser
4. Select the Password tab. Type a password for the new user and confirm the
password. Click [OK].
5. Close System Preferences (
+ Q).
Note: In v10.2, the New User and Password fields are on the Users tab.
Each person who logs into the Mac OS X computer has a home folder inside the Users
folder on the hard disk. The home folder is where the Xerox device logs in to the FTP
session to transmit scan jobs.
Creating a Scan Folder
Although you can file scan jobs directly to the Xerox device’s user home folder, you may
want to create a folder off the user home folder to store scanned images. Use the
following steps to create this folder.
1. Log off the Mac OS X computer.
2. Log back on to the Mac OS X computer using the Xerox device’s user account you
created in step 3 of “Adding a User” (example: xduser).
3. On the top menu bar, select Go > Go to Folder.
4. Type the ~ (tilde) character immediately followed by the Xerox device’s user account
(example: ~xduser) and select [Go]. This opens the Users/<username> folder.
5. Select File > New Folder. Enter a folder name (example: scans) and press the
Return key. You have created a subfolder called “scans” off your Xerox device’s user
home folder (example: Users/xduser/scans).
Testing the FTP Setup
Ensure FTP is working properly by following these steps:
1. Go to Hard Drive > Applications > Utilities > Terminal. Double-click on the
Terminal icon.
2. At the command prompt, type the following and press the Return key:
ftp <IP address of the Mac OS X computer>
3. At the user name prompt, enter the user you created in step 3 in the “Adding a User”
section earlier in this document, and press the Return key.
4. At the password prompt, enter the password you created in step 4 in “Adding a User,”
and press the Return key. You are now logged in to an FTP session.
5. At the ftp> prompt, type pwd and press the Return key to access the user’s home
folder, Users/<username>.
6. If the login is successful, type cd <directory name> (example: cd scans) and
press the Return key to change the directory to the one you created in step 5 of
“Creating a Scan Folder,” earlier in this document.
7. Type mkdir <temporary directory name> and press the Return key to verify
you have write access to the repository folder. If successful, your FTP setup is
complete. Type rmdir <temporary directory name> and press the Return
key to remove the temporary directory you just created.
8. Type quit and press the Return key to end your FTP session.
9. Close the Terminal window.
Customer Service Page 3
Configuring the WC Pro 32/40 Color, WC Pro 65/75/90,
and the WC Pro 35/45/55
This section describes the steps to set up a scanning template and to scan a job using
the WC Pro devices.
Note: The WC Pro may require that you enter the Admin user name and password
during this procedure.
Creating a WC Pro 32/40 Color, WC Pro 65/75/90, or WC Pro 35/45/55
Scan Template
1. Use the WC Pro local user interface to verify TCP/IP is enabled and configured.
(Refer to the WC Pro system administration guide for instructions.)
2. Record the TCP/IP address of the WC Pro here: ___.___.___.___
3. Verify HTTP is enabled on the WC Pro.
4. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator on a workstation to enter the
TCP/IP address of the WC Pro (recorded in step 2), and access the CentreWare
Internet Services home page.
5. Select the Properties link or tab.
6. Select [Services > Network Scanning > File Repository Setup] on the left side of
the Properties tab.
7. Select [Add] or [Edit] under Default File Destination and enter/select the following:
Friendly Name: (Optional) Enter a name for your default repository.
Protocol: TCP/IP
Name or IP Address Select IP Address
IP Address and Port: The IP address of the Mac OS X computer. Port is set to
21 by default.
Document Path: The path to the scan directory in the Xerox device’s user
home folder (example: scans).
Login Name: The Xerox device user you created in step 3 of “Adding a
User” (Example: xduser)
Password: The password you entered in step 4 of ”Adding a User.”
Retype Password: Enter the password again.
8. Select [Apply]. An Enter Network Password box may appear. If so, enter the WC
Pro’s Admin user name and password. Select [OK].
9. Select the Scan link or tab.
10. Select [+] New Template and enter a template name to create a new scan template.
Page 4 Customer Service
11. Enter or select the following information:
Template Name: Your user name or the name you wish to call the
template (example: JSmith). – required field
Description: A description of the template. – optional field
Owner: Your name (example: Jane Smith). – optional field
Select [Apply]. Your new template appears under the Distribution Templates on the
left side of the Scan tab.
If you wish, you can edit the default settings of the scan template by selecting your
template name and changing options. Some options include enabling/disabling the
Scan Confirmation Report, changing the document format (TIFF, MultiTIFF, PDF), or
changing the filing policy (New Auto Generate, Overwrite, New Exact, Append).
Scan Using the WC Pro 32.40 Color, WC Pro 65/75/90, or WC Pro
1. Place the image face down on the WC Pro’s glass or face up in the document
2. Select All Services on the local user interface and Network Scanning.
3. On the Refresh Destinations tab, select [Update Template List].
4. On the Network Scanning tab, select your template (example: @JSmith).
5. Select [Start]. Verify the scan job was successful by checking the Scan
Confirmation Report (if enabled). When a file of the scanned image is ready, it
appears in your workstation's scan repository (example: /Users/xduser/scans).
Configuring the DC 555/545/535ST
This section describes the steps to set up a scanning template and to scan a job using
the DC 555/545/535 ST.
Note: The Document Centre may require that you enter the Admin user name and
password during this procedure.
Creating a DC 555/545/535 ST Scan Template
1. Use the Document Centre local user interface to verify TCP/IP is enabled and
configured. (Refer to the Document Centre system administration guide for
2. Record the TCP/IP address of the Document Centre here: ___.___.___.___
3. Verify HTTP is enabled on the Document Centre.
4. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator on a workstation to enter the
TCP/IP address of the Document Centre (recorded in step 2), and access the
CentreWare Internet Services home page.
5. Select the Properties link or tab.
Customer Service Page 5
6. Select [Services: Network Scanning: File Repository Setup] on the left side of the
Properties tab.
7. Select [Add] under Default File Destination and enter/select the following:
Friendly Name: (Optional) Enter a name for your default repository.
Protocol: TCP/IP
Name or IP Address Select IP Address
IP Address and Port: The IP address of the Mac OS X computer. Port is set to
21 by default.
Document Path: The path to the scan directory in the Xerox device’s user
home folder (example: scans).
Login Name: The Xerox device’s user you created in step 3 of “Adding a
User” (Example: xduser)
Password: The password you entered in step 4 of ”Adding a User.”
Retype Password: Enter the password again.
8. Select [Apply]. An Enter Network Password box may appear. If so, enter the
Document Centre’s admin user name and password. Select [OK].
9. Select the Services link or tab.
10. Select Scan: Distribution Templates.
11. Select [+] New Template to create a new scan template.
12. Enter or select the following information:
Template Name: Your user name or the name you wish to call the
template (example: JSmith). – required field
Description: A description of the template. – optional field
Owner: Your name (example: Jane Smith). – optional field
Select [Apply]. Your new template appears under the Distribution Templates on the
left side of the Services tab.
If you wish, you can edit the default settings of the scan template by selecting your
template name and changing options. Options include: enable/disable the Scan
Confirmation Report, change the document format (TIFF, MultiTIFF, PDF), or change the
filing policy (New Auto Generate, Overwrite, New Exact, Append).
Page 6 Customer Service
Scan Using the DC 555/545/535 ST
1. Place the image face down on the Document Centre’s glass or face up in the
document handler.
2. Select Features (or All Services on some devices) on the local user interface and
then Network Scanning.
3. On the Refresh Destinations tab, select [Update Template List].
4. On the Network Scanning tab, select your template (example: @JSmith).
5. Select [Start]. Verify the scan job was successful by checking the Scan
Confirmation Report (if enabled). When a file of the scanned image is ready, it
appears in your workstation's scan repository (example: /Users/xduser/scans).
Configuring the DC 440/432/425/420 ST, the DC 340/332
ST, and the DC 230/220 ST
This section describes the steps to set up a scanning template and how to scan a job
using the DC 440/432/425/420 ST, DC 340/332 ST, and DC 230/220 ST.
Note: The Document Centre may require that you enter the Admin user name and
password during this procedure.
Creating a DC 440/432/425/420 ST, DC 340/332 ST, and DC 230/220 ST
Scan Template
1. From the Document Centre local user interface, verify TCP/IP is enabled and
configured. (Refer to the Document Centre System Administration Guide for
2. Record the TCP/IP address of the Document Centre here: ___.___.___.___
3. Verify that HTTP is enabled on the Document Centre.
4. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator on a workstation, enter the
TCP/IP address of the Document Centre (recorded in step 2) to access the
CentreWare Internet Services home page.
5. Select the Properties link or tab.
6. Select [Services : Stored Templates : Repository Setup] on the left side of the
Properties tab.
7. Enter the filing information for the Mac OS X repository:
Repository List: default
Protocols: TCP/IP
File Server IP Address: The IP address of the Mac OS X computer.
Directory Path: The path to the scan directory in the Xerox device’s user
home folder (example: scans).
Customer Service Page 7
Login Name: The Xerox device’s user you created in step 3 of the
“Adding a User” section earlier in this document
(example: xduser)
Password: The password you entered in step 4 of “Adding a User.”
8. Select [Apply New Settings]. An Enter Network Password box may appear. If so,
enter the Document Centre’s Admin user name and password. Select [OK].
9. On the Services link or tab, select [Stored Templates]. Select [+] new to create a
new scan template.
10. Enter the following information:
Name: Your user name or the name you wish to call the template (Example:
JSmith) – required field
Description: A description of the template – optional field
Owner: Your name (Example: JSmith) – optional field
11. Select [File] and then [Apply]. The template appears under Device Templates on the
left side of the screen.
If you wish, you can edit the default settings of the scan template by selecting File under
your template name. On the right side of the window, you can change options such as
enable/disable the Confirmation Report, change the document format (TIFF, MultiTIFF,
PDF), or change the filing policy (New Auto Generate, Overwrite, New Exact, Append).
Scan Using the DC 440/432/425/420 ST, DC 340/332 ST, or DC 230/220 ST
1. Place the image face down on the Document Centre’s glass or face up in the
document handler.
2. Select [Features] at the Document Centre and the [Scan] tab on the user interface.
3. On the [Scan] tab, select your template (example: @JSmith.xst).
4. Select [Start]. Verify the scan job was successful by checking the Scan
Confirmation Report. When a file of the scanned image is ready, it appears in your
workstation's scan repository (example: /Users/xduser/scans).
Configuring the DC 490/480/470/460 ST and the
DC 265/255/240 ST
This section describes the steps to set up a scanning template and how to scan a job
using the DC 490/480/470/460 ST and the DC 265/255/240 ST.
Note: The Document Centre may require that you enter the Admin user name and
password during this procedure.
Creating a DC 490/480/470/460 ST and DC 265/255/240 ST Scan Template
1. Use the Document Centre local user interface to verify TCP/IP is enabled and
configured. (Refer to the Document Centre System Administration Guide for
2. Record the TCP/IP address of the Document Centre here: ___.___.___.___
3. Verify HTTP is enabled on the Document Centre.
Page 8 Customer Service
4. Use Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator on a workstation to enter the
TCP/IP address of the Document Centre (recorded in step 2), and access the
CentreWare Internet Services home page.
5. Select the [Properties] link or tab.
6. Select [Services : Distribution Templates : Repository Setup] on the left side of
the Properties tab.
7. On the right side under Repository Setup, enter/select the following:
Repository List: Document Repository 0
Protocols: TCP/IP
File Server IP Address: The IP address of the Mac OS X computer. Port is set to
21 by default.
Directory Path: The path to the scan directory in the Xerox device’s user
home folder (example: scans).
Login Name: The Xerox device user you created in step 3 of the
“Adding a User” section earlier in this document
(example: xduser).
Password: The password you entered in step 4 of “Adding a User.”
Retype Password: Enter the password again.
8. Select [Apply New Settings]. An Enter Network Password box may appear. If so,
enter the Document Centre’s Admin username and password. Select [OK].
9. Select the [Services] tab or link.
10. Select [Distribution Templates].
11. Select [+] new to create a new scan template.
12. Enter or select the following information:
Name: Your user name or the name you wish to call the template
(example: JSmith). – required field
Description: A description of the template. – optional field
Owner: Your name (example: JSmith). – optional field
Confirmation Sheet: Check to generate a report that contains the status of
scanned images. – enable recommended
Suppress Job Log: The job log is created when the template is used for
scanning and contains information about the scan job.
Checked = Enabled / Unchecked = Disabled
Select [Apply]. Your new template appears under the Distribution Templates on the
left side of the Services tab.
Customer Service Page 9
If you wish, you can edit the default settings of the scan template by selecting your
template name and changing options. Options include: enable/disable the Scan
Confirmation Report, change the document format (TIFF, MultiTIFF, PDF), or change the
filing policy (New Auto Generate, Overwrite, New Exact, Append).
Scan Using the DC 490/480/470/460 ST or DC 265/255/240 ST
1. Place the image face down on the Document Centre’s glass or face up in the
document handler.
2. Select [Features] on the Document Centre and [Network Scanning] on the user
3. On the Network Scanning tab, select [Update Template List].
4. Select your template (example: @JSmith), then select [Start]. Verify the scan job was
successful by checking the Scan Confirmation Report (if enabled). When a file of
the scanned image is ready, it appears in your workstation’s scan repository
(example: /Users/xduser/scans).
Page 10 Customer Service
Additional Information
Xerox Customer Service welcomes feedback on all documentation - send feedback via
e-mail to: [email protected].
You can reach Xerox Customer Support at 1-800-821-2797 (USA),
TTY 1-800-855-2880 or at http://www.xerox.com.
Other Tips about Xerox multifunction devices are available at the following URL:
XEROX ®, The Document Company ®, the digital X ®, and all Xerox product names are trademarks of
XEROX CORPORATION. Other trademarks belong to their respective owners.
Copyright © XEROX CORPORATION 2003. All Rights Reserved.