Expense Management Software
For the Home
Mac OS Version
User Guide
Version 2.8.3
© 2012 Anishu, Inc. Page 2
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© 2012 Anishu, Inc. Page 3
Congratulations on your purchase of the HomeBudget software!
To get the most out of your purchase of HomeBudget, we recommend that you take a
few minutes to read through this user guide.
HomeBudget is an expense tracker designed to help you budget, track and possibly
control your monthly expenses at home. HomeBudget provides an integrated set of
features to help you manage your expenses and cash flow. HomeBudget supports
tracking of both your expenses and income, and includes support for budgets, accounts,
payees and bill tracking. HomeBudget provides the ability to group your expenses into
categories and sub-categories, and lets you set a budget, and track expenses at the
category/sub-category level.
The features within HomeBudget are well integrated such that a bill can become an
expense (when you pay for it) and adjust the account balance at the same time.
HomeBudget includes Family Sync that allows family members to exchange expense
and income information automatically among their devices, and work within a single
When you launch HomeBudget, you are presented with a Home screen that includes a
summary of your Expenses, Bills, Income, and Budget for the current month, and the
Accounts balances. The Home screen consists of 8 application screens, which can be
reached by tapping the menu items.
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The Expenses screen provides the ability to add, modify and delete expense entries. It
also provides a display of monthly expenses by category or date, and provides the ability
to drill down to specific expense entries. This expense screen allows navigation by
month, and includes support for setting up recurring expenses.
The Bills screen allows both one-time and recurring bills to be set up. This provides both
a calendar view and a list view of your bills so you easily tell when bills are due. You can
also configure bill reminders either in the form of alerts (displayed when HomeBudget is
launched) or a badge display in the application icon.
The Income screen provides the ability to add, modify and delete income entries. It
allows automatic generation of recurring income entries, as well as ability to input non-
recurring income.
The Budget screen provides the ability to define your expense categories and
subcategories. The same screen allows you to set budget amounts for various
categories and subcategories. While HomeBudget software comes with a set of pre-
defined categories and sub-categories, you have the freedom to completely redefine the
expense categories and sub-categories.
The Accounts screen allows you to create accounts such as Checking, Savings, Credit,
Debit, Cash, etc. Also, the Accounts screen supports one-time and recurring transfers
between accounts.
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The Payee screen allows you to create payees either for bill tracking, or when you need
to tracks payments for a specific payee over time.
The Reports screen presents a trend graph of your expense and income for the last 12
months. This screen also includes the facility to produce reports and save them in PDF
or CSV format. The data saved as CSV files can be opened by Microsoft Excel.
The Search screen allows you to search among your expenses.
In addition to the 8 screens above, there are 4 more screens reachable from the Home
The Settings screen (reached by tapping the Gear icon at the bottom right)
allows you to configure password protection, set your email address, configure
Family Sync, and perform backups (and restore).
The Forecast screen (accessed by tapping the F icon on the top right) shows the
calculated future expenses and income based on your recurring
expense/bill/income settings. The application also supports per-account forecast,
which is similarly accessed by tapping the F button in the account transactions
The Quick Summary screen is reached by tapping the multi-purpose icon at the
top left, and provides a quick summary of income and expenses for the day,
week, month and year.
The “i” icon at the bottom left provides help information in addition to a quick
overview of HomeBudget.
HomeBudget stores all of your data locally on your Mac in the following folder:
HomeBudget bases it time/date calculations on your local time and respects the locale
setting on your computer. It displays currency amounts and dates according to your
locale settings and lets you enter data in your local language. It is possible to override
the home currency from the Settings screen.
HomeBudget supports multiple currencies. The expense/income amounts can be in
any currency. When entering the amount in the amount calculator, you can choose the
amount currency and the exchange rate to convert the amount to the home
currency (automatically fetched from the Internet by default). Also, each account can
have its own base currency. The currency of an account needs to be set when creating
the account, by setting the initial balance in the right currency. If the expenses/income
are being associated with an account, the currency needs to be in the account currency.
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It is important to become familiar with terminology used by HomeBudget. HomeBudget
Expenses and recurring expenses
Bills and recurring bills
Categories and subcategories for expenses
Income and recurring income
Transfers and recurring transfers between accounts
Expenses represent cash outflow, where as Bills are expenses waiting to happen.
Every bill becomes an expense when paid for. Both expenses and bills can be
associated with a payee. Also, expenses can be classified under a category and
subcategory. Budget represents a planned expense amount under a specific
Income represents cash inflow. Both income and expenses can be associated with an
account, allowing you track the balance in the accounts. The transfers between accounts
result in no net change in the total balance.
Expenses, Income, Bills and Transfer can recur periodically. Recurring entries are setup
by tapping the R button on the lower left of the Expense, Income and Bills screen, and
by using a specific recurring-transfer button on the Accounts screen. Often, it can be
confusing to understand how to go about using the features such as expenses, income,
bills, and accounts all together. Here is a simple example to help understand the
common usage sequence:
John has a checking account and a credit-card account, with a starting balance of $0 in
Checking bal: $0 CreditCard bal: $0 Accounts total: $0
John has an income of $10, which he deposits into the checking account. John incurs an
expense of $8, which he pays with the credit card. The credit card bill is not received
until next month. After entering the income and the expense:
Income total: $10 Expense total: $8 Income-Expense: $2 Unpaid Bills: $0
Checking bal: $10 CreditCard bal: -$8 Accounts total: $2
Next month, John gets a bill from the credit card company for $8. Bill is entered with a
reminder for due date.
Income total: $10 Expense total: $8 Income-Expense: $2 Unpaid Bills: $8
Checking bal: $10 CreditCard bal: -$8 Accounts total: $2
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When John pays the bill, it is entered as a transfer from the checking account to the
credit card account. After the payment (transfer):
Income total: $10 Expense total: $8 Income-Expense: $2 Unpaid Bills: $0
Checking bal: $2 CreditCard bal: $0 Accounts total: $2
Please note that you don’t necessarily need to use the Accounts feature. You can simply
start entering your expenses under different categories. Similarly, you don’t need to use
the Bills feature unless you need Bill reminders. The next section provides information
on how to get started, and incrementally become familiar with the features of
HomeBudget. Also, refer to the best practices section at the end of this guide.
We recommend the following usage sequence:
To get started, simply go to the Expenses screen, and start entering expense
entries. Make new Categories and Subcategories as needed.
You can enter your income information on the Income screen. You will be able to
track how your expenses relate to your income.
If you need reminders on making bill payments and need to track payments to
various payees, start using the Bills screen. The best practice would be to start
entering bills as you receive them and convert the bills into Expenses as you
make payments on them. You can also configure recurring bills. For recurring
bills, you do not need to enter the bill amount. You can enter the bill amounts
after you receive your bills.
If you choose to use the accounts feature, create your checking or credit-card
accounts from the Accounts screen. You will be able to associate your expense
and income entries with your accounts. HomeBudget will adjust the account
balances to help you accurately track the current balances.
Over time, as you get a handle on your expense level for various categories and
subcategories, start using the Budget screen to set budget amounts for the
various categories. With budget amounts set by categories, you will be able
manage your spending levels.
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The Settings screen is accessed from the Home screen by tapping the Gears icon at the
bottom right.
The Settings screen lets you
Override your currency
Set the start date for the monthly cycle
Configure Family Sync
Configure backup and restore
Currently, HomeBudget uses monthly cycles for displaying expense, income and bills.
You can set the start date for the monthly cycle. By default, the monthly cycles start on
the 1
. You can change this date to a number between 1 and 28. Please note that when
you change the start date to, say 5, then February 5 to March 4
is treated at February
(as most days for the month are in February). As a result expenses/income with a date
of February 1 will appear under January. Similarly if the start date is set at a number
greater than 15, the expenses for the later part of the month appear in the next month.
For example, if the start date is set as 25, then January 25 to February 24 is treated as
February (as most days of the month are in February). So, expenses/incomes with a
date of Jan 28
will appear under February.
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The Expense screen lets you add/modify/delete expense entries. The Expense screen
presents expenses in a table format, and allows browsing by month.
To switch between different months, tap the Previous and Next arrow keys next to the
month. To add a new expense entry, tap the + sign at the top right. To modify or delete
an expense entry, simply click on the entry in the table. You can change the display
order by clicking the column header in the table.
The Expense screen also includes options to configure recurring expenses. To configure
recurring expenses, tap the recurring icon (with letter R) at the bottom left of the
Expenses screen.
You can see the pie/bar chart of the expenses, cick on the Show Chart button. You show
or hide chart clicking on the button again. Also, you can switch between pie and bar
chart display of the data by clicking the pie/bar button next to legend.
In case you need to enter refunds or returns, simply enter them as negative amounts.
To add a new expense entry tap the Plus button at the top right of the Expense screen.
The expense data entry screen slides in. You will need to:
Enter expense date.
Choose the expense category and sub-category by tapping the
Category/Subcategory dropdown box.
Enter amount. You have the option to change the expense currency. If you
change the currency, check the exchange rate.
You can optionally associate an account or a payee with the expense entry
Add any notes. It is useful to enter any relevant keywords or store name in the
notes field. This will allow you to easily locate this entry later when you use the
Search option.
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In case a single receipt amount needs to be classified across multiple categories, you
can use the Split Categories option to enter the splits. In this case, when you save the
entry, multiple expense entries will be generated one for each category. However, a
single entry will show up in the account transactions for any associated account (e.g.
credit card) to make it easy to reconcile this receipt amount. From account transactions,
you will have option of viewing the splits.
In case this expense entry applies to more than one month, you can split the expense
across several months. An example of this is paying for your auto-insurance for 6
months at a time. If an expense applies to more than one month, the software creates
multiple per-month expense entries, and the total expense amount is divided across
these entries. This allows you to do meaningful comparison with your monthly budget. A
better alternative to this is to use the recurring expense feature, which also generated
multiple future dated expense entries.
You can choose to attach a photo image of the receipt for the expense. For this, tap the
paper clip icon at the bottom of the Add Expense screen. Once you have attached a
photo image, you can tap the photo image to magnify/replace/delete the image.
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You can update or delete an existing expense entry. From the Expenses screen, simply
tap the expense entry to enter the expense detail screen. Make any changes and
remember to Save them.
Also, you can choose to delete an expense entry from this screen. For this, simply tap
the trashcan icon on the bottom right, and confirm OK.
Tapping the Charts icon on the bottom right of the Expenses screen takes you to the
Charts screen. This screen presents a pie/bar chart of the expense break down (among
the various categories), and allows navigation by month.
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The HomeBudget software includes an option to auto generate recurring expense
entries. The will avoid the need for you to enter expense entries in cases where the
monthly amount is same every month. We recommend that you use the auto-generate
option only when (a) the monthly expense amount is fixed, and (b) you have automatic
payment setup from either your bank account or credit card. Such payments tend to
happen on a specific day every month. An example of this would be your mortgage
payment or your auto loan payment.
To configure recurring expense entry generation, tap the R icon on the bottom left of the
Expenses screen.
In the Recurring expenses screen, tap the + button on the top right to add new recurring
expense. In this screen, select the category, enter the amount, select the recurring
frequency, enter the date for the next expense, and then, save your settings.
In all recurring entry settings, in the screen where you select the start date, you have the
option to set the end date for the recurring entry. The end-date can be No-end
(Indefinite), or you can choose a specific end-date. When the no-end date is specified,
the recurring entries are generated on their due date one at a time. When a specific end-
date is given, you have the option to generate all future entries immediately (the default),
or generate them over time each on their due date.
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HomeBudget includes support for Bill tracking. To HomeBudget, a bill is an expense
waiting to happen. All bills eventually become an expense (or a transfer). You can enter
bills as they come in, and easily track what is paid and what is not.
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For every bill, you should pre-define a Payee. To enter a bill, tap the plus (+) button on
the top right. In the “Add Bill” screen, select the bill type, select the Payee, enter the bill
amount and the due date. You can also update and delete a bill.
To make a payment on an un-paid bill, tap the specific bill, and the tap the “Make
Payment” button. This will open the “Add Expense” screen with the Payee and amount
fields pre-filled in. You can choose to change the amount.
A paid bill has an associated expense entry. On a paid bill, there is a button to view the
associated expense as shown below.
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Only un-paid bills can be deleted. Once a bill is paid, in order to delete a bill, you should
first delete the associated expense entry by first going to the Expense screen. When an
expense associated with a bill is deleted, the associated bill is marked as un-paid. At this
point, you can edit/delete the bill.
Most bills can be entered as Expenses. However, certain bills such as credit card
payments may need to be entered as account transfers. If you already associated your
expenses with a credit card account in HomeBudget, then the corresponding credit card
payment will need to be entered as a Transfer to avoid double accounting your
HomeBudget includes support for recurring bills. To reach the recurring bills screen, tap
the R icon at the bottom left. In the recurring bills screen, tap the + button on the top
right to add new recurring bill.
The recurring bill screen looks similar to a non-recurring bill. There are two differences
The bill amount can be left as “Varies”, when the amount varies for each bill. If
the amount is fixed, enter the bill amount.
You have the option to generate all future bills immediately (default) or
progressively where each new bill is generated on the due date of the previous
bill. This is set in the screen where you specify the next bill due date.
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The Income screen behaves similar to the Expense screen. You can browse income by
month, and move between months by tapping the previous and next arrows.
To add a new income, tap the Plus sign on the top right of the screen. To update or
delete an existing income entry, tap the arrow button next to an income entry. To add an
Income entry, enter the description, date, amount and any notes.
To edit or delete an existing income entry, tap the green button next the income entry.
To delete an Income entry, tap the Trashcan icon at the bottom right of the income
screen and confirm OK.
HomeBudget includes a facility to auto-generate income entries where the income
amount is fixed and occurs periodically. This is ideal for tracking income from salary
payments, and avoids the need to enter income information repeatedly. The Recurring
Income section below describes how to configure this feature. But it is important to note
that the auto-generated income entries show up in the monthly income screen. See
below for details.
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HomeBudget can auto-generate recurring income entries. To reach the Recurring
Income screen, tap the recurring button at the bottom left of the Income screen. Once
you are in the Recurring Income screen, it shows you the list of currently scheduled
recurring incomes, if any.
Tap the + button to add a recurring income entry. You can edit/delete existing recurring
income settings.
It is important to note that the Recurring Income screen does not allow you to enter
specific instances of income; it only allows you to configure auto generation of income
instances (entries) in the future. All such generated entries show up in the Monthly
income screen, which you are free to edit and delete further. To edit/delete the Recurring
income setting, tap the green button next to the entry. Any edits to the recurring income
setting applies to future entries only and does not affect entries generated in the past.
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The HomeBudget application comes with a set of pre-defined categories and sub
categories. You have the freedom to completely redefine the expense categories and
sub-categories. The main budget screen shows the categories and the sub-categories.
Tapping the popup button in the sub-category panel opens up the screen where you can
set the budget amount for the sub-category.
The Category and Sub-category panels include a visual progress bar for each of the
The bar shows up when you set the budget amount (or enter an expense) for a
category/sub-category. The gray colored segment indicates the actual expense amount
for the budget cycle, and this amount is indicated below the progress bar. The green
colored segment represents the remaining budget amount. A red-colored segment is
produced if the expense amount exceeds the budget amount. The balance amount
(which is budget minus the actual expense) is shown below the budget and is color-
coded in green or red depending on whether the expense is below or over the budget.
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HomeBudget provides an option to set one total budget amount instead of setting budget
amounts at the category/subcategory level.
There are two types of Budget views available: Current Cycle view and Monthly view.
This option can be set from the Settings screen available from within the Budget screen.
The Current Cycle view shows the current cycle budget, expenses and balance available
for each category. The Monthly View provides a month-by-moth view where budget
amounts are proportionately scaled to monthly amounts.
To add/delete/edit categories or subcategories, tap the Edit button on the top right of the
Category or Subcategory screen. You can edit (rename) an existing category or sub-
category, and also change the associated icon.
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To set the budget amount for a given category/subcategory, start by tapping the arrow
button next to the category, which takes you to the sub-category screen. Tap the arrow
button next to the sub-category to enter the screen for setting the budget amount.
In the Budget screen, set the expense type. HomeBudget allows classifying your
expenses into essential, and non-essential. Essential expenses are further classified
into: (i) fixed (e.g. Rent), and (ii) variable (e.g. Electricity). Typically, you have little or no
control over fixed expenses, and you have some control over variable expenses. Non-
essential expenses (e.g. Entertainment) are called discretionary. It is assumed that you
have full control over discretionary expenses. The classification entered here is used in
calculating the disposable income in the Lookback screen. For information on Lookback,
refer to the Lookback screen under Reports.
Enter the budget amount. The amount you set becomes the budget for the current
period as well as the budget amount for the future periods. When you change the budget
amount, it does not change the budget amount for the previous/past periods - they keep
their existing values.
Chose the budget cycle, and the budget cycle start date. HomeBudget allows different
budget cycles.
HomeBudget provides support for Budget rollover. Rollover allows you to carry forward
unspent (overspent) budget amounts to future months. Budget rollover is off by default.
To configure budget rollover, turn the rollover switch on. If you want to start with an initial
rollover amount, enter the value. Usually, the Initial Rollover field contains the carry over
from previous periods.
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Note that, at present, you can set budget only at the sub-category level, and not at the
category level.
You have the option to override a budget for a specific month. (The Budget Override
button appears once a budget has been set). In the Budget Override screen, you can set
different budget amounts for different months. These settings override the default budget
amount for those specific months. Also, this is useful when you have a one-time
expense. In this case, you can set the budget for category/subcategory to 0 (zero), then
use the override screen to set the budget for the specific month (one-time).
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HomeBudget allows you to create accounts such as Checking, Savings, Credit, Debit,
Cash, etc., and associate them with your expense and income entries. The Accounts
screen looks as follows:
To add an account, tap the + sign on the top right.
To enter a Transfer, tap the button at the bottom left. To enter recurring transfers, tap the
second button at the bottom left. The 3
button is for file-based data import of OFX
formatted data. The fourth button is for Settings specific to the Accounts section.
The ‘Add Account’ screen looks as follows. Pick a meaningful (but short) name for the
account. A short name will help HomeBudget fit the name within the display fields in
various screens. For the account type, the software allows you to enter any free text.
Typical entries for this field would be: Checking, Savings, Credit, Debit, Current, Cash,
etc. Enter the initial balance for this account as of a specific date by matching with your
real world account. You can (and should) enter negative balance for credit accounts
where you currently owe money. When entering the initial balance make sure to choose
the right currency for the account (even if the balance is zero). This currency becomes
the base currency for the account. (At present, it is not possible to change the currency
of an account once created). Also, make sure that the As-of date is filled correctly to
match the balance.
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New (and existing) expense and income entries can be associated with the accounts.
You can also choose to not associate any account with a given expense or income
entry. When an expense entry is associated with the account, it reduces the balance on
the account. When an income entry is associated with the account, it increases the
balance on the account. You can track account balances after the transactions. You can
also view the current list of transactions for a given account.
HomeBudget supports per-account forecast, which is accessed by tapping the F button
on the top right of the account transactions screen.
The Accounts feature has been designed for maximum flexibility. Hence, you are
allowed to override and reset the account balance anytime. You can set the balance as
of a given date by matching with your real world account. HomeBudget calculates the
current balance by taking into account all transactions between the starting balance date
and now. This method of dynamic account balance calculation allows you to enter
transactions in any order and enter a forgotten transaction anytime.
For example, you can set the balance as of August 1 from your bank (or credit card)
statement, and then HomeBudget will calculate the current balance by taking into
account all income/expense/transfers between August 1 and now. The current balance
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shown (under All Transactions) in HomeBudget and the real world account will match if
all transactions have been correctly entered in HomeBudget (or if all checks issued have
been cashed). If the balances don't match, you can go through the reconciliation process
by comparing with the statement and marking each transaction in the account.
Performance Note: We highly recommend setting the account balance periodically (say
every few months) to match the real-world account balance. This way the day-to-day
balance you see with HomeBudget will tend to match closely with your real-world
account. Also, this will speed up the application as the period over which the balance
calculations are done dynamically is reduced.
You can reconcile a HomeBudget account with your real-world account statement. To
reconcile an account:
1. In the Account screen, set the Balance and the As-of date to the statement starting
balance and the statement start date. (The Account screen is reached by tapping the
Edit button on top right).
2. If your statement includes any interest or fee, make sure to add expense/income
entries in HomeBudget and associate them with the account (if you haven't already).
3. HomeBudget calculates the current balance by taking into account all transactions
between statement start date and now. If the current balance displayed under All
Transactions matches your real world account balance, then you are done.
4. If the current balance shown in HomeBudget does not match the account balance,
you can go through the reconciliation process. Going through the statement, in the
'View Transactions' screen, mark transactions as reconciled by tapping the green
check mark in front of the entries.
5. As you mark (tap the checkmark next to) each transaction, the reconciled balance
will reflect the calculated balance using only the marked transactions
6. If all entries are accounted for, the statement balance and the reconciled balance
should match. If not, you can find the missing entry (or a check that wasn’t cashed)
that causes the mismatch.
You can also transfer amounts between accounts. For example, if you pay your credit
card balance from your bank account, you can do a transfer between these two
accounts. The Transfer screen is reached by tapping the transfer button at the bottom
left of the Accounts screen.
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HomeBudget provides support for recurring transfers. This option is reachable by
tapping the second button at the bottom left of the Accounts screen.
Recurring transfers are useful when you want a certain amount to be transferred from
one account to another periodically.
For some reason, if you are not happy with your transaction entries and want to clean up
your accounts and start over, just delete the account and start again. When you delete
an account, the expense/income entries become un-associated with any account, and all
transfers from/to the account get deleted.
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HomeBudget allows you to define Payees for your expense payments. While the Payees
are normally associated with Bills, you can define and associate Payees with your
expenses independent of the Bills feature. Any time you need to track payments by a
specific payee (or Vendor), you can use the Payee option.
To add a new Payee, tap the plus (+) button on the top right. In the Add Payee screen,
Name is the only required field. All other information is optional.
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From the Payees screen, tap the payee name to see the payments for a given payee. In
the Payments screen, tap the Edit button on top right to update the information for the
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The Reports screen includes a trend chart for the last 6-months, pie/bar charts for
monthly expense breakdown, and the options to export data by email or WiFi.
The Trend chart shows a line graph of the expense trend for the last 6 months. It also
shows the budget line and as well the income trend for the 6 months, allowing you to get
a complete picture of your income and expenses, and to track how you are doing with
respect to your set budget goals. The same data is presented in a table form for the last
12 months. Tap the numbers (123) icon on the top right to see the trend table with
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The Report screen includes a cumulative lookback capability.
Cumulative Lookback screen takes a start-date and an end-date as input, and allows
four types of usage:
View the budget screens (budget vs. expenses by category) between the start
and end dates, allowing a cumulative view that automatically includes budget-
rollover. For this view, tap the ‘Lookback by Category’ button.
Compare budget vs. expenses for the period (in table and bar-chart form) across
the 3 expense types: fixed, variable, discretionary
Answer questions such as how much did you make last year and how much did
you spend
Determine your disposable income to enable forward planning
Also, make note of the following:
The start-date defaults to the first day of month for the earliest expense in
The end-date defaults to this month’s last date.
Budget amounts for the period are calculated proportional to the number of days
in the period from the monthly (30-day) budget amounts.
Essential expenses are calculated as the sum of the fixed and variable
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Disposable income is defined as income remaining after paying for all essential
expenses; it is the income remaining for spending and saving. It is also referred
to as discretionary income. Please look up this term in Google for additional
In the Reports screen, tap the Export button at the bottom right to enter the Export
The export format can be PDF or CSV. Select the start and end dates for the export.
You can optionally include the receipts in your export. When click ‘Submit’, HomeBudget
prompts for the location to save the report on your computer.
If you are looking to export your data into Microsoft Excel, use the CSV format. The CSV
formatted file can be directly opened in Microsoft Excel.
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The Search screen presents a search bar. In the search bar, enter your search terms.
The search terms are matched against the subcategory names and also across the
contents of the notes field. Matched expense entries show up in the screen as you enter
the letters of the search term, allowing you to narrow down to the right set of expense
entries with just a few taps.
Family Sync is an advanced feature that allows a group of devices within a family to
exchange expense and income information, and work together within a single budget.
Once setup, the devices sync with each other automatically over the air. All devices in a
family that need to sync together form a Group. When you create a group, you will give it
a name and a password. You will share the password with other members of your group
to enable them to join the group and participate in the updates. The device that creates
the group is the primary device and all other devices are secondary.
The family sync feature relies on having network connectivity either through the carrier
data network (3G or Edge) or through a WiFi connection. When participating in family-
sync, as a user interacts with the app, the changes made on one device are sent out as
a series of updates to other devices in the group. The other devices apply the updates
as they receive them.
Getting Started
Here are the steps to get started:
1. The Family Sync menu is accessed from the Settings screen.
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2. Identify the device in your family that will act as the primary device. From the primary
device, access the Family Sync Menu and create a group. Name the Group
3. From the secondary device, access the Family Sync Menu and Join the Group.
4. Transfer initial data from the primary device to all secondary devices. This will ensure
that all devices in the group start with the same initial state. This is a required step,
even if you are starting from scratch on primary and secondary devices. Also,
note that you will need to receive the data from the secondary devices within
60 seconds of sending from the primary device. For the security of your data,
the data from the primary device is only available for 60 seconds.
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5. After this point, any entries that you make on a device would be automatically synced
among all devices within the group.
Additional Information
After receiving and applying the updates, the device vibrates and updates the current
screen in most cases. From the Home screen (see below), you can also view the last
sync time, and force sync anytime by tapping on the sync button at the center of the
bottom toolbar.
As changes are first applied locally (and then on the other devices), the transaction
entries may not appear in the same order on different devices.
All devices in the group need to be running the same version of HomeBudget. When
one of the devices is upgraded, other devices are prompted to upgrade.
The recurring expense/income entries can be created on both the primary and
secondary devices. The entries are merely settings using which actual
expense/income entries are generated on the specified dates. When family sync is in
effect, the expense/income transactions are generated on the device that created the
entry and then propagated to other devices in the group.
Receipt images and uploaded icons are not synced between the devices. You can
manually upload the icons on all devices.
How to handle data consistency issues?
In case if you get into inconsistent state between the devices, the best course of action
is to transfer the primary's data to all secondary devices, and start with a new initial data
on all the secondary devices. This will provide a new starting point where all devices
have the same state as the primary device. For this, the use menu items "Send Initial
Data" and "Receive Initial Data" from the Family Sync menu.
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HomeBudget allows you to upload your own list of category icons. The ‘Upload Category
Icons’ screen is accessible from the Maintenance section in the Settings menu. Follow
the instructions on this page to upload your own set of category icons that are
appropriate for your usage and expense types. Many websites on the Internet allow you
to download icons that are free for personal use. One such site is: www.iconspedia.com.
This site has a nice search facility to locate icons. Also, there are websites that allow you
to resize your icons and images online to the required 32x32 pixel size. One such site is:
Please note that your icons zip file should be named icons.zip. If this file is present,
HomeBudget makes the icons in the file available for use. If you need to make any
changes, simply upload a new icons.zip file. Every new upload simply overwrites
existing icons.zip file. (Please note that the applications’ built-in icons are kept separate
from the ones you upload).
On a Mac, use the following command to create the zip file. You will need to run this
command in the directory that contains the .png files. This will create the file without the
top level directory.
W%A''X$''%=+3<(W%A ''Y(A30'
© 2012 Anishu, Inc. Page 35
You should take periodic backup of your data. If you happen to lose the HomeBudget
data on your Mac (for whatever reason), or simply want to restore the application state to
a previous point in time, you will be able to restore the data from a previous backup.
Make sure to save the file on your computer with the name HomeBudget.data.
To restore a previous backup, tap the restore button and follow the instructions to open
the given URL from your web browser. You will need to upload the previously stored
backup file.
HomeBudget also allows you link with a Dropbox storage account, and take periodic
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To keep up the habit of entering and tracking your finances, we recommend that you
attempt to make data entry quick and minimum. Towards this objective, we suggest the
following best practices:
Enter your expenses as soon as you incur them. If you go shopping, enter the
expense when you get back in the car while you have your receipt with you.
(Caution: Make sure you are in a safe place always).
Keep your categories/subcategories high level. Departmental/Macys is higher
level than Departmental/Shirt, Departmental/Perfume, Departmental/Shoes, etc.
Too many categories will require splitting and calculating category amounts
which can take time. Define categories at a level where you can enter full receipt
Create Payees either when using Bills or when you need tracking for a specific
Payee. Do not attempt to create Payees for every payment you make.
Share the data entry work. If you have a spouse or partner, get them
HomeBudget, and ask them to enter expenses as they incur, using the Family
Sync feature. This avoids the burden of one person in the family collecting and
entering all data.
Use recurring expenses when the payment amount is fixed, and you have
automatic payment setup. That is, recurring expenses are useful when you don't
need any reminders to make payments.
Use recurring Bills when you need reminders on making payments and the
amount is different for each payment. Recurring bills can be generated without
specifying the amount, and still be reminded before the due date. Once you
receive the bill, you can enter the amount.
Set up recurring incomes when you income amounts are nearly fixed and
periodic. (You can correct the amount when you know the exact income amount).
Recurring transfers are to be used when you are setting aside money in a
savings account by periodic transfers.
Enter your bill as a Transfer when you make payments on a credit (or
departmental store) card where the expense amount had already been entered in
HomeBudget. Often the date you incur the expenses and the date you make the
payments can be in different months. These payments will need to be entered as
transfers (or not at all if you are not using the Accounts support in HomeBudget).
You can delay using the budget feature until you have a good understanding of
your expenses and the expense categories. Start with a OneBudget amount, and
once your know your expense categories and the expense levels, you can start
setting budget amounts for your categories.
One common practice with Accounts is to create a Cash-On-Hand or Wallet
account and transfer money into this account whenever you withdraw money
from an ATM. All cash payments would be paid from this account. With this
approach, you can also track how much you have exactly on hand.
If you need to categorize your recurring transfers (say, money set aside for
college education), enter them as a pair of settings: a recurring expense and a
recurring income settings with the same amounts, period and due date (instead
of as a recurring transfer).
Take weekly backups. Your time is valuable, and you don’t want to be left
frustrated in case the data is lost.
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If you have any comments or suggestions regarding this document or the
HomeBudget software, please contact us at [email protected] via email.