03 APRIL 2023
ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available for downloading on the e-Publishing
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OPR: 2 AF/A3O Certified by: 2 AF/CV
(Colonel Nicholas M. Dipoma)
Supersedes: AETCI 36-2651, 12 April 2021 Pages: 64
This instruction implements Department of the Air Force Policy Directive 36-26, Total Force
Development and Management. This instruction covers roles and responsibilities within Basic
Military and Technical Training. This instruction applies to Regular Air Force, Air Force Reserve
(AFR), Air National Guard (ANG), and Department of the Air Force (DAF) civilians permanently
or temporarily assigned to the Air Education and Training Command (AETC). This publication
does not apply to the United States Space Force. This instruction applies to the 637th Training
Group Defense Language Institute English Language Center (DLIELC) and the Inter-American
Air Forces Academy (IAAFA) for force development and management of their faculty, staff, and
cadre, as well as international permanent party assigned within Second Air Force (2 AF). The
international permanent party includes all individuals assigned under the Military Personnel
Exchange Program and Air Force Guest Instructor Program. Exception: This instruction does not
apply to foreign military students in training at IAAFA or DLIELC, other than references to risk
management and high-risk training. Additionally, AETC Instruction (AETCI) 36-2651 identifies
IAAFA and DLIELC exceptions based on the nature of their security cooperation education and
training mission. Of note, IAAFA and DLIELC do not award Air Force specialty codes (AFSC)
or Community College of the Air Force (CCAF) credits and do not have Military Training
Instructors (MTI) or Military Training Leaders (MTL). IAAFA and DLIELC comply with Air
Force Instruction (AFI) 16-105, Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training, for certain
portions of their training pipeline and the care of International Military Students. AETC personnel
under the administrative control of an AETC unit, but under the operational control of a non-AETC
agency or school, will comply with the guidance and requirements as established by contract,
2 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
memorandum of agreement, memorandum of understanding, or training affiliation agreement
between those agencies or schools. Note: These agencies and schools include, but are not limited
to, non-AETC DAF organizations, the United States Army, United States Navy, Department of
Defense, Defense Health Agency, and the Medical Education and Training Campus.
This publication requires the collection and/or maintenance of information protected by the
Privacy Act of 1974 authorized by Title 10 United States Code Section 9013, Secretary of the Air
Force. The applicable System of Record Notice F036 AF PC C, Military Personnel Records
System is available at: Ensure all records
generated as a result of processes prescribed in this publication adhere to AFI 33-322, Records
Management and Information Governance Program, and are disposed in accordance with the Air
Force Records Disposition Schedule, which is located in the Air Force Records Information
Management System. Refer recommended changes and questions about this publication to the
office of primary responsibility using DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of
Publication; route DAF Form 847 from the field through the appropriate functional manager’s
chain of command. This publication may be supplemented at any level, but all supplements must
be routed to the office of primary responsibility of this publication for coordination prior to
certification and approval. The authorities to waive wing/unit level requirements in this publication
are identified with a tier (“T-0, T-1, T-2, T-3”) number following the compliance statement. See
Department of the Air Force Manual (DAFMAN) 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures,
for a description of the authorities associated with the Tier numbers. Submit requests for waivers
through the chain of command to the appropriate Tier waiver approval authority, or alternately, to
the requestor’s commander for non-tiered compliance items. T-2 waiver authority is with the 2 AF
Commander. All waivers are requested/approved using DAF Form 679, Department of the Air
Force Publication Compliance Item Waiver Request/Approval. A copy of all approved waivers
must be sent to the Office of Primary Responsibility of the publication being waived within 30
days of approval. Compliance with the attachments is mandatory.
This document is substantially revised and should be reviewed thoroughly. This rewrite adds,
updates, or clarifies the following: adds implementation timeframe for additions/changes; adds
new roles and/or responsibilities to include training requirements for specific roles, clarifies the
availability of process guides; clarifies the requirements for high-risk training throughout the
instruction; and adds the requirement for training on professional and unprofessional relationships
per AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct, and its supplement(s). The
additions/changes in this instruction must be implemented within 90 days from the published date.
Chapter 1OVERVIEW 7
1.1. Scope. ....................................................................................................................... 7
2.1. Directorate of Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AETC/A1). ............................ 8
2.2. Directorate of Intelligence (AETC/A2). .................................................................. 8
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 3
2.3. Directorate of Operations and Communications (AETC/A3/6)............................... 8
2.4. Directorate of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (AETC/A4). .............. 8
2.5. Directorate of Plans, Programs, and Requirements (AETC/A5/8). ......................... 8
2.6. Directorate of Analysis and Innovation (AETC/A9). .............................................. 8
2.7. Directorate of Financial Management and Comptroller (AETC/FM). .................... 8
2.8. Directorate of Command Surgeon (AETC/SG). ...................................................... 8
2.9. Second Air Force (2 AF).......................................................................................... 9
2.10. Chief Training Officer (2 AF/CTO). ....................................................................... 9
2.11. Total Force Advisors to the Commander (2 AF/RF and 2 AF/CG). ........................ 9
2.12. Operations and Communications (2 AF/A3/6). ....................................................... 9
2.13. Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) (2 AF/A3A). ......................... 9
2.14. Command Military Training Office (2 AF/A3M).................................................... 9
2.15. Analysis (2 AF/A3OA). ........................................................................................... 9
2.16. Plans (2 AF/A3OP). ................................................................................................. 9
2.17. Policy and Operational Strategy (2 AF/A3OS)........................................................ 9
2.18. Training Pipeline Managers (2 AF/A3T). ................................................................ 9
2.19. Communications (2 AF/A6). ................................................................................... 9
2.20. Accessions and Classifications (2 AF/Det 1). .......................................................... 9
2.21. Safety Manager (2 AF/SE)....................................................................................... 9
2.22. Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (2 AF/A4). ....................................... 9
2.23. Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements (2 AF/A5/8/9). ................................ 9
2.24. Technical Training Transformation (2AF/Det 23). .................................................. 9
2.25. Financial Management (2 AF/FM). ......................................................................... 10
2.26. Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Functional Managers (2 AF/OL-A). . 10
2.27. Wing Safety Office. ................................................................................................. 10
2.28. Training Wing Commanders.................................................................................... 10
2.29. Training Group Commanders. ................................................................................. 10
2.30. Training Squadron Commanders. ............................................................................ 10
2.31. Training Administrators (or equivalent). ................................................................. 10
2.32. Training Evaluations Chiefs (or equivalent) and Evaluators. .................................. 10
2.33. Faculty Development Flight Chiefs. ........................................................................ 10
2.34. Instructional Technology Unit Chiefs. ..................................................................... 10
2.35. Instructional Technology Unit Developers. ............................................................. 10
4 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
2.36. Registrars. ................................................................................................................ 10
2.37. Training Support Flight Chiefs (Training Squadron) (or equivalent). ..................... 10
2.38. AETC Training Managers........................................................................................ 10
2.39. Training Development Element Chiefs (or equivalent). .......................................... 10
2.40. Curriculum Development Managers. ....................................................................... 10
2.41. Career Development Course Writers/Developers. ................................................... 10
2.42. Training Flight Commander/Chiefs (or equivalent). ............................................... 11
2.43. High-Risk Training Officers. ................................................................................... 11
2.44. Instructor Supervisors. ............................................................................................. 11
2.45. Instructors. ............................................................................................................... 11
2.46. Total Force Liaisons. ............................................................................................... 11
2.47. Basic Military Training Consult Service. ................................................................ 11
2.48. Military Training Instructors.................................................................................... 11
2.49. Group Military Training Superintendents. ............................................................... 11
2.50. Military Training Flight Chiefs. ............................................................................... 11
2.51. Military Training Leaders. ....................................................................................... 11
2.52. Airmen in Initial Skills Training. ............................................................................. 11
3.1. Directorate of Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AETC/A1). ............................ 12
3.2. Directorate of Intelligence (AETC/A2). .................................................................. 12
3.3. Directorate of Operations and Communications (AETC/A3/6)............................... 13
3.4. Directorate of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (AETC/A4). .............. 14
3.5. Directorate of Plans, Programs, and Requirements (AETC/A5/8). ......................... 14
3.6. Directorate of Analysis and Innovation (AETC/A9). .............................................. 14
3.7. Directorate of Financial Management and Comptroller (AETC/FM). .................... 14
3.8. Directorate of Command Surgeon (AETC/SG). ...................................................... 15
4.1. Overview. ................................................................................................................. 16
4.2. Chief Training Officer (2 AF/CTO). ....................................................................... 16
4.3. Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) (2 AF/A3A). ......................... 16
4.4. Military Training Special Duty Manager (2 AF/A3M). .......................................... 16
4.5. Analysis (2 AF/A3OA). ........................................................................................... 17
4.6. Plans (2 AF/A3OP). ................................................................................................. 18
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 5
4.7. Policy and Operational Strategy (2 AF/A3OS)........................................................ 19
4.8. Training Pipeline Managers (2 AF/A3T). ................................................................ 19
4.9. Communications (2 AF/A6). ................................................................................... 20
4.10. Accessions and Classifications (2 AF/Det 1). .......................................................... 22
4.11. Safety Manager (2 AF/SE)....................................................................................... 22
4.12. Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (2 AF/A4). ....................................... 22
4.13. Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements (2 AF/A5/8/9). ................................ 23
4.14. Technical Training Transformation (2AF/Det 23). .................................................. 23
4.15. Financial Management (2 AF/FM). ......................................................................... 23
4.16. Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Functional Managers (2 AF/OL-A). . 24
5.1. Wing Safety Office. ................................................................................................. 25
5.2. Training Commanders at All Levels. ....................................................................... 25
5.3. Training Wing Commanders.................................................................................... 25
5.4. Training Group Commanders. ................................................................................. 25
5.5. Training Squadron Commanders. ............................................................................ 27
5.6. Training Administrators (or equivalent). ................................................................. 29
5.7. Training Evaluations Chiefs (or equivalent). ........................................................... 29
5.8. Faculty Development Flight Chiefs. ........................................................................ 31
5.9. Instructional Technology Unit Chiefs. ..................................................................... 31
5.10. Instructional Technology Unit Developers. ............................................................. 32
5.11. Registrars. ................................................................................................
................ 32
5.12. Training Support Flight Chiefs (Training Squadron). ............................................. 33
5.13. AETC Training Managers........................................................................................ 33
5.14. Training Development Element Chiefs (or equivalent). .......................................... 37
5.15. Curriculum Development Managers. ....................................................................... 37
5.16. Career Development Course Writer/Developers. .................................................... 38
5.17. Training Flight Commander/Chiefs (or equivalent). ............................................... 38
5.18. High-Risk Training Officers. ................................................................................... 39
5.19. Instructor Supervisors. ............................................................................................. 39
5.20. Instructors. ............................................................................................................... 40
5.21. Total Force Liaisons. ............................................................................................... 42
5.22. Basic Military Training Consult Service. ................................................................ 42
6 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.23. Military Training Instructors.................................................................................... 42
5.24. Group Military Training Superintendents. ............................................................... 42
5.25. Military Training Flight Chiefs. ............................................................................... 42
5.26. Military Training Leaders. ....................................................................................... 42
5.27. Airmen in Enlisted Initial Skills Training. ............................................................... 44
6.1. Air University, Community College of the Air Force. ............................................ 45
6.2. Phase Program. ........................................................................................................ 45
6.3. Corrective Actions Program. ................................................................................... 46
6.4. Airman Transition Assistance Program. .................................................................. 47
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 7
Chapter 1
1.1. Scope. This instruction establishes guidance for executing the basic military and technical
training missions for Headquarters Air Education and Training Command (HQ AETC). This
instruction primarily establishes the roles, responsibilities, and programs required for executing
and supporting formal enlisted entry-level accessions (basic military); officer, enlisted, and civilian
non-flying occupational (technical) training programs; Clinical Training Programs
(advanced/supplemental/Phase II); and military standards training. Roles and responsibilities are
organized by office or duty positions within the basic military and technical training enterprise. It
includes duties and responsibilities for personnel development, student administration,
instructional design, evaluation, and military standards of basic military and technical training,
including high-risk activities. Enlisted training requirements, including CCAF affiliation, phase
program, corrective actions, and Airman Transition Assistance Programs are outlined in this
instruction. Procedures to support program management for many of the responsibilities are
available for use in the process guides. Basic Military and Technical Training Process Guides can
be accessed at the following website:
8 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Chapter 2
2.1. Directorate of Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AETC/A1).
2.1.1. Enlisted Development Branch (AETC/A1KA) facilitates reporting instructions and
coordinates with appropriate functional manager (Air Force Personnel Center [AFPC], Major
Command [MAJCOM] Functional Manager [MFM]), when necessary, on accurate reporting
and timelines in order to resolve assignment gaps.
2.1.2. AETC/A1KA also validates and manages all of the Enlisted Quarterly Assignments
Listing-Plus positions requiring Commander’s Involvement Process actions and works hand
in hand with AFPC on Developmental Special Duty (DSD) assignment actions.
2.2. Directorate of Intelligence (AETC/A2). Provides oversight, execution, support, and
management of operational intelligence; sensitive compartmented information guidance;
intelligence systems support guidance, and information assurance guidance; planning and
programming; intelligence analysis; and force management for AETC intelligence units and
2.3. Directorate of Operations and Communications (AETC/A3/6). Advises commander on
command-wide operations, communications, and Total Force Development activities,
opportunities, and services within and across the DAF in a manner that is consistent with the
statutory, higher headquarters, and Secretary-assigned authorities and responsibilities, which other
commanders, directors, or functional authorities are required to execute within their respective
mission areas, units, or functions.
2.4. Directorate of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (AETC/A4). Provides
oversight of logistics, engineering, and force protection for basic military and technical training
2.5. Directorate of Plans, Programs, and Requirements (AETC/A5/8). Develops AETC
strategy and leads operational planning, manages capability requirements of training, coordinates
AETC inputs to the Program Objective Memorandum, and provides assisted acquisition.
2.6. Directorate of Analysis and Innovation (AETC/A9). Assists the AETC Commander,
subordinate commanders, and HQ AETC Directors in exploring and developing future-oriented
capabilities and in leading, carrying out, reviewing, and ensuring the analytic integrity of
innovation activities, studies, analyses, and assessments across all aspects of the AETC mission.
2.7. Directorate of Financial Management and Comptroller (AETC/FM). Provides oversight
and guidance in all aspects of financial management to include budgeting, accounting, Financial
Improvement and Audit Readiness, audit, guidance, and other comptrollership matters.
2.8. Directorate of Command Surgeon (AETC/SG).
2.8.1. The Medical Force Development/Formal Training Division (SGU) manages and
resources Medical Temporary Duty (TDY)-to-School and Joint Formal Training courses to
include quota management.
2.8.2. Works in collaboration with 2 AF to coordinate curriculum development, requirements,
and resource validation for officer and enlisted joint training courses.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 9
2.9. Second Air Force (2 AF). Provides guidance and operational oversight for the creation,
sustainment, and revision of training.
2.10. Chief Training Officer (2 AF/CTO). Serves as the primary education and training advisor
to the 2 AF Commander.
2.11. Total Force Advisors to the Commander (2 AF/RF and 2 AF/CG). Primary
policy/guidance advisors for collaboration between 2 AF, Headquarters Air Force Reserve
Command (AFRC), and National Guard Bureau to facilitate corporate communication amongst
the total force.
2.12. Operations and Communications (2 AF/A3/6). Operates the Technical Training
Operations Center providing operational oversight of technical training.
2.13. Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) (2 AF/A3A). Provides career
development courses (CDC) and specialized courses in support of enlisted upgrade training and
the Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS).
2.14. Command Military Training Office (2 AF/A3M). Serves as AF Career Field Manager
for military training special duty identifiers 8B000 and 8B100 and performs MAJCOM Functional
Manager (MFM) duties for 8B000 and 8B100.
2.15. Analysis (2 AF/A3OA). Monitors operations for trends affecting training.
2.16. Plans (2 AF/A3OP). Manages technical training programming and requirements and the
Mission Readiness Training Program AETC funded quotas.
2.17. Policy and Operational Strategy (2 AF/A3OS). Establishes training guidance and
processes; serves as functional manager for training evaluations, faculty development,
instructional technology units, and trainer development; and provides operational oversight for
Technical Training - 101.
2.18. Training Pipeline Managers (2 AF/A3T). Advise AF Career Field Managers (AFCFM)
on all aspects of training and manage and advocate for training course resources. Note: Also
applies to Air Force Medical Services Training Pipeline Manager assigned to AETC/SG.
2.19. Communications (2 AF/A6). Provides guidance, support, and oversight for the Numbered
Air Force’s cyber, information technology (IT), and enterprise data management.
2.20. Accessions and Classifications (2 AF/Det 1). Manages DAF accessions and
reclassification for enlisted non-prior service. Reclassifies prior-service students (TRQI AJ1K)
when Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AF/A1) approves them to
remain in the DAF.
2.21. Safety Manager (2 AF/SE). Provides oversight of high-risk training programs within the
2 AF technical training enterprise.
2.22. Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (2 AF/A4). Provides oversight of logistics,
engineering, and force protection for basic military and technical training organizations.
2.23. Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements (2 AF/A5/8/9). Plans and programs for
funding and facilitates innovation in support of future training.
2.24. Technical Training Transformation (2AF/Det 23). Modernizes education and training
through the integration of adaptable learning methods and technology.
10 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
2.25. Financial Management (2 AF/FM). Provides financial management, guidance, and
assistance to HQ 2 AF and subordinate units.
2.26. Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Functional Managers (2 AF/OL-
A). Develop, implement, and manage career field training programs for assigned AF specialties.
Perform as Functional Manager for all programs affecting education and training AFSPECWAR
2.27. Wing Safety Office. Provides assistance to training group for courses containing safety
2.28. Training Wing Commanders. Support and ensure execution of the training group mission.
2.29. Training Group Commanders. Ensure quality, quantity, and timeliness of the training
mission conducted by subordinate training squadrons.
2.30. Training Squadron Commanders. Provide leadership and guidance over training and
establish and/or implement programs and/or procedures to ensure efficient and effective training
is provided.
2.31. Training Administrators (or equivalent). Provide support to training group commanders
and disseminate policy/guidance decisions. Note: 59th Training Group Training Administrator
serves as primary training advisor for the 59th Medical Wing commander.
2.32. Training Evaluations Chiefs (or equivalent) and Evaluators. Gauge institutional
effectiveness to improve training programs and support the commander’s inspection program.
2.33. Faculty Development Flight Chiefs. Provide professional development programs for
personnel who support, develop, deliver, or evaluate training.
2.34. Instructional Technology Unit Chiefs. Oversee the development of technology-based
courses, content, graphics, animations, and inserts to support or enhance training.
2.35. Instructional Technology Unit Developers. Develop and manage technology-based
courses, content, graphics, animations, and inserts to support or enhance training.
2.36. Registrars. Ensure accurate student accountability within the learning management
2.37. Training Support Flight Chiefs (Training Squadron) (or equivalent). Serve as training
advisor to the training squadron commander. Oversee training and resource management.
2.38. AETC Training Managers. Manage formal training, course schedules, and seat
2.39. Training Development Element Chiefs (or equivalent). Oversee the development,
validation, and training evaluation of instructional courses.
2.40. Curriculum Development Managers. Develop and manage course content and materials
using the instructional systems design process.
2.41. Career Development Course Writers/Developers. Serve as career field’s lead subject-
matter expert for the review and development of assigned CDCs and specialized courses,
supporting the enlisted upgrade training program and WAPS.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 11
2.42. Training Flight Commander/Chiefs (or equivalent). Manage flight operations and
assigned personnel.
2.43. High-Risk Training Officers. Manage the training squadron High-Risk Training Program.
2.44. Instructor Supervisors. Manage classroom operations, provide training instruction, and
ensure qualification/maintenance of instructor staff.
2.45. Instructors. Maintain instructor qualifications and provide effective training.
2.46. Total Force Liaisons. Serve as wing liaison for AFRC/ANG training issues.
2.47. Basic Military Training Consult Service. Provides psychological support and resiliency
2.48. Military Training Instructors. Perform instructor duties and responsibilities, conduct
military and physical training, and motivate trainees/Airmen to adapt to military life.
2.49. Group Military Training Superintendents. Perform military training functional area
manager duties.
2.50. Military Training Flight Chiefs. Provide functional oversight over Military Training
Leaders and their day-to-day management and development of Airmen.
2.51. Military Training Leaders. Manage and develop non-prior service Airmen.
2.52. Airmen in Initial Skills Training. Continue to develop in the profession of arms and their
assigned technical specialty.
12 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Chapter 3
3.1. Directorate of Manpower, Personnel, and Services (AETC/A1).
3.1.1. Validates manpower requirements for training and notifies Training Pipeline Managers
(TPM) when student man-years are impacted for non-medical courses.
3.1.2. Verifies and approves changes in instructor authorizations identified by base manpower
offices. Exception: Medical training instructors are verified and approved by their servicing
manpower office.
3.1.3. Calculates annual instructor pricing for non-medical courses.
3.1.4. Coordinates with MFM on manpower change requests and Enlisted Quarterly
Assignment Listing-Plus advertisements (due to AFSC imbalances).
3.2. Directorate of Intelligence (AETC/A2).
3.2.1. Provides intelligence functional management of 14N, 1A8, 1N, and 9S1 AFSCs. Liaises
with AFCFMs and AFPC regarding manpower, personnel, and policy issues.
3.2.2. Coordinates with intelligence AFCFMs, other MAJCOMs, 19 AF, and 2 AF to establish
and implement initial, advanced, and supplemental courses to ensure intelligence training
meets the needs of the career field.
3.2.3. Manages the overall acquisition of Cryptologic Language Analysts into the Air Force
with coordination between HQ AF Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Cyber
Effects Operations (AF/A2) and the HQ AETC Director of Operations (AETC/A3) training
quota manager. Validates all language training quotas and ensures implementation through the
Air Force recruiting process. Provides oversight for the overall AETC language program to
ensure implementation and availability of language training requirements of all career
Cryptologic Language Analysts across the command.
3.2.4. Provides sensitive compartmented information policy guidance, oversight, execution
support, and operational management to the MAJCOM. Responsible for personnel
(student/permanent party/deployments) and physical, information, industrial, and
administrative security. The AETC Senior Intelligence Officer (AETC/A2) is the authority for
all decisions/actions concerning sensitive compartmented information operations.
3.2.5. In coordination with Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance,
and Cyber Effects Operations (AF/A2/6) and appropriate lead commands, develops,
transforms, coordinates, executes, and helps resource initial/advanced training that delivers
intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance professionals to operate in highly
contested/agile environments across all-domains.
3.2.6. Provides intelligence systems support, operational management, intelligence systems
policy/requirements, and intelligence information assurance guidance for AETC. Ensures
interoperability between the command’s intelligence systems and the Intelligence Community.
Manages the Command’s geospatial information systems and services. Provides unit-level
intelligence support and systems certification and accreditation guidance.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 13
3.2.7. Integrates intelligence requirements into AETC Strategy, Planning, Programming,
Budgeting, and Execution efforts.
3.2.8. Provides functional integration and prioritization of the AETC intelligence budget
(Military Intelligence Program and National Intelligence Program) and integrates into
Headquarters Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution activities.
3.3. Directorate of Operations and Communications (AETC/A3/6).
3.3.1. Develops and recommends force development (FD) policy for the Total Force. Provides
program management oversight to FD governance structures to address DAF learning issues.
3.3.2. Provides functional integration and prioritization of assigned panel FD resource issues
through the AETC Corporate Process, across Strategy, Planning, Programming, Budgeting,
and Execution activities.
3.3.3. Develops and executes competency modeling processes and partners with functional
authorities, MFM, AF career field managers, and education and training specialists to guide,
measure, implement, assess, and oversee all aspects of competency modeling for the DAF.
3.3.4. Provides management and integration for uniquely distinct functional operations for
special warfare, nuclear, military diving, jumping, and security cooperation non-US aircraft
maintenance training missions, as well as, Advanced Readiness Training, Multi-Capable
Airmen, Ready Airmen Training.
3.3.5. Plans and balances steady state production and emergent requirements; monitors current
operations and production; forecasts and adjusts operations based on planning implications;
and assesses operational effectiveness in relationship to the AETC Commander's vision and
strategic objectives. Provides functional lead representation for out-year requirements management for
DAF training courses. Develops Programmed Technical Training for execution and out-years of initial
skills and Mission Readiness Training, Non-Resident Training, Field Training Detachment
and Trained Dog Requirements. Serves as Air Force Sister Service Training Program Manager for out-year training
requirements. Provide DAF requirements for Army Training Requirements and Resources
System and Enterprise Navy Training Reservation System. Serves as language quota management authority ensuring sustainment in the
Cryptologic/non-Cryptologic Language Air Force Specialty Codes. Collects, plans,
develops, and co-authors annual data call for training.
3.3.6. Develops processes and systems to capture, manage, and report digital credentials and
FD experiences such as Developmental Special Experiences.
3.3.7. Provides functional oversight for Learning Professionals’ activities, programs, and
credentialing across the DAF. Efforts include (but not limited to) 1750 and 1712 civilian career
series support and lead for the Instructor/Master Instructor programs.
3.3.8. Provides functional lead representation for all DAF stakeholders for current and future
learning services, which includes (but is not limited to) Learning Management System,
14 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
electronic course catalog, all-inclusive learning record, and enterprise learning, resource
planning, and management capability.
3.3.9. Provides learning services functional representation and strategic interface between
mission partners and project managers to support achievement of FD learning outcomes. Oversees the acquisition of AF Learning Services capabilities. Provides oversight of the AETC Learning Services Acquisition Portfolio.
3.4. Directorate of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (AETC/A4).
3.4.1. Provides optimum Class II, III, VII, and IX supply support to enable basic military and
technical training.
3.4.2. Advocates for and monitors infrastructure investment of basic military and technical
training facilities for Airmen’s quality of life.
3.4.3. Performs senior functional role on Development Team for assigned Security Forces
officers and senior non-commissioned officer assignment vectoring.
3.5. Directorate of Plans, Programs, and Requirements (AETC/A5/8).
3.5.1. Supports AETC planning, programming, requirements, acquisition (contracts), and
strategy development for the Command.
3.5.2. Oversees new training system acquisitions and the Modification Management Process
to ensure currency of training equipment.
3.5.3. Oversees the AETC Corporate Structure consisting of the group, board, and council fed
by panels and standing committees to ensure adequate resourcing.
3.5.4. Develops and oversees the development of operational plans and strategies.
3.6. Directorate of Analysis and Innovation (AETC/A9).
3.6.1. Provides analytic and assessment services such as ad hoc and sustained data analysis,
visualization projects, and creation of online dashboards that support recruiting, training, and
education missions.
3.6.2. Directs AETC’s defense laboratory. Works with AETC units to build strategic
relationships and partnerships with external industry, academia, and other partners within the
National Security Innovation Base as a means to facilitate technology transfer, knowledge
sharing, and collaboration to advance AETC mission capabilities.
3.6.3. Designs and executes focused studies to support leadership priorities and advance data-
driven decisions; offers insights regarding trends most relevant to AETC missions.
3.6.4. Provides subject-matter expertise and facilitation to foster innovation activities related
to FD processes and methods to include technical training transformation.
3.7. Directorate of Financial Management and Comptroller (AETC/FM).
3.7.1. Provides annual fiscal guidance across 2 AF to ensure compliance with legal,
regulatory, and budgetary policies and guidelines.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 15
3.7.2. Directs Execution Plan, Initial Distribution, Mid-Year Review, and End of Year
Closeout financial drills and incorporates requirements into the HQ AETC corporate process
for validation and prioritization.
3.7.3. Provides accounting policy and oversight to include financial systems and quality
3.7.4. Supports subordinate units with financial improvement and audit readiness compliance,
war planning, cost, and other related financial operations activities.
3.8. Directorate of Command Surgeon (AETC/SG).
3.8.1. Validates medical formal training resource requests and manpower requirements as
approved by base manpower office. Notifies respective AFCFM and Officer Corps Chiefs on
requirement changes.
3.8.2. Engages with Headquarters AF, AF Surgeon General, Numbered AF, and Air Force
Medical Readiness Agency regarding the status of medical formal training platforms.
3.8.3. Collaborates with Defense Health Agency, sister services, and coalition partners
regarding Clinical Training Program (advanced/supplemental/Phase II) training opportunities
and requirements.
16 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Chapter 4
4.1. Overview. Provides guidance and operational oversight for the creation, sustainment, and
revision of training. Develops and interprets basic military and technical training policy and
ensures compliance. Establishes holiday student exodus guidance.
4.2. Chief Training Officer (2 AF/CTO).
4.2.1. Establishes, revises, or reviews policies, procedures, mission directives, operational
plans, and organization design.
4.2.2. Ensures Basic Military Training (BMT), technical training, and advanced/supplemental
training policy is consistent with DAF and command training philosophy.
4.2.3. Provides guidance on instructional technology affecting basic military or technical
4.3. Air Force Career Development Academy (AFCDA) (2 AF/A3A).
4.3.1. Manages the USAF career development course program. (T-2)
4.3.2. Develops and delivers interactive career development courses in support of the enlisted
upgrade training program and the WAPS.
4.3.3. Establishes and maintains publications, forms, and/or guides to identify roles,
responsibilities, and processes for the creation, delivery, revision, and evaluation of career
development courses and specialized courses in accordance with DAFMAN 36-2689, Training
4.3.4. Provides a dashboard reporting real-time status of career development courses in
development and completion statistics for implemented courseware.
4.4. Military Training Special Duty Manager (2 AF/A3M).
4.4.1. Serves as a day-to-day advocate for military training special duty identifiers (SDI)
8B000 Military Training Instructor (MTI) and 8B100 Military Training Leader (MTL).
4.4.2. Sets guidance and implements overall policy and guidance for the management of the
military training SDI. Works with Air Force Reserve Command (AFRC) functional managers
(FM) who serve as the authority for policy specific to their component.
4.4.3. Establishes eligibility and selection criteria for entry into the military training special
4.4.4. Reviews and validates SDI manning entitlements. Leads and works with Air Staff,
Headquarters AFPC, MAJCOM/Direct Reporting Unit/component FMs and manpower offices
to ensure Unit Manning Documents correctly reflect MTI/MTL authorizations.
4.4.5. Coordinates with AETC Force Presentation and Generation Branch (AETC/A3OO) on
military training unit type codes and tasking policies.
4.4.6. Approves or disapproves exceptions to policy prescribed in the Special Duty
Assignment Category (SPECAT) Guide, Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory
(AFECD), or any guidance governing special duty selection criteria except as indicated for
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 17
AFRC/ANG-specific policy. Note: Defers AFRC/ANG-specific exceptions to the appropriate
component FM.
4.4.7. Establishes training requirements for the military training SDI including initial training
and continuous development. Advises the Military Training Instructor School and Military
Training Leader School Commandants and ensures military training special duty initiatives,
duty requirements, and Air Reserve Component (ARC)-unique training are incorporated into
curriculum as applicable.
4.4.8. Reviews training trends and job proficiency through multiple sources to include (but
not limited to) formal/informal reporting metrics, subject-matter proficiency verification
testing results, and site visits. Utilizes information for training needs assessment.
4.4.9. Works with AFCFM to alleviate significant manning shortfalls and establishes policy
within assignment guidelines to correct these shortages.
4.4.10. Reviews and provides updates to the AFECD and SPECAT.
4.4.11. Works with MTI/MTL FMs concerning a member’s release from and return to his or
her career field.
4.4.12. Coordinates with AFCFMs, on a case-by-case basis, on any MTIs/MTLs serving
beyond 6 years.
4.4.13. Serves as the approval authority for Regular Air Force requests to serve beyond 3 years
in the military training SDIs.
4.4.14. Serves as the screening and approval authority for Regular Air Force applications.
4.4.15. Identifies unique military training positions requiring prior military training
experience and advises AFPC special duty career management section to ensure proper
identification, advertisement, and Code 50 management for permanent change of station
requirements if applicable.
4.4.16. Establishes and maintains an electronic collaborative forum and ensures pertinent
documents and discussion areas are included.
4.4.17. Reviews all trip reports from MTI/MTL FMs and ensures applicable reports are
available to the field.
4.5. Analysis (2 AF/A3OA).
4.5.1. Monitors current basic military and technical training operations to ensure the health of
the student enterprise and identify trends impacting training operations.
4.5.2. Identifies the following training production key metrics and responsible agencies: Note:
See the Basic Military and Technical Training Process Guides for formula and data sources:
rocess_Guides/Training_Evaluations. BMT On-Time Graduation Rate (737th Training Group [TRG]). Course Graduation Rate (All TRGs). Actual Elimination Rate versus Programmed Elimination Rate (All TRGs). BMT Week Group Entry (Fill) Rate (2 AF).
18 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 Enlisted/Officer Initial Skills Course of Initial Entry (Fill) Rate (2 AF). Pipeline Production Rate (2 AF). Disenrollment/Reclassification Timeliness (2 AF).
4.6. Plans (2 AF/A3OP).
4.6.1. Programming and Requirements. Validates resident and non-resident programmed technical training requirements. Approves programmed elimination rates for courses under 2 AF’s oversight. Coordinates with training managers on the use and submission of capacity
assessment worksheets. Validates training capacity including constraint worksheets, risk assumptions
(with the Safety Manager and 2 AF/SE for 2 AF courses), and resource constraint bullet
background papers. Provides scheduling guidance and tasks the training groups to build course
schedules. Establishes procedures for making any changes to class schedules to include
adding, deleting, and moving quotas; adding and deleting classes; or changing class dates. Performs the execution-year quota management for DAF technical training
courses. Processes non-active-duty DAF users’ requests for reallocation of scheduled
training quotas and processes out-of-cycle requests. Sub-allocates DAF members into sister service registration systems for all
technical training sister service courses with parallel AETC formal training courses when
not accomplished by an automated system such as Army Training Requirements and
Resources System, Enterprise Navy Training Reservation System, etc. Sub-allocates DAF members into sister service registration systems (Army
Training Requirements and Resources System, Enterprise Navy Training Reservation
System, etc.) for sister service technical training courses when there is no current parallel
AETC formal training course using the sister service student enrollment worksheet
provided by the training requester quota identifier manager. For additional information,
refer to Air Force Manual (AFMAN) 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification.
4.6.2. Mission Readiness Training Program. Manages the Mission Readiness Training Program Funding Level-1 - AETC
TDY-to-School centrally funded quotas during the execution year. Develops and distributes Monthly Execution Report and Annual Execution
Report. Approves quota movement and out-of-cycle requests. Processes TDY-to-School Special Authorization Requests. Updates the Master Training Requester Quota Identifier Listing.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 19 Assigns Personnel Data System codes to new/updated courses.
4.7. Policy and Operational Strategy (2 AF/A3OS).
4.7.1. Establishes basic military and technical training policy, instructions, manuals, and/or
guides to meet the intent of basic military and technical training publications or initiatives, as
4.7.2. Establishes processes and procedures for basic military and technical training. Also
provides process tools for areas as outlined in this instruction (e.g., metric formulas and data
sources, high-risk assessment training, and Airmanship-200 topics/requirements). This
information is located in the Basic Military and Technical Training Process Guides:
4.7.3. Serves as 2 AF Functional Manager for faculty development. Provides operational
oversight for subordinate unit faculty development functions and encourages cross-feed of
information amongst wings. Establishes core competencies for Basic Instructor
Courses/Instructor Qualification Course.
4.7.4. Serves as 2 AF Functional Manager for instructional technology units. Facilitates
collaborative solutions and lateral support to instructional technology units fostering
innovative learning products.
4.7.5. Serves as Functional Manager for trainer development activities in accordance with
(IAW) AETCI 21-109, Maintenance Management Trainer Development.
4.7.6. Serves as 2 AF Functional Manager for training evaluations. Provides functional
oversight for internal and external evaluation programs, monitors for efficiencies and
effectiveness, and encourages cross-feed of information amongst wings.
4.7.7. Provides operational oversight of the Technical Training - 101.
4.8. Training Pipeline Managers (2 AF/A3T). Note: Also applies to Air Force Medical
Services Training Pipeline Manager assigned to AETC/SG.
4.8.1. In addition to responsibilities listed in DAFMAN 36-2689, TPMs will direct training
wings to develop training plans, course resource estimates, and service test plans to identify
resource impacts. (T-3) Exception: Not required for Type 4 courses.
4.8.2. Act as the key link between Training Wings, AFCFMs, and the Inter-Service Training
Review Organization.
4.8.3. Advise AFCFMs on the health of training pipelines, coordinate course revisions,
prioritize, advocate, and coordinate for resources and logistics, and monitor student man-year
utilization impacts to ensure effective execution of DAF resources.
4.8.4. Advise AFCFMs on course development process and resource impacts stemming from
course additions, deletions, and changes.
4.8.5. Collaborate with AFCFMs to determine criteria used in analyzing feedback.
4.8.6. Collaborate with stakeholders to identify resources needed to resolve training
20 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
4.8.7. Coordinate with AFCFMs and MFMs on training activities.
4.8.8. Certify training plans.
4.8.9. Assist 2 AF/A5/8/9 with AETC’s Program Objective Memorandum input based off
resource impacts of course training plans, course resource estimates, and service test plans.
4.8.10. Forward certified training plan to 2 AF/SE for courses that meet the High-Risk
Training Program criteria as defined in Attachment 3.
4.9. Communications (2 AF/A6).
4.9.1. Strategy, Governance and Policy. Analyzes and develops policy governing IT activities within the USAF training
enterprise under 2 AF’s purview. Oversees Strategic IT Alignment. Develops compliance methodology in conjunction with AETC data strategy,
management, stewardship guidance, and supplemental direction for enterprise training
systems and services. Oversees business processes between HQ AETC, 2 AF staff, and subordinate
units. Represents 2 AF units’ interest to higher-level leadership and boards such as the
IT and Data Oversight and Governance. Performs analysis to enhance 2 AF leaders’ resource allocation decisions.
4.9.2. IT Systems Cyber Security. Supports AETC Information Technology Risk Management Framework
compliance for training systems, applications, and services as outlined in AFI 17-101, Risk
Management Framework (RMF) for Air Force Information Technology (IT), within the
USAF training enterprise. Supports AETC program managers with Enterprise Mission Assurance Support
Service Management for systems within the USAF training enterprise. Provides 2 AF units with Enterprise Information Systems Security Management
support. Oversees IT RMF compliance for training systems, applications, and services as
outlined in AFI 17-101. Coordinates 2 AF units’ efforts to obtain Authority to Operate for IT systems. Assesses, manages, and coordinates operational risk to force, mission, and
infrastructure with 2 AF staff and applicable organizations.
4.9.3. Emerging Requirements. Provides assistance and oversight for initiatives such as Innovation Pathfinder,
Force Development Gateway and other efforts associated with furthering the effectiveness
of the learning management system.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 21 Serves as a liaison for Non-Profit Organizations and Industry to advance higher
education through the use of IT. Provides project management support for new initiatives. Represents units to higher-level leadership and boards such as the Technical
Transition Advisory Board. Assesses, validates, helps prioritize innovations and technical solutions, and
communicates results to HQ AETC and supported training units.
4.9.4. Data Management and Transformation. Advises leadership and units in regard to supporting the DAF Enterprise Data
Management Strategy. Provides guidance to project, tactical, and technical data stewards within
respective mission areas. Provides cross-functional coordination between AETC and 2 AF Operations (2
AF/A3) to support training analytics. Supports and provides guidance for the DAF Artificial Intelligence-Readiness
Strategy, Policy, and Enterprise Business Intelligence.
4.9.5. IT Sub-Portfolio Management. Coordinates initiatives for enterprise training systems and learning services
between key stakeholders (e.g., 2 AF/CTO, 2 AF/A3, 2 AF/A5/8/9, 2 AF/FM, AETC/FM,
AETC/A3/6, AETC/A5/8, AETC/A9). Coordinates operational requirements for new and existing systems within the 2
AF IT portfolio with program and functional managers prior to acquisition. Supports 2 AF units and the AETC program managers with complying with the
IT Investment Portfolio Suite requirements. Provides oversight of acquisition, implementation, integration, sustainment,
modification, and disposition of legacy training systems. Ensures functional assessments are performed for 2 AF training systems and
services. Ensure scope/capabilities, sustainability, user experience, and functional
duplications are coordinated with key stakeholders. Oversee requirement reviews/vetting, prioritization and ensuring Interoperability-
focused Change Management. Provides oversight of Technology and Training Systems Refresh (software).
4.9.6. Technology Infrastructure Support. Oversees Infrastructure Sustainment (Voice of the Customer for the Training
Enterprise). Provides IT hardware project/program support.
22 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 Supports HQ AETC-driven cloud migration, management, and interface
requirements for new and existing learning systems and services. Provides oversight of Technology and Training Systems Refresh (hardware). Drives Cloud-Hosting Interface requirements to support 2 AF units.
4.10. Accessions and Classifications (2 AF/Det 1).
4.10.1. Produces and releases approved accession plan to recruiting service to meet DAF
active-duty end strength.
4.10.2. Monitors percentages of Airmen accessed under the Guaranteed Training Enlistment
Program for initial skills training.
4.10.3. Coordinates with applicable offices to establish enlisted initial skills classification and
reclassification guidance.
4.10.4. Validates qualification, classification, and reclassification of non-prior service
4.10.5. Processes student reclassification packages within 1 duty day of receiving AETC Form
125A, Record of Administrative Training Action. (T-2)
4.11. Safety Manager (2 AF/SE).
4.11.1. Assesses the health of subordinate organizations with high-risk training activities to
evaluate and provide feedback on the effectiveness of mitigation measures.
4.11.2. Reviews high-risk training programs and guides program managers, high-risk training
officers, and wing safety representatives to focus on risk mitigation actions and strategies.
4.11.3. Assists wings in developing local procedures to address and review implemented risk
mitigation measures to minimize high-risk program aspects.
4.11.4. Notifies AETC Directorate of Safety (AETC/SE), MFMs, and MAJCOM Program
Managers of any identified high-risk training deficiencies.
4.12. Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection (2 AF/A4).
4.12.1. Monitors the condition and mission capability of infrastructure and associated training
sites, within 2 AF while developing inputs to AETC/A4, Air Force Civil Engineering Center
and Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center regarding mission execution,
sustainment, and emerging requirements.
4.12.2. Validates infrastructure considerations regarding resources and equipment needed to
support technical training requirements in coordination with 2 AF/FM and 2 AF/5/8/9.
4.12.3. Advises 2 AF and Wing Commanders on current campus planning requirements and
regulations while projecting considerations for future expansion of the training mission or
evolving technology.
4.12.4. Evaluates Facility Sustainment, Restoration, and Maintenance, Unspecified Minor
Military Construction, and Military Construction programmed project portfolios while
advising 2 AF Commander on executability and priority scoring matrices IAW Base to
Command Standard Operating Procedures outlined by AETC Chief, Resource Integration
Division (AETC/A4P) and higher headquarters.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 23
4.12.5. Assists Training Wing Commanders in resolving acute support, logistics, and force
protection challenges.
4.12.6. Operates as 2 AF’s dorm fleet managers, ensuring training dorms and permanent party
dorm management and sustainment strategies are executed IAW AFI 32-6000, Housing
Management, and in concert with AETC dorm fleet manager oversight.
4.12.7. Provides functional oversight as the command’s Support Agreement Manager IAW
AFI 25-201, Intra-service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures,
and DODI 4000.19, Support Agreements, while leading coordination with 2 AF Manpower,
Personnel, and Services (2 AF/A1), 2 AF/FM, other Numbered Air Force staff, and equivalent
level Support Agreement Managers across agencies.
4.13. Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements (2 AF/A5/8/9).
4.13.1. Develops input to AETC’s Program Objective Memorandum for funding all basic
military and technical training programs.
4.13.2. Validates, prioritizes, advocates, and resources technical training support requirements
including information systems, training devices, and facility investments. Performs analysis to
enhance 2 AF leaders’ resource allocation decisions.
4.13.3. Provides subject-matter expertise and facilitation to foster innovation activities and
future environments related to the technical training processes and methods to include training
4.14. Technical Training Transformation (2AF/Det 23).
4.14.1. Explores innovative technologies to bolster skills training development.
4.14.2. Serves as a conduit for industry partners to provide solutions to modernize classrooms
without impacting current student throughput.
4.14.3. Ensures modernization of training aligns with best practices while meeting the
directive of Airman Centric, Mission Focused, and Competency Based.
4.15. Financial Management (2 AF/FM).
4.15.1. Develops input to AETC’s Execution Plans and Initial Distribution Plans for all basic
military and technical training programs.
4.15.2. Establishes and implements methods ensuring technical training budget execution
complies with legal, regulatory, and budgetary policies and guidelines.
4.15.3. Tracks execution and manages unfunded requests.
4.15.4. Receives, interprets, supplements, and distributes Fiscal Year Close-Out Guidance
provided by higher headquarters and ensures subordinate unit compliance.
4.15.5. Serves as key advisor on execution-year trends and analyses.
4.15.6. Advocates to AETC on behalf of subordinate training units for execution-year
24 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
4.16. Air Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Functional Managers (2 AF/OL-A).
4.16.1. Provide guidance to other AFSPECWAR MAJCOM Functional Managers to resolve
problems with training capability. Provide or coordinate training as necessary to support ARC
personnel. Conduct training meetings as needed.
4.16.2. Provide recommendations to the AF Career Field Manager and appropriate MAJCOM
education and training managers on training policy and documentation requirements.
4.16.3. Act as office of primary responsibility for AETC external evaluation programs. Assist
appropriate MAJCOM inspection and evaluation activities and identify priority qualification
requirements and standards.
4.16.4. Coordinate training feedback from supported units with the appropriate MAJCOM
education and training Manager, appropriate training agency, and AF Career Field Manager.
4.16.5. Ensure deployment/unit type code tasks are included in appropriate MAJCOM
4.16.6. Ensure Trained Personnel Requirements, Mission Readiness Training Program,
Program Guidance Letter, and Mobile Training Teams resources for their respective specialty
reflects appropriate MAJCOM mission priorities. Training requester quota identifiers are
assigned to MAJCOMs, forward operating agency, and direct reporting units responsible for
training accountability of personnel. Only one training requester quota identifier is assigned to
a functional entity for Mission Readiness Training Program.
4.16.7. Approve/Disapprove training waivers on a case-by-case basis to ensure all training
requirements are met.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 25
Chapter 5
5.1. Wing Safety Office.
5.1.1. Reviews Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheets (AF Form 4437 or Department of
Defense [DD] Form 2977 for joint environment) that meet the definition of High-Risk Training
Program per paragraph A3.2 during training plan development/changes. (T-2) Exception:
Does not apply to Type 4 courses.
5.1.2. Conducts periodic spot inspections of high-risk training courses for compliance with
risk mitigation measurements (minimum 1 per quarter). (T-2)
5.2. Training Commanders at All Levels.
5.2.1. Collaboratively manage students not in training to ensure efficient production of
graduates, effective use of resources, and the value of Airman’s time. (T-3) Exception: Does
not apply to IAAFA or DLIELC.
5.2.2. Ensure personnel are trained and qualified to develop, deliver, manage, and evaluate
instructional courses. (T-3)
5.2.3. Establish, fund, and maintain professional development programs for faculty and staff.
5.2.4. Provide support and guidance for the creation, revision, implementation, and evaluation
of instructional courses. (T-3)
5.2.5. Plan to fulfill technical training needs identified during the Specialty Training
Requirements Team, Utilization and Training Workshop, and/or by the AFCFM. (T-3)
5.2.6. Provide day-to-day leadership to staff and students. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply
5.2.7. Ensure all personnel (military and civilian) are aware of the prohibitions of
unprofessional relationships and the importance of resisting behavioral and/or ethical drift. (T-
2) Additional information and requirements are provided in AFI 36-2909 and its
5.3. Training Wing Commanders.
5.3.1. Attend Technical Training - 101 within 180 days of assignment. (T-2)
5.3.2. Ensure implementation of the High-Risk Training Program delineated throughout this
instruction to assess risks and control measures. (T-2)
5.3.3. Approve faculty board action and course elimination action for officer misconduct by
signing AETC Form 125, Record of Faculty Board Action, and AETC Form 125A, (T-3)
Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.4. Training Group Commanders.
5.4.1. Attend Technical Training - 101 within 180 days of assignment. (T-3) Exception: Does
not apply to DLIELC.
26 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.4.2. Ensure CCAF creditawarding courses are in compliance with the CCAF Policies,
Procedures and Guidelines (PPG) for affiliated schools. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to
5.4.3. Train and evaluate other service instructors according to the managing service’s criteria,
school’s memorandum of agreement, and/or the CCAF PPG for CCAF accredited schools. (T-
3) Exception: Does not apply to DLIELC.
5.4.4. Ensure procedures are established for maintaining non-CCAF instructor records. (T-3)
5.4.5. Establish procedures for managing the Master Instructor Program IAW AETCI 36-
2601, Instructor and Master Instructor Badging Program. (T-3) Use AETC Form 630, Master
Instructor Certificate, or electronic equivalent, to document award of the Master Instructor
Badge. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to DLIELC.
5.4.6. Establish procedures for managing and evaluating the Master Military Training Leader
Program. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA or DLIELC.
5.4.7. Ensure initial- and continuation-training courses are available for faculty and staff. (T-
5.4.8. Ensure training identified for specific roles in this publication is tracked for completion.
5.4.9. Ensure Technical Training Management System - Learning Management System
(TTMS-LMS) OJT is conducted for all personnel using TTMS-LMS prior to data entry. (T-3)
5.4.10. Ensure programmed elimination rates are accurate prior to submitting for
incorporation into the programmed technical training document. (T-3) Exception: Does not
apply to IAAFA or DLIELC.
5.4.11. Ensure capacity assessments are conducted to identify maximum potential throughput
for the AFSCs trained. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA, DLIELC, or Type 4
5.4.12. Establish procedures for documenting support personnel training needs assessments
and completed training. (T-3)
5.4.13. Implement a phase program for non-prior service Airmen attending enlisted initial
skills training. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA or DLIELC.
5.4.14. Establish group-level training evaluation element with the primary role of performing
unbiased internal and external training evaluations. (T-2)
5.4.15. Approve training plans. (T-3) May delegate to Training Administrator. Exception: 637 TRG Commander may
delegate to squadron commander. Ensure AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environments are included in
the Risk Management Annex, if applicable. (T-2)
5.4.16. Certify in a memorandum the acceptance of risk when implementing a course prior to
receiving the training plan certification. (T-2) Send the signed risk certification memorandum
to the 2 AF assigned TPM and file a copy in the course record set. (T-2)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 27
5.4.17. Approve service test plans. (T-3) May delegate to Training Administrator. Exception:
Does not apply to IAAFA or DLIELC.
5.4.18. Appoint, in writing, a group Technical Training Management System (TTMS) point
of contact to serve as focal point for issues (e. g., defects and new requirements for
enhancements). (T-3)
5.4.19. Appoint a central point of contact to provide guidance to high-risk training officers
and curriculum developers. (T-2) Due to Special Warfare Training Group’s unique mission
and training requirements, Special Warfare Training Group Commander will appoint an
operational Standardization/Evaluation function for oversight of high-risk training and
operational qualifications. (T-2)
5.4.20. 59th Training Group Commander will implement the High-Risk Training Program
delineated throughout this instruction to assess risks and control measures in coordination with
AETC/SE. (T-2)
5.4.21. Group commanders in BMT and the Special Warfare Training Wing may appoint
group Standardization/Evaluation team members as high-risk training officers.
5.4.22. 982 TRG Commander (in addition to applicable roles in paragraph 5.4). Oversee all field training (Type 4 courses). (T-3) Determine division of responsibilities between roles within technical training.
5.5. Training Squadron Commanders.
5.5.1. Attend Technical Training – 101 within 180 days of assignment. (T-3)
5.5.2. Approve AETC Form 125. (T-2) Approve AETC Form 125A within the TTMS-LMS
for course eliminations in AFSC-awarding pipelines (except for officer misconduct). (T-2)
Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. Bases/units with no access to TTMS-LMS will upload
AETC Form 125A for reclassification to the 2 AF/Det 1 SharePoint. (T-2) Note: May not
delegate lower than training squadron commander equivalent on G-series orders. (T-2) Approvals must occur within 5 duty days of student’s failure to progress in
training due to academic/performance reasons. (T-2) Ensure comments and supporting documentation justify decisions for
eliminations. (T-2) Approve self-initiated eliminations for those AFSCs authorized by AFCFMs to
voluntarily remove themselves from training. (T-2)
5.5.3. Ensure reclassified non-prior service Airmen depart training location within 3 duty days
of receiving orders. (T-2) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA or permanent change of station
5.5.4. Ensure accountability for students in the AETC-approved student management
system/services from arrival to departure. (T-2) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.5.5. Establish procedures for assessing newly assigned instructors' previous education,
training, and/or experience to justify exemption from Instructor Training Course attendance.
28 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
(T-3) Exception: Does not apply to Presidio. For CCAF instructor exemptions, follow
guidance in the CCAF Policies, Procedures and Guidelines and courtesy copy CCAF
instructor exemptions to the Affiliated School Liaison and CCAF/Campus Relations. (T-3)
Note: The 3 semester-hour requirement of instructional methodology cannot be waived for
CCAF instructor candidates, nor can the 180-hour teaching internship for CCAF student
5.5.6. Ensure procedures are in place to initiate, maintain, and dispose of instructor records
and supporting documents. (T-3) Refer to the CCAF PPG for instructors in CCAF credit-
awarding courses.
5.5.7. Ensure MTLs are assigned to positions, given roles, and responsibilities commensurate
with their primary mission as MTLs. (T-3) MTLs will not be assigned to positions, given roles,
or responsibilities, which detract from their primary function. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply
5.5.8. Establish a student recognition program, as applicable. (T-3) Common examples
include, but are not limited to, awarding AETC Form 498, AETC Commander’s Award, for
Top Graduate and AETC Form 499, Distinguished Graduate Certificate. Exception: Does not
apply to Type 4 courses.
5.5.9. Ensure schools conduct internal training/instructional evaluations and review feedback
to determine program efficiency and effectiveness to drive instructional course improvements.
5.5.10. Identify all personnel authorized to conduct instructor evaluations in writing. (T-3)
Ensure personnel conducting evaluations are trained to evaluate instructor performance by
attending either the Training Supervisor Course or an approved instructor evaluation seminar.
5.5.11. Ensure a process is in place to review, apply, and promote mishap prevention and risk
management into training as outlined in AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention
Program, and AFI 90-802, Risk Management. (T-3)
5.5.12. Appoint registrar focal points and students-not-in-training monitors, as necessary. (T-
5.5.13. Appoint, in writing, a squadron TTMS point of contact to serve as focal point for issues
(e.g., defects and new requirements for enhancements). (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to
5.5.14. Appoint Personnel Reliability Program monitor(s), as required. (T-3)
5.5.15. Ensure the accuracy and timeliness (within 1 duty day) of data entered into the AETC-
approved student management system/services. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.5.16. Ensure high-risk training is monitored and risks are mitigated. (T-2) See Attachment
3 for details. Appoint high-risk training officer(s), in the military rank of Staff Sergeant or
above or civil service equivalent of General Schedule paygrade GS-5 or above, for courses
conducting high-risk training activities to evaluate application of risk mitigations. (T-2)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 29 Review and approve AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment. (T-
2) Ensure manpower offsets and additional resources, provided IAW DAFMAN
36-2689, for high-risk training are used as intended. (T-2) Develop procedures to address risk mitigation and sampling/observation of high-
risk training activities. (T-2) Ensure risk assessment training is completed and documented prior to an
individual (e.g., training support flight chiefs, training development element chiefs,
training managers, curriculum development managers, high-risk training officers,
instructor supervisors, and instructors) conducting/reviewing risk assessments (AF Form
4437 or DD Form 2977) during development and/or changes to course tasks. (T-3) Risk
assessment training is located in the Basic Military and Technical Training Process Guides:
5.6. Training Administrators (or equivalent).
5.6.1. Serve as the primary training advisor and senior management consultant to the training
group commander.
5.6.2. Establish, revise, or review policies and procedures. Ensure policy is consistent with
AF, AETC, CCAF, and 2 AF training philosophy and guidance. (T-3)
5.6.3. 59th Training Group Training Administrator ensures the establishment of a Clinical
Training Program (i.e., advanced, supplemental, and Phase II training). Resource requirements
are validated and approved by AETC/SG.
5.7. Training Evaluations Chiefs (or equivalent).
5.7.1. Support the commander’s inspection program, as requested. (T-3) Requests should not
hinder effective administration of training evaluation and feedback programs.
5.7.2. Ensure evaluators complete Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and
Evaluation (ADDIE) or equivalent Instructional Systems Development (ISD) course no later
than (NLT) 6 months after assignment as evaluator. (T-3)
5.7.3. Manage administration of evaluation and feedback programs to gauge institutional
effectiveness and improve training programs. This includes but is not limited to: Evaluations. Evaluate proficiency and effectiveness of AETC CCAF and non-CCAF
instructors via instructor observations and subject-matter testing. (T-2) Conduct key metric and production analyses. (T-3) See paragraphs
and Analyze data (e.g., lessons learned, positive/negative trends, and decision-
making inputs) and identify opportunities for improvement and/or recommend
corrective actions, if necessary. (T-2) Feedback Programs.
30 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 Student Feedback Program. Establish an anytime feedback program with anonymous option (e.g.,
AETC Form 736, Student Feedback, online survey system or equivalent). (T-3) Conduct student feedback analysis. (T-3) Report observations. (T-3) Produce reports that include analysis and
summary of recommended courses of actions congruent with analyses. (T-3) Track
actions taken based upon recommendations. (T-3) Field Evaluation Feedback Programs. External feedback programs provide identification of successful
quality graduate development. Ensure evaluators and interviewers are trained to evaluate feedback
and conduct interviews. (T-3) For each program, analyze feedback data and comments. (T-3)
Collaborate with appropriate personnel (based on the feedback, e.g., training
manager, course development personnel, instructor supervisors, instructors) on
feedback results to determine if improvement opportunities exist and/or corrective
actions are necessary. (T-3) For each program, report observations. (T-3) Produce reports that
include analysis and summary of recommendations and collaborated courses of
actions congruent with analyses. (T-3) Track actions taken based upon
recommendations. (T-3) Collaborate with training manager/training development
element/course personnel. Field Evaluation Questionnaires. Exception: Does not apply to
DLIELC or Air Crew training conducted at 37 TRG. IAAFA’s field evaluation
questionnaires are conducted IAW AFI 16-105, during training requirement
assessment visits to partner nations. Develop field evaluation questionnaire schedule. (T-3) At a
minimum, include officer and enlisted (initial-skill) AFSC-awarding, and
mandatory 7-skill level (craftsman) courses (to include Type 6) that produce
graduates. (T-3) At a minimum, conduct field evaluation questionnaires 4 to 6
months after validation changes are implemented for a new or revised course
with post validation graduates. (T-2) Thereafter, conduct periodically to ensure
currency. (T-3) Develop and publish field evaluation questionnaires. (T-3)
Collaborate with the AFCFM, the AETC MAJCOM Functional Manager, the
TPM, and the AETC Training Manager, along with instructors and
development personnel, as needed, to draft quality field evaluation
questionnaires. Solicit feedback from supervisors and/or graduates, at a
minimum, for courses identified in paragraph (T-3) At a minimum, identify task items with less than 90-percent
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 31
adequacy and recommend courses of action, if plausible. (T-3) Right Time Training (982 TRG). Gather feedback on Right Time Training. (T-3) Perform analysis to gauge the effectiveness of Right Time
Training. (T-3) Field Interviews. Develop field interview questions. (T-3) Collaborate with the
AFCFM, the AETC MAJCOM Functional Manager, the TPM, and the AETC
Training Manager, along with instructors and development personnel, as
needed, to draft quality field interview questions. (T-3) Exception: Does not
apply to DLIELC. Conduct field interviews in person, if possible. (T-3) Otherwise,
conduct interviews by other means, as needed (virtual, telephone, email, etc.).
(T-3) Customer Service Information Program. Exception: Does not apply to
IAAFA, DLIELC, or BMT. Provides support for field contact for schoolhouse and field
concerns/issues. (T-3) Provides responses/analysis for data generated through the customer
service information program. (T-3) AFRC/ANG Liaison Office Feedback. Collect/forward feedback regarding
AFRC/ANG Liaison Office feedback to the following, respective, offices for review:
(T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. AFRC: AFRC/A1/KB, 555 Robins Pkwy, Robins AFB, GA 31098 or
email afrc[email protected]. ANG: ANG Training Liaison Branch Chief, 37 TRW/LN, 1550
Wurtsmith St, JBSA Lackland, TX 78236 or email [email protected].
5.8. Faculty Development Flight Chiefs.
5.8.1. Perform Training Flight Commander/Chief responsibilities.
5.8.2. Manage instructional courses to provide training and professional development for
personnel assigned to basic military and technical training. (T-3)
5.9. Instructional Technology Unit Chiefs.
5.9.1. Oversee the development of interactive multimedia instruction by the instructional
technology unit for training. (T-3)
5.9.2. Ensure instructional technology units provide lifecycle maintenance for interactive
multimedia instruction developed by the instructional technology unit. (T-3)
32 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.9.3. Ensure instructional technology units maintain expertise required to produce and
maintain various forms of interactive multimedia instruction used in BMT and technical
training for the entire life cycle. (T-3)
5.9.4. Ensure instructional technology unit stays abreast of new training technologies and
instructional design applications by attending conferences and/or training and reading
literature associated with new training technologies, instructional models, and education
application software. (T-3)
5.10. Instructional Technology Unit Developers.
5.10.1. Develop interactive multimedia instruction for training. (T-3)
5.10.2. Provide lifecycle maintenance for interactive multimedia instruction. (T-3)
5.10.3. Maintain expertise required to produce and maintain various forms of interactive
multimedia instruction used in BMT and technical training for the entire life cycle. (T-3)
5.10.4. Stay abreast of new training technologies and instructional design applications by
attending conferences and/or training and reading literature associated with new training
technologies, instructional models, and education application software. (T-3)
5.11. Registrars.
5.11.1. Enter elimination, recall, and disqualification codes. (T-3)
5.11.2. Establish process to review data within the learning management services or
designated system of record for accuracy and timeliness. (T-3) Notify applicable office of
identified issues and track until corrected. (T-3)
5.11.3. Sub-allocate students (AJ30 and DZA2) into follow-on courses. (T-3) Exception:
Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.11.4. Establish roles associated with force gains. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to
5.11.5. Coordinate with Lodging Master to prioritize TDY-to-school students IAW AFMAN
34-135, Air Force Lodging Program. (T-3)
5.11.6. Coordinate with International Military Student Officer regarding international military
student attendance, as necessary. (T-3)
5.11.7. Provide guidance and training, as needed. (T-3)
5.11.8. Conduct staff assistance visits, as requested. (T-3)
5.11.9. Identify and resolve training data systems and services interface rejects. (T-3)
Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.11.10. Provide verification of training. (T-3)
5.11.11. Use the Registrar’s seal embosser to authenticate training, as requested. (T-3)
5.11.12. Provide student data, as requested. (T-3)
5.11.13. Maintain/dispose of student records (e.g., AETC Form 125, AETC Form 125A)
based on the Records Disposition Schedule. (T-3)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 33
5.12. Training Support Flight Chiefs (Training Squadron).
5.12.1. Serve as training advisor to the training squadron commander.
5.12.2. Establish and manage policies in support of the squadron training mission. (T-3)
5.12.3. Guide training management and development processes. (T-3)
5.12.4. Oversee administration of squadron budget and preparation of detailed plans and
schedules for long-range forecasting and acquisition of training systems to support squadron
training missions. (T-3)
5.12.5. Review validation and service test findings and ensure any permanent changes to the
course are validated and resourced. (T-3)
5.12.6. Ensure course record sets are maintained. (T-3) Course record sets will include at a
minimum: Specialty Training Requirements Team/Utilization and Training Workshop
Meeting or other decision meeting minutes (as applicable), training plan (with applicable
annexes), risk certification memorandum (as applicable), measurement plan, plan of
instruction Part I and Part II (master lesson plan), copyright documentation (as applicable),
validation plan/summary, service test plan/summary (as applicable), and periodic course
reviews (PCR). (T-3) Exception: Type 4 Course Chart/Training Standard satisfies training
plan requirement. IAAFA follows guidance in AFI 16-105.
5.13. AETC Training Managers.
5.13.1. Complete ADDIE or equivalent ISD course and Training Management course within
6 months of assignment as AETC Training Manager. (T-3)
5.13.2. Manage instructional courses and resources. (T-3) Coordinate training standard approval through the TPM to the AFCFM for any
changes to line items that result in content changes. (T-3) Exception: For Type 4 courses,
coordinate with applicable MAJCOMs through the Curriculum Advisory Committee.
Training standards will include a proficiency or behavioral code for each line item to be
trained. (T-3) Training standard approval may be documented in Specialty Training
Requirements Team/Utilization and Training Workshop meeting minutes, email, or
published CFETP. Establish cross-functional teams to create, evaluate, and/or revise training. (T-3) Approve management plans for instructional systems development. (T-3) Determine the most efficient and effective means for training delivery. (T-3) Identify required resources for the creation and/or revision of training. (T-3)
Coordinate within the Training Wing for available resources. (T-3) If not available, request
assistance from the TPM. (T-3) Exception: For Type 4 courses, coordinate with the host
base and applicable MAJCOMs for available resources. Create course resource estimates as directed by the AFCFM and tasked by the
TPM. (T-3) Exception: Not required for Type 4 courses. Create, coordinate, maintain, and revise the training plan to develop, resource,
and implement the full lifecycle of training. (T-3) Exception: Type 2 courses. Type 4
34 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Course Chart/Training Standard satisfies the training plan requirement. The Training
Support Flight Chief has final approval of Course Chart/Training Standard prior to
implementation. Use the standard training day when developing all technical training
courses. (T-3) If a non-standard training day is required, provide an explanation in the
training plan. Variations to the standard training day identified after the training plan has
been approved will be requested by the group commander to 2 AF/A3T for approval.
(T-3) Identify equipment requirements on AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List.
Exception: For Type 4 courses, use AETC Form 120A, Field Training Equipment List, or
equivalent. Use the AETC-approved courseware development tools/systems’ course chart
template or, if not available, AETC Form 449, Course Chart. Exception: For Type 4
courses, use a Course Chart/Training Standard. (T-3) Ensure AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment are completed
for all training activities with risks. (T-2) Exception: Training activities with an initial risk
level of both negligible severity and seldom or rare probability. AF Form(s) 4437 or DD Form(s) 2977 for joint environment or a memorandum
for record (signed by the squadron commander) will be included in the Training Plan Risk
Management Annex. (T-2) The memorandum for record indicates review of training
activities resulted in form(s) not being required. For Type 4 courses, include forms with
the Course Chart/Training Standard. Ensure a foreign disclosure review is accomplished for courses containing or
adding classified military information, controlled unclassified information, or otherwise do
not meet the criteria of DAFMAN 16-201, Department of the Air Force Foreign Disclosure
and Technology Transfer Program. (T-3) Check with the local Foreign Disclosure Officer
for guidance. Initiate course cancellation or discontinuation requests using AETC Form 1,
Course Cancellation/Discontinuation Request. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to
IAAFA. 982 TRG exercises approval authority for activation, deactivation, relocation,
and discontinuance of training support in response to programmed requirements. Ensure course information is current across all approved electronic databases.
(T-3) Notify TPMs and Training Requirement Quota Identifier owners of course
number and length changes (e.g., shortening a course from permanent change of station to
temporary duty length training or extending a temporary duty course to a permanent change
of station length). (T-3) Exception: For Type 4 courses, notify applicable MAJCOM
Functional Managers.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 35 Ensure course validations are conducted; approve validation plans and reports.
(T-3) Route reports to the TPM. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to Type 4 courses. Authorize release of course material outside of AETC. (T-3) Coordinate the
release/disclosure of course material containing classified military information and/or
controlled unclassified information (CUIs) to foreign representatives with the servicing
(appropriate) Foreign Disclosure Office in accordance with DAFMAN 16-201. (T-2)
5.13.3. Manage Student Administration. (T-3) Exception: This paragraph and sub-paragraphs
do not apply to IAAFA other than paragraph Manage AETC-approved student management system/services actions
associated with course/student flow. (T-3) Build class schedules for courses. (T-3) Ensure schedules and scheduling changes in sister service scheduling systems
are accurately reflected. (T-3) Ensure course/class data in AETC-approved student management
system/services match sister service or other government agencies scheduling systems. (T-
3) Coordinate changes that create a financial impact for temporary duty-to-school
with Deputy Chief, Central Programs Branch (AETC/FMAM) (e.g., course
length/location, excess baggage, meals, and travel). (T-3) Ensure course catalog reflects homework, research, or activities beyond the
standard 8-hour training day for courses civilians attend. (T-3) Approve early/late graduations. (T-3) Approve proficiency advancements. (T-3) Coordinate waivers for required training IAW AFMAN 36-2100 and DAFMAN
36-2689. (T-3) Verify no-shows; ensure they are recorded in the AETC-approved student
management systems/services. (T-3) Contact respective ARC training liaison prior to
recording no-show status for ARC students. (T-3) Verify force gains; ensure they are recorded in the AETC-approved student
management systems/services. (T-3) Contact Training Requirement Quota Identifier
Manager and ARC training liaison prior to recording force gains for ARC students. (T-3) Complete and submit to 2 AF/A3OP (for processing action) AETC Form 179A,
Course Training Schedule for Allocations, for changes to original schedules, classes, or
quotas or to process course conversions. (T-2) For medical courses route through AETC
Medical Force Development/Formal Training Division (AETC/SGU). (T-3) Exception:
Does not apply to Type 4 training. Manage quota utilization during the execution year. (T-3) Exception: Does not
apply to IAAFA.
36 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 Determine and document training deficiencies. (T-3) Forward documentation
to the training group, TPM, AFCFM, AETC/A2 Directorate (for intelligence courses
controlled by 17 TRG), and affected graduates’ gaining unit. (T-3) Notify parties above
when the training deficiency no longer exists (except Type-3 graduates’ gaining units). (T-
3) Exception: For Type 4 courses, report training deficiencies to the training group, host
base, and MAJCOM Functional Manager. (T-3) For IAAFA, only applicable to USAF
students attending IAAFA professional military education courses. Approve/coordinate center-generated classes. (T-3) Often used when a
programmed class is not feasible and only after exhausting the option of moving a class.
5.13.4. Develop and oversee evaluation plan. (T-3) Evaluation activities include, but are not
limited to the following: Direct Service Testing. (T-3) Coordinate service test plans (must include acceptable level of outcome)
with the TPM. (T-3) Exception: Coordination for Type 4 courses will be through the
Curriculum Advisory Committee. Coordinate with the TPM and AFCFM if there are any deviations from the
established training standard during the service test. (T-3) Route service test report to 2 AF/A3OP and TPM. (T-3) Exception: For
Type 4 courses, coordinate service test plans and submit service test reports to the host-
base/MAJCOM in lieu of the TPM. (T-3) Direct PCRs at least annually. (T-3) Exception: For Type-4 courses, perform
PCRs at least biennially. Develop a PCR schedule for courses. (T-3) Approve PCR reports. (T-3) Review and Report Key Metrics. (T-3) Serve as point of contact for reporting course key production metrics (2 AF
and internal) and related training metrics up and down the chain of command. (T-3) Review status and perform root cause analysis on items falling below
desired outcomes. (T-3) Formulate action plans for data/trends falling below desired outcomes. (T-
3) Utilize External Evaluations. (T-3) Use field evaluation questionnaire summaries, field interview reports, and
other external evaluations, as applicable, to drive improvements in instructional
courses. (T-3) Compare occupational analysis reports and feedback from the field, when
available, to the current career field education and training plan or course training
standard to identify areas where change is needed. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 37
5.14. Training Development Element Chiefs (or equivalent).
5.14.1. Complete ADDIE or equivalent ISD course and Training Development course NLT 6
months after assignment as Training Development Element Chief (or equivalent). (T-3)
5.14.2. Approve new/revised training materials prior to use. (T-3)
5.14.3. Approve Plan of Instruction/Lesson Plan - Part I. (T-3) Exception: For Type 4
courses, Training Support Flight Chief (Training Squadron) is approval authority.
5.14.4. Oversee completion of PCRs. (T-3)
5.14.5. Oversee validation plan execution. (T-3)
5.14.6. Ensure completion and validation of the service testing process. (T-3)
5.14.7. Oversee and establish local measurement procedures and requirements for
measurement device approval, security, validation of measurement devices, and test analysis.
(T-3) Approve course measurement plan. (T-3)
5.14.8. Route validation summary reports to the AETC Training Manager. (T-3) Exception:
Not required for Type 4 courses.
5.14.9. Ensures feedback data is utilized to improve course training material. (T-3)
5.14.10. Oversee application/adherence to copyright law and maintenance of records of
copyright requests/releases. (T-3)
5.15. Curriculum Development Managers.
5.15.1. Complete ADDIE or equivalent ISD course and Training Development course NLT 6
months after assignment as curriculum development manager. (T-3)
5.15.2. Apply the Instructional Systems Development process for development/revision of
course documents and training materials, utilizing technical input from subject-matter experts.
5.15.3. Create and/or revise curriculum using AETC-approved courseware development
tools/systems. (T-3) Units using contractor developed and/or classified course material will
ensure sufficient information is available in AETC-approved courseware development
tools/systems to support student accounting. (T-3)
5.15.4. Use the AETC-approved courseware development tools/systems to prepare a plan of
instruction and/or other applicable course documents for all formal courses developed and
conducted by AETC. (T-3) AETC Form 133, Plan of Instruction/Lesson Plan Part I, will be
used as required. (T-3)
5.15.5. Ensure learning objectives satisfy all training standard tasks. (T-3) Correlate using
measurement plan. (T-3)
5.15.6. Utilize 2 AF Safety Office and/or wing safety data to integrate risk management into
basic military and technical training courses, as applicable. (T-2) Consider potential physical
and environmental hazards, for applicable training activities. (T-2) See Attachment 3 for
5.15.7. Attach risk management tags to main teaching steps, if applicable, to identify
reference(s) to AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment. (T-2)
38 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.15.8. Determine type of lesson plan used for the course (station or personalized). (T-3)
5.15.9. Conduct Course/Service Test Validation. (T-3) Develop and distribute validation plans and/or service test validation plans. (T-
3) Validation may include an entire course, parts of a course (i.e., objective, unit, or block),
or measurement devices. Service test validation plan must include criteria for success
and/or failure. (T-3) Produce course/service test validation summary report. (T-3) Perform Measurement Validation and Analysis. (T-3) Review, analyze, and validate all course measurement devices. (T-3) Ensure each measurement (e.g., test, progress check) device is reliable,
valid, and meets the proficiency standards. (T-3) Document reasons for academic test changes on AETC Form 668, Test
Data, or a locally produced test change document or tool. (T-3)
5.16. Career Development Course Writer/Developers.
5.16.1. Complete AFCDA’s CDC writer training within 90 days of assumption of CDC writer
duties. (T-3)
5.16.2. Review assigned CDC(s) throughout life cycle and coordinate updates and corrections
with AFCDA. (T-3)
5.16.3. Complete all required AFCDA reference documents prior to course update. (T-3)
5.16.4. Provide task-specific knowledge and background to AFCDA instructional systems
specialists for courseware development. (T-3)
5.16.5. Consult other career field subject-matter experts, as needed, to facilitate the successful
development of assigned CDC(s). (T-3)
5.16.6. Conduct subject-matter expert reviews of training materials for applicable courses. (T-
5.16.7. Coordinate Beta-test scheduling with the AF career field manager and participants as
necessary when requested by AFCDA. (T-3)
5.16.8. Provide all necessary resource material and media to AFCDA project managers. (T-3)
5.16.9. Will not be assigned additional duties or details that impede ability to prepare reference
documents, conduct activities, and respond to AFCDA requests required for CDC
development. T-2)
5.17. Training Flight Commander/Chiefs (or equivalent).
5.17.1. Supervise instructor supervisors. (T-3)
5.17.2. Determine faculty and staff training and professional development needs. (T-3)
5.17.3. Ensure faculty and staff training is completed and documented. (T-3)
5.17.4. Certify all teaching internship requirements are complete. (T-3)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 39
5.17.5. Establish subject-matter proficiency testing or verification program that ensures
instructors are competent and their knowledge is current in all required subjects. (T-3)
5.17.6. Establish procedures for correcting instructor deficiencies. (T-3)
5.18. High-Risk Training Officers.
5.18.1. Complete risk assessment training within 30 duty days of appointment. (T-3) Risk
assessment training is located in the Basic Military and Technical Training Process Guides:
5.18.2. Observe a minimum of one extremely high-risk training activity monthly or when the
next class is performing the objective (whichever is longer) ensuring all extremely high-risk
training activities are reviewed annually. (T-2)
5.18.3. Observe a minimum of one high-risk training activity quarterly or when the next class
is performing the objective (whichever is longer) ensuring all high-risk training activities are
reviewed annually. (T-2) High-risk training activities occurring in multiple courses with
similar mitigation strategies may be consolidated. Separate observations are not required.
5.18.4. Document extremely high-risk and high-risk training observations and evaluations on
AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment or equivalent document. (T-2)
5.18.5. Evaluate the effectiveness and consistent application of prescribed control measures
to mitigate risks identified on the AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment for
extremely high-risk and high-risk activities. (T-2)
5.18.6. Report observation findings to the training squadron commander. (T-2)
5.19. Instructor Supervisors.
5.19.1. Fulfill the responsibilities of an instructor. (T-3)
5.19.2. Complete the Training Supervisor course NLT 6 months after assuming duties as
instructor supervisor. (T-3)
5.19.3. Must attend Training Supervisor Course or an approved instructor evaluation seminar
prior to performing instructor evaluations. (T-3)
5.19.4. Complete ADDIE or equivalent ISD course prior to being assigned to a development
project but NLT 1 year of assignment as an instructor supervisor. (T-3)
5.19.5. Ensure all newly assigned CCAF and non-CCAF technical training instructors
complete the internship requirements identified in the CCAF PPG in the least amount of time
practical, while not limiting the necessary benefits of the internship training experience. (T-3)
5.19.6. Approve all lesson plans prior to initial use, annually, and after changes or revisions.
5.19.7. Actively monitor, document, and ensure completion of the training qualification
process. (T-3)
5.19.8. Assess training needs and plan training for assigned instructors that meet the
requirements of the assigned position. (T-3)
40 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.19.9. Ensure training and/or qualification records are established and assessments are
performed for all CCAF and non-CCAF instructors IAW DAFMAN 36-2689 and/or CCAF
PPG. (T-3) Use AETC Form 10, Instructor Training/Proficiency Record, or electronic
equivalent to document instructor learning and qualifications. (T-3) Use AETC Form 281, Instructional Evaluation, to document instructor
evaluations. (T-3) Use AETC Form 470, Teaching Internship Log, or faculty database, to document
instructor internship requirements. (T-3)
5.19.10. Ensure students in AF specialties with a self-initiated elimination option are briefed
during in-processing that if they exercise the option they may be subject to discharge. (T-3)
Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.19.11. Coordinate with the International Military Student Office, ANG/Air Force Reserve
liaison(s), and other military branch leadership representatives regarding any issues with their
students (e.g., student counseling). (T-3)
5.19.12. Ensure each student receives an AF Form 1256, Certificate of Training (LRA), for
each course successfully completed. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. Optional for
Type 4 courses.
5.19.13. Ensure students have access to an anytime feedback program (e.g., AETC Form 736,
online survey system, or equivalent). (T-3)
5.19.14. Ensure students individually complete end-of-course surveys using the AETC-
approved system, when available. (T-3)
5.19.15. Conduct instructor evaluations and subject-matter testing on all (CCAF and non-
CCAF) assigned instructors using the schedule in the CCAF PPG, unless a memorandum of
agreement/memorandum of understanding specifies different requirements (e.g., sister
service). (T-3)
5.20. Instructors.
5.20.1. Complete the Air Force Risk Management Fundamentals Course within 30 days of
assignment to instructor duty. (T-2) Training is located on the myLearning website.
5.20.2. Complete training according to the Instructor Foundational Competencies Training
Plan located at
5.20.3. Complete ADDIE or equivalent ISD course prior to being assigned to a development
project but NLT 1 year of assignment as an instructor. (T-3)
5.20.4. Provide training IAW the approved plans of instruction/lesson plans. (T-3)
5.20.5. Provide subject-matter expertise on course training materials, as needed. (T-3)
5.20.6. Enter accurate student status updates in the AETC-approved student management
system/services (if available) within 1 duty day of the event or knowledge of the event. (T-2)
Status code application and definitions can be found at
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 41 Exception: Does not apply to
5.20.7. CCAF and non-CCAF instructors will complete the Basic Instructor or equivalent
course. (T-3) Exception: Previously “T-”, “J-”, or “X-” prefixed instructors (as outlined in the
Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory and Air Force Officer Classification Directory)
may forgo the Basic Instructor Course or an AETC-approved instructor-training course if
assessed as a fully competent instructor by a training needs assessment.
5.20.8. CCAF instructors will adhere to the CCAF PPG requirements. (T-3)
5.20.9. Inter-service instructors teaching in an AF-lead, CCAF credit-awarding, consolidated
course will complete the Basic Instructor Course or an equivalent course that meets CCAF
requirements of 3-semester hours of CCAF-approved instructor methodology. (T-2)
Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. CCAF instructors will adhere to the CCAF PPG
requirements. (T-2) Navy/Marine and Army instructor methodology courses will only be
accepted if they are recorded on the instructor’s Joint Services Transcript. CCAF makes the
final determination on the equivalency of courses other than the Basic Instructor Course. (T-
2) When sister service requirements drive an instructor-resource bill for the Basic Instructor
Course, the sister service can choose to re-validate their requirements or provide the instructor
resource. Sister service instructor resource issues for the Basic Instructor Course will be
coordinated with 2 AF Operations (2 AF/A3O). (T-2) When an AF inter-service instructor teaches in a consolidated, non-CCAF credit-
awarding course managed by another service, Department of Defense agency, or multi-
service school (e.g., Medical Education and Training Campus), guidance for training
requirements, designation of the training provider, the instructor evaluation process, and
other instructor requirements will be outlined in the memorandum of agreement. (T-2) The
instructor is trained and evaluated according to the managing service’s criteria or school’s
memorandum of agreement. (T-2) AF instructors teaching AF service-unique courses on the Medical Education and
Training Campus follow the Medical Education and Training Campus Memorandum of
Agreement and applicable policies. (T-2) When the AETC-approved student management system/services are unavailable,
student progress check results will be maintained on AETC Form 667, Criterion Checklist;
AETC Form 667A, Criterion Checklist; AETC Form 98, Student Progress Checklist; or a
computer-generated checklist. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. Record student grades in AETC-approved student management system/services,
where available. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. Where not available, record
on the AETC Form 156, Student Training Report, or AETC Form 325, Student Accounting
and Attendance Record. (T-3)
5.20.10. Use AETC Form 173, Student Record of Academic Counseling and Comments, for
academic and performance counseling including recommendations for washback or
probationary continuation. (T-3) Exception: Does not apply to IAAFA. BMT uses e-BMT
Basic Training Record and Basic Training Record Continuation Sheet. Non-academic
counseling may be documented on DAF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling.
42 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.20.11. Instructors may administer corrective actions from paragraph 6.3 for reinforcement
or disciplinary issues involving Airmen in Training (non-prior service Airmen). Exception:
Does not apply to IAAFA.
5.21. Total Force Liaisons.
5.21.1. Provide administrative assistance and advice to AFRC and ANG students.
5.21.2. Advise, assist, and coordinate personnel actions between an Airman’s home unit and
the training location/unit. (T-2)
5.22. Basic Military Training Consult Service.
5.22.1. Develop, monitor, and administer the Military Training Instructor Psychological
Selection Protocol. (T-2)
5.22.2. Conduct mandatory resiliency consultations for military training instructors and
optional resiliency consultations for other staff. (T-3)
5.22.3. Provide subject-matter expertise for curricula relating to group and individual
psychological processes. Deliver psycho-social content. (T-3)
5.23. Military Training Instructors. In addition to instructor roles and responsibilities, MTIs
motivate trainees/Airmen to adapt to military life. (T-3)
5.24. Group Military Training Superintendents.
5.24.1. Perform military training functional area manager duties. (T-3) Ensure assigned MTLs
are equitably distributed IAW unit manpower documents. (T-3) Note: Due to organizational
structure, the Group Military Training Superintendent position at 82nd Training Wing,
Sheppard Air Force Base is established at the wing.
5.24.2. Establish standardized military standards processes and evaluation criteria. (T-3)
5.24.3. Provide tactical leadership of military training. (T-3)
5.24.4. Execute the Master MTL Program. (T-3)
5.24.5. Provide tactical management of the AETC Airman Exodus Program. (T-3)
5.24.6. Ensure all MTLs maintain training records. (T-3)
5.25. Military Training Flight Chiefs.
5.25.1. Ensure assigned MTLs reinforce military standards and develop Airmen. (T-3)
5.25.2. Ensure AETC Form 77, Airman Leader Application/Certification, is used to document
the full lifecycle of Airmen Leaders to include drill and open ranks evaluations. (T-3)
5.25.3. Manage local Charge of Quarters program to meet accountability, safety, and security
of the non-prior service dormitory and assigned personnel, as applicable. (T-3) Ensure AETC
Form 78, Tour of Duty Report, is used to document Charge of Quarters events. (T-3)
5.25.4. Coordinate with military training superintendent on all MTL matters. (T-3)
5.26. Military Training Leaders.
5.26.1. Execute special duty identifier 8B100 duties, as outlined in the Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory. (T-3)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 43
5.26.2. Serve as frontline supervisor for all non-prior service Total Force Airmen assigned to
train within the Military Training Flight while attending enlisted initial skills training.
Exception: Special Warfare training units may designate other unit personnel as frontline
supervisors. Ensure Airmen attending initial skills training demonstrate the behaviors
required in the day-to-day life of every Airman. (T-2) Demonstrate, evaluate, and reinforce compliance with military standards of
conduct/performance, military bearing, and discipline IAW Department of Defense, AF,
and AETC instructions and their associated supplements. (T-2) Plan, direct, and conduct military training functions for enlisted Airmen in
Training. (T-2) Provide students with character development through Airmanship-200. (T-2)
The facilitated discussion guides can be found at The Airmanship-200 Supporting
Information (e.g., topics, timelines) is located in the Basic Military and Technical Training
Process Guides:
g_Process_Guides/Military_Standards_Training. Actively monitor student movements to ensure safety and standards compliance.
(T-2) Manage Airman development programs (e.g., Airman Leader Program). (T-2) Ensure Airmen complete in-processing briefings/tasks. (T-2) Accomplish in-processing within the first 2 duty days following the day of
arrival. (T-2) Cover, at a minimum, Tricare, Finance, Professional Relationships per AFI
36-2909 and its supplement(s), and Safety. (T-2) Complete all in-processing prior to students beginning their first technical
training course. (T-2)
5.26.3. Enter accurate student status updates in the AETC-approved student management
system/services (if available) within 1 duty day of the event or knowledge of the event. (T-2)
At a minimum, any student in a Student Not In Training status (Student Awaiting Training,
Ineffective in Training, and Student Out of Training) for 30 calendar days or longer requires a
weekly status comment/update. (T-2) Exception: Students awaiting a class start date must be
updated weekly beyond 14 calendar days. (T-2) Comment updates must continue weekly until
the student’s status changes. (T-2) Comments will include an explanation of the event and
projected get well date, if known. Use plain language while avoiding codes and acronyms.
Status code application and definitions can be found at
5.26.4. Execute commander’s physical training plan, as required. (T-2)
5.26.5. Establish and maintain student records, as applicable. (T-3)
44 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
5.27. Airmen in Enlisted Initial Skills Training.
5.27.1. Always carry a filled-out AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report. (T-3)
5.27.2. Prior to speaking to a noncommissioned officer, senior noncommissioned officer, or
officer, Airmen will come to the position of attention, salute (as appropriate), and state the
addressee's full rank (Staff Sergeant, Technical Sergeant, Lieutenant Colonel, etc.) and last
name, followed by “Airman (last name) reports as ordered.". (T-3) The Airman will remain at
the position of attention unless directed otherwise. (T-3) Once dismissed, the Airman will
return to the position of attention, salute (as appropriate), and execute the proper facing
movement(s) to depart the area. (T-3)
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 45
Chapter 6
6.1. Air University, Community College of the Air Force.
6.1.1. CCAF awards college credit for training completed through affiliated schools.
6.1.2. Air University’s accreditation with the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
Commission on Colleges enables enlisted Airmen the opportunity to earn an Associate of
Applied Science degree in their AF specialty from CCAF. Airmen earn college credit while
completing AF training requirements.
6.1.3. AF and other service schools’ affiliation with CCAF is voluntary. Refer to DAFMAN
36-2689 and the CCAF Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines for detailed guidance on CCAF
and its affiliated schools’ requirements. Noncompliance with these instructions could result in
disaffiliation from CCAF.
6.2. Phase Program.
6.2.1. The Phase Program is a progressive model, consisting of three phases and enables
Airmen to continue their adaption to the AF lifestyle while learning and adhering to military
standards. Its application is paramount to providing accountability, safety, security, reliability,
and quality of life for all non-prior service Airmen attending enlisted initial skills training.
6.2.2. Phase I. Entry into Phase I is automatic and occurs upon arrival at the initial technical
training location. Phase I Airmen require continuous supervision and oversight to ensure
adherence to military standards and development of the behaviors expected of all Airmen. Airmen are expected to maintain competencies learned during entry-level training
and achieve higher levels of foundational competencies. Airmen will increasingly accept
responsibility and accountability for personal and professional conduct.
6.2.3. Phase II. Phase II begins on the date Phase I ends and may continue through completion of
initial skills training depending on training length. Airmen in Phase II will maintain competencies acquired during Phase I, accept
increased responsibility within the unit, and demonstrate higher levels of foundational
6.2.4. Phase III. Phase III is the final stage of the phase program and begins on the date Phase II
ends. Airmen in Phase III have demonstrated the maturity, professionalism, and
character expected of all Airmen and require less supervision than in Phase II.
46 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
6.3. Corrective Actions Program.
6.3.1. The overall goal of applying a corrective action is to promote Airmen success and
reinforce standards. Application of a corrective action is not an appropriate substitute for
dealing with illegal behavior punishable under the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
6.3.2. Personnel will apply corrective actions in a reasonable, appropriate, and effective
manner considering the facts and circumstances associated with its application. (T-2) Maintain
vigilance in guarding against inappropriate and unprofessional application of corrective
actions. Personnel will not apply corrective actions in a manner that violate the prohibitions of
AFI 36-2909 and its supplement(s). (T-2)
6.3.3. Corrective actions include administrative actions, physical exercise, remedial military
training, and Phase Program phase-backs. Physical Exercise. Physical exercise is an authorized form of corrective action but must be
limited to 1 minute of exercise per correction. Some examples of physical exercise are
push-ups, flutter kicks, scissor kicks, lunges, sit-ups, and planks. Any or all of these
examples may be used, so long as the 1-minute limitation is not exceeded. Physical exercise may be applied collectively to an entire team to reinforce
the benefits and consequences associated with team infractions or team building. Imposition of physical exercise does not require written justification or
documentation for record-keeping purposes. Remedial Military Training. Remedial military training is an authorized form of corrective action and
will relate to a specific training objective (e.g., If an Airman fails a uniform inspection,
his/her MTL may conduct daily uniform inspections as remedial military training to
ensure compliance with uniform standards). Ensure remedial military training does not result in violations to the
prohibitions of AFI 36-2909 and its supplements (e.g., Do not toss an Airman’s room
and ask them to clean it following a failed dorm inspection). Remedial Military Training Day. A remedial military training day will focus on the following areas
where Airmen performed unsatisfactorily. Room and uniform inspections. Air Force Core Values. Enlisted Force Structure. Drill and Ceremonies. Fitness. Emphasis will be placed on areas where Airmen failed to meet/adhere
to standards.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 47 Phase Program Phase-Back. Phase Program phase-back is a form of corrective action to allow Airmen
additional time to internalize standards taught in a previous phase. An Airman may be phased-back to a previous phase whenever the Airman
requires additional instruction and mentoring (at the MTL’s discretion). Airmen phased-back may be advanced to their previous phase at the MTL's
6.4. Airman Transition Assistance Program.
6.4.1. Purpose of the Airman Transition Assistance Flight is to expedite discharge actions and
separate non-prior service Airmen pending discharge to prevent negative influences on the
morale and welfare of other Airmen.
6.4.2. The Airman Transition Assistance Flight is used for Airmen being processed for a
separation action regardless of cause (i.e., medical, mental health, administrative,
disqualifications, etc.). Commanders will not assign Airmen awaiting reclassification or
assignment to an Airman Transition Assistance Flight. (T-2)
RANDY P. OAKLAND Brigadier General, USAF
Director, Operations and Communications
48 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Attachment 1
10USC § 9013, Secretary of the Air Force
DODI 4000.19, Support Agreements, 16 December 2020
DAFPD 36-26, Total Force Development and Management, 15 April 2022
DAFI 48-151, Thermal Stress Program, 2 May 2022
DAFMAN 16-201, Department of the Air Force Foreign Disclosure and Technology Transfer
Program, 19 January 2021
DAFMAN 36-2664, Personnel Assessment Program, 18 January 2023
DAFMAN 36-2689, Training Program, 31 March 2023
DAFMAN 90-161, Publishing Processes and Procedures, 15 April 2022
AFI 10-3504, Dive Program, 28 January 2021
AFI 16-105, Joint Security Cooperation Education and Training, 3 January 2011
AFI 17-101, Risk Management Framework (RMF) for Air Force Information Technology (IT), 6
February 2020
AFI 25-201, Intra-Service, Intra-Agency, and Inter-Agency Support Agreements Procedures, 18
October 2013
AFI 32-6000, Housing Management,18 March 2020
AFI 33-322, Records Management and Information Governance Program, 23 March 2020
AFI 36-2909, Air Force Professional Relationships and Conduct, 14 November 2019
AFI 90-802, Risk Management, 1 April 2019
AFI 91-202, The US Air Force Mishap Prevention Program, 12 March 2020
AFMAN 34-135, Air Force Lodging Program, 1 July 2019
AFMAN 36-2100, Military Utilization and Classification, 7 April 2021
AETCI 21-109, Maintenance Management Trainer Development, 7 February 2023
AETCI 36-2601, Instructor and Master Instructor Badging Program, 11 January 2023
Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory, 31 October 2022
Air Force Officer Classification Directory, 31 October 2022
CCAF Policies, Procedures, and Guidelines (PPG), 1 July 2021
Special Duty Assignment Category (SPECAT) Guide, 24 August 2022
The Joint Travel Regulation, published monthly
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 49
Prescribed Forms
AETC Form 1, Course Cancellation/Discontinuation Request
AETC Form 10, Instructor Training/Proficiency Record
AETC Form 77, Airman Leader Application/Certification
AETC Form 78, Tour of Duty Report
AETC Form 98, Student Progress Checklist
AETC Form 120, Training Equipment List
AETC Form 120A, Field Training Equipment List
AETC Form 125, Record of Faculty Board Action
AETC Form 125A, Record of Administrative Training Action
AETC Form 133, Plan of Instruction/Lesson Plan Part I
AETC Form 156, Student Training Report
AETC Form 173, Student Record of Academic Counseling and Comments
AETC Form 179A, Course Training Schedule for Allocations
AETC Form 281, Instructional Evaluation
AETC Form 325, Student Accounting and Attendance Record
AETC Form 341, Excellence/Discrepancy Report
AETC Form 449, Course Chart
AETC Form 470, Teaching Internship Log
AETC Form 498, AETC Commander’s Award
AETC Form 499, Distinguished Graduate Certificate
AETC Form 630, Master Instructor Certificate
AETC Form 667, Criterion Checklist
AETC Form 667A, Criterion Checklist (Continued)
AETC Form 668, Test Data
AETC Form 736, Student Feedback
Adopted Forms
DD Form 2977, Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet
DAF Form 174, Record of Individual Counseling
DAF Form 679, Department of the Air Force Publication Compliance Item Waiver
DAF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication
50 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
AF Form 1256, Certificate of Training (LRA)
AF Form 4437, Deliberate Risk Assessment Worksheet
Abbreviations and Acronyms
ADDIE—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation
AETC—Air Education and Training Command
AETCI—Air Education and Training Command Instruction
AFAir Force
AFCDAAir Force Career Development Academy
AFCFMAir Force Career Field Manager
AFECDAir Force Enlisted Classification Directory
AFI—Air Force Instruction
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFPCAir Force Personnel Center
AFRAir Force Reserve
AFRCAir Force Reserve Command
AFSC—Air Force Specialty Code
AFSPECWARAir Force Special Warfare
ANGAir National Guard
ARC—Air Reserve Component
BMTBasic Military Training
CCAFCommunity College of the Air Force
CDCCareer Development Course
DAFDepartment of the Air Force
DAFI—Department of the Air Force Instruction
DAFMANDepartment of the Air Force Manual
DD—Department of Defense (as used on forms)
DLIELC—Defense Language Institute English Language Center
DSDDevelopmental Special Duty
FDForce Development
FMFunctional Manager
IAAFAInter-American Air Forces Academy
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 51
IAWIn Accordance With
ISD—Instructional Systems Development
IT—Information Technology
MAJCOMMajor Command
MFM—Major Command Functional Manager
MTIMilitary Training Instructor
MTLMilitary Training Leader
NLTNo Later Than
PCRPeriodic Course Review
PPG—Policies, Procedures and Guidelines
RMF—Risk Management Framework
SDISpecial Duty Identifier
SPECAT—Special Duty Assignment Category
TDYTemporary Duty
TPM—Training Pipeline Manager
TRG—Training Group
TTMS-LMSTechnical Training Management System - Learning Management System
USUnited States
USAFUnited States Air Force
WAPS—Weighted Airman Promotion System
Office Symbols
2 AF—Second Air Force
2 AF/A1—Manpower, Personnel & Services
2 AF/A3—Operations
2 AF/A3/6—Operations and Communication
2 AF/A3AAir Force Career Development Academy
2 AF/A3MCommand Military Training Office
2 AF/A3O—Operations
2 AF/A3OA—Analysis
2 AF/A3OPPlans
2 AF/A3OS—Policy and Operational Strategy
2 AF/A3T—Training Pipeline Managers
52 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
2 AF/A4—Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection
2 AF/A5/8/9—Strategic Plans, Programs, and Requirements
2 AF/A6—Communications
2 AF/CG—Total Force Advisor to the Commander (ANG)
2 AF/CTOChief Training Officer
2 AF/Det 1Accessions and Classifications
2 AF/Det 23Technical Training Transformation
2 AF/FMFinancial Management
2 AF/OL-AAir Force Special Warfare (AFSPECWAR) Functional Managers
2 AF/RF—Total Force Advisors to the Commander (AFRC)
2 AF/SESafety
37 TRW/LN—ANG Training Liaison Branch
737 TRGBasic Military Training Group
AETC/A1—Directorate of Manpower, Personnel, and Services
AETC/A1KAEnlisted Development Branch
AETC/A2Directorate of Intelligence
AETC/A3Directorate of Operations
AETC/A3/6—Directorate of Operations and Communications
AETC/A3OOForce Presentation and Generation Branch
AETC/A4—Directorate of Logistics, Engineering, and Force Protection
AETC/A4P—Chief, Resource Integration Division
AETC/A5/8—Directorate of Plans, Programs, and Requirements
AETC/A9—Directorate of Analysis and Innovation
AETC/FMDirectorate of Financial Management and Comptroller
AETC/FMAM—Deputy Chief, Central Programs Branch
AETC/SEDirectorate of Safety
AETC/SG—Directorate of Command Surgeon
AETC/SGUMedical Force Development/Formal Training Division
AF/A1—Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel, and Services
AF/A1PAir Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel & Services, Directorate of
Force Management Policy
AF/A2Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance and Cyber Effects Operations
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 53
AF/A2/6Deputy Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance, and Cyber Effects
AFRC/A1/KBCareer Development Branch
AccessionNewly commissioned officer or new enlisted recruit entering extended active duty
with no prior military service. Refers to student entries rather than graduates.
AdequacyThe quality of training that is acceptable to the level of the training standard. Based
on responses from the supervisors/graduates, adequacy represents whether or not the training
squadron met the contract with the field for the training standard items.
Advanced TrainingFormal course that provides individuals who are qualified in one or more
positions of their AF specialty with additional skills and knowledge to enhance their expertise in
the career field. Training is for selected career Airmen at the advanced level of the AF specialty.
Provides advanced training to individuals who have completed initial skills training. This type of
training is required when increased competency is required to meet higher (advanced) knowledge,
skill, or attitude requirement.
AETC Training ManagerAn instructional systems specialist that serves as the liaison between
the schoolhouse, TPMs, training requirements quota managers, Numbered AF, and MAJCOM
training functions. Manages training resources and student production.
Air Force Career Field ManagerFocal point for the designated career field within a functional
community. Serves as the primary advocate for the career field, addressing issues and coordinating
functional concerns across various staffs. Responsible for the career field policy and guidance.
Air Reserve ComponentAn overarching term used when referring to both the ANG and Air
Force Reserve together.
Airmen in TrainingIndividual that has started training but has not completed training or has
not been eliminated from training.
AllocationA class seat reserved for a specific program user.
Basic Military TrainingTraining provided to non-prior service Airmen to affect an orderly
transition from civilian to military life that provides basic foundational competencies and concepts
(e.g., individual responsibilities; organizational structures; and military customs, courtesies,
standards, and traditions) to newly accessed (entry-level) personnel with no previous military
Behavioral DriftDeviation from professionally and ethically acceptable behavior. Action that
may arise in high stress situations where there is insufficient ethical guidance or oversight.
Cumulative effect of power imbalance and lack of institutional safeguards.
Career Development CourseDistance learning course that provides Airmen with fundamental
AF specialty career field knowledge. This course directly supports the AF on-the-job training
program, enlisted upgrade training program, and a reference for WAPS specialty knowledge test
54 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Career Field Education and Training PlanComprehensive core training document that
identifies lifecycle learning requirements, training support resources, and minimum core
competency requirements for an AF specialty.
CompetencyA combination of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics manifesting
in observable and measurable pattern of behaviors required for mission success.
Constraint Bullet Background PaperDocument identifying the reasons for the constraint
worksheet (equipment, facilities, funding, or manpower).
Course Chart/Training StandardA course control document utilized in Field Training courses
that states the course identity, purpose, description, parameters, items of equipment, subject matter
covered, and training standard information.
Course Record Set—Library (electronic or paper) that stores course documentation.
Course Resource EstimateWell-developed, initial estimated costs associated with training.
Craftsman CourseCourse required by the Career Field Education Training Plan to attain the 7-
skill-level within an Air Force specialty.
Curriculum Development ManagerAn instructional systems specialist that coordinates
subject-matter expert inputs and manages the instructional systems development processes.
Customer Service Information ProgramA program that encompasses any method(s) by
which the field communicates to a training group to ask questions or express concerns or problems
with training received.
DisqualificationThe status of an individual who is not yet entered into training because he or
she is not qualified due to medical, prerequisite, or security reasons.
EducationAcademic and experiential learning focused on general bodies of knowledge,
principles within a given discipline, and habits of the mind. This type of learning is applicable to
a broad spectrum of foundational and/or occupational competencies.
EliminationThe status of a student who does not complete a training course and does not
graduate due to academic or performance deficiencies or non-academic reasons.
Elimination RateThe percentage of student entries who do not complete nor graduate from a
training course due to academic or performance deficiencies or non-academic reasons.
EntryA transaction indicating an individual started or restarted a formal course of instruction.
Ethical DriftThe gradual ebbing of standards that can occur in an individual, a group, or an
organization as a result of environmental pressures.
Evaluation Plana plan of action to ensure quality instructional design processes and products.
The benchmark for quality.
ExodusEstablished timeframe in which Airmen are authorized to use regular leave during the
Christmas and New Year federal holiday period.
External Evaluation—Acquisition and analysis of data from outside the training environment
(typically, the colloquial “field”) to evaluate the training product (graduates’ on-the-job
performance) in the operating environment.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 55
Field Evaluation QuestionnairesQuery means to solicit feedback from supervisors and/or
graduates to determine if graduates were trained as specified in the training standard.
Field InterviewsPerson(s)-to-person(s) discussions gathering data on both currency and
effectiveness of courses from operational organization supervisors and technical training
Field TrainingTechnical, operator, and other training conducted by either a training detachment
or mobile training team at operational locations on specific systems and associated direct-support
equipment for maintenance and aircrew personnel.
Force DevelopmentThe deliberate effort to maximize force readiness through a variety of
recruiting, educational, training, and experiential learning activities, opportunities, and services
ensuring all Airmen possess the competencies they need to meet Department of the Air Force
mission requirements.
Force GainThe process by which a student who arrives for training without student information
preloaded in the learning management system or without a training line number is entered in the
learning management system and Oracle Training Administrator.
Foundational CompetenciesA set of accepted and valued competencies (e.g., Airman’s
Foundational Competencies), which enable success across a wide-array of DAF missions, roles,
functions, and duties.
Functional Area ManagerThe individual accountable for the management and oversight of all
personnel and equipment within a specific functional area to support operational planning and
execution. Responsibilities may include reviewing policy/guidance or developing guidance;
developing, managing, and maintaining unit type codes; developing criteria for and monitoring
readiness reporting; force posturing; and analysis. At each level of responsibility (DAF,
MAJCOMs, air component, forward operating agency, direct reporting unit, and installation), the
functional area manager should be the most knowledgeable and experienced person within the
functional area and have the widest range of visibility over functional area readiness and capability
Functional ManagerSenior leaders, designated by the appropriate Functional Authorities, who
provide day-to-day management responsibility over specific functional communities. While they
should maintain an institutional focus with regard to resource development and distribution,
functional managers are responsible for ensuring their specialties are equipped, developed, and
sustained to provide Department of the Air Force capabilities.
Graduate—A student who successfully completes a formal course of instruction.
High-Risk Training—Instructor-led training (course, exercise, activity, etc.) that as part of a
training objective intentionally exposes personnel (students/trainees, instructors, and/or support
staff) to an increased level of risk, which if not mitigated, could likely result in death, permanent
disability, or loss of an asset. High-risk training can occur at a formal training center, in a
classroom, in the field, at a remote site, or other training area identified in course materials. High-
risk training is any training activity that has an initial risk assessment level identified as “high” or
“extremely high” (excluding those with moderate severity) based on the AF Form 4437 or DD
Form 2977 for joint environment.
56 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Ineffective in TrainingStudents temporarily removed from training but expected to return to
the current course. Reasons for ineffective in training status include but are not limited to
confinement, leave, awaiting reentry into training (same course), medical, security, excessive
absence (including absent without leave), administrative action, academic failure, and/or
performance failure.
Initial Skills TrainingAn overarching term for enlisted initial skills and (non-rated line) officer
initial skills technical training. For enlisted, it refers to a formal school pipeline, comprised of one
or more courses, that results in the award of the 3-skill-level in an AF specialty. For officers, it
refers to a formal school pipeline comprised of one or more courses of mandatory training needed
to become qualified in their AF specialty. Training designed to provide primary foundational and
occupational competencies for a specific AF specialty, occupational series, special duty, or
function to individuals who have completed entry-level training or accession program
Institutional Effectivenessthe systematic, explicit, and documented process of measuring (self-
evaluating) performance against mission in all aspects of an institution.
Instructional Technology UnitAn entity that supports formal technical training and BMT
courses to create engaging and effective learning experiences. Each domain of Instructional
Technology—design, development, utilization, management, and evaluationincludes a body of
knowledge based on research and experience. 2 AF instructional technology units provide many
resources and services which include the use of technology in the teaching and learning
environment. Each 2 AF instructional technology unit may specialize in specific areas; some of
the services include: interactive multimedia development, video and audio products, 3D content,
simulations, emulation, technology inserts, course design, blended course development,
augmented reality, virtual reality, course conversions, and life cycle management.
InstructorA faculty member whose primary duty is teaching students. The instructor has
completed the preparatory requirements established by the supervisor, to include the technical
training practicum.
Instructor EvaluationAn assessment to ensure instructors apply effective teaching methods
and techniques.
Instructor SupervisorA title that identifies an instructor whose primary duty is an instructor
with the additional responsibility to supervise and evaluate other instructors. This instructor
oversees instructional policies, principles and procedures, and supervisory management
Interactive Multimedia InstructionA group of predominantly interactive, electronically
delivered training. Interactive multimedia instruction products include instructional software and
software management tools used in support of instructional courses.
Internal EvaluationAcquisition and analysis of feedback and management of data from within
the training organization. Employs methods including student feedback, formal measurement
review, validation, service testing, periodic course review, instructor evaluation, and AETC-
approved systems/services key metric analysis to determine if training accomplishes the
instructional objectives effectively and efficiently.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 57
Main Teaching StepA key action (or measure), usually of a series, to demonstrate (or give
information) to students a skill (or about a subject) identified with a number and a parenthesis
during development in the AETC-approved development system. Normally has supporting sub-
teaching steps.
Master Lesson PlanAn un-personalized lesson plan used for control and standardization of
instruction in each course excluding courses that are taught only once or twice a year.
Standardization is a tool to ensure consistency, adequacy, and quality of subordinate lesson plans.
Master Military Training LeaderAn enlisted Airman with the special duty identifier of 8B100
recognized for consistent exemplary performance as an MTL.
MetricsAnalytical tools measuring performance over time and indicating emerging trends. A
good metric provides direct information about the process it quantifies and allows managers to see
the process status immediately. It links the organization directly to the goal of a trained force. It is
practical, easy to understand, and easy to collect. It is flexible and changes as the process changes
or is improved.
Military Training InstructorAn enlisted Airman with the special duty identifier of 8B000
assigned to a training unit executing duties and responsibilities as prescribed by Air Force Enlisted
Classification Directory (AFECD).
Military Training LeaderAn enlisted Airman with the special duty identifier of 8B100
assigned to a training unit executing duties and responsibilities as prescribed in the Air Force
Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD).
MisconductOne reason for elimination from training. Examples of misconduct include a test
compromise, a dishonest attempt/completion of a course measurement, or deliberately failing a
course measurement (formerly known as prejudicial conduct).
Mission Readiness TrainingFormal training courses to aid mission accomplishment. Mission
readiness training provides advanced, supplemental, and residential craftsman technical training
for courses of TDY length as defined in The Joint Travel Regulation for officers, enlisted and
civilian personnel when other types of training (on-the-job-training, unit training, and exportable
and mobile training) will not satisfy the need.
Motivational Training—Use of specified and approved training tools (physical exercise/tasks or
training aids) to reinforce attention-to-detail, motivate students, and/or build teamwork to
accomplish a specific goal or training objective to promote student success.
No-ShowProgrammed and sub-allocated seat where the scheduled or substituted student did not
report to class on the class start date.
Non-Prior Service AirmenEntry level accession Airmen with no prior service (to include sister
service) experience.
Occupational AnalysisObjective and reliable information for decision makers who manage
education and training requirements, occupational structures, and personnel utilization within an
AF specialty or workgroup category. Technical training personnel utilize occupational analysis
data and reports when developing, reviewing, or revising instructional courses. DAFMAN 36-
2664, Personnel Assessment Program, provides the guidance for the analysis of occupational
58 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Occupational CompetenciesA set of competencies required of all Airmen within a specific
workforce category (a group of functions requiring similar work, i.e., Engineering). They describe
technical/functional skills, knowledge, abilities, behaviors, and other characteristics needed to
perform that function’s mission successfully.
Periodic Course ReviewProcess to provide a comprehensive analysis and summary (report) of
a course’s or group (e.g., family group or piggyback) of courses’ past performance and future
capability to meet established training requirements. Examines internal and external evaluation
data to ensure the course is efficient and effective.
Personalized Lesson PlanThe personalized lesson plan should contain all standardized
information from the Master lesson plan plus personalization which is an individual instructor's
notes, experience, and teaching flow which aids them in conducting the lesson. The amount of
personalization will vary based on instructor experience.
Personnel Reliability ProgramProgram for the management of individuals, including students,
assigned to perform specified duties associated with United States nuclear weapons, nuclear
command and control systems, positive control material and equipment, and special nuclear
material and subject to a nuclear weapons personnel reliability assurance program.
Probationary ContinuationThe act of allowing a student to progress with the current class
when additional work is required to bring the student's performance to an acceptable level. The
student is given student individualized assistance by a qualified instructor and then reevaluated.
Proficiency AdvancementThe act of placing a student into another class in the same course
that graduates earlier than the previous class. This reduces training time for uniquely qualified
students who verify proficiency and have a class available to advance.
Program Guidance LettersEstablishes training requirements for AETC execution. Program
Guidance Letters are the official tasking documents enabling AETC planners and programmers to
acquire the necessary resources for accomplishment of the tasking. The Program Guidance Letters
align the AF requirements with the Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution process.
Includes Enlisted Initial Skills, Officer Initial Skills, Trained Dog Requirements, Mission
Readiness Training, Field Training, and Non-Resident training. If the funding changes in the DoD
Program Objective Memorandum process, AF/A1 determines how the changes will affect the
Program Guidance Letters and publishes official amendments as necessary.
Program Requirements DocumentAir Force Deputy Chief of Staff, Manpower, Personnel &
Services, Directorate of Force Management Policy (AF/A1P) documents (enlisted initial skills,
officer initial skills, mission readiness training, field training, and non-resident) used to transmit
unconstrained out-year production requirements across the Future Years Defense Program to Air
Education and Training Command. Program requirements documents are DAF documents from
which program guidance letters are developed. The documents enable planners and programmers
to program necessary resources to support out-year AF technical training requirements (e.g.,
current year +3). The program requirements documents identify “unconstrained” or “unfunded”
out-year technical training requirements. The program requirements documents serve as planning
and programming documents supporting program objective memorandum/amended program
objective memorandum submissions, while program guidance letters serve as the training
execution tasking. The documents establish total training requirements to Air Education and
Training Command used to assess future training capability. Air Education and Training
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 59
Command should use the program requirements documents as a basis for establishing their funding
priorities across the planning, programming, budgeting, and execution cycle.
Programmed Technical TrainingAir Education and Training Command documents reflecting
training requirements by training requester quota identifier and course for enlisted initial skills,
officer initial skills, and mission readiness training programs. For enlisted initial skills, the
documents include projected elimination rates for active-duty AF non-prior service students.
Unlike the program guidance letters, which reflect graduate requirements into the field for each
AF specialty, the programmed technical training documents reflect entries (or allocations, or class
seats) by AF specialty, course, and training requester quota identifier.
Quality GraduateGraduate quality is the degree to which an Airman can apply in duty
performance the competencies gained during the learning (training or education) event.
Records Disposition ScheduleDocument providing mandatory instructions for the lifecycle
management of records (and non-record materials) in any format or media type. The Records
Disposition Schedule provides for the disposition of records when agency business needs for the
records ceases, (i.e., destruction of temporary records and transfer of permanent records to the
National Archives of the United States).
RecruitAn individual who signs an enlistment, appointment, or commissioning contract.
Recruit status terminates upon entry into the AF, withdrawal of selection, permanent
disqualification, or recruit-initiated termination of processing.
RecruiterAny military or civilian employee or contractor whose duty, goal, or mission is to
recruit persons for military service regardless of program. Recruiters include, but are not limited
to, Reserve Officer Training Corps admission or liaison officers, service academy liaisons, and all
AF members with an 8RXX primary AFSC.
Registrar Focal PointThe position the course or training squadron designates to pass student
information to the parent unit and/or report student status changes to the Registrar Section, either
manually or through learning management systems.
Resource ConstraintDeficiencies, such as money, facilities, time, manpower, and equipment
that preclude desired training from being delivered and prevent a schoolhouse from being able to
support the total AF graduate requirement for a course or pipeline.
Right Time TrainingAn approach that focuses on providing new Airmen the right skill set, at
the right time in their career, and at the right location for them to make immediate impact for
mission execution.
Risk Management TagRed arrow attached (via AETC-approved courseware development
tool/system) to a teaching step on the lesson plan to alert the instructor to review the applicable
AF Form 4437 and/or DD Form 2977 for hazards and mitigation measures for the activity.
Service TestA process to try out ideas and innovations to enhance training efficiency and
effectiveness within existing resources with anticipated benefits and/or savings to the AF.
Special Warfare TrainingTechnical training for the Pararescue, Combat Control, Tactical Air
Control Party, and Special Reconnaissance career fields.
Specialized CourseA self-study distance learning course used to extend the educational and
training capabilities of AF schools to eligible personnel worldwide. These may be used for upgrade
60 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
training and to meet requirements outside the scope of career development courses. The
specialized course is not normally based on a specialty training standard or used as a WAPS source
Staff Assistance Visit (by Registrar)Visit by Registrar Section personnel to assist training
personnel in implementing this instruction and entering data into learning management
services/systems, documenting and managing student actions.
Standard Training DayIncludes 8 hours of instructional activity divided into eight 50-minute
periods with 10 minutes of break time (400 minutes of instructional activity). It is acceptable to
continue training beyond 50 minutes and accumulate break time if doing so enhances the learning
activity. The 9-day compressed work schedule (CWS) standard training day in use at Keesler AFB
is an 8-hour training day that includes 445 minutes of instructional activity and 35 minutes of break
Station Lesson PlanA lesson plan used by all instructors at a station, lab, or position. It is not
personalized. The station lesson plan should contain all standardized information from the Master
lesson plan.
StewardshipThe formal, entrusted accountability for responsibilities ensuring effective control
and use of resources. Specifically, data stewardship which is formal, specifically assigned, and
entrusted accountability for business (non-technical) responsibilities ensuring effective control and
use of data and information resources.
Student Awaiting TrainingAn arrived student (student entered into the AETC-approved
student management system/services with arrival status) but unable to begin training after in-
processing (maximum of 2 duty days following the day of arrival). Reasons for awaiting training
include but are not limited to awaiting class start date or security clearance or pending
administrative or medical reasons.
Student FeedbackAirmen satisfaction comments and ratings on training content, environment,
equipment, instructional delivery, military training standards reinforcement, and quarters.
Student FlowThe evenness or lack of evenness of the stream of students progressing from BMT
through technical training. Flow bottlenecks could indicate scheduling problems or an excess or
lack of students from BMT.
Student Not in TrainingThe designation for students who are not in class (e.g., awaiting
training, ineffective, or out-of-training).
Student Out of TrainingAn enlisted non-prior service or a non-temporary duty initial skills
officer student that is out of training either due to graduation, elimination, or disqualification and
does not depart the base in 24 hours. Reasons include but are not limited to: pending
assignment/orders, travel arrangements, household goods shipment, security clearance,
administrative hold, and/or next course/class start.
Supplemental TrainingFormal AF specialty specific training (post initial skills training) on
new equipment, methods or technology that are not suited for on-the-job training. Provides
supplemental or additional training to individuals who have completed initial skills training. This
type of training is required when new (supplemental) requirements are needed to meet new or
unique mission requirements.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 61
Technical TrainingInstructional courses used to develop the force and prepare individuals to
perform tasks within an AF specialty, occupational series, special duty, or function.
Total ForceIncludes all Airmen and Guardians (Regular Air Force, AFR, ANG, and DAF
TrainingFormal and informal learning focused on proficiency development, which is the
attainment and retention of skills, knowledge, and attitudes required to meet specific functions or
job performance requirements.
Training DeficiencyA condition in which students are not trained to the required proficiency
on all training standard items prior to graduation. For example, broken or yet to be delivered
equipment or a temporary instructor shortage may cause a deficiency.
Training Development Element ChiefA supervisory curriculum developer that coordinates
collaboration between training managers, curriculum developers, and instructors and oversees
instructional systems design.
Training EvaluationContinuous evaluation to ensure instructional courses and associated
processes are efficient and effective. It includes internal and external feedback to improve the unit
and ensure continued success within instructional courses. Evaluation measures whether Airmen
possess desired foundational and occupational competencies and whether learning programs and
processes are agile, adaptable, and suitable to meet emerging mission requirements.
Training PlanFinalized/approved resourcing document for planning, programming, and
implementing training.
Training QuotaA requirement for a single seat in a specific class.
Training Requester Quota IdentifierA four-character communication code within Oracle
Training Administration used to convey annual or supplemental training requirements, quota
allocations, allocation confirmations, and student-tracking information between a user of training
and the provider (owner) of training. Training requester quota identifiers are assigned to a service
branch, component, MAJCOM, forward operating agency, direct reporting unit, or functional area
to ensure training accountability. Only one training requester quota identifier is assigned to a
functional entity or training category.
Training Requester Quota Identifier ManagerPerson(s) appointed to gather and report
annual training requirements and manage quotas. While only one training requester quota identifier
code is assigned to a functional entity, there may be multiple managers handling courses.
ValidationProcess used to determine if instructional course content, sequence, methods,
measurements, and media decisions are sound.
WashbackThe act of placing a student in another class of the same course that will graduate
later than the initial class.
62 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
Attachment 2
A2.1. Intent.
A2.1.1. The Master MTL Program is a voluntary program providing MTLs the opportunity to
be recognized for exemplary subject-matter expertise and professional growth above the AETC
minimum training and performance requirements.
A2.1.2. The Master MTL Program recognizes superior performance, ethics, and leadership of
personnel serving as MTLs in special duty identifier 8B100. Only those personnel who
consistently produce superior results and meet all eligibility requirements should be considered
for this distinction.
A2.1.3. No more than 10% of assigned MTLs may be Master MTLs at any given time.
A2.2. The Master MTL Program consists of two phases. Phase 1 includes minimum eligibility
requirements to compete for the Master MTL distinction. Phase 2 establishes the minimum
requirements for the competition.
A2.2.1. Phase I: Initial Qualification.
A2.2.1.1. Candidates must meet the following minimum requirements prior to competing
for the Master MTL distinction:
A2.2.1.2. Meet all entry and retention requirements for special duty identifier 8B100 as
outlined in the Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory. (T-3)
A2.2.1.3. Have at least 15 months front-line MTL experience. (T-3)
A2.2.1.4. Have a current score of 85 or higher on their most recent AF fitness assessment,
with no failures while assigned as an MTL. (T-3)
A2.2.2. Phase II: Competition.
A2.2.2.1. Wing/Group Military Training Superintendents will establish a timely,
reoccurring competition window (e.g., monthly, quarterly, annually).
A2.2.2.2. Wing/Group Military Training Superintendents use established grading rubrics
or use self-generated criteria for grading.
A2.2.2.3. At a minimum, candidates will be evaluated on personal dress and appearance,
ability to conduct dormitory inspections, maintain control of a marching flight, conduct an
open ranks inspection, lead a physical training session, and deliver a professional
development lesson to non-prior service Airmen.
AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023 63
Attachment 3
A3.1. Intent. A high-risk training program is required to provide oversight and monitoring of
high-risk training activities in all training courses to include BMT, technical training, and
advanced/supplemental training. The intent of the program is not to eliminate all risk, but to
identify and mitigate risk to an acceptable level while providing realistic training. Balancing the
need for realistic training and risk mitigation requires persistent command oversight and
engagement. A high-risk training program provides complementary guidance to
programs/activities (e.g., AFI 10-3504, Dive Program).
A3.2. Criteria. High-Risk TrainingInstructor-led training (course, exercise, activity, etc.) that
as part of a training objective intentionally exposes personnel (students/trainees, instructors, and/or
support staff) to an increased level of risk, which if not mitigated, could likely result in death,
permanent disability, or loss of an asset. High-risk training can occur at a formal training center,
in a classroom, in the field, at a remote site, or other training area identified in course materials.
High-risk training is any training activity that has an initial risk assessment level identified as
“high” or “extremely high” (excluding those with moderate severity) based on the Deliberate Risk
Assessment Worksheets (AF Form 4437 or DD Form 2977 for joint environment).
A3.3. Examples. Possible factors that may exacerbate a high-risk activity can be but are not
limited to:
A3.3.1. Training in pools or open water (e.g., special warfare selection, dive courses).
A3.3.2. Parachute training (e.g., static line, military free fall).
A3.3.3. Training requiring fall protection (e.g., aircraft tail section maintenance, missile silo
entry, tower/pole climbing, obstacle course).
A3.3.4. Outdoor training in extreme weather conditions (e.g., severe hot or cold temperatures,
lightning, wind). Hot and cold issues will be considered high-risk when those elements
identified in DAFI 48-151, Thermal Stress Program, paragraph 4.1 cannot be conducted within
A3.3.5. Training involving permit-required confined spaces (e.g., fuel cell,
manhole/maintenance hole).
A3.3.6. Training involving potentially life-threatening chemical, biological, radiological,
nuclear, or high-yield explosives hazards (e.g., depleted uranium, hydrazine, ionizing
radiation, pathogens).
A3.3.7. Live-fire training (e.g., small arms, crew-served weapons).
A3.3.8. Training scenarios requiring control of hazardous energy (crushing, electrical energy,
pneudraulic, hydraulic hazards, etc.) capable of resulting in death, permanent disability, or loss
of an asset.
A3.3.9. Training operations conducted with live munitions.
A3.3.10. Crushing Hazard (e.g., lifting heavy weapons).
64 AETCI36-2651 03 APRIL 2023
A3.4. Examples that do not normally meet the definition of high-risk training:
A3.4.1. Motivational training.
A3.4.2. Organized unit physical training (unless seasonal heat stress applies).
A3.4.3. Hazards found in typical home/office environments.
A3.4.4. Activities not associated with meeting training objectives.