To apply for an embedded tutor, please submit the Application Google Form via the link (or available on
our website). Instructors who currently have an embedded tutor also need to reapply. All requests will
be considered however priority will be given to classes effected by AB 705, gateway classes and
historically difficult courses with low success and retention rates. Selection is also dependent on tutor
availability and fiscal resources.
What is Embedded Tutoring?
Embedded tutors (ETs) are assigned to classrooms and labs with the goal of improving success
and retention of students.
ETs are actively involved in the classroom and provide tutoring and learning support under the
direction of the instructor as well as the development of study skills.
ETs also have tutoring hours in the Student Success Center and provide a bridge for students
who may be hesitant to use services/resources.
How is the embedded tutor used in the classroom?
Math and general tutors can attend the lecture and/or the corequisite or lab class.
Instructors are urged to use the tutor in the classroom as a resource, offering feedback,
demonstrating study skills and strong student qualities, modeling question asking, and
participating actively in class under the instructor’s direction.
ETs can help students with in-class activities, or help the instructor facilitate small groups.
ETs can provide updates and reminders and discuss concepts already taught in class.
Work with the instructor regarding students that have missed class, who have not accessed class
material or completed homework, or who are at-risk.
ETs should remind students of their tutoring schedules in the SSC and encourage those students
who need extra assistance to attend.
How is the embedded tutor used in the SSC?
Tutors work in the SSC as drop-in or group tutors for the students in their classes.
Instructors can also set up review sessions within the tutor’s schedule in the center.
ETs are the bridge for students from the classroom to additional tutoring services.
If the ET is not needed in class on a particular day (ex: test day), he/she can work as a drop-in
tutor in the center.
What are an embedded tutor’s responsibilities?
Report to work on time.
Be prepared.
Follow the directives given by the instructor
Listen carefully to students to determine their needs.
Ask clarifying questions when needed.
Be patient, friendly and relaxed.
Use questions to guide students to answers; explain when necessary.
Be adaptable. Use a variety of teaching modalities when appropriate.
Be able to recommend available resources.
What can an embedded tutor not do?
Create lecture content or materials to be used during instruction.
Grade. This responsibility is solely with the faculty member and cannot be transferred.
Enforce class management/discipline.
Do homework for students.
What are the requirements to become an embedded tutor?
ETs must have earned a B or better in the class they will be tutoring and at least a 3.0 GPA.
First semester tutors must take the tutor training classes TUT090N and 091N, which are non-
credit and free to the student. (Title V requirement).
Tutors must be hired and trained by the Student Success Center (SSC) prior to the beginning of
the semester.
ET salary is based on current tutor salary schedule used in the SSC.
What are the requirements for faculty who request an embedded tutor?
Complete the online application (google form) prior to the deadline
Faculty new to the ET program are required to attend a paid training provided by the SSC prior to
the beginning of the semester. Instructors unable to attend will need to meet with SSC faculty to
review policies and procedures of the ET program.
Embedded tutoring is optimal when instructors can recommend previous students as ETs. If this
is not possible, the SSC will work to find an appropriate tutor.
Clearly define expectations and give direction to the ET regarding their participation in the class.
Allow the ET to introduce themselves to the class and pass out handcards with their information
(name, hours in the SSC).
Verify ET’s hours in the classroom for payroll purposes. The ET will ask the instructor to sign a
paper timecard toward the end of each pay period (the 9
of the month).
Agree to allow students in their class to complete a student survey regarding their experiences
with embedded tutoring for the purposes of data collection to measure the effectiveness of the
Discuss any issues that arise regarding the tutor or program with Success Center faculty or
Instructional Associate
Other Questions?
Please feel free to contact us regarding any other questions you have
Jaki Kamphuis, Faculty/Coordinator Student Success Center
Model effective
student behavior
Activities &
Remediation of
Study Skills
Lead small group
One-on-One Individual
Group academic
Exam Review Sessions