A. Application Information
Applicant: Jupiter Bay Holdings, LLC
Property Owner: Jupiter Bay Holdings, LLC
Agent for the Applicant: Giangrande Engineering & Planning LLC, Leo Giangrande, PE
County Project Coordinator: Peter Walden, Principal Planner
Growth Management Director: Nicki van Vonno, AICP
Project Number: J059-003
Application Type and Number: DEV2020010008
Report Number: 2020_0325_J059-003_Staff_Report_Final
Application Received: 02/26/2020
Transmitted: 02/26/2020
Staff Report Issued: 03/25/2020
This document may be reproduced upon request in an alternative format by contacting the County ADA
Coordinator (772) 320-3131, the County Administration Office (772) 288-5400, Florida Relay 711, or by
completing our accessibility feedback form at
B. Project description and analysis
Request for minor final site plan approval for the construction of a 14 unit residential apartment providing
workforce housing. The project is located on an approximate .92 acre parcel located on the east side of SE
Federal Highway about 200 feet south of SE Hobe Terrace in Hobe Sound. Included is a request for a
Certificate of Public Facilities Reservation.
The zoning district designation on the property is R-3A, a category “C” zoning district that is consistent
with the Future land use designation of COR, Commercial Office Residential. The R-3A zoning district
allows 15 apartment units per acre. The COR land use allows 10 units per acre with the exeption of
providing for affordable housing which will allow 15 units per acre provided certain criteria are met.
C. Staff recommendation
The specific findings and conclusion of each review agency related to this request are identified in Sections
F through T of this report. The current review status for each agency is as follows:
Division or Department
Comprehensive Plan
Peter Walden
Samantha Lovelady
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Development Review
Peter Walden
Urban Design
Santiago Abasolo
Santiago Abasolo
Property Management
Colleen Holmes
Shawn McCarthy
Karen Sjoholm
Lukas Lambert
County Surveyor
Tom Walker
Stephanie Piche
Emily Kohler
Electronic File Submission
Emily Kohler
Water and Wastewater
James Christ
James Christ
Fire Prevention
Doug Killane
Emergency Management
Michele Jones
Stephanie Piche
Health Department
Todd Reinhold
School Board
Kimberly Everman
County Attorney
Krista Storey
Adequate Public Facilities
Peter Walden
D. Review Board action
This application complies with the threshold requirement for processing as a minor development. As
such, final action on this application will be taken by the Growth Management Director.
The applicant is required to re-submit materials in response to the non-compliance findings within this
report. Upon receipt, the re-submitted materials will be transmitted for review to the appropriate review
agencies and individuals that participate in the County's review process. A revised staff report will be
created once the next review cycle has been completed.
E. Location and site information
Parcel number(s) and address: 34-38-42-061-000-00160-3
Existing Zoning: R-3A, Liberal Multi-Family District
Future land use: COR, Commercial Office/ Residential
Census tract: Not Applicable
Commission district: 3
Community redevelopment area: N/A
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Location Map
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Proposed Development
F. Determination of compliance with Comprehensive Growth Management Plan requirements -
Growth Management Department
Policy 4.13A.8.(1)(a) excerpt
The intensity of lot use, defined as floor area ratio (FAR), shall be governed by the parking standards of
the Land Development Regulations. The maximum building coverage shall be 40 percent, and the
minimum net lot size permitted in COR districts shall be 10,000 square feet. The minimum open space
shall be 40 percent and the maximum building height shall be 30 feet. Multiple-family residential uses are
encouraged to develop in areas designated for office development at densities compatible with criteria
cited in Policy 4.13A.7.(5) for High Density Residential development. The Land Development
Regulations shall require appropriate landscaping and screening, including a vegetative berm system
where feasible. Plant material and a decorative fence or wall shall be used to assure compatibility between
established residential uses and proposed office developments.
Polciy 4.17A.7.(5) excerpt
High Density Residential development. The High Density Residential development designation is reserved
for land near employment centers in the core of the Primary Urban Service District. The maximum density
is 10 units per gross acre. However, sites shall be approved for a maximum of 15 units per gross acre,
assuming compliance with all of the following criteria:
The development commits to providing affordable housing to eligible households as defined by Chapter
2 Overall Goals and Definitions;
The site shares a common zoning district boundary with a Commercial or Industrial district or a Medium
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Density or High Density Residential area as reflected on the Zoning Atlas or FLUM;
The site is or can be served by a full complement of urban services including water and wastewater service
from a regional public utility;
The applicant provides a significant open space buffer, natural landscape (including a landscaped berm
where appropriate), plant material and/or an aesthetic wall or fence to effectively shield the residential use
from any existing or potential adjacent nonresidential use or from any single-family use.
In reviewing specific densities, the aim shall be to preserve the stability and integrity of established
residential development, maintain compatibility with it and provide equitable treatment of lands with
similar characteristics. Landscaping, screening, buffering and similar design techniques shall be used to
assure a smooth transition between residential structure types and densities.
Section 2.4 Definitions
Affordable housing: Affordable housing is defined by housing programs of the federal government, the
Florida Affordable Housing Act of 1986, the Florida Housing Finance Corporation and local housing
agencies. Affordable housing is defined as housing for which monthly rents or mortgage payments,
including taxes, insurance and utilities do not exceed 30 percent of that amount which represents the
percentage of the median adjusted gross annual income for the households or persons indicated in Section
420.0004, Florida Statutes. For renter-occupied housing, this percentage would include monthly contract
rent and utilities.
Objective 4.1F. Density allocations and intensity. All projects must comply with the provisions
of the concurrency management system (Goal 4.1) to assure all required services are available. In
considering density allocation in site plan approvals, the County shall consider the following:
Policy 4.1F.1. Projects directly adjacent to lands used or designated for higher intensity use may be given
maximum density.
Policy 4.1F.2. Projects immediately adjacent to lands used or designated for lower density use should be
given less than maximum density.
In all such cases the project with higher density shall provide for reduced density next to the existing lower
density residential area.
Within the urban service districts where lot sizes in the existing residential development are two acres or
less and density is more than 1 unit per 2 acres, the following shall apply:
For the residential portion of said project abutting the existing development or area of lesser density, a
density transition zone of comparable density and compatible dwelling unit types shall be established in
the new project for a depth from the shared property line that is equivalent to the depth of the first tier of
the adjoining development's lower density (i.e., the depth of the first block of single-family lots).
Policy 4.1F.3. The following criteria shall be met when applying Policy 4.1F.2.
For purposes of this policy, abutting property is the same as "adjacent" or "adjoining" or "immediately
adjacent" property and shall refer to property with a shared property line regardless of easements on the
abutting properties. Properties separated by an existing road with a minimum 30 foot right of way shall
not be considered abutting.
Lands outside the urban service district, agricultural property and residential lots 2 acres or larger shall be
protected by buffers and by 4.1F.2. but the tiering Policy in 4.1F.2. (2) shall not apply.
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Where the tiering Policy 4.1F.2. (2) applies, there shall be no requirement to construct residential units
within the applicable area of the proposed development. However, if the area is left vacant, no other
construction shall be allowed except for underground utilities, sidewalks, swales, stormwater ponds and
dry retention areas.
Other buffers required by the Comprehensive Plan or Land Development Regulations shall also be
Unresolved Issues:
Item #1: Documentation of affordable housing.
Provide the program and methodology for ensuring affordable housing standards are met.
1. Forms and documents required of potential tenant verifying the household income meets the
criteria described in Section 2.4 Definitions above.
2. Annual reporting method for County compliance certification.
Item #2 Density transition
1. The density transition buffer is identified however, the number of units occupying the area is
unclear on the site plan. Identify that only 3 residential units occupy the 1 story section of the
2. Provide a density transition analysis, a narrative on how the project meets density transition
requirements of Policy 4.1F.2.
Item #3 Unresolved issues
Generic Comp Plan Compliance-GMD
This application cannot be deemed to be in compliance with the Martin County Comprehensive Growth
Management Plan (CGMP) until the issues identified in this report have been satisfactorily resolved.
Martin County, Fla., CGMP, § 1.3
G. Determination of compliance with land use, site design standards, zoning, and procedural
requirements - Growth Management Department
Unresolved issues:
Item 1: Data Table
1. Provide all data in Square feet, acreage and percent of total.
2. Provide an open space table; Required (COR 40%), Provided: total, detention areas, landscape
areas, other
3. Provide an impervious area table: total, buildings, concrete (sidewalks, pads etc.), pavement area.
4. The data table indicates a two story building which is shown as a three story building in the
elevation drawings.
5. Provide a building height required and proposed data. The drawings appear to meet the
Commercial Office / Residential land use requirements.
Additional Information:
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Item #1:
No land clearing is authorized prior to the mandatory pre-construction meeting for the project. Property
corners and preservation areas shall be located by a licensed land surveyor and clearly marked in the field
prior to the pre- construction meeting. Authorization for clearing to install erosion control devices and
preserve barricades will be granted at the pre-construction meeting. No additional land clearing shall
commence until a satisfactory inspection of the required control structures and barricades has been
obtained. Authorization for the relocation of gopher tortoises within the development, as provided for on
state agency permits, may be granted by the Growth Management Department upon review of required
permit materials. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR § 4.37
H. Determination of compliance with the urban design and community redevelopment requirements
Community Development Department
N/A - Staff review for compliance requirements associated with this area of regulations is not applicable
to this application as currently proposed, pursuant to Section 10.1.F., LDR, Martin County, Fla. (2016)
I. Determination of compliance with the property management requirements Engineering
No dedication of additional right of way is required or proposed by the Applicant pursuant to the Roadway
Classifications set forth in Section 4.843.B, Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla., (2010)
which includes Table 4.19.1 that lists the minimum right of way requirements. Therefore, the Applicant
is not required to submit due diligence materials for review by the Martin County Real Property Division
J. Determination of compliance with environmental and landscaping requirements - Growth
Management Department
Unresolved Issues:
Item#1: Land Clearing Plan
The following shall be included on the land clearing and erosion control page:
Locations of protected tree and tree protection barricades (where warranted).
Location of onsite posted county permits and permit box to retain approved plans.
Locations of any materials to be temporarily stockpiled to include land clearing debris or
excavated materials. If onsite chipping is proposed, please show the location of the chipping
area to be in an area away from all offsite residential homes. Please also include language on
correction measures to be implemented to minimize dust and air pollution during land clearing.
Proposed method for soil stabilization following land clearing.
Unresolved Issues:
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Item #1: Informational
Standard Application Requirements
The deficiencies noted in this section need to be addressed by the applicant with revised plans and
documentation. To ensure a successful review, the following shall be provided with your resubmittal
Revision dates/notes on all affected plans.
Plans should be provided with "call-out" revision clouds/notes to identify areas that have been modified
from the original submittal.
A summary of changes that are provided with your resubmittal information, the staff report may be used
as a template for your responses. It is important that you be specific as to what has been changed and
where the changes may be found in the resubmitted materials. Resubmittal comments provided to
address deficiencies such as "see the revised plans" should be replaced with more specific language such
as "refer to the revised 30' dimension to the NE buffer provided on sheet 3/4 and revised landscape note
3 on sheet 2/4".
A landscape plan is required with this application. The landscape plans must be prepared and sealed by
a registered landscape architect and include all information required for submittal as specified in Section
4.662.A, LDR. Indicate the location and type of all the following, both existing and proposed:
a. Property boundaries, land use, rights-of-way and easements.
b. On-site and abutting land use features, including adjacent sidewalks, existing vegetation, natural
features and site improvements within 50 feet of the property.
c. Buildings, structures, paving, and adjacent buildings within 50 feet of the property.
d. All overhead, above and underground utilities, including septic tanks, drainfields and RPZ valves.
e. Off-street parking, access aisles, driveways and other vehicular use areas.
f. Surface water bodies and wellfields.
g. Plant installation methods and irrigation sources.
h. Ditches, swales, stormwater treatment structures or slopes exceeding 3V:1H in any proposed
landscape areas.
Item #2:
General Landscape Design Standards
Please demonstrate compliance with the following general landscape requirements on the provided plans:
1. Screening materials and landscaping used to screen service function areas shall be consistent
with the design of the primary facades
a. other service function areas and provide enough specificity on the landscape and
construction plans to demonstrate compliance with these requirements.
b. The following statement is provided: "All prohibited species shall be removed from the
entire site prior to the issuance of a certificate of occupancy." (Section 4.664, LDR)
c. Mulch material to a minimum compacted depth of three inches is provided for all
planting areas when used to supplement ground cover. Cypress mulch may not be used
as a mulching material. (Section 4.663.C., LDR)
d. The following statement is provided: "The use of cypress mulch is prohibited in all
landscaped areas."
Add required notes.
Are the AC units located on the roof? If on ground provide required screening.
Item #3:
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Landscape Bufferyard Requirements
Landscaped bufferyards shall be required between differing land uses and along certain transportation
corridors. It is the intent of the code to encourage the preservation of existing vegetation for use in
buffers as opposed to clearing and replanting designed landscapes. [Section 4.663.B., LDR]
Please demonstrate compliance with the following criteria for landscape bufferyards:
1. Type 1 bufferyard: A 20 foot wide landscape strip with a six-foot-high, opaque fence or wall. At
least one tree and ten shrubs shall be provided for every 300 square feet of required bufferyard.
Trees must be at least ten feet in height with a two-inch caliper.
2. Type 3 bufferyard: A 30 foot-wide landscape strip with a six-foot-high opaque fence or wall. At
least one tree and 34 shrubs shall be provided for every 300 square feet of required bufferyard.
Trees must be at least 14 feet in height with a three-inch caliper and staggered for maximum
Landscape buffers have been provided on the north, east and west, they are labeled correctly, but please
dimension width of these buffers on the plans.
In addition a Type 1 buffer is required on the south between multi-family and the commercial office land use.
This buffer can be reduced to ½ since the property is vacant. Sufficient width and plant material has been
provided but please label this area as ½ of a Type 1 Buffer.
Item #4:
Buffers For Res Uses-Maj Roadways
Wherever new residential dwelling units are proposed to be located along any minor or major arterial
road, excluding Community Redevelopment Overlay Districts, a Type 5 bufferyard shall be required to
screen the view of the dwelling units from the street [Section 4.663.B.2., LDR]. The major or minor
arterial road classifications are described in Section 4.842 of the Land Development Regulations. This
requirement shall be applicable only to areas within the Primary Urban Service District as shown on
Figure 4-5 of the Comprehensive Growth Management Plan.
Please demonstrate compliance with the following criteria for landscape bufferyards for residential uses
along major transportation corridors:
1. Screening of construction sites. Provide criteria that required residential bufferyards be installed
no later than 60 days after commencement of any site clearing. The Growth Management
Director may modify this requirement where the applicant can demonstrate that the land clearing
activities will not be readily visible from a minor or major arterial street or because a temporary
or permanent source of landscape irrigation cannot reasonably be installed until later in the
development process. Any modification of this requirement shall be the minimum necessary to
overcome the particular limitations of the site, but in no case shall vertical construction of
residential buildings commence until the required bufferyard is installed.
Type 5 bufferyard.
1. Optionally, a 30-foot-wide landscape strip may be provided, with at least three trees and 34
shrubs for every 300 square feet of required bufferyard, where 100% of such vegetation is made
up of native plants and all existing native vegetation is retained. Trees must be at least 14 feet in
height with a three-inch caliper and staggered for maximum opacity. Required shrubs shall be a
minimum of two feet in height at planting, capable of reaching six feet in height when mature
and shall not be trimmed to below six feet in height.
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A Type 5 buffer requires 3 trees per 300 sq.ft. of buffer area, not 1 tree as stated in the site data.
However, the density and species mix selected appear to be sufficient to meet the intent of the code. No
additional trees will be required within this buffer.
Item #5:
Landscape Irrigation - Informational
The plan shall identify the irrigation source for the plant material, also please affirm if an irrigation
system is to be provided for the proposed landscaping on the plans.
Irrigation systems are not required; however all required plantings must remain viable, healthy, neat and
orderly in appearance. If an irrigation system is to be installed, irrigation plans shall be submitted with
the certificate of completion prepared by a landscape architect prior to Certification of Occupancy is
granted. The landscape architect, licensed plumbing contractor or licensed irrigation sprinkling
contractor shall certify that irrigation plans shall meet or exceed the minimum compliance regulations
set forth within the Standards and Specifications for Turf and Landscape Irrigation Systems published
by the Florida Irrigation Society as amended.
If an irrigation system is not proposed, the plans shall describe how to provide adequate irrigation of
landscaped areas for the first full growing season and continue thereafter only as necessary to maintain
required vegetation in good and healthy condition. (Sec 4.663.D, LDR)
The applicant may consider providing an irrigation plan during the development review process to assist
in expediting the C.O. of proposed development, post approval. Irrigation Plans shall provide the
required information as cited in Section 4.662.B. and 4.663.D, LDR.
Item #6:
Landscape Protection And Maintenance
Please add the following notes regarding landscape maintenance to the plans provided [Section 4.665,
Protection of required landscaping.
1. Encroachment into required bufferyards and landscaped areas by vehicles, boats, mobile homes
or trailers shall not be permitted, and required landscaped areas shall not be used for the storage
or sale of materials or products or the parking of vehicles and equipment.
Maintenance of required landscaping.
1. Required landscaping shall be maintained so as to at all times present a healthy, neat and orderly
appearance, free of refuse and debris. If vegetation which is required to be planted dies it shall
be replaced with equivalent vegetation. All trees for which credit was awarded and which
subsequently die, shall be replaced by the requisite number of living trees according to the
standards established in the Martin County Landscape Code.
2. All landscaping shall be maintained free from disease, pests, weeds and litter. Maintenance shall
include weeding, watering, fertilizing, pruning, mowing, edging, mulching or other maintenance,
as needed and in accordance with acceptable horticultural practices. Perpetual maintenance shall
be provided to prohibit the reestablishment of harmful exotic species within landscaping and
preservation areas.
3. Regular landscape maintenance shall be provided for repair or replacement, where necessary, of
any screening or buffering required as shown on this plan. Regular landscape maintenance shall
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be provided for the repair or replacement of required walls, fences or structures to a structurally
sound condition as shown on this plan.
Add the required notes.
K. Determination of compliance with transportation requirements - Engineering Department
This application satisfies the Adequate Public Facilities Standard; it has a De Minimis impact (an impact
that would not affect more than one percent of the maximum volume at the adopted level of service of the
affected road facility). [Martin County, Fla., LDR Article 5, Division 1, Section 5.3 (2009)]
L. Determination of compliance with county surveyor - Engineering Department
The applicant has indicated that there are no proposed changes to the approved project boundary as part
of the current application. Therefore, The Engineering Department was not required to review this
application for consistency with the Martin County Codes for survey requirements contained in Article 4
of the Land Development Regulations. MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR §10.1.F
M. Determination of compliance with engineering, storm water and flood management requirements -
Engineering Department
1. Provide proposed elevations for the work within the right of way demonstrated how the
driveway and surrounding areas will be graded.
2. SR-5 (SE Federal Highway) is a Major Arterial. The driveway entry lane must be 14-feet in
width and exit lanes must each be 12-feet in width. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION
4.845.G (2001)]
3. Revise proposed right turn lane on SR-5 (SE Federal Highway) for consistency with FDOT
Standard Plans Index 711-001. The proposed taper and length appears to be inconsistent with this index.
4. It appears that the proposed cross slope of the turn lane does not meet the required minimum
3% cross slope [FDOT DESIGN MANUAL 2019 FIGURE 210.2.1)]
5. Provide sight triangles / sight distances on the Landscape Plan. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA.,
6. It is unclear if any of the existing sidewalk within the SR-5 (SE Federal Highway) right-of-way
is being replaced. The proposed and existing sidewalks appear to have the same hatching on the Final
Site Plan and Construction Plans. Revise for clarity. It is unclear what the sidewalk reconstruction
limits are. Provide existing elevations where proposed sidewalk connects to existing
sidewalk. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION 4.843.G (2010)]
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7. Provide traffic control, signage, and pavement marking details. All striping within the right of
way must be thermoplastic. [MARTIN COUNTY, FLA., LDR SECTION 4.843.H (2010)]
1. As currently proposed, the sidewalk does not appear to connect to the proposed buildings on
the Final Site Plan or Construction Plans.
2. Provide details for the proposed detectable warnings within the right of way.
3. The final site plan includes “proposed asphalt” within the legend but it is unclear where this is
being utilized.
1. The Construction Plans provided were signed but did not include the required seal.
1. Post Development Stormwater Calculations: It appears that the soil storage moisture storage
value of 5.07-inches is based upon a calculation uses uncompacted soil storage values. Revise soil
storage calculation to utilize values for compacted flatwoods (6.75) over the pervious areas of the site
(6.75 x 56.5%), resulting in an S value of 3.81-feet. Revise runoff calculations accordingly.
1. Provide additional proposed elevations along the perimeter berm demonstrating that it has been
met and how/where the site will begin to discharge after the 100 year -1 day storm event has been
retained on site.
2. Provide cross sections through each property boundary demonstrating how the proposed
improvements and perimeter berm tie into the existing grades at the property line without exceeding 4:1
maximum slopes.
3. Provide note on the Construction Plans stating that the stabilization (seed or sod) of the
disturbed areas must be completed within 30 days of vegetation removal. Provide method of
stabilization. Stabilization (seed or sod) of the disturbed areas is not specified
Development Order Conditions:
1. The Owner is not authorized to haul fill off of the site and must coordinate with the County
Engineer regarding the routes and timing of any fill to be hauled to the site. The Owner must comply
with all County excavation and fill regulations.
N. Determination of compliance with addressing and electronic file submittal requirements Growth
Management and Information Technology Departments
Unresolved Issues:
The site plan and construction plans show a two story building. The architectural plans show a three
story building. Please clarify.
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Electronic File Submittal
Findings of Compliance:
Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were received and found to be in compliance with
Section 10.2.B.2., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2019)
Both AutoCAD site plan and boundary survey were in State Plane coordinates and found to be in
compliance with Section 10.2.B.2., Land Development Regulations, Martin County, Fla. (2019)
O. Determination of compliance with utilities requirements - Utilities Department
Water and Wastewater Service
Findings of Compliance:
This development application has been reviewed for compliance with applicable statutes and ordinances
and the reviewer finds it in compliance with Martin County's requirements for water and wastewater
level of service. [Martin County, Fla., LDR, Article 4, Division 6 and 7, (2016)]
Wellfield and Groundwater Protection
Findings of Compliance:
The application has been reviewed for compliance under the Wellfield Protection Program. The reviewer
finds the application in compliance with the Wellfield Protection and Groundwater Protection Ordinances.
[Martin County, Fla., LDR, Article 4, Division 5] (2016)
P. Determination of compliance with fire prevention and emergency management requirements Fire
Rescue Department
Finding of Non-Compliance
The Fire Prevention Bureau finds this submittal not in compliance with the applicable provisions
governing construction and life safety standards of the Florida Fire Prevention Code and referenced
publications. This occupancy shall comply with all applicable provisions of governing codes whether
implied or not in this review, in addition to all previous requirements of prior reviews.
Needed Fire Flow Requirements for Buildings
Identify the Needed Fire Flow Requirements for all buildings / structures. Fire flow calculations shall be
prepared and sealed by a professional engineer currently licensed in the state of Florida for each newly
constructed building.
The Needed Fire Flow Requirement must be in accordance with Florida Fire Prevention Code, N.F.P.A.
1, Chapter 18.4.5 (latest adopted edition). The Guide for Determination of Needed Fire Flow, latest
edition, as published by the Insurance Service Office (ISO). All calculations must be demonstrated and
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Approved Water Supply – Hydrant Flow Test
A hydrant flow test will be required to determine the available water supply to meet the needed fire flow
for this project. Contact the Fire Prevention office at (772)288-5633 to schedule the flow test.
Informational Buildings Other Than One- and Two-Family Dwellings. The minimum fire flow and flow
duration for buildings other than one- and two-family dwellings shall be as specified in Table
Buildings 3 or more stories in height and 3 or more units attached shall be equipped with a complete
automatic fire sprinkler system. Completed engineered fire sprinkler drawings are required with
construction document submittal.
Q. Determination of compliance with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) requirements - General
Services Department
The Public Works Department staff has reviewed the application and finds it in compliance with the
applicable Americans with Disability Act requirements. (2014 FBC, FIFTH
R. Determination of compliance with Martin County Health Department and Martin County School
Martin County Health Department
There are no onsite potable wells or septic disposal systems, pursuant to Section 10.1.F, LDR, Martin
County, Fla. Therefore, the Department of Health was not required to review this application for
consistency with the Martin County Codes.
Martin County School Board
See Attachment #1
S. Determination of compliance with legal requirements - County Attorney's Office
Review ongoing
T. Determination of compliance with the adequate public facilities requirements - responsible
The following is a summary of the review for compliance with the standards contained in Article 5.32.D
of the Adequate Public Facilities, Land Development Regulations (LDR's), Martin County Code for a
Certificate of Adequate Public Facilities Reservation.
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Potable water facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.a, LDR)
Service provider – Martin County
Findings – in place
Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department
Reference - see Section O of this staff report
Sanitary sewer facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.b, LDR)
Service provider – Martin County
Findings – positive evaluation
Source - Utilities and Solid Waste Department
Reference - see Section O of this staff report
Solid waste facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.c, LDR)
Findings – in place
Source - Growth Management Department
Stormwater management facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.d, LDR)
Findings – pending evaluation
Source - Engineering Department
Reference - see Section M of this staff report
Community park facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.e, LDR)
Findings – in place
Source - Growth Management Department
Roads facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.f, LDR)
Findings – positive evaluation
Source - Engineering Department
Reference - see Section K of this staff report
Mass transit facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.g, LDR)
Findings – Positive Evaluation
Source - Engineering Department
Reference - see Section K of this staff report
Public safety facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.h, LDR)
Findings - in place
Source - Growth Management Department
Reference - see Section P of this staff report
Public school facilities (Section 5.32.D.3.i, LDR)
Findings - in place
Source - Growth Management Department
Reference - see Section R of this staff report
A timetable for completion consistent with the valid duration of the development is to be included in the
Certificate of Public Facilities Reservation. The development encompassed by Reservation Certificate
must be completed within the timetable specified for the type of development.
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U. Post-approval requirements
Approval of the development order is conditioned upon the applicant’s submittal of all required
documents, executed where appropriate, to the Growth Management Department (GMD), including
unpaid fees, within sixty (60) days of the final action granting approval.
Item #1:
Post Approval Requirements List: After approval the applicant will receive a letter and a Post Approval
Requirements List that identifies the documents and fees required. The applicant will return the Post
Approval Requirements List along with the required documents in a packet with the documents arranged
in the order shown on the list.
Item #2:
Post Approval Fees: The applicant is required to pay all remaining fees when submitting the post approval
packet. If an extension is granted, the fees must be paid within 60 days from the date of the development
Item #3:
Recording Costs: The applicant is responsible for all recording costs. The Growth Management
Department will calculate the recording costs and contact the applicant with the payment amount required.
Checks should be made payable to the Martin County Clerk of Court.
Item #4:
One (1) 24" x 36" copy of the approved construction plans signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record
licensed in the State of Florida. Rolled.
Item #5:
One (1) copy 24" x 36" of the approved site plan. Rolled
Item #6:
One (1) 24" x 36" copy of the approved landscape plan signed and sealed by a landscape architect licensed
in the State of Florida. Rolled
Item #7:
One (1) digital copy of site plan in AutoCAD 2010 - 2014 drawing format (.dwg). The digital version of
the site plan must match the hardcopy version as submitted.
Item #8:
Original of the construction schedule.
Development Review Staff Report
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Item #9:
Two (2) originals of the Cost Estimate, on the County format which is available on the Martin County
website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida.
Item #10:
Original of the Engineer's Design Certification, on the County format which is available on the Martin
County website, signed and sealed by the Engineer of Record licensed in the State of Florida.
Item #11:
One (1) blank USB flash/thumb drive, which will be utilized to provide the applicant with the approved
stamped and signed project plans.
V. Local, State, and Federal Permits
The following permits must be obtained prior to scheduling a Pre-Construction meeting:
1. Martin County Right of Way Use Permit
W. Fees
Public advertising fees for the development order will be determined and billed subsequent to the public
hearing. Fees for this application are calculated as follows:
Fee type: Fee amount: Fee payment: Balance:
Application review fees: $8,750.00 $8,750.00 $00.0
Inspection fees: $4,160.00 $4,160.00
Advertising fees*: TBD
Recording fees**: TBD
* Advertising fees will be determined once the ads have been placed and billed to the County.
** Recording fees will be identified on the post approval checklist.
X. General application information
Applicant: Jupiter Bay Holdings, LLC
Brad Kuskin
4300 S US Highway 1
Jupiter, FL 33477
Agent: Giangrande Engineering & Planning LLC
Leo Giangrande, P.E.
2081 SE Ocean Blvd. Suite 1A
Stuart, FL 34996
Development Review Staff Report
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Y. Acronyms
ADA ............. Americans with Disability Act
AHJ .............. Authority Having Jurisdiction
ARDP ........... Active Residential Development Preference
BCC.............. Board of County Commissioners
CGMP .......... Comprehensive Growth Management Plan
CIE ............... Capital Improvements Element
CIP ............... Capital Improvements Plan
FACBC ........ Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction
FDEP ............ Florida Department of Environmental Protection
FDOT ........... Florida Department of Transportation
LDR.............. Land Development Regulations
LPA .............. Local Planning Agency
MCC ............. Martin County Code
MCHD.......... Martin County Health Department
NFPA ........... National Fire Protection Association
SFWMD ....... South Florida Water Management District
W/WWSA .... Water/Waste Water Service Agreement
Z. Attachments