USRI Dissemination Grant Application
This application is to apply for funding to attend dissemination activities occurring between
November 1, 2024 and April 30, 2025. The deadline for applications is October 1, 2024. Late
or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Application Process
1. Ref
er to the USRI Grant Funding Guidelines for general award and eligibility information.
2. Submit the completed application form and attachments as one PDF to your faculty
mentor one week before the deadline.
3. Ensure that your faculty mentor submits your application into MacEwan’s Online Grant
Application System by the deadline.
4. Notices of Decision will be sent to applicant approximately 4-6 weeks after the deadline.
Notestudents who have elected to not utilize their email address as
their preferred method of communication within My Student Portal will not receive
award outcome letters generated by the Office of Research Services.
rt 1 Identification
Applicant Name:
Student ID Number:
myMacEwan Email:
Program of Study:
Year of Study:
Graduation Date:
Faculty Mentor:
Email Address:
If applicable,
Faculty Co-Mentor:
Email Address:
Title of Presentation: __________________________________________________________
Name of Event: __________________________________________________________
Location of Event: ______________________________ Date(s): ________________
Note: All travel outside of Greater Edmonton requires travel authorization granted by your faculty.
Prior approval is not required to submit this application.
Type of Activity (Conference/Workshop/Installation/Performance/Other): __________________
Role Type (Speaker/Poster/Performer/Other): _____________________________
Does the project being disseminated require human or animal ethics approval? (Y/N): ______
If Yes, state REB/AREB Status (Approved/Have Applied/Will Apply): ________________
Note: Ethics approval certificates must be provided prior to grant activation.
Have you received a USRI award within the past two years? (Y/N): ______
If Yes, which award(s)? (Project/Dissemination): ________________
Year(s): ______________
Total amount requested in this application (max. $1500): ___________
The adjudication panel is an interdisciplinary committee and may not have a
representative with expertise in your specific field of study. Ensure applications are
written in plain language for the adjudicators’ comprehension.
Part 2 Knowledge Mobilization (Scored out of 50 points)
Detailed Criteria:
Quality, appropriateness, and merit of knowledge mobilization plans
Effective dissemination, exchange, and engagement with stakeholders
Consideration for stakeholders within and/or beyond the research community, if
Identifies reach of dissemination plan (local, regional, international)
Expected impact of dissemination activity
Describe the suitability of the event to your discipline (e.g., size, attendees, exposure, etc.).
Indicate the importance of this specific work and why this research/project/creative activity
should be disseminated. Provide a link to the event website, if available.
250 word maximum.
Identify your primary roles and responsibilities at this event (e.g. poster presentation, oral
presentation, performance, showcase of your creative work) and include any preparatory work
to be done. Include in plain language a description of the research/creative activity that you will
be disseminating (e.g. data that you collected, cases investigated, artwork created), and its
significance in your field.
Attach your accepted (or submitted) abstract/submission if available. Do not copy and paste
your abstract here.
250 word maximum.
art 3 Student Development (Scored out of 20 points)
Detailed Criteria:
Effective research training
Quality of training and mentoring to be provided to students
Opportunities for students to contribute
Influence on teaching and other pedagogical contexts, or if relevant, on professional
Student Statement
Include a personal statement describing your experience, knowledge, previous successes, and
qualifications that will enable you to successfully complete the proposed activity. Discuss what
new skills will be learned, how shortcomings will be overcome, and how this will benefit your
academic development or future goals.
250 word maximum.
Faculty Mentor Statement
Faculty mentors must provide a personalized statement of support, outlining the benefits to the
student in engaging in the dissemination activity described in this application. Elaborate on the
merit of the activity, the role of the student in the scholarly work being disseminated, the role of
the student in the dis
semination activity, and their ability to successfully complete the activity.
Identify any connections this dissemination activity has with your broader scholarly agenda.
Briefly describe your general mentorship outlook in developing undergraduate students as
Highly Qualified Personnel and how this activity will contribute to this training.
Will you be attending this activity with the student? Y/N:
250 word maximum.
Part 4 Justifiable Budget (Scored out of 20 points)
Detailed Criteria:
Appropriateness of the requested budget, justification of proposed costs, and, where
applicable, other financial and/or in-kind contributions
Detailed budget
Review university guidelines and policies regarding eligible expenditures.
Contact [email protected] (780-497-5670) for current per diem rates.
Note: Partial funding may be awarded.
Provide a detailed description of all costs to be incurred for this activity. Verification must be
provided whenever possible (e.g. conference registration, hotel quotes, travel quotes, rental
quotes, etc.). Applications with no verification of costs will not be considered.
Itemize all sources of funding (internal and external) that have been awarded or will be sought
for this activity. Estimate additional costs of taxes, booking fees, and price fluctuations (up to
10%). Activity costs being covered by other internal/external funders should be listed in the
rationale section but may be grouped together in this table. Include letters of confirmation of
support from other sources.
Budget Summary
date of
Technical Services
Other (Specify)
ther sources of funding (describe in justification). This includes support from Faculty, Student
Association, other scholarships.
Source #1:
Confirmed? (Y/N):
Source #2:
Confirmed? (Y/N):
Source #3:
Confirmed? (Y/N):
udget Justification
Provide a brief rationale for all activity expenditures, including those to be funded from other
internal or external sources. To what extent will this activity proceed without this additional
funding? How will budget shortfalls be handled? Provide cost comparisons where appropriate.
Identify other applicant(s) if you are cost-sharing expenses (e.g. hotel, transportation, etc.).
150 word maximum.
art 5 Overall Quality (Scored out of 10 points)
Detailed Criteria:
Overall quality of entire application
Provided required attachments
Completed each required section of the application
The application will be judged on how well it has been written, with attention to clarity, grammar,
and spelling.
Part 6 Attachments (must be included as part of the application PDF)
Conference/event acceptance, if available
Conference abstract or summary of activity as accepted by event organizer, if available
Estimates/quotes for all budget items (screenshots may be embedded but do not use
Letter(s) of confirmed financial support from other sources, if applicable
Reference list of citations, if applicable
Part 7 Declaration
Student Declaration: By signing this document, I certify that:
1. The information provided in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
2. I hav
e written the application myself and have read and accept the USRI guidelines.
3. I am aware of, and will adhere to, all required MacEwan University policies and
procedures, as well as conditions set forth in the Letter of Award.
4. I am required to submit a final report to the Office of Research Services within 30 days of
the completion of the activity.
5. I will adhere to the Responsible Conduct of Research and Creative Activity policy, the
Student Code of Conduct, and disclose any conflicts of interest except where explicitly
described within the application.
Do you c
onsent to the use of non-identifying portions of your application by the Office of
Research Services for training purposes? (Y/N): ______ (This will not affect your application).
____________________________ ___________________ ___________
Applicant Name Signature Date
Faculty Mentor Declaration: During the online grant application process, faculty mentors will
be asked to certify:
1. I have reviewed this USRI application and confirm that this application is unique, well
written, and meets the criteria required to be considered for funding.
2. As the faculty mentor, I confirm that I fully support this application and believe it to be
3. I have read and accept the USRI guidelines.
4. I
am aware of, and will adhere to, all required MacEwan University policies and
5. If this grant is awarded, I will abide by conditions set forth in the Letter of Award, and will
submit a final report to the Office of Research Services within 30 days of the completion
of the activity as required.