Bears Show a Physiological but Limited Behavioral
Response to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Graphical Abstract
d Cardiac biologgers reveal that bears exhibit a stress
response to UAV flights
d Bears rarely display a behavioral response, measured by GPS
collars, to UAV flights
d Magnitudes of heart rate spikes were correlated with wind
speed and proximity of UAV
Mark A. Ditmer, John B. Vincent,
Leland K. Werden, ..., Paul A. Iaizzo,
David L. Garshelis, John R. Fieberg
In Brief
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs; i.e.,
‘drones’’) are increasingly popular tools
for ecological research. Ditmer et al. used
GPS collars and cardiac biologgers to
assess effects of UAV flights on free-
roaming bears. All bears exhibited a
stress response to UAV flights as
evidenced by elevated heart rates while
rarely exhibiting a behavioral response.
Ditmer et al., 2015, Current Biology 25, 2278–2283
August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
Current Biology
Bears Show a Physiological but Limited
Behavioral Response to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Mark A. Ditmer,
John B. Vincent,
Leland K. Werden,
Jessie C. Tanner,
Timothy G. Laske,
Paul A. Iaizzo,
David L. Garshelis,
and John R. Fieberg
Department of Fisheries, Wildlife & Conservation Biology, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Plant Biological Sciences Graduate Program, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior, University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN 55108, USA
Atrial Fibrillation Solutions, Medtronic plc, Mounds View, MN 55112, USA
Department of Surgery, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA
Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, Grand Rapids, MN 55744, USA
*Correspondence: [email protected]
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have the potential
to revolutionize the way research is conducted in
many scientific fields [1, 2]. UAVs can access remote
or difficult terrain [3], collect large amounts of data for
lower cost than trad itional aerial methods, and facil-
itate observations of species that are wary of human
presence [4]. Currently, despite large regulatory hur-
dles [ 5], UAVs are being deployed by researchers and
conservationists to monitor threats to biodiversity
[6], collect frequent aerial imagery [7–9], estimate
population abundance [4, 10], and deter poaching
[11]. Studies have examined the behavioral re-
sponses of wildlife to aircraft [12–20] (including
UAVs [21]), but with the widespread increase in
UAV flights, it is critical to understand whether
UAVs act as stressors to wildlife and to quantify
that impact. Biologger technology allows for the
remote monitoring of stress responses in free-roam-
ing individuals [22], and when linked to locational in-
formation, it can be used to determine events [19, 23,
24] or components of an animal’s environment [25]
that elicit a physiological response not apparent
based on behavior alone. We assessed effects of
UAV flights on movements and heart rate responses
of free-roaming American black bears. We observed
consistently strong physiological responses but
infrequent behavioral changes. All bears, including
an individual denned for hibernation, responded to
UAV flights with elevated heart rates, rising as
much as 123 beats per minute above the pre-flight
baseline. It is important to consider the additional
stress on wildlife from UAV flights when developing
regulations and best scientific practices.
We investigated the influence of unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)
flights on the behavior and physiology of free-roaming American
black bears (Ursus americanus) in northwestern Minnesota by
capturing their location and movement with Iridium satellite
GPS collars and heart rate (HR) in beats per minute (bpm) using
cardiac biologgers developed for human use (Medtronic, Reveal
XT Model 9529). Both GPS collars and biologgers recorded
values at 2-min intervals, so it was possible to discern how indi-
vidual bears responded, at fine temporal and spatial scales, to
short-duration UAV flights. We flew a small quadcopter UAV
(3D Robotics) using a fully autonomous mission plan that loitered
and circled approximately 20 m over the location of the bear
(pre-programmed just before takeoff) during the course of a
5-min flight. We hypothesized that bears would respond to the
UAV in one of four ways: (1) no discernable behavioral or physi-
ological response, (2) behavioral response only (i.e., increased
movement rates and/or moving away from the area of the
UAV), (3) no behavioral response, but a physiological response
(measurable increase in HR), and (4) both a behavioral response
and physiological response.
We conducted 18 UAV flights above or near four bears from
September 21, 2014 to October 12, 2014. For 17 of these flights,
we were able to collect associated HR and location data (Fig-
ure 1; Movie S1). Nine flights were conducted over two adult fe-
male bears with cubs (eight over one and one over the other),
three flights were conducted over a 1-year-old male bear, and
six flights were conducted over an adult female bear that entered
a den for winter hibernation 2 days prior to the first UAV flight.
Flight times averaged 5 min 3 s (SE = 16.7 s). Absolute altitude
(height above ground) was influenced by vegetation and aver-
aged 21.0 m per flight (SE = 1.45) including takeoff and landing.
The minimum distance between the UAV and the target bear
averaged 43 m (SE = 5.67). On average, the UAV was launched
215 m (range: 184–245) from the targeted location of the bear.
Bears responded to UAV flights with elevated HRs in all 17
flights with corresponding HR data (Figure S1). We calculated
the ‘maximum HR anomaly’ for bears by comparing the
observed differences between maximum bear HRs and pre-
dicted values during UAV flights (see Figure 2A for brief descrip-
tion or Experimental Procedures for full description). The
maximum HR anomalies associated with UAV flight times were
significantly higher than the maximum HR anomalies during
days without flights (Figure 2B). Maximum HR anomalies were
the largest for the female with cubs, followed by the hibernating
adult female, and finally the young male (Figure 2C). The
2278 Current Biology 25, 2278–2283, August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
maximum difference between observed and predicted HR
values during UAV flights was 123 bpm for a female with cubs
(Figure S2), 56 bpm for the hibernating adult female, and
47 bpm for the 1-year-old male. Bear HRs recovered after the
completion of every UAV flight to within the 99% confidence in-
terval associated with HRs 30 min prior to a given flight, with me-
dian recovery times of 10 min (range: 2–204 min), 16 min (range:
4–20 min), and 5 min (range: 4–6 min) for the female with cubs of
the year, hibernating adult female, and young male, respectively.
These durations in HR elevations were likely associated with
sympathetic activations of catecholamine releases from the ad-
renal glands (e.g., [26]).
During controlled test flights in different habitats (forest, shrub,
open) and different wind speed conditions (methods found in
Supplemental Information), variation in ambient noise (dB(A))
was largely explained by distance to the UAV (negative associa-
tion), absolute altitude of the UAV (negative association), and an
interaction of the two (positive association, average multiple r
X = 0.84, SE = 0.05). HR anomalies were positively associated
with wind speed (Figure 3A) and negatively associated with the
distance between the UAV and the bear (Figure 3B). These rela-
tionships suggest that stress responses were stronger when
UAV flights involved an element of surprise: bears likely could
not hear the approach of the UAV in windier conditions, so
they were more startled.
Despite significant physiological reactions to UAV flights,
movement rates (meters per hour) increased during or immedi-
ately following only one UAV flight (12.5% of flights with available
data, Figure S1). On this occasion, the bear increased its rate of
movement beyond all previous recorded movement rates for
that individual (Figure 4). The same flight resulted in a maximum
displacement distance (maximum straight line distance [m] from
location 10 min prior to UAV to each location 40 min post-flight)
of 576 m, which far exceeds maximum displacement distances
observed on days without a UAV flight (flight #8 in Figure S3 ).
No other flight or set of flights resulted in a displacement dis-
tance that differed from distances observed on days without
UAV flights. However, the bear that exhibited the greatest in-
crease in HR (Figure S2) also responded behaviorally from the
same set of back-to-back flights (two total instances of a behav-
ioral response; 11.1%). This bear moved at least 6.8 km within
28 hr of the flight, into a neighboring collared female’s home
range where the individual had never previously been observed.
Our results support hypothesis #3: UAV flights induced a physi-
ological response, but most bears did not respond behaviorally
by increasing movement rates or moving to a different location.
Prior to this study, little was known about the potential impacts of
UAV flights on wildlife. Vas et al. [21] tested whether UAV flights
triggered a behavioral response in three bird species. Birds ex-
hibited a response to 20% of UAV flights, and the authors re-
marked about the ability to fly their UAV as close as 4 m from
the birds typically without any detectable behavioral response.
Importantly, without the use of cardiac biologger technology,
we would also have concluded that bears rarely responded to
UAV flights.
HRs returned to pre-flight values relatively quickly after most
flights. Bears in this population live in a highly human-altered
landscape (50% agriculture) and frequently encounter potential
stressors (e.g., roads and agricultural fields, with associated
noises from traffic and farm equipment) and therefore may exhibit
lower stress responses and quicker recovery times than animals
in populations that encounter human-related stressors less
frequently [25]. Stress responses to UAVs are also likely to be
species specific, and the strength of the response may vary
among sex and age classes as our results suggest. Numerous
web-based videos demonstrate that some species react aggres-
sively toward UAV flights. When stress responses are accompa-
nied by an extreme behavioral response, as we recorded twice
with our bears, individuals may become more vulnerable to sour-
ces of mortality (e.g., traffic collisions when fleeing, interactions
with bears in home ranges that they have encroached).
It has long been established that low-altitude flights by heli-
copters and fixed-wing aircraft can produce stress responses
in wildlife [19], yet we believe UAV flights introduce a new and
unique stressor that has the potential to be more frequent and
induce higher levels of stress. UAVs can fly extremely low
(some with maneuverability to fly under a forest canopy) and
Figure 1. Illustration of Bear Movement and HR during a UAV Flight
(A) Movement rates (meters per hour) of an adult female black bear with cubs
of the year as estimated using 2 min GPS locations prior to, during, and after a
UAV flight (gray bar).
(B) The corresponding HR in bpm during the same day and time measured
using a remote cardiac biologg er developed by Medtronic. We flew unmanned
aerial vehicles over American black bears living in northwestern Minnesota
during September and October 2014.
See also Figure S1 and Movie S1.
Current Biology 25, 2278–2283, August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 2279
are rapidly gaining popularity with industry, hobbyists, and re-
searchers due to the widespread availability of off-the-shelf
units, decreasing costs, and ease of use. Additionally, rules
and regulations on their use are nascent or nonexistent in
many countries. Oversight of UAV use for research, conserva-
tion, and commercial purposes needs to be more carefully
considered in light of our findings. Examples of UAVs making
frequent flights near endangered species or highly sensitive re-
gions are increasingly common: endangered rhinoceros (Diceros
bicornis and Ceratotherium simum) are monitored regularly to
deter poaching in South Africa [11]; oil and gas companies regu-
larly operate UAVs in the arctic near species already affected by
climate change [27]; and ecotourism experts anticipate
increasing wildlife-watching opportunities via UAV tracking
[28]. Further research must be conducted to determine the rela-
tive distances at which species respond both physiologically and
behaviorally to UAV flights, whether a species can habituate to
the presence of UAVs and the types of UAVs that may minimize
stress and whether responses of animals differ by habitat type,
time of year, or life cycle (e.g., rearing young).
Our results support the 2014 decision by the U.S. National
Park Service to ban all public use of UAVs within park boundaries
after a low-flying UAV caused a herd of big horn sheep (Ovis
canadensis) in Zion National Park to scatter, separating lambs
from their mothers. Until important questions are answered
about the impacts of UAV use, we echo the recommendations
of Vas et al. [21] for the use of the precautionary principle when
formulating regulations and scientific best practices regarding
the use of UAVs, especially with regard to endangered species
or areas of refuge.
Bear Capture, Collaring , and Biologger Implantation
During the summer of 2007–2011, we captured bears in baited barrel traps and
fit them with either store-on-board GPS devices (Telemetry Solutions) or GPS
Figure 2. Method and Results of Bear Maximum HR Anomalies during UAV Flights
(A) Method for calculating HR anomalies during an 8-min period starting at the takeoff of UAV flights and on days without UAV flights during the same time period.
We fit a linear regre ssion model to HR data collected 1 hr prior to the flight (or control observation window), using natural cubic regression splines with 2 degrees of
freedom to account for temporal trends in the HR values. We used the fitted model to predict HR values during the subsequent 8-min period. We measured the
physiological response to the UAV flight (and also control measurements) as the maximum difference between observed and predicted values, divided by the SD
of the observed values (from the hour prior to the flight or control observation window).
(B) The empirical cumulative distribution function (ECDF) for the HR anomalies associated with UAV flights and the median and 95% simulation envelope
calculated using controls taken from days without UAV flights.
(C) Maximum HR anomaly data for non-UAV flight times are shown as boxplots along with the valu es associated with UAV flight times (red dots) for the three
individual bears with HR data.
See also Figure S2.
Figure 3. Factors Influencing Bear HRs
during UAV Flights
(A and B) Relationships, including an ordinary-
least-squares regression line, between the
maximum HR anomaly values (see Figure 2A) and
ambient wind speed (mph) (A), and minimum dis-
tance (m) (B) between the UAV and the bear during
each flight. UAV flights occurred above or near
American black bears located in northwestern
Minnesota during September and October 2014.
2280 Current Biology 25, 2278–2283, August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved
collars capable of relaying fixes remotely via the Iridium satellite system (Vec-
tronic Aerospace). We visited all collared bears in winter dens to change or refit
collars, download stored GPS data, obtain morphometric and physiological
measurements, and check on their general health status. During the winter of
2013–2014, we outfit three bears living within the U.S. Federal Aviation Admin-
istration (FAA) defined study area (see Supplemental Experimental Procedures)
with Vectronic collars and one bear with a store-on-board GPS device. We pro-
grammed GPS collars to collect fixes at 1–3 hr intervals when we were not flying
UAV missions. We increased the fix rate of Vectronic collars to every 2 min for a
minimum of 9 hr prior to each UAV flight and programmed the Iridium data up-
link system to email every location. Locations were accurate to within 5 m.
During den visits in 2009–2013, we surgically implanted cardiac monitors
developed for humans by Medtronic in all bears (specifications: 9 cc; 8 mm
3 19 mm 3 62 mm; 15 g). Monitors were sterilized in ethylene oxide and in-
serted subcutaneously in a peristernal location using aseptic techniques. Mon-
itors recorded each heart beat and reported average bpm for each 2-min HR
interval using software (BearWare) developed by Medtronic to collect data
more frequently than in normal human use. All HR data related to UAV flights
were downloaded noninvasively during December 2014 using transcutaneous
telemetry (CareLink Model 2090 Programmer with software Model SW007,
Medtronic). All methods and animal handling were approved by the University
of Minnesota’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees (1002A77516).
Four collared bears containing cardiac biologgers were located within the
study area. Two adult female bears (ages 10 and 11) had cubs of the year
throughout 2014 and were active during the dates of the UAV flights. A third
adult female bear (age 8) was with yearling bears earlier in the year but was un-
accompanied during the fall when we conducted the flights. This bear only
received a GPS store-on-board collar with VHF and had already entered her
winter den prior to the UAV flights (Figure S3). The last individual was a yearling
male bear wearing a Vectronic collar.
UAV Description, Mission Planning, and Data Collected by UAV
We conducted UAV flights over bears from September 21, 2014 to October 12,
2014 using an unmodified 3DR IRIS quadcopter UAV (
mounted with a GoPro HERO3+. The 3DR IRIS is equipped with a Pixhawk
open source auto pilot system, whic h makes it capable of programmable fully
Figure 4. Most Extreme Bear Behavioral Response to UAV Flights
Behavioral response, as measured by changes in location recorded by a GPS collar, of an adult American black bear and her cubs after a UAV flight. Video
footage of the flight can be found in Movie S1.
(A) The relocation distance (m) from the location of the bear 30 min prior to the flight continuing until 30 min after the flight.
(B) The movement rate (meters per hour) of the same individual during that time period.
(C) A histogram of all the movement rates from the same individual during all days with 2-min relocation intervals. The inset depicts the three largest value bins of
movement rate data.
See also Figure S3.
Current Biology 25, 2278–2283, August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 2281
autonomous flight. We used the APM Planner 2.0 software (http://planner. to program and fly each flight. In brief, each mission was flown
according to the protocol below, but the re was some variation among flight
plans due to weather conditions, distance to the animal, and the ability to
pinpoint the bear’s location (the only means to track the denning bear was
with VHF telemetry).
For each 5-min flight, the UAV was programmed with a GPS fix based on
the last known location of the focal bear obtained from the GPS collars or, in
the case of the VHF-collared bear, the triangulation of the bear’s location.
The UAV was launched and climbed to an altitude of 20 m, and then flew
straight to the programmed GPS fix. Upon reaching this point, the UAV loitered
in place for 1 min before initiating two consecutive large turns, each with a
radius of 20 m (1 min for each turn) around the GPS point. After completing
the turns, the UAV returned to the programmed fix to loiter in place for 1 min.
After completing its mission over the bear, the UAV flew back to the launch
point and automatically landed. Each mission was initiated by an FAA-certified
pilot who armed the quadcopter and increased the throttle to 50%. The pro-
gramed mission commenced automatically at this point, and each flight was
flown and landed fully autonomously with no further user input.
Following each flight we downloaded the data logged by the UAV flight com-
puter (Pixhawk) using APM Planner 2.0. We used PyMAVLink Tools (https:// to extract the time stamps, GPS locations,
speed, and absolute altitude of the UAV (height of UAV above the ground)
throughout each flight. These data are logged at 3–5 times per second by
the Pixhawk flight computer. Following their extraction, these data were pro-
cessed so they could be linked with the HR and movement data from each
bear (see Statistical Methods).
Statistical Methods
All statistical analyses were carried out in R [29], an open source statistical pro-
gramming language. We fit linear regression models to the HR data collected
1 hr prior to each UAV flight, using natural cubic regression splines (ns function
in package: splines [29]) with 2 degrees of freedom to account for temporal
trends in the HR values. We used this model to predict the HR values occurring
during an 8-min window covering the time period of the UAV flight and a few
minutes post-flight (see Figure 2A). If two UAV flights occurred over the
same individual, with less than 20 min between each flight, we used the HR
values for the hour prior to the first flight to estimate the predicted values for
the second flight. We formed HR anomalies, representing the increase in HR
beyond what might be expected given the trend in HR for the hour prior to
the flight, as the difference between the observed and predicted HR values
during the 8-min window, divided by the SD of HR values from the hour prior
to the UAV flight.
We generated control observations by repeating this process using HR data
from all dates without a UAV flight (female with cubs of the year: 175 days;
young male: 181 days; hibernating adult female: 79 [winter hibernation days
only]) but collected during the same time of day as the UAV flights. We formed
a null distribution for the empirical distribution function (ECDF), assuming no
effect of the UAV, by repeatedly subsampling these ‘control’ data, keeping
the same number of observations per bear as in the original UAV-flight dataset.
We calculated the ECDF for each of 10,000 subsampled control datasets and
created a 95% simulation envelope to compare to the ECDF of the HR anom-
alies associated with the UAV flights (Figure 2B). An ECDF of the UAV HR flight
data that did not fall within the 95% simulation envelope suggested that the
maximum HR anomaly values from control and experimental conditions
were drawn from two different distributions.
We calculated the recovery time of bear HRs post-flight for each flight and
reported the median and range for each individual. We defined recovery
time as the number of minutes until HR returned to values below the upper
99% confidence interval based on values from 30 min prior to each flight. If
a set of flights occurred such that the second flight began prior to recovery af-
ter the first flight, we considered only recovery after the second flight.
Supplemental Information includes Supplemental Experimental Procedures,
three figures, and one movie and can be found with this article online at
M.A.D. analyzed the data and wrote the paper. M.A.D., J.B.V., L.K.W., and
J.C.T. designed the study and performed the UAV fieldwork. J.R.F. suggested
and helped develop the statistical approach. P.A.I. and T.G.L. performed the
biologger surgery and consulted on the physiological aspects of the study.
D.L.G. was the lead researcher for winter fieldwork and consulted on interpre-
tation of bear behavior. All authors reviewed the final version of the manuscript.
The Institute on the Envi ronment (University of Minnesota) and the International
Association for Bear Research and Management provided financial support.
We thank T. Baker, L. Dillard, and B. Taylor of the University of Minnesota
for advice and technical help. T. Iles, H. Martin, H. Severs-Wilkerson, and M.
McMahon assisted with fieldwork. J. Huener and K. Arola of the Minnesota
Department of Natural Resources and G. Knutsen of the USFWS allowed us
to use their facilities for fieldwork.
Received: June 1, 2015
Revised: July 7, 2015
Accepted: July 9, 2015
Published: August 13, 2015
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Current Biology 25, 2278–2283, August 31, 2015 ª2015 Elsevier Ltd All rights reserved 2283